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Good morning todavía i will present my science and technology topic, about

the James webb telescope.

Introduction to the James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope is a revolutionary space observatory, designed to explore the
universe's most distant objects and study its early origins. It is set to launch into orbit, opening
new dimensions in space exploration and discovery.

History and Development of the Telescope

Conception : The idea for a large space telescope dates back to the early 1980s.

Originally called Next Generation Space Telescope, In 2002, it was renamed James E. Webb, in
honor of the US government official who was NASA's second administrator from 1961 to 1968,
notable for playing an important role in the Apollo program and for establishing the scientific
research as a core activity of NASA

In December 2016, NASA announced that construction of the Webb telescope had been
completed and its testing phase would begin and then it was successfully launched on December
25, 2021.

Regarding its Construction: From planning to completion, the construction of the telescope
involved advanced technologies and international collaboration.

This is a joint project between NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency,
in which approximately 17 other countries collaborate, to replace the Hubble and Spitzer

Although it was decided that it would not replace the Hubble telescope but rather complement
them to obtain better results

Deployed Innovations: Unprecedented engineering solutions led to the creation of the telescope's
massive, intricate structure.

Characteristics and Capabilities of the Telescope

Size: The telescope's sunshield and primary mirror together are about the size of a tennis court.

The observation Range its Capable of detecting light from the first lo͞omənəs objects in the

The Specialized Instruments: Infrared detection instruments enable the study of distant galaxies
and exoplanets.
Truly Remote Location: The telescope is stationed approximately 1.5 million kilometers from

Missions and Scientific Objectives

Deep Field Observations: The telescope aims to capture infrared views that may reveal the early
formation of galaxies.

Exoplanet Studies: Searching for habitable (habədəb(ə)l) exoplanets and analyzing their
atmospheres for potential signs of life.

Studying Solar System Objects: Observing objects within our solar system, including asteroids,
comets, and more.

Significance of the Telescope for Astronomy

Unprecedented Discoveries: The telescope is expected to uncover new details about the universe's
early history.

Revolutionary Technology: Advancing astronomical observations and opening doors for future
space telescopes.

Public Interest: Capturing the public's imagination with remarkable, detailed space imagery.

Conclusions and Future Perspectives

Anticipated Discoveries: Expected to transform the way we perceive the early universe and its

Collaborative Research: Fostering international collaborations and providing data for extensive
scientific (ˌsīənˈtifik) research.

Longevity and Continuity: Operating for at least a decade, with prospects for potential upgrades
and extended operations.

And of course we have images(imig) that the James Webb Space Telescope managed (manech) to

In these two images we can make a comparison of the differences between the telescopes: hubble
In the left image it belongs to the hubble telescope and in the right image it is the image taken
from JWST

En busca del universo primigenio

Una de las principales misiones del James Webb será acercarnos a una parte de la historia del
universo nunca antes captada: el nacimiento del universo, hace unos 13.500 millones de años, y la
formación de las primeras estrellas y galaxias, cuya luz ultravioleta y visible llega hoy a nuestro ‘ojo
cósmico’ en forma de luz infrarroja.
Pero eso no es todo. La información recabada por este potente telescopio permitirá estudiar la
atmósfera de los exoplanetas -aquellos planetas que se encuentran fuera del sistema solar- para
determinar la probabilidad de que exista agua, uno de los ingredientes necesarios para la vida. En
definitiva, en palabras de la NASA: “El James Webb explorará todas las fases de la historia cósmica
y ayudará a la humanidad a comprender los orígenes del universo y nuestro lugar en él”.

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