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Date: 30/11/23

Name: Lorena Ruegg

Time: 37 minutes and 20 seconds

Words: 380

Pag. 44

Peripheral Vision in Sports

I believe that professional athletes make good role models for young people, because a lot of
athletes when they are young, have the dream to become a bigger athlete and they show,with
their history how to get that. A lot of them, start from the beggining, in small clubs, or in a poor
family, that can not help with money or resources, and they need to have focus and practice a
lot, to be a great athlet and get to the top.

When the athlete, show their life and histoy, they make the desire in the heart of the young
people showing up. Like Neymar or Cristiano Ronaldo, a soccer player,in their life, starting from
the begginning. It was no easy, they needed to practice a lot in small clubs, needed to find
someone to help with the money for the clothes and the shoes, because their families did not
have money to help. And with the years, the big European Clubs or from the own cities, they
were found and knew that they were very good athletes and want to have them in their team,
so they became famous soccer players.

But with the recogniton and the fame, some players can not deal with this. They start to
receive a lot of money, and go to parties, and take drugs or stay with a lot of women or are
involved with violence, not a good example for the young people. Daniel Alves, a brazilian
soccer player, was involved with violence with a woman and rape, for the young people who
admire him as a player, it is disappointment, to see him in this condition. Also they are the
young people,who want the fame just for the money,and to travel or to stay with a lot of
women,and lose the proposal of the sport.

I believe that athletes can make the difference in the young people life, showing how
important sports are, showing that they need to learn about focus, humility, attention, good
hearts. Sports are to make people close for each other, not to make violence. The athletes can
also show that the money, can help other young people that have the same problem with
money,as once they had.

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