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Department of Computer Science & Engineering




Under guidance of: Submitted By:

Dr. Seshaiah Merikapudi Manasa JV

Associate professor 1SJ21CS091

Department of Computer Science

Project: Bike Showroom Database Management System


A bike showroom database management system optimizes

operations by centralizing data on bikes, customers, sales, employees,
repairs, and departments. It efficiently tracks bike inventory, customer
information, sales transactions, staff details, departmental divisions, and
repair records. This system streamlines business processes, facilitating
informed decision-making, inventory management, customer interactions,
and workforce organization. With its relational structure, it ensures
coherence across all showroom facets, enhancing operational efficiency and
customer satisfaction while enabling seamless management of the
showroom's diverse activities.


 Inventory Control: Efficiently manage bike stock, track quantities,

models, prices, and availability to ensure optimal inventory levels,
reduce overstocking or stockouts, and streamline reordering

 Customer Relationship Management: Maintain comprehensive

customer profiles, purchase history, preferences, and interactions
to personalize marketing strategies, improve customer service, and
foster long-term relationships.

 Sales and Revenue Tracking: Record and analyze sales transactions,

revenue trends, popular bike models, and salesperson performance
to identify profitable areas, refine sales strategies, and maximize
revenue streams.

 Employee Management: Manage employee data, roles,

responsibilities, and departmental associations for effective
workforce organization, task assignment, performance evaluation,
and ensuring streamlined operations.
 Maintenance and Repair Tracking: Monitor bike repairs, service
history, costs, and statuses to schedule timely maintenance,
manage repair expenses, and ensure bikes are in optimal condition,
enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.

Technology Used:

The following technologies will be used in this project:

 Database : Oracle 9i
 Database Language : iSQL Plus
 Front-End Language : PHP

Bike Table:
BikeID Brand Model Type Engine Prize

Customer Table:
CustomerID Name Phno Email Address

Employee Table:
EmployeeID Name Phno Position

Sale Table
SaleID BikeID CustomerID EmployeeID Sale_Date Total_Prize

Order Table:
OrderID CustomerID Order_Date Status

Payment Table:
PaymentID SaleID Amount Payment_Date Payment_Method

Bike Table:
BikeID Brand Model Type Engine Prize

Customer Table:
CustomerID Name Phno Email Address

Employee Table:
EmployeeID Name Phno Position

Sale Table
SaleID BikeID CustomerID EmployeeID Sale_Date Total_Prize

Order Table:
OrderID CustomerID Order_Date Status

Payment Table:
PaymentID SaleID Amount Payment_Date Payment_Method

Signature of Student Signature of Faculty

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