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What are the changes in your social life pre-pandemic and during the pandemic?


My social life during the pre-pandemic is way easier than with my life during the pandemic although I
was more outgoing during the pre-pandemic, now, I can’t easily go to places or be with my friends and
talk to them for hours personally, I can’t go to school yet since it’s been closed for almost two years
now, or eat at places I want to eat, food deliveries has been a great help not only for me but for other
people as well. Life was so much easier back then. Now, my social-life during pandemic is deteriorating
in a way that it’s affecting my mental health and social lifestyle in particular, now, I can’t do the usual
thing I’m doing when I go out, I need to carry things to prevent me from catching the virus. I know it
hasn’t been easy for anyone, we’re all fighting our own battles, adding the fact the it is not that easy
since it’s hard to be with people we want to hangout or be with, sometimes we don’t have someone
who checks up on us so we’re all left with ourselves late at night thinking of the “what ifs” and “what
could’ve happen” if we’re not in this dilemma.

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