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Nome: Erick Gomes

Tema: Adult literacy pág 99 task 1

Adult literacy is a fundamental initiative that seeks to equip people with essential reading and
writing skills essential for social and economic inclusion. By focusing on individuals who did
not have access to basic education in childhood, adult literacy programs aim to open doors to
better employment opportunities, active community participation and improved self-esteem.
These programs are crucial for personal and social development, representing na important
step in eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development.

A research was made, and says the Country A is lower than others, it is about 47,8%. The
Country D is higher than others, it is about 99% percent. The Country B has lower female adults
literacy than others, it is about 30%,while Country D is higher with 99%. The second place in
Total population is Country C with 90,3%. The following details says the Total population Adult
literacy around the World is 82%.

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