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7 On the move

AQA Physics Support

On the move

Specification references
• Motion along a straight line
• Projectile motion
• M0.5
• M2.2, M2.3, M2.4

At GCSE you studied motion along a straight line by using displacement–time and
velocity–time graphs. In this worksheet you will learn how to apply the suvat
equations to various situations. You do not need to memorise the equations given
below (they will be provided on a data sheet) but the more familiar you are with them
the more quickly and easily you will be able to answer the questions in your exam.

Learning objectives
After completing the worksheet you should be able to:
• select the appropriate suvat equations to solve problems relating to motion along
a straight line at constant acceleration
• apply more than one suvat equation in order to solve a two-stage problem
• apply the suvat equations to situations involving freefall under gravity where
objects fall with a constant acceleration g, with negligible air resistance
• apply the suvat equations to situations where objects are thrown vertically
• apply the suvat equations in two dimensions for projectile motion.

Uniform acceleration – suvat equations
For an object moving along a straight line at constant acceleration:
• v = u + at
• s= (u + v) t
• s = u t + a t2
2 2
• v = u + 2as
where s = displacement, u = initial velocity, v = final velocity, a = acceleration, and
t = time.

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7 On the move
AQA Physics Support

Freefall / object thrown vertically upwards

• For a falling object, assuming air resistance is negligible, the only force acting on
the object is the force of gravity. The acceleration of the object is constant and is
known as the acceleration of freefall, g. Near the Earth’s surface g has a value of
9.81 ms−2 (this is the value given on the data sheet – you could lose marks in
your exam if you approximate this to 10 ms−2).
• You can apply the suvat equations, given above, to freefall problems where air
resistance is negligible and to problems where objects are thrown vertically
upwards. As a general rule, apply the direction code + for upwards and – for
downwards when you substitute values into the suvat equations.
• For an object thrown vertically upwards:
o the velocity of the object at its highest point is 0 ms−1
o the time taken for the object to reach its highest point is equal to the time
taken for it to fall back down to its starting point.
Projectile motion
A projectile is any object acted upon only by the force of gravity.
• The acceleration of the object is always equal to g and always acts downwards.
The acceleration only affects the vertical motion of the object.
• The horizontal velocity of the object is constant because the acceleration does
not have a horizontal component.
• The horizontal and vertical motions of the object are independent of each other.
When carrying out calculations, be careful not to confuse the values in the horizontal
and vertical directions – use the letters ‘h’ and ‘v’ as subscripts to indicate whether
you are talking about horizontal or vertical motion (e.g., uh, uv, ah, av).
• Remember, apply the direction code + for upwards and – for downwards when
you substitute values into the suvat equations.

Worked examples
Study the worked examples in Chapter 7 On the move, in addition to the ones
When you are solving problems relating to uniform motion, freefall, or projectiles:
• Write down a list of the values you are given in the question and also the one(s)
you have been asked to find.
• Choose the most suitable equation and substitute in the values.
o If an object is moving at constant velocity then you can use
velocity =
o If an object is accelerating or decelerating you must use one of the suvat
• Rearrange the equation, if necessary, and calculate the answer.
• Remember to include units and give your answer to the correct number of
significant figures and, when appropriate, in standard form.

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Worked example 1 – one-stage question

A train moving with an initial velocity of 20 ms−1 accelerates uniformly for 20 s at the
rate of 1.0 ms−1. Calculate the distance travelled during this time.
Step 1
Write down the values given in the question.
u = 20 ms−1
t = 20 s
a = 1.0 ms−2
s = ? (distance travelled)
Step 2
Choose the appropriate suvat equation.
Since we do not know the final velocity of the train, v, we need to use
s = ut + a t 2.
Step 3
Substitute the values into the equation to find s.
s = ut + at2
= (20 × 20) + × 1.0 × 202
= 400 + 200
= 600 m
= 6.0 × 102 m (to two significant figures)

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Worked example 2 – multistage question involving

A boy throws a cricket ball vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 ms−1.
Assuming that the air resistance acting on the cricket ball is negligible, calculate
a the maximum height the ball reaches
b the time taken for the ball to return to the boy’s hand (assuming his hand
remains in the same position).
Answer to part a
Step 1
Write down the values for the upward motion of the ball:
u = 20 ms−1
v = 0 ms−1 (at maximum height the velocity of the ball is zero)
a = −g = −9.81 ms−2 (acceleration of freefall, gravity acts downwards)
s = ? (maximum height reached)
Step 2
Choose the appropriate suvat equation.
Since we do not know the time, t, it takes for the ball to reach its maximum height,
we need to use v2 = u2 + 2 a s.
Step 3
Substitute the values into the equation and rearrange to calculate s.
v2 = u2 + 2 a s
02 = 202 + 2 × (−9.81) × s
0 = 400 − 19.62 s
19.62 s = 400 (rearranging for s)
= 20.39 m
= 20 m (to two significant figures)

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Answer to part b
Method 1
Step 1
Write down the values for the whole journey of the ball:
u = 20 ms−1
a = −g = −9.8 m s−2 (acceleration of freefall, gravity acts downwards)
s = 0 m (overall displacement is zero, since the ball returns to its starting point)
t = ? (time for the whole journey)
Step 2
Choose the appropriate suvat equation.
Since we do not know the final velocity of the ball, v, just before it lands in the boy’s
hand, we need to use s = u t + a t 2.
Step 3
Substitute the values into the equation and rearrange to calculate t.
s = ut + at2
0 = 20 t − × 9.81 × t 2
0 = t (20 − × 9.81 × t)
t = 0 (not the solution we are looking for)
0 = 20 − × 9.81 × t
= 20 − 4.905 t
t =
= 4.08 s
= 4.1 s (to two significant figures)

