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3 Phase UPS Series FFR

(Note: Data can easily be entered within this “Protected Worksheet" by utilizing the “Tab” key on your keyboard; also, selective fields within this worksheet include drop-down pick lists).

Contact Information:

Company's Name: Pending Product Installation/Start-Up Date: Pending

Contact Name: Pending UPS Failure Date: Pending
Phone Number: Pending
Site Address/Location: Pending
Business Hours: Pending


Configuartion(Standalone or Parallel): Pending

UPS 1 / Serial Number: Pending Power Module Serial Number 1: Pending

System Battery Serial Number 1: Pending Power Module Serial Number 2: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 2: Pending Power Module Serial Number 3: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 3: Pending Power Module Serial Number 4: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 4: Pending Power Module Serial Number 5: Pending
Power Module Serial Number 6: Pending

UPS 2 / Serial Number: Pending Power Module Serial Number 1: Pending

System Battery Serial Number 1: Pending Power Module Serial Number 2: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 2: Pending Power Module Serial Number 3: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 3: Pending Power Module Serial Number 4: Pending
System Battery Serial Number 4: Pending Power Module Serial Number 5: Pending
Power Module Serial Number 6: Pending

Site Installation Information:

Recommended Input Current Breaker used? Pending Input Breaker Size (Amps): Pending
Tripped Breakers? Pending

UPS Input connection type: Pending UPS output connection type: Pending
UPS Input connection wire type: Pending UPS output connection wire type: Pending

Accessory Module Installed/Used: Pending PowerAlert software used? Pending

Temperature Controlled: Pending Humidity Controlled: Pending

On Site Temperature: Pending
Surge Suppression (TVSS) installed upstream of UPS? Pending Step-down or Isolation Transformer used: Pending

Generator Installed upstream of UPS? Pending Generator Brand: Pending

Generator Transfer Type (Auto / Manual): Pending UPS properly function on generator? Pending
Generator Capacity (KVA): Pending Generator Frequency (Hz): Pending
Has a geneator test ever been performed? Pending Generator Notes: Pending

UPS or Back-up device downstream of UPS? Pending UPS or Back-up Make/Model: Pending
External Battery Charger used? Pending External Battery Charger Make/Model: Pending
UPS Setup Mode: Pending
One-Line Electrical Diagram Available? Pending (If "Yes", please attach - Note: only required with repeat failures)

UPS Front/Rear & External Panel Information:

Main Input Breaker: Pending Control Panel LED (s) Illuminated? Pending
Power Module Fans: Some Not Running Normal LED: Pending
Battery Breaker (Internal): Pending Battery LED: Pending
Battery Breaker (External): Pending Bypass LED: Pending
Manual Bypass Breaker: Pending Fault LED: Pending
Output Breaker: Pending
Bypass Input Breaker: Pending 3 Breaker MBP (operation): Pending
Other (operation): Pending
UPS Failure Information:

Condition of UPS upon Arrival: Pending Power events occurred? Pending

"LCD Display" alarm message: Pending Description of Power Event? Pending
Failure Description: Pending How long did UPS run on battery? Pending
UPS alarm prior to failure? Pending UPS drop critical load? Pending
UPS normal prior to event? Pending UPS fail to bypass mode? Pending

"Working" Power Module Information:

All PMs running current "PFC" firmware version? No "PFC" firmware version? Pending
All PMs running current "INV" firmware version? Pending "INV" firmware version? Pending

All PMs firmware match (INV/PFC)? Pending

All PMs reporting good "Positive" DC Bus voltage? Pending "Positve" DC Bus voltage (dependency for "No" selection)? 0.0
All PMs reporting good "Negative" DC Bus voltage? Pending "Negative" DC Bus voltage (dependency for "No" selection)? 0.0

All PMs reporting good +/- "Charger Voltage" (s)? Pending Bad +/- "Charger Voltage" (dependency for "No" selection)? 0.0

Charger Setting Status available? Pending Battery Type (AH) 0

Battery String: Pending
Charger Current: Pending
Total "Working" PMs quanity? Pending

"Defective" Power Module Information:

"PFC" firmware version available? Pending "PFC" firmware version (s): Pending
"INV" firmware version available? Pending "INV" firmware version (s): Pending

"Positvie" DC Bus voltage available? Pending "Positvie" DC Bus voltage (s): 0.0
"Negative" DC Bus voltage available? Pending "Negative" DC Bus voltage (s): 0.0

Charger Voltage available (+/-)? Pending "Positive" Charger Voltage: 0.0

"Negative" Charger Voltage: 0.0

Total "Defective" PMs? Pending

Shipped Replacement Parts:

Replacement Parts shipped? Yes List replacement parts (dependency for "Yes" selection):
M-Board Rev / TL Part# / PCB Rev: Pending
P-Board Rev / TL Part# / PCB Rev: Pending
X-Board Rev / TL Part# / PCB Rev: Pending
20K Power Module: Pending
SURBC2030: Pending
Other shipped parts:
System Firmware:

Available System Firmware? Pending System Firmware Version? Pending

Other SFV:
System Firmware Upgraded? Pending Upgraded System Firmware Version? Pending
Other USFV:
System Firmware File? Pending
Other SFF:
Tool File? Pending
Other TF:

Condition of UPS upon Departure Pending Type Load/Equipment connected: Pending

Service work performed on UPS? Pending Pending
EEPROM Data: Pending Pending
Event Log: Pending Other Load/Equipment:
FSR available? Pending
Site Visit Required? Pending
Is this a repeat issue? Pending Description of repeat issue:
Procedures provided? Pending List provided procedures: Pending

Additional Notes:

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