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English A presentation

What you are expected to learn from this presentation:

o What is a sentence
o The types of sentences
o What are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound-
complex sentences
o How to construct each type of sentence
o Formula to construct each type of sentences
o Examples of each type of sentences

Extra examples of each type of sentence

Simple sentences: KEY

o Peter likes vegetables. Subjects

o I did not write the notes. Verbs

Compound sentences: Main clauses

o It was a rainy day, so we did not go to school. Subordinate

o He is not feeling will so, he will not be able to come. clause

Complex sentence:

o Wherever you go, you can always find good people.

o When she was younger, she believed in Santa Claus.

Compound complex sentence:

o Kate was sitting on the bed, while she was studying in her room, and then she fell
o When I was small, my parents wanted me to learn swimming, but I was not interested.

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