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Guy Peters and Jon Pierre are rightly regarded as leading figures in the area, but even that does not guarantee
the striking breadth reflected in the company of contributors. There is in consequence a similarly striking breadth to
the field reviewed.’

Peters and Pierre

Grant Jordan, Emeritus Professor of Politics, the University of Aberdeen

‘This Handbook is not only a masterly and authoritatively selected collection of brilliant contributions, it also serves as
a much needed cross-fertilizer between subfields of the public administration community.’

The SAGE Handbook of

Eckhard Schroeter, Professor of Administrative Sciences, Zeppelin University

Edited by
‘B. Guy Peters, Jon Pierre and their colleagues have made an already essential handbook even more essential for

Public Administration
students of public administration. Anyone interested in the administration of the contemporary state will want to
read this volume and to have a copy of it at hand.’
Joel Aberbach, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, UCLA

Second Edition Second Edition

The original Handbook of Public Administration was a landmark publication, the first to provide a comprehensive
and authoritative survey of the discipline. The eagerly-awaited new edition of this seminal international handbook
continues to provide a complete review and guide to past and present knowledge in this essential field of inquiry.

Public Administration
Assembling an outstanding team of scholars from around the world, the second edition explores the current state-of-
the-art in academic thinking and the current structures and processes for the administration of public policy.

The second edition has been fully revised and updated, with new chapters that reflect emerging issues and changes
within the public sector:

• Identifying the Antecedents in Public Performance • Administrative Ethics

• Bureaucratic Politics • Accountability through Market and Social Instruments

The SAGE Handbook of

• Strategy Structure and Policy Dynamics • Federalism and Intergovernmental Coordination
• Comparative Administrative Reform

A dominant theme throughout the handbook is a critical reflection on the utility of scholarly theory and the extent to
which government practices inform the development of this theory. To this end it serves as an essential guide for both
the practice of public administration today and its on-going development as an academic discipline.

The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration remains indispensable to the teaching, study and practice of public
administration for students, academics and professionals everywhere. Edited by
B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of American
Government in the Department of Political Science at
Jon Pierre is a Research Professor in the Department of
Political Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. B. Guy Peters
and Jon Pierre
the University of Pittsburgh.

Cover image © Good Government in the City,1338-40 (detail) (fresco)

by Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (1285-c.1348) Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy |
The Bridgeman Art Library | out of copyright

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The SAGE Handbook of
Public Administration

5768-Peters and Pierre-FM.indd i 7/23/2012 2:56:37 PM

SAGE has been part of the global academic community
since 1965, supporting high quality research and learning
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our commitment and passion for the social sciences.

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5768-Peters and Pierre-FM.indd ii 7/23/2012 2:56:38 PM

The SAGE Handbook of
Public Administration

Edited by
B. Guy Peters
Jon Pierre

5768-Peters and Pierre-FM.indd iii 7/23/2012 2:56:38 PM

Introduction and editorial arrangement © B. Guy Peters and
Jon Pierre, 2012
Chapter 1 © Laurence E. Lynn, 2012
Chapter 2 © Carolyn J. Heinrich, 2012
Chapter 3 © John M. Bryson, 2012
Chapter 4 © Donald P. Moynihan, 2012
Chapter 5 © Sally Coleman Selden, 2012
Chapter 6 © Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen, 2012
SAGE Publications Ltd Chapter 7 © John Halligan, 2012
1 Oliver’s Yard Chapter 8 © James R. Thompson, 2012
55 City Road Chapter 9 © Morten Egeberg, 2012
Chapter 10 © Jean-Claude Thoenig, 2012
London EC1Y 1SP Chapter 11 © Jack H. Knott and Thomas H. Hammond, 2012
Chapter 12 © Karen M. Hult, 2012
SAGE Publications Inc. Chapter 13 © Mordecai Lee, 2012
Chapter 14 © Fabio Rugge, 2012
2455 Teller Road Chapter 15 © James Warner Björkman, 2012
Thousand Oaks, California 91320 Chapter 16 © Søren Winter, 2012
Chapter 17 © Peter J. May, 2012
Chapter 18 © Laurence J. O’Toole Jr, 2012
SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd Chapter 19 © Marcia K. Meyers and Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen,
B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area 2012
Mathura Road Chapter 20 © Jacques Ziller, 2012
Chapter 21 © Paul Craig, 2012
New Delhi 110 044 Chapter 22 © David Feldman, 2012
Chapter 23 © Paul ’t Hart and Anchrit Wille, 2012
SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd Chapter 24 © Luc Rouban, 2012
Chapter 25 © Andrew B. Whitford, 2012
3 Church Street Chapter 26 © Bo Rothstein, 2012
#10-04 Samsung Hub Chapter 27 © Kenneth J. Meier and K. Jurée Capers, 2012
Singapore 049483 Chapter 28 © Steven Rathgeb Smith, 2012
Chapter 29 © Helen Margetts, 2012
Chapter 30 © Mark Hallerberg, 2012
Editor: Natalie Aguilera Chapter 31 © Rita M. Hilton and Philip G. Joyce, 2012
Editorial assistant: James Piper Chapter 32 © Leonard Kok, 2012
Chapter 33 © Marleen Brans, 2012
Production editor: Imogen Roome Chapter 34 © Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and
Marketing manager: Sally Ransom Argyris G. Passas, 2012
Cover design: Wendy Scott Chapter 35 © Martin Lodge, 2012
Chapter 36 © Theo A. J. Toonen, 2012
Typeset by: Cenveo Publisher Services Chapter 37 © Tom Christensen and Per Lægreid, 2012
Printed by: MPG Books Group, Bodmin, Cornwall Chapter 38 © Tony J. G. Verheijen, 2012
Chapter 39 © Dele Olowu, 2012
Chapter 40 © O. P. Dwivedi and D. S. Mishra, 2012
Chapter 41 © Jorge Nef, 2012
Chapter 42 © Patrycja J. Suwaj, 2012
Chapter 43 © Robert Gregory, 2012
Chapter 44 © Christoph Demmke and Timo Moilanen, 2012
Chapter 45 © Mark Considine and Kamran Ali Afzal, 2012
Chapter 46 © Beryl A. Radin, 2012
Chapter 47 © Alan Fenna, 2012
Chapter 48 © Simona Piattoni, 2012

First published 2012

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012930289

British Library Cataloguing in Publication data

A catalogue record for this book is available from
the British Library

ISBN 978-1-4462-0050-6

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Preface to the Second Edition xi

About the Editors xiii
About the Authors xv

The Role of Public Administration in Governing
B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre


Hal G. Rainey

1 Public Management 17
Laurence E. Lynn, Jr

2 Measuring Public Sector Performance and Effectiveness 32

Carolyn J. Heinrich

3 Strategic Planning and Management 50

John M. Bryson


Patricia W. Ingraham

4 Identifying the Antecedents to Government Performance: Implications

for Human Resource Management 71
Donald P. Moynihan

5 Global Trends in Human Resource Management Practices 87

Sally Coleman Selden

6 Pay and Prerequisites for Government Executives 102

Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen

7 Leadership and the Senior Service from a Comparative Perspective 115

John Halligan

8 Labor−Management Relations and Partnerships: Were They Reinvented? 130

James R. Thompson

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Tom Christensen

9 How Bureaucratic Structure Matters: An Organizational Perspective 157

Morten Egeberg

10 Institutional Theories and Public Institutions: New Agendas and Appropriateness 169
Jean-Claude Thoenig

11 Formal Theory and Public Administration 180

Jack H. Knott and Thomas H. Hammond

12 Environmental Perspectives on Public Institutions 193

Karen M. Hult


Jos C. N. Raadschelders

13 US Administrative History: Golem Government 215

Mordecai Lee

14 Administrative Legacies in Western Europe 228

Fabio Rugge

15 South Asian and Western Administrative Experience: The Past in the Present 241
James Warner Björkman


Søren C. Winter

16 Implementation Perspectives: Status and Reconsideration 265

Søren C. Winter

17 Policy Design and Implementation 279

Peter J. May

18 Interorganizational Relations and Policy Implementation 292

Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr

19 Street-Level Bureaucrats and the Implementation of Public Policy 305

Marcia K. Meyers and Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen


Gavin Drewry

20 The Continental System of Administrative Legality 323

Jacques Ziller

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21 Administrative Law in the Anglo-American Tradition 333

Paul Craig

22 The Limits of Law: Can Laws Regulate Public Administration? 346

David Feldman


Carl Dahlström

23 Bureaucratic Politics: Opening the Black Box of

Executive Government 369
Paul ‘t Hart and Anchrit Wille

24 Politicization of the Civil Service 380

Luc Rouban

25 Strategy, Structure, and Policy Dynamics 392

Andrew B. Whitford


Bo Rothstein

26 Political Legitimacy for Public Administration 407

Bo Rothstein

27 Representative Bureaucracy: Four Questions 420

Kenneth J. Meier and K. Jurée Capers

28 Street-Level Bureaucracy and Public Policy 431

Steven Rathgeb Smith

29 Electronic Government: A Revolution in Public Administration? 447

Helen Margetts


Frans K. M. van Nispen

30 Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Policy 467

Mark Hallerberg

31 Performance-Informed Budgeting: A Global Reform 480

Rita M. Hilton and Philip G. Joyce

32 Accrual Budgeting in a Comparative Perspective 496

Leonard Kok

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Edward C. Page

33 Comparative Public Administration: From General Theory to

General Frameworks 511
Marleen Brans

34 International Organizations and Domestic Administrative Reform 532

Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos and Argyris G. Passas

35 Administrative Patterns and National Politics 545

Martin Lodge


Theo A. J. Toonen

36 Administrative Reform: Analytics 565

Theo A. J. Toonen

37 Administrative Reforms in Western Democracies 577

Tom Christensen and Per Lægreid

38 Comprehensive Reform and Public Administration in Post-Communist States 590

Tony J. G. Verheijen


Goran Hyden

39 Public Administration in Africa: Deepening Crisis Despite Reform Efforts 609

Dele Olowu

40 Challenges of Culture and Governance in South Asian Public Administration 628

O. P. Dwivedi and D. S. Mishra

41 Public Administration and Public Sector Reform in Latin America 642

Jorge Nef

42 Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe 659

Patrycja Joanna Suwaj


Paul G. Thomas

43 Accountability in Modern Government 681

Robert Gregory

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44 The Pursuit of Public Service Ethics – Promises, Developments and Prospects 698
Christoph Demmke and Timo Moilanen

45 Accountability in an Age of Markets and Networks 712

Mark Considine and Kamran Ali Afzal


Martin Painter

46 The Instruments of Intergovernmental Management 735

Beryl A. Radin

47 Federalism and Intergovernmental Coordination 750

Alan Fenna

48 Multi-level Governance and Public Administration 764

Simona Piattoni

Index 777

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Preface to the Second Edition

Public administration and bureaucracy are as old as government itself, but despite that continu-
ity there is also substantial change. The same is true of the academic study of public administra-
tion with its continuing interest in familiar topics such as public finance and accountability, and
changing conceptions of management as well as continuing reforms of administration.
This second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration reflects that combina-
tion of continuity and change in public administration. It contains a number of the same chap-
ters from the previous edition, although all those chapters have been updated to reflect changes
in the discipline and in practice. In addition, there are several new chapters that address emerg-
ing issues and changes within the public sector. Every attempt was made to make this second
edition a reflection of the state of the art in public administration, just as we believe the first
edition was.
We want to thank a number of people who were instrumental in the completion of this
second edition. First, we again appreciated the hard work and contributions of our section edi-
tors, and of the authors who have produced interesting and important contributions. We have
also enjoyed working with our editors at Sage, notably David Mainwaring and Natalie Aguilera.
We also should thank our readers who have provided useful feedback about the Handbook and
helped in its development.

B. Guy Peters Jon Pierre

Pittsburgh, PA Göteborg

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About the Editors

B. Guy Peters is Maurice Falk Professor of Government at the University of Pittsburgh, USA,
and also Professor of Comparative Governance at Zeppelin University. He was founding co-
editor of Governance and the European Political Science Review. Among his recent publica-
tions are Institutional Theory in Political Science, 3rd edn, Interactive Governance: Advancing
the Paradigm (with Jacob Torfing, Jon Pierre and Eva Sørensen) and Steering from the Centre
(with Carl Dahlström and Jon Pierre).

Jon Pierre is a Research Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of
Gothenburg, Sweden. He is also Adjunct Professor at the University of Pittsburgh and at the
Nordland University College in Bodö, Norway. He held a Chair in Politics at the University of
Strathclyde between 1996 and 1999. Among his recent publications in English are Debating
Governance (editor, Oxford University Press, 2000), Governance, Politics and the State (with
Guy Peters; Palgrave, 2000), Handbook of Public Administration (co-editor with Guy Peters;
Sage, 2003), Governing Complex Societies (with Guy Peters; Palgrave, 2005), Handbook of
Public Policy (co-editor with Guy Peters; Sage 2006), Debating Institutionalism (co-editor,
with Guy Peters and Gerry Stoker; Manchester University Press, 2007), The Politics of Urban
Governance (Palgrave, 2011) and Interactive Governance (with Jacob Torfing, Guy Peters and
Eva Sörensen; Oxford University Press, 2012). He has also published numerous articles in
journals such as Urban Affairs Review, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Public
Administration Research and Theory and Journal of Politics.

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About the Authors

Kamran Ali Afzal is a career civil servant with the Government of Pakistan and has served in
a range of administrative and policymaking positions over the past 19 years. He earned his PhD
in political economy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is currently working as
a joint secretary in the Finance Division, Islamabad, Pakistan, where he is responsible for
medium-term financial planning, drafting annual budgetary proposals, expenditure monitoring
and fiscal reforms. His areas of interest include comparative public policy, governance, govern-
ment accountability structures, public finance and social development.

James Warner Björkman is Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Administration at the
Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, The Netherlands, and has an abiding fascination with
South Asia. After a BA summa thesis on the Indian National Congress and a PhD on the politics
of administrative alienation in India’s rural development programmes, eight of his 15 books
address South Asian issues. He has held appointments in the USA, Sweden, England, India,
Pakistan, Switzerland, Namibia, Slovenia and Japan.

Marleen Brans is Professor of Public Administration and Policy at the Public Management
Institute of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. She is responsible for teaching and
training in policy analysis and evaluation, comparative public policy, and administration–
citizen interaction. Her research interests include politico-administrative relations, policy ana-
lytical capacity of civil service systems, and interactions between government and civil society.
She has published in journals such as Public Administration, West-European Politics, Journal
of Comparative Policy Analysis, Halduskultuur, International Review of Administrative
Sciences, and European Political Science. She is a member of the Accreditation Committee of
the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation.

John M. Bryson is McKnight Presidential Professor of Planning and Public Affairs at the
Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, USA. He works
in the areas of leadership, strategic management and the design of engagement processes. He
wrote Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, 4th edn (Jossey-Bass, 2011),
and co-wrote with Barbara C. Crosby Leadership for the Common Good, 2nd edn (Jossey-
Bass, 2005). Dr Bryson is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and
received the 2011 Dwight Waldo Award from the American Society for Public Administration
for ‘outstanding contributions to the professional literature of public administration over an
extended scholarly career’.

K. Jurée Capers is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at Texas

A&M University, USA. She was a 2009–2010 American Political Science Association

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Minority Fellow. Her research interests lie in the areas of public policy, representation, public
management, race and ethnic politics, and education policy. Currently she is working on
a project that combines theories of bureaucratic representation, public management and
institutional structure, to understand policy implementation decisions, policy outputs and

Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen is Professor in Public Administration at the Department of

Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research covers, among other things, gov-
ernmental organization, the interaction between politicians and civil servants, civil service
reform, governmental regulation and reform as well as the impact of the EU on national admin-
istration and policy. He has published widely in journals and books.

Tom Christensen is Professor of Public Administration and Organization Theory, Department

of Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway. He is also Adjunct Professor at Uni Rokkan
Centre and City University of Hong Kong. His major field of research is comparative public
reforms, based on organization theory perspectives. He has published extensively in all the
major journals in the field of public administration and he is part of several international
research networks and projects. His latest book, co-edited with Per Lægreid, is The Ashgate
Research Companion to New Public Management (2011).

Mark Considine is Professor of Political Science and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at
The University of Melbourne, Australia. His research areas include governance studies, com-
parative social policy, employment services, public sector reform, local development, and
organizational development. Mark is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration
Australia (Victoria) and the Australian Academy of Social Sciences.

Paul Craig is Professor of English Law at St John’s College, Oxford, UK. His academic field
covers European Union law, administrative law, constitutional law and comparative administra-
tive law. His research spans broad areas within these subjects and includes issues of theory,
institutional design and legal doctrine. This work is characterised by an inter-disciplinary and
contextual focus.

Carl Dahlström is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Quality
of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He has previously been a visiting
scholar at Harvard University, at the Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research and had a
fellowship at the Swedish Parliament. His research is mainly concerned with comparative and
historical perspectives on public administration, corruption and welfare state policymaking.
His papers have appeared in a broad range of peer-reviewed journals, including for example,
Governance and Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory. He is also co-editor of
the book Steering from the Centre: Strengthening Political Control in Western Democracies
(University of Toronto Press), and contributor to handbooks in public administration and
political corruption.

Christoph Demmke is Professor of Comparative Public Administration at the European

Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht, The Netherlands, and Visiting Professor at the
College of Europe. He holds a PhD in Administrative Sciences and has taught comparative
public administration at several European universities, national civil service academies
and European institutions. He was an Emile Noel Fellow at Harvard Law School and visiting
fellow at American University and the University of Georgia. His fields of specialisation are

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comparative studies of public service reform including human resource management reforms.
He has published many books and articles on comparative public service reforms and public-
service ethics, among other topics. He has regularly advised the different EU Presidencies in
the field of public services reforms and human resource management reforms.

Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Birkbeck College, University

of London, UK, where he directs the MSc programme in European politics and policy. He has
published extensively on various aspects of the politics of European integration. He is the
author of The Power of the Centre: Central Governments and the Macro-implementation of EU
Public Policy (Manchester University Press, 2008) and the editor of Social Democracy and
European Integration: The Politics of Preference Formation (Routledge, 2011).

Gavin Drewry is Emeritus Professor of Public Administration at Royal Holloway, University

of London, UK, an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Law at University College London
and a Visiting Research Fellow in the Centre for Capital Punishment Studies at the University
of Westminster. He is a member of the Council of Administration of the International Institute
of Administrative Sciences. In an academic career spanning more than 40 years, he has taught
and researched across a very wide range of subjects in political science and public administra-
tion. He has a particular interest in the interface between public law and politics and govern-
ment and has published extensively in that cross-disciplinary area.

O. P. Dwivedi, PhD, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, is Professor Emeritus, Department
of Political Science, University of Guelph, Canada, where he has taught since 1967. He
was one of the first Project Directors of IASIA Working Groups established in 1974, and Vice
President for North America from 1989 to 1998. He has published 36 books and over 150
scholarly chapters and articles in various professional journals and academic books. His
research interests include comparative public policy and management, development adminis-
tration, public service morality and values and environmental ethics. He was consultant to the
World Bank, UNESCO, WHO, UNO, UN-ESCAP, IDRC and CIDA. He is recipient of honor-
ary degrees from Lethbridge and Waterloo Universities of Canada, as well as of various inter-
national awards. In 2005, he was appointed a member of the Order of Canada, the highest
civilian honour, by the Government of Canada.

Morten Egeberg is Professor of Public Policy and Administration and holds a joint position at
the Department of Political Science and at ARENA – Centre for European Studies, University
of Oslo, Norway. His academic interests encompass the relationship between organization
structure and decision behaviour within national executives as well as in the European
Commission and EU agencies. He also studies new patterns of interaction between levels of
governance, particularly between the European and the national.

David Feldman, QC, DCL, FBA, is Rouse Ball Professor of English Law, University of
Cambridge, UK, a Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge and an Academic Associate at 39
Essex Street, London. From 2002 until 2010 he was a Judge of the Constitutional Court of
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vice-President 2006–2009). He was Legal Adviser to the
Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Human Rights 2000–2004, and has advised several
other parliamentary committees. He held posts at the Universities of Bristol (1976–1992) and
Birmingham (1992–2000) and the Australian National University (1989), and has been a visit-
ing scholar at the University of Melbourne and the University of Nottingham. He has published
extensively in the fields of police powers, administrative law, constitutional law and theory,

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comparative public law, civil liberties, human rights, the relationship between national and
international law, and judicial remedies.

Alan Fenna is Professor of Politics at The John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, Curtin
University, Western Australia, specialising in Australian public policy as well as Australian and
comparative federalism. He served as President of the Australian Political Studies Association
(APSA) in 2009–2010.

Robert Gregory is an Adjunct Professor of Politics at the School of Government, Victoria

University of Wellington, New Zealand. He was formerly a Professor of Political Science in the
School, and in 2010–2011 took up an appointment as a Visiting Professor in the Department of
Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong. He has published widely on
public administration and management, and public policy. In particular, he has focused much
of his work on issues of accountability and responsibility in liberal-democratic government.

Mark Hallerberg is Director of the Fiscal Governance Centre and Professor for Public
Management and Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Germany.

John Halligan is Professor of Public Administration, University of Canberra, Australia. His

current research interests are comparative public governance and management, including
public sector reform and political–bureaucratic relationships, with a focus on Anglophone and
OECD countries. Recent co-authored books are Public Sector Governance in Australia (ANU
Press, 2012, forthcoming), Performance Management in the Public Sector (Routledge, 2010),
The Centrelink Experiment: Innovation in Service Delivery (ANU Press, 2008), Managing
Performance: International Comparisons (Routledge, 2008).

Thomas H. Hammond is Professor of Political Science at Michigan State University, East

Lansing, Michigan, USA. He specialises in bureaucratic studies, focusing on theories of infor-
mation processing and policymaking in hierarchies, and with applications to intelligence agen-
cies and foreign policy decision-making. He also works on theories of political institutions,
especially separation-of-powers systems, and on theories of Supreme Court decision-making.

Paul ’t Hart is Professor of Public Administration at Utrecht University, The Netherlands,

Associate Dean of the Netherlands School of Public Administration and a fellow of the
Australia and New Zealand School of Government. He has held prior chairs at the Australian
National University and Leiden University. His research and teaching are in executive politics,
crisis management, public leadership, accountability studies and policy analysis. He has taught
and trained thousands of public officials, mainly in The Netherlands, Australia and Sweden.
His recent books include Dispersed Democratic Leadership (2009), The Real World of EU
Accountability (2010) and How Power Changes Hands (2011).

Carolyn J. Heinrich, PhD, is the Sid Richardson Professor of Public Affairs at the Lyndon B.
Johnson School of Public Affairs, affiliated Professor of Economics and the Director of the
Center for Health and Social Policy at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. Dr Heinrich’s
research focuses on social welfare policy, public management and performance management,
and econometric methods for social-programme evaluation.

Rita M. Hilton is a Senior Consultant at the Center for Human Capital Innovation,
Alexandria, USA. Her academic training spans the fields of institutional economics and

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organizational psychology. She was a development economist at the World Bank for 15 years.
Since leaving the Bank in 2005 she has built a successful record as an executive coach and
consultant focused on helping clients improve organizational effectiveness. She specialises in
working with organizations managed by technical experts (e.g., scientists and engineers).

Karen M. Hult is Professor of Political Science and core faculty member at the Center for
Public Administration and Policy at Virginia Tech, USA. Her primary research emphases are
US executive institutions, organizational/institutional design and dynamics, and social science
methodologies. The author or co-author of four books and numerous journal articles, Hult
currently is working on a co-authored volume on White House chiefs of staff and a book on
structuring and governance in public organizations and policy networks.

Goran Hyden is Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of

Florida, Gainesville, USA. He has authored many books and articles on African politics and
public administration in comparative perspective, and has served as consultant to many inter-
national organizations on governance issues.

Patricia W. Ingraham is Founding Dean of the College of Community and Public Affairs at
Binghamton University, USA. Formerly a Distinguished Professor of Public Administration at
the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, Ingraham has received numerous honours for her
teaching and research, including the John Gaus Award from the American Political Science
Association, the Dwight Waldo Award from the Society for Public Administration and the
Levine Award for Distinguished Research from NASPAA. Ingraham is the editor and author of
14 volumes on governance and numerous scholarly articles. She received her doctorate from
Binghamton University and her bachelor’s degree from Macalester College.

Philip G. Joyce is Professor of Management, Finance, and Leadership at the Maryland School
of Public Policy, USA. He is Editor of Public Budgeting and Finance, and a Fellow of the
National Academy of Public Administration. Professor Joyce’s research mainly focuses on two
issues – linkages between performance information and the budget, and the US Congressional
budget process. His most recent book is The Congressional Budget Office: Honest Numbers,
Power and Policymaking (Georgetown University Press, 2011).

Jack H. Knott is the Erwin and Ione Piper Dean and Professor at the Sol Price School of
Public Policy at the University of Southern California, USA. He is a scholar in the fields of
organization theory, public management and public policy. His research focuses on the impact
of institutions and decision-making processes on public policy, with a particular focus on eco-
nomic, regulatory and monetary policy. He has also done considerable work on government
and bureaucratic reform. He is an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public
Administration, USA.

Leonard Kok is CEO of the Department for Economic and Urban Development of the
Municipality of The Hague in The Netherlands. His academic background is a masters degree
in political science at the University of Leiden and a masters degree in public administration at
The Netherlands School for Government in The Hague. He worked for 13 years in the Ministry
of Finance, in the last years as Director for Budget Affairs.

Per Lægreid is Professor at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory,

Bergen University, Norway, and Senior Researcher at the Uni Rokkan Centre, Bergen.

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His academic field spans organization theory, institutional analyses, public administration,
public management and administrative reforms. He regularly presents his research at interna-
tional workshops and conferences and publishes extensively in international journals. His
recent books include Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries (edited
with K. Verhoest, S. van Thiel and G. Bouckaert; Palgrave Macmillan), The Ashgate Research
Companion to New Public Management (edited with T. Christensen; Ashgate) and Governance
of Public Sector Organizations (edited with K. Verhoest; Palgrave Macmillan).

Mordecai Lee is Professor of Governmental Affairs at the University of Wisconsin –

Milwaukee, USA. He is interested in history and public relations in government and NGOs.
His books on American history include Congress vs. The Bureaucracy (2011), Nixon’s Super-
Secretaries (2010) and Institutionalizing Congress and the Presidency: The U.S. Bureau of
Efficiency, 1916–1933 (2006). Before joining the academy, he was Legislative Assistant to a
Congressman, elected to five terms in the Wisconsin State Legislature and executive director
of a faith-based NGO.

Martin Lodge is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the Department of
Government and the Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation at the London School of
Economics and Political Science, UK. His key interests are in the fields of executive politics
and regulation.

Laurence E. Lynn, Jr is Sid Richardson Research Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School
of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, and the Sydney Stein Jr Professor of
Public Management Emeritus at the University of Chicago, USA. His previous faculty affilia-
tions have included the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the
Irving B. Harris School Graduate School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago,
the Manchester (UK) Business School, the George Bush School of Government and Public
Affairs at Texas A&M University, and the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
He spent nearly a decade in senior policymaking positions in the US Federal Government. His
most recent books are Public Management: Old and New, Madison’s Managers: Public
Administration and the Constitution (with Anthony M. Bertelli), and a textbook, Public
Management: A Three Dimensional Approach (with Carolyn J. Hill). For his public service,
Lynn received the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Medal and a Presidential
Certificate of Distinguished Achievement. For lifetime contributions to public administration
research and practice, he was selected as a John Gaus lecturer by the American Political
Science Association, a recipient of the Dwight Waldo and Paul Van Riper awards by the
American Society for Public Administration, and the recipient of the inaugural H. George
Frederickson award by the Public Management Research Association.

Helen Margetts is the Director of the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), a department of the
University of Oxford, UK, investigating individual, collective and organizational behaviour
online. Margetts joined the OII in 2004 as Professor of Society and the Internet, having previ-
ously been Professor of Political Science and Director of the School of Public Policy at
University College London. Her research focuses on digital governance and politics, investigat-
ing the dynamics of online relationships between governments and citizens, and collective
action on the Internet. She is the co-author (with Christopher Hood) of Paradoxes of
Modernization: Unintended Consequences of Public Policy Reform (2010), The Tools of
Government in the Digital Age (2007) and (with Patrick Dunleavy) Digital Era Governance:
IT Corporations, the State and e-Government (2006). Her policy reports on digital government

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for the National Audit Office undertaken with Patrick Dunleavy of the London School of
Economics represent the only systematic evaluation of the UK Government’s electronic pres-
ence. She currently holds an ESRC Professorial Fellowship entitled ‘The Internet, Political
Science and Public Policy’, is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Policy and Internet and sits on the
Advisory Board of the Government Digital Service in the Cabinet Office.

Peter J. May is the Donald R. Matthews Distinguished Professor of American Politics at the
University of Washington, Seattle, USA. His research and teaching address various facets of
policy design and implementation, regulatory compliance and policy processes. He was a
Fulbright senior scholar in Australia in 1991 and was a visiting scholar at University of Aarhus,
Denmark in 1998 and at the University of Hong Kong in 2009.

Kenneth J. Meier is the Charles H. Gregory Chair in Liberal Arts and Distinguished Professor
of Political Science at Texas A&M University, USA. He is also a Professor of Public
Management in the Cardiff School of Business, Cardiff University, Wales. In addition to his
long term interest in questions of representative bureaucracy, he is working on empirical stud-
ies of public management (in the USA, the UK, Denmark and The Netherlands), race and
public policy, methodological innovations in public administration, and the relationship
between democracy and bureaucracy.

Marcia K. Meyers is Professor of Social Work and Public Affairs and Director of the West
Coast Poverty Center at the University of Washington, USA. She has published widely on
social welfare issues including US anti-poverty and family policy, gender and family care
policy, and the implementation of social programmes. With Janet Gornick she co-authored
Families that Work: Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment and co-edited
Gender Equality: Transforming Divisions of Labor. She recently co-edited a volume on
emerging issues in US social policy, Old Assumptions, New Realities: Social Policy for
Families in the 21st Century.

D. S. Mishra is an Indian Administrative Service officer presently posted as Principal Secretary,

Minor Irrigation and Ground Water Department in the State Government of Uttar Pradesh in
India. His administrative experience spans over 28 years serving India’s State and Central
Governments. He has published several articles and research papers focused on combating
corruption, e-governance, good governance, public service ethics and administrative manage-
ment practices in Indian and international journals and books; he has participated in many
national and international seminars and conferences, and has delivered lectures in training
institutions and universities. He has been visiting faculty at the University of Guelph, Canada.
He holds a BTech in electrical engineering, a post-graduate diploma in human resource man-
agement, an MBA in international business and a post-graduate diploma in governance,
democratisation and public policy.

Timo Moilanen, MSocSc, is a political scientist specialising in human resource management,

and for most of his professional career he has worked at the University of Helsinki,
Finland. He has taught human resource management, organizational ethics and research
methods at various universities. He has worked for several EU Presidencies in the
European Public Administration Network, and carried out projects for several international
institutions. He has conducted a number of comparative studies and evaluations on state per-
sonnel and employer policy, governing bodies and public-service ethics among the EU Member

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Donald Moynihan is Professor of Public Affairs at the La Follette School of Public Affairs,
University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA. His research examines the application of organiza-
tion theory to public management issues such as performance, budgeting, homeland security,
election administration and employee behaviour. In particular, he studies the selection and
implementation of public management reforms. He is a Fellow of the United States National
Academy of Public Administration.

Jorge Nef is Professor Emeritus of Development Studies at the University Guelph, Ontario,
Canada. His academic field spans political science, international development and human secu-
rity. He has been very active in conferences relating to international development, public
administration and comparative development (especially Latin American studies) He regularly
presents his research at international research conferences including LASA, CALACS and the
learned societies. He has written edited and co-edited 16 books on political and international
issues, and over 120 scholarly articles in refereed journals and in books on issues of human
security, technology, and democracy. His most recent books are Capital, Power and Inequality
in Latin America and the Caribbean (Rowan & Littlefield, 2008) and The Democratic
Challenge (Palgrave, 2009). His research largely focuses on mutual vulnerability and human

Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science,

Aarhus University, Denmark. She has been visiting Research Fellow at RegNet, Australian
National University and Texas A&M University. She researches and teaches in regulatory
enforcement, compliance, public policy implementation and street-level bureaucratic behav-
iour. Dr Nielsen has published in international journals including Public Administration,
Administration & Society, Regulation and Governance, and Law & Policy. She has published
the following books in Danish (titles translated from the Danish): Price of Dialogue: Informal
Rules, Asymmetry of Resources and Discrimination in Regulatory Enforcement (Politica,
2002); and Implementation of Public Policy (with Søren Winter; Academica, 2008). With
Christine Parker she has edited the book Explaining Compliance: Business Responses to
Regulation (Edward Elgar, 2011).

Frans van Nispen holds a MPA from Leiden University and a PhD from the Erasmus
University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He served for several years as policy analyst for
the Dutch Government, before he returned to academia. He has been Affiliated Professor at
Institute of Public Policy of George Mason University at Fairfax, Virginia and Senior Research
Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University
Institute in San Domenico di Fiesole. Currently he is Associate Professor of Public
Administration at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. He has published in various journals,
primarily on issues at the interface of policy analysis and public budgeting in a European con-
text. He has done consultancy for the EU, the OECD and the World Bank.

Dele Olowu is an international consultant in public policy and management, institutional

analysis and capacity development/management. He has served as Professor of Public
Administration and Public Policy at several universities and graduate centres for public policy
and management training in Africa (Ethiopia, Namibia and Nigeria) and also in Europe
(Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, now a part of Erasmus University; Maastricht
University, Maastricht – all in The Netherlands). His teaching and research span comparative
public administration, decentralisation and multi-level governments, roles for state and non-
state actors in institution building and development administration.

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Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr Is the Margaret Hughes and Robert T. Golembiewski Professor of

Public Administration and also Distinguished Research Professor, in the Department of Public
Administration and Policy, School of Public and International Affairs, at the University of
Georgia, USA. He is also Professor of Comparative Sustainability Studies in the Faculty of
Management and Governance, Twente University, The Netherlands. His research interests
include policy implementation and public management in networks.

Edward C. Page is Sidney and Beatrice Webb Professor of Public Policy at the London School
of Economics and Political Science, UK. His academic field covers comparative public policy
and administration. His recent work has examined civil service roles in policymaking. His
latest books include Policy Bureaucracy: Government with a Cast of Thousands (with Bill
Jenkins, 2005), From the Active to the Enabling State (edited with Vincent Wright, 2006),
Changing Government Relations in Europe (edited with Michael Goldsmith, 2010) and Policy
without Politicians: Bureaucratic Influence in Comparative Perspective (2012).

Martin Painter is Professor of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong
Kong and Director of the Governance in Asia Research Centre. He currently occupies the role
of University Coordinator for implementation of the Five-Year Strategic Plan. His research
includes autonomy and control in Hong Kong government bodies and the adoption of western
models of public management in China and Vietnam. Professor Painter has been awarded sev-
eral consultancies on public administration reform in Vietnam, working in collaboration with
Government of Vietnam agencies and with national and international donors.

Argyris G. Passas is Associate Professor at the General Department of Law of Panteion

University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens, Greece. He specialises in public admin-
istration and European integration. His most recent book is National Public Administration and
the European Union Policy Process (2012, in Greek). He has served as an administrator in the
European Parliament and has headed the Greek National Centre for Public Administration. He
is a special advisor to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on the training of public
servants for the first Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the EU (2nd semester, 2012).

Simona Piattoni is Professor of Political Science at the University of Trento, Italy, where she
teaches comparative politics, European politics, multi-level governance and local government.
She has worked in the past on clientelism, corruption and regional development and, more
recently, on multi-level governance and European democracy. She has published on clien-
telism, Italy in the European Union, informal and multi-level governance, the Committee of
the Regions and, more recently, higher education policy and political representation. She has
served on the editorial board of Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, Rivista Italiana di Politiche
Pubbliche, Regional and Federal Studies, European Politics and Society and European Journal
of Political Research. She is currently Chair of the ECPR (European Consortium for Political
Research) and President of CONGRIPS (Conference Group of Italian Politics and Society), a
related section of APSA.

Jos C. N. Raadschelders is Professor of Public Administration at the John Glenn School of

Public Affairs, The Ohio State University, USA. His research and teaching interests include
history of government, comparative government, civil service systems and the nature of the
study of public administration. The latter topic was the focus of his most recent book (Oxford
University Press, 2011). Between 2006 and 2011 he served as the managing editor of Public
Administration Review.

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Beryl A. Radin is a member of the faculty at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute at
Georgetown University in Washington DC, USA. She is the series editor of Georgetown
University Press’s Public Management and Change book series and the author of a number of
books on public management issues. She received the 2012 John Gaus career award from the
American Political Science Association for her scholarship involving public administration and
political science, as well as several other awards for work involving public management and
intergovernmental relations/federalism.

Hal G. Rainey is Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor in the School of Public and
International Affairs at the University of Georgia, USA. His research concentrates on organiza-
tions and management in government, with emphasis on change, leadership, incentives, and
comparisons of governmental management to management in the business and nonprofit sec-
tors. The fourth edition of his book, Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, was
published in 2009. Rainey serves as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
In 2009 he received the Dwight Waldo Award for career contributions to scholarship in public
administration. In 2011 he received the John Gaus Award from the American Political Science
Association for lifetime scholarly contributions in the joint traditions of political science and
public administration.

Bo Rothstein holds the August Röhss Chair in Political Science at University of Gothenburg,
Sweden, where he is Head of the Quality of Government (QoG) Institute. He serves as
Scientific Coordinator for ANTICORRP – Anti-Corruption Policies Revisited – a five-year
research project started in 2012 funded by the European Union and consisting of 21 research
groups in 16 countries. He has been a visiting scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation, Harvard
University and Stanford University.

Luc Rouban is CNRS Research Director and Professor at Sciences Po (Cevipof), Paris,
France. His research focuses on the relationship between politics and public administrations as
well as on transformations in the public sector in Europe (the civil service and state reform).
He serves in the boards of Public Administration, Public Administration Review, Public
Management Review, Revue Française d’Administration Publique. Among his recent publi-
cations are Politics in France and Europe (edited with P. Perrineau; Palgrave Macmillan,

Fabio Rugge is Professor of History of Political Institutions at the University of Pavia, Italy.
His academic interests focus on administrative history in the nineteenth and twentieth centu-
ries, in a comparative perspective. He belonged or belongs to the editorial board of journals like
Jahrbuch für Europäische Verwaltungsgeschichte, Public Administration Review, Il Politico.
He was a Jemolo Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford; Humboldt Fellow at the Technische
Universität, Berlin; and a Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC.

Sally Selden is a Professor of Management at Lynchburg College, USA. She holds the Senior
Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification and her primary teaching interests are
in the areas of public and nonprofit management, human resource management and leadership.
Her research focuses primarily on public and nonprofit human resource management. Dr
Selden is a fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration and author of Human
Capital: Tools and Strategies for the Public Sector (Congressional Quarterly Press, 2009),
which was named the 2010 best book by the Personnel and Labor Relations section of the
American Society of Public Administration.

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Steven Rathgeb Smith is the Nancy Bell Evans Professor of Public Affairs at the Evans School
of Public Affairs at the University of Washington, USA. From 2009 to 2011, he was the
Waldemar A. Nielsen Chair in Philanthropy at Georgetown University. Dr Smith was the editor
of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ), the journal of the Association for
Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) from 1998 to
2004. From 2006 to 2008, he was also President of ARNOVA. His book, Governance and
Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives (co-edited with Susan Phillips) was
published in 2010 by Routledge. His current research focuses on political advocacy by non-
profit organizations and a comparative study of innovation in local public services in the USA
and Europe. He has a PhD in political science from MIT.

Patrycja Joanna Suwaj is Professor of Law at S. Staszic School of Public Administration,

Bialystok, Poland. Her academic interests span public administration, administrative law and
public management. She has worked extensively in the area of civil service, anticorruption and
conflict of interest research and training. She regularly presents her research at international
conferences including NISPAcee (she is a co-ordinator of the Working Group of Civil Service)
and EGPA. She is a member of the RENEUAL Network, EAPAA Accreditation Committee
and expert for the Polish Accreditation Committee. Since 1999 she has served as the Executive
Director of the Polish Association of Public Administration Education (SEAP).

Jean-Claude Thoenig is a Senior Research Director at the French National Center for
Scientific Research. He currently is a member of Dauphine Recherche en Management
(University of Paris Dauphine). A sociologist and political scientist, he has made relevant con-
tributions in fields such as organization theory, local government, intergovernmental relations,
bureaucracy theory, public management and policy analysis. His current research interests deal
with the way universities produce academic quality. He favours field and comparative research.
He also works on profit-oriented organizations and management.

Paul G. Thomas is Professor Emeritus in Political Studies at the University of Manitoba,

Canada where he taught for 40 years. He has written several books and over 200 chapters and
articles on various public administration topics. He has served as a consultant to governments
in Canada and elsewhere and has been recognised with numerous awards for his contributions
to the field.

James R. Thompson is Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration at

the University of Illinois – Chicago, USA, where he teaches courses in public personnel man-
agement, information technology and public management. Topics on which he has written
include civil service reform, human resource management innovation and organizational
change in the public sector.

Theo A. J. Toonen is Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) at
Delft University of Technology, and Professor of Institutional Governance and Public
Administration at Delft University of Technology and Leiden University, The Netherlands. He
has been Chair of Institutional and Comparative Public Administration in Leiden since 1989
and became Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University in
2003. In March 2008 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of TPM at Delft University of
Technology. Professor Toonen’s research has focused on themes ranging from water manage-
ment and governance, multi-scaled, multi-level (European) governance, (international) com-
parative public administration, and public sector and administrative reform to urban and

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regional government in international perspective. He has been policy advisor to various Dutch
Ministers, member of the Independent Dutch National Advisory Committee Water (AcW;
2004–2012), and is currently at the Intergovernmental Financial Relations Council (RfV) and
on the board of the StimulanSZ Foundation on Decentralisation and Social Policy.

Tony J. G. Verheijen is Manager of the Governance and Public Sector Management Unit,
South Asia Region, World Bank. He has previously held positions in the World Bank as
Governance Cluster Leader in the Africa Region and Senior Public Sector Management
Specialist in the Europe and CIS region, and has also held advisory and management positions
in the OECD and UNDP, as well as teaching positions at the College of Europe, Leiden
University, the University of Limerick and the European Institute of Public Administration. His
research work has focused on comparative public management and civil service systems, the
impact of political and economic transition on state institutions and on managing the chal-
lenges of multi-level governance systems. His work has been widely published in both aca-
demic and professional literature.

Andrew Whitford is Professor of Public Administration and Policy in the School of Public &
International Affairs at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA. He concentrates on
research in organizational studies and public policy, with specific interest in organization
theory, models of decision-making and adaptation, and the political control of the bureaucracy.
His interests in public policy include environmental regulation and public health policy. He has
particularly strong interests in the use of simulation and experimental methods for understand-
ing organizational behaviour and individual choice. He is currently a co-editor for the Journal
of Public Administration Research and Theory.

Anchrit Wille lectures at the Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, The
Netherlands. Her research and teaching cover a wide range of key issues in studies of politics
and public administration: executive politics, political–administrative relationships, accounta-
bility, citizen politics, comparative politics and EU governance. Her work has been published
in a number of edited volumes and in scholarly journals. She has co-authored several books.
Her recent book Politics and Bureaucracy in the European Commission (Oxford University
Press, 2013) is on the evolution of accountability and executive politics in the EU.

Søren C. Winter is Professor of Political Science at SFI – The Danish National Centre for
Social Research, Copenhagen, Denmark. His research focuses on policy implementation,
public management, street-level bureaucracy, performance, regulatory enforcement and com-
pliance. He is currently the principal investigator of a major research project on school manage-
ment, teaching and student performance sponsored by the Danish Council for Strategic
Research. He was a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley in 1993–94 and
at University of Washington in 1999.

Jacques Ziller is Professor of European Union Law at the University of Pavia, Italy since
2007. He has long specialised in research and training in the fields of comparative public
administration and management and also in the field of European affairs and regional integra-
tion. He has been a member of the Steering Committee of the European Group of Public
Administration and is a member of the Scientific Council of the German Institute for Research
on Public Administration, Speyer.

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Introduction: The Role of Public
Administration in Governing
B. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre

Enter the bureaucrat, the true leader of the point for those readers who wish to pursue
Republic. this field of inquiry and practice more
(Senator Palpadine, Star Wars, Episode 1)
The SAGE Handbook of Public Administra-
tion represents an attempt to address the
major issues in, and perspectives on, public
administration. The Handbook is an interna- WHY ADMINISTRATION MATTERS
tional treatment of this subject, with scholars
drawn from a wide range of countries and The most important premise of this Handbook
intellectual traditions. Further, although the is that public administration matters. There
large majority of the participants in the is a tendency among the public, and even
project are academics, the attempt has been among scholars of the public sector, to equate
made also to confront issues of practice, and politics and government with dramatic events
the relevance of academic research to the such as elections, or with the visible conflicts
day-to-day problems of making government between politicians that shape major policy
programs perform as they are designed to. developments. Those activities are indeed
Public administration is an area of sub- important for governing, but there is a mas-
stantial academic activity, but it is also the sive amount of activity involved in translat-
focus of important practical work, and public ing laws and decrees made by politicians into
servants have a wealth of experience that action, and in delivering public programs to
is important for understanding public admin- citizens. That work is often less visible, but is
istration. No single volume could hope to crucial for making things happen in govern-
cover in any comprehensive manner the ment. Legislatures and political executives
full range of concerns about public adminis- may pass all the laws they wish, but unless
tration, but we have, we believe, illuminated those laws are administered effectively by
the crucial issues and also provided a starting the public bureaucracy, little or nothing will

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actually happen. The bureaucracy1 is often do not have extensive expert knowledge
the favorite target for newspaper leader writ- about the policies for which they are respon-
ers and for politicians, but without adminis- sible. Therefore, they require assistance in
trators little would happen in government. writing laws and setting policy. The senior
Public administrators comprise the bulk of public bureaucracy has traditionally had a
government employment and activity. In the major role in providing their ministers with
United Kingdom the central government in the needed advice and information (see
London has 650 members of the House of Plowden, 1984). That role for public admin-
Commons, a few hundred members of the istration is, however, under attack as politi-
House of Lords, a few hundred political cians become more distrustful of bureaucrats
appointees in the executive departments, a and want advice from their own politically
few thousand judges, but several hundred committed advisors (Peters and Pierre,
thousand public administrators. In addition, 2001). In addition, the reforms of the public
there are several hundred thousand public sector that have been implemented over the
employees in local authorities and the past several decades have stressed the role
devolved governments of Scotland and Wales. of the senior public administrator as a man-
The majority of the employees of government ager rather than as a policy advisor, and that
are not the paper-pushers one usually associ- has altered the career incentives of senior
ates with public administration but rather are public managers.
responsible for delivering public services to We said above that the work of public
the public. Many public administrators in administration may be less visible than that of
central governments are responsible for pro- other aspects of government, yet at the same
viding services, but (on average) local and time it is the major point of contact between
provincial public servants are even more so. citizens and the state. The average citizen will
The principal activity of public administra- encounter the postal clerk, the tax collector
tion is implementing laws, but there are also a and the policeman much more frequently than
range of other important activities carried on their elected representatives. This contact
in these public organizations: for example, between state and society has two important
bureaucracies make policy, and in essence consequences for government. One is that the
make law. The laws passed by legislatures are implementation of laws by the lowest echelons
often general, and require elaboration by of the public service defines what the laws
administrators (Kerwin, 1999; Page, 2000). actually mean for citizens. The laws of a coun-
The secondary legislation prepared by the try are what is implemented, and lower eche-
bureaucracy not only makes the meaning of lon employees – policemen, social workers,
the laws clearer but also permits the applica- teachers, etc. – often have substantial discre-
tion of the expertise of the career administra- tion over how implementation occurs and who
tors to policy. This style of making policy may actually gets what from government.
raise questions of democratic accountability, The second impact of the lower echelons
but it almost certainly also makes the policies of government is that these face-to-face inter-
being implemented more technically appro- actions often define what government is for
priate for the circumstances, as well as making citizens. How am I treated by government? Is
them more flexible. Although even less visible government fair, efficient and humane or is it
than their rule-making activities, bureaucra- the arbitrary and bureaucratic (in the pejora-
cies are also important adjudicators. tive sense of the term) structure that it is
In addition to writing secondary legisla- often alleged to be? The bureaucracy is there-
tion, administrators also influence policy by fore important in creating an image of gov-
advising the politicians formally responsi- ernment in the popular mind. The good news
ble for making law. Political leaders may is that evidence about these interactions
have numerous talents but most politicians tends to be rather positive. Citizens in a

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number of countries report that most of their frequently at an increasing distance from
interactions with government are positive. elected officials; it is also a major source of
The bad news, however, is that many of those regulation. All this contributes to making it
same citizens still have a generally negative attractive to a wide variety of societal groups,
view of government and of the bureaucracy. ranging from trade unions and employers’
association to local environmental protection
groups and neighborhood organizations. An
understanding of the exchanges between the
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE public bureaucracy and its external environ-
SURROUNDING SOCIETY ment is critical to an analysis of the bureau-
cracy in a wider sense.
Throughout this Handbook, contributors
maintain the perspective of the public admin-
istration as embedded in the surrounding Politics, administration and society
society. Although this might appear to be a
rather obvious point of departure, the In order to understand how the public
approach emphasizes something often for- bureaucracy relates to society, we need to
gotten: public administration is an explica- generate a broader picture of public–private
tion of the collective interest and its legitimacy exchanges in society. The triangular relation-
to a significant extent hinges on its ability to ships between politics, administration and
play a part in the pursuit of those interests. society are, needless to say, manifold and
Much of the recent debate on New Public complex. Starting with the politics–adminis-
Management and market-based models of tration linkage, most observers of public
public service delivery, just to give an exam- policy and administration today agree that
ple, has tended to portray the public bureauc- this is a false dichotomy. The argument
racy as a generic structure. Ironically, however, coming out of the classic debate between
introducing market-based solutions in public Friedrich and Finer – ‘Policies are imple-
service production has significant effects on mented when they are formulated and
the relationship between the public adminis- formulated when they are implemented’ –
tration and the surrounding society, as we will seems to be a more accurate representation of
argue below. the current understanding of the politics–
Furthermore, emphasizing the embedded administration relationship. If anything, this
nature of the public administration helps us statement has gained additional currency
understand the rationale for creating links since the 1940s along with recent administra-
between civil society and the public adminis- tive reform and structural changes in the
tration, or more generally, links with the state. public sector. Reforms aiming at empower-
The governance perspective on the public ing lower-level public sector employees and
bureaucracy highlights those links because the greater discretion exercised at that organ-
they are elements of a broader strategy for izational level is but one example of recent
service production and delivery that is open to changes that support Friedrich’s argument
a range of means of generating service. By (Peters, 2001; Peters and Pierre, 2000).
including societal actors in service delivery the Thus, politics and administration should be
bureaucracy enhances its capacity to act and to thought of as different elements of the same
‘do more for less’, as the Gore Report put it. process of formulating and implementing
Finally, the society-centered perspective policy. But politics and administration differ
on the public administration portrays the in terms of how they relate to society; while
public bureaucracy as a potential target for both are critical components of democratic
group political pressure. The public adminis- governance, ‘politics’ in the present context is
tration controls vast resources, and operates a matter of representation and accountability,

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whereas ‘administration’ refers to policy consumers can receive public services more
implementation and the exercise of political attuned to their preferences than would oth-
power and law. Citizens, organized interests, erwise have been possible. Furthermore,
private businesses and other societal actors consumer choice sends a signal to the public
interact with both politics and administration, sector about the preferences of its consum-
albeit for different reasons. Put in a larger ers, which in aggregated form can inform
perspective, then, we are interested in the resource allocation. Described in a slightly
nature of the interface between state and soci- different way, this model of consumer choice
ety. Leaving aside the input that is channeled thus provides society with an input on deci-
primarily through political parties, we now sions made in the public bureaucracy with
need to look more closely at the linkage the important difference that the input is not
between the public bureaucracy and society. funneled through political parties but is rather
While historically speaking the public an instant communication from the individ-
administration’s main task has been to imple- ual to the bureaucracy.
ment and communicate political decisions to
society, one of the key changes that has
occurred over the past decade or so has been
Civil society
the increasing opportunities for citizens to
have a more direct input into the public The role of civil society in the context of
bureaucracy. The experiments with maison public administration takes on many differ-
services publiques in France, the concept of ent forms. Perhaps the most conspicuous
Bürgernähe in German administrative reform arrangement of involvement of civil society
during the 1990s, the emphasis on (even) is the long-established system of so-called
more transparency in the Scandinavian coun- laymen boards (lekmannastyrelser) in
tries, and the search for different ways to Swedish agencies. But civil society plays
customer-attune public services in the United many different roles in different national
States all testify to an almost global tendency contexts. In much of continental Europe, for
to reduce the distance (both physical and example, civil society plays an important part
intellectual) between the bureaucracy and the in delivering public – or quasi-public – serv-
individual citizen. This pattern, in turn, is ices. Much of this cooperation between the
evidence of a strong felt need to strengthen public administration and civil society takes
the legitimacy of public sector institutions. place at the local level.
With some exaggeration it could be argued The growing interest in governance during
that while previously that legitimacy was the 1990s highlighted these forms of coop-
derived from the public and legal nature of eration between the state and civil society.
the public administration, legitimacy is cur- The governance perspective draws on broad
rently to an increasing extent contingent on strategies of resource mobilization across the
the bureaucracy’s ability to deliver customer- public–private border. This is a pattern which
attuned services swiftly and accurately. has for long been established in the ‘corpo-
Perhaps the most powerful and compre- ratist’ democracies in Western Europe. As
hensive strategy of bridging the distance well as the mobilization of resources, a focus
between citizens and the public service is on civil society also has a democratic ele-
found in the various consumer-choice-based ment, with the relationship with groups pro-
models of public service production. The viding a source of ideas, legitimation and
overall purpose here is not so much to bring feedback for government from its society.
citizens (now referred to as consumers) There are real dangers of these ties limiting
physically closer to service producers the autonomy of government, but they can be
but rather to empower consumers through the means of making administration less
market choice. By exercising such choice, remote from the citizens.

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Closing the gap: emerging models The other general trend in administrative
of administration – citizen exchange reform manifested itself in an effort to make
exchanges between citizens and the public
Much of the administrative reform that has bureaucracy easier. Obviously, structural
been conducted during the past 10−15 years changes like decentralization were necessary,
has been implemented against the backdrop albeit not sufficient, for this type of reform.
of a weakened legitimacy for the public Here, the general idea was to develop less
bureaucracy, and, indeed, for the public sector formal and more accessible means of
as a whole. The 1980s in particular was the exchange between clients and the public
heyday in the belief of the market as an sector employees. So-called one-stop shops
instrument of resource allocation, leaving were introduced in several countries, fre-
little support for public institutions. quently on an experimental basis. More
Additionally, the neoliberal elected leaders recently, we have seen a wide variety of
emerging during that decade – primarily channels into the public sector available to
Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney – made a the citizens via the Internet. It is quite likely
strong critique of the public sector and its that we have only seen the beginning of
employees part of their political Leitmotif ‘e-government’.
(Hood, 1998; Savoie, 1994). As a result, Together, these structural and procedural
public sector budgets were drastically cut changes have significantly altered the rela-
back. Reaffirming the legitimacy for the tionships between the public bureaucracy
public sector, it seemed, could only be accom- and its clients. There is today a much stron-
plished by proving that the public sector ger emphasis on proximity – if not physical,
could deliver services in a fashion not too dif- at least technological – between the public
ferent from that of private organizations: that sector and clients. More importantly, per-
is, in close contact between organization and haps, the tenor of these exchanges has tended
client, with a purpose to provide services to change towards a less formal and more
adapted to the particular needs and expecta- service-oriented communication.
tions of the individual client. Put slightly dif-
ferently, the strategy seems to have been that
the future legitimacy of public sector institu- The changing role of
tions should rest less on traditional values like
public administration
universality, equality and legal security but
more on performance and service delivery. Some aspects of contemporary public admin-
Much of the administrative reform we wit- istration would appear similar to someone
nessed during the late 1980s and 1990s was working in government decades earlier, while
characterized by these objectives. If we look other aspects have been undergoing funda-
more closely at the points of contact between mental transformation. While the changes
citizens and the public sector, they can be are numerous, there are two that deserve
summarized in two general trends. First of highlighting. The first, as alluded to previ-
all, there was a clear emphasis on transpar- ously, is the increasing emphasis on the role
ency and accessibility. Structural changes in of the public administrator as a manager, and
the public bureaucracy aimed at enhancing the need to apply the managerial tools famil-
exchange between individuals and the public iar in the private sector. This drive toward
sector. Across Western Europe, governments generic management has almost certainly
embarked on a decentralization project, enhanced the efficiency and perhaps the
partly to bring political and administrative effectiveness of the public sector, but its crit-
decisions closer to the citizens. In addition, ics argue that it has also undervalued the
many public service functions were devolved peculiarly public nature of management in
further, and thus closer to the clients. government, and the need to think about

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public sector values other than sheer eco- provision increasingly conducted under the
nomic efficiency (Stein, 2002). auspices of market actors, Rockman argues.
A second major change in public adminis- We have already discussed the changing
tration has been the increasing linkage of channels of exchange between the public
state and society in the delivery of public bureaucracy and its external environment as
services. Government is no longer an autono- well as the overarching objectives of the
mous actor in implementing its policies2 but administrative reform that has been con-
often depends upon the private sector and/or ducted during the late 1980s and 1990s.
the third sector to accomplish its ends. This Rockman is probably too optimistic (or
linkage of state and society may enhance the perhaps pessimistic) about the extent to
effectiveness and the legitimacy of govern- which administrative reform can shrink
ment but it also presents government with public employment and the public bureau-
problems of accountability and control. cracy. We argued earlier that much of our
Blending state and society means that public contact with the state is not with elected rep-
administrators must become more adept at resentatives but with front staff of the public
bargaining and governing through instru- bureaucracy such as police officers, tax col-
ments such as contracts, rather than depend- lectors, nurses or social workers. There may
ing upon direct authority to achieve the ends be some decrease in the number of such per-
of government. sonnel, but these functions cannot be auto-
Finally, the bureaucracy is now less cen- mated. Instead, the cutbacks in public
tralized and less hierarchical than ever in its employment have been conducted either by
recent history. The degree of centralization of transferring entire functions from the state to
the bureaucracy and of government policy the market: for example, railway, telecom-
has varied by country, but in almost all there munications and postal services. The public
is less power now vested in the center than in sector remains a fairly labor-intensive sector,
the past. Just as working with civil society not least because of the nature of the services
may require a different set of skills than it delivers.
governing alone, so too will working more What is at stake here is the relationship
closely with subnational governments, or between strength and external orientation.
with quasi autonomous organizations that are Not least in an historical perspective, the
nominally connected to ministerial authority notion of a ‘strong bureaucracy’ frequently
but which may be designed to act more on invoked an image of a self-serving and self-
their own. referential bureaucracy. A more contempo-
rary definition of a strong bureaucracy is one
which swiftly can deliver a wide variety of
A strong bureaucracy in public services, adapted to the needs of the
a weak state? individual. Furthermore, a strong bureauc-
racy is characterized by the rule of law. The
Bert Rockman has observed that ‘If one dis- law-governed nature of the public adminis-
tinguishes between outlays on the one hand tration is a safeguard against clientalism,
and personnel and organizational structure corruption and favoritism. Arguably, there is
on the other, it may be that the future holds a a potential contradiction between the service-
sizeable public sector, but one that will have delivery aspect and the law-governed nature
less government’ (Rockman, 1998: 38). If the of the bureaucracy. The point here is that a
New Public Management reform paradigm public bureaucracy will most likely never
continues to dominate the orientation of be able to compete with private sector
administrative reform we may soon find our- companies in terms of flexibility and service
selves with a hollow administrative structure but, as we will argue later in this chapter,
processing huge transfers but with service that is hardly surprising given that public

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administration was designed primarily there to hierarchies? What values and norms
according to other objectives. are associated with this type of organization? In
The strength of the public administration is addressing these questions – and the future of
nearly always a mirror image of the strength hierarchies in the public administration more in
of the state. Internal strength is critical to the general – we first need to discuss the strengths
public bureaucracy’s ability to fulfill its role of hierarchies, given the expectation placed on
in society regardless of the degree to which the public bureaucracy. From that perspective,
the state encroaches society. Also, a strong we can proceed to discuss the extent to which
public bureaucracy is critical to sustain core the preferred role of the public administration
democratic values like equality, legal security has changed and how these developments
and equal treatment. For these reasons, a impact on the organizational structure of the
strong bureaucracy in a weak state need not bureaucracy.
be an arrangement that cannot be sustained in In most countries, the public bureaucracy
the longer term. found its organizational form at a time when
the primary role of these organizations was
the implementation of law. Public service
production of the scale we know it today did
MANAGING IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR not exist; it is to a very large extent a feature
of the latter half of the twentieth century.
We dealt above with one crucial aspect of Hierarchy thus early on became the preferred
public administration – its link with society organizational model as it is an efficient
and the political system. We now shift our instrument for the implementation of law, a
attention more to the internal dynamics of process where values such as uniformity,
these organizations (or aggregations of accountability and predictability are essential.
organization), and especially with their man- The initial growth of the public sector service
agement. The reform of public administra- production did not significantly challenge the
tion over the past several decades has hierarchical structure of the public bureau-
concentrated on the managerial aspects of cracy. These services were rather uniform
government, attempting to make government in character, with little or no flexibility or
more efficient, effective and economical. ‘customer-attuning’, to quote a contemporary
These three Es have driven a massive change concept. Given the limited and one-way
in the public sector, much of it focusing on exchange between the public bureaucracy and
the role of the market as an exemplar for its clients, hierarchies could prevail. Instead,
good management. it was the massive attack on the public sector
during the 1980s and 1990s which presented
a major threat to the hierarchical structures in
Goodbye to hierarchies? the public sector. Hierarchies could not sus-
tain the accumulated challenges from within
Much of the administrative reform that has in the form of drastic budget cutbacks and
been implemented has been a series of attacks from clients expecting a higher degree of
against the hierarchical structure of the public flexibility. Thus, structure in and of itself
administration. Hierarchies, the dominant argu- became an issue in the administrative reform
ment goes, are rigid and slow, unable to change, of the 1990s (Peters, 2001); if the hierarchical
inefficient and fail to draw on the professional nature of public organizations was replaced
expertise inside the organization. Furthermore, by some form of flat and flexible organization
hierarchical structures are said to be unable to which accorded greater autonomy to the
relate effectively to clients and cannot provide front-line staff, many of the problems of lack-
customer-attuned services to the public. How ing legitimacy and inefficiency would be
valid is this critique? What alternatives are resolved, critics argued.

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It would be incorrect to argue that the cri- programs and in the internal management of
tique concerning the inertia and rigidity in government programs, then government will
the public bureaucracy is without justifica- do its job much better. Advocates of the
tion. In some ways, however, that is not the market argue that adopting market principles
issue. Public organizations were never will make government more efficient, and
designed to maximize on efficiency, flexibil- could reduce the costs of public sector pro-
ity and customer friendliness but rather to grams to taxpayers.
ensure a uniform and unbiased implementa- Although the market has become a popular
tion of the law. Thus, to some extent, the exemplar for reforming the public sector,
critique during the past couple of decades has there are also a number of critics of the
employed an irrelevant yardstick for its market. Perhaps, most fundamentally, the
assessment of public organizations. Moreover, public sector should not have efficiency as its
this critique sees only one side of the modern fundamental value, but rather should be con-
bureaucracy – the service-producing side – cerned with effectiveness and accountability.
and disregards the other side, the exercise Relatedly, market mechanisms may reduce
and implementation of law. That having been the accountability of public programs by
said, it is clear that some relaxation of hierar- emphasizing internal management rather
chy and structure has become critical to the than relationships with the remainder of the
public sector and, indeed, such organiza- political system. Finally, much of what
tional change is already taking place in most the public sector does is not amenable to
countries. market provision, or they might never have
Does this mean the farewell to hierarchies? been put into government in the first place,
As we have pointed out in a different context, and hence attempting to apply market princi-
hierarchies have more to offer as instruments ples may be mildly absurd. Although an
of governance than is often recognized (Pierre unthinking acceptance of the market is not
and Peters, 2000). Ironically, some of the likely to produce all the benefits promised,
problems frequently associated with more there are certainly things to be gained by
flexible and market-like public organiza- using some of these techniques. As with so
tions, such as accountability and a poor many things in the public sector, the real
responsiveness to the political echelons of trick may be in finding the balance between
government, are often argued to be among different approaches.
the stronger aspects of the hierarchical model.
The challenge in the longer term for the
architects of government therefore is to The less politics the better?
design organizations that combine the effi-
ciency and service capacity of decentralized There are several circumstances suggesting
organizations with the uniform and legalistic that the involvement of elected officials in
nature of hierarchical organizations. administration is not conducive to maximum
performance of the administrative system.
The most important argument against too
much involvement by politicians in public
Is marketization the answer?
sector management is that it means not
The same arguments that denigrate the role taking management very seriously, or at least
of hierarchies emphasize the importance of not as seriously as electoral considerations.
markets as an alternative to more traditional Running large-scale operations, public or
forms of organization and management in private, requires managerial skills and there
the public sector. The assumption is that if is nothing in elected office that in and of
government were to use the principles of itself guarantees that the person elected holds
the market, both in the design of individual those skills. Indeed, the careers of most

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elected officials rarely involve managing an also stands at the intersection of a number of
organization of any significant size. Part of academic disciplines, as well as having a
the mantra of administrative reform in the distinctive literature of its own. Leaving
past several decades has been to ‘let the man- aside for the time being the literature that can
agers manage’ and that has been in part a be labeled ‘purely’ public administration,
claim for a stronger role for public adminis- political science, economics, sociology, psy-
trators in the governing process. chology, law, management and philosophy,
Clarifying what separates the roles of and probably others, have had some influ-
elected officials and organizational managers ence on the study of public administration.
in public administration is important (Peters, Political science has probably had the longest
1987; Peters and Pierre, 2001). Career offi- relationship with public administration, given
cials are expected to provide continuity, the importance of the bureaucracy for gov-
expertise and loyalty. Elected officials are erning and the fundamental concern in demo-
expected to provide legitimacy, political cratic countries about means of holding the
judgment, and policy guidance. Bureaucrats bureaucracy accountable to elected officials.
are sometimes accused of attempting to That having been said, however, law has
monopolize policymaking through their been the foundation of public administration
expertise, and their control of the procedures in much of continental Europe. More recently,
of government, while politicians are accused economics and management science have
of micro-management and attempting to come to play a dominant role in thinking
politicize the day-to-day management of about public administration, as reforms of
organizations and personnel. Certainly, public the public sector have tended to rely upon
administrators cannot ignore their nominal procedures found in the private sector.
political ‘masters’ but they must also be sure While theory and practice, and an array of
to maintain their own rightful position in academic disciplines, contend for control
governing. over the study of public administration, the
fundamental point that should be emphasized
is that all of these perspectives bring some-
thing with them that helps to illuminate
APPROACHES TO PUBLIC administration in the public sector. Political
ADMINISTRATION science has emphasized the role of public
administration as a component of the process
We have already pointed out that public of governing, and has, along with law, also
administration stands at the intersection of emphasized the importance of enforcing the
theory and practice. Within this field of accountability of the bureaucracy, while phi-
study there have from time to time been losophy has emphasized the need for an
heated debates over the relative weights that ethical framework for public administrators.
should be assigned to those two ways of Economics has pointed to the role of public
approaching the field. The practitioners have administration in taxing and spending deci-
seen academics as hopelessly wound up in sions, as well as providing a theoretical
theoretical debates that had little or nothing frame through which to understand bureau-
to do with actually making a program run cracy (Breton, 1996; Niskanen, 1971).
successfully. Academics, on the other hand, Sociology has brought a long tradition of orga-
have seen practitioners as hopelessly mired nizational theory, as well as a concern for
in ‘manhole counting’ and incapable of the linkage of state and society (Rothstein,
seeing the larger issues that affect their 1996). Administrative reforms of the past
practice. several decades have placed a substantial
In addition to standing at the interaction of emphasis on the similarities of public and
theory and practice, public administration private management and there has been a

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good deal of borrowing from business are crucial for building a government that is
management to transform government. respected by the public, and may even be
central to building an efficient and effective
government. A government that is perceived
as equitable and fair builds trust, which in
WHAT’S SO SPECIAL ABOUT THE turn can make government more effective.
PUBLIC SECTOR? Losses of effectiveness are also important
as governments increasingly are being judged
The reader will have noticed by this time that by their capacity to deliver, and the contem-
he or she has opened a rather large book con- porary emphasis on performance manage-
taining thousands of words. What about ment provides quantitative indications of
public administration merits this attention, how well governments are doing their jobs
especially when most citizens appear as (Bouckaert and Pollitt, 2003). Despite all the
happy to avoid their own bureaucracy? And emphasis in the New Public Management,
could both this attention have been lavished efficiency may be the least important value
on more general questions of management, for the public sector, especially in the eyes of
not just on administration in the public the public. They may mind much more that
sector? What indeed is so special about this services are delivered, and that they are
area of inquiry and, perhaps more impor- delivered in an accountable and humane
tantly, what is so special about this area of manner, than they care about the cost per
human activity? unit of service delivered. This does not mean
To some extent the answers to those far that public administrators should not care
from simple questions should be evident about efficiency, but only that this is not nec-
from the material already discussed in this essarily the dominant value that it has been
introduction. Most fundamentally, public made to be.
administration is central to the process of
governing society, no matter what form that
governance may take. Without their public
administration, legislatures could make all ORGANIZATION OF THE HANDBOOK
the laws they wished but unless they were
extraordinarily lucky, and the population was The remainder of the Handbook is organized
extraordinarily cooperative, nothing would in 14 parts, each having been shaped and
actually happen.3 In Bagehot’s terminology, edited by a Part Editor. Those editors have
the public bureaucracy is much of the effec- each added an Introduction to their section,
tive part of government, and it is crucial for discussing its contents and relating it to gen-
providing the services that the public expect eral themes that run throughout the volume.
from their governments. These 14 parts represent the principal dimen-
The absence of public administration is an sions of the literature within public adminis-
extremely unlikely occurrence, and the more tration, attempting to cover both traditional
relevant question is what happens for govern- themes as well as more contemporary mana-
ing when public administration is not effec- gerialist approaches to administration.
tive, or efficient, or ethical. The various
forms of failure of administration each has its
own negative consequences for government
and society. Almost certainly an unethical NOTES
and parasitic administration is the worst form
1 Bureaucracy is often a word of opprobrium,
of failure, especially in a government that but we are using it here in a more neutral manner,
aspires to be democratic and legitimate (see meaning the formal administrative structures in the
Chapman, 2000). Honesty and accountability public sector.

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2 The degree of autonomy enjoyed by the public Page, E.C. (2000) Government by the Numbers. Oxford:
bureaucracy in traditional patterns of governing is Hart.
often exaggerated, but there has been a marked Peters, B.G. (1987) ‘Politicians and Bureaucrats in the
shift in the involvement of the private sector. Politics of Policy-making’, in J.-E. Lane (ed.),
3 A conservative American politician once com-
Bureaucracy and Public Choice. London: Sage.
mented that he should like it if Congress were placed
on a cruise ship and had to put all its laws into bot-
Peters, B.G. (2001) The Future of Governing, 2nd edn.
tles to float back to land. Only the laws in those Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
bottles that were found would go into effect. Peters, B.G. and Pierre, J. (2000) ‘Citizens Versus the
Without public administration, governing might be a New Public Manager: The Problem of Mutual
good deal like that. Empowerment’, Administration and Society, 32:
Peters, B.G. and Pierre, J. (2001) Politicians, Bureaucrats
and Administrative Reform. London: Routledge.
Pierre, J. and Peters, B.G. (2000) Governance, Politics
REFERENCES and the State. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Plowden, W. (1984) Ministers and Mandarins. London:
Bouckaert, G. and Pollitt, C. (2003) Public Management Royal Institute of Public Administration.
Reform: A Comparative Analysis, 2nd edn. Oxford: Rockman, B.A. (1998) ‘The Changing Role of the
Oxford University Press. State’, in B.G. Peters and D.J. Savoie (eds), Taking
Breton, A. (1996) Competitive Government: An Stock: Assessing Public Sector Reforms. Montreal
Economic Theory of Politics and Public Finance. and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 20–44.
Chapman, R.A. (2000) Ethics in the Public Service for Rothstein, B. (1996) The Social Democratic State: The
the New Millennium. Aldershot: Ashgate. Swedish Model and the Bureaucratic Problems of
Hood, C. (1998) The Art of the State: Culture, Rhetoric Social Reform. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
and Public Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Press. Savoie, D.J. (1994) Reagan, Thatcher, Mulroney: In
Kerwin, C. (1999) Rulemaking. Washington, DC: CQ Search of A New Bureaucracy. Pittsburgh: University
Press. of Pittsburgh Press.
Niskanen, W. (1971) Bureaucracy and Representative Stein, J.G. (2002) The Cult of Efficiency. Toronto:
Government. Chicago: Aldine/Atherton. Ananasi Press.

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Public Management:
Old and New
edited by Hal G. Rainey

In the past several decades, in nations around adoption of management procedures resem-
the world, the topic of public management bling those of business firms. Kettl (2000),
has taken on an increased significance in the for example, observed that the international
theory and practice of public administration movement towards ‘public management’,
(e.g., Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2011). One might including variants of it called ‘New Public
wonder about this development, since public Management’, involves a number of common
management and public administration sound themes in many nations. These include
synonymous. The authors in this first part of increasing the productivity of government
this book illustrate the significance of public activities, using economic market or market-
management as a topic and its distinctiveness like strategies, enhancing attention to citizens
from public administration. as service recipients, decentralizing responsi-
For people in public administration as bilities to local governments and to front-line
scholars, and as practicing managers and managers, and sharpening accountability for
professionals, this new interest in public results by focusing more on outputs and out-
management – or renewed interest, as comes than on processes and structures. As
Laurence Lynn will show us in Chapter 1 – the chapters in this section will show, other
has major implications. Scholars note that scholars interested in public management do
this worldwide movement has involved not necessarily focus simply on borrowing
increased emphasis on certain patterns and procedures from business firms; they empha-
reforms in the management of government size enhancing managerial capacities in
agencies and programs (e.g., Christensen and government through such developments
Laegreid, 2007; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2011). as improved performance measurement and
For example, one major implication involves strategic planning.
the widespread perception that government In addition to these developments in
needs to give more attention to achieving reform and practice, academics have pondered
effective management, often through the the implications of a public management

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emphasis for research and intellectual devel- skills applied by public managers and as an
opment. Some scholars in public administra- institution embodying legitimate values and
tion employed the public management rubric constitutional constraints to which public
to express their conviction that their field managers adhere. Lynn also analyzes recent
needs a richer base of theory and empirical developments, such as a tendency for some
research on management skills, responsibili- scholars to so heavily emphasize the craft
ties and procedures akin to that available in perspective that they lose sight of the others.
the academic fields of business management Ultimately, he argues that the main challenge
and organizational analysis (e.g., Perry and involves maintaining appropriate emphasis
Kraemer, 1983). They pointed to the need on all three of these perspectives simultane-
for more research on how people in manage- ously. Lynn also notes very recent develop-
ment positions in government can carry out ments in professional association and
their responsibilities and effectively operate professional journal activities that pertain to
their agencies and programs. In related fields public management.
such as political science and public policy Carolyn Heinrich then describes and
studies, the prevailing assumption appeared assesses developments in one of the major
to be that management matters do not matter trends in public management around the
much – that managerial activities by middle- world: an increasing emphasis on perform-
and upper-level ‘bureaucrats’ in government ance measurement for public organizations
simply do not play a significant role in the and programs. Here again, as she describes,
political system and public policy processes. this topic has a classic character, because
Still other academics in prestigious schools experts and scholars worked on it in a variety
of public affairs at leading universities also of ways for a very long time. Heinrich pro-
sought to develop the topic of public man- vides a historical overview of many of the
agement, and expressed less concern with conceptions and systems of performance
the field of public administration than with measurement that have emerged and evolved
developing a body of knowledge to support since the nineteenth century. In addition,
high-level executive leadership in govern- however, she points to new developments in
ment (Lynn, 1996). the recent upsurge of emphasis on perform-
The chapters in this section represent this ance measurement, such as its increasing
movement in several ways. Laurence Lynn’s scope, sophistication and visibility, as well as
chapter provides a rich description of the certain common themes across nations, such
evolution of the topic of public management as an increase in formal reporting require-
and of major current issues in its continuing ments involving comparisons of performance
development. He describes how the major measures to pre-established performance
public administration scholars early in the goals and standards. Heinrich goes on to dis-
twentieth century concerned themselves with cuss major current issues in performance
the role of ‘management’ in the field, often measurement. These include the challenges
emphasizing its importance in relation to of specifying and measuring goals, due to
other foci, such as the legal context of conflicting values and priorities for many
administration. He describes how scholars public programs and agencies, and the multi-
have differentiated between administration ple actors and levels involved. With emphasis
and management, and between management on the need to provide public managers with
in the public and private sectors. This leads information about how their decisions and
him to consider several perspectives on actions affect performance, she also dis-
public management: as a structure of govern- cusses prospects for addressing such chal-
ance, a ‘formalization of managerial discre- lenges and provides numerous examples of
tion intended to enable government to effect recent models and methods of performance
the will of the people’, as a craft or set of measurement.

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As we come to John Bryson’s chapter, show, these issues include the institutional
Lynn has told us that one major reason for and structural context of public management,
increasing interest in public management and the roles, responsibilities, skills and
arises from concern with enhancing the skills practices it involves. These three authorita-
and practices that public managers can use tive chapters provide description, conceptu-
proactively to increase agency performance, alization and analysis of clear value to those
and to contribute effectively to governance. who think, research and write about public
Heinrich has added valuable description and administration, as well as to those charged
analysis of one the most important chal- with carrying out its vital responsibilities in
lenges in the pursuit of performance – its practice.
conception and measurement. Another of
the most important challenges concerns for-
mulation of purposes and of plans for pursu-
ing them, through strategic planning and
management. As Bryson tells us, these pri-
orities are ‘becoming a way of life for public
Christensen, Tom and Laegreid, Per (eds) (2007)
organizations around the globe’. Bryson, Transcending New Public Management: The
whose book Strategic Planning for Public Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot,
and Nonprofit Organizations is the most England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
widely used and cited book on the topic, pro- Kettl, Donald F. (2000) The Global Public Management
vides a highly authoritative description and Revolution: A Report on the Transformation of
analysis of strategic planning and manage- Governance. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
ment. He describes strategic management Lynn, Laurence E., Jr (1996) Public Management as Art,
systems and models, and current trends in Science, and Profession. Chatham, NJ: Chatham
thought and practice of the topic. These House.
Perry, James L. and Kraemer, Kenneth L. (eds) (1983)
include increasing pursuit of speed, inclusion
Public Management: Public and Private Perspectives.
of diverse interests and groups, and systems Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield.
thinking. Obviously, the analysis of public Pollitt, Christopher and Bouckaert, Geert (2011) Public
management and its relation to public admin- Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis −
istration derives its value not from the parsing New Public Management, Governance, and the
of these two rubrics, but from the more fun- Neo-Weberian State. Oxford: Oxford University
damental issues involved. As these chapters Press.

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Public Management
Laurence E. Lynn, Jr

[H]e liked to organize, to contend, to administer; from managerial insight and experience.
he could make people work his will, believe in Under virtually any political philosophy or
him, march before him and justify him. This was
the art, as they said, of managing. ...
regime, then, the achievement of good gov-
Henry James ernment requires the responsible and compe-
The Portrait of a Lady tent use of public authority by a government’s
[P]ublic management ... is a world of settled insti- Common sense obscures issues that have
tutions designed to allow imperfect people to been at the heart of public management from
use flawed procedures to cope with insoluble
its inception as a field of study and practice,
James Q. Wilson however. What if the goals to be achieved
Bureaucracy: What Government and their possible costs and consequences are
Agencies Do and Why They Do It unclear or in conflict? What if public manag-
ers are given insufficient authority, resources,
and tools to organize, motivate, and monitor
the efforts needed to accomplish those pur-
INTRODUCTION poses for which they are responsible? How
does effective management compare in
Public management is the subject of a rapidly importance to good policy design, rational
growing literature that is international in organization, adequate resources, effective
scope and multifarious in content.1 The monitoring, and the approbation of affected
common sense of public management is rela- publics? What is effective managerial prac-
tively straightforward. Good public manag- tice and how does it vary across the many
ers are men and women with the temperament contexts in which public management is
and skills to organize, motivate, and direct practiced? How might effective public man-
others toward realizing the complex goals of agement be enabled by legislators, execu-
public policy in a political environment. Few tives, and judicial authorities, and how might
public laws and policies are self-executing, particular managerial reforms or strategies
and, in their formulation, all might benefit affect governmental performance?

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The objective of public management schol- de jure, regime. Properly understood, then,
arship is to provide theoretical and empirical public management is structure, craft, and
foundations for addressing the above ques- institution: ‘management’, ‘manager’, and
tions. In addition, researchers take up the ‘responsible practice’ (Hill and Lynn, 2009).
myriad specific issues that arise in organizing In the initial sections of this chapter, two
and carrying out managerial responsibilities issues that define the scope of public man-
in government departments, bureaus and agement as a field of scholarship and practice
offices.2 Theoretical issues include means– are discussed: the relationship between
ends rationality; the influence of political- ‘public administration’ and ‘public manage-
legal constraints; appropriate distributions of ment’ and the similarities and differences
managerial discretion and allocations of between ‘public management’ and ‘private
financial and human resources; ex ante versus management.’ With these discussions as back-
ex post controls over administrative behavior; ground, public management as structure, as
accountability to the public, constituencies, craft, and as institution are explored in detail
and stakeholders; criteria and methods for in the following three sections. There follows
measuring, motivating, and evaluating per- in the penultimate section a consideration of
formance; public management reform; and public management as it relates to the con-
the role of government and governance in cept of governance. This discussion brings
democratic societies. Issues concerned more into focus the broader systemic challenges of
directly with practice include leadership, public management in theory and practice.
public service values, evidence-based prac- Summary observations conclude the chapter.
tice and the determination and promulgation
of ‘best practices’, organizational change and
development strategies, and decision making.
It will be useful at the outset to introduce MANAGEMENT AND
distinctions that are fundamental to the per- ADMINISTRATION
spective of this chapter. Public administra-
tion’s classic American literature understood When we talk of ‘public management’ or of
management to be the responsible and lawful ‘public administration,’ are we talking of the
exercise of formally delegated discretion by same subject or of different subjects?
public administrators. In this view, public Arguments to the effect that management
management is a structure of governance and administration are fundamentally differ-
(Scott, 1998): that is, a constitutionally appro- ent have a long history in American litera-
priate formalization of managerial discretion ture, although the distinction often seems
intended to enable government to effect the arbitrary.3 Many such arguments relegate
will of the people. In contrast, recent litera- management to subordinate, specialized or
ture has tended to view public management even stigmatized status. The result is that the
as a craft: that is, as skilled practice by indi- structural and institutional aspects of public
viduals performing managerial roles. When management which are vital to understand-
public managers evince values that are widely ing its significance are overlooked.
held to be legitimate and mindful of public Numerous early commentaries either view
interests rather than narrowly partisan or self- the two terms as synonymous or regard man-
regarding, public management becomes even agement as the more general concept.4 In
more an institution of constitutional govern- public administration’s first textbook, pub-
ance (Weimer, 1995; Bertelli and Lynn, lished in 1926, Leonard D. White rebuked the
2006). Public management as an institution notion that public law is the proper founda-
observes ‘rules of practice’: that is, de facto tion of public administration. He argued that
restraints on or guides to behavior, that ensure ‘The study of administration should start
their legitimacy within a constitutional, or from the base of management rather than the

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foundation of law. ...’ (White, 1926, p. vii).5 University of California, Princeton University,
According to Henri Fayol (1930), ‘It is and elsewhere.6 According to Joel Fleishman,
important not to confuse administration with the policy schools’ focus on public manage-
management. To manage ... is to conduct [an ment originated with Mark Moore’s efforts
organization] toward the best possible use of to ‘refocus political and organizational anal-
all the resources at its disposal ... [i.e.,] to ysis into prescriptive subject matter, with a
ensure the smooth working of the ... essential point of view that is decidedly strategic
functions. Administration is only one of these (1990, p. 743). Donald Stokes observed that
functions ...’ (quoted in Wren, 1979, p. 232). ‘[S]trategic political thinking sets off the
In Roscoe C. Martin’s view, by 1940, ‘admin- public manager who is able to move an
istration was equated with management,’ agency from one who plays a custodial role
although, he noted, there was comparatively ... [T]he strategic manager sees the small
little talk about the ‘nature of the craft’ openings presented by the agency’s routine
(Martin, 1965, p. 8). Paul Van Riper (1990), to induce change toward an identified goal,
in assaying mid-to-late nineteenth-century step-by-step... .’ (1986, p. 55). By 1984,
antecedents to Woodrow Wilson’s 1887 essay, Moore summarized the emerging state of the
says: ‘Note ... that the words administration public management art:
and management have been treated here as
synonymous’ (p. 8). Observed Dwight Waldo, Our conception of ‘public management’ adds
responsibility for goal setting and political man-
‘Perhaps as much as any other one thing, the
agement to the traditional responsibilities of
“management” movement has molded the public administration ... . Our conception of public
outlook of those to whom public administra- management adds some quintessential executive
tion is an independent inquiry or definable functions such as setting purpose, maintaining
discipline’ (Waldo, 1984, 12). credibility with overseers, marshaling authority
and resources, and positioning one’s organiza-
Yet many public administration scholars
tion in a given political environment as central
have held that, of the two concepts, adminis- components of a public manager’s job (Moore
tration is original and primary, public man- 1984, p. 2, 3).
agement is novel and subordinate or
specialized. ‘Public management as a special In Moore’s view, the gist of public manage-
focus of modern public administration is ment is ‘conceiving and implementing public
new,’ say Perry and Kraemer (1983), a view policies that realize the potential of a given
echoed by Rainey (1990, p. 157): ‘In the past political and institutional setting’ (1984, p. 3),
two decades, the topic of public management potential he later termed ‘public value’ (Moore,
has come forcefully onto the agenda of those 1995). Thus, Moore’s view was new − i.e.,
interested in governmental administration,’ a departure from traditional conceptions of
perhaps, he suggests, because of the growing administration − in that it appeared to disa-
unpopularity of government. In their Public vow interest in the settings for public man-
Management: The Essential Readings, Ott, agement and to emphasize its behavioral and
Hyde, and Shafritz (1991) argue that ‘Public psychological aspects.
management is a major segment of the broader The newer behavioral approach to public
field of public administration. ... Public man- management has tended to become more
agement focuses on public administration as action-oriented and prescriptive. As such, it
a profession and on the public manager as a says both more and less about public man-
practitioner of that profession. ...’ (p. 1). agement than traditional conceptions. Briefly,
Such viewpoints seem to represent a reac- the older view is that public management is
tion to the opportunistic appropriation of the the responsible exercise of administrative
term ‘public management’in the 1970s and discretion. The newer conception adds to
1980s by the newly formed graduate schools this what Roscoe Martin called ‘the craft
of public policy at Harvard University, the perspective’: i.e., a concern for decisions,

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actions, and outcomes and for the political One particular argument for distinguishing
skill needed to perform effectively in specific between administration and management
managerial roles. By emphasizing the strate- deserves further scrutiny, however. ‘Those
gic political role of public managers within who define public administration in manage-
given political and institutional settings, rial terms,’ argues David Rosenbloom, ‘tend
however, the newer conception is concerned to minimize the distinctions between public
more with the immediate concerns of execu- and private administration’ (1998, p. 16). The
tive-level management. In effect (but little ‘administration,’ in this view, conveys respect
noted at the time), the policy-oriented view for the constitutional and political founda-
of public management erased the politics− tions of governance in a way that the term
administration dichotomy that had long ‘management’ does not.
dominated traditional public administration.
As Robert Behn has put it, ‘any emphasis on
the perspective of practicing public managers
will have a short run focus’ (Behn, 1993). PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MANAGEMENT
A lower priority is placed on the manager’s
role in developing institutional capacity and How alike or unalike are managing in the
in adhering to durable democratic values − public and private sectors? Can and should
that is, to public management as an institu- government be more business-like? Is man-
tion − and on management at middle and agement generic? To the extent that public
lower levels of administration. and private management involve similar tem-
Precision concerning the distinction peraments, skills and techniques, the exten-
between administration and management is sive body of ideas and practices relating to
of more than antiquarian interest.7 Because corporate success can be applied to the prob-
the concept of public management as the lems of public management, and the public
responsible exercise of discretion is at least sector can (in principle) draw on the large
implied by the intellectual development of pool of private sector managers to meet its
public administration as a field, public own managerial needs. To the extent that
administration’s literature is also a litera- public and private sectors are different, espe-
ture of public management. Together, the cially from structural and craft perspectives,
older and more recent, craft-oriented litera- the public sector must have people with the
tures provide foundations for the structural, knowledge, techniques and skills suited to its
craft and institutional aspects of the subject. unique character.
These three aspects, because they empha- This issue was addressed with authority at
size that practice must conform to constitu- the dawn of public administration as a pro-
tional structures and values, supply an fession. Argued Frank J. Goodnow in 1893,
analytic framework for evaluating particular ‘[i]n transacting its business [the govern-
public management reform proposals and ment’s] object is not usually the acquisition
developments, whether they be those of of gain but the furtherance of the welfare of
the Brownlow Report, the New Public the community. This is the great distinction
Administration, the Blacksburg Manifesto, between public and private business’ (1893,
the US Government Performance and 1902, p. 10). At a more subtle level, Goodnow
Results Act, the Clinton administration’s argued that ‘the grant to the administration
National Performance Review, or the New of ... enormous discretionary powers’ means
Public Management. Of all such proposals, that ‘[t]here has ... been a continuous attempt
we wish to understand their structural, craft, on the part of the people to control the discre-
and institutional implications in order to tion of the administration in the exercise of
determine whether they befit constitutional the sovereign powers of the state’ (1893,
requirements. 1902, pp. 10, 11). In 1926, Leonard D. White

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added the consideration that the principle of The distinction between public and private
consistency − today, we say equity − governs management, then, is arguably definitive from
public administration to an extent not structural, craft, and institutional perspec-
observed in business administration (White, tives. The two sectors are constituted to serve
1926; cf. Stamp, 1923). different kinds of societal interests, and dis-
The basic elements of the argument that tinctive kinds of skills and values are appro-
public and private management are funda- priate to serving these different interests. The
mentally unalike in all important respects are: distinctions may be blurred or absent, how-
(1) that the public interest differs from private ever, when analyzing particular managerial
interests; (2) that public officials, because responsibilities, functions, and tasks in par-
they exercise the sovereign power of the state, ticular organizations. The implication of this
are necessarily accountable to democratic argument is that lesson drawing and knowl-
values rather than to any particular group or edge transfer across sectors is likely to be
material interest; and (3) that the constitution useful and should never be rejected on ideo-
requires equal treatment of persons and rules logical grounds (Rainey and Chun, 2005).
out the kind of selectivity that is essential to
sustaining profitability (Hill and Lynn, 2009,
pp. 25−31). Moreover, the extent of the dif-
ferences (and similarities) between the two PUBLIC MANAGEMENT
sectors has been well documented empiri- AS STRUCTURE
cally (Rainey and Chun, 2005).
Some will argue, nonetheless, that an enu- As already noted, the earliest conception of
meration of such differences is misleading public management was as a structure of
because it obscures important similarities. governance: that is, a formal means for con-
‘All organizations are public,’ argues Barry straining and overseeing the exercise of state
Bozeman (1987), by which he means that all authority by public managers. From a struc-
organizations, whether governmental, for- tural perspective, public management involves
profit, or non-profit, are affected to at least two interrelated elements: lawful delegation
some degree by political authority. Thus, he of authority and external control over the
argues, ‘[p]ublic managers can be found in exercise of delegated authority. The design of
most every type of organization’ because arrangements that balance these elements
public managers are not limited to govern- constitutes the paradigmatic problem of
ment employees but encompass ‘persons who public management viewed as a structure of
manage publicness’ (p. 146) in any sector. governance (Bertelli and Lynn, 2001).
However, one might also argue the converse: Overcoming the reluctance of legislatures
that all organizations are ‘private’ to the and courts to delegate authority to unelected
extent that they are responsible for tasks that bureaucrats constituted the first challenge to
are performed by experts who are governed establishing public management as a struc-
by professional or technocratic authority ture of governance. As early as 1893,
rather than by stakeholder interests. These Goodnow asserted that ‘A large discretion
tasks were first recognized by Goodnow must be given to the administrative authori-
(1900, p. 85) as ‘the semi-scientific, quasi- ties to adapt many general rules of law to the
judicial, and quasi-business or commercial’ wants of the people’ (1893, p. 28). He noted
functions of administration. As Don Price further that ‘while the main duty of the
later warned, however, ‘the expert may come executive is to execute the will of the legisla-
to believe that his science justifies exceeding ture as expressed in statutes, ... there is a
his authority’ (1959, p. 492), a pervasive realm of action in which the executive author-
danger in all organizations requiring special- ity possesses large discretion, and that it
ized expertise. looks for its authority not to the legislature

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but to the constitution’ (1893, p. 33). Asked performance rather than for their compliance
John Dickinson (1927, p. 156), with formal rules and procedures). These two
strategies, Kettl notes, ‘require culture shifts
if ... we ... imply that the main purpose [of admin-
in opposite directions’ (1997, p. 449), a real-
istrative agencies] ... is to adjudicate according
to rules, will we not have abandoned the charac- ity not always fully appreciated by advocates
teristic and special advantage of a system of of public management reform.
administrative justice, which consists in a union of
legislative, executive, and judicial functions in the
same body to secure promptness of action, and
the freedom to arrive at decisions based on

Discretion must be controlled, however, and In recent decades, increasing emphasis has
thus a second challenge arose: ensuring ade- been placed on public management as a craft
quate legislative, judicial, and public oversight practiced by individuals in managerial roles.
of public management. As legal scholar Ernest An intellectual development of seminal impor-
Freund put it, ‘[i]ncreased administrative tance to this movement was the appearance in
powers call for increased safeguards against 1938 of Chester Barnard’s The Functions of
their abuses, and as long as there is the possi- the Executive (1968), which laid the ground-
bility of official error, partiality or excess of work for new perspectives, including that of
zeal, the protection of private right is as Herbert Simon, on managerial responsibility.
important an object as the effectuation of As Frederick Mosher interpreted him, Barnard
some governmental policy’ (quoted by White, ‘defined administrative responsibility as pri-
1926). Leonard D. White explored the prob- marily a moral question or, more specifically,
lem of ‘control of the administration’ at length as the resolution of competing and conflicting
in his 1926 textbook. ‘The problem,’ he codes, legal, technical, personal, professional,
argued, ‘has gradually developed into that of and organizational, in the reaching of indi-
finding means to ensure that the acts of admin- vidual decisions’ (Mosher, 1968, p. 210).
istrative officers shall be consistent not only Barnard clearly influenced John Millett,
with the law but equally with the purposes and whose 1954 book, Management in the Public
temper of the mass of citizens’ (1926, p. 419). Service, constitutes an early example of the
In Paul Appleby’s later view, ‘[p]erhaps there craft perspective:
is no single problem in public administration
of moment equal to the reconciliation of the The challenge to any administrator is to overcome
obstacles, to understand and master problems, to
increasing dependence upon experts with an
use imagination and insight in devising new goals
enduring democratic reality’ (1952, p. 145). of public service. No able administrator can be
Delegation and oversight by legislatures content to be simply a good caretaker. He seeks
and deference to administrators by courts are rather to review the ends of organized effort and
now accepted features of constitutional gov- to advance the goals of administrative endeavor
toward better public service (1954, p. 401).
ernance. Striking the right balance between
capacity and control remains a controversial Millett goes on in a manner that prefigures
aspect of public management, however. later ideas from the policy schools:
Failure to do so often defeats efforts to
achieve public management reform. As Kettl In a democratic society this questing is not guided
has expressed it (1997), tensions continue to solely by the administrator’s own personal sense of
exist between ‘making managers manage’ desirable social ends. The administrator must con-
vince others as well. He must work with interest
(i.e., imposing substantial ex ante and ex post groups, with legislators, with chief executives, and
controls over managerial discretion) and with the personnel of his own agency to
‘letting managers manage’ (i.e., holding convince them all that a particular line of policy or
public managers accountable for their program is desirable (ibid.).

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The newer literature within the craft pers- management. This approach leads to a
pective is based, by and large, on the careful highly reductive view of public manage-
study and analysis of particular cases of ment that hearkens back to an earlier preoc-
managerial experience.8 As Graham Allison cupation with leadership traits and
noted in a seminal article, ‘The effort to managerial personalities. Thus, successful
develop public management as a field of managers are characterized as enterprising
knowledge should start from problems faced or entrepreneurial, disposed to take risks,
by practicing public managers’ (Allison, purposeful, imaginative and intuitive, and
1979, p. 38). The focus of such study is inclined to act. Others emphasize simple,
on what managers did or should do in generic processes − establishing and reiter-
specific settings. A more critical view saw ating clear goals, managing by walking
this enterprise as representing an ‘ongoing around − or adhering to unexceptionable
effort to create a new “myth” for public principles − develop and focus on a narrow
management. ... by emphasizing a political agenda, look for opportunities to act, and
and activist orientation − heroes and entre- the like. Says Behn: ‘Most management
preneurs became the stock and trade of concepts are simple, and, to have any impact
its case studies’ at the expense of institu- these simple management ideas must be
tions (Dobel, 1992, p. 147). Among the expressible in some pithy phrase’ (1988,
numerous examples of this perspective, p. 651). After citing five unexceptionable
Heymann’s The Politics of Public Man- principles for achieving influence as a man-
agement (1987), Reich’s Public Manage- ager, Haas asserts: ‘Being effective is that
ment in a Democratic Society (1990), simple − and that complicated’ (1994, p. 230).
Behn’s Leadership Counts (1991), and The oversimplifications of its proponents
Moore’s Creating Public Value (1995) are should not discredit the importance of craft
representative. as an element of public management. Beyond
Anxious to inspire public officials with structural considerations are the behavioral
the conviction that ‘management counts’ and intellectual challenges that any good
and with an entrepreneurial, proactive spirit, manager must take into account. There are,
the craft literature turned heavily to pre- as well, what Barnard called the ‘non-logi-
scription (Lynn, 1996). The best of this lit- cal’ aspects that give rise to timely reactions,
erature − e.g., Light’s Sustaining Innovation intuitive insights, and, ultimately, good judg-
(1998) and Bardach’s Getting Agencies to ment. From a craft perspective, some public
Work Together (1998) − represents a thought- managers are better than others. In general,
ful appreciation of the existential challenges though, recent empirical research has found
of public management and an attempt to that the managerial contribution to govern-
deduce best practices from closely observed mental performance is significant (Hill and
success stories. Other contributions − e.g., Lynn, 2005; Boyne et al., 2006; O’Toole and
Cohen and Eimicke’s The New Effective Meier, 2011). That significance will be
Public Manager (1995) and Haas’s The achieved only to the extent that public man-
Bureaucratic Entrepreneur (1999) − are agers are masters of their craft. Practicing
explicitly didactic and feature numerous managers, moreover, are more likely to learn
prescriptions and principles based on the craftsmanship from other practitioners, in
experiences and reflections of effective forums such as those provided by the
practitioners. Kennedy School of Government’s Ash
Within this genre, many craft-oriented Center for Democratic Governance and
public management scholars have assumed Innovation at Harvard University, from prac-
away the structural elements of public man- titioner-oriented sources such as those listed
agement, concerning themselves with the in Note 2 and from consultancies rather than
temperamental and psychological aspects of from academic research.

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PUBLIC MANAGEMENT danger in power, if only it be not irresponsi-

AS INSTITUTION ble’ (1887, p. 213). Argued Morstein Marx,
‘[t]he heart of administrative responsibility is
How, and on behalf of what values, should a unified conception of duty, molded by ideo-
public managers practice their craft? The logical and professional precepts’ (1940,
answer to this question bears directly on the p. 251). To Frederick Mosher, ‘[r]esponsibility
issue, discussed above, of the feasibility of may well be the most important word in all
‘letting managers manage’ and the conse- the vocabulary of administration, public and
quences of doing so for constitutional private’ (1968, p. 7), adding later that respon-
governance. sibility ‘would seem to me to be the first req-
The appropriateness of intrinsic or self- uisite of a democratic state’ (1992, p. 201).
control by public managers has been a recur- How should responsible public manage-
ring issue since the Friedrich−Finer debate of ment be defined? Rohr, Denhardt, Wamsley
1940 (Finer, 1940; Friedrich, 1940). Against and others tend to define it in terms of adher-
Finer’s view that public managers should be ence to a liberal political philosophy. Mosher
subject to minute legislative control, Friedrich (1968) distinguished between objective
countered that the best means for ensuring responsibility, or answerability for one’s
that management is responsive to the polity actions, a structural perspective, and subjec-
is the professionalism of the manager. More tive responsibility, which is akin to identifi-
substantively, Rohr has argued that ‘[a]dmin- cation, loyalty, and conscience, a craft
istrators should use their discretionary power perspective. More specifically, Bertelli and
in order to maintain the constitutional bal- Lynn (2001, 2006) identify in the classic lit-
ance of powers in support of individual erature of public administration four distinct
rights’ (1986, p. 181). Denhardt has urged and demonstrable qualities − accountability,
that public managers commit themselves to judgment, balance, and rationality − which,
‘values that relate to the concept of freedom, they argue, constitute a precept of manage-
justice, and the public interest’ (1993, p. 20). rial responsibility. When observed in mana-
Wamsley insists that gerial practice, the precept justifies judicial
deference when agencies are defendants in
the only possible source of governing impetuses litigation and qualifies as a general norm of
that might keep our complex political system from responsibility. The logic of this precept is as
either a dangerous concentration of power on the follows.
one hand, or impotence or self-destruction, on the
Accountability has been defined in general
other, is a public administration with the necessary
professionalism, dedication, self-esteem, and terms as ‘those methods, procedures, and
legitimacy to act as the constitutional center of forces that determine what values will be
gravity (1990, p. 26). reflected in administrative decision’ (Simon,
Smithburg, and Thompson, 1950, p. 513).
In asserting that public managers ‘must resist, Accountability is complicated in the United
thwart, or refuse to implement policy States by the fact that all three branches of
that runs counter to the founding documents government compete for control of public
or to American regime values’, George management. Despite this competition, ‘no
Frederickson comes tantalizingly close to one [branch], nor all three jointly, provide the
enunciating a doctrine of administrative nul- [public manager] with the totality of the
lification (Frederickson, 1997, p. 229). value premises that enter into his decision’
The notion that public management should (ibid., p. 539). The responsible public man-
be a self-regulated institution evokes the con- ager is not, however, a free agent empowered
cept of responsibility, another paradigmatic to act on the basis of whim or ideology:
value in traditional public administration. ‘[m]anagement guided by [the value of
Woodrow Wilson observed that ‘[t]here is no responsible performance] abhors the idea of

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arbitrary authority present in its own wisdom in complex, highly diverse, competitive, and
and recognizes the reality of external direc- inequitable environments’ (1991, p. xvi).
tion and constraint’ (Millett, 1954, p. 403). A second characteristic of good judgment is
After all external direction is taken into rationality. Marshall Dimock conceptualized
account, however, public managers still managerial discretion as ‘the liberty to decide
‘have considerable freedom to decide mat- between alternatives’ (1936, p. 46). To be
ters on the basis of their own ethical prompt- responsible, judgment concerning the merits
ings’ (Simon, Smithburg, and Thompson of alternative strategies or actions, whether
1950, p. 539). Thus, no combination of devised by the public manager or by other
mechanisms for enforcing administrative stakeholders, should aspire to be logical or
responsibility can extinguish the element of rational as well as politically balanced. A
judgment from public management. What rational action is one for which the relation-
kind of managerial judgment fulfills a pre- ship between the goals and the means for
cept of managerial responsibility? Schuyler achieving them in the mind of the manager
C. Wallace argued that, apart from ‘the pri- corresponds to the relationship between goals
mary purpose of Congress in establishing the and means for achieving them in reality (or as
unit’, good judgment makes ‘reference to might be confirmed by independent analysis)
some ideal purpose more comprehensive (Aron, 1998, p. 121). To be responsible, the
than that of Congress’ (1941, p. 89). The public manager must seek out and master
notion of idealism is an unacceptably open- arguments and evidence concerning the
ended standard for judgment, however, relationships between means and ends.
because it appears to authorize the public Inescapable, however, is what Nicholas
manager to enact political philosophies that Rescher termed ‘the predicament of reason,’
may not reflect the will of the polity. More or ‘the irresolvable tension between the
precision is needed. demands of rationality and its practical pos-
Because public managers are necessarily sibilities’ (Rescher, 1998, p. 169). The fact
accountable to numerous stakeholders in that the public managers cannot anticipate or
their political environments, one characteris- calculate all consequences following from
tic of good judgment is balance. Public man- their actions, however, does not vitiate
agers, argues Morstein Marx, should ‘give the argument for intentional rationality in
careful thought to the legislative balance of management decisions.
power, the enunciated or anticipated prefer- The institutional perspective on public
ences of the chief executive, and the proba- management might be summarized as fol-
bilities of public reactions. Ideally, political lows: the structures of the administrative
and administrative thinking should blend into state constitute an appropriate framework for
a joint process’ (1959, p. 102). The act of achieving balance between a jurisdiction’s
striking a balance is termed ‘adjustive activ- need for administrative capacity to pursue
ity’ by Emmette Redford: ‘In the concept of public purposes and citizen control of that
administration as adjustive activity, [public capacity (Lynn, 2001). When managerial craft
management] is an extension of the political practiced within this framework is guided by
process of adjustment among interests’ (1969, a sense of responsibility, public management
p. 188). Thus, public managers must strike a becomes a primary institution for preserving
balance among competing interests, political the balance between the state’s capacity to
philosophies, and interpretations of fact. The affect the public interest and the citizen’s
real agenda of public management, say Ott, power to hold office holders accountable. The
Hyde, and Shafritz, is ‘balancing political, issue was perhaps best stated by Goodnow:
economic, and social concerns for equity,
justice, and fairness, as well as integrating [D]etailed legislation and judicial control over its
perspectives for bettering “the public good” execution are not sufficient to produce harmony

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between the governmental body, which expresses among lawful organizations and institutions
the will of the state, and the governmental so as to establish a balance among competing
authority, which executes that will. ... The execu-
interests and values. Achieving that balanc-
tive officers may or may not enforce the law as it
was intended by the legislature. Judicial officers, in ing is the stuff of partisan politics and, as
exercising control over such executive officers, such, is infused with group interests (Pollitt
may or may not take the same view of the law as and Bouckaert, 2000). The task of political
did the legislature. No provision is thus made in actors, argues Terry Moe, is ‘to find and insti-
the governmental organization for securing har-
tute a governance structure that can protect ...
mony between the expression and the execution
of the will of the state. The people, the ultimate public organizations from control by oppo-
sovereign in a popular government, must ... have nents’ (Moe 1995, p. 125). However, as Moe
a control over the officers who execute their has put it, ‘[a] bureaucracy that is structurally
will, as well as over those who express it (1900, unsuited for effective action is precisely the
pp. 97−98).
kind of bureaucracy that interest groups and
politicians routinely and deliberately create’
As early as 1900, then, the contemporary prob-
(1995, p. 328). As James Q. Wilson notes,
lem of balancing the competing values of
referring to America’s constitutional separa-
democratic institutions, including the institution
tion of powers, ‘[t]he governments of the
of public management, was clearly in view.
United States were not designed to be effi-
cient or powerful, but to be tolerable and
malleable’ (Wilson 1989, p. 376). Therein
PUBLIC MANAGEMENT lies the continuing challenge to public man-
AND GOVERNANCE agement as an institution. As a result of
regime restraints and the politics they author-
Public management performs its institutional ize, the public manager may have to deal
role when public managers conform to lawful with inadequate resources, unreasonable or
constraints, manage responsibly within them, unrealistic workload or reporting require-
and respond creatively to opportunities for ments, inconsistent guidance, or missions
policymaking and structural reform. But defined so as to be virtually unachievable.
public management is not the only institution The consequences for public management
that preserves balance in a constitutional of the way governance is organized are
regime. The capacity to effect the public ultimately relevant to virtually every regula-
interest, as Goodnow foresaw, does not reside tion, policy, and program. These conse-
solely in the executive agencies of govern- quences are discussed most explicitly during
ment. Nor does the maintenance of control debates over administrative reform proposals
reside solely with legislatures and courts. intended to improve the performance of
Capacity and control, and the balance between government as a whole. The popularity of
them, depend upon the actions of executives, administrative reform at all levels of gov-
legislatures, judicial institutions, and citizens ernment in the United States began over a
acting in their many capacities. A term for century ago before and during the Progressive
this complex reality is ‘governance.’ From a era. It has continued through the New Deal’s
public management perspective, governance emphasis on planning, the post-war Hoover
may usefully be defined as regimes of laws, Commissions, the Planning, Programming,
rules, judicial decisions, and administrative Budgeting System (PPBS), management
practices that constrain, prescribe, and enable by objectives (MBO), Zero-Based Budgeting
the exercise of public authority on behalf of (ZBB) initiatives, and the Reagan adminis-
the public interest (Hill and Hupe, 2009; tration’s Grace Commission. More recent
Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill, 2001).9 reforms have included the Clinton admin-
The broader issue for any self-governing istration’s National Performance Review,
jurisdiction, then, is distributing power the concurrent, Congressionally-initiated

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Government Performance and Results Act nation’s basic institutions should be regarded
(GPRA), and the George W. Bush adminis- with profound suspicion (Lynn, 2006;
tration’s President’s Management Agenda Kickert, 2008; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2011).
and creation of a Program Assessment Rating
Tool (PART) (Downs and Larkey, 1986;
Pfiffner, 1998; Lynn, 2006; Bruel and
Kamensky, 2008). Internationally, these CONCLUSION
issues have arisen under the rubric of the
New Public Management in its many national Notwithstanding the vagaries of politics, public
expressions (Lynn, 2006; Christensen and management as an institution and public man-
Lægeid, 2011). To the extent that they are agers as individuals must attempt to do the best
actually implemented, which is often in that they can under difficult, if not impossible
doubt, these kinds of reforms, intended vari- circumstances, even when that means doing
ously to increase the use of performance little more than ‘muddling through’ or ‘coping’
measurement in resource allocation, to (Lindblom, 1959; Wilson, 1989). Doing the
empower public employees to engage in con- best that they can is unquestionably a matter of
tinuous improvement in public programs and craft, which can benefit from training and
operations, and to mobilize the theoretical practice based on the analysis of particular
advantages of competition and consumer cases, and the shared wisdom and knowhow
choice to induce greater efficiency, all have of practitioners. It is also, and maybe even
major implications for public management as primarily, a matter of institutionalized, and
an institution (Pollitt, 2000; Pollitt and internalized, values, of public managers being
Bouckaert, 2011). self-consciously guided by a precept of mana-
Such implications may never be adequately gerial responsibility. The particular character
defined, however. They tend to be obscured of structure, craft, and institution varies across
by partisan claims during the debate preced- organizations, levels of government, and coun-
ing adoption. Further, widely accepted stand- tries with different legal and political tradi-
ards for evaluating such claims are lacking. tions. Nevertheless, a strong argument can be
Greater clarity concerning the nature of made for the general relevance of these con-
public management as structure, craft, and cepts to effective public management and to
institution, a purpose of this chapter, will, as successful administrative reform.
suggested earlier, prove helpful in facilitating In the final analysis, public management is
such evaluations. For example, traditional also a matter of common sense. Governments
conceptions of public management respect authorize imperfect people to use flawed
the desirability of harmonizing law, politics, procedures to cope with insoluble problems.
interests and democratic values. In contrast, The results of their efforts are remarkably
customer-oriented managerialism and popu- effective given the exigencies of their roles.
list-oriented civic philosophies emphasize Responsible public management is indispen-
power-shifting, and employee, customer/ sable to sound governance.
client, community and citizen empowerment.
In doing so, they tend to ignore the inevitabil-
ity and pervasiveness of the interest-based
factionalism foreseen by the authors of The NOTES
Federalist. Many managerial reforms barely
acknowledge or actually denigrate the consti- 1 As defined in this chapter, public management
varies across nations with different legal and political
tutional role of legislatures, courts, and
traditions. Useful sources with an American orienta-
elected executives and the need to anticipate tion include Tompkins (2005), Rainey (2009), and
political competition. Proposed reforms of Heinrich (2010). Public management literature offer-
governance which do not exhibit respect for a ing a comparative perspective includes Peters (1996),

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Pollitt and Bouckaert (2004, 2011), Kettl (2005), 5 ‘The study of administration from the point of
Lynn (2005, 2006), Kickert (2008), Schiavo-Campo view of management,’ White said, ‘began with the
and McFerson (2008), Bovaird and Löffler (2009), bureaus of municipal research and was first system-
and Christensen and Lægreid (2011). atically formulated in the 1920s’ (White, 1926, p. viii).
2 A number of professional associations are now An accurate understanding of public administration’s
devoted to the academic field of public manage- intellectual history requires the disentangling of those
ment. These include the Association for Public Policy influences originating in problems of municipal
Analysis and Management (APPAM), the Public administration, fertile ground for applications of an
Management Research Association (PMRA), the apolitical ‘scientific management’, and those originat-
International Research Society for Public Management ing in problems of national administration, where
(IRSPM), and the International Public Management issues concerning legislative delegation, judicial defer-
Network (IPMN). These organizations publish aca- ence, and managerial accountability were more
demic journals – the Journal of Policy Analysis and prominent.
Management (JPAM), the Journal of Public 6 As argued in Lynn (1996), public administration
Administration Research and Theory (JPART), the scholars would have been justified in claiming that
Public Management Review (PMR), and the their field had ‘owned’ the subject of public manage-
International Public Management Journal (IPMJ), ment for decades. As evidence, in addition to the
respectively – and sponsor research conferences, citations in the text, the journal of the International
workshops and related activities. City Management Association took the title Public
Professional organizations associated with the Management in 1927. In 1940, a volume edited by
cognate fields of public administration, administra- Fritz Morstein Marx was titled Public Management in
tive sciences, organization studies, and management the New Democracy (Morstein Marx, 1940). John
also take up public management issues. Prominent Millett’s 1954 book Managing in the Public Service
are the American Society for Public Administration hits a strikingly contemporary note (Millett, 1954).
(ASPA), the Academy of Management (AM), the A 1955 ‘classic’ in public administration is Catheryn
European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) of Seckler-Hudson’s ‘Basic Concepts in the Study of
the International Institute for Administrative Sciences Public Management’ (Shafritz and Hyde, 1992).
(IIASA) – and journals. Their journals include Public 7 As argued in Lynn (1996), public administration
Administration Review (PAR), Public Administration, scholars would have been justified in claiming that
the American Review of Public Administration (ARPA), their field had ‘owned’ the subject of public manage-
Governance, Administrative Sciences Quarterly (ASQ), ment for decades. As evidence, in addition to the
the Academy of Management Review and the citations in the text, the journal of the International
Academy of Management Journal. ASPA also pub- City Management Association took the title Public
lishes ‘Government Management Daily,’ an on-line Management in 1927. In 1940, a volume edited by
newsletter publicizing management news stories, Fritz Morstein Marx was titled Public Management in
opinions, and analysis. Numerous professional asso- the New Democracy (Morstein Marx, 1940). John
ciations and journals in other countries regularly Millett’s 1954 book Managing in the Public Service
publish journals and hold conferences concerned hits a strikingly contemporary note (Millett, 1954).
with public management. A 1955 ‘classic’ in public administration is Catheryn
There are also less academic, practitioner-oriented Seckler-Hudson’s ‘Basic Concepts in the Study of
publications. They include Public Management Public Management’ (Shafritz and Hyde, 1992).
(PM magazine), published by the International City/ 8 A more extensive review of this literature is in
County Management Association (ICMA); Governing, Lynn (1996, pp. 55−88).
a magazine of politics and policy in Washington, DC; 9 According to Pollitt and Bouckaert (2000), the
and the publications of the IBM Center for the terms ‘steering’, ‘guidance’ and ‘managerialism’ are
Business of Government, including a magazine and preferred to ‘governance’ outside the United States
research reports; these organizations also maintain (for an exception, see van Heffen, Kickert, and
informative websites. Finally, numerous consultancies Thomassen, 2000). The complex interrelationships
and non-academic research organizations, including associated with such terms have also been described
the National Academy of Public Administration, are by Bouckaert and Pollitt and others in terms of an
supported by grants and contracts and directly assist input/output model.
public managers.
3 The Oxford English Dictionary provides no basis
for distinguishing between ‘administration’ and ‘man-
agement.’ The definition of each refers to the other.
4 Barry Karl (1987) notes that ‘[f]or American REFERENCES
reformers, the term “administration” served to focus
a kind of pragmatic attention on the governing
Allison, Graham T., Jr (1979) ‘Public and Private
process. The term became part of an elite reform
vocabulary. ...’ (p. 27).
Management: Are They Fundamentally Alike in All

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Measuring Public Sector
Performance and Effectiveness
Carolyn J. Heinrich

incentivizing innovation − were likewise

INTRODUCTION directed at ‘getting results.’ While the broad
objectives of these reforms to promote more
The 1990s are widely recognized as a water- ‘effective, efficient, and responsive govern-
shed decade for the advancement of perform- ment’ are the same as those of reforms intro-
ance measurement in the public sector. In duced more than a century ago, what is new
Beyond Machiavelli: Policy Analysis Comes are the increasing scope, sophistication, and
of Age, Beryl Radin (2000a: 168) observed: external visibility of performance measure-
‘If there is a single theme that characterizes ment activities, impelled by legislative
the public sector in the 1990s, it is the requirements aimed at holding governments
demand for performance. A mantra has accountable for outcomes (Gore, 1993: xxiii;
emerged in this decade, heard at all levels of Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2000). The ramifica-
government, that calls for documentation of tions of reform initiatives that mandate
performance and explicit outcomes of gov- formal, outcomes-based performance meas-
ernment action.’ Almost universally, govern- urement in public programs continue to be
ments in the United States, Canada, Western debated by public management scholars and
Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and in practitioners, with discourse extending
countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America from national legislation such as the US
have made performance measurement a core Government Performance and Results Act
component of public management reforms (GPRA) to local-level performance contracts
(Kettl and Dilulio, 1995; Pollitt and that aim to ‘use market forces to hold the
Bouckaert, 2000; Behn, 2001). Other ele- public sector accountable’ (Kaboolian, 1998:
ments of public management reforms at this 191; Laegreid, 2000; Radin, 2000b).
time − reducing ‘red tape,’ empowering indi- Accountability – to legislative bodies,
viduals and organizations to streamline proc- taxpayers, and program stakeholders – is a
esses and devolve decision making, and primary goal of public sector performance

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measurement. In The International Encyclo- reports that compare measured performance

pedia of Public Policy and Administration, with performance goals? Simply knowing
Romzek and Dubnick (1998: 6) define that they have achieved or failed to achieve
accountability as ‘a relationship in which an target objectives or standards is not likely to
individual or agency is held to answer for aid public managers in understanding why
performance that involves some delegation of performance is at the level it is or how man-
authority to act.’ By this definition, account- agers can effect change. As Hatry (1999: 6)
ability compels some measure or appraisal of observed: ‘A major purpose of performance
performance, particularly of those individu- measurement is to raise questions; it seldom,
als and agencies with the authority to act on if ever, provides answers by itself as to what
behalf of the public. A historical review of should be done.’
public sector performance measurement The types of questions public managers
shows that the majority of initiatives have can answer depend critically on the types of
focused on holding agencies or executive performance information that are collected.
administrators accountable for financial per- Kamensky (1993) and Hatry (1999), for
formance or efficiency. Behn (2001) describes example, distinguish among categories of
‘accountability for finances’ as a ‘rules, pro- performance information that include:
cedures and standards’ form of accountabil- (1) input information (e.g., resources and
ity. The New Public Management (NPM) and staff), (2) process information (e.g., work-
other recent reform initiatives, which ostensi- load and job complexity), (3) efficiency
bly differ from earlier approaches in their information (e.g., productivity and unit
promotion of a ‘customer service’ focus, costs), (4) outputs (products and services
‘market-driven management,’ and accounta- delivered), (5) outcomes (in relation to inter-
bility for ‘results,’ are also still concerned mediate or end goals), including quality
with ‘saving money’ and ‘productive and assessment, and (6) impact information. In
allocational efficiencies’ (or a government an ideal performance measurement system,
that ‘costs less’) (Kaboolian, 1998; Terry, the full range of information – from inputs to
1998; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2000). outcomes or impacts – would be used by
If, however, the legacy of public manage- public managers in a logical flow, linking
ment reform is likely to be a ‘stronger performance monitoring (of ongoing proc-
emphasis on performance-motivated admin- esses, efficiency, and outputs) to perform-
istration’ that advances the art of public man- ance evaluation (of program outcomes and/or
agement, as Lynn (1998: 232) suggested, impacts) to performance management: that
then public sector performance measurement is, using performance information to guide
has to involve more than accounting for program planning and improve future
finances and ‘answering for performance.’ As performance (Osborne et al., 1995).
John Kamensky (1993: 395) exhorted, ‘there Supported by public management reforms
have been enough paperwork exercises in and aided by advances in information tech-
government.’ We need measures that will nology, some performance management
inform and be used by public managers, not activities are progressing toward this ideal,
only ‘accountability holders’ such as legisla- providing public managers with more infor-
tors and oversight agencies, to guide them in mation about how and the extent to which
improving service quality and results. programs are contributing to outcomes or
This begs the question: What information impacts (Abramson and Kamensky, 2001).
is most useful for public managers striving Recent work by Moynihan (2008) argues for
to improve government performance? For more ‘interactive dialogues’ to support more
example, how do public managers under effective use of performance information,
GPRA in the United States use the informa- including the use of strategic planning, learn-
tion from annual program performance ing forums, dialogue routines, and related

