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Policy on Mobile Usage in Factory

1. Objective:

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe and efficient working environment within the factory
premises by regulating the use of mobile phones.
1.2 Mobile phone usage can pose safety hazards, distractions, and potential security risks in a factory
1.3 By implementing this policy, we aim to maintain a focused work environment while still providing
essential communication channels for emergencies and work-related matters.

2. General Instructions

2.2 All labor staff, especially workers operating machinery and plant equipment, are strictly prohibited
from using personal mobile phones within the factory premises during working hours.
2.3 The company will provide a keypad mobile phone along with a company SIM card to supervisor on
running shifts. These company-issued mobile phones will be used solely for official communication
and emergency purposes.
2.4 In case of personal emergencies, workers may coordinate with their respective supervisors to
make necessary calls. The supervisors' company-issued mobile phones will be available for such
2.5 Workers may provide the specific contact number of their family members to their supervisors for
emergency situations. This information will be kept confidential and used only for urgent
2.6 All work-related communications should be conducted through the company-issued mobile
phones provided to the supervisors. This includes messages related to work instructions, updates,
and any official matters.
2.7 Supervisors are responsible for promptly relaying important work-related information to the
relevant workers as needed.

3. Consequences of Violation:

3.3 Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, which may include verbal warnings,
written warnings, or even termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the violation.

4. Awareness and Training:

4.1 All employees will be provided with training regarding this policy upon its implementation. They
will be educated about the reasons behind the policy and the potential risks associated with
unauthorized mobile phone usage in the factory.
4.2 Regular reminders and awareness campaigns will be conducted to reinforce the importance of
adhering to this policy for the safety and productivity of the factory.
This policy will be subject to periodic reviews to assess its effectiveness and relevance. Amendments will be made as necessary to
address any new challenges or changes in circumstances.

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