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How to make delicious scramble eggs with sauce

- 2 eggs
- 1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon tomato sauce
- 1 tablespoon chili sauce
- Pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon butter
- 2 meatball
- rice

- Bowl
- Spoon
- Pan
- Plate

- First, crack the eggs into a small bowl and add pinch of salt. Whisk until
all is well blended. Then pour the chopped meatballs into the bowl
- And then we make the sauce. Put 1 tablespoon of sweet soy sauce, 1
tablespoon of tomato sauce, 1 table spoon of chili sauce in to bowl and
then mix all together
- In a frying pan, add butter and let it melt
- Pour the eggs into a hot pan that has previously been buttered, wait
about 20 seconds
- Then scramble the eggs, and pour in the sauce that has been made
- Stir everything until evenly mixed, and wait until the sauce is absorbed
- Then serve the eggs over rice, your scrambled eggs with sauce are ready

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