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approaches that encourage the view that psychological traits by industrial psycholo-
documentation of performance is not an end gists in the 1800s (Scott, Clothier, and
but rather a means for engaging in policy and Spriegel, 1941). The US Federal Civil Service
management change. At the same time, gov- has used these types of performance ratings,
ernments worldwide are now attaching higher narrowly focused on individual performance,
stakes to the achievement of performance since at least the late 1800s (Murphy and
outcomes through the growing use of per- Cleveland, 1995).
formance-contingent pay, organization-wide A more generic view of public sector per-
performance bonuses or sanctions, and com- formance measurement, also originating in
petitive performance-based contracting the late 1800s, can be traced to scholars and
(Heinrich, 2007). This trend hastens the need experts who called for the government to
to improve the quality of performance infor- become more rational and efficient like the
mation collected and the efficacy and judi- private sector. This perspective emerged early
ciousness with which it is used to guide in the writings of Woodrow Wilson (1887),
public managers in decision making. who proposed a new ‘scientific’ or more
This chapter focuses largely on these ‘business-like’ approach to administration,
‘state-of-the-art’ performance measurement and was later elaborated by members of the
approaches, although a broader range of per- ‘scientific management’ movement in the
formance measurement activities and pro- early 1900s. Scientific management pro-
cesses are also discussed. In the following moted the careful analysis of workers’ tasks
section, an interdisciplinary review of public and work arrangements, with the objective of
sector performance measurement approaches maximizing efficiency by ‘planning [work]
is presented, integrated with a discussion of procedures according to a technical logic,
literatures on performance measurement and setting standards, and exercising controls to
management/organizational effectiveness. ensure conformity with standards’ (Taylor,
The ‘state of the art’ is described next, 1911; Thompson, 1967: 5). The 1910 Taft
including challenges and prospects for Commission on Economy and Efficiency,
improving performance measurement sys- one of the first of a series of major US com-
tems and increasing their usefulness to public missions aimed at improving the executive
managers at all levels of government. The management and performance of govern-
concluding section summarizes major points ment, was significantly influenced by scien-
and discusses the prospects for continuing tific management ideas. Shades of the rational
advances in public sector performance and technical logic of scientific management
measurement. are also evident in more recent performance
measurement initiatives such as GPRA, Next
Steps, and Taiwan’s Research, Development
and Evaluation Commission, which require
A CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW OF agencies to develop strategic plans for achiev-
LITERATURES AND SYSTEMS ing specific, quantitatively measurable goals,
OF PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT and annual performance reports that compare
actual performance with performance goals
An interdisciplinary review of historical and or standards.
contemporary conceptions of performance By the 1930s, scholars of ‘administrative
measurement highlights the diversity in dis- management,’ such as Gulick and Urwick
ciplinary perspectives and approaches to (1937), were shifting public discussion from
this subject. Human resource management the micro-level design of efficient work tasks
scholars, for example, trace the origins of and procedures to the structure of large
performance measurement to the develop- administrative systems. The writings of
ment of employee rating forms based on administrative management influenced major

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government reform proposals, including the concerns about the size and efficiency of
report by the 1936−37 Brownlow Committee government led to two more major commis-
on Administrative Management. Like scien- sions – the First (1947−49) and Second
tific management, these reforms centered on (1953−55) Hoover Commissions – to ‘pro-
improving government efficiency, yet the mote economy, efficiency, and improved
Brownlow Committee Report also made a service in the transaction of the public busi-
point to distinguish administrative manage- ness ...’ (The Hoover Commission Report,
ment from scientific management, declaring 1949: xiii). The commissions’ reviews of the
that ‘administrative efficiency is not merely a organizational structure and performance of
matter of paper clips, time clocks, and stand- the US executive branch reflected the former
ardized economies of motion ... [but] must be President Hoover’s beliefs, adhering to some
built into the structure of government just principles of scientific management, that
as it is built into a piece of machinery’ ‘management research technicians’ should
(1937: 16). The structural reforms proposed advise policy and executive agency decisions
by the committee called for the delegation of (Moe, 1982). The series of reforms that fol-
power within hierarchical structures to man- lowed in the 1960s and 1970s, including the
agers with ‘administrative expertise.’ As Planning, Programming, Budgeting System
Feldman and Khademian (2000: 152) (PPBS), Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB), and
observed, ‘that expertise would be exercised management by objectives (MBO), promoted
within rules, regulations, and administrative the application of technical and legal exper-
structures established by political overseers tise in objective, ‘systems analysis’ of the
and top managers.’ Performance measure- efficiency of public programs. These reforms
ment activities of the administrative manage- were readily embraced by other central gov-
ment era primarily involved auditing of ernments as well, including the adoption of
inputs and outputs and fiscal accountability PPBS by Canada’s Department of National
at department or higher-organization levels Revenue, the Netherlands in its Government
where control was centralized and adminis- Accounts Act of 1976, and by the Department
trative decisions were checked (Rosenbloom, of Education and Science in England.
1986). The MBO approach, advanced by Drucker
At the same time, the organization theorist (1954) and later adopted by the Nixon admin-
Chester Barnard (1938), in a defining work istration, departed from administrative and
that diverged from the administrative man- scientific management approaches, however,
agement perspective, was urging greater by prodding performance measurement
attention to the integral role of incentives in systems to involve both organization- and
organizations (e.g., money, status, power, individual-level performance measures. The
autonomy) and the ‘social character’ of coop- MBO approach is still in used in many public
erative systems. Barnard suggested that indi- and private organizations to link organiza-
viduals’ social interactions and awareness of tional planning for financial, technical, and
their relative positions in a ‘hierarchy of strategic performance goals with employee
rewards’ would be more influential motiva- actions and objectives through their input in
tors of performance than clear channels of participatory processes, feedback from man-
hierarchical authority and rule-based pro- agement, and financial rewards allocated on
cesses for producing outputs (Pfeffer, 1990). the basis of measured organizational progress.
Into the 1940s and following World War II, Unlike the top-down, rules-based focus of
however, Barnard’s ideas about the impor- administrative management, which social
tance of social relations and incentives in psychologists had criticized by for its
formal organizations were still having little ‘mechanical view’ of individuals, MBO
appreciable influence on government per- sought to coordinate objectives at top and
formance management. Instead, ongoing lower organizational levels and to give

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explicit consideration to employees’ under- variables viewed as important in managing

standing of goals and rewards for improving organizational performance and measuring
performance (Campbell et al., 1970). the contributions of public managers to
Still, while attractive to government organization outcomes.
reformers at first, the limitations of PPBS, Perhaps the most prominent example of a
MBO, and ZBB that required managers to more open, adaptive system approach to per-
narrowly define and measure progress toward formance analysis that emerged at this time
financial, technical, and strategic perform- was W. Edwards Deming’s Total Quality
ance goals became more evident over time. Management (TQM) system. Deming (1986)
Thompson (1967: 4−6) described these types challenged the ‘narrow, simple-minded’ focus
of performance measurement systems as of rational ‘management by the numbers,
‘closed-system’ strategies. In a closed or management by MBO’ approaches on bot-
rational model system, there are a relatively tom-line cost and efficiency targets and urged
small number of variables for managers to managers to instead strive for and measure
control, and they can reliably predict their quality (Walton, 1986; Kelly, 1998: 202).
relationships. Goals and production tasks are Quality-focused (TQM) systems feature long-
known, organizational objectives are verifia- term commitment by top managers to con-
ble, resources are available, and employees tinuous quality improvement, full involvement
are responsive to incentives (i.e., self-interest by employees at all organizational levels, and
dominates) (Simon, 1957). As a result, they a shared ‘vision’ of quality, a customer orien-
are more likely to be effective when managers tation, and the ‘systematic collection and
are able to achieve clarity, consensus, and analysis of data’ that are expected to indicate
consistency about organizational goals such as where potential for quality improvement lies
economic performance or efficiency in service (Halachmi, 1995: 266). Acknowledging the
delivery. MBO-type approaches to perform- challenges of assessing quality − i.e., the
ance measurement are more commonly used higher level of knowledge and information
today by local governments, where budgetary that are required to evaluate and manage per-
accountability and service efficiency are focal formance in terms of quality and the impor-
public priorities (Rivenbark, 2001). tance of factors outside the control of
As dissatisfaction with these rational employees − Deming strongly advocated the
model approaches to performance evaluation use of statistical analysis to understand the
was growing, organization and management causal influence of systemic and situational/
theories were evolving toward more open, environmental factors on performance.
adaptive system models that assumed, instead The influence of TQM ideas and their
of closure, ‘that a system contains more focus on quality or results, in conjunction
variables than we can comprehend at one with the decline of systems more narrowly
time, or that some variables are subject to aimed at increasing outputs and efficiency
influences we cannot control or predict.’ such as PPBS, were accelerating the advance
(Thompson, 1967: 6). Thompson (1967) of public sector performance measurement
cited the study of ‘informal organization’ as toward outcomes-based measurement sys-
an example of an open-system approach, and tems. In the early 1980s, for example, under
referring to Barnard’s (1938) work, described the Reagan administration’s New Federalism,
variables such as cliques, social controls the US Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
based on informal norms, and status that introduced a performance measurement
influence the performance and ‘survival’ of system that has been described as a ‘pioneer’
organizations. These open-system and con- of outcomes-based performance management
tingency theories – that relate organizational (Barnow, 2000).1 The JTPA performance
structures and functioning to their contexts measurement system was distinct in its focus
or environments – broadened the array of on program outcomes (e.g., job placements

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and trainee earnings) rather than outputs professional accountability. Professional

(e.g., the number of persons trained), the use accountability, as Romzek (1998: 204)
of budgetary incentives for managers based explains, defers to the discretion of managers
on outcomes, and the linking of performance ‘as they work within broad parameters, rather
measures across federal, state, and local gov- than on close scrutiny to ensure compliance
ernments. It also incorporated the use of with detailed rules and organizational direc-
regression models with performance data to tives.’ The broad parameters in public sector
statistically adjust performance standards for performance measurement systems of the
local population characteristics and economic twenty-first century are outcomes, and a cen-
conditions. tral challenge for public managers is to effec-
Another example of a public sector per- tively use the different types of information
formance management system that was obtained through performance measurement
working to infuse quality management prin- activities to better understand the link between
ciples and moving toward a focus on results, their own actions and these more broadly-
or ‘value for money’ (VFM), was the United defined organizational goals and outcomes.
Kingdom’s Financial Management Initiative
(FMI) of 1983. As Osborne et al. (1995: 20)
explain, VFM was assessed by measuring
‘economy, efficiency and effectiveness,’ THE STATE OF THE ART IN
but with ‘an explicit concern with organiza- PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT:
tional structures and processes likely to CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS
lead to the ‘three Es’; of ‘management’ as
opposed to ‘administration’ as the task of As the introduction and preceding review
senior staff in the public sector; and of suggest, there are some important common-
decentralization, especially of budget hold- alities across local and national boundaries
ing, as an integral dimension of organiza- among evolving public sector performance
tional design.’ Both Reagan’s and Thatcher’s measurement systems. The more prominent
initiatives incorporated at least three of the features include: (1) performance measures
four public management reform principles focused on quality, outcomes or results,
that were emerging in the ‘reinventing gov- (2) formal report requirements for comparing
ernment’ and NPM reforms of the 1990s: actual performance with performance goals
(1) measure results, (2) put the customer in or standards, (3) multiple levels of perform-
the driver’s seat, (3) introduce a market ori- ance accountability in decentralized pro-
entation, and (4) decentralize (Gore, 1993). grams, and (4) market-oriented provisions
This light probing of the history of per- such as financial/budgetary incentives for
formance measurement and public manage- performance, as in the JTPA program, and
ment reforms shows the progression of public plans to use performance information to pro-
sector performance measurement away from mote continuous improvement and increased
a more rational or technical focus on work citizen (‘customer’) satisfaction. It is also
procedures and process efficiency and a top- clear, however, that public managers are still
down, hierarchical approach to accountability struggling with how to make the ‘state-of-
for organization inputs and outputs, and the-art’ systems work.
toward more participatory, multilevel systems
that consider a broader range of factors affect-
ing performance while maintaining an explicit
focus on the outcomes or results of programs.
Barbara Romzek (1998) has more generally One challenge public managers confront in
described these emerging approaches to broadening performance measures beyond
performance measurement as systems of more straightforward, bottom-line targets

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(e.g., efficiency) to a focus on outcomes are Department of Veterans’ Affairs Veterans

problems in reaching a consensus – at all Health Administration defined its goal to
levels of organization and management – on ‘improve the health status of veterans’ and
clearly defined, verifiable public objectives. identified performance measures of cost
In a review of agency performance plans, the reductions per patient and the number of
US Government Accounting Office (US patients served to evaluate progress (US
GAO, 1999: 6) stated that ‘mission fragmen- GAO, 1999: 23). The disparities between this
tation and program overlap are widespread health quality goal and the input/efficiency
across the federal government.’ Sometimes performance measures used are glaring.
the multiplicity or fragmentation of goals are Alternatively, Anne Khademian (1995) con-
inherent in originating legislation, making it cluded in her study of the US Federal Deposit
more difficult for public managers to get staff Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that a clear
and stakeholders to think about how their mandate about organizational objectives, i.e.,
diverse activities are related to a common the solvency of the Bank Insurance Fund,
outcome. The JTPA legislation, for example, and an explicit measure of organizational
stated that programs should serve ‘those who performance toward that objective, were
can benefit from, and are most in need of’ important motivators and guides for agency
employment and training services. Heckman, professionals and managers who facilitated
Heinrich and Smith (2002) established key changes to lead the agency out of crisis.
empirically the tradeoff between these equity In the case of the FDIC, the measure of the
and efficiency goals in JTPA programs, Bank Insurance Fund’s solvency was directly
showing that targeting those most in need related to the central organizational goal of
(the bottom 20 percent of the skill distribu- protecting the health of banks; as Khademian
tion) significantly lowered the value-added (1995: 19) explains, ‘to the extent that fail-
gains from program participation. ures can be prevented through effective
Behn (2001) contends that public manag- examination and supervision, the fund will
ers can ‘jump this hoop’ and avoid goal con- remain sound.’ In their discussion of per-
flicts by choosing vague, uncontroversial, formance outcome measures, Gormley and
inconsequential, or easily attainable goals Weimer (1999: 9) point out that ‘direct meas-
(effectively repudiating the requirement). In ures of outcomes require no relational theo-
Lindblom’s (1959: 576) classic work on ‘the ries as they are operationalizations of
science of muddling through,’ he notes that conceptualized values.’ As measures become
‘much of organization theory argues the vir- more distant from outcomes, associated
tues of common values and agreed organiza- through hypothesized relationships and proxy
tional objectives,’ but when administrators or scalar variables (e.g., test scores for school
cannot agree on values or objectives, the performance, mortality rates for healthcare
preservation of a diversity of views and frag- services), verification becomes more com-
mented decision making, where some parts plex and the degree of uncertainty in per-
of the organization provide a check on others, formance analysis increases.
is an acceptable strategy for managing com- An additional challenge for public manag-
plex policies and problems. ers is that performance requirements may
Agencies’ choices for performance objec- contribute to what Bouckaert (1993: 403)
tives have important implications, however, describes as the ‘time-shortening disease,’
for the complex task of determining quantita- which ‘makes the organization focus on the
tive measures of performance goals. If objec- short instead of on the intermediate or long
tives are broadly or vaguely defined, or if run.’ Agency executives report that it is espe-
multiple goals are in conflict, it will be more cially difficult to translate their long-term
challenging to specify accurate and informa- missions or strategic goals into annual per-
tive measures. For example, the US formance goals and to predict the level of

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results that might be achieved over a shorter- small changes in incentives, highlighting
term (US GAO, 1997a; Next Steps Report, some of the risks that high-powered incentive
1998). John Ahearne, a former high-ranking systems can induce.
official in the energy field, described GPRA’s At least one US GAO report (1997b) has
performance requirements as disastrous for suggested supplementing performance data
the US Department of Energy’s nuclear with impact evaluation studies to obtain a
waste clean-up programs, as they can shift more precise understanding of program
managers’ attention to short-term goals that effects and to verify (or disprove) relation-
will likely impede progress toward longer- ships between short-term measures and long-
term clean-up and environmental health term goals. The National JTPA and Job
objectives (decades into the future). Corps Studies are examples of these types of
If shorter-term performance objectives and evaluations. A primary advantage of experi-
their measures are strongly correlated with mental impact evaluations is their potential
longer-term program goals and impacts, to identify causal linkages and the ‘unique
public managers might avoid this dilemma. contribution’ that an organization makes to
Research on public programs suggests, how- outcomes (Hatry, 1999; Bloom, Hill and
ever, that one is likely to err in assuming a Riccio, 2003). A disadvantage is that multi-
positive correlation between short-term site experiments are frequently costly and
measures and long-term organizational per- potentially disruptive to program operations.
formance. In their studies of federal job- While they are unlikely to generate the
training programs, Heckman, Heinrich, and timely, regular feedback that public manag-
Smith (2002) and Barnow (2000) showed ers require to produce performance reports
that short-term performance measures of and make adjustments (in budget allocations,
participants’ employment rates and earnings service strategies, management practices,
levels following program discharge were at etc.) to improve performance, they do pro-
best weakly (and sometimes negatively) vide an important check on the performance
related to longer-term employment and earn- measurement systems routinely used (as in
ings impacts estimated using experimental the case of the Job Corps program).
data. Burghardt and Schochet (2001) of the Another issue embedded in this discussion
US National Job Corps Study compared is the level of accountability and analysis in
impact estimates from an experimental study performance measurement systems. In organ-
of education and earnings outcomes across ization science and public administration lit-
Job Corps centers rated as high, medium, and eratures, a conventional view distinguishes
low performers by the Job Corps perform- ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches to
ance measurement system and found that the performance accountability. The government
Job Corps performance measurement system of New Zealand, for example, only holds
failed to distinguish between more and less officials at the top (policymaking) level
effective centers. In addition, studies of accountable for program outcomes, exempt-
school effectiveness have found that some ing public managers and personnel in
teachers respond to performance require- operating departments from performance
ments based on student test scores by ‘teach- requirements (Hatry, 1999). Bottom-up
ing to the test,’ or even worse, by cheating approaches, alternatively, focus on perform-
(e.g., changing student answers on exams), ance management activities originating at a
with likely negative implications for stu- lower level that have emergent properties at
dents’ longer-term educational success higher levels. TQM, for example, has been
(Gormley and Weimer, 1999; Koretz, 1999; described as a bottom-up approach to improv-
Jacob and Levitt, 2003). Jacob and Levitt ing organizational performance, where indi-
(2003) found that the observed frequency of vidual TQM training, work behaviors, and
teacher cheating responded strongly to even social interactions combine at a lower level

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and emerge over time to influence organiza- the dynamics of performance incentive sys-
tional outcomes. The fact is, however, that in tems. It is most often the case that policy-
a majority of organizations, performance makers or other incentive system designers
analysis is likely occurring at more than one begin with an imperfect understanding of
level of organization. As DeNisi (2000: 121) workers’ or organizational capabilities for
explains, performance measurement is ‘both achieving performance goals or their means
a multilevel and a cross-level phenomenon’; for influencing measured performance
either explicitly (as in the JTPA performance (Heinrich and Marschke, 2010). Over time,
measurement system) or informally, public in the implementation of performance meas-
managers at multiple levels of organization urement systems, they learn about behavioral
measure performance, and activities and and organizational responses that may sug-
responses at one level are likely to have gest the need for modifications to system
effects at other levels. Bouckaert (1993: 38) incentives. For example, achievement test
describes this as a ‘top-down and bottom-up scores have long been used in public educa-
interaction.’ He argues that the more the tion by teachers, parents, and students to
bottom and middle management are involved evaluate individual student achievement
in performance measurement activities, the levels and grade progression, based on the
greater their commitment to them. belief that test scores accurately reflect stu-
The challenge for public managers and dent mastery of tested subjects and that
researchers is to ascertain and understand the increases in test scores correlate with learn-
effects, multilevel and cross-level, planned ing gains. However, with higher stakes (pri-
and unintended, occurring in performance marily sanctions) attached to student
measurement systems. In studies of the performance levels under state and federal
implementation of GPRA, for example, accountability initiatives (such as the US No
Radin (2000b) and Mintzberg (1996) con- Child Left Behind Act of 2001), researchers
clude that rather than freeing public manag- have documented some unintended responses
ers to focus on results, the performance (e.g., teaching to the test, shifting resources,
requirements have increased administrative and cheating by teachers on these tests) that
constraints, elevated conflict among multiple have undoubtedly reduced the correlation
levels of program management, and engen- between test scores and students’ true
dered distrust between agencies and legisla- achievement gains (Jacob and Levitt, 2003;
tors about gaming of measures. In their study Jacob, 2005).
of the JTPA program, Courty and Marschke Awareness or the realization of unintended
(2004) showed empirically how some local behaviors that distort measured outcomes
program managers chose to ‘game’ the fed- and incentives for performance improvement
eral performance standards in order to does not imply that a performance measure-
increase their agencies’ measured perform- ment system should be discarded. Critics of
ance in ways independent of actual perform- the expanded use of performance measures
ance. Given the limited or indirect influence in areas such as education and social services
that public managers commonly have on have yet to identify alternative (and readily
organizational outcomes and the difficulties available) measures that are less noisy or
of separating out effects of multiple layers of prone to distortion. Rather, policymakers and
policy and management, managers’ desire to public managers need to recognize that the
manipulate performance measures in ways systems they design and implement will need
that will improve their measured but not regular monitoring of worker/organization
actual performance is understandable, if not responses (at multiple levels of organization
acceptable. as necessary) and adjustments, e.g., replac-
Finally, researchers and practitioners are ing or modifying performance measures,
beginning to grapple with another challenge, over time. In addition, ongoing research on

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the implementation and effects of perform- responsibility is not commensurate with

ance management systems is needed to gen- their authority (Mintzberg, 1996). As Lynn,
erate knowledge for policymakers and public Heinrich, and Hill (2001) note, public poli-
managers that will inform and guide their cies and programs are being administered
efforts to improve system design and effec- through increasingly complex, decentralized
tiveness, across a wide range of federal, state, governance structures, including networks,
and local organizations that are increasingly collaborations, and partnerships among
using performance measures. public, nonprofit and for-profit organiza-
tions. In accounting for performance across
‘diverse and dispersed’ administrative enti-
Prospects ties and service units, many of which may
operate in varying social, political, and fiscal
A central theme of this chapter is that rather contexts, public managers need to achieve a
than simply documenting performance out- tenable balance between demands for ana-
comes, public sector performance measure- lytical rigor and accuracy in performance
ment activities and research should help public measurement and political and practical limi-
managers to understand how their own policy tations on what is feasible to measure in
and management decisions are linked to out- complex governing systems. Furthermore, if
comes and the systemic and situational factors results are publicized and agencies are
that might constrain or intervene in these rela- rewarded or penalized for performance, then
tionships to affect performance. Along these performance standards have to take into
lines, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr (1998: 236), delib- account the ability of agencies or managers
erating the ‘legacy’ of the New Public to effect change and contribute to improved
Management, urged a ‘theory-based research outcomes or program value added.
agenda’ that addresses questions about how One strategy promoted in some public
and to what extent institutions, leadership, and management reform circles is to adopt a nar-
management influence government perform- rower focus on a single, relatively straight-
ance or ‘the creation of effective, accountable forward measure of performance such as a
democratic states.’ Rainey and Steinbauer scalar measure of client/citizen satisfaction.
(1999) reviewed the literature on government Described as ‘bottom-up accountability,’
effectiveness and also called for a more theo- holding governments accountable to citizens
retical approach to research on government (voters) is seen as ‘replicating the virtues of
performance: in particular, theories linking the marketplace’ (Gormley and Weimer,
the organization, management, resources, and 1999: 198). In fact, the National Academy of
external stakeholders of agencies to their Public Administration has explicitly called
effectiveness. As Bouckaert (1993) implores, for a greater focus on customer or citizen
‘performance measures have to contribute to surveys as a gauge of government perform-
the maintenance or to the development of the ance (Van Ryzin, 2004), and the use of cus-
organization itself.’ The theoretical ‘building tomer satisfaction measures as leading
blocks’ for this undertaking exist; the corre- indicators of public sector performance is
sponding challenge is to integrate the intel- proliferating in Europe (Workshop on
lectual contributions of multiple disciplines in Statistical Methods for Performance Analysis,
analytical frameworks that will produce, on Cassino, Italy, 2006). It is implicitly assumed
an ongoing basis, useful information and in the use of these measures, explain Callahan
insights for public managers. and Gilbert (2005) and Kelly (2005), that
citizens will recognize improved services and
Context, Process, and Level of Analysis government performance and that this will be
A major concern about performance account- reflected in higher measured levels of cus-
ability, public managers profess, is that their tomer (or citizen) satisfaction. This approach

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also assumes that public managers can ignore asymmetries, transaction costs, monetary
context and levels and that citizens are suf- incentives, and competition, among other
ficiently informed to provide reliable feed- variables affecting public sector perform-
back. Research on the determinants of ance management (Dixit, 1999). In formulat-
citizens’ attitudes and their evaluations of ing a model to evaluate performance,
public activities and services, however, shows including a broad range of variables at mul-
‘considerable ambivalence and volatility in tiple levels of government organization or
their preferences ...’ and ‘inconsistent evalua- structure, one would confront many obvious
tions of services and taxes,’ reflecting their conceptual and methodological challenges.
own conflicting attitudes, values, and per- In view of these formidable challenges,
spectives (Beck, Rainey, and Traut, 1990: public administration/management scholars,
71−72). Furthermore, empirical research has along with public managers, have been
confirmed that performance and satisfaction striving to elucidate a constructive ‘middle
may be conceptually distinct constructs in ground’ for public sector performance meas-
some contexts (Churchill and Surprenant, urement. While there is no singular strategy
1982). As Kelly elaborates, unlike private or archetype that all public managers might
sector transactions, public sector service pro- adapt and use, there are a number of well-
vision involves some degree of legal coercion articulated theoretical and analytical models
(i.e., taxation) and may not always be equita- that executive administrators might draw
ble. Thus, regardless of service quality, citi- upon in developing more effective systems
zens who are required to pay for services that for measuring and managing government
they do not consume or do not want may performance. The differing capabilities and
report low levels of satisfaction. Thus, public needs for collecting and analyzing perform-
managers are not likely to get a clear picture ance data among government agencies per-
of whether or not government performance is forming different functions at different levels
improving simply by tracking citizen satis- of government also has implications for the
faction ratings. strategy or approach to performance meas-
At another extreme, scholars might col- urement they might use. The models dis-
laborate with public managers to construct cussed below explicitly consider context,
and apply multidisciplinary, theory-based process, levels of analysis, and the data avail-
models of organizational performance that able to public managers in measuring per-
fully account for all potential interrelation- formance and evaluating the relationship of
ships within and between organizations, management to outcomes.
employee and client/citizen characteristics,
and intervening political and environmental Models for public sector performance
factors. For example, sociologists and social measurement and their application
psychologists identify contextual factors Hatry (1999) presents a ‘logical model’ of
such as organizational complexity, coordina- ‘relevant factors’ in a performance measure-
tion, climate, culture, and values, competi- ment system – one that links inputs, activities,
tion among or within functional units, and outputs, and outcomes – and describes the
individual member characteristics, cognitive relationships among these different types of
and social behaviors that affect performance performance information. His very simple
(Marcoulides and Heck, 1993; Murphy and model does not formally identify the influ-
Cleveland, 1995). Political scientists high- ence of context or environmental factors or
light the influence of legislative mandates the relationships among performance meas-
and coalitions, bureaucratic discretion and ures across different levels of government or
control, political ideology and values, and analysis. However, he calls for public manag-
other dynamics of political processes. ers to obtain ‘explanatory information’ along
Economists focus on the role of information with their performance data – from qualitative

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assessments by program personnel to in-depth performance outcomes, while controlling for

program evaluations that produce statistically demographics, economic conditions, and
reliable information – to interpret the data and other contextual factors. Mead urges research-
identify problems and possible management ers to use field interviews with program
or organizational responses. administrators to gain an in-depth under-
In their ‘revised rationalist model of per- standing of how programs operate and to
formance assessment’ that acknowledges the guide the development of hypotheses for
‘bounded rationality’ of public managers, statistical analysis. Public managers who
political interests, and other contextual and possess this information would need to
catalytic influences, Osborne et al. (1995) develop operational definitions and measures
incorporate the same basic elements as of administrative practices, organizational
Hatry’s model but develop a more complex, capacity, and other program-level variables
formal model or framework for understand- that could be monitored and used in statistical
ing the role and influence of Hatry’s ‘explan- analysis. In Mead’s generally conceptualized
atory’ factors. Like Hatry’s model, their statistical model for evaluating performance,
framework depicts the types and purposes of the dependent variable is a program-level
different performance monitoring/measure- performance indicator. His approach is prob-
ment activities and performance indicators ably best regarded, as he describes it, as a
and data required for measures.2 They also quantitative process research methodology
identify different levels and frequency of applied at a specific level of analysis.3
monitoring/measurement in public programs Mead’s approach to statistically modeling
and combine the different types of perform- the processes and practices of programs and
ance information with three levels of meas- their relationship to performance measures is
urement – the project/team level, program taken a step further in a multilevel, organiz-
level, and strategic (local or national senior ing framework for performance analysis
management) level – to construct a multidi- advanced by Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill (2001).
mensional ‘matrix-framework’ for assessing Their framework delineates a hierarchy of
performance that recognizes different types relationships (across multiple levels of gov-
of monitoring/measurement will occur at dif- ernment) among: legislative and political
ferent levels. In applying their model in a choice (i.e., responsibilities for implement-
study of the British Social Programme of ing public law), governance structures, man-
the Rural Development Commission, they agement strategies, core technologies and
recounted the dearth of information for all organizational functions, outcomes, and
types of monitoring and measures and the client/citizen assessments. Heinrich and Lynn
challenges of integrating performance assess- (2000) describe a number of applications of
ment practices at multiple levels into a ‘holis- this framework – in studies of public school
tic framework of performance management’ performance, welfare and job-training pro-
(Osborne et al., 1995: 30). The main strength gram outcomes, and healthcare services out-
of their model for public managers lies in its comes – that use a multilevel statistical
use for conceptually organizing and planning modeling strategy to identify causal relation-
a system of performance data collection. ships within and across hierarchical levels of
In an approach that moves closer toward government and in a broader environmental
program evaluation in explaining perform- context, while recognizing the potential
ance, Mead (2003) describes ‘performance influence of unmeasured factors on perform-
analysis’ as a strategy that aims ‘to relate the ance analysis findings. Bloom, Hill, and
practices of programs to measures of per- Riccio (2003), for example, completed a
formance.’ The performance studies he sets multilevel re-analysis of data from the multi-
forth as exemplars involve statistical mode- site Job Opportunities and Basic Skills
ling to associate program features with (JOBS) evaluation. In analyzing the effects

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of program management, services, economic level two, student achievement growth as a

environment, and client characteristics on the function of student characteristics and stu-
earnings of welfare-to-work clients across dent participation in interventions; and at
local offices, they found that management level three, the estimated effects of any
choices and practices related to goals, school/policy interventions on student
client−staff interfaces, and service strategies achievement as a function of school charac-
had substantive, statistically significant teristics and the environment.
effects on client outcomes and impacts. Studies that compare the use of experi-
Some public managers and scholars inter- mental data (for estimating program impacts)
ested in following a more advanced analyti- with regularly collected administrative data
cal and statistical approach to performance on program operations and outcomes gener-
analysis might be constrained by the data ate encouraging findings for public managers
requirements and costs associated with data about the potential for using administrative
collection and analysis. The best data typi- data in performance management (Heinrich,
cally available to public managers for ongo- 2002; Hill, 2006). Hill and Heinrich both find
ing performance analyses are administrative that relying on administrative data to gener-
data that are regularly and consistently col- ate information about how to improve pro-
lected in support of an organization’s func- gram performance is not likely to misdirect
tions. Administrative data commonly include managers away from program impact goals,
detailed information about clients of public although particular estimates of the magni-
programs, their progression through program tude of outcomes may differ from those of
services, and outcomes, and the marginal the size of impacts. If governments with
costs of collecting data across multiple pro- administrative data systems are able to incor-
grams, sites or fiscal years are generally low. porate data fields that describe management
For example, many of the larger school policies and processes across sites or local
districts in the United States are developing service locations, public managers might
longitudinal data systems that enable them to more effectively use administrative and per-
conduct value-added analyses and other diag- formance data to understand the effects of
nostic and policy-relevant evaluation research different policies and approaches to manag-
with the ultimate goal of improving student ing and delivering government services.
achievement. The basic concept of a ‘value- Finally, the ‘interactive dialogue model of
added’ approach to performance analysis is performance information use’ advanced by
simple and appreciated by many educators: it Moynihan (2008: 95) is relatively unique in
measures the productivity or contributions of its description of the assembly and use of
teachers and schools to student achievement. performance information as a form of ‘social
The analytical methods for producing evi- interaction.’ The basic assumptions of his
dence on value added, however, are not model − that performance information is
uncomplicated; they adjust for student selec- ambiguous, subjective, and incomplete, and
tion bias, track student achievement over that context, institutional affiliation, and indi-
time and allow for decay effects of interven- vidual beliefs will affect its use − challenge
tions, and they explicitly address the issue of the rational suppositions underlying most of
measurement error in student achievement. the other performance management models
The value-added approach is also sometimes discussed here. While performance manage-
described as a growth curve analysis and may ment reforms have emphasized what he
be implemented using a multilevel modeling describes as the potential ‘instrumental ben-
approach. In its application to the study of efits’ of performance management, such as
student achievement, a three-level model is increased accountability and transparency of
commonly used to estimate at level one, government outcomes, Moynihan suggests
within-student achievement over time; at that elected officials and public managers

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have been more likely to realize the ‘sym- managers, and how this information can be
bolic benefits’ of creating an impression that used to improve future performance.
‘government is being run in a rational, effi- The historical review of performance mea-
cient and results-oriented manner’ (2008: 68). surement and organizational effectiveness
As noted earlier, Moynihan advocates more literatures showed that scholars and manag-
practical uses of performance information ers have long recognized the influence of a
in strategic planning, forums for discussion range of organizational, individual-level, and
about results, and other approaches that contextual factors on organizational perfor-
encourage an ‘interactive dialogue’ and sup- mance. Until recently, the analytical chal-
port more effective use of performance infor- lenges of separating out the role and effects
mation and organizational learning. of policy and management from other factors
The models for performance management were beyond the technical capabilities of
highlighted here, and their applications in performance analysis. With advances in data
measuring and managing public sector per- collection and storage, theory and statistical
formance, are clearly moving toward more modeling, and computing capacity, we have
in-depth investigations of how outcomes are an obligation to increase our understanding
produced and how this knowledge can be of the contributions public managers can
used to improve public sector performance. make to organizational performance and
As Hatry (1999: 8) explains, ‘performance what realistic expectations for results are,
measurement can be considered a field of given the context and environment in which
program evaluation,’ where program evalua- they operate.
tions ‘not only examine a program’s out- The examples of models for performance
comes but also identify the whys, including measurement described in this chapter sug-
the extent to which the program actually gest an ambitious path for future research and
caused the outcomes.’ As the time and costs performance measurement activities, while
involved in these performance measurement/ also recognizing that the differing functions,
evaluation approaches continue to decline levels, capabilities, resources, and objectives
with advances in information technology, of government organizations will influence
their recognition as viable strategies for the strategy or approach to performance
improving the quality and usefulness of per- measurement they use. Where resources for
formance information available to public performance management are fewer, initial
managers (and the resulting performance goals for using performance data may have to
outcomes) is likely to grow. be modest, following an approach like that
outlined by Hatry (1999). In North Carolina,
for example, local governments cooperate in
data collection activities that allow for the
CONCLUSION production of comparative measures of serv-
ice efficiency and fiscal performance. Local
Distinct from the 1990s public sector theme government officials then participate in dia-
calling for documentation of explicit govern- logues that encourage the sharing and discus-
ment outcomes, this chapter elaborates sion of information about ‘explanatory
another theme: calling for performance man- factors’ – management practices, service
agement that goes beyond documentation of processes, and local environment and popula-
outcomes. It advocates the collection and use tion characteristics – to help them to under-
of performance information that will aid stand differences or disparities in observed
public managers in understanding how their performance. While there is no formal mod-
decisions and actions are linked to outcomes, eling of relationships between possible
what environmental or contextual factors explanatory variables and performance meas-
might limit or increase their effectiveness as ures, the project has established a support

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structure for the types of discussions that may not highly accurate or informative measures
continue to advance the use of performance of a program’s value or effectiveness. Our
data across sites and in a broader manage- demands for performance documentation
ment context. As Rivenbark (2001: v) com- should focus more on what public managers
ments, ‘The cities and counties that participate can learn about how to improve performance
in the North Carolina project do not endure and less on the precise measurement of per-
the challenges of data collection, cleaning, formance levels or ‘bottom-line’ outcomes.
and reporting simply to produce a report.
They participate with the belief that perform-
ance measurement and benchmarking are the
catalysts to service or process improvement.’ NOTES
The importance of work that has been
done in recent decades, in the context of 1 Because of the comparatively long tenure of
outcomes-based standards in the JTPA program and
public management reforms, to advance the its distinctively advanced use of statistical analysis in
use of government administrative data and to determining performance ratings, I draw additional
link these data across programs or to other examples from the JTPA performance standards
databases with economic/environmental/con- experience throughout this chapter
textual data (e.g., local labor market informa- 2 Among the types of performance monitoring
and measures, Osborne et al. include: ‘context
tion data) should not be underestimated. In monitoring’ (e.g., of changing socioeconomic and
their discussion of organizational ‘report institutional factors); three types of input/process
cards,’ Gormley and Weimer (1999) described assessment (‘strategy’, ‘progress,’ and ‘activity’ mon-
a number of examples of national, state, and itoring); ‘impact’ measures, both quantitative and
local government organizations that collect qualitative, that evaluate performance ‘against the
highest level objectives and targets’; and ‘catalytic
data regularly and ‘transform’ them into monitoring’ of influences or impacts on the wider
information that can be interpreted by exter- service delivery system, other agencies or people
nal audiences and used to assess and improve (Osborne et al., 1995: 27).
performance. At the same time, this chapter 3 Mead applies his ‘performance analysis’
also addressed some of the continuing chal- approach in a study of welfare reform outcomes in
lenges and tradeoffs in performance meas-
urement between: comprehensive or
broadly-defined goals and precision of meas-
ures; short-term, measurable objectives and REFERENCES
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Strategic Planning and
John M. Bryson

Strategic planning and management are trends in strategic planning and management
increasingly becoming a way of life for are discussed. Finally, a number of conclu-
public organizations across the globe. They sions are presented.
are being relied upon to deal with the five
tasks of: organizing effective participation;
creating meritorious ideas for mission, goals,
strategies, actions, and other strategic inter- STRATEGIC PLANNING
ventions; forging the coalition needed to
adopt and to implement the changes; imple- Strategic planning may be defined as ‘a
menting the changes in a timely fashion; and deliberative, disciplined effort to produce
building capacity for ongoing implementa- fundamental decisions and actions that shape
tion, learning, and strategic change (Bryson, and guide what an organization (or other
2011: 39–40). In the process, planning and entity) is, what it does, and why it does it’
implementation and strategic and operational (Bryson, 2011: 7–8). While many authors
concerns are becoming better integrated and have suggested generic strategic planning
sometimes fused. processes (e.g., Nutt and Backoff, 1992;
The chapter is in five parts. The first Bryson, 2011; Ackermann and Eden,
part presents the basic elements of strategic 2011), this definition implies that strategic
planning, including its attention to the envi- planning is not a single thing, but instead
ronment, stakeholders, mission, mandates, is an approach (or set of approaches) to
strategic issues, and strategies. Strategic responding to circumstances that key actors
planning is the basic building block of strate- judge require a considered, collective, and
gic management, which is described in the often novel response. As an approach, strate-
second part. The basic approaches to institu- gic planning consists of a set of leadership
tionalizing strategic management systems are roles, concepts, procedures, and tools that
presented next. In the fourth section current must be tailored carefully to situations if

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desirable outcomes are to be achieved make use of strategic planning. Strategic

(Johnson et al., 2007; Mintzberg et al., 2009). planning has been applied principally to
Poister and Streib (1999), in a review sum- public and nonprofit organizations, but appli-
marizing the field of strategic planning and cations to communities have increased
management, assert that strategic planning: substantially as well (Poister and Streib,
1994, 2005; Berman and West, 1998). Other
• is concerned with identifying and responding nations – and particularly OECD (Orga-
to the most fundamental issues facing an nization for Economic Co-operation and
organization; Development) countries − also make use to
• addresses the subjective question of purpose and
varying degrees of strategic planning con-
the often competing values that influence mis-
cepts, procedures, and tools for public and
sion and strategies;
• emphasizes the importance of external trends nonprofit organizations and communities
and forces as they are likely to affect the (eg., Faludi and Salet, 2000; Barzelay and
organization and its mission; Jacobson, 2009; Mazzarra et al., 2011).
• attempts to be politically realistic by taking into When done well, strategic planning offers
account the concerns and preferences of internal, a number of benefits. Advocates usually
and especially external, stakeholders; point to five main potential benefits. The first
• relies heavily on the active involvement of senior- is the promotion of strategic thinking, acting
level managers, and sometimes elected officials, and learning. The second is improved deci-
assisted by staff support where needed; sion making, while the third is enhanced
• requires the candid confrontation of critical issues
organizational effectiveness, responsiveness
by key participants in order to build commitment
and resilience. The fourth benefit is enhanced
to plans;
• is action-oriented and stresses the importance of organizational legitimacy. And finally, stra-
developing plans for implementing strategies; tegic planning can directly benefit the people
• focuses on implementing decisions now in order involved by helping them better perform
to position the organization favorably for the their roles, meet their responsibilities, and
future. enhance teamwork and expertise. There is no
guarantee, however, that these benefits will
Strategic planning for organizations has be achieved. For one thing, strategic planning
developed primarily in the private sector. is simply a set of leadership roles, concepts,
This history has been amply documented procedures, and tools that must be applied
by others (Eden and Ackermann, 1998; wisely to specific situations. For another,
Mintzberg et al., 2009). In the past 30 years, even when they are applied wisely, there is
however, public and nonprofit use of strate- no guarantee of success.
gic planning has grown dramatically. This Beyond that, strategic planning is not
experience, and a growing body of literature, always advisable, particularly for an organi-
have indicated that reasonably rational strate- zation facing an immediate crisis (although
gic planning approaches either developed in every crisis should be managed strategi-
the private sector, or else strongly influenced cally), or when the organization lacks the
by them, can help public organizations, as skills, resources, or commitment by key deci-
well as communities or other entities, deal in sion makers to produce a good plan. Such
effective ways with their changing environ- situations embody what may be called ‘the
ments (e.g., Barzelay and Campbell, 2003; paradox of strategic planning’: it is most
Boyne et al., 2004; Wheeland, 2004; Poister needed where it is least likely to work, and
et al., 2011). least needed where it is most likely to work
In the United States, for example, a major- (Bryson and Roering, 1988).
ity of municipal and state governments, most It is important to highlight what strategic
nonprofits, and an overwhelming majority of planning is not. Strategic planning is not a
federal agencies and nonprofit organizations, substitute for strategic thinking, acting, and

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learning. It may help people do that, but used community is more action-oriented, more
unwisely may hinder strategic thinking, broadly participatory, more emphatic about
acting, and learning. Strategic planning is not the need to understand the community’s
a substitute for leadership. At least some key strengths and weaknesses as well as the
actors must be committed to the process or it opportunities and threats it faces, and more
is bound to fail. Said differently, strategic attentive to intercommunity competitive
planning is best seen as a leadership tool, behavior. Thus, typically, strategic planning
where leadership is broadly conceived to is more comprehensive than comprehensive
include more than top positional leaders. planning or structure or spatial planning,
Strategic planning also is not a substitute for while at the same time producing a more
an organizational or community strategy. limited action focus.
Strategies have numerous sources, both
planned and unplanned. Strategic planning is
likely to result in a statement of organiza-
tional or community intentions, but what is STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
realized in practice will be some combina-
tion of what is intended with what emerges Strategic planning is typically distinguished
along the way (Mintzberg et al., 2009). from strategic management. Strategic
Finally, strategic planning is not synonymous planning is the cornerstone of strategic man-
with what is called comprehensive planning agement, but the latter is a far more encom-
for communities in the United States, or has passing process, ‘concerned with managing
been called structure planning or strategic an organization in a strategic manner on a
spatial planning in Europe. There may be continuing basis’ (Poister and Streib, 1999,
little difference if the agency doing the com- 2005; Poister, 2010). Strategic management
prehensive or structure planning is tied links strategic planning and implementation
directly to governmental decision makers. across an organization (or other entity) by
However, in practice, there may be three sig- adding ongoing attention to budgeting, per-
nificant differences (Bryson, 2011). First, the formance measurement, performance man-
plans often are prepared to meet legal require- agement and evaluation, and to feedback
ments and must be formulated according to a relationships among these elements to
legally prescribed process with legally pre- enhance the fulfillment of mission, meeting
scribed content. As legal instruments, these of mandates, and sustained creation of public
plans have an important influence. On the value.
other hand, the plans’ typical rigidity can Poister and Streib (1999) present a frame-
conflict with the political process with which work for thinking about strategic man-
public officials must cope. Strategic plans agement as a process. The framework
therefore can provide a bridge from legally incorporates seven elements: values, mission
required and relatively rigid policy statements and vision; strategic planning; results-
to actual decisions and operations. Second, oriented budgeting; performance manage-
comprehensive or structure or strategic spa- ment; strategic measurement; assessment
tial plans usually are limited to less than a of the internal and external environment;
government’s full agenda of roles and respon- and feedback relationships among these
sibilities. For that reason, they may be of less elements. These elements will be discussed
use to key decision makers than strategic briefly in turn.
planning, which can embrace all of a govern- Values, mission and vision are seen as a
ment’s actual and potential roles before central organizing force for strategic man-
deciding why, where, when, and how to act. agement efforts. If consensus can be achieved
Third, as Kaufman and Jacobs (1987) on these elements among key stakeholders,
argue, strategic planning on behalf of a the creation and operation of a strategic

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management system will be far easier than it focused on stakeholders’ or customers’

would be otherwise. If consensus is not pos- concerns, crucial internal processes, and the
sible, then the system no doubt will be looser learning and growth of the organization and
and less integrated. In fact, because consen- its employees (Niven, 2008).
sus on values, mission, and vision is difficult Strategic measurement involves the identi-
to achieve in many – perhaps most – circum- fication and tracking of valid measures of the
stances, tightly integrated strategic manage- organization’s performance as it attempts to
ment systems are not particularly common, achieve its strategic objectives. Attending
and probably should not be pursued in most to these measures helps chart progress and
situations. success, assess whether budget allocations
Strategic planning can be used to help are appropriate and figure out what to do
organizations articulate their values, mission next. Unfortunately, development of valid
and visions and to develop strategic initia- and politically supported measures can be
tives to realize them in practice. The initia- very difficult for public organizations and
tives must be resourced properly if they are often represents an Achilles heel for strategic
to be implemented effectively. Results- management systems; unintended and even
oriented budgeting is one answer to this chal- perverse results can come from using inap-
lenge and is gaining currency throughout the propriate measures (Moynihan, 2008; Soss
world. Such an approach begins with the et al., 2011).
organization’s strategic agenda, specifies These various elements must be pursued in
expected outputs or outcomes for each strat- a context of ongoing internal and external
egy, program, project, or activity, and then monitoring, assessment, and engagement
links funding to these elements. This sort of with key stakeholders or they are unlikely to
budgeting process can be used to garner result in wise or politically realistic informa-
adequate resources for specific strategic ini- tion, decisions and actions. Adequate feed-
tiatives and to provide incentives to organiza- back across the various system elements is
tional members and other stakeholders to needed for effective learning, adaptation, and
support the strategic agenda (Osborne and leadership to occur (Moynihan, 2008; Patton,
Hutchinson, 2004). On the other hand, if this 2008, 2011).
approach to budgeting encounters political The job certainly is not easy and success
resistance, it may not work (West et al., is hardly guaranteed. Nonetheless, in the
2009). Alternatively, using strategic planning United States and many OECD countries, in
to establish the agenda and then relying on particular, powerful forces are prompting
incremental decision making informed by a public organizations to try, if not to fully
strategic sense of direction can work (Poister embrace, strategic management approaches.
et al., 2011). These forces include growing demands for
Performance management involves strate- public accountability, increased legislative
gies and mechanisms for assigning responsi- oversight, fiscal conservatism, and profes-
bility for strategic initiatives to specific units sional attention to leadership, improved per-
and individuals and holding them account- formance and customer service. The idea
able for results. For example, management of ‘managing for results’ is a rallying point
by objectives (MBO) systems are widely for public management scholars and practi-
used for this purpose. Balanced Scorecard tioners. As Poister and Streib (1999: 323)
(BSC) approaches are gaining attention glob- assert:
ally as another method for translating values,
[In] public agencies of any size and complexity, it
mission and vision into measurable and man-
is impossible to manage for results without a
ageable organizational performance. BSC well developed capacity for strategic manage-
approaches try to ‘balance’ attention to finan- ment. Indeed, on a macro level, strategic manage-
cial outcomes with attention to outcomes ment, with its emphasis on developing and

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implementing a strategic agenda, is synonymous STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT

with managing for results ... . While treatment of
more specific tools, such as strategic planning,
performance measurement, quality improvement,
work process reengineering, and results-based Experience suggests that it is relatively easy
budgeting, has been more prevalent in the public to get a small group of people – say, five to a
administration literature, strategic management is
few hundred – through a strategic planning
the central integrative process which gives the
organization a sense of direction and assures a process. What is more difficult is to embed
concerted effort to achieve strategic goals and strategic thinking, acting, and learning
objectives. throughout an organization, interorganiza-
tional network, or community (i.e., small
Although the implementation of strategic and large cities, counties, regions, or states).
management has its difficulties (e.g., Radin, Strategic management systems are one means
2006; Barzelay and Jacobson, 2009), the of inducing and linking strategic thinking,
success of this innovation in the United acting, and learning throughout an organiza-
States, in particular, is a marked improve- tion or other entity. The systems are meant to
ment over previous related efforts (e.g., the promote strategic thinking, acting, and learn-
Planning, Programming, Budgeting System, ing in appropriate places at appropriate times,
and Zero-Based Budgeting). Clearly, there to control or guide the way strategies are
appears to be something quite differ- implemented, and to foster sustained creation
ent about the current situation. Perhaps it is of public value.
the cumulative experience of prior reform Because organizational strategies typically
efforts that has led to greater understanding remain fairly stable for long periods of time
of how to pursue results-oriented manage- and then change rather abruptly (Mintzberg
ment. Perhaps it is an embrace of the rheto- et al., 2009), these systems are usually
ric of business, the language of customer focused more on strategy implementation
service, and the ideas of Total Quality than on strategy formulation. The systems
Management, along with politicians’ and are thus mostly organizational arrangements
professionals’ pursuit of downsizing, reen- for strategically managing the implementa-
gineering and reinvention (Kettl, 2011). tion of agreed-upon strategies. Said some-
Perhaps it is the rise of a ‘results-oriented’ what differently, these systems are themselves
discourse, dating to the beginnings of the a kind of organizational (or interorganiza-
US version of the New Public Management tional, or community) strategy for imple-
(Hood, 1991), Osborne and Gaebler’s menting policies and plans.
best-selling Reinventing Government At the same time, the systems do usually
(1992), Vice President Al Gore’s The Gore embody procedures and occasions for rou-
Report on Reinventing Government tinely reassessing strategies. It is during the
(1993), Moore’s Creating Public Value reassessment process that new strategies tend
(1995), Osborne and Plastrik’s Banishing to be ‘found’ or ‘formulated’. These strate-
Bureaucracy (1997), or Osborne and gies typically are present in nascent or emer-
Hutchinson’s The Price of Government gent form already in the organization. The
(2004). Perhaps it is the rise of a new cadre strategy reassessment process simply raises
of political leaders and professional manag- them to prominence in an incremental, or
ers who feel free to challenge old shibbo- otherwise nondisruptive, fashion. The ‘new’
leths and homilies about the way things are strategies that these systems produce are thus
now and always will be. Whatever the mainly variations on existing themes, rather
causes, managing for results and public than new themes. The really big changes,
strategic management appear to be embed- when they occur, usually are either induced
ded in US public administration practice in from outside via new mandates, new leader-
a way they have not before. ship, significant resource shifts, or drastic

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environmental changes; or else represent the cycle, operating plans are developed to imple-
cumulative minor organizational adjustments ment the strategic plans. In each cycle efforts
to persistent environmental pressures – are made to explicitly, logically, and persua-
changes in degree – that lead to changes in sively relate levels, functions, and inside
kind (Crosby and Bryson, 2005; True et al., and outside environments. The process is
2007; Anderson and Harbridge, 2010). repeated each year within the general frame-
While it is often important to create and work established by the organization’s grand
maintain a strategic management system, or umbrella strategies. Every three to five
it is also important to guard against the ten- years these overarching strategies are
dency such systems have of driving out wise reviewed and modified based on experience,
strategic thinking, acting, and learning – pre- changing conditions, and the emergence of
cisely those phenomena that strategic plan- new strategies that were not necessarily
ning and management (at their best) promote. planned in advance. In the United States, the
An important guideline therefore should Government Performance and Results Act
be that whenever any strategic management of 1993 and the Government Performance
system (or strategic planning process) threat- and Results Modernization Act of 2010
ens to drive out wise strategic thinking, are ambitious attempts to establish a sort of
acting, and learning, efforts should be made layered or stacked units of management
to change the system (or process) and get system for each Federal agency and for
back to promoting effective strategic think- the Executive Branch as a whole. Charlotte,
ing, acting, and learning. NC, Hampton Roads, VA, and Miami-Dade
There appear to be six main types of stra- County, FL, are well-known US local gov-
tegic management systems in the United ernment examples of this general type of
States and other OECD countries, although strategic management system.
every strategic management system that It is precisely this sort of system that is
I have seen appears to be a hybrid of the six most prone to driving out strategic thinking,
types. The ‘types’ therefore refer to dominant acting and learning, which occurs when the
tendencies. The types are: the layered or system is underpinned by a belief that the
stacked units of management model; strate- future actually can be predicted accurately, is
gic issues management models; contract too detached from the messiness of opera-
models; portfolio management models; col- tional reality and is characterized by exces-
laboration models; and goal or ‘benchmark’ sive centralization of power and formality
models. Each will be discussed briefly (Roberts and Wargo, 1994; Mintzberg et al.,
in turn. 2009). Such systems are very likely to be
The purpose of the layered or stacked blind-sided by events that cannot be pre-
units of management model is to effectively dicted and wreak havoc on existing strategies
link inside and outside environments through and plans. The systems therefore must be
development and implementation of an inte- used with extreme caution, since they can
grated set of strategies across levels and take on a life of their own, promote incre-
functions of the organization (Poister, 2010). mental change when major change is needed
Often the model is applied through public and serve only the interests of the leaders,
application of the classic, private sector, cor- managers and planners who wish to resist –
porate style ‘goals down − plans up’ two- not promote – major change.
cycle strategic planning process. In the first Strategic issues management systems are
cycle, there is a ‘bottom-up’ development of the most common form of institutionalized
strategic plans within a framework of goals, strategic management system in public orga-
objectives and other guidance established at nizations. These systems do not attempt to
the top, followed by review and reconcilia- integrate strategies across levels and func-
tion at each succeeding level. In the second tions to the extent that layered or stacked

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units of management approaches do. The and a unit outlines the unit’s expected perfor-
reason is that most of the issues are on differ- mance, indicates the resources it will receive
ent time frames, involve different constituen- from the center, lists other support the unit
cies and politics, and do not need to be can expect from the center, and describes a
considered in the light of all other issues. As review and re-negotiation sequence. Within
a result, issues are not managed comprehen- the framework and legal strictures of the
sively as a set, but instead are dealt with one contract, general managers of individual
by one within an overarching framework units and their staffs are free to do whatever
of organizational mission and strategic goals they think is necessary or desirable to ensure
or objectives. While each issue is managed adequate performance. The approach allows
relatively separately, it is of course necessary both the center and the individual units to
to make sure choices in one issue area do focus on what is important for them; both are
not cause trouble in other issue areas. While empowered to do their jobs better. In such a
many public organizations have several system, there would be a strategic plan for
task forces in operation at any one time, the center and one for each of the units. Key
fewer go the next step to design and use a system concerns will include the content and
strategic issues management system. They approach embodied in the center’s plan, the
do not establish an overall framework center’s difficulties in acquiring adequate
of organizational mission, goals or policy information and the difficulties the center
objectives, systematically seek out issues to may have in exercising control and ensuring
address, or make sure their various issues accountability when using a large number
management activities add up to increased of contractors (Osborne and Plastrik, 1997;
organizational effectiveness. Organizational Frederickson and Frederickson, 2006).
leaders and managers should thus consider In the portfolio approach entities of vari-
establishing a strategic issues management ous sorts (programs, projects, products, ser-
system, keeping in mind that the resulting vices, or providers) are arrayed against
centralization of certain key decisions at the dimensions that have some strategic impor-
top is likely to draw the attention and resis- tance. The dimensions usually consist of the
tance of those who do not want to see power attractiveness or desirability of the entity
concentrated in that way or who dislike the (from high to low) and the capability of
resulting decisions. the organization or community to deliver
The contract model is becoming an increas- what is needed. Portfolio methods are quite
ingly popular approach to institutionaliz- flexible, in that any dimensions of interest
ing strategic planning and management may be arrayed against one another and
(Osborne and Plastrik, 1997; Van Slyke, entities mapped on to the resulting matrix.
2006). The contract model is employed for Portfolio methods also can be used at
much of the planning and delivery of many sub-organizational and supra-organizational
publicly financed services in the United levels as well to assess options against
States and other OECD countries via either strategically important factors (Nutt and
public or nonprofit service providers. The Backoff, 1992; Bryson, 2011). Unfortunately,
model is also used to institutionalize strategic few public and nonprofit organizations or
planning and management in US school communities use formal portfolio models,
districts utilizing site-based management. In even though many probably use portfolio
this model, there is a ‘center’ that establishes methods informally. The problem, of course,
strategic objectives for the jurisdiction or with use of formal models is that they create
organization as a whole, negotiates contracts comparisons that may be troubling for
with individual units of management, moni- politically powerful actors.
tors performance, and ensures the integrity of Collaboration models are used to stra-
the system. The contract between the center tegically manage the ongoing work of

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multi-organizational collaborations. The system is likely to be a hybrid of all five

models typically take one of three forms types. For example, in the State of Virginia as
(Provan and Kenis, 2007): a place the main model is a goal or bench-
mark model. For individual state agencies,
• participant-governed networks are the simplest however, there is a layered or stacked units
and involve governance by the network mem- of management model, but each would also
bers themselves, not by a separate and unique use explicit or implicit portfolio methods as
governance entity; well. Different state agencies rely on a con-
• lead organization-governed networks are more
tract model to manage relationships with
centralized, either because the lead organization
is the most powerful or legitimate, or to over-
various contractors. To the extent that state
come inefficiencies of shared governance; and agencies are involved in various collabora-
• the third form is the network administrative tions, collaboration models are be used.
organization, in which a separate administrative Strategic issues that cut across state agencies
entity is set up specifically to govern the network are handled via a strategic issues manage-
and its activities. ment approach. The question is simply which
type dominates at which level.
Goal or benchmark models also are much Each type of system has characteristic
‘looser’ than the layered or stacked units strengths and weaknesses. They each repre-
of management models and are generally sent a different kind of organizational (or
applied at the community, regional, or state interorganizational, or community) strategy
levels (Bryson, 2011). They are designed to for implementing other strategies that are
gain reasonable agreement on overarching already agreed upon, at least in broad outline.
goals or indicators (benchmarks) toward It is also important to remember that each
which relatively independent groups, units, system embodies a set of arrangements that
or organizations might then direct their ener- empowers particular actors, makes particular
gies. Consensual agreement on goals and kinds of issues more likely to arise than
indicators thus provides a weak surrogate for others, and particular strategies more likely
the corporate control exercised in layered to be pushed than others. Whenever the envi-
models. Nonetheless, when agreement can ronment around the system changes to the
be reached and support for implementation extent that the system no longer produces
can be generated, the models can work effective strategies, the system itself is
reasonably well. Besides, in the fragmented, unlikely to be able to change enough on its
shared-power environments in which most own. Instead, typically, the big changes must
public problems are embedded, the approach be forced from the outside in some way, but
may be the only viable approach. For exam- also find favor in significant ways inside, or
ple, most community strategic plans are the changes are unlikely to occur without
implemented via goal or benchmark models significant and damaging dislocations and
(e.g., Wheeland, 2004). Large numbers of distress.
leaders and citizens typically are involved in
the process of goal setting and strategy devel-
opment. Then action plans outline what each
organization might do to help implement the CURRENT TRENDS
strategies and achieve the goals on a volun-
tary basis. The State of Virginia has pursued A variety of trends are apparent that involve
a goal or benchmark model for the state (as a the use of public strategic planning and man-
place) called Virginia Performs for some agement. The first is that there is an increased
time ( emphasis on organizational and community
Although there are six general types of effectiveness worldwide. People understand
strategic management systems, any actual that their organizations and communities

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must be effective if important public pur- The emphasis on inclusivity comes from
poses and the common good are to be three sources: the need for information, par-
advanced. Three trends are apparent as part ticipation and legitimacy (Suchman, 1995;
of this effort: they involve exploring ways to Thomas, 1995). Information is needed from
increase inclusivity, the speed of the process a variety of sources in order to properly
and systems thinking. In other words, many inform action. Participation is needed from
people know that the participation of a vari- key stakeholders in order to build under-
ety of different kinds of stakeholders is standing and commitment to collective
important, and so is achieving a clearer action. Participation also is an important key
understanding of the system to be improved to fostering active citizenship, which is of
and how to improve it. It is also apparent, growing interest and emphasis. The renewed
however, that involving more stakeholders emphasis on citizenship comes from several
and achieving a better understanding of the sources: a reaction to the often inappropriate
system can take a great deal of time, so there emphasis on ‘customers’ in public manage-
is also an emphasis on figuring out how to ment (Denhardt and Denhardt, 2000), a rec-
speed up the process. The final trend involves ognition of the importance of social capital to
increasing use of strategic planning and man- the achievement of broad public purposes
agement to help on all three fronts, by fusing (Putnam, 2000), and a desire to reclaim the
planning and implementation, and by attend- full meaning of democracy (Boyte, 2004).
ing to strategic and operational concerns First and foremost, increasing inclusivity
simultaneously (Poister, 2010). As a result, means finding ways to include the full range
the number of concepts, procedures and tools of stakeholders. When a multi-organization
that comprise strategic planning and manage- or multi-unit response is required, this means
ment is increasing because work in a variety an increased reliance on the use of partner-
of areas is being incorporated into the theory ships and collaboration (Agranoff, 2007;
and practice of the field (see Figure 3.1). O’Leary and Bingham, 2009). The explosive

collaboration or

Increase inclusivity Increase systems

Make use of systems
Increase speed of thinking tools e.g.,
Facilitate active process spreadsheets
citizenship strategy mapping,
Rely on strategic and system dynamics
management to modeling
integrate planning
and implementation
Include full range and attend to
of stakeholders strategic and
operational concerns
Use performance
management tools and
Rely on partnerships
and collaboration
Use results-oriented
budgeting to link
planning and
Use large-group Build in HRM ICT,
interaction methods and financial

Figure 3.1 Current trends in strategic planning and management

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growth of interest in, and use of, large-group outputs, and feedback. This awareness facili-
interaction methods (Holman, Devane, and tates the process of talking in systems terms
Cady, 2007) – such as Future Search and increases the expectation that such dis-
(Weisbord and Janoff, 1995), Open Space course will occur. And finally, there is aware-
Technology (Owen, 1997), and Real-Time ness that without decent systems thinking
Strategic Planning (Jacobs, 1994) – also there is a high likelihood that the problem
reflects the need to find ways to incorporate will be conceptualized at the wrong level, the
large numbers of diverse individuals into the wrong problem will be solved, or else the
process. Social media open up additional problem will be made worse (Senge, 2006).
means of being inclusive (e.g., Eggers, 2007; Systems thinking is made easier by the
Shirky, 2008). Finally, building in attention increased availability of systems thinking
to human resource management (HRM), tools, perhaps the most common of which is
information and communications technol- spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft
ogy (ICT) and financial management is seen Excel) loaded onto many kinds of computing
as vital in order to develop viable and self- devices. Electronic spreadsheets make it pos-
sustaining ‘livelihood schemes’ or ‘business sible to develop models of important aspects
models’ for government organizations of systems to understand how they behave in
(Bryson et al., 2007; Ackermann and Eden, the present and to explore ‘what if’ scenarios
2011). In the past, when funding typically for the future. Beyond that, the use of con-
was more secure, strategic plans were usually cept mapping techniques is growing in popu-
prepared without much consideration for larity, including, for example, mind mapping
their HRM, ICT, and financial management (Buzan and Buzan, 1996) and various kinds
implications; or else separate plans for each of sophisticated strategy mapping (Bryson
function were prepared without adequate et al., 2004; Kaplan and Norton, 2004;
attention to the organization’s core business. Ackermann and Eden, 2011). Finally, system
Now it is important that strategic plans and dynamics modeling is increasingly widely
ongoing strategic management reflect the used (Sterman, 2000). This methodology
organization or collaborative as an integrated, allows for the creation of very complex quan-
self-sustaining enterprise. The livelihood titative models that can be manipulated to
schemes or business plans thus become or explore the direct and feedback effects over
may be viewed as the core logic animating time of numerous policy interventions.
ongoing strategic planning and management. Systems thinking is also assisted by build-
The emphasis on systems thinking also ing attention to HRM, ICT, and financial
comes from a number of sources. First, management, using results-oriented budget-
people are increasingly framing their situa- ing to link planning and budgeting and rely-
tions in systems terms, and typically at levels ing on the range of performance management
that transcend individual organizations tools and techniques. The need to accommo-
(Schon, 1971; Scharmer, 2009). For example, date these conceptual pieces of the puzzle is
the challenges of elementary and secondary broadly recognized and the development of
education are being framed in ways that systems thinking tools and large-group inter-
include parents, employers, social services, action methods now makes it easier to do.
public health and safety interests, and whole While still relatively uncommon, the practice
communities. Education generally is seen as of linking sophisticated systems thinking
an economic development issue, and not just tools with inclusive participation methods is
as a matter of personal growth and develop- on the rise.
ment. In addition, there is now widespread As noted, the final trend involves increa-
awareness of the basic elements of the sys- sing use of strategic planning and man-
tems view of the world, including attending agement to help increase inclusivity, the
to the environment, inputs, throughputs, speed of the process and systems thinking by

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integrating planning and implementation and CONCLUSION

attending to strategic and operational con-
cerns simultaneously. As a result, strategic First, it should be clear that strategic plan-
planning and management are coming to ning and management represent a range of
embrace the entire management process in approaches that vary in their applicability to
a way they have not in the past, and the the public sector and in the conditions that
number of leadership roles, concepts, proce- govern their successful use. Second, while
dures and tools that comprise the field any generic approach may be a useful guide
of strategic planning and management is to thought and action, it will have to be
increasing (Poister, 2010). One of the really applied with care in a given situation, as is
big challenges these days is figuring out how true of any planning and management proc-
to be inclusive and incorporate systems ess (Johnson et al., 2007). Because every
thinking and be quick. Some years ago, strategic planning and management process
Cleveland (1993) described the first part should be tailored to fit specific situations,
of the challenge as figuring out how to get every process in practice will be a hybrid.
everyone in on the act and still get some Third, public sector strategic planning and
action. The second part of the challenge management are well on the way to becom-
is figuring out what to do when systems ing part of the standard repertoire of public
thinking matters. The third part of the chal- leaders, managers and planners. Because of
lenge is how to do both before it is too late. the often dramatic changes these people and
As noted previously, strategic planning and their organizations confront, we can hypoth-
management must deal with the five tasks of esize that the most effective leaders, manag-
organizing effective participation; creating ers and planners are now, and will be
meritorious ideas for mission, goals, strate- increasingly in the future, the ones who are
gies, actions, and other strategic interven- best at strategic planning and management.
tions; forging the coalition needed to adopt Fourth, the field of public strategic plan-
and to implement the changes; implementing ning and management is expanding in
the changes in a timely fashion; and building response to a variety of pressures. As noted
capacity for ongoing implementation and in the introduction, people understand that
learning. Inclusion can speed things up their organizations and communities must
when it shortens the time for consultation be effective if important public purposes
and re-work. Systems thinking also can and the common good are to be advanced.
speed things up when it leads to prompt and Increased effectiveness implies a need for
good problem formulation and solution increased inclusivity, speed, and systems
development and to the identification of thinking. Unfortunately, there can be a
which stakeholders need to be involved and significant tradeoff between inclusivity and
how. But performing the five tasks well systems thinking, on the one hand, and
places a real premium on having adequate speed, on the other. Thus, finding ways to
leadership and management talent and analy- enrich and improve strategic planning and
sis skill on tap, adequate approaches to the management so that gains are made against
strategic planning and management tasks at all three desires simultaneously is and should
hand, and adequate institutional designs, be an important part of the research and
relationships and resources available to sup- practice agenda.
port the approaches. Identifying or develop- Along the way, strategic planning and
ing models of the talents, skills, designs, and management are incorporating concepts,
relationships to make strategic planning and tools and techniques from a variety of cog-
management work well in the new circum- nate fields. Both the theory and practice are
stances should be high on the academic and changing to the point that the entire manage-
practice agendas. ment process is embraced in a way it was not

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in the past. As a result, planning and imple- Anderson, S., & Harbridge, L. (2010). Incrementalism
mentation and strategic and operational con- in appropriations: Small aggregations, big
cerns are increasingly fused. changes. Public Administration Review, 70,
Finally, research must explore a number of 464−474.
Barzelay, M., & Campbell, C. (2003). Preparing for the
theoretical and empirical issues in order to
future: Strategic planning in the U.S. Air Force.
advance the knowledge and practice of public Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
sector strategic planning and management. In Barzelay, M., & Jacobsen, A. S. (2009). Theorizing
particular, strategic planning and manage- implementation of public management policy
ment processes that are responsive to differ- reforms: A case study of strategic planning and
ent situations must be developed and tested. programming in the European Commission.
These processes should: specify key situa- Governance, 22(2), 319−334.
tional factors governing their use; provide Berman, E., & West, J. P. (1998). Productivity enhance-
specific advice on how to formulate and ment efforts in public and nonprofit organizations.
implement strategies in different situations; Public Productivity and Management Review,
be explicitly political; indicate how to deal 22(2), 207–219.
Boyne, G. A., Gould-Williams, J. S., Law, J., & Walker,
with plural, ambiguous, or conflicting goals
R. M. (2004). Problems of rational planning in
or objectives; link content, process, tools, public organizations: An empirical assessment of the
and techniques; indicate how collaboration conventional wisdom. Administration and Society,
as well as competition are to be handled; and 36(3), 328−350.
specify roles for those involved in the pro- Boyte, H. C. (2004). Everyday politics: Reconnecting
cess. Other topics in need of attention include: citizens and public life. Philadelphia, PA: University
the nature of strategic leadership; ways to of Pennsylvania Press.
promote and institutionalize strategic plan- Bryson, J. M. (2010). The future of strategic
ning across organizational levels, functions planning. Public Administration Review, 70(Suppl),
that bridge organizational boundaries, and S255−S267.
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management concepts and technologies can Bryson, J. M., & Roering, W. D. (1988). Initiation
help or hinder the process. Finally, work is of strategic planning by governments. Public
needed on how strategic planning and man- Administration Review, 48(November/December),
agement ought to be pursued in order to 995−1004.
strengthen democratic institutions, citizen- Bryson, J. M., Ackermann, F., & Eden, C. (2007).
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Human Resource
edited by Patricia W. Ingraham

BACKGROUND structures that support them have certainly

not gone away. It is well recognized that
In many nations, human resource manage- these structures are not impermeable, but are
ment (HRM) – personnel or civil service open to politics, other sectors, and various
systems in the old terminology – has changed other environmental influences. While some
profoundly in the past two decades. From a of the more dramatic reforms were driven by
theoretical perspective, the management of concerns for improved performance and
public employees and the institutions of the accountability, others emerged from simple
public service have moved from being treated economics. Public employees are often the
as mechanistic add-ons to the machinery of single greatest expense in a ministry or
government to being viewed as powerful departmental budget; cutting the numbers of
policy institutions in their own right, from public employees is a clear and direct attack
bland personnel systems to highly valued on cost. Whether under the flag of reinven-
human capital management endeavors, and tion, New Public Management, or budget
from neutral bureaucracies to active partici- cutting, human resource management reforms
pants in the policy process and targets of have altered roles, numbers, structures,
policy reform. expectations and rewards of national civil
In the process, some things about the for- service systems.
merly rigid structure have changed as well. The patterns of the changes, however, are
The centralized, rule-bound structures com- difficult to describe tidily. This is clearly
monly associated with traditional civil serv- demonstrated by the chapters in this section.
ice systems are in early stages of morphing Discretionary reforms – those granting
into more decentralized, flexible systems. greater flexibilities to managers and public
They place greater emphasis on management entities – most often occur in Western indus-
and leadership than on process and proce- trial nations and Westminster democracies.
dure, though process and procedure and the Other nations in the world – those in Eastern

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Europe, for example – continue to struggle to models for managing and leading the human
create new structures and institutions to capital of government can be identified. None
replace the crumbled remains of Communist of the moels is ‘pure’; there are numerous
years. In these cases, the new structures often variations on a theme, but, overall, there are
look remarkably like old bureaucracies. least four. The first, not surprisingly, is the
Other nations follow this pattern – many in traditional civil service model: a closed hier-
Latin and South America, for example – and archical system designed to be neutral and to
argue that centralized institutions must exclude inappropriate political influence, to
become a part of the political culture before admit personnel based on testing and exper-
decentralization can occur. Flexibility and tise, and to reward and dismiss based on
discretion can potentially combat structural merit. It is now commonly noted that protec-
dysfunction, reformers from this perspective tion and process are hallmarks of the tradi-
note, but structure and stability are necessary tional model, and that performance is, at best,
antecedents to the flexibility reforms blos- an afterthought (Ingraham, 1995; Bekke et
soming in more developed nations. Blatant al., 1997; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2000). The
corruption and patronage are reasons com- promise the model delivers is one of stability,
monly cited by those who advocate the crea- efficiency and order.
tion of traditional civil service structures as A variation on the civil service model, but
the first step toward reform. one that does not reject the traditional struc-
tures per se, can be termed the strategic
human resources model (Kettl et al., 1996).
Underpinning this model is the recognition
THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES that civil service systems and constraints
FOR ANALYSIS frequently inhibit governments and their
employees from responding to new chal-
For much of the past century, Western civil lenges, but also keep governments from uti-
service systems were structured and viewed lizing and rewarding public employees in the
as technical appendages to the other institu- most effective way. The model’s basic
tions of government, rather than as institu- assumption is that the capacity for strategic
tions in their own right (Bekke et al., 1997). management resides in the traditional model,
This perspective was based to a large extent but needs to be coaxed out.
on the premise that politics and administra- Alternative compensation structures, vari-
tion were separable. The reality of contem- ations on traditional classification structures
porary policymaking, however, coupled with and some decentralization of authority from
the recognition of the power base that control a central office to individual agencies are
of human resources represents, challenged generally included in strategic HR reforms. It
that premise. Clearly, the separation provided is important to note, however, that many of
by differences in politics and administra- these reforms proceed from the additional
tion – while real and alluring for its simplic- assumption that traditional structures can be
ity – masks enormous complexity and leads altered incrementally at the edges to achieve
to myriad problems in the search for change new objectives. It is not unusual, therefore, to
and reform. find strategic human resource management
objectives being pursued from within the old
structures. The United States is a leading
example of this approach.
MODELS FOR COMPARISON A third, more limited model advocated for
public employee systems is the human capi-
Despite the complexity and disparity in reform tal model (Walker, 2000). Based on the per-
efforts across the world, several patterns or ception (real in some cases) that governments

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need to compete for employees in what is So commonplace as to be nearly inherent in

fundamentally a ‘War for Talent’ and exper- reform discussions, pay for performance is a
tise, the human capital model urges that policy tool whose popularity has not been
human resources be viewed as critical strate- diminished by very modest success. Other
gic resources to be developed, not as sunk common reforms in those intended to reshape
costs to the organization (McKinsey, 1998). the public workforce − smaller, more flexible
This perspective has become more wide- core workforces, seasonal or temporary
spread as the demand for more complex workers, contract employees and even per-
technological talents has increased, as third- manent employees who do not view govern-
party government has became more perva- ment as their long-term career choice − both
sive, and as governments have encountered shape and are shaped by governments’ emerg-
more and more difficulty in recruiting ing analysis of workforce needs. This new
and retaining qualified employees (OECD workforce context has also led to significant
Public Management Service, 2001). The challenging of the ‘government as model
human capital model is notable in that it employer’ idea. The emerging idea is that
places human resource management at the government must restructure and redesign
very center of strategic agency direction and many human resource functions so that it can
management. be a competitive employer. Sally Coleman
Finally, it is important to note the presence Selden’s chapter discusses general patterns
of an enduring influence on public manage- and trends in recruiting and retaining
ment systems – the private sector. This a highly qualified and able public service.
general model strongly advocates the emula- What are current trends in recruitment,
tion of private sector techniques in public retention and in performance management
organizations. Thus, pay for performance, in nations that have addressed these
different bargaining authority for public issues? Selden finds more flexible recruiting
sector unions, greater emphasis on leader- tools, a heightened sense of the need to be
ship, and much stronger emphasis on overall an effective recruiter, increased use of
internal flexibilities and decentralizaation both recruitment and retention bonuses, a
emerged as ‘positive’ characterisitics of new focus on workforce planning, and a
reformed public organizations. Certainly, growing awareness of – if not complete
New Public Management falls squarely into adherence to – principles of performance
this category. management.
New examinations of the role of public
sector unions and collective bargaining are
also common reform themes. The ‘partner-
COMMON CHALLENGES ships’ that evolved from reinventing govern-
ment are one manifestation. James
These general models emerged and perse- Thompson’s excellent chapter provides a rare
vered as leaders and managers in government and very useful summary of the current state
faced a set of challenges quite different from of collective bargaining arrangements across
those of early civil service years. One of the the world, detailing the differences among
most important of these was the need to those nations whose political and institu-
move from pact to performance: that is, from tional history allowed consensualist patterns
protection of employees and guarantees of cooperation between public unions and the
of security to an emphasis on performance leaders and managers of government, and
that placed the burden on the employee, not those nations with a fundamentally confron-
on the government employer. Pay for tational labor/management relationship. He
performance, performance contracts and asks, ‘What is the current practice and future
downsizing were common responses here. outlook of collective bargaining and unions?’

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He examines the potential and the experience executive pay through a variety of theoretical
with collaboration versus confrontation and lenses. In a far-reaching analysis, he con-
explores the potential for the partnership cludes that neither pure market nor pure
model so favored by reinvention efforts. political explanations suffice to explain vari-
Finally, he queries: Is a more complete ations in executive pay. Neither are there
reconfiguration of the relationship between simple categories for the variation. Instead,
employer and employee either necessary or Christensen finds persistent cross-national
likely? differences in countries otherwise alike, and
An additional challenge underpins all inconsistent developments in countries that
of those just described. As governments are otherwise similar. Concluding that theo-
subcontract or outsource many of their retical explanations fall far short of explain-
activities – including core functions, in some ing such diversity, he also notes that ‘paying
cases – they increasingly manage a ‘shadow’ for good governance’ is a constant policy
or ‘hollow’ workforce (Milward and Provan, challenge for all nations, no matter their level
1999). Contract employees are not techni- of political or economic development. The
cally government employees, but responsi- declining levels of executive compensation
bility and accountability for the jobs they do in many nations can be attributed, he says, to
often remains with the employees who moni- a lack of political consensus about the value
tor the contracts – the contract managers of that good learns bring, perhaps even worse,
government. Many core human resource to an exclusion of this issue from political
management functions are among those on discourse and debate.
the frequently contracted list: management Finally, Donald Moynihan looks at devel-
of retirement benefits is one example. opments in overall government performance
Training provision is also a very frequent and governance with an eye toward implica-
contract activity. Managing contractors, par- tions for human resource management. His
ticularly when they are providing services careful review of research related to the ante-
that shape the nature and skills of govern- cedents of performance leads him to con-
ment employees, is an increasingly critical clude that the research may be increasingly
activity. The struggles to balance accounta- rigorous, but this is not necessarily leading to
bility with the reality of authority and control a better understanding of what matters, when
is manifested to a large extent in the recent and how. Performance management, for
attention focused on the roles and responsi- example, does not lead to better performance
bilities of public leaders. Senior executive in all cases. For HRM, he notes, ‘... overall
corps, performance contracts, new recruiting performance systems have promise, but
patterns and new definitions of how leaders cannot be regarded as a certain contributor to
should ‘look’ are thoughtfully described and performance.’ His thorough and thoughtful
critiqued by John Halligan, in a chapter that discussion of the other variables that can
is an important update to emerging views of have a potential impact on performance con-
public leadership. Halligan explores the cludes that research in the past decade has
nature and characters of several national altered the way in which we define and con-
leadership cadres, identifies and examines sider HRM. Certainly, though there is still a
models of leadership development and asks proclivity toward ‘one size fits all’ practices
the extent to which these models contain and potential solutions, there is a new set of
fundamental components of learning for ‘prove it’ challenges.
effective leadership, such as the capacity to No brief explanation of the complexities
change. of managing modern public services could
Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen explores cover the subject adequately. In combination,
leadership – political and administrative – from however, the chapters in this section provide
other perspectives, examining comparative both overviews and incisive analysis of broad

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issues, relevant comparisons and lessons Service Reform: Building a Government That Works.
learned thus far – and the long road that is Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
ahead. McKinsey Group (1998) ‘The War for Talent’, The
McKinsey Quarterly, 3: 44–57.
Milward, H. Brinton and Provan, Keith (1999) ‘How
Networks are Governed’. Paper Delivered at the
Fifth National Public Management Conference,
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Civil Service Reform in Comparative Perspective. OECD.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Pollitt, Christopher and Bouckaert, Geert (2000) Public
Ingraham, Patricia W. (1995) The Foundation of Merit: Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis.
Public Service in American Democracy. Baltimore, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Walker, David O. (2000) Creating Human Capital
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Ronald P., and Horner, Constance (1996) Civil PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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Identifying the Antecedents
to Government Performance:
Implications for Human
Resource Management
Donald P. Moynihan

INTRODUCTION This chapter summarizes some of the key

findings from this literature, and considers
To say that public organizations are under the HR implications that result.
more pressure than ever to demonstrate per- The chapter organizes findings into three
formance is a cliché, but like many clichés it broad categories: people (which examines
is grounded in reality. As many chapters in motivation, leadership, and networking
this book demonstrate, governments have efforts), systems (which examines perform-
sought to reform, measure and even privatize ance management systems, goal clarity,
services. The central goal of these efforts is strategic stance, and organizational culture),
to increase government performance. The and rules (which focuses on red tape,
human resource area is not exempt from centralization, and organizational stability).
such pressures. If the traditional purview of This review is selective rather than com-
human resource management (HRM) sys- prehensive, focusing on aspects of the
tems were to prevent corruption and instill organization subject to the control of HRM
norms of honest behavior, they are now systems, and on variables where a critical
called upon to be change agents that increase mass of research offers substantive new
performance. findings.
Where is the field of HRM to find system- First, however, the basic concept of gov-
atic knowledge on the actual predictors ernment performance, as represented in this
of government performance? A nascent empirical literature, is examined in greater
empirical literature provides some answers. detail.

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more attentive to certain values than others

THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNMENT (Boyne, 2002), most of the empirical studies
PERFORMANCE IN EMPIRICAL of public sector performance utilize one or a
RESEARCH very small number of performance indicators
that generally focus on effectiveness. If we
In the late 1990s and early 2000s a number of assume that there are likely to be low or even
scholars helped to frame a new research negative correlations between some compet-
agenda on government performance (Boyne, ing conceptualizations of performance, fac-
2003; Heinrich and Lynn, 2000: Ingraham, tors associated with one aspect of performance
Joyce and Donahue, 2003; O’Toole and may not necessarily be associated with others.
Meier, 1999; Rainey and Steinbauer, 1999). For example, the nature or significance of the
These works shared some central assump- antecedents of Texas schools performance
tions. First, government performance was not has been found to vary depending on which
just a legitimate variable to study, but that it particular measure of performance is actually
was the most pressing variable for public utilized (Meier and Hicklin, 2008; Nicholson-
management scholars; second, there was Crotty, Theobold, and Nicholson-Crotty,
variation between high- and low-performing 2006).
public organizations that could be measured; Another basic measurement challenge is a
third, that public managers and management dearth of reliable and comparable indicators
variables contributed to performance, and across a broad range of organizations. One
their contributions should be explored via exception is the policy area of education,
social science research methods. where performance indicators such as stu-
The emergence of this research agenda dent exam performance are generally meas-
parallels the evidence-based policy move- ured in the same way across a range of local
ment in the broader fields of policy analysis governments. Not coincidentally, education
and medicine (Heinrich, 2007). The essential is the dominant policy area represented in
logic for these approaches is the same, in that performance studies, with a particular repre-
they demand that academics, analysts, and sentation of research utilizing the Texas
professionals recommending a certain course Education Excellence Project. Other data is
of action be able to demonstrate rigorous more subjective, in that it represents the
evidence that such actions make a difference opinion or aggregation of opinions of a group
to important outcomes. But while policy and of individuals. For many studies, indicators
health scholars have a record of employing of performance rely on perceptual indicators
evaluations and experimental methods to by employees (such as the National
isolate the impact of a particular practice, Administrative Studies Project, or US federal
an equivalent research record does not exist employee datasets). Such assessments run
in the field of public management, and the risk of an upward response bias, and a
researchers there must grapple with some common source bias if the independent vari-
basic problems. ables are sourced from the same surveys that
A fundamental challenge is defining collect the dependent variables. In other
and measuring performance. The empirical cases, external stakeholder perceptions are
literature examined in this chapter relies used. The credibility of such data depends
on quantitative studies that in turn depend upon the independence and rigor of the
upon some measure of performance, and a evaluations. Many UK analyses of local gov-
concrete conceptualization of the variable. A ernment performance have relied upon
basic issue for public organizations is that assessments completed by the Audit
they pursue multiple goals, and performance Commission (Andrews et al., 2005). Program
is not unidimensional. Just as actual govern- performance scores completed by the Bush
ment measures of performance tend to be administration’s Office of Management and

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Budget for the Program Assessment Rating effective. In trying to make the link between
Tool program have been similarly used individual traits and performance, we focus
(Lewis, 2008), but have been criticized as on factors that enjoy significant theoretical
being partly shaped by partisan preferences and empirical support. In this section, the
(Gilmour and Lewis, 2006). roles of individual motivation, leadership,
The underlying message is that the credi- and networking are examined.
bility of the research, and the actual anteced-
ents of performance, may vary with the type
of measure used. This is true even when Motivation
using ‘objective’ indicators. Such indicators
have been chosen by actors in the policy One aspect of employee behavior subject to
process to represents a particular perspective consistent theoretical and empirical analysis
(Moynihan, 2008a), and, as noted above, one is motivation. More motivated employees are
objective indicator may result in a different generally expected to raise the performance
insight about performance than another. of their organization. In public management
As the above paragraphs suggest, the scholarship the most compelling examina-
development of an empirical research agenda tion of motivation has been the research lit-
on government performance has sought rigor erature on public service motivation (PSM).
as well as relevance, favoring quantitative PSM is conceptualized as an individual pre-
techniques and increasingly sophisticated disposition toward the public interest and
models. This is all to the good in that it has desire to help others, and in its original
raised the standard of research on the topic. articulation was hypothesized as being posi-
But since no empirical approach is perfect, tively associated with performance (Perry
a concern for methodological nuance also and Wise, 1990). A limited number of studies
characterizes the field, causing scholars have sought to test this hypothesis, using
to offer more qualified and less sweeping measures of individual and organizational
statements than a previous generation of performance as dependent variables. The
research. results of these analyses vary somewhat, and
suggest mediating factors, but in general sup-
port the idea that PSM is associated with
higher public performance.
PEOPLE Before we examine these studies, why
should PSM be associated with performance
HRM systems are ultimately tasked with in a public context? There are a number of
managing the performance of people. Some reasons. Individuals with high PSM may care
studies have sought to link individual charac- more about the basic mission of the organiza-
teristics with organizational performance tion and hold a desire to help others. As a
(Brewer and Selden, 2000; Kim, 2005). result, such individuals are likely to work
One obvious problem with this approach harder toward that mission, going above and
is aggregating individual attributes to organi- beyond role expectations, and be less likely
zational outcomes. If, for example, we find to require pecuniary incentives for their
that individual satisfaction is positively cor- effort (Perry and Wise, 1990).
related with the same individual’s assessment Brewer and Selden (1998) found higher
of organizational performance (Kim, 2005), levels of PSM among whistleblowers in US
it raises the question of whether the finding federal government. This implies that PSM is
tells us that happier employees are more associated with forms of ethical behavior that
likely to rate their organization better, or that help to provide for aspects of performance that
more satisfied employees collectively work are related to good governance, such as trans-
to actually make their organizations more parency and honesty. Naff and Crum (1999)

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found a positive relationship between US organizational rather than individual per-

federal employee PSM and employee reports formance, though they are largely limited to
of their most recent federal performance measures of employee perceptions of that
appraisal score. However, using a different performance. Brewer and Selden (2000) find
model specification, Alonso and Lewis that individual self-assessments of PSM are
(2001) did not find such a relationship with associated with higher employee assessment
this data. of organizational performance. Similar find-
Other studies have suggested that there is ings have been made among Swiss (Ritz,
a link between PSM and individual perform- 2009), Flemish (Vandenabeele, 2009), and
ance, but that it is at least partly mediated by Korean (Kim, 2005) public employees.
an individual’s perception that their values Other research has found that alternative
are shared by their organization. These stud- conceptualizations of altruistic behavior gen-
ies propose that PSM will only motivate erate similar findings. Measures of prosocial
individuals to perform better if the employee motivation have found that employees who
sees a link between their desire to help others are more motivated to help others in their
and the work they actually perform. In a work are more committed, and tend to per-
study of US organizations, Bright (2007) form better. One advantage of this work is
found that person−organization fit did indeed that has utilized better measures of perform-
mediate the impact of PSM on self-reported ance, and some better models (including
performance appraisals scores. A study of field experiments) than studies of PSM
Dutch civil servants that asked respondents (Grant, 2008; for a review, see Wright and
to assess their performance relative to peers Grant, 2010).
also found such a mediating impact, but still The practical implication from this
found a separate positive effect between research is that public organizations that care
PSM and performance even when employees about performance should seek to encourage
did not feel a strong connection with PSM. For example, HRM systems should be
their work environment (Leisink and Steijn, designed to select based on PSM, to socialize
2009). individuals into expectations, and utilize per-
Rather than use measures of self-reported formance appraisals that reflect PSM; convey
individual performance, some work has the social significance of job and goals; and
sought to link PSM with employee attitudes encourage leaders to promote public service
that have been found to be predictive of per- values (Paarlberg, Perry, and Hondeghem,
formance. PSM has been shown to predict 2008). Such explicit strategies are necessary
organizational commitment, job satisfaction, because public organizations generally do a
and job involvement (Crewson, 1997; Kim, poor job in explaining the social value of
2005; Leisink and Steijn, 2009; Moynihan their work (with some exceptions, such as
and Pandey, 2007a). PSM has also been the military). Evidence shows that as indi-
hypothesized as predicting greater focus on viduals spend more time in public organiza-
mission (Perry and Wise, 1990; Rainey and tions, and encounter more red tape, their
Steinbauer, 1999). Two separate studies sup- level of PSM actually declines (Moynihan
port this hypothesis: in one study, PSM is and Pandey, 2007b).
associated with mission motivation (Wright,
Moynihan, and Pandey, 2012); in another
study, PSM predicts the likelihood that indi- Leadership
viduals will use performance information to
make decisions (Moynihan and Pandey, One of the most difficult variables to empiri-
2010). cally model and link to government perform-
A number of studies have sought to test the ance is leadership (Ingraham, Joyce, and
hypothesis that PSM is positively related to Donahue, 2003). In large part this is due to

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the basic difficulty of defining and measuring mediating variables. For example, transfor-
leadership. While case studies abound, the mational leadership does not directly impact
factors that are characterized as successful performance information use among employ-
leadership in one context might result in ees but it does increase goal clarity and a
failure in another. developmental culture, which in turn impact
Some studies using Texas schools and performance information use (Moynihan,
English local government have found that Wright, and Pandey, 2012). The implication
measures of leadership quality are associated is that the effects of leadership are easy to
with government performance (Boyne et al., overlook, but no less important as a result.
2010; Hicklin, 2004; Meier and O’Toole, Other studies have sought to understand
2002). But it is not always clear what leader- the impact of leadership by examining the
ship quality means, or what such leaders impact of leadership change (Boyne and
actually do. Another approach to leadership Dahya, 2002). For example, studies of lead-
focuses on how leaders actually work ership change in Texas schools and English
with administrative processes, characterized local government suggest a short-term per-
as integrative leadership (Moynihan and formance loss when a new executive is hired
Ingraham, 2004), but Fernandez (2005) finds and the replacement is an outsider to the
that leadership desires to change systems organization (Boyne et al., 2010; Hill, 2005).
may sometimes be counterproductive. Using Hills’s (2005) study of Texas school superin-
Texas schools data, he finds that superin- tendents finds that as managers gain experi-
tendents that promote change are associated ence, performance improves, making the
with lower school performance. long-term impact of succession positive rela-
One potential reason that more progress tive to districts that do not experience a
has not been made in documenting the change.
leadership−performance link is that much of Research on English local government
what leaders do, even effective leaders, may shows that the performance impact of change
only have an indirect effect on performance. in leadership and top management depends
Such effects might therefore not be observa- upon the preceding context. Where prior per-
ble in most empirical models, even if they formance is low, the effect of new leaders is
exert a real impact on performance. A series likely to be positive, but when performance is
of studies has examined the indirect effects already high, new leadership tends to see a
of transformational leadership in public set- reduction in performance (Boyne et al.,
tings. Transformational leadership is perhaps 2010). Our expectations for leaders should
the most popular conceptualization of leader- be contingent on context – new leaders can
ship currently in organization studies, and exploit a situation where there is room for
proposes a leadership style characterized by improvement, but are more likely to be con-
inspiring employees, identifying the value of sidered failures when they walk into a situa-
organizational goals, and encouraging a cul- tion where performance is already high.
ture of innovation. Such characteristics are Yet another strategy to understand the
expected to appeal to the type of intrinsic impacts of leaders is to examine leadership
motivation described in the previous section. roles. Some recent studies compare the per-
In public settings, transformational leader- formance of political appointees with career
ship has been found to increase mission officials holding similar positions in the US
valence and the use of performance data federal government. In one study Lewis
among managers (Wright, Moynihan, and (2008) finds that when programs are run by a
Pandey 2012; Moynihan, Wright, and Pandey, career professional, they are given higher
2012). Using a series of structural equation performance scores by a third party (the US
models, the studies show that the impacts Office of Management and Budget). The
of transformational leadership occur via main driving factor is that career officials

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enjoy longer agency-specific experience and comes from a study that shows that network-
longer tenures and both of these factors are ing matters more for performance in educa-
associated with higher program performance. tional organizations that are more dependent
In this respect, the findings are consistent on others for financial resources (O’Toole
with research that has shown that external and Meier, 2004). Networking can be a vol-
hires that lack agency-specific experience untary or coerced act – managers may seek to
tend to perform less well (Boyne et al., 2010; build networks, or feel compelled to respond
Hill 2005). In a related study, Gallo and to external stakeholders. This distinction
Lewis (2012) found that appointees who matters for how networking relates to per-
were selected primarily because of their cam- formance. Goerdel (2006) found that the
paign service were associated with lower positive impact of networking on perform-
program performance than appointees ance was greater when managers prospec-
selected for non-patronage reasons, or career tively sought to network rather than when
executives. While political appointments they were reactively responding to the initia-
serve important political purposes – such as tives of others. But it is possible to have too
loyalty, responsiveness, and fulfilling cam- much of a good thing, and at some point net-
paign commitments – these studies suggest working generates negative returns on per-
that they bring a performance cost. formance (Hicklin et al., 2008), and managers
would be better off spending their time on
other tasks.
Networking and political support
The findings that political appointees per-
form less well relative to career managers PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS
does not imply that steering clear of politics
is the best way to be successful. Indeed, the In this section we consider variables related
empirical literature on government perform- to management systems (especially perform-
ance suggests the opposite. How leaders ance management), while in the following
allocate their time to manage the external section we examine formal rules.
political environment is a matter of strategic
choice. Political support is associated with
higher organizational performance, with a Performance management
clear implication that leaders should look for
ways to increase that support (Fernandez, Some models of government performance
2005; Moynihan and Pandey, 2005). explicitly focus on the importance of formal
A series of studies have shown that net- management systems (Ingraham, Joyce,
working with political stakeholders is associ- and Donahue, 2003). Perhaps the most prom-
ated with higher organizational performance, inent practical example of how governments
both for schools (Meier and O’Toole, have attempted to utilize management sys-
2003) and policing (Nicholson-Crotty and tems to improve performance is the popular-
O’Toole, 2004) in the United States, although ity of performance management processes.
Walker et al. (2010) did not find a relation- Elected officials might pursue performance
ship in the context of UK local government. systems not because of any conviction that
Why does networking improve perform- it will improve performance, but because
ance? Part of the explanation appears to be such actions communicate appropriate sig-
that networking is a tool that helps to manage nals to the general public (Moynihan, 2008a).
organizational dependence on the environ- Under such conditions, the link between
ment, and to buffer core operational proc- formal performance systems and perform-
esses from politics. Some evidence for this ance is likely to be idiosyncratic rather than

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systematic, depending on the efforts of which should in turn increase performance

individual organizations and managers. (Wright, 2001). More recent research on the
It is perhaps not surprising then that connection, led by Rainey and colleagues,
there is only relatively limited evidence of a has focused less on the positive impact of
link between performance management and goal clarity, and more on the negative impact
performance. The best evidence of such a of goal ambiguity, which is likely to be the
link comes from English local government. more natural condition for public managers
In this context, Walker and Boyne (2006) who must deal with multiple and conflicting
found that as targets are designated as the goals (Rainey and Steinbauer, 1999). The
responsibility for individual managers, and two concepts, goal clarity and goal ambigu-
were perceived as achievable, they were ity, might be considered as alternate sides of
associated with higher subjective and objec- the same coin. Goal clarity is expected to
tive performance scores. Boyne and Chen increase performance, while goal ambiguity
(2007) found that performance targets tied to reduces it. Goal ambiguity is defined as ‘the
budgetary incentives appeared to increase extent to which an organizational goal or set
local school performance: Hanushek and of goals allows leeway for interpretation
Raymond (2005) offered a similar finding in when the organizational goal represents the
US settings. Perhaps most compellingly, desired future state of the organization’
Walker, Damanpour, and Devece (2011) (Chun and Rainey, 2005a: 2).
found that employee perception of the Empirical evidence supports the hypothe-
strength of the performance management sis that goal clarity and ambiguity are rele-
system was associated with organizational vant to performance. A study of US state
effectiveness (as determined by national government health and human service man-
auditors), and the impact of management agers found that perceptions of goal clarity
innovations was fully mediated by perform- were associated with higher perceived organ-
ance management systems. The analysis izational performance (Moynihan and
serves not only to emphasize the importance Pandey, 2005), while a later survey of city
of performance management practices in government managers found that goal clarity
their own right but also to make the point predicts the mission valence and perform-
that other efforts to reform government are ance information use of employees (Wright,
more likely to succeed if they occur within Moynihan and Pandey 2012; Moynihan,
a functioning performance management Wright, and Pandey, 2012).
framework. Chun and Rainey (2005b) developed a
In addition to the relatively limited support series of measures of goal ambiguity, and
that formal performance systems actually found that organizations that scored high on
improve performance, there is more sig- these measures were associated with lower
nificant evidence that the type of desired perceived performance in surveys of US fed-
organizational conditions that performance eral employees, although the size of the
systems are hoped to induce – clear goals, effects were not large. Rainey and Jung
mission-driven strategies, and organizational (2010) found that federal organizations with
cultures – are related to performance. higher goal ambiguity also tended to score
lower on program performance assessments
made by the Office of Management and
Goal clarity and ambiguity Budget.
The HRM implications of goal clarity/
A well-developed literature on goal theory ambiguity are similar. Many of these poten-
from organizational studies has documented tial solutions to goal ambiguity rely upon the
that individuals with clear and specific tools of performance management – develop
goals will be motivated to perform better, a clear and crisp mission statement; identify

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a limited number of goals; and establish indicators from the Texas schools dataset
ex-ante criteria for success. But such actions show that the influence of strategic stance
create their own dangers, primarily the risk depends a good deal on the measure of
of goal displacement: if managers are told to organizational performance studied.
pay more attention to one specific goal, they There is relatively little research on how
pay less attention to others that may be no organizational culture affects performance.
less important. The nature of goal ambiguity In some respects, strategic stance is at least
seems directly related to the publicness and partly a measure of culture, in that it reflects
complexity of a program (Chun and Rainey, widely accepted employee beliefs about the
2005a). Organizations that depend more on values of the organization. Moynihan and
public funding, are involved more in regula- Pandey (2005) found that a developmental
tory activities, and provide more politically culture (a proactive and innovative culture,
salient services can expect greater goal ambi- similar to a prospector strategic stance) was
guity (Chun and Rainey, 2005a; Lee, Rainey, associated with higher perceived organiza-
and Chun, 2009). At some point efforts to tional performance. In later studies, develop-
simplify complex programs become counter- mental culture has also been associated
productive, and HRM practitioners must use with a willingness on the part of employees
their judgment to know when that point has to use performance data to make decisions
been reached. (Moynihan and Pandey, 2010; Moynihan,
Wright, and Pandey, 2012), and to overcome
red tape (see next section).
The lesson for HRM is that organizational
Strategic stance and culture
cultures that are more open to change and
Performance management systems generally innovation are associated with strong per-
incorporate strategic planning processes, and formance. How to build such a culture is a
are intended to engender a mission-based separate – and daunting – question.
strategic approach that becomes part of the
organizational culture. While there is no
shortage of recommended approaches to The dark side of performance
managing strategy, the framework most systems
widely applied to public sector performance
is one developed by Miles and Snow (1978). One cannot complete a discussion of per-
In their typology, prospectors are innovative formance systems without considering the
organizations consistently willing to try new possibility of a negative relationship with
approaches; defenders are conservative performance, i.e., such systems have coun-
organizations focused primarily on efficiency terproductive and perverse affects that lower
of existing practices; reactors are organiza- effectiveness. In reviewing research on the
tions primarily responding to external pres- impact of performance systems, Heinrich
sures. These basic typologies have been and Marschke (2010: 184) note one major
widely applied in studies of UK local gov- reason why they fail:
ernment, and to a lesser extent in the Texas
the conditions and assumptions under which the
schools data. In reviewing this body of simple, rational model for a performance meas-
empirical work, Walker (2010) concluded urement and incentive system model works −
that prospecting is generally associated with organizational goals and production tasks are
higher organizational performance. To a known, employee efforts and performance are
lesser extent, defending is sometimes linked verifiable, performance information is effectively
communicated, and there are a relatively small
to performance, but reacting is generally not number of variables for managers to control − are
significant or negatively associated with per- stringent, and in the public sector, rarely observed
formance. Studies of multiple performance in practice.

