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Lecturer : Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh

Writer : Phạm Minh Hiếu
MSV : HS173324
Class : MKT1815

Do you think that in the future we will experience services served by technology? This is also
a very difficult question for service providers to answer: Can technology effectively replace
human interaction in meeting customer needs?

Nowadays, technology is increasingly developing, rapidly changing the service landscape.

First I will talk about the rise of technology and its benefits in the current era. Today
technologies such as Chatbots and AI-powered virtual assistants excel in handling routine
requests and tasks. They can answer frequently asked questions, process orders
customers, solve basic problems quickly. Unlike people, technology works tirelessly, always
ready 24/7. Customers can access support anytime, anywhere, regardless of the hour, and
there will be no language barrier. What's more, AI can analyze customer data to personalize
interactions and provide targeted recommendations. This can streamline the service
experience and cater to individual needs.
For example, FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company uses AI chatbots to support customers in
paying bills, looking up promotion information, and answering questions about internet and
television services. FPT Telecom Chatbot operates effectively with a customer request
resolution rate of over 90%. Or in the field of tourism, Vntrip Joint Stock Company applies AI
to build smart chatbots, supporting customers in booking air tickets. flights, hotels, travel
planning. Chatbot Vntrip has the ability to understand natural language, helping customers
easily find information and book services.
But besides the benefits that technology brings to the service industry, they also have
limitations that cannot replace humans. Technology has difficulty capturing the nuances of
human emotions because they are Machines have no emotions. Complex situations
requiring empathy, understanding, and de-escalation are still beyond the capabilities of AI.
While adept at handling routine tasks, technology often struggles when faced with
unforeseen situations or complex problems that require critical thinking and creative
solutions.More Technology integration poses potential security risks, including data breaches
and cyberattacks.
Although the emergence of technology has reduced human resources in the service sector,
we cannot deny the lasting value of human interaction. Human support staff can foster trust.
and build relationships with customers, creating positive and personalized service
experiences. Human expertise is critical in navigating complex, unexpected situations,
providing tailored solutions, and effectively addressing unique customer concerns. can
understand emotions, employees can put in extra effort to exceed customer expectations.
Their ability to understand emotional cues and personalize interactions will lead to better
service quality. There are many services that technology cannot provide such as elder care
services, children's education, psychological counseling services, etc. An example shows
that using technology alone does not create satisfaction. for customers, Netflix uses an
AI-based product recommendation system to suggest movies to users. However, this system
often recommends similar movies, making users feel bored and without new experiences.

So what is the solution to this question? I see that technology offers great potential to
streamline service delivery and increase efficiency. However, completely replacing human
interaction will negatively impact the customer experience. The answer is a strategic
combination of technological advances and human expertise. Services that are repetitive
and simple, services that rely on data for analysis, and services that require high precision
can be given to AI to handle. Human employees should spend time solving complex
customer problems that require critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and personalized

Technology is a powerful tool to enhance customer service. The ability to automate repetitive
tasks and provide 24/7 access offers undeniable advantages. However, completely replacing
human interaction would be detrimental. I think the future of exceptional service lies in
leveraging technology to empower human agents, allowing them to focus on delivering
personalized solutions and building meaningful relationships. meaningful to customers, so
that customers can experience the best service, creating customer satisfaction.

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