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TEACHER: Janine Aduviri

STUDENTS: Castelo Matías

Chavarría José

Sandoval Ana

TOPIC: Micro Teaching, Healthy And Safe Environments

La Paz - Bolivia

I. Problem

1. Fundamentation

2. Research Questions

2.1. General Question

2.2. Specific Question

3. Research Objectives

3.1. General Objective

3.2. Specific Objectives

4. Justification

II. Literature Review

1. What is microteaching and how does it work?

2. What are the benefits of microteaching?

III. Methodological Design

1. Description of Microteaching
2. Participants
3. Microteaching Procedure

IV. Material Aspects

1. Presentation TItle

2. Necessary Materials
3. Presentation Content


This report will embark on an exploration of microteaching. The fundamental goal of

micro teaching is to provide educators with a platform to hone their skills, employing
targeted feedback and reflective practice to improve instructional approaches. The
focal point is the profound importance of healthy and safe environments.

This report will delve into the topic of microteaching, a pedagogical methodology that
goes beyond the simple transmission of knowledge to focus on the training of
specific teaching skills. In this context, we will explore how microteaching not only
contributes to the professional development of educators, but also to the creation
and maintenance of healthy and safe educational environments. The central purpose
of this report is to unravel how microteaching, by offering a controlled and supportive
learning environment, can positively influence the promotion of core values,
especially in relation to the issue of bullying.

We will focus specifically on bullying behaviors associated with physical appearance

and clothing choices, highlighting the importance of addressing these issues in an
educational setting. As we explore the practical applications of microteaching, we will
examine how this methodology can become an effective vehicle for educating about
diversity and acceptance.

Additionally, we will focus on how skills of empathy and respect can be cultivated
among students, thus promoting an environment where bullying based on
superficiality has no place.


A topic or concept will be taught that is relevant and meaningful to both adolescents
and young children regarding healthy and safe environments. The contents and
teaching methodology will be adapted so that they are appropriate for each age
group. After the microteaching session, conduct an evaluation to measure the impact
of the teaching on both groups. Solicit feedback from participants to identify areas for
improvement and adjust your approach in future micro teaching sessions.

2. Research Questions

2.1. General Question

Why is micro teaching so important for teenagers and children?

2.2. Specific Question

How can we connect bullying with the teaching of basic vocabulary?

How does it benefit us if we are also students?

How important is it to talk about this specific type of bullying?

3. Research Objectives

3.1. General Objective

Carry out micro-teaching with the chosen topic, about healthy and safe environments
against bullying.

3.2. Specific Objectives

Explain basic vocabulary including examples

Talk about bullying with a focus on clothing, physical appearance and

Be able to carry out different activities and examples to reinforce what
has been learned


Choosing the Topic: "Bullying Based on Looks and Clothes" in Safe Places

Picking the theme of "Bullying Based on Looks and Clothes" is important for making
schools a safe and friendly space. This topic helps teachers understand and stop
bullying connected to how someone looks or the clothes they wear. By focusing on
this, we aim to create an environment where students feel accepted no matter their
appearance or clothing choices.

Bullying about looks and clothes can hurt students emotionally. Exploring this topic
helps teachers actively work towards making a place where everyone feels valued,
no matter how they look or what they wear. This supports the bigger goal of building
kindness and respect among students.

Knowing about bullying tied to looks and clothes is key for making plans that stop it.
Teachers can recognize signs and deal with this kind of bullying, promoting a culture
of understanding and acceptance. This effort contributes to making schools safer
and more supportive.

Microteaching as the Chosen Method:

We chose microteaching for a few reasons. It gives teachers a focused way to

practice handling situations related to bullying about looks and clothes in a safe
setting. By breaking down teaching into small parts, microteaching helps teachers
get better at stopping this kind of bullying.

Getting feedback in microteaching is helpful, especially in dealing with situations

involving looks and clothes. This ongoing learning ensures that teachers are ready to
face real-life situations with care and effectiveness. It helps create an environment
where students feel safe being themselves.

Microteaching also allows teachers to try out different ways of handling bullying
situations. This boosts their confidence in dealing with bullying about looks and
clothes. Through microteaching, teachers play a role in making schools places that
celebrate differences and make all students feel secure and happy.

In summary, exploring the theme of "Bullying Based on Looks and Clothes" and
using microteaching helps teachers address and prevent this type of bullying,
making schools safe, welcoming, and supportive for everyone.

II. Literature review

1. What is microteaching and how does it work?

Micro Teaching is a way to train teachers. They have short teaching sessions with a
small group of students. The goal is to help teachers get better by breaking teaching
into smaller parts. During microteaching, teachers give a short lesson, around 5 to
10 minutes, and get helpful feedback to improve lessons. They focus on specific
parts of teaching, like managing the class, asking questions, or teaching methods.
This helps them improve step by step.

2. What are the benefits of microteaching?

Microteaching gives teachers a safe space to try things, get feedback, and improve
their teaching. It helps find and fix teaching mistakes, leading to ongoing
improvement and better overall teaching. Not forgetting that participating in
microteaching turns out to be a valuable endeavor for students seeking to help their
younger peers. This pedagogical approach provides a structured and supportive
environment for student-teachers to hone their instructional techniques. By taking on
the role of educators of younger students, they not only improve their own teaching
skills but also help foster a positive learning environment for their peers. The
reciprocal nature of this process promotes collaboration, empathy, and a sense of
shared responsibility within the educational community. Through microteaching,
students are not only empowered as effective educators, but they also play a critical
role in building an interconnected and supportive learning community.
III. Methodological Aspects
1. Description of Microteaching:
Microteaching is a teaching technique in which we, as a team of three peers,
conduct brief lessons that are then analyzed and discussed to improve our
pedagogical skills. In the context of this study on bullying related to children's
clothing, microteaching will be used as a tool to explore the dynamics of bullying and
how to address them from an educational perspective.

2. Participants:
The participants are students who will be teaching classes to children learning basic

3. Microteaching Procedure:
The microteaching process involves each of us preparing a short lesson on the topic
of bullying related to children's clothing. We will then present these lessons to the
children's class, followed by observation and feedback.

IV. Material Aspects

1. Presentation Title:
"Impact of Bullying on Children's Clothing Choices"

2. Necessary Materials:
- PowerPoint presentation or similar software.
- Projector and screen to display the presentation.
- Posters or graphics illustrating statistics on bullying related to clothing.
- Examples of cheap and worn-out clothing to show during the presentation.
- Surveys or questionnaires to gather data on children's experiences with bullying
due to their clothing.
- Printed materials such as informational brochures to distribute among attendees.

3. Presentation Content:
- Introduction to the topic of bullying and its psychological impact on children.
- Definition and examples of bullying related to clothing.
- Relevant statistics and data on the prevalence of this type of bullying.
- Case studies or testimonies of children who have experienced this type of
- Prevention and support strategies for children affected by bullying related to
- Conclusions and recommendations for creating more inclusive and harassment-
free school environments.

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