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For moderately complex programs, perform- (Perry, Engbers, and Jun, 2009). However,
ance systems can encourage goal displace- behaviors consistent with the ‘crowding out’
ment and gaming. One problem with previous hypothesis have been observed in contexts
studies that have shown that performance where public services have been contracted
management increases performance is that out, and contractors utilize high-powered
they do not capture ‘the dog that didn’t bark’, incentives (Heinrich and Marschke, 2010;
that is unmeasured aspects of performance Soss, Fording, and Schram, 2011).
that were not the focus of performance tar- The general lessons for HRM systems sug-
gets or incentives (for an exception, see gest that overall performance systems have
Kelman and Friedman, 2009). However, a promise but cannot be regarded as a certain
range of empirical studies, mostly in the contributor to performance. Such systems
policy areas of social welfare and education, work best under conditions – clear, measur-
have revealed the perverse impacts of per- able, and simple goals – unusual to much of
formance systems (for a review, see Heinrich the public sector. Whereas performance sys-
and Marschke, 2010). It is possible that an tems have been shown to increase perform-
increase in performance in one area may be ance in some instances, they have also been
accompanied by a drop in performance in shown to encourage perverse behavior at
another area, perhaps because the organiza- odds with performance.
tion devotes more attention and resources to
the targeted item (goal displacement), or
because there is a simple tradeoff between
different aspects of performance, for exam- STRUCTURE
ple, focusing on efficiency might erode qual-
ity, or focusing on speed might undermine This section examines the structural alloca-
accuracy. It is also possible that increase in tion of authority from a number of perspec-
measured performance comes at the cost of tives: red tape, centralization, stability, and
integrity of management and measurement rules. Members of the public associate public
processes, and is a function of deliberate organizations with an excess of pointless
gaming (Bohte and Meier, 2000; Jacob and rules and procedures. This view informed
Levitt, 2003). public management reformers (especially
The risk of perverse behavior appears from the New Public Management school)
greatest when performance targets are tied to about the causes, and potential solutions to
high-stakes incentives. Such incentives may poor performance, which include decentral-
serve to ‘crowd out’ the altruistic motivation izing authority, and reducing rules. Brewer
discussed previously. This may occur via two and Walker (2010a) note that international
distinct selection and socialization processes organizations, such as the Organization for
(Moynihan, 2010). As public organizations Economic Cooperation and Development
rely more on performance incentives, they (OECD), the World Bank, and the Inter-
may become less attractive to individuals national Monetary Fund, have prioritized the
motivated by altruism, who become less elimination of red tape, a policy goal shared
likely to select into, or more likely to exit, by political parties across the ideological
public jobs. Those that remain in the public spectrum. The empirical evidence, examined
sector may become increasingly accepting of below, offers a more complex portrait.
the norm that the value of their work is deter-
mined exclusively by financial reward. Since
one of the traditional shortcomings of pay- Red tape
for-performance systems in the public sector
is insufficiently large incentives, this danger Red tape is assumed to be negatively
is not pressing for the core public sector related to performance. Indeed, the basic and

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widely-used definition of red tape proposed mission, and looked for the most flexible
by Bozeman (2000) posits that any rule, pro- way to apply rules, whereas others were
cess or procedure considered red tape can much more rule-bound. While Ban’s work
have no functional value, even as it creates a relied on case studies of federal agencies,
compliance burden on citizens or employees. cross-sectional quantitative studies from
In general, research on red tape rests on the United Kingdom and the US state gov-
measures of employee perceptions of red ernments point to a similar pattern. In US
tape in an organization, or management sub- health and human service agencies, the nega-
system, or employee estimates of the time it tive effect of red tape on performance was
takes to achieve common tasks such as pro- reduced if an organization had a develop-
curement. This research has generally shown mental organizational culture, characterized
that perceptions of red tape are indeed nega- by innovation and an initiative toward action.
tively associated with organizational per- Walker and Brewer (2009) found a similar
formance (Brewer and Walker, 2010b; Pandey pattern among English local governments,
and Moynihan, 2006; Pandey, Coursey, and where organizations with a prospecting stra-
Moynihan, 2007). tegic stance were able to mitigate the nega-
Some recent work suggests that the effects tive effects of red tape on performance,
of red tape on performance is not always whereas more reactive organizational cul-
negative, but depends upon the measure of tures appeared to internalize and magnify the
performance (Brewer and Walker, 2010b). negative impacts of red tape.
If performance is understood to be broader
than efficiency and effectiveness, red tape is
likely to be positively correlated with some Centralization
aspects of performance. Brewer and Walker
(2010b) found that measures of external red Consistent with the New Public Management
tape in English local government were posi- critique of government organizations, there is
tively correlated with external stakeholder evidence that workers’ experiences of more
perceptions of performance and equity. decentralized structures are associated with
Measures of internal red tape had positive higher worker innovation and commitment
impacts on social, economic, and environ- (Andrews, 2010), and higher perceived
mental performance. organizational performance (Kuvaas, 2008;
Another finding is that the effect of red Moynihan and Pandey, 2005).
tape on performance seems to depend partly However, other research did not find a
on the type of red tape. Human resource red relationship between centralization and per-
tape and information systems red tape have formance (Andrews et al., 2009; Wolf, 1993).
been found to be negatively associated with In reviewing empirical research on the topic,
perceived performance, but procurement, Andrews (2010) offered a proposition that
budget, and communication red tape were echoes the discussion of red tape above: the
not found to negatively affect performance in relationship between organizational structure
the same contexts (Pandey and Moynihan, and performance is partly contingent on the
2006; Pandey, Coursey, and Moynihan, other factors − for example, a match between
2007). culture and the allocation of authority will
One of the more compelling insights from facilitate performance.
this research is that organizational culture
affects the impact of red tape on perform-
ance. Ban (1995) found that organizations Stability
with similar rule structures varied in how
they responded to these rules. Some had Other research in public management lays
organizational cultures that prioritized out explicit assumptions that contrast with

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the New Public Management advocacy from pursuing incentives to make decisions
of decentralization, change, and flexibility. at odds with long-term performance. In the
The most notable example is O’Toole and area of financial management, clear and
Meier’s (1999) influential model of public credible rules constrain the desire of elected
sector performance. At the heart of their officials to make present-day spending com-
model is an assumption that stability is posi- mitments that undercut long-term fiscal sta-
tively associated with performance. While bility (Hou and Moynihan, 2008; Hou,
not all stable organizations perform, unstable Moynihan, and Ingraham, 2003).
ones are at an inherent disadvantage. To the Rules may also be especially important in
extent that managers can buffer environmen- conditions where norms of cooperative
tal shocks, they create a platform for organi- behavior are not well-established, and trust
zational success. The O’Toole and Meier between actors is low. These conditions
model underpins much of the research on appear most likely to occur in networks and
Texas educational outcomes reviewed in contracting arrangements. In the case of net-
this chapter. works, more centralized authority arrange-
Stability can be reflected in terms of an ments can help ensure cooperation and
organization’s people, budget, or other fac- improve performance under conditions of
tors. Turnover of teachers is generally related low trust (Provan and Kenis, 2007). When
to lower performance in education (Meier networks are relatively new, and must respond
and Hicklin, 2008), and makes organizations quickly, standard operating procedures have
less able to battle the negative impacts of also been associated with greater network
external shocks on performance. In another effectiveness because they provide a form of
context, Andersen and Mortensen (2010) institutional memory (Moynihan, 2008b).
found that budget stability was associated While the move to contract public services
with higher performance among Danish reflected the New Public Management belief
schools. However, there is also the potential in flexibility – managers would be freed from
that an excess of stability can become stulti- traditional constraints in return for meeting
fying. Meier and Hicklin (2008) found that performance targets – public agencies have
for some organizational goals there was a found that the tendency of contractors to
non-linear effect between turnover and per- exploit incomplete contracts is often best
formance, suggesting that both too much and remedied by introducing new rules and con-
too little turnover undermines performance. straints (Heinrich and Choi, 2007; Heinrich
and Marschke, 2010).
More than in other areas reviewed in this
Rules chapter, the findings on how the structural
allocation of authority and formal rules
The logic for greater decentralization is that matter to performance seems bedeviled by
public officials are overly-constrained, and contradictions. Whereas some research seems
with greater discretion they will make better to suggest that stability and rules engender
decisions. But public officials may not always performance, other research suggests that too
be willing or able to behave in ways condu- much centralization and red tape undermine
cive to performance when rules are removed. performance. How to sort out the seemingly
This creates conditions where rules remain inconsistent results? In part, the confusion is
valuable. An obvious example to demon- partly because of definitional issues, as
strate the importance of rules is in corrupt related but distinct concepts are grouped
organizations and societies, where the together in an overly simplistic fashion (a
removal of rules will likely impede perform- fault that a review chapter such as this is not
ance (Schick, 1998). Even in non-corrupt exempt from). It is also the case that the
settings, rules can prevent public officials effects of centralization or red tape seem

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contingent on other factors, such as culture, have added more to our understanding of the
the nature of the task, trust between actors, wrinkles of a particular topic, without making
and the incentives that actors have to behave our understanding of the big picture clearer.
in ways aligned with performance. In addi- We find that a variable might be significant
tion Rainey and Steinbauer’s (1999) proposi- for one measure of performance, but not for
tion that centralization will have a non-linear another; it might increase performance for
effect on performance remains plausible. In low-performing agencies, but not high ones;
most cases, performance will be poor in a that a certain amount of a variable is a good
context where there are few rules and public thing, but too much creates negative effects.
actors are free to pursue individual incen- From the outsider’s perspective, the field
tives. In an administrative state of nature may appear to be obsessed with interaction
some order is necessary, and rules provide terms, contingencies, and non-linear effects.
guidance, constraints, and stability. But as But the findings reflect the complexities of
organizations, networks, or contracts accu- public management. It is clear that there are
mulate more rules, and centralize more relatively few universal claims about govern-
authority, they are likely to become calcified, ment performance beyond the very broad
and unable to utilize the performance bene- ones – people matter, management matters,
fits of innovation and discretion. structure matter. To those, we can add that
context matters.
Given the frequent contingencies encoun-
tered in this research, we might be especially
concerned that a great deal of our empirical
knowledge on organizational performance
Even as the field of public administration has rests upon a handful of studies tied to a par-
been focused on performance, in one form or ticular geographical location, type of public
another, for a relatively long time, it is only officials, policy area (especially education),
in the last decade that we have seen the emer- and preferences of the researchers involved.
gence of a research agenda that actually This is a real concern, but as much as any-
seeks to link management practices with per- thing highlights the need for more research in
formance. The results in some respects have different contexts and using different variables
been extraordinarily insightful, and have rather than the limitations of existing work.
clear implications for HRM. But the research Even with these issues, there is little doubt
still has limitations that prevent it, at least for this literature has advanced our knowledge of
now, from being a cure-all for the ills that ail HRM. Within scholarly circles at least, no
public administration. longer is it good enough to assert that a cer-
On the positive side, the emergence of this tain practice makes a difference. The empiri-
research has begun to alter how we under- cal performance literature says ‘prove it.’
stand HRM. Of course, a published article While there were long-standing claims
that shows a correlation between such a prac- about many of the variables reviewed in this
tice and performance is not, in itself, proof. chapter, we now have much more persuasive
There are gradations in the persuasiveness of evidence of how and when they matter to
evidence, and few research models are near performance.
to being conclusive. The dependant variable
may be incomplete or subjective. External
controls may be missing. Reverse causality
may be an issue. REFERENCES
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validity of the studies reviewed, the accumu- Alonso, P. and Lewis, G.B. (2001) ‘Public service
lation of knowledge in some areas seems to motivation and job performance: Evidence from the

5768_Peters & Pierre-04.indd 82 7/19/2012 5:01:09 PM


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Global Trends in Human
Resource Management
Sally Coleman Selden

In the past decade, while implementing Public Management, reinvention, reengineer-

reforms to their civil services, governments ing, privatization, and outsourcing – the
have been under pressure to become more challenge has been similar. How do public
effective and efficient. The pressure has sector human resource practices and policies
only intensified with the global economic change to improve the current and future
crisis and growing concern about debt. operations of government?
Globalization has impacted human resource Many countries, states, and local govern-
management (HRM) practices, with govern- ments have decentralized their human
ments reducing and rightsizing their work- resource practices to provide managers with
forces and applying ‘good’ government more latitude and responsibility; they have
principles to manage their public workforces adopted innovations to improve the effi-
(OECD, 2008, 2011b). Starting in the late ciency and quality of HR services and have
1980s, a wave of human resource manage- reconceptualized dramatically the role of
ment reforms began to sweep across the human resource management (OECD, 2011a;
globe. By the 1990s, reforms had diffused Selden et al., 2001). Despite the litany of
so much that organizations, such as World changes observed worldwide, there are no
Bank, often encouraged their adoption absolute solutions to the challenges facing
(Bovaird and Russell, 2007). While these different governments. Reformers tend to
reforms sometimes differed in their scope identify approaches that best fit their national
and goals, they aimed to improve internal or local contexts, as well as their reform
human resource management processes, to objectives. Whereas the general purpose of
modernize government, and to reduce costs. reform may be similar – citizens and policy-
While public sector reforms have been called makers want public sector workforces that
by many different labels – including New meet citizen needs more effectively and more

5768_Peters & Pierre-05.indd 87 7/19/2012 5:03:39 PM


efficiently – the specific needs of individual Italy, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, and
governments vary. Some governments may Republic of Korea, the number of public
be motivated to change in order to demo- sector employees in many OECD countries
cratize their administration, whereas others fell drastically in the mid-1990s (PUMA/
want to reduce costs (World Bank, 2001a, HRM, 2000a; PUMA/HRM, 2000e). As the
2011). An OECD report captures the phe- labor market conditions improved, some
nomena of reform best (2001a: 2): ‘The countries, such as France, Germany, Austria,
public’s needs are rapidly changing as socie- Norway, and Sweden, had to compete with
ties become more diverse, complex and frag- private sector firms to recruit employees
mented. Technological advances and more (OECD, 2000; PUMA/HRM, 2000c). As a
knowledgeable citizenry create new opportu- result, public sector employment expanded
nities and expectations. The pace of change and salaries of government employees grew.
is faster than ever.’ In short, the synergy of In light of the most recent economic crisis,
reform is contingent upon a government’s more than 75 percent of OECD countries
ability to align the changing demands of its have or are currently planning to reduce the
environment with innovative human resource size of their public workforces (OECD,
management practices in a manner that best 2011b). For example, Finland, the Netherlands
addresses its particular, and perhaps unique, and the UK have downsized their operations
needs (OECD, 2001b; World Bank, 2001c, (OECD, 2011b). Countries have also imple-
2011). mented hiring freezes, early retirement
The objectives of this chapter are three- programs, and redeployment initiatives
fold: to describe the environmental demands (OECD, 2010). As shown in Table 5.1,
influencing human resource management 15 countries have implemented replacement
globally; to describe trends and innovations ratios to determine what percentage of
in the areas of strategic human resource staff will be replaced when they leave the
management, performance management, and civil service. Austria, France and Portugal
compensation globally; and to describe plan to replace 1 in 2 workers or 50 percent
models of reform and reform strategies that of exiting employees (OECD, 2011b). Ireland
governments have employed, with particular plans to reduce its public workforce by
emphasis on changes that have occurred 12 percent in the next four years, as does
within the United States. the Netherlands. Since 2007, France has
reduced its public workforce by over 100,000
(OECD, 2010).
While the US federal government has
THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT: TRENDS planned on reducing its workforce mainly
IN EMPLOYMENT DEMOGRAPHICS through attrition, some states have taken a
AND LABOR MARKETS more aggressive approach (OPM, 2010).
Since the recession began in December
Today, public sector organizations world- 2007 in the United States,1 state government
wide are struggling to maintain a qualified workforces have experienced considerable
workforce as they have downsized and pressure to cut their budgets due to the
restructured their workforces (Ingraham declining economy. Although government
et al., 2000; PUMA/HRM, 2000e; OECD, jobs in the United States are typically consid-
2010). Two primary factors – the economic ered one of the most stable, states have
recession and an aging workforce – contrib- implemented employee layoffs or reductions-
ute to these trends. Because of the amount in-force, pay freezes, furloughs, and hiring
of downsizing that occurred in the 1990s in freezes in response to the current recession
countries such as Finland, Luxembourg, (Duggan, Lewis, and Milluzzi, 2010). In
Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, June 2009, a Stateline report indicated that

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Table 5.1 Restructuring plans and leaving conditions (2010)

Possibility to dismiss employees with open-term Existence of regular plans to encourage
contracts when a ministry/agency seeks voluntary departures in order to
to restructure or decrease the number implement workforce allocation changes
of its employees
Yes, and the Yes, but the government Yes, with Yes, with attractive
employee receives is required to propose attractive leave early retirement
an allowance reallocation possibilities allowances packages
Australia λ µ µ µ
Austria λ λ µ µ
Belgium µ µ µ µ
Canada λ λ µ µ
Chile n.a n.a λ μ
Czech Republic λ λ µ µ
Denmark λ µ µ µ
Estonia λ λ µ µ
Finland λ λ µ µ
France λ µ λ µ
Germany µ µ µ λ
Greece µ λ µ µ
Hungary λ µ µ λ
Iceland λ λ µ µ
Ireland µ µ λ λ
Israel µ λ λ λ
Italy µ λ µ µ
Japan µ λ µ µ
Mexico λ µ λ µ
Netherlands µ λ µ µ
New Zealand λ µ µ µ
Norway λ λ λ λ
Poland λ µ µ µ
Portugal λ µ µ µ
Republic of Korea µ λ λ µ
Slovak Republic λ λ µ µ
Slovenia µ λ µ µ
Spain µ µ µ µ
Sweden λ μ n.a n.a
Switzerland λ λ µ λ
Turkey μ μ n.a n.a
United Kingdom λ λ λ λ
United States λ λ λ λ
Brazil µ λ µ λ
Russian Federation µ λ µ µ
Ukraine μ λ n.a n.a
Total 20 18 9 8
λ- Yes, μ- Νο, n.a- Not available.
Source: OCED (2011b).

more than 728,500 state employees had each month, which reduced state government
been furloughed and at least 54,000 had salaries by 4.6 percent for an expected
been laid off (Vu, 2009). Rather than cutting savings of $333 million in fiscal year
pay directly, Nevada’s legislators opted to (FY) 2010. Between 2007 and 2010, the
have state employees take off one unpaid day percentage of full-time employment (FTE)

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classified employees in states decreased by have implemented few, if any, features

7.99 percent.2 Employees in Utah moved to a associated with SHCM (OECD, 2011d).
4-day work week to save the state money. As Most countries understand and have imple-
a result of these trends, one of the primary mented aspects of workforce planning but
concerns of governments is how to continue according to a 2011 OECD survey, there are
to deliver quality public services while having many opportunities for improvement (OECD,
to reduce the size of the public workforce. 2011d). Countries with more sophisticated
SHCM systems have adopted a general
accountability framework for top leadership
which incorporates strategic HRM compo-
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Within the United States, there are consid-
PRACTICES erable differences in how local and state
governments have implemented SHCM, with
Strategic human capital some state governments embracing it fully
management (SHCM) and others adopting only ad hoc strategic
activities. For example, Georgia’s approach
Over the last two decades, scholars and prac- has received recognition by both scholars
titioners have called for changing the role of and practitioners. Georgia’s SHCM process
managing people, recognizing that human is unique from most other state governments
resource management (HRM) can help because it is it is legally mandated; it is for-
organizations achieve their strategic and mally linked to separate strategic planning
organizational goals (Daley, 2002; Selden, and technology planning processes that are
2009). Recent studies of HRM have empha- mutually implemented; and it is linked to the
sized the need to integrate strategy into the Governor’s budget process. Moreover, the
HRM process, advocating for the adoption central human resource management depart-
of strategic human capital management ment provides extensive support, which
(SHCM) as a way to improve the manage- includes maintaining an electronic tool to
ment of people in the public service analyze statewide workforce data, employing
(Akingbola, 2006; Kong and Thomson, 2006; eight full-time staff members devoted to sup-
Selden, 2009). Strategic human capital man- port agency efforts, holding an annual con-
agement emphasizes integrating the manage- ference on SHCM planning, and linking
ment of human resources with the overall workforce planning to other statewide HRM
goals of an organization in order to facilitate initiatives.
goal achievement and performance. SHCM
is a systematic way of thinking about human
resource management, planning for human
Performance management
resources or human capital needs, getting the
right people, developing them, and retaining An important component of reforms imple-
employees so that a public organization can mented in OECD member countries has been
fulfill its mission and achieve its strategic performance-oriented tools, such as perform-
goals (Selden, 2009). ance appraisals, evaluations, or assessments
There is considerable variation in the (OECD, 2011c). The common approach
implementation of SHCM across countries, to performance appraisals is to have supervi-
and even within countries (OECD, 2011d; sors evaluate the performance of their
Selden, 2009). Australia, Canada, and the employees and then tell them what the rating
United Kingdom are considered to be leaders is. Currently, the trend is still toward adopt-
in this avenue, whereas Greece, Hungary, the ing performance management systems
Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic that are results-oriented, participative, and

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developmental (OECD, 2011c; World Bank, because they feel a greater sense of accom-
2001b). This allows governments to recog- plishment by achieving meaningful objec-
nize individual and collective performance, tives and by having the potential to be
and the information gleaned from the process rewarded based on their performance. Several
can function to clarify public organization’s states, such as Maryland, New Jersey,
goals and how individual employees contrib- Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, and Delaware,
ute to the achievement of those goals. While have explicitly attempted to link employee
almost all OECD member countries have performance to agency goals. Portugal has
formal performance appraisal processes in implemented a similar system. Portugal’s
place, the extent to which countries utilize performance appraisal process provides for
performance appraisal information when annual planning for the next year, which
making key personnel decisions varies across requires taking into account strategic objec-
countries. On the one hand, Portugal and tives, government programs, service compe-
Denmark use information from performance tences, and job assignments. The process
evaluations in most personnel decision-mak- requires that objectives are set for both serv-
ing processes, such as promotions and pay, ice units and individuals. Objectives must be
while on the other hand, Finland and Greece set and agreed upon by both the employee
are less inclined to utilize such information and their supervisor.
(OECD, 2011c). For example, Malta reviews The City of Austin’s Success Strategy
employees four times a year based on a work Performance Review (SSPR) is a complex
plan developed between employees and their and integrative performance management
supervisors. A part of this process involves system. It consists of three phases, incorpo-
developing a training plan to support the rating collaborative performance planning,
developmental needs of the individual ongoing feedback and coaching, and per-
employee. formance evaluation throughout the year.
Recent innovations include developing Using a performance standards approach,
performance management systems that sup- the evaluation is customized to each job title.
port a performance-driven culture. A per- The evaluation sessions are conducted in
formance management system requires that concert with the city’s business planning
employees and managers jointly prioritize cycle to ensure that employees and their
and determine goals and objectives, estab- supervisors develop achievable performance
lishes how employees or teams contribute to objectives based on the department’s busi-
the organization’s goals, identifies strengths ness goals. Progress toward these objectives
and weaknesses of an individual’s perform- is expected to be discussed throughout the
ance, and recognizes and rewards high per- year as part of the continuous performance
formance. The first step is for top-level management system. In addition, depart-
executives to articulate an agency’s mission mental directors are accountable for SSPR
and goals. Then, managers and program program results.
directors work from this directive to deter- In Denmark, some public sector employ-
mine strategic and measurable objectives for ees, particularly at the senior level, undergo
their unit. From these objectives, managers an annual evaluation of performance against
and employees collaborate to establish team goals stipulated in the employment contract.
and individual performance objectives. Similarly, in New Zealand, chief executives
This approach assumes that by aligning sign a performance agreement upon which
individual and team objectives with agency they are assessed annually.
goals, employees at all levels will have Colorado’s Peak Performance system
greater ownership of the agency’s goals. The links the state’s performance appraisal system
agency benefits because employees should to its compensation plan. The perform-
be more results-driven. Employees benefit ance evaluation component links individual

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objectives to state business objectives and Finally, employees should be rewarded

strategies, and the compensation plan directly financially for their contribution to the agen-
ties pay to an employee’s performance. cy’s success. Governments vary in terms
Agencies are required to develop a plan for of the formula used for rewarding high
adopting performance management rules performance. For example, in Georgia, per-
and procedures tailored to their unique busi- formance increases are composed of two
ness needs, while supporting the overall components. For employees who meet,
goals and strategies of the state’s leaders. The exceed or far exceed their performance
performance management system requires expectations, they receive a market adjust-
supervisors to create a written performance ment, to increase competitiveness with the
plan for each employee at the beginning of a outside job market, and a variable award,
rating period, prepare a written evaluation, based on the level of performance.
and then review that evaluation. Evaluation
systems adopted must translate into three
ratings: needs improvement, fully competent, Financial incentives within the
and peak performer. Within those parame- context of fiscal constraints
ters, agencies are free to develop any system
that works for them. Monetary awards A number of governments altered their com-
will then be based on two items: whether pensation systems to become more competi-
the employee is at or above the job rate tive and to reward performance (PUMA/
for the occupational group and the employ- HRM, 2000b; OECD, 2011c; Risher, 2011;
ee’s performance level. Employees below Selden, 2009). However, a clear answer to
the job rate are eligible for base and/or the question of how to reward good perform-
non-base building awards. Employees at ance has not yet emerged, and with the
or above job rate are eligible for non- current recession, some governments have
base building awards that must be re-earned begun to scrutinize their efforts. Over the
annually. past decade, governments have adopted sev-
Ireland adopted a performance manage- eral different strategies, including perform-
ment system to monitor and evaluate per- ance-based compensation structures, skill
formance at all levels. The system develops and competency pay, and market-based pay
performance plans based on role profiles rates (PUMA/HRM, 2000b; Selden, 2009;
(establish primary focus of the job), the Selden et al., 2001). However, there are some
required job competencies, and related train- countries, such as Belgium, Greece, Mexico,
ing and development (PUMA, 2001). and Poland, that report that they do not
Many of the approaches to performance use performance-based pay (OECD, 2011c),
evaluation require that employees and man- although it is on the agenda of some of these
agers collaborate on setting performance governments (Valatsou, 2011).
expectations that are directly linked to agency Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and the
goals. Managers are encouraged to track per- UK implemented a flexible pay structure
formance and provide regular feedback, to reward performance (PUMA/HRM,
and some governments even require more 2000d; OECD, 2011c; Risher, 2011). The
than one formal evaluation each year. Some business model of managing pay has dif-
systems are designed to allow other stake- fused across the globe (Risher, 2011).
holders, such as customers and subordinates, Additional reforms to senior pay are being
to rate employee performance. The key to considered in the UK. In a review of the UK
the success of performance management system, Will Hutton made a set of three pay
is providing employees opportunities to reforms (Livingstone, 2011). Specifically, his
develop, through training or mentoring, in report recommended that senior pay and
areas in which they show weakness. performance-related pay increases should be

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disclosed to the public, that a part of the special burdens, and bonuses for work
senior base pay should have to be ‘earned during less convenient hours (Vidič, 2011).
back’ through accomplishment of perform- While the trend is toward performance-based
ance objectives, and that gainsharing should salaries in industrial countries, this is not
be dispersed not only to senior leaders but true in developing countries (World Bank,
also to all government employees who con- 2001e). While performance-based rewards
tributed to the achievement of getting the are not typical in developing countries, a few
efficiency objectives (Livingstone, 2011). examples exist. Singapore and China give
As shown in Table 5.2, while the most employees an annual bonus (Burns, 2007). In
common remuneration program in state gov- Thailand, 15 percent of government officials
ernments in the United States is a cost of within each grade are awarded an extra pay
living adjustment to an employee’s salary, increment for exceptional performance.
many states now also rely on some form of Governments have increased their use of
pay for performance to allocate salary granted skill- and competency-based pay
increases based on performance. As shown in (Ingraham and Selden, 2001). Skill-based
Table 5.2, the Government Performance pay was introduced in Ireland in the mid-
Project (GPP) witnessed a jump from 1990s (European Foundation, 2001). As
FY 2003 to FY 2006 in the use of indi- shown in Table 5.2, between FY 2003 and
vidual and group performance bonuses FY 2006, the percent of state employees eli-
(GPP 2004; GPP 2007). In FY 2007, about gible for both skill- and competency-based
37 percent of states allowed for individual pay has increased, although the majority of
performance bonuses and 18 percent used states do not use these strategies. A number
group bonuses. Those figures were 31 per- of states and local governments are offering
cent and 14 percent, respectively, in FY skill-based incentives for teachers who
2003 (Selden, 2009). In Slovenia, the gov- pass the National Board for Professional
ernment has incorporated additional flexibil- Teaching Standards. Today, more than 10
ities in their pay system by offering position percent of teachers in North Carolina
bonuses (5−12 percent of salary), a mentor- have their National Board certification.
ship bonus, a bonus for a specialization Nationally certified North Carolina teachers
(master’s degree or doctorate), and a bonus are rewarded with a salary differential of
for bilinguality, bonuses for disadvantageous 12 percent for the 10-year certification
working conditions, bonuses for dangers and period. In Louisiana, employees completing
a Master’s degree or PhD in a job-related
field can receive up to a 10 percent increase
in their base salary.
Table 5.2 Percent of state employees The state of Indiana allows agencies to
eligible for different pay strategies customize their compensation strategy by
FY 03 FY 06
selecting the appropriate strategies, ranging
from competency-based pay, to skill-based
COLA 47.5% 69.7%
Competency pay 6.7 8.8
pay, to gainsharing, to pay for performance.
Gainsharing 9.4 2.85 An analysis of Indiana’s Department of
Group bonus 14.2 18 Financial Institution’s workforce revealed
Individual bonus 30.8 36.8 that the majority of financial examiners
PFP salary increase 25.2 44 were leaving between the four- and seven-
Skill pay 10.6 15.5
Spot award n/a 14.9
year service mark. At this point, examiners
Step increase 24.6 20.8 had attained a highly technical skill set
n/a- data not collected, PFP- pay for performance.
because the state had sent individuals to
Source: 2003 and 2007 Government Performance Project advanced and expensive training. The agen-
survey. cy’s investment was not paying off. As a

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result, the department structured a variable for its top government managers. Iceland
competency pay program to target employ- reduced the wages of its senior managers in
ees at the four- to seven-year mark, hoping to the central government so they would not
improve retention. exceed the wage of the Prime Minister. Given
A third strategy adopted by governments the pressure mounting from its significant
such as Germany, Austria, and Republic of government debt, Japan adopted more sweep-
Korea is setting wages based on market rates ing changes to its compensation system (Ide,
(PUMA/HRM, 2000d; Risher, 2011). Within 2011). First, the country adjusted public sala-
the United States, the trend in states is to ries to better reflect the difference of wage
adjust salaries to be more competitive with levels among regions, which resulted in low-
market wages, to provide more flexibility in ering the average salary level of Japanese
starting salaries, and to allow for signing public servants by 4.8 percent. Second, Japan
bonuses. Florida conducts annual pay studies restrained its seniority-based wages increases
to determine where class salaries are in asso- for middle- and upper-age public employees,
ciation with the labor market. Idaho routinely reducing wages for employees in these
shifts the pay schedule to address market groups by 7 percent. Finally, in order to
wages. Missouri has a long-term plan to incorporate performance subtly into the
move state employee salaries to the identified system, the government divided one wage
market rates of pay to improve recruitment step into four wages steps to make pay-step
and retention. Oregon developed a market increases more flexible. This allowed the
pricing system for selected management government to grant the regular step increase,
benchmark jobs. Kentucky allows agencies which is largely automatic, and a special step
to negotiate starting salaries; Virginia offers increase, which could be based upon per-
more flexibility in starting salaries depending formance (OECD, 2011c).
on education, training, and experience (up
to 15 per cent above prior salary). Some
public sector employers, such as Belgium
and Hungary, decreased the gap between THE CREATION AND EVOLUTION
public and private sector pay rates. OF PUBLIC HUMAN RESOURCE
Performance-based pay was used prima- MANAGEMENT MERIT SYSTEMS
rily to fill the remuneration gap between
managers in the private and the public sectors Traditionally, merit systems have typically
(OECD, 2006). Currently, governments are been either ‘career’ or ‘position-based’ systems.
balancing how to compensensate employees Career-based systems are founded on bring-
to attract and retain a competent workforce in ing individuals into the system at the entry
the context of financial pressures. As a result, level, and building their career within
governments have curved compensation in government. Position-based systems, on the
specific areas. Italy for example, found that other hand, are more focused on selecting the
since 2000, the rate of growth of wages for best candidate, whether internal or external,
public sector employees has exceeded the for the position, allowing for greater lateral
rate of growth of wages in the private sector entry to the system. Examples of closed
(OECD, 2010). In response, the country has career systems include Belgium, France, and
introduced new norms to establish a closer Japan, who make appointments through
connection between wage increases and the promotion only from within the civil service
budget performance of the administration. (World Bank, 2001d). In some countries
Other governments are focused on evaluating there is a trend toward blending the two sys-
the salaries of their managers (OECD, 2010). tems. For example, in Spain civil servants are
Since 2007, Mexico, for example, has imple- often recruited through entry-level civil serv-
mented a net salary decrease of 10 percent ice exams but then further scrutinized to

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ensure that they meet the needs of a particu- Global human resource reform
lar position (World Bank, 2001d). The United
States, on the other hand, operates a position- Most proposals for reforming public human
based system that allows more open access resource management systems fit into five
to the jobs in the federal government. broad categories:
In addition, public sector employees have
1 those that create a civil service system that
traditionally enjoyed greater protection from promises open recruitment, selection based on
dismissal than those in the private sector. qualifications, and a separation of politics and
There is an emerging movement away from administration (e.g., Albania, Estonia, Hungary,
this approach, as seen in the abolishment and Poland);
of the civil service system in Georgia 2 those that modernize existing systems, such as
and senior managers in Florida. Senior offi- making it easier to enter public service, ensuring
cials in Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, that compensation is competitive in the market-
Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK can have place, and providing training that develops skills
their appointments terminated at the will of needed to manage in the future (e.g., Canada,
Denmark, Norway, and Italy);
the government. Twenty-three OECD member
3 those that propose to create flexibilities within
countries operate separate HRM policies for
the existing civil service system to improve
their civil servants (OECD, 2011a). a manager’s ability to manage that typically
Some countries are beginning to utilize include reducing personnel regulations, reducing
both open- and fixed-term employment classification titles, and creating incentives for
contracts, especially for senior positions high performance – without abandoning core
(World Bank, 2001d). In a survey of 21 coun- merit principles (e.g., Iceland, Switzerland, and
tries, 10 indicated that they had provisions the state of Virginia);
for employment contracts for senior public 4 those that decentralize and devolve HR-related
servants (PUMA/HRM, 2000b). In New authority to agencies and managers (such as
Zealand, for example, all chief executives Australia, Italy, and the state of South Carolina);
and senior managers are employed on a con-
5 those that abolish the civil service (such as the
tractual basis – typically fixed-term contracts
state of Georgia).
for chief executives and open-term contracts
for senior managers (PUMA/HRM, 2000b). Regardless of the approach taken, governments
Approximately 23 percent of the senior seek to improve how they work by adopting
managers are employed on contracts fixed innovative techniques and technologies.
for a maximum of five years (PUMA/HRM,
2000b). Most of the heads of government
agencies in Sweden are appointed on six- Civil service reform in the
year fixed-term contracts (PUMA/HRM, United States3
2000b). In Switzerland a public law contract
exists between employer and employee; the The notion of a civil service with a uniform
contract may be open-ended and terminated system of employment, recruitment, classifi-
by either party (PUMA, 2001). Recently, a cation, and compensation in the United
European Union directive stipulated that States is giving way to a more flexible
fixed-term employees should receive equal and varied structure. The emerging strategy
treatment to permanent staff (Sinclair, 2001). is to decentralize or share authority for
As discussed below, looking at the changes personnel functions between central and
in HRM practices across international gov- line agencies and managers (Ingraham and
ernments, and federal, state and local govern- Selden, 2001; Selden et al., 2001). The pat-
ment within the United States, no single terns of reform range on a continuum from
approach to contemporary merit system the traditional, centralized civil service
reform emerges. system of Rhode Island and New York to the

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largely decentralized human resource man- Even though some reform to this rigid
agement system of Texas and North Dakota model has occurred in those states that
(Ingraham and Selden, 2001). The middle of adopted it originally, many states continue to
the continuum is represented by the increas- retain remarkable classification complexi-
ing number of states that have moved from ties. In 2007, New Jersey had 8,500 classifi-
either strongly centralized or decentralized cation titles for about 70,000 state employees.
systems toward one reflecting shared respon- Pennsylvania, a strong advocate of the cen-
sibility between a central agency or authority, tralized model, had 101,000 employees and
agencies, and managers (Selden, 2009). 2,838 classification titles. Despite some
These patterns create different foundations decentralization, Minnesota retains 2,152
for change and reform, but also suggest classification titles for its 35,500 employees.
different paths for further changing. By contrast, South Carolina works with 452
classification titles for its nearly 51,000
Traditional centralized systems employees. Interestingly, the states that have
When many civil service systems were cre- decentralized the most authority have created
ated in the United States, there was a strong a classification system similar to those that
belief that rigidly centralized systems were grew out of a traditional system. The number
the only way to exclude undue partisan influ- of classification titles in Georgia increased
ence and pressure on public employment from 650 in 2000, to 3,235 in 2003, to 3,679
systems. Many of the components of the per- in 2007.
sonnel systems that grew from this convic- Another indicator of strongly centralized
tion had an interactive influence with systems is the continued reliance on central
centralization to create a hierarchical struc- control of testing and on a narrow definition
ture increasingly bounded by laws, rules, and of ‘testing’: that is, a written examination for
regulations. Graded authority structures and a narrow skill or technical knowledge set,
public compensation systems, for example, offered in a limited number of places at set
reinforced principles of centralization and periods of time. These narrow and rigid tests
hierarchy. In their favor, centralized, hierar- conform to the needs of the complicated
chical structures promoted standardization, classification systems described above.
stability, and predictability. They did not, Several states, such as Indiana, Kansas,
however, create or support the discretion and Montana, North Carolina, and South Dakota,
flexibilities that many public organizations have eliminated testing. Traditional classifi-
and their leaders now find critical to longer- cation systems are also linked to equally
term effectiveness. narrow and rigid compensation guidelines
One indicator of centralized hierarchy is and procedures in the traditional centralized
central control of recruiting, testing, and model. The practice of small, annual, and
hiring. The state’s classification system and within-grade step increases for salary incre-
total number of classifications is important ments is a common mark of the tradi-
here, because it reflects not only complexity tional system: for example, states such as
of the hiring system and the extent to which Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
it is flexible and responsive to changing rely primarily on annual, step increases.
employment demands but also the extent to The interlocking complexity and rigidity
which standardization has yielded to some of these components of the personnel system
tailoring to individual agency needs and is often exacerbated in traditional system
employment climates. New Jersey represents states by labor/management agreements,
an extreme example of centralization, as the which create additional limits and con-
state controls the classification system for straints on hiring, promotion, discipline, and
its municipalities. compensation.

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Decentralized systems many states noted that ‘managing’ decen-

At the other end of the continuum – and tralization was an extremely difficult task.
essentially standing alone there – is Texas,
which does not have a central personnel Shared responsibility systems
agency. Job classification is a central func- For all of the reasons noted above, many
tion but falls within the purview of the State states have created human resource mana-
Auditor’s office, which reports to the legisla- gement systems that balance or share respon-
ture. Although many herald the flexibility sibility and authority between the central
accorded agencies in such a setting, many personnel agency and the other agencies of
managers report that it is difficult to obtain government. Within this ‘middle ground’
statewide information for comparative or there can be wide variation in the extent to
evaluative purposes. Central workforce plan- which authority is formally delegated away
ning is difficult, if not impossible (Barrett from the center, or to which it is shared in
et al., 2000). more informal and narrow arrangements.
Although there was limited adoption of the Such sharing allows continued consideration
completely decentralized model, several of of broad governmental concerns such as
its elements continue to be attractive. First, equity, but combines them with the HR
the model offers a system that is responsive customization necessary to better agency
to the different needs of different agencies, performance.
and that allows agencies and managers the Research based on the Government
flexibility they need to adapt to changing Performance Project suggests that the move-
circumstances. Second, the model provides ment in the field is not toward either decen-
clearer accountability for personnel and for tralization or centralization but rather toward
hiring and firing. Central personnel authori- shared responsibility (in terms of implemen-
ties diffuse accountability by interceding in tation of systems designed centrally). In
the relationship between agency, manager, other words, strategic responsibilities and
and employee. A decentralized system links design and the continued protection of broad
responsibility and accountability more tightly governmental values have a central focus;
in that regard. Finally, proponents of decen- mission-specific strategies and implementa-
tralization argue that, because a decentral- tion have an agency focus. Responsibility
ized personnel system is more flexible and for the integrity of the system is shared.
managers have more discretion, human In 2007, thirty-eight percent of states had
resources will be better utilized and better implemented at least some level of shared
matched to real agency needs. services within the human resource manage-
However, as the findings presented earlier ment function.
suggest, states are also discovering that Several states have implemented HRM
decentralization has several downsides for shared service centers, leveraging technology
human resource management. First, in a to realize economies of scale in handling
strongly decentralized system, it is difficult transactional activities. Arizona is one exam-
to monitor and assess personnel activities ple – the state implemented an HRM Service
and needs. No central information gathering Center to provide centralized support for
or evaluation is in place. Planning on a their Human Resources Information System
statewide basis is severely restricted, and (HRIS) and to process selected HRM trans-
incentives for better coordination are limited. actions centrally. The center provides help
Furthermore, managing human resources in a desk support to all users of the HRIS, and
decentralized system may place talent and has begun to assume data entry responsi-
skill demands on managers that they do not bilities for selected transactions, resulting
have. In the 1998 GPP survey, for example, in improved staff productivity and HRIS

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data quality. An example of this is new hire created the Department of Administrative
transactions; the state estimates that the Services (DAS) as a way to better manage
agency workload for processing new hire and coordinate the delivery of human
actions has been reduced by 90 percent resources, general services (such as mainte-
(Government Performance Project, 2007). nance, procurement, and the state vehicle
With the goal of improving the effective- fleet), information technology, and account-
ness of HRM while simultaneously reduc- ing services to state agencies, with the goal
ing costs, the Massachusetts Human of improving services, lowering costs, and
Resources Division (HRD) has streamlined creating more flexibility to meet agencies’
its HRM service delivery through a shared needs. The state established four ‘enterprises’
services model over the past three years. as businesses within state government using
The state uses an HRM Advisory Council, the ‘entrepreneurial management’ concept, a
made up of secretariat-level HRM directors, customer-focused approach to delivering
to help implement and facilitate the new services in a competitive marketplace. The
collaborative approach to HRM. Agencies Human Resource Enterprise offers a wide
typically implement their own HRM reforms, variety of services to state agencies, includ-
while HRD provides assistance through ing labor relations, employment services,
research, development, best practices for workforce planning, classification and com-
implementation, and ongoing consultation pensation studies, employee recognition
and evaluation. The state notes that two-way programs, and performance appraisal man-
communication between HRD and agency agement. These services are categorized
stakeholders is an essential part of the as either ‘utility’ or ‘marketplace’ services.
process. Since the introduction of the Utility services are those that maximize effi-
shared services model, major initiatives ciency for the state through economies of
have included management compensation scale; state agencies are required to purchase
reform, improvements to the hiring process, these services from DAS, though they do
and the development of a new online per- have input into the rate-setting process.
formance appraisal system. According to Marketplace services are those where agen-
the state, HRD has realized a reduction in cies can choose to use outside vendors (such
overtime costs, duplication, and adminis- as labor relations or HRM training), and are
trative work, and has also seen a reduction paid for by the agencies as they use the serv-
in turnover in the HRD workforce, which ices (Government Performance Project,
the agency believes is a result of its employ- 2007).
ees having more varied and broader res- The preoccupation with policing the
ponsibilities that make their work more merit system has given way to a broader
engaging (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, human resources focus in the public sector.
2005). Mission statements echo much of the lan-
guage of reform and illustrate the import of
human resource management to the achieve-
Role and mission of central ment of government goals. Terms such as
personnel departments flexibility, streamlining, business, cost-effec-
in the United States tive, partnerships, and customers are used in
many government HR mission statements.
As personnel functions are becoming increas- For example, the mission of Virginia’s
ingly decentralized, diffused, and shared, Department of Human Resource Management
human resource management departments (DHRM) is ‘providing leadership in human
are assuming a different roles to support and resources management, which is responsive
provide advice to agencies (Selden, 2009; to the goals and needs of the Commonwealth
Selden et al., 2001). The state of Iowa and its workforce’ (Virginia Department of

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Human Resource Management, 2011). Its based upon the theories underlying them, as
values include the following: well as the experiences and lessons learned
by other governments throughout the world.
• Accountability: DHRM employees are respon- For example, one means of making govern-
sible for ensuring their own performance and ment employment more attractive is to
work team results contribute to success in meet-
emphasize the benefits of working in the
ing and surpassing the performance goals of our
agency and the Commonwealth.
public sector. Some governments, such as
• Communication: we endeavor to provide com- Poland, Norway, New Zealand, and Utah
plete, accurate, timely, and up-to-date infor- have adopted shorter workweeks, offered
mation to our clients, co-workers, and other flextime, and operated childcare facilities to
constituents. attract and retain workers (PUMA/HRM,
• Customer focus: we strive to understand and 2000d; Selden, 2009). The impact of these
anticipate customer needs and constantly focus practices could inform a larger community
on delivering products and services of the highest about the potential benefits or costs.
quality in a timely manner. What do the findings suggest about the
• Innovation: we encourage the acquisition of direction of public human resource manage-
new skills, thoughtful risk taking, and openness
ment systems? Public officials have to accept
and receptiveness to change.
• Respect: we value individual contributions,
that the public is concerned about both
treat each other with dignity, and assume posi- the cost and value of government (Risher,
tive intent in everyone. 2011). The public personnel system of the
future will need to balance managerial and
States have replaced the bureaucratic para- system flexibilities and modernization with
digm that once dominated the culture of issues of system fit or congruence within
personnel departments (consisting of bureauc- financial constraints. As personnel responsi-
racy, control, and hierarchy) with paradigms bilities are increasingly shared between a
that emphasize service, front-line workers, central office and agencies, the role of the
excellence, competence, results, and being central HRM office has evolved to meet the
an employer of choice. Prior to the recent needs of its partners, clients, and customers.
wave of reforms, civil service structures and Central offices focus less on ‘micro’ issues of
responsibilities were nearly universal in the human resources, such as reclassification and
United States (Tolbert and Zucker, 1983). testing, and more on ‘macro’ issues, such as
Today, many different models of civil service workforce planning, change management,
have been embraced by state governments, employee development and training, and
with central human resource management leadership development. The most signifi-
agencies sharing responsibility for HR with cant contribution of the HRM office, how-
line agencies. ever, remains the pivotal role it plays in
helping agencies compete for hire, deploy,
and develop a highly skilled labor force.

A one-size-fits-all model of HRM reform is
not an appropriate strategy for any govern- 1 The National Bureau of Economic Research
ment. Rather, reform must be strategic. designated December 2007 as the start of the
However, only through identifying its own recession.
2 This calculation is based on 2007 and 2010
needs and demands will government be able
surveys of the state human resource management
to formulate a strategic approach to reform. departments.
Governments should carefully consider the 3 Some of this material is adapted from a book
pros and cons of different HRM strategies chapter by Patricia W. Ingraham and Sally Coleman

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Selden (2001) in Carolyn Ban and Norma Riccucci’s Performance: Challenges for the Future Public
Public Personnel Management. New York: Longman Service – the Report from the Wye River Conference’,
Press and from Sally Selden’s (2001) Human Public Administration Review, 60: 54–60.
Capital: Tools and Strategies for the Public Sector. Kong, Eric, and Thomson, S. Bruce (2006). ‘Intellectual
Washington, DC: CQ Press.
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Australia’, International Journal of Human Resources
Development and Management, 6: 213−231.
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Pay and Prerequisites for
Government Executives
Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen

On first consideration it seems a trivial serve themselves. Much speaks for either
question to ask what government pays its interpretation. According to the former, it is
executives and how it does it. The simple hard to imagine a long-term insulation of the
answer is that they are paid according to their public sector from the general labor market,
value on the labor market. The caveat is including the market for managerial and
equally simple. Deviations from the market leadership talent. It is equally hard to abstract
pattern would be expected only if somebody from the fact that, in the end, it is a political
could exploit his or her political power to decision how and how much the holders of
contrive a better deal. This chapter shows governmental office should be rewarded for
that both the market and the political power their services and that, with this power, they
interpretations are far from the reality. do not have to respond to the constraints
However, it is hard to separate the two types of the market.
of government executives, even if it may Both extremes overlook important aspects
seem odd that the settling of the salaries of of political and administrative life. First,
master and servant are as closely related as is elaborate civil service regulations are in
often the case in government. place. They establish internal labor markets
The market interpretation relies on the for the public sector, and even for particular
assumption that to attract able persons to a subsectors of government (Wise, 1996). As a
government career the government has to pay result, any competitive exchange with the
a price that is competitive with what the pri- private labor market, and especially the cor-
vate sector pays its executives, allowing porate part, is limited. Second, modern gov-
for differences in tenure and pension rights. ernment is democratic government. So,
The political power interpretation relies on a classical political theorists puzzled with the
similar premise. It presumes executive pay in issue of how to provide office holders with
government to be set by the incumbents, who proper rewards and incentives. Tocqueville
have both the motive and the opportunity to expected democratic competition (and

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popular envy) to place strict constraints on of promotion and pension (Horn, 1995).
politicians when they had to determine their Even Horn’s elaborate theory is not precise
own salaries. The implication was a strong in its predictions of the reward schemes to be
trend towards an egalitarian pay system, expected for administrative executives, not to
compressing the governmental pay scale speak of their political superiors. The situa-
while guaranteing that people in high public tion is no better if we alternatively take
office didn’t distance themselves too far recourse to cultural theories that focus on
from the people they ruled (Tocqueville, ensuring an appropriate fit between salaries
1835/1963: 130–134). The Tocquevillian and other rewards in differing organizational
hypothesis thus clearly contradicts the rent- and social contexts (Hood, 1994: 67).
seeking behavior inherent in the political
power interpretation.
Third, modern government is highly spe-
cialized, and, for the political decision PATTERNS TO BE EXPLAINED
makers, citizens and private business it serves
and regulates, the issue is how to ensure its Even a scant look at the real world of execu-
reliable, consistent, professionally competent tive pay in government demonstrates that we
and equitable operation. This was the con- are faced with a complex, but fascinating
cern of Max Weber, another classic theorist. topic. Table 6.1 shows some of the issues
His answer was to combine democracy and involved in a cross-national comparison of
the rule of law with a professional civil serv- the patterns of executive pay in government.
ice. His ideal-type civil servant was recruited The basic distinction concerns the structure
on the basis of merit, and a career system of executive rewards: they may consist
with lifelong tenure and a deferred pension at solely, or to a very great extent, of a taxable
the end of service provided sufficient incen- salary, the level of which is, in principle,
tives for civil servants to concentrate on their open to the public. Or they may to some, or
official duties as specified by general legal even a considerable, extent consist of perqui-
rules and their place in the hierarchy. Like sites to the holders of executive office. Such
Tocqueville, Weber was not overly optimistic perquisites can consist of cash and be taxa-
about the prospects that his model would ble. However, they can also be more substan-
succeed. Therefore, the challenge was to tial (cars, accommodation, traveling, per
create a set of institutions that as far as diem) or immaterial (social status and public
possible could keep in check bureaucrats esteem derived from the executive position)
bent on usurping political power and a new rewards. Finally, perquisites may be deferred,
class of professional politicians making a thus securing future compensation for rela-
living off, rather than living for, politics tive hardships endured while holding public
(Weber, 1919/1988). office. The more important such perquisites
These classics point to the complexity are, the less transparent the system of rewards
and tensions involved, but hardly lead to pre- is, and the more weight assigned to such
cise predictions as to how much and how perquisites, the less clear the incentives
government executives are paid. Nor is there connected with a particular job or career.
much assistance to be gained from modern One level of analysis involves only com-
theories. One theory is Horn’s transaction parative statistics. The primary focus is on
cost theory of public administration. He differences between countries. It reveals con-
forcefully argued that to cope with the siderable differences between countries and
problems of commitment inherent in demo- political and administrative systems, differ-
cratic policymaking, politicians are inclined ences that are not in any way directly related
to set up a tenured and merit-based civil to the wealth of the countries. This holds not
service providing its members with prospects only for the countries of the Organization for

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Table 6.1 Analyzing the structure of rewards for government executives

Level of analysis Rewards
Pay Perquisites
Cross-national comparisons Pay relativities As percentage of direct pay
Political vs administrative executives As option for second career outside government
Executives vs MPs
Intra-hierarchical differentials
Executive pay vs general population
Over-time comparisons Real-term changes in purchasing power Expansion/restriction of perquisites
Erosion/improvement in pay relativities

Economic Co-operation and Development well-off, as are the country’s senior civil
(OECD) but also for the emerging economies servants (Gregory and Christensen, 2004;
of Southeast Asia (Hood and Askim, 2003; Klöti, 1994). The implication is that New
Hood and Lambert, 1994: 34–37). The pat- Zealand and Switzerland resemble Asian
tern is even more variegated when pay rela- countries like Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore,
tivities are included. As Table 6.1 shows, and South Korea rather than the Western
determining the pay relativities requires a countries with which they share cultural
series of comparisons, and it is difficult to and political traits that are otherwise deemed
speak of a consistent pattern of countries to be important.
falling within distinct categories. Certainly, The presumption behind the direct pay that
there are countries where egalitarian modesty governmental executives receive is that it is
dominates and where pay differentials are open. The salaries are decided according to
compressed, whether the standard is relativi- well-specified and well-known procedures,
ties within the elite, within the administrative and information on them is available through
hierarchy or between the executive elite public accounts and official statistics. Similar
and the general public; this is clearly the case transparency is hardly connected with the
in the Nordic countries. At the other end, perquisites that governmental executives
Hong Kong and Singapore, for instance, dis- receive. The more important such perquisites
play a uniform pattern of exquisite pay to (‘perks’), the more opaque are the systems of
members of the executive elite, disregarding rewards. As this happens, sleaze and, at the
the standard of comparison. extreme, the risk of corruption become prob-
Actually, the numbers reveal patterns that lems that may negatively affect citizens’ trust
are specific to each country. Some examples in government (Ridley and Doig, 1995). For
are illuminating. It is quite nearly a general the same reason it is difficult to determine
pattern that the pay to political and adminis- their monetary value. Still, Table 6.2 tries to
trative executives – explicitly and implicitly – bring a minimum of order to a phenomenon
is mutually strongly related, and that their that, by definition, constitutes the submerged
pay is related to the pay members of parlia- part of the iceberg (Hood and Peters, 1994,
ment (MPs) receive. But there are conspi- 2003).
cuous deviations. So both the members of the First, Table 6.2 shows that political execu-
New Zealand and Swiss parliaments are tives and, to a lesser extent, top civil servants
poorly paid compared to administrative exec- receive different sorts of allowances. Mostly
utives, but when it comes to political execu- they are of minor importance and clearly
tives New Zealand cabinet ministers share the linked to job-related activities. This is the
humble lot of their country’s MPs. Their Swiss case with allowances for representation and
colleagues, however, are comparatively provision of free government cars. The most

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Table 6.2 Prevalent types of perquisites for government executives

In office Lifetime and/or extended Deferred
to family
Cash allowances and services
Political executives Free, chauffeur driven cars; Common: e.g., in China and
tax free allowances for in the EU
representation; prevalent
in most countries
Top civil servants Varying, but smaller Common: e.g., in China and
in the EU
Political executives Political executives holding
a parliamentary seat keep
their allowance; non-MPs
receive a compensation
neutralizing the absence
of this allowance
Top civil servants Bonus and one-off payments; Side-business allowed to
performance-related pay continue after retirement;
reimbursed through
Political executives French ‘cumul des mandats’; Ministers earning a lifelong Directorships on boards in
in other countries ministers pension, increasing with government corporations,
are by law obliged to give the accumulated length etc.; exchange of executive
up other tasks and jobs of service and coming to staff with law firms and
while in office payment at retirement, corporate community
regardless of age
Top civil servants Accumulation of perks for Civil service pensions ‘Descent from heaven’ for
civil servants serving on regulated according to Japanese top civil servants;
boards, etc., as government seniority; retaining pay French ‘pantouflage’; US
representatives at replacement in-and-outers

conspicuous exception is that in a few sys- services, and the confidential practice of
tems like China and the European Union handing over closed envelopes to French
(EU), allowances of this kind apply also to civil servants who merit a cash benefit; the
family members and that, in the Chinese discretionary one-off payments in the Danish
case, they are for life. The implication is that civil service law have a very similar status;
perks of this kind make up a large share of the introduction of performance-linked pay
the Chinese elite’s income and, further, that has not changed this (Binderkrantz and
these invisible allowances make the rewards Christensen, 2012). Civil servants serving ex
for the country’s governmental executives officio on particular boards and commissions
highly inequitable when compared to other may even continue to hold such posts and the
countries, even if reformatory steps recently ensuing honoraria upon retirement.
have been taken to downplay the use of Third, a more important source of rewards
perquisites (Burns, 2007). is connected with the possibility of accumu-
Second, in particular top civil servants lating offices. While some countries set strict
receive monetary add-ons. Different models limitations on this for members of government
are used: for instance, the practice of a 13 (e.g., Germany, the Nordic countries, and
months’ salary in the German and Swiss civil the EU Commission), ‘cumul des mandats’

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is part of the French political tradition, pro- tradition of coalition government has led to
viding national politicians not only with an elaborate procedures for selecting and allo-
extra source of income but also a separate cating political appointees to leading posi-
platform for their political career. Top civil tions in the administration (Brans, 1994;
servants, as was once the case in Danish cen- Liegl and Müller, 1999). Finally, civil service
tral government, may have similar opportuni- reforms following recommendations from
ties to accumulate side tasks to which they the EU have not held the Central and East
are appointed by the government, sometimes European countries back from a strong polit-
leaving it to others to pay for their services. icization of appointments to the higher civil
Pension schemes have a similar function in a service (Meyer-Sahling, 2011). The other
lifetime perspective, although their value side of the issue is the bureaucratization of
depends entirely on the principles regulating politics found in some countries. In demo-
their calculation. Finally, in many countries cratic France one road to a political career
life does not necessarily come to a halt when has traditionally been elite training as a civil
a career in government ends. In France, as servant, followed by a career that over time
well as Japan and South Korea, a fairly low merged into politics (Rouban, 1998). In
salary in government paves the way to a later, other, more autocratic countries a similar pat-
much more lucrative career in business. In tern is evident in that technocrats are indis-
other countries this opportunity is less well tinguishable from higher civil servants
integrated into the civil service career system, occupying the highest posts in government.
but former ministers and retired top civil Cross-national comparison has not exactly
servants have a chance to pursue a second revealed a consistent pattern and variation is
career in the borderland between the public so strong that national idiosyncrasies must be
and the private sector. said to prevail. On the surface this is different
The rewards of administrative and political for changes over time. The Hood and Peters
executives are often connected. From a clas- study, covering a number of Western European
sic perspective, derived from either Weber’s countries and the USA, revealed a general
theory of bureaucracy or Wilson’s politics– trend towards erosion of pay to people serv-
administration dichotomy, these executive ing in high public office. This applied not
roles are different and should not be blurred. only to political and administrative execu-
In a comparative perspective, however, they tives; in particular, members of parliament
are often difficult to distinguish. Part of the seemed to suffer a gradual, but constant
problem lies in an ambiguous conceptualiza- erosion of their monetary rewards. As the
tion that is exploited by politicians and erosion proceeded, the reward systems also
bureaucrats alike to institute various ploys became more egalitarian and showed more
against each other (Peters, 2010). Another compressed pay relativities within the gov-
reason is that empirically the careers of ernmental hierarchy, combined with a nar-
political and administrative executives often rowing of income differentials between
converge. This happens when appointments governmental executives and the general
to positions in the administration are made public. But even this pattern is not without
on political grounds, thereby departing from exceptions, as demonstrated by the Swiss
the principles of the merit civil service. and, to some extent, the German cases,
Political appointees at the higher echelons of where members of the elite in comparative
American federal bureaucracy fall within this terms have been able to uphold their very
category, as do the directors-general in charge high earnings (Derlien, 1994; Klöti, 1994).
of the independent agencies of Swedish cen- Furthermore, the trend towards erosion is not
tral government (Lewis, 2008; Christensen confirmed when the scope of comparison is
and Yesilkagit, 2006). In other European expanded to include, for example, Southeast
countries like Austria and Belgium a long Asia and industrialized and democratic

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countries like Australia, Japan, and New that executive pay should reward talent to
Zealand (Hood and Askim, 2003). attract the best and the brightest and that
For those Western countries that experi- executive pay should be linked to perform-
enced a gradual erosion of pay to govern- ance. This change in rationale dates back to
ment executives this raises two questions. the late 1980s and early 1990s and is common
The first is whether the trend towards erosion particularly to Anglo-Saxon and the Nordic
of executive pay has been accompanied by countries (see, e.g., Christensen, 2009;
substituting salaried rewards with increased Waxin and Bateman, 2009; Wegrich, 2009).
perquisites. No systematic data allows a gen- Table 6.3 shows, by way of illustration, how
eral answer to this question, but there are this change in rationale has been accompa-
sufficient examples to demonstrate that no nied by a change in reward structure within
such logic seems to be at play. First, German the civil service.
politicians, who have otherwise been com- First, since the mid 1990s agency heads
paratively well-off, as well as their American have regained their position compared to
colleagues, have experienced difficulties in employees. This goes both when their total
maintaining their perquisites at a level that salary is compared to that of senior clerks
kept up with the costs of living. Corporatist and to that of principals in central govern-
Denmark has always had plenty of posts for ment service. However, their relative pay is
civil servants on boards and commissions. basically constant when compared to the
This is still the case, but where such side total salary of permanent secretaries, the
activities in the past carried an honorarium, highest office in central government. Second,
consecutive rounds of perk clearance have Table 6.3 also documents a rather radical
led to their eradication. But for both civil change in executive pay structure. Basic
servants and political executives such posts salary has decreased while annual one-off
represent a kind of deferred perquisite to be payments have increased dramatically when
enjoyed upon retirement. compared to total pay.
The second question is whether the trend
towards erosion observed in several Western
countries is inescapable. However, the com-
bined effect of civil service and managerial ACCOUNTING FOR EXTREME
reform has been an increased focus on the DIVERSITIES
role of top civil servants (see Ketelaar,
Manning, and Turkisch, 2007; OECD, 2003). Pay policy for the public sector sounds like a
Common to this trend is the emphasis on fairly well-defined policy field. This is even
managerial capacity and leadership, the idea more so when, as here, the focus is narrowed

Table 6.3 Pay structure for Danish agency heads (AH) 1996 and 2008
1996 2008
Pay relativities
AH/senior clerk 3.1 3.5
AH/principal 2.2 2.6
AH/permanent secretary 0.8 0.7
Pay structure
Basic salary/total salary 0.65 0.53
One-off payment/total salary 0.04 0.08
N 48 61
Sources: Data kindly provided by The State Employer’s Authority.

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down to the setting of pay and perquisites for choice rationalism, but its predictions run
government executives. Still, the descriptive counter to it. Instead of striving to improve
pattern is one of a diversity so extreme that it their personal lots, politicians engage them-
seems questionable whether there is a con- selves in a competition that over time causes
sistent pattern of observations. Any viable their salaries to spiral down. What is more, if
theoretical account therefore has, apparently, they seek compensation through more or less
to cope with hidden perquisites they set into motion a
devious game that undermines public trust in
1 persistent cross-national differences among political office, making it unattractive to
countries otherwise alike in economic, institu-
people of quality and unaffordable to people
tional and political terms; and
2 inconsistent developments in countries otherwise
without considerable private means. The
alike in all relevant respects. theory is supported by the trend observed in
several Western countries for which we have
This situation does not exactly make it easy data. The fact that in these countries the elite
to follow the standard prescription for ana- has not been able to keep perquisites out
lytical parsimony through the reliance of the political debate lends further support
on one, simple theoretical account. Below I to the Tocquevillian interpretation. After all,
briefly present the complex analytical issues it is also notable that this development is
involved. The dismal conclusion is that particular to democratic countries. For coun-
none of the theories survives an encounter tries with more autocratic or technocratic
with the real world (Hood and Peters, 1995). regimes the situation is very different, as wit-
Public choice theory offers a parsimonious ness Southeast Asian countries like Hong
account for the setting of salaries and perqui- Kong and Singapore, and the EU, where the
sites. Starting from the assumption of indi- principles of democratic governance are
viduals rationally pursuing their own interests, at best highly circumscribed. It is in accord-
those holding the actual positions of public ance with the theory that parliamentarians
power are expected to see to their own mate- in these countries have not got their share of
rial welfare. This goes for their income in the spoils derived from high public office.
absolute terms and relative position com- Still, in a number of Western countries
pared to other groups within and outside the (Australia, Germany, New Zealand, and
public sector. The problem is that most, Switzerland), as well as democratic Japan,
although not all, government executives in members of the executive elite in govern-
Western countries have had difficulty in ment have successfully defended their
upholding their former income in real terms, positions in absolute and relative terms.
and further, that for years they experienced Thus, even if empirically this kind of macro-
an increasing degree of wage compression institutional theory has a lot of good points,
within the government hierarchy. There is it is unable to stand alone.
even doubt as to whether people in positions A logical extension is modern rational
of power actually pursue a policy of increas- choice institutionalism. It shares the actor
ing their own salary, as witnessed by the assumptions of public choice theory with the
politics of setting salaries and allowances for focus on institutional mechanisms found in
members of parliament. Tocqueville’s theory of democracy. Further-
The obvious caveat is that the pure public more, in spite of its rather narrow focus on an
choice interpretation does not consider the institutionally constrained game, in which
institutional constraints within which people elected members of parliament engage, it can
in high public office operate. One analytic easily be expanded to include other strata
approach follows Alexis de Tocqueville’s within the governing elite. However, the
theory of democratic institutionalism. Its gains in realism come at a price. It is impos-
causal logic is closely related to public sible from these assumptions to derive any

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specific predictions as to how and at what the argument that policies already in place
level rewards for the executive elite will be will, as time goes by, engender increasing
set. Any ex ante propositions as to this political returns to the coalition behind them
requires a quite detailed specification of the (Pierson, 2004). Yet, historical explanations
architecture of the system in question. Still, of this kind lack a precise causal logic and
this analytic strategy presents a way to suffer from the scarcity of generalized empir-
account for variation among countries that ical insights they produce. Their analytical
are otherwise alike in democratic terms. strength lies in their argument that the his-
How this may work is seen from two such torical dimension in public policy should not
specifications that have been applied. One be forgotten, while their Achilles heel is their
prescribes pay and perquisites to be set inherent concentration on unique historical
within a universal bargaining system applied cases and events and their inability to account
to the entire public sector and may be closely for radical change and policy reversals
connected to the general labor market. The (Peters, 1999). Despite such criticisms, his-
implication is that the salaries of the govern- tory is certainly at play, as both policies and
ing elite are linked to those of public employ- institutions prove to be sticky in any of
ees in the lower echelons, and the ensuing the countries for which evidence has been
prediction is gradual erosion similar to the available on executive pay and perquisites.
Tocquevillian pattern described above, but The problem shared by several of the theo-
expanded to cover also the executive elites, ries reviewed above is that they either predict
be they political or bureaucratic. This by a gradual, but unidirectional erosion of
and large corresponds to what is found in rewards to the executive elite or a basic sta-
(for example) the Nordic countries. The bility in the prevailing pattern. The reality is,
other stylized setup presupposes pay and however, that change, whether it is radical
perquisites to be determined through a semi- change or incremental changes accumulating
automatic procedure that is neither coupled to a policy reversal, can be observed in some
to labor market bargaining nor to current countries that seemed to follow either a
political bargaining in parliament. As a result Tocquevillian path or a leveling-down path
the settling of salaries for the executive elite characteristic of countries where rewards to
is highly depoliticized, a fact that protects the governing elite are settled together with
them against Tocquevillian erosion. Again, other public service salaries. The figures
this interpretation finds support in the experi- reported in Table 6.3 show how such change
ence of democratic countries like Australia has been effected within a relatively short
and New Zealand. span of time. Cultural theory has been
This type of rational choice institutional- brought in to reconcile such reversals of
ism basically argues for a strong trend policy. The logic is that policy choices are
towards stability, and that changes, if they embedded in a dominant cultural context that
take place at all, will be incremental in rela- defines the values invoked to legitimate spe-
tion to the status quo. In this respect it is cific decisions and choices. They not only
similar to the different versions of historical define what is appropriate in a particular
institutionalism. They all argue that strong social or organizational situation but also
path dependencies prevail in public policy. In may frame actor preferences. As a theory, its
some cases the causal logic is clearly institu- deficiencies are similar to those found in
tional, with its focus on the transaction costs rational choice institutionalism because in
created by the institutions in place; in other its general form it points nowhere. To derive
cases, the logic approaches sociological any predictions from it, it is essential to
reasoning, emphasizing norms and values specify the cultural context within which the
shared over time; in yet another version eco- analysis is set: for example, an egalitarian or
nomic logic is translated into politics through a hierarchical one. As such specifications are

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by their very nature deemed to be quite (Christensen and Gregory, 2008). In some
vague, it might seem difficult to travel far countries this form of contractualism applies
along this road. Yet, logically, this is one way to agency directors and other top civil serv-
in which it would be possible to account for ants formally operating at arm’s length from
non-trivial change and policy reversals. the political executive, while in the New
In The Art of the State, Christopher Hood Zealand model permanent secretaries have
(1999) demonstrated how thinking about become chief executives working on contract
governmental organization and public man- with their departmental ministers (Boston
agement is heavily dependent on particular et al., 1996; Gregory, 2001). When, as is the
modes of reasoning about human motivation case in some countries, such contracts link
and human action in organizational and pay with performance, the question is whether
social contexts. Since the 1990s the public this works out in practice. Both experiments
sector in the Western world has experienced and empirical studies question this link. A
a change in basic reasoning concerning its study of Danish agency heads concluded that
organization and operation. This change is there was no statistically signigicant link
usually referred to as New Public Management between performance as defined in perform-
(NPM) thinking (Goldfinch and Wallis, ance contracts and documented in agencies’
2009). The NPM movement emphasizes the annual reports and executive pay. Still, there
importance of management and leadership is considerable variation in the one-off pay-
over formal structure and of economic incen- ments to agency heads, the implication being
tives operating at the individual level over that the criteria used by permanent secretar-
roles and rules. In addition, it tends to replace ies when deciding who should receive a
the ideal of a Weberian bureaucracy with that bonus and, further, how much they deserve
of corporate governance. Some countries deviate from the performance goals stated in
were highly resistant not only to the rhetoric agency and executive contracts (Binderkrantz
but also to the design prescriptions contained and Christensen, 2012; Weibel, Rost, and
in the program. This was the case in France, Osterloh, 2010).
Germany and Norway (Derlien, 1996, 2008;
Olsen, 1996; Rouban, 2008). In other coun-
tries the ideas gained more ground. Most
Western countries have always organized PAYING FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE
some government activities in state-owned
enterprises or government corporations. To Merit bureaucracy rests on the separation of
the conventional way of thinking about the office from the private property of its incum-
management of such enterprises, the director bents. Civil servants are not only recruited on
received a salary and a pension similar to that the basis of their professional merits but also
of a high-ranking civil servant. With corpora- to carry out their job without eyeing their
tization, the point of reference used for set- personal interests. This is in contrast to the
ting the salaries and contractual conditions practice of patrimonial and patronage forms
for members of corporate management has of public administration. In the former, public
been changed to correspond to those presum- authority was closely linked to feudal struc-
ably applied in the private business sector. tures of property rights, whereas in the latter the
A similar transformation has taken place selection of people for public office was linked
within the civil service proper in some coun- to one party’s conquest of political power at
tries. This happened when the traditional the expense of its political competitors.
ideas of civil service tenure, set salary scales Weberian bureaucracy rests on the pre-
and deferred pensions were replaced by the sumption that a combination of lifelong
ideas of fixed-term appointments and indi- tenure, a fixed salary and inalienable pension
vidual contracts for leading civil servants rights shields public bureaucracies and their

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civil servants from undue political pressure (and the courage) to behave as befits a civil
and from corruption. Even a cursory inspec- servant. A further corollary is that their pay
tion of the indexes that are compiled on a should be calculated according to formulas
regular basis reveals a relatively low level of that are general, and in addition that formal
corruption in countries that have basically pay that is taxable and open to public scru-
organized their public administration in tiny, rather than invisible perquisites, should
accordance with the principles of merit form the core of their rewards.
bureaucracy, while it is on average much The conventional logic raises intriguing
higher in countries where political patronage policy issues. One is whether it is wise to
is still important and political interference virtually leave the level of rewards paid to
into even routine administrative dealings is a civil servants and members of the political
daily practice. Hence, the emphasis that the executive out of the discussion. This issue
World Bank and academic analysts place on that complements and to some extent chal-
the enactment of civil service reforms in lenges the conventional civil service logic is
emerging economies as well as in developing in no way unfounded. Above, it was repeat-
countries is very well founded (Geddes, edly noted how Tocqueville expressed con-
1994; Nee and Opper, 2009; Nunberg, 1995; cern for the ability of democracies to recruit
World Bank, 1997). sufficiently able persons to governing posi-
However, recent research questions the tions because in a democracy it was politi-
validity of a simple causal link between civil cally unsustainable to pay them a competitive
service reform along the lines described salary in the long run. The same long-term
above and a corruption-free and effective concern can be raised for the civil service if
administration. First, the EU made civil serv- the politics of settling their salaries lead to a
ice reform a condition for the admission of gradual and continuous erosion of their pay.
the Central and East European countries. Here, advocates of NPM reforms have
Still, formal steps to reform have turned out invoked the insights of principal–agent
to be a weak guarantee of change and in sev- theory, arguing that the incentives of a merit
eral of the countries traditional habits of civil service with tenure are poorly engi-
politicization, patronage and corruption neered. Their argument is that such a system
coexist alongside seemingly radical reforms tends to create managers and civil servants
designed to implement a Weberian bureauc- who pay little attention to costs and efficiency,
racy (Meyer-Sahling, 2011; SIGMA, 2010). and who are in addition not very responsive to
Second, this is in line with other empirical the concerns of their clients because their
research questioning the linkage between implicit employment contracts do not contain
civil service structure, pay and corruption proper incentives. Their solution has been to
and more generally administrative behaviour replace tenure with fixed-term appointments
(Rubin and Kellough, 2012; Rubin and based on individual contracts between the
Whitford, 2008). Finally, the trend in several political executive and professional manag-
Western countries is towards relaxing tradi- ers. When advocating contractual reforms,
tional civil service criteria, pre-eminently the they refer to the practices of corporate gov-
tenure requirement, while upholding basic ernance, whose comparative supremacy is
behavioural norms (Derlien and Peters, claimed to be due to the very incentives
2008). tenured civil service fails to provide.
In bureaucratic theory the focus is on the This diagnosis and the prescription that
selection, promotion and rewards for civil accompanies it has, as also noted above,
servants rather than the level of these rewards. to some extent been implemented in some,
The corollary is that it is the certainty of though far from all, OECD countries. In spite
future income rather than short-term eco- of early doubts as to whether the high expec-
nomic gains that provides the incentives tations to performance pay as an effective

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strategy for better government would actu- macro perspective there seems to be a marked
ally hold, reform has quite consistently been difference with regard to the outcomes of
pursued (cf. Ingraham, 1993; OECD, 2003, either democratic competition or autocratic
2005). More recent empirical research gives seclusion. In a micro-institutional perspec-
support to these doubts (Binderkrantz and tive, however, much seems to depend on
Christensen, 2012; Frey and Osterloh, 2005; whether executive pay and perquisites are set
Weibel, Rost, and Osterloh, 2010). according to semi-automatic procedures or
integrated into a general bargaining round,
politically connecting the regulation of elite
rewards to those of public employees at the
THE CONTINGENCIES OF bottom of the hierarchy. Fourth, these strate-
PAY POLICIES gic games are embedded in a wider social
and cultural context. This will, over long
The discussion of patterns of pay and perqui- periods, make it politically costly and ille-
sites for government executives revealed a gitimate to institute a new policy, but when a
motley pattern of practices. It is unsurprising change in cultural or ideological context
that given such circumstances it is impossi- comes about, which has actually happened in
ble to boil down the observations to a simple this field, the changed context provides new
and consistent set of descriptive generaliza- points of reference to be strategically
tions. It is equally unsurprising, but neverthe- exploited by groups who have considered
less disappointing, that although a set of themselves to be disadvantaged by past pay
sometimes sophisticated analytical tools is at policies. Finally, when it comes to the policy
hand, it is equally difficult to account for the lessons to be drawn, two conclusions seem
variation in a way that allows for consistent justified. One is negative in as far as there is
predictions, not to mention clear policy no clear evidence for linking executive pay
recommendations. clearly to either macro-economic perform-
Still, having reviewed the literature, cer- ance at the societal level or micro-economic
tain non-trivial conclusions seem justified. performance at the organizational or policy
First, it is a fairly well-established fact that sector level. The other is positive in that it is
general market economics and specific labor far too early to discard merit bureaucracy as
market forces only play a minor role in the unsustainable, even though tenure is under
setting of rewards for political and adminis- pressure (Frey and Osterloh, 2005). For one
trative executives. This mainly political issue thing the experience from the Western democ-
is usually dealt with through political proce- racies seems to be that its adaptive capacity
dures and bargaining. But it is worth noticing is much higher than certain theories will have
that economic constraints may be important it. For another thing, it also seems that the
for the political bargaining that determines creation of a merit bureaucracy is one of the
the pay of government executives. Second, preconditions for better governance in Third
even if economic forces don’t explain the World and emerging democracies and econo-
empirical observations, individuals’ rational mies, although there is no short-term link
pursuit of material and immaterial rewards between formal reform and performance.
cannot be dismissed as valid motivators of
individual and collective choices. Constraints
on executives are so tight that there are
severe limits as to how far they can move to REFERENCES
maximize their own rewards. Third, these
constraints hardly point in a specific direc- Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær and Christensen,
tion. One distinction is that between the Jørgen Grønnegaard (2012) ‘Agency Perfor-
macro- and micro-institutional setup. In a mance and Executive Pay in Government’, Journal

5768_Peters & Pierre-06.indd 112 7/20/2012 10:50:24 AM


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5768_Peters & Pierre-06.indd 114 7/20/2012 10:50:24 AM

Leadership and the Senior
Service from a Comparative
John Halligan

The leadership of the senior service has that have been modernizing within state
undergone substantial change that reflects traditions that are still relatively closed and
the era of public sector reform, environ- somewhat impervious to extensive change;
mental trends and new thinking about how and the second, of services that have been
civil service systems should operate. The more receptive to change, including manage-
environment that was once relatively stable ment and new leadership concepts, and
for public organizations has become more are consequently more open. Leadership
competitive, public–private differences have frameworks have been developed and tested
narrowed and the constraints and rules that in a number of countries, and many have
once dictated much of the character of public established a senior executive corps. For
organizations have less importance, with other countries, senior services remain more
the notable exception of those reflecting aligned with administrative traditions that are
democratic governance. Senior services less sympathetic to these types of change.
have become more open, managerial and The study of leadership in the public sector
generalist and have placed greater emphasis has also advanced considerably over the last
on leadership development. decade reflecting in large part the rapidly
Nevertheless, there continue to be wide changing subject matter and the incorpora-
variations within senior services and between tion of more eclectic and creative theorizing
country systems. The nature of the senior and analysis (compare Boin and Christensen
service and the significance of leadership 2008; Raffel et al., 2009; Van Wart, 2005).
development vary with administrative tradi- A number of leadership issues are salient,
tions, societal factors, institutions and level reflecting the special character of public
of reform. Two patterns can be discerned for organizations, challenges of new leadership
some purposes: the first, of senior services demands, the results (often inconclusive) of

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management experiments and the unresolved members share neither the same careers nor
tensions between neutral and responsive the same prestige nor the same professional
competence. This chapter reviews these culture’ (Rouban, 1999: 65).
dimensions of the changing approaches to The civil service may be more differenti-
leadership and the senior service within a ated, with functions associated with special-
comparative perspective that recognizes dif- ized organizations that have distinctive
ferent patterns and the role of institutional cultures. In Britain’s agencification phase,
factors. approaching 80 per cent of British civil
servants were in some form of executive
agency. Significant differences were reported
between British civil servants and agency
SENIOR SERVICES chief executives: the former were less dis-
posed to change but more willing to be
Defining the senior service pragmatic (that is, bending rules to achieve
results), while the latter valued control more
The senior service comprises heads of minis- where it concerned future-oriented activity
tries, departments, bureaus and agencies (Dawson, 2001: 265; Mellon, 2000). There
within the core civil service (variously known was also considerable variability in the
as departmental or permanent secretaries, dividing line between middle and senior
chief executives, director-generals, etc.) and management, and some senior services have
other senior officials as designated within been decapitated compared to others in so
the central government of each country. The far as one or more layers of the most senior
‘higher’ components of Anglo-American positions were assigned to political appoint-
civil services have ranged from 0.13 per cent ments that may not derive from the civil
to 2.1 per cent, with 1 per cent being sug- service. The intermingling of professional
gested as an ideal size (Hede, 1991), but less civil servants and political appointees may
than 1 per cent has since been reported plus extend to several levels of the senior service
an international trend favouring smaller (OECD, 2011: 94−95).
senior services (World Bank, 2005: 5). Most countries recognize an explicit group
It is important to recognize both the wide of senior public servants, which can extend
variations between country systems and to legal or formal definition. For a small
within senior services. A senior service can number of OECD countries, the senior serv-
be expected to comprise a range of general- ice has a relatively informal basis (e.g.
ists and specialists for policy, management, France, Italy, Japan and Norway) (OECD,
delivery, regulation and technical work. 2008: 72).
The traditional senior public servant was For all these reasons, and the complexity
more likely to have either ‘generalist institu- of governmental systems, it is often difficult
tional knowledge’ or be a specialist in either to define explicitly the senior service
a policy field (OECD, 2008: 73). Today, or to characterize it in simple terms. The
mainstream public servants may coexist question has also been posed as to whether
with private sector technocrats and political there was a US higher civil service in
operatives. Senior officials may have well- the sense of other systems, and that images
defined responsibilities (say policy advice) derived from several systems could be
or combine several elements, including polit- observed as ‘loose groupings of people where
ical and administrative/management roles. the lines of policy, politics, and administra-
Professional specialization and defined corps tion merge in a jumble of bodies’ (Heclo,
within the civil service contribute to the com- 1984: 8–9). The identification of the senior
plexity. The senior service in France has been service is facilitated in reformed systems
depicted as ‘a heterogeneous category whose where classification systems have been

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simplified and organizational rationalization elitism and legalism, and until recently,
has occurred, or where a defined senior closed career systems (Kim, 2002; Pierre,
service exists. 1995; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2004).

Patterns of senior service Comparing and managing

senior services
Two patterns of senior service have been
identified: those that have been modernized The important questions about the senior
within state traditions, and which may con- service centre on its constitution and the
tinue to be relatively closed and less respon- provision for the systemic handling of the
sive to major change; and systems that higher service. The relationship between
have been receptive to management change the conception and the organization of the
and leadership concepts, and have become civil service influences the roles (and poten-
increasingly open. Support for the two tial) of the senior service. Three elements
patterns can be found in the tendency to ana- that shape and control the capacity for lead-
lyse dimensions of senior services in terms ership are the relationship between politi-
of opposing perspectives: centralized and cians and bureaucrats, the definition of the
decentralized approaches to leadership devel- senior management role, and the organiza-
opment (OECD, 2001), merit versus patron- tion of the service.
age in recruitment (Peters, 2010), position In terms of relations between politicians
versus career recruitment (OECD, 2003), and the senior service, three approaches to
dichotomized characteristics of heads of comparison can be noted. First, a policy role
departments and ministries (Rhodes and approach seeks to locate responsibilities
Weller, 2001), and two broad conceptions of focusing on politicians and bureaucrats but
‘public authority’ (based on a distinctive also on the relative importance of other
service with rights and privileges) and ‘serv- actors internal and external to government
ice provision’ (based on comparability with (Aberbach et al., 1981; Peters and Pierre,
the private sector) (Page and Wright, 1999). 2001). Second, several studies focus on
However, these features of senior services do political control through either the neutral
not necessarily coincide, and the exceptions senior service (the British model), the ‘com-
indicate much greater complexity. manding heights’ approach (through control
The standard distinction between of the most senior appointments and/or
Rechtsstaat (or rule of law) and public inter- through political advisers) or politicization
est systems continues to provide the basis for of the service through party membership
the two patterns. The differentiation is (Page and Wright, 1999). Third, a career
grounded in distinctive administrative cul- approach produces a spectrum of possibili-
tures and associated structures, with the legal ties, ranging from blended careers (France)
regulation of administration, judicial review to separate careers (Anglo countries), with
and stronger state traditions of the European other systems falling between the two. Under
systems dominating the first, and the greater the truncated hierarchy (e.g., the United
flexibilities of the Westminster model and States), the career official is unable to rise to
the predisposition to private management the highest positions in an agency (Peters,
of Anglo-Saxon countries underlying the 2010).
second pattern. There are a number of varia- Comparisons of the organization of senior
tions on the two patterns, with several smaller services can be made in terms of several
European states exhibiting features of both, dimensions. First is whether there is a career
perhaps forming a third category. There has service or not and the approach to recruit-
also been the Korean and Japanese mix of ment is closed or open. Recruitment systems

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can be divided into the career and posi- senior management system, senior officials
tion systems (OECD, 2003). A standard may nevertheless be subject to special terms
traditional system was distinguished by and conditions of employment. Central train-
boundaries and career differentiation and ing institutes have been relied on in systems
distinctiveness. Many systems have opened that are otherwise fairly decentralized (such
up positions to external recruitment and have as Germany: OECD, 2001).
modified (even minimized) the differentia- Central agencies play a range of systemic
tion between public and private sectors. roles. The role of the Senior Public Service
Sweden, for example, has not maintained a office in the Netherlands has been to seek
career service, and agencies appoint staff to greater integration through the senior serv-
positions that have been publicly advertised. ice, including the development of interde-
In contrast, the career services of some sys- partmental links and service-wide initiatives
tems have been closed in the past, with con- (Steen and Van der Meer, 2009). In cases
trolled (and often limited) entry from the where responsibility for cultivating the senior
outside. service was devolved to chief executives
Second is the level of commitment to of line agencies (e.g. Australia and New
public management, and in particular per- Zealand), the central agencies roles were
formance. This may entail reliance on differ- subsequently strengthened.
ent types of contract and performance The final question is oversight of the
incentives and appraisal. It became standard senior service and promotion of the core
practice to use individual performance agree- values of public service (Ingraham, 1998).
ments for the senior service, but these Institutional leadership can be provided in
schemes have not necessarily been sustained the form of either a central agency with sys-
in practice. temic responsibilities and/or a specified head
Third, is the location of responsibility for of the civil service. The inculcation of values
the management of the senior service: Is it may best be achieved through recruitment,
centralized, decentralized or shared? Related training or role models.
questions are the level and mode of integra-
tion (including the use or not of a special
corps, discussed later), and the relative
importance of structure, culture and ethos, CHANGING CONCEPTIONS
and elite recruitment. The several roles OF LEADERSHIP
include recruitment, training, system mainte-
nance and preservation and enhancement of The scope of the interest here is both with
civil service values. The roles may be divided changing conceptions and approaches, as
among one or more central agencies, and well as with the nature of leaders and leader-
between the centre and line agencies. Rule ship qua members of the senior service and
making for the senior service might be relations between appointed and elected lead-
expected to be a responsibility of the centre, ers (e.g., Peters and Pierre, 2001, 2004),
but agencies may have considerable discre- which are picked up in later sections.
tion (OECD, 2003). Traditional academic questions about lead-
The recruitment process for senior civil ership fall into two important categories for
servants is more centralized than that for our purposes here. First, there is the question
other civil servants (OECD, 2011: 92−93). A of what shapes organizational leadership.
number of the latter have an operational The familiar option is that it derives from
senior executive service (SES). Senior the attributes of unusual individuals in top
recruitment may otherwise be relatively positions, but another (either an alternative
decentralized, although standard procedures or complementary) position, is that leader-
may exist, and where there is no explicit ship is a product of an organizational context

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(e.g., the ‘density of administrative compe- Hargrove, 1987) or to the attributes of effec-
tence’: James March quoted in Doig and tive leadership (Riccucci, 2000).1
Hargrove, 1987: 3). The second question is A resurgence of interest in leadership
how significant is leadership? The responses development has been apparent, with the
range from positions that leadership is either main impetus being the changing environ-
unimportant (Kaufman, 1981) or change is ment, which has been to require a new type
determined environmentally, to arguments of leadership (OECD, 2001: 13–15). Several
that individual leadership registers an impact propositions about leadership have become
(Doig and Hargrove, 1987), and is significant increasingly accepted. First is the recognition
in applying design principles in institution that leadership now matters. This largely
building (Boin and Christensen, 2008; reflects a substantial shift from traditional
Halligan, 2008). A more inclusive perspec- administration dominated by the tasks of
tive argues for an integrative leadership policy advice to political leaders and process
approach (Van Slyke and Alexander, 2006; implementation, to acceptance of leadership
Van Wart, 2005) or envisages leadership defined increasingly in management terms
(adapting Rockman, 1991: 37), as interre- and often within a broader governance envi-
lated with and dependent upon situational ronment. This includes leaders being expected
factors, administrative culture, institutional to manage down through handling and
forms and the agenda of political leaders. empowering staff more effectively (e.g., the
Questions about the nature of and potential importance of human relations in the
for leadership in a civil service are not European Union [EU]: Maor, 2000).
settled. One strongly argued case is that Second, there is a better understanding
civil service leadership remains different that there are different types of leadership,
from that of business because of constitu- and that this is a situational question.
tional and political contexts (do they not Recognition of distinctive leadership styles is
serve political leaders?), and that even the contingent upon different organizational con-
most senior civil servants cannot be rated as texts and demands. Leadership styles may be
leaders in terms of the business management defined in terms of the scale of change
literature because they are managers or (incremental to transformational), style of
clerks (Performance and Innovation Unit, change (ranging from consultative to direc-
2001; Theakston, 1999). Yet some manage- tive) and commitment to the civil service
ment studies focus on corporate change (e.g., conservator and guardian) (Stace and
across public and private sectors and the Dunphy, 2001; Theakston, 1999; Van Wart,
types of leader that are associated with dif- 2005).
ferent tasks (e.g., Stace and Dunphy, 2001; Third is the more radical position, which
Van Wart, 2005). reflects the movement from leadership con-
There has been movement in conceptions ceived in terms of mandarins’ attributes to
and analysis of civil service leadership. that of acquired skills, which suggests that
Specific leaders rather than leadership were everyone can become a leader. One expres-
inclined to be the focus. Leaders were the sion of this was the assumption by the former
outstanding individuals who were recognized head of the British civil service that leaders
as having made a significant contribution could be nurtured and skills learned (Wilson,
to public service. Other analyses have taken 2000), which implied that leadership could
the form of comparative biography and become less exclusive and more inclusive.
the linking of case studies of leadership to A related aspect is that leadership applies
institutional development and performance at several levels. According to OECD, requir-
(Chapman, 1984; Dutil, 2010; Theakston, ing leadership ‘at all levels is revolutionary
1999, 2000), whether of ‘entrepreneurs’ who in its potential impact, and is an important
display ‘uncommon rationality’ (Doig and driver of the move to redefine public sector

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leadership’ (2001: 15). Leading within public other levers where officials are perceived to
organizations has acquired new dimensions be inadequate.
and now extends to a range of staff with While the drivers are common to many
resource management responsibilities. countries, the variable responses reflect
New processes have been adopted for obstacles to change (e.g., unions, structures
leading change and focusing complex organ- and constitutions) and preferences derived
izations. An example was Sue Vardon’s use from administrative culture and traditions
of Kotter’s injunction to assemble a ‘Guiding (Painter and Peters 2010; Pollitt and
Coalition’ with sufficient power to lead Bouckaert, 2004).
change to Australia’s large multi-purpose Several broad trends both define the direc-
delivery agency Centrelink, where a board of tions in which some services are moving and
60 or more SES officers regularly met to provide the boundaries for others. Senior
discuss strategic issues and decide on man- services have become rather more open, rely-
agement directions (Halligan, 2008; Kotter ing more on generalists, expanding their
and Cohen, 2002; Vardon, 2000). management roles and (under particular cir-
cumstances) cultivating leadership develop-
ment (OECD, 2001). There has also been a
tendency towards greater organizational
CHANGING SENIOR SERVICES specialization (e.g., in production and policy
advice to ministers) and stronger political
The changing environment and government direction. However, while the impact of New
responses internationally have been well Public Management may be substantial
documented (e.g., Ingraham et al., 1999; within a country’s public sector, this is often
OECD, 2011; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2004). not the case at the senior service level of
The drivers of change can be categorized in central government of countries where there
several ways. The exogenous impacts of is a strong public authority conception of the
global economic and technological change state (Page and Wright, 1999: 275). The dec-
mean that civil services have to respond more ades of reform have also produced some
rapidly. As the rate of change increases, so it reinforcement of tradition through neo-
is argued leadership becomes more impor- Weberianism or retro-administration in other
tant, and responsibility for change has to be systems.
broadened organizationally.
The reputation of the civil service has been
under greater scrutiny, reflecting inter alia
declining support for key public and private
institutions in many countries, loss of trust in The roles of the senior service have evolved
government, and particularly of politicians, over time, but the rate of change has acceler-
and the questioning that arises where a ated and responsibilities now differ from
system has been under constant pressure to those performed under traditional public
reform. It has also been recognized (OECD, administration. There is greater conscious-
2001) that a number of the long-established ness of the tasks of leading in systems
elite civil services have experienced a loss operating within management cultures. The
in popular legitimacy. infusion of private sector values and tech-
Related to this has been the intensifying of niques has meant a greater emphasis on
pressures on government with greater policy business planning, being entrepreneurial,
complexity and increasing public expecta- performance management and the applica-
tions for services. Two results are that these tion of corporate governance principles.
pressures are translated into demands for the Managing externally is now routinely con-
civil service to deliver, and politicians turn to ceived of in terms of customers, clients

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and stakeholders. These relationships have of careers and profession have important
featured contract management and alli- long-term implications for senior services
ances, collaborations and partnerships within that are discussed later. Here we can note that
broader governance arrangements. the US position, where officials have long
The policy role of the senior public service been largely confined to the roles of manager
has experienced progressive attrition from or technician (but not adviser with direct
the traditional position. The rise of manage- access to the political executive), begins
rialism in the 1980s was a reaction against to look more familiar to other systems
both the emphasis on policy work and the (Rockman, 1995).
lack of management skills. At the same time,
a tendency has been for the political execu-
tive to rely increasingly on alternative sources
Leadership characteristics
of advice and on their private office staff
as conduits for extra-government proposals. Most members of the senior service continue
As the policy capacity of the ministerial to be recruited from within the civil service
office has been strengthened, the public serv- in OECD countries (and the majority from
ant’s role has contracted. the same agency), but several draw more on
With contestable advice, there are more external recruitment (more like 25 per cent
competitors than before: the senior service compared to less than 10 per cent) (OECD,
may no longer be the government’s dominant 1997: Tables 6 and 8).
source of advice, although it remains the key The age of senior public servants has
advisory voice for the public interest. The declined in some countries, but remains
policy advisory role may be lost to the civil stable in others. Seniority continues to be
service, shared with the political executive or important in a number of countries, particu-
diffused across a range of internal and exter- larly in continental Europe. Turnover and
nal actors that are competing for attention. tenure were similarly variable. Lawyers con-
The senior civil servant’s role, then, has tinue to predominate overall in continental
been transformed over time in a number of countries (OECD, 1997; Page and Wright,
ways. In Germany, for example, the decline 1999; Peters, 2001).
in opportunities to initiate and champion There have been significant increases in
policies produced gradual changes in ‘the the proportion of women in senior positions,
profile of the effective senior official from but the proportion remains below 20 per cent
an agenda setter and policy initiator to a for the majority of OECD countries (with
political highly sensitive policy coordinator’ exceptions such as Finland, with around 75
(Goetz, 1999: 149). A diverse range of roles per cent, and Mexico, New Zealand and
have been emphasized such as broker, coor- Portugal exceeding 30 per cent) (OECD,
dinator and fine-tuning of other’s policy 2001: 28, 2008: 73). The contrasts are most
contributions, but in more challenging envi- striking with heads of ministries and depart-
ronments those of strategic leadership on ments, where some countries have negligible
government reform agenda, effective imple- numbers.
mentation of policy, collaborating in net- The careers of departmental secretaries
works, inter-organizational sharing of have been tracked for the past 30 years, with
accountability and results and crisis mitiga- differences being strongest between European
tion have come to the fore (Barberis, 1998; and Antipodean countries. The latter recruit
Horton, 2009; Ingraham, 1998; Mandell and them younger, for shorter terms and dispatch
Keast, 2009; OECD, 2011; Van Dorpe and them earlier. Of the European countries,
Horton, 2011). France differed from Denmark and the
The implications of these changing roles, Netherlands in significant respects (Rhodes
new relationships and the associated features and Weller, 2001: 232).

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Although subject to change in some serv- The latest OECD (2011: 92−93) data indi-
ices, the elite corps has been substantially cate that France, Israel, Korea and the United
preserved. In Britain, for example, they have Kingdom maintain mechanisms for identify-
remained fairly constant in terms of collec- ing potential high fliers at an early stage.
tive characteristics (including Oxbridge The decentralized approach is identified
backgrounds), although more diversity is with market-driven principles. New Zealand,
apparent. They continue to be minister- which used the ‘purest form’ of this approach,
oriented even if they are now managerially eventually however reviewed its position.2
inclined (Barberis, 1998; Horton, 2009). The In practice, programs contain centralized
overwhelming dominance of one university and decentralized elements (Maor, 2000).
in both Japan and Korea in the education of Approaches include the use of comprehen-
the upper echelons of their civil services has sive strategies (e.g., Norway), institutions for
been possibly unequalled by other OECD leadership development (e.g., Sweden and
countries (Kim and Kim, 1997: 176–178). the United States), targeting high flyers in the
The different patterns are indicated by the fast stream from the beginning of their
striking contrasts that exist in the perceptions careers (Singapore and the United Kingdom),
of higher civil servants: the French regard and some form of senior executive service.
themselves still as intellectuals rather than New leadership frameworks have been devel-
managers, while the British secretary is now oped and tested in a number of countries,
more inclined to being ‘a Manager than a with increasing emphasis on core competen-
Mandarin’ (Dargie and Locke, 1998: 179; cies (Horton, 2009; Mau, 2009; OECD,
Rouban, 1999: 66). 2001).

Leadership development Senior executive service

Leadership development has been given A senior executive corps has been another
more attention in rapidly changing environ- means for developing leadership, although
ments, but its significance still depends on it is designed to serve other purposes as
state traditions, societal factors, institutional well. Such systems have been focused, with
structures and the extent of reform. Many some exceptions, on Anglo-American coun-
countries have long maintained arrangements tries, and may either be termed the senior
for recruiting and cultivating a senior elite. executive service (SES) or go under another
Leadership development is more important name.
where society is diversified, government is The first group of senior executive serv-
decentralized, public administration is less ices were created in Australia, New Zealand
traditional and where comprehensive reform and the United States in the late 1970s and
has succeeded incremental change (OECD, 1980s (as well as some states in the two fed-
2000: 2). eral systems). Canada’s ‘management cate-
Two generalized approaches are apparent: gory’ also qualifies, although somewhat
either highly centralized or decentralized differently conceived (Hede, 1991). In these
(OECD, 2001: 19–20). The centralized systems the heads of agencies have not been
approach involves high intervention to iden- members of the SES, in the US case because
tify and cultivate potential at an early stage they are political positions.
through processes of selection, training and The SES originated in the United States in
career management. This approach has best 1978 as a scheme to develop executive man-
been exemplified by the French Ecole agement, accountability and competences
Nationale d’Administration (ENA), but has reflecting private sector incentives and prac-
also been apparent in Japan and Korea tices. Standard concepts that have become
(although the latter now has provision identified with an SES have been the general-
for limited lateral entry: OECD 2008: 75). ist elite, with an emphasis on performance,

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capacity for redeployment, appraisal and Kingdom (Senior Civil Service) and the
merit pay. For a variety of reasons, some Netherlands (Senior Public Service), moved
deriving from the US context, the scheme did in this direction in the mid-1990s. Both
not achieve the objectives for mobility, remu- emphasized mobility and interdepartmental
neration and becoming a corps of generalist cooperation as well as other standard SES
managers operating within a performance considerations (e.g., expanding manage-
culture. The SES was successful politically ment skills). The Dutch model – open, job-
in that it aided responsiveness. Despite con- oriented and decentralized – moved towards
cerns about the fate of the civil service ethos, an integrated service with the creation of a
there is evidence of commitment to core Senior Public Service in 1995 for the top
public service values (Aberbach and three scales. The rationale included the grow-
Rockman, 2000; Ingraham and Moynihan, ing policy complexity and internationaliza-
2000). tion (Steen and Van der Meer, 2009). The
Two contrasting experiences are the advantages of such a system include the inte-
Australian and that of New Zealand, the gration of ‘a loose collection’ of officials into
first relatively positive, the second negative. a leadership team that shares values and
A central component of the Australian visions for the future of government (OECD,
reform program was a reformulation of the 2001: 27).
senior public service as the SES in 1984.
Following the existing schemes in the United
States and the state of Victoria, the basic
principles were the concept of a service- LEADERSHIP ISSUES
wide executive group that was internally
mobile and increasingly invigorated by The long-term impact of trends on the
the recruitment of persons externally, more character of public organizations has impli-
emphasis on the development of managerial cations for autonomy, the handling of values
skills and more flexibility for department and guidance of the senior service, the capac-
heads in allocating staff resources (Halligan, ity to approximate business organizations
1992). The long-term results of the SES through the new management experiments,
have been reasonably successful, with and the implications of changing roles. There
some mobility, steady infusions of outsiders, is a more intense range of challenges involved
a degree of corporate identity and regular in leading in competitive environments where
use of performance appraisal and (more governance conditions prevail, alternative
problematically) performance pay. providers exist and the arrangements are
A senior executive service was also cre- contestable and diffuse.
ated in New Zealand to produce a unified First, there is a set of questions that centres
set of career professionals, but this objective on the performance of public officials under
was not realized under its contractual model different operating environments, such as the
within a decentralized system. The SES legalistic bureaucracy and the managerial-
never developed an ethos and inclusive mem- ized system. It is possible that the increasing
bership, the problem deriving from the salary emphasis on outcomes will produce insights
ceiling, which meant that in order to attract about comparative performance, at least
qualified staff from outside the outsiders had within the latter category as management
to be employed outside the SES. The SES systems become more sophisticated. The
was soon pronounced a failure, and mori- results are inconclusive about the efficacy
bund (Bhatta, 2001), and was subsequently of management approaches to public offi-
terminated. cials who are operating under contracts and
The second-generation experiments with conflicting incentives. There has been high
the concept of a senior corps, in the United investment in performance management

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systems based on performance agreements in direction and leadership’ (Ingraham, 1998:

Anglo-American systems (Bouckaert and 181; also Eichbaum and Shaw, 2010;
Halligan, 2008), but lack of analysis of their Halligan, 2001; Matheson et al., 2008; Peters
efficacy. There have been mixed reports and Pierre, 2004; Rouban, 1999; ‘t Hart and
about how to measure and reward perform- Wille, 2006).
ance (Ingraham, 1998; OECD, 2003), and a The importance of these trends and issues
paradox of performance pay has been that it raises the question about the character of
remains popular while not overly successful senior services in the long term. The rebal-
(Lægreid, 2001). ancing of relationships during recent decades
Second, the results of experiments with was a reaction by political executives to a
new leadership approaches are unclear. period in which senior officials were seen as
Various schemes have been implemented fol- too independent and influential. But is the
lowing extensive testing of competencies and redistribution of power part of a cyclical
there is high commitment to leadership at process and is it irreversible? Where the
several levels, but without independent eval- result is excessive political influence, a new
uation there continues to be some uncertainty imbalance may result, and greater ambiguity
about how well these ideas have transferred in the mediation of relationships.
to the public sector. There continues to be In this regard, another possibility was sug-
need for ‘an evaluation approach that moni- gested by Belgium’s attempt at reversing
tors how well the organization is learning and historic patterns. The country had tradition-
how well it uses that learning to achieve its ally relied on ministerial cabinets, and had
strategic objectives.’ (Horton, 2009: 375). been characterized by high political penetra-
This leads to the third point, which is that tion of the administrative system and a mar-
the demands of political responsiveness have ginalized role for the civil service in policy
meant the scope for leadership is changing formulation. It instituted policy boards at the
and possibly contracting. Where such interface between the minister and depart-
demands are intense, the potential for leader- ment in order to strengthen civil servants’
ship may be limited. This is best show by two role in producing advice (Brans, 2002).
types of political role in appointments fol- In a number of contexts, debate has
lowing elections. For a number of the OECD occurred about whether trends mean the loss
(2011) countries surveyed in 2010 (including of fundamental elements that define the
Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, New senior service, or is there too much emphasis
Zealand and Norway) there is no turnover on ‘growing’ leaders as opposed to ‘buying’
of senior civil servants, whereas in the major- them externally (Ingraham, 2006)? With
ity of cases there is for the most senior changes to core relationships, the profes-
positions, and extending down much further, sional standing of the senior service, concep-
particularly in Eastern European countries tions of ministerial responsibility and good
(the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Slovak governance, the survivability of models is
Republic and Turkey). Relations with politi- threatened (e.g. Campbell and Wilson, 1995
cians are otherwise notable for a range of on Whitehall). The durability of administra-
broadly similar experiences: the senior serv- tive traditions appears to ensure adherence
ice had come under mounting pressure from to core values where there is the prospect
political advisers (e.g., in the UK), politi- of system adaptation (Painter and Peters,
cized (e.g., in France and Germany), or more 2010).
generally vulnerable and/or subject to short- Debate also continues about different
term responsiveness (in many countries). views of the role of the senior service and the
This relationship has become more ambigu- importance of state traditions (e.g., ranging
ous, and may require that ‘communication from guardians of the public interest
and facilitation replace unidimensional to political instruments). A fundamental

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question is the conception of what leadership A potentially significant clarification of the

should be and how it relates to the broader secretary’s role was the introduction of the
conception of the senior service (Hunt and stewardship function that is designed for
O’Toole, 1998). Of concern in countries such the public service to have ‘the capacity to
as the United States has been the lack of serve successive governments. A stewardship
institutional leadership that seeks to infuse capability must exist regardless of the style
organizations with value and a sense of the of any one Minister or government’, and
worthiness beyond day-to-day operations. covers financial sustainability and efficient
The lament about the lack of a voice to cham- resource management, plus ‘less tangible
pion higher civil service values has echoes in factors such as maintaining the trust placed
other systems (Heclo, 2000: 227–228). In in the Australian public service (APS)
these days of responsive servants, the role of and building a culture of innovation and
the head of the civil service, where such a integrity in policy advice’. Secretaries are
position exists, may be preoccupied with to engage together and with the Public
serving the government’s short-term interests Service Commissioner in public service-
rather than the tasks of transmitting and pro- wide stewardship (AGRAGA, 2010: 5, 47).
tecting the values of the civil service, and
providing a role model (Theakston, 1999).
But perhaps civil service systems have
come full circle, as suggested by two cases. CONCLUSION
The first case, a British study on Strengthen-
ing Leadership (Performance and Innovation The senior service provides the front line at
Unit, 2001), adopted a balanced approach to which major issues have to be confronted,
the nature of the civil service, while arguing and the key mechanism for the transmission
for the generic features of public sector lead- of change and direction in the administrative
ership that arise from an operating environ- apparatus. The constitution of the service
ment distinguished by political leaders, assumes a spectrum of forms, but two broad
accountability, public ethos and cooperation patterns assist with explaining basic varia-
in service delivery. OECD countries report tions between systems. Despite these differ-
that there is a missing element between the ences, systems are exploring the middle
public interest and public service cultures: ‘A ground where senior services are more mana-
common complaint is lack of dedication to gerial and open, leadership is being reviewed
the underlying values of public service and and greater balance is sought between central
the interests of the citizens served.’ Enhancing guidance and decentralized implementation.
public sector leadership is advanced as the Senior servants have experienced changes
means for promoting institutional change in to their status and roles. The special rights
the public interest by espousing fundamental and privileges of a separate and distinctive
values depicted as ‘public spiritedness’ service, and elite status, have become less
(OECD, 2000: 7, 12). common. The incorporation of principles
The second case is centred on the roles of from external influences, such as business
Australian departmental secretaries. The management, has promoted similarities (and
relationships between secretaries and minis- convergence) between the public and private
ters have at times been fraught with bound- sectors. At the same time, the combination of
ary issues, particularly where there is a decentralization, internal differentiation and
tendency for successive governments to claim outsourcing has often diminished the public
ownership of the public service. Politicians’ service ethos and identity.
lack of strategic focus and ‘short-termism’ Those operating at the interface with the
had indicated that an alternative was needed political executive have been subjected to
to relying heavily on political direction. heightened demands for performance from

5768_Peters & Pierre-07.indd 125 7/19/2012 5:06:25 PM


political leaders under pressure from resource REFERENCES

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Labor−Management Relations
and Partnerships: Were They
James R. Thompson

In the aftermath of the ‘Great Recession’ of union members the right not to pay dues
2008−10, the conditions of employment for (Sulzberger, 2011). Governors in Florida and
public sector workers in Western countries Tennessee have also targeted the pay and
became subject to heightened scrutiny. That benefits of public employees as a means of
scrutiny was particularly consequential for reducing expenditures (Simon, 2011). At the
public workers at the state level in the United national level, President Obama froze the
States and in several southern European wages of federal workers for two years
countries caught up in the European debt (Baker & Calmes, 2010).
crisis of 2010−12. The pay and benefits of public workers in
In the United States, many states faced a a number of European countries also became
fiscal crisis as a consequence of revenue targets for cuts in the aftermath of the 2010
declines attributable to the recession and debt crisis. In Greece, the wages of public
to the end of federal ‘stimulus’ assistance. workers were cut and the retirement age for
A number of governors looked to reduce public workers was increased from 57 to 65,
the pay and benefits of public workers as effective in 2013 (‘Grim resignation as
one means of addressing budget shortfalls. austerity bites,’ 2010). In Ireland, pay cuts for
Policymakers in Republican-dominated public workers have averaged 15 percent
states were particularly aggressive in this over a three-year period (Brown, 2010).
regard. In Wisconsin, newly-elected Governor In Spain, public workers went on strike
Walker secured the approval of a law that to protest austerity measures, including a
limits the scope of bargaining by public 5 percent cut in public sector wages and a
employees to wages, restricts raises to infla- freeze in pensions (De La Puente & House,
tion, increases the amount employees pay for 2010). Although the debt crisis served as the
health insurance and pensions, and gives proximate cause of the cuts, also in evidence

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is a longer-term trend towards the ‘deprivi- underlay these trends, politicians and senior
leging’ of public workers in Western civil servants looked to the private sector for
countries. new models of management. One set of
Public workers were generally advantaged market-oriented prescriptions derived largely
by conditions that prevailed in the postwar from the reform experiences of several
era. Many such workers gained the right to Anglophone countries, including the United
organize and were provided with adequate if Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and the
not liberal levels of remuneration. Specific United States, was labeled the New Public
features of labor−management relations and Management (NPM). Practices associated
pay determination practices associated with with NPM include the following:
this model included:
• ‘Hands-on professional management’
• Statute-based job selection, promotion and pay • Explicit standards and measures of
criteria performance
• Centralized wage negotiations • Greater emphasis on output controls
• Wage agreements covering whole governments • Shift to disaggregation of units in the public
or entire sectors of government sector
• Retention by governments of the right to uni- • Shift to greater competition in public sector
laterally impose settlements where agreements • Stress on private-sector styles of management
with employee representatives were not forth- practice
coming • Stress on greater discipline and parsimony in
• Limited managerial flexibility on pay matters resource use (Hood, 1991)
• Internal equity as a primary criterion for pay
setting The NPM model gained broad currency as a
• Pay progression based on seniority consequence of the apparent successes of the
early adopters and the endorsement by the
Conditions began to change in the 1970s and Organization for Economic Co-operation and
1980s. Politicians in many nations were Development (OECD) of the key precepts
caught in a squeeze between rising costs (Flynn & Strehl, 1996b).
associated with expanded social programs
and a decline in revenues due to economic
recession. Globalizing influences jeopard-
ized industrial competitiveness in many NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND
countries, posing threats of job loss and LABOR−MANAGEMENT RELATIONS
economic dislocation. The public became
increasingly amenable to proposals to The human resource management (HRM)
enhance competitiveness by reducing the and labor−management relations (LMR)
size and the cost of the state administrative implications of NPM include the following:
apparatus. There were simultaneous pres-
sures for improved service from public • ‘Hands-on professional management’ implies
organizations as a result of enhancements at least a partial shift in control over human
made to product quality in the private resource management processes and procedures
from politicians to managers.
• The ‘disaggregation’ of administrative units
The consequences of these broad secular implies a disaggregation of the civil service and
shifts for human resource management in the development of personnel systems ‘tailored’
the public sector were direct; if costs were to agency mission. To the extent that agencies
to be reduced, efficiency enhanced and were provided control over HRM matters, an
service improved, changes in employment implication was that collective bargaining would
levels and work practices were required. occur at the department/agency level rather than
Consistent with the ‘economistic’ logic which at the government level.

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• A ‘shift to greater competition’ and ‘greater NPM ‘exemplars.’ A 2007 review of the
discipline and parsimony in resource use’ imply status of the New Zealand reforms, for exam-
the privatization of public services, a reduction ple, concludes with the comment that, ‘No
in the size of the public sector workforce and the one has claimed that New Zealand has resiled
containment of public sector wage increases.
from a fundamental commitment to the
• The ‘stress on private-sector styles of man-
agement practice’ is associated with ‘greater
broader principles of NPM, nor has anyone
flexibility in hiring and rewards’. At issue was in government openly questioned the sound-
pay for performance, whereby a portion of the ness of its underlying theory’ (Chapman &
yearly pay increase would be based on individual Duncan, 2007, p. 20). Bach and Winchester
performance. In most countries, the unions pre- (2003, p. 290) comment that in the United
ferred the standardization of pay across job Kingdom, the Labour Government, ‘accepted
categories. most parts of the radical organizational
restructuring of the public services intro-
duced under the Conservatives.’ Of the indus-
New public management II tries privatized by the Conservatives, only
the railways were renationalized by Labour
Interest in the NPM approach to reform (Prowse & Prowse, 2007).
peaked in the 1990s. With subsequent regime The ‘NPM II’ model that ensued from the
changes and with the consolidation that often regime changes of the late 1990s and early
follows radical reform, there were modifica- 2000s placed greater emphasis on inter-
tions to and, in some cases, reversals of agency collaboration and service quality
NPM-type reforms. For example, there was a and less emphasis on cost-cutting and opera-
sense that the ‘disaggregation’ of bureau- tional efficiency than had been the case under
cratic structures that accompanied the crea- NPM I (Bach & Winchester, 2003). One ele-
tion of executive agencies in the United ment of the quest to improve service was the
Kingdom and New Zealand had gone too use of total quality management techniques
far. For example, in 2002, the Advisory accompanied in several countries by partner-
Committee on the Review of the Centre in ship arrangements between management
New Zealand identified, ‘fragmentation and and labor.
the loss of focus on the big picture that frag- Under a partnership arrangement, unions
mentation can cause’ (Advisory Group on the and management work collaboratively in
Review of the Centre, 2001, p. 4), as a central addressing issues and challenges in the work-
structural problem for the new Labor place. The intent is that the relationship
Government to address. In the United between the unions and management become
Kingdom, Prime Minister Blair issued a call less adversarial. According to Farnham,
for, ‘Joined-up Government,’ in which the Hondeghem and Horton (2005, p. 64),
emphasis was on cross-agency collaboration ‘the central aim of partnership is to seek
in contrast to the emphasis of the previous unity of purpose between the parties, solve
regime on the decentralization of service problems jointly and work together at cen-
delivery (James, 2004). Some in the schol- tral, sector or organizational levels …’. Prime
arly community concluded that the 2000s Minister Blair and the Labour Party put
represented a, ‘post-NPM’ era (Goldfinch & labor−management partnership at the center
Wallis, 2010; Lodge & Gill, 2011). of its modernization agenda. Bach (2004,
However, the data seems more consistent p. 16) comments that, ‘A central theme of
with the alternative hypothesis that the NPM the Labour government’s modernisation
model was not so much replaced as refined: agenda has been the importance of staff
That the essence of the NPM model was participation and union involvement in
preserved as is apparent from several late workplace reforms ...’. In the United States,
2000s reviews of the reform status in several President Clinton issued an executive order

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directing each federal department to create a leased as a consequence of globalization.

‘partnership council’ (Clinton, 1993). The One manifestation of this dynamic has been
executive order also provided for the creation the Maastricht Treaty pursuant to which
of a National Partnership Council within European countries committed to reducing
which the leaders of the major federal operating deficits and overall debt loads for
employee unions could engage in dialogue purposes of adopting a common currency.
with officials from the administration. In Keller (1999, p. 58) comments that, ‘the con-
New Zealand, the Minister of State Services vergence criteria for European Monetary
and the Public Service Association entered Union created enormous pressure not only to
into a ‘Partnership for Quality Agreement’ stabilize public employment levels, but to
(Goldfinch & Wallis, 2010). decrease gradually the number of public
In the discussion that follows, LMR devel- employees, especially at the local/municipal
opments in nine OECD countries are tracked level, and to introduce public sector reform
in the context of both NPM I and NPM II. plans.’ Other factors contributing to pressures
The countries are categorized according to to curtail the size of − and improve the per-
(1) NPM exemplars, (2) NPM ‘laggards,’ and formance of − the state sector during the
(3) NPM ‘in betweens.’ Of interest is whether, 1980s and 1990s included public dissatisfac-
and to what extent, there is evidence of tion with government, the ascension to power
movement away from traditional, ‘closed’ of the ‘New Right’ in several countries, and
civil service models to more open ‘market’ a perception of poor performance in the
models which incorporate contracting out, critical education and health sectors (Bach,
disaggregated structures, and higher levels Bordogna, Della Rocca, & Winchester, 1999;
of discretion for management consistent Barlow, Farnham, Horton, & Ridley, 1996;
with NPM doctrine. The focus is on how Farnham & Horton, 2000).
relationships between governments and Reform interventions that adversely
organized labor changed as a consequence of impacted public employees included (1) a
these developments. The partnership phe- reduction in the number of public employees
nomenon is also of interest: What are the as a consequence of the privatization of
implications of partnership arrangements on state-owned enterprises, (2) making some
labor−management relations and do they portion of worker pay contingent on per-
represent a fundamental reorientation of formance, (3) providing managers with more
the relationship between management and discretion over working conditions, (4) dis-
labor? Although developments at the state/ aggregating pay systems to allow pay for
regional and local government levels are of different occupations to fluctuate with the
interest in some countries, the focus is on market, and (5) increased use of a ‘contin-
developments at the central government gent’ workforce including temporary and
level. part-time workers. These trends forced
unions in many locations to assume a defen-
sive posture, particularly where and when
rightist governments have prevailed, as in
CROSS-NATIONAL TRENDS IN the United Kingdom in the early and mid-
LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 1990s, Australia in the mid- and late 1990s,
New Zealand in the mid-1990s, and the
One of the most widely cited explanations United States in the 2000s.1 As the follow-
of the NPM phenomenon and of the gener- ing review reveals, however, there was
ally high level of ‘ferment’ in public manage- substantial variation in the extent to which
ment practices over the past two decades these practices were adopted consistent with
is that of economic globalization and the the terms, ‘exemplars,’ ‘laggards,’ and ‘in
competitive pressures that have been re betweens’.2

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New public management exemplars to be fiscally neutral (Boston, Martin, Pallot,

& Walsh, 1996a).
The United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Despite these changes, many features of
Sweden are widely regarded as leading exam- the traditional labor relations system were
ples of the NPM in practice (Hood, 1996; retained. Unions retained exclusive rights to
Naschold, 1996). All these nations have bargain for public sector employees and
made radical changes in governance prac- agency shop provisions with compulsory
tices consistent with NPM precepts over union membership could be included in
the past 20 years and, in each instance, the employment contracts. In 1991, however,
changes have had major implications for the the new National Government enacted the
character and operations of the public work- Employment Contracts Act (ECA) which
force. All three nations have taken a two- removed privileges enjoyed by the unions.
prong approach to reform, reducing the size Pursuant to the ECA, agency shop provisions
of the public sector through the privatization were prohibited and there was a shift from
of state enterprises and restructuring the core collective to individual employment con-
public sector to provide more operational tracts. The bargaining power of public
flexibility at the agency level. employees was significantly reduced by the
legislation: the New Zealand State Services
New Zealand Commission identified a 6 percent decline
The dominant dynamic in New Zealand in real wages for members of the New
during the 1980s was a radical downsizing of Zealand Public Service between 1992 and
the public sector, with the conversion a 1997 (State Services Commission, 1998).
number of commercial, state ‘trading’ organ- In 2000, the majority Labour Party passed
izations to autonomous status with a require- the Employment Relations Act, which
ment to operate on a for-profit basis. As a restored some of the collective bargaining
result of these changes, public service staff- rights that had been withdrawn by the
ing levels fell from 66,000 in 1983 to 34,500 National Party. According to Farnham,
in 1994 (Boston, Martin, Pallot, & Walsh, Hondeghem, and Horton (2005, p. 217), ‘The
1996b). The trend was reversed in part when legislation obliges employers and employees
the Labour Government (1999−2008) par- to conduct employment relations in good
tially renationalized both Air New Zealand faith, ensures improved union rights of access
and the railway network (Chapman & to workplaces and provides that only registered
Duncan, 2007). unions can negotiate collective employment
Pursuant to the State Sector Act of 1988, agreements.’
service delivery units within the core public Also during this period, the government
sector were provided semi-autonomous status entered into a partnership agreement with
as ‘executive agencies.’ Although the intent New Zealand’s largest public employee
was to provide the chief executive of each union, the Public Service Association (PSA).
agency a high level of discretion in manage- The Partnership for Quality Agreement
ment matters for purposes of improving (PQA) was intended to provide a means for
efficiency and service, the negotiation of staff to participate in strategic decisions, with
employment conditions initially remained a focus on improving the quality of service
under the tight control of the State Services provided the public. The umbrella agreement
Commission. The State Services Commission was to be accompanied by agreements
(SSC) delegated negotiating authority to the between the PSA and agency heads.
heads of the executive agencies, but the The results of the partnership initiative
authority had to be exercised in consultation have been mixed, with only 30 percent
with the SSC and could be withdrawn by the of agencies participating and with many
SSC. Furthermore, bargaining outcomes had PSA members ‘equivocal about the merits

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of pursuing partnerships’ (Farnham, the centralized pay and grading system was
Hondeghem, & Horton, 2005, p. 222). abolished in 1989, centralized influence over
However, according to Farnham et al. the process remains both in setting the
(p. 224), the PQA has, ‘facilitated the PSA’s amount of the pay fund (which effectively
participation in several other whole of- establishes limits on pay increases) and in
government projects that have influenced stipulations for minimum pay increase guar-
the trajectory of New Zealand’s second- antees (Bender & Elliott, 2003). According
generation reforms …’ including the 2002 to Roness (2001, p. 181), even though the
‘Review of the Centre.’3 unions were ‘skeptical towards specific pro-
posals for structural devolution … they have
Sweden been more concerned with securing jobs and
As a proportion of gross domestic product working conditions for their members within
(GDP), the public sector in Sweden has his- the new form of association than with actively
torically been one of the largest in the world. opposing the conversions.’ Pay rates for
In 2006, government employees constituted public workers are generally set according to
31.6 percent of the total workforce (Ifo the prevailing wages for those in similar
Institute for Economic Research, 2011). occupations in the private sector. Each agency
Facing fiscal difficulties in the early 1990s, has the option of introducing an individual-
the government took steps to both reduce the ized pay-for-performance system.
size of the public sector and to reform
administrative practices in ways that could United Kingdom
enhance efficiency and effectiveness. As in both New Zealand and Sweden, the
Between 1990 and 1996, 13 agencies became reforms in the United Kingdom featured a
public companies, contributing to a reduc- two-prong strategy: first to reduce the size of
tion of about 18 percent in the number of the public sector through the privatization of
public employees.4 state enterprises and second to restructure the
Although Sweden has long had a set of core public sector to provide more opera-
semi-autonomous service delivery agencies, tional flexibility at the agency level. In the
pay determination processes remained highly United Kingdom, approximately 800,000
centralized until 1989 when an agreement employees were transferred from the public
was reached between the National Agency to the private sector as a consequence of the
for Government Employers (AgV)5 and the privatization of various state enterprises
major public sector trade unions to abolish (Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2004). The total public
the uniform system of pay grades and replace sector workforce declined by approximately
it with ‘a system of individual and differenti- 30 percent between 1981 and 1997
ated pay of the type that had long applied to (Winchester & Bach, 1995) and public sector
salaried employees in the private sector’ union membership declined from 1.85 mil-
(Andersson & Schager, 1999, p. 247). lion in 1979 to 0.38 million in 2005 (Prowse
Pursuant to a ‘frame agreement’ negoti- & Prowse, 2007).
ated between the three top public sector trade A key structural reform in the United
unions and AgV, each agency or area of gov- Kingdom was the decentralization of manage-
ernment is provided a pay fund from which ment authority to semi-autonomous service
pay increases for employees are distributed. delivery units called ‘Next Steps’ agencies. As
The frame agreement stipulates the condi- in New Zealand and Sweden, the intent was to
tions, if any, under which industrial actions induce greater efficiency and higher levels of
are permitted (Nomden, Farnham, & Onnee- performance by providing line managers with
Abbruciati, 2003). Wage increases received greater discretion over operational matters.
by the employees in each agency are then Also, as in New Zealand and Sweden, although
settled through local negotiations. Although pay determination was decentralized, central

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staff units continued to perform an important unions and management, the final determina-
oversight and monitoring role. tion is made by an independent pay review
Although the Next Steps program was body. Within the National Health Service
initiated in 1988, the Minister for the Civil (NHS), the pay of all employees other than
Service was not authorized to delegate the doctors and nurses is negotiated centrally
authority to set pay and working conditions (Bach & Winchester, 2003).
until passage of the Civil Service Act of The Labour Government also gained
1992 and the Conservative Government acceptance by the unions for its labor−
didn’t terminate service-wide bargaining management partnership program (Danford,
until 1996 (Fredman, 1999; Winchester & Richardson, & Upchurch, 2002). A 2000
Bach, 1995). Since that time, the delegations umbrella agreement between the govern-
of authority within the core civil service have ment and key public employee unions pro-
been extensive, including vided a framework for agreements at the
agency level. According to Beale (2005,
the prescription of terms and conditions of employ-
p. 141) the agreement, ‘outlined broad prin-
ment of home civil servants in so far as they relate
to the classification of staff, remuneration, allow- ciples of mutual commitment to the success
ances, expenses, holidays, hours of work and of the organisation, joint management of
attendance, part time and other working arrange- change, improving public service, greater
ments, performance and promotion, retirement employee involvement, joint efforts to avoid
age and redundancy, and redeployment of staff
redundancies, improvements in information
within and between departments (Fredman, 1999,
p. 56). technology, training, workplace accommoda-
tion and work−life balance, and compliance
The intent, consistent with ‘strategic human with employment law.’
resource management’ precepts, was to allow Notwithstanding the lofty rhetoric, how-
each agency to tailor its human resource ever, observers have found the results of the
policies to its ‘business needs.’ partnership effort to have been mixed. For
The public employee unions have gener- example, Farnham et al. (2005, p. 126) com-
ally opposed the decentralization of pay- ment that, ‘Union officers also expressed
setting authorities, in part because of the “some scepticism” about the extent to which
burden placed on the unions in having to the Cabinet Office could deliver partnership
negotiate in multiple venues (Bach et al., at departmental level,’ and they add, ‘This
1999). The unions’ preference was for cen- major innovation looks at best precarious.’
tralized collective bargaining or for the use of Bach and Givan (2008, p. 528) conclude,
‘pay review bodies,’ according to which the ‘There is a high level of scepticism, however,
pay of select groups of employees (i.e., the about the government’s commitment to part-
armed services, doctors and dentists, senior nership, reflected in its determination to
civil servants, and judges) have historically increase private sector involvement despite
been paid (Bach & Winchester, 2003; Bach widespread union antipathy to this agenda.’
et al., 1999).
With the accession to power of the Labour
Party in 1997, the drive to decentralize pay- New public management laggards
setting processes stalled. Pursuant to an
agreement between the Labour Government Bach and Della Rocca (2000) identify France,
and the unions, the pay of more than 1.5 mil- Germany, and Spain as adherents of a ‘tradi-
lion civil servants, including doctors, nurses, tional’ approach to public administration.
teachers, prison guards, and allied health That the New Public Management has had
professionals is set pursuant to a centralized only a limited impact in these countries
pay review process (Prowse & Prowse, 2007). is attributable to a variety of factors, includ-
Although there is consultation with both ing corporatist modes of governance and

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legally oriented (Reichstaat) − approaches to authority from central ministries to territorial

administration. field services through a system of 207
‘Centres de Responsabilities’ (‘responsibility
France centers’ or CDRs) (Clark, 1998; Postif,
Additional factors identified by Clark (1998) 1997). Similar to the ‘contractualization’ of
that account for the relatively low level of intradepartmental relationships that is now
NPM penetration in France are the norm in the United Kingdom, New
Zealand, and Sweden, CDR chief executives
• the tradition of a strong state and state direction were to ‘negotiate a set of objectives and
of the economy (‘dirigisme’); targets with their parent department, and
• the high social and political status of the civil serv- engage in a dialog about the budget required
ice and particularly the elite grands corps; and to deliver those targets’ (Flynn & Strehl,
• a tradition of administrative centralization as 1996a, p. 113). This was extended by a 1995
evident in the prefectoral system.6 circular intended to transform the ministries
into holding companies ‘limited to the func-
Consistent with these elements of the French tions of policy setting, resource allocation,
administrative tradition, pay setting is highly monitoring and evaluation’ (Clark, 1998,
centralized. Negotiations with the seven p. 107). Citing Fialaire (1993), however,
major public employee unions for employees Flynn and Strehl (1996a, p. 118) state that,
in the central government, local government, ‘the implementation of the accountability
and hospitals are conducted centrally. A centres has not produced the management
common pay grid applies to employees in freedoms which were expected when they
all three sectors. Although there is a legal were established,’ and that, ‘there is, in prac-
requirement to negotiate, the government tice, still a great deal of a priori budgetary
retains the authority to impose a settlement control by the Ministry of Finance which has
unilaterally if an agreement is not reached. been reluctant to move towards global run-
With the exception of certain categories ning cost budgets because such a change
such as police, public employees have the would challenge the power of that ministry.’
right to strike. Among the opponents of decentralization
Despite a generally centralized and rigid have been the grands corps (top civil serv-
set of administrative practices, there have ants) and the public employee unions.
been intermittent attempts to modernize con- According to Burnham (2000), unions favor
ditions in ways that are consistent with NPM the centralized pay-setting process, which
precepts. In 1991, state corporations provid- serves as ‘their main source of power,’ and
ing postal and telecommunications services hence are a ‘significant cause of inflexibility
were privatized, resulting in a reduction of in human resource management.’
public sector employment of approximately Although the French Government never
440,000 (Guillotin & Meurs, 1999). There is invoked the term ‘partnership,’ efforts have
also provision under French law for employee been made to enhance the quality of work
participation in the determination of some life for employees and to involve staff in
working conditions through a process of operational decisions. Under the Public
‘concertation’ (Bazex, 1987). Service Renewal Program introduced by
Clark (1998) and Flynn and Strehl (1996a) Prime Minister Rocard in 1989, employees
describe a series of attempts at administra- were provided expanded training opportuni-
tive modernization. For example, in the ties and greater involvement in operational
late 1980s, Prime Minister Rocard launched matters through ‘service projects.’ According
a modernization campaign, one element to Denis and Jeannot (2005, p. 159), most
of which was to ‘renovate’ internal working projects took the form of attempts to improve
relationships by devolving management internal efficiency and to, ‘reduce internal

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divisions between services.’ However, par- Tondorf (1995), comments that, ‘this system
ticipation was at the discretion of heads of has been criticized as being highly inflexible
service and there is no evidence that the because of its purely collective and uniform
reform program had a systemic impact. character, its independence from individual
A 2002 white paper recommended the performance on the job and its high degree
devolution of collective bargaining and the of job security.’
establishment of representative bodies such Despite the predominance of ‘administra-
as works councils, which had been instituted tive rule steering’ (Naschold, 1996), however,
in state hospitals in 1991. According to Denis the influence of NPM ideas is apparent in
and Jeannot (2005), the works councils Germany. Certain natural monopolies
allowed employees other than those repre- such as the postal service and railways have
senting the unions to address issues such as been privatized and, as a result of the Civil
restructuring and staff training. Service Reform Law of 1997, ‘more weight
is given to the idea of performance and merit
Germany in the law governing the civil service’ (OECD,
Keller (1999) attributes Germany’s low-NPM 1997, p. 55). Labor relations in the public
status to the limited federal role in service sector, as in the private sector, feature the
provision, a high incidence of representation ‘co-determination’ of working conditions.
by civil servants in Parliament, and the With co-determination, staff councils elected
highly centralized structure of collective by employees have statutory rights of co-
bargaining. Bach and Della Rocca (2000, determination. ‘Measures subject to
p. 93) observe that, ‘the existence of elabo- codetermination that may only be taken with
rate rights of co-determination has diluted the consent of staff councils include: appoint-
moves to develop a managerial culture,’ and ments, transfers, promotions, employment
Naschold and Arnkil (1997, p. 285) comment beyond retirement age, establishment and
that Germany belongs in a group of countries dissolution of social institutions, assessment
which have ‘rejected results steering … and guidelines, measures to prevent accidents at
the selective reduction in the scope of state work and workplace design’ (Farnham &
activity by means of competitive instruments Koch, 2005, p. 173).
and privatization programs.’ Reform activities consistent with NPM
Pay setting continues to be centralized and ideas have been underway at the Länder and
uniformity of employment conditions prevail local levels. The Tillburg model being
for both the civil service (Beamte) and non- adopted by some German municipalities
civil service public employees (Angestellte − includes ‘specialized departments’ analo-
non-manual and Arbeiter − manual). Although gous to the New Zealand and United
civil servants are prohibited from bargaining, Kingdom-type executive agencies. In some
other public employees, who comprise locations, ‘workplace-related forms of par-
approximately 60 percent of the total public ticipation’ have led to a ‘diminished role for
workforce, can bargain over pay and working unions’ as representatives of workers (Keller,
conditions. Employer associations represent- 1999).
ing all three levels of government bargain
with the public employee unions, including Spain
the United Services Union and the German Several features of the Spanish context con-
Civil Service Union. The agreements negoti- tribute to the nature of LMR in that country.
ated are then binding on employees at the One is that public administration in Spain, as
federal, Länder, and local government levels in the other Reichstaat countries, has a legal-
(Farnham & Koch, 2005). Non-civil service istic orientation with ‘considerable emphasis
workers have the right to strike, although it is on regulation and codification of the law to
rarely invoked. Keller (1999, p. 63), citing ensure uniformity in the handling of cases’

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and with lawyers filling many of the top sporadic attempts at reform. As in a number
positions in the civil service (Parrado Diez, of other OECD countries, state-owned
1996, p. 260). Similar to France, Spain has a enterprises have been privatized and legal
system of administrative ‘corps.’ Both the monopolies eliminated in areas such as tele-
general corps, consisting of public employ- communications, air transport, and cigarettes
ees performing administrative and manage- (Jódar et al., 1999). Law 6 of 1997 resulted
ment duties, and the special corps, such as in the creation of 138 ‘autonomous bodies,’
economists, accountants, diplomats, and pro- including 33 percent of civil servants but, as
fessors, largely control processes of recruit- Parrado (2008) notes, these entities were not
ment and selection for the Spanish civil provided the degree of autonomy accorded
service (Parrado Diez, 1996). the Next Steps agencies in the United
The governmental structure in Spain fea- Kingdom, nor were they accorded responsi-
tures three levels: the central government, bility for pay setting. During the late 1990s,
17 ‘autonomous communities,’ i.e., regional the Ministry of Public Administration pro-
governments, and local authorities. An moted the use of quality management tools
umbrella law, the Civil Service Reform and techniques, including service charters
Measures Act of 1984 (CSRMA), governs and quality awards, and in 2002 unions and
LMR at all three levels. CSRMA provides management agreed to partner for the pur-
for a Higher Public Services Council (HPSC), pose of improving service quality within
which serves as the, ‘peak level coordination the public sector (Lasierra, 2007; Parrado,
and consultation body for the public serv- 2008).
ices,’ and which includes representatives
of both central, regional, and local govern-
ments as well as the public employee unions New public management –
(Jódar, Jordana, & Alós, 1999). The Public “in betweens”
Services Coordinating Committee of the
HPSC formulates policy relating to work- Levels of reform activity in Australia, Italy,
place conditions for members of the civil and the United States have been higher than
service. While a process of negotiation in France, Germany, or Spain but the results
between the government and representatives have been less radical than those achieved
of the civil servants exists, the openness of in New Zealand, Sweden, or the United
the negotiations is constrained by provisions Kingdom.
allowing the government to unilaterally set
employment terms in case of an impasse Australia
(Jódar et al., 1999). The evolution of the Australian public
Non-civil service public employees, who service over the past 20 years, including
make up approximately 50 percent of the its labor−management relations elements,
workforce of the central government, enjoy reflects NPM influence. First, there have
full bargaining rights, equivalent to those of been, ‘very significant reductions in gov-
private sector employees. Bargaining for ernment employment’ (Fairbrother &
these employees is highly fragmented. MacDonald, 1999, p. 351) as a result of the
Although the HPSC determines a general privatization of state-owned enterprises,
framework for employment conditions, the including Aussat, the Commonwealth Bank,
specifics are worked out by joint councils, Qantas Airlines, and Australian National
including both labor and management repre- Railways. Although no use has been made of
sentatives in multiple venues according to semi-autonomous service delivery agencies,
level of government and sector. Australia has been able to decentralize pay-
Although the influence of NPM doctrine setting authority to management through a
in Spain has been limited, there have been variety of mechanisms.