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Method 2
Step 1
Write down the values.
For the downward journey of the ball:
u = 0 ms−1
a = g = 9.81 ms−2 (note that this takes downwards as positive)
s = 20.39 m
t = ? (time for the downward journey)
Step 2
Choose the appropriate suvat equation.
s = ut + at2
Step 3
Substitute the values into the equation and rearrange to calculate t.
1 2
s = ut + at
20.39 = 0 t + × 9.81 × t 2
= 4.905 t 2
t2 =
= 4.16 s
t= 4.16
= 2.04 s (downwards)
As air resistance is negligible we know the time taken for ball to travel upwards also
equals 2.04 s, so:
total time in the air = 2.04 + 2.04
= 4.08 s
= 4.1 s (to two significant figures)

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Worked example 3 – multistage question involving

projectile motion
A stone is projected horizontally with a velocity of 3.0 ms−1 from the top of a vertical
cliff 200 m high. Assuming air resistance is negligible, calculate:
a how long it takes for the stone to reach the ground
b the horizontal distance of the stone from the foot of the cliff when the stone hits
the ground
b the vertical and horizontal components of the stone’s velocity when it hits the
Step 1
Draw a diagram.

Figure 1
Step 2
Write down a list of values for both the horizontal and vertical directions of motion.
uh = 3.0 m s−1
uv = 0
sh = ? (part b)
sv = 200 m
ah = 0
av = g = 9.81 m s–2 (note that this takes downwards as positive)
t = ? (part a)
vh = ? (part c)
vv = ? (part c)

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Step 3
Choose an equation to apply to the vertical direction of motion.
We don’t know the final vertical velocity of the stone, so choose s = u t + at2
a Step 4
Substitute the values for vertical motion into the equation and rearrange to find t.
sv = uv t + av t2
200 = 0 × t + × 9.81 × t2
200 = 4.905 t2
t2 =
= 40.8
t= 40.8
= 6.39 s
= 6.4 s (to two significant figures)
b Step 5
In the horizontal direction there is no acceleration, so the horizontal component of
the velocity is unchanged:
vh = uh = 3.0 ms−1
Apply the equation velocity = to the horizontal motion and rearrange to
find the horizontal displacement.
vh =
3.0 =
sh = 3.0 × 6.39
= 19.17 m
= 19 m (to two significant figures)
c Step 6
State the horizontal component of the final velocity.
In the horizontal direction there is no acceleration so vh = 3.0 ms−1.

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Step 7
To calculate the vertical component of the final velocity, choose the appropriate
suvat equation.
v2 = u2 + 2 as
Step 8
Substitute the values for vertical motion into the equation and calculate vv.
vv2 = uv2 + 2 av sv
= 02 + 2 × 9.81 × 200
= 3924
vv = 3924
= 62.6 m s–1
= 63 ms−1 (to two significant figures)

1 In an electron gun, an electron is accelerated uniformly from rest to a velocity of
4.0 × 107 ms−1 over a distance of 0.10 m. Calculate the acceleration. (2 marks)

2 A ball starts from rest and rolls down a 1.2-m-long slope with a constant
acceleration of 4.9 ms–2. Calculate:
a how long the ball takes to travel down the slope (2 marks)
b the velocity of the ball when it reaches the bottom of the slope. (2 marks)
3 A train starts from rest and then accelerates at constant acceleration of 1.4 ms−2
for 10 s. The train then moves with constant velocity for a further 20 s before the
brakes are applied, bringing the train to a stop with a constant deceleration of
2.8 ms−2. Calculate the total distance covered by the train. (3 marks)

4 An object travelling at constant acceleration covers a distance of 14 m in 3.0 s

and a further 26 m in the next 3.0 s. Calculate the acceleration.
Hint: write out two equations, one for the first 3 s and one for the total journey. (3 marks)

5 A ball is thrown vertically upwards and reaches its maximum height 2.0 s later.
a What is the initial velocity of the ball? (2 marks)
b What is the maximum height that the ball reaches? (2 marks)

6 A ball rolls along a 1.0-m-high horizontal table and then falls off of the edge of
the table with a horizontal velocity of 4.0 ms−1. Calculate:
a the time taken for the ball to reach the floor after it leaves the table (2 marks)
b the horizontal distance travelled by the ball during its fall. (2 marks)

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7 A bullet is fired horizontally from a gun held 1.4 m above the ground. If the bullet
leaves the gun with a velocity of 300 ms−1, at what distance from the gun will the
bullet strike the ground? (3 marks)

Exam-style question
8 An aircraft is at rest at one end of a runway with its engine idling. The runway is
2.2 km long. The aircraft then accelerates along the runway with an acceleration
of 2.5 ms−2 until it reaches its take-off speed of 75 ms−1.
a Calculate:
i the time taken for the aircraft to reach its take-off speed (2 marks)
ii the distance travelled in this time. (2 marks)
b As the aircraft reaches its take-off speed, a warning light alerts the pilot to a
possible fault in one of the engines. If the brakes are fully applied the
maximum deceleration of the aircraft is 4.0 ms−2. Before the pilot can take
any action 2.5 s have already elapsed, during which time the aircraft is
continuing to fly at its take-off speed. Determine whether the aircraft can be
brought to rest within the remaining length of the runway. (4 marks)

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