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Book 2 Ch 2 p.

2-6 Applying equations of motion Skill: problem-solving

Equations of motion for uniformly accelerated motion:

v = u + at .........................
s =(u + v)t .........................
s = ut +at2 .........................
v2 = u2 + 2as .........................

1 These equations apply to all uniformly accelerated motion, i.e. the acceleration a is constant.
Here are some examples of uniformly accelerated motion.
(a) A car accelerates at an acceleration of 1 m s–2 along a straight line (Fig 1).
(b) A lorry travels at a velocity of 30 m s–1 along a straight line, i.e. a = 0.

Fig 1

(c) A ball is falling freely above the ground (Fig 2), i.e. a = g.
(d) A ball is thrown upwards vertically and then falls freely (Fig 3), i.e. a = g.

Fig 2 Fig 3

However, the equations of motion cannot be applied to the following situations in which the
acceleration a is not constant in the whole journeys.
 A car moves at a velocity of 10 m s–1 on a straight road. Then it stops for a while, and
moves at 10 m s–1 again. (The magnitude of a is not constant in the whole journey.)
 A car turns around a corner at 10 m s–1 (Direction of a is changing.).

2 When applying these equations, the signs of s, u, v and a should be consistent with the positive
direction defined for the problem.

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

 Oxford University Press 2015 1
2-6 Applying equations of motion

A car, initially at rest, accelerates along a straight line at 2.5 m s–2 for 5 s. Find its velocity and displacement
after 3 s.

Criterion check
Is this a uniformly accelerated motion (a is constant)?
Yes, because a = 2.5 m s–2 in the whole journey.
➀ Define the positive direction.

Take the forward direction as positive.

➁ Find out which of u, v, s, t and a are given in the question, and which variables are to be found.

u = 0 (from rest), a = 2.5 m s–2, t = 3 s, v = ?, s = ?

➂ Choose the suitable equations. Each equation should have 3 known variables and only 1 unknown.

v = u + at ..................... (1)

s = (u + v)t ..................... (2)

s = ut + at2 ..................... (3)

v2 = u2 + 2as ..................... (4)

Equation (1) can be used to find v; equation (3) can be used to find s.
➃ Substitute the known variables into the equations and solve for the unknown variables. Remember to use proper
units for the variables.

By (1): v = u + at, v = 0 + 2.5  3 = 7.5 m s–1

By (3): s = ut + at2, s = 0 +  2.5  32 = 11.3 m

Its velocity and displacement are 7.5 m s–1 and 11.3 m respectively after 3 s.

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

2  Oxford University Press 2015
2-6 Applying equations of motion

In step 4, can we substitute the result of v into equations (2) or (4) to find s? Is this way of
calculation preferable?

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

 Oxford University Press 2015 3
2-6 Applying equations of motion

An athlete accelerates uniformly from 2 m s–1 to 8 m s–1 as she runs 20 m. Find her acceleration.

Criterion check
Is this a uniformly accelerated motion (a is constant)?
Yes, because the question says ‘an athlete accelerates uniformly…’.
➀ Define the positive direction.

Take the forward direction as positive.

➁ Find out which of u, v, s, t and a are given in the question, and which variables are to be found.

u = 2 m s–1, v = 8 m s–1, s = 20 m, a = ?

➂ Choose the suitable equations. Each equation should have 3 known variables and only 1 unknown.

v = u + at ..................... (1)

s = (u + v)t ..................... (2)

s = ut + at2 ..................... (3)

v2 = u2 + 2as ..................... (4)

Equation (4) can be used to find a.
➃ Substitute the known variables into the equations and solve for the unknown variables. Remember to use proper
units for the variables.

By (4): v2 = u2 + 2as,

a= = = 1.5 m s–2

The acceleration of the athlete is 1.5 m s–2.

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4  Oxford University Press 2015
2-6 Applying equations of motion

E xercise

1 A stationary ball falls from a height of 2.5 m with an acceleration of 9.81 m s–2. Find the time taken
when the ball reaches the ground.

Criterion check
Is this a uniformly accelerated motion (a is constant)?

Yes, because the question says the ball ‘falls with an acceleration of 9.81 m s–2’.
➀ Define the positive direction.

Take the downward direction as positive.

➁ Find out which of u, v, s, t and a are given in the question, and which variables are to be found.

u = _______ (from rest), a = _______ m s–2, s = _______ m, t = ?

➂ Choose the suitable equations. Each equation should have 3 known variables and only 1 unknown.

v = u + at ..................... (1)

s = (u + v)t ..................... (2)

s = ut + at2 ..................... (3)

v2 = u2 + 2as ..................... (4)

Equation (___) can be used to find t.

➃ Substitute the known variables into the equations and solve for the unknown variables. Remember to use proper
units for the variables.

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

 Oxford University Press 2015 5
2-6 Applying equations of motion

The time taken when the ball reaches the ground is ________.

2 A remote control boat can accelerate from 10 m s–1 to 23 m s–1 with an average acceleration of 9 m s–2
along a straight line. Estimate its displacement during this period.

Criterion check
Is this a uniformly accelerated motion (a is constant)?

Not sure. But since the question gives ‘an average acceleration of 9 m s–2’, we may regard it as a
uniformly accelerated motion.
➀ Define the positive direction.

Take the _____________ direction as positive.

➁ Find out which of u, v, s, t and a are given in the question, and which variables are to be found.

u = _________, a = _________, v = _________, s = ?

➂ Choose the suitable equations. Each equation should have 3 known variables and only 1 unknown.

v = u + at ..................... (1)

s = (u + v)t ..................... (2)

s = ut + at2 ..................... (3)

v2 = u2 + 2as ..................... (4)

Equation (___) can be used to find s.

➃ Substitute the known variables into the equations and solve for the unknown variables. Remember to use proper
units for the variables.

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

6  Oxford University Press 2015
2-6 Applying equations of motion

Its displacement during this period is _____________.

A nswers

1 ➁ 0; 9.81; 2.5

➂ 3

➃ s = ut + at 2

2.5 = 0 +  9.81  t 2

t = 0.714 s

0.714 s
2 ➀ forward

➁ 10 m s–1; 9 m s–2; 23 m s–1

➂ 4

➃ v2 = u2 + 2as

232 = 102 + 2  9  s
s = 23.8 m

23.8 m

New Senior Secondary Physics at Work (Second Edition)

 Oxford University Press 2015 7

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