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During the period that the Labor Party improve the performance of the Australian
controlled the government (1983−1992), Public Service. The results of that review
there was extensive consultation and nego- were released in March 2010 in a report enti-
tiation over pay and other conditions of fed- tled Ahead of the Game: Blueprint for Reform
eral government employees. The Coalition of Australian Government Administration.
Government that took power in 1996, how- Under the heading, ‘Clarifying and aligning
ever, sought to move from collective to indi- employment conditions,’ the report recom-
vidual contracts and hence to consign unions mends, ‘Strengthen the Australian govern-
to the representation of individual employees ment employment bargaining framework to
(O’Brien & Fairbrother, 2000). ensure that it supports one APS’ (Advisory
Provisions of the Public Service Bill of Group on Reform of Australian Government
1997 were implemented administratively by Administration, 2010, p. x). The term ‘one
the Coalition Government subsequent to the APS’ connotes a recentralization of some
failure of passage in the Senate. Consistent aspects of policy setting and bargaining after
with that legislation, authority over personnel the decentralization that occurred under the
and pay matters were substantially devolved preceding administration. The report reads as
to departments. Fairbrother and MacDonald follows: ‘Since bargaining of APS wages and
(1999, p. 352) comment, ‘The Public Service conditions was devolved in 1997, wage dis-
Bill envisaged that “employment powers persion has increased significantly … anec-
(will) rest predominantly with Secretaries (or dotal evidence suggests that growing disparity
Chief Executives) and that the primary in wages and conditions across agencies has
employment relationship (will be) between discouraged mobility and reduced the sense
the employer and employee at the agency of a unified APS’ (p. 54). The centralizing
level”’ (Public Service and Merit Protection intent is apparent from the ‘vision,’ which
Commission, 1997, p. 14). Under the new includes, ‘An APS unified by an enterprise
system, bargaining occurs at the agency agreement bargaining arrangement that
level. ‘By 1998, approximately 80 percent of embeds greater consistency in wages, terms
employees within the Australian public serv- and conditions’ (p. 54).
ice were covered by agency agreements’
(Lansbury & Macdonald, 2001, p. 222). Italy
Despite the changes, however, central staff Wage determination in Italy has traditionally
units have continued to play an important been both fragmented and centralized.
role in pay setting. The Department of Separate bargaining was conducted for eight
Workplace Relations and Small Business separate sectors, including the central admin-
(DWRSB)7 has been given a ‘watchdog’ role istration (except health and education),
to ensure high degrees of procedural uni- national enterprises, local administrations,
formity across all federal government ‘parastatal bodies,’ schools, universities,
employment; any agency-level agreements regional and local administrations, and the
must receive approval from DWRSB, and National Health Service (Nomden et al.,
agreements must comply with policy param- 2003). Bargaining between the unions and
eters on funding, classification, performance the state took place centrally and the pay
management, etc. Agencies are also con- guidelines that resulted afforded little flexi-
strained by their negotiations with the unions bility at lower levels. Pursuant to Act 93 of
to the extent that job classifications, grading, 1983, all agreements were subject to review
and other employment conditions are speci- by the Council of Ministers for compatibility
fied on a service-wide basis (Bender & with budget limitations (Treu, 1987).
Elliott, 2003). In 1993, reforms were instituted as part of
The Labor Government that took office in the effort to comply with the guidelines for
2007 initiated a review to evaluate and entry into the European Monetary Union.

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With legislative decree #29 of 1993, labor (Ongaro, 2009). Although managerial
relations practices in the public sector were empowerment is implicit in the executive
made to conform with those in the private agency model, Bach and Della Rocca (2000,
sector. A new agency (ARAN)8 was created p. 93) caution that, ‘the attempts to “empower”
to bargain on behalf of public employers at management have been constrained by the
both the national and local levels. According continuation of an all encompassing frame-
to Bordogna, Dell’Aringa, and Della Rocca work of administrative and legal regulations
(1999, p. 115), ‘the determination of wages with rules defining personnel policies such
and salaries, which in the past was often sub- as recruitment and promotions.’
ject to intervention on the part of the parlia-
ment or the administrative courts, is now United States
almost entirely given to the exclusive compe- The nature of the LMR environment in the
tence of collective negotiations.’ The basic United States, as in other countries, closely
pay for different grades is fixed by national tracks political trends; Democratic adminis-
collective agreements for each sector with trations have generally engaged in collabora-
provision for limited managerial discretion at tive relationship with the public employee
the local level, including the authority to unions, whereas Republican administrations
‘award small lump-sum bonuses on the basis have seen the unions as adversaries. The
of individual performance’ (Bach & Della overall LMR environment is shaped by
Rocca, 2000, p. 89). Although the law pro- provisions of the 1978 Federal Service
vided that the unions no longer had to be Labor−Management Relations Statute
consulted on matters of recruitment, internal (FSLMRS), which precludes the government
mobility, career development, and training, from negotiating over pay with most federal
the unions supported the changes (Bach & employees. As a result, the scope of bargain-
Della Rocca, 2001). ing is relatively narrow and LMR have been,
In 1998, a new law allowed for a more ‘adversarial and often plagued by litigation
decentralized system of collective bargain- over procedural matters and minutiae’ (US
ing. According to Keller, Due, and Andersen General Accounting Office, 1991, p. 2).
(2001) the new system resembles that in In 1993, as part of the National Performance
Sweden to the extent that the agreements Review (NPR) reforms, President Clinton
negotiated at the national level serve as issued Executive Order (EO) 12871 of 1993
frameworks within which local bargaining mandating labor−management partnerships
can occur. Topics addressed at the local level (Clinton, 1993). The executive order, con-
include career paths, the allocation of tasks sistent with the emphasis placed by NPR on
and responsibilities, and the variable portion employee empowerment, created a National
of employee compensation (Nomden et al., Partnership Council consisting of the heads
2003; Ongaro, 2009). of the major federal employee unions and
Italy has made intermittent attempts at senior, executive branch officials. Among the
reform. Consistent with NPM precepts, the charges given the council were to work with
1993 law, ‘define(d) the responsibility the president and vice president on executive
of public sector management as directed branch reform, to oversee the creation of
towards achieving measurable results in partnership councils within the major federal
terms of efficiency and effectiveness, rather departments and agencies, and to recom-
than just towards assuring the formal legiti- mend statutory changes to facilitate better
macy of administrative acts …’ (Bordogna workplace relations.
et al., 1999, p. 115). Also consistent with An evaluation of the partnership program
NPM precepts was a 1998 law that provided commissioned by the Office of Personnel
for the creation of ‘executive agencies’ to Management in 2001 found some success
be steered through performance contracts indicators; 55 percent of management and

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union representatives surveyed agreed that returning the department to the pre-2003
their councils were an important decision- LMR status quo.
making body.9 Survey results showed that With the election of President Obama in
partnerships had resulted in improved labor- 2008, the LMR environment became more
management communications, and improved favorable for the unions. On December 9,
labor relations. However, relatively few par- 2009, President Obama signed an executive
ticipants perceived that partnership had order re-establishing labor−management
resulted in any significant cost savings or partnerships with the executive branch
avoidance or improved productivity (Masters, (Davidson, 2009) and in 2011, the head of
2001). the Transportation Security Administration
LMR under President George W. Bush overturned a ruling by his predecessor by
(2001−09) were highly adversarial. After less allowing limited collective bargaining privi-
than a month in office Bush issued Executive leges for the 30,000+ employees of TSA
Order 13203, formally revoking Clinton’s (Long, 2011). The LMR environment shifted
EO 12871, dissolving the National Partnership again subsequent to the 2010 elections, a
Council and rescinding agency directives in result of which was that the Republicans took
support of the order (Bush, 2001). Subsequent a majority in the House of Representatives.
to the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Bush Partly in response to Republican demands
administration proposed consolidating 22 that federal spending be reduced, President
agencies with security-related missions into Obama froze the pay of all federal employees
a new Department of Homeland Security. for two years.
The administration’s proposal, eventually
enacted, allowed the new department to
waive provisions of federal civil service law
relating to compensation, performance man- TRENDS IN LABOR−MANAGEMENT
agement, and labor−management relations. RELATIONS IN OECD COUNTRIES
A draft of the department’s new HRM regu-
lations elicited vocal opposition from the LMR in the 1990−2010 era have been shaped
affected unions, in part because of a provi- by several broad trends. The first relates to
sion providing that LMR disputes be taken economic globalization and the competitive
to a management-controlled, department- pressures released thereby. Proponents of
specific board instead of to the Federal economic liberalization determined that man-
Labor Relations Authority and/or the Federal agement practices in the public sector were
Services Impasses Panel as provided under an important determinant of economic per-
FSLMRS (Thompson, 2007). A coalition of formance and that the market logic driving
unions secured a victory when an appeals the need for competitiveness should be
court ruled that the administration’s proposal applied to public bureaucracies. A hallmark
did not allow for collective bargaining as of the forthcoming reforms was flexibility.
stipulated by the law. A similar dispute The contention was that the traditional
occurred over a new personnel system for administrative model is centralized, rule-
civilians in the Department of Defense. The bound, and rigid and that the competitive
administration again sought to impose LMR dynamic demanded more nimble systems
rules that favored management, and again the and approaches. This, in turn, implied priva-
unions took the administration to court. This tization and a decentralization of authority to
time, however, the courts permitted imple- subordinate levels of the bureaucracy. Results
mentation to proceed. In 2007−08, the new rather than rules were to serve as a means of
Democratic majority in Congress passed leg- accountability.
islation revoking the department’s authority Management practices relating to labor−
to waive the provisions of FSLMRS and management relations and pay setting were

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among those affected. The quest for perform- modernization in Spain, although the degree
ance requires that agencies be competitive of actual change was dampened during
in the external market for individuals with implementation in each instance.
skill sets required to achieve high levels of A second broad dynamic that serves as a
performance and that pay rules allow indi- counter to the first, is an overarching require-
vidual traits and attributes to be considered in ment for hierarchical accountability that has
hiring and promotion. The economistic logic served as an impediment to radical change
that underlies NPM further mandates that in many countries. This was particularly
managers be provided with the authority to apparent with regard to finances. For exam-
use pay as a basis for rewarding and sanc- ple, although pay-setting authority was
tioning workers. Allowing variation in pay purportedly decentralized in the United
across agencies, in turn, implies that the Kingdom, the Treasury put tight constraints
rules be set locally, that managers be pro- on the use of that authority. White (1999,
vided broad negotiating authority, and that p. 85) comments that, ‘freedom to establish
employment be contractual rather than statu- new pay systems is subject to strict central
tory, with expanded use of a ‘contingent’ government controls, under which all changes
workforce. must be cleared by the Treasury. Even pay
Table 8.1 shows the extent of adoption of offers must be cleared before negotiation
alternative, labor relations/pay determination with the unions commences.’ A similar
practices during the period 1990−2010. dynamic can be observed in Australia where
As shown, the movement has been fairly the coalition government of the late 1990s
extensive, particularly among the NPM moved aggressively to implement NPM-type
exemplars. NPM ideas have gained currency, reforms. Fairbrother and MacDonald (1999,
even among the laggards, as discussed p. 352) report that,
above with regard to the ‘Centres de Res- despite the Howard government’s professed ambi-
ponsabilities’ in France, the Tillburg model tions to create a more decentralized (if not
in Germany, and attempts at bureaucratic deregulated) approach to industrial relations in the

Table 8.1 Changes in labor–management relations and pay determination practices in

selected OECD-member countries, 1985–2000
NPM “Exemplars” NPM “In-betweens” NPM “Laggards”
Pay Determination
pay negotiation; centralized > decentralized xx xx xx x x
pay rules across agencies; uniform > variable xx xx xx x x x x
basis of pay determination; internal > external equity xx xx x x
unit of pay; collective > individual xx x x x x
pay progression; seniority > performance x x x x x x
Employment System
workforce; permanent/career > flexible/contingent x x x x x x x xx
legal basis of employment; statutory > contractual x x x
determination of outcomes; unilateral > mutual x x x (1)
scope of bargaining; narrow > broad x x xx (1) x
NZ – New Zealand, SW – Sweden, UK – United Kingdom, AS – Australia, IT – Italy, US – United States, FR – France,
GR – Germany, SP – Spain
xx – major emphasis/change, x – minor emphasis/change
(1) Angestellte and Arbeiter (non-civil service workers) only

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public sector, the Department of Workplace mounted, employee pay and benefits, which
Relations and Small Business has been given the comprise the largest element in the budgets
important ‘watchdog’ role to ensure high degrees
of procedural, if not substantive, uniformity across
of most jurisdictions, have been targeted.
all federal government employment. Certified Winchester and Bach (1995, p. 41) report
Agreements must receive both ‘first stage’ (i.e. that, ‘the balance of power between trade
proposal stage) and ‘second stage’ (i.e. preen- unions and employers has shifted decisively
dorsement stage) approval by the Department in favour of the latter’ in the six European
before they can go to be voted on by the union
membership and/or the staff (DWR&SB, 1998).
countries they studied. Naschold (1996,
p. 59) states that, ‘in the vast majority of
A third broad dynamic has to do with the cases the main source of the productivity
party affiliation of the unions. In most coun- gains induced by [the modernization pro-
tries the public employee unions are affili- gram in the United Kingdom] was cuts in
ated with Leftist parties and have exerted staffing levels, cuts in wage levels, and a
pressure within the party structure to dampen deterioration in working conditions.’
the extent of change to traditional structures In the decade of the 2000s, Leftist regimes
and processes. This dynamic is apparent in a in a number of countries looked to quality
number of countries as follows: management techniques and partnership as a
means of mitigating the otherwise negative
• In Australia where the Labor Government’s consequences of the changes on public
program of public sector renewal would reverse employees. For unions, partnership offers a
elements of the Liberal Party’s decentraliza- prospect of enhanced influence in the work-
tion efforts through greater standardization place as well as an opportunity for the unions
of employment conditions under the label to adopt a pro-reform posture. Danford et al.
‘One APS.’ (2002, p. 1) describe how the Trade Unions
• In New Zealand where the Labor Government Congress (TUC) in the United Kingdom
passed the Employment Relations Act to restore endorsed partnership based on the belief that,
some of the collective bargaining rights that had ‘genuine partnership and co-operation at work
been withdrawn under the National Party.
can give employees more control over their
• In the United States where Democratic presidents
working lives through the involvement of trade
have supported labor−management partnership
and the Republican (George W. Bush) did not. union activists in the development of new
Also, where Democratic members of Congress working arrangements and the creation of
opposed the imposition of pro-management col- high performance workplaces (TUC, 1999).’
lective bargaining rules at the Departments of Studies of the partnership experiment in
Homeland Security and Defense by the Bush the United Kingdom do not lead to optimistic
administration. conclusions about outcomes, however. The
potential for co-option is one concern for the
Notwithstanding these examples however, unions. Beale (2005, p. 137) comments, with
Leftist parties have often been in a posture of regard to Inland Revenue in the United
attempting to dampen the impact of NPM- Kingdom, that partnership
type initiatives promoted by their Rightist
adversaries. Thus, key elements of the Next is much more likely to restrain and undermine the
Steps reforms introduced by the Conservatives militancy of the union than that of the employer.
This reality emerges because partnership commits
were retained by Prime Minister Blair in the union substantially to the employer’s agenda
the United Kingdom. Similarly, the essential through a combination of informal relationships
structure of the reforms in New Zealand have and formal agreements − and thus limits the
survived several changes in regime. union’s ability to act independently.
The dominant trend, accelerated by the
2008−10 recession, is the deprivileging of It is also unclear whether and to what extent
public employees. As budget deficits have consultation with employees was genuine.

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Tailby et al. (2004, p. 416) state with regard to date, however, does not afford much con-
to partnership at the National Health Service fidence of success in this regard. The experi-
that, ‘Our interview and questionnaire survey ence in several countries is that the success
data suggested that employees were largely of partnership is largely contingent on per-
unconvinced of the efforts to involve them in sonalities, and that there has been little
organisational decision making.’ A concern systematic impact on LMR generally. For
identified by several analysts is that the suc- Naschold (1996), a key question relates to
cess of partnership arrangements is largely the extent to which changes in ‘work organi-
contingent on ‘personalities’; i.e., partner- zation’ become a reform focus. Such a focus
ship can work where both management and would provide the unions an opportunity to
union leadership are favorably disposed to play a constructive role in partnering with
making it work but is less likely to succeed management to, for example, implement a
otherwise (Farnham et al., 2005). job enrichment strategy. Needed for such a
strategy to succeed, however, is an attitude
of long-term investment in the workforce,
an attitude that, according to Naschold, has
CONCLUSION been in little evidence.

The LMR environment in most Western

countries during the period 1990−2010 is
best characterized as one of instability. Public NOTES
employees and their representatives have
been on the defensive during much of the 1 Although the reform strategies of Leftist gov-
era, attempting to preserve elements of the ernments in these same countries included similar
traditional employment model in the face elements, ways were generally found of mitigating
the adverse impact on unions and their members.
of economic and political conditions that
2 Hood (1996) categorizes a number of coun-
highlighted the vulnerability of that model. tries as high, medium, or low, ‘NPM emphasis.’ In
The NPM doctrine has been invoked in a general, his categorization tracks that utilized here,
number of countries (New Zealand, Sweden, with the exception of Australia, which he considers
United Kingdom) in ways that advantage ‘high’ NPM emphasis, but which is categorized here
employers, for example by bargaining as an ‘in-between,’ and France, which Hood catego-
rizes as ‘medium NPM emphasis,’ but which is con-
collectively at the agency level either in sidered here to be a laggard.
addition to or in place of central bargaining. 3 The 2002 Review of the Centre was an effort
With support from Leftist regimes in a by the Labour Government to reassess the reforms of
number of venues (United States, Australia, the preceding era, particularly with regard to crea-
tion of executive agencies.
United Kingdom), the unions have rallied
4 According to the OECD Public Management
and have managed to limit disaggregation: Service (2000), total public employment in Sweden
for example, in the United States with regard declined from 1,275,000 in 1990 to 1,044,000 in
to the Departments of Homeland Security 1995.
and Defense and within the NHS in the 5 AgV stands for Arbetsgivarverket. ‘In 1996,
the AgV covered 270 different agencies and was
United Kingdom. In question, however, is
entirely financed by membership fees collected from
whether this is a temporary respite from an these agencies’ (Andersson and Schager, 1999). (See
inexorable deterioration of working condi- also Bender et al., 2003.)
tions in the public sector or a long-term sta- 6 A prefect serves as the central government’s
bilization of the situation. representative in each department and ‘exercises
powers of supervision or prior approval over the
In some countries, unions have regarded
decisions of locally-elected politicians’ (Clark, 1998,
partnership arrangements as an opportunity p. 99).
to redefine their role and to maintain their 7 Now the Department of Education, Employment
relevance. The experience with partnerships and Workplace Relations.

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8 ARAN stands for Agenzia per la rappresen- Public Managers in Europe: Public Servants in
tanza sindacale nel pubblico impiego. Transition (pp. 3−25). London: Macmillan Business.
9 A total of 651 partnership council participants Bazex, M. (1987). Labour relations in the public service
at 54 sites in eight agencies were surveyed (Masters, in France. In T. Treu (ed.), Public Service Labour
Relations: Recent Trends and Future Prospects:
A Comparative Survey of Seven Industrialised
Market Economy Countries (pp. 83−109). Geneva,
Switzerland: International Labour Office.
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Organization Theory
and Public Administration
edited by Tom Christensen

The systematic development of organization ‘social or cultural man’, it has evolved into a
theory has traditionally been associated with complicated pattern of institutional theories
studies of private organizations, particularly in which the original ideas have been further
business firms. Studies of public administra- developed and combined in various ways
tion, on the other hand, for a long time with new ideas.
had no explicit basis in organization theory, The introduction to this section provides a
even though some pioneering work was brief overview of four main types of public
done (Scott and Davis, 2006). These studies administration organization theory, covered
show clearly that there is a close connection by the four chapters, and reflects on some of
between the practice of public administration the broader questions associated with this
and the development of organization theory; field of study. After discussing the different
in other words, aspects of organization driving forces behind decision-making
theory have been deployed in the running of behaviour – whether individual or organiza-
public administrations, which in turn has tional/institutional – in public administration,
yielded new theoretical insights. Over the a brief historical outline of the development
past few decades an organization theory of the organization theory of public adminis-
more specifically geared to studies of public tration is given. The comparative aspect of
administration has developed (Christensen this type of organization theory is discussed,
et al., 2007; Scott, 2007). This is not a homo- looking into the dynamic relationship
geneous field but embraces a number of dif- between organization theory perspectives
ferent theories expounded both separately and structural and cultural features of various
and in combination. Moreover, it has grown groups of countries. Finally, and related to
much more complex over time. Having the third point, the development of organiza-
started out with rather simple ideas about tion theory under New Public Management
‘economic man’, ‘administrative man’ and (NPM) and post-NPM is briefly discussed.

5768_Peters & Pierre-09.indd 149 7/19/2012 5:36:40 PM


HOW TO DEFINE THE organization theory: in other words, to ask

ORGANIZATION THEORY OF PUBLIC which independent variables can be used to
ADMINISTRATION? explain features of decision-making proc-
esses and their effects. It is possible
In a wide and complex body of literature it is to divide these explanatory variables into
not easy to isolate the organization theory four categories of theories or perspectives –
of public administration from other kinds hence, the four chapters in this section. The
of organization theory. One approach is to first chapter, by Morten Egeberg, reviews
ask what we want to explain: that is, what the tradition of theories and research con-
are the dependent variables? The simplest nected to the seminal work of people like
answer is that we are interested in public Gulick, March and Simon. This tradition
decision-making behaviour: that is, the primarily focuses on the importance of
authoritative allocation of responsibility and formal, normative organizational structures
resources between actors and levels in the for decision making and on the formal organ-
political–administrative system. This answer ization of units and roles and also includes
signals that we see the public administration elements from social psychology (March
as an integral part of the political–adminis- and Simon, 1958; Simon, 1945). Decision
trative system and that we will therefore also makers, whether individuals or organiza-
focus on the dynamic relationship between tional units, have problems of capacity and
political and administrative actors in a demo- with coping with large quantities of informa-
cratic context (March and Olsen, 1989). This tion and varieties of premises. Public organi-
is an important distinction from theories zations, therefore, have to be designed or
that have primarily evolved in the context organized in ways that modify these prob-
of private organizations. lems. Actors have to select certain decision-
A focus on decision-making behaviour making premises and reach ‘satisfactory’
may involve studies that aim to produce a decisions based on ‘bounded rationality’. A
theory of political–administrative systems decision-making structure of this kind chan-
and study their internal life. Such investiga- nels attitudes and attention in certain direc-
tions might look at how administrative tions, thereby also creating special roles and
policies change the internal structure of the patterns of contact. One challenge of creating
civil service – changing such things as the a public administration built on a combina-
formal structure, recruitment policies and tion of different principles of specialization
the rights and participation of employees is that of coordinating units and roles and
(Egeberg, 1994). Conversely, one might be balancing their varied decision-making
interested in how different kinds of internal behaviour (Gulick, 1937).
organization result in certain types of public Within this ‘formal structure matters’
policies, aimed at influencing the environ- mode of thinking, there are a number of dif-
ment. A further, rather seldom explored ferent strands, two of which we will mention
option is to use political science-oriented here. We use Dahl and Lindblom’s (1953)
organization theory and related studies to concepts of political–administrative control
analyse the societal effects and impact of and ‘rational calculation’ to define them. The
these decisions and policies. One reason why hierarchical version holds that the leaders of
such studies are rather rare is that they over- a public administration are homogeneous
lap with other research traditions in the fields and have tight control over decision-making
of sociology, economics, psychology and processes, and that their organizational or
anthropology. means–end thinking is relatively unambigu-
A further focus might be to analyse the driv- ous: that is, they know what to do and exer-
ing forces behind decision making in public cise strong control over the means to do it
organizations using the main perspectives of (March and Olsen, 1976). Another version

5768_Peters & Pierre-09.indd 150 7/19/2012 5:36:41 PM


assumes a heterogeneous leadership and institutionalism (Steinmo et al., 1992), which

actors and different kinds of means–end emphasize historical roots and path depend-
thinking, resulting in negotiations and com- ency, sociological theories of institutional-
promises. This is what March and Olsen ism, like those represented by Selznick, and
(1983) labelled ‘Realpolitik’ and Allison theories of normative institutionalism, like
(1971) called ‘governmental or bureaucratic March and Olsen’s (1989) theory of appro-
politics’. priateness, where public institutions are seen
The second perspective on what influences in a broader normative democratic context
decision-making behaviour, covered by Jack as integrating, shaping and developing actors
Knott and Thomas Hammond’s chapter (chap- on a collective basis.
ter 11) in this part, is what can broadly be The fourth type of organization theory,
labelled formal theories. This type of theory presented primarily in Karen Hult’s chapter
is generally based on the premise of rational (chapter 12) but also in Thoenig’s (chapter 10),
individual or group actors seeking to advance revolves around the belief that the environ-
their own interests through utility-maximiz- ment drives decision-making behaviour.
ing behaviour. Strictly speaking, this theory Public administration and its actors can, of
is not confined to organization theory, but course, influence their environment as well,
it has developed in certain ways that allow but here the focus is on the environment
it to be partly included here. Some formal- influencing the public administration. This
ized models in this theoretical tradition try type of theory can be divided into two parts.
to explain decisions by rational actors One is primarily concerned with the ‘techni-
who have more complex decision-making cal environment’, as discussed by Hult, and
strategies, based partly on institutional fac- how the internal organization of the public
tors and formal constraints. Theorists who administration – its structure, function, roles
come under this label are, for example, inter- and resource allocation – is dependent on
ested in how formal rules and procedures relevant actors in the environment and their
inside political−administrative bodies shape demands and organization. Typical theories
rational decision-making behaviour, how here are contingency theories and resource-
markets and hierarchies can be blended dependency theories (Lawrence and Lorsch,
and how the environment can be made nego- 1967; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). The other
tiable to modify insecurity (Coase, 1937; main type focuses on the ‘institutional envi-
Hammond, 1990; Williamson, 1975). ronment’, as also discussed by Thoenig, and
A third branch of organization theory, stresses that a complex olitical−administrative
covered mainly in Jean-Claude Thoenig’s system creates a demand for some simple
chapter, is the cultural–institutional perspec- ‘rules of thumb’ (Meyer and Rowan, 1977;
tive, which is closely associated with Powell and DiMaggio, 1991). These are
Selznick’s work (1949, 1957). According to defined on a macro level through the creation
this perspective, public organizations gradu- of myths: that is, ideas based on some kind of
ally develop into institutions, infusing and social-constructivist tradition. It is assumed
adding values to the formal framework. that certain organizational models, budget or
This process of institutionalization and adap- planning systems, types of knowledge, etc.,
tation gradually produces certain informal are ‘appropriate’ for public administrations
norms and values that go further in explain- (March, 1994). A structure of dominance is
ing decision-making behaviour than formal created for these ideas, often supported by
norms. Public administrative bodies develop public authority centres or professional
different and unique cultures, characters groups ‘certifying’ them, and public organi-
or ‘souls’ through this process. This theory zations have to adapt to them, at least on the
combines different types of institutional the- surface. Brunsson (1989) emphasizes that the
ories (Peters, 2011): theories of historical two types of environment and their demands

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have to be in balance, often in different ways become established and change. Bounded
in different organizations, something that rationality and social choice theories both
strengthens the legitimacy of the public perceive such processes as the result of the
administration. Public leaders have to act, intentions of certain actors, such as political
take decisions and deliver services, but they and administrative leaders, and as such the
can also gain from ‘double-talk’: that is, also result of design and strategy. However, they
talking as if they intend to act, even if they differ concerning the importance of self-
have no intention of doing so and no idea interest and the formal structure that shapes
of what to do if they run into problems of intentions and actions. Cultural theories see
implementation. change processes as the gradual and incre-
The distinctions between the different mental evolution of public units, while the
types of organization theory implied by the theories of both the technical and institu-
structure of Part 3 of course offer no clear-cut tional environment have typical elements
categorization of the different theories, but of determinism: that is to say public adminis-
that is not the purpose here. Theories trations have to adjust to their environment
may combine elements of bounded rational- and do not have much leeway. It is also worth
ity, culture and myths, like the broad institu- pointing out that cultural theories, at least
tional theory of March and Olsen (1989, of the Selznick type, mainly emphasize
1995); they may mix elements of structure uniqueness, variety and divergence in public
and culture with internal and environmental administration, while myth theories and cer-
factors, like Selznick (1957) does; or else tain other environmental theories, like popu-
myth theories may be combined with struc- lation ecology, often stress isomorphism and
tural elements, as Brunsson (1989) does. convergence, i.e. public administrative units
The institutional theories of Pierson (2004) are becoming more similar (Scott and Davis,
and Thelen (Mahoney and Thelen, 2009) that 2006).
have been increasingly influencial in the
last decade are also examples of blending
formal and institutional theories.
Another distinction between the theories THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEORIES
outlined here is the level on which they AND THE VARIETY OF TRADITIONS
focus. The theory of bounded rationality,
for instance, often focuses on the micro It is always difficult to describe the develop-
level and on individual decision makers, ment of theory, in this case organization
while the formal framework in which theory for the study of public administration,
these actors operate is the organizational or because theories very seldom appear in neat
sub-organizational level. Social choice categories in specific periods. Instead they
theories have some of the same focus, while overlap, sometimes run parallel, disappear,
cultural theories combine theoretical ideas are revived in new versions and so on.
at the organizational or meso level with Therefore, typologies will always need to
elements from the task environment. Envi- bend reality to some extent and post-rational-
ronmental theories of a technical nature ize. In our case it is also a problem that a
share the focus on task environment with strand of theory may develop in one period
central cultural theories, while myth theories as a more general theory but be more spec-
often focus on phenomena at a macro or ifically related to studies of public admin-
organizational field level but relate these istration at a later stage.With all this in
to effects and implications on an organiza- mind, this section offers a chronology of the
tional level. four types of theory mentioned.
The theories presented also vary in how Early studies of public administration,
they believe public administrative units or political−administrative systems in

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general, were often oriented towards the using this approach began during the 1990s
judicial−constitutional framework: in other (Peters, 2011).
words, to the more formal aspects of such Selznick (1949, 1957) developed his cul-
systems (Peters, 2011). However, it was not tural–institutional theory in organizational
until Gulick (1937) advanced his theory, sociology parallel to the main works on
based on Weber and Fayol, about the effects bounded rationality. His work was histori-
of principles of specialization and coordina- cally rooted in the theoretical developments
tion in public administration, that public of the 1920s and 1930s and specifically con-
administration was associated with any nected to the Human Relations School and
particular organization theory. The break- Barnard’s (1938) work but also to contempo-
through, in the form of the theory of bounded rary theoretical developments, like Parson’s
rationality, came in 1945, with Simon’s (Scott and Davis, 2006). He embraced the
Administrative Behavior, but was also devel- tradition of looking at formal organizations
oped by March and Simon (1958) and Cyert as social systems with complex goals and
and March (1963). What was distinctive social needs besides instrumental goals and
about this development was that it combined of stressing the importance of informal norms
organization or decision-making theory and integrative features. His work was revived
with political science or political theory. in the 1980s and 1990s, both in organiza-
According to March (1997), this tradition tional sociology and in political science
was later lost or partly disappeared in the theory, by people like Scott (2007; Scott
United States, but it has survived in parts et al., 2000) and March and Olsen (1989).
of Europe, particularly in Scandinavia Even though influential theorists, like
(Christensen and Lægreid, 1998). Goffman, and Berger and Luckman, pub-
Scott (2007) sees the roots of institutional lished interesting work in the social–
theory in the economics of the late nineteenth constructivist tradition in the 1960s, it was
and early twentieth centuries, in Germany not until 1977 that Meyer and Rowan (1977),
and the United States, and concludes that in a pioneering article, formulated a system-
this theoretical tradition, which questions the atic myth theory in organization theory.
simplistic assumptions of a model of eco- During the 1980s and 1990s this strand of
nomic man by adding the social context of theory, often labelled the ‘new institutional-
economic processes, had more in common ism’, was developed further by many schol-
with later sociological and anthropological ars (Powell and DiMaggio, 1991; Scott,
theories of institutions than with the new 2007) and became more specifically con-
institutional economics. With the emergence nected to studies of public administration
of the theory of new institutionalism in (Brunsson, 1989).
economics in the late 1930s, many of the Another, more challenging and perhaps
traditional institutional factors were disre- speculative way of looking at the develop-
garded. The empirical focus was also prima- ment of the organization theory of public
rily the firm and the market. When formal administration is to relate it to the character-
theories started to be applied to studies of istics of the political–administrative structure
public institutions from the 1970s onwards, and cultural traditions in different countries.
seeing them as governance or rules systems, This can only be done by grouping the
this implied both a theoretical and an empiri- political–administrative systems in different
cal extension of new institutionalism in eco- countries into some broad categories and
nomics and related theories. They did not, indicating possible connections. At the one
however, discard the main premises of the extreme, the political–administrative system
theory regarding the factors driving actors in the United States is characterized by
or similarities between the public and private extreme structural and cultural fragmentation
sectors. Studies of public administration and complexity, by a small public sector, by

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a cultural tradition that caters more to the and an emphasis on collectivity. This is
private sector, efficiency and individual also reflected in the way their theory of the
rationality and by greater hostility and mis- public administration has developed. As
trust towards politicians and civil servants Thoenig points out in his chapter (chap-
than elsewhere (Christensen and Peters, ter 10), France was rather early in developing
1999). This seems to be reflected in the very a cultural–integrative tradition in organiza-
complex body of organization theory for tion theory (Crozier, 1964). Unlike the United
public administration generated in the United States, neither Scandinavia nor Continental
States, which ignores grand theories of the Europe have a particularly strong tradition of
state and tends instead to emphasize theories formal theorists working in the field of public
like formal theories, which portray strategic administration.
actors operating in their own interests in a
fragmented system with few integrative fea-
tures. The emergence of myth theory in the
United States can also be seen as a reflection INCREASED COMPLEXITY
of the fragmented nature of the system: that IN THEORIES AND PUBLIC
is, there is a need for symbols capable of ADMINISTRATION?
integrating the system. The development
of organization theory in the United States is, Organization theories of public administra-
of course, not without collective features, tion seem in some ways to have grown more
which we find both in theories on organiza- complex, both concerning the number of
tional rationality and in cultural–institutional theories developed, the internal differen-
theory, but these features are relatively tiation of each theory and the growing
weaker than in, say, the Anglo-Saxon coun- number of combinations of different theo-
tries that are generally considered to belong ries. This may reflect the increasing com-
to the same type of tradition. plexity of political–administrative systems
At the other extreme are the features and decision-making processes. Civil service
of the political–administrative systems in systems are more specialized than before,
Scandinavia. These are countries that are both horizontally and vertically. New and
much more homogeneous structurally and hybrid structures have developed both inside
culturally, attend much more to collective the public apparatus and in its links with the
norms and values and less to individual private and societal sectors (Christensen et al.
rationality and efficiency, and place greater 2007). Traditional political–administrative
emphasis on integrating societal groups in cultures have been partly transformed and
public decision making, even though some new norms and values have appeared, blend-
of these features are slowly beginning ing or melding with the old ones. Public
to change. These characteristics seem to be decision-making processes currently involve
reflected in the historically strong position of actors with more ambiguous mandates,
theories on organizational rationality and involve more and different types of actors
cultural–institutional theories. A specifically and there are more connections over time
Scandinavian version of institutional theory between levels and institutions. Moreover,
has emerged over the past two decades that is decisions are more often appealed or changed
characterized by a blend of culture and myth in the implementation phase, either because
theory (Forsell, 2001). Some Continental of changing conditions or because actors
European countries have much in common would like to change the content of policies.
with Scandinavia concerning the structure All this may lead to a more differentiated set
and culture of the political–administrative of theories that one can combine to under-
system, with strong and centralized states stand the workings of public administration.

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Another, rather different way of looking at examples of empirical studies within each
the development of both the theory and prac- theoretical tradition.
tice of public administration is to take New
Public Management as a point of departure.
NPM has spread all over the world, albeit
more in the form of ideas than in practice in REFERENCES
some countries, but it is still widely influen-
tial. Boston et al. (1996) stress in their book Allison, G.T. (1971) Essence of Decision. Explaining the
about NPM in New Zealand that there is Cuban Missile Crisis. Boston, MA: Little, Brown.
a close connection between the theories of Barnard, C.I. (1938) The Functions of the Executive.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
reform and the actual implementation of
Boston, J., Martin, J., Pallot, J. and Walsh, P. (1996)
reform measures: that is to say the reforms Public Management: The New Zealand Model.
are theory-driven to a large extent. The theo- Auckland: Oxford University Press.
ries behind NPM in New Zealand and other Brunsson, N. (1989) The Organization of Hypocrisy.
Anglo-American countries are primarily dif- Talk, Decisions and Actions in Organizations.
ferent versions of formal theories. They Chichester: Wiley.
stress simplicity much more than complexity, Christensen, T. and Lægreid, P. (1998) ‘Public
concerning theoretical preconditions, the Administration in a Democratic Context – A Review
structure of the political–administrative of Norwegian Research’, in N. Brunsson and J.P.
system, role differentiation between politi- Olsen (eds), Organizing Organizations. Bergen:
cians and administrative leaders and the Fagbokforlaget.
Christensen, T. and Lægreid, P. (2001) New Public
unambiguous chain of command and they
Management. The Transformation of Ideas and
attach importance to clear goals and means, Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.
efficiency and rationality. An interesting Christensen, T. and Lægreid, P. (2007) ‘The Whole-of-
question is whether the simplification of Government Approach to Public Sector Reform’,
theory also leads to the simplification of PAR. Public Administration Review, 67:
practice in the political–administrative 1059−1066.
system or whether it actually generates more Christensen, T., Lægreid, P., Roness, P.G. and Røvik,
complexity (Christensen and Lægreid, 2001). K.A. (2007) Organization Theory and The Public
During the last decade, the trail-blazing Sector. Instrument, Culture and Myth. London and
NPM countries have experienced post-NPM New York: Routledge.
features with increasing centralization and Christensen, T. and Peters, B. Guy (1999) Structure,
Culture and Governance. A Comparison of Norway
coordination, modifying and supplementing
and the United States. Lanham, MA: Rowman &
NPM (Christensen and Lægreid, 2007). This Littlefield.
has revived both structural theories based in Coase, R. (1937) ‘The Nature of the Firm’, Economica,
bounded rationality, but also seen (for exam- 4 (November): 386–405.
ple) network-oriented theories emerging. Crozier, M. (1964) The Bureaucratic Phenomenon.
The example of NPM and post-NPM illus- Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
trates how organization theory can lead more Cyert, R.M. and March, J.G. (1963) A Behavioral Theory
directly to certain ways of organizing the of the Firm. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
public administration. What the coming Dahl, R.A. and Lindblom, C. (1953) Politics, Economics
chapters should ideally do is to cover how the and Welfare. New York: Harper and Row.
different theories have been applied in stud- Egeberg, M. (1994) ‘Bridging the Gap between Theory
and Practice: The Case of Administrative Policy’,
ies of political–administrative systems more
Governance, 7: 83–98.
generally, and public administration specifi- Forsell, A. (2001) ‘Reform Theory Meets New Public
cally. It is beyond our reach to give a compre- Management’, in T. Christensen and P. Lægreid
hensive overview of such studies, so the (eds), New Public Management: Transforming Ideas
different chapters instead give representative and Practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

5768_Peters & Pierre-09.indd 155 7/19/2012 5:36:41 PM


Gulick, L. (1937) ‘Notes on the Theory on Organiza- Ceremony.’ American Journal of Sociology, 83
tions. With Special Reference to Government’, (September): 340–363.
in L. Gulick and L. Urwin (eds), Papers on the Peters, B. Guy (2011) Institutional Theory in Political
Science of Administration. New York: Science. The ‘New Institutionalism’, 3rd revised
A.M. Kelley. edition. London: Pinter.
Hammond, T.H. (1990) ‘In Defence of Luther Gulick’s Pfeffer, J. and Salancik, G.R. (1978) The External
Notes on the Theory of Organization’, Public Control of Organizations. New York: Harper and
Administration, 68(Summer): 143−173. Row.
Lawrence, P.R. and Lorsch, J.W. (1967) Organization Pierson, P. (2004) Politics in Time: History, Institutions
and Environment: Managing Differentiation and and Social Analysis. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
Integration. Boston, MA: Graduate School of University Press.
Business Administration, Harvard University. Powell, W.W. and DiMaggio, P.J. (eds) (1991) The New
Mahoney, J. and Thelen, K. (2009) Explaining Insti- Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. Chicago,
tutional Change: Ambiguity, Agency, and Power. IL: University of Chicago Press.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Scott, W.R. (2007) Institutions and Organizations, 3rd
March, J.G. (1994) A Primer on Decision Making. edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
New York: Free Press. Scott, W.R. and Davis, G.F. (2006) Organizations and
March, J.G. (1997) ‘Administrative Practice, Organizing: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems
Organization Theory, and Political Philosophy: Perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Ruminations and Reflections of John M. Gaus’, Scott, W.R., Ruef, M., Mendel, P.J. and Caronna, C.A.
PS Political Science, 30(3): 689–698. (2000) Institutional Change and Health Care
March, J.G. and Olsen, J.P. (1976) Ambiguity and Organizations. From Professional Dominance to
Choice in Organizations. Bergen: Scandinavia Managed Care. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
University Press. Press.
March, J.G. and Olsen, J.P. (1983) ‘Organizing Political Selznick, P. (1949) TVA and the Grass Roots. Berkeley,
Life: What Administrative Reorganization Tells Us CA: University of California Press.
About Government’, American Political Science Selznick, P. (1957) Leadership in Administration. New
Review, 77 (2): 281–297. York: Harper and Row.
March, J.G. and Olsen, J.P. (1989) Rediscovering Simon, H.A. (1945) Administrative Behavior. New York:
Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics. Macmillan.
New York: Free Press. Steinmo, S., Thelen, K. and Longstreth, F. (1992)
March, J.G. and Olsen, J.P. (1995) Democratic Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in
Governance. New York: Free Press. Comparative Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge
March, J.G. and Simon, H.A. (1958) Organizations. University Press.
New York: Wiley. Williamson, O.E. (1975) Markets and Hierarchies:
Meyer, J.W. and Rowan, B. (1977) ‘Institutionalized Analysis and Antitrust Implications. New York: Free
Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Press.

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How Bureaucratic Structure
Matters: An Organizational
Morten Egeberg

This chapter analyses the relationship structures have emerged and on administra-
between bureaucratic structure and actual tive behaviour itself than on the relationship
decision behaviour within government. between structure and actual decisions (cf.,
Thus, the chapter does not deal with the for instance, Derlien, 1992; Farazmand,
role of the executive in the political system, 1994, 1997; Hesse, 1995; Page, 1995; Bekke
but focuses on how the organizational struc- et al., 1996; Nelson, 1996; Peters and Wright,
ture of a government bureaucracy might 1996; Ferlie et al., 2005; Kettl, 2006).
intervene in the policy process and, eventu- This chapter’s theoretical approach draws
ally, shape its outputs. The relationship is heavily on ‘bounded rationality’ (March and
crucial. The extent to which organizations Simon, 1958; Simon, 1965). There are strict
or institutions impact on individual actors’ limits to the mind’s cognitive and computa-
interests and preferences attracts enduring tional capacities. Not everything can be
scholarly interest and debate. At the attended to simultaneously. Individuals act in
same time, the topic is of great concern to an extremely information-rich environment
practitioners who want to know how organi- but before information can be used by an
zational design and redesign could affect individual it must proceed through the bot-
agenda setting, coordination, choices and tleneck of attention, meaning that rather few
implementation in their ministries or govern- facets of a multi-faceted matter are consid-
ment agencies. Nevertheless, a previous ered in decision making (Simon, 1985: 302).
review of relevant literature revealed that Thus, since policy makers base their choices
our theme has clearly not attained the on highly simplified models of the world,
scholarly attention it deserves (Egeberg, it becomes crucial to understand the opera-
1999). It appears much easier to find studies tive selection mechanisms and filters. An
on bureaucratic structures, on how such organizational perspective highlights the

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role of a decision maker’s organizational relevant. The ‘relevance criteria’ embedded

context in this respect by paying attention to in role expectations guide search processes,
an organization’s structure, demography and and bias information exposure. Thus, norma-
locus (cf. below). tive structures forge information networks
Theorists seem to agree that organizations for the development of agendas, alternatives
and institutions might affect individual actors’ and learning. Since a decision maker is
strategies. They disagree, however, on how unable to attend to everything simultane-
interests and goals themselves are shaped ously, and to consider all possible alterna-
and reshaped. While rational choice institu- tives and their consequences (cf. ‘bounded
tionalists consider preference formation as rationality’), it seems to be a perfect match
exogenous to their models, other institution- between demands for simplification, on the
alists argue that interests are endogenously one hand, and the selection and filter that
forged (March and Olsen, 1996; Peters, organizations provide, on the other (Simon,
1999). From an organizational perspective, 1965; Augier and March, 2001). The struc-
organizations and institutions are capable of ture can therefore never be neutral; it always
endowing individual actors with goals and represents a mobilization of bias in prepara-
interests, provided that certain organizational tion for action (Schattschneider, 1975: 30).
features are in place. What decision makers What reasons then do we have to expect
know and believe is also partly determined that people will comply with organizational
by their organizational position (Simon, norms when they enter an organization?
1999: 113). Since preference and identity First, they may feel a moral obligation to
formation are vital aspects of political life, comply. Modern cultures, emphasizing
the study of politics and administration impersonal relationships and ‘rationalized’
cannot rely extensively on approaches that codes of conduct in organizational life, assist
do not accommodate these phenomena into individuals at separating their private inter-
their models. ests from those emerging from their capacity
The next section will present what can be as employees or representatives. Second,
seen as the key variables of an organizational they may find compliance to serve their self-
perspective. Although the empirical part of interest. Organizations are incentive systems
this chapter focuses on the impact of bureau- that inform members at lower levels of their
cratic (organizational) structure, it is useful potential career prospects, thus inducing
to present the other key variables as well, them to adapt autonomously to role expecta-
since this provides us with a more solid back- tions and codes of conduct. And managers
ground for interpreting the observations may apply rewards and punishments to
referred to. achieve obedience. Finally, social control
and ‘peer review’ by colleagues are supposed
to minimize deviant behaviour. Thus, these
mechanisms do not imply that organizational
ORGANIZATIONAL KEY VARIABLES members give up their private interests when
they enter an organization. However, per-
sonal policy preferences are, due to compen-
Organizational structure
sation, put aside and are thus supposed to be
An organizational structure is a normative of minor importance in explaining organiza-
structure composed of rules and roles speci- tional behaviour. Even if the mechanisms
fying, more or less clearly, who is expected fail, it could be argued that participants
to do what, and how (Scott, 1981). Thus, the would be unable to define and operationalize
structure broadly defines the interests and their genuine private interests in any mean-
goals to be pursued, and the considerations ingful and coherent way. One obvious excep-
and alternatives that should be treated as tion to this could, however, be decision

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processes that impact more directly on their or collegial. ‘Collegiality’ usually means that
career prospects: for example, reorganization decisions must be reached through arguing,
processes. bargaining or voting rather than through
I now turn to various dimensions of command. Most government organizations
organizational structure. The size, the sheer are basically hierarchical. However, collegial
number of roles that are to be filled, may bodies in the form of committees, task forces,
indicate an organization’s capacity to initiate project groups, etc., increasingly seem to
policies, develop alternatives, or to imple- complement hierarchical structures. Thus,
ment final decisions. Horizontal specializa- since organizational units are in this way
tion expresses how different issues and policy woven together more densely than before,
areas, for example transport and environmen- horizontally as well as vertically, a kind of
tal protection, are supposed to be linked network administration emerges (Kickert,
together or decoupled from each other. Those 1997; Bogason and Toonen, 1998; Rhodes,
areas that are encompassed by the same 2000). Committees usually engage people
organizational unit are more likely to be only on a part-time basis, though (secondary
coordinated than those belonging to different affiliation). Most participants remain prima-
units (Gulick, 1937). However, in a hierar- rily attached to another organization. Still,
chy, separation of issues at lower levels only committee members may be affected to some
means that coordination responsibility is extent by being exposed to new agendas,
moved to higher echelons. According to alternatives and actors. We would expect the
Gulick (1937), there are four fundamental impact to be less profound, however, than in
ways in which tasks may be distributed hori- organizations to which persons have a pri-
zontally among units: namely, in relation mary affiliation. Finally, an organizational
to territory, purpose (sector), function (proc- structure may be more ambiguous or loosely
ess) or clientele served. If, for example, coupled than other structures, thus facilitat-
an organization is internally specialized ing innovative behaviour, flexible responses
according to the geographical area served, and extensive policy dynamics (Landau,
it is expected to induce spatial perspectives 1969; March and Olsen, 1976; Hood, 1999).
and encourage policymakers to pay atten- Enduring tensions and unresolvable conflicts
tion primarily to particular territorial con- may also be dealt with more intelligently
cerns and ‘intra-local’ policy coherence. In through ambiguous designs (Olsen, 1997).
this case, the structure reflects the territorial
composition of the system and focuses
attention along territorial lines of cleavage.
Organizational demography
Organizations based on purpose, on the
other hand, are supposed to foster sectoral According to Pfeffer (1982: 277), demogra-
horizons among decision makers and policy phy refers to the personnel composition, in
standardization across territorial units. Func- terms of attributes such as age, gender, eth-
tionally arranged bureaucracies are special- nicity, nationality, education and length of
ized according to affairs such as legal, service within the social entity under study.
technical, economic, planning, and so on. Such factors are supposed to impact decision
In order to ascertain the basic specializa- behaviour, although the strength of potential
tion principle of an organization, one should effects must depend on characteristics of the
look at the highest level of the organiza- organizational structure: for example, how
tion. Vertical specialization deals with the ‘demanding’ and explicit it is (Meier and
intended division of labour across hierarchi- Nigro, 1976; Lægreid and Olsen, 1984). In
cal levels within or between organizations. general, except for education, background
The structure may express whether coor- factors do not seem to have a strong effect
dination is supposed to be hierarchical on decision behaviour (Suvarierol, 2008;

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Christensen and Lægreid, 2009). Even more, However, most organizations are located in
a wide variety of socialization experiences particular places and buildings. First, loca-
are not relevant to policy disputes and thus tion and physical space segregate personal
are unlikely to reveal a representational link- lives and their associated role conceptions
age (Selden, 1997: 65). One may say that the and identities from organizational roles and
demographic perspective emphasizes the identities and may also help to separate vari-
effects that flows of personnel (career pat- ous organizational roles from each other
terns) might have on their decision behav- where actors have multiple organizational
iour. Whereas the effects of organizational affiliations. Second, physical distance seems
structure are thought to occur without any to be negatively related to degree of contact
socialization of personnel, the impacts of and coordination within ministries (Egeberg,
demographic factors are closely related to 1994). The reason is probably that the con-
socialization. Socialization usually means tacts most sensitive to physical distance,
that values, norms and role expectations have i.e. unplanned encounters between decision
become internalized in individuals. New makers, disappear when activities are
recruits arrive ‘pre-packed’ with images and spread among different ministry buildings.
attitudes acquired over the years in particular Similarly, the autonomy of government agen-
social, geographical and educational settings. cies does not seem to depend on whether
With increasing length of service in an they are located in the political centre (capi-
organization, they may, however, become tal) or not: this is because agencies in
resocialized. Socialized organizational mem- the centre also are located at a distance that
bers identify themselves strongly with a par- in practice excludes (unplanned) encounters
ticular organization, and are supposed to with ministry personnel (Egeberg and
advocate its interests ‘automatically’ in the Trondal, 2011a).
sense that these interests are ‘taken for
granted’. Arguably, the extent to which an
organization must rely on external control
mechanisms (incentives and sanctions) METHODOLOGICAL NOTE
depends on the extent to which decision
makers have become socialized within that The empirical studies used here mainly
same organization. include research on central government
Considered as individual attributes, only bureaucracies at the national level and how
length of service can, in a strict sense, qualify their structures affect substantive policy
as a real organizational factor among the making. However, reference is also made to
demographic variables mentioned. However, studies of international administration.
this becomes different if we instead deal with ‘Substantive policy making’ is the kind of
proportions of a given organizational popula- policy making most officials are supposed to
tion that come from, for example, different engage in most of the time. On the other
regions or professions. Clusters, or ‘enclaves’, hand, policy making dealing with aspects of
seem to make it more likely that particular the administrative apparatus itself – its struc-
group interests might be pursued (Selden, ture, personnel composition, physical struc-
1997). ture and location – is called ‘administrative
policy making’, but is not considered in this
chapter. Neither is how bureaucratic structure
Organizational locus might affect citizens’ trust in government and
the overall legitimacy of the political system
The physical dimension of organizational life dealt with (Olsen, 2005).
has not been emphasized in the literature Which criteria have been used for select-
(Goodsell, 1977; Pfeffer, 1982: 260–71). ing the relevant empirical studies? First, to

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merit inclusion a study must focus explicitly Thomas Hammond (1990) argues that one
on the relationship between organizational reason for this lack of systematic empirical
structure and the actual decision behaviour research on the relationship between bureau-
of officials. Second, the study’s data sources cratic structure and actual decision behaviour
and the method applied for analysing the data may be found in Herbert Simon’s criticism
should be clearly stated by the author(s). of the so-called classical school of adminis-
Third, the observed relationships should trative theory. Thus, the widespread belief
be meaningful and understandable theoreti- that Simon had definitely won the duel in the
cally: that is, they should be possible to 1940s may have contributed to the lack
subsume under one theoretical dimension of studies on the formal structure and its
or another. Government reports on reform implications (cf. also Augier and March,
evaluation generally fail to meet these crite- 2001). Still, European scholars may have
ria. So does some work of social scientists. been more focused on structure−behaviour
We could be more conscious of the extent relationships than their American colleagues,
to which statements of an empirical nature who have concentrated more on how indi-
are really based on systematic research, or vidual attributes are linked to organizational
are more loosely founded, or are merely performance (Peters, 2011). It should be
meant to be assumptions. In order to substan- mentioned, however, that two recent books
tiate postulates empirically, scholars often reporting from large-scale projects on gov-
refer to the works of other researchers with- ernment agencies in several countries focus
out separating clearly between research heavily on structure−behaviour relationships
that is ‘really’ empirical in its character, on (Lægreid and Verhoest, 2010; Verhoest et al.,
the one hand, and works that are primarily of 2010).
a theoretical or ‘impressionistic’ nature, on
the other.
Research on the relationship between
organizational structure and actual decision EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE
behaviour seems to have taken place against
the mainstream of contemporary scholarly The impact of horizontal
work in the field. Volumes and single articles specialization
aimed at reviewing the state of the art of
public administration research have little to In theory, structural designs are expected to
say about the relationship focused on in ‘route’ information exchange, coordination
this chapter (cf. for instance, Derlien, 1992; processes and conflict resolution. Thus, how
Farazmand, 1994, 1997; Hesse, 1995; Page, we draw organizational boundaries should
1995; Bekke et al., 1996; Nelson, 1996; determine which problems and solutions
Peters and Wright, 1996; Ferlie et al., 2005; policy makers become aware of, and at
Kettl, 2006). Hood and Dunsire (1981) con- which level in a hierarchy various concerns
cluded their ‘bureaumetrics approach’ book are considered simultaneously, or are allowed
by saying that investigating this relationship to be sheltered from other interests. But do
was the important next step. Fourteen years organizational boundaries really matter? Let
later, their compatriots Martin J. Smith et al. us first take a look at aspects of horizontal
(1995: 50), in their review of research on specialization.
British central government, ascertained that Studies reveal that contact patterns and
many scholars appear content to describe exchange of information largely reflect the
the structural changes and problems with organizational structure of the administrative
implementation rather than dealing with how apparatus. The flow of information dimin-
these changes affect the internal politics of ishes across organizational boundaries
the departments and the policy process. (Lægreid and Olsen, 1984; Larsson, 1986;

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Gerding and Sevenhuijsen, 1987; Petterson, Strictly speaking, the synchronous research
1989). Extensive use of e-mail from the designs of most of the studies dealt with so
1990s does not seem to have changed this far make it rather problematic to infer anything
close relationship between structure and about a cause−effect relationship between
behaviour (Christensen and Lægreid, 2009). structure and policy. Fortunately, however,
Scharpf (1977), in his study of the German we also find studies in which behaviour has
Federal Ministry of Transport, found that been observed subsequent to a reorganiza-
‘objective’ needs for coordination across tion. If behavioural changes can be traced
divisions were recognized by the ministerial under this circumstance, it is more likely that
bureaucracy itself and reflected in the pat- a cause−effect relationship really exists.
terns of information exchange and participa- Splitting divisions in a hierarchy means in
tion between lower-level organizational units. theory to move processes of coordination and
Further empirical analyses showed, however, conflict resolution upward in the organiza-
that the existing division structure caused tion, thus making it more likely that higher-
serious information deficits and conflicts level leadership gets involved. Mergers, on
over substantive policy as well as over juris- the other hand, are supposed to push such
dictions. Data indicated that perceived defi- processes downward, thus relieving higher
cits in information supply were four times levels of some of their workload (but as a
as likely to occur in interactions across divi- result less insight will be available at the top
sions than within divisions; that conflicts in this particular issue area). Results from a
over policy substance were more than twice study of ministerial reorganizations give
as frequent in inter-divisional interaction; some support to these expectations. Egeberg
and that conflicts over jurisdiction had a (1994) observed that officials affiliated with
50 per cent higher probability of occurring divisions that had been split experienced less
in interactions between divisions than within conflict, whereas those in merged divisions
divisions (1977: 62). Scharpf concluded tended to experience more conflict. In the
that organizational boundaries may not first case, conflicts did not disappear they
prevent interaction, but they seem to create became ‘externalized’ (they moved upward),
semi-permeable walls which impede the whereas in the second case, conflicts were
flow of information (on the demand side ‘internalized’ (pushed downward). A study of
as well as on the supply side) and which bureaucratic mergers by Hult (1987) sup-
reduce the capacity for conflict resolution in ports these findings. She also discovered that
the case of substantive and jurisdictional departmental mergers had an impact on the
conflict. relations with client groups. As more con-
The drawing of organizational boundaries cerns and interests had to be taken care of by
between as well as within ministries tends to the merged unit, external networks became
bias the allocation of attention and the forma- more differentiated, and established ‘iron
tion of preferences and identities (Allison, triangles’ were challenged and diluted.
1971; Rhodes and Dunleavy, 1995). Broad In order to illuminate the behavioural con-
interministerial interaction is typical for offi- sequences of various principles of specializa-
cials affiliated with units like the prime min- tion, European Union (EU) institutions
ister’s office or the ministry of finance provide an exciting laboratory, and particu-
(Campbell and Szablowski, 1979). In gen- larly so pertaining to whether a body is struc-
eral, officials’ contacts across organizational tured according to territory or according to a
units have a strong, positive relationship with non-territorial principle of specialization,
their participation in working groups and such as sector or function. On the one hand,
task forces (Stigen, 1991), and with their an inherited intergovernmental order is clearly
ranks (Lægreid and Olsen, 1984; Jablin, reflected in the way the Council of Ministers
1987). and the European Council is arranged.

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The bodies of ministers and heads of Government Offices for the Regions (GORs)
government at the top neatly mirror the in the UK, reformers aimed at improving the
territorial composition of the system, each coordination between the regional offices of
member state being represented by an execu- Whitehall departments and meeting the
tive politician who also has a national minis- demand for a single point of contact, thus
try as his or her primary affiliation. Studies counteracting the compartmentalized (secto-
show, accordingly, that decision makers ral) traditions of the civil service. Research
mainly upload national preferences, and that shows that GORs in fact led to greater coor-
patterns of cooperation and conflict tend to dination in the regions and became important
follow territorial (national) lines (Hayes- mechanisms for developing ‘holistic govern-
Renshaw and Wallace, 2006). This behav- ance’ (Mawson and Spencer, 1997; Rhodes,
ioural pattern is even more striking in the 2000).
European Council, in which the territorial
principle of specialization constitutes the
sole principle (Tallberg and Johansson, The impact of vertical
2008). On the other hand, the European specialization
Commission, the EU’s main executive body,
is basically structured according to sector The internal vertical specialization of minis-
and function from the bottom to the top. tries does matter. Officials’ positions are
Thus, executive politicians at the top (com- positively correlated with contact with the
missioners) are in charge of particular secto- political leadership, emphasis put on political
ral or functional departments (directorates signals, as well as with their horizontal inter-
general), and they have the Commission as actions (Aberbach et al., 1981; Christensen,
their primary organizational affiliation. 1991; Aberbach and Rockman, 2000;
Putting (often) former national ministers Christensen and Lægreid, 2009). Senior offi-
into the job as commissioner might then be cials identify themselves with larger parts
seen as a critical test of the extent to which of central government than those at lower
organizational structure is able to (re-)shape echelons, who tend to perceive themselves
politico-administrative behaviour in a world more as section or division representatives
most commonly perceived as basically inter- (Christensen and Lægreid, 2009). This pat-
governmental. Studies do indeed indicate tern is not without significance: those with
that commissioners behave significantly dif- few horizontal contacts and who identify
ferent from ministers in the Council: sectoral themselves primarily with lower-level units
and supranational concerns seem to be con- are supposed to consider only a narrow range
siderably more emphasized, although national of problems, solutions and consequences,
concerns are not absent (Egeberg, 2006; while those who consider themselves as parts
Wonka, 2008). At the administrative level, a of more overarching entities and have exten-
departmental structure based on sector or sive lateral relations are likely to address
function rather than geography tends to evoke broader agendas, competing demands and
primarily sectoral or functional identities system-wide concerns.
among officials, a pattern also found in inter- Central government bureaucracies can also
national administrations in general (Trondal be specialized vertically into separate institu-
et al., 2010). tions at the national level, for example a
Central governments may be represented ministerial (cabinet-level) department and a
at the regional level by sectorally specialized central (subordinated) agency (external verti-
units reflecting the ministry structure, or cal specialization). So-called ‘agencifica-
by integrated government offices (like tion’, i.e. entities becoming organized at
‘prefects’), reflecting instead the territorial arm’s length from ministerial departments,
composition of the system. By setting up has been an increasing phenomenon in many

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countries (Kickert and Beck Jørgensen, 1995; Trondal, 2009; Verhoest et al., 2010). More
Christensen and Lægreid, 2006). Where such drastic, integrating an agency into the minis-
vertical specialization exists, studies indicate try, or transforming an agency into a ministe-
that many of the same tasks are performed at rial department (‘vertical despecialization’),
both administrative levels; for example, the has been shown to enhance the political con-
subordinated agencies engage in policy trol over policy (Hult, 1987; Desveaux,
making by setting goals, preparing budgets, 1995). Studies indicate that an agency’s size
legislation and guidelines, recruiting senior (administrative capacity) may be positively
officials and shaping administrative struc- related to its autonomy (Lægreid et al., 2008;
tures (Christensen, 1982; Jacobsson, 1984; Verhoest et al., 2010).
Greer, 1994). Policy choices are, however, Subordinated and ‘independent’ agencies
not unaffected by the organizational context sometimes involve collegial structures. Such
in which they are made. Officials in central executive and advisory boards may have rep-
agencies, in contrast to their colleagues in resentatives from interest groups (clients,
cabinet-level departments, exercise discre- users, affected parties, public employees),
tion comparatively insulated from ongoing representatives from political parties and
political processes at the cabinet level independent experts. Executive boards at
(Wood and Waterman, 1991; Greer, 1994; the top of agencies seem to balance and
Christensen and Lægreid, 2001; Egeberg and reconcile several interests and concerns
Trondal, 2009; Bach, 2010; Painter et al., simultaneously. They are arenas not only for
2010; Verhoest et al., 2010). They have rela- political steering from above but also for the
tively little contact with the political leader- articulation of affected group interests and
ship of the ministry, with other ministerial expert appraisals. The existence of such a
departments than their ‘own’, and with par- board blurs political signals throughout the
liament. When they exercise discretion, they administrative apparatus, thus providing
attach most importance to professional and more agency autonomy (Egeberg, 1994;
expert considerations, and somewhat less Painter et al., 2010; Verhoest et al., 2010). A
importance to user and client interests. To study of a reorganization of the state/central
assign weight to signals from the political health administration in Kansas that included
leadership of the ministry is their third the removal of the agency’s own executive
priority. However, their relative autonomy board shows that the agency lost its protec-
from the ministerial department implies tion from political processes, previously
that they have fewer opportunities to influ- ensured by the board (Maynard-Moody et al.,
ence decision makers at that level. In minis- 1986).
terial departments, on the other hand, top Christensen and Lægreid (2006) have,
priority is given to signals from the minister quite reasonably, questioned the robustness
and, also, to expert concerns. Considerably of findings as regards the effects of agencifi-
less attention is paid to signals from user cation. What happens if issues become highly
and client groups (Christensen, 1982; Beck politicized; Couldn’t that mean that hierar-
Jørgensen, 1991; Egeberg and Trondal, chical control replaces agency autonomy?
2009). Studies have in fact documented that politi-
In general, then, vertical specialization cal salience tends to enhance ministerial
seems to diminish the potential for political influence over agency behaviour (Pollitt
steering and control. Studies indicate that et al., 2004; Christensen and Yesilkagit,
this loss of political direction can be partly 2006; Egeberg and Trondal, 2009; Painter
compensated for by creating an organiza- et al., 2010; Verhoest et al., 2010; Egeberg
tional unit in the ministerial department that and Trondal, 2011b). However, although
duplicates parts of the work being done in political salience and ministerial control over
the agency (Jacobsson, 1984; Egeberg and agencies are positively related, this does not

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seem to annul the original relationship organizational changes. From a scholarly as

between agencification (vertical specializa- well as from a practical viewpoint, it is, how-
tion) and agency autonomy (Egeberg and ever, more important to learn about the
Trondal, 2009). (On the consequences of behavioural and policy consequences of vari-
agencification for economy, efficiency and ous designs. Dimensions of organizational
effectiveness, see James and van Thiel, 2011.) structure, like size, primary or secondary
In the era of the so-called ‘New Public structure, horizontal and vertical specializa-
Management’ the external vertical speciali- tion and ‘collegialization’, are all sufficiently
zation process has been pushed further definable theoretically as well as operation-
through creating numerous commercial cor- ally, and are all, at the same time, sufficiently
poratized agencies (Wright, 1994). Thus, in abstract to allow empirical observations to be
order to increase efficiency and competitive- transferred and aggregated across different
ness several public services have been organ- contexts.
ized ‘outside’ government. One main lesson The dependent variable, substantive policy
that can be drawn across countries seems to making, needs greater development.
be that devolution entails a decrease in ‘Procedural considerations’, like importance
political steering capacity and authority, and attached to political loyalty or professional
that less attention is given to political consid- autonomy in this kind of policy making,
erations in ‘decoupled’ enterprises (Boston make sense. The same may be said about
et al., 1996; Pollitt and Bouckaert, 2000; substantive concerns derived from the princi-
Christensen and Lægreid, 2001; Zuna, 2001). ples of specialization, and about information
However, as is the case for administrative exchange, actual coordination and conflict
agencies, the ability to steer public compa- resolution that can be linked to different
nies politically depends heavily on the extent ways of structuring hierarchies. It is possible
to which organizational resources are availa- that the traditional categorization of the
ble at the ministerial level (Christensen and policy process into different stages, like for-
Lægreid, 2001). mation and implementation, should be revis-
ited. Since the implementation process often
departs from already established policy pro-
grammes, or a law or regulation, it follows
CONCLUSION that less leeway is left for the bureaucratic
structure to make a substantial difference in
How the executive branch of government is this phase than during policy formation.
organized is only one factor to be considered Concerning study designs, synchronous stud-
in order to explain and understand public ies of the relationship between organizational
policy outputs. The purpose of this chapter structure and policy making within one con-
has not been to assess the relative importance text should be increasingly supplemented by
of different explanations, but rather to iden- observations made across time, and also
tify theoretical components that assign weight across space.
to bureaucratic structure, and to systematize
empirical findings that shed light on how
administrative structure might intervene in
the substantive policy processes of central ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
government. Until now, most students of
public administration seem to have focused I am grateful to Tom Christensen, Johan P.
on behaviour and attitudes without relating Olsen and Christopher Pollitt for their valu-
them explicitly to organizational structure. able comments on a previous version of this
They also have concentrated on structural chapter, and to Tom Christensen for his
descriptions, and on processes preceding advice on this revised version.

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Institutional Theories and Public
Institutions: New Agendas and
Jean-Claude Thoenig

INSTITUTION THEORY AND administrative machineries experience path

NEW AGENDAS dependencies. They are embedded in soci-
etal environments. They function like spe-
Since the 1970s public administration institu- cific social systems. They produce social
tions as a research domain have increasingly norms and cognitive references. Therefore
opened up to contributions from other social interactions between societal change and
sciences such as history, political science and administrative reform become key issues.
sociology of organizations. The domain has
become less normative and more empirical,
institutions being considered as dependent
variables as well as autonomous actors. HISTORICAL INSTITUTIONALISM
New schools of thought have emerged in
academic circles. Institutional theory is a Historical institutionalism as a theoretical
label that oversimplifies the fact that such stream emerged in the early 1980s (Hall,
schools are not exactly alike: they do not 1986) and was labeled as such later (Steinmo,
share the same agenda. The present chapter et al., 1992). This perspective defines public
presents four of such streams: historical administration as part of political life and
institutionalism, sociological institutional- questions the postulate that the state machin-
ism, new institutionalism, and local order ery functions as an undifferentiated whole
or actor institutionalism. Each develops and as a passive agent. Why are resources
a more or less specific set of theoretical as and power allocated unequally by the public
well as empirically grounded interpretations. sector? The essence of politics is competition
Each also covers major facets of what insti- for scarce resources between groups and
tutionalization processes are. Political and issues. It looks much more like a complex

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set of differentiated institutions, as under- discussed. And they also define models of
lined by neo-Marxist (Katzenstein, 1978; behaviors and sets of protocols that are rather
Evans et al., 1985), neo-corporatist (Anderson, stereotyped and ready for immediate use.
1979) and organizational theorists (Dupuy In other terms, public agencies provide moral
and Thoenig, 1985). The UK Treasury, for and cognitive frameworks that allow their
instance, is fragmented into several policy own members, as well as third parties, to
communities, each gathering public servants make sense of events and to act in specific
and private associations who share conver- circumstances. They supply information.
gent views or are involved in common prob- They shape the identity, the image of self
lem handling (Heclo and Wildavsky, 1974). and the preferences of administrative and
Historical institutionalism considers that political elites.
outcomes of public policies do not just The implications of such findings are
reflect the preferences or interests of the hardly irrelevant. Institutional designs do not
strongest social forces. They are also chan- reflect intentionality. Criteria used at the time
neled by existing and past arrangements. when public policies and organizations were
Policy choices made in the past shape choices initially designed rapidly vanish. Political
made today. Political and administrative stakes and coalition games take over and
organizations, conventions, and procedures determine outcomes. A model of punctuated
regulating the relationships between eco- equilibrium posits that public institutions
nomic actors and the state are therefore path- simply respond to changes in the external
dependent. Radical and voluntary changes in power balance within society (Krasner, 1984).
public administration are to a large extent a Whereas older forms of institutionalism
hopeless endeavor in such contexts. Existing postulated that institutions shape policies and
institutions structure the design and the politics, historical or longitudinal approaches
content of the decisions themselves. underline the fact that politics and policies
Institutional contexts differ from one shape institutions. Public institutions are
country to another, for instance in the real taken for granted and provide the infrastruc-
power of the judiciary: this models divergent ture for collective action. Acquiring the status
preferences and interpretations of action of social conventions, they are never ques-
by the labor movement organizations tioned. As social constructs, they resist any
(Hattam, 1993). Comparative international incremental change or any reform made by
approaches, combining in-depth study and any single actor (Graftstein, 1992).
longitudinal research, provide a rich set of Although the logic of path dependence
counter-intuitive observations. They also and persistence are central to historical insti-
bring political conflict and social dissent tutionalism, developments in this approach
back in, studying a variety of settings in have tended to include change more effec-
which collective action implies interactions tively. Historical institutionalism did include
between the public sector and society at a means for large-scale change − the concept
large. Some public agencies have more of ‘punctuated equilibrium.’ For example, the
influence than others. They also use loosely work of Streeck and Thelen (2005) demon-
coupled procedures that may contradict or strates how more gradual changes can alter
conflict. Other institutions such as trade institutions while maintaining many of the
unions, or economic associations of employ- fundamental aspects of those institutions.
ers or farmers, may also generate public
order and political legitimacy (Rose and
Davies, 1994). Historical and comparative
lenses observe that public institutions influ- SOCIOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONALISM
ence administrative and socio-political play-
ers in two major ways. They offer some Selznick’s study of the Tennessee Valley
degree of predictability about the issues Authority was a pioneering step in sociological

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institutionalism perspectives (Selznick, 1948, symbols and ideologies exist. Public institu-
1949). tions develop in a gradual manner. They
Public agencies as organizations are con- become valued by their members and by out-
sidered as institutional actors in as far as their side vested interests for the special place
field units appropriate and promote values they hold in society.
and interests that are embedded in the local The real birth or revival of sociological
communities in which they operate, and not institutionalism occurred in fact about 40
just as machines implementing goals and years later (Meyer and Scott, 1983). It
values defined by a principal. endorses some hypotheses already suggested
A first lesson is that incongruities may by Selznick. Organizations must cope with
exist between the declared ends and those the constraints and pressures applied by con-
that the agency actually achieves or seeks to texts in which they operate. Nevertheless, it
achieve. It pursues self-support and self- also suggests alternative approaches.
maintenance goals, as well as productive While Selznick emphasized processes
ends. It turns into a polymorphous system such as group conflict and cooptation of
whose struggle to survive induces it to neglect external constituencies, the new generation
or to distort its goals. Public bureaucracies of sociologists downplay their importance.
possess a life of their own and even become They emphasize the importance of con-
active entrepreneurs. People who participate straints such as conformity and legitimacy
do not act solely in accordance with their imperatives. They also locate irrationality in
assigned roles. Therefore public manage- the formal structure itself, not only in infor-
ment is not limited to the art of designing mal interactions such as influence patterns.
formalized structures, but also considers the While Selznick favored a meso-level per-
way participants are influenced, transformed spective and studied a single public agency,
and completed by informal structures. What the Stanford school is more macro-oriented
happens at the bottom of the hierarchy, in and hyper-deterministic: ideologies and
grassroots-level units, matters a lot, in some values that are dominant at a societal level or
cases even more than what happens at the global level induce institutional uniformity at
top. A public bureaucracy must cope with the the meso and at the local level. Wide cohorts
constraints and pressures applied by the out- of single organizations – defined as organiza-
side local context in which it operates. tional fields – are studied to test how they are
A second lesson is that institutionalization shaped by external values. The field is exam-
involves processes through which the mem- ined as a whole, as an activity making rules,
bers of an agency acquire values that go and defines an institutional context within
beyond the technical requirements of organi- which each single organization plots its
zational tasks. No organization is com- courses of action: sets of public art museums
pletely free of values: ‘to institutionalize is (DiMaggio, 1991), private and public ele-
to infuse with value beyond the technical mentary schools, healthcare programs (Scott
requirements of the task at hand’ (Selznick, and Meyer, 1994).
1957: 17). It is induced by selective recruit- Compared to historical institutionalism,
ing of personnel, by establishing strong ties the sociological perspective defines institu-
or alliances with outside groups through tional broadly. Beside formal rules and pro-
processes such as implicit alliances, sharing cedures, it includes symbols, moral models
common values or cooptation of local part- and cognitive schemes. Institutions provide
ners. Thick institutionalization is achieved frames of meaning which guide human action
when some rules or procedures are sancti- and therefore are similar to cultural systems.
fied, when some units or members of the Institutionalization is a cognitive process that
public agency become semi-autonomous models the sense people give to events or
centers of power and develop their own acts. Institutionalized myths are central to
vested interests, when administrative rituals, explanation. Formal structures should be

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understood as composed of myths and cere- swiftly and affect all the parts of the organi-
monies (Meyer and Rowan, 1977), influenc- zation simultaneously. It is associated with
ing the conduct of public administrators not interactions between exogenous dynamics –
only by influencing what they have to do but or institutional contexts – and endogenous
also by shaping the imagination of the actors interests, values and power dependencies.
about alternatives and solutions. Society or Pressures for change are precipitated under
culture as a whole determines the acts and two conditions. Inside, group dissatisfaction
non-acts, the structures and the values of the with accommodation of interests within
public sector. the existing template for organizing are cou-
Many organizations, whether public or pled with values. Outside public agencies,
private, adopt formal structures, procedures exogenous dynamics exist, pushing for an
and symbols that appear identical. Diffusion alternative template. Deinstitutionalization
processes are characterized by institutional processes occur (Oliver, 1992), in which
isomorphic change (DiMaggio and Powell, practices erode or face discontinuity or rejec-
1983). Mechanisms such as coercive isomor- tion over time.
phism (change results from pressures exerted
by political influence or by outside organiza-
tions considered as legitimate), mimetic iso-
morphism (uncertainty and ambiguity about NEW INSTITUTIONALISM
goals or technology increases the adoption
of imitation conducts) and normative isomor- New institutionalism as an explicit school
phism (the influence of individuals belong- of thought finds its origins in a paper pub-
ing to the same profession or having followed lished by two political scientists (March and
the same educational processes) accelerate Olsen, 1984).
similarities. Designing institutions that are Government is in the business of forming
radically different from the existing ones its environment, not adapting to it. Public
becomes an illusion in a world that constrains administration is driven by societal visions
autonomy of choice and limits action- and political projects. Therefore, organiza-
oriented imagination. tions that handle public affairs should be
Public organizations, therefore, prefer not ‘conceptualized as institutions rather than as
to be innovative because conformity rein- instruments’ (Brunsson and Olsen, 1997: 20).
forces their political legitimacy or improves They generate and implement prescriptions
the social image of their members. Values that define how the game is played. Who is
recognized by their environment drive trans- a legitimate participant? What are the accept-
formation more than instrumental rationali- able agendas? Which sanctions should be
ties increasing efficiency or effectiveness. In applied in case of deviations? Which proc-
the long term, more diversity or competition esses would be able to induce actual changes?
between alternative organizational models is The way people think, interpret facts, act
possible (Kondra and Hinings, 1998). and cope with conflicts are influenced and
To explain radical organizational trans- simplified by public administration. Do
formation, the concept of archetype is public administration reforms match societal
used, referring to a configuration of struc- needs? And do they also help and enhance
tures and systems of organizing with a democratic participation?
common orientation or underlying interpre- New institutionalism considers dangerous
tative scheme. Evolutionary change occurs the very idea that it is possible to reform
slowly and gradually, as a fine-tuning proc- and control public organizations top down
ess within the parameters of an existing and with a technocratic style. Social science
archetype (Greenwood and Hinings, 1996). research has to make explicit the less
Organizational change may also happen than convincing axioms or hypotheses

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underlying and legitimizing reforms. New In order to understand how policy making
Public Management approaches, for instance, really is processed and handled inside organ-
are based on widely accepted postulates izations, new institutionalism provides an
inspired by neo-liberal economics − rational analytic grid. Empirical observation should
choice, agency theory − and that are suppos- consider three fundamental dimensions or
edly generally relevant. Contextualism is aspects: the goals the various units pursue;
a perspective stipulating that politics is a the way information, opportunities and sup-
component of society − the mere product of port are mobilized for action taking; and the
factors such as social classes, culture or choice of decision processes at work. It
demography. Reductionism postulates that should identify how far, in a given action set,
political phenomena are mere consequences four main mechanisms may exist: conflict
of individual behaviors: the functioning of a avoidance behaviors; uncertainty reduction
public agency is explainable by the behavior processes; problem solving as solutions seek-
model of the single bureaucrat. Economic ing and finding initiators; and organizational
utilitarianism implies that conducts of indi- learning dynamics through former experi-
viduals are basically driven by their own ence and rules of attention allocation.
selfish interest. Functionalist approaches In fact, public organizations function like
adopt Darwinian views: historical evolution political arenas. Power issues and power
selects the organizational forms that fit the games model their functioning and their
environmental requirements and kills those policies. Collective goals do not necessarily
that do not. An instrumental perspective exist that would provide common references
claims that the core role political life fulfills subsuming individual goals or particularistic
is to allocate scarce resources and that it is preferences. Therefore, institutional devices
therefore legitimate to rationalize the criteria are needed in order to channel opportunistic
of choice governments and budgets use. behaviors and ensure some collective stability.
The founders of new institutionalism sug- Two basic socialization mechanisms make
gest alternative ideas or hypotheses to such behaviors more predictable, provided that
perspectives. They question how far organized they channel the potential risk factor human
action can be planned as the product of design behaviors represent. One mechanism is
or authoritarian will, and to what degree some induced by organizational routines and by
public order is achievable in pluralistic socie- the presence of pre-existing institutions. As
ties. Public institutions may experience a underlined by organizational sciences, actors
large degree of autonomy and follow logics of select their conducts according to a logic
their own, independent of outside influences of appropriateness or conformism (March
or requirements. The historical process hap- and Olsen, 1989). The implication is that
pens to select organizational forms that are routines or legacies from the past are power-
not always efficient. Symbols, myths and ful sources of integration, and create risk-
rituals have more impact upon political and adverse conditions for collective action. A
administrative events than immediate, narrow second mechanism is generated by cognitive
and selfish economic or power interests. patterns and values that are diffused along
In other terms, the logic of consequential- institutionalization processes. Action mobi-
ity is an illusion. Action in organizations is lizes cultural elements used as frameworks
not to any great extent instrumentally ori- by the various stakeholders. Actors fulfill
ented, and only bounded rationality is avail- identities by following rules that they imag-
able. Public administrators make decisions ine as appropriate to the situation they face
according to some criterion of satisficing. and are involved in.
They make tradeoffs between the content of New institutionalism suggests a theory of
the problem they address and the level of learning in ambiguous environments. It pre-
uncertainty they face in real time. dicts and explains how and why in a specific

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action context individuals and organizations try is irrelevant. Public administration organiza-
to reach some degree of understanding of the tions cannot be controlled and changed
context they face (March and Olsen, 1975). It through pure thought based on a so-called
analyzes why each of them allocates atten- abstract rationality. It is easy to initiate
tion, or not, to a particular subject at a given administrative reforms, but few are comple-
time, and studies how information is collected ted (Brunsson and Olsen, 1993). Reformers
and exploited (March and Olsen, 1976). are prisoners of walls that are to a large
This platform gave birth in 1988 to a extent mental.
research consortium involving American and Reforms generate more reforms and induce
Scandinavian scholars. More than 30 field fewer changes and become routinized.
studies were conducted on public sector Organizational forgetfulness allows accelera-
organizations, especially in Sweden and tion of reforms and helps people accept
Norway (Christensen and Lægreid, 1998b). them. Top-down reforms should be avoided
Reforms of various kinds were observed, because their relationship with change out-
such as introducing corporate strategic plan- comes is problematic. They paradoxically
ning in the relationships between the national contribute to stability and prevent change
government and state agencies, running a from occurring.
public rail company in a decentralized way While actual organizational changes are
and with a strong market orientation, or not generated by planned or comprehen-
introducing a three-year budgeting method- sive reform, observation suggests that they
ology into national government administra- are abundant. Public administrations as such
tion and setting up active and participative are not innovation-adverse, but may follow a
county councils (Brunsson and Olsen, 1997). sequence of transformations reflecting out-
Social scientists retained interest in phenom- side factors such as labor market dynamics or
ena such as national administrative reform inside initiatives informally taken by low-
policy (Christensen and Lægreid, 1998a), ranking units. Major changes take place
complex public building projects (Sahlin- without much prior thought and discussion.
Andersson, 1998), decentralization policies It is also easier to generate them when
in municipalities (Czarniawska and Jørges, reforms are undertaken in non-controversial
1998), constitutive reforms of the European areas. Hotly debated issues are not subjected
Union (Blichner and Sangolt, 1998), muni- to any great change.
cipal accounting reforms (Bergeværn Normative institutionalism suggests two
et al., 1998) or central government officials main prescriptions for public administration
(Egeberg and Sætren, 1999). changes to occur. There should be a match
In this view, public management is the between rules, identities and situations: suc-
consequence of human activities, not the cessful reforms are culturally sensitive. And
result of applied techniques. Contrary to local contexts matter, because they are
what most New Public Management support- diverse: importing so-called good practices,
ers advocate, leaders are not in full control, mere imitation, is questionable in terms of
organizations are not passive, and policy effectiveness and in terms of legitimacy.
choices are not consensual. Actual adminis-
trative reforms, whether successful or not,
are characterized by a low degree of simplic-
ity and clarity. Normativity, which should INSTITUTIONS AS CO-CONSTRUCTED
bring order into chaotic reality, is somewhat LOCAL ORDERS
lacking. No one-sidedness allows a single
set of values to be accepted as legitimate. Are institutional theories able to provide a
Many promises are made about the future. general theory? So-called critical theories,
Nevertheless, the instant production of results for instance, use approaches inspired by

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sociological and historical institutionalisms the case with the school of sociologie des
as substitutes for neo-Marxist interpretations organisations. It considers institutional phe-
of globalization, as if global or macro factors nomena as both independent and dependent
at work at societal levels would determine variables, as resources, constraints or stakes
any kind of meso or local evolution, includ- for the actors involved. Bureaucratic change
ing in public administration. Skepticism also processes are used as heuristic entry points.
abounds about the capacity of new institu- While it is true that bureaucracies are
tionalism to give a grounded analysis of the modeled by societal factors such as the edu-
actual functions and latent roles public cation system, national culture patterns or
bureaucracies fulfill in modern societies and social stratification (Crozier, 1963), that a
polities. few corps of public servants trained in exclu-
Revisiting the institutional character of sive schools such as the ENA and the Ecole
public administration, some alternative Polytechnique control the public agenda of
schools of thought, in particular in Europe, a whole country (Suleiman, 1978) or that
mix organizational theory inputs with more they shape in a monopolistic way major
action-oriented lenses inspired by research policies they also implement themselves
practices applied to policy making. (Thoenig, 1987), empirical research suggests
For instance, a research program called that, below the surface, the functioning of
actor-centered institutionalism was devel- public bureaucracies may differ quite mark-
oped in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s by edly. Local orders exist which create hetero-
a sociologist of an organization who had geneities in space. In a nation-state such as
studied policy implementation processes, and France, whose founding values incorporate
who was joined by a political scientist inter- the ideals of unity and equality, and where
ested in game theory (Mayntz and Scharpf, enforcement is centralized in an authoritarian
1995). In their opinion, institutional factors manner, public institutions are not alike and
are not as such direct causes of public prac- their bureaucracies function in a centrifugal
tices and norms. They provide negotiation manner, inducing highly differentiated out-
arenas and interaction resources between comes across the territory and society.
corporative actors, whether public or private. Local orders matter in administration.
Various action and actor constellations exist Mutual socialization occurs, such a process
in real life to handle collective issues, as of cooptation having already been explored
numerous studies on the European Union and by Selznick in his study of the Tennessee
Germany underline (Mayntz et al., 1988), Valley Authority (TVA). State prefects think
demonstrating that more importance should and act like advocates of the interests of their
be given to collective action and political respective geographic and social jurisdiction.
bargaining contexts at meso levels. Mayors behave as brokers between the state
French scholars addressed the question of and their constituents. Local agencies of the
how far local orders really matter, not only at national ministries are strongly embedded in
an international or at a national level but also subnational communities. They get legiti-
at the level of specific organizations or local macy from their environment, especially
components. Are institutions as global para- from local elected politicians. It becomes a
digms able to impose recurrently a similar set resource they use to increase their autonomy
of values and action processes across socie- in relationship with their headquarters in
ties? Sociologists and political scientists Paris. Informal and stable relation patterns
were influenced by policy analysis inquiry as link state agencies to specific environments
developed on both sides of the Atlantic. The such as local political and economic leaders
idea that public institutions may have a thick- (Crozier and Thoenig, 1976).
ness of their own inside societies and polities Public governance all across France is
became common sense quite early. Such is structured and handled by a political and

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administrative system that is very different Public administrations also experiences

from the hierarchical model and which dramatic changes. Central state agencies no
ignores formal division of power between longer play a dominant role, governing
national and local authorities. The machinery national as well as local public affairs through
of the central state looks like a fragmented the allocation of subsidies and the elabora-
organizational fabric: its various subparts tion of technical rules. A different political
cooperate less than each of them cooperates and administrative system emerging since
with local environment leaders (Hayward the decentralization launched in the early
and Wright, 2002). Such cross-regulation 1980s resulted in massive transfers from the
practices develop between partners who oth- central state to regional and local authorities
erwise perceive each other as antagonistic. (Thoenig, 2005). New private, associative or
They give birth and legitimacy to implicit public players, such as the European Com-
rules of exchange and to stable interest coali- mission, get a role in policy making. Public
tions with tacit arrangements set during the issues coincide less and less with the way
implementation of national policies. Rigid subnational territories are subdivided and
rules decided in Paris are balanced by flexi- administrative jurisdictions defined. Collec-
ble arrangements negotiated locally. A sec- tive problems are horizontal and provide
ondary norm of implementation, which varies uncertain solutions. Cross-regulation gives
according to time and space and which is poor results when the challenge is to identify
perceived as legitimate, prevails over formal the nature of collective problems and to set
conformism and of equality of treatment. public agendas. State agencies adopt another
State agencies generate exceptions and dero- political integration approach: constitutive
gations become local norms. Local polities policies. New institutional frameworks coor-
and politics are shaped in two ways. dinate the views and mindsets of multiple
Bureaucratic ways of doing things more partners, make them speak a common lan-
broadly model the cognitions and the expec- guage and share a common perception about
tations of social groups. what to do, how, when and for whom. Facing
Public institutions are just one partner a polity that is fragmented, active and non-
among many who intervene in public affairs. consensual, a weakened state uses tools such
This clearly is the case for regulative policies as institutionalization and institutional design.
applied by the state machinery to freight Interdependent phenomena are interpreted
transportation (Dupuy and Thoenig, 1979) or as results of strategic behaviors of actors
to agricultural affairs (Jobert and Müller, operating in power settings. Social regulation –
1988). Each policy domain has a specific how different actors establish normative
system of organized action and functions arrangements and make their respective
according to its own logic. Even when some logics of action compatible – is key to empir-
ministry in Paris or some regional public ical analysis.
body may play a hegemonic role, its acts and While new institutionalism perspectives
non-acts remain dependent on the presence favor a vision of democratic order in which
of other public agencies, firms or voluntary responsibility is a consequence of the institu-
associations. Policy outcomes are highly tion of the individual, citizens are free, equal
dependent on initiatives taken by firms or on and discipline-oriented agents, and govern-
attention allocated by groups of citizens. ance is enlightened and rule-constrained
At least four different types of functioning (Olsen, 1998), their continental colleagues
seem to coexist in the French public sphere are more pessimistic. They adopt a rather
at large: inward-oriented bureaucracies; cynical or Machiavellian vision of politics.
environment-sensitive institutions; outward- Public institutions are political devices. The
driven organizations; and inter-organizational essence of politics is power, and individuals
systems (Thoenig, 1996). behave in an opportunistic way.

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Public institutions are action-oriented offer exciting arenas for academic debates as
systems. As specific social arrangements, well as also providing pragmatic or architec-
they are fragile constructs because they are tonic principles.
the non-intended outcomes of permanent The agenda is far from having reached
collective tinkering. Discontinuities in time maturity. Major issues still have to be veri-
characterize the essence of public adminis- fied and debated. Some empirical phenom-
tration and of societal order. The state is ena are still open to further research. This is
more collective and pluralistic: public insti- clearly the case, for instance, for interna-
tutions have no monopoly on public prob- tional organizations (Schemeil, 2011) and for
lems and their government. Public affairs are supranational polities (March and Olsen,
co-constructed. 1998; Olsen, 2010). Methodological progress
Public organizations should also be con- is still required: for instance, a less allusive
sidered as local social orders, as meso or set of evidence to trace relationships between
intermediary social configurations, which are cognitions and actions, or an in-depth under-
neither passive nor intentional, but are con- standing of the collateral effects generated
stantly reconstructed in terms of social norms by administrative reforms. Reconciling per-
and of membership. For instance, the emer- formance requirements with political support
gence of international standards used as by public opinion, making production of
benchmarks for the production of goods is regulations and norms compatible with dem-
argued to be a form of control as important as ocratic pluralism, remain in unstable and
hierarchies and markets. People and organi- fragmented worlds’ perspectives that institu-
zations all over the world seem to follow the tional theories have still to consider.
same standards (Brunsson and Jacobsson,
2000). For instance, public institutions oper-
ating in higher education and research and
facing the challenge of international rankings REFERENCES
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Formal Theory and Public
Jack H. Knott and Thomas H. Hammond

Formal theory involves the use of mathematics to capture some of the complexity and yet
to develop theories of individuals, groups, still allow the theory’s implications to be
organizations and public institutions, and this rigorously explored, and thereby made
chapter reviews the application of formal amenable to empirical test.
theory to public administration. Formalization Over the past three decades, applications
can help us in a variety of ways to develop, of formal theory to public administration
explore and test theories of public adminis- have proliferated, and it is impossible to
tration (Hammond, 1996). First, formaliza- review all the contributions. Hence, in this
tion forces us to be as explicit as possible chapter we can only touch on a few of the
about the basic assumptions of our theories. contributions that formal theory has made.
Second, with our initial assumptions made For example, scholars have used it to explain
explicit and expressed in some kind of sym- the existence of public agencies, which
bolic notation, the rules of mathematics, such may be formed to address inefficiencies in
as calculus, geometry or probability theory, voluntary market exchanges. Formal theory
can then be used to deduce the implications demonstrates that public agencies do not
of the assumptions. Third, formalization of necessarily solve these market failures, and
a theory can help improve the quality of that individually rational choices by agency
empirical tests since our formal theory gives employees do not necessarily produce
us a clearer idea of precisely what should be rational policies for the agency as a whole.
tested and how to test it. Fourth, the greater Clarifying the nature of these individual
capacity for formal theories to be empirically versus agency tensions helps explain the
falsified, due to their greater explicitness, dysfunctional group dynamics identified in
makes theoretical improvement more possi- earlier sociological and psychological stud-
ble. Finally, for studies of especially complex ies of organizational behavior. The emphasis
problems only a formal representation, espe- in formal theory on individual preferences
cially via computer simulation, may be able and institutional structures has improved

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our understanding of how agency structure requiring multiple transactions among

affects agency policy. Additionally, formal independent suppliers, owners, labor and
theory helps explain why it is difficult to experts. Economic agents must bear the costs
simultaneously pursue such desirable admin- of gathering and evaluating information
istrative values as accountability, efficiency on their production processes, and must pay
and decentralization. Moreover, formal the costs of negotiating a contract for each
theory has contributed to our knowledge of market transaction. Self-interested rational
how legislators and executives can gain some agents will want to minimize these costs.
control over agencies via the use of adminis- Coase’s insight was that when market trans-
trative procedures and other controls. But actions entail these kinds of costs, central
formal theory also shows us how agencies authority can more efficiently coordinate
can take advantage of asymmetric informa- production processes. This authority substi-
tion and multiple principals to gain autonomy tuted for the myriad of negotiated contracts
from their would-be overseers. in the market.
Formal theory is also well-suited to explain Coase’s work provided an important intel-
the changes in contemporary social, eco- lectual foundation for subsequent economic
nomic, and political life. Government is analyses of market failures. It also stimulated
increasingly delivered through complex net- economists to examine whether government
worked relationships and formal and infor- and public agencies could cope with these
mal contracts. Formal models can help us failures (Wolf, 1975).
examine these complex information acquisi-
tion, monitoring and compliance imperatives
of contemporary governance institutions.
Market failures and public goods
Several different aspects of production and
exchange can lead to inefficient outcomes.
WHY DO PUBLIC AGENCIES EXIST? One kind of inefficient outcome stems from
transaction costs. If each street in a city were
Economists were the original developers of privately owned, travelers would need to pay
formal, mathematical theories in the social a toll at each intersection. One solution to
sciences, and in neo-classical economics this problem is for the government to own
the baseline model of social interactions has the streets. Such centralized authority would
long been the competitive market. Hence, eliminate the transaction costs involved in
a key question asked by economists was traveling across town.
this: Why aren’t all choices made through A second kind of market failure occurs
market exchanges? Several answers have when transactions impose external effects on
been provided. third parties. Producers and consumers gen-
erally do not take such ‘negative externali-
ties’ into account when engaging in market
Transaction costs exchanges. In judging the overall efficiency
of market exchanges, the benefits of market
One early answer was provided by Coase exchanges are reduced by the costs imposed
(1937), who wanted to explain why eco- on third parties. In effect, then, since the
nomic agents sometimes organize themselves costs to the producers and consumers are less
into hierarchically structured firms. His than the overall costs, this means that the
explanation is that under certain conditions goods involved are overproduced.
hierarchy is more efficient than voluntary A third kind of market failure involves the
market exchange. The reason stems from the underprovision of public goods. A defense
costs associated with production processes establishment provides everyone in a country,

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not just the taxpayers, with national security. Governments often regulate these kinds of
Other public goods include clean air, clean transactions through occupational licensing,
water and public broadcasting. Citizens certification and product quality standards.
have an incentive not to pay for such a good In sum, the formal literature describes
since they can consume it even if they do not conditions under which markets fail to oper-
pay for it. Since those producing the public ate efficiently. While failures do not neces-
goods are not fully compensated for their sarily explain the existence of public agencies,
production, the goods are underproduced. citizens often ask governments to create
As a result, governments are often asked to public agencies to perform the necessary
provide these public goods. tasks. Whether public agencies can perform
A fourth kind of market failure occurs these tasks more efficiently than private firms
when consumption of a common resource is a question that will be discussed next.
affects others who use the resource. This
social dilemma, known as the ‘tragedy of the
commons’, derives from the example given
by Hardin (1968) of a village with a common INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION
green for grazing cattle. Each herdsman has
an incentive to graze as many cattle as pos- What does formal theory have to say about
sible, but over time the grass on the green is supervision, control, coordination, motivation,
ruined, hurting all the herdsmen. To avoid organizational structure and communication
this kind of dilemma, governments often in private firms and public agencies? We will
establish public agencies to regulate use of consider three problems: team production,
the commons (Ostrom, 1999). principal–agent theory and organizational
A fifth kind of market failure occurs structure.
when one firm monopolizes an industry. In
such a situation, the monopolist can engage
in predatory pricing or other practices to pre-
Team production
vent competitors from entering the market.
Because the monopolist can raise prices Alchian and Demsetz (1972) argue that con-
to increase profits, this reduces the amount tractual arrangements within a firm may be
of the good that would otherwise be con- more efficient than those occurring just
sumed, thereby causing market inefficiency. within the market. When employees work
Government regulation of monopoly produc- together as a team, they can produce more
tion offers the possibility of avoiding under- than when they work separately. This gain
production and overpricing of the good. from cooperation gives them an incentive to
Finally, information asymmetries in trans- coordinate their activities. A central task
actions can also lead to market failure of public and private management, therefore,
(Greenwald and Stiglitz, 1986). Because is to help organizations achieve the benefits
consumers often have limited information of team production (Knott, 1993).
when making a purchase, they will not know One resulting problem, though, is how to
whether the price charged for a product allocate any surplus produced by team pro-
reflects the product’s true value to them. duction (Miller, 1992). Team production
Hence, sellers can take advantage of the con- often involves tasks that are interdependent,
sumers’ ignorance by overcharging for the which means that assessing the marginal
quality of the product sold. This problem contribution of each team member is diffi-
occurs in the purchase of expert services, cult. If information about individual con-
such as medical care, but can occur even tributions is unavailable, the allocation of
in simpler markets as well, such as the the surplus cannot be based on these contri-
market for used cars (Akerlof, 1970). butions. Instead, some other allocation rule

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must be used. The resulting rules for surplus principal are, first, to identify agents who are
allocation, such as equal sharing or seniority, most likely to have the skills to achieve the
often produce inefficiency because each principal’s goals; second, to induce agents to
member then has an incentive to ‘free ride’ sign a contract with incentives such that the
on others’ work. agents find it in their self-interest to pursue
To produce efficient outcomes the indi- the principal’s goals; and third, to monitor
viduals may thus have to act in ways that the agents’ behavior in carrying out the con-
are contrary to their short-term individual tract. Each task involves asymmetric infor-
self-interest. Game theory helps us think mation and conflicts of interest among the
about this problem. A game is a social inter- contracting parties (Moe, 1984: 754), both of
action in which at least two players have at which give the contracting parties incentives
least two options for choice, and in which the to hide their information and actions from
players’ choices of one action or another each other (Arrow, 1974).
produce benefits or costs for the players The concepts of ‘adverse selection’ and
(Miller, 1992: 21). The Prisoner’s Dilemma ‘moral hazard’ aid the understanding of
(PD) game in particular is at the heart of the hidden action and hidden information.
problem of team production. The dominant Adverse selection is a major concern in
strategy in a PD game is for each team hiring. Since the employer cannot directly
member not to cooperate with coworkers. observe the skills, values and work habits of
The resulting outcome, know as a Nash equi- applicants, she must rely on indicators such
librium, comprises a set of choices in which as education or letters of reference. Of neces-
no player can make himself better off by sity, these indicators reflect others’ estimates
choosing some other option. of how the applicant will perform on the job
However, in a PD this Nash equilibrium is and are frequently unreliable. If the indica-
Pareto suboptimal: an alternative outcome tors overstate the applicant’s value to the
is possible in which one or more players is organization, the employer may unwittingly
better off and no one is worse off. But the hire less qualified applicants.
two players can only avoid a Pareto subopti- Moral hazard occurs after an applicant is
mal outcome if they are able to coordinate hired. An employer who cannot costlessly
their choices, and it is often thought that the monitor the employee’s job performance
creation of hierarchy will help solve social may have to use indirect, and often unrelia-
dilemmas like the PD: managers should ble, measures of performance. Employees
impose an incentive system and monitor the thus have an incentive to perform well on
resulting behavior so as to induce individuals these proxy measures rather than on the
to coordinate their activities in ways that actual goals of the organization; this is
produce group efficiency. This function for what Merton (1940) called ‘goal displace-
management is consistent with early work on ment’. Employees also have an incentive to
organizational behavior (Barnard, 1938); so shirk whenever their behavior is not fully
it is to the study of incentive systems that we observable.
now turn our attention. Thus, the social dilemmas that provide
the rationale for hierarchy also plague
the operation of the hierarchy once it is
Principal–agent theory created. Moreover, incentive systems that
induce employees to behave in ways that
The relation between superiors and subordi- maximize team efficiency may lead to lower
nates in team production can be generalized payments to the managers, and for this
to include principals who contract for serv- reason the managers may not implement
ices and agents who carry out the services efficiency-enhancing incentive systems
(Bendor, 1988). The primary tasks for the (Miller and Hammond, 1994). In other words,

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hierarchies appear to suffer from the same preferences but are distant from the boss, the
conflict between individual self-interest staff will transmit less information to the
and organizational efficiency that occurs in boss. The reason is that the more information
markets plagued by externalities and the the staff gives the boss, the less the boss will
underproduction of public goods (Holmstrom, delegate to the line. If the line and staff are
1982; Miller, 1992). close, the staff prefers more rather than less
A key problem in any hierarchy involves delegation. Hence, the staff will not transmit
the strategic misrepresentation of informa- as much information.
tion by both principals and agents. In effect, Information provision and authority dele-
actors often find themselves in a game gation often occur in repeated sequences
where revealing the truth about their beliefs over time. For example, if the subordinate
and preferences may give others an advan- cheats by shirking, the boss might retaliate
tage. There are at least two different kinds by more tightly controlling the subordinate’s
of models which have been developed to behavior in the next period. Or if the boss
explain the strategic use of information. cheats by grabbing credit, the subordinate
Signaling models focus on the transfer of might retaliate by shirking in the next period.
information between the agents and the prin- These actions might be individually rational
cipal prior to any action by the principal. In for each player but produce Pareto subopti-
signaling models the principal can modify mal outcomes.
her beliefs about the effect of a policy, based Axelrod (1984) has shown that a Tit-
on the information received from the agents, for-Tat (TFT) strategy in these repeated
and then take action accordingly. But the games can lead to a cooperative outcome in
agents are assumed to not necessarily reveal the long term if the future is important to
to the principal their true beliefs and prefer- both players. In a TFT strategy, both the boss
ences or to convey information in an honest and the subordinate would cooperate (dele-
and complete fashion. One important impli- gate, work) in the first period. In further
cation is that principals will receive better periods, the subordinate would cooperate if
information if the agents have heterogeneous the boss delegated and would shirk if the
preferences (Gilligan and Krehbiel, 1989). boss controlled. The boss would delegate
This result supports the public administration only if the subordinate worked, and control if
literature on redundancy in which principals the subordinate shirked. Axelrod shows that
having multiple heterogeneous agents can cooperation is possible in repeated games of
gain more reliable information (Bendor, this kind, though it is not guaranteed.
1985; Heimann, 1997; Landau, 1969).
Models of delegation (Bendor and Implications for public management
Meirowitz, 2004; Bendor et al., 2001) also The fact that public agencies are established
inform the creation and functioning of hierar- to deal with market failures, but are them-
chies. For example, Epstein and O’Halloran selves subject to many of the social dilem-
(1999) analyze the behavior of a boss who mas that characterize market competition,
first receives a report from a subordinate and, highlights the challenge facing public offi-
then, based on the information in the report, cials. Several leadership strategies may help
chooses whether to delegate authority for to establish cooperative solutions to the
implementation to another agent. Their model agencies’ own social dilemmas.
provides insight into conflict between execu- While managers and employees may each
tive staff and a line agency. The more the be tempted to engage in self-interested behav-
staff shares preferences with the boss, the ior, if one side does behave in a trustworthy,
less likely is the boss to delegate authority to committed, and cooperative way, it makes
the line agency. The authors also find that if it easier for the other side to behave in that
the line and staff in an agency have similar way as well (Miller, 1992). For example, a

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credible commitment by management to This logic of preference aggregation in

a cooperative solution signals to employees different organizational structures applies to
that they may act efficiently and communi- other processes within an organization. At
cate truthfully without negative repercus- the most general level, hierarchy groups
sions. Recall that Barnard (1938) emphasized activities, information and people into cate-
the ‘moral example’ that managers should gories that are then subdivided into subcate-
give to employees, and experiments gories and sub-subcategories (Hammond,
with TFT strategies in repeated Prisoner’s 1993). Different groupings may classify
Dilemma games (Axelrod, 1984) further information differently, and thus decision
show the potential for cooperation from this makers may learn different things from the
kind of behavior. aggregated information presented to them.
The popular management literature empha- How information is categorized and grouped
sizes the importance of the motivations of may thus affect what the agency learns from
employees and the internalization of norms its environment.
of cooperation among the members of the
team (Bertelli and Lynn, 2003; Brehm Incompatible design criteria
and Gates, 1997). Team-building exercises, The public administration literature identifies
shared company myths, organizational several different values which organizations
missions and professional norms may help may be designed to achieve. For example,
internalize cooperative behavior by manag- Kaufman (1956) focuses on neutral compe-
ers and employees. For public agencies, tence, representativeness and executive lead-
professional core values (Knott and Miller, ership. Hammond and Miller (1985)
1987) can play an especially important role demonstrate how a paradox identified by Sen
by creating beliefs and expectations about (1970) can illuminate conflicts among vari-
proper behavior (Brehm and Gates, 1993). ous kinds of organizational values. Sen’s
theorem calls our attention to four desirable
organizational principles, but his theorem
Organizational structure also shows that while designs can be found
which satisfy three of the principles, no
Governments periodically restructure their organizational design can be guaranteed to
executive departments. These changes often satisfy all four.
group formerly separate agencies together or For example, decentralized organizations
separate formerly integrated departments may produce Pareto suboptimal decisions
into smaller agencies (Arnold, 1998; Gulick, (because different division heads do not find
1937; Knott and Miller, 1987). Do these it in their interest to cooperate with each
organizational changes in a hierarchy affect other), or exhibit preference cycles (because
the policies chosen by the agencies? an agency cannot settle on a final choice but
Formal theory is concerned with how indi- continuously revisits previously rejected
vidual preferences interact with institutional options).
rules to produce policy choices, and Other organizational designs may avoid
Hammond (1986: 159–61) shows how organ- inefficiency and preference cycles but at the
izing an agency by geography can produce cost of imposing restrictions on the views
different policy choices than organizing by and beliefs of employees. For example,
function; two different structures populated Herbert Kaufman (1960) showed how recruit-
by individuals with the same preferences can ment and socialization processes and admin-
thus produce two different policy choices. istrative procedures in the Forest Service
Indeed, it may be impossible to design a hier- created common norms, beliefs and behav-
archy that does not affect policy choices iors. Such uniformity of belief has some
(Hammond and Thomas, 1989). advantages in a stable environment, but may

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leave the agency unable to adapt to a chang- legislature is able to dominate the bureauc-
ing environment. racy (Banks and Weingast, 1992; Lupia and
Yet another kind of organizational design – McCubbins, 1994; McCubbins and Schwartz,
the imposition of centralized management – 1984; McCubbins, Noll and Weingast, 1987;
avoids Pareto suboptimality, preference Weingast and Moran, 1983; though, see Moe,
cycles and the uniformity of belief, but the 1987). Huber and Shipan (2002) have further
literature on organizational theory and man- enriched this literature by exploring when,
agement (Miller, 1992) also emphasizes the why, and how politicians choose to delegate
hazards of dictatorial management. policy decision making to agencies through
The lesson of Sen’s theorem is that organ- the crafting of statutes.
izational design consists of choosing which Legislators can be seen as principals who
three organizational pathologies one will have public managers as their agents, and
avoid and which fourth pathology will simply this perspective has generated insights into
be endured. legislative–agency relationships. Consider
the influence of the bureaucracy over public
budgeting. Niskanen (1971, 1975) argued
that public managers have a monopoly over
EXTERNAL RELATIONS information on the supply side of the budget,
which he defined as the amount of spending
One of the unique features of public admin- required to carry out agency programs. He
istration is the number and variety of institu- also argued that public managers know the
tions which influence the policy-making demand side of the budget, which he defined
process. A government agency head must as the preferences of legislators for spending
interact with legislative committees, the chief on government programs. Public managers,
executive, cabinet departments, the courts, he suggested, are able to use this information
interest groups, contractors, regional offices to propose budget options in the budget proc-
and state and local governments (Wilson, ess. The legislature finds itself in a weak
1989). Since these institutions possess legal position to evaluate these options because it
authority or political influence over the has little information about the ‘true supply’
agency’s activities, dealing with the external requirements of the budget; hence, the legis-
environment is a critical dimension of public lature is forced to simply accept or reject (but
administration and public management not modify) public agency budget proposals.
(Bozeman and Straussman, 1990). A number The public managers’ monopoly over budget
of formal approaches to this critical aspect of information gives them agenda control in the
public administration have been developed. budget process. For an empirical example,
see Romer and Rosenthal (1978).
However, since legislators have authority
Relations with the legislature to pass statutes and otherwise oversee the
and the chief executive agencies, legislators possess several means
for structuring these relations, which can
An important debate in public administration help prevent the agency from exercising
focuses on whether government agencies agenda control. For example, legislators can
exercise independent influence over policy. require the reporting of information that
One scholarly tradition argues that bureauc- reveals agency supply and so they can moni-
racy dominates policy making through tor agency behavior in ways not foreseen by
expertise, secret information and control the Niskanen models. These revised models
over implementation (Behn, 1991; Doig and (Bendor et al., 1987; Miller and Moe, 1983)
Hargrove, 1987; Lewis, 1980; see also Caro, tell a very different story of who controls the
1975). A contrary literature suggests that the budgetary process.

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The different means by which legislators practices and opportunities to exercise dis-
can structure these legislative−agency rela- cretion are critical to ensuring bureaucratic
tionships have received considerable atten- capacity. Bertelli (2012) introduces the con-
tion. Two broad classes of tools have been cept of strategic capacity building. He argues
identified as useful in controlling public that agencies shape the policy agenda by
agencies (though, see Hill and Brazier, acquiring expertise in particular areas of
1991). interest. Strategic capacity building has
First, ex ante controls are imposed prior to important implications for public manage-
program design to influence policy choice ment in which a diverse set of organizations
and implementation. Some of these controls within and beyond the confines of the tradi-
involve hearings, information gathering and tional state serve public functions.
‘burden of proof’ requirements, and other
controls involve administrative procedures
that ‘stack the deck’ in agency decision Multiple principals: political
making by giving some groups the legal right equilibria and agency autonomy
to be involved in selecting and reviewing
agency actions (Fiorina, 1982; McCubbins, Principal–agent theory, however, has gener-
1985; McCubbins et al., 1987, 1989). ally overlooked the impact of multiple
Second, ex post controls are imposed on principals on the autonomy of public manag-
an agency after the agency has actually ers. As it turns out, though, the fact that
implemented a program. The controls are multiple institutions may oversee an agency
centered on budget and statutory actions to has substantial implications for agency
reward or punish agencies for positive or autonomy.
negative performance (Calvert et al., 1987; Consider some ‘decisive coalition’, which
McCubbins and Schwartz, 1984; Weingast consists of the actors (for example, the mem-
and Moran, 1983). bers of the legislative body and any inde-
A related area of research focuses on pendent chief executive) who collectively
the politics of agency design, institutional have the authority to overturn agency poli-
structure, and the appointment of agency cies and impose their own. A policy is in
leaders. Lewis (2004) looks at the question equilibrium if there exists no decisive coali-
of Congressional strategies to insulate the tion which can replace the current policy
agency from future political influences and with a new one. Define the ‘core’ as the set of
the impact on the subsequent bureaucratic equilibrium policies. Two factors determine
policy outputs of the agency. He concludes the size of the core. The first factor is the
that Congress takes into account preference number of veto points in the policy-making
divergence of the President and the risk system (Tsebelis, 1995); a veto point is some
of future meddling in agency design. Over institution with the authority to reject a pro-
time, insulated agencies produce policies posal to change policy. An increase in the
better aligned with Congress that are more number of veto points can increase the size
durable. of the set of equilibrium policies. The second
Formal theories have also focused on factor determining the size of the core is the
questions of bureaucratic expertise and extent of preference heterogeneity among the
civil servant competence. Stephenson (2007) veto points. If the members of the institu-
posits that the acquisition of expertise by tional veto points hold similar preferences,
the bureaucracy is maximized when a par- then preference heterogeneity is small, and a
ticular agency is faced with uncertainty about small core is the result. In contrast, if prefer-
the preferred course of action. Gailmard and ence heterogeneity among the veto points is
Patty (2007) develop a formal model that large, then a large core results. Illustrations
demonstrates that both effective personnel of political equilibria in a policy-making

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system are shown in Calvert et al. (1989), Interest groups

Ferejohn and Shipan (1990), Hammond and
The contributions of formal theory to an
Knott (1996), Hammond and Miller (1987),
understanding of the role of interest groups
Knott and Hammond (2000) and Krehbiel
in public administration stem from Olson
(1965); see also Moe (1988). Olson argued
Note that as long as the agency considers
that the dispersion of interests across the
only policies that are in the core, the
country gives any one interest little incentive
agency can change from policy to policy
to lobby the government, but he also devel-
without fear that any new choice will be
oped a theory to explain how some groups
upset by some decisive coalition. It follows
overcome this collective action problem. If
that the larger the core, the greater the
the number of entities affected by a govern-
autonomy for the agency: the agency can
ment policy is small and if their impact is
consider a larger number of policies which
large enough, they will be motivated to work
are safe from upset by a decisive coalition.
together to change government policy.
However, political equilibrium analysis
Olson’s theory helps explain special inter-
suggests that for the public manager there
est policies like cheap bulk mail rates,
may be tradeoffs between autonomy, policy
milk price supports and sugar subsidies
satisfaction and involvement in intense
(Knott and Miller, 1987). Moreover, associa-
conflicts over policy (Knott and Hammond,
tions of citizens concerned about a policy
will not be able to gain enough members
Political equilibrium analysis also has
because of the free-rider problem. However,
implications for strategies that public manag-
if these associations provide ‘selective bene-
ers might use to achieve their ideal policy.
fits’ to potential members, such as life insur-
One strategy is persuasion. If a public man-
ance, magazines or travel packages, citizens
ager can persuade other actors to change
may contribute their money due to the value
what they consider to be ideal policies, the
of these selective benefits.
shape of the core may change enough so
that the manager’s ideal policy is now within
the core; this means she can safely adopt it.
Redefining the nature of the policy problem COSTS AND CRITICISMS OF
(via ‘agenda setting’ or ‘issue framing’ FORMAL THEORY
rhetorical techniques) may also change
the dimensions of the core, thus altering its The development of formal theories of public
shape. Consequently, understanding the administration, like any other research strat-
shape of the core and the relative strengths egy, has some costs (Hammond, 1996). What
of the actors’ policy preferences are critical are some of these costs?
aspects of how a manager should handle First, because the development of formal
the agency’s political environment (Knott theories is often difficult, their scope of
and Hammond, 1999). application is usually narrower than that of
Whitford (2005) demonstrates how informal theories. Unfortunately, there seems
attempts by multiple principals to steer to be a tradeoff between clarity and rigor, on
bureaucratic activity can damage the agency the one hand, and sensitivity to richness,
by causing delays in policy making due context and nuance, on the other.
to the endless negotiations among the politi- Second, formal theorizing requires that
cal actors. Krause (1999) shows how the particular technical skills be developed,
preferences of political principals and the involving various kinds of mathematics or
behaviors of bureaucratic agents interact computer languages. The time and effort
to produce outcomes ranging from bureau- required to learn these techniques is time that
cratic manipulation to political domination. cannot be spent on other research activities.

