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Creating content for LinkedIn can be overwhelming 😵‍💫

(But it can be the simplest thing to do if you shift to this strategy ⬇️)

I’ve struggled just like you, to create the “perfect” content on LinkedIn. But all that’s left me -

↳ Overwhelmed and Overthinking about my next content piece.

↳ Discouraged to write daily after little or no engagement.

↳ Fighting and catering to ever-changing algorithms.

↳ Posting the content that is “trendy”.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

Nobody has reached the level of perfection as much as you think!

Most of the people are following - the “fake it till you make it” strategy.

(Yes! your favourite creator too!)

This time when I jumped onto LinkedIn after a long break, I made sure that I had a purpose for doing so!
And that I’m not just coming onto it just for the sake of “being there” and churning ChatGPT curations.

A simple change of mindset has helped me write more passionately and worry less about making it “the
perfect post”.

My strategy is pretty simple -

- Don’t try to create a post to look like an expert.

I really want
↳ Share my mistakes.

↳ Share my learning.

↳ Share my achievements.

↳ Share my findings.

I want to be that 8-year-old curious kid who’d tell his mom about his whole day. What he did, what he
learned, what he liked, and didn’t like.

But, like an adult and related to my craft.

It’s that simple:)

This way of thinking takes the pressure off of me to make the “perfect” content piece while also keeping
me motivated to share an exciting one because I’m a kid inside, duh!

it’s like journaling my professional journey, to share with the world.

Not to necessarily inspire or boast. But just to share with a good heart:)

And as my favourite creator Jasmin Alić says “Write better, sell better”

Hope this helps you to do the same:)

Follow Ansh J. for more!

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