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Julyne Shaira M.

Tuastomban – BSCE 1st year (GE1 – 4891)

I. Social Groups
• Rational Group
1. How are you able to adapt to the new normal setting within your
2. During the surge of Covid-19, on what aspects of your life was
changed, whether it be in a positive way or negative way?
• Organic Group
1. It was proven that pandemic affected the living of the people, how
were you able to cope up with it and still manage to do your part in
your family?
2. Since you barely see your friends nowadays due to the pandemic,
what are the ways you did to maintain the friendship and still be able
to communicate with them?

II. Proof of Intervention

➢ Answer to Question # 1: (Former Classmates)

Person # 2:
*Until now, I wasn’t totally able to adapt to the current
situation because there are still struggles that made it harder for
me in adapting the new normal setting, due to my difficulties in
balancing my time as a student and a worker at the same time.

➢ Answer to Question # 2: (Former Classmates)

Person # 2:
*It is even harder for me to handle problems unlike before.
I wasn’t allowed to go out and have fun due to the pandemic
because my parents became extra strict starting the rise of covid-
➢ Answer to Question # 1 (Close Friends)

➢ Answer to Question #2 (Close Friends)

III. Insight

The notion of social integration in sociology refers to how distinct groups come

together to form a whole in society. It could apply to situations in which minority groups

integrate into a mainstream culture or when groups of individuals join together to make a

unified whole. And people along the way meet a different kind of people whom they

socialize. Similar to how social structures and forces shape our lives, our choices and

activities have an impact on the nature of society. Throughout our daily lives, our actions

either validate or challenge society to develop. We can see how both outcomes are

plausible from a sociological standpoint.

In my opinion, while working in the activity and hearing various points of view and

thoughts from various people, I was able to absorb and recognize how people react

differently to the same circumstance. Despite the fact that they are each trapped in the

same room, persons with opposing viewpoints see the situation differently. Some people

can view it positively, while others cannot. And as I grew older each day, I was able to

socialize with a variety of personalities along the way. I've seen and heard with my own

eyes and ears how various people react to the same situations. And, based on my

observations, people tend to get chaotic when they share opposing viewpoints with one


Furthermore, in terms of my personal sociological perspective on life, being able to

recognize those somewhat distinct from mine has helped me gain a deeper grasp of the

sociological conceptions that people individually possess. Thus, we really can't persuade

others to be on our side may it be our organic group or rational group. If people believe

what they believe, then we can't do anything about it. We cannot please everyone to

believe what we believe also. However, by understanding each opinion and being open

to different views and perspectives, we could still prevent creating chaos between two

parties. Our stands, views, and opinions may be clashing and different, but if we stand as

one with the same purpose of having a wider understanding of each person's view in life,

there are no misunderstandings that could happen.

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