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Third, due to formal theory’s technical the production of informal theories would
languages, the audience for its results is ultimately reduce the quality and relevance
sometimes small. Nonetheless, it is possible of the formal theories as well. Thus, we
for formal theorists to do more than they would argue that formal and informal theo-
have to date to make their results accessible rizing about important problems in public
to a broader audience. administration, along with empirical testing,
Fourth, it is sometimes argued that formal rely on each other and improve each other.
theories have little connection to real-world Neglecting any one of them would only serve
politics. However, lack of interest in the to impoverish all of them.
real world is not an inevitable trait of formal
theorists. Indeed, most formal theorists
would agree that formal theorizing cannot
take place in an empirical vacuum, since they REFERENCES
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Environmental Perspectives
on Public Institutions
Karen M. Hult

If organization theory generally is ‘a kind environmental–organizational/institutional

of Switzerland of ideas’ (March, 1999: 43), relationships and about change.
conceptions of organizational and institu-
tional environments in public affairs are
similarly diverse: multi-dimensional, multi- Definitions
level, and dynamic.1 This chapter traces
some of this richness, directing attention Like organization theorists, many public
to views of environmental dynamics drawn affairs scholars have moved beyond examin-
from theories of contingency, resource ing general attributes of environments to
dependence, institutionalism, and more inte- probing more specific environmental con-
grated perspectives. Of interest is the appli- nections with organizations. Among the envi-
cability of such ideas to public organizations, ronmental dimensions scholars examine
policies and decision making, especially are environmental velocity (e.g., McCarthy
in the more volatile settings of the past et al., 2010) as well as munificence, com-
40 years. plexity, and dynamism (Andrews et al., 2011;
Castrogiovanni, 2002). Others explore
ideas as key environmental influences (e.g.,
Ferraro et al., 2005).
AN ANALYTICAL OVERVIEW Meanwhile, differentiating between ‘task’
and ‘institutional’ environments is common.
Exploring the relations between ‘environ- The former, introduced by Dill (1958),
ments’ and ‘public institutions’ raises numer- sees environments as sources of ‘resources
ous issues. Among those relevant here are and task-related information’ (Scott, 2008b:
the definitions of the two primary concepts, x; cf. Pollitt, 2006); such a conception
the levels of analysis at which they are encompasses other actors (collective and
examined and the assumptions made about individual) that affect the focal organization

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(Thompson, 1967: 28). Highlighting the conceptions of publicness are included

task environment typically directs attention (Stark, 2011). Empirical support exists for
to conditions of external uncertainty, com- both views (Bozeman and Moulton, 2011;
plexity, and dependence. Institutional envi- Rainey, 2009), although whether the distinc-
ronments have ‘rules and requirements tions affect performance remains to be sys-
to which individual organizations must tematically examined (Meier and O’Toole,
conform if they are to receive support and 2011). Even more important, partnerships,
legitimacy …’ (Scott and Meyer, 1983: 140). contracting, and other arrangements linking
Applied to public organizations, institutional governmental, for-profit, and non-profit
environment can refer to ‘policies and regu- actors underscore the empirical and the nor-
latory frameworks of higher levels of gov- mative significance of the two vantage points
ernment ... that influence organizational (e.g., Feldman, 2005; Garrow, 2011).
legitimacy’ (Boyne and Meier, 2009: 800). Views of the impact of sector may depend
Yet, distinguishing between the two ‘courts on the analysts’ field. Organization theorists
the danger of understating the extent to tend to see ‘public sector agencies more as
which technical/market arrangements are playing the role of catalyst and trigger to
themselves defined and constituted by institutionalization in other organizations
institutional processes’ (Scott, 2008a: 442). rather than as objects of institutional pres-
If treatment of the ‘environment’ is more sures’ (Frumkin and Galaskiewicz, 2004:
explicit, specific, and varied, the same cannot 284). In contrast, public affairs scholars
be said with assurance about ‘institution’. It probably are more likely to highlight such
routinely is used in numerous, sometimes influences as constraints on government
inconsistent ways – referring to any formal agencies, as discussion in the United States
organization, a particular type of organiza- about a shift to a ‘state of agents’ suggests
tion (Selznick, 1949), ‘governance or rules (Heinrich et al., 2010).
systems’ (in Scott, 2008b: 32) or ‘formal
structures and informal rules and procedures
that structure conduct’ (Thelen and Steinmo,
Levels of analysis
1992: 2).2 Here, discussion views institutions
as ‘multi-faceted, durable social structures’ Researchers have examined environments
that may resist change but give ‘meaning to across levels of analysis, ranging from the
social life’ (Scott, 2008b: 48). ‘ecological’ (Scott and Davis, 2007: 18,
Despite such analytical distinctions, many 115−20), organizational field, and population
maintain that boundaries within and among to the organizational, sub-organizational, and
organizations, institutions, and environments individual levels. Government organizations
are more permeable. Crozier (2010: 517) typically are the ‘targets’ for potential envi-
writes, ‘boundary questions arise as the ronmental influences, but other possible foci
system and the environment enter into include teams, interorganizational networks,
more fluid interactions where jurisdictions change processes, and policy outcomes.
and domain can become blurred’ (cf. Power, Thus, the ‘highly turbulent’ policy sphere
2007: 8). of Norwegian immigration policy involves
The final concept to be clarified is ‘“wicked issues” that straddle boundaries
‘public’. Again, variations in usage emerge. between different sectors and policy areas as
Perhaps most common is emphasizing formal well as between different administrative
governmental status. Alternatively, others levels in a multilevel system that ranges from
contend that ‘all organizations are public’, local governments to supranational bodies’
and explore the degree of ‘publicness’ (Christensen and Laegreid, 2008: 175).
(Bozeman, 1987, 2007). Below, both the Similar descriptions capture policy arenas
‘core legal’ (or sector) and the ‘dimensional’ from homeland security to protection of

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the physical environment to banking and environments as ‘enacted’ by those within

beyond. organizations, institutions, or organizational

Lastly, two key assumptions are critical. First ORGANIZATION THEORY AND
is whether organizations adapt or are selected ENVIRONMENTAL RELATIONS
by the environment. Adaptive views are more
common, although theories differ over the Despite some claims to the contrary (e.g.,
nature of the ‘fit’ they anticipate between Kelman, 2007), public affairs scholars and
environmental influence and organizational practitioners frequently look to organization
response; perspectives with consonance/ theory for guidance and insight. Yet, as
congruence assumptions expect closer helpful as those efforts can be, caution in
matches than do those that assume ‘equifi- application is warranted. Since Dwight Waldo
nality’.3 Approaches stressing adaptation (1961, 1978) compared organization theo-
typically focus at the organizational or organ- rists to the hapless blind folk grasping at an
izational set levels of analysis, while those elephant, the field has grown ever more
emphasizing selection often work at the diverse.5 More important, the tendency of
population level. organizational studies scholars to overlook
Second, and relatedly, theories differ in public sector organizations raises questions
their ‘locus of causality’ (Pfeffer, 1997: 5); about organization theory’s applicability to
concern pivots around the ‘drivers’ of organi- Public Affairs (PA).
zational change and activities. Many per-
spectives that emphasize adaptation tend to
pay considerable attention to influences such Contingency theories
as managerial skill and strategy or to internal
age and race distributions, concerns stressed Studies of diverse organizational arenas pro-
far less by those assuming stronger selection duce findings that appear well captured by
pressures. Indeed, Suddaby and his col- contingency perspectives (Durant, 1998;
leagues (2010: 1235) express concern about Pfeffer, 1997):6 that is, structuring, strategic
a ‘tendency to assume the reality of organiza- choice, performance, and other activities
tions and to invert their causal relationship and outcomes vary with the environments
with their institutional or social environ- in which organizational units, networks, or
ment’. In contrast, Perrow (2002: 8) worries other entities are embedded or that they
that organizations are ‘typically treated as help enact.
dependent variables,’ even though they can Contingency theorizing has a long history
‘give effect to and amplify,’ other societal in organization studies, tracing back to Burns
influences and ‘create power on their and Stalker (1961), Lawrence and Lorsch
own’. Increasingly, however, analysts stress (1967), and Woodward (1965). Flowing from
endogeneity, treating institutional and organ- the insight that organizations are ‘open sys-
izational influences as reciprocal and inter- tems’ (Katz and Kahn, 1966), contingency
twined instead of unidirectional (e.g., theorists explore the effects of various aspects
Andrews, 2008; Crozier, 2010; Koppenjan of environments on organizations. Usually,
and Klijn, 2004; Moynihan, 2008). Hallett elements in the task environment (such as the
and Ventresca (2006: 213) sketch an ‘inhab- levels of uncertainty, complexity or volatil-
ited institutions approach’, focusing on ‘local ity) receive attention (e.g., Boyne and Meier,
and extra-local embeddedness’ and meanings 2009; Pandey and Wright, 2006). Typically,
(cf. Binder, 2007). Moreover, many view too, attention focuses on the organization set,

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and the unit of analysis is the organization of structures emerge and stabilize to cope
or its subunits. with (perceived) goal and technical uncer-
Two influential research programs that tainty, controversy or consensus/certainty in
probe public organizational performance are particular decision settings. Testing these
grounded in contingency perspectives. First, expectations (Hult and Walcott, 2004; Walcott
Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill (2001) have intro- and Hult, 1995) by examining decision
duced ‘a logic of governance’, which they processes in the White House Office in the
and others have examined employing varying Hoover through the Carter presidencies,
orienting theories (e.g., Ingraham and Lynn, yielded general patterns of ‘congruence’.
2004). This logic views policy outcomes (O) In contrast, Boyne and Meier (2009) argue
as being functions of environmental, client/ that structural inertia theory, not contingency
constituent, task-based, structural, and mana- theory, better predicts organizational per-
gerial factors. Second, Meier and O’Toole formance. They explored the impact of struc-
(e.g., 2008, 2011) have theorized a model of tural choice when organizations respond to
public management. Here, the environment environmental turbulence, comparing organi-
appears both as a vector (X) of environmen- zations that maintained existing arrange-
tal forces (tapping resources and constraints) ments with those that ‘twisted’ to a different
and in managerial efforts to exploit the envi- structure, finding that ‘more hierarchical
ronment (M3) and to buffer the organization stable organizations were better able to cope
from external shocks (M4); organizational with environmental turbulence’ (2009: 803).
structure (S) and internal management (M1) At least in the shorter run, structural stability
activities are also included. The model of is an important buffer against potentially
policy performance in its simplest form is: disruptive environmental dynamics.
Scholars focusing on ‘high reliability
Ot = B1 (S + M1) Ot−1 + B2 (X/S) (M3/M4) organizations’ (such as air traffic control
systems and space shuttles) contend that
Applications of these two approaches have structuring and decision processes vary with
been numerous, varied, and partial (see, e.g., environmental demand. Under conditions
Ingraham and Lynn, 2004; O’Toole and of ‘low and moderate demand … when the
Meier, 2011). The logic of governance has task structure is complex and well known’,
mostly been explored in the social service authority is centralized and hierarchical,
policy arena. The public management model with a clear division of labor. As demand
has been subjected to numerous tests, many rises, ‘[c]ollegial authority patterns overlay
but by no means all using an impressive lon- bureaucratic ones’ (LaPorte and Consolini,
gitudinal data set of Texas public school dis- 1998: 849). Even though such organizations
tricts. The finding that ‘management matters’ may be appropriate responses to complex
appears to be robust, even amidst other envi- environments, they also may need to
ronmental and structural influences and be ‘preoccup[ied] with failure’ (Weick,
numerous non-linear relationships (see, e.g., 2009: 164).
O’Toole and Meier, 2011: Chapter 1).
Strategic contingencies
Structural contingencies A second type of contingency reasoning
A common variant is structural contingency examines environmental effects on strategy.
theory, proposing that organizational struc- Meier and O’Toole contend that managers
turing adapts to fit, among other influences, seek to both protect organizational activities,
environmental demands and conditions programs, and personnel from environmental
(Donaldson, 2001). When studying decision disruptions and exploit the environment to
making in governmental organizations, Hult better attain organizational goals. Focusing
and Walcott (1990) suggest that certain kinds on regulatory velocity7 (of likely interest to

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public affairs scholars), McCarthy et al. Monty Lynn (2005) argues for a ‘unified
(2010) point to numerous implications for buffering model’ to enrich investigations of
strategic decision making as such velocity organizational and network responses to
varies across policy spheres (e.g., health/ uncertainty. Clearly, such an approach has
safety, financial), nation-states, and time. costs. One objection is that contingency-
based perspectives are overly complicated,
Performance contingencies and problems like overdetermination, multi-
A third strand of contingency theorizing collinearity, and inclusion of irrelevant vari-
focuses on environmental impact on per- ables need to be addressed. Yet, if one sees
formance. This work stresses activities of parsimony as a ‘judgment, or even assump-
organizations embedded in often policy- tion, about the nature of the world’ (King
specific contexts (John and Cole, 2000). et al., 1994: 30) instead of a standard for
Based on the reports of officials in US state evaluating theories, one can maintain that
government health and human services agen- contingency perspectives are helpful in cap-
cies, Moynihan and Pandey (2005) found turing the dynamic complexity of ‘real world’
that environmental factors (e.g., support of phenomena.
elected officials, public opinion) were posi-
tively related to improved performance.
Research also draws attention to the contri- Resource dependence
butions of structural buffers to performance
in uncertain environments. Stazyk and Among the most crucial features of organiza-
Goerdel (2010) report that despite low politi- tional (and network and other) environments
cal support and high goal ambiguity, per- are ‘resources’ (e.g., information, statutory
formance can be sustained with hierarchical mandates). Katila et al. (2008) contend that
structuring in organizations. Garrow (2011) interest in resource dependence ideas has
adds that managerial strategies helped non- grown, mirroring more general concern about
profits gain more governmental grant support the tension between actors or the need for
even in evidently hostile environments. more resources (cf. Ozcan and Eisenhardt,
Meier and O’Toole stress that in pursuing 2009).
improved performance, neither organizations Resource dependence theorists often work
nor managers are at the ‘mercy of the at the organizational set level of analysis,
environment’ (2009: 12). Nonetheless the exploring a specific organization’s relations
nature of the environment can scarcely with actors in its (typically task) environment
be overlooked. ‘Managerial networking’ (a and examining resource exchanges and
dimension of M3) is more effective in ‘non- levels and types of interdependencies.
networked settings’ than in denser, highly Malatesta and Smith (2011) used a resource
networked ones (2009: 12). Fernandez and dependence framework to study US Envi-
Rainey (2006) turn to explicit prescription, ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) con-
making several suggestions grounded in tracting with its suppliers, proposing that
scholarship for generating change even in ‘organizations choose contract designs that
evidently unforgiving environments. will reduce uncertainty related to securing
critical resources’ (2011: 608). As joint
Contingency theorizing: tentative dependence between the EPA and a supplier
conclusions increased, the agency entered into more flex-
Additional probing of contingency perspec- ible, cost-plus contracts. Moreover, the lack
tives may permit not only more careful of alternative suppliers (increased govern-
empirical mapping of organizational and ment dependence) was more important for
institutional terrains but also further sys- contract design than high levels of financial
tematic testing of theoretical boundaries. dependence (greater contractor dependence)

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between the two parties (cf. Casciaro and broadened their conceptions of the environ-
Piskorski, 2005: 192). ment and pay systematic attention to the
Such adaptive capacity – although varying social, cultural, and political aspects – not
over time and space – makes the resource just the economic features – of environments.
dependence view helpful for identifying The variants of ‘new institutionalism’ remain,
organizational strategies to adjust to often following disciplinary lines (cf.
their environments. It appears, if only implic- Campbell, 2004: 11; Scott, 2008b: 45).
itly, in discussions of strategic decision Indeed, as institutionalism increased its
making (Pfeffer, 1981), public manage- hold on many organizational scholars, some
ment (Heymann, 1987), ‘policy partnering’ have expressed caution: ‘Organizations
(Lovrich, 2000), and ‘network management’ increasingly tend to be seen as reified social
(Koppenjan and Klijn, 2004). structures that exert agency and pressure on
Some explore resource dependence at their institutional environments’ (Suddaby
higher levels of analysis. Although applica- et al., 2010: 1235). Instead, Suddaby and
tion of such models mostly has appeared in his colleagues contend, the possibility should
studies of parliamentary systems, examina- be considered that organizations are less
tions of dynamics within separation of ‘purposive’ than sometimes assumed.
powers, presidential systems (e.g., Gerring Most forms of institutionalism highlight
and Thacker, 2008; Lewis, 2008) can be legitimacy. Although traditional resource-
reconstructed along such lines. dependence models might include legitimacy
In general, the accounts of individual, as another resource, from the vantage point
organizational, and network dynamics that of institutional approaches it is ‘a condition
resource-dependence models generate pro- reflecting perceived consonance with rele-
vide useful retrospectives of particular events, vant rules and laws, normative support, or
implementation outcomes, and network evo- alignment with cultural-cognitive frame-
lution. Yet, despite relatively high ‘face valid- works’ (Scott, 2008b: 59−60). Competing
ity’, many resource-based narratives risk actors may advance differing ‘legitimating
being little more than post hoc reconstruc- accounts’, such as Creed et al.’s (2002)
tions yielding few generalizations, and the examination of political support of and
notion of ‘resource’ often is ill defined. Thus, opposition to policies against workplace
Casciaro and Piskorski (2005: 167) call discrimination based on sexuality.
resource dependence theory ‘more of an
appealing metaphor than a foundation for ‘Institutional environments’?
testable empirical research’. Moreover, as the Variation persists in treatments of ‘institu-
diversity of resources and the complexity of tional environments’. Still, most acknowl-
environments mount, the approach grows edge the significance of rules (formal and
cumbersome and hard to apply. Nonetheless, informal) and norms in discussions of institu-
it does direct attention to the relations and tions (e.g., Hatch, 2011). Some also cast the
dimensions of dependence, interdependence, institutional environment as ‘full of multiple,
and power among actors at multiple levels contradictory cultural accounts’ (Creed et al.,
of analysis.8 2002: 477). Since ‘most powerful forces’
in such environments are hierarchies and
markets (Hatch, 2011: 59), PA scholars
Institutional theories have spent considerable time probing their
make-up and effects.
Since the 1980s, scholars relying on the Yet many avoid the phrase ‘institutional
approaches just discussed have devoted environment’ altogether, referring instead
greater emphasis to ‘institutional’ concerns. to institutional ‘settings’ or ‘conditions’, or
Although their uses and foci vary, many have simply to ‘institutions’. This may reflect the

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ambiguous and multifaceted nature of the Power (2007: 8) treats institutional environ-
concepts ‘institution’ and ‘environment’. Yet ments as sources for ‘scripts, routines ideas,
the seeming avoidance also may highlight a and forms of management knowledge’ that
feature of the analytical status of institutions organizations employ to bolster and sustain
and institutional influences. In ‘actor-cen- legitimacy in managing uncertainty, empha-
tered institutionalism’, institutions are criti- sizing mimetic isomorphism. Similarly, gov-
cal to explaining which actors participate in ernment officials’ perceptions of peers’ views
policy making, in what ways, and pursuing of the contributions of electronic governance
which goals and values (Scharpf, 1997). significantly influenced the timing and extent
Meanwhile, actors socially construct these of local e-government innovations in US
institutions; actors’ policy decisions and ide- municipalities (Jun and Weare, 2010).
ological orientations both shape and reflect Scholars explore the influences of multiple
institutions. Creed et al. (2002: 494) go fur- aspects of institutions. Desai spotlights an
ther, proposing that ‘interpretation and application of the normative pillar: institu-
instantiation of cultural accounts is inter- tional entrepreneurs’ attempts to ‘preserve or
twined with social identities in a dualistic repair [a] field’s legitimacy by using public
process of social construction’. A ‘significant relations efforts’ (Desai, 2011: 263). Hardy
new direction for institutional research’ views and Maguire (2010: 1383) examined the
organizations ‘as constructs that interpret and UN conference leading to the Stockholm
elaborate institutional pressures’, where Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants,
organizations and institutional environments tracing how cultural-cognitive mechanisms
are ‘reciprocal co-constructors’ (Suddaby of ‘discursive space and narrative’ helped
et al., 2010: 1239). generate field-level change: new global
regulations for dangerous chemicals that
Institutional components exempted DDT.
One way to distinguish among institutional Meanwhile, Frumkin and Galaskiewicz
theories is the aspect of institutions that (2004) point to possible differences among
each highlights. Scott’s (2008b: 50−59) sectors in the operation of institutional fac-
framework distinguishes among regulative, tors. Based on data from the 1991 National
normative, and cultural-cognitive ‘pillars’. Organizations Study, they conclude that
These pillars may overlap, and most insti- ‘governmental organizations are … more
tutional studies acknowledge the existence vulnerable’ to all three pillars than for profit
of all three. Nonetheless, particular works or non-profit organizations (2004: 283).
stress different mixes. Those based in This reflects differences in organizational
‘rational choice institutionalism’ (Haftel and ability to accurately measure performance
Thompson, 2006) typically focus on regula- and exercise predictable control over
tive pillars, examining a variety of rules, resources, conditions under which ‘institu-
incentives, and sanctions.9 Work grounded in tional pressures thrive’ (Frumkin and
‘sociological’ (or ‘normative’) institutional- Galaskiewicz, 2004: 288).
ism (Powell and DiMaggio, 1991) devotes
more attention to normative and cultural- Institutional environments: tentative
cognitive elements. conclusions
As insightful as examination of regulative It is difficult to overestimate the contribu-
pillars may be, the two others offer ‘a more tions of institutional influences to under-
expansive view’ of institutional environ- standing policy processes and organizational
ments, viewing them ‘not just as a strategic and network dynamics. Scott praises institu-
context but as a set of shared understandings tionalists’ increased attention to the roles
that affect the way problems are perceived of ideas and mechanisms, the non-local
and solutions are sought’ (Thelen, 1999: 371). and local influences on organizations, and

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contexts that change over time and space et al., 2008). Others have undertaken efforts
(2008b: 212−14). Among the mechanisms to explore – theoretically, empirically, and
serving as drivers of institutional dynamics across sectors – the interaction among social
are decoupling,10 intraorganizational politics movements, institutional processes, and
(Pache and Santos, 2010), and rhetorical organizations (e.g., Davis et al., 2005).
framing). Zald et al. (2005: 257) contend that
social movements influence organizations
by affecting the ‘framing and understanding
of legitimate claims for social change’, CONCLUSION
persuading organizational authorities to
change practices, and pushing to ‘change Exploring even a modest portion of the
laws and establish government agencies to scholarship on environments and public insti-
enforce or facilitate organizational change’ tutions yields a mosaic of diverse theoretical
(cf. Campbell, 2005). and empirical work. It also suggests topics
deserving additional attention. Even if gener-
alizations can be expected to be limited tem-
Integrated perspectives porally and spatially, it seems reasonable to
target areas where patterns might be found,
Many scholars examine the interplay of envi- such as the influences (and constructions)
ronmental and other factors within and across of policies or program contexts on public
levels of analysis. Snook and Connor (2005) organizations, populations, and networks.
traced the interaction of numerous influences Also worth considering is Bevir’s (2010:
linking ‘signal events’ and tragic outcomes 258) concerns about the ‘modernist’ flaws of
in cases ranging from space flight to health rational choice and sociological institutional-
care to military operations. Looking at isms: the former neglecting ‘local cultures’,
more mundane but consequential banking the latter overlooking ‘local reasoning’. Self-
systems in Germany and Italy, Deeg (2005) conscious construction of environments
probed exogenous pressures on commercial replete with complex, reciprocal relations
banks from European capital markets to that shape and reflect rules, cognitions and
change corporate governance structures, ear- norms highlights the constraints on and the
lier efforts by German banks to stay com- opportunities for public actions.
petitive, and varying bank strategies. Similar
integrative efforts have been applied in
numerous health and human services settings
(e.g., Boin et al., 2010; Garrow, 2011; ACKNOWLEDGMENT
McBeath and Meezan, 2010; Yang and
Pandey, 2007). I am grateful for the research assistance of
The Lynn, Heinrich, and Hill (2001) ‘logic Michal Linder-Zarankin and for the com-
of governance’ and the Meier−O’Toole ments and suggestions of Tom Christensen
(2011) model of public management offer and Charles Walcott.
explicitly broad views of the likely interplay
of environmental influences with numerous
other factors. Andrews et al. (2011) point to
the utility of combining contingency and NOTES
structural hole theories in enriching explana-
tions of external managerial networking, and 1 Ferlie, Lynn, and Pollitt (2005: 3) question
whether public management will ‘disintegrate into a
Koppenjan and Klijn cast problem-solving as plethora of non-communicating subfields‘.
a multi-causal, multi-level ‘policy game in a 2 Scott (2008b) reviews the range of uses of
network context’ (2004: 121; cf. Laegreid ‘institution’ and ‘institutionalization’.

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3 Drawn from biology, equifinality assumes the Boin, Arjen, Kuipers, Sanneke, and Steenburgen, Marco
possibility of many adaptations to the same influ- (2010) ‘The Life and Death of Public Organizations:
ence, and similar adaptations may produce variable A Question of Institutional Design?’, Governance,
outcomes (Katz and Kahn, 1966). 23 (3): 385−410.
4 An ‘enacted environment’ involves the ‘con-
Boyne, George A. and Meier, Kenneth J. (2009)
tinuous trading and juxtaposing of meaning and
interpretations’ of organizations and institutions
‘Environmental Turbulence, Organizational Stability,
(Gabriel et al., 2000: 299; cf. Bryer, 2007). Others and Public Service Performance’, Administration
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1994). The debate continues; see, e.g., Glick et al.
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Administrative History
edited by Jos C.N. Raadschelders

A ‘historical approach’ in the study of public type, administrative history in the broad
administration testifies to the degree to which sense, is concerned with the interaction
the past exists in the present (Fesler, 1982). between government and society at large
At the same time, a historical approach in as well as with processes of state making
the study of public administration recognizes and nation building (the latter topics are
that the present may be embedded in but is more often studied in political science).
not predetermined by the past. It is in this Administrative history in the broad sense
italicized claim that the inherently historical is relevant because societal developments
nature of public administration (both as a have consequences for quality and quantity
study and a field of practice) emerges while of public service delivery. Students and
clarifying at the same time that it is not practitioners benefit from learning how and
bounded by that past. To be sure, this is a why government responded to societal
Western statement in the sense that Judeo- change and what consequences this had for
Christian culture embraces a linear concep- the internal structure and functioning of gov-
tion of time as ‘something’ that unfolds from ernment. The second type, administrative
a beginning to a ‘final judgment’ and where history proper, is concerned with the ‘...
humans can choose which direction to take. study of structures and processes in and ideas
In many other cultures, such as in India, about government as they have existed or
history is perceived as ‘… cyclical within have been desired in the past and the actual
repetitive eons’ (Björkman, email to author and ideal place of public functionaries
December 6, 2010; see also Pluciennik, therein.’ Important in this definition is that
2004: 20). How a culture views the past not only the topics of mainstream public
influences how it can deal with problems in administration are included (that is, the
the present; and it certainly influenced in the development of organizational structure
past how scholars thought about government and differentiation, of human resource
and governance. management, of policy, etc.) but also the
There are two types of administrative development of ideas about government
history (Raadschelders, 1998a: 7−8). The first and governance in relation to society (which

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is more often studied within political WHAT MAKES THE STUDY OF

theory). Administrative history as defined ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY UNIQUE?
above has the potential to take the study of
public administration beyond its traditional There are several features that make adminis-
instrumental and contemporary focus, thus trative history a unique study. First, and
enriching the understanding of the present like the study of public administration, it is
(Raadschelders, 2008, 2010: 247−48; multi- and interdisciplinary, for it must work
Raadschelders et al., 2000). with theories and concepts from the social
Having said this, there are some pitfalls sciences and the humanities. Disciplinary
that administrative history (that is, when pur- approaches can only provide partial insight
sued in the context of the study of public in the phenomenon of government-in-society.
administration) should avoid. First, it is not a Second, unlike several of the more
l’art pour l’art exercise that details how disciplinary social sciences, administrative
‘things’ have become. As valuable as such historical research does neither look for law-
histories are, they are not necessarily what like generalizations nor work from or strive
students of public administration and practi- toward a unifying theory. The strength and
tioners in government look for. Second, a the challenge of administrative history is
historical perspective in public administra- in identifying the impact of general societal
tion will not lead to usable knowledge, to use trends (for example, secularization, ration-
the concept that was coined over 30 years alization, industrialization, demographic
ago (Lindblom and Cohen, 1979). It would growth, urbanization and ruralization, scien-
be wrong to assume that history provides les- tification, intensification of communication
sons that can be used to avoid making mis- through electronic technologies, etc.) upon
takes now. Each problem has to be considered the structure and functioning of government
in its own and unique time and context. and administration at large (for example, the
History does not repeat itself. Yet, policy and welfare state, bureaucratization) and upon
decision makers need not reinvent the wheel individual public organizations, policies, and
and can consider past experiences, without offices. If anything, administrative history
drawing upon misconceived analogies. To confronts, sometimes sweepingly, generali-
prevent the problems that decision makers zations concerning the world and its regions
create when using the past as an analogy for with more in-depth study of cultural and
the present, Neustadt and May (1986) devel- national traditions.
oped a set of so-called ‘mini-methods’ to show Third, and related to the second feature,
where analogies go astray. Third, administra- administrative history does not so much
tive history should not reconstruct the past in study social change as focus on the interplay
terms of contemporary theories and models. of continuity, diversity, and change. The con-
Such an anachronism does not do justice tinuity of traditions and of local communities
to the past in itself, and blinds us to under- provides stability during times of change (at
standing the conceptualizations of decision the political regime level). In fact, there has
makers in their own time and place. Fourth, never been a period in history where social
the past should not be interpreted in terms change was so total that it eradicated earlier
of contemporary outcome. Such present- practices and traditions. In emphasizing
mindedness only results in reconstruction diversity as well, administrative history helps
of developmental paths relevant to the in recognizing that, for example, such a
present, in which case we lose sight of paths general trend as bureaucratization has
that ended somewhere in the past. In that manifested itself in various ways − that is,
case, too, decision makers lose potentially within particular national and cultural con-
valuable information about past policies and texts. Thus, administrative history adopts
reforms. an evolutionary rather than a social change

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perspective (Nisbet, 1969). The evolutionary POSDCORB. In Europe, administrative

perspective draws attention both to inter- history became largely part of the study of
generational and intercultural diffusion of legal history, given the inclusion of the pro-
ideas (for example, political theory) and fessorial chairs in public administration into
(administrative) traditions and practices as departments of law.
well as to the phenomenon of parallel evolu- After the Second World War it was within
tion (where comparable ideas and practices the context of structural functionalism that a
developed more or less independently from variety of scholars published studies on the
one another). development of the (early) state. Characteristic
Fourth, administrative history helps pre- for the (old) institutional approach was the
serve collective memory with an eye for development and use of taxonomies. Finer’s
present needs. It can serve as a source conceptual prologue to his huge study is a
of understanding and/or reinterpretation of fine example (1997). Somewhat linked to the
(a) modernity, (b) our time as one of epochal American managerial focus, studies appeared
change, and (c) the discourse in public that were organized around themes specifi-
administration. It can and even has served an cally relevant to the study of public adminis-
emancipatory function (‘setting the record tration (Gladden, 1972). Until the early 1980s
straight’), for instance, in highlighting the many administrative historical studies were
influence of women upon the making of the descriptive by nature (see the next section).
American welfare state (these four points are The emergence of neo-institutionalism
mentioned in Raadschelders, 2000: 515). since the early 1980s has given the study
of administrative history the potential to
develop itself on a more theoretical basis.
Specifically, historical institutionalism
DEVELOPMENT AND STATE OF THE (see Peters, 1999) and its concepts of, for
ART OF ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY example, path dependency and critical junc-
tures, hold great promise for the further
In the course of the nineteenth century, the development of administrative history pro-
study of administrative history emerged in vided that the first is not used to reintroduce
the United States and in Europe as a history a nineteenth-century notion of causality
of political and administrative institutions (Raadschelders, 1998b) and the latter does
from the national down to the local level. In not prohibit the understanding of continuity
the United States this endeavor was mainly amidst change.
embedded in departments of political sci- The study of administrative history is in
ence, while in Europe it emerged within the good shape. At the handbook level, there are
professorial chairs in public administration at least three studies that provide overviews
as they had existed since the early eighteenth of the development of government with
century. Intriguingly, the first administrative extensive bibliographic references (Finer,
histories of the world were written by 1997; Gladden, 1972; Raadschelders, 1998a).
Americans (Duganne, 1860; Wilson, 1889; There are four journals that specifically
see Raadschelders, 1997, 2002). Both studies concern administrative history. The Journal
were descriptive in content. From the early of Policy History (JPH) (Cambridge
twentieth century onward, American scholars University Press) has been published since
adopted theories and conceptualizations from 1989. In that same year, the first volume
(business) management studies. White’s appeared of the international, comparative,
monumental four-volume study (1948−1958) multidisciplinary and multi-lingual Yearbook
of American administrative history between of European Administrative History (Nomos
1789 and 1901 is an excellent example of Verlagsgesellschaft) (YEAH). Both journals
this, organizing the analysis around Gulick’s contain a wealth of in-depth studies based on

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research in primary (oral and written) sources. METHODS AND CHALLENGES OF

In particular, the forum section in YEAH ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY
contains bibliographic articles on the devel-
opment and state of the art of administrative Methods in the study of administrative
history in specific Western, Central, and history are as diverse as in other topics of
Eastern European countries. The Journal of interest to social scientists. In view of the
Management History (Emerald Group ‘fringe’ status of administrative history in the
Publishing Limited) has been published since study of public administration, some ques-
1994, and Management and Organizational tions about methods and challenges need to
History (SAGE Publications) since 2006. be raised.
Finally, there are quite impressive national First, how useful and possible are
traditions in administrative history. As can be quantitative-statistical and/or quantitative-
expected, the UK, France, Germany, and descriptive methods? The former are very
Italy lead the way in terms of continuous popular in public administration and political
research throughout the twentieth century. science (given the positivist aspiration to
The bibliographic articles that became avail- achieve scientific status), but place almost
able in the past two decades (in YEAH, see impossible demands upon administrative his-
above), however, indicate that most European torians, since consistent time-series that
countries enjoy a well-developed tradition of span hundreds of years (for an example
study in administrative history. Also, and on personnel size in four centuries, see
perhaps a little unexpected, there is quite a Raadschelders, 1994) are very difficult to
tradition in the United States in this area of generate for dependent and – even more −
research, and that goes back further than one independent variables alike. Historical work
might expect (Raadschelders, 2000). The relies upon what is available in archives, and
various bibliographies contain references to the research questions that interest us now
numerous book- and article-length studies. may not have been of any concern to those
The major challenge for administrative histo- who documented and preserved past deci-
rians is to make these accessible to large sions and actions of public officials. The
audiences. While many studies are written in administrative historian in Europe will find
English, French, or German, there is even that the archives hold much, but not enough,
more in other languages. For instance, the while a colleague in the United States will
Journal of Korean Public Administration find that, to quote de Tocqueville,
History is published in Korean. Also, a large
portion of studies relevant to administrative … the acts of society [and of government, JR] in
history, and perhaps even the majority of America often leave less trace than the actions of
them, are generated within other studies than a simple family. […] The only historical monu-
ments of the United States are newspapers […] …
public administration and political science.
in fifty years it will be more difficult to gather
Notably, scholars of anthropology, law, soci- authentic documents on the details of the social
ology, and history have contributed greatly to existence of Americans of our day than on the
our understanding of the development of administration of the French in the Middle Ages …
government, and many scholars in these (2000: 198)
fields have seen their work published in the
journal Comparative Studies in Society A second, and equally challenging, wrench
and History (Cambridge University Press). in the attempt to generate time-series of a
Compartmentalization of knowledge, whether dependent variable is that they must be
for epistemological or more mundane organ- grounded in conceptualizations that travel
izational reasons, is certainly a barrier to well over time. By way of example, the
the multidisciplinary study of administrative concept of a politician as we know it (that is,
history. a popularly elected officeholder with an

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authority and responsibility distinct from that To date, no one has attempted to analyze
of career civil servants) did not and could not and ‘count’ publications in administrative
exist before the Napoleonic era. history according to the method employed.
Perhaps quantitative-descriptive studies It is thus only intuitively that this author
hold more promise, which means that we suggests that the dominant methods thus far
need to be content with nominal time-series. are quantitative and qualitative descriptions
Often, such time-series are merely copied of cross-national, cross-level, and cross-
from data-generating institutions such as a policy comparisons of contexts.
national census bureau. When using such
data, though, it is necessary to consider the
collection rationale. Within public adminis-
tration (and political science), research aimed OVERVIEW OF PART 4
at creating new time-series on the basis
of primary research in archival sources is The three chapters in this part of the Handbook
rare, perhaps for lack of training in archival represent the wide range that administrative
research. As a consequence, qualitative- history roams. In Chapter 13, Mordecai Lee
descriptive studies appear to be preferred by provides an unusual analysis of the develop-
administrative historians who were trained in ment of state and government in the United
the social sciences. States. He has conducted administrative
Second, we need to ask what is being com- history research in the local and federal
pared. Administrative history is a cross-time levels of American government, and has
study (next to the more familiar cross- served as a state legislator. In Chapter 14,
national, cross-level, and cross-policy stud- Fabio Rugge looks at the consequences of
ies) that is sensitive to the limits of using increased societal demand for the internal
contemporary concepts in a historical time structure and functioning of government
and context. There are a variety of studies itself (that is, administrative history proper).
that concern, for instance, bureaucratization More specifically, he addresses administra-
of the public sector or even of society at tive traditions in Western countries, as they
large. But, as soon as the scholar provides still play a role (such as the common law
sweeping generalizations with more in-depth tradition in the UK, the Rechtsstaat tradition
observations relating to and illustrations from in continental Europe, and the administrative
particular countries, it quickly becomes clear state tradition in Scandinavia). He holds a
that concepts are not easily commensurable professorial chair in administrative history
between different countries, and sometimes (the only one that I know of) and is an active
not even between different policies and levels member of the working group ‘History of
of government, let alone across time. Government’ of the International Institute of
Third, how can cross-time study be con- Administrative Sciences. The chapters by
ducted? By way of example, Skocpol and both Lee and by Rugge show how much the
Somers distinguished comparison as parallel governmental penetration of society and the
demonstration of theory, as contrast of con- administrative traditions in government, have
texts, and as macrocausal analysis (1980). made the world as we know it. Indeed, the
From a scholarly point of view, the third last remark is not off-base, since Western
one is intellectually the most challenging traditions and models of government dis-
and theoretically the most satisfying (see seminated across the globe, especially as a
also Mills, 1959: 125). Contrasting contexts consequence of Dutch, English, French,
is more commonly used, while parallel German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish
demonstration of theory attracts attention colonization. Hence, both Lee and Rugge
in view of the emergence of historical chapters emphasize the diffusion of ideas
institutionalism. and practices between countries and cultures.

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In contrast, in Chapter 15, the final chapter through experience that we will not so much
of this section, James Warner Björkman dis- aspire to cleverness for the next time, but to
cusses South Asian and Western European wisdom for ever).
ideas about government and governance The authors of this section accepted with
by comparing Kautilya and Macchiavelli. enthusiasm and without reservations the invi-
Doing so, it is possible to develop a sense tation to write, or respectively update, their
of the degree to which Western conceptions chapters. I thank them for the time and
of democracy and management are not energy they have put into this project. As far
exclusive to the West. Björkman is a com- as this Introduction is concerned, it had to be
parativist par excellence and has done exten- brief but provides the kind of information
sive research in India. that enables the interested reader to expand
All three authors start their chapters in her/his interest in administrative history.
general, comparative terms and illustrate
their observations with developments in a
particular geographic setting. Thus, Lee con-
siders the United States, Rugge tackles some REFERENCES
European countries in more detail (especially
the UK, France, Germany, and Italy), while Duganne, Augustine J.H. (1860) A History of
Björkman draws upon his in-depth knowl- Governments Showing the Progress of Civil Society
edge of India when comparing the political and the Structure of Ancient and Modern States.
New York: Robert M. de Witt.
theories of Kautilya with those of Machiavelli.
Fesler, James W. (ed.) (1982) American Public
Also, each author provides at the conclusion Administration: Patterns of the Past. Washington,
of their chapter some observations about the DC: American Society for Public Administration.
degree to which remarks and conclusions Finer, S.E. (1997) The History of Government from
regarding their specific topic and/or region the Earliest Times. Oxford: Oxford University
are generalizable. The ambition of the authors Press.
of this section is not to be complete in Gladden, E.N. (1972) A History of Public Administration.
their account of an aspect of administrative London: Frank Cass.
history: rather, it is their desire to show Lindblom, Charles E. and Cohen, David K. (1979)
through cross-time and cross-national analy- Usable Knowledge. Social Science and Social Problem
sis that historical knowledge is a benefit to Solving. New Haven, CT/New York: Yale University
students and practitioners alike. Of course, to
Mills, C. Wright (1959) The Sociological Imagination.
those reading this Introduction, this is preach- New York: Oxford University Press.
ing to the converted, but hopefully others will Neustadt, Richard E. and May, Ernest R. (1986)
come to recognize that a historical perspec- Thinking in Time. The Uses of History for Decision-
tive in the study of public administration and Makers. New York: The Free Press/London: Collier
in the practice of government is not a waste Macmillan.
of time. It may not lead to usable knowledge Nisbet, Robert A. (1969) Social Change and History.
but will make us aware of the portée, to use Aspects of the Western Theory of Development. New
Montaigne’s concept, or reach of our knowl- York: Oxford University Press.
edge at present and over time, and – better Peters, B. Guy (1999) Institutional Theory in Political
still – it may make us to ‘be lowly wise …’, Science: the “New Institutionalism.” London:
which Milton claimed in Paradise Lost to be
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the highest form of knowledge (Shattuck, Gatherers” and Modes of Subsistence: a Comparative
1996: 29, 72−73). In the same spirit, Jacob Historical Perspective,’ in Alan Barnard (ed.), Hunter-
Burckhardt wrote more than 150 years ago: Gatherers in History, Archaeology and Anthropology.
‘Wir wollen durch Erfahrung nicht sowohl Oxford/New York: Berg, pp. 17−29.
klug (für ein andermal) als weise (für immer) Raadschelders, Jos C.N. (1994) ‘Understanding the
werden’ (in paraphrased translation: It is Development of Local Government: Theory and

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Evidence from the Dutch Case,’ Administration and It in Government and Its Study,’ The American
Society, 25(4): 410−442. Review of Public Administration, 40(3): 235−260.
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471−489. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 22(4): 772−791.
Raadschelders, Jos C.N. (1998a) Handbook of Shattuck, Roger (1996) Forbidden Knowledge. From
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History Perspective on Fashionable Approaches and Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22(2):
Concepts,’ International Review of Administrative 174−197.
Sciences, 64(4): 562−582. Tocqueville, Alexis de (2000) Democracy in America
Raadschelders, Jos C.N. (2000) ‘Administrative (edited by Harvey C. Mansfield and Delba Wintrop).
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499−528. in Administrative History, 1789−1801. New York:
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US Administrative History:
Golem Government
Mordecai Lee

go·lem (go-’lĕm) n. In Jewish folklore, a clod; some- The American public sector in the twenty-
one who is all thumbs, poorly coordinated. first century continues to be a lumbering
(Rosten, 2001: 129).
golem. More precisely, thousands of golems,
In the beginning, there was King George’s little different in principle from the found-
tyranny. The Founding Fathers looked down ing eighteenth-century template. Given that
in 1776 and saw that it was bad. They said, history is a good predictor of the future
Let there be independence. And there was. (Raadschelders, 2010), this is very likely
But there was no order. So, in 1789 they said, to be correct for the rest of the twenty-first
Let us create a government in our image. And century.
they created a golem of a government, slow-
moving, awkward and uncoordinated. The
people saw that it was good. They said to the
golem, Be fruitful and multiply. And it begat CREATING A PERMANENT
many more golems, until a multitude covered TEMPLATE FOR AMERICAN
the face of the land, from sea to shining sea. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: THE US
Then, everyone rested. And they lived hap- CONSTITUTION, 1789
pily ever after. The end.
Everything else is commentary. Americans The Congress that declared independence on
don’t want efficient and professional govern- July 4, 1776 was something of an ad hoc
ment (Wills, 1999). They have gone to great body improvising its way. Congress was a
pains for two and a half centuries to assure decision-making institution that had both
that. More importantly, this is still true today. executive and legislative powers (and

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impliedly, judicial as well). It was not under- of vague Constitutional terms and could
girded by any governmental infrastructure. declare any law unconstitutional. This was a
The only department was the Continental premeditated formula for inefficient govern-
Army generaled by George Washington. ment and, consequently, inefficient public
Within a year, the national government was administration. Civil servants would have
somewhat institutionalized by the signing three bosses, not one. Bertelli and Lynn
of the Articles of Confederation. While not called them ‘Madison’s Managers’ (2006) for
formally ratified by the states until 1781, the the chief author of the Constitution (later
confederation structure of the Articles gov- President), James Madison, although Madison
erned the activities of the national govern- was hoping for better than that.
ment on a de facto basis immediately upon These principles in the US Constitution
signing. subsequently served as the model for all
History has generally condemned the American governments. In today’s American
Confederation as a failure due to its weak- public sector, nearly every state has patterned
ness and lack of major central powers. its structure after the federal: hence, 50 state
Still, it is important to emphasize that the golems of separate elected chief executive
Confederation reflected the political consen- officers (governors), legislative branches
sus at the time. The predominant sense of (state legislatures, 49 bicameral) and judicial
allegiance by citizens was to their colony- branches (usually elected). States also have
cum-state, not to any unitary national iden- other independently elected administrative
tity. However, it became apparent that the officers, most commonly attorney general,
Confederation was too weak. It needed to be often a state treasurer and a secretary of state.
strengthened. But the significance of what The pattern for incorporated municipalities
replaced it was, contrary to the conventional (about 30,000) is largely similar, with an
narrative, not a strong central national gov- elected chief executive (mayor), legislative
ernment. It was only modestly less weak than branch (common council or board of alder-
the Confederation, but still not too strong, men) and judicial branch (municipal court).
too powerful or too efficient. Like states, many municipalities have other
The central theme of American adminis- elected administrative officers such as city
trative history is embedded in the US attorney, comptroller and treasurer.
Constitution, signed in 1787 and, upon ratifi- County government (about 4,700) gener-
cation, implemented in 1789. This, truly, was ally emerged with a unitary body that was
‘year zero’ in American administrative his- both legislative and executive (board of
tory. Some common terms characterizing supervisors or commissioners), but recent
the Constitution only came into use later. trends for the higher population ones have
Notwithstanding being neologisms, ‘separa- been to separate those duties, with about 700
tion of powers,’ ‘checks and balances’ having an elected chief executive officer
and ‘judicial review’ well summarize the (county executive). County governments,
American approach to government. The like state and city governments, also have
Constitution created a golem of a govern- other elected administrative officers, almost
ment: clumsy, uncoordinated and lumbering. universally sheriff and district attorney, and
The president had executive power, but usually others.
the Congress had the power of the purse. The Paralleling the traditional unitary structure
president oversaw the departments, but the of county government are unincorporated
Congress had to authorize their existence. township governments (about 16,500) and
The president named the managers of his public school districts (about 13,500). Both
administration, but Congress had to confirm usually elect a multiple member body that has
them. All along, the Supreme Court could legislative and executive responsibilities (town
insert itself with authoritative interpretations board, school board). Other independent

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entities in the public sector include tribal help distinguish them: the 1883 Pendleton
governments (about 550) and special purpose Act, creating a national civil service, and
districts with taxing powers (about 37,000), the 1978 Civil Service Reform Act, which
some of which are elected, others appointed. substantially undid it.
The latter were largely a twentieth-century
development that gained momentum over
time. In 2010, Peters estimated that about
500 new special purpose districts were now PRE-BUREAUCRACY: SMALL
being created every year (Peters, 2010: 27). GOVERNMENT WITH A WORKFORCE
Finally, there is a highly heterogeneous cat- OF LAYMEN, 1789−1883
egory of quasi-governmental entities, some-
times known by the acronym quangos (Moe, After the Constitution went into effect,
2001) − numbers unknown. American administrative development at all
So, there are roughly 100,000+ auto- levels substantially lagged behind Western
nomous governments in the United States, Europe. In part, this reflected the widely-
each exercising the authoritative and com- shared historical ‘lesson’ that equated active
pulsory powers of the state. This is golem and thick government with tyranny, or, at
government in extremis and a sure formula least, its potential. That led to the seemingly
for inefficient public administration. Just modest role the Constitution assigned to the
about anything an American governmental president and executive branch. Second
manager tries to accomplish entails inter- President John Adams concluded that the
governmental relations with other autono- prosperity of the country depended ‘very
mous governments. James Lynn, briefly little on anything in my power’ (McCullough,
President Nixon’s White House-based super- 2001: 527). This constrained view was
secretary for community development, testi- reinforced by the ostensible administrative
fied before Congress that coordination philosophy of third President Jefferson
between separate Cabinet departments within and his political heirs. Seemingly as a confir-
the federal executive branch was ‘extremely mation of that, the federal government had
difficult’ (Lee, 2010: 136). Imagine between 153 employees in Washington, DC when
separate governments. Jefferson took office and only about double
This government of golems is why it is so that number three decades later (Balogh,
hard to conduct public administration in the 2009: 112).
United States. The structure is intended to However, it would be erroneous to con-
obstruct efficient management. Simon (1997) clude that this administrative apparatus was
suggested that managers could only hope to so modest as to be nearly non-existent or that
satisfice in their decision-making, with maxi- Jefferson et al. governed as they professed.
mizing truly unrealistic. This is the central For example, the Post Office was a major
theme of the history of American public administrative structure. According to John,
administration: doing as well as possible ‘for the vast majority of Americans the
under the circumstances; essentially follow- postal system was the central government’
ing an expedient path of least resistance; and (1995: 4, emphasis in original). It also was a
trying to guide awkward and multiple gov- driver of federal funding for transportation
ernments forward. America’s much-vaunted infrastructure, such as postal roads. The
ahistorical culture of pragmatism does not ongoing need for a military to suppress
apply to its government. Native Americans led to relatively major
A macro-developmental framework for the governmental operations. Jefferson also
rest of the story identifies three main eras: articulated the case for state-sponsored public
pre-bureaucracy, bureaucracy and post- education (Newbold, 2010). Other major
bureaucracy. Two major historical markers manifestations of government administration

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included the tax collection system of customs Still, this continued to be generically
and tariffs, patent registration and foreign ‘small government.’ Surveying all levels of
relations. government in the South before the Civil
A significant factor in the gradual thicken- War, Blackmon (2008: 61) characterized
ing of government was to support slavery. them as ‘unimaginably sparse by modern
Usually ignored in American administrative standards.’ Elected officials such as sheriff,
histories, Jefferson was committed to the district attorney, clerk and treasurer often had
maintenance of slavery, even if it contra- no employees. They were one-man govern-
dicted his philosophy of limited government ment agencies.
(Kennedy, 2003). Slavery necessitated new No American history can ignore the Civil
territory for expansion and an army to clear it War (1860−65). Yet, it was such an anoma-
of threats, such as from Native Americans lous event in public administration, that –
who harbored runaway slaves. oddly – little of permanent importance was
Hoffer (2007: 199) called this era the first created during the war. Rather, its conse-
state, of ‘a small, lightly staffed, largely ama- quences prompted the need for more admin-
teur, and highly politicized administrative istrative capabilities. According to Faust
apparatus.’ President Andrew Jackson is most (2008: 268), the aftermath of the war was ‘a
prominently identified as justifying ‘rotation vast expansion of the federal budget and
in office’ rather than any permanent public bureaucracy and a reconceptualization of
servants. This was, literally, ‘democratic’ the government’s role. National cemeteries,
public administration. He believed that most pensions and records that preserved names
anyone could hold a position in a federal and identities involved a dramatically new
agency and competently conduct business. understanding of the relationship of the citi-
Public administration was not so complicated zen and the state.’ Notwithstanding these
that a layman (they were all men then) developments in American public adminis-
couldn’t do it. tration, Henry Adams described post-bellum
Later, during the mid-nineteenth century, a Congresses as having ‘contempt for matters
‘second state’ gradually emerged. It was of mere administration as of trifling impor-
shaped by the lawyers who dominated poli- tance’ (quoted in Wills, 2005: 73). So, at that
tics. They were comfortable with a form of point, the pell-mell expansion of federal
government that somewhat reflected estate responsibilities was not accompanied by any
administration. Specifically, ‘Administration perception of the need for professionalized
of estates required a light touch … to sponsor public administration.
various projects for the good of the estate; … In the second half of the nineteenth
supervise the assets’ use to ensure that century, the country was in the midst of
they were not wasted [and] … eliminate transforming from rural and agricultural to
the danger of misuse of the assets’ (Hoffer, urban and industrialized. Political machines
2007: 7). This gradually expanded the role emerged in those big cities. If immigrants
of government, initially as a sponsor of voted for machine candidates, then it would
deserved projects, then as a supervisor of provide them with services and assistance
them, and finally as a standardizer of federal that traditionally were not provided by gov-
actions and national policies. They included ernment. Largely a perversion of what
creation of a Department of Agriculture (in President Jackson envisioned, when machines
1862) to promote productive farming tech- won elections they gave patronage jobs to
niques and Land Grant universities tied to their activists. Sometimes ‘no show’ govern-
agricultural extension programs. States took ment jobs, sometimes real but untaxing,
on expanded roles even earlier, such as New their main responsibility was to keep the
York’s construction of the Erie Canal in the machine in power by helping it win future
1810s and 1820s (Koeppel, 2009). elections. The spoils system of rewards and

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punishment led, of course, to government Civil Service (Van Riper, 1976: 63−64). (But
agencies being staffed sometimes by an the sequence was different. In Western
incompetent and disincentivized workforce. Europe, bureaucracy preceded democracy,
It also led to the granting of contracts for while in the United States it was the reverse
goods and services based on political graft [Nelson, 1982].) The UK’s merit-based and
and kickbacks, often at inflated prices and permanent workforce was very appealing, as
with shoddy products. was the clear differentiation between politics
In summary, from the adoption of the and administration, typified by each Cabinet
Constitution to the late nineteenth century, department having a permanent under-secre-
the United States underwent major demo- tary who was a civil servant. Ministers would
graphic, social, economic, geographical, come and go, but the staffing and leadership
technological and military changes. These of the department would not.
inevitably affected the scope and size of all In 1880, the National Civil Service Reform
governments. Yet the basic constitutional League was established to advocate for
framework of golem government was fixed. federal legislation. Its goals were open
Political leaders responded to new public recruitment; merit-based examination and
needs on an ad hoc basis, gave little thought appointment, so that only qualified appli-
to management issues, and staffed growing cants were hired; evaluations and promotions
government largely with patronage appoint- based on merit; permanence in office; exclu-
ments or Civil War veterans. Hence, it was a sion of civil servants from the political proc-
century of (relatively) small government and ess (such as mandatory donations); and an
democratic administration. independent commission to oversee and
implement these goals.
Finally, in late 1882, Congress passed the
Pendleton Act creating an authentic civil
RISING TIDE: THE PENDLETON service system. President Chester Arthur
ACT CREATES A FEDERAL CIVIL signed it into law in early 1883. As with most
SERVICE, 1883 major historical developments, there is no
single explanation for the success of the
Second only to the Constitution in impor- reform movement in 1883. Besides the
tance to US administrative history was the league’s lobbying, other factors were public
establishment of civil service systems. This opinion’s revulsion at the assassination of
was, incredibly, a brief moment when public President Garfield in 1881 by a disappointed
administration was of broad-scale public office seeker, partisan competition (Repub-
interest. According to Morris, ‘It is difficult licans did poorly in the 1882 Congressional
for Americans living in the first quarter of the elections and wanted to regain public favor),
twenty-first century to understand the emo- and the inefficiencies of the spoils system −
tions which Civil Service Reform aroused in namely, that patronage decisions consumed
the last quarter of the nineteenth. … The fact an inordinate amount of politicians’ time and
remains that thousands, even millions, lined attention. Theriault (2005: 50) concluded
up behind the banner, and they were as evan- that ‘public pressure is at least as important
gelical (and as strenuously resisted) as any in establishing the merit system as spoils
crusaders in history’ (2010: 404−405). It was system inefficiencies and party politics.’
an authentic mass movement that had signifi- The adoption of the Pendleton Act in
cant political appeal and greatly influenced 1883 was a kind of big bang moment, with
legislative and executive decision making. energy from the center expanding outward
The corner-turning event at the federal long afterwards. First, the act initially cov-
level was the 1883 Pendleton Act, creating a ered only 10 percent of the federal workforce
federal civil service. Its origin was the British (Ingraham, 1995: 27). An indication of how

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fierce the rearguard resistance by the ancien Another unintended golemic consequence
regime was to expanding it, was that half a of civil service reform was the increasing
century later, as part of the recommendations cumbersomeness of internal agency opera-
of the 1937 Brownlow Committee, President tions. All manner of recruitment, appoint-
Franklin Roosevelt still needed to urge ment, promotion and discipline were
expanding the classified service ‘upward, regulated by highly detailed personnel poli-
outward, and downward to cover practically cies that had been officially promulgated and
all non-policy-determining posts.’ The death had the force of law. Now agency leaders
knell for federal patronage finally occurred were less able to manage subordinates within
in 1969, when newly-elected President Nixon the civil service, nearly immune from super-
decided that local postmasterships would no vision. New initiatives would die on the vine
longer be given to reward party activists, if long-time and entrenched civil servants
such as those who helped him win election. decided to wait out the current agency lead-
Second, the 1883 federal model was ership. Political appointees would come and
gradually adopted throughout the country. go, while civil servants remained in place
The first state was New York, where the permanently. The status quo would now
idea was pushed by two future presi- become even harder to change.
dents, Republican Assemblyman Theodore
Roosevelt and Democratic Governor Grover
Cleveland (Morris, 2010: 171−172, 179−180).
(Later, Roosevelt was a US Civil Service BUREAUCRACY: BIG GOVERNMENT
Commissioner, appointed by President STAFFED BY EXPERT
Harrison and retained by President Cleveland ADMINISTRATORS, 1883−1978
[White, 2003].) From New York, civil service
reform spread to other states, and was also Roughly, the Progressive era followed closely
gradually adopted by local governments upon the Pendleton Act. During that time
(Roberts, 1996). good-government activists successfully pur-
While civil service reform significantly sued major reforms. They included, roughly
contributed to the professionalization of in order of importance: the politics−
American public administration, paradoxi- administration dichotomy (Rosenbloom,
cally, it added to the golemic nature of gov- 2008), efficiency and scientific management
ernment. The permanent and professionalized (Schachter, 1989), executive-centered gov-
workforce wanted ‘their’ agency to be suc- ernment (Rubin, 1994), budgeting (Kahn,
cessful. Besides job stability and continuity, 1997), city managers (Stillman, 1974), the
they also had a professional interest in their short ballot (Hirschhorn, 1997), neutral
agency’s mission and future. This would expertise (Finegold, 1995), reorganization
include more funding, more programs, inde- (Arnold, 1998), public reporting (Lee, 2006a;
pendence from political ‘meddling,’ a posi- Williams and Lee, 2008), and research
tive image in public opinion and active bureaus (Lee, 2006b, 2008).
support from external stakeholders: in short, Generally, these were ‘masculine’ ideas of
autonomy (Carpenter, 2001). However, tough and unsentimental practices intended
autonomy exacerbated bureaucratic politics, to make government operate like business.
subtly encouraging all manner of turf battles They were generated mostly by men
and resistance to change imposed from with- (Stillman, 1998) who were sometimes anti-
out. Cooperation and coordination were now democratic and authoritarian. Often they
more difficult than ever. The nascent federal were intended to reduce the voting power of
leviathan was becoming more unwieldy, the uneducated and supposedly easily led
increasingly immune from control by a pres- urban ethnic voters and blacks (Lee, 2011a).
ident, cabinet secretary or Congress. Furthermore, these reforms were largely

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process-oriented methods. Ostensibly, they contrary to a historical image of passivity

were value-free and scientific: they were and dogmatism, he constantly searched for
neither. For these men, government was potential federal initiatives to restore the
akin to a machine with many moving parts. economy that were compatible with his ide-
Their reforms would be to make the public ology. They included the Reconstruction
sector more efficient and cheaper: in short, Finance Corporation and major public works
less golemic from an internal management projects such as a dam that was later named
perspective. However, the central theme after him.
of their reforms − making departments Still, the presidency of Franklin D.
more professional and less responsive to Roosevelt (FDR) is appropriately associated
elected officials − would make government with the phenomenal growth of ‘big govern-
as a whole more lumbering and less easy to ment.’ To overcome the Great Depression
coordinate. through Keynesian economics of deficit
Public administration also had a lesser spending, Roosevelt greatly increased the
known, softer, feminine side. In a nearly scope and role of the federal government.
separate reality, women involved in settle- Creating an alphabet soup of ‘New Deal’
ment houses and other charities sought gov- agencies, Roosevelt constructed a welfare
ernmental reforms that were more oriented to state to help the ‘one-third of a nation ill-
ends, instead of means, such as social justice, housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.’ Reforms
fairness, equality, education, quality of life included banking and stock regulation, Social
and opportunity (Stivers, 2000; Schachter, Security, full legitimacy for labor unions,
2010). It is more than a coincidence that the farmer production subsidies and unemploy-
leading theorist for a more cooperation-based ment benefits. Then World War II arrived,
form of management was a woman, Mary with increased defense spending and a large
Parker Follett (Tonn, 2003). Unlike the standing military.
men, these women believed in democracy’s The United States would never be the
potential benefits to all citizens. same, nor would American public adminis-
The presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt tration. For example, before FDR, social
and Woodrow Wilson during the Progressive welfare organizations were largely charities
era stand out as extraordinary in expanding funded by donations. Now, nearly every state
the scope and responsibilities of the federal and county had a public welfare department
government and, especially, a greater role in that administered an array of programs
regulating the political economy. Initiatives (largely federally financed) to help those in
included trust-busting, more effective regula- need. More generally, Roosevelt’s Brownlow
tion of railroads, greater legitimacy to labor Committee recommended major changes to
unions, a Federal Trade Commission to improve the ‘administrative management’of
assure fair competition, a Federal Reserve the federal government. Roosevelt believed
System to stabilize monetary policy, a Bureau that the purpose of reorganization was not to
of the Budget to construct annual presidential save money (‘efficiency’), but to improve
proposals for Congress, the Department of operations (‘effectiveness’). Congress wasn’t
Labor, and major expansions of the US particularly enthusiastic about that, espe-
Forest Service and national parks. cially about strengthening the presidency
While the Progressive era faded by 1920, vis-à-vis itself.
big government was gaining, not losing, The permanence of Roosevelt’s adminis-
momentum. President Hoover came into trative infrastructure became clear at the
office in 1929 with a reputation as the ‘Great beginning of Eisenhower’s presidency in
Engineer.’ As such, he wanted government 1953. Republican conservatives in Congress
machinery to operate more efficiently. had fiercely resisted almost all of Roosevelt
In reaction to the stock market crash, and and Truman’s domestic policies, arguing

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they were a threat to capitalism, invaded per- all, some major accomplishments by the
sonal freedoms and infringed on the roles of bureaucratic state, its critics and doubters
state and local governments. They expected notwithstanding.
Eisenhower to restore the status quo ante But, by now, bureaucracy was beginning
Roosevelt. He didn’t. The New Deal stayed to be perceived as a kind of living and breath-
in place. ing organism that had a life of its own,
Big government reached its apex during including immutable behavioral rules
the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson (Downs, 1994; Wilson, 2000). Light (1995)
(LBJ), who declared a national War on wrote of the automatic ‘thickening’ that hap-
Poverty, believing that the combination of pened in federal agencies. That echoed the
public administration, funding and social sci- 1950s’ ‘Parkinson’s Law’: that ‘work expands
ence experts could wipe it out permanently. so as to fill the time available to do it.’
In the 1960s, Bell (2000) wondered if Parkinson light-heartedly suggested this was
America was on the threshold of the ‘End especially true in public administration,
of Ideology,’ because all social problems because: ‘An official wants to multiply sub-
could seemingly be solved. But disen- ordinates’ and ‘Officials make work for each
chantment with big government ultimately other’ (Parkinson, 1957: 4).
set in. Banfield (1990) viewed the limited Gradually, it became clear to Congresses
results of the War on Poverty as confirmation and presidents of the need to oversee
that bureaucracy and expertise could not and control the federal leviathan they had
solve deeply rooted urban social problems. created. In a landmark decision, in
Pressman and Wildavsky (1984) tracked 1946, Congress enacted the Administrative
what came of some 1960s economic devel- Procedures Act. This imposed a formal legal-
opment funding – not much. style framework for major decision making
Still, Light (2002) made a strong case that within the bureaucracy. Congress followed
such generalizations were too sweeping and up with additional rules of the game.
pessimistic. Randomly surveying political Rosenbloom (2000) suggested that this
scientists and historians, he compiled a list of wholly redefined federal management into a
the 50 greatest achievements of the national legislative-centered public administration.
government in the second half of the twenti- Still, despite all of Congress’s efforts, it
eth century, rated by degree of difficulty, appeared the bureaucracy had the upper
importance and success. Some were high hand, even in a showdown with Congress’s
profile and relatively obvious, such as rebuild- much vaunted power of the purse (Lee,
ing Europe after World War II (1), civil rights 2011b).
(2 & 3), the interstate highway system (7), At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue,
reducing pollution (11 & 15), containing presidents too were seeking ways to herd
communism (14) and space exploration (25). recalcitrant agencies. Presidents were now
Many others, however, were long-term and engulfed by ‘the managerial presidency’
incremental goals, rarely the subject of public (Arnold, 1998). Viewed from the other end of
attention. As such, they were largely invisi- the telescope, they wanted to make the fed-
ble. They were accomplished by slow and eral bureaucracy more ‘presidentialized’
unglamorous, but persistent, bureaucracies. (Durant and Resh, 2010).
Those public administration successes The vast expansion of the federal govern-
included reducing disease (4), safer food and ment, especially by FDR and LBJ, reflected a
drinking water (6), scientific R&D (13), high-water mark in US administrative history.
workplace safety (16), reducing hunger (18), It embodied the somewhat naïve American
expansion of higher education (19), con- optimism that government could be the solu-
sumer protection (20), arms control (23) and tion to social problems and management
protecting wilderness areas (24). All in of the political economy – notwithstanding

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the Constitution. As a corollary to that, large servants (called the Hatch Act) was also
civil service bureaucracies were viewed as largely repealed. In toto, this was not a com-
the best vehicle for delivering those plete nullification of the Pendleton Act, but
solutions. If politicians and politics would it was a rollback of its major principles
just get out of the way, the administrative (Pfiffner and Brook, 2000).
state would achieve the Good Life. Instead, Significantly, the National Civil Service
bureaucracy had become relatively ungov- Reform League also changed. It was no
ernable and unmanageable. This was a defin- longer the guardian of the traditional approach
itive manifestation of golem government, to maximal civil service systems. Instead, it
even with its signal accomplishments during issued a new model civil service law that
the twentieth century. went against its own earlier orthodoxy. Then,
the League endorsed many of the principles
in Carter’s reform law. The beneficiaries
of the status quo, as well as the heirs of
RECEDING TIDE: THE CIVIL SERVICE the earlier good-government reformers, were
REFORM ACT, 1978 horrified. By 1980, the organization col-
lapsed, exactly a century after its founding.
President Reagan famously said that ‘gov- The League’s implosion symbolized the end
ernment is not the solution to our problem; of an era in American administrative history.
government is the problem.’ However, the The 1978 law then influenced major
initial effort to undo the rigidities of civil reforms to state and local government civil
service was by his predecessor, Jimmy Carter. service systems (Lee, 1979; Bowman and
Carter, another engineer, claimed that he had West, 2007). After a century, the belief that
been successful as Georgia’s governor partly professionalized bureaucracy would bring
because of his reforms, such as reorganizing better and more successful government had
state agencies into a handful of super-depart- ebbed. It needed to be substantially reformed,
ments. By now, the conventional wisdom even replaced, everyone agreed. But with
was that golem government was partly caused what? No one was quite sure. Identifying a
by an ossified, bureaucratized and overly problem is easy: solving it is the hard part.
autonomous civil service. Actually, it was
also partly caused by bureaucrat-bashing
politicians who were loading more and more
restraints on agency operations. POST-BUREAUCRACY: PUBLIC
Carter proposed major changes and MANAGEMENT BY EVERYBODY AND
Congress agreed, passing the 1978 Civil NOBODY, 1978−PRESENT
Service Reform Act. It reduced the scope
of civil service positions at the top levels Had golem government died with the 1978
of agencies, creating instead a Senior Civil Service Reform Act? No. After all, only
Executive Service. The thinking was that a major revision of the US Constitution could
major policy-making positions should be truly accomplish that. Still, President Clinton
outside the neutral and permanent civil serv- declared, ‘The era of big government is over.’
ice. The new law (and accompanying reor- Now American public administration was
ganization) abolished the Civil Service being reformulated. The management of gov-
Commission, largely replacing it with an ernmental goods and services splayed out in
Office Personnel Management, a staff agency different, even contradictory directions.
to the president, not an independent commis- Some argued that the way to reduce golem
sion. Whistleblowers would now have legal government was to make it operate more like a
protections from reprisals. Separately, the business, including being more entrepreneur-
ban on political activities by federal civil ial and risk-taking. ‘Down with bureaucracy!’

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said the New Public Management movement. executive branch in the past three decades,’
It strongly appealed to politicians, regardless i.e. since 1978 (Roberts, 2008: 165, emphasis
of party – but just as long as no agency added). Those changes included growing
facilities in their districts were closed or institutional complexity, imposition of addi-
reduced. Another idea was that measuring tional limits on agency activities by Congress,
performance was the only thing that counted. distrust of the bureaucracy, a fraying ethos of
Impliedly, if it couldn’t be measured, govern- fidelity, and new information and communi-
ment shouldn’t do it. Technology offered cation technologies. As a result, he con-
new options as well, with G2C (government- cluded, ‘the predicament of contemporary
to-customer) e-government having the poten- governance’ was not an imperial presidency,
tial of increasing efficiency. Congressional but actually a dysfunctional government,
conservatives were awash with ideas for incapable of acting effectively (Roberts,
‘starving the beast,’ while moderates simply 2008: 174).
aimed at taming it: more general manage- Light (2008: 237), too, noted the thirtieth
ment laws, more coordination, more limita- anniversary of the Act by observing that
tions and prohibitions, inspectors general and ‘Congress and the president have shown
lots of ‘chief’ officers in each department, little interest at least since the 1978 Civil
such as for finance, information, and human Service Reform Act in enacting the kind of
resources (Stanton and Ginsberg, 2004). sweeping reforms’ in governance and public
A major idea was to shift from govern- administration that were needed. The politi-
ment as the provider of goods and services cal system seemed unable to make big
(by civil servants) to merely the financer, decisions; hence, inadequate management
contracting with non-profits and business to of the federal and other levels of govern-
deliver them; ibid for routine internal man- ment just stumbled forward. Contemporary
agement services, such as security, janitorial American government reflected ad hoc, stop-
services, or contact centers. The main role of start, flavor-of-the-month fads, path-of-least-
the public administrator was as a contract resistance and crisis-reacting non-decisions.
manager (Cohen and Eimicke, 2008). This
was sometimes called the hollowing out of
the state or networked government. Pressing
from the other direction, some reformers A HISTORY OF THE FUTURE
called for more citizen participation, more
openness and more democratic administra- In part, the contemporary argument over
tion (Stivers, 2008). improving public management echoed an
Drawing conclusions from poor govern- unresolved argument from the past. Which
mental performance during 9/11 and was the key word in ‘public administration’:
Hurricane Katrina, Kettl (2009) suggested ‘public’ or ‘administration’? Was the govern-
that effective government management in the mental (and Constitutional) context relatively
future would entail complex partnerships, minor? Was it essentially like business
blended contributions to shared outcomes, administration? If so, public ADMINISTRA-
information-based action, bureaucracies as TION. Or, was the different context so cru-
holding companies for expertise, fluidity and cial that management of a public agency was
flexibility, and the development of relation- qualitatively different from business? Sayre
ships of trust before crises. quipped that private and public management
Exactly 30 years after the 1978 Civil were ‘fundamentally alike in all unimportant
Service Reform Act, Roberts reviewed the respects’ (Allison, 1980). So, from that per-
performance of the Bush II administration. spective, PUBLIC administration.
He described significant developments The rough answer to this either-or
that had greatly ‘undercut the power of the question, it seems, is plainly there to see.

5768_Peters & Pierre-13.indd 224 7/19/2012 5:08:10 PM


In American culture, ‘big is beautiful:’ homes, candidates who promise tax cuts and no
TV screens, food portions and stadia. reductions in popular programs such as
Americans don’t even seem to mind the oli- Social Security and Medicare do better than
gopolies of big business all that much. But promising only blood, sweat, tears, and toil.
there’s one thing they definitely don’t like Let the good times roll!
big − government. Citizens do not think of So, what is the next chapter of American
public administration as a value-adding activ- administrative history? Bet on more of the
ity; they only stereotype bureaucrats as wast- same. Golem government is here to stay.
ing time inventing red tape to harass the
innocent. It is now a convention to run for
office against government, as an outsider.
Government is bad. If so, then the answer is: REFERENCES
public administration.
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Administrative Legacies
in Western Europe
Fabio Rugge

It is the purpose of this chapter to trace some WHEN IT ALL BEGAN

of the major historical developments that
provide the background of today’s public In contrast to political systems and constitu-
administrations. This will be done with the tional arrangements, administrative regimes
intention of delineating legacies of particular do not experience that sort of thorough col-
relevance to our contemporary scene.1 lapses or all-pervading transitions that enable
The account will focus on public adminis- historians to speak of ‘new eras’ or of ‘turn-
trations in the four largest European coun- ing points’.2 Thus, periodization may become
tries: France, Germany, Italy and the United particularly controversial when administra-
Kingdom. This choice is not based on a hier- tive history is at stake. Nonetheless, no
archical appreciation of the various European administrative system is isolated from the
traditions. It rather depends on the present state institutional framework, both political and
of the art in comparative administrative his- constitutional, in which it operates. This
tory (Raadschelders, 1998) – and on the limits means that major changes affecting that
set to this chapter, which oblige the author to framework inevitably reverberate on the
neglect even some traditionally acknowl- administrative structures.
edged differences between the national cases Now, the decades prior to 1850 witnessed
under review (Heady, 2001; Peters, 1988). crucial developments in the sphere of politi-
In this chapter no illustration will be pro- cal institutions and the establishment of a
vided of the history of the civil service as a new constitutional era. That era had been
social group, nor of the changing features of inaugurated as early as 1787 by the American
bureaucratic work. Instead of such ‘bureau- constitution and, a few years later, by the
history’, special attention will be paid to French revolutionary instruments. Still, the
the governmental penetration of civil society whole first half of the following century
as reflected in the history of the past two had to pass by before a new generation of
centuries. constitutions spread all over Europe, making

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constitutional government a permanent fea- and therefore entirely respecting all individ-
ture of most polities. ual rights enshrined in the constitution and
This great transformation brought about in the laws.4
two processes crucial to the development of Finally, a third great issue was brought
modern public administration: the end of the about by the new constitutional era: the dif-
so-called ‘kingly administrations’ (Dreyfus, ferentiation between politics and administra-
2000; Wilson, 1887) and the invention of tion. This issue will be addressed first.
the politics/administration dichotomy.
As to the first, the adoption of constitu-
tional arrangements entailed that state admin-
istration would no longer hinge on the figure THE POLITICS/ADMINISTRATION
of the monarch. And as the state became DICHOTOMY
increasingly depersonalized, the crown’s serv-
ants were gradually replaced by the state’s Traditionally, public administration has been
servants (Jakoby, 1973; Raadschelders and conceptualized as distinct from and often
Rutgers, 1996; Rosenberg, 1958) and modern as the opposite of politics: its virtuous sister
administrative apparatuses developed. to some, its dull servant to others. The dis-
Notwithstanding this restructuring, ‘kingly tinction between the two spheres has often
administrations’ were not truly superseded been regarded as obvious, their separation as
until the beginning of the nineteenth cen- desirable.
tury,3 when new ‘princes’ arose to claim Although such a distinction is very
command over public administration: elected problematic in theory and separation has
parliaments, speaking in the name of ‘the proved more than problematic in practice,5
people’. Such a takeover caused relevant no one can deny that these ideas have repre-
changes. In particular, three great administra- sented a mighty intellectual pattern, which
tive issues emerged. strongly contributed to shaping modern
First, just as the ‘kingly administration’ public administration. For this reason, the
had served the sovereign’s interests, the new pattern and the reality behind it deserve some
‘constitutional administration’ was to serve scrutiny.
the interests of the ‘people’, as they were First, the separation of politics and admin-
represented in the parliament. Now, in the istration found a long-lasting anchorage in
presence of a liberal-democratic pressure to the doctrine about the separation of powers.
enlarge the franchise, a proliferation of the According to this doctrine, and to its subse-
represented interests was inevitable in terms quent adjustments, the executive power, and
both of the issues and of the social groups therefore the administration, must be sepa-
concerned (Rokkan, 1970). That opened the rated from both the legislative and the judici-
question as to whether the constitutional ary and be exclusively charged with the task
administration should take care of those of implementing the legislator’s will.
issues and of those social groups through Second – and paradoxically – the per-
regulative action or through direct interven- manence of some ancien régime features
tion. This question, and the solutions given to fostered the new politics/administration
it, will be addressed later in the chapter. dichotomy. In particular, the persistent influ-
Secondly, the end of the ‘kingly adminis- ence of the crown over the bureaucracy (for
trations’ and the rise of a new constellation of instance, in countries like Prussia) helped
constitutional values meant that any auto- permeate administration with a unitary, hier-
cratic vein had to be removed from adminis- archical spirit and shape the image of the
trative procedures. Administration should no deferential civil servants (the opposite of
longer act so as to follow to the monarch’s the allegedly quarrelsome and treacherous
arbitrary will, but only according to the law politician).

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Third, around the mid-nineteenth century, with the politics/administration dichotomy,

a new practical factor came to support but removes the conflicting component from
the politics/administration dichotomy: a it, featuring in fact a sort of fusion of the
growing functional differentiation between political and the administrative spheres
the profession of the politician and that of the (Thomas, 1978).
bureaucrat. For politicians, parliamentary life A different tradition prevailed in countries
became more and more demanding, while like France and Italy, where the politicization
ministers found it increasingly difficult to of the public administration became the
deal with the details of state affairs. For civil rule. Basically, this was achieved in two
servants, especially in the high and middle ways. On the one hand, ministerial cabinets
ranks of the bureaucratic pyramid, the com- were created in order to reinforce the minis-
plexity and technicality of their work intensi- ter’s grip over the bureaucracy (Antoine,
fied. And the diffusion of the merit system, 1975; Rugge, 1998; Thuillier, 1982). On the
although the outcome of many other circum- other hand, the higher administrative posi-
stances (and undermined by the persistence tions were covered through appointment by
of a variety of social privileges) clearly sig- the government. Such was the case with the
nalled that a certain educational background prefects – key figures in these two central-
was required for this kind of work (Cassese ized states – whose appointments and trans-
and Pellew, 1987; Wunder, 2005). fers very often had clear partisan purposes
However, in spite of the three factors just (Le Clère and Wright, 1973). The politiciza-
recalled, it would be hazardous to argue that tion of higher civil servants affected Germany
in the past 150 years politics and administra- too, and it was institutionalized through the
tion have represented two entirely different figure of the politischer Beamte (political
enterprises (Rugge, 2007). From the mid- civil servant) (Fisch, 2007).
nineteenth century on, at least two major, But patronage has been the main breach
convergent drives have urged the encroach- in the politics/administration dichotomy
ment of politicians into the administrative (although this practice has been traditionally
arena: the need for loyal cooperation and the blamed in European political discourse). In
exercise of patronage. As an outcome of these particular, the rise of mass parties at the end
two pressures, a sort of politico-administrative of the nineteenth and the beginning of the
continuum has usually emerged, blurring the twentieth century reinforced this tendency,
border between the two spheres. The reasons creating new stimulants for it. First, mass
are clear (Raadschelders and Van der Meer, parties collected and drilled a host of poten-
1998). tial seekers of administrative positions.
As to the politician’s need for loyal coop- Second, mass parties were based on political
eration from the side of the civil service, creeds, demanding unflinching loyalty. In
this is an obvious precondition for any this kind of polity, ideological affinity
effective governmental action. In fact, it between political and administrative office-
was felt to be critical in all parliamentary holders was considered crucial and, indeed,
systems from the very outset of the new became critical.
constitutional era. The outcome of this change may be
In the United Kingdom, a solution to pos- observed in its most acute manifestation in
sible frictions between politicians and the authoritarian regimes of the 1920s and
bureaucrats was adopted that consisted in the the 1930s. For instance, both Italian Fascism
‘neutralizing’ of the civil service: whatever and German National Socialism – the proto-
the party in power, administration would types of that kind of regime in Europe –
steadfastly follow its policy. Such an arrange- disclaimed the liberal tenet about the
ment, based on the acknowledgement of the separation between politics and administra-
civil servant’s professionalism, is congruent tion; both preached the ideal of a state

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entirely pervaded by one ideology and challenging the role of the career officers: a
commanded by one leader.6 politicization practise that, according to some
However, the two regimes were not critics, jeopardized the Whitehall standards
equally successful in fulfilling their ideal. In of non-partisan policy making (Blick, 2004;
Germany, Hitler’s coming to power brought Theakstone, 2007).
about a far-reaching change (not to say In any event, governments frequently
purge) in the higher ranks of public adminis- reacted to perceived bureaucratic ‘resistance’
tration; but that did not avoid persistent ten- by circumventing state bureaucracies deemed
sions between the Nazi party and traditional insufficiently cooperative. Thus, they increas-
bureaucracy (for instance, as to the recruit- ingly resorted − in order to implement their
ment procedures) (Caplan, 1988; Hattenhauer, policies − to administrative apparatuses
1980; Mommsen, 1966; Wunder, 1986). In located outside the typical ministerial frame-
ltaly, the attempt to produce a civil service in work. In pursuing such an ‘outflanking
‘black shirts’ ended up with a tacit compro- strategy’, state executives probably responded
mise (Melis, 1996; Salvati, 1992). to a true need for effectiveness as much to
Where Mussolini had a free hand was in their drive for patronage.
those administrative bodies that Fascism
itself had created in order to discharge some
of the new tasks the state took upon itself
throughout the interwar period. In this sort of THE ROAD TO ‘BIG GOVERNMENT’ –
‘parallel’ public administration (see next sec- AND BACK
tion), Fascism could place new men with a
special reputation for their ideological alle- The creation of administrative structures out-
giance to the regime or their administrative side the typical ministries or departments is
talents (Melis, 1996). connected with a well-known phenomenon:
Seemingly peculiar to the Fascist regime, the growth of government, i.e. the increase in
this process in fact designs a pattern repli- number and latitude of the socially relevant
cated elsewhere and later on too – in demo- matters for which government or other public
cratic and multiparty systems. Indeed, agencies make themselves responsible.
twentieth-century governments and leading In fact, the idea that the state’s responsibil-
politicians have often enough been con- ity towards society was not limited to ‘law
fronted with a state bureaucracy they per- and order’ was a commonly shared view
ceived – and sometimes denounced – as and an established practice long before the
sclerotic, incompetent or inefficient. mid-nineteenth century, especially on the
Typically, such complaints had to do with Continent. Yet it was neither obvious nor
the lack of politic affinity between the civil undisputed that further state intervention
servants and their political masters or with should mean direct operation of public serv-
the resistance put up by the bureaucrats ices rather than regulation of the supplying
to politicians’ encroachments into ‘their’ of those services through private trading or
administrative territory. voluntary organizations.
Furthermore, by the end of the twentieth In the years around 1850, the idea of regu-
century, political leaders grew often impa- lative – instead of operative – state interven-
tient with the traditional type of high tion probably reached the zenith of its
officer, and started seeking the support of popularity among European ruling classes
a more managerial, result-oriented, even (although hardly any task already assumed
spin-doctoring sort of counsellors. Thus the by the state was in those years relinquished
United Kingdom itself, with its tradition of a to societal actors [Ellwein, 1965]). Also from
neutral senior civil service, witnessed the this point of view as well as from the point of
creation of a class of ‘political advisers’, view of constitutional developments, these

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years may well be considered a turning point, under consideration);7 nevertheless, they
as the regulative approach started yielding to consistently point to an upward trend of the
a more operative-oriented philosophy. financial and personnel resources wielded by
From that moment on, the ideals of the public administrations.
minimal state and of the free market began to The numerical evidence of the growth of
decline. From the 1880s and 1890s on, the government is supplemented by morphologi-
prevalence of the statist tendency became cal evidence (Rosanvallon, 1990). The design
more and more evident and for the century to of public administrations in each country
come practically irreversible (Ashford, 1986). became increasingly differentiated and intri-
Government grew bigger; and so did public cate: new ministries, departments, offices
administration. A good piece of evidence of and authorities were established. Sometimes
the process is supplied by the figures con- this was the result of a process of functional
cerning the public expenditures for civilian specialization, sometimes of the necessity
purposes. to cope with an emergency, sometimes of
Table 14.1 shows how, in the four coun- merely symbolic adjustments.
tries considered here, the per capita public If we simply look at the central adminis-
expenditure at constant prices grew in the tration and at its typical units – the ministries
period between 1880 and 1910 (1910 = 100). or the departments – their very name and
In the same period, also, the percentage of order of appearance are testimony to the
people employed in the civil service in all process under scrutiny.
levels of public administration increased, First to appear, often long before the
especially in the United Kingdom and period under consideration, were the minis-
Germany, as shown in Table 14.2. The figures tries for internal and foreign affairs, war
offered in Tables 14.1 and 14.2 are not totally and justice – all bound to the state’s classical
reliable (also the state’s ability to ‘count task of preserving the country from internal
itself’ was a product of the development and external threats – and the ministries of
finance or the treasury set out to extract
financial resources necessary for discharging
the aforementioned task (Mayntz, 1982).
Table 14.1 Per capita public expenditure,
1880−1910 But from the 1880s and for the following
century, the government’s engagement in a
1880 1910
number of new fields was institutionalized,
France 81 100 supported and displayed by the creation of
Prussia/Germany 48 100
Italy 51 100a
a host of special ministries.
United Kingdom 67 100 The path and pace of such a parade of
Year 1912.
ministries are to a large extent related to the
Source: Mann (1993: Ch.11); Italy, Cassese (1977); see idiosyncrasies of each country’s history. Still,
also Note 7. a number of departments and other adminis-
trative bodies were the result of international
events and political movements, which
Table 14.2 Percentage of total
population engaged in all levels of public produced cross-national ‘generations of min-
administration, 1880−1910 istries’. In 1916 and 1917, with the establish-
1880 1910
ment of the Ministry of Pensions and of
Labour, respectively, the United Kingdom
France 1.28 1.42
Prussia/Germany 1.56 2.35
inaugurated a wave of homologous institu-
Italy 0.97 0.99 tions like the German Arbeitsministerium
United Kingdom 0.46 2.60 (1918−19), the Italian Ministero deI lavoro
Source: Mann (1993: Ch.11); Italy, Cassese (1977); see e della previdenza sociale (1920), the French
also Note 7. Ministère d’Hygiène et de la Prévoyance

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sociale (1920). Similarly, at the local govern- In the policy area considered so far, public
ment level, in the early twentieth century, administration performed a role that was sup-
utility companies, owned and managed by portive or propulsive of economic growth.
the municipal corporations (in German Although conflicts occasionally arose with
Gemeindebetriebe, in Italian aziende munici- individual private companies running the
palizzate), spread all over Europe. mentioned utilities as licensees or grantees,
In sum, from the mid-nineteenth century overall industrial and commercial interests
on, both the figures and the morphology of benefited from public ownership no less than
the administrative complex account for a did the general public.
relentless march towards ‘big government’. In another policy area, the role of public
A discussion of the factors causing this pro- administration was of a benevolent and pro-
gression lies outside the scope of this chap- tective rather than propulsive nature. Health
ter. Nonetheless, a couple of those factors care, social insurance and pensions became
may be mentioned while detailing some the terrain of policies that helped relieve pov-
aspects of the process. erty, reduce social tensions and enhance
First, there is no doubt that government living standards (Alber, 1982). In fact, even
reacted to direct or systemic pressure to pro- before the First World War the democratiza-
vide the infrastructure necessary for eco- tion of the franchise had produced parlia-
nomic development. This meant that an often ments that were more inclined to legislate
reluctant state got involved in the provision in favour of this sort of intervention than
of important services. The post was a tradi- had been their predecessors.
tional state-operated service; but state rail- It goes without saying that the two policy
ways and telephone were the fruit of the areas and the two corresponding roles – the
blooming statist season between 1880 and propulsive and the benevolent – distinguish-
1914. Germany nationalized its railways able in theory, were not separated at all
from the 1880s, with Prussia as a forerunner in practice. Education is a typical case in
in 1879; France, after a timid and almost point. But, also, the control of and/or the sup-
forced beginning in 1878, purchased a more port for migration (a phenomenon that had
substantial network from a private company a tremendous impact on European societies
in 1908; the Italian government began to run in the nineteenth and twentieth century)
the entire railway system in 1905 (while the fall into this ambivalent category of policies
United Kingdom chose the ‘regulative option’ and required considerable administrative
until 1947). The nationwide telephone sys- resources (Peri, 2010).
tems experienced a similar shift from private It should also be noted that, although
to public ownership and operation (France, the commitment of governments was gener-
1889; Germany, 1892; the UK, 1896−98; and alized in the course of the statist century,
Italy, 1907) (Bertho-Lavenir, 1991). some governments were proactive and others
On a local basis – and in particular in the tardier. To take education as an example,
rapidly expanding cities – transportation once more, as early as 1882 German govern-
means, as well as gas and electricity, were mental schools at all levels employed
increasingly provided by local authorities all about 115,000 people (Mayntz, 1982); com-
over Europe (see the following section). For parable figures were attained in Italy only
instance, at the dawning of the twentieth cen- in 1931. And while in 1902 the UK parlia-
tury, the management of such a key multi- ment was ready (some say happy) to put
purpose resource as water had frequently independent School Boards under local
become a typical town council’s business or authorities’ control, the Italian parliament, a
had been otherwise entrusted to a public few years later (1911), dissatisfied with the
(state) authority (Juuti and Katko, 2005; way the communes were dealing with pri-
Raadschelders, 2005). mary school matters, enlarged the central

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government’s competence on those matters rupture of a well-established European

(De Fort, 1996). administrative tradition. This rupture also
It is generally acknowledged that the First reverberated on the methods and criteria of
and the Second World Wars provided a spur administrative action (Savoie, 1994). Under
for further government growth. Moreover, the watchword of ‘New Public Management’
the wars brought about and fostered coope- (NPM), an effort has been made to renew the
ration between public administration and organization and the operation of public
corporate interests in ways that, with some administration, basically on the model of the
variations, were to prove permanent. private corporation (Dunleavy and Hood,
Admittedly, the preceding account of 1994).
the march towards ‘big government’ is to a Historical perspective may provide some
certain extent one-sided. This account has grounds for de-emphasizing the novelty of
assumed that the expansion of public admin- both the regulative and the managerial state.
istration was the outcome of social pressures As far as regulation is concerned, although
originated outside the politico-administrative partially yielding to direct intervention in the
system. Yet other versions of the same early twentieth century, the regulative para-
story emphasize that, especially after the rise digm has never ceased to influence the rela-
of mass parties, the growth of government tions between the state and relevant societal
became a vital concern of the politicians, actors. And it was often abandoned because
because it was associated with an increase in it had proven ineffective or costly or both
their power and patronage. Government and (Rials, 1985).
public administration then may have grown As to managerialism, it has been the
bigger, independent of social demands or goal of many administrative reformers in the
well beyond them (Dunleavy and O’Leary, last 100 years: suffice to mention a figure
1987; Poggi, 1991). like Henry Chardon (Kuisel, 1981; Pierrot,
Credit must be lent to this opinion, if only 1970; Rials, 1977). In any case, subsequent
because of the authoritative sources that have developments showed that NPM, no less
generated it (starting with Benjamin Constant, than other administrative recipes, had to
who spoke of the politicians’ esprit de con- come to terms with the contexts to which
quête). However: Did civil servants share it was applied – and even with its enemy: the
their political masters’ alleged interest in the traditional bureaucracy (thus, engendering,
growth of government? As a matter of fact, especially in Continental Europe, new
bureaucrats earn their living from bureauc- institutional arrangements qualified as ‘neo-
racy: hardly any of those civil servants who Weberian’ administrative systems) (Pollitt
made a name as leaders in public administra- and Bouckaert, 2004; Pollit et al., 2007;
tion gained a place in history for having Ongaro, 2009).
dismantled administrative apparatuses.
Some politicians did. In the early 1980s,
British Conservative cabinets made the recur-
rently voiced demand to reduce government CENTRAL, LOCAL AND PARALLEL
the crucial issue on their agenda. Other
European governments followed in their At the outset of the period under considera-
steps. Public welfare administrations were tion, the design of public administration
downsized; privatization of public corpora- was a rather simple one. After all, by the end
tions and services was legislated; a regulative of the nineteenth century, most European
rather than operative role for public adminis- states had gone through a process of both
tration was designed. Such policies have unification and centralization, while the
been largely criticized (Clarke and Newman, march towards ‘big government’ (with its
1997) and diffusely perceived as a clear concomitant process of administrative

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differentiation) had only just begun. whose local liberties were often mythologized
Thus, public administration was still funda- on the Continent, restrictions on the use of
mentally state administration and a rather the boroughs’ funds were dictated (especially
cohering and essential construct. in 1872) and important tasks were assigned
To be sure, in that construct one could to the boroughs themselves – for example, in
notice differences and inconsistencies, the educational field, with the Education
involving, for instance, different ministries Act of 1902 (which entailed that at least
called to cooperate in the implementation of 20 per cent of local government spending
one policy, as well as the field services was absorbed by education) (Ashford,
of different ministries operating in the same 1980; Bellamy, 1988; Dunleavy, 1984). In
territorial area. However, differences and countries of the Napoleonic tradition, like
inconsistencies of this sort hardly led to real France and Italy, interference and control
conflicts. On the contrary, conflict was a from the central government were normalcy:
rather common occurrence in the relation- maires and sindaci (Agulhon, 1986; Aimo,
ship between central government and local 1992; Colombo, 2011), the heads of muni-
administrations, that relationship offering cipal administration, were selected and
the most evident instance of division and appointed by the central government, res-
tension within national administrative sys- pectively, until 1882/84 in France and
tems in the nineteenth century. 1888/1896 in Italy.8
At the root of the strains in central−local Why then had the nineteenth-century
relations lay the fact that, already in the first states accepted and even promoted local self-
half of the century, local governments, espe- government? What did they need it for? A
cially at the municipal level, had become comprehensive answer to these questions
elective bodies. This had happened in should take into account a larger number of
France as early as 1789, during the revolu- factors. But from the point of view of the
tion, but it was a short-lived arrangement. administrative historian, the establishment
Abolished in 1795, elections of municipal of elective local authorities proceeded from
councils were then resumed in 1831. In the experience that a centrally ruled public
Prussia, the first German state to adopt com- administration was not expedient and possi-
munal elections, they were introduced in bly not capable of properly implementing
1808. In England, elective borough councils all of the (state) public policies.
were established by the Municipal Cor- In addition, local self-government entailed
porations Act in 1835 for 178 boroughs and the possibility of mobilizing local elites
subsequently extended. In the Kingdom of and involving them in administrative
Piedmont, the immediate antecedent of activities on an honorary basis – and that
the Kingdom of Italy, elections of municipal with at least a twofold gain. First, such
councils were enacted in 1848. involvement was likely to enhance local
As a result, local administrations had communities’ cooperative attitude towards
become primarily responsive to their own (state) public policies; second, it pro-
voters and were inclined to set their own vided public administration with admini-
policy agenda. Their choices, however, strative skills that were relatively rare at
might happen to collide with what central that time.
governments would suggest or expect: hence, All this implies a systemic relation between
the aforementioned strain – or unsteady bal- central and local administration: they were
ance – between central government and local actually distinct elements of one and the
self-government, and the former’s effort to same governance system. In that system,
put the second under tutelage. however, the state was the dominating
To be sure, such state tutelage could be actor. Only at the turn of the century was its
more or less penetrating. But also in England, position threatened. Cities all over Europe

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turned into laboratories of new policies and from the ministerial bureaucracy (ISAP,
administrative devices (Hietala, 1987). 1984; Leonardi et al., 1987; Levy, 1996). In
In the United Kingdom, by the Edwardian France, after the law of 1972 introducing a
period, municipal enterprise had become regionalization en trompe-l’œil, substantial
‘big business’, and the Fabian Society was decentralization was enacted only in 1982
successfully diffusing the gospel of ‘munici- (Hayward, 1973; Loughlin and Mazey,
pal trading’ (Falkus, 1977; MacBriar, 1966). 1995). In the United Kingdom, a regional
In Italy, socialists and radicals were govern- movement emerged in the early 1960s, went
ing cities as important as Rome and Milan, into hibernation about 15 years later without
while a law passed in 1903 provided producing remarkable or lasting outcomes
legal basis for the mushrooming municipal (Regional Economic Planning Councils were
enterprises. Proactive German burgomasters established in 1964 and extinguished in
applied the principles of municipalization 1979), and has only recently revived with
and the prescriptions of municipal engineer- major impact.
ing (Städtetechnik) (Hofmann, 1974; Rugge, But the ‘pluralism’ of the contemporary
1989). Even French communes, although under public administration systems has not only
tighter state grip, undertook new important resulted from the creation of new local
tasks, e.g. in the fields of water provision and authorities. In fact, as the state acquired fur-
sewerage (Cohen, 1998; Rugge, 1992). ther social and economic powers, these were
In short, municipal government became increasingly vested in public boards or agen-
the cradle of administrative innovations and cies that were neither government depart-
the expression ‘civic renaissance’ was forged ments nor local authorities. A new family of
to characterize this development. But, during public administrations therefore developed.
the interwar period, the ‘civic renaissance’ The first appearance of this ‘parallel’
came to a sudden end. War had brought the public administration was an occurrence
state to the foreground again. Furthermore, in of the interwar period. Pending the First
two countries where municipal activism had World War, the expansion of state interven-
been utmost (Germany and Italy), the author- tion had reached a critical point, making
itarian rule reduced local administration to an clear that ministerial or departmental admin-
articulation of the central government and of istrations were not entirely up to the chal-
the party machinery.9 lenges the conflict had imposed on them.
Not before the end of the Second World That situation demanded more organizational
War was the development of local govern- flexibility, higher capacity to consult and
ment set in motion again. The most relevant integrate external stakeholders (especially
changes, however, did not affect city govern- corporate interests) and single mission
ment: rather, they concerned the intermediate instead of multi-purpose structures.
level of administration, i.e. territorial subu- An ever-increasing number of authorities,
nits of the state such as regions, departments agencies and commissions developed, which
and the like. In particular, between the 1960s were ordinarily created by legislation, and
and 1970s, regionalization emerged as an commonly supported by public funds: each
important issue in the political debate of the acted in one special field, mostly with a
countries under review (with the partial national scope (social insurance, health
exception of Germany, with its traditionally care, education, information, highways, reg-
established federal fabric) (Meny, 1982). ulation and surveillance on public utilities,
The practical results of this regionalist etc.) (Rugge, 2000). These parallel adminis-
upsurge were different. In Italy, a process of trations, although mostly entrusted to per-
devolution of both legislative and administra- sonnel appointed by central government,
tive tasks to the regions went ahead in the were indeed neither state nor governmental
1970s, in spite of considerable resistance administrations.

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Because of this special position, in French NOTES

and Italian legal languages these bodies were
soon defined as entités paraétatiques or enti 1 An established scholarly tradition has stressed
parastatali, respectively, whereas in English the merit of such approach: from Leonard D. White
(‘No administrative system can be well understood
they were later described as ‘fringe bodies’
without some knowledge of what it has been, and
or ‘quangos’ (quasi non-governmental organ- how it came to be what it is’; 1955: 13) to the recent
izations) (Yante et al. 2007; Greve et al., historical institutionalist studies (e.g. Pierson, 2004).
1999; Parliamentary Affairs, 1995). On the As for the notion of ‘administrative traditions’, see
Continent, they were considered as part of Painter and Peters (2010).
2 One can consider Alexis de Tocqueville as the
the public administration system, but they
most prominent supporter of this opinion, since he
were mostly allowed to operate according to argued that the effects of the Revolution on the
the civil law (that is, as if they were private developments of French administration had com-
persons). Since this aspect placed them in a monly been ‘exaggerated’ (Tocqueville, 1964).
sort of grey zone between the public admin- 3 According to Henry Parris, the expression ‘per-
manent civil service’ does not apply to the period
istration and the private persons, Italian legal
prior to 1780−1830 (Parris, 1969; see also Harling,
doctrine defined these agencies with the 1996). Not before the mid-nineteenth century did
somewhat crude but perceptive expression of the modern concept of ‘fonctionnaire’ prevail in
enti ermafraditi (hermaphrodite bodies) France (Thuiller and Tulard, 1994: 42).
(Melis, 1988). 4 This process is sketched in Rugge (2003:
During the interwar period and soon after
5 For a disclaimer of the ‘ancient proverb’ about
the Second World War, their growth was the politics/administration dichotomy, see Peters
relentless and impressive, especially in the (1995: 177−178).
economic arena (suffice it to mention the 6 The attitude of the German regime towards
UK’s massive nationalization in the after- public administration both as a profession and a sci-
ence is mirrored by the relations between the Berlin
math of the war). Here the public/private
establishment and the International Institute of
interpenetration took the form of public cor- Administrative Sciences in the years 1933−1944 (see
porations, usually created to stabilize key Fisch, 2005).
economic sectors, protect sensitive national 7 Figures drawn from Mann (1993), who offers
interests, support the overall development a convincing discussion of data collected by other
authors. Figures concerning Italy are derived from
and buttress governmental policies.
Cassese (1977).
As a result of this process, the image of the 8 For a discussion – also in an historical perspec-
European administrative system has under- tive – of the different models of central−local rela-
gone a profound change: from the state- tions, see Page (1991).
centred design of the late nineteenth and 9 A comparison between the local government’s
path in the Germany and Italy is given in Rugge
early twentieth centuries, to a less orderly
and almost enthropic pattern: some say, an
administration en miettes (Dupuy and
Thoenig, 1985). In fact, in the new scenario
a trend can be observed towards an ‘unbun-
dled government’: the breaking down of REFERENCES
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South Asian and Western
Administrative Experience:
The Past in the Present
James Warner Björkman

By comparing pre-colonial and colonial The twentieth century is the most well
with post-colonial state administrative tradi- known as well as most influential era of
tions, this chapter explores Western and administrative practices in India. Its first half
indigenous traditions of governance in order spanned the heyday of the British Raj; its
to appreciate the degree to which historical second half was characterized by massive
knowledge is a benefit to students and practi- efforts for socio-economic development. But
tioners alike. While generalizations about the distant past is equally intriguing when
patterns of administrative change in India viewed as administrative history. In order to
may court disagreement, the following dis- explore indigenous traditions of governance
cussion derives from having been an ‘India- that permeate and influence the practice
watcher’ for almost 50 years, with the built-in (even the mindset) of public administration
biases that such an enterprise entails. Due to in South Asia, comparison is made with one
its scope and duration over millennia, India of the most well-known and least admired
should occupy a massive space in the study theorists of Western political thought.
of administrative history. India, of course,
means not just the current nation-state that
is one of several successors to the British
Raj but the entire subcontinent with its A COLONIAL DUET
complex history of well over 5,000 years.
India’s administrative traditions are derived Few countries have been so explicitly pre-
from ancient Hindu kingdoms, medieval pared for independent democratic develop-
Muslim empires, Western (especially British) ment as those in South Asia. For nearly a
colonialism and the modern era of independ- century, the institutions and practice of gov-
ent nation-states. ernment had evolved to produce civil and

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military services that were both experienced the collection of revenue and the administra-
and professional. While it would be naïve to tion of justice, but the district remained the
suggest that mere administrative apparatus center of action. Despite episodic attempts
means sound administration or even good at reform, revenue units at district and
governance, shortly after the Raj ended in sub-district levels remain the best key to under-
1947, Appleby (1953: 8) described India as standing almost all contemporary adminis-
‘among the dozen or so most advanced gov- trative arrangements in India – including
ernments in the world’. Despite difficulties ‘development blocks’ under the state-
during the past half-century, public adminis- managed Community Development Program
tration in India has demonstrated as much in the 1950s and its participatory successor
coherence, awareness and balance between called Panchayati Raj (Björkman 1979).
tradition and change as most Western nations. Under the Mughals these administrative
In comparative terms, political organiza- areas were assigned to political retainers
tion in India is equally well developed, with and allies but, on the demise or removal of
competitive elections and multiple parties. these incumbents, the areas reverted to the
Having been founded in 1885, the Congress monarch for reassignment (Moore 1967:
Party triumphed as a nationalist movement 319). Although these areas could be rank-
by achieving independence in 1947 and then ordered by size and importance, their admin-
dominated the party system during the next istrators had no specific training. In the
40 years by supplying most national and eighteenth-century China trade, however,
state-level governments. Over the decades, British merchants observed the value of well-
however, internal quarrels plus organiza- trained Mandarins, and in the early nine-
tional atrophy (Björkman and Mathur 1996) teenth century the East India Company
saw the emergence of many more political introduced specialized training for its appren-
parties that, coupled with an increasingly tice officials by establishing Haileybury
sophisticated electorate, have yielded a new College (1806–57). Because recruitment
phase of coalitional (that is, non-majoritar- occurred in Britain, the embryonic civil serv-
ian) governments. Without strong central ice was dominated by the English but, from
leadership, the importance of public adminis- 1853 onwards, Indians became eligible as
tration has re-emerged, although without its well (Braibanti and Spengler 1963: 31–2).
self-confidence of yesteryear. In a reversal of the usual assumptions
The British came to South Asia in the six- of colonial tutelage, Spangenberg (1976)
teenth century in search of commercial trade argues that the British experimented with
and their initial administrative practices administrative arrangements in India, includ-
served mercantile interests. But the East ing specialized training for functionaries,
India Company over-reached itself and had long before bringing those reforms to Britain
to be rescued by the political state from through the 1854 Northcote−Trevelyan
which it had obtained its original commis- Report and its legislative aftermath. There is
sion. From this perspective, the Raj was an modest irony in the argument that the colo-
accidental empire rather than a purpose- nial power was itself colonized by adminis-
ful enterprise. Rather than intentionally trative practices from its colony – a point
introducing British administrative practice that, given considerations of power and
into India, the Raj inherited a system of status, has not been well publicized. Indeed,
administration that had been under way for the issue of what was borrowed from and/or
centuries. influenced each partner in the colonial
This administrative system was based on duet – Britain and India – is best described as
geographic areas – specifically the ‘district’ – a symbiotic synthesis that neither can easily
that had responsibility for maintaining law recognize nor acknowledge. Yet in many
and order as well as extracting revenue. ways the two nations have grown together
Subunits called tehsils or talukas facilitated over some 400 years of interaction.

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THE SCIENCE OF POLITY FOR rulers and writers for over 1,500 years (Prased
THE PRINCE 1928: 245). As Rangaswami Aiyangar (1934:
6) remarks, ‘In India more than in many parts
While one cannot deny that the pattern of of the world the past persists in the present.’
administrative change in India owes much to Kautilya’s manual is a rich repository of
two centuries of enduring British emphasis factual information, but its orientation is
on procedural means of attaining equity and descriptive, prescriptive and didactic rather
probity, the core structure of South Asian than analytical, and its content is predomi-
administration is equally related to the state- nantly political. Its first book is primarily
craft enjoined in the Arthasastra. The term concerned with how the king must proceed if
artha signifies ‘wealth’ and ‘the earth which he is to choose reliable ministers, with how he
contains mankind’; the term sastra or ‘sci- is to set up and operate effective internal and
ence’, when affixed to artha, designates the external spy networks, and how he must guard
‘Science of Polity’ because it describes his internal and external security. Book II
how this earthy realm is acquired and main- deals with political as well as economic regu-
tained (Shamasastry 1960). Transmitted latory agencies, while the next three books
orally through Sanskrit over millennia, the deal with family regulations, criminal justice
Arthasastra was first transcribed and pub- and public service. The 10 remaining books
lished in 1909 and attributed to Kautilya, concern bases of sovereignty, international
chief advisor to the founder of the vast relations, sources of national distress, inva-
Mauryan empire that flourished at the close sion, war, the conduct of military operations
of the fourth century BC. The compendium is and international intrigue.
a detailed text that documents every aspect of As the manual includes many prevailing
life in Mauryan India: the state and its customs and rules, the Arthasastra represents
people, the ruler and officials under him, an attempt to codify Indian laws and customs
political economy and foreign policy as well as Justinian later did under the late Roman
as personal life. empire. It also reflects Brahmanical ethics
The Mauryan empire was founded by and ideas about authority as well as the
Chandragupta Maurya, commander-in-chief sources of law for the social order. Being
of the last Nanda king of Magadha (modern aware of the value of propaganda and of the
day Bihar), whom he eventually overthrew. extent of belief in the infallibility of the
When Maurya’s initial conspiracy with sacred Vedas, Kautilya found in these ideas a
Kautilya was discovered, both fled to the powerful source of social stability (Aiyangar
Punjab ‘where tradition attributes to them a 1934: 40–1).
meeting with Alexander the Great’ (Bingham Kautilya was concerned to devise a state-
et al. 1974: 150) and an exposure to Western craft that would keep the large Mauryan
ideas. Some 15 years after killing the Nanda empire unified, guard its integrity against the
king in 322 BC, Chandragupta defeated the intrigues of power-seeking nobles as well as
Seleucid Greeks (successors to Alexander) attack from abroad, and prevent the dissolu-
and obtained all the lands that Alexander had tion of the state. Hence, he found it necessary
conquered in India. Given Chandragupta to dismiss unrealistic world-rejecting values
Maurya’s conquests in Bengal and Gujarat, and practices that were unfavorable to the
his empire over most of the subcontinent functioning of a great empire. While he may
lasted for 130 years (Basham 1954: 50–7). At be said to have subordinated ethics to poli-
its height the Mauryan empire embraced tics, Kautilya did not endorse principles that
much of India, with a population of perhaps ran counter to the social law and coercive
100 million people – about as many as lived authority of the Vedas.
in Europe 2,000 years later in AD 1600. Yet Kautilya’s insistence on the importance of
even after the collapse of the Mauryan coercive authority (physical force) indicates
empire, Kautilya’s manual continued to guide that he conceived of the politico-economic

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world in essentially Hobbesian terms – as did hands of modern scholars. This treatise, the
many ancient authors. It indicates also that he Arthasastra, and its probable author, Kautilya
underestimated the self-adjusting homeo- (also known as Chanakya), will be compared
static character of social systems, together with Machiavelli and his works in order to
with the mechanisms governing their behav- explore their ahistorical parallels.
ior. Yet, the Arthasastra contributed to the Before these political theorists can be
resolution of the problem of justice because compared, the similarities and differences of
Kautilya’s concern was with the rules the disparate eras of each man must be
intended to produce sufficient certainty in sketched and commentary provided on known
various interpersonal relations in order to biographical information in order to gain a
preserve social stability. His conception of contextual perspective. The political con-
law, although not wholly free of metaphysi- cerns and techniques of each can then be
cal content, was essentially empirical and discussed and contrasted, with final attention
man-made, and his conception of justice con- being paid to the practical results and appli-
sisted in compliance with what the law sanc- cations of these theories. It should be noted,
tioned, on the grounds that it promoted the too, that both theorists subscribe to a cyclical
common good (Choudhary 1951: 284–8). In sense of time that repeats itself or turns back
this regard, Kautilya’s efforts provide a upon itself, rather than the linear sense of
‘hidden’ positive law in contrast to the overt time that characterizes Western civilization.
products of Roman law. The politics of Europe’s Renaissance were
Max Lerner’s 1950 introduction to The unsettled, and the adjective ‘chaotic’ appro-
Prince and The Discourses suggests that priately characterizes the Italian peninsula
‘when [Niccolò Machiavelli] wrote his gram- that included five major city-states plus other
mar of power he came close to setting down minor principalities. The political kaleido-
the imperatives by which men govern and are scope involved the maintenance of a shifting
governed in political communities, whatever balance of power among the Republics of
the epoch and whatever the governmental Venice and Florence, the Kingdom of Naples,
structure’ (Lerner 1950: xxxiv). To test the Duchy of Milan and the Papal State.
such a proposition would require extensive Astute observers perceived that ‘political
scholarship and no satisfactorily definitive absolutism was the necessary remedy for the
conclusion would ever be obtained. However, chaos and anarchy of internecine strife among
‘there do arise, from time to time, curious the Italian cities’ (Elliott and McDonald
parallels between one period and another’ 1949: 425).
(Muir 1936: 1), so an examination of the Although the wondrous creations of Italian
theories of another political author totally art held imperial sway in contemporary
unrelated to Machiavelli in culture, territory, European culture, other European nations
or time does provide a critical comparison reciprocated with imperialism of a political
for Lerner’s suggestion. nature. The kingdoms of France and Spain,
through their subsidiary alliances with Milan
and Naples, respectively, were intermittently
at war over the possession of Italy (Schevill
ERA AND AREA IN CONTEXT 1936: 463). The Papacy, which during the
preceding centuries had been a significant
Twenty-three centuries ago, almost six times influence in European politics, had become
the span of years since Machiavelli wrote, an little more than a political football that fre-
obscure Indian Brahmin composed a politi- quently changed hands through manipulation
cal treatise on government. Although the past within the College of Cardinals. The crown-
does not willingly divulge its secrets, a fortu- ing irony of the age was the sack of the
nate discovery near the turn of the twentieth sacred and eternal city of Rome in 1527 by
century placed a copy of this treatise in the that most Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V

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of Spain. Machiavelli understandably con- the Republic, subjects of immense impor-

cluded that ‘stability was an illusion, life was tance in his later writings (Gauss 1952: 10).
a flux, nothing is eternal and all must change’ In 1512 the aristocratic Medici returned to
(Muir 1936: 138). power in Florence and Machiavelli was dis-
During the fourth and fifth centuries before missed from office, tortured under a false
Christ, pre-Mauryan India too was plagued pretext, and banished to his farm until 1526.
by political division and turmoil. A maze of There he wrote his political analyses, not
principalities included some ruled by Greek from the viewpoint of a professional theorist
‘foreigners in the Punjab and the adjoining but as ‘an active participant in the troubled
regions’ (Saletore 1963: 51), plus 18 repub- and unstable political life of his native
lics in various stages of development (Mishra Florence’ (Gauss 1952: 9). The Discourses
2005). This potpourri of states ‘represented and The Prince were written by a miserable,
a bewildering diversity of political and bitter and desperate man who by chance of
social existence, which necessitated the fate had been exiled from his one true love,
forging of a delicately balanced system of the political arena. The books were primarily
politico-economic relations among them’ intended to elicit favor from the politically
(Ramaswamy 1962: 4). powerful.
Evidence on the political career of the Although Machiavelli was unsuccessful in
Brahmin Kautilya is sketchy and he has his goals, Europeans reduced him to a carica-
achieved almost mythological status. German ture of immorality and evil incarnate. While
orientalist scholars argued that Kautilya ful- his suggestions were only operational within
filled a role in the Mauryan empire compara- a moral void, his greatest offense was to dis-
ble to Bismarck in Hohenzollern Germany play ‘to the world the mechanisms of power
(Mookerji 1914: x). Although occasionally which were behind the authority of the rule’
acting as a ‘super-advisor’ to the new emperor, (Lerner 1950: xli). Kautilya was likewise
Kautilya evidently went into semi-retirement charged with having intentions of malicious
after he had replaced the last Nanda ruler evil. He ‘as much presented a picture of the
with Chandragupta (Ramaswamy 1962: 3). immoral practices of the kings and Brahmin
Analogous to the logic of Thomas Hobbes ministers in the fourth century BC as
twenty centuries later, the political treatise is Machiavelli did of the immoral rulers and
an attempted justification of the abolition of Christian statesmen in the fifteen [sic] cen-
‘the anarchy and misrule due to the profli- tury of his Prince’ (Saletore 1963: 535).
gacy and unpopularity of the previous Nanda Comparable to Machiavelli’s experience, the
king, who was unable to discharge the pri- ‘Arthasastra must have fallen into the hands
mary functions of government, viz. the pro- of unscrupulous pretenders who would extract
tection of the weak against the strong’ support for their misdeeds from Kautilyan
(Mookerji 1914: xxxiii). Having produced a precepts on statecraft’ (Ramaswamy 1962:
political handbook for the perpetuation of the 5). Political realism dictates a recognition
newly established regime and beloved by his that corrupt conditions and practices had
royal pupil, Kautilya died while reasonably existed long before the respective book was
successful in all his endeavors. compiled and that the authors had merely
Being much closer to ours in time, observed the facts, utilizing them in a prag-
Machiavelli’s life needs little elaboration. matic manner.
Born in 1469 to a Florentine family, he expe- Only brief mention need be made of the
rienced the rule of Savonarola, the vengeful fact that Machiavelli represented one more
Dominican friar. After the latter’s execution, step in the development of Western political
Machiavelli entered public office under the thought. To the idealism of Plato, the Stoic
populist Soderini. As secretary to the Second republicanism of Cicero, the universalism of
Chancery of Florence, he maintained contact Dante, etc., was added the secular realism of
with all the military and diplomatic affairs of Machiavelli. Even advice to tyrants was

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nothing new, because the fifth book of returned upon itself, that it was a cycle, and
Aristotle’s Politics concerns the unemotional that in studying the past men would learn
preservation of a tyrant’s power in order to what was to come in the future’ (Muir 1936:
maintain political order. Yet, Machiavelli 137). The appeal to antiquity for both justifi-
never had an explicit theory of the state cation and exemplification is best summed
(Anglo 1969: 272). up in his reliance on Titus Livius, the Roman
Kautilya, too, was preceded by a long historian, and accounts of the glorious era of
chain of political philosophies. Evidence the Roman Republic. And yet, the ‘search for
indicates that at least 19 distinct schools of general rules or principles … [by] reducing
political thought had flourished over the cen- the confusing multiplicity of events to com-
turies before Kautilya’s massive compen- pact generalizations … makes the Florentine
dium appeared and seemingly terminated all secretary not so much a historian as a politi-
controversies (Saletore 1963: 49). More will cal scientist’ (Schevill 1936: 500).
be said later about this abrupt ending of The sometimes derisive, sometimes lauda-
speculative thought on politics in India. tory terms ‘pragmatism’ and ‘political real-
Ancient Indian political philosophy presup- ism’ are trademarks of the cult of Machiavelli.
posed ‘an inherent propensity of man to Indeed, Machiavelli was ‘of the temper the
encroach on his weaker neighbour, and to be political idiom of our time terms “realist”
prone to commit acts of disorder and aggres- [for he combined] a formal deference to “ide-
sion’ (Saletore 1963: 68). The continual ref- alism” with contemptuous dismissal of ideal-
erences to this and other theories of ancient ist measures in practice’ (Steward 1948:
Indian scholars in the Arthasastra suggest 275). He prided himself on the ‘stark realism
that the latter political treatise is a compila- and often the cynicism about human nature
tion and synthesis of earlier thought plus that seem to be the hallmark of the experi-
information on the functional operation of enced diplomat …’ (Elliott and McDonald
government and state machinery (Altekar 1949: 19). Undoubtedly, the emphasis on
1949: 2–3). results can be summed up by Machiavelli’s
view that the ‘supreme law of politics is suc-
cess’ (Ferrero 1939: 569). Later, it will be
noted that Machiavelli was inconsistent in
POLITICAL CONCERNS AND his supposed rejection of idealism, for he
TECHNIQUES replaced the spiritual ‘oughts’ of the medie-
val era with secular ‘oughts’ of his own.
Idealism/realism Kautilya’s writings too are permeated by a
concern for results and an evaluation of tech-
The Arthasastra opens with a verse submit- niques in terms of success. The tenor of the
ting that ‘this Arthasastra is made as a com- Arthasastra is characteristic of ‘the work of a
pendium of almost all the Arthasastras which, consummate politician … who knew very
in view of acquisition and maintenance of well what to express and what to suppress in
the earth, has been composed by ancient writing about contemporary politics’
teachers’ (Shamasastry 1951: 1). Kautilya (Mookerji 1914: xxxiv). Many scholars have
selected his political formulas and principles concluded that ‘an idealistic tone [is not]
on the basis of past usefulness instead applicable in the case of Kautilya, who was
of idyllic formulations (Salatore 1963: 50). anything but an idealist’ (Saletore 1963:
This selection of verified principles is char- 626). Other scholars credit Kautilya with a
acteristic of a modern view of history. more flexible approach to political realism
Machiavelli, on the other hand, had not ‘the and contend that although the state envisaged
faintest conception of the doctrine of evolu- in the Arthasastra was omnipervasive in
tion; he held the orthodox view that history the political realm, it was probably not a

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complete reality even under the Mauryas facts’ (Mookerji 1914: xliv). Saletore (1963:
(Basham 1954: 80). 281) notes that there is an
In considering the role that the idealism–
extraordinary thoroughness [in] Kautilya’s work; its
realism tension played in the philosophies of
eminent inductiveness and practical character, its
both writers, Kautilya more fully compre- unflinching logic and heedlessness of adventitious
hended the practical influence that ideals moral or religious standards, and its wide range of
exert on political reality. Machiavelli, an subjects and interests – which give it a unique
observer of the conditions that immediately combination of features that, in European litera-
ture, we find only separately in an Aristotle, a
preceded the Reformation, failed to realize
Machiavelli, and a Bacon.
the political effects of morals and spiritual-
ism (McCoy 1943: 631). Kautilya may have Emphases on the minutiae of organizational
perceived that certain realistic insights should government machinery are as central to the
not be committed to writing and therefore Arthasastra as are its philosophic justifica-
paid lip-service to various historical ideals. tions.
Ironically, Machiavelli’s depth of insight into
the political affairs of man may have been the
real reason he was not accepted by the
View of man/worldview
Medicis with open arms; he had probed
deeply into the realm of Renaissance politics Early Indian political philosophers consid-
and, in the words of a trite saying, ‘knew too ered man to be basically evil and ‘prone to
much to be trusted’. commit acts of disorder and aggression’ – a
As an extension of their realism, Kautilya view shared millennia later by the authors of
and Machiavelli each emphasized the impor- The Federalist Papers. Kautilya subscribed to
tance of empiricism as opposed to rational- this view and posited a rudimentary theory of
ism. Machiavelli sets out to discover the a contractual origin of political society as he
system of government possessing the great- explained how the people of India, weary of
est order, the highest efficiency and the prob- social anarchy, had voluntarily submitted to a
ability of longevity (Muir 1936: 137). His monarch (Basham 1954: 83). But Kautilya
devotion to empiricism is remarkably in evi- also realized that man has a capacity for good
dence as he advocates submission to a despot and expressed this realization in terms con-
or tyrant as ruler, amazing because of tingent on the activity of the monarch. Thus,
Machiavelli’s strong desire for republicanism if the king were good, the people would
since the only truly successful portion of his be likewise; if he were evil or even passive,
own career occurred under the aegis of the the people’s base instincts would appear
popular-rule Soderini family in the Republic (Shamasastry 1951: 36).
of Florence. However, the social anarchy of As a harbinger of Hobbes, Machiavelli
his age compelled Machiavelli ‘by his clear- ‘based his theories on the essential baseness
ness of vision and uncompromising rectitude of mankind, and on his belief that, left to
of mind to justify the armed enforcer of laws themselves, men always act from selfish and
and the destroyer of parties, the prince’ generally evil motives’ (Muir 1936: 76). For
(Schevill 1936: xx). Resolution in accepting the Italian, man was ‘an animal driven by the
the facts of observation and applying simpler motives of fear, vanity, lust for
them politically is the mark of a committed power, and scheming self-interest … who
empiricist. made the best of brute necessity and by
The Kautilyan Arthasastra too is empiri- shrewdness and ruthlessness achieved his
cally based. Much of our knowledge of ends’ (Elliott and McDonald 1949: 421).
Chandragupta’s era comes from Kautilya’s Since Machiavelli had voided himself of
writing ‘which is born only of a living expe- moral considerations, the logical procedure
rience of actual problems and contact with in politics was to utilize and maximize

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these instincts. Yet man, ‘when forced to Imperial desires

do [otherwise] by law or the conventions of
religion’ (Steward 1948: 277), could act in The emphasis placed on imperialism by the
the interests of a common good. two writers magnifies their respective rela-
This appeal for a transformation in a man tionships to the fait accompli of political
when he is cognizant of a common good – in unity from within a plethora of competitive
Machiavelli’s case the governing of a unified states. Machiavelli, desirous of unifying Italy,
Italy – presents a problem in the interpreta- decided that since the fragmented political
tion of his writings: not only does he ignore powers remained in flux, a dictatorship was
the basically evil view of man’s nature and essential (Sturmthal 1940: 79). Thus, he
provide a basis for constructive action but wrote ‘for the purpose of eliciting the aid of
also he presents the use of an ideal – the a strong man in bringing the Italian people
common good – in the philosophy of an out of their condition of political corruption’
avowed realist who had rejected idealism. (McCoy 1943: 629).
Here is the aforementioned inconsistency in On the other hand, the ‘Kautilyan strategy
Machiavelli, who had rejected idealism and of state expansion is much more compli-
had accepted humanity’s basic selfishness, cated than the Machiavellian counterpart’
yet declared that ‘the ideal of a united and (Ramaswamy 1962: 34). Having established
triumphant Italy ought to command universal a new dynasty, the Brahmin minister faced
allegiance’ (Steward 1948: 277). Certain the necessity of initiating a program of
authors, of course, contend that Machiavelli’s imperialistic expansion to incorporate and
conception of a ‘common good’ is ‘purely to ‘mauryanize’ the various autonomous
ornamental’ and its only value is symbolic, or semi-independent principalities across
‘completely emptied of its content’ (McCoy northern India. Therefore, Kautilya recom-
1943: 632). However, the goal of national mended two goals for diplomacy: world
unity in Italy remained the central doctrine of conquest and world unity. The treatise states
all Machiavelli’s endeavors and this repre- that ‘the king who is weaker than “the other”
sents an ideal towards which all other efforts should keep the peace; he who is stronger
are subordinated. should make war’. This recommendation is
Kautilya also refers to a common good, compatible with the royal charge to maintain
but apparently with tongue in cheek and social order domestically; wars are fought
completely aware of the emotional appeal of on the periphery of the state and divert the
this term. In the pre-Mauryan and Mauryan attention of the people from their immediate
eras, the monarch was expected ‘to be a problems.
virtuous ruler devoted heart and soul to the In its description of facts as well as its
welfare of the people; if he was not such, advocacy of what needs to be done to govern
then gods will punish him’ (Altekar 1949: well, the Arthashastra is rigorously analyti-
8–9). As the Arthasastra reads: ‘The king cal. Kautilya describes eight elements of
must regard his own happiness as indissolu- sovereignty in great detail − the king, the
bly connected with that of his subjects’ minister, the country and so on − and lists the
(Shamasastry 1951: 8). This common best qualities in each element. He then ana-
good between the ruler and his people, how- lyzes the ‘circle of states’ in which a sover-
ever, is almost sophistical in that, as in the eign finds himself: the neighbor, who is the
case of Machiavelli, the over-riding concern enemy; the neighbor’s neighbor, who is
is with loyalty to the state (Ramaswamy the friend; the rearward enemy; the rearward
1962: 30) – not, seemingly, a bad end until friend; and each case ascertains whether the
one recognizes that normally the benefits friend or enemy is assailable, destructible, a
will accrue only to those who control the natural friend, an acquired friend and so on.
state. Altogether, Kautilya identifies four primary

