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Identification. Read the questions carefully. Write your answers on the spaces provided.
Abraham Lincoln 1. Who was the President of United States of America when Rizal was born?
The American Civil War 2. What was the event in US happened from April 1861 to 1865?
March 4, 1861 3. What was the date when the 16th President of United States was inaugurated?
Queen Victoria 4. Who was reigning monarch of United Kingdom when Rizal was born?
Queen Isabella II 5. Who was the reigning monarch of Spain when Rizal was born?
Gobernadorcillo 6. What was the leader of a province in the Philippines during the Spanish era?
Gobernadorcillo 7. Who was the leader of a town in the Philippines during the Spanish era?
Jose Lemery E. Ibararola Ney y Gonzales 8. Who was then the governor-general of the
country when Rizal was born?
Town of Pagsanjan 9. Who was the capital of Laguna when Rizal was born?
June 19, 1861 10. What is the date of birth of Rizal?

II. Essay. Imagine yourself lived during the time when Rizal was born. Describe what would be
your life with your family comparing it to the present time. Enumerate some positive and
negative things happened during the Spanish regime and explain. Send your answer through
softcopy or take a photo of your written answer and send it through messenger. (10 points)

If I were to be born during the time when Rizal was born, I think my family would live miserably
in the hands of the Spaniards, we will be called “indio” even if we have a name, we will work
doubles because salaries before were cut for the Spaniards and for the family, education isn’t for
everyone, mostly men go to school and women stays at home and are doing the household
chores, they prey on the weak and defenseless and it’s more dangerous back then, we cannot
freely speak what we believe in, now, we can. We are more free and safe in the life we are living
in today, we can freely access education and the rights of men and women are equal now. We
can freely say what we want to say, there are different platforms to which we can spread
awareness of what’s happening, empathize, be with the mass and fight for what is right.

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