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30 years after pandemic world has changed a lot. The life destruction period we have lived is not easy to
write. Everyone was praying to god to have some mercy on them. now our children's are studying about
the pandemic, although its not easy.

Now all schools are online. the students might be loving it,But offline mode of schools were the best.
mostly 1 out 5 people are using glasses. even the small kids eyesight are weak . the screen time of
children's have boosted up . children's have started playing online games a lot. their physical activity has
reduced to minimum. We need to think about 'HEALTH' In a new way. In some ways, COVID-19 will
remembered as a triumph of biomedical science. We developed safe and effective vaccines — something
that usually takes a decade or more — in less than a year. And, despite a number of stumbles, improved
therapeutics reduced mortality from the virus in hospitals more than fourfold in a matter of months. But
COVID-19 provided, even more memorably, a terrifying and revealing view of our failure to create a
world that generates health.Once this pandemic ends, we’ll undoubtedly be having more conversations
about how to prevent future pandemics, and ensure a healthier future. The ones we loved today are in
heaven, Its difficult to live without them but we have to accept the fact. almost everyone have lost some
members of their family,friends. Now the view point of humanity has also changed.Everyone is
concerned about their own health. We had to learn to celebrate without the pomp of public worship.
People who attended gurudwara, church, temple and mosque — but never took it upon themselves to
utter their own personal prayers they were forced to petition God themselves. Now places which we
cant go we worship there online. now the old age people have also learned to be technical. but now
employment is also a major problem as during the pandemic period no one stayed focus to studies .
India's GDP has also decreased a lot. The government has banned the word lockdown as it recreates
fear in the minds of people. The rich became richer and the poor became poorer. The people are
enjoying the joy if water park , amusement park after a long time. The kids don't have craze of them,
They are happily enjoying their enjoying games.

No one thought about the future of the country. This led to a massive loss which we all are facing now.
the time before the pandemic was gold. but we have to accept the present and stop complaining about
the past. we should start a fresh start.




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