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circles of states, 12 kinds of kings, 60 ele- Kautilya and Machiavelli each lived well
ments of sovereignty and 72 elements of before the peace treaty of Westphalia
states. He then lists six possibilities of action ended Europe’s exceptionally violent Thirty
and discusses which option is to be selected Years War (1618−1648), a treaty that pro-
in a given situation: make peace, make war, vided a foundation (however shaky) for inter-
observe neutrality, prepare for war, ally with national law among sovereign states. Before
others, or make peace with one while waging Westphalia a multiplicity of authorities
war on another. Kautilya categorically rec- claimed jurisdiction over a given people and
ommends that, ‘if you are superior you shall territory: lay rulers like kings and the feudal
wage war, but if you are inferior you shall barons who disputed the authority of kings;
make peace, meanwhile building up your ecclesiastical rulers like the Pope or monastic
strength so that you become superior’ (Khosla orders not always under papal control such as
2010: xii). Book VII is devoted to how to the Teutonic Knights; city states like Venice
analyze any situation accurately and how to and Florence; and commercial alliances like
decide the most appropriate policy to choose. the Hanseatic League that signed treaties
Shamasastry (1967) provides extensive detail with monarchs, raised and used armed forces.
on the permutations possible among states This kaleidoscope of authorities constantly
and actors in this rather utopian description encroached on each other’s territories and
of the Mauryan political system. populations to recruit militias and armies, to
As an aside about the ‘international’ system levy taxes and to appeal to religious loyalty.
of states or polities in India before and during But after Westphalia, one ruler held power
the era in which Kautilya wrote his treatise over one territory and its people. Absolute
on statecraft, unimpeachable historical infor- monarchs replaced the representative institu-
mation does not exist. However, the Indus tions that had characterized several princi-
valley and the Gangetic plain had a variety of palities and kings set about unifying their
political entities, some of which were con- people, giving them one single set of mutu-
quered by Alexander the Great; others suc- ally consistent laws and obligations, and
cumbed to the imperial ambitions of the above all creating nations. The idea that
Mauryan monarchs. According to Rangarajan peace could be desirable in itself would have
(1992: 28), been strange to both Kautilya and Machiavelli
(Khosla 2010: xxii−xxiii).
Before the empires arose and after their disinte-
gration, the political map of the subcontinent
showed not more than six large kingdoms in the
Gangetic plain, various republics in the predomi- Bureaucracy
nantly hilly areas in the west and the north and a
number of smaller kingdoms whose relative inde-
Centralized state machinery as a mode of
pendence must have varied with the power of a
large neighbour. government marks the most sweeping varia-
tion of the Arthashastran state from the pre-
In the fourth century BC there were 16 Mauryan political order. The bulk of the
mahajanapadas or great races (nations) on treatise is actually more concerned with the
the subcontinent, several of which, such as minutiae of bureaucratic detail than with
Gandhara, Surasena and Kamboja, are men- either the acquisition or maintenance of
tioned by Greek sources (Thapar 1966; power per se. The Arthasastra is frequently
Mookerji 1988), plus a variety of republics described as more of
and monarchical states (Ghosal 1962; Mishra
a manual for the administrator than a theoretical
work on polity discussing the philosophy and fun-
In public administration, history matters – damental principles of administration or of the
and comparative study must note that, what- political science. It is mainly concerned with the
ever the contours of their respective eras, practical problems of government and describes

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its machinery and functions, both in peace and ‘virtu’. ‘Virtu’ does not hinge solely on
war (Altekar 1949: 5). having a goal in mind towards which to
direct one’s energies but includes the ability
Great emphasis is placed upon the pres- of man to act and to cause that goal to
cription of the correct secretariat for govern- become reality (Muir 1936: 150). This abil-
ment administration, a concern that may be ity, which appears to contain the element of
traced back to his long service under the free will, is primarily concerned with how to
Nandas and, of course, the first Maurya. control and utilize that element of chance and
Kautilya’s prescriptions went much further fate called ‘fortuna’, that ‘mysterious …
than merely describing the static institutions intangible external constraint which comes
of government; he also recommended from above and guides events blindly, as it
extensive economic planning (Ramaswamy wills and where it lists’ (Chabod 1958: 21).
1962: 27) and continual sampling of public The centralization of authority prescribed
opinion through an internal security system by Kautilya indicates that he regarded the
(Basham 1954: 121). monarchy as the pace-setter for Indian soci-
Machiavelli differs substantially from ety. The qualities of government, which rep-
Kautilya on the topic of practical govern- resents the ruler writ large, will determine
ment, for the former’s commitment to prag- whether the base instincts of the populace
matism appears solely preoccupied with will be restrained and collective efforts chan-
suggesting the means to obtain power and neled towards a common good. Paralleling
preserve it. Common, daily functions of gov- the ‘mandate of heaven’ that underpins the
ernment are largely ignored in the Discourses legitimacy of imperial rulers in China and
and especially in The Prince; the greatest Vietnam (Fitzgerald 1972), Chapter XIX of
elaborations concern the execution of war, the Arthasastra lays the cause and effect
the role of the military and the function of relationship upon the proverbial line: ‘If
diplomacy. Machiavelli probably wrote The the king is energetic, his subjects will be
Prince in a frenzy of activity that made it a equally energetic. If he is reckless, they will
bit patchy and disjointed (Hughes 1951: not only be reckless likewise, but also eat
377). If the recommendations on duplicity, into his works’ (Shamasastry 1951: 36). Yet
for example, were applied consistently to ultimately, Kautilya, like Machiavelli, per-
human affairs, the inevitable effect would be ceived that the final authority and results
a direct contradiction of the goal sought plus rested on the political acquiescence of the
obsolescence of the technique. The closest populace for ‘the character of [a nation’s]
Machiavelli came to describing the adminis- people determines the destiny of a state more
trative machinery of a unified political state than any other fact of consideration’ (Altekar
was his blanket proposal that a position be 1949: 27).
created comparable to that of the ancient
Roman dictator (Elliott and McDonald 1949:
426–7) and this only for emergencies – like
the initial establishment of the state.
Machiavelli is concerned neither with the Republicanism as a form of government
morality of the techniques used to obtain becomes a legitimate alternative to the mon-
power nor with the specific employment of archy when the very structure of political
that power once the initial goal of state unity society is ultimately seen to rest upon the
has been achieved. ‘virtu’ of the people. The logical extension
Recommendations in the Arthasastra for of the former premise would be the people
state initiative and the central control of soci- can best rule themselves through an egalitar-
ety imply Kautilya’s belief in a concept of ian form of government. Grounded as they
man’s innate abilities similar to Machiavelli’s are upon empiricism, however, both writers

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conclude that for their respective societies description of Mauryan political institutions
this solution would be untenable. includes no mention of such a central legisla-
Machiavelli becomes particularly enig- tive body. Interestingly, republics that sub-
matic on the issue of republicanism. His mitted to Chandragupta retained their internal
political sympathies, both in his early career institutions of government, at least in the
and in his theoretical writings, lay with a early Mauryan era (Altekar 1949: 234–5).
popular-rule form of government. Not Later versions of the Arthasastra (transmis-
only did he perceive that political power is sion, by the way, was orally and verbatim
founded upon the support of the governed from one generation to the next) omitted the
(Discourses I. 16) but also he declared that, original Kautilyan references to republics,
to prevent the public good from being sub- probably because they disappeared with the
verted to the enhancement of private advan- decline of Buddhism throughout India
tage, a republic was necessary (Meinecke (Altekar 1949: 10).
1957: 43). The conclusion drawn from the
Discourses is that the greatest wisdom ‘lies
in the deliberation of popular assemblies Fürstenspiegel
rather than in the edicts of a single man’
(Elliott and McDonald 1949: 420). Despite Long before Machiavelli collected and set
the lip-service paid to the concept of republi- down his practical observations toward the
canism if all political factors were function- education of a prince, political scholars of
ing properly, however, Machiavelli persisted Europe engaged in formulating textbooks for
in advocating the institution of a tyrant or rulers. There was nothing unique, therefore,
despot. Total rejection of his republican ideal in Machiavelli suggesting to the Medicis how
was avoided by rationalizing that ultimately to execute their tasks of government prop-
the deep-rooted prejudices and beliefs of the erly. His production of a ‘handbook for
populace would circumscribe the limits over rulers’ in Renaissance Italy was intended for
which even a tyrant may not transgress for immediate use. Much later, his compositions
fear of deposition (Corry 1943: 289). were interpreted to provide a more universal
Kautilya was much less circumspect about application of his principles and recommen-
his views toward republics. Northern India in dations. In fact, one of the most glaring
the pre-Mauryan age had several republics errors Machiavelli committed was his con-
with philosophic roots in indigenous philoso- ception of the state as the creation of a single,
phies as well as in imported Greek ideals omnipotent man who could be privately
(Ghosal 1962). As the agent of a successful tutored in statecraft (Passerin d’Entrèves
imperialist, however, the Brahmin minister 1959: 25). Reiterating a point made several
could express his views with impunity. times previously, the proposed education was
Republics are mentioned in the Arthasastra narrowly confined to the acquisition of polit-
in an unsympathetic manner, although no ical power and not to any long-range utiliza-
specific reasons are provided unless it be tion of this power once achieved.
that they were reluctant to submit to imperi- The Arthasastra also represented a train-
alism. Book XI proposes several techniques ing manual for monarchs, especially in their
by which the inherent weakness of factional- childhood and adolescence, in order to pre-
ism in republics may be intensified and vent an improper use of state power (Altekar
exploited. 1949: 67). But Kautilya realized that the
While older South Asian philosophies governing of a state, especially an imperial
intimate that deliberative legislative bodies state, was more than a single man could
were an important element of pre-Mauryan handle efficiently. Therefore, in order to suc-
monarchical India as well as in the repub- ceed, the Arthasastra informs the king that
lics (Altekar 1949: 94–100), the detailed he must be assisted by a cabinet of competent

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councillors (Shamasastry 1951: 12–14). reintroduction of the conception of politics as

Furthermore, the inclusion of administrative an end in itself (Hallowell 1950: 60).
materials transformed the rather common- The effect of the Kautilyan Arthasastra
place notion of a royal textbook into a manual was quite significant on the activities of
for statecraft, bureaucracy and administra- Indian political speculation. Although a vari-
tion for the entire Mauryan domain and for ety of schools of thought had preceded the
an extremely long period of time (Saletore Mauryan minister, the appearance of his trea-
1963: 50). Even today in certain parts of tise seemingly resolved all controversies
India, the structure of the village – the domi- efficiently and effectively (Saletore 1963:
nant form of political organization – closely 49). In the pre-Mauryan era, the final appeal
parallels the suggestions made by Kautilya was to the dharma or holy law, but in the
more than two millennia ago. In short, the system prescribed by the Arthasastra impe-
Kautilyan Arthasastra appears to have been a rial decree became supreme. The power
more practical and universally applicable of decision making was clearly reserved for
treatise on government than any of the political realm; certain scholars have
Machiavelli’s works. ascribed this phenomenon to the almost pro-
totypic totalitarianism of the Mauryan empire
(Basham 1954: 114). Whatever the reason,
previously competitive political philosophies
PRACTICAL RESULTS AND fell into disuse and little political speculation
APPLICATIONS occurred during the centuries following
Kautilya (Altekar 1949: 7–9). One wonders
Ironically, although Machiavelli had pre- what effects a triumphant Machiavellian phi-
pared a reasonably accurate description of losophy might have had on the subsequent
the political tenor of the Renaissance, his political development in the Renaissance,
suggestions for the acquisition and mainte- the Reformation, and modern Europe in
nance of power were not readily accepted. general.
Confronted by princely revulsion at this Whether the system of political realism
exposé of common political methods and recommended by Machiavelli and Kautilya
also by the lingering influence of Christianity, in their respective eras actually provides the
Machiavelli’s ideas did not enter the main- universal imperatives of Max Lerner remains
stream of politics for some 300 years (Gauss moot. By almost any definition assigned,
1952: 15). Part of the reason for his failure political relationships among humankind will
rested upon himself and his impolitic remain unstable and, in a certain respect,
methods of presentation. A more substantial unpredictable. Yet, at least, conclusions about
reason for his rejection was because ‘the idea efficacy, consistency and applicability can be
of political regeneration was altogether drawn from this topical comparison.
beyond the capabilities and the wishes of the As advocated by Machiavelli, empiricism
people and the rulers of that time’ (Meinecke has become a requisite for the development
1957: 45). In one sense, his system is of political science. Reliance upon observa-
only another portion of the rich and varied ble and verifiable phenomena fulfills a basic
Western political theory. In another sense, it requirement for the scientific method.
forms the wellspring for the era of untram- Rejection of idealism, on the other hand,
meled nationalism. In the interwar fascistic does not appear to be the mark of an astute
states where the despotic components of his politician. Although impossible to attain
suggestions came to fruition, political specu- immediately, ideals provide a reference point
lation was largely suppressed and/or manipu- for the utilization of man’s energies, as the
lated. Perhaps, however, Machiavelli made example of Kautilya would demonstrate.
his most significant contribution through his Machiavelli himself established a certain

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specific idealist criterion for judging action – is not the immediate acquisition of power but
namely, success – and on a logical note its long-range use. Certain countries today
would appear inconsistent. Much of the moti- insist their lower levels of education, indus-
vation for Machiavelli’s recommendations trial development and political maturity
stemmed from the desire to promote a require an authoritative allocation of resources
common Italian good – unity! The concern if any progress is to be made. In the long run,
shown for a ‘common good’ would indicate force is almost certain to turn upon itself, and
the existence of another ideal for this hence must be regulated carefully. But its
Renaissance realist. utilization in short-range projects can achieve
Promotion or apparent promotion of a certain ends rapidly. The question hinges
commonweal increases the effectiveness and upon the rejection of force as an end in itself
influence of the promoting government; the and the alternative acceptance of force as the
people, as it were, have a stake in the means to some end, some ideal.
regime’s success. Machiavelli assumed that Emancipation of politics from the grasp of
the unification of his national state would be institutionalized religion represents the great-
inherently good and be accepted by all est advance for the realist position. Ideals are
Italians; he misjudged his compatriots on the essential to the proper functioning of a
latter point. Perhaps, comparison of political system. But dogma and doctrine,
Machiavelli’s failure with Kautilya’s suc- inflexibility and immutability have only dys-
cesses is unfair, for the latter wrote after his functional roles in the heterogeneous world
goal had been accomplished. Nevertheless, it of politics. In addition, institutions of any
is obvious in the Arthasastra that the Brahmin kind tend to become ossified and corrupt,
had persuaded Indians that the most reason- especially when they have special vested
able and productive action on their part was interests. Until an ideal society is reached,
submission to his emperor’s state. pluralism must be protected in order that
Centralization of government, which truth may flourish where it will, and no
Machiavelli in general ignored even as single interest should obtain total control of
Kautilya elaborated, has become a character- society.
istic of modern society. Again, we can only
hypothesize that part of Kautilya’s success
emanated from this emphasis. Government REFERENCES
no longer merely presented an arbitrator of
man’s basically violent nature; sheer mainte- Aiyangar, K.V. Rangaswami (1934) Aspects of Ancient
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promotion of a complete way of life. Rapid Banarsidass.
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edited by Søren C. Winter

INTRODUCTION book Implementation, from 1973, as the first

piece of implementation research. It was a
Implementation research grew out of evalua- case study of an economic development
tion research. The Great Society policy program in Oakland California that had been
reforms in USA in the 1960s and 1970s created to stimulate minority employment.
stimulated a lot of evaluation research in However, it failed to do so due to the com-
order to estimate the effects of the new wel- plexity of many actors having to work
fare state programs and to suggest improve- together. Although the book certainly opened
ments. Classic evaluation analyses raised the field, a few pieces of earlier research
the question if it could be documented that (e.g., Kaufman, 1960; Murphy, 1971) had
a given policy intervention had any effect actually focused on implementation problems.
and, if so, what effect. However, evaluation Pressman and Wildavsky’s (1973) guiding
analysts often became frustrated that most research questions were: ‘How well was this
studies actually showed no or little effect authoritative mandate (law, regulation, pro-
(Albæk, 1988). According to the classic gram, official pronouncement) implemented?’
interpretation of such findings, the program and ‘How might it have been better imple-
did not work. It was based on a wrong causal mented?’ Later research redefined the ques-
theory. However, gradually, the apparent fail- tion to focus on achieving the explicit or
ures stimulated another interpretation that, implicit values in a given mandate rather
possibly, nothing was wrong with the causal than its prescriptive details (Bardach, 2001).
theory behind the planned policy interven- Accordingly, goal achievement has been the
tion, but the intervention might not have dominating standard and dependent variable
taken place as intended. This stimulated an for implementation research since the 1970s.
interest in studying the relationship between With inspiration from Pressman and
planned and actual interventions and the Wildavsky and other pioneers, implementa-
administrative process in between policy- tion research became one of the fads of
adoption, delivery-level behaviors and effects. political science and policy analysis and
Most implementation researchers would reached its peak in terms of number of publi-
regard Jeffrey Pressman and Aaron Wildavsky’s cations in the mid-1980s. While research

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published under that explicit label has later research focuses on the content of such
decreased (Sætren, 2005), still a substantial delivery-level behaviors, their causes and
amount of research focusing on implemen- consequences. Implementation research has
tation problems is being published, but become an established part of public policy
often under other labels such as public research that focuses on different stages of
administration, public management (Boyne, the policy process, such as agenda setting,
2004; Meier and O’Toole, 2007), regulatory policy formation, policy design, implementa-
enforcement (Scholz and Wei, 1986; Kagan, tion, evaluation, knowledge utilization,
1994; May and Winter, 2000) and compli- and policy change more generally (Parson,
ance (Winter and May, 2001; Parker and 1995).
Nielsen, 2012), street-level bureaucracy However, implementation research also
(Lipsky, 1980), principal−agent theory addresses the basic question of public admin-
(Brehm and Gates, 1999), new institutional- istration research: How is legislation
ism, governance (Bogason, 2000; Lynn et al., executed? While public administration tradi-
2001), networks (O’Toole, 2000), policy tionally had studied formal, institutional
design and instruments (Salamon, 1981, and normative aspects of this issue, imple-
2002; Linder and Peters, 1989), etc., with mentation research offered a fresh empirical,
several of these labels representing more behavioral perspective on execution of
recent research fads! laws that fitted well with the behavioral
In addition, implementation research has and much more political science-oriented
later spread to books and journals that are trend in public administration research that
specialized in a particular policy area, such started accelerating in the 1970s (Peters,
as health policy, with it own implementation 1978). Implementation research has had a
journal, Implementation Science (see also major role in bringing public administration
Fixen et al., 2005), and environmental policy. and public policy research together, implying
Sætren (2005) found many more publications that several scholars have been working
under the label of ‘implementation’ in such in both fields. Joint public administration
policy specialized journals, rather than in and public policy programs have been formed
core journals in political science, public at many universities. Other research has been
administration and public policy. However, important in that bridging process. The policy
there seems to be very little relationship perspective has crept into many aspects of
between implementation research in the spe- public administration research, and new
cialized area and political science implemen- research approaches have contributed as well
tation research in core journals. (e.g., neo-rational, institutionalist, govern-
Implementation research is part of two ance, and network approaches); implementa-
subdisciplines of political science: public tion research has certainly played an essential
policy/policy analysis and public administra- role, too.
tion. Growing out of evaluation research,
implementation studies tried to address the
basic questions of policy analysis: What are
the content, causes and consequences of THE DIVERSITY OF IMPLEMENTATION
public policies (Dye, 1976)? Implementation RESEARCH
research focused on the consequences of
those public policies that have been enacted as During the barely 40 years of implementa-
laws or other authoritative statutes. However, tion research no general implementation
policy can also be conceived at an opera- theory has emerged, although many imple-
tional level as the delivery of public services mentation scholars have had the develop-
and enforcement of regulations to citizens ment of such a theory as their ultimate, yet
and firms. Consequently, implementation far-sighted objective. The implementation

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subdiscipline has been characterized by many the dependent variable (Lipsky, 1980), which
different approaches, representing different is to be explained by process and organiza-
research strategies, evaluation standards, tional variables (Mazmanian and Sabatier,
methodologies, concepts, and focal subject 1981; Winter, 1999). Some scholars even
areas for research. include outcomes as dependent variables
One of the major controversies among (Mazmanian and Sabatier, 1981; Hull and
implementation analysts has been whether Hjern, 1987; May and Winter, 2007; Meier
implementation should be studied from the and O’Toole, 2007). According to Peter May
top-down as a control problem (Mazmanian (1999), conceptual ambiguity and confusion
and Sabatier, 1981) or from the bottom-up, have severely hampered theory development
by focusing first on actors most proximate in implementation research.
to the problems to be solved by policies Somewhat related to the conceptual disa-
(Hull and Hjern, 1987). Related to that dis- greement are differences in the subjects that
cussion is the proper evaluation standard for implementation researchers study. Many
implementation studies. While, as mentioned implementation studies present long lists
above, goal achievement has been the domi- of variables that might explain variation
nating standard, some bottom-up scholars in implementation. A famous example is
have suggested focusing on problem solving Mazmanian and Sabatier’s (1981) list of 17
rather than goal achievement. Problem solv- variables. However, implementation scholars
ing could be defined either from the perspec- tend to focus on different variables and sub-
tive of the group affected by the problem or ject matters in their research, e.g., hierarchi-
from the researcher himself (Elmore, 1982; cal structuring, tractability of problems,
Hull and Hjern, 1987). communication, commitment, political sup-
In terms of methodology, implementation port, resources, interorganizational relations
analyses have been dominated by single case and coordination problems, decision and
studies that allow the complex phenomena of veto points, discretion at various levels
implementation to be studied in detail and (including discretion by street-level bureau-
context. In each case several data sources crats), contexts (including socio-economic
are often applied, such as text analysis of conditions and target groups’ characteristics),
reports and documents, qualitative interviews empowerment of target groups, the roles
and observations of implementers, quantita- of policy design and instruments, and
tive data on coverage of the program, target management in shaping implementation.
group participation, outputs in terms of deliv-
ery behaviors, and outcomes (Yin, 1982).
Some scholars even use qualitative or quanti-
tative methods for detailed text interpreta- AN INTEGRATED IMPLEMENTATION
tion in case studies. Other scholars have MODEL
called for a replacement of single case studies
by comparative and statistical research designs, One attempt to synthesize and integrate some
which can increase the number of observa- of the most important and promising varia-
tions and control for third variables in order to bles in implementation research in a common
allow more systematic theory and hypothesis framework of analysis has been presented by
testing and generalization (Goggin, 1986). Winter (1990; Winter and Nielsen, 2008)
Implementation scholars also disagree in his Integrated Implementation Model
about the key concepts for implementation (Figure 1). Some of the key factors in that
research: some want to focus on the imple- model will be used as the main organizing
mentation process as the dependent variable principle for structuring the division among
(Lester and Goggin, 1998), while others the following chapters in this implementation
examine implementation behaviors/output as part of the Handbook (Part 5).

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Policy Implementation process

Organizational and Implementation
Policy interorganizational results
- Conflict design implementation behavior
- Symbolic
- Causal theory Behavior/
Management Outcome

bureaucrats’ skills and

Target group behavior


Figure 1 The Integrated Implementation Model

As dependent variable and standard for have ignored or failed to conceptualize the
evaluating the results of the implementation connections between policy formulation,
process, the model focuses on both imple- policy design, and implementation.
mentation behaviors (outputs) and outcomes The roots of implementation problems can
in relation to the official policy objectives. often be found in the prior policy formulation
This standard is selected from a democratic process. For instance, conflicts in this proc-
point of view, as goals formulated in legisla- ess often create a policy that is marked by
tures and in laws have a particular legitimate ambiguous goals as well as an invalid causal
status and are relevant for holding govern- theory with a lack of connection between
ment accountable. goals and means in the policy design con-
The first set of factors, which affects cerned. Sometimes even symbolic policies
implementation results, are the policy for- are adopted to (appear to) address a problem
mulation process and the policy design. Too without actually offering the means that
many implementation researchers have erro- could achieve the stated objectives. In addi-
neously put the whole blame for any lack of tion, as mentioned by Bardach (1977), the
goal achievement on implementation. This is conflicts in policy formulation often continue
in sharp contrast to the early evaluation in the subsequent implementation process.
scholars, who blamed the policy design for Not only conflict but also lack of attention
any lack of effect. As noted by Peter May among the coalition partners passing a law
in Chapter 17, well-designed policies with can lead to implementation failures (Winter,
effective instruments are necessary but not 1986).
sufficient for improving implementation A policy design typically contains a set of
prospects. Other implementation scholars goals, a mix of instruments for obtaining

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these goals, a designation of governmental environmental taxes can sometimes be imple-

or non-governmental entities charged with mented with fewer staff, although there is no
carrying out the goals and an allocation one-to-one relationship between instruments
of resources for the requisite tasks (see and staff requirements. Some taxes are rela-
Chapter 17). Policy design and particular tively automatic and easy to collect such as
policy instruments have received substantial an environmental tax per unit gasoline sold,
research interest since the 1980s. The basic while others require a substantial staff for
claim of this literature is that any policy can inspection and enforcing, e.g., taxing diffuse
be disaggregated to one or a mix of a limited pollution.
number of generic policy instruments. The It is important to understand that ineffec-
research interest, however, has not led to tive policy designs are not always due to lack
agreement on any typology of instruments of knowledge on the part of the policy
(Vedung, 1995). One simple classification designers. Policy design of instruments
consists of mandates, economic incentives and organizational structure is first of all a
and information that aim to affect the behav- political process, in which political actors −
ior of either target groups or intermediaries both policy proponents and opponents −
(implementers). try to maximize their interests, including
The policy design affects the implementa- selecting an organizational structure that
tion process and results in various ways. will allow them to maximize long-term con-
Different mixes of instruments are not equally trol of the implementation process (Moe,
effective in obtaining a given policy objec- 1989). Peter May further develops the impli-
tive. May (Chapter 17) finds that policy cations of policy design for implementation
design is important in affecting the incentives in Chapter 17.
of intermediaries to carry out their requisite The next set of factors of the model
tasks, particularly through affecting their focuses on how the implementation process
commitment and capacity and by signaling affects the results. Implementation processes
desired actions. However, while the validity are characterized by organizational and
of the causal theory linking instruments interorganizational behaviors that represent
to objectives is certainly important, the different degrees of commitment and coordi-
research documentation of instrument effects nation. Interorganizational implementation
is still meager (however, for another good settings seem to become ever more important,
attempt, see Gunningham and Grabosky, as shown in Laurence O’Toole’s Chapter 18:
1998). One reason is that effects of instru- ‘Interorganizational Relations and Policy
ments on implementation are often deter- Implementation’. Already, Pressman and
mined by the context, including the political Wildavsky (1973) focused on the typical
context (as described by May in Chapter 17). ‘complexity of joint action’, according to
Consequently, designing good policies is which successful implementation is likely to
not a simple, technocratic process like select- be negatively related to the number of actors,
ing the best types of materials for building the diversity of their interests and perspectives,
a bridge. and the number of decision and veto points.
The instruments selected may also affect However, O’Toole and Montjoy (1984;
the overall implementation structure and O’Toole, in Chapter 18) demonstrated that
process, as certain instruments favor the for- this insight only applies to certain kinds of
mation of particular implementation struc- interorganizational implementation settings.
tures. Mandates aimed at regulating the Decision points are not independent of each
behavior of target groups normally require a other, but successful implementation results
staff for inspecting and enforcing the man- can be stimulated by an early agreement
date and a set of sanctions. Information strat- on basic understandings, which can promote
egies and use of economic incentives such as ‘bandwagon effects’ in later decisions, and

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decisions can be merged by crafting ‘pack- coping behaviors of street-level bureaucrats

age deals.’ systematically bias the delivery behavior in
The implementation prospects also depend relation to the policy mandates.
on the type of resource dependency among Whereas Lipsky’s contribution was impor-
participating organizations. The ‘complexity tant for understanding implementation, the
of joint action’ is most likely to occur when theory needs more specifications of the causal
the implementation process is a chain of mechanisms that can explain variation in
sequential relations where one organization coping behaviors and their consequences
is depending on outputs from another as (Winter, 2002). The concepts also apply more
input for its own contribution to implementa- to social policies than to regulatory policies
tion. Reciprocal relations where two organi- with target groups who are stronger and less
zations are depending on each other for likely to demand more services. In Chapter 16
inputs may require some coordination but Winter presents recent attempts to address
can also decrease the likelihood of veto these problems of conceptualizing and
points because both parties have incentives to explaining behaviors of street-level bureau-
cooperate. Pooled relations where multiple crats, whereas in Chapter 19 Marcia Meyer
organizations can produce and deliver imple- and Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen analyze the role
mentation outputs in parallel and independ- of street-level bureaucrats in implementation
ently of each other can produce relatively more fully; later, in Chapter 28 (in Part 8),
good implementation results, although coor- Steven Rathgeb Smith analyzes street-level
dination may not be optimal. In Chapter 18, bureaucracy from the citizen’s perspective.
O’Toole analyzes interorganizational rela- As indicated by the above analysis, man-
tions in implementation in more depth, and agement of street-level bureaucrats is no easy
both O’Toole (Chapter 18) and May (Chapter task. The very nature of street-level bureau-
17) discuss how interorganizational coordi- crats’ practices implies that they exercise
nation problems can be reduced by using considerable discretion in encounters with
policy design to increase commitment, build target groups that are normally not very vis-
and use a common interest, and facilitate ible to managers. While bookstands abound
cooperation via exchange. with simple recipes for excellent manage-
As the role of management in implementa- ment, these are rarely based on systematic
tion is easier to describe after discussing the empirical research on public management.
role of street-level bureaucrats, we will first The existing evidence is limited and suggests
focus on the latter. The behaviors of street- that managing street-level bureaucrats is by
level bureaucrats are crucial for the imple- no means a simple task, but rather a difficult
mentation of most policies, and Lipsky’s and complex task.
(1980) insights on ‘street-level bureaucracy’ In a meta-analysis George Boyne (2004)
are included in the Integrated Implemen- finds surprisingly few studies on effects of
tation Model. Street-level bureaucrats make management on performance or outcomes.
important discretionary decisions in their Yet he finds some evidence that management
direct contact with citizens, who tend to does matter. This has been confirmed by
define public policies not as crafted in stat- later studies, not least in educational man-
utes but as delivered to them by street-level agement (Meier and O’Toole, 2007; Andersen
bureaucrats. These bureaucrats work in situa- and Winter, 2011). However, because such
tions characterized by many demands and studies measure the direct link between
limited resources. They cope with this situa- management and outcomes, it is hard to
tion by rationing services, making biased know through what kinds of street-level
priorities among cases and clients, control- bureaucratic practices managers can bring
ling clients, and modifying policy goals and about better outcomes. Some causal links
client perceptions. According to Lipsky, the are missing. Unfortunately, so far, very few

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studies have examined the effects of manage- in affecting the behaviors by street-level
ment on street-level bureaucratic behaviors. bureaucrats through citizens positive or nega-
Most studies indicate that these effects are tive actions in co-producing public services
limited and context contingent. The research (Winter and Nielsen, 2008). Finally, the
challenge is to specify to what extent and socio-economic context forms important
how management affects street-level bureau- framework conditions for implementation.
cratic behaviors in given contexts. Such For example, in employment policies, both
research has just begun, however. Some pre- the types of employment and training offers
liminary findings can be mentioned. and their effects depend heavily on ups and
In line with principal−agent theory, man- downs in the business cycle.
agers’ influence seems to vary with the visi- The Integrated Implementation Model is
bility of various street-level bureaucratic not a model in the strict sense of a simple
practices (Winter, 2003). In addition, manag- causal model. It is rather a framework of
ers and street-level bureaucrats sometimes analysis presenting key factors and mecha-
experience a multiple principal problem nisms that affect implementation outputs and
when local politicians are resisting national outcomes. For each set of factors, a number
policies. Thus, the effect of using some goal- of more specific hypotheses can be devel-
directed management tools − such as clear oped (Winter, 1990; Winter and Nielsen,
signaling of expectations and recruiting 2008; see also Chapters 16−19).
workers with a better fit with the goals of the As mentioned above, key parts of the
organization − may depend on whether local model will be used for structuring Part 5 into
policies are supporting or opposing national the following four chapters. In Chapter 16
ones (Winter et al., 2008a). ‘Implementation Perspectives: Status and
Finally, management is relational. This Reconsideration’ Søren Winter offers an
implies that the effect of management prac- account of the development of implementa-
tices on street-level bureaucratic behaviors tion research. The field has been developed
may be contingent on the characteristics of across and within three ‘generations’ of
individual street-level bureaucrats, including implementation research. Winter also per-
their expertise, motivation and perceptions of forms a critical examination of the field and
the applied management tools. Thus, work- focuses on recent promising directions for
ers’ expertise seems to condition the effect of implementation research. In Chapter 17, Peter
delegation (May and Winter, 2009), and May examines the political role of policy
workers’ motivation and perception of eco- design and instruments in shaping implemen-
nomic incentives seem to condition the effect tation results. In Chapter 18, Laurence
of these incentives (Andersen and Pallesen, O’Toole analyzes the role of interorganiza-
2008). Although the direct and contingent tional relations in implementation and how
effects of management on the behavior of these can be affected to improve implementa-
street-level bureaucrats are often limited, tion. Finally, in Chapter 19, Marcia Meyers
indirect effects must also be taken into and Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen give a critical
account. These include the impact that man- account of the literature on the role of street-
agers’ commitment has on the attitudes of level bureaucrats in policy implementation.
their front-line workers and the way in which
managers, by designing or changing organiza-
tional structures, can shape bureaucratic atti-
tudes and behaviors (Winter et al., 2008b). REFERENCES
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Implementation: The Decentralization of the Danish Denmark. SFI Working Paper Series 12.
Disablement Pension Administration’, Scandinavian Yin, Robert K. (1982) ‘Studying the Implementation of
Political Studies, 9(4): 361−385. Public Programs’, in W.Williams, R.F. Elmore, J.S.
Winter, Søren (1990) ‘Integrating Implementation Hall, et al. (eds), Studying Implementation. Chatham,
Research’, in Dennis J. Palumbo and Donald J. NJ: Chatham House Publishers, pp. 36−72.

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Implementation Perspectives:
Status and Reconsideration
Søren C. Winter

Although the field of implementation research ahead. Implementation research can be

is barely 40 years old, implementation has improved by (1) accepting theoretical diver-
already been analyzed from many different sity rather than looking for one common
perspectives, representing different research theoretical framework, (2) developing and
strategies, evaluation standards, concepts, testing partial theories and hypotheses rather
focal subject areas, and methodologies (see than trying to reach for utopia in constructing
Part 5 Introduction). The purpose of this a general implementation theory, (3) seeking
chapter is two-fold. conceptual clarification, (4) focusing on both
First, it performs a critical review of some outputs (behaviors of implementers) and out-
of the major contributions to the literature. comes as dependent variables in implemen-
This examination follows the development tation research rather than goal achievement,
of the field. Commentators have identified and (5) applying more comparative and
three generations of implementation research statistical research designs rather than rely-
(Goggin, 1986), which are presented and ing on single case studies in order to sort out
assessed in the following. These are the pio- the influence of different implementation
neers with their explorative case studies, the variables.
second-generation studies with their top-
down and bottom-up research strategies and
synthesis models, and a third generation with
more systematic tests based on comparative THE PIONEERS
and statistical research designs. The nice thing
about these generations is, however, that as a In several respects, the book Implementation,
researcher you can belong to more than one by Pressman and Wildavsky (1973), sets the
and thus stay alive and even get younger! stage for later implementation research. Most
Second, based on a critical examination of implementation research has focused on imple-
the development and status of the research mentation problems, barriers, and failures,
field, the chapter suggests ways of moving and this pessimistic view of implementation

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was already reflected in the subtitle of this Bardach’s (1977) The Implementation Game,
seminal work, which placed more emphasis on the aspects
of conflict in implementation, seeing imple-
How Great Expectations in Washington are Dashed
in Oakland; or, Why it’s Amazing that Federal
mentation as a continuation of the political
Programs Work at All game from the policy adoption stage, though
partly with other actors and other relations
In this case study of the local implementation among actors. Bardach analyzed the types of
of a federal economic development program games that various actors apply in the imple-
to decrease unemployment among ethnic mentation process in order to pursue their
minority groups in Oakland, Pressman and own interests. However, these games tend to
Wildavsky focused on the ‘complexity of distort implementation from the legislative
joint action’ as the key implementation prob- goals. Among other representatives from
lem. In that case – as in many others – fed- what has later been called the first generation
eral, regional, state, and local government of implementation research we find Erwin
actors, courts, affected interest groups, pri- Hargrove (1975), who called implementation
vate firms, and media had a role and stake in research ‘the missing link’ in the study of
policy implementation. Implementation the policy process, and Walter Williams and
problems were amplified not only by the Richard Elmore (1976).
many actors but also by the many decision
and veto points, which must typically be
passed during the implementation process.
Although they probably overemphasized the SECOND-GENERATION MODEL
lack of conflict in their case, Pressman and BUILDERS: TOP-DOWN, BOTTOM-UP,
Wildavsky convincingly showed that merely AND SYNTHESES
slightly different perspectives, priorities, and
time horizons among multiple actors with Second-generation implementation studies
different missions in repeated and sequential began in the early 1980s. Whereas the first-
decisions could cause delay, distortion, and generation studies had been explorative
even failures in policy implementation. and theory generating, the ambition of the
However, the two authors also demon- second generation was to take the next step in
strated that failures are not only caused by theory development by constructing theoreti-
bad implementation but also by bad policy cal models, or rather frameworks of analysis,
instruments. Many of the problems in the that could guide empirical analysis. Some
Oakland case would have been avoided had of these studies had more optimistic views
policy makers chosen a more direct eco- on successful implementation.
nomic instrument that would ex post have The construction of models and research
tied spending of public expenditures to the strategies, however, immediately led to a
actual number of minority workers employed major confrontation between the so-called
rather than relying on endless ex ante nego- top-down and bottom-up perspectives on
tiations with affected parties and authorities. policy implementation. The predominant
Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) are good top-down researchers focused on a specific
representatives for the first generation of political decision, normally a law. On the
implementation studies, which were typi- background of its official purpose, they fol-
cally explorative and inductive case studies lowed the implementation down through the
with a theory-generating aim. Very few cen- system, often with special interest in central
tral theoretical variables were in focus: in decision makers. They would typically
this case, the number of actors and decision assume a control perspective on implementa-
points and the validity of the causal theory. tion, trying to give good advice on how to
Another outstanding example is Eugene structure the implementation process from

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above in order to achieve the purpose of the influence that front-line staff or field workers
legislation and to minimize the number of have on the delivery of policies such as
decision points that could be vetoed. social services, income transfers, and law
The best-known and most frequently used enforcement in relation to citizens and firms.
(Sabatier, 1986) top-down analysis frame- Field workers are crucial decision makers in
work was developed by Mazmanian and these studies, and the disability of politicians
Sabatier (1981). It contains 17 variables and administrative managers to control field
placed in three main groups, concerning the workers is emphasized.
tractability of the problems addressed by the Like top-down researchers and also most
legislation, the social and political context, evaluation researchers, some bottom-up
and the ability of the legislation to structure researchers use the official objectives of a
the implementation process. This structuring given legislation as the standard of evalua-
can be made by means of, for example, hier- tion (Lipsky, 1980; Winter, 1986a). Michael
archy, appointing of authorities and staff with Lipsky (1980) developed a theory on ‘Street-
a positive attitude towards the legislation/ level Bureaucracy.’ It focuses on the discre-
program, and use of incentives including tionary decisions that each field worker − or
competition among providers. By adding a ‘street-level bureaucrat’ as Lipsky prefers to
long-term perspective of 10−15 years to call them − makes in relation to individual
implementation, the authors show that, over citizens when delivering policies to them.
time, start-up problems are often ameliorated This discretionary role in delivering services
by better structuring of the implementation or enforcing regulations makes street-level
by policy advocates (see also Kirst and Jung, bureaucrats essential actors in implementing
1982). This gave rise to much more optimis- public policies. Indeed, Lipsky (1980) turns
tic views of implementation in contrast to the policy process upside-down by claiming
the pessimism introduced by Pressman and that street-level bureaucrats are the real
Wildavsky (1973) and joined by most imple- policy makers. However, one ironic aspect of
mentation analysts. the theory is that although he emphasizes
Mazmanian and Sabatier’s framework was the individual role of street-level bureaucrats
met by two different kinds of criticism. in implementing public policies, according
According to one strand, the model was to Lipsky their similar working conditions
naive and unrealistic because it overempha- make them all apply rather similar behavior.
sized the ability of policy proponents to This means that street-level bureaucrats,
structure implementation, thus ignoring the even across policy types, tend to apply
ability of policy opponents to interfere in this similar types of practices whether they are
structuring process (Moe, 1989). Often policy teachers, policemen, nurses, doctors, or social
opponents are able to make policy goals con- workers.
tradictory or ambiguous and to increase their Although trying to do their best, street-
own long-term influence in the implementa- level bureaucrats experience a gap between
tion process in order to avoid some of the the demands made on them by legislative
effects intended by policy proponents. mandates, managers, and citizens, on the one
Conceptually, the model ignored the politics hand, and their limited resources, on the
of policy formulation and policy design other. In this situation they apply a number of
(Winter, 1986b; see also Chapter 17). coping mechanisms that systematically dis-
Another strand of criticism came from the tort their work in relation to the intentions
bottom-up researchers who took special of the legislation. They ration services and
interest in ‘the bottom’ of the implementation make priorities between their tasks and cli-
system, the place where the public sector − or ents, e.g., by upgrading easy tasks and
private providers of public services − meets cases in which clients make pressure to
the citizens or firms. They all emphasized the obtain a benefit or decision, at the expense of

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complicated, non-programmed tasks and cli- problem in the implementation process, and
ents that do not press for a decision. Street- they also developed a way of identifying
level bureaucrats tend to apply few, crude these networks. It is a combination of a
standard classifications for grouping clients snowball method and a sociometric method.
and combine these by rules of thumb for the Starting with the actors with most direct
processing of these categories, rather than contact with people exposed to the problem,
treating clients individually. To prove suc- one gradually identifies more and more
cessful, street-level bureaucrats tend to apply actors who are interacting with the first set
creaming in favoring relatively resourceful of actors around the problem, and so on.
clients and downgrading the weaker clients. In this way, this type of bottom-up analysis
Street-level bureaucrats try to gain control maps the informal, empirical implementation
over clients in order to make cases simpler to structure around a given problem, while top-
process. As time goes by, street-level bureau- down research tends to look at the formal
crats develop more cynical perceptions of implementation structure related to one par-
clients and modify the policy objectives. ticular policy program. According to Hull
Other bottom-up researchers go the and Hjern, empirical implementation struc-
whole length, rejecting the objective of policy tures tend to be far less hierarchical than
mandates as an evaluation standard. Instead, formal ones, and they often cross organiza-
their analysis departs from a specific prob- tional borders and may include public as well
lem such as youth unemployment (Elmore, as private actors in forming collaborative
1982) or small firms’ conditions of growth networks at the operational level that may
(Hull and Hjern, 1987). In practice it is even take on an identity of their own rela-
the researcher himself, who in most cases tively independent of their mother organiza-
defines the problem and thereby his evalua- tions. The bottom-up analyses by Hjern and
tion standard. In my opinion this is accepta- associates, which are important in drawing
ble if done explicitly, and it can be fruitful attention to implementation activities and
if the researcher is able to convince others structures at the local operational level, have
about the appropriateness of his problem given inspiration to later policy network
definition. and governance analyses (Bogason, 2000).
The next task in Hull and Hjern’s bottom- However, the perspective has more the char-
up approach is to identify the many actors acter of guidelines for an inductive research
that are affecting the problem in question and strategy and methodology than a develop-
to map relations between them. In these net- ment of theory and hypotheses that can be
work analyses both public and private actors empirically tested.
become essential, and the analyses often This also applies to Elmore’s (1982)
include several policies that affect the same ‘backward mapping’ strategy, which has
problem whether or not it is intended in those played an important role in the development
policies. For instance, when defining youth of the bottom-up perspective. However,
unemployment as the focal problem, youth Elmore’s perspective is more aimed at help-
unemployment is affected by a great number ing policy analysts and policy makers in
of actors such as schools, high schools, edu- designing sound policies than offering a
cational and vocational training institutions, research strategy and contributing to theory
the social welfare system, employment serv- development.
ice, unemployment foundations, and employ- The top-down and bottom-up perspectives
ment providers as well as the social partners were useful in drawing increased attention
(e.g., through fixing of wage rates). to the fact that both top and bottom play
Hull and Hjern (1987) focused on the important roles in the implementation proc-
role of local networks in affecting a given ess, but in the long run the battle between the

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two approaches was not fruitful. Each tended process when the policy is ambiguous and
to ignore the portion of the implementation the conflict is low. When conflict as well as
reality explained by the other (Goggin et al., ambiguity is present, both models have some
1990: 12). Elmore (1985) actually recom- relevance according to Matland.
mends using both forward mapping – which Other attempts at synthesizing the two
is essentially a top-down analysis – and approaches were made by the former main
backward mapping for policy analysis combatants. The previous bottom-up analy-
because each tends to offer valuable insights ses, which were performed by the circle
for policy makers. He claims that policy around Hull and Hjern (1987), focused on
designers need to consider the policy instru- actors and activities at the bottom, while
ments and the resources they have at their in practice their analyses did not rise very
disposal (forward mapping) as well as the high above it. However, in their synthesis
incentive structure of the target group and proposal – called ‘an inductive approach to
street-level bureaucrats’ ability to tip the bal- match outcomes of politics and their inten-
ance of these incentives in order to affect the tions’ – Hull and Hjern recommend system-
problematic situation of the target group atic interview analysis of relevant actors
(backward mapping). from the bottom to the very top, including
Other scholars have tried to solve the con- mapping of implementation activities and
troversy by specifying the conditions where structures, the actors’ evaluation of the politi-
one approach might be more relevant than cally determined purposes of the relevant
the other. Sabatier (1986) claims that the top- laws and their achievement, and also the
down perspective is best suited for studying actors’ opinions on where it goes wrong and
the implementation in policy areas that are analyses of how various policies contribute
dominated by one specific legislation, lim- to solve the policy problem in question.
ited research funds, or where the situation is Obviously, it would require immense
structured at least moderately well. Bottom-up resources to carry out this research strategy,
perspectives, on the other hand, would be and I am not aware of any such study per-
more relevant in situations where several dif- formed in practice. In addition – as was the
ferent policies are directed towards a particu- case for their bottom-up analyses above –
lar problem, and where one is primarily the proposed synthesis suffers from being
interested in the dynamics of different local methodological recommendations rather than
situations. theoretically based expectations, which can
Attempts were also made to synthesize the be tested systematically.
two models. Richard E. Matland (1995) sug- Sabatier (1986) has also suggested a syn-
gests that their relative value depends on thesis – the so-called Advocacy Coalition
the degree of ambiguity in goals and means Framework (ACF). He adopts ‘the bottom-
of a policy and the degree of conflict. uppers’ unit of analysis – a whole variety of
Traditional top-down models, based on the public and private actors involved with a
public administration tradition, present an policy problem – as well as their concerns
accurate description of the implementation with understanding the perspectives and
process when a policy is clear, and the con- strategies of all major categories of actors
flict is low. However, top-down models, such (not simply program proponents). He then
as the Mazmanian−Sabatier framework, are combines this starting point with top-down-
also relevant when conflict is high and ambi- ers’ concern with the manner in which socio-
guity is low, which makes the structuring economic conditions and legal instruments
of the implementation particularly important. constrain behavior’ (Sabatier, 1986: 39). The
In contrast, bottom-up models provide an synthesis applies the framework to explain-
accurate description of the implementation ing policy change over a period of a decade

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or more in order to deal with the role of pol- directing attention to implementation prob-
icy-oriented learning. It also adopts the top- lems and identifying implementation barriers
down style of developing and testing and factors that might ease implementation,
hypotheses as a contribution to theory devel- the research had not succeeded in sorting out
opment. In conceptualizing policy change, the relative importance of the explanatory
Sabatier focuses on government action pro- variables. A substantial part of the studies
grams that, in turn, produce policy outputs at could be criticized as merely presenting –
the operational level, which again result in a often long – checklists of variables that
variety of impacts. The focus on legislative might effect implementation. Malcolm
mandates as well as outputs and impacts Goggin (1986) pointed out that because
could be potentially relevant for implementa- implementation research had been domi-
tion research. In practice, however, the ACF nated by single case studies, it was plagued
was further developed to focus on policy by the problem of ‘too few cases and too
change in mandates rather than implementa- many variables’ or by overdetermination,
tion. Although making an important contri- where two or more variables explain varia-
bution to the public policy literature, Sabatier tion in the dependent variable equally well.
and his later associate, Jenkins-Smith The single case study approach did not allow
(Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith, 1993), actually for any control of third variables. According
moved the focus of analysis away from to Goggin, this problem had hampered the
implementation towards policy change and development of implementation theory. He
formation. therefore, called for a third generation of
Another kind of synthesis was suggested implementation studies that would test theo-
by Winter (1990; Winter and Nielsen, 2008) ries on the basis of more comparative case
in his ‘Integrated Implementation Model’. studies and statistical research designs which
Unlike previous attempts, the purpose here could increase the number of observations
was not to make a true synthesis between and allow control for third variables.
top-down and bottom-up perspectives, but Goggin followed up on these recommen-
rather to integrate a number of the most fruit- dations in a study with his associates (Goggin,
ful theoretical elements from various pieces Bowman, Lester, and O’Toole, 1990). The
of implementation research – regardless of study was mainly based on a communica-
their origin – into a joint model or frame- tions theory perspective on intergovernmen-
work. Its main factors in explaining imple- tal implementation, but also included many
mentation outputs and outcomes are policy variables from previous top-down and bot-
formation and policy design, interorganiza- tom-up research. The study focused espe-
tional relations, management, street-level cially on variation among states in the way
bureaucrats’ will and capacity, in addition to and extent they implement federal policies in
target group behavior, socio-economic con- three different social and regulatory policies.
ditions, and feedback mechanisms, cf. The authors tried to encourage further
Introduction to Part 5 of the Handbook. research involving multiple measures and
Three of these key factors are elaborated in multiple methods, including quantitative
Chapters 17−19. methods. Later, Lester and Goggin (1998), in
making a status for implementation research,
called for the development of ‘a parsimo-
nious, yet complete, theory of policy imple-
THIRD GENERATION: QUANTITATIVE mentation.’ They suggested that such a
RESEARCH DESIGNS meta-theory might be developed by combining
the insights of communications theory, regime
While the first and second generations of theory, rational choice theory (especially
implementation studies have been helpful in game theory), and contingency theories. As a

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dependent variable for implementation stud- as unrealistic to think that many scholars can
ies, they proposed to focus on implemen- agree on applying one common theoretical
tation processes rather than outputs and framework.
outcomes. Although the general implementation
frameworks presented by model builders so
far have been helpful in giving an overview
of some crucial implementation variables,
A NEW RESEARCH AGENDA the generality of such models may in fact be
an obstacle for further development of our
While agreeing with Goggin’s (1986) call for understanding of implementation. This is
using more comparative and statistical because generality inhibits precise specifica-
research designs based on quantitative meth- tion of variables and causal mechanisms
ods, I disagree with several of the later meth- (May, 1999). Consequently, it seems more
odological and theoretical recommendations fruitful to utilize research resources on devel-
made by him and his colleagues. As recog- oping partial theories and hypotheses about
nized by one of these authors, O’Toole different and more limited implementation
(2000), to follow the methodological sugges- problems and on putting these to serious
tions given by Goggin, Bowman, Lester, and empirical tests.
O’Toole (1990) would involve at least outlin- My suggestions for further development of
ing a research career’s worth of work. It implementation research can be summarized
would require applying research designs that in five points: (1) provide theoretical diver-
involve numerous variables, across different sity; (2) focus on partial rather than general
policy types, across 50 states, over at least 10 implementation theories; (3) seek conceptual
years, as well as measuring the relevant vari- clarification; (4) focus on outputs (behavior
ables by a combination of content analyses, of implementers − particularly delivery
expert panels, elite surveys, and expert reas- behaviors) as well as outcomes as dependent
sessment of the data from questionnaires and variables; and (5) use more comparative and
interviews. Because such a research strategy statistical research designs (Winter, 1999).
is too demanding, less taxing research strate- While the two first and the fifth points have
gies that can still secure a sufficient number been developed above, I will elaborate on the
of observations would be more realistic. other points in the following and illustrate
Given the many exploratory variables that them by recent research.
have already been identified by various
implementation scholars, Lester and Goggin’s
suggested development of a ‘parsimonious, Need for conceptual clarifications
yet complete implementation theory’ by and a focus on both outputs and
combining theoretical elements from at least outcomes as dependent variables
four different theories appear to be a contra-
dictio in adjecto and is more likely to lead to As pointed out by Peter May (1999), most
theoretical mismatch. Rather than looking conceptual frameworks in the implementa-
for the overall and one-for-all implementa- tion literature are weakly developed, lacking
tion theory, we should welcome diversity in adequate definitions of concepts and specifi-
both the theoretical perspectives and method- cation of causal mechanisms. The most
ologies applied. Such diversity will give us important issue for the development of imple-
new insights, some of which may then later mentation research may be to reconsider
be integrated into broader analytical frame- what constitutes the object of the study.
works or models (Mazmanian and Sabatier, There has been some disagreement in the
1981; Goggin, Bowman, Lester, and O’Toole, literature on the term of ‘implementation’
1990; Winter, 1990). It strikes me, however, and on what is the important dependent

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variable in implementation research (Hill process is likely to account for variation in

and Hupe, 2009). delivery behaviors.
One problem is that the concept ‘imple- Pushing it to extremes, the problem is that
mentation’ is often used to characterize both any attempt to make generalizations about
the implementation process and the output – goal achievement based on analysis of the
and sometimes also the outcome – of the behavior or outcome of implementers is
implementation process. Lester and Goggin dependent on the goal variable having a cer-
(1998) view implementation as a ‘process, a tain value. The generalization may become
series of subnational decisions and actions invalid if the goal changes. Therefore, gener-
directed toward putting a prior authoritative alizations about implementation output are
federal decision into effect’. Thereby, they extremely relativistic because statements are
reject focusing on the output of the imple- conditioned by the goals that are formulated.
mentation process as ‘a dichotomous con- This is problematic when it is recognized that
ceptualization of implementation as simply policy makers are often more interested in
success or failure.’ making decisions on means or instruments
Although agreeing that the success/failure than on goals; goals are often invented after
dichotomy is problematic, I suggest that the decisions on the means have been made in
most important focus of implementation order to legitimize the means adopted, and
research would not be the implementation goals are not always expected or even
process but the outputs of that process in intended to be achieved.
terms of delivery behaviors and the outcomes The second problem of using goal achieve-
in terms of change in the behavior or condi- ment as the dependent variable of imple-
tions of target populations. As mentioned mentation research is that such goals can be
in the Part 5 Introduction to this imple- difficult to operationalize. Much has already
mentation section, this would be much been written in the implementation and eval-
more in line with the classic focus of public uation literatures about the vagueness and
policy research on the content of policy, ambiguity of policy goals and the difference
its causes, and consequences (Dye, 1976). between official and latent goals. In addition,
Implementation output is policy content at a while most policy statutes state some kind of
much more operational level than a law. It is goal for the outcome of the policy, many fail
policy as it is being delivered to the citizens. to specify goals or standards for the behavior
Implementation outcomes are the conse- of the implementers.
quences of implementation outputs/delivery This is often the case in regulatory poli-
behaviors. cies. For example, the Danish agro-environ-
The most common dependent variable in mental regulation has a general objective of
implementation research so far has been reducing the nitrate pollution of the aquatic
the degree of goal achievement, whether environment to a certain level, and it speci-
defined in terms of output or outcome. The fies a large number of very specific rules for
first problem, however, is that goal achieve- farmers’ behaviors in that respect. However,
ment is a fraction. Output in terms of behav- the only objective or requirement for the
iors of implementers or outcome in terms of implementers – i.e., the municipalities that
effects on target population is the numerator, are in charge of enforcement – is that they
and the policy goal is the denominator. Yet, inspect farms for compliance with the rules.
using a fraction as the dependent variable In this case it is hard to gauge implementa-
renders theory building problematic when tion success unless we use the goals for
different factors explain variation in the changes in the farmers’ behaviors or in the
numerator and the denominator. While the physical environment as the standard.
policy formation process is likely to account However, from the evaluation and implemen-
for variation in goals, the implementation tation literatures, we also know that other

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factors than implementation outputs may firms (Parker and Nielsen, 2012) and the role
affect policy outcomes/effects (Rossi and of enforcement (i.e., policy implementation)
Freeman, 1989). in shaping compliance (Winter and May,
Whereas the degree of goal achievement at 2001, 2002; May and Winter, 2012). Second,
the national level may not be an optimal a research agenda on how public manage-
variable for accumulating research evidence ment affects the performance of organiza-
on policy implementation, implementation tions has been initiated around the turn of the
research has an important task in focusing on century by, in particular, Kenneth Meier,
and explaining variation in outcomes. For Laurence O’Toole, George Boyne, and their
several decades, however, implementation collaborators (Boyne, 2003; Meier and
scholars as well as other political scientists O’Toole, 2007). They use the term ‘perform-
have paid far too little attention to explaining ance’ to indicate valued outcomes, e.g., aca-
variation in policy outcomes and examining demic performance of students in schools.
the relation between implementation outputs Accordingly, it is fruitful if implementa-
and outcomes. As mentioned above, few tion studies focus on and seek to explain
implementation scholars have included out- variation in outputs and outcomes and study
come in their implementation models or the relationship between implementation
framework (Mazmanian and Sabatier, 1981; outputs and outcomes. For example, in sev-
Elmore, 1982; Hull and Hjern, 1987; Goggin eral countries employment policies of the last
et al., 1990; Winter, 1990). decade have demanded that employment
We do not have a complete understanding agencies and their caseworkers emphasize
of the policy process unless we know how getting unemployed clients quickly into work
target groups respond to public policies. in their conversations with such clients and
Despite the fact that ‘the authoritative alloca- use sanctions for non-compliance in order to
tion of values for a society’ (Easton, 1953) increase employment. However, agencies
and ‘who gets what, when, and how’ and their street-level bureaucrats typically
(Lasswell, 1936) are among the most famous vary in the extent they deliver such outputs
definitions of politics, until the turn of the and outcomes. Implementation studies can
century very few political science studies play an important role in seeking to explain
focused on how citizens respond to public these variations by various implementation
policies. Some would say that this is the factors, such as the role of policy and organi-
province of evaluation research. However, zational design (Hill, 2006; Beer et al., 2008;
evaluation is typically characterized by a Winter et al., 2008a), interorganizational col-
focus on methods, whereas very little theory laboration (Meier and O’Toole, 2003; Lundin,
development has occurred, especially 2007; May and Winter, 2007), management
extremely little political science theory. In behaviors, and the attitudes and capacity of
political science journals the contrast between street-level bureaucrats (Riccuci, 2005;
many studies of citizens’ attitudes and behav- Winter et al., 2008b; May and Winter, 2009;
iors at the input side of politics and very few Schram et al., 2009).
outcome studies is striking. Yet, the study of The behaviors of street-level bureaucrats
outcomes is as much, if not more, about are also important in explaining variation in
policy, as are most public opinion studies that outcomes (Bloom et al., 2003; Heinesen et
relate to the input side of policy. al., 2004; Winter, 2005; Baviskar and Winter,
However, some very promising develop- 2009; Behncke et al., 2010; Weatherall and
ments have taken place in the last two dec- Markwardt, 2010; Winter and Baviskar,
ades. First, starting particularly in the 1990s, 2010).
some law and society and regulation scholars Treating implementation outputs as both
have attempted to explain variation in com- a dependent variable − and as an independ-
pliance among citizens (Tyler, 2006) and ent variable in explaining variation in

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outcomes − raises some important considera- of the precision that a more policy-specific
tions on how to conceptualize and categorize set of concepts could offer.
the behavior of implementers at different A middle ground is to use sets of concepts
organizational levels, including the crucial that apply to very broad classes of policies.
level of the individual street-level bureaucrat. For example, concepts have been developed
One very intriguing question is whether we that are appropriate to classify the behavior
can find behavioral dimensions and classifi- of implementers in almost any kind of
cations that are universally applicable in all regulatory policy (Kagan, 1994). May and
policy areas, or if we should generate con- Winter (1999, 2000, 2012; Winter and May,
cepts and classifications that are different 2001) have developed concepts for regula-
from one policy area to another. tory enforcement at both agency and indi-
To the extent that a policy statute sets vidual street-level bureaucrat levels. Agency
goals or standards for implementation prac- enforcement choices are conceptualized as
tices − as in the employment policy studies (1) tools (use of different enforcement
above − it is a relevant task for implementa- measures: sanctions, information and assist-
tion research both to study the extent to ance, and incentives), (2) priorities (whom to
which these standards have actually been target and what to inspect for), and (3) effort
met − which is important from a democratic (use and leveraging of enforcement resources).
effectiveness perspective (Winter, 1990; The enforcement style of individual inspec-
Winter and Nielsen, 2008) − and to explain tors is defined as the character of the day-to-
variations in such valued practices. Such day interactions of inspectors with the target
findings can be important to policy makers group. May and Winter expect, and verify, in
and researchers in that particular policy area. a study of agro-environmental regulation in
However, some findings on implementation Denmark, that enforcement style has two
factors that are fostering compliance among dimensions − the degree of formality of
implementing organizations and street-level interactions and the use of threats and other
bureaucrats with these standards are also forms of coercion. They also identify distinct
likely to be valid in others settings and policy types of enforcement styles among inspec-
areas. tors along these two dimensions (May and
Another strategy is to use behavioral con- Winter, 2000; 2012; see also May and Burby,
cepts that apply to all policy areas, whether 1998; May and Wood, 2003).
these behaviors are mandated or not. Although Whereas relevant concepts for delivery
Meier and O’Toole (2007) in most of their performance/outputs have been developed
studies of management and performance for regulatory policies, such conceptualiza-
have studied educational management, their tions seem to be underdeveloped in social
theorizing and concepts on management policies apart from Lipsky’s concepts of
practices are based on general public man- coping behaviors. Some inspiration can,
agement theorizing, and many of their find- however, be obtained from the above regula-
ings are likely to apply to other policies as tory policy concepts at agency as well as
well. Lipsky’s (1980) street-level bureauc- individual field worker levels. In studies
racy theory represents an ambitious attempt of the implementation of various Danish
to offer a universally applicable set of con- social policies on employment, integration of
cepts for describing the coping behavior of refugees and immigrants, and vulnerable
street-level bureaucrats in all policy areas children and youth, Winter and collabora-
(see also Winter, 2002). However, several of tors have conceptualized street-level bureau-
these coping mechanisms apply better to cratic behaviors along the dimensions of
implementation of social rather than regula- coping, formalism/legalism, coerciveness,
tory policies, and a universally applicable and professional distance, which seem to be
classification scheme may suffer from a lack fruitful − both as dependent variables and

5768_Peters & Pierre-16.indd 274 7/19/2012 11:45:33 AM


independent variables explaining variation implementation outputs and outcomes (May

in outcomes (Winter, 2002; 2005; Heinesen and Winter, 1999; Winter and May, 2001,
et al., 2004; Beer et al., 2008; Baviskar and 2002; Bloom et al., 2003; Baviskar and
Winter, 2009; 2011; Winter and Baviskar, Winter, 2009; Weatherall and Markwardt,
2010). 2010). In such studies delivery-level behav-
One advantage of creating such conceptu- iors/output changes from being a dependent
alization of the behavior of implementers is variable in explaining delivery behaviors to
that it is well suited for testing hypotheses for being an independent variable in explaining
explaining variation in implementation outcomes. However, often, we need different
behavior across time and space. Variables theorizing to explain implementation outputs
from implementation theory characterizing and outcomes.
aspects of the implementation process would As claimed by Elmore (1982, 1985), to
be an important basis for the development change target groups’ problematic behavior
and testing of such hypotheses. However, requires an understanding of the incentives
another advantage of focusing implementa- that are operating on these people as well as
tion research on implementation outputs and of how street-level bureaucrats can influence
outcomes as dependent variables is that we and build on these incentives. For example,
can integrate the study of implementation in examining Danish farmers’ compliance
much more with theory on bureaucratic poli- with environmental regulations, Winter and
tics as well as organization and management May (2001) map the regulatees’ action model
theory. Thereby, implementation research and show that compliance is affected by
can gain inspiration from these research farmers’ (1) calculated motivations based on
fields that have a long tradition of studying utility and calculating the costs of complying
the behavior of agencies and bureaucrats. In and the perceived risk of detection of viola-
return, these subdisciplines can benefit from tions, (2) normative sense of duty to comply,
implementation concepts that are much more and (3) social motivations based on adapta-
policy relevant than the behavioral variables tion to expectations from significant others.
that have been applied in most bureaucracy Inspectors signal such expectations through
and organization theory. their style of interacting with target groups,
As examples, principal−agent theory and including their degree of formalism. However,
its notion of information asymmetries has willingness to comply is not enough if the
been fruitful in examining control problems regulated entities do not have the ability to
in service delivery (Brehm and Gates, 1997; comply. Thus, awareness of rules and finan-
Winter, 2003; Winter et al., 2008b). The cial capacity increase farmers’ compliance.
same applies to classic bureaucracy theory Understanding target populations’ motiva-
on the role of rule boundedness in shaping tions and incentives is essential for specify-
street-level bureaucratic behaviors (Winter ing causal links between implementation
et al., 2008a). Representative bureaucracy behavior and target group responses and for
theory has found a renaissance when applied designing smarter policies.
to implementation problems at the street
level (Keiser et al., 2002). Network and con-
tingency theories have been important in
explaining collaboration in implementation CONCLUSION
and its effects on outcomes (Meier and
O’Toole, 2003; Lundin, 2007; May and Implementation research has made important
Winter, 2007). contributions to public administration and
The conceptualization of implementa- public policy in adding a public policy per-
tion outputs/behaviors is likely to make it spective to public administration, with a
much easier to study the relation between strong focus on how policies are transformed

5768_Peters & Pierre-16.indd 275 7/19/2012 11:45:33 AM


during the execution process until the point REFERENCES

of delivery – and even after in changing the
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Policy Design and
Peter J. May

INTRODUCTION carries forward into policy implementa-

tion (see Bardach, 1977; Brodkin, 1990;
Public policies set forth courses of action for Nakamura and Smallwood, 1980).
addressing problems or for providing goods A primary issue of relevance to public
and services to segments of society. Policies administration is understanding how the
come in a variety of forms that include legis- implementation of a policy is shaped both by
lation, executive orders, rules, or other offi- the design of the policy and the forces that
cial acts. These authorities do more than influence the way the policy is carried out.
simply announce a course of action. Policies The main argument of this chapter is that
typically contain a set of intentions or goals, policy designs provide both the blueprint
a mix of instruments or means for accom- for carrying out policies and the foci for
plishing the intentions, a designation of gov- efforts to shore up or undermine policy
ernmental and non-governmental entities implementation.
charged with carrying out the intentions, and Relatively little is known beyond broad
an allocation of resources for the requisite generalities about what constitutes well-
tasks. In short, these specify a policy design designed policies. This presents challenges
for accomplishing a public purpose. for those who seek a better understanding of
Choices that are made about the relevant the relationships between policy design and
policy instruments, the entities that carry out implementation. Various strands of literature
the policy, the available resources, and the in public administration and political science
actions to be taken establish a blueprint for address aspects of these challenges. One
policy implementation. That path is further strand considers the assumptions and values
signaled by the labeling of the policy, the that enter into policy design (see Bobrow
language used to communicate policy goals, and Dryzek, 1987; Ingraham, 1987; Linder
and monitoring by politicians after policy and Peters, 1984). A second strand catalogs
enactment. Because of these actions, the policy instruments that make up the elements
nexus between politics and policy making of policies (see Hood, 1983; McDonnell

5768_Peters & Pierre-17.indd 279 7/19/2012 11:46:03 AM


and Elmore, 1987; Salamon, 1989, 2002; Less settled, however, are the ways in which
Schneider and Ingram, 1990). A third strand different policy designs either hinder or
considers the way in which policies structure facilitate implementation. An extensive set
implementation and send signals about of case studies of implementation shortfalls
desired courses of action (see Elmore, 1987; suggest that problems arise from inadequate
Goggin et al., 1990; Smith and Ingram, specification of desired actions and from
2002). A fourth strand considers how choices failure to include features that overcome
about policy targets and instruments shape basic conflicts among those carrying out
the reactions to the policies and their policies. Building upon these case studies, an
eventual durability (see Patashnik, 2008; influential body of theorizing and research
Schneider and Ingram, 1997). (see Mazmanian and Sabatier, 1983; Van
This chapter draws from these strands of Meter and Van Horn, 1975) points to the
literature in discussing the interplay of policy ways that implementation is limited by key
design and implementation. The first part attributes of policies (i.e., lack of goal clarity
of the chapter addresses the ways that policy and inconsistency in goals), complex chains
designs shape the course of policy imple- of implementing actions and indirect control
mentation. The second part of the chapter (i.e., multiple actors, decision points, and
considers how this relates to different politi- levels of action), and by other non-statutory
cal environments. The third part of the chap- factors (i.e., problem intractability, unsup-
ter addresses choices for policy design along portive political environments).
with unresolved issues. The message of these studies is not par-
ticularly optimistic about implementation
prospects given that most policies lack goal
clarity and have complex implementation
INFLUENCE OF POLICY DESIGN structures. The basic prescription for enhanc-
ON IMPLEMENTATION ing implementation from this line of research
is a call for ‘statutory coherence’ that is
The crafting of policies typically entails a brought about by clear goals and simple
long process of analysis of problems and implementation structures (see Mazmanian
options, give-and-take over politically accept- and Sabatier, 1981, 1983). This prescription
able courses of action, and an authoritative fails to recognize the political realities
decision to enact a policy. In one of the that account for policies with multiple goals,
earlier writings on this topic, John Dryzek vague language, and complex implementa-
defines policy design as ‘the process of tion structures. The stated goals or intent of
inventing, developing and fine-tuning a policies, as found in preambles to statutes,
course of action with the amelioration of are often so vague as to provide little
some problem [in mind]’ (1983: 346). The basis for guiding actions. As noted by
design perspective in particular calls atten- Schneider and Ingram (1997: 82−84),
tion to matching content of a given policy to policy goals can be framed broadly or
the political context in which the policy is narrowly, be opaque, or may be largely sym-
formulated and implemented (see Linder bolic or hortatory (see also Stone, 1997: 37).
and Peters, 1984, 1989; May, 1991; Schneider Eugene Bardach suggests this leaves
and Ingram, 1997). room for renegotiation of goals during imple-
mentation by diverse partners in one of
several directions: ‘trimming them back,
Different design contentions distorting or preventing them, or even adding
to them in a manner that eventually leads
It is undisputed that policies signal desired to an unsupportable political burden’
courses of action and structure implementation. (1977: 85).

5768_Peters & Pierre-17.indd 280 7/19/2012 11:46:04 AM


A different perspective is offered by those recently labeled ‘dispersed collaborative

who argue that the appropriate crafting of authority’ (Moynihan et al., 2011). The chal-
policies can overcome implementation diffi- lenges of successful implementation for such
culties attributable to vague goals and com- policies are well illustrated by Kathryn
plex implementation structures (see Elmore, McDermott’s study of education reform in
1987; Goggin et al., 1990; May, 1993; Stoker, Massachusetts in which she found that
1991). According to this viewpoint, imple- ‘poorly thought-out incentive structures,
mentation prospects are enhanced through lack of capacity, and lack of trust impeded
three sets of policy provisions. One set are implementation’ (2006: 45).
those provisions that build the capacity of Some research suggests the implementa-
intermediaries to carry out requisite actions. tion conflicts that arise from shared govern-
Capacity-building instruments include fund- ance and dispersed collaborative authority
ing, education and training, and technical can be ameliorated as part of policy designs.
assistance. A second set are policy provisions Goggin et al. (1990) find, in what they
that foster increased commitment of interme- label as the ‘communication model’ of imple-
diaries to the basic policy goals. Commitment- mentation, that differences in state-level
building instruments include publicity implementation of federal programs can
about policy goals, authorization for citizen be explained by variation in the clarity and
suits against inadequate implementation, consistency in the communication of policy
sanctions for failing to act, cost-sharing intent. Stoker (1991) describes successful
requirements, and incentives to carry out implementation by states and localities of
programs. A third set are policy provisions reforms of the federal National School Lunch
that help to signal desired courses of action. Program that he attributes to the program’s
These include oversight mechanisms and establishment of incentives for close cooper-
publicity about successful implementation ation among different implementers.
practices. These mechanisms entail what Other research has highlighted the mobili-
Howlett (2000) labels procedural policy zation of stakeholders in support of common
instruments aimed at intermediaries, rather goals as a way of addressing dispersed col-
than substantive provisions aimed at the laborative authority and diffuse goals (see
targets of policy. Chisholm, 1989: 29−33; O’Toole, 2003).
The thorny problems of intergovernmental One set of notable examples of use of such
implementation were highlighted in first- mobilization in addressing diffuse problems
generation case studies of implementation consists of a range of programs and policies
failures (see Derthick, 1972; Presssman and that employ public information campaigns.
Wildavsky, 1973). Those problems are all the Janet Weiss (2002) discusses the use of this
more evident for policies that address diffuse tool for information provision about harms
problems − dealing with immigration, pro- and ways to address them (e.g., Smokey Bear
viding health care, reforming education, campaign and wildfires, information about
strengthening emergency management, and environmentally responsible recycling) or in
so on − that require actions at multiple levels establishing processes of information collec-
of government as well as by public and pri- tion and dissemination that in turn seek to
vate sector entities. Because many policies lessen harms (e.g., food and cigarette labeling).
establish overlapping authorities and respon-
sibilities for implementation, shared govern-
ance is the norm rather than the exception. Policy instruments and
Added to this mix is the increased extensive policy design
involvement of non-governmental actors
in policy implementation, leading to what The research findings that suggest key fea-
public management scholars have more tures of policy designs can be altered to

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enhance implementation leads to considera- intended to produce compliance, induce-

tion of the components of public policies. ments as conditional transfers of money for
One of the conceptual shifts in implementa- provision of specified services, capacity-
tion research from the 1970s to the 1990s is building tools that invest in development of
a shift from the study of policies and pro- future services, and system-changing tools
grams to a study of different policy instru- that transfer authority in order to alter service
ments or tools that are part of policies and delivery. Schneider and Ingram (1990) pro-
programs. With this, scholarly attention vide a related analytic distinction among
shifted from addressing the content of a authority tools that prescribe desired behav-
policy as a whole to understanding the work- iors, inducements and sanctions that alter
ings and politics of the components of the calculated behaviors, capacity-building tools
policy. These components are variously that enhance abilities, and hortatory tools
labeled as policy instruments or as policy that are used to cajole action.
tools. The basic notion is that any given The strength of the literature about policy
policy incorporates a variety of means or tools is development of an understanding of
tools for accomplishing objectives that how each tool works, the key features and
include mandates, incentives (e.g., grants, variants of each tool, and the strengths and
loans, tax expenditures), penalties (e.g., sanc- weakness of each tool. In developing this
tions, fines), and information provision. understanding, the literature has taken a
Although this change in focus from the somewhat technocratic perspective that is
study of policy content as a whole to the fairly devoid of consideration of the linkages
study of policy instruments provides a among problems, tools, and outcomes. Guy
stronger analytic basis for unpacking poli- Peters argues ‘the contingent relationship
cies, there is little agreement about the rele- argued to exist between problems and instru-
vant components of policies. Over a dozen ments is crucial to the enterprise of policy
different typologies of policy instruments design’ (2005: 351). In other words, the
have been devised that vary in terms of their problem context needs to be considered in
level of specification and their scope (for the selection of tools. Anne Schneider and
overviews see Salamon, 1989, 2002; Vedung, Helen Ingram argue that the political context
1998). While there is conceptual agreement is paramount in situating ‘the concept of
that policy instruments are the building policy design within a causal model that
blocks of policies, there is little agreement emphasizes the political processes through
about the basic instruments. The more spe- which designs are created as well as the
cific and comprehensive categorizations translating processes through which the
identify 10 to 15 instruments. For example, effects of democracy are realized’ (1997:
one commonly cited compilation (Salamon, 72−73). From this perspective the selection
2002) addresses the following 14 tools: direct of tools for a policy design is in part a reac-
government provision, governmental corpo- tion to the power and social construction of
rations and sponsored enterprises, economic the relevant target groups (1997: 102−140).
regulation, social regulation, government The choice of tools, in turn, sends signals to
insurance, public information, charges and target groups about their worth and rein-
special taxes, contracting, purchase-of- forces the stereotypes that led to the tool
service contracting, grants, loans and loan selection in the first place (1997: 140−145).
guarantees, tax expenditures, vouchers, and Following from these lines of reasoning,
tort liability. the more recent literature about policy tools
Other taxonomies of policy instruments has considered how different tools can be
are more parsimonious in their classification combined to form distinct policy strategies.
of instruments. Elmore (1987) draws a dis- Richard Elmore (1987) was one of the first to
tinction among mandates as rules that are characterize the policy rationales for different

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combinations of instruments. Gunningham and implementation. Drawing from the discus-

Grabosky (1998) suggested different instru- sion of May (1991), a continuum of political
ment mixes for achieving ‘smart regulation’ environments can be depicted, with one
that reflects the contingent nature of different extreme labeled ‘policies with publics’ and
policy instruments. Michael Howlett (2009) the other extreme labeled ‘policies without
has developed this kind of reasoning further publics’. The notion of a continuum is useful
in suggesting how different governance in making the point that the differences are
modes and policy logics lead to the identifi- more matters of the degree of development of
cation of different mixes of policy tools. the relevant publics and related policy sub-
In short, the literature about policy instru- systems than of their existence or total
ments has moved from cataloging and con- absence. For ‘policies with publics’ there are
sidering different instruments to addressing well-developed coalitions of interest groups
the interplay of different combinations of surrounding particular issues. For ‘policies
instruments. Despite these developments, the without publics’ there is limited development
literature still falls short in suggesting insights of interest groups, usually restricted to
about tradeoffs when choosing different technical and scientific communities.
mixes of instruments. This is because the
value of a particular combination of instru- Policies with publics
ments is shaped as much by the political The dominant characterization of political
context in which they are employed as by the environments for countries with democratic
inherent features of the instruments. systems is that of policies with publics.
According to this depiction, policy options
are fashioned and choices are made in
policy worlds composed of multiple publics
POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTS with competing interests and differential
AFFECTING DESIGN AND resources. In forming loosely connected,
IMPLEMENTATION sometimes highly fragmented advocacy coa-
litions (see Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith,
Viewing implementation as policy politics 1993) the publics engage in a series of strate-
alters how one thinks about policy design gic interactions, often over a period of years,
and implementation. Rather than treating in attempting to dominate the processes of
design as a technocratic activity of finding political problem definition, policy forma-
the best design subject to certain political tion, and implementation. Underlying these
constraints, the political perspective views interactions are differing causal beliefs and
policy design as an art aimed at channeling belief systems (see Stone, 1989). The ability
energies of disparate implementers to foster to arrive at a stable consensus over problems
agreement in working toward similar goals or appropriate actions is undermined by
and at mobilizing constituencies in support the existence of strongly held, opposing
of the policy. The latter is one key factor core beliefs by relevant publics and those
in affecting the durability of policies. Let political actors they influence. In such
us consider different aspects of the policy instances, policy making takes place at the
politics of implementation. margins of solutions, and problems persist
for many years.
The implementation challenges for poli-
Implementation environments cies with publics stem from the fact that rel-
and policy design evant intermediaries and target groups who
were active publics in defining the problem
It is useful to depict differing political and shaping policy solutions also attempt to
environments that affect policy design and influence implementation. In some settings,

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as discussed by Winter (1990) regarding of the continuum of policy publics for which
policy implementation in Scandinavia, stable policy options are fashioned and choices
relationships among publics are helpful for made in what appears to be an apolitical
policy legitimization and implementation. environment. Publics surrounding the issue
In the American setting, as discussed by are neither extensive nor a source of major
Baumgartner and Jones (1993), existing ways conflict. Issue networks or policy communi-
of doing business and existing policy monop- ties are only weakly developed. Belief sys-
olies become potentially powerful drags for tems concerning problems and solutions are
policy change and implementation. tentative and dominated by technocratic
As long as the coalitions in support of expert opinions. Relevant policy discussions
business as usual are stable, fundamental take place in the backwaters of political insti-
changes are difficult to achieve. Similarly, in tutions. These include issues for which there
a given arena, policy instruments for new is little incentive for organized interests to
policies will differ little from those of the evolve in pursuit of a policy. This typically
existing policy. Mandates get added to exist- arises for public goods (or, conversely public
ing mandates. Regulations get piled on bads), as illustrated by dilemmas of achiev-
existing regulations. Grant-in-aid programs ing deficit reduction, maintaining biological
proliferate in areas where they already exist. diversity, addressing global environmental
As a consequence, it is not surprising that problems, addressing terrorism, or dealing
‘system changing’ policy designs entailing with potential catastrophic disasters like
new allocations of authority (McDonnell major earthquakes.
and Elmore, 1987) or ‘roundabout methods’ The situation for policies without publics
(Majone, 1989) entailing institutional rede- might appear to be beneficial for imple-
sign are infrequently used instruments for mentation. The lack of publics provides a
policy design. greater degree of implementation autonomy
The policy design prescriptions for poli- than is the case for policies with publics.
cies with publics emphasize structuring of Under such circumstances, policy implemen-
relationships and coordinating behavior tation is not likely to be actively thwarted
among the relevant publics that comprise by intermediaries or target groups. However,
intermediaries and target groups. The trick is the relative absence of publics creates
finding a political and governance logic that unique implementation challenges. Target
makes it possible to change policy thrusts groups are likely to be poorly delineated.
(see Elmore, 1987; Howlett, 2009; Linder Various intermediaries such as governmental
and Peters, 1984). This may consist of devel- organizations and street-level bureaucrats
oping a policy design that is supported by a will exist, but are likely to be relatively
new coalition among interests with the coali- uninterested.
tion based around a new combination of Two broad strategies are potentially rele-
policy instruments. The political logic may vant to the design of policies when publics
also consist of a different political strategy are lacking. One is direct governmental pro-
than used in the past efforts to enact new vision of programs without relying upon
policies. This may include creating a crisis, other intermediaries. In some instances, such
or the appearance of one, so as to make the as the response to terrorism, a centrally-
case for new policies. Or, it may include find- managed and implemented program is neces-
ing a leader willing to take the blame for sary for achieving rapid response to diffuse
the negative impacts of the policy. problems. In other instances, such as provi-
sion of terrorism insurance, direct govern-
Policies without publics ment action is a necessary substitute for the
A contrasting political world is that of poli- faults of private markets. A second strategy
cies without publics. This is the opposite end is to stimulate the formation of publics.

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Mobilization of publics is appropriate when see also Schneider and Ingram, 1997) sug-
such participation of relevant stakeholders is gest that the selection of tools can have
necessary for successful policy implemen- a profound effect upon target groups by
tation, as might be the case for protecting sending messages about their value to others
endangered species, for increasing awareness and by shaping opportunities for partici-
of civil rights, or for engaging the private pation and involvement in collective deci-
sector in the upgrading of infrastructure. sion making. They argue that these effects
The provision of information can be an reverberate over time in shaping the ability
important tool for mobilizing attention (see and willingness of different groups to
Weiss, 2002). endorse or work to undermine the imple-
mentation of a given policy. Schneider
and Ingram (1997) underscore that because
Implementation and policy groups differ in their power and resources,
durability such policy feedback is biased toward
more powerful groups that were previously
Policies take form and are adapted to chang- advantaged in the original design of a
ing circumstances as different forces shape policy.
their implementation. These include the Also relevant is the power of the ideas that
interests that are mobilized in support are the heart a given policy design − what
of strong implementation or that seek to Howlett (2009: 79−80) refers to as the logic
undermine policy implementation. Much of a policy regime. Ideas about ‘pollution
depends on the relative political power of abatement’ for environmental pollution, ‘zero
these groups, their perceptions of benefits tolerance’ for illegal drug use, ‘personal
and burdens, and their resources. A newer responsibility’ for welfare reform, and ‘home-
line of research considers how these forces land security’ for addressing the threat of
and the broader political environment terrorism provide a shared purpose and
affects the durability of policy reforms (see common logic for policy design and imple-
Patashnik, 2008) and of policy regimes (see mentation. Greater agreement about core
Jochim and May, 2010). ideas that and the logic for them ease imple-
Such durability depends in part on the mentation and enhance policy durability.
degree to which a constituency is mobilized With a sense of common purpose comes
in support of the policy while limiting oppo- commitment to carry out the policy and to
sition. The pollution abatement regime for resist efforts to undermine it.
reducing pollution in the United States was The durability of policies is as much
strong in the 1970s because of the strength dependent on the broader political context
of environmental groups and the decision as it is on the preceding forces (see Jochim
by the Environmental Protection Agency to and May, 2010). As new political align-
only pursue notable polluters. The powerful ments take shape, the composition of inter-
forces behind this regime and their ties ests who have privileged access to political
to political power, provided a basis at institutions changes. As a result, the coali-
least initially for warding off opposition tions that support specific policy regimes
during implementation (see Andrews, 1999: and strong implementation are weakened.
238−239). As the forces weaken or are For example, the emergence of the busi-
altered, the durability of a regime is under- ness ‘pro-growth’ coalition in the United
mined and potentially destabilized. States under the Reagan administration
The political dynamic that affects policy shifted the balance of power towards busi-
durability is also influenced by the way in ness and ultimately chipped away at the
which the use of different tools affects environmental pollution abatement regime
various interests. Smith and Ingram (2002; of the 1970s (see Andrews, 1999: 256−261).

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SHAPING IMPLEMENTATION – The underlying philosophical or ideologi-

CHOICES IN POLICY DESIGN cal glue provides important policy rationale
for linking solutions to problems, recogniz-
The process of policy design and implemen- ing that any given intent can be justified and
tation is not simply one of assembling parts carried out in a variety of ways (Donovan,
and plugging in implementation machinery. 2001; Stone, 1989). Linder and Peters (1984,
The compromises that are necessary to gain 1989), among others, have argued that differ-
support for a given policy explain why policy ent national policy styles, reflecting cross-
designs and implementation structures are national differences in policy approaches,
often messy. Recognizing these facts, how- establish the foundations for such philoso-
ever, does not negate the value of considering phies. Noteworthy studies of the develop-
how choices made when designing policies ment of policy regimes concerning economic
potentially shape policy implementation. policy (Hall, 1993), social policy (Heclo,
1974), and other reforms (Jochim and May,
2010) highlight the role of ideas, interests,
Policy intentions and philosophy and institutions in shaping the contours of
policy regimes.
Perhaps the overriding considerations in How does policy intention affect imple-
shaping the contours of a policy are the mentation? Rather than setting forth explicit
intentions for and philosophy of the policy. Is directions for policy, it sets boundaries
the policy intended to provide benefits for around choices of policy instruments and
particular segments of society, restrict behav- implementation structures (see Howlett,
iors in preventing harm, mobilize action on 2009). Thus, for example, a conservative
the part of groups to address a problem, or ideological approach may favor use of tax
something else? Policy intentions establish incentives, while a less conservative govern-
the goals and type of policy that is to be put ment may prefer direct subsidies to promote
in place. They also establish the contours of particular ends. One key lesson for policy
political debate that shape eventual politics design is to fashion instruments and imple-
of policy adoption and implementation. mentation approaches (means) that are con-
A key lesson of efforts to classify different sistent with the policy intent (goals).
types of policies is the dual relationship Otherwise, the policy is working at cross-
between politics and policy. As discussed in purposes. A second key lesson is that the
a seminal article by Lowi (1972), not only political environment, i.e., the target groups
does politics affect the design of policies but and field staff that implement the policy,
also the choice of policy affects the associ- must be supportive of the policy intention.
ated politics. Lowi demonstrated this in Otherwise, they may exercise principled dis-
showing the different politics associated with agreement with the policy and work to sub-
distributive, redistributive, and regulatory vert it. This is one reason why, as discussed
policies. Wilson (1973) further elaborated below, it is important to build features into
upon this framework in showing how the policies for building commitment to policy
perceptions of the distributions of costs and goals.
benefits of a given policy affect politics by
creating different challenges for policy enact-
ment and implementation. The important
Scope of a policy
point for implementation scholars of research
about the duality of policy and politics is that The scope of the policy addresses the scale of
the political environment for policy imple- the undertaking. This can be characterized
mentation is a malleable landscape that can with respect to geographic scale (whether a
be affected by policy content. policy is national or more limited in scale),

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with respect to the degree to which particular Peters, 1989; Schneider and Ingram, 1997).
groups are targeted (a focused policy versus Part of the theory of change are presumptions
a more general one), with respect to the het- about the workings of different policy instru-
erogeneity of the affected groups (whether ments or tools that, as articulated by Salamon
they are similar or differ greatly), and whether (2002), structure action in identifiable ways.
the policy is new or an adaptation of an exist- Strategy, ideology, and politics influence
ing policy. the ways in which different tools are com-
How does the scope of the policy affect bined into policy mixes. The strategic issues
policy implementation? There are tradeoffs revolve around policy analysis considera-
that present a basic dilemma for policy tions concerning the appropriate role of gov-
implementation. On the one hand, all else ernment and other actors, the potential means
being equal, a more contained policy is easier of intervention, and the costs and feasibility
to implement (Mazmanian and Sabatier, of carrying out programs. The possible com-
1983). On the other hand, the likely impacts binations of tools into policies provides a
of a more contained policy are more limited bewildering array of potential choices, but it
in that fewer are affected by the policy. This is often the ideological glue that guides
dilemma gets to the basic issue of the tracta- choices about different potential mixes. The
bility of the policy, which has been a key political considerations for the choice of
variable in thinking about prospective imple- policy instruments affecting target groups
mentation success. invoke the dynamics discussed earlier in this
As the scope of a policy becomes more chapter, as theorized about by Anne Schneider
heterogeneous with respect to affected groups and Helen Ingram (1997: 102−135). They
or other components, there is likely to be suggest that perceptions of the social con-
greater need and political pressure for policy structions and perceived political power of
adaptation in implementation. What consti- target populations profoundly influences the
tutes appropriate adaptation has not been choice of policy instruments. In selecting
considered in the implementation literature policy tools, policy makers treat groups as
beyond the observation that such adaptation advantaged (deserving, powerful groups),
can add value to policy. The topic of design- deviants (undeserving, weaker groups),
ing policies to promote learning about appro- dependants (deserving, weaker groups), or
priate adaptation has been considered more contenders (undeserving, powerful groups).
generally in the literature concerning policy Regardless of the forces that lead to the
learning (May, 1992) and the evolution of selection of different tools aimed at affecting
policies over time (Majone and Wildavsky, the behaviors of target groups, it is clear that
1979). policy tools differ with respect to the imple-
mentation issues they raise. One basic issue
is the receptivity of target groups to their
Policy instruments affecting treatment. Schneider and Ingram (1997:
target groups 140−149, see also Smith and Ingram, 2002)
suggest target groups react to the negative
The means for bringing about behavioral messages that are embedded in tools that are
changes among affected groups or for deliv- burdensome, thereby undermining the ease
ering governmental services to segments of of implementation. As discussed by Lester
society entail choices about the appropriate Salamon and various contributors to the
means of intervention. As Majone and edited book, The Tools of Government (2002),
Wildavsky (1979) articulated, all policies policy tools vary in terms of their degree of
contain hypotheses about how to bring about automaticity, directness, and coerciveness.
change − a theory of change − that may or The prospects for implementation problems
may not be adequate (see also Linder and grow as policy designs invoke tools that are

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less automatic in their implementation by given policy. The choice of a structure is

virtue of introducing new ways of doing rarely a simple matter of naming a govern-
business, by being more indirect in working mental organization to carry out a policy.
through actions by multiple entities, and by One of the key themes of this Handbook
being more coercive with respect to burden- is the increased role of networks of public
ing targets. The important lesson for policy and private actors in carrying out policies.
design and implementation is that that the Laurence O’Toole (Chapter 19), in discuss-
mix of instruments needs to adhere to an ing interorganizational relations and policy
overall strategy for which the elements do implementation, makes a convincing case
not work at cross-purposes. that it is no longer sufficient to understand
how governmental agencies operate to fully
understand policy implementation. It is now
Policy instruments affecting necessary to understand the dynamics and
intermediaries operations of other types of institutions and
their relationships. As O’Toole elaborates,
Although much of the discussion of policy this in turn introduces a host of possibilities
design focuses on the intended targets or and potential pitfalls.
outcomes of policy, the intermediaries The guidance of the implementation litera-
charged with carrying out policy are also ture about relevant structures has shifted
relevant. The key advice of the literature is from advice to clarify and simplify them (see
that policies should contain features that Mazmanian and Sabatier, 1983) to advice
encourage or compel intermediaries to carry to develop implementation structures that
out requisite actions for implementing the ‘mesh’ with policy objectives (see O’Toole,
policy. Weimer (1992) provides an instruc- 1993). What the latter consists of is not well
tive set of examples of how creation of desir- articulated in the literature. It can be thought
able incentives, favorable structuring of of as a structure that both reflects the phi-
decisions, and instilling appropriate habits losophy of the policy and engages entities
and norms can promote desired responses on that are committed to and have the capacity
the part of implementers. to carry out the policy. Stoker (1991) refers
Building the commitment to the basic to this as the development of constructive
policy goals and the capacity of intermediar- patterns of cooperation. This is illustrated by
ies to accomplish those goals are important New Zealand’s intergovernmental approach
elements of this aspect of policy design. to environmental management (see May et al.,
Commitment- and capacity-building provi- 1996). Regional and district councils are
sions are best thought of as interactive fea- given latitude to carry out the spirit of the
tures that reinforce each other in facilitating policy in ways they best see fit. This structure
policy implementation (May, 1993). These fits the policy intent of devolved policy
features also serve important functions in making while the policy also incorporates
signaling what is expected of intermediaries mechanisms to ensure coordination of poli-
(see Goggin et al., 1990). cies among layers of government.
It is important to recognize when the exist-
ing implementation structure is deficient or
Implementation structures too rigid to adapt to new requirements of
and third parties a given policy. Under such circum-
stances, Elmore (1987) reminds us that
The intermediaries that are charged with ‘system changing’ can be a useful policy
policy implementation and how they share tool. Changing the service delivery or regu-
responsibilities are important aspects that latory responsibilities provides an opportu-
constitute the implementation structure for a nity to put in place a new, and hopefully

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more constructive, set of relationships. It support of the policy. The latter is particu-
also strongly signals a desire to do things larly challenging for issues for which there is
differently. little incentive for organized interests to
evolve in pursuit of a policy. The mobiliza-
tion of constituencies is also important for
sustaining policies over time.
CONCLUSION Policy design is, of course, not the only
factor that shapes implementation processes
This chapter has addressed the interplay and outcomes. The observations in this
of policy design and implementation. Policy chapter need to be considered along with the
design is not simply a technocratic task discussion of interorganizational relations
undertaken in a backroom that entails the and policy implementation by Laurence
assembly of policy instruments to achieve O’Toole (Chapter 19) and the discussion of
some end. Nor is implementation an admin- street-level bureaucracy in implementation
istrative task of handing over policy details by Marcia Meyers and Vibeke Lehmann
to an organizational machinery. Policy Nielsen (Chapter 18). Although much of the
design and implementation are tasks of policy implementation literature has moved on to
and political problem solving that are subject address the role of other factors in shaping
to a variety of pressures. This chapter has implementation, it is worth remembering the
considered how different political environ- basic axiom that well-designed policies are
ments foster implementation and design necessary but not sufficient for improving
challenges as well as how politics shapes implementation prospects.
choices about different mixes of policy
instruments and the durability of policies.
The literature addressing the nexus of
policy design and implementation provides REFERENCES
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Policy Change and Learning. Boulder, CO: Westview Van Meter, Donald S. and Van Horn, Carl E. (1975)
Press. ‘The Policy Implementation Process: A Conceptual
Salamon, Lester M. (ed.) (1989) Beyond Privatization: Framework’, Administration and Society, 6:
The Tools of Government Action. Washington, DC: 445−488.
Urban Institute Press. Vedung, Evert (1998) ‘Policy Instruments: Typologies
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An Introduction’, in Lester Salamon (ed.), The Tools Ray C. Rist, and Evert Vedung (eds), Carrots, Sticks
of Government: A Guide to the New Governance. & Sermons: Policy Instruments and Their Evaluation.
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Schneider, Anne Larason and Ingram, Helen (1997) for Policy Design’, Policy Sciences, 25 (2):
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‘Policy Tools and Democracy’, in Lester Salamon the New Governance. New York: Oxford University
(ed.), The Tools of Government: A Guide to the Press, pp. 217−254.
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Stoker, Robert P. (1991) Reluctant Partners, Books, pp. 327−346.
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Interorganizational Relations
and Policy Implementation
Laurence J. O’Toole, Jr

Policy implementation is an important and Here, the importance of structural relations

arduous task in many kinds of institutional themselves for implementation action is
settings. It is clear, nevertheless, that imple- emphasized. A third section sketches some
mentation issues are at their thorniest − and of the ways that interorganizational coopera-
most interesting − in interorganizational con- tion can be encouraged, despite the daunting
texts. This chapter frames the subject of impediments often faced by implementers.
implementation especially as it relates to Attention is devoted to factors that may be
public administration, with a particular focus useful for public administrators to consider
on interorganizational settings. The analysis in their efforts to improve implementation
considers how interorganizational relations results, and particular emphasis is given
can influence the implementation process, to the efforts that managers can make
and what some of the practical implications outward, toward their interorganizational
might be for those who are responsible for environment, to enhance performance and
trying to manage for policy success. encourage success.
The first section of the chapter shows that While scholars can now say a considerable
interorganizational settings are both very amount about how interorganizational rela-
common and also particularly challenging tions shape implementation processes and
venues in which to effect implementation what managers might do to improve their
success. One implication is that public effectiveness, this chapter provides no ‘cook-
administrators need to develop an under- book’ with unambiguous guidance (O’Toole,
standing about how to operate in such set- 2004). The implications offered here, rather,
tings. The section following then begins should be considered of heuristic value.
to offer a way of understanding the interor- While offering guidance, therefore, imple-
ganizational setting for implementation, and mentation research nevertheless cannot tell
how interorganizational relations can be mobi- a practicing manager just what to do in all
lized for action on behalf of public policy. situations.

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INTERORGANIZATIONAL SETTINGS member states (Bauer, 2006), require the

FOR POLICY IMPLEMENTATION development and administration of opera-
tions across organizational lines. International
Policy implementation almost always requires organizations also are involved in encourag-
institutions to carry the burden of transform- ing domestic implementation action within
ing general policy intent into an array of states (Joachim et al., 2008). ‘Horizontal’
rules, routines, and social processes that can intergovernmental programs are less obvious
convert policy intention into action. This but increasingly significant. A set of govern-
process is the core of what is meant by ments within a large metropolitan area,
implementation. for example, may jointly administer coopera-
The institutional settings for implementa- tive programs for transportation, economic
tion can vary greatly in many ways (Saetren, development or emergency services (Feiock
2005). One important distinction is between and Scholz, 2010).
implementation that can be accomplished Beyond these types are contracting ties
by (or through) one organization (Torenvlied, and privatization, and many policy fields in
2000), on the one hand, and implementation numerous countries now use complicated
that requires the cooperation and perhaps cross-sectoral implementation arrangements.
coordination of multiple organizations, or These may include one or more public agen-
parts of organizations (Winter and Nielsen, cies linked to for-profit companies and/or
2008, Chapter 4; Oosterwaal and Torenvlied, non-profit organizations (Koski and May,
2011), on the other. To the extent that 2006; Lane and Wallis, 2009). Certainly, the
implementation can be handled by a single impetus of the ‘New Public Management’
formal organization, much of what is known has further encouraged such developments
about public administration in general can in some parts of the world (Kettl, 2005).
be applied to deliver policy results. When In some nations, public−private patterns
public programs need to be executed through for implementation are buttressed by long
actions spanning two or more organizational traditions of social relations − such as the
settings, the capacity for effective action reliance on cooperation among ‘social part-
may be enhanced, but the implementation ners’ in certain countries of Europe. And
task is more complicated. Impediments to many public programs in several parts of the
concerted action are greater, ceteris paribus, globe now include clients or target groups in
and inducements to work together are typi- the co-production of policy action.
cally fewer. Between (or among) organiza- The proliferation of interorganizational
tions, the differing routines and specialized connections has become so pronounced that
languages, not to mention distinct ways scholars and practitioners increasingly empha-
of seeing the world, mean that interorgan- size themes like ‘collaboratives’ and collabo-
izational implementation poses particularly ration (Bardach, 1998; Krueathep et al., 2010)
daunting challenges. Among other things, along with the critical role of interorganiza-
such situations call for administrators to tional relations in influencing program results.
supplement what they know about manag- A particularly visible theme in recent years
ing within an organization with additional in this regard has been that of ‘networks’
perspectives and options. and network management (for instance,
Interorganizational relations can be crucial Kickert et al., 1997; Provan and Kenis, 2008;
for policy implementation. Two or more min- Rethemeyer and Hatmaker, 2008). This last
istries of a single government may be tasked topic is covered more thoroughly elsewhere
with handling a common program. Or so- in this volume, but it is important to recog-
called ‘vertical’ intergovernmental programs, nize the connection between its increasing
such as those involving national and subna- salience and the interorganizational patterns
tional authorities or the European Union with that typify many implementation settings.

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For many implementation managers, the program, implementation problems − and

world is a very interorganizational one. Much institutional arrangements − become more
of the systematic evidence on this point has complicated. A result is the expansion
been developed in Europe and the United of implementation patterns to embrace
States (Hill and Hupe, 2009), although there additional organizations and concerns.
are few reasons to expect that these parts of The sheer expansion of the governmental
the world are especially distinctive in this agenda, furthermore, impels jurisdictional
regard. Indeed, the much-referenced forces conflicts, overlaps and potential clashes. As
of ‘globalization’ are likely to encourage still the ‘policy space’ becomes increasingly filled
more, as interdependencies proliferate. with public programs, it is ever more difficult
Research in several countries of Europe to operate without touching upon related
shows clearly the importance of interorgani- programs managed elsewhere by govern-
zational phenomena for public administra- ments − often by other departments of the
tion. The works of Butler and Allen (2008), same government. In such circumstances, it
Koppenjan and Klijn (2004) and Lundin makes sense to try to link the operations, or
(2007) are illustrative; these studies docu- to provide some social infrastructure of
ment the complicated realities facing admin- mutual consultation and information sharing.
istrators and others in several countries. Data A related issue is that, increasingly, gov-
developed in North America are also impor- ernments are being asked to address prob-
tant (Hall and O’Toole, 2004; Graddy and lems that cannot be neatly categorized
Chen, 2009; O’Toole et al., 2011). into one niche or another. So-called ‘wicked
Systematic studies of policy implementa- problems’ (Rittel and Webber, 1973), which
tion are among the most telling kinds of touch upon several arenas and considera-
evidence. In Europe, social scientists have tions simultaneously, require governmental
shown that locally situated managers facing responses that involve multiple jurisdictions
practical challenges like stimulating the and departments for effective resolution. A
growth of jobs and small-business economic consequence is greater cross-boundary insti-
activity confront an interorganizational tutional links: interdepartmental advisory
terrain (Hull with Hjern, 1986). In the United committees, complex sign-off authorization
States, research has shown that a substantial procedures, multiple veto and approval
proportion of the public programs managed points, and so forth.
by public administrators are interorganiza- Another influence can be mentioned.
tional (O’Toole and Montjoy, 1984; Hall and Especially for governments facing budgetary
O’Toole, 2004). At the local and regional stringencies, responses to pressing problems
levels as well, interorganizational patterns often take the form of ‘mandates’ directing
are quite common (see Agranoff, 2007). an array of departments, governments or
Why is the world of policy implementa- even outside parties to comply with orders.
tion so structurally complex? One factor has The purposes can be as varied as civil rights,
been the increase in the number of public sustainable development or the enactment of
programs crafted to embrace multiple values. fair labor standards. The consequence can be
When transportation programs focused that many units have additional objectives,
solely on paving highways and adding and constraints, layered onto existing pro-
lanes of traffic, maximizing the objective grams and activities. Such initiatives can
of moving vehicles might have seemed rela- constitute a catalyst for the proliferation of
tively easy − an engineering problem to be interorganizational implementation patterns.
solved by a department managed in the inter- A related stimulus derives from the forces
ests of expanding the highway system. But of globalization, especially the impetus
when such a unit also has to cope with envi- toward interorganizational patterning that
ronmental degradation, housing dislocations, emerges from the enactment of international
noise pollution and other impacts of such a agreements in policy fields: from trade, to

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weapons control, to sustainable develop- initial phases of decision making

ment. Once established, an international are also explicitly the implementers and
agreement can trigger reverberations at the co-responsible parties during the latter phases
national and subnational levels, as countries of the process.
try to develop implementation patterns that The second obviously political influence
can induce cooperation and compliance shaping interorganizational relations and
with commitments they have entered into policy implementation is that basic choices
(O’Toole and Hanf, 1992). Oftentimes, the have been made, especially in nations with
required actions encourage the forging of liberal commitments to the protection of a
links across ministries, governments and substantial private realm, that limits should
sectors within a particular country − not to be placed on the reach of public authority. A
mention ties between national bureaucracies ‘solution’ during implementation can be for
and international secretariats, and transna- government to commit to problem solving
tional links between and among cooperating but limit its formal control by opting for
national agencies. The fact that there are more complex, ‘partnered’ approaches with
thousands of international agreements now private firms or not-for-profit organizations.
in place, and many more on the agenda, sug- The result is a considerably more compli-
gests the importance of this phenomenon. cated, networked institutional form.
And the European Union, despite emphases Of course, there are additional forces,
on subsidiarity and the lack of a sizeable impelling the waves of privatization, con-
bureaucracy thus far in Brussels, has also tracting, and related phenomena. These may
experienced and stimulated multilevel inter- include pressures for cost-cutting, ideologi-
organizational relations (Willems and De cal agendas, and weak management capacity
Lange, 2007). in the public sector. In this regard, an irony
Two additional causal factors are directly can be briefly noted. To the extent that gov-
related to the forces of politics per se. ernments commit to contracting and privati-
Sometimes managers can handle the techni- zation out of a concern that they lack internal
cal needs of a policy problem during execu- management capacity, they are likely to be in
tion by using a constrained set of actors in for a nasty surprise: for public administration
implementation, but political imperatives in such settings calls for great skill, effort,
may encourage broadening the involvement and capacity − more so, probably, than man-
to additional parties. The phenomenon is agement in the more traditional situations
surely common in pluralistic systems, as (Rainey, 2009).
public managers seek to maintain support It seems clear, therefore, that the topic of
for program execution following the enact- interorganizational relations will remain
ment of policy. The addition of other actors important for administrators tasked with
to the ‘coalition’ involved in program execu- helping to make policy implementation suc-
tion can stem criticism and enhance chances ceed. Accordingly, it is critical to understand
for implementation success, even if some how to make sense of such institutional set-
of the additional parties are likely to contrib- tings to improve prospects for implementa-
ute little to the program’s performance per tion success.
se. Of course, interorganizational ties can
also increase the chance that complexity
and conflict will overwhelm efforts to make
things happen. The trick is to promote the UNDERSTANDING
building of support while avoiding the ten- INTERORGANIZATIONAL POLICY
dency toward confusion and excessive com- IMPLEMENTATION
plexity. In more corporatist political systems,
there can be little choice. Peak associations Generating successful policy implementation
of interested parties that are involved during means inducing cooperation, and perhaps

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even coordination, among interdependent build it. They typically cannot rely on hierar-
actors in the face of impediments. In stand- chical institutional arrangements to congeal
ard departments or ministries, the incentives agreement, beyond their own formal unit, at
to concert action would seem to be three: any rate. Administrators working to imple-
ment in interorganizational settings often
• authority (B cooperates with A because B feels it have to develop the infrastructure of com-
is an obligation to do so); munication − channels, language, signals,
• common interest (B cooperates with A because B
and so forth − to help achieve the objective of
feels that doing so toward the overall objectives
would also serve B’s own purposes); and
policy-oriented cooperation. The interorgani-
• exchange (B cooperates with A because B receives zational setting is not a whole new world,
something else from A, or from elsewhere, that for managers have been operating to some
makes it worthwhile to go along). extent across boundaries for quite a while.
But assuming an interorganizational array
The formal hierarchy allows public adminis- means shifting approaches to implementa-
trators in departments to rely to some consid- tion from those injunctions more typically
erable extent on authority as an aid to emphasized.
coordination. But administrators working Public administrators operating in such
across boundaries typically do not possess institutionally complex settings find them-
this luxury. There may be formal points of selves maneuvering in a world where there
authority across disparate departments − the are multiple points of managerial influence
chief executive’s office, for instance, or the and very different managerial roles across
cabinet − but in practice such authority is the departments and other units of the policy
almost never invoked. Central officials have world. Few moves can be made unilaterally.
little to gain from being dragged into inter- The task is less one of directing and control-
ministerial disputes and typically expect ling and more that of assessing contexts of
organizations to work out their differences. interdependence and seeking to influence
In addition, the time and authority of even these, often in subtle ways, to increase pros-
central decision makers is strictly limited pects for successful cooperation (see Stoker,
and is usually rationed for the most compel- 1991).
ling cases. Rare is the implementation The implementation challenge faced by
manager who can operate informally as an public administrators, then, consists of
authority figure across organizations. The assessing the structural setting itself to deter-
result is that public administrators who mine its strengths and weaknesses for encour-
wish to trigger policy implementation while aging cooperative effort; and then to tap
working across organizational borders common interest and exchange, as appropri-
must turn to other options: finding or stimu- ate and practical, to increase prospects for
lating common interest − and its continuing success. The remainder of this section con-
salience − and developing and maintaining siders the interorganizational setting itself.
sensible exchanges. The next part of the chapter focuses on the
Behind these general and rather abstract inducements to cooperation that may be
statements lies a host of possibilities, and available.
also complications. But the main point is that Not all patterns of interorganizational rela-
administering policy implementation in inter- tions are created equal. One of the most
organizational contexts forces a reconsid- important aspects of implementation settings
eration of the basic context of managerial is the structure of interdependence required
choice, as well as the types and emphases or encouraged among the organizations
accorded to managerial options. Admini- involved. For it is not the sheer number of
strators in interorganizational patterns can units, but their pattern and the way they link
never assume support but must work to to each other, that is most critical.

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This point conflicts with an assertion purest form of such an assembly-line pattern,
made in one of the most well-known one organization delivers outputs to another
implementation studies, that by Pressman (which may do similarly to still more organi-
and Wildavsky (1984), who claim that the zations down the implementation chain)
‘complexity of joint action’ is the key imped- without in turn receiving outputs from the
iment to successful implementation. By this second organization. Other policy tasks
term, they mean the number of decision might call on units to work together closely,
points. Pressman and Wildavsky indicate that with the outputs of each serving as inputs
as the number of such points required for for the others on a regular basis. Or perhaps
implementation increases, the chance for a policy initiative might require several
action declines. Indeed, they seem to ‘dem- organizations to become active, but each
onstrate’ this conclusion mathematically. one could act independently of the others.
The contradiction between this deduction These three different kinds of circumstance
and the abundant real-world evidence that fit Thompson’s notions of sequential, recip-
success is not only possible but frequent rocal and pooled interdependence, respec-
has been dubbed the ‘Pressman−Wildavsky tively (1967; see also O’Toole and Montjoy,
paradox’ by specialists in implementation. 1984). Of course, in large, complicated
As Bowen (1982), among others, has shown, interorganizational networks, there may be
there are significant flaws in the analysis instances of each of these types of interde-
conducted by Pressman and Wildavsky. In pendence within the same overall program
reality, probabilities of agreement among array.
organizations are not impervious to events; It should be clear that implementation is
agreement on basic understandings at the affected by the type(s) of interdependence,
outset of an implementation process can not simply the number of units or decisions.
increase the odds of further agreement later. For example, in a sequential arrangement,
Organizations can also merge multiple deci- a delay or impediment at any place in the
sion points in a single set of negotiations. chain will mean implementation problems at
Bringing all the parties to the table to craft the point of intended impact. This assembly-
‘package deals’ can also dramatically enhance line structure of interdependence creates,
the odds of success. Putting many issues into in effect, potential veto points at each link.
play simultaneously generates possibilities Sometimes, interorganizational arrangements
for tradeoffs. And merging decisions into a for implementation are structured to allow
more comprehensive set of negotiations just one of the units involved to exercise
reduces the number of separate hurdles (see potential veto power. This sort of arrange-
O’Toole, 2011). ment is sometimes purposely chosen to make
These points suggest that the challenge of sure a particular organization, and its point of
generating interorganizational cooperation view and jurisdiction, are given special
toward success, even in complicated cases, weight. An example would be an environ-
is not likely to be nearly as uniformly mental agency charged with reviewing con-
disappointing as the Pressman−Wildavsky struction projects and disapproving those
analysis suggests. An especially important with significant adverse impacts.
aspect of complex interorganizational con- In sequential arrangements, adding more
texts that Pressman and Wildavsky failed to organizational units in a chain increases the
take into account is the structuring among the number of possible roadblocks to action. But
organizations themselves. Some policy tasks in other arrangements, for instance in pro-
require that organizations − public agencies, grams that seek to pool the action of multiple
say, or an agency along with a few contrac- organizations, adding units can increase
tors and subcontractors − deal sequentially prospects for some implementation action. In
with the challenge of implementation. In the short, the structure of interdependence among

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the organizations can make a big difference interest, on the one hand, and/or utilizing
in what happens. This point can be kept in exchanges to link units in productive ways
mind when designing interorganizational for purposes of policy. Each of these themes
patterns for implementation. For example, if deserves attention as well.
reliability is of prime importance, multiple
service-providing organizations arrayed in a
pooled fashion can increase the probability Managerial networking and
of success via purposeful redundancy. Note interorganizational implementation
the vast number of organizations assisting
the seriously mentally ill in mid-sized US Implementing programs in interorganiza-
cities (Provan and Milward, 1991); the over- tional settings means that managers have to
all pattern is highly complex, but one result is work not only inside their own agency or
that fewer clients slip entirely through the ministry but also externally to carry out the
cracks. If a particular policy objective or myriad tasks associated with enhancing
value needs to be ensured in a complicated cooperative effort. Systematic, quantitative
program setting, creating a veto point unit empirical research has shown that manage-
via sequential interdependence can be effec- rial networking of this sort can improve per-
tive. If well-integrated action is essential, formance – boosting the outputs and outcomes
crafting interunit links framed around of policy. Findings in public education sup-
reciprocal interdependence can be important. port this claim (Meier and O’Toole, 2001,
And sometimes structural arrangements can 2003), as does research on law enforcement
be consolidated or reorganized to reduce (Nicholson-Crotty and O’Toole, 2004).
coordination demands. Managerial networking has also been found
to improve results for US state agencies
charged with managing human resources and
also indebtedness (Donahue et al., 2004) and
ENCOURAGING those seeking to implement reforms aimed
INTERORGANIZATIONAL at ‘reinventing government’ (Jacobson et al.,
COOPERATION 2010). In addition, Andrews et al. (2010) find
performance-related effects for local authori-
Recognizing the significance of different ties in England. Such externally directed
interorganizational patterns is one step toward efforts can also run the risk of cooptation –
effective implementation. In addition, skill- thus improving results for the more powerful
ful implementation managers need to find external actors and clients while doing little
ways of getting organizations to work or nothing for more marginal stakeholders
together toward policy success. Doing so (O’Toole and Meier, 2004) – but patterns
means that implementation managers have of networking are clearly a regular part of
to interact with counterparts in other organi- interorganizational implementation.
zations and stakeholders in and outside of We turn now to the functions that can be
government – to build support, negotiate, assisted through such interactions.
coordinate, and sometimes fend off disrup-
tive influences. This kind of managerial net-
working can be expected to be a part of any Building and using
successful interorganizational implementa- common interest
tion, and we address it first. We then turn to
the different ways of encouraging coopera- If organizations each care about a policy
tive effort during such a process. Inducing objective, and if the participation of each is
implementation success via interorganiza- essential for success, their shared interest
tional ties typically requires some combina- in the result may be enough to generate
tion of generating and tapping common effective implementation. This statement

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is true, and important, but one should be ‘framing’ (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984):
careful to recognize as well the non-trivial interorganizational efforts are typically com-
impediments to joint action that may still plicated. In the real world this complexity
remain. For one thing, different organizations may cause doubts to form about the coopera-
very often have somewhat different goals and tive venture. Questions may arise about
perspectives on matters like policy. Even whether others are going to be cooperative,
where there are overlaps in interest and pri- or whether differences will overwhelm the
orities, there are also likely to be some dis- potential for success. Managers can help by
crepancies. Second, one key reason why so highlighting the key points of common inter-
much implementation involves interorgani- est that could get lost from participants’
zational links is that complicated policy chal- attention amid a welter of detail and uncer-
lenges often require consideration by different tainty. Focusing participants’ perceptions on
kinds of units reflecting distinct and partially the accurate reality that they (mostly) do
competing goals. In such cases, which are agree and that they are engaged with others
quite common, it is unrealistic to expect in a valuable activity can help stem hesitation
common interest itself to be sufficient. At a and increase trust (see further comments on
minimum, it is likely that even shared goals this issue shortly).
will be differentially salient in separate units. Similarly, administrators can work to get
Third, for a whole set of nitty-gritty imple- parties on the record in public and obtain
mentation details, different organizations will specific commitments to cooperate on certain
have unique perspectives even if they share a observable tasks. Commitments on the part
common overall goal. For instance, matters of some can facilitate the generation of com-
like turf and budgets can trigger conflicts mitments by others, as the risks of going it
even among strongly committed units. alone are substantially reduced. Similarly,
Even if all relevant organizations share an iteration can help. Administrators can try
interest in having the policy succeed, each to get the action going and keep it moving
may be reluctant to commit itself whole- in relatively predictable, repeated interac-
heartedly without knowing that the others are tions. Doing so reduces coordination costs,
doing so as well. Organizations involved in a increases understanding and predictabililty,
complex enterprise, in short, may be cautious and also enhances trust. Moreover, adminis-
about the possibility of ‘free riding’ among trators can craft transparent reporting sys-
their partners. When numerous organizations tems, so that all parties can see what the
are potentially involved in an implementation others are up to on issues that matter for
effort, there may be a problem of collective them. None of these options really alters the
action, even if there is common interest in the ‘natural’ line-up of forces among the organi-
outcome. This issue can be quite vexing. zations; instead, the moves are aimed at
Particularly when levels of trust are low, it facilitating the search for stable and coopera-
may be difficult to get a true interorganiza- tive approaches to the joint effort.
tional effort off the ground. Additional steps can also be helpful.
What can public administrators do to assist Administrators can make efforts to prevent
the process? A number of actions can be some units from acting as free riders on the
helpful. efforts of the others – for instance, by moni-
One possibility is signaling. If different toring action across multiple units, if all
bureaus or departments have similar perspec- agree. Indeed, all may have an interest in
tives on the common endeavor, managers assigning such responsibilities to a particular
can help by simply making that important unit or manager, given the shared interests in
fact clear to all involved. The more that all cooperative effort. Also, managers of inter-
understand that everyone shares the commit- organizational implementation can some-
ment, the less the chance that doubts and times exercise discretion to design or shift the
second thoughts will arise. A related point is mix of units involved to ensure a substantial

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degree of overlap in perspectives; and imple- cooperation toward implementation action,

mentation managers can use the art of persua- exchange is a social process that can shape
sion, by finding ways to increase the perceived implementation in productive ways. Organi-
value associated with cooperative activities. zations involved in interorganizational
Cultivating norms supportive of coopera- implementation typically need things from
tion can also be a valuable step. Such norms, each other if they are to do their jobs. Just
along with respect for the needs of other par- which ones are involved, and how the needs
ticipants, can be critical as forms of ‘social may be distributed, depend on the nature
capital’ that can pay dividends into the future; of the policy tasks and the structure of
and, of course, administrators of programs interdependence, a topic discussed earlier.
crossing organizational lines can apply their Exchanges between organizations can create
own influence to help generate regard for sufficient inducements to congeal coopera-
those actions supportive of these norms. tion. Exchange here refers not simply to the
Furthermore, administrators can generate use of funds to produce goods and services,
increasing amounts of cooperation by dele- but also to a broad array of types of trades
gating large, complicated and potentially among interdependent units.
risky commitments and decisions into smaller The use of funds to cement concerted
ones. If multiple departments, for instance, action, of course, is the most obvious kind
are being asked to commit time and substan- of exchange. Often, third-party involvement
tial resources to a joint enterprise apparently in service delivery is desired by policy
fraught with risks – including the perceived makers, for any of a variety of reasons.
risk that others will not do their part – imple- Contracting with both such parties is a
mentation managers can sometimes make common instrument for linking organiza-
cooperation more feasible by rendering it tions and framing the implementation arena,
less risky. By trimming a large commitment particularly when governments contract in a
into a series of smaller bargains enforced competitive context. Indeed, a typical ele-
over time, and with at least the potential for ment of the ‘New Public Management’ has
withdrawal (or retaliation), the costs of any been an extensive set of contracting rela-
particular move become less of an impedi- tions across organizations and sectors.
ment, while the benefits of joint cooperation Many features of the exchange relations can
over limited tasks escalate over time. And be designed explicitly into the contracted
beyond the direct contributions to achieving understanding; and contract elements can be
the collective task, there is another benefit. negotiated to try to ensure that incentives
Organizations that have learned to work with match desired behavior and/or outputs. Even
others and to draw gradually on the contribu- here, nonetheless, there is considerable need
tions of others are very likely to increase for skillful public management. Contracts
their mutual trust. As this shift in expec- are not self-enforcing; they require talented
tations develops, additional agreements are administration to work well, and no set of
easier to strike; the payoffs do not have to incentives, no matter how carefully designed,
be immediate. Successful management of the is completely self-enforcing (Miller, 1992).
early stages can contribute to easier policy Some degree of leadership must be
implementation over the longer haul. employed to congeal support across the units
for effective action.
Exchanges among organizations involved
Facilitating cooperation in policy implementation can extend consid-
via exchange erably beyond formal agreements to trade
money for effort or results (Bardach, 1998).
Beyond common interest as a kind of inter- Organizations need inputs from their envi-
organizational ‘glue’ that can congeal ronments on a regular basis, and they seek

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outlets for their products as well. The inputs will view the successful completion of
can range from political support, to human these with different levels of salience or
resources, to information; and the outputs enthusiasm − the letting of a contract, the
can be of myriad types as well. When imple- completion of a milestone, the involvement
mentation requires or encourages inter- of certain outside interests, the incorporation
organizational cooperation, those concerned of certain capital spending items into a larger
about making the process work well are often plan, and so on. These discrete but related
advantaged by focusing on the kinds of foci can offer chances for tradeoffs in the
exchanges that have developed, and could be interest of overall success.
encouraged to develop, among the interde- Public administrators can contribute to
pendent units. Central government agencies increasing the overall odds of success if
can offer funding, discretion and information they stay alert to such options. Often, the
to subnational units, which can often, in turn, brokering of these possibilities does not
regulate or deliver services better than could happen without active effort on the part
central authorities within their territory. The of managers focused on the overall effort.
success of the subnational effort also benefits Identifying such exchange possibilities,
the national agency, whose interest is served proposing tradeoffs, helping to stipulate
by smooth flows of funds and delivery of the terms of the interorganizational agree-
services. And so on. ment, and then working to monitor and
Exchanges can extend considerably beyond manage information flows so that all rele-
the most obvious kinds of trades. Organ- vant parties can see what is happening
izations typically have relatively complex and whether quid pro quos have remained
agendas, and often they must deal with each viable − these kinds of managerial steps may
other over many matters and through extended be essential parts of any solutions over the
periods. While these facts of life can make longer term.
negotiating complicated, they also render Sometimes, exchange can be facilitated
it more productive. Public administrators by public administrators who can change
involved in policy implementation can use the set of alternatives for cooperation (and
such circumstances to encourage successful non-cooperation) under consideration. On
policy action. Departments and other organi- occasion, simply reminding organizations
zations are often interdependent on a number involved of the ‘default option’ − the conse-
of tasks. Even when they are not, it could be quences if no agreement is reached − can
that what from one perspective looks like a encourage productive exchange. Particularly
single (potentially) cooperative endeavor − a if non-cooperation can result in another party
joint program or proposal − can also be (for instance, a higher level of government)
seen as a stream of interdependent decisions enforcing its will on those involved in early
and joint efforts linked together, perhaps stages of implementation, it can be helpful
via a stream of exchanges. to alert such parties to the consequences of
This complexity can be an advantage, any lack of agreement. Managers can some-
since the separable cooperative actions can times go beyond this point to identify new
be explicitly ‘placed on the table’ by creative and creative options that may have escaped
public managers. Exchange might be built the notice of all other participants. The
across different tasks of interdependent units ability to see stable bargaining alternatives
to facilitate more stable long-term coopera- in highly conflictual situations has long
tion. In a similar vein, large policy efforts been recognized as a key element of skillful
that require management across boundaries diplomacy; and administrative diplomacy is
can themselves be seen as a substantial set often quite helpful in assisting exchange
of less overwhelming potentially cooperative for interorganizational implementation.
efforts. Almost inevitably, different parties Crafting ‘new’ options, therefore, is often an

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important element of productive interorgani- CONCLUSION

zational relations.
Similarly, shifting the set of organizations The implementation of public policy occurs
involved in an implementation setting can in highly varied settings, but it is clear that,
increase the degree of common interest most often, interorganizational cooperation
among those in the program, as explained is needed to achieve successful results.
above, and can also facilitate exchange under The organizations involved include govern-
certain circumstances. Which units ought mental departments and ministries, subna-
to be a part of interorganizational implemen- tional agencies, non-profit and for-profit
tation is only partially a technical matter. units and organizations of target groups −
Stoker (1991) has pointed out that it may be who may even be involved in producing
possible to involve organizations that have the implementation action. Whether (and
enduring conflicts with each other and yet how) interorganizational cooperation emerges
can find ways of cooperating on a particu- depends on a number of factors. Substantial
lar program despite the persistence of such impediments may be present, so cooperation
differences. must be developed; it cannot be assumed.
This consideration of exchange as a The pattern of interdependence among the
critical element should not be taken to organizations matters, although there is no
imply that interorganizational relations are ‘one best’ way arrangement for all circum-
always, or even usually, marked by totally stances. More organizations add capacity
voluntary agreements among organizational and also constraints to any implementation
units. Despite the reality that formal author- system. Common interest among the units
ity is rarely invoked to force long-term, involved can help congeal cooperative
productive interorganizational cooperation, action, as can opportunities for exchanges
power relations among interdependent among the participating units. In all these
organizations can influence the flow of respects, the actions and networking of public
events during implementation. Resource- managers can be highly consequential.
dependence theory suggests that those units This chapter has outlined these challenges
in possession of critical resources needed and opportunities, with particular attention to
by others can be more influential. Units the role of the administrator. Given the fre-
involved in interorganizational implementa- quently interorganizational context of policy
tion tend to try to manage their strategic implementation, the importance of such a
contingencies to maintain some maneuvera- position is particularly deserving of attention
bility, and certainly, organizations that are and understanding.
crucially important to the other units involved
in an implementation effort can be expected
to play a particularly significant role in shap-
ing the kind and level of cooperation that
develops. REFERENCES
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Street-Level Bureaucrats
and the Implementation
of Public Policy
Marcia K. Meyers and Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen

The democratic control of implementing In this chapter we consider what is known,

agents is a perennial public administration how to understand and what remains to be
concern. Generations of scholars and pra- learned, about the role of street-level bureau-
ctitioners have debated the appropriate crats in policy implementation. We begin
relationship between the politics of the legis- with a review of the most commonly dis-
lative processes and the administration of cussed characteristics of those front-line
the resulting laws. Scholars working with workers who function as de facto bureau-
rational choice models have joined the debate, cratic policy makers. We next consider the
with particular attention to the incentive and questions of whether (and how) policy offi-
contractual structures that align the interests cials control the discretionary actions of
of implementing agents with policy-making these workers. This leads us to consider the
principals. Similar concerns have been prom- normative questions that motivate concern
inent in the scholarly literature on policy about hierarchical control, including the
implementation, whether framed as a ‘top- implications of the exercise of street-level
down’ issue of fidelity to policy-makers’ discretion for democratic accountability,
goals or a ‘bottom-up’ issue of policy adapta- equity, and policy achievement. We briefly
tion during the implementation process. In review emerging theoretical approaches that
recent years scholars have expanded the integrate theories of institutional, organiza-
motivating questions for this field from the tional, and individual contingencies and con-
study of fidelity, per se, to consider the social clude by reflecting on the importance of
construction of policy directives and the contextualizing the evaluation of front-line
impact of the broader social and cultural con- performance to understand the intra- and
text on the actions of front-line implementing inter-organizational conditions for policy
agents. implementation (see Chapter 17).

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DEFINING THE STREET-LEVEL allocating benefits, judging compliance,

BUREAUCRAT imposing sanctions, and exempting individu-
als and businesses from penalties. Because
In his seminal 1980 study of workers in these activities involve direct interactions with
schools, courts, and welfare agencies, citizens, street-level bureaucrats also exer-
Michael Lipsky defined street-level bureau- cise considerable discretion. In contrast to
crats as ‘public service workers who interact other production processes, street-level serv-
directly with citizens in the course of their ices and regulations require workers to
jobs, and who have substantial discretion in engage in a joint production process with
the execution of their work’ (Lipsky, 1980: their raw materials; workers can rarely pro-
3). They include teachers, police officers, duce desired policy outcomes without the
welfare workers, health and safety inspec- active cooperation of the individuals who
tors, and other public employees who control are beneficiaries of public services or the
access to public programs, deliver service, targets of public regulations. This inter-
and/or enforce public laws and regulations. dependence introduces substantial variability
As such, they occupy a unique, and uniquely and unpredictability into the work of street-
influential, position in the implementation level bureaucrats. It increases their need
process. and their opportunities to exercise discretion-
By virtue of their position at the interface ary judgment and constrains the ability of
between citizens and the state, street-level supervisors to directly observe and monitor
bureaucrats are responsible for many of the their activities.
most central activities of public agencies, In Table 19.1 we summarize the job charac-
from determining program eligibility to teristics − and some of the resulting behavioral

Table 19.1 Street-level bureaucrats’ job characteristics and their consequences

Job characteristics Consequence

° Job responsibilities cannot be fully specified in advance ◊ SLBs are able and required to exercise discretion in
or micro-regulated by superiors performance of their jobs
° Work is part of joint production process(es) that include ◊ SLBs’ behaviors and job performance emerge in
other actors, including policy targets interaction with other actors, introducing variability and
° On-the job behaviors are difficult to observe or to ◊ SLBs have opportunities to interpret policy during
directly monitor delivery and to engage in practices that deviate from
those desired by policy makers
° Goals, priorities, and standards for job performance ◊ SLBs often experience competing or even contradictory
are often politically contested and the technology for performance demands and may be subject to scrutiny
achieving goals may be uncertain and evaluation by multiple stakeholders with divergent
values and expectations
° Resources available to achieve policy goals are limited ◊ SLBs are required to ration their time, attention, and
other resources, often without clear or consistent
guidance about priorities
° Positions in public agencies or publicly authorized ◊ SLBs manage and are accountable for performing job
non-governmental organizations place them in the tasks for which they do not fully determine the goals,
position of agents charged to act on behalf of political content or underlying assumptions
° Job performance, including specific decisions about ◊ SLBs enact policy, control resources, and construct
cases and clients, have consequences for others the terms of social citizenship for individuals who are
the targets of policy and/or claimants for government
SLBs– street-level bureaucrats.

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consequences − that scholars have identified or masters?’ The questions of whether, and
as common to street-level bureaucrats across how, policy-making principals control the
policy, institutional, and geographic settings discretion of their implementing agents dom-
(see also Winter and Nielsen, 2008). inated much of the initial empirical research
Given their position at the interface of the on police, social service workers, health and
state and the citizen and their opportunities safety inspectors, building inspectors, and
to exercise discretion, street-level bureau- other front-line workers. More recent work
crats exert influence well beyond their formal has broadened the focus to consider multiple
authority. They operate, in Michael Lipsky’s sources of accountability within the contem-
(1980) term, as bureaucrats who not only porary, multi-actor, and often multi-sector
deliver but also actively shape policy out- context of governance for public programs
comes by interpreting rules and allocating (Lynn et al., 2000; Hill and Hupe, 2003;
scarce resources. Through their day-to-day O’Toole, Chapter 19 in this Handbook).
routines and decisions, they produce public
policy as citizens experience it. Some observ-
ers ascribe even more far-reaching influence
Political control
to street-level workers. Lipsky argues that
they act as ‘agents of social control’ by A number of scholars have taken up the ques-
requiring behaviors of citizens with whom tion of whether political officials control the
they interact. Vinzant and Crothers (1998: 19) discretionary actions of street-level bureau-
argue for a recasting of street-level bureau- crats. Several studies using administrative
crats as ‘street level leaders’ whose choices data sets or surveys have found evidence that
about which outcomes to pursue, and how to partisan political power (usually measured as
achieve them, ‘help to define what it means the party composition of local legislatures)
to be a citizen in America.’ Maynard-Moody explains a significant portion of the variation
and Musheno (2003: 23) point out that street- in the performance of such front-line activi-
level bureaucrats typically reject the term ties as determining eligibility for disability
‘street-level bureaucrat,’ describing them- benefits (Keiser, 1999), granting good cause
selves instead as ‘citizen-agents who help exemptions to child support cooperation
create and maintain the normative order of requirements (Keiser and Soss, 1998), and
society.’ Less positively, scholars concerned conducting occupational health and safety
with issues of oversight and direction of inspections and imposing penalties (Scholz
front-line workers draw attention to the et al., 1991; Headrick et al., 2002). Two
potential lack of control and accountability in mediating variables have emerged in several
their work (Moe, 1984; Huber et al., 2001), studies of the influence of political officials.
going so far as to warn about the danger of One variable is the proximity of political
‘runaway bureaucracies’ (McCubbins et al., officials, with greater influence exerted by
1987) when discretion is not controlled. officials who are closer to front-line workers,
e.g., at the municipal rather than federal level
(May and Winter, 2009). A second variable is
the clarity and consistency of policy-makers’
THE EXERCISE OF DISCRETION goals: when policy makers’ goals are unclear,
AT THE STREET LEVEL contested or contradictory, front-line workers
are more likely to make discretionary deci-
The potential for front-line workers to affect sions that favor their own values and beliefs
policy as delivered raises obvious questions (Meyers et al., 2001; Riccucci et al., 2004;
of democratic control. In his study of Danish Keiser, 2010).
farm inspectors, Winter (2000) poses the Because they rely on highly aggregated
question: ‘Are street-level bureaucrats servants indicators of street-level behaviors, these

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studies provide indirect evidence for political have focused their attention on the role of
control over the actions and decisions of organization in controlling or directing front-
street-level bureaucrats. Research that has line discretion. At the most basic level, the
been conducted closer to the front lines has exercise of discretion by front-line workers
identified a number of constraints on the has been linked to the structure of the task
ability of political officials to direct front- environment. For example, in their study of
line workers. In his study of Danish agricul- the failure of front-line staff to fully imple-
tural inspectors, for example, Winter (2000) ment welfare reforms in California, Meyers
concludes that information asymmetries and Dillon (1999) describe the ‘paradox’ that
between street-level workers and their super- resulted when policy officials exhorted front-
visors render important aspects of front-line line staff to implement new employment-
work beyond the control of political execu- related policies but maintained existing
tives. He suggests that political principals performance-monitoring systems and incen-
exert only ‘differentiated and limited political tive structures that emphasized eligibility
control’ of street-level bureaucracies. Their determination tasks.
control is greatest over actions that are visi- The extent and direction of front-line
ble, and more limited over less easily observed discretion has also been linked to organiza-
factors. Studies of front-line workers in social tional and task complexity. Complexity
welfare programs have reached similar con- increases the need for discretionary judg-
clusions about the delivery of social welfare ments by front-line workers along with
services and policy reforms (Meyers et al., the difficulty of overseeing and monitoring
1998; Lin, 2000; Lindhorst et al., 2009). their actions. Political efforts to control dis-
In recent years scholars have moved cretion through the promulgation of detailed
beyond a simple model of political ‘top rules and procedures often produce the con-
down’ vs street-level ‘bottom-up’ control trary result, forcing front-line workers to
over policy outcomes to frame the issue in selectively apply rules that are too volumi-
terms of accountability within complex polit- nous to enforce in their totality (Simon,
ical, institutional, and organizational sys- 1983). As Maynard-Moody and Musheno
tems. As Hupe and Hill (2007: 284) argue, (2003: 8) observe: ‘Street-level work is,
the contemporary structure of governance in ironically, rule saturated but not rule bound.’
the public sector places the work of street- A number of studies have identified
level bureaucrats ‘in a micro-network or resource constraints as a key influence on the
“web” of multiple, both vertical and horizon- extent and direction of front-line discretion.
tal, relations.’ Traditional forms of hierarchi- Street-level bureaucrats have been observed
cal control and accountability for achieving to cope with chronically limited time and
policy outcomes may be balanced or chal- other resources by rationing services, dis-
lenged by other forms of accountability in criminating in the provision of services to
this web, including, for example, accounta- more cooperative clients, and rationalizing
bility to co-workers for managing work proc- program objectives (Pesso, 1978; Lipsky,
esses and relationships; accountability to 1980; Keiser and Soss, 1998; Keiser, 1999,
peers within and beyond the organization for 2010; Winter, 2001). As Brodkin (1997: 24)
enforcing professional norms and standards observes, ‘Caseworkers, like other lower-
of practice; and accountability to policy level bureaucrats, do not do just what they
targets and other citizens. want or just what they are told to want. They
do what they can.’ Ironically, efforts to cope
with limited time and other resources may
Organizational control lead to either inconsistent and particularistic
treatment of similar clients, or routinized
Consistent with a model of nested or multiple treatment of clients with dissimilar needs
sources of accountability, many scholars (Weatherley and Lipsky, 1977; Pesso, 1978;

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Hagen, 1987; Brodkin, 1995, 1997). The street-level bureaucracies their role is likely
importance of resources has been noted also to be contested and the consequences for
in studies of the regulatory effort of govern- front-line discretion are uncertain. As an
ment inspectors (Winter, 2000). example, in a review of four studies of the
Scholars have expanded the study of restructuring of adult social care as part of
resources to consider front-line workers’ the shift to new managerialism in the UK,
knowledge. In a study of the local implemen- Ellis (2007, 2011) concludes that technolo-
tation of natural resources (fish stocking) gies designed to increase top-down control
policies in Sweden, for example, Sandström increased standardization of practices in
(2011) finds that variation in access to cur- some setting while ‘producing fresh condi-
rent scientific knowledge resources explained tions and requirements’ for the exercise
differences in how local officials imple- of front-line discretion in other areas of
mented regulations in the context of complex practice.
policy subsystems with conflicting goals. Considering the organizational setting
Hill (2003) proposes an even more expansive more broadly in her study of the implementa-
definition of resources as the ‘storehouse of tion of education programs in prisons, Lin
knowledge and practical advice that imple- (2000) argues that the implementation of
menters might turn to for assistance,’ includ- new policies is likely to succeed only when
ing the knowledge and expertise provided by the policies are congruent with the organiza-
many non-governmental actors such as con- tional context of implementing agencies:
sultants, academics, journalists, foundations,
When policies are bent to purposes other than
and professional associations. In a study of
those that policy makers anticipated … it is not
community policing practices, she suggests because staff do not understand their work.
that when street-level bureaucrats make use Instead, it is precisely because they try to make
of such resources their professional practices sense of their work, and thus to understand their
may improve in advance of (or even in the jobs as a series of related tasks all bent toward the
same purpose. This naturally leads them to refer
absence of) policy reforms.
each new policy to the values that are most salient
Scholars have also focused on variation in in their organization (Lin, 2000: 162).
information and communication technology
as a significant resource for implementation The observation that front-line workers seek
fidelity. By structuring interactions with cli- congruence with existing organizational
ents to conform with data entry protocols and norms in their exercise of discretion can be
aggregating case-level data that can be used extended to consider the influence of the
for performance monitoring, the introduction larger context of the organizational networks
of management information systems would within which most workers are embedded. In
be expected to reduce the discretion of front- a study of eligibility determinations within
line workers and increase consistency across the US Social Security Disability Insurance
workers and cases (Bovens and Zouridis, program, for example, Keiser (2010) finds
2002). There is some evidence that greater evidence that eligibility workers’ decisions
automation in tasks such as eligibility and were influenced not only by their own beliefs
claims determinations decreases variation in about policy goals and accountability but
the treatment of clients resulting from street- also by their perceptions of what other actors
level bureaucrats’ subjective assessments – in the multi-organizational governance net-
reducing the opportunities for street-level work might do. Even if they were not in a
bureaucrats to act as ‘rouge agents’ who use hierarchical relationship or direct contact
discretion to discriminate in their treatment with other actors, workers with greater
of claimants (Maynard-Moody and Musheno, knowledge about the usual actions of other
2003; Wenger and Wilkins, 2008). As Hupe organizations were more likely to reach eligi-
and Hill (2007) argue, however, when tech- bility determinations that would be consist-
nologies are adopted within the context of ent with those actions.

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Worker ideology and policy directives. She concludes that these

professional norms street-level bureaucrats were guided largely
by the shared knowledge and collective
Other scholars argue that street-level bureau- beliefs − or schemas − that staff developed to
crats are relatively immune to the power of make sense of their day-to-day work. When
both policy directives and formal organiza- management initiatives were consistent with
tional incentives. They point, instead, to the these collective schemas, front-line workers
influence of individual interests, professional found it reasonable to comply with new
norms, and the processes through which directives. But when initiatives appeared ille-
workers construct meaning in their daily gitimate or disconnected from the realities of
work routines. daily work, workers’ collective schemas
Numerous public administration scholars legitimated workers’ pursuit of alternative
have described norms of public service as objectives and definitions of success.
the most powerful incentive for bureaucratic Watkins-Hays (2009a, 2009b) contextual-
performance. Some observers of street-level izes the development of workers’ individual
bureaucrats have reached similar conclu- and shared schemas by focusing on social
sions. Examining survey and observational identity among front-line workers, both their
data on bureaucratic behavior, Brehm and social group memberships outside the organ-
Gates (1997) conclude that supervisors ization (e.g., race, gender, class) and their
exert relatively little influence on the policy development of professional identities within
choices of bureaucrats, who are largely self- the organization. These social and profes-
regulating. Bureaucrats ‘work’ – instead of sional self-concepts bring what Watkins-
shirking or sabotaging policy efforts – prima- Hays calls the missing pieces to models of
rily because they embrace norms of public the implementation of public policies by
service and, secondarily, because these norms street-level bureaucrats:
are shared and reinforced by their fellow
bureaucrats. This limited attention to the evolution of self-con-
ception has caused us to underestimate the
Scholars have identified various aspects of degree to which how street-level bureaucrats
worker ideology that may be consequential think of themselves – as professionals, members
for discretionary behaviors, from their social- of racial groups, women, men, and community
ization into professional norms to their per- residents – shapes what they value, what they
sonal beliefs about policy instruments and emphasize, and how they negotiated distributing
the resources of the state to clients (Watkins-Hays,
targets. Winter’s (2001) study of coping 2009a: 11).
behaviors among front-line workers in a
Danish social welfare program lends empiri-
cal support to the multidimensional role of
worker beliefs. His multivariate analyses NORMATIVE AND EVALUATIVE
capture significant, independent contribu- QUESTIONS ABOUT STREET-LEVEL
tions from workers’ beliefs about their work DISCRETION
environment (including perceived workload
and adequacy of professional support), their The salience of the question about control
assessment of the potential effectiveness of depends entirely on normative beliefs about
the policy instruments at their disposal, and democratic governance and policy delivery.
their beliefs about target populations. We care about the extent to which policy
In a study of front-line workers’ engage- officials direct and limit the discretionary
ment with collaborative, interagency activi- actions of front-line workers to the extent
ties, Sandfort (2000) describes front-line that we believe it has implications for out-
welfare workers as largely isolated from their comes such as democratic governance, fair
external environment and resistant to new and equitable treatment of citizens, or policy

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achievement. The belief that these values promote representative democracy by allow-
are best achieved through a top-down, hierar- ing for local influence on federal rules and
chical model of control is a legacy of early bureaucracies (Scholz et al., 1991) and by
Public Administration theory. A variety of creating opportunities for those most affected
competing perspectives suggest that the by policies to influence their delivery
exercise of discretion by front-line workers (Ferman, 1990). Vinzant and Crothers (1998)
is not only inevitable but also desirable – propose an even more important governance
for promoting democratic control over policy role for ‘street-level leaders’ whose ‘active,
processes, tailoring policies to individual accountable, and responsible’ work at the
needs, and increasing the effectiveness of interface of citizens, communities, and the
policy efforts. state can increase the legitimacy and respon-
siveness of government agencies.

Democratic accountability
The most obvious governance concern is the
potential of street-level bureaucrats to under- A second normative question concerns the
mine the goals of elected officials. Because implications of street-level discretion for the
street-level bureaucrats are neither elected individuals who are affected by their actions.
nor appointed by elected officials, they are It is possible that front-line workers use their
largely immune to electoral accountability. discretion to the benefit of the citizens with
To the extent that elected officials cannot whom they interact, taking individual cir-
fully control street-level bureaucrats’ day-to- cumstances into account when allocating
day decisions and actions, citizens have few benefits, enforcing regulations, applying
mechanisms for assessing, much less con- sanctions, and the like. Street-level bureau-
trolling, their impact on policy. Policy goals crats are also assumed by many to have
may be displaced or distorted when front-line professional expertise and knowledge that
workers focus their energies on managing they can use to the advantage of clients
workloads, coping with job demands, or pur- (Vinzant and Crothers, 1998). Studies of
suing their own ideological, policy, or politi- welfare workers, rehabilitation counselors,
cal interests (e.g., Lipsky, 1980; Sandfort, police, and teachers provide numerous exam-
2000; Winter, 2000). In the language of ples of the exercise of ‘positive discrimina-
principal−agent theory, while some street- tion’ to assist those individuals that they
level bureaucrats may ‘work’ to achieve consider most in need or most deserving of
policy makers’ goals others may ‘shirk’ by assistance (Goodsell, 1981; Maynard-Moody
pursuing other objectives or ‘sabotage’ policy and Musheno, 2003).
by deliberately undermining the directives of Similar dynamics may create complicit
their superiors (Brehm and Gates, 1997). relationships between regulators and the
In other respects the exercise of discretion targets of regulation. Gormley (1995), for
by street-level workers may actually contrib- example, describes ‘regulatory rituals’ in
ute to democratic accountability by bridging US childcare arising from a combination
gaps between citizens and elected officials. of weak state regulations and regulators’
Local program workers, inspectors, and other unwillingness to punish poor-quality provid-
front-line workers can serve as one more ers by putting them out of business. As he
‘check and balance’ on the exercise of power describes, ‘the cumulative effect of all these
by legislators who are often far removed norms is that good and bad providers become
from the citizens who are the targets of their virtually indistinguishable, judging from the
policies (e.g., Ferman, 1990). The exercise regulatory agency’s output. Inspectors know
of discretion by front-line workers may who has been naughty and who’s been nice,

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that remains their little secret’ (Gormley, result in achievement of policy officials’
1995: 56). goals. Behn (1991), for example, describes
It is equally possible that the exercise of successful welfare-to-work programs in
street-level discretion leads to harmful or which agency managers employed perform-
discriminatory treatment. Street-level bureau- ance measures and incentives (e.g., tracking
crats in gatekeeping roles have been observed and rewarding job placements) that aligned
to limit claimants’ access to benefits to which workers’ interests with those of policy offi-
they are entitled (Hill and Bramley, 1986) cials (to reduce welfare caseloads) and cli-
and to discriminate in their treatment policy ents (to obtain stable employment). The
targets, introducing their own biases into the attempts of each group to satisfy their own
distribution of public benefits and enforce- goals can result, however, in implementation
ment of penalties (Lipsky, 1980; Brodkin, that is inconsistent, at best, and incomplete,
1997; Keiser and Soss, 1998). Brodkin (1997) subverted, or aborted at worst. In these
and others argue that chronic resource limita- cases, the achievement of policy objectives is
tions, coupled with the difficulty of monitor- partial at most: e.g., routinization of ‘indi-
ing the quality of front-line services in public vidualized’ educational plans (Weatherley
agencies, create conditions in which workers and Lipsky, 1977), prison education pro-
are very likely to deliver government serv- grams that do not provide instruction (Lin,
ices that are inconsistent and of poor quality. 2000), childcare inspections that become
And she notes that this is particularly likely ‘regulatory rituals’ without sanctions or
for poor and involuntary ‘clients’ of the wel- rewards (Gormley, 1995), or manpower
fare state for whom ‘rights are uncertain, training programs that ‘train students for
‘voice’ is risky, and ‘exit’ means forgoing unemployment’ by directing them to over-
basic income support’ (Brodkin, 1997: 25). crowded occupations or equipping them with
outdated skills (Hjern and Porter, 1981) or
that fail to deliver on promises to place them
into meaningful training and employment
Policy achievement
(Winter, 2001).
A third normative question concerns the Much of the empirical research on front-
implications of front-line discretion for the line discretion and policy achievement has
achievement of policy objectives. Street- relied on detailed case studies of one or a
level discretion introduces considerable small number of programs. A handful of
uncertainty into the achievement of public studies have used multivariate techniques to
policy goals, particularly when the interests examine the link between the behaviors of
of policy makers and workers diverge. Even front-line workers and policy achievement
when they both share a long-term interest by capitalizing on cross-site variation. Find-
in the achievement of policy objectives, in ings about the explanatory power of worker
the short-term they usually operate with behavior from these have been mixed and
distinctly different priorities: policy makers suggest that results are sensitive to both
to satisfy stakeholder demands for visible model specification and to the measurement
results; front-line staff to cope with the prob- of the dependent variable.
lems of managing work; and clients to Riccio and Hasenfeld (1996), for example,
survive and to manage the social bureaucra- find only modest support for their hypothesis
cies (Lynn, 1993; Lin, 2000; Meyers et al., that the approach used by welfare-to-
2001). work staff influences client participation
When interests are aligned through policy in employment-preparation activities. When
and organizational design, the attempts of they use a large sample of observations
policy makers, front-line workers, and clients from similar welfare-to-work programs and
to satisfy these short-term objectives may employ multilevel estimation methods to

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control for individual- as well as program- two decades ago, given the complexity of
level characteristics, Bloom et al. (2001) find implementation structures, neither organiza-
substantially stronger client-level effects tional models of hierarchical control nor
associated with workers’ description of the economic theories of individual incentives
service approach in their office – such as the fully describe the influences on street-level
degree of personalization. workers. Scholars have proposed several
Multivariate studies also suggest that the theoretical frames that may be useful for
same policy and organizational factors may integrating these factors. While none provide
have different effects on different aspects of a single unifying theory, two examples sug-
target group behaviors. May and Winter gest promising directors for future work.
(2000) find significant but weak effects of One approach focuses on the implementa-
agency enforcement tools and inspectors’ tion process and the dynamic tension between
enforcement styles on perceived compliance ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ interests through-
of farmers with agricultural regulations. out this process. A recent paper by Hasenfeld
However, May and Wood (2003) find evi- (2010) provides an example of the integra-
dence that while building inspectors’ enforce- tion of structural and political factors in a
ment style does not influence homebuilders’ model of implementation of politically and
compliance with building codes directly, it morally contested policies. His model places
may do so indirectly through affecting their worker/client interactions at the center of
knowledge of code provisions and coopera- nested organizational and institutional layers
tion with inspectors. through which political and moral conflicts
are passed down from policy makers to
policy implementers. The outer layer is the
context for the policy design itself, typically
STUDYING THE STREET-LEVEL crafted by national or local political officials
BUREAUCRAT IN CONTEXT to affirm broad policy principles and moral
values. To the extent that these values are
The growing body of scholarship on street- contested, political actors buffer themselves
level bureaucrats paints a contradictory por- from political conflicts by crafting policy
trait. In some studies these workers emerge designs, to be passed on to implementing
as frustrated and powerless cogs in bureau- agencies, that are often vague, ambiguous or
cratic machines; in others, as self-interested even internally contradictory. Implementing
bureaucrats whose coping mechanisms frus- agencies, in turn, operate within the second
trate and distort the policy intentions of nested layer of the model, a particular and
elected officials; in still others, as heroic often local institutional political economy in
local leaders who translate impersonal policy which multiple interests compete to influ-
directives for the benefit of their clients. ence the structures and practices for policy
Detailed case studies of the impact of street- delivery. The decisions, compromises, and
level discretion on policy outcomes ascribe a accommodations made by actors in the
powerful influence to front-line workers, administering agencies in response to domi-
while efforts to measure this impact using nant interests are passed on, via policy and
multivariate models have found relatively administrative directives, to organizations
weak effects. that interface with the targets of policy. These
This contradictory portrait of street-level organizations also exist within a context of
bureaucrats reflects both the lack of suffi- multiple internal and external interests, the
cient theory and methods for studying street- third nested layer of the model. These inter-
level workers and the failure to fully ests influence the strategic choices of organi-
contextualize the evaluation of their perform- zational actors about the structure and
ance. As Hjern and Porter (1981) argued over technology of policy delivery – choices that

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balance, for example, the organization’s need (Nielsen, 2010). The second worker-level
to align with dominant values, to mobilize factor that Nielsen proposes is workers’ will
resources, to justify practices ideologies and or motivation to act in ways that go beyond
to satisfy internal and external stakeholders. their own self-interest in controlling work
At the fourth layer of the model, these politi- demands. She draws on classic motivational
cally negotiated structures and technologies theory to suggest features of the organiza-
create the conditions of work in which street- tional and task environment that will compel
level bureaucrats actually create policy as and/or entice workers to pursue policy
delivered − from the tasks they are directed goals. From scientific management, she con-
to complete to the number and characteristics siders whether the implementation of policy
of clients with whom they interact, the improves their conditions of work as
resources at their disposal, and the rewards, ‘economic (wo)man’ – for example, salary,
penalties, and discretion they experience. opportunities for promotion or financial
Hasenfeld’s model suggests that it is through bonuses, control over work hours. From
these proximate mechanisms, and the inter- human relations theory, she identifies factors
actions of workers with clients, that larger that align workers’ needs as ‘social (wo)man’
political and social conflicts are ultimately with policy directives, such as improving
resolved. relations with co-workers, supervisors, and
A second, and relatively less-developed clients. Finally, from neo-human relations
conceptual approach to the study of street- theory, she suggests factors that are impor-
level bureaucrats focuses more explicitly on tant to workers’ interests as ‘self-fulfilling
the characteristics of the street-level bureau- (wo)man’ – for example, the extent to which
crats themselves and how they interact with implementation of the policy brings profes-
the organizational and institutional settings sional challenge and the achievement of
of their task and agency. Although worker policy goals is seen to have value and sig-
characteristics have been included in empiri- nificance. Nielsen argues that both abilities
cal studies, they are often interpreted along and will are augmented or limited in practice
the single dimension of workers’ efforts to by the regulative, normative, and cultural-
control their work environment. More recent cognitive institutions (Scott, 2001) of the
work is expanding attention to consider mul- organization, thereby recognizing the con-
tiple motivations that interact to influence tingent influence of formal and informal
their actions (see, for example, Hill, 2003; institutions and the power of both policy
Schofield, 2004; May and Winter, 2009). makers and front-line workers to influence
Working in this emerging area of scholar- policy ‘as delivered.’
ship, Nielsen (2006 – see also Winter and
Nielsen, 2008) provides an example of a con-
ceptual model for street-level bureaucrats’
capacity and motivation that draws on theory EVALUATING OUTCOMES
from organizational learning and human
motivation studies. Starting with the assump- As scholars theorize about the role of street-
tion that street-level bureaucrats are embed- level bureaucrats in policy implementation,
ded in organizational and institutional they face the challenge of articulating
systems, she focuses in particular on the clear criteria against which to evaluate their
characteristics and experiences of the street- contributions. If street-level bureaucrats
level bureaucrats themselves. In this model are embedded in complex implementation
the first worker-level factors operate to structures that both grant discretionary
influence the workers’ ability to implement power and channel the exercise of that
policy, such as knowledge, cognitive abili- discretion, then it is impossible to evaluate
ties, and analytic and emotional intelligence their performance without considering the

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implementation context. This creates consid- ‘the challenge presented to implementers

erable difficulties for the analyst who hopes depends very much on the problems passed
to generalize about the ‘success’ of imple- along to them by policy formulators.’ The
mentation or the ‘cooperation’ of street-level problems passed on to implementing bureauc-
bureaucrats with policy officials’ goals. The racies, and the solutions they adopt, become,
same front-line decisions and actions that in turn, the challenge presented to local agen-
represent cooperation in one implementa- cies and their front-line staff − including the
tion context may reflect shirking or even job they are asked to do, the resources they
sabotage in another. are provided to do it, the rewards for perform-
Implementation contexts vary across coun- ance, and the penalties for non-performance.
tries and political systems. Hill (1997), for If the job of the street-level bureaucrat and his
example, contrasts the acute concerns for or her capacity to do that job depend on the
hierarchical policy control that arise in the implementation context, against what criteria
highly fragmented and competitive federalist do we judge their exercise of discretion?
system of the United States with the ‘rather Recognizing the limited control that many
gentler and more consensual’ debates about workers exercise over policy outcomes and
national and local collaboration that arise in impacts, some observers suggest that we
the more cooperative political systems in judge fidelity in terms of street-level behav-
Scandinavian countries. Implementation con- iors rather than policy outcome (Matland,
texts also vary with policy design. Delivering 1995). Lin (2000), for example, suggests that
benefits to citizens, for example, raises very implementation success be judged on the
different implementation issues than regulat- basis of staff activities that are ‘plausibly
ing their behavior. Because policies designed related’ to the achievement of policy objec-
to affect the behavior or circumstances of tive. Winter, in Chapter 16, also argues for
target groups must be co-produced with these the evaluation of behavioral variables that
targets, the implementation context also characterize the behavior of implementers.
varies with characteristics of the target popu- Whether this behavior by implementers
lation. And some social problems are simply brings about desired behaviors among target
easier to resolve than others, because the groups depends on additional variables,
technology is more certain, the desired out- including the validity of the underlying causal
comes are more realistic, or the interests and model, which may be beyond the control of
capabilities of the target population are more street-level workers.
consistent with policy goals. Politics and Activities and performance that reflect
policy designs determine not only what will fidelity to policy makers’ intentions can pro-
be done or provided to whom but also the vide a useful yardstick for evaluation. As
resources and authority that the implement- Matland (1995 − see also Ingram, 1990) sug-
ing agencies will have at their disposal, the gests, however, the definition of such actions
capacity of the organizational delivery can still be challenging. Appropriate actions
system, the complexity of the inter-organiza- are most easily defined when the intentions
tional network that must cooperate to achieve of policy officials are clear, consistent, and
policy objectives, the density and coherence reasonable in light of agency capacity and
of the existing policy framework, and other expertise. But these implementation condi-
organizational factors. tions are far from certain in democratic soci-
Given the diversity of implementation eties. Consider the case, quite common in
contexts, resolving the normative questions social policy, in which policy-making offi-
of what street-level bureaucrats should do, cials achieve political consensus by adopting
and the empirical questions of what they ambiguous or even contradictory policy
do do have an often-overlooked indetermi- directives. In this case we may judge the
nacy. As Helen Ingram (1990: 470) suggests, activities of front-line workers in terms of

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Law and Administration

edited by Gavin Drewry

Law lies at the heart of both the theory govern. Public functions and obligations are
and the practice of public administration. in many ways intrinsically different from
Max Weber (himself a lawyer by his early private ones – hence, the fact that govern-
training, as Jacques Ziller reminds us in ments are often subject to the jurisdiction
Chapter 20) associated the pervasiveness of of constitutional courts; and state bureaucra-
his bureaucratic model of organization in cies are usually subject to regimes of admin-
advanced societies with the rational−legal istrative law, of which there are numerous
authority that underpins such societies. variations – some of them discussed in the
Woodrow Wilson’s famous essay on ‘The chapters that follow – applied in many cases
Study of Administration’ first published in by specialized administrative courts and tri-
1887 propounded a working definition of bunals (complemented in many countries by
public administration as ‘detailed and syste- ombudsman systems that constitute a parallel
matic execution of public law’.1 Even if this universe of administrative justice2). And,
is perhaps a bit of an oversimplification − increasingly, globalization has resulted in a
more applicable in some countries than growth in the impact of international law,
in others − it is certainly the case that which has both public and private aspects,
knowledge of the legal framework of admin- for example in the domain of human rights.
istrative systems is crucial to an understand- European readers will not need to be reminded
ing of the nature and rationale of those of the pervasive significance of European
systems. In some countries – Germany is a Union Law and of the European Convention
well-known example – civil servants are on Human Rights.
fully trained lawyers; even in countries In one aspect, public law can be seen in
where they are not, the practice of public this context as having a restraining effect –
administration requires a good understanding setting the boundaries of what government
of public law. can legally do.The concept of constitutional-
Public law is often seen as being necessar- ism – based upon a perception that ‘a State
ily different from private law if only because powerful enough to maintain order may also
states are sovereign and governments have to be strong enough to suppress liberty’, and

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that the machinery of government needs important aspects of recent public service
to be equipped ‘with brakes as well as a reform and concluded that:
motor’3 – has been the source of much legal
and political science discourse, particularly The legal relationships that arise out of these new
in the United States. Variants on the idea of a forms of service provision are neither wholly
‘rule of law’ (the German Rechtsstaat some- ‘public’ nor ‘private’. They involve a complex mix-
ture of regulatory activity on the traditional ‘com-
times being thus translated) are also relevant mand and control’ model, intertwined with
to this perception. Also, dispute resolution regulation based upon contractual-type arrange-
and redress of citizens’ grievances are crucial ments between the direct provider of services and
aspects of judicial review. the ultimate purchaser, consumer or customer.5
But laws and constitutions also have a
positive part to play in enabling governments In countries that have undergone variants of
to govern and as providing a positive frame- New Public Management reform, patterns
work for a good public service. In discussing of judicial review (and other mechanisms of
the modern development of administrative accountability) have reflected a continuing
law in the United Kingdom, Harlow and struggle to keep abreast of the changes in
Rawlings, in the early editions of their the machinery of state functions and public
widely-used text, have used the apt meta- services, and to establish a workable line of
phor of the traffic signal – showing how demarcation between public law, per se, and
a Diceyan ‘red light’ belief that rampant private law (including the law of contract and
governments with collectivist ambitions tort) as it applies in the context of public
needs to be subjected to the restraints of functions and state power.
the ordinary law gave way to a ‘green light’ The three chapters that follow explore,
perception that law should facilitate and from different standpoints, the nature and
not impede the necessary development and significance of the interactions between
operation of public services; followed then legal systems and public administration.
by an inevitable ‘forever amber’ signal In Chapter 20, Jacques Ziller looks at the
that recognizes law’s dual function in this development and influence of the two main
context.4 continental European traditions of public
But the distinction between public and law – the French principe de légalité and the
private law can never be completely water- Prussian/German Rechtsstaat. Both tradi-
tight. Public bodies and state functionaries tions (allied, in the case of post-revolutionary
may, in the course of exercising public func- France, with the development of the
tions, be liable to private law actions in con- Napoleonic system of administrative law,
tract or tort (and/or to criminal prosecutions, and in post-Nazi Germany with a growing
for example, for corruption). The line between concern about constitutional protection of
public and private conduct may be difficult to human rights) have been enormously influ-
draw, and the distinctions have become much ential across most of Western Europe.
more problematical as public management Although there have been very big variations
reform initiatives have created new contrac- in the influence of the two models in differ-
tual and quasi-contractual modes of delivery ent European countries – he dismisses the
of public services and hybrid relationships misleading perception of ‘a homogeneous
between public and private bodies.The system of law relating to continental European
boundary between public and private sector public administration’ – both models have
institutions and functions – and hence resulted in continental public administration
between public and private law – has become systems that are underpinned extensively by
increasingly blurred. A leading treatise on law. Ziller also shows that the legal arrange-
UK judicial review summarized the most ments of many European countries share

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more characteristics of the common law sys- normative systems, and the part they play in
tems of the UK and/or of the United States underpinning the legitimacy of democratic
than is commonly supposed. systems based on the rule of law. The author
Anglo-American public law traditions are discusses the factors that lead administrators
explored by Paul Craig in Chapter 21. The themselves to internalize legal norms, and
author refutes the claim that administrative the impact of legal rules and judicial review
law is a recent development in the Anglo- on the administrative process: ‘It would be
American tradition: it has a long history, unreasonable’, he concludes, ‘to expect
rooted in the common law and the develop- law,and judicial review in particular, to pro-
ment and adaptation of legal remedies by the vide anything approaching a coherent guide
courts. But although administrative law in to public administration’. But that conclusion
the UK and the United States has common does not mean that either the student or
roots, there are major divergences, arising the practitioner of public administration can
substantially from the fact that one country afford to ignore them. The chapters in Part 6
has a codified constitution and an Admini- make that abundantly clear.
strative Procedure Act, while the other has
neither; however, the UK has gone down
interesting new pathways as a result of its
membership of the European Union, and NOTES
the side-door introduction of European
administrative law jurisprudence through 1 Woodrow Wilson, ‘The Study of Admini-
authoritative judgments handed down by stration’, Political Science Quarterly, 2 (1887),
pp. 197–222.
the European Court of Justice. The chapter 2 Gavin Drewry, ‘Ombudsmen and Administrative
discusses, with reference to both countries, Law – Bright Stars in a Parallel Universe’, Asia Pacific
the enforcement of ‘process rights’, the Law Review, 17 (2009), pp. 3−25.
extent of a duty to consult in administrative 3 William G. Andrews, Constitutions and
rule-making and the extent to which courts Constitutionalism, 3rd edn (Princeton, NJ:Van
Nostrand, 1968), p. 9. See also D. Greenberg et al.
have refrained (or not) from substituting (eds), Constitutionalism and Democracy: Transitions
their own judgment for that of policy makers in the Contemporary World (New York: Oxford
and administrators. University Press, 1993).
Finally, in Chapter 22, David Feldman 4 Carol Harlow and Richard Rawlings, Law and
looks more generally at the extent to which Administration, 2nd edn (London: Butterworths,
1997), Chs 2, 3 and 4.
law can and should constrain public adminis- 5 Lord Woolf and Jeffrey Jowell, Judicial Review
tration. He examines the functions and char- of Administrative Action, 5th edn (London: Sweet
acteristics of legal norms in relation to other and Maxwell, 1995), p. 165.

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The Continental System of
Administrative Legality
Jacques Ziller

In Continental Europe, until the last quarter THE GERMAN AND FRENCH MODELS
of the twentieth century public administra-
tion studies were developed in most countries The two main models of Continental
by scholars who had received their main edu- European public administration were devel-
cation in law, and by legal practitioners of oped in Prussia during the eighteenth century
public administration. For the large part, and in France at the turn of the nineteenth
public administration studies have been pri- century, mainly during the time of Napoleon.2
marily a by-product of administrative law. The Prussian model had an early influence
Even Max Weber, the founder of sociology on the Austrian administration, but the attrac-
of administration, had been educated as a tion of the Napoleonic model has also been
lawyer before becoming interested in eco- important for both countries, as well as for
nomics and in sociology. This tradition the Netherlands – and thus consequently for
contributes a great deal to a somewhat mis- Belgium and Luxembourg – Italy and Spain,
leading perception of a homogeneous system as well as Denmark and Norway. Only
of law relating to Continental European Portugal, Sweden and Switzerland have kept
public administration – as opposed to an an administrative system with structures very
Anglo-American system that would derive different from the rest of Western Continental
its features from common law heritage. Europe.3 The Prussian tradition of the
A closer look at different countries would Rechtsstaat and the French tradition of the
reveal a lot of common features between a principe de légalité both explain the impor-
number of Continental European countries tance of law for public administration.
and the United States, other similarities The Rechtsstaat concept – literally ‘legal
between some Continental European coun- state’, usually translated as ‘rule of law’ –
tries and the United Kingdom, and a lot was developed mainly during the nineteenth
of important differences between one century by German writers,4 as opposed
Continental European country and another.1 to the Polizeistaat – police state which

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corresponded to autocratic monarchy. The The principe de légalité – principle of

concept has its roots in the Age of Enlight- legality – is also rooted in the Enlightenment,
enment, notably in Voltaire’s sceptical phi- mainly on Rousseau’s theory of democracy,
losophy which influenced the King of which was adopted and developed by the
Prussia Frederick the Great and the Austrian political personnel of the French Revolution
Empress Maria Theresa: the sovereign should of 1789. Montesquieu’s theory of the separa-
be bound by rules he established, which have tion of powers took more time to become part
to be stable, known to their subjects and of French tradition: it needed the establish-
applied in a fair and equal manner by profes- ment of a parliamentary regime under the
sional judges and administrators. Until the monarchy in 1816–20 and its acceptance by
twentieth century it was centred on legal for- democrats as a feature of the republican
malism as a safeguard for a stable and fair regime in the last quarter of the nineteenth
social order and was closely linked with the century. The concept of principe de légalité
existence of a bureaucratic apparatus as is mainly based upon statute law as an
the main guarantee of the functioning of the expression of the general will, linked to the
system; it was therefore quite appealing to concept of social contract: citizens are only
the European non-parliamentarian monar- to obey rules that they have accepted through
chies (German countries and the Austro- decisions of their representatives. Whereas
Hungarian Empire during its most enlightened the idea of Rechtsstaat developed independ-
periods; as well as Nordic countries and to a ently, and preceded that of democracy in
limited extent the Netherlands). The Nazi German institutions throughout the nine-
period and the perversion of German legal teenth century, the principe de légalité has
traditions that it fostered led to a deep trans- always been linked to the idea of representa-
formation after World War II. Legal formal- tive democracy, even if reduced to mere for-
ism remains important in the perspective of malism during the autocratic regimes of
procedural guarantees to the citizen, which Napoleon Bonaparte (1799–1814) and
have been codified in a general law on Napoleon III (1852–70). From 1848 onwards
administrative procedure in Austria in 1925, the concept of legality was directly and per-
followed by Poland in 1928; in a second manently linked to universal suffrage, and
period, Germany took the lead on codifica- the Declaration of Human Rights of 1789,
tion of administrative procedure in Europe which are the three main concepts by which
with its law of 1976.5 The concept has how- French revolutionary ideas influenced
ever become a more substantive one, which European liberal thinking; at the same time,
incorporates the constitutional protection of the Napoleonic system of administration was
human rights and non-discrimination, relying even more influential, as it impressed on one
on a solid system of judicial protection with side liberals, because of its links with the
a specialised constitutional court – according French Revolution, but also on the other side
to the model developed in Austria in 1920 leaders of autocratic monarchies, because of
under the influence of Hans Kelsen.6 This its efficiency. In France the consequences
revived concept has had a growing influence of the principle of legality have been devel-
in Europe, having met with developments of oped mainly by the case law of the Conseil
much the same kind in Italy as a reaction to d’Etat (State Council), set up in 1799 as the
the fascist period. German constitutional and government’s legal council, which very soon
administrative law has become a major source became the highest appellate body in litiga-
of inspiration in the transition to democracy tion between citizens and government – i.e.
in Europe of former autocratic regimes – public administration – as government did
Greece and Portugal after 1974 and Spain not depart from its advice. In 1872 it became
after 1976 – and of former communist coun- an independent court, making decisions in
tries after 1989.7 the name of the people. As early as the

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middle of the nineteenth century the case law The role of public administration is to
of the Conseil d’Etat was the first developed apply ‘the law’ to individual cases. ‘The law’
body of modern administrative law. This amounts to a set of rather abstract general
body of law therefore has been a source of principles that have been written into statute
inspiration for the development of adminis- law by the legislature (parliament). Note
trative law in most Western European coun- that throughout Europe (including England)
tries and the model of the Conseil d’Etat little distinction was made until the seven-
has been used in a – smaller – number of teenth or eighteenth century between admin-
countries for the establishment of supreme istration and justice as a function, and that
administrative courts.8 applied equally to staffing. The Swedish
These differences in principle and origins system of independent administrative agen-
account for a great deal in explaining differ- cies has long been an illustration of this lack
ences from one European country to the of differentiation in functions.9 The same
other: the role of endogenous ideas and that holds true for the Prussian system of career
of French and German influence differ in civil service. The separation of judicial and
time and space. A good understanding of administrative functions had a dominant role
those common features and differences in the development of a modern administra-
helps in gaining a better overview of the tion, especially in the case of Spain during
meaning and relevance of the Weberian the sixteenth century and France during the
model of public administration at the turn of seventeenth century.
the twentieth century as well as a hundred The Continental European legal tradition
years later. is based partly upon Roman law, with a
systematic construction, complemented by
systematization in the framework of universi-
ties from the thirteenth century onwards.
THE CLOSE LINKS BETWEEN PUBLIC Codification of customary law and case law
ADMINISTRATION AND later developed in several countries, with a
STATUTE LAW main purpose of unifying the law of the land
(Denmark 1687, Sweden 1734, Prussia
The written constitutions of Continental 1794); it also became a tool for social mod-
European countries include a set of princi- ernization (e.g., French Napoleonic Civil
ples applying to public administration. Some- Code of 1804, Austrian Civil Code of 1812,
times these principles are only vaguely spelt German Civil Code of 1901). This tradition
out, as is the case for the constitutions of has not only led to an important quantity of
Belgium of 1832, and also for the French written statute law, a feature common to all
Constitution of 1958; these principles are industrialized countries, but also to a specific
nevertheless clear, due to their interpretation way of drafting statute law, different from
by courts, as is also the case with the clauses that of ‘common law’ countries; it also
of the US Constitution about the Executive. includes a developed and systematized hier-
Sometimes the spelling out of these princi- archy of written law, with at the top the con-
ples is more precise, as is the case for most stitution subject to specific rules for
constitutions drafted after accession of or amendment and then statute law. According
return to democracy (Austria 1920, Italy to the drafting tradition best illustrated by the
1947, Germany 1945, Greece 1975, Portugal French and German civil codes, statute law is
1976, Spain 1978, a number of former com- not supposed to go into details, but rather to
munist countries in the 1990s) or in a move set up principles and rules according to
to rationalization and codification, the most defined categories. Therefore, statutes have
recent examples of which are Switzerland to be complemented by more detailed gen-
in 1999 and Finland in 2000. eral regulations (règlements, Verordnungen)

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adopted by the executive and providing for a France – than on the other side of the
set of specific solutions for predetermined English Channel, thus greatly reducing the
circumstances. In order to apply the law as scope of actions and decisions of public
set up in acts of parliament and regulations to administration which fall outside of law.
specific real-life cases, legally binding The general structures of government at
administrative decisions (actes administrat- central as well as at local level have to be
ifs, Verwaltungsakte) of the relevant mem- set down in detailed legally-binding instru-
bers of the executive are necessary; the ments; the same applies not only to autono-
power to adopt them is usually delegated to mous public bodies but also to the internal
civil servants on a permanent basis. This structures of ministerial departments and
hierarchy defines the rules of legality: indi- departmental agencies. Whereas in all coun-
vidual decisions, which have to be taken by tries only parliament has the power to set
the executive in order to apply the law, have up the framework for local government
to be consistent with general regulations, structures, there are important differences
even if the same authority has the power to from one country to another with regard to
adopt both regulations and individual deci- the competences allocated by the constitu-
sions. General regulations have to be consist- tion to different branches of government
ent with acts of parliament, which in turn when it comes to setting up the structures
have to be consistent with the constitution. of central government. Whether the basis is
According to both the Rechtsstaat tradi- laid down in acts of parliament or in govern-
tion and the principe de légalité, a public ment regulations, important procedural rules
authority can only take a decision with have to be followed for structural change, a
legally binding consequences if it has been feature that does not facilitate rapid reform
duly authorized to do so by law, i.e., formally in public management. These procedural
empowered by the constitution or by statute rules go far beyond parliamentary procedure,
law. There are very strict rules as to the con- as in most countries a number of opinions
ditions and limits to delegating decision- of consultative bodies have to be sought
making power, for general regulations as before government may adopt these types of
well as for individual decisions. The key regulations.
concept of the Continental European public A further aspect of administrative action is
law tradition is that of competence (com- that of contractual relationships. A number
pétence, Zuständigkeit) – meaning empower- of Continental European countries, in par-
ment. As most decisions to be taken in order ticular France and Germany, developed at
to implement public policies have legally quite an early stage a specific law of public
binding consequences – even if based on a procurements, based on the application of
contractual agreement between public admin- the principle of equality to the tendering
istration and a private party – policy making procedure. For this reason, public adminis-
and implementation need statute law as a tration has been submitted to quite rigid and
tool. Any of these decisions is also subject explicit procedural rules for contract man-
to judicial review by independent courts, agement. The purpose of those rules has been
who will not only check whether the person to safeguard the budget, and guarantee com-
who took the decision had legal authority petition. Furthermore, France developed a
to do so but also whether he or she has quite sophisticated law for contracting
duly interpreted and applied the general rules out public service activities (concession de
set up by parliament and the executive. service public) as early as the middle of the
Judicial review of the merits of administra- nineteenth century and was later imitated by
tive action therefore developed much earlier a number of other Continental European
in Continental Europe – and especially in countries.

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STATUTE LAW IN THE STRUCTURE illustrated by Germany. Thus, civil servants

AND FUNCTIONING OF are a specific category of state employees,
THE CIVIL SERVICE empowered with very specific duties linked
to the exercise of public authority. They
The same kind of reasons account for the are subject to rules and employment condi-
existence of statutes or regulations setting up tions, which are very different from common
the career patterns and working conditions of labour law. In Germany about 40 per cent of
civil servants. In most Continental European government employees (federal, regional and
countries parliament has acquired during the local) have this position of a civil servant
twentieth century regulatory power in a field (Beamter), whereas the others are submitted
that was traditionally in the competence of the to ‘ordinary’ law, i.e. civil and labour law.
executive; this competence has been trans- This kind of system is also at the basis of
ferred to parliament, either through a deliber- civil service regulation in Austria, Denmark
ate mention in the constitution or simply by or Luxembourg.
the fact that parliament decided to legislate The second tradition is linked to the idea
on the matter of civil service regulation. Only of equal access of all citizens to state employ-
the Netherlands and Belgium have kept the ment and equal conditions of employment
former system of competence of the execu- for all government employees. It is best illus-
tive, derived from the royal prerogative, as trated by France, and followed by a majority
far as state civil servants are concerned. of Continental European countries as differ-
The main reason for this evolution has ent as Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and
been the introduction or consolidation of a Spain. This implies specific rules for recruit-
merit system for the management of civil ment and career, usually different from those
servants. A number of countries have gone a of labour law – but not always, as the case of
step further and adopted a general regulation the Netherlands demonstrates. In most other
applying to all state civil servants – some- respects, with variations in time and space,
times also to local government agents. The the content of civil service regulations need
first country to adopt a general regulation of not be very different from that of labour law.
that kind was Spain in 1852, followed by In most countries labour law has come closer
Luxembourg in 1872 and Denmark in 1899. and closer to civil service law. The fact that
Italy followed in 1908, the Netherlands in government employees enjoy tenure – though
1929–31 and Belgium in 1937. Germany this is no longer the case in Sweden or in
adopted a first general regulation of this type Italy since a few years ago – should be put in
in 1937 and France in 1941: it was only after relation to the labour law provisions which
the Second World War that for those two tend to protect employees with a contract
countries the concept of a general regulation without time limitation. In practice, however,
of the civil service by statute law became almost all civil servants tend to enjoy lifetime
linked to the idea of protecting democratic appointments due to the combination of two
values for all state civil servants. factors: (1) government activities are not
For about a century there have been two linked to market performance, and thus gov-
dominating different concepts of the content ernment jobs tend to be much more stable
of civil service regulation in Continental than private sector positions, and (2) in most
Europe. The first is based on the monarchic countries unions are quite powerful in public
tradition, according to which state employees service and have the safeguarding of tenured
need a specific status due to the fact that they positions as one of their major goals.
are the servants of the sovereign, to whom At the end of the twentieth century, a ten-
they owe a special fidelity and who in turn dency to suppress differences between civil
gives them a special protection; it is best service law and labour law appeared in a

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number of countries, according to two differ- their German counterparts. In France, tradi-
ent formal schemes.10 The most common tionally, about half of the top administrative
trend, followed by Sweden and Finland first, jobs are occupied by engineers who have been
then by the Netherlands, has been to trans- trained first in the Ecole polytechnique –
form the content of civil service regulations – created in 1794 and put in charge of training
making them similar to labour law – while army engineers by Napoleon – than in more
formally keeping a specific statutory instru- specialized Grandes écoles, like the schools
ment for government employees. A much for Ponts et chaussées (bridges and roads),
more radical change – from a formal point of Eaux et forêts (waters and forests) or the
view – has been made in Italy in 1992 and in mines school. This goes together with the
Portugal in 2008, where the general statute monopoly of the Conseil d’Etat as legal
on government employees has been abol- adviser of the national government and min-
ished, and where all – state as well as local isterial departments, as opposed to the
government – employees are now employed German system, where almost all top civil
under civil and labour law provisions. Along servants are traditionally trained as lawyers,
the same lines, Denmark has been gradually and where each section of a ministerial
diminishing the category of state employees department has legal expertise.
governed by a specific statute since the
1960s. In all those cases, the change took
place at a time when employees in the private
sector enjoyed a very high degree of protec- ADMINISTRATIVE LAW IN THE
tion as long as their company did not go ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM OF PUBLIC
bankrupt or restructure. A key explanatory ADMINISTRATION11
factor for the change is also that it allowed a
much more important role for trade unions Under the influence of Dicey,12 British schol-
and social dialogue in public administration. ars and judges long believed that the main
As far as policy making is concerned, a purpose of the French system of droit admin-
consequence of the principles discussed istratif was to protect the executive against
above is that acts of parliament and regula- the public. On the Continent, on the contrary,
tions are also required, even in cases where the French system of judicial review of
they have no binding effects on private par- public administration that developed during
ties, in order to allocate responsibilities as the nineteenth century has had a very impor-
clearly as possible. The degree of legal tant influence in the setting up of systems
expertise of civil servants varies a lot from enabling independent scrutiny of the activity
one country to another. In the Prussian of the executive and, especially, public
model, civil servants were considered as part administration.
of the legal profession and thus received the A key feature of the Continental European
same university education as judges and systems of administrative law lies in the
advocates; this is still the case for a big part sophisticated control by independent courts
of German administration. In most other of the exercise of administrative discretion.
European countries, the number of civil serv- This goes far beyond reviewing whether
ants having a law degree was quite high, until public authorities do, indeed, have under
the last decades of the twentieth century, but statute law the powers they claim to exercise.
this does not mean that they had received a Through review of legality (contrôle de
real professional legal training. Typically, a légalité – Rechtsmässigkeitskontrolle), courts
large number of French civil servants edu- have the power to check how public authori-
cated in the National School of Administration ties exercise these powers, whether they have
have never studied civil or criminal law, and chosen the most appropriate means, whether
even less civil or criminal procedure, unlike the consequences of an administrative

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decision do not go beyond what was strictly of generating quite complex and delicate
necessary to achieve the goals set up by leg- legal debates about the boundary between
islation (principle of proportionality) and ordinary and administrative courts’ jurisdic-
whether general principles such as equal tion; in a number of cases this leads to con-
treatment and the protection of human rights siderable delays in legal procedures. These
and civil liberties have been respected by reasons explain why Italy and Greece sup-
public administration. As a sanction of this pressed their administrative court systems in
scrutiny, the courts have the power to declare the second half of the nineteenth century,
an administrative decision to be void and – before reinstalling them at the turn of the
to an extent that varies from country to century. In the middle of the twentieth cen-
country – to impose the content of a decision tury, Spain chose a system of specialized
on the administration. This system was chambers within a unified system of courts,
developed in France13 during the nineteenth thus hoping to combine the advantages of
century under the very misleading title of both systems.
recours pour excès de pouvoir (remedy for The scope of judicial protection against
abuse of power – initially corresponding to unlawful or damaging decisions of public
the common law concept of ultra vires), and administration is not limited to declaring
was then taken up with nationally specific those decisions void. Courts can also allocate
features, usually under the title of ‘remedy for damages to be paid by the state budget or
review of legality’, as in European Community local budgets. In a majority of European
law, or under a number of more specific rem- countries these damages are allocated by
edies (Rechtswege), like in German law.14 civil courts applying general common princi-
A majority of Continental European coun- ples of tort law as stated in the civil code, or
tries, as different as Sweden, Italy, Germany, principles and mechanisms set up by special
Belgium, Greece, France and Portugal, have legislation for specific public activities. In
established a specific system of administra- France, damages have been allocated by
tive courts – separate from the so-called administrative courts since 1872 – even since
ordinary courts that deal with civil and 1806 as far as public works damages are
criminal litigation. The exception is Denmark concerned. The French system has allowed
(and Norway since its independence) which for the development of a number of princi-
always had only a single system of courts in ples unknown to civil tort law, like damages
charge of administrative as well as civil or for breach of equality of treatment or dam-
criminal litigation. Usually this system of ages for the consequences of statutory law –
administrative courts is more closely linked even sometimes for the consequences of acts
to the activities of public administration, of parliament. The main feature of these sys-
although their judges are as independent as tems of damages15 is that they are based upon
so-called ordinary judges are. This allows for the liability of public institutions as organiza-
a specialization of administrative judges that tions, which is easier to establish and easier
enables them to review much more deeply to finance than that of individual officials.
the activities they are familiar with, and thus Their employers can usually, in turn, sue the
allows both for a better protection of citizens latter on a disciplinary basis in order to com-
against the administration and a better under- pensate for the damages paid by the institu-
standing of the needs of policy implementa- tion if the wrongful activity of a specific
tion. Furthermore, in a number of countries, official was at the basis of the claim.
access of plaintiffs to administrative courts is In France, and later on in most other coun-
easier and cheaper than to ordinary courts. tries that adopted such a system of adminis-
However, this system is sometimes under trative law, the administrative courts system
suspicion for being too close to public admin- has led to building a set of principles to be
istration and it has the major inconvenience followed in administrative decision making,

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or due process in administrative procedure – law is today and what Max Weber meant
most of them resting upon judge-made case when analysing the systems of public author-
law. As mentioned earlier, a number of coun- ity a century ago.17
tries have also codified their administrative Whereas public administration and public
decision-making procedure during the last management studies easily identify perverse
quarter of the twentieth century. consequences of a too rigid application of the
European Union (EU) law has been deeply principle of legality, too little attention has
influenced by the Continental European sys- probably been paid to what is inherent in the
tems of judicial review of administrative law applying to public administration, and to
action, mainly the French and German what is due to the well-intentioned zeal of
system, which accounts for most of the rele- badly trained administrators who do not dif-
vant provisions in the Treaty on the ferentiate law and detailed written regula-
Functioning of the European Union. In turn, tion. This might be one of the reasons why
the European Court of Justice has started to there has been a trend in most European
set up a body of principles of European countries to increase the number of written
administrative law during the past 25 years regulations that go very deep into details. Too
which apply not only to European institu- many civil servants whose main task is to
tions but also to national administrations write down regulations or general non-bind-
whenever they implement European law.16 ing directives on how to apply the law have
These principles are geared mainly to a well- not received an appropriate training in draft-
functioning and accessible system of judicial ing statutory law according to the best tradi-
remedies against administrative action and tion of Continental codification. Even more
are fostering some kind of harmonization of civil servants totally underestimate their own
judicial review of administrative action in all margins of manoeuvre in those cases where
EU member states, the United Kingdom statute law empowers them with discretion-
included. Some elements of this case law of ary powers: i.e. the possibility to adapt the
the European Court of Justice are the basis of application of legal principles to the circum-
the right to good administration, which is stances of the case. Typically, the French
guaranteed by Article 41 of the European administrative courts have often been led
Union Charter of Fundamental Rights to declare void an administrative decision
adopted in the year 2000. because its author did not exercise his or her
discretionary power on the sole merits of a
given case, but blindly applied general direc-
tives issued by ministerial departments.
LEGALITY AND PUBLIC This inflation of written regulation is
MANAGEMENT REFORM heavily criticized by politicians and also by
a number of public institutions in most
In the last quarter of the twentieth century the Continental European countries. However,
role of law in public administration came the same politicians who criticize it and rec-
under attack as fostering bureaucracy, espe- ommend more deregulation very often con-
cially in the move to New Public Management. tribute to this inflation by the mere fact that
The focus on input and procedures – as they want to present a good record of policy
opposed to the managerial focus on output making to their constituents: in a number of
and achievement – is very often attributed to Continental European countries this is mani-
law itself by critics of bureaucracy as well as fested through attaching one’s name to a
by public managers themselves. A compara- specific statute. This is why a number of
tive study of the role of law in public admin- public institutions like the French Conseil
istration shows that these types of criticism d’Etat insist on codification, simplification
rest upon a double misunderstanding of what and better drafting of written law rather than

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on deregulation, a very ambiguous concept indeed for the success of administrative

even in those countries where the language reform. The time factor apart, law as such is
differentiates between regulation as a func- not an obstacle to administrative reform, or
tion (Regulierung, régulation) and regulation to the introduction of management: it is a set
as a legal tool (Regelung, réglementation). of tools that can be used well or badly
A number of criticisms addressed to the according to the quality of legal education of
role of law in public administration seem to those who have to set up and implement new
derive from confusion between, on the one modes of management.19
hand, the law as a set of tools and a limited
number of general principles, and on the
other, the law of the day as it is set down at a
specific moment in a country’s legislation. NOTES
This confusion leads to a very conservative
use of law that tends to justify immobility. 1 See Rose-Ackerman, Susan and Lindseth, Peter
In the last decade of the twentieth cen- L. (eds) (2011) Comparative Administrative Law –
An Introduction (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
tury it has become fashionable to oppose
the Continental tradition of public admini- 2 See Wunder, Bernd (ed.) (1992) The Influences
stration based on law to a tradition of of the Napoleonic ‘Model’ of Administration on the
management, sometimes qualified as the Administrative Organization of Other Countries
‘Anglo-Saxon tradition’. This also rests on (Brussels: International Institute of Administrative
confusion between two very different fea-
3 See Ziller, Jacques (2001) ‘European Models of
tures of British tradition. On the one hand, Government: Towards a Patchwork with Missing
common law sometimes appears as very Pieces’, Parliamentary Affairs, 54 (1): 102–19.
flexible to non-specialists, due to a legal cul- 4 Especially Gerber (1823–91) and Laband
ture where statutes do not have the same (1838–1918). See Gerber, Carl Friedrich von (1852)
Über öffentliche Rechte (Tübingen: Laupp); Gerber,
predominant value in law as in Continental
Carl Friedrich von (1880) Grundzüge des deutschen
Europe; but in fact formalism is as high on Staatsrechts, 3rd edn (Leipzig: Tauchnitz); Laband
the British side of the Channel, or even more (1876–82), Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reiches
so when it comes to judicial proceedings. On (Tübingen: Laupp, vols 1 and 2, 1876 and Freiburg:
the other hand, the customary principles of Mohr, vols 2 and 3, 1882).
5 See Ziller, Jacques (2011) ‘Is a Law of
the British constitution are also interpreted as
Administrative Procedure for the Union Institutions
corresponding to a tradition of flexible law. Necessary?’, Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico
Indeed, the principle according to which the Comunitario.
Cabinet has all powers under the royal pre- 6 Hans Kelsen (1881–1973). A renowned lawyer
rogative to organize and to manage the civil and academic, one of the Fathers of the Austrian
Constitution of 1920, is best known for his ‘Pure
service has no real equivalent in Continental
Theory of Law’ – Reine Rechslehre. See Kelsen, Hans
Europe. and Hartney, Michael (1991) General Theory of
Nevertheless, even detailed written statute Norms (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
law can be changed in order to restructure 7 See Fromont, Michel (2006) Droit administratif
public administration, as the reforms under- des Etats européens. Paris: PUF.
8 See International Association of Supreme
taken in Italy from 1992 to 2000 show, which
Administrative Jurisdictions (IASAJ), at: http://www.
have introduced in written law most of the
elements of the structural reforms introduced 9 See: Ragnemalm, Hans (1991) ‘Administrative
into British government on the basis of gov- Justice in Sweden’, in Aldo Piras, Administrative
ernment papers without legal force, like the Law – the Problem of Justice, vol. 1 Anglo-American
and Nordic Systems (Milan: Giuffré).
‘Next Steps’ reports.18 For a government that
10 See Bossaert, Danielle, Demmke, Christoph,
has both the will to reform and the political Nomden, Koen and Polet, Robert (2001) Civil Services
means to do it, the only difference is really a in the Europe of Fifteen: Trends and New
matter of time – a very important factor Developments (Maastricht: EIPA).

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11 See Piras, Aldo, (1991–1997) Administrative 16 See Schwarze, Jürgen (2006) European
Law – the Problem of Justice, vol. 1 Anglo-American Administrative Law. London: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd;
and Nordic Systems (Milan: Giuffré) (vol. 1 Anglo- revised edition.
American and Nordic Systems; vol. 2 Western 17 Max Weber (1864–1920). His most famous
European Democracies; vol. 3 Western European work in this respect is usually know as Economy
Democracies). and Society (1920). One of the first translations
12 Albert Venn Dicey (1835–1922) is famous in was Weber, Max, Henderson, A.M. and Parsons,
a number of Continental European countries as an Talcott (1947) The Theory of Social and Economic
exponent of the principles of the Rule of Law in Organisation (Oxford: Oxford University Press). See
Great Britain. See Dicey, Albert Venn (1885) Law of also Weber, Max and Anderski, Stanislav (eds) (1983)
the Constitution (London: Macmillan; 9th edn, Max Weber on Capitalism, Bureaucracy and Religion
1950). (London: Allen and Unwin). Max Weber is also
13 See Brown, L. Neville and Bell, John S. (1998) famous for his sociology of religions; see his famous
French Administrative Law, 5th edn (Oxford: work, published in 1905: Weber, Max (1976) The
Clarendon). Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (London:
14 See Singh, Marendra P. (2001) German Allen and Unwin).
Administrative Law in Common Law Perspective 18 See:
(Berlin: Springer). 19 Ziller, Jacques (2005) ‘Public Law: A Tool
15 See Bell, John and Bradley, Anthony W. for Modern Management, not an Impediment to
(1991) Governmental Liability: A Comparative Study Reform’, International Review of Administrative
(London: UKNCCL). Sciences, 71 ( 2): 267−77.

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Administrative Law in the
Anglo-American Tradition
Paul Craig

HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS (R. v. Barker (1762) 3 Burr. 1265) gave the

seminal rationalization of mandamus. It was,
It is a common belief that ‘administrative he said, introduced to prevent disorder from
law’ is a recent development in the Anglo- a failure of justice, and defect of police.
American tradition. This is mistaken. The Therefore it ought to be used ‘upon all occa-
Anglo-American tradition is not premised sions where the law has established no
on the existence of a separate set of courts specific remedy, and where in justice and
to adjudicate on public law matters, as is good government there ought to be one’.
common within civilian jurisdictions. To The evolution of certiorari into a generalized
reason from this premise, to the conclusion remedy capable of catching a variety of
that there was, until recently, no adminis- governmental errors occurred later.
trative law is a non sequitur. English law Second, it was through the common law
has exercised procedural and substantive that these developments in judicial review
controls over the administration for well occurred. The common law was seen as
over 350 years. Three features of this control the embodiment of reason, which could be
were of central importance. modified so as to meet the challenges of a
First, the history of judicial review was new age. Sir Edward Coke and other lawyers
inextricably bound up with the development ‘disapproved of Parliament changing the
of remedies as opposed to the creation of common law, because they believed that the
new heads of review (Craig, 2000; Henderson, wisdom of a single Parliament was unlikely
1963; Jaffe and Henderson, 1956). The elab- to surpass the wisdom embodied in laws
oration of grounds for review took place shaped by the accumulated experience of
within, and was framed by, the evolution many generations’ (Goldsworthy, 1999: 119).
of adjectival law. Mandamus was trans- The same relationship between statute and
formed into a general tool for the remedying common law can be seen in the eighteenth
of administrative error. Lord Mansfield century, as exemplified by the work of

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Blackstone and Mansfield. Blackstone’s but also to some extent in the United States.
Commentaries were the pre-eminent state- The modern growth of administrative law
ment of the law during this period. They was directly connected with the extension of
also constituted the main teaching manual governmental functions relating to the poor,
for law students in the eighteenth and nine- the unemployed, trade regulation and the
teenth centuries (Lieberman, 1989: 64–5). like. It became impossible to separate an
Blackstone lamented the ‘mischiefs’ which evaluation of the agencies applying these
had arisen from alterations in the law, laws from a value judgment of the social
and laid the blame for this squarely with policies in the laws themselves. Those who
Parliament, for its passage of imperfect and disliked such social intervention, including
inadequate legislation. While he acknowl- Dicey, tended to view the agencies applying
edged the importance of certain legislation, such laws with suspicion (Dicey, 1959). The
such as that concerned with habeas corpus, predominance he accorded to the ‘ordinary
his general stance was to venerate the per- law’, applied by the ‘ordinary courts’, was a
fection of the common law, and regret means of controlling these agencies, and of
the manner in which its symmetry had been maintaining judicial supervision over the
distorted by ill-conceived legislation. This substantive policies they applied. The para-
vision of the common law was inherently mount function of the courts was essentially
conservative and idealistic, as forcefully negative, to ensure that the agency did not
pointed out by Bentham. The preference for make mistakes by exceeding the power
the common law over statute was equally granted to it.
evident in the creative jurisprudence of Lord These ideas of mistake avoidance and dis-
Mansfield. trust came to be challenged as a direct conse-
Third, the courts did not reason on the quence of changing attitudes towards the
basis of any rigid dichotomy between public social policies which the agencies were
and private law. This did not mean that there applying. Academics such as Robson (1928:
was no administrative law until the mid- xv) approached the study of administrative
twentieth century. There was a wealth of case justice without ‘any ready-made assumption
law dealing with all aspects of review, both that every tribunal which does not at the
procedural and substantive, from at least the moment form part of the recognized system
seventeenth century onwards. It did mean of judicature must necessarily and inevitably
that the constraints were fashioned on the be arbitrary, incompetent, unsatisfactory,
basis of what were felt to be sound normative injurious to the freedom of the citizen and to
principles for the exercise of power. Whether the welfare of society’.
the power was public, private or a hybrid The consequences of this change in atti-
of the two could be a factor in this determi- tude were important. Administrative agen-
nation, but there was no assumption that cies were not now viewed as perfect. However,
the conceptual rationale for such constraints, it was no longer taken for granted that the
or the constraints themselves, had to be justice dispensed by the ordinary courts and
different depending on how the body was the ordinary law was necessarily better than
classified. that of agencies. Nor was it felt that the sole
object of administrative law was to ensure
that the agency avoided making mistakes by
overstepping its boundaries. A more positive
THE DICEYAN LEGACY AND BEYOND desire that the agency should successfully
fulfil the policy assigned to it became the
It was Dicey’s dislike of administrative law focus of discussion, and the courts were per-
that cast a shadow over the subject in the ceived as but one factor in fulfilling this
early years of this century, at least in the UK, objective (Aman, 1993: Ch. 1; Harlow and

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Rawlings, 1997: Chs 1–3). Scholars differed The purpose was often to prevent an industry
in their approach. with monopolistic power from abusing its
Some advanced an explicitly pluralist dominant position.
vision of democracy, in place of the unitary Yet others viewed administrative law
view espoused by Dicey. They contested the through the lens of participatory democracy,
idea that all public power was wielded by and republicanism. This was particularly so
the state. Religious, economic and social in the United States, where Sunstein (1985,
associations exercised authority. ‘Legislative’ 1988a) and Michelman (1986) were promi-
decisions would often be reached by the nent advocates of this underlying theory as to
executive, after negotiation with such groups, the purpose of administrative law. They
and would then be forced through the actual rejected the view that administrative law was
legislature. Group power was applauded simply about the aggregation of interests.
rather than condemned. The all-powerful Republicanism connoted an attachment to
unitary state was dangerous. Liberty was best deliberation, political equality, universalism
preserved by the presence of groups within and citizenship. The purpose of politics was
the state to which the individual could owe not simply to aggregate private preferences,
allegiance (Laski, 1917, 1919). This vision of but rather to subject those preferences to
political pluralism was complemented by a scrutiny and review. Discussion and dialogue
concern with the social and economic condi- were central to this process.
tions within the state. There was a strong
belief that political liberty was closely linked
with social and economic equality. The scope
of administrative law should not therefore be DIVERGENT STRAINS WITHIN ANGLO-
concerned only with those bodies to whom AMERICAN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
statutory or prerogative power had been
given, but also with other institutions that It is self-evident that there will be points of
exercised public power. divergence within the Anglo-American tradi-
Others advanced a more market-based tion, in terms of doctrine. Two points are,
conception of pluralist democracy, which however, of more general importance in this
was manifest in governmental policy within respect.
the late 1970s and 1980s, both in the UK The first is that doctrine in the United
and the United States (Craig, 1990: Chs 3–4; States is developed against the background
Stewart, 1975). The market was viewed as of a written Constitution and a general stat-
the best ‘arbitrator’ of economic issues, and ute, the Administrative Procedure Act of
direct governmental regulation thereof was 1946 (APA). By way of contrast, there is no
perceived as necessary only when there was written constitution in the UK, and nothing
market failure, the existence of which equivalent to the APA. The greater part of
was narrowly defined. The sphere of legiti- UK administrative law has traditionally been
mate governmental action was therefore judge-made common law. There have, how-
closely circumscribed. The very fulfilment ever, been important statutes dealing with
of the free market vision required, however, particular issues. The Human Rights Act
a strong central government. Different con- 1998, which came into effect on 2 October
clusions were drawn as to the bodies that 2000, was especially important in this respect.
should be run by the state. Deregulation and It brought the rights from the European
privatization were the consequences of Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into
this approach. Even where some continuing UK domestic law, and allowed individuals to
regulation of a privatized industry was rely on such rights in actions before national
required, the aim of the regulation was courts (Beatson et al., 2008; Hickman, 2010;
coloured by the market-oriented vision. Kavanagh, 2009).

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The second point is that the UK is a in the UK and the United States (R. v.
member of the European Union (EU). This Secretary of State for the Home Department,
has had a marked impact on its administra- ex p. Doody [1994] A.C. 531, 551; Goldberg
tive law. EU law is binding on the member v. Kelly 397 U.S. 254 (1970)).
states in those areas covered by the treaties. The foundations of process rights vary. In
Principles of judicial review developed by the United States these rights will normally
the European Court of Justice (ECJ) there- be grounded in the Constitution or the APA.
fore have to be applied by national courts in There is, as seen above, no written constitu-
areas that fall within the remit of the EU tion or Administrative Procedure Act in the
(Craig, 2006). These principles will be fash- UK. The common law courts have therefore
ioned by the ECJ, drawing on concepts from largely developed procedural rights, although
member state law. The great majority of statute has had some impact in this area. The
states that are members of the EU have civil- applicability and the extent of procedural
ian legal systems. The consequence is that rights have also been affected by EU law, and
EU law, developed from these sources, will by the ECHR.
be binding on the UK. There is therefore a If an individual is aggrieved by the actions
greater interplay between common law and of government, a public body, or certain
civil law concepts in the UK than hitherto. It domestic tribunals or associations, he or she
should, moreover, be noted that principles of may claim that there has been a breach of
EU law can have a ‘spillover impact’. They natural justice. The phrase ‘natural justice’
may be applied by UK courts in areas not encapsulates two ideas: that the individual be
covered by EU law in a strict sense, and thus given adequate notice of the charge and an
influence the development of the general adequate hearing (audi alteram partem), and
principles of judicial review (Andenas, 1998; that the adjudicator be unbiased (nemo judex
Andenas and Jacobs, 1998; Ellis, 1999; in causa sua).
Schonberg, 2000). In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
the audi alteram partem principle was applied
to a wide variety of bodies. Deprivation of
office (Bagg’s Case (1615) 11 Co. Rep. 93b),
DOCTRINE: PROCEDURAL and disciplinary measures imposed on the
CONSTRAINTS IN ADJUDICATION clergy (Capel v. Child (1832) 2 Cr. & J. 588)
were two common types of case to come
Foundations before the courts. The principle was also
applied to private bodies such as clubs, asso-
Academic commentators and courts alike ciations and trade unions (Abbott v. Sullivan
have recognized two rationales for proce- [1952] 1 K.B. 189). The generality of appli-
dural rights in adjudication. They perform an cation of the principle was emphasized in
instrumental role by helping to attain an Cooper v. Wandsworth Board of Works
accurate decision on the substance of the ((1863) 14 C.B. (N.S.) 180), where the court
case. They can also serve non-instrumental held that the omission of positive words in
goals such as protecting human dignity by the statute requiring a hearing was not a bar
ensuring that people are told why they are since the justice of the common law would
being treated unfavourably, and by enabling supply the omission of the legislature. This
them to take part in that decision (Galligan, was further reinforced by Lord Loreburn
1996: 75–82; Hart, 1961: 156, 202; Mashaw, L.C., who stated that the maxim applied to
1985: Chs 4–7; Michelman, 1977; Rawls, ‘everyone who decides anything’ (Board of
1973: 235; Resnick, 1977). These twin Education v. Rice [1911] A.C. 179, 182).
rationales for the existence of procedural The breadth of the audi alteram partem
rights have been recognized by the judiciary principle was, however, limited in the first

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half of the twentieth century. The courts held on the record after opportunity for an agency
that a hearing would only be required if the hearing. This statutory language has been
body was acting judicially rather than admin- interpreted in rather different ways by the
istratively (Errington v. Minister of Health courts (compare Seacoast Anti-Pollution
[1935] 1 K.B. 249); there was misunder- League v. Costle 572 F. 2d. 872 (1978),
standing over remedies, particularly the Chemical Waste Management Inc. v. US
scope of certiorari, which affected the appli- Environmental Protection Agency 873 F. 2d
cability of natural justice; and some courts 1477 (1989) and Dominion Energy Brayton
held that natural justice would only apply to Point LLC v. Johnson U.S. Court of Appeals
protect rights and not privileges (Nakkuda Ali First Circuit (2006)). Where neither the
[1951] A.C. 66, 77–78; Bailey v. Richardson Constitution nor the APA is applicable, an
182 F 2d 46 (1950)). individual may be able to gain limited proc-
The principle of natural justice was revived ess rights through the reasoning in Citizens to
in the UK by the House of Lords in Ridge v. Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe 401 U.S. 402
Baldwin ([1964] A.C. 40), and in the United (1971). This provides a basis for the deriva-
States by Goldberg v. Kelly (397 U.S. 254 tion of limited process rights in relation to
(1970)). In Ridge the House of Lords swept informal agency action. The process rights
away many of the limitations on the applica- must, however, be linked to enforcing sub-
tion of the principle which had been imposed stantive limits on the agency’s power.
by the case law of the early twentieth cen- The position in the UK is somewhat differ-
tury. The applicability of natural justice was ent, because there is no written constitution
to be dependent on the nature of the power and nothing equivalent to the APA of 1946.
exercised and its effect upon the individual The courts have determined the applicability
concerned. In Goldberg the Supreme Court of procedural protection through the common
was willing to apply Constitutional Due law. The years since Ridge v. Baldwin saw
Process to a welfare claimant, and character- the development of the duty to act fairly.
ized the claimant’s interest as being property Some courts regard natural justice as but a
for the purposes of the Fifth Amendment. manifestation of fairness. Others apply natu-
ral justice to judicial decisions, and reserve a
duty to act fairly for administrative or execu-
The applicability of procedural tive determinations. As discredited limita-
protection tions have been discarded, and natural justice
has expanded to new fields, fairness is seen
The ‘trigger’ for the applicability of proce- as a more appropriate label (McInnes v.
dural protection varies in common law Onslow-Fane [1978] 1 W.L.R. 1520). The
regimes, depending upon the more precise courts determine what adjudicative proce-
foundation for the process rights. dures are required in particular areas. In
Thus, in the United States claimants can some it may approximate to the full panoply
base procedural protection on three different of procedural safeguards, including notice,
sources. If the claim is framed in constitu- oral hearing, representation, discovery, cross-
tional terms, it will have to be shown that the examination and reasoned decisions. In
claimant has a life, liberty or property inter- others it may connote considerably less.
est that has been affected by the agency There will be a broad spectrum in between.
action. The interpretation of these terms is The courts have therefore exercised control
for the courts, and ultimately for the Supreme over procedural rights not by rigid prior clas-
Court (Board of Regents v. Roth 408 U.S. sification, but rather by admitting that natural
(1972)). A claimant can invoke the APA of justice or fairness applies and varying the
1946. Section 554 will apply to agency adju- content of those rules according to the facts
dication required by statute to be determined of the case.

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The claimant will, none the less, have to rights and the costs to the administration of
show an interest which is sufficient to trigger having to comply with such process rights.
the applicability of procedural rights. There This is the Mathews v. Eldridge calculus
is therefore an analogy between the UK juris- (Mathews v. Eldridge 424 U.S. 319 (1976)).
prudence and that of the US courts when The UK courts have reasoned in a similar
deciding on the applicability of constitutional manner, as exemplified by Re Pergamon
due process (Board of Regents of State Press Ltd. [1971] Ch. 388.
Colleges v. Roth 408 U.S. 564 (1972)). In the It is clear that balancing necessitates
UK the claimant will have to show some not only identification of the individual’s
right, interest or legitimate expectation to interest but also some judgement about how
be entitled to procedural protection. The term much we value it, or the weight which we
right covers a recognized proprietary or per- accord to it. For example, to take some posi-
sonal right of the individual. The term inter- tion, as Megarry V.C. did in McInnes [1978]
est is looser than that of right. It has been 1 W.L.R. 1520 as to whether the renewal of
used as the basis for a hearing even where the a licence is a ‘higher’ interest than an initial
individual would not be regarded in law as application, is not to engage in rigid concep-
having any actual substantive entitlement or tualism, but is rather a necessary step in
right in the particular case. This is exempli- reaching any decision.
fied by the application of natural justice in It is clear also that valuing the other ele-
the context of licensing, social welfare, clubs, ments in the balancing process, the social
unions and trade associations. The concept of benefits and costs of the procedural safe-
legitimate expectations can provide the foun- guards may be problematic. This is not
dation for process rights in circumstances simply a ‘mathematical’ calculus. Deciding
where the individual does not possess the what are the relevant costs and benefits is
requisite right or interest in the preceding itself a hard task (Mashaw, 1976: 47–9).
sense. Thus, the courts have used the concept Moreover, the existence of judicial balanc-
to protect future interests, such as licensing ing should not lead us to conclude that
renewals (McInnes v. Onslow-Fane). It has all such balancing is necessarily premised on
also been used when a representation has been the same assumptions. The premises that
made by a public body, where in the absence underpin a law and economics approach to
of the representation, it is unlikely that the process rights may be far removed from
substantive interest would entitle the applicant those that underlie a more rights-based
to natural justice or fairness (A.G. of Hong approach to process: compare Posner (1973)
Kong v. Ng Yuen Shiu [1983] 2 A.C. 629). The and Mashaw (1985).
existence of a representation, and the conse-
quential legitimate expectation which flows
from it, may serve to augment the procedural The content of process rights:
rights granted to the applicant (R. v. Liverpool particular process rights
Corporation, ex p. Liverpool Taxi Fleet
Operators’ Association [1972] 2 Q.B. 299). This section will consider, albeit briefly, the
most important process rights which appli-
cants commonly claim. The courts will
The content of process rights: protect the right to notice since as, Lord
the balancing process Denning said, if the right to be heard is to be
a real right which is worth anything, it must
In deciding on the content of process rights carry with it a right in the accused man to
the court will balance between the nature of know the case which is made against him
the individual’s interest, the likely benefit to (Kanda v. Government of Malaya [1962]
be gained from an increase in procedural A.C. 322, 337).

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In terms of the hearing itself, the strict upon the EU organs themselves, but it can
rules of evidence will not normally have to apply to national authorities where they are
be followed (Ex p. Moore [1965] 1 Q.B. 456, acting as agents of the EU for the application
Richardson v. Perales 402 U.S. 389 (1971)). of EU law.
The tribunal is not restricted to evidence
acceptable in a court of law; provided that the
evidence has some probative value, is rele- The impact of the European
vant and comes from a reliable source, the Convention on Human Rights
court will consider it. Where there is an oral
hearing, written evidence submitted by the In the UK, process rights are also influenced
applicant must be considered, but the agency by Article 6 of the ECHR. Under the Human
may take account of any evidence of proba- Rights Act 1998 (HRA), the courts have an
tive value from another source provided that obligation to interpret legislation to be in
the applicant is informed and allowed to accord with these rights, and acts of public
comment on it. An applicant must also be authorities which are incompatible with the
allowed to address argument on the whole of rights are unlawful. Section 2 of the HRA
the case. These general principles are, how- provides that the national courts must take
ever, subject to the following reservation. into account the jurisprudence of the
The overriding obligation is to provide the Strasbourg institutions, although they are not
applicant with a fair hearing and a fair oppor- bound by it. Article 6 provides, so far as rel-
tunity to controvert the charge (R. v. Board of evant here, that ‘in the determination of his
Visitors of Hull Prison, ex p. St. Germain civil rights and obligations or of any criminal
(No. 2) [1979] 1 W.L.R. 1401, 1408–12). charge against him, everyone is entitled to a
This may in certain cases require not only fair and public hearing within a reasonable
that the applicant be informed of the evi- time by an independent and impartial tribu-
dence but also that the individual should be nal established by law’.
given a sufficient opportunity to deal with it. The phrase ‘civil rights and obligations’
This may involve the cross-examination of has been interpreted broadly so as to include
the witnesses whose evidence is before the disputes concerning land use; monetary
hearing authority in the form of hearsay. claims against public authorities; applica-
The provision of reasons is of particular tions for, and revocations of, licences; claims
importance. Reasons can assist the courts in for certain types of social security benefit;
performing their supervisory function; they and disciplinary proceedings leading to sus-
can help to ensure that the decision has been pension or expulsion from a profession. The
thought through by the agency; and they can European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
increase public confidence in the administra- has stressed a number of elements as integral
tive process and enhance its legitimacy. A to the requirement of a fair hearing pursuant
duty to provide reasons can, therefore, help to Article 6. There must be access to a court.
to attain both the instrumental and non- There must be procedural equality, or what is
instrumental objectives which underlie proc- often termed ‘equality of arms’. This implies
ess rights more generally (R. v. Secretary of that each party must be afforded a reasonable
State for the Home Department, ex p. Doody opportunity to present his case, including his
[1994] 1 A.C. 531). Reasons may also be evidence, under conditions that do not place
required because of EU law, which imposes him at a substantial disadvantage in relation
a duty to give reasons based on Article 296 to his opponent. There must be some proper
TFEU (formerly Article 253 EC). The extent form of judicial process, which will often
of this duty will depend upon the nature of take the form of an adversarial trial where the
the relevant act and the context within which parties have the opportunity to have knowl-
it was made. The duty is principally imposed edge of, and comment on, the observations

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and evidence adduced by the other side. opposed to the proposed rule using all
While there is no express requirement to give available legal machinery to delay its imple-
reasons, the ECtHR regards this as implicit in mentation. Participatory rights can lead to
the obligation to provide a fair hearing. delay and extra cost. However, if all deci-
Reasons do not have to be given for every sions were made by an autocrat they would
single point, but they must be sufficient to doubtless be made more speedily. A cost of
enable a party to understand the essence of democracy is precisely the cost of involving
the decision in order to be able to exercise more people. Moreover, the argument for
any appeal rights. The requirements of a fair increased participatory rights is based, in
hearing do not have to be satisfied at every part at least, upon the idea that the people
stage in the decision-making process. Where who are consulted may have something to
an administrative body does not comply with offer the administrator. The rule that emerges
the duty imposed by Article 6 it will have to will, it is hoped, be better. Whether this is
be subject to the control of a judicial body always so may be debatable, but there is
which does so comply. little reason to suggest that the argument
does not hold in certain instances. Where it
does have validity, then it is far less clear that
the granting of such rights will entail an
DOCTRINE: PROCEDURAL RIGHTS overall increase in cost. If a less good rule
IN RULE MAKING emerges where there is no consultation then
the total costs may be greater because, for
There are considerable advantages to allow- example, the rule fails to achieve its objective.
ing some form of consultation or participa- In the UK the rules of natural justice are
tion before rules are made. It enables views not generally applicable to rule making, and
to be taken into account before an adminis- in the United States Constitutional Due
trative policy has hardened into a draft rule. Process is not applicable in such instances.
It can assist the legislature with technical This is, however, where the legal analogy
scrutiny. It is hoped that there will be better stops (Ziamou, 2001). In the UK a right
rules as a result of input from interested par- to participate in rule making will exist
ties, particularly where they have some only where Parliament has chosen to grant
knowledge of the area being regulated. A it under a particular statute. In the United
duty to consult allows those outside govern- States the Administrative Procedure Act
ment to play some role in the shaping of 1946 accords a general right to participate in
policy. In this sense, it enhances participa- rule making by the agencies covered by the
tion. It is moreover not immediately self- legislation.
evident why a hearing should be thought Notice of any proposed rule making is to
natural when there is some form of individu- be published in the Federal Register, includ-
alized adjudication, but not where rules are ing a statement of the time and place of the
being made. The unspoken presumption is rule-making proceedings and the terms or
that a ‘hearing’ will be given to a rule indi- substance of the proposed rule. After notice,
rectly through the operation of our principles the agency is to afford interested persons an
of representative democracy. Reality falls opportunity to participate in the rule making.
short of this ideal, both in the UK and in the There are, in essence, three differing modes
United States. of participation, which have varying degrees
It would be mistaken to think that accord- of formality. Most administrative rules are
ing such participatory rights is unproblem- subject to notice and comment: the proposed
atic. It has been argued that the APA rules are published and interested parties
provisions on rule making can lead to can proffer written comments. Other rules
‘paralysis by analysis’, with interest groups are subject to formal rule making – a

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full trial-type hearing, which can include manifestly unreasonable or arbitrary deci-
the provision of oral testimony and cross- sion. They could, by way of contrast, exer-
examination. Yet other rules are governed cise greater control over discretionary
by a hybrid process, which entails more for- determinations, albeit falling short of substi-
mality than notice and comment, but less tution of judgement, through a hard look
than the trial-type hearing. form of review, through a more exacting test
of reasonableness, or through control framed
in terms of proportionality. Courts in the UK,
United States and elsewhere have grappled
DOCTRINE: SUBSTANTIVE with these issues, and have reached differing
CONSTRAINTS conclusions as to the proper bounds of con-
trol over discretion. The intensity of review
General approach has ebbed and flowed over time. The princi-
pal factors that have affected the judicial
It is clearly not possible, within the limits of choices have been the courts’ perception of
available space, to set out all the doctrines of their relationship with agencies, their will-
substantive review commonly found within ingness to become involved in technically
the Anglo-American tradition. Certain complex material, and the structural limits
foundational principles can none the less be imposed by the nature of the review process
enunciated. itself.
The courts will maintain substantive con- It should not, moreover, be thought that
trol over agency determinations. The nature courts in the Anglo-American tradition will
of this control varies, depending upon the always be of the same view as to the appro-
issue before the court. Thus, courts in the priate limits of judicial intervention. This can
Anglo-American tradition will tend to main- be exemplified by considering the contrast-
tain greater control over the conditions that ing approaches of the courts in the UK and
set the jurisdictional limits for the agency, the United States in relation to control over
than they will over agency discretionary issues of law.
choices. The nature of these controls will
be examined below. In relation to discretion-
ary determinations, it is generally accepted
Control over law: a contrast
that it is not for the courts to substitute their
view as to how the discretion should have All agencies established through legislation
been exercised for that of the agency. The will be given a statutory remit that defines
political branch of government has assigned the scope of their authority. A simple para-
this discretion to the agency, and it is not digm is an agency established on the follow-
for the courts to intervene simply because ing terms: if an employee is injured at work,
they would, as a matter of first impression, the agency may grant compensation. Courts
have exercised the discretion differently from will have to decide on the appropriate test for
the agency. While courts in the Anglo- review when it is claimed that the agency
American tradition accept this dictate, there adopted an incorrect meaning of the terms
is considerably more discussion as to how employee, injury or work. The test adopted
intensive review of discretion should be. will reflect judicial choice as to the correct
The fact that it is accepted that there should balance between agency autonomy and judi-
not be substitution of judgement does not cial control. Courts in the United States and
mean that there is consensus about the inten- in the UK have not always been of like mind
sity of review falling short of this. It would, on this issue.
for example, be possible for the courts to The leading case in the UK is Page v. Hull
intervene only where there has been some University Visitor ([1993] 1 All E.R. 97).

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It was held that Parliament had only con- determined that Congress had not directly
ferred the decision-making power on the addressed the precise question at issue, the
basis that it was to be exercised on the correct court did not simply impose its own con-
legal basis: a misdirection in law in making struction on the statute, as would be neces-
the decision therefore rendered the decision sary in the absence of an administrative
ultra vires. In general, therefore, any error of interpretation. Rather, if the statute was silent
law made by an administrative tribunal or or ambiguous with respect to the specific
inferior court in reaching its decision would issue, the question for the court was whether
be quashed for error of law. the agency’s answer was based on a permis-
The seminal modern case on this topic in sible construction of the statute. If Congress
the United States is Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. had explicitly left a gap for the agency to
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. fill, there was an express delegation of
(467 US 837 (1984)). The case concerned the authority to the agency to elucidate a specific
legality of regulations made pursuant to the provision of the statute by regulation.
clean air legislation. The Clean Air Act Such legislative regulations were given con-
Amendments of 1977 imposed certain trolling weight unless they were arbitrary,
requirements on states that had not met the capricious or manifestly contrary to the stat-
national air quality standards established by ute. Sometimes, the legislative delegation to
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). the agency was implicit rather than explicit.
The requirements included an obligation on In such a case, a court should not substitute
such states to establish regulatory regimes its own construction of a statutory provision
under which permits would be issued relating for a reasonable interpretation made by the
to ‘new or modified major stationary sources’ administrator of an agency. The court should
of air pollution. The EPA promulgated regu- defer to the agency’s construction whenever
lations designed to implement the permit a decision as to the meaning or reach of a
requirement and these regulations allowed a statute involved the reconciliation of con-
state to adopt a plant-wide definition of sta- flicting policies, in circumstances where the
tionary source. The effect of this was that an agency had particular expertise in the matters
existing plant which had a number of pollu- subjected to its regulatory remit.
tion-emitting devices could install or modify Applying these principles, the court then
one piece of equipment without meeting the upheld the contested agency interpretation. It
permit conditions, provided that the altera- found that Congress did not have any specific
tion did not increase the total emissions from intention with regard to the applicability of
the plant. The state was, therefore, allowed to the bubble concept to the permit programme.
treat all the pollution-emitting devices within Given that this was so, the question was not
the same industrial grouping as though they whether the reviewing court believed that the
were encased in a ‘bubble’. It was this con- bubble concept was a good thing within the
struction of the enabling legislation which general context of a scheme designed to
was challenged by the National Resources improve air quality. It was rather whether the
Defense Council (NRDC), the argument agency’s view that the bubble concept was
being that this interpretation was too gener- appropriate within this scheme was a reason-
ous to industrial users. able one. Looked at in the light of the objec-
Justice Stevens gave the judgement of the tives of the legislation in this area the court
Supreme Court. He adopted a two-stage found that it was a reasonable interpretation
approach. First, if the intent of Congress is which sought to balance the needs of the
clear, that is the end of the matter; for the environment and those of business. The
court, as well as the agency, must give effect NRDC was, said Justice Stevens, seeking to
to the unambiguously expressed intent of wage a battle over policy in the courts on an
Congress. Second, if, however, the court issue which Congress had not specifically

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addressed, having lost that battle in the the first limb of Chevron was markedly dif-
agency itself: these policy arguments should ferent. On his view, a case would only fall
more properly be addressed to the legislators under the first limb of the test if the
or administrators rather than the judges. Congressional meaning of the term really
There has been significant academic com- was evident on the face of the statute. If this
mentary on the case (Aman, 1988; Farina, was not so, then the matter would be deter-
1989; Pierce, 1988; Scalia, 1989; Sunstein, mined under the rationality part of the for-
1988b). mula. This, in turn, provoked a sharp dissent
The case law since the Chevron decision is from Justice Stevens, who argued that the
itself of considerable interest, as later cases majority was construing part one of the test
have sought to test the metes and bounds of too narrowly.
the principles set out above. There have been The contrast between the UK and US
cases that give latitude to agency interpreta- jurisprudence throws into sharp relief the
tions. There have been many cases where the judicial choices that are available in this area.
court comes closer to substitution of judge- The courts can, as in the UK, substitute
ment, drawing upon that part of the argument judgement for that of the agency on all issues
in Chevron that asserts the primacy of of statutory interpretation. This will be so,
Congressional intent where that can be iden- irrespective of the nature of the issue posed,
tified. It is clear moreover that judges possess and the relative expertise of agency and court
considerable discretion as to how to charac- to resolve it. The courts can, as in the United
terize a particular case, in the sense of States, proceed via a two-part test. Issues
whether it comes within part one or part two coming within part one of the Chevron test
of the Chevron formula. This is inevitable. would lead to substitution of judgement by
What is less readily apparent is that there has the court for that of the agency. Issues that
been real disagreement among the judiciary fall within part two of that test would be
as to the meaning that should be ascribed to subject to control through the medium of
the two parts of test, especially part one. This the rational basis or reasonableness test.
is particularly important, as can be appreci- While there is bound to be some disagree-
ated by considering two contrasting views ment as to which test should be applied in
on this issue. any particular case, this should not be over-
In Immigration and Naturalization Service stated. Substitution of judgement is suitable
v. Cardozo-Fonseca (480 U.S. 421 (1986)), either where the legislature really has spoken
the Supreme Court decided that the meaning to the issue, or where the challenged decision
of a particular statutory term was clear within involves an issue on which the agency
the first limb of the Chevron test because the does not have any special expertise. In
court could divine this through the normal other instances, the rationality test should
tools of statutory construction. This provoked be applied, particularly in relation to those
a powerful separate opinion from Justice matters of statutory interpretation that fall
Scalia. He felt that the approach of the within the agency’s sphere of competence. It
majority would radically undermine the pur- should not, moreover, be forgotten that
pose of the Chevron formula, given that a agency determinations can be struck down
court could always then hold that the mean- even under this latter standard of review.
ing of a statutory term was clear through the The choice between the two approaches
use of ‘normal tools of statutory construc- outlined above has important implications
tion’. The approach in the Cardozo-Fonseca for the more general relationship between
case can be contrasted with that in Rust v. agencies and courts. At base, the issue is
Sullivan (111 S. Ct. 1759 (1991)), where whether agencies are to have any autonomy
Chief Justice Rehnquist gave the leading over the meaning to be ascribed to their
judgement of the court. His interpretation of empowering legislation. Under the UK

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approach, the answer is essentially ‘no’. Harlow, C. and Rawlings, R. (1997) Law and
Under the US approach, the answer is a Administration, 2nd edn. London: Butterworths.
qualified ‘yes’. It is clear that different Hart, H.L.A. (1961) Concept of Law. Oxford: Oxford
commentators will have differing views University Press.
Henderson, E. (1963) Foundations of English
as to which of these options is to be pre-
Administrative Law. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
ferred, but at least the US jurisprudence University Press.
enables us to see that there are ways of main- Hickman, T. (2010) Public Law after the Human
taining control over agency choices short Rights Act. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
of substituting judgement on each and every Jaffe, L. and Henderson, E. (1956) ‘Judicial Review
occasion. and the Rule of Law: Historical Origins’, Law
Quarterly Review, 72: 345–64.
Kavanagh, A. (2009) Constitutional Review under the
UK Human Rights Act. Cambridge: Cambridge
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Macmillan. Rawls, J. (1973) A Theory of Justice. Oxford: Oxford
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5768_Peters & Pierre-21.indd 345 7/19/2012 11:56:35 AM

The Limits of Law: Can Laws
Regulate Public Administration?
David Feldman

BACKGROUND: SEVEN from insufficient information, we have a

PROPOSITIONS more solid foundation than a few years ago.
First, norms are an important aspect of
Empirical evidence about the relationship the idea of bureaucratic rationality which the
between law and public administration is Weberian tradition sees as a hallmark of the
gradually growing, but remains somewhat modern state, and have a pervasive effect on
sketchy. Understanding depends largely on administration, shaping both the activities
theoretical analyses, fairly small-scale stud- undertaken and the way in which they are
ies of particular administrative bodies or undertaken (whether aimed at achieving the
procedures, and anecdotal accounts. Studies objectives enshrined in the norms or at frus-
have assessed the impact of applications for trating them).
judicial review,1 one type of legal procedure, Second, we should not assume that admin-
but these form a tiny (though important) istrators always treat legal norms as having
part of the law applying to public administra- greater authority than other norms, such as
tion. Other studies have examined the making guidance and directions issued to or within
and applying of rules, including legal rules, the organization, and the morality of indi-
as a way of empowering and controlling vidual officers. For front-line staff exercising
administration, and have illuminated the discretion, ‘cultural, social, political, psycho-
conditions under which rules are more or less logical, institutional, and doctrinal forces
likely to achieve their drafters’ objectives in may moderate that discretion’.2 Legal norms
practice. More recently, however, scholars of carry special risks and opportunities for
administrative justice have increasingly used administrators, but they do not necessarily
empirical studies of areas of administration have a decisive influence over administrative
(particularly those affecting individuals) behaviour.
as bases for developing theoretical models Third, not all legal norms are judicially
which bridge the gap between law and enforceable. A legal rule may contain a
administration. Whilst we still generalize broad and imprecise standard, such as

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‘efficiency’, which is not likely to be justi- whether prospectively or retrospectively.

ciable.3 For example, section 1 of the UK’s Judicial review of administrative action is
National Health Service Act 1977 requires most often concerned with seeking to rectify,
the Secretary of State to promote a ‘compre- retrospectively, improper action. But it is
hensive health service designed to secure only one of a growing number of mecha-
improvement (a) in the physical and mental nisms for enforcing norms governing public
health of the people of [England and Wales], administration, including internal review by
and (b) in the prevention, diagnosis and treat- a public authority, ombudsmen and financial
ment of illness’. The section does not give controls.
rise to judicially enforceable obligations to Sixth, for administrative law to be effec-
individual patients; it is politically, rather tive in fostering good administration it must
than legally, enforceable. Non-legal norms command respect and support from adminis-
may be more compelling than legal ones in trators. This requires the substance of the
the administrative setting, through manage- rules to be compatible with the achievement
rial action (performance appraisal affecting of public objectives, and to be given effect
pay and promotion prospects, budgetary pen- predictably and in ways that take full account
alties, or loss of contracts under contracting- of the objectives of the public programme in
out and compulsory competitive tendering which the administrators are engaged. In
regimes) or social pressure (the ethos of the addition, the rules themselves must be in a
department concerned).4 form which makes them appropriate to the
Fourth, virtually all power-conferring rules task of regulating decision making and action
must be legal, because a non-legal rule in the context of the area of public adminis-
cannot make lawful the action of a public tration in question. Rules have formal quali-
authority which interferes with people’s legal ties which affect their capacity to influence
rights and freedoms. The most significant administrative action. As Julia Black has
contribution of law to public administration explained,5 a rule has four dimensions: its
is, therefore, to empower authorities to do content; its mandatory or permissive charac-
things which would otherwise be unlawful. ter; its legal status and any consequence
Other norms restricting how an authority attaching to non-compliance with it;6 and its
may exercise its powers, to ensure that they structure. The last three of these give rise to
are not used arbitrarily or inappropriately, its ‘rule-type’. The last dimension, the struc-
may be non-legal; their formal authority is ture of the rule itself, has four aspects: its
less important than that they should strike scope or inclusiveness; its precision or vague-
a balance between preserving space for ness; the ease with which it can be applied to
worthwhile discretionary action in pursuit of concrete situations (which Black calls its
goals and ensuring that proper respect is ‘simplicity or complexity’); and its clarity or
shown to people affected. opacity, in terms of ‘the degree to which the
Fifth, law (in common with other nor- rule contains words with well-defined and
mative systems) may exercise different universally accepted meanings’.7 There are
functions. Even when it is not expected to both tactical and strategic reasons for using
be judicially enforced, it may have symbolic particular rule-types, and the use of particu-
value when it enshrines basic aspirations, lar rule-types has certain consequences, inde-
values and objectives of a field of public pendent of a rule’s content, for the ability of
administration. It may be educational, agencies to formulate and then achieve policy
helping to shape attitudes as well as activi- objectives. A rule may fail through being
ties of public authorities: for example, by over- or under-inclusive. The search for pre-
encouraging respect for people’s equality cision may help to ensure consistency, but
and dignity. Administrative law becomes only at the cost of increasing the size of the
coercive when it seeks to control excessive, rule-book, reducing the extent to which rules
unfair, misdirected or irrational behaviour, can be internalized, restricting potentially

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useful discretion, and making it harder for complement others, including democratic
officials to implement policy flexibly. Clarity accountability, representativeness, efficiency,
may make life easier for non-specialists, expertise and rights. Most people think that
but create a barrier to the proper deployment that the power of the state should be princi-
of expertise (for example, in the field of pled and consistent, and should normally be
medical assessments).8 If the form of rules accountable by reference to legal standards.
(legal or administrative) makes them difficult This is expected to further two objectives:
for administrators to read, comprehend or first, it allows people aggrieved by govern-
apply in practice, they are likely to have little mental decisions to secure a review of the
influence over day-to-day decision making decision according to known standards; sec-
and practice, although they may still exercise ondly, lawyers can help to advance good
an influence over high-level policy making administration and fair, rational, consistent
which settles the general direction of admin- and predictable decision making. Where
istrative effort. legal systems include certain fundamental
Finally, legality and respect for rights are rights, law may restrict what public authori-
two important bases for the legitimacy of all ties can lawfully do to people (for example,
governmental action, and of public adminis- by prohibiting degrading treatment), and
tration generally. Democratic foundations of may require actions which affect fundamen-
modern government, via the ballot box, pro- tal rights to be justified according to special
vide one source of legitimacy,9 but this is criteria.
only a single thread in the rich web of sources The unhappy experiences of states where
of a state institution’s legitimacy in civilized the Rule of Law is not consistently observed
society. Other elements include respect for show that principles of legality are impor-
the constitution, law, fundamental rights, inter- tant elements in creating effective and legiti-
national obligations, and members of society mate government. Nevertheless, it has never
as citizens. Robert Baldwin has identified a been clear how far legal standards can,
number of different ‘discourses’ within which and should, provide the basis for the day-to-
claims to legitimacy may be made. He distin- day work of public officials. Several factors
guishes between claims based on ‘democratic may reduce the influence of law on public
mandate’, ‘accountability’ or ‘democratic administration.
voice’, ‘due process’, ‘expertise’ and ‘effi- First, public administration is goal-orien-
ciency’, to which one can add claims founded tated. The law may set the goal, require a
on recognition of the equality and dignity of body to develop a programme to achieve it,
the citizen. As Baldwin points out, each of and confer the necessary powers. Yet laws
these is problematic individually, but together often specify the goal in very general terms,
they have justificatory force.10 They are, of and give limited guidance as to how bodies
course, capable of pulling in different direc- are to use their powers. Those matters are
tions, and not all are equally appropriate for left to the judgement of administrators, who
assessing the legitimacy of any one institution must respond to infinitely variable and often
or programme of public administration or law. quickly changing circumstances. For exam-
ple, a law may require a public authority to
take steps to reduce the incidence of home-
lessness by offering advice and support
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN for homeless people, and if necessary by
LEGAL NORMS AND PUBLIC providing housing for them. Legislation may
ADMINISTRATION specify the categories of people who are
entitled to be helped, and the kinds of help
The doctrine of the Rule of Law imposes which can be made available from public
standards of governmental legitimacy which funds. It may also specify the procedures that

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are to be followed in making decisions public authority seeks to achieve consistency

affecting individual homeless people. and predictability and to exercise financial
However, administrators will need to exer- control in administering its programmes by
cise judgement in deciding whether people providing directives and guidelines for its
meet the criteria of eligibility for assistance, staff, compliance with them is likely to be
and to find ways of accommodating needs to monitored continuously through managerial
available resources. The social and economic and audit techniques, and may be part of the
conditions of different areas, including the staff appraisal process. Staff are unlikely to
available housing stock and the calls on it, be as conscious of the importance of purely
will vary widely, as will the personal, family legal rules as they are of the rules and prac-
and financial circumstances and needs of tices of the public authority itself. To put it
individual claimants. Administrators will another way, there are fewer incentives for
have to decide how best to use their resources most staff to internalize legal rules than to
to achieve their goals. internalize administrative ones. One needs
In carrying out that task, the resource con- to ask whether the relevant people are aware
straints are likely to be of more central con- of a norm, and, if they are, how they use it.
cern to administrators, and are likely to have All norms, once accepted as such by those
a stronger impact on their day-to-day behav- who have to operate them or are subject to
iour, than the law.11 At different times and them, can have a variety of effects. A study of
in various contexts, courts have to decide police officers found that they treated rules
whether resource constraints provide good purporting to govern the exercise of their
reasons for not enforcing a legitimate expec- discretion in one of three ways.
tation engendered by official acts or state- ‘Working rules are those that are internal-
ments, or sometimes even impose implied ized by police officers to become guiding
limits on the scope of a body’s legal duty.12 principles of their conduct. Inhibitory rules
Where judges give more weight to people’s are those that are not internalized, but which
rights than to institutions’ resource con- police officers tend to take into account when
straints, authorities are forced to rethink the deciding how to act and which tend to dis-
priority of competing claims. (This can apply courage them from acting in a particular way
equally to private law decisions, such as lia- in case they should be caught and the rule
bility of public authorities for negligence.) invoked against them. Presentational rules
The balance between competing interests are the ones that exist to give an acceptable
may change, but the rules will always have appearance to the way that police work is
to be implemented in ways that reflect a carried out. Most of the presentational rules
judgement about the relative weighting derive from the law and are part of a (success-
appropriate to competing considerations in ful) attempt by the wider society to deceive
the context of a particular set of objectives. itself about the realities of policing.’15
Whilst authorities seem generally to try to This is not unique to police officers. For
give effect to court orders,13 they are less example, where a norm would produce a
likely to follow a court’s interpretation of a result that is unacceptable to an official deal-
relevant law if it is not in harmony with their ing with a case involving a homeless person,
purpose. A mental health tribunal will not there is evidence that the official, if suffi-
necessarily apply legal rules as interpreted by ciently experienced, may finesse the norm
judges for the purpose of deciding whether it by way of procedural sleight of hand (in the
is lawful to detain a mental patient if it would case of legal norms) or by exploiting the
lead to a compulsorily detained patient being case worker’s advantage over the line
released when the medical member of the manager in terms of familiarity with the case
panel, who has examined the patient, consid- (in relation to institutional policies and
ers that release would be too risky.14 Where a managerial monitoring).16 Institutional ethos

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and organization thus allow non-legal stand- An active and well-publicized pattern of
ards and officers’ judgement to generate decisions by courts might make such ‘inhibi-
‘working rules’; legal rules are often merely tory’ rules more effective. It is unlikely to
‘inhibitory’, followed if they cannot be make them more accepted, however, unless
avoided. There is also strong evidence of accompanied by a programme of training and
case workers presenting cases to superiors in an institutional ethos which emphasizes the
the way most likely to produce the result the inherent or instrumental value of the rules,
case worker wants under the rules, making together with additional resources to cope
them ‘presentational’ rather than ‘working’ with difficulties. For a legal norm to be
rules for the case worker (although for the accepted as a working rule, the institutional
superior officer, applying the rules to the ethos must also include what Simon Halliday
story as constructed by the case worker, it calls ‘legal conscientiousness’: ‘a profes-
may be a ‘working rule’).17 sional concern with being lawful, which
If legal norms are to be ‘working rules’, includes both finding out about “what the
individual officials must see them as being law is” on a given question, and being con-
useful. Power-conferring rules are useful, cerned to apply that law’.20 This is likely to
even if a power is rarely exercised because be difficult to instil unless the institution is an
using it would compromise other aspects of adjudicatory body, and may be hard to main-
the job, or prejudice consensual working tain where members of the organization have
relationships (such as those between regula- different professional values.21 If a body’s
tors and regulated enterprises) on which suc- legal advisers issue strict guidelines and
cess depends.18 Legal rules which restrict oversee difficult decisions, the letter of the
room for manoeuvre tend, by contrast, to be rules may generally be observed, but their
seen as obstacles to be circumvented, or as spirit will be ignored, because front-line
hoops to be jumped through, unless staff officials will not understand it. The ability
appreciate how the standards which legal and willingness of a public authority to make
rules encapsulate can help them to do their the right choice for its own circumstances
jobs well. This has implications for staff will considerably influence the success of
training: a new law often leads to training a new body of rules affecting all public
which produces a high level of legal con- authorities, such as the Human Rights Act
sciousness within authorities (although much 1998 (which incorporated the European
will depend on the structure and ethos of Convention on Human Rights [ECHR] into
the organization); after a time, however, the UK law) or the duty to enhance racial equal-
authority’s priorities change, and the law ity under the Equality Act 2010, in achieving
slips into the background.19 the legislator’s objectives and being judged
Rules demanding pre-decision procedures to be legitimate.
that demand additional paperwork and time Lawyers’ input may also reduce the range
spent in meetings, and come between the of options available to elected decision
official and the objective, are likely to be makers, especially if they are risk-averse in
regarded as ‘inhibitory’ rather than ‘working’ relation to legal challenge.22
rules. For example, social workers may see Law can never offer a complete, or
procedural protection for the rights of parents even sufficient, set of standards to guide
in childcare investigations in this light. They public administration. It can ascribe func-
will then implement the rules most fully tions to public authorities, confer powers for
where the threat of review is most potent. those purposes, circumscribe the circum-
The perceived threat of review is likely to stances in which and purposes for which a
be heightened where the people affected are public authority may act, provide for lawful
well-informed, eligible for legal aid, and so expenditure, and lay down procedural
likely to litigate. standards.

