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Back-to-School scavenger for success

English I / English I Honors

Directions: It’s been…kind of a weird couple of years. For the first week of school, let’s get
back on-track academically & socially by working through the following tasks to set ourselves
up for a successful school year. Complete the grid at your own pace, checking off tasks as you
finish. You will submit this completed document as your first assignment in Canvas.
Introduce yourself For this task, you will be creating one slide
in PowerPoint that introduces yourself to
me! Although it is a collaborative
assignment, you will not be presenting to
the class.

Directions: Click on the link for your class

period and contribute by adding your own
 1st Period Honors
 2nd Period Honors
 4th Period English I
 5th Period Honors
 6th Period English I
 7th Period English I

Make sure to include the following:

o Your full name (& nickname if you
have one).
o A photo of yourself/your family
o Your birthday
o Any hobbies/clubs/sports/interests
you have
o The last time you read a book for
o The best book you’ve ever read
o Optional: Your horoscope (if you

believe in that 😊)
o Optional: Your enneagram number
(take the personality test here)
o Any other info you want to include
or you think will help me be a
better teacher to you this year
Tips for Student Open this document to view a comparison In order to be
Success of successful versus struggling students in successful in classes,
my class. When finished, write a 3-5 you need to be
sentence reflection on your main effectively engaging
takeaways on what you need to do to yourself and being
succeed. present. In a school
setting, especially one
that is challenging, It’s
important to show
effort. For me to be a
good student I need to
actively participate
and listen to and
respect my peers. To
be a good student is to
also be a good role-
model. I know in order
to succeed I need to be
dedicated and
Student Exemplars View the following examples of student In the effective
work. The first example is “A-level” effort responses, there is
& analysis. The second example would be proper grammar as
considered “D-level” or below-grade-level well as good
effort & analysis. When finished viewing, vocabulary use,
write a 3-5 sentence reflection whereas in the
comparing & contrasting the two ineffective sample,
examples. there is not use of
grade-level vocab.
Another comparison
could be made about
the mannerism in
which each response is
given. For example,
the A-level one has a
sophisticated and
knowledgeable tone,
on the other hand, the
D-level response has
minimal to no proper
tone, there is barely
enough words for
there to be proper tone
to begin with. Lastly,
there is a big
difference in the level
of work put into each
response. From simply
looking, you can tell
the A-level is lengthy,
has plenty of
supporting ideas,
transitions, good
spelling, and much
else that makes it
high-graded. However,
the D-level one has no
support, not enough
evidence-if any- and
you are able to tell
there was low effort
put into the work.
Classroom Tour You probably need to stretch your legs at By looking around the
this point. Take about 5-10 minutes to room and getting to
walk around the room, see how it’s set up, see everything and all
and see what resources/supplies are the resources, I think
available to you. Look closely at the the most valuable to
“Writing Center” wall as writing will be a me will be the
major focus this year. scattered bits of
When finished, write about 2-3 positivity. From
sentences explaining what you think walking around, I saw
might be the most helpful to you this a lot of encouraging
year. words and signs that I
think will benefit me
when I am in an
English “slump.” My
personal favorite is on
the back wall, and it
says, “We can do hard
things.” That really
resonates with me.
Preview Texts/Units for Open the linked PowerPoint to preview the The one that interests
the Year texts/units we will cover in class this year. me the most is
When finished, write about 2-3 reviewing stereotypes
sentences explaining which one looks the and hero’s journeys.
most interesting to you and why.
Folders in OneDrive Most, if not all, of our work in this class
this year will be paperless (Canvas). You
will be opening/saving documents and will
need an easily accessible place to store all
of them so your work doesn’t get deleted.
For this task, create a separate folder in
your OneDrive for each course on your
schedule this year so that you are well-
organized and do not lose important
Submit a document in When you’ve completed all tasks, save this
our Canvas course document (in your English I OneDrive
file!) and submit it to the Canvas drop

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