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Recommendations Presentation

By Sophia Nicole Radoc

Hi, good day! My name is Sophia Nicole Radoc.

I will be presenting the RECOMMENDATIONS part of our research.

We have come- up with 7 different aspects on our recommendation.

These are the individuals or group of people who will need to act on the advice.
And these are the individuals who will benefit on the study.

The recommendations we enlisted are summarized in a way that it is easy to understand for any audiences.

First for the STUDENTS, we advise for proper

1. Time management
2. Use of resources effectively
3. Creation of conducive study environments
4. Engagement
5. Pro-active help of support

Overall, as students, we are responsible for the success of our life while in school.
So, we hope that these strategies help each of us in maintaining a well- balance student life.

Secondly for Parents, we hope that every parent and guardian can
1. Foster supportive home environments
2. Maintain communication with teachers
3. Encourage balanced academics and out- of- school activities
4. Provide necessary resources
6. Promote independence

Parents and guardian play a big role in the students lives. They have huge obligation that can make or break an
individual especially in the Philippine culture where home is the basic unit of community.

They have the power to create the impossible and make every change an opportunity for their child.

The third one is for the Teachers/Advisers, we advise to

1. Employ diverse teaching methods
2. Offer guidance and support
3. Communicate openly with students and parents
4. Teach study skills
5. Be accessible for extra help

The teachers are the second parents of a student. They have the power to shape young brains into something

Every student will be destined to success so long as their teachers see their own potential and if the willingly share
their knowledge, time, and energy to their students.

The fourth one goes for the Principals/School Admin, we recommend

1. To allocate resources wisely
2. Provide professional development
3. Nurture positive school cultures

4. Engage with parents and communities
5. Use data for improvement

The obligation to be better doesn’t end with the teachers. The head of schools has the ultimate authority to plan,
start and implement programs that will enhance the school culture.

In return, the environment will hugely impact the performance of its students.

For the fifth one, we recommend that Schools

1. Review and update curriculum
2. Maintain optimal facilities
3. Offer comprehensive support services
4. Promote staff collaboration
5. Continuously evaluate programs

The school is the second home of the students. Same with their home, it is important to have an environment that
caters to the highest possible students’ academic performance.

This can be achieved through growth on aspects we have enlisted above.

The second to the last is for the Community. We offer our humble study that they may
1. Support education initiatives
2. Establish mentorship programs
3. Collaborate with local businesses
4. Advocate for education policies
5. Celebrate student achievements

The community recommendations are straightforward and easy to understand. Still, a deeper study on the
underlying specific programs on how the best result per recommendation can be achieved is needed.

So, finally, for the Future Researchers, we encourage them to

1. Explore under-researched areas
2. Conduct longwise studies
3. Compare educational practices across cultures
4. Collaborate across disciplines
5. Translate findings into actionable policies

Although these can also be administered under communities through political and national educational initiatives,
we’d recommend the future researchers to establish a deeper study that will be the main basis for policies to be
implemented by schools and by the national agencies assigned to education.

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