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Two questions follow. First, are the princi- the quality of decision making and adminis-
ples of administrative law compatible with trative action. In these areas, the law can
the values of public administration? Second, reinforce desirable administrative practices.
are legal rules decisive, or are they ever to Nevertheless, there may be tensions
some extent negotiable? between the aims of the administration and
the ways in which legal standards manifest
themselves in practice. The substance of
Are legal principles compatible legal rules may inappropriately restrict
with good public administration? administrators in pursuing their programmes.
Procedural requirements may be so demand-
Some of the principles of public law which ing, time-consuming and inflexible as to
typically govern public administration, dis- make it effectively impossible for an author-
cussed in the two preceding chapters, derive ity to use its powers. For example, the (now
from the principles of legality and constitu- defunct) Commission for Racial Equality
tionality. Public bodies must stay within in the United Kingdom had power to initiate
their powers, and respect constitutional limits formal investigations into suspected cases
such as the separation of powers and division of discrimination in employment, but courts
of functions between central and more local interpreted statutory preconditions for
bodies. Institutions must discharge their legal such investigations so restrictively that the
obligations, and use their powers for author- Commission had to limit itself almost
ized purposes. entirely to informal investigations, negotia-
Other limits relate to the manner in which tion and education rather than enforcement.23
functions are exercised. There are require- Similarly, due-process requirements may
ments as to procedural due process, designed make the discharge of functions so time-
to ensure that people can participate in deci- consuming and resource-intensive as to
sions affecting them, respecting their dignity compromise a body’s effectiveness. There
and also helping to ensure that decisions may also be a risk of defensive administra-
are taken as far as possible in the light of all tion:24 surviving challenge takes precedence
relevant factors and arguments. Further over achieving goals, potentially frustrating
requirements relate to the way in which deci- the institution’s objectives. At the other
sions must be reasoned and communicated extreme, administrators may consistently fail
to those affected by them and, sometimes, or simply refuse to give effect to rules, either
to the public, to ensure that they are not because they are ignorant of them or because
arbitrary or irrational. they run counter to their personal, profes-
Impartiality, probity, professional compe- sional and institutional ethos, intuitions or
tence, rationality, consistency, fairness, objectives.25
giving reliable advice and information, and This, however, is not peculiar to legal
reasonable expedition are both compatible rules. Any procedural rule may inhibit worth-
with and benchmarks of good administration. while, goal-directed activity. Public adminis-
Good administrators try to avoid decisions tration is, or tends to be, an hierarchically
that are likely to turn out to be ineffective organized activity. Within the hierarchy,
when tested in court. Respecting the limits of administrators in superior positions promul-
one’s powers is as much an ordinary part of gate vast quantities of rules in an effort to
public administration as finding ways to ensure that programmes are implemented
work within budgetary constraints. Any good consistently and in accordance with budget-
administrator recognizes that fairness and ary and other constraints. Such codes of
rationality are important characteristics of practice, directives, guidance and advice are
good decision making. These principles pro- as capable as legal rules of stifling flexibility,
vide a discipline which is likely to enhance initiative and dynamism. Whilst one expects

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them to be better attuned to an institution’s (for example) Articles 5 and 6 of the European
functions and organization than general rules Convention on Human Rights.
made by judges, even sensible procedures A tension between constitutional and
may produce dysfunctional results when administrative priorities is seen in other gen-
interpreted in certain ways by other adminis- eral principles of public law. For example,
trators or by courts. the rule against sub-delegation is an aspect of
The pursuit of a programme may, then, the principle of legality which can support
sensibly be restricted by reference to such good administration but may sometimes
considerations as consistency, economy or make it unworkable, requiring to be relaxed
proportionality. The issue is often who should by administrative practice sanctioned by
decide how much weight should be accorded judges.28 Sub-delegation may be a practical
to different considerations. In the UK, with necessity where a power is granted to a min-
its strong constitutional doctrine of parlia- ister or a collective body such as a local
mentary sovereignty, where Parliament has authority to decide very large numbers of
spoken unequivocally it will usually be individual cases: for example, in the land-use
treated as having authoritatively settled such planning or social security systems.29 The
issues through a statutory rule. There is value effect of the principle and of its relaxation
in having bright-line rules. They enhance may be very different in a new organizational
certainty and consistency. Sometimes, how- context, such as that of non-departmental
ever, the law (including international human public bodies or private enterprises to which
rights law) requires decision makers to public functions have been contracted out.30
give case-by-case consideration to the pro- The same is true of the principles of fairness
portionality of a decision’s impact on certain or natural justice, the rule that discretions
individuals, particularly where it affects must not be fettered, the principle that pub-
fundamental rights.26 lished policies must be consistently applied,
Where administrators have made such an and requirements for reasons for decisions.
assessment, a court or tribunal may decline to All are generally aspects of good administra-
interfere with it so far as it depends on evalu- tion, but in particular settings may be capable
ating evidence or a judgement in a matter on of hamstringing administrative bodies
which the administrator has special expertise and interfering with what administrators or
and experience. Sometimes, as in Canada, politicians regard as necessary or desirable
courts regard some decision makers as being flexibility or consistency.31
subject to only limited review, even as to From the perspective of an outsider, legal
statutory interpretation. rules can aid good administration systemi-
Another way to avoid over-intrusive review cally by highlighting administrative prob-
of decisions is to replace legal rules with lems and encouraging institutions to reflect
administrative rules or standards which have on and improve their performance. In prac-
no, or limited, legal effect, such as value-for- tice, most institutions routinely monitor their
money assessment, the UK Citizen’s Charter performance and look for improvements.
programme, ‘public service guarantees’,27 Judicial review may encourage such reflec-
and codes of practice. That shifts protection tion. There is evidence from Australia and
from legal values and procedures to adminis- the United Kingdom of judicial review stim-
trative ones; audit supplants adjudication. ulating internal reassessment of both indi-
In the context of some activities (such as vidual cases and processes.32 Internal review
policing and tax assessment) it may make it does not, however, necessarily make use of
difficult to ensure adequate legal protec- the same values as judicial review.33 Much
tion or the right to be free of arbitrary deten- depends on the attitudes of middle and senior
tion, for to provide for the right to a fair managers, and the availability of time and
hearing where that applies, as required by resources to educate front-line officials.

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A Canadian study indicates that one should principles which outside reviewers propound,
see the relationship between litigation and making those principles an integral part of its
change in public authorities as dynamic, and operations, an organization that feels threat-
focus not on individual cases but on a con- ened is likely to react defensively, protecting
tinuous process whereby courts interrogate its activities from review by sticking formal-
public bodies’ decision making and the public istically to the rules and repackaging pre-
bodies reconsider and respond by (among existing arrangements so that they appear
other things) developing ‘soft law’ which consistent with them. This may sometimes
progressively shapes the way officials inter- lead to a focus on technical details at the
pret and use their powers.34 expense of the broad merits.35
Legal rules, administrative rules and pro-
cedures, and external review of decisions are,
on this view, complementary, enhancing the Do legal rules always provide
quality of public administration both within minimum standards below which
organizations and in dealings between admin- public administrators must not
istrators and members of the public. be allowed to drop, or are the
On the other hand, where conditions are standards ever, or always, to some
not conducive to constructive responses to extent negotiable?
judicial decisions, the effect may be differ-
ent. Whereas administrators may accept that The answer will often depend as much on the
the principles of review are not intrinsically nature of the activity in question and the atti-
inconsistent with the demands of good tude that administrators adopt to their tasks
administration, any kind of review by an as on the form or substance of the rules and
external authority may be perceived as a the way they are interpreted and applied by
threat, in two ways. First, it affects the final- courts. In childcare programmes, the law
ity of decisions, making administration more normally provides that the best interests of a
uncertain and causing delay. This can be child are to be the paramount consideration.
particularly awkward in relation to large- This would appear to require public authori-
scale and complex programmes of public ties to give greater weight to the welfare of
work affecting many people’s diverse inter- the child than to the interests of the parents
ests, such as road building or the siting of and other members of the family. However,
airports, and partly explains the UK coalition in practice there is a significant area of flex-
government’s current desire to speed up the ibility. If the child is living with the family,
land-use planning process. Second, public it is likely to be in the child’s best interests
administration is an increasingly profession- to accommodate as much as possible the
alized activity whose practitioners see them- interests of other members of the family. It is
selves as having distinctive skills. Review by not acceptable to subject the child to a real
another professional group asserting special risk of long-term physical or mental harm,
authority may be unwelcome. It is also and the authorities must act to prevent that.
costly, even if that review is exercised only in But the law also provides that removing a
limited circumstances and according to prin- child from the family should normally be
ciples which are generally in harmony with seen as a temporary measure, because it is
administrative values. In such circumstances, assumed that all members of the family ben-
much is likely to be made of those cases in efit from (and, under the ECHR Article 8,
which the courts are considered to have made have a presumptive right to) the enjoyment of
decisions which, from an administrative their familial relationships. A care plan for a
standpoint, are dysfunctional. child in local authority care should therefore
Athough an organization that sees itself aim to effect a reintegration of the family
as having shared interests might accept the where that is possible, offering education and

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support to achieve it. This leaves a consider- content of the applicable legal rules) is open
able area of judgement within which local to negotiation.37
authorities must assess the needs of the child Enforcement by negotiation creates a risk
as part of the family unit rather than as an that an overly cosy relationship will develop
individual, negotiating with the family to between people who potentially threaten
achieve as safe and nurturing an environment public interests and those who are supposed
as possible rather than imposing a solution to to protect the public interest. Such relation-
advance the supposed best interests of the ships can give rise to at least the appearance
child alone. of undue flexibility, and the suspicion that
Even where an authority is enforcing a developers exercise undue influence over the
legal regime rather than delicately balancing land-use planning process, waste disposal
competing or complementary interests, a operators over pollution regulators, and so
number of factors may lead to a flexible forth. Nevertheless, authorities can use the
approach to the task. Take for example the threat of legal action to encourage people
work of environmental health officers. The to cooperate in developing good practice,
ultimate objective of the authority is to pro- achieving a reasonable level of compliance
tect people against unjustifiable threats to and public protection without expending vast
health. Resources do not permit officers to resources on policing and prosecuting likely
police all possible occasions on which there offenders, particularly as the response of
is a threat to ensure that the law is complied criminal courts may be unpredictable. How
with. The most efficient way of achieving the balance is struck between use of formal
the ultimate goal is therefore often to work as powers and informal encouragement, assist-
far as possible with potential offenders, help- ance and negotiation will depend on the
ing them to develop their own systems for nature of the activity, the extent of an author-
safeguarding public health without making ity’s resources, the ethos of the authority and
their activities uneconomic. This will tend to to some extent the personalities of individual
mean that officers will regard education, officers.38 Disagreement about the appropri-
encouragement and negotiation as the best ate approach to policing of laws against
way of relating to people with whom they drugs reflects a debate about the proper bal-
deal on a regular basis. Enforcement and ance between negotiation and enforcement in
prosecution will be relatively rarely used that context; to put it another way, about the
against such people, and then only as a last extent to which the legal rules should be
resort, usually only in cases of egregious regarded as laying down hard and fast stand-
breaches of rules; more regularly deploying ards in practice.
enforcement powers would tend to interfere In other kinds of administrative pro-
with the cooperative relationship on which grammes, such as taxation, social security
effective protection of the environment and criminal investigation, there may be less
depends. Nevertheless, different departments scope for negotiation. Where an entitlement
and individual officers may strike a different to money from the state is set out in statute,
balance between the use of what Bridget the public authority would act unlawfully if it
Hutter has called ‘persuasive’ and ‘insistent’ paid too little or too much. Where a benefit
strategies, and the existence of an implicit or depends on an assessment or evaluation, such
express threat of legal enforcement at some as a judgement about a claimant’s degree of
future time provides a significant incentive incapacity, the judgement is typically made
for people to respond constructively to offic- professionally and is not negotiable, although
ers’ exhortations.36 A similar pattern was many factual assessments appear to be made
found in the ‘enforcement’ of antipollution on the basis of intuitive judgements as to the
law, where to some extent even the permis- claimant’s reliability or need, so personal
sible level of pollution (and therefore the impressions are important.39 Even so, some

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needs are likely to be excluded by statutory which officials would in practice find it
regulations or authoritative directions, and counter-productive to use to the full.
the priorities between other needs may be set
by local management guidelines. In the con-
text of the British welfare state, discretionary
Social Fund payments are of this kind: a JUDICIAL PROCEDURES
local office has to stay within its quarterly AND THEIR EFFECT ON PUBLIC
budget and meet claims so far as possible, ADMINISTRATION
taking account of the seriousness of the need
and the money remaining in its budget. The The impact of legal procedures on public
apparently discretionary decisions are thus administration is related to the impact of
driven principally by rules derived from a legal rules. We can distinguish between legal
variety of sources, some having legal force proceedings brought by public authorities
and others being wholly administrative and and those brought against them. An authori-
budget-driven. It is not possible to distin- ty’s power to bring enforcement proceedings
guish adequately between the effects of rules may be used rarely, and may prove counter-
coming from these different sources, and productive if the court does not impose a
judicial review’s influence may change over significant penalty. Nevertheless, it can have
time.40 a significant impact on subsequent negotia-
Payments due to the state are in a slightly tions between the authority and offenders. A
different position. The maximum amount due possibility of a prosecution and uncertainty
is set by statute or statutory instrument, but about the result affects the balance of power
the officials responsible for collecting the between the authority and an offender when
money (tax inspectors and tax and social they negotiate. The threat of legal proceed-
security fraud investigators) typically have ings is, perhaps, more influential than
discretion to relieve those subject to the their deployment in controlling breaches of
charges of some part of the amount due. legal rules.
Sometimes, these remissions are formalized Is the same true in relation to the reverse
in administrative rules, such as extra-statu- context of judicial review of public authori-
tory tax concessions published by Her ties? Applications for judicial review are usu-
Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in ally retrospective challenges to decisions or
the UK and treated by them and by taxpayers actions already taken. The impact of indi-
just as if they were binding rules of law. In vidual cases will, as Hugh Rawlings sug-
other contexts, they are the subject of nego- gested, usually be sporadic, peripheral and
tiation in individual cases: penalties or other temporary.41 This lack of consistency and
payments may be staggered, or remitted in predictability restricts the potential of princi-
whole or in part, on the grounds of hardship, ples of judicial review to operate as ‘inhibi-
or because insisting on the full payment at tory’ rules. To be effective, they will have
once would drive the payer into insolvency to achieve ‘working rule’ status; otherwise,
and make it more or less impossible to they will be, at best, ‘presentational’.
recover any substantial amount, or as an Nevertheless, judicial review can some-
incentive for a payer to provide information times have a significant effect on an institu-
about other activities or other people. In tion. If a point affects a large number of
these investigative settings, the relationship cases, and the authority has adequate systems
between the legal rules and the behaviour of for ensuring that the lessons from the case
officials is far more like that between regula- are understood quickly by other officials
tors and the regulated, described above. dealing with them, it can lead to a change in
Negotiations take place against the back- practices. For example, the UK Independent
ground of the often Draconian legal powers Review Service for the Social Fund has

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systems for ensuring that the relatively few greatest potential for affecting administrative
inspectors understand the implications of practices. It provides principles to guide
legal challenges to their decisions.42 But in decision making by providing for fair proce-
larger and less centralized decision-making dures, and reasoned and reasonable deci-
structures, or institutions where officials’ sions. It is here that judicial review intrudes
functions are more diversified and where most closely into the field of good adminis-
heavy workloads leave little time for training tration, for good or ill.44 This is why it is not
or reading, or in departments staffed largely surprising that studies of the effect of judicial
by temporary staff who are less well inducted review on prison administration have con-
into the work of the department than perma- cluded that the effect has been greatest where
nent staff, it will be difficult to achieve that decisions relate to procedural matters, such
level of legal consciousness, let alone legal as disciplinary procedures and the right to
conscientiousness. In other words, the impact make representations in respect of parole
of judicial review on public administration decisions, and far less extensive in relation to
will vary in part according to the nature, the conditions of imprisonment and regimes
staffing, training and organization of the of prison governance.45 However, even in
public authority in question. For judicial relation to ‘structuring’ decisions, the ten-
review to perform an hortatory or educational dency of judicial review to focus on the facts
role, there must be appropriate systems of of a particular case, rather than to examine
communication and education between the the matrix of decisions and procedures
judges and those whose behaviour they seek from which it emerges, may distort judicial
to influence. appreciation of the context and so limit the
So far as judicial review seeks to influence usefulness of the case in shaping future
administrative activity, it can be seen as per- decision-making practices.
forming three different functions: directing, Where a decision has an impact on the
limiting and structuring decision-making. A administration, the practical effect will
court may hold that a body has a duty to act depend on the nature of the decision, and
in a particular way on the facts of the case, the ease with which the public authority
and direct it to comply. Directing decision- can respond to it. Particularly in the field
making in this way usually gives effect to of ‘structuring’, the principles of judicial
legislative provisions. It may achieve a high review tend to be very flexible, varying their
public profile and have significant resource content with the context. The flexibility of
implications, especially where the case is standards of ‘procedural fairness’ is essential
one of a number of similar ones and the duty if judicial attempts to fashion principles of
will be costly to fulfil, and to that extent it general application to the whole of public
may affect a wide range of functions which administration are not to suffer from over- or
the authority exercises by forcing it to under-inclusiveness, strangling administra-
re-examine its priorities.43 (The same hap- tors with impossible demands in some fields
pens following decisions about tort liability while giving inadequate protection to their
of public authorities.) However, this is clients in others; yet it adds to the uncertainty
unlikely to affect day-to-day administrative of judicial review, making it difficult for
practices very much. Limiting a public administrators to predict what is required of
authority to keep it within the range of them, and so reducing the constructive and
activities, powers or purposes allocated to it useful role that judicial review can play in
by statute can have a greater effect on day-to- helping authorities to structure their own
day administration, and may make it more procedures.46
difficult to achieve its goals, but can be justi- This shows how the impact of judicial
fied by the principle of legality. Structuring review, like the impact of legal rules, cannot
decision-making goes further, and has the be separated from the social and structural

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context of the public authority that is being Study of Regulation and Enforcement (Oxford:
reviewed. There are features of judicial Oxford University Press, 1982), pp. 183–90; B.M.
Hutter, The Reasonable Arm of the Law? The Law
review, and of the principles on which it Enforcement Procedures of Environmental Health
operates, which make it difficult for them to Officers (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988), Chs 5
affect administration. Other problems stem and 6.
from the nature of the organizations subject 5 J.M. Black, ‘“Which Arrow?”: rule type and
to judicial review, their receptiveness, the regulatory policy’, Public Law, 1995, pp. 95–118.
6 Black refers only to sanctions, but, as H.L.A.
legal consciousness of staff, and their some- Hart, The Concept of Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
times very limited awareness and memory of 1961), pp. 26–49 demonstrated, not all rules have
judicial review challenges to decisions of sanctions.
other parts, or even their own part, of the 7 ‘Universally accepted’ seems to refer to accept-
organization.47 The picture is complex, and, ance within a particular social culture or sub-culture,
such as a given community or a legal or administra-
for that reason (among others), it would tive sub-culture within it.
be unreasonable to expect law, and judicial 8 For a broadly similar, though less developed,
review in particular, to provide anything analysis of the formal qualities of rule-types and their
approaching a coherent guide to public relationship to reasons for failure of rules to achieve
administration. The focus of law is on legal- compliance, see R. Baldwin, Rules and Government
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), pp. 7–11, 159–92.
ity, which (as suggested at the beginning of 9 See, e.g., J. Griffith, ‘Judges and the constitu-
the chapter) is valuable as a matter of princi- tion’, in R. Rawlings (ed.), Law, Society and Economy
ple and compatible in principle with good (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997), p. 308.
administration; but the value of legality may 10 Baldwin, Rules and Government, pp. 41–6.
give rise to tension (constructive or destruc- 11 I. Loveland, Housing Homeless Persons:
Administrative Law and the Administrative Process
tive in different settings) with goal-driven (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), Ch. 10; M. Sunkin
principles of good administration. and A. Le Sueur, ‘Can government control
judicial review?’, Current Legal Problems, 1991, 44,
p. 161.
12 For example, contrast R. v. Gloucestershire
County Council, ex parte Barry [1997] AC 584, HL,
NOTES with R. v. East Sussex County Council, ex parte Tandy
[1998] AC 714, and R. v. North and East Devon
1 In this chapter (as in the UK usage) the phrase Health Authority, ex parte Coughlan [2001] QB 213,
‘judicial review’ denotes mechanisms for challenging CA, with R. (Luton Borough Council and Nottingham
the legality or fairness of administrative action, in City Council and others) v. Secretary of State for
contrast to the American usage of the phrase to Education [2011] EWHC 217 (Admin), and R. v.
mean challenges to the constitutionality of legislative Department of Education and Employment, ex parte
or executive action. Begbie [2000] 1 WLR 1115, CA.
2 C.E. Schneider, ‘Discretion and rules: a lawyer’s 13 R. Creyke and J. McMillan, ‘The operation
view’, in K. Hawkins (ed.), The Uses of Discretion of judicial review in Australia’, in M. Hertogh and
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), Ch. 2, p. 87. S. Halliday (eds), Judicial Review and Bureaucratic
3 See, e.g., G. Zellick, ‘The Prison Rules and the Impact: International and Interdisciplinary Perspec-
courts’, Criminal Law Review, 1981, pp. 602–16; tives (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
‘The Prison Rules and the courts: a postscript’, 2004), pp. 161−89, esp. pp. 172−6.
Criminal Law Review, 1982, pp. 575–9. However, it 14 G. Richardson, ‘Impact studies in the UK’,
is possible for an apparently non-justiciable standard in M. Hertogh and S. Halliday (eds), Judicial Review
to become justiciable through subjection to judicial and Bureaucratic Impact: International and Inter-
interpretation: for example, the adjective ‘economic’ disciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge
as a requirement of the public transport system for University Press, 2004), pp. 103−28, esp. pp. 120−3.
London was surprisingly given legal teeth in Bromley 15 D.J. Smith and J. Gray, Police and People in
London Borough Council v. Greater London Council London: the PSI Report (London: Gower, 1985),
[1983] 1 A.C. 768, HL. pp. 441–2.
4 See, e.g., M. Feldman, ‘Social limits to discre- 16 S. Halliday, ‘The influence of judicial review
tion: an organizational perspective’, in K. Hawkins on bureaucratic decision-making’, Public Law, 2000,
(ed.), The Uses of Discretion, Ch. 5; G. Richardson pp. 110–15 and 118; and see Loveland, Housing
with A. Ogus and P. Burrows, Policing Pollution: A Homeless Persons.

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17 See, e.g., Halliday, ‘Influence of judicial 29 For a borderline case, see R. (Chief Constable
review’, at p. 118. of West Midlands Police) v. Birmingham Justices
18 This is discussed further below. [2002] EWHC 1087 (Admin).
19 M. Sunkin and K. Pick, ‘The changing impact 30 See M. Freedland, ‘Privatising Carltona:
of judicial review: the Independent Review Service Part II of the Deregulation and Contracting Out
of the Social Fund’, Public Law, 2001, pp. 736−63; Act 1994’, Public Law, 1995, p. 21; M. Freedland,
D. Feldman, ‘Changes in human rights’, in M. Adler ‘The rule against delegation and the Carltona
(ed.), Administrative Justice in Context (Oxford: Hart doctrine in an agency context’, Public Law, 1996,
Publishing, 2010), pp. 97−126. p. 19.
20 S. Halliday, ‘The influence of judicial review 31 See, e.g., R. (Bancoult) v. Secretary of State
on bureaucratic decision-making’, Public Law, 2000, for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (No. 2)
p. 114. Of course, even legally conscientious author- [2008] UKHL 61, [2009] A.C. 453, HL; R. (Lumba) v.
ities are not equally conscientious in relation to all Secretary of State for the Home Department (JUSTICE
legal rules, as Halliday shows (‘Influence of judicial and another intervening) [2011] UKSC 12, [2011] 2
review’, pp. 114–15). W.L.R. 671, SC.
21 Examples include social security adjudication 32 R. Creyke and J. McMillan, ‘The operation
and Mental Health Review Tribunals in the UK. of judicial review in Australia’, in M. Hertogh and
See J. Baldwin, N. Wikeley and R. Young, Judging S. Halliday (eds), Judicial Review and Bureaucratic
Social Security: The Adjudication of Claims for Impact: International and Interdisciplinary Pers-
Benefit in Britain (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), pectives (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Ch. 2; G. Richardson and D. Machin, ‘Judicial 2004), pp. 161−89, esp. pp.176−82; M. Sunkin,
review and tribunal decision making: a study of K. Calvo and L. Platt, Does Judicial Review Influence
the Mental Health Review Tribunal’, Public Law, the Quality of Local Authority Services? ESRC Public
2000, p. 494. Services Programme, Discussion Paper 801 (2008);
22 L. Bridges, C. Game, O. Lomas, J. McBride L. Platt, M. Sunkin and K. Calvo, Judicial Review
and S. Ranson, Legality and Local Politics (Aldershot: Litigation as an Incentive to Change in Local Authority
Avebury, 1987), pp. 106–11; and on the value of Public Services in England and Wales (Colchester:
legal advice, and its limitations, in avoiding subse- University of Essex Institute for Social & Economic
quent liability, see Porter v. Magill [2001] UKHL 67, Research, 2009).
[2002] 2 WLR 37, HL, at paras. [34]–[40] per Lord 33 S. Halliday, ‘Internal review and administra-
Bingham of Cornhill, [147]–[148] per Lord Scott of tive justice: some evidence and research ques-
Foscote. tions from homelessness decision-making’, Journal
23 C. McCrudden, ‘The Commission for Racial of Social Welfare and Family Law, 2001, 23,
Equality: formal investigations in the shadow of judi- pp. 473−90.
cial review’, in R. Baldwin and C. McCrudden (eds), 34 L. Sossin, ‘The politics of soft law: how judi-
Regulation and Public Law (London: Weidenfeld and cial decisions influence bureaucratic discretion in
Nicolson, 1987), Ch. 11. Canada’, in M. Hertogh and S. Halliday (eds), Judicial
24 See, e.g., M. Kerry, ‘Administrative law and Review and Bureaucratic Impact: International
judicial review: the practical effects of developments and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Cambridge:
over the last twenty-five years on administration in Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 129−60.
central government’, Public Administration, 1986, 35 I. Loveland, Housing Homeless Persons:
64, p. 163; A. Barker, ‘The impact of judicial review: Administrqtive Law and the Administrative Process
perspectives from Whitehall and the courts’, Public (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), Ch. 11; M. Sunkin
Law, 1996, p. 612; Halliday, ‘Influence of judicial and M. Pick, ‘The changing impact of judicial review’
review’, pp. 118–19. Public Law, 2001, pp. 736−62, esp. p. 748.
25 M. Hertogh, ‘Through the eyes of bureau- 36 Hutter, Reasonable Arm of the Law, Chs 4, 5
crats: how front-line officials understand adminis- and 6.
trative justice’, in M. Adler (ed.), Administrative 37 Richardson et al., Policing Pollution, esp. Chs
Justice in Context (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2010), 5 and 6.
pp. 203−25. 38 On the need to see rules in the context of the
26 Manchester City Council v. Pinnock [2010] social organization of the authority, see M. Feldman,
UKSC 45, [2010] 3 W.L.R. 1441, SC. ‘Social limits to discretion’.
27 House of Commons Select Committee on 39 See, e.g., Halliday, ‘Influence of judicial
Public Administration, 12th Report, From Citizen’s review’, at pp. 115, 119.
Charter to Public Service Guarantees: Entitlements 40 M. Sunkin and K. Pick, ‘The changing impact
to Public Services, HC 411 of 2007−08. of judicial review: the Independent Review Service
28 Carltona v. Commissioners of Works [1943] 2 of the Social Fund’, Public Law, 2001, pp. 736−63,
All ER 560. esp. p. 753.

5768_Peters & Pierre-22.indd 358 7/19/2012 11:57:01 AM


41 H.F. Rawlings, ‘Judicial review and the 45 See, e.g., S. Livingstone, ‘The impact of judi-
“control of government”’, Public Administration, cial review in prisons’, in B. Hadfield (ed.), Judicial
1986, p. 135. Review: A Thematic Approach (Dublin: Gill and
42 T. Buck, ‘Judicial review and the discretionary MacMillan, 1995), p. 180.
Social Fund’, in T. Buck (ed.), Judicial Review and 46 See S. James, ‘The political and administrative
Social Welfare (London: Frances Pinter, 1998). consequences of judicial review’, Public Admin-
43 This is particularly likely to be the case in istration, 1996, 74, p. 613; A. Le Sueur, ‘The judicial
respect of public interest challenges: as to which, see review debate: from partnership to friction’, Govern-
C. Harlow, ‘Public law and popular justice’, Modern ment and Opposition, 1996, 31, p. 8; A.H. Hammond,
Law Review, 2002, 65, pp. 1–18. ‘Judicial review: the continuing interplay between
44 D. Feldman, ‘Judicial review: a way of con- law and policy’, Public Law, 1998, p. 34.
trolling government?’, Public Administration, 1988, 47 See, e.g., Halliday, ‘Influence of judicial
66, p. 21. review’, pp. 120–1.

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Politics and Administration

edited by Carl Dahlström

The reach of her administration limits every are in such a dichotomy model, structured by
ruler. It does not matter if it is an autocratic hierarchical subordination of administration.
or democratic regime; if it concerns requests Metaphorically, one could say that politics is
from a monarch or a democratically elected the mind, while administration is the body of
prime minister. Without control of a reason- government. The dichotomy model thus
ably effective administration, decisions will holds that policy decisions are made in the
not be implemented, and ruler’s policy political sphere, with strict neutrality for the
choices are ‘… nothing but a wish’ (Greif administration.
2008: 18). The relationship between politics The dichotomy model is often associated
and administration is therefore at the heart with classical writings by public adminis-
of government. tration scholars in the United States, such
In a completely efficient system, harmony as Woodrow Wilson’s ‘The Study of
between politics and administration is perfect, Administration’ (1887) and Frank Goodnow’s
but there are many reasons why this never Politics and Administration (1900). Some
occurs in the real world. Implementation administrative historians have, however,
problems are obviously parts of the explana- argued that Wilson and Goodnow had a much
tion, but these issues are dealt with in other more nuanced view of politics and adminis-
parts of this Handbook. Part 7 will instead tration relations than was later attributed to
concentrate on equally important issues con- them (Svara 1998; see also Simon 1947 for
nected to politics and administration rela- an early critique of the model).
tions, including questions of political control, Most administrative scholars today see the
bureaucratic politics, and structural design. dichotomy model as unrealistic, and would
Even though empirical studies have probably agree that it is safer to assume that
denounced it time and time again, thinking the roles of politicians and administrators are
around politics and administration often starts fuzzy and that tensions between politics and
from a dichotomy with very distinct tasks administration therefore are unavoidable
for politicians and administrators, respec- (Peters 2001). There are several reasons for
tively. Politics and administration relations this. First, politics and administration are

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interdependent. Policy choices are, for exam- of public administration have for a long
ple, not developed exclusively in the political time been aware of the disadvantage rulers
sphere, but are also influenced directly by have to their administration when, for exam-
policy advice from the administration and ple, it comes to information and expertise.
indirectly by the capabilities of the adminis- ‘t Hart and Wille describe how the adminis-
tration (Heclo 1974). Second, the structure trators sometimes use discretion to make
of the administration is, among other things, policy, which in their words ‘… gives the
a product of political struggles. Some politi- administration a political quality’, and they
cal forces might even intentionally want to describe the different forms bureaucratic
create an inefficient administration (if they politics can take.
do not sympathize with the political goals of Before entering the chapters, the reminder
the majority in a democratic system) (Moe of this Introduction will be used to briefly
1989). Third, the administration (or, more outline how politics influence administration
realistically, parts of it, such as for example, and vice versa. The next section describes
strong agencies) might have goals of its own two different ways in which politicians might
that do not always harmonize with the goals try to control the administration: through
of the ruler. The administration might, for recruitments and structural design. That sec-
example, want more autonomy or bigger tion is followed by a discussion of how
budgets (Niskanen 1971). All this does not administrations influence politics. The exam-
make the relationship between politics and ples discussed here include expertise and one
administration less important, but certainly form of bureaucratic politics (budgets). In the
less straightforward and more dynamic than concluding section some insights from
sometimes portrayed. the politics and administration research field
The chapters in this section will address are summarized.
politics and administration relations from
three angles. In Chapter 25, Andrew B.
Withford discusses effects and causes of
structural design, and suggests that structure HOW POLITICS INFLUENCES
is a ‘bridge’ between politics and administra- ADMINISTRATION
tion. Drawing on the US experience, he clas-
sifies theories of how structure influences There are many ways in which political lead-
administrative behavior in three categories: ers can influence agencies or other parts
‘structure as procedures’; ‘structure as politi- of the public administration, but I will exam-
cal choice’; and ‘structure as agenda’. In Luc ine only two of them. These two, therefore,
Rouban’s Chapter 24, one controversial but only serve as examples. All means of politi-
widespread method of influence of the cal control should, however, be understood
administration is analyzed: namely, politici- against the backdrop of the constitutional
zation of the civil service. He describes how legitimacy for the political institutions. The
politicization of the civil service has evolved relationship between politics and adminis-
and its consequences, with examples mainly tration is structured around the formal supe-
from Europe and North America. Rouban riority for political institutions, such as the
distinguishes between different types of parliament and the government, in relation to
politicization, such as the participation of the public administration. As Withford notes
civil servants in the policy process, partisan in his chapter, it would be unrealistic to
control of recruitments to the administration, ignore this hierarchical relationship. This
and political activities by civil servants in sometimes gives the upper hand to political
unions and as voters. In Chapter 23, Paul leaders and is, as B. Guy Peters (2001: 237)
‘t Hart and Anchrit Wille discuss what is often notes; ‘perhaps the ultimate weapon at
referred to as bureaucratic politics. Students the disposal of political institutions …’.

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The reason for discussing recruitments and private offices, so-called ministerial cabinets,
structure, rather than legitimacy is that most which duplicate civil service functions and
research on politics and administration rela- give ministers a political apparatus to turn to
tions tries to go beyond the formal relation- for advice (Brans, Pelgrims and Hoet 2006).
ship, and it is results from these studies that There are, however, also examples where
we shall explore further. political appointments are used directly
within the civil service. In Europe this is
most common in the Continental countries.
Recruitments Widespread and direct substitution of civil
servants can be found in Southern European
The question of who controls careers for countries like Italy, Portugal and Spain, but
civil servants and other public sector employ- are even more common on the African conti-
ees has engaged public administration nent and in Asian countries such as Japan and
scholars since the nineteenth century, as well India (Painter and Peters 2010).
as international organizations such as the Politicians want to control the careers of
Organization for Economic Co-operation and civil servants for many reasons, and I shall
Development (OECD) and the World Bank. point to two common motives identified by
As Rouban explains in his chapter, partisan Rouban. The first motive is more legitimate
control of recruitments and promotions of than the other. In a democratic society,
civil servants is the most common under- elected politicians have a legitimate interest
standing of politicization of the civil service. in controlling what government organiza-
(It is, however, not the only understanding of tions do. From a politician’s point of view,
politicization, as Rouban also describes.) having party loyalists in agencies, for exam-
Generally, there are two methods of ple, secures that policies are not changed, or
imposing political control over the civil in any other way obstructed, on the way from
service using political appointments. The decision to implementation. The basic idea is
most common method in the Western world that neutral competence is not the only
is not to directly replace civil servants with important virtue of the civil service in a
political appointees, but rather to add a layer democratic society. The neutrality should be
of political appointees to the civil service complemented by responsiveness to demo-
(see Lewis 2008 and Light 1995 on the US cratically elected leaders. From this point of
experience). Political appointees within this view, political control, even if it is imposed
new layer take on advisory, public relation, by politicization of the civil service, could
or managerial functions, that could otherwise therefore very well be advocated.
have been carried out by the civil service. The second motive has more to do with
In some cases, for example during the patronage, and is generally seen as less
Blair government in the UK, political appoin- legitimate. Politicians, in both democratic
tees mix these roles and serve as ‘spin and autocratic societies, depend on loyal sup-
doctors’ involved in policy-making pro- porters. One way of buying support is obvi-
cesses, the implementation of policies, and ously to provide goods to supporters, and if
in public relations (Smith 2011). The sys- the government controls civil service careers
tem with a layer of political appointees has a this is one important goods. As Rouban notes
long tradition in the United States, histori- there are several examples of this, both his-
cally rooted in the so-called ‘spoils-system’, torically and today, and both in the Western
where party loyalists fill important functions world and in developing countries.
in the executive branch and in federal agen- The use of political control of civil service
cies (Lewis 2008). Another example of a careers has been much criticized. In the
similar strategy is found in Belgium, where British and US context of the nineteenth
ministers in the government have large and twentieth centuries the main issue was

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the competence of civil servants. Influential As already mentioned, in Chapter 25,

reformers thought that, with a professional Whitford distinguishes among three ways of
and meritocratically recruited civil service, a understanding the role of structure. Maybe
more efficient public administration would the most straightforward of them is what
be created (Goodnow 1900; Northcote and Whitford calls ‘structure as political choice’,
Trevelyan 1853; Wilson 1887). Recent com- and I will therefore use it as an example
parative studies have also shown that in here. This analytic idea has been forcefully
countries with a higher degree of meritocratic advocated by Terry Moe, and is very well
recruitment the economic growth is higher captured in his chapter ‘The Politics of
and the corruption is lower (Dahlström, Bureaucratic Structure’ (Moe 1989). In the
Lapuente and Teorell 2011; Evans and Rauch first sentence he states: ‘American public
1999; Rauch and Evans 2000). bureaucracy is not designed to be efficient’
(Moe 1989: 267). According to Moe, its
structure is, instead, the product of layers of
power games between politicians, adminis-
trators and interest groups. Moe argues that
Administrative structure is a broad concept. since everyone in this process is uncertain
As Withford points out, there are many ways of the political realities of tomorrow and
of analyzing what structure is, and what has to compromise to some extent, efficiency
structure does. However, generally, structure is not the guiding principle for design.
refers to the way the relations both between Uncertainty, among other things, makes win-
politics and administration and within differ- ners want to protect their achievements by
ent parts of the administration are organized. insulating the administration from politics in
For example, it considers if administrators the future, which is one strategic motive for
are insulated from politics (in agencies, for one specific administrative structure, and
example), or if they are parts of a ministerial political compromise includes opponents
organization with political ‘bosses’. Or, if a who obstruct policy implementation by crip-
policy area is ‘owned’ by one or several pling the administration: for example, by
agencies. opposing strong central agencies and clear
We should probably not think of the design policy goals.
of administrative structures as the product of The structure of administration is impor-
one – or even a small number of – distinctive tant since it has policy effects. When conclud-
decisions. With few exceptions, it is rather a ing his chapter in this Handbook, Whitford
product of incremental processes, including describes how structure affects policy both
strategic decisions, negotiations between directly and indirectly. The effect is direct
actors involved in both politics and adminis- in the implementation process, but structure
tration, and pure chance. It is therefore futile also indirectly affects policy as politicians
to look for one master plan behind the take the existing structure into account when
administrative structure. they are suggesting new policies.
However, it is as problematic to analyze
the administrative structure, disregarding
strategic motives. Without trying to under-
stand the strategic reasons for different parts HOW ADMINISTRATIONS
of the design, we can understand neither its INFLUENCE POLITICS
function nor its causes. It seems fairly clear
that politicians and administrators as well as If constitutional legitimacy is the ‘ultimate
interest groups, to some degree, try to use weapon’ (Peters 2001: 237) available for
the design of the administration in order to politicians, information is probably the most
fulfill their own interests. important advantage bureaucrats have in

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relation to the political sphere. It is part of information advantage that they can use
the role of public servants to have knowledge when bargaining the budget. The most impor-
of specific policy areas, or concerning spe- tant parts of the information advantage are
cific organizations, while most politicians that administrators know the true cost of
are generalists. It was this observation that, ‘production’ as well as the politicians’
already at the beginning of the twentieth demand for their services, while politicians
century, made Max Weber conclude that: do not know the true production costs and
‘… the power position of a fully developed have, at least not in a traditionally organized
bureaucracy is always overtowering’ (Weber administration, no other supplier to turn to.
1998: 232). One does not need to agree The information asymmetry will make it
with Weber’s drastic conclusion that the easy for an administration to create ‘slack’ in
administration will always be the stronger every budget, which will therefore diverge
part, to realize the importance of informa- from the optimal budget.
tion. I will discuss two examples where Although influential, this perspective on
actors from the public administration might public administration in general and on the
use the information advantage. The first con- budgetary process in particular has been
cerns bureaucratic politics, and I will mainly much criticized. Scholars who sympathize
use what ‘t Hart and Wille label ‘budgetary with the basic perspective have for example
politics’ as an example. The second example criticized Niskanen (1971) for exaggerating
is closer to policy making and the examples the information advantage for the administra-
have more to do with policy expertise of the tion and not taking monitoring devices avail-
administration. able for politicians into account (see Bendor
and Moe 1985 for their important critique).
Aiming more at the foundations of the model,
public administration scholars have ques-
Bureaucratic politics
tioned the basic assumptions. ‘t Hart and
‘t Hart and Wille define bureaucratic politics Wille give several examples in their chapter,
as a way of understanding different parts of but the most important one is probably how
the executive branch as ‘… stakeholders in realistic it is to assume that agencies, or to be
their own right’. From this perspective, the more specific, bureau chiefs in the agencies,
interests of, for example, different agencies, have an interest in maximizing their budget.
departments or political officials affect both Peters (2001) points to several reasons why
policy making and implementation. bureau chiefs do not wish for larger budgets.
Scholars from public administration and According to Peters, larger budgets will only
economics, associated with the public choice lead to larger agencies, with more manage-
perspective, have advocated a view of agen- rial problems for those at the top, and he
cies and other parts of the public administra- therefore concludes that the interest for those
tion as organizations interested in maximizing individuals managing the agency – and bar-
budgets, mostly in order to create ‘slack’ for gaining the budget – should be to minimize
the administration. The basic problem personnel problems rather than to maximize
addressed by these scholars is why govern- budgets.
ment – in their view – is so big compared to However, bureaucratic politics is not only
the social optimum. William Niskanen (1971) about budgets, even though it has probably
made a pioneering effort to explain budget- gained the most attention. As ‘t Hart and
ary outcomes from this perspective. He Wille describe in their chapter, it can also be
observed that administrators had the upper about turfs, policies or organizational credits
hand compared to politicians in budgetary and blame. What is common in all of these
processes. The reason for this, according to objectives is that bureaucrats act according to
Niskanen, is that administrators have a huge their interests in a ‘political’ way.

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Expertise in the world with the least number of politi-

cal appointments in the public administra-
With expertise, I refer to accumulated knowl- tion. This puts the politically elected leaders
edge concerning different policy areas or in a situation where top career bureaucrats
organizations. Experts from the public are the only ones outside the party organiza-
administration are often used when govern- tion that they can turn to for advice.
ments or other policy makers suggest new Meritocratically recruited civil servants in
policies. In his chapter, Rouban writes that Denmark therefore play a significant role in
all civil servants are ‘political’ in the sense the policy-making process as advisors
that they take part in political decisions. As (Grønnegard Christensen 2006).
Hugh Heclo (1977) notes, not even political The role as policy experts, regardless how
neutrality for the public administration it is organized, obviously gives the public
implies passivity for administrators. It is in administration an opportunity to influence
fact rather the opposite. Heclo (1977) sug- politics. For example, Rouban points out that
gests that the basic civil service idea requires the involvement in the political process has
that civil servants employed by merit should provided a leeway for interest groups allied
actively express their views on policy pro- with parts of the public administration to
posals. It is thus inevitable that administra- affect the policy process, as was the case in
tors take part in the political processes to Japan during the 1980s, or in the agricultural
some extent, but there are large variations in sector in France today. It is also because it is
how the public administration is involved in organizing the relationship between politi-
political actions. cians, interest groups and administrators that
Generally, the public administrations par- structure is important, which is discussed in
ticipate in three different ways: either directly Whitford’s chapter.
or indirectly in political decisions, or as
advisors to the elected politicians.
One example of a direct involvement is the
Japanese tradition where the civil service CONCLUSION
does not limit its role to policy implementa-
tion or technical advice, but is considered to Politics and administration relations influ-
be powerful in the policy-making process. ence both policy output and policy outcome,
Until the end of the 1990s, top civil servants and are therefore important for anyone
even took part in discussions regarding the seeking to understand a modern state. If
Japanese legislature, the Diet, something that this Introduction has tried to make one
would be unthinkable in most other countries main point, it is that while the two groups
(Nakamura 2001). are distinct enough for it to be relevant to
In Spain, civil servants are indirectly discuss the relationship between them, they
involved in the policy-making process. Spain are not of different nature. Bureaucrats in
traditionally has a close connection between the public administration are also playing
the political and administrative elites. The political games, and politicians try to inter-
political elite is largely recruited from the fere in the administration through, for exam-
Spanish administrative corps (Parrado 2004). ple, recruitments and structural design.
It could therefore be argued that the civil Chapters 23−25 illustrate the different ways
service is involved in the policy-making in which political and administration rela-
process, although not in the same direct way tions have been studied in the past and are
as in Japan. studied today. They give instruments for
A third example, illustrating the advisory analyzing political components in the
functions of the public administration, can be administrative structure and in the way that
found in Denmark. It is one of the countries bureaucrats act.

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Heclo, Hugh (1974) Modern Social Policy in Britain and Centre: Delegating Decisions and Reclaiming
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Bureaucratic Politics: Opening
the Black Box of Executive
Paul ‘t Hart and Anchrit Wille

POLITICS AT THE BACK STAGE (Stern & Verbeek, 1998) − was developed
mainly in the context of foreign and security
Bureaucratic politics, a term that came into policy processes, with the US presidential
use in the late 1960s, has become a staple system in mind. Most of its initial empirical
in the analysis of government and public applications were centred on it (Rourke,
policy. In this perspective an emphasis is 1984; Clifford, 1990; Kaarbo & Gruenfeld,
placed on ‘the process by which people 1998; Kozak & Keagle, 1998; Stern &
inside government bargain with one another Verbeek, 1998), and this tradition continues
on complex public policy questions’ (Destler, today (Smith, 2008). From that stronghold, it
1972: 52; Kaarbo, 1998: 69). Rather than has fanned out to other US policy domains,
being carefully aligned components of the such as natural resources management
executive branch of the state, government (Kunioka & Rothenberg, 1993; Ellison, 2006,
agencies, departments, and office-holders are 2009) and other countries such as Chile
better understood as stakeholders in their (Cleaves, 1975), Canada (Simeon, 1972) and
own right. They all have certain interests China (Lieberthal & Lampton, 1992). In par-
to preserve and policy views to promote. liamentary systems where parliaments are
These priorities, and the conflicts they some- weak in relation to executives, bureaucrats
times spark, influence the formulation and have potentially even more policy-shaping
implementation of policy – not on the front influence; however, for the most part, the
stage of public debate and parliamentary bureaucratic politics approach has played a
discussion but on the back stage of executive comparatively minor role in accounts of
processes. public policy making within those systems
The approach − sometimes also referred (Rosenthal, Geveke & ‘t Hart, 1994). Finally,
to as the governmental politics approach globalization and Europeanization have

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increased the incidence and the salience of A PRIMER ON BUREAUCRATIC

multilevel and intergovernmental politics, POLITICS
creating a niche for studies of bureaucratic
politics at those levels and interfaces (Peters, Theorizing about the role of bureaucratic
1992; Pollack, 2003; Koenig-Archibugi, politics took place in several generations of
2004; Boin & Rhinard, 2008). scholarship (Kaarbo, 1998: 69). The intellec-
The bureaucratic politics approach sug- tual origins of the bureaucratic politics per-
gests that non-elected bureaucrats driven by spective lie in the 1950s when scholars such
divergent views and interests play a pivotal as Roger Hillsman, Richard Neustadt, and
role in the policy process, and that policy Samuel Huntington developed a view that the
choices emanate from opaque interaction and conflicting goals and interests of office-
bargaining among multiple executive actors holders and agencies inside government affect
more so than from deliberation in democrati- its decision-making processes. They began to
cally elected bodies. This raises normative challenge the assumption of classic institu-
questions about political control, bureau- tionalists and system theorists who tended to
cratic accountability and responsiveness, and adhere to what has later been described as a
the legitimation of bureaucratic influence ‘billiard ball model of the state’ as a unitary,
and discretion in a democratic system (see cohesive, purposeful actor. They pointed out
also the other chapters in Part 7 of this that there is a behind government, a complex
Handbook). If government decisions cannot set of informal relationships between the dif-
be traced to individual policy makers but, ferent participants in policy making, in which
rather, result from a ‘many-hands’ process of bargaining, negotiation, pressure and counter
give and take among both elected and une- pressure, debate, persuading, dissuading and
lected leaders, then assigning responsibility coercion, have a prominent place. The result-
and therefore accountability for these activi- ant policy process was one of accommoda-
ties becomes nearly impossible (Bovens, tion, of arranging mutual concessions so as to
1998). Bureaucratic politics, moreover, maximize values gained and minimize sacri-
implies a parochial organization of inter- fice (Payan, 2006: 4).
ests, rather than an overarching national The next generation, in the late 1960 and
interest (Preston & ‘t Hart, 1999: 53). It runs early 1970s, attempted to further specify and
counter to pervasive rationalist conceptions systematize the relationships between
of decision making and challenges the long- bureaucracies and politics and to offer
standing idea of separation between ‘politics’ ‘models’ for understanding policy making.
and ‘administration’. As bureaucratic ‘game Among these scholars were George Appleby,
players’, public servants are prone to act at Norton Long, Aaron Wildavsky, Francis
odds with the Wilsonian/Weberian norm of Rourke, Graham Allison, Morton Halperin
bureaucratic abstention from the ‘hurry and and Guy Peters (Kozak & Keagle, 1998).
strife’ of the political. Their work was funded on the new ‘canons’
This chapter starts with a brief outline of of public administration established by the
the model’s origins and core propositions, fol- ‘giants’ from the first generation. The new
lowed by an overview of the different forms claim was that bureaucracy makes policy
bureaucratic politics might take. It then draws through the exercise of discretion and that
a conceptual map for studying and evaluating the exercise of these responsibilities gives the
bureaucratic politics. Thirdly, it develops administration a political quality.
some tentative propositions to guide the quest Allison’s famous Model III in which he
for an explanation of its incidence and inten- used a governmental politics ‘lens’ to cast
sity. We conclude with an assessment of the a different and compelling light on the
contemporary relevance of the approach Kennedy administration’s handling of the
within the field of Public Administration. Cuban missile crisis has been widely

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discussed and needs no further introduction units occupying similar hierarchical levels.
here. This model, along with contributions It may, in fact, be linked to the exercise of
with and by Morton Halperin (Allison & formal authority by those in superior hierar-
Halperin, 1972; Halperin, 1974), has become chical positions (Child et al., 2010: 111) or
the ‘gold standard’ of the approach. Rosati directed towards the strategic exercise of
(1981: 236ff) extracted from this era four upward influence by players lower down the
descriptive propositions concerning the struc- ladder. Bureaucratic politics involves con-
ture and the process of decision making stant intragovernmental competition for vari-
inside executive government: ous stakes or prizes. Based on work of a
‘third generation’ of scholars on the approach,
• Proposition 1 concerns the composition of the such as Patrick Dunleavy (1991) and Rod
executive branch: in every policy domain, there Rhodes (2011), we discern several forms of
are numerous individuals and organizations with bureaucratic politics according to what is at
various differences in goals and objects. stake: money, turf, policies and programmes,
• Proposition 2 relates to the distribution of power: or organizational credit and blame.
it states that ‘no preponderant individual or
organization exists’.
• Proposition 3 describes the decision-making
process: policy outcomes are a ‘political product’ Budgetary politics
resulting from bargaining between governmental
actors. Wildavsky’s classic study of the budgetary
• Proposition 4 asserts that this process does not process inside government discerned two
stop once a policy has been formally adopted: main roles that officials and agencies played
there are likely to be gaps between policy as in it: they are either ‘guardians’ of the treas-
designed and policy as implemented. ury or ‘advocates’ of programme spending.
Guardians and advocates interact in a com-
Bureaucratic politics scholars took a reso- plementary way and their roles are to be
lutely pluralistic view of the politics that understood as a whole, their interactions cre-
went on inside government: influence was ating a stable pattern of mutual expectations
dispersed, no actor was dominant, and deci- which tend to reduce the burden of calcula-
sions emerged by compromise. The idea tions for budget participants:
that – like in the macropolitical arena – some
Administrative agencies act as advocates of
actors might be consistently more powerful increased expenditure, and central control organs
than others, a view espoused by many stu- function as guardians of the treasury. Each expects
dents of power, was never really explored. To the other to do its job; agencies can advocate,
students of the executive politics of, for knowing the centre will impose limits, and the
centre can exert control, knowing that agencies
example, parliamentary systems, this plural-
will push expenditures as hard as they can. Thus
ist flavour is odd. In their world it is almost a roles serve as calculating mechanisms (Wildavsky,
given that some government departments – 1975: 7).
Treasury, the Prime Minister’s office – are
more equal than others, and that some depart- Niskanen (1971) proposed an equally
ments routinely maximize their internal classical rational choice variant of bureau-
influence by virtue of their strong alignment cratic politics which he called the ‘budget-
with powerful sectoral lobbies – trade unions, maximizing model’. Each bureau or
farmers, organized business and, more agency (or other governmental subdivision)
recently, environmentalist coalitions − whose continually strives to maximize its budget
views Cabinet cannot afford to ignore. More and its authorized manpower, as well as to
generally, the politicking inside government protect or extend its operating autonomy and
does not necessarily limit itself to pulling discretion in decision making in the area of
and hauling between people or organizational its assigned responsibilities. The higher is

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their budget, the higher is the utility of the jurisdiction: agriculture versus environment,
bureaucrats. Bureaucratic agencies are in navy versus army, foreign affairs versus
competition with each other for budget shares international development, local versus
and for personnel allocations as well as for national police, preventative versus curative
gaining responsibility for spicy new pro- health, crime-fighting versus community
grammes. Often this can be achieved by lob- policing arms of law enforcement. This
bying for an expansion of the scope of the implies that the bureaucratic politics perspec-
bureau’s responsibilities. Niskanen claimed tive could be especially relevant to study the
that rational bureaucrats thereby perversely genesis of policy and administrative reforms
contribute to state growth and increased (Bowornwathana & Oocharoen, 2010).
public expenditure. Building upon Downs’s (1967) unsurpass-
More salient perhaps to the current climate able pioneering effort, Dunleavy’s (1991)
of fiscal contraction was Dunsire and Hood’s bureau-shaping hypothesis offers a theoreti-
(1989) study of cutback management. When cal account of the process (see also Bendor &
the money has run out and bureaucrats are Moe, 1985). He posits that bureaucrats seek
told by their political masters to put the to maximize their preferences for their core
brakes on public spending, they likewise budgets based on their wish for certain
compete among themselves on how to dis- kinds of work. Bureaucrats have preferences
tribute the pain. In the ensuing battles some for intellectually stimulating, innovative,
departments are more vulnerable to major low-cost policy advice work; they eschew
fiscal squeezes because of what they do and management responsibilities for routine and/
how they do it. Moreover, internal rivalries or risky administrative work. Officials are
and power games between bureaucracies likely to pursue individual and collective
explain how cuts on spending and staffing bureau strategies to realize these preferences,
are not developed equally across the board particularly the use of contracting and pass-
but more as target cuts on selected areas. ing on work to other parties within the execu-
tive (such as arms-length agencies), major
internal reorganizations to promote policy
work over service delivery and regulatory
Turf politics
activities, transformations of internal work
Bureaucratic actors do not simply maximize practices, redefinition of relations with exter-
their budgets; what they are after most of all nal partners to enhance policy contacts, com-
is work that they prefer to do. Accordingly, petition with other bureaus to protect the
they attempt to maximize their competences scope of interesting work, load shedding, and
by acquiring and protecting ‘turf’ – man- hiving off and contracting out functions
dates, autonomy and networks (Dunleavy, which are seen as undesirable (Dunleavy,
1991). Bureaucrats have institutional self- 1991: 203−4).
interests based upon ‘where they sit’ in terms
of their task allocation, technical expertise
and alignment with external parties (Allison Silo politics
& Zelikow, 1999; Preston & ‘t Hart, 1999;
Ellison, 2009). Turf politics explains how Silos, politics, and turf wars are often men-
bureaus or departments are more motivated tioned in the same breath. Silo politics is,
to carefully guard their own fief than to con- however, sector-centred. It points to a lack of
tribute dispassionately to reasoned analysis desire or motivation to coordinate (at worst,
of how to achieve the public good, (or, as even communicate) between entities within
some would argue, even the government of the or among organizations whose collaboration
day’s policy intentions). Tales of entrenched, is needed to effectively address policy issues
protracted and quite often dysfunctional turf that transcend the mandates and resources
wars can be found within virtually every of any single one of them. Bureaucratic

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silos feature the politics of localized policy agency heads, cronies and sometimes even
frames, segmented problem-solving exper- spouses − all vying for president’s attention
tise, bureau-centred advocacy coalitions, and and support. In parliamentary systems it
functional managers anxious to protect their focuses on the inner circles around prime
own fiefdoms. When silo subsystems’ drives ministers and Cabinet Ministers, and often
to enhance their specific contributing func- involves jockeying among different types
tions is allowed to prevail, this impedes of ministerial advisers, and between those
policy coordination and blocks the flows of advisers and senior bureaucrats. As the
information needed to make full use of number and clout of political advisers to
organizational capabilities. Wilensky’s (1967) ministers has increased in many parliamen-
classic study already pointed to the risks of tary systems in recent decades, the incidence
specialization in and between organizations; and importance of the latter type of courts
the message was driven home in a devastat- politics has increased correspondingly
ing way decades later by the 9/11 investiga- (Eichbaum & Shaw, 2007; Savoie, 2008).
tion. More widely, policy implementation In the pursuit of power and preferred poli-
processes are subject to continued adjust- cies, office-holders treat their offices or
ment and revision, owing to needs to select bureaus as instrument of their ambition
particular (mixes of) organizationally rooted (‘t Hart & Rosenthal, 1998). The role of
policy instruments and align the activities these courtiers is to provide advice, and they
of multiple service delivery nodes (Pressman need to be able to sense emerging political
& Wildavsky, 1984; Salamon, 2002; Hill crises and to have an intuitive sense of what
& Hupe, 2009). This is compounded when is required to get things done (Savoie, 2008).
actors lower in the hierarchy engage in Political skills rather than bureaucratic skills
political agitation from below that is prima- are important: ‘the ability to know when to
rily about identity and selfhood rather than proceed, when to delay, when to be bold, and
achieving policy outcomes (Brower & when to be prudent; to sense a looming
Abolafia, 1997). political crisis; to navigate through a multi-
tude of horizontal processes and networks ...
these have come to matter a great deal’
(Savoie, 2008: 229). In court politics there is
Court politics
a shift from formal hierarchy and decision
The court politics metaphor refers to making (in Cabinet and the civil service) to
differentiation and competition between dif- informal process involving only a handful of
ferent (clusters of) advisers to senior govern- actors. This form of bureaucratic politics
ment leaders, as well as to dynamics of the takes place in more fluid relationships, pro-
resultant interaction between leaders and viding quick and inventive access to the
their advisory groups. The Commissioners’ levers of power, with the aim to get things
cabinets in the EU Commission, the Privy done, to see results, to manage the news and
Council Office in Canada, and the Cabinet the media, and the political-bureaucratic
Office in Britain are all important nodes environment (Rhodes, 2011).
of court politics (Rhodes et al., 2009; Wille,
2013). The term itself has been revived by
Savoie (2008) and Rhodes (2011) but the Accountability politics
phenomenon has been the subject of intense
study since Machiavelli (e.g. Janis, 1982; Accountability politics relates to the ques-
Meltsner, 1988; Preston & ‘t Hart, 1999; tions of responsibility, answerability, and
Lord, 2003; Keohane, 2010). In presiden- sanctions as executive performance gets
tial systems, court politics is concentrated evaluated by institutional watchdogs and in
among top-level appointed officials such the court of public opinion. Particularly
as senior advisers and Cabinet secretaries, when things go conspicuously wrong, the

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allocation of blame can become a major con- examining of the key players, structures, and
cern for public officials and agencies. Some mechanisms in that process; an eye for the
argue that the entire design of administrative inter-organizational and intra-organizational
structures can be analysed in terms of the settings; and an interest in how this all influ-
anticipation of unpleasant accountability ences the policy formulation. The basic unit
encounters − i.e. as blame avoidance (Hood, of analysis is the behaviour of and interaction
2002) and as the provision of lightning rods between key individuals working inside the
(Ellis, 1994) – although, conversely, claim- ‘core executive’ (Rhodes & Dunleavy, 1995)
ing credit in the event of high-profile policy and even between players inside particular
successes can also occur (McConnell, 2010). organizational units within that executive
Accountability politics centres on reputa- (Child et al., 2010: 108). It requires informa-
tions. Bureau-political ‘blame games’ mean tion on what bureaucrats do and think, includ-
that executive actors will attempt to mini- ing Machiavellian manoeuvres they won’t be
mize political risk by attributing compro- keen to advertise. As Allison (1971) argued,
mised policy outcomes that cannot be in searching for an understanding of how a
explained away by referring to overwhelm- strategic decision was reached, one has to
ing exogenous forces to the influence of put oneself in the place of the various par-
other officials or bureaus, the lack of ade- ticipants and pay attention to the strategic
quate resourcing of their own agencies, or – dimensions of relations within and across
more risky – the distorting influence of their government organizations.
political masters (Bovens & ‘t Hart, 1999). This task is helped by having some kind
Governing through complex organization of roadmap to grasp a phenomenon that is
and networks has made accountability much both contested and elusive (Michaud, 2002).
more complex. There is no single, standard, A key starting point is to recognize that
formal process for establishing policy or bureaucratic politics can take different forms,
coming to decisions, so that it has been that it can occur with different levels of
extremely difficult to hold these processes intensity, and that (consequently) its effects
and the ‘decision makers’ to account. Political on the quality of policy making are variable
decisions made by ministers or heads of state (and not uniformly negative, as many of its
are developed and implemented by lower standard critiques assert). To capture this
bureaucrats, departmental units or agencies, variety, Rosenthal et al. (1991) and Preston
or even by organizations and actors outside and ‘t Hart (1999) have modelled bureau-
the government. Legal notions of ‘collective cratic politics as a multidimensional cluster
responsibility’ and the often complex causal of structure and process variables. Extending
diagnoses presented by post-mortem inquir- their work, we present the following map
ies imply a certain indeterminacy, which of the basic ingredients of a bureaucratic
makes it difficult to assign responsibility for politics ‘game’:
error to a particular individual (Bovens,
1998), thus opening the door to an internal • Arena structure: an indication of the number of
politics of ducking and running for cover actors that have access to the venues or chan-
among politicians and bureaucrats alike. nels and decision structures in which policies
or choices are regularly made. The number of
bureaucratic actors involved in the policy-making
arena can vary, and this affects the number of
interests and perspectives contending for policy
BUREAUCRATIC POLITICS • Issue structure: an indication of the positioning
of the interests or views of these actors vis-à-vis
Analysing bureaucratic politics requires a the issues at hand. The institutional or organiza-
detailed breakdown of the policy process: an tional affiliation of those actors make that they

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can have more or less diverging and conflicting bureau-political manoeuvring, and the degree
interests. They may be involved in single-shot or to which this produces temporal slippage (time
ongoing coordination games with one another. gaps and delays between decision making and
• Power structure: an indication of the strength of actual implementation) and content slippage
the power relationships between these actors. (e.g. post-decisional modification of the content
Governments are loosely held together alliances of the policy) of the official policy.
where power relationships may be diffuse. No
individual organization is preponderant over the
Table 23.1 summarizes the different dimen-
others all the time; and no one actor has overrid-
sions of bureaucratic politics. In any particu-
ing influence. Influence varies: some institutional
hierarchies and networks are fluid, others are lar policy process each of these characteristics
more solidly crystallized. may occur to a greater or lesser degree.
• Outcome structure: actors may be politically or It should be noted that even with such a
operationally more or less required to cooperate systematic conceptual and normative frame-
with one another even in areas of disagreement. work as guidance, bureaucratic politics
When tightly coupled action is necessary, the remains notoriously difficult to study and
stakes of the coordination game are higher. evaluate.
• Process climate: an indication of the degree to The fact that the ‘temperature’ of bureau-
which the process varies between more collabo- cratic politics can vary has important norma-
rative or more competitive forms of interaction.
tive implications. On the one hand, there is
The policy-making process is fundamentally a
extreme bureau-political ‘cold’ where there
political process. The various individuals and
organizations negotiate, bargain, accommodate, is a fast, firm, and entrenched consensus
comprise, and give and take in the direction of between a fairly limited set of players.
their policy preferences. Interaction is character- This increases the likelihood of policy pathol-
ized by continuous ‘pulling and hauling’ and ogies associated with a lack of rigorous and
bargaining between (clusters of) actors. balanced vetting of assumptions underpin-
• Resolution modality: decisions are reached by ning preferred policies, even when such
bargaining, negotiation, coalition formations, policies begin to fail in implementation
and compromise building between different par- (see Janis, 1989; ‘t Hart, 1994, 1998; Preston
ties (individuals or organizations). This com- & ‘t Hart, 1999). On the other end, there is
promise formation can vary in time (from slow
extreme bureau-political ‘heat’ of ongoing
to fast); in the degree to which the relevant
politicking between a large number of irrec-
stakeholders (feel) represented in this process of
give and take; and in the degree to which differ- oncilably opposed parties that risks policy
ent parties accept the outcome being sensitive to deadlock or forced imposition of tie-breaking
their ideas and interests. solutions that will continue to be fought
• Post-resolution outcome: the extent to which the by the losing sides during the implementa-
implementation of decisions involves continued tion process, risking major policy slippage

Table 23.1 Climates in bureaucratic politics − empirical dimensions

Bureau-political consensus seeking Bureau-political confrontation
(potentially ‘too cold’) (potentially ‘too hot’)
Arena structure: No. of actors Limited High
Issue structure: distribution of interests Aligned Opposed
Power structure: distribution of clout Unicentric Polycentric
Outcome structure: need for alignment Loosely coupled Tightly coupled
Process climate Cooperative Competitive
Process Resolution modality Consensual Imposed
Game outcome: policy slippage Low High
Source: adapted from Preston & ‘t Hart (1999) and from Rosenthal et al. (1991).

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through bureaucratic rearguard warfare (even The numerous criticisms lodged at bureau-
against the intent of their political masters). cratic politics have stunted the growth of this
Although not shown in Table 23.1, it fol- area of research. Despite a steady stream of
lows from this analysis that there is also a mostly single-case study accounts within a
theoretical optimum of ‘moderately warm’ growing number of jurisdictions and sectors,
bureaucratic politics that features helpful relatively little analytical progress has
levels of diversity, disagreement, and com- occurred since the mid-1970s (Kaarbo, 1998:
promise formation. When moderate levels of 70). This has led critics like Welch (1998:
bureaucratic politics occur − or are actively 210) to argue that the approach ‘has not led
stage-managed by chief executives (Janis, to an accumulation of useful knowledge of
1982; George & Stern, 2003) − the virtues of the kind to which its pioneers aspired.’ We
pluralism and competitiveness within the echo this sentiment, but support Juliet
executive branch lead to well-vetted and Kaarbo’s (1998: 72) observation that it is
flexibly implemented policies, produced by time to revive and update the bureaucratic
ongoing yet respectful deliberation that politics perspective, because ‘it offers not
allows for clarification of values and testing only a much needed alternative view of ...
of assumptions: in short, policy-oriented policy making, but also an opportunity for
learning. integration of the bureaucratic politics
perspectives with other theoretical perspec-
tives’ (e.g. group dynamics, inter-group
relations, and institutional design). ‘t Hart
MOVING THE BUREAUCRATIC and Rosenthal (1998: 236) note that bureau-
POLITICS APPROACH ALONG cratic politics may be a useful ‘middle range’
or mid-level hypothesis that provides the
The existing literature to date has considera- right ‘kind of balance between explanatory
bly less to say when it comes to explaining scope and in-depth process knowledge
the forms and intensities bureaucratic politics required or policy-relevant insight into
might take (except for largely deductive manipulable variables.’ In this spirit, we offer
rational choice accounts such as Bendor and a fresh set of empirical propositions for
Moe, 1985, which remain largely untested). further research:
Existing models that attempt to do so have
1 The more veto points within an administrative
drawn criticism for their lack of parsimony
system, the higher the likelihood of ‘bureaucratic
and the difficulty of putting their complexity
confrontation’ (high-intensity forms of bureau-
to the test. Allison’s Model III has, for exam- cratic politics) within that system (Bendor & Moe,
ple, been dismissed as an analytical grab 1985; Peters, 1998, 2009). Simply put, the larger
bag (Bendor & Hammond, 1992: 302; Burke, the number of players required to make decisions
2009: 508), failing to specify assumptions or achieve a unified government stance, the
and produce testable hypothesis. Moreover, bigger the need for actors within the system to
what many see as the analytical core of the be proactive administrative politicians engaged
bureaucratic politics approach, the maxim in coalition-building.
that ‘Where you stand depends on where 2 Dominant and opinionated political leader-
you sit’ − called Miles’ Law after the Truman- ship fosters bureau-political consensus in the
executive branch; consensual and open-minded
era bureaucrat who coined the phrase − has
leadership fosters bureau-political confrontation
been derided for its narrow view of prefer-
(‘t Hart, 1994; Preston & ‘t Hart, 1999). This prop-
ence formation and for assuming too close a osition rests on considerable evidence from the
fit between roles and positions and for ignor- study of advisory systems and group dynamics
ing the images and beliefs that are shared inside government. Bureaucrats are programmed
across role positions (‘t Hart & Rosenthal, to seek and adopt a strong steer from their politi-
1998). cal masters. As long as these political masters

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know and articulate clear priorities and policy of system-wide loyalty and convivial collegial-
preferences, and are able to secure sufficient ity among the members of a classical senior
political backing for them (with the President, in executive service, who rotate frequently across
Cabinet, in the legislature, among peak bodies), departments, whose socialization now is focused
ambiguity is reduced, the space and appetite for on the administrative system as a whole and
bureaucratic discretion constructed, and thus not their particular parts, and who are mostly
the scope for bureaucratic politics limited. This set for an entire working life inside the public
is radically different when the political executive service (even though they may be working on
is weak in terms of priority-setting, policy prefer- limited-term contracts). Unlike their counterparts
ences, and ability to deliver the goods politically. in spoils systems, this ‘professionalized’ caste of
This creates a vacuum that bureaucrats will need upper mandarins is more likely to ‘see the big
to fill, if only to prevent their territory from being picture’ and ‘get along’ than to engage in no-
encroached upon by colleagues who are lucky holds-barred competitive points scoring for their
enough to be serving a strong and ambitious own departments. Lower down the hierarchy,
political leader. this is not the case: the attachment to the policy
3 Bureau-political confrontation is more likely to substance is bigger, the sense of perspective
occur on issues with relatively low levels of smaller, and the ties with sectoral experts and
political involvement (Rosati, 1981; ‘t Hart & interests stronger, combined with the desire for
Rosenthal, 1998). This proposition assumes that career advancement through being seen to be
bureaucrats are responsive to politicians and capable of achieving conspicuous ‘wins’ for the
public pressures. When issues are very ‘hot’ department.
and managed hands-on by the political stratum,
bureaucrats will get on with the job and forge
workable compromises between themselves
Propositions remain ruthless simplifications
quickly in order to ‘deliver’. Conversely, when of what for the most part are complex, vari-
issues are both materially and politically incon- egated, and ambiguous administrative sys-
sequential, there are few incentives – at least tems and processes. Perhaps the aim to
for senior bureaucrats – to engage in the energy- develop causal generalizations – let alone an
sapping game of bureaucratic politics. It then explanatory theory – about bureaucratic poli-
follows logically that the likelihood and inten- tics is not the most helpful stance to take for
sity of bureau-politics are at their highest with students of public administration in the first
regard to issues that their political masters do place. It might be more fruitful to take an
not attend to very much but that neverthe- interpretive stance, penetrate the real-world
less are important enough to the bureaucrats
realities of administrative budgeting, coordi-
themselves in terms of turf, budget, and policy
nation, project management, and policy prep-
4 The forms and intensity of bureaucratic politics aration in the richest possible ways to help us
varies between systems with or without ‘spoils understand how participants in what we have
systems’. In contemporary parliamentary sys- come to think of as ‘bureaucratic politics’
tems with Westminster/Weberian administrative make sense of what they do, and why they do
systems, bureaucratic politics is more likely to it, rather than impute fairly simplistic moti-
occur at the bottom and middle levels of the vations and behavioural propensities about
bureaucracy than at the top; in US-style presi- them. This latter approach will almost cer-
dential systems with spoils systems, bureaucratic tainly generate more readily recognizable
politics is equally likely to occur at all hierarchical and teachable knowledge to future and cur-
levels, but its intensity is likely to be highest at
rent administrators. That said, there is no need
the very top. The spoils system routinely infuses
a large number of political appointees into
to choose between these different analytical
ostensibly administrative positions. This not only and methodological stances. The field of
blurs the boundaries between the two types of Public Administration is best served by efforts
public officials but also provides those appoint- to penetrate what goes on inside the executive
ees with a short-term, partisan achievement branch proceeding along both tracks and in
motivation that differs markedly from the norms constant dialogue with one another.

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Politicization of the Civil Service
Luc Rouban

The politicization of the civil service has officials have mainly been studied in a
been the subject of considerable debate in very broad manner by theories of political
Western democracies for at least the past development that attempt to explain the his-
two centuries. The matter is of particular torical dynamics which led to the building of
importance in the eyes of both civil servants modern nation-states or democratic regimes
and theorists of the state. For civil servants (i.e., Shils, 1960). But these very ambitious
at the start of the twenty-first century, politi- and often disputable theories have devoted
cization represents a threat to their pro- no attention to administrative sociology. On
fessional status and the strategic balance the other hand, the public policy analysis lit-
that has gradually been achieved between erature has brought to light the underlying
public administration and politics. For theo- political arrangements of government pro-
rists, politicization implies taking into con- grams in the welfare state. Unfortunately,
sideration all dimensions of bureaucratic the frontiers between academic disciplines
activity. In fact, public administration is, in have caused public policy analysis to leave
the broad sense, a political institution. As research on public administration by the
Charles Levine et al. point out: ‘Since admin- wayside or devote only minor attention to it.
istrative activity invariably affects who The politicization of the civil service is an
gets what from government and cannot be interdisciplinary matter that remains at the
value-free, all of public administration is in exploratory stage at the dawn of the twenty-
a sense political. But different observers see first century. Some epistemological precau-
politics from different viewpoints’ (Levine tions must therefore be taken.
et al., 1990: 103). Today, it is impossible to study the politi-
The scope and complexity of the subject cization of the civil service without taking
explain why there is no general theory or a into account the social evolution, political
major ‘paradigm’ of politicization but instead culture and the history of the various coun-
a series of limited theories that try to handle tries reviewed. Although major constitutional
some of the variables and analyze the case of and political differences exist between the
a few different countries. In political science, United States and Latin America countries
relations between bureaucrats and elected or between European Union and Eastern

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European countries, there are also major status of civil servants may vary considera-
national differences that may differentiate bly. As a result, politicization can be on a
countries in the same cultural area or sharing very unequal scale, and especially, may have
similar political regimes. For instance, the a very different meaning from one country to
very nature of the relationship between the another. In a country with a weak administra-
executive branch and senior civil servants is tive tradition, such as Greece, not until the
not the same in Australia, Canada and Great 1990s was any policy decision made to con-
Britain, even if these three countries are part trol the excesses of politicization (Spanou,
of the ‘Westminster system’ (Campbell and 1996). Lastly, politicization can spread
Halligan, 1992). Moreover, the politicization beyond the civil service strictly speaking into
of the civil service is not only a complex the entire public sector, affecting state-owned
phenomenon but also a changeable one that companies, agencies with an ill-defined legal
can evolve over time within a single country. status or even corporations or institutions
For instance, politicization has suddenly working under government contract. The fact
accentuated at a rapid pace in France since that frontiers between public and private sec-
1981, whereas it had remained at a fairly tors have been somewhat blurred as a conse-
low level from 1958 (Rouban, 2001). Any quence of the New Public Management
research on the politicization process should theories and practices since the 1990s allows
include a good assessment of the whole a number of political jobs to be created that
political environment. escape the usual legal or political checks.
Other questions may be pointed out: Is the The subject of politicization therefore
politicization process based on the govern- raises important questions that touch as much
ment will? Is there any kind of a ‘politiciza- on the nature of administrative models as on
tion policy‘? Politicization can be the result the real extent of democracy. The overlap-
of voluntary action, as was long the case in ping of these two registers gives rise to many
totalitarian political regimes, or a systemic clichés and much confusion. All public
effect, as is generally the case in Western administration specialists (see, in particular,
democracies. Sweeping reforms have been Aberbach, Putnam and Rockman, 1981;
enacted in the nineteenth century to control Peters, 1988; Pierre, 1995) agree on the point
the politicization of civil servants in the that the politicization of the civil service can
United States (Civil Service Reform Act of refer to at least three distinct phenomena:
1883) as well as in Britain (Northcote- politicization as civil servant participation in
Trevelyan Report of 1854). It was indeed a political decision making; politicization as
matter of containing a phenomenon that no control over nominations and careers; and
one could or wanted to eradicate totally. The politicization as civil servants’ political
politicization of the civil service could be involvement. These three phenomena can
desirable in the context of the democratiza- occur in combination.
tion of Western political systems, allowing Below, the three dimensions of politiciza-
governments to overcome bureaucratic resist- tion will therefore be studied, as well as
ance. So the questions are: What are the the theoretical and practical questions they
boundaries within which the politicization raise.
process is politically affordable and profita-
ble? And for whom?
Another problem lies in the lack of a pre-
cise definition, not of politicization this time, POLITICIZATION AS PARTICIPATION
but of the civil service. First, Western coun- IN POLITICAL DECISION MAKING
tries do not all use the same defining criteria:
in France, teachers are civil servants, whereas In a first interpretation, politicization is the
they are not in Britain. Second, the legal result of the prevailing balance between the

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political control that governments exercise political neutrality (Hood, 1998). In France,
over the administrative machinery and civil on the other hand, a majority of politicians
servants’ involvement in the definition and both on the Left and the Right have always
implementation of public policy. The politi- been wary of technocracy and what they
cization of the civil service is in this case feel to be the excessive power of graduates
synonymous with participation in political of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration
authority. In this sense, all civil servants are and the Ecole Polytechnique. In Japan, the
‘political’ because they are called upon to senior civil service controlled the entire
carry out political decisions, adapt them and political process up until the 1980s, orient-
explain them: in other words, to accomplish ing economic policy through a tight net-
work of a political nature that obviously is work of influences in the Diet as well as in
not limited to the mere application of legal or industry. In the Japanese case, some
economic rules. The fact that civil servants scholars have mentioned a true ‘iron triangle’
are thinking beings precludes considering interlocking the bureaucracy, the Liberal
them as machines having no freedom of Democratic Party and the major state
judgment. However, there are a whole range enterprises (Johnson, 1982). In the 1990s,
of situations, varying from intelligent inter- state reform thus aimed mainly at reducing
pretation of political decisions depending on the influence of the bureaucracy (Nakamura,
the actual circumstances of implementation 1998). In the aforementioned cases, the
to technocracy: in other words, a sociopoliti- ‘politicization’ of the civil service has only
cal system in which decisions made by involved the senior civil service, whose
bureaucrats replace decisions that should role in public policy making also depends on
normally be made by elected officials. The its social status and its history.
problem here lies in the fact that this sort of The question is a different one in develop-
politicization is more a matter of degree than ing countries, because the civil service is
of qualitative threshold. Most public admin- almost always the only expertise and advi-
istration specialists, unlike politicians, con- sory resource for governments. In this case,
sider that it is very difficult to distinguish the ‘politicization’ of the civil service must
between making rules and enforcing them, be interpreted differently, because civil serv-
all the more so since Western democracies ants are often the only organized social force
have produced complex public policies of on which governments can rely. The situation
which the normative effect has more to do is sometimes also reversed in favor of the
with measures of implementation than with public service, especially the military, which
the decisions originally made by legislators may act as the only organized political force
or the executive branch. Thus, it is possible to in the country. Relations between the govern-
slip imperceptibly into technocracy by allow- ment and the civil service in developing
ing civil servants more latitude in managing countries can be organized according to a
major public policies. variety of models, depending on the relative
To a certain extent, all industrialized strength of the political leadership and the
democracies are more or less technocracies, social role assumed by the bureaucracy
in that the political class is no longer the sole (Cariño, 1991). One model is that of a politi-
actor in the decision-making process, and the cal domination provided by the party in
decision is often difficult to identify and power, either in democratic conditions (for
localize (Allison, 1971). Specific national instance, Corazon Aquino’s government at
situations can be identified. In certain coun- the end of the 1980s in the Philippines), or in
tries, such as Britain, Conservative govern- the context of an authoritarian regime that
ments have criticized the fact that senior can literally organize purges in the civil serv-
civil servants were not enough involved in ice or submit it to an extremely restrictive
defining public policy and hid behind total political discipline (this was in particular the

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case of Korea between 1961 and 1963). In a case-by-case basis. Another series of varia-
contrasting model, bureaucracy shares power bles in fact has to do with the fragmentation
with the political leaders on the basis of of today’s administrative apparatuses. The
an implicit ‘arrangement’. The bureaucracy most autonomous administrations are usually
can then support democratic reforms as long administrations that have a technical or sci-
as they allow it to increase its powers (this entific competence, whereas the most vulner-
was Mexico’s case in the 1970s). In some able are those with a fairly low level of
cases, civilian bureaucracy shares power with expertise. Reinforcing administrative spe-
a military-style authoritarian regime (this cialization or transforming civil servants into
was the case of the ‘guided democracy’ in managers can contribute to weakening the
Indonesia under Sukarno’s administration political control exercised over these admin-
between 1959 and 1965). istrations. Some ministerial bureaucracies
The respective role of civil servants and can also impose their viewpoint on ministers
elected officials in defining public policy when powerful and well-organized lobbies in
also depends on contextual variables. One their economic sector back them: this is espe-
essential variable is a minister’s capacity to cially the case of the Agricultural Ministry in
exercise real political leadership over his France. Here, cases of actual fusion of politi-
civil servants and advisors (Savoie, 1999). cal, economic and administrative powers
Some French ministers have complained of have been observed, since the minister him-
being dispossessed of their power by the self has sometimes been chosen among farm-
senior civil servants in their entourage. ers’ union leaders! The same type of situation
Conversely, in Britain, senior civil servants has been noted in Japan. Politicization in this
have denounced the overly directive role case leads to a blending of powers. Not only
of Margaret Thatcher’s government, accus- is there no longer a difference between
ing it of wanting to politicize the senior political decisions and administrative deci-
civil service, or at least make it espouse the sions but also it is impossible to distinguish
Conservative ideology (Hennessy, 1990). between public and private interests. But it is
There is no doubt that a politician must often precisely this ‘big difference’ that has served
assert himself to earn respect from profes- as the historical basis for liberal democra-
sionals who have expertise and time on their cies. Paradoxically, then, privatization can
side. Politicization becomes the result of a foster politicization, as exemplified by the
potentially perilous power struggle that New Public Management reform which
depends as much on the networks on which favored ad hoc appointments on the basis of
senior civil servants can rely as on the politi- private contracts in the process of transform-
cal or personal legitimacy of politicians. The ing classical bureaucrats into managers eager
question of politicization became all the to reduce costs. By privatizing state services
more sensitive in the 1990s, since it raised a ensuring economic development, and even,
fundamental question about the respective sometimes, sovereign functions such as cus-
roles that should fall to elected officials and toms or border control, some African states
civil servants at a time when public adminis- have been able to recover the political control
trations seemed to be losing control of the of their economy (Zartman, 1995). We can
situation in the face of an increasingly frag- also interpret Margaret Thatcher’s attempt to
mented civil society, infatuated with new submit the British administration to private
technologies and prompted to demand ever management and subject it to the rules of com-
greater quality from the public service for petition as a means of recovering the political
lower taxes (Rouban, 1999). control of an administration regarded as too
Most public administration specialists independent (Bouckaert and Pollitt, 2004).
have thus concluded that politicization cannot The strategies deployed in European coun-
be treated in a broad manner but only on a tries by politicians and civil servants alike to

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control the process of politicization have very few senior civil servants who serve as
been partly transformed by the creation of go-betweens for the political realm and the
the European Union. European integration, bureaucracy. All Western countries have cre-
in fact, has had two main consequences: the ated ‘political positions’ to give the executive
first was to weaken the national political branch some means of control over public
classes, which were forced to comply with policy.
decisions made in Brussels, particularly in Another source of confusion comes from
the area of public sector privatization. The the fact that the politicization of appoint-
second consequence is the reinforcement of ments does not necessarily imply a lack of
administrations, which have become the pri- professional competence. Politicization gen-
mary interlocutors for private interest groups erally seems linked to the idea of an amateur-
in highly technical matters. National civil ish administration. This matter has always
servants henceforth adapt directives passed been at the heart of the debate in the United
by the European Commission to the state or States. But in some countries, such as
local level in the framework of a multilateral Germany and France, top-level positions are
negotiation that politicians cannot fully occupied by senior civil servants who are
control. both highly qualified professionals drawing
on an old tradition of professional autonomy
and highly politicized, as they have been
previously involved in political activities as
POLITICIZATION AS PARTISAN advisors or party supporters. Actually, politi-
CONTROL OVER THE BUREAUCRACY cization connotes incompetence mainly when
it affects not only appointments but also
The second, much more precise and more careers. Politicization can then become a
widespread, meaning of politicization of the means of showing favor to some political
public sector refers to government and non- allies to the detriment of others, whatever
government activities that subject the appoint- their level of performance or their merits, or
ment and career of civil servants to political of allowing trade unions to define personnel
will. In this case, politicization means that policies. On a historical level, there is no
not only a civil servant’s activity but also his question that the fight against favoritism was
career depend more on political than profes- one of the major labor demands of British
sional norms defined by the administrations and French bureaucrats in the nineteenth
and ruled by law. century. Today, for many developing coun-
There is considerable confusion surround- tries, the only way to fight politicization
ing this point. The first misunderstanding has therefore that is connected with corruption
to do with the fact that politicization can be practices, which can harm the country’s
perfectly legal and legitimate, because demo- economy, is to organize a truly professional
cratic rule implies that the voters’ choices civil service.
should actually be implemented and not The division between administration and
buried under the workings of bureaucracy. politics is a central organizing principle in all
This is the whole logic of the spoils system Western political systems. This distinction is
that developed in the United States in the of course based on the principles Max Weber
nineteenth century. It is also logical for cer- put forth in his classical analysis of bureau-
tain positions to depend on a political choice cratic legitimacy in modern societies (Weber,
that takes into consideration the ideas backed 1947). The creation of professional bureauc-
by the civil servants, because these positions racies in the first half of the twentieth century
have a particular strategic importance in the stems from the simultaneous application of
eyes of the government. Generally, these two principles: subordination to a hierarchy
positions are limited in duration and involve and separation of administrative careers from

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partisan influences. It is perfectly obvious, as of administration is a field of business. It is

many observers have already pointed out, removed from the hurry and strife of politics’
that the separation principle has never been (Wilson, 1941: 493).
entirely enforced. In fact, an evolution in the Therefore, another problem lies in the fact
interpretations of this principle can be noted: that this professionalization of civil servants
in the early twentieth century it implied that has been conceived in very different ways in
the political authority made decisions and Western countries. Although professionaliza-
bureaucrats merely carried them out. With tion was early on seen in the United States as
the increasing complexity of the welfare a means of developing managerial standards,
system and public interventionism, it has in France and Germany it was principally
become nearly impossible to distinguish the associated with the development of a vast
decision from its implementation and no body of administrative law. In Britain, pro-
longer are there any administrative ‘details’ fessionalization implies the independence of
that cannot be transformed into a real politi- civil servants from Parliament but as agents
cal issue. The separation between the politi- of the Crown, their steadfast obedience to the
cal and the administrative world has created decisions of the executive branch.
complex possibilities for strategic interplay Although all European systems are based
between the two groups of actors, depending on the merit system and equal access to the
on the circumstances. civil service, recruitment systems are rooted
The separation principle is therefore prob- in very different philosophies. For example,
ably a myth, but a founding myth allowing even if all Europeans countries organize the
all Western political systems to modernize, recruitment of professional civil servants on
since it is useful from a functional stand- the basis of an objective procedure in order to
point. On one hand, it allows civil servants to guarantee equality among candidates, the
intervene in policy making in the name of criteria for selection vary considerably: in
their professional autonomy when political Germany, the good professional is above all
elites are deficient; on the other hand, it a high-level legal specialist (Derlien, 1990);
allows politicians to remove some decisions in Britain, the main quality is found in a gen-
from citizens’ control by entrusting them to eralist who has a feeling for team work;
public administrations, contending that they whereas France prefers to measure the gen-
are too technical in nature to be debated pub- eral level of education and intellectual brio.
licly. The separation principle thus organizes The very notion of civil servant does not,
the relative autonomy of the political and therefore, refer to the same type of culture or
administrative worlds, an autonomy that par- even the same type of professional practice.
adoxically indirectly challenges the principle Consequently, it is logical that politicization
of accountability on which democratic is conceived and especially experienced in a
regimes are based. very different manner from one country to
On the strictly administrative level, the another.
separation principle should above all be In most Western countries, specific rules
understood as a professional norm on which have been set up to distinguish civil servants
the merit system can be organized. It is in who are political appointees from civil
this perspective that the major theorists of servants whose career is entirely subjected
public administration, such as Woodrow to professional norms. In the United States,
Wilson and Frank Goodnow, have champi- the corruption fostered by the spoils system,
oned it. In the late nineteenth century, the particularly under Richard Nixon’s adminis-
professionalization of public administration tration, led to reorganizing the senior civil
was associated with the development of sci- service with the Civil Service Act of 1978,
entific management. In his famous 1887 which created the senior executive service
essay, Woodrow Wilson declared: ‘... the field (SES). The SES is made up of higher

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positions, 10 percent of which can be politi- administrative models of developing coun-

cally appointed. In Germany, the Politischer tries, where it is above all regarded as a
Beamter are distinct from other civil serv- means to make political allies by giving jobs
ants: the Politischer Beamter can be appointed to the unemployed. Political deals of this
and revoked on the basis of political consid- kind can, nevertheless, be found in the most
erations but with career guarantees. France developed countries, especially at the local
distinguishes ‘positions at the government’s level and fairly often lead to the spread of
discretion’: in other words, a set of approxi- illegal practices. When this occurs, there are
mately 500 higher positions, the holders of no longer any institutional barriers between
which can be appointed and revoked at the government agencies and political parties.
government’s discretion. Here again, there Such practices, be they clearly illegal or only
are, nevertheless, professional guarantees ethically dubious, have developed sporadi-
because these positions are mainly occupied cally in Europe, especially in Mediterranean
by career civil servants who can use particu- countries, but also at the local level in the
lar legal provisions allowing them to return United States. This type of politicization
to their original agency after they are revoked. quickly exhausts the limits of modern public
This distinction between political positions administration theory, for it very often
and career positions is far more recent in becomes impossible to distinguish in these
Eastern European countries. In Russia, it did public positions between what is due to
not appear until 1995 because the concept of politicization and what is due to personal
civil servant, in the Western sense of the loyalty. Weber’s ‘bureaucratic’ model thus
term, did not exist (Peters, 2008). gives way to his model of ‘traditional’ author-
In many countries, politicization occurs ity. Furthermore, ties of personal loyalty
through the multiplication of short-term con- appear to play an important role in setting up
tract positions. In Britain, there has been a new administrations in Eastern European
marked rise in the number of personal minis- countries. In Russia, nearly 65 percent of
terial advisors since the early 1980s. In the administrative management officials in
Australia, the creation of ‘ministerial advis- the 1990s were former Communist Party
ers’ in the late 1980s has provided a means members associated with networks of per-
to avoid politicizing senior jobs along the sonal power that ran through major state
American model, while reinforcing political enterprises such as Gazprom or the bureauc-
control over career civil servants’ activities racies of large cities.
(Campbell and Halligan, 1992). In most Personal loyalty connections are playing
Latin American countries, government politi- a growing role in the internal regulation of
cal advisors are recruited on a contractual most Western bureaucracies in the twenty-
basis (Farazmand, 1991). first century, allowing the political class to
Growing job instability can also provide cheat with transparency provisions and
governments with a ready means to politicize public accountability. The pace of this change
the civil service. This form of politicization varies from one country to another, but it
is not used to control an administrations’ signifies clearly that the state summits are
activity but much rather to hand out jobs to privatized. While politicization implies some
friends of the political party or parties in kind of an institutionalization of relation-
power, operating a shift from a relationship ships inside bureaucracies, or between them
of clientela to one of parentela (Peters, and the political sphere, personal connec-
2009). This politicization has especially been tions call for subtle influence on policy
observed in the 1970s in Italy, where the making as well as on careers. Such connec-
Christian Democratic Party was used to dis- tions may be based upon specific philosophi-
tribute local jobs (the lottizazione system). cal communities (historically, this has been
This type of politicization is closer to the the case − and it is suspected to be still the

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case − of Freemasonry) or social ones (such have become much more diversified than
as women, gays, veterans, etc.) looking for before. It is highly probable that the 2008
specific promotions or reforms. This new financial crisis accentuated this evolution
pregnancy of ‘private’ connections requires even more.
public administration specialists to be par- It is always fairly difficult for scholars to
ticularly aware of personal networks when measure the degree of politicization. We can
studying the relationship between public take into consideration the turnover of staff
administrations and politics. Unfortunately, appointed to ‘sensitive’ positions or analyze
this ‘sociological appraisal’ is still rare. biographies so as to identify political net-
Politicization can also be exercised through works within public administrations. The
the creation of specific structures at high task is, nevertheless, a tricky one because,
state levels, which are charged with ensuring although it is possible to measure flows, it is
the link between government wishes and impossible to measure intentions or ulterior
the implementation of public policy by pro- motives. Interviews must always be inter-
fessional bureaucracies. The White House preted with great caution, as it is obviously
Office in the United States, the Cabinet rare to find senior civil servants who will
Office in the UK, the Federal Chancellery assert that their only qualification is to be a
in Germany, the Prime Minister’s Cabinet friend of the minister! In most cases, politici-
and the Secretariat General of the Élysée in zation can only be demonstrated through
France insure a very important role in defin- historical comparative data showing trends in
ing and carrying out administrative activity. recruitments and careers.
In general, these top-level administrations In the early twenty-first century, politici-
have developed considerably in Europe since zation seems to have increased in most
the end of the 1980s, in small countries such Western countries. This may appear para-
as Denmark as well (Peters, Rhodes, and doxical, because so many observers have
Wright, 2000). They are usually made up of drawn attention to the development of an
a few hundred top-level civil servants who economic orthodoxy that would inevitably
are fairly highly politicized, and have con- lead all developed countries to follow the
nections in the administrative system either same model of ‘good governance’ on the
through the network of political advisors or basis of a single recipe: decrease in public
ministerial offices. The strengthening of deficits, tax reductions, better management
senior administrations is rooted in three fac- of public spending, and public policy evalua-
tors: first, in Europe, the European integra- tion. One of the most intriguing questions is:
tion policy has required the creation of To what extent has the development of this
coordinating agencies to harmonize national ‘good governance’ led to new administrative
policy with European programs. Then, most practices? In particular, the effects of the
of the national administrations have adopted New Public Management on the relations
a subsidiarity model, meaning that ministers elected officials have with senior civil serv-
and the executive branch have gone from ants can be examined. Subjecting senior
‘doing things’ to ‘getting things done’. This civil servants to managerial norms can just as
has resulted in an increased demand for much reduce their leeway, and thus subject
administrations specialized in policy imple- them more to political authority, as it can
mentation and evaluation, as most major increase the power they exercise on a daily
government programs are now handled by a basis on the running of administrative affairs
wide range of public and private agencies. and thus give them greater autonomy
Finally, since the early 1980s, most Western with respect to the government’s political
governments undeniably have clearly sought considerations. The blend of New Public
to strengthen and centralize their political Management and politicization has not had
power in the face of changing societies that the same effects in all countries: although

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senior civil servants are more tightly control- Richard Nixon was thwarted by the fragmen-
led by the political authorities in Britain, they tation of the US administrative machinery.
are now more independent in the Netherlands Moreover, direct intervention of political
and Finland. In ‘Napoleonic tradition’ coun- authorities in the professional life of civil
tries, the same diversity may be observed servants requires daily effort and therefore
(Ongaro, 2009). considerable energy.
It is easy to understand that in countries Appointments are another means of politi-
where democracy is fragile, such as in South cization, but the political choice is usually
America, governments try to win over the considerably checked by the need to recruit
public service to their cause, especially the competent individuals already having a
military. Civil servants’ loyalty to the single great deal of experience in administrative
party is also a sine qua non condition for affairs. If not, a political cast, or a ‘govern-
survival and prosperity in totalitarian coun- ment of strangers’ (Heclo, 1978) is created,
tries like China. On the other hand, it is more largely rejected by career civil servants. As
difficult to explain the increasing politiciza- Ball and Peters point out: ‘Although their
tion of the civil service in developed coun- political “masters” may want to control
tries. One of the most satisfactory explanations the bureaucracy, the expertise of the bureauc-
seems to lie in the crisis running through racy is crucial for effective government and
representative democracies, characterized by the success of any elected government’ (Ball
a high abstention rate at elections and the rise and Peters, 2000: 221). The fact that techni-
in power of a social criticism condemning cal matters having to do with public health
the political class (but not civil servants) or the environment protection are becoming
(Perrineau and Rouban, 2009). The political increasingly preponderant in politics rein-
class in most Western countries is constantly forces the professional situation of civil
threatened by the risk of scandals or chal- servants who can use their expertise to coun-
lenges to its usefulness, given the growing ter the more or less demagogic plans of
independence of civil society. In the face of governments.
this criticism, the initial reflex is to make the Another limit lies in the fact that political
senior civil service even more political: first, parties, particularly in the United States and
by mounting ‘political fuses’ that will blow in France, can be weakened and divided by
in the event of failure; second, by giving the internal movements. The political choice
impression that the government is still capa- then must take into consideration the diver-
ble of coordinating public policy and making sity of these viewpoints that are not necessar-
effective decisions − that is, simply of gov- ily reconcilable. In European countries where
erning. Paradoxically, the development of government are very often elected on the
pluralistic ‘governance’ has thus been associ- basis of political coalitions (Austria, Belgium,
ated with a greater will to politicize the civil the Netherlands), political positions must
service, directly or indirectly. also be distributed in proportion to the elec-
Politicization must therefore be conceived tion results of the various parties, which
in developed countries as the effect of a leads to a sort of ‘parliamentarization’ of the
general evolution of the political system. executive branch.
If governments attempt to better control Lastly, there is a political limit to politici-
administrative activity through politicization, zation, particularly in Europe, which has to
there are, nevertheless, limits to this politi- do with the fact that civil servants inspire
cization other than legal ones. Management more trust among citizens than politicians or
of the civil service by senior administra- governments (Perrineau and Rouban, 2009).
tions has not always been an easy task. A government’s legitimacy can thus be seri-
For instance, the setting up of the ‘adminis- ously threatened if the press can attest to an
trative Presidency’ in the United States under overly politicized civil service.

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POLITICIZATION AS POLITICAL Rouban, 2001). They are more inclined than

INVOLVEMENT private sector workers to defend the welfare
state and government intervention in eco-
Politicization of the civil service has a third nomic and social matters. This propensity to
meaning. In this case, politicization refers to defend the ‘big government’ can be consid-
the degree of civil servants’ political involve- ered perfectly normal among civil servants
ment as citizens and voters. The question is who are paid out of the state budget.
thus the following: Is the civil service a Nevertheless, behind the global figures there
political force? are considerable differences that tend to
First, situations can be found in which the make civil servants’ vote and political atti-
ideological commitment of civil servants is a tudes vary according to their profession
crucial element in setting up a new political (police officers are usually more to the Right
system: this was particularly the case in than teachers) and their rank (senior civil
regimes born in Africa in the 1960s follow- servants are more interested in politics than
ing decolonization. On the other hand, in clerical workers). It is also highly tempting to
India and Pakistan, public administration compare globally civil servants to their pri-
served instead as a stabilizing element at the vate sector counterparts. But here again the
time of Independence. In both cases, the civil profession matters more than the legal status
service compensated for the lack of a suffi- of the job, even if civil servants are generally
ciently developed middle class to offer dem- more culturally liberal and less economically
ocratic governments an electoral base. This liberal than private business workers.
central position of the public service, particu- Depending on the country, civil servant
larly that of the military, is obviously a factor politicization can also draw support in trade
of weakness and political dependence: suc- unionism. Trade union rights are generally
cessive coups d’état have occurred in both acknowledged in all European countries
Africa and Latin America, often following (except for certain categories such as the
conflicts within the very state apparatus. In military), whereas they are far more limited
Europe, the civil service has rarely served as in the United States. Trade unionism can,
a social basis for major political change. however, vary in degrees of politicization as
The fact that civil servants share political well as its power of influence over govern-
convictions obviously plays an essential role ment decisions. It is fairly highly politicized
in a country’s political life but also in the in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Spain,
management of its administrations. It is hard where civil service unions are branches of
for a government to ask civil servants to national unions that group workers by politi-
implement public policies that run counter to cal affinity. In Britain, trade unionism has
their ideological convictions, even if they are been very profession-oriented, at least until
called upon to work as perfectly neutral pro- the 2008 financial crisis when it entered the
fessionals. In France, civil servants constitute political debate.
the most loyal electorate of the Socialist Another dimension of civil servant politi-
Party and a majority of senior civil servants cization has to do with the legal and social
share Left values. This does not facilitate the possibilities bureaucrats have of getting
implementation of public management involved in political life. Though in Great
reforms based upon business and competi- Britain senior civil servants are barred from
tion values (Rouban, 1998, 2007). participating in political activity at the
Comparative studies have shown that civil national level, there are no such restrictions
servants in Western countries usually main- in France, Germany and Spain. As a result,
tain an affinity with the Socialists in Europe the political class of these three European
and the Democrats or the ‘Center Left’ in countries is largely made up of former civil
North America (Blais and Dion, 1991; servants, who can easily recover their posts

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and their rank in public administration if they Table 24.1 Models of politicization by civil
lose an election. This professional freedom is servant involvement in political life and the
strength of the professional tradition
often considered a privilege with regard to
private sector workers, who must give up Professional tradition
their job to enter into politics. It is obviously Political Low High
a strong incentive for civil servants to play involvement of
civil servants
the political card if their career is at a stand- Low United States, Australia, Italy, UK
still. On the other hand, the effects of this Russia
massive presence of civil servants in the High Austria, France, Germany,
ranks of parliament on political debate should Belgium, Spain, Sweden,
not be overestimated, because former civil Netherlands Japan
servants very soon adapt to the rules of the
political game and no longer consider them-
selves civil servants. partisan involvement (the United States). It
should especially be noted that there is no
‘European model’ and that the models of
politicization do not fit into simple dicho-
CONCLUSION tomies, which, for instance, would divide
countries of the Northern Hemisphere from
Any scholar will find it difficult, if not those of the Southern Hemisphere, or federal
impossible, to control all the variables that countries from unitary countries.
may influence the politicization of the civil
service. In most cases, sociology will be
called upon to support political science
research. In particular, the effect of politici- REFERENCES
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Strategy, Structure, and
Policy Dynamics
Andrew B. Whitford

INTRODUCTION legal perspective on agency behavior. The

second is Terry Moe’s Politics of Bureaucratic
Why are politicians and administrators so Structure view, which I call here “Structure
interested in reorganizing the agencies that as Political Choice.” This view explains
implement public policy? Do politicians bureaucratic behavior when politicians use
see manipulating structure as a way of con- structural manipulation for control (Moe
trolling bureaucratic discretion? For admin- 1989; Schlager and Blomquist 1996). In
istrators, does political manipulation of some ways, Moe’s contribution is a strain
organizational structure constrain their deci- of general organization theory. The third
sions and actions, and thus shape organiza- view is Hammond’s metaphor of Structure as
tional performance? To answer these Agenda (Hammond 1986), which is related
questions we must consider why administra- to information processing theories of organi-
tors, politicians, and interest groups would zational design.
care about organizational structure. As a con- These views are notable because they
sequence, we must also consider age-old center on structure, but they are valuable
debates about the politics−administration because they help us to understand how
dichotomy. A main point of this essay is that strategy generates structure, structure gener-
knowing something about the first considera- ates conduct, and conduct generates per-
tion helps us better understand the second: formance (Chandler 1962, 1990). More
that structural manipulation bridges politics importantly, structure acts as a linchpin in a
and administration. dynamic system of policy formation and
Specifically, three theories of structure are implementation.
described as bridges. The first, which I will This chapter is organized as follows. First,
call “Structure as Procedures”, is usually I describe how structure bridges the politics
traced to McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast of bureaucratic control and the administra-
(1987, 1989). This view is often seen as a tive reform of agencies. Second, I review

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structure as an established theory of bureau- view, governance is two sides of two

cratic politics by setting theory in the broader different coins.
context of organizational design. Finally, I Over the last half of the twentieth century,
describe the links between strategy and struc- the view evolved that there are no lines of
ture, structure and conduct, and conduct and distinction. Gaus said in 1950 that we should
performance. expect at least our theories of politics to be
recombined with our theories of administra-
tion. Appleby (1949) argued that bureaucratic
decision-making has a definite political
POLITICS, ADMINISTRATION, AND flavor. Classic studies tell us that politics is at
WHY STRUCTURE MATTERS the center of the bureaucracy (Simon,
Smithburg, and Thompson 1950; Tullock
A theory of administration in our time is a theory 1965; Downs 1967; Rourke 1969; Allison
of politics, too ... (Gaus 1950:168). 1971; Halperin 1974). In public administra-
tion, the view evolved that administration
What is the best way to explain the behavior and politics are the same because bargaining
of bureaucrats? Should we treat democratic and coalitional politics drive even the most
processes as external constraints on bureau- benign aspects of administration.
cratic behavior? Must we explain the role of But a theory of governance that does not
internal organizational processes? Who is at distinguish or draw some bounds is also of
the center: the bureaucratic agent, the politi- limited use. For instance, blending the two to
cal master, or the electorate? In the United the point of losing a role for hierarchy
States, Congress delegates policy formation ignores relevant data about bureaucracy
and implementation to the bureaucracy. (Hammond and Miller 1985; Hammond
Congress creates the illusion of two spheres 1986). But since both disciplines have design
of governance whenever it delegates – one theories, the process of picking one over
for the legislature and one for the bureauc- another reinforces the bounds – one reason
racy. One sphere is the domain of political why the politics−administration dichotomy
science and the other is the domain of public remains popular (Schick 1975:152).
administration. Both are necessary for under- One solution is to say there is more a
standing why politicians delegate and whether politics−administration dimension than a
they can (or even should) control bureau- dichotomy (Denhardt 1990), with politics
cratic discretion. handling “responsiveness and accountability”,
Scholars have long struggled with sepa- and administration about “efficiency and
rating politics and administration (Wilson effectiveness”. But public administration is
1887). This problem is multidimensional still an integral part of the political process
and multi-theoretic. We could reduce it to (Peters 1984), if only because there is a ten-
simple “yes, they are separate areas” or “no, sion between pluralist democracy and socie-
they are not” answers, but neither is truly ty’s desire for efficiency (Yates 1982). Put
satisfying. If we could separate politics simply, people seem to want, sometimes
and administration, a political scientist could futilely, democratic review of administrative
assume that administration is an exogenous activities while hoping for improved efficiency.
input (and not worthy of further consi- Control mechanisms make politics interesting
deration), a constraint on what politics can for administrators, who would not need to
achieve (worthy of study but not necessarily worry about mandates, legislative intent, or
possible to control), or a separate system that agency functions if the politics of these issues
is interesting and useful, but delinked. A were not translated into reasons to respond. As
public administration scholar could make Fesler notes, the scope of government deter-
similar assumptions about politics. In this mines the scope of administration (1990:85).

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Consider two ways legislatures like the centered on a position that administration can
US Congress could delegate. In the first, and should be separated from politics
Congress fails to oversee what agencies (Osbourne and Gaebler 1993; Wilson 1994).
do: they abdicate (Kiewiet and McCubbins While some argue that we can distinguish
1991, see also Lowi 1979; Fiorina 1985). between political and administrative criteria
In the second, Congress delegates to get (Bower 1983), many other scholars argue
better information about implementation that criteria are usually blended (Lynn 1987).
(McCubbins 1985; Gilligan and Krehbiel We still have little evidence on how to build
1987; Kiewiet and McCubbins 1991). We walls of separation (Rourke 1969; Doig and
know Congress often oversees the bureauc- Hargrove 1977; Heclo 1977; Kaufman 1981;
racy, so the first is implausible. Why pay Lynn 1987).
the cost of oversight if you do not want Politicians say they want to enhance
control?1 The second is plausible, but what democracy, discretion, efficiency, respon-
about bureaucrats who do not follow Con- siveness, etc., in agencies. To do this, they
gress’ bidding? Many studies explore this look for tools that bridge politics and admin-
principal−agency problem (e.g., Gilligan and istration – mechanisms they can enact that
Krehbiel 1987; see also Moe 1985; Radner bureaucrats will identify and anticipate, and
1987; Miller 1992; Epstein and O’Halloran to which they will respond. From both of
1993; Miller and Hammond 1994; Lupia and their perspectives – for both the administra-
McCubbins 1994). Simply put, delegation’s tor and the politician – structure is a relevant
information advantages come with a dilemma: constraint. Administrators try to solve prob-
control versus expertise. lems, deliver services, or work within an
Public administration scholars also discuss organizational structure. Politicians, trying to
this tension. With distinct spheres, bureau- control bureaucrats, look for shortcuts for
cratic autocracy does not impinge on the changing agencies. In this decision environ-
ideals of democracy (Golembiewski 1990). If ment, the organizational structure of an
the spheres are layered, and administration is agency is the “boughs” of a multi-branched
subordinate, we will not fear that a large and governance arrangement.
knowledgeable bureaucracy will steal democ- Consider the accountability of agents.
racy (e.g., Thompson 1975). In the formal Politicians can intervene when agencies devi-
literature in political science, this has been ate or underperform. Bureaucrats want to cite
called bureaucratic “drift” (Horn and Shepsle reasons for their behaviors. The politician
1989). For Waldo, agencies are not simply may take the bureaucracy to task, often
extensions of the executive branch (1986, by pointing at the agency’s structure or lead-
1990). They are “inside” the executive but ership; instead of holding low-level adminis-
also depend on Congress, in part because the trators responsible, structure and high
president often pays little attention to agen- officials are the targets. Manipulating organi-
cies. Discretion fluctuates for agencies, since zational structure is a low-cost, effective tool
at times Congress is much less active in over- for the electorate via politicians to shape
sight of the bureaucracy (Fesler 1990). the behaviors of implementing bureaucrats.
Perhaps the president sees support for his Legislatures, executives, and (sometimes)
oversight in a possibly “mythical” electoral courts can require changes to agency
mandate (Dahl 1988). structures.
This view suggests that the dichotomy is Just like Congress is a “they” and not
not resolved (Waldo 1984; Rainey 1990:173), an “it” (Shepsle 1992), when we observe
even though government reformers and deviating behaviors in agencies, we try to
administrators often act as though adminis- hold individuals morally responsible for
tration is distinct and clear from politics. For organizational decisions (Thompson 1980).
example, the National Performance Review Yet, in this “ethics of structure”, we can

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hold agents responsible only if the demo- administrators follow procedures that con-
cratically chosen, structurally dictated strain the actions they can take – that politi-
agency mandate holds moral force. If the cians stack the deck to allow groups to
structure has no individual-level workday influence policy making. Moe’s Structure
meaning, we cannot distinguish ethically as Political Choice view emphasizes how
those actions of the bureaucrat that are not politicians, interest groups, and bureaucrats
in line with the structure. So the structure bend the bureaucracy’s structure, which
must matter (to either politicians or adminis- results in a structure of unique design and
trators), regardless of what the agent does. questionable effectiveness (Moe 1989, 1990a,
Politicians intend to change organiza- 1990b). Hammond’s Structure as Agenda
tional structures for the reasons of control- view says that the agency’s decision-making
ling bureaucrats and obtaining goals. structure is like a legislature’s agenda
Bureaucrats recognize that organizational (Hammond 1986).
structures have deep effects on the adminis- I start by pointing to four minor levels of
tration of programs, and that these effects disagreement among the views. First, they
force the organization toward some goals or think differently about how structure leads to
performance targets and away from others. bureaucratic output. Second, they say politi-
Structure is a “bridge” between politics cians and bureaucrats care about different
and administration. Next, I turn to the spe- parts of bureaucratic structure. Third, they
cific reasons politicians manipulate structure point to different motives for groups, bureau-
and specific ways structure matters for crats, presidents, or legislators. Last, they
bureaucrats. argue for different effects of structural manip-
ulation on various performance attributes
(e.g., levels, changes, qualities, and timing).
More importantly, the accounts variously see
STRUCTURAL MANIPULATION: structure as solving collective action/agency
CONTROL BY DESIGN problems or distributive/political problems
(Moe 1990b; Horn 1995). As Moe notes, one
Just as “institutions matter” in the new insti- reason is that political scientists often see
tutional economics, so “structure matters” in structure in agencies like legislative studies
the new organizational theory. This is the see agenda structures as answering chaos
central result of many studies of bureau- theorems (Arrow 1963; Shepsle 1979;
cratic output. Many analysts, including McKelvey and Schofield 1986; Weingast and
Moe (1989), Hammond (1986), McCubbins Marshall 1988). In contrast, Structure as
(1985), Macey (1992), Horn and Shepsle Political Choice is a model of the distributive
(1989), and McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast aspects of structural design.
(1987, 1989, 1990a, 1990b), say structure, They also differ in what conceive of as
or, more broadly put, organizational design, being “structure”. As Moe (1990b) argues,
controls, focuses, and shapes bureaucratic McCubbins, Noll and Weingast focus on
output or performance. This is not to say that “procedures” and not on organizational struc-
all accounts of the role of structure agree as tures per se, while most of public administra-
to how structure works. To highlight key tion worries about canonical structures. But
issues, I classify three views on how struc- this is debatable. For instance, Halperin’s
ture influences bureaucratic behavior. After “rules of the game” is an informal statement
that, I offer some general perspectives on of structure’s role in bureaucratic politics
structure in organizations. (1974:104−11). Bawn (1995) broadly defines
The Structure as Procedures view is procedures to include which agency makes
argued in McCubbins, Noll, and Weingast a given policy decision, the agency’s organi-
(1987, 1989, 1990a, 1990b), who argue zational structure, required qualifications

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for personnel, and other relations between control depends on monitors acting, fire
the agency and the broader bureaucracy. alarms being pulled, and then relevant mem-
In such accounts the bureaucracy’s structure bers of Congress acting, which limits its
is not what administrators call structure. effectiveness.
The Structure as Agenda view is the closest In strong ex ante controls, the agency faces
to a standard interpretation. Structure as many options but controls make it gravitate
“rules of the game” or Procedures is a broad to a specific option. The effectiveness of pro-
perspective. cedures depends on the clarity and complete-
ness of the enacting coalition’s agreement
over legislation. If clear and complete, proce-
Structure as procedures dures offer effective ex ante control. If it
contains ambiguous language or not all coali-
This strain of thought followed McCubbins tion members are satisfied with the language,
(1985) and continued in McCubbins, Noll, elasticity can limit ex ante control through
and Weingast (1987, 1989, 1990a, 1990b), procedures (Hill and Brazier 1991:382). For
and Bawn (1995). In a critical examination instance, a long information-gathering and
Hill and Brazier (1991) outline the compo- decision-making period allows Congress to
nents of this view. First, interest groups can observe and respond if the agency moves
help Congress when it uses “fire alarm” over- away from the enacting coalition’s intent.
sight mechanisms (McCubbins and Schwartz Yet, the enacting coalition must also coor-
1984) to supplement standard oversight dinate the procedures so that the outcomes
(Ogul 1981). Congress then bets on this track the broad agreement. Inconsistencies in
interest in designing “structures and proc- coordination will damage this, to the end that
esses” that “stack the deck” for preferred the agency’s decisions may magnify the disa-
groups. The classic example is the greement by giving equal access to disparate
Administrative Procedure Act, which defines interests. Ex ante control in deck-stacking
appropriate rulemaking by agencies through depends on consistency in the enacting coali-
notice and comment procedures that require tion. Ex post control may come through low-
rulemaking and information gathering in an ered costs of oversight but is a corrective
open environment. Other procedures place strategy only.
favored groups on advisory commissions,
write rules to favor interests, define standing
to sue the agency in court, adjust the eviden- Structure as political choice
tiary burden, or lower participation costs.
Winning “enacting coalition” members can Moe (1989) says that bureaucratic design
observe and engage in the agency’s imple- results from a politics of structural choice.
mentation of final rules. One could ensure optimal bureaucracy by
Here is why these kinds of ex ante controls legislating for the desired results, but there
can be relatively effective. Careful scrutiny are complexity and uncertainty about the
of agencies by favored groups could help future. Both interest groups and politicians
Congress practice ex post control. Under see reasons to give bureaucrats autonomy.
strong ex post control, the agency chooses Rational legislators can act as a conduit for
from a one-option set. If a group in the enact- interest group preferences over policy out-
ing coalition is upset, it can notify legislators comes and the bureaucracy’s structure. Yet,
via fire alarms. Yet, since other groups winning interest groups worry about political
may like the decision, the agency anticipates uncertainty: that gains may be overturned
this and maximizes net support (Peltzman when opposing interests gain power and leg-
1976). If coalitions “drift”, agencies might islators respond to changing median group
cheat and bend policy successfully. Ex post preferences (coalitional drift). Losing groups

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may be able to force concessions through Sabatier (1988) or Ostrom (1991) by show-
political compromise. Winners may use ing reasons other than unintentional design
structure to protect the agency; losers may flaws why structure may not generate
embed conflicting directives. These incon- expected performance (Schlager and
sistent structural features come from compe- Blomquist 1996). The policy adoption phase
tition between interest groups. is the level where implementation is ‘hard-
But legislators and presidents may also wired’ via structural choice.
manipulate structure. While legislator are
conduits for group preferences, they also
want to reduce the costs of oversight. Structure as agenda
Presidents want stable, coherent, and manip-
ulable organizations. In this context, agen- Hammond (1986) argues that organizational
cies pursue their own goals, through the structures work like agendas do in legis-
creation and maintenance of mechanisms latures. The sequence of decisions in hierar-
that promote agency insulation. chy constrains bureaucrats, so structures
These are dilemmas (Moe 1990b). Groups shape decision making and policy formation
face political uncertainty but they have in bureaucracies (see also Arrow 1974;
doubly-imperfect control of bureaucrats: Hammond and Thomas 1989; Hammond
politicians have their own preferences, and 1990). While the agenda metaphor considers
it is difficult for politicians to control the decision making in majority-rule institutions,
bureaucracy. Bureaucrats have autonomy and bureaucracies are different if only because
public authority, and can use this power to structure’s impact happens regardless of
pursue their own interests. whether a preference cycle exists (see
Interest groups seek protection via struc- Hammond and Miller 1985).
ture, including protection from the power of Hammond uses nine assumptions to gen-
bureaucracy. Since this could open up the erate 19 propositions and seven conjectures.
bureaucracy to increased control by groups’ His story centers on subordinates’ decisions,
opponents, they search for other solutions superiors’ oversight, and structural manipula-
such as deck-stacking, procedures, or appeals tion. Superiors care about how subordinates
rules that rely on the courts. Deck-stacking is implement policies in the field. Structure
attractive, since it limits the power of losing shapes the options, choices, learning, and
interest groups, and the power of the agency beliefs of superiors and subordinates. Both
itself. While ex ante features are at best superiors and subordinates can engage in
imperfect, ex post features are susceptible to sophisticated behavior, but their available
coalitional drift, so ex ante attributes are strategies depend on the bureaucracy’s struc-
desirable. ture. Learning processes and how data are
In sum, agencies are protected by winning translated into beliefs depend on organiza-
interests, compromised by losing interests, tional structures. Moreover, structure deter-
manipulated by legislators, seized by the mines the criteria that subordinates and
president, and insulated by the bureaucrats. superiors use to compare options encoun-
For Moe, this means bureaucracies are con- tered in decision making.
flicted, fail by design, and are inefficient by Consider the situation when officials in the
political intention. Structure as Choice has same level of the hierarchy disagree with one
become a central theory of the policy process another. In this case, disagreement among
(Schlager and Blomquist 1996). Over time, officials encourages them to refer the ques-
Moe (1989, 1990a, 1990b) has shifted atten- tions generating conflict upward in the hier-
tion from legislators to interest groups and archy (Gulick 1937; Downs 1967). Structure
presidents. Moreover, this approach moves determines how far conflicts will rise before
beyond other views of the policy process like resolution by a superior. Subordinates are

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more likely to refer conflict, as the value of they almost instinctively reach first for a new
the outcomes generated by resolution of the formal structure” (1968:1). One reason is the
conflict at higher levels grows. Penalties historical focus on rationalizing work and its
from referral will cause subordinates to structure (March and Simon 1958). A second
pursue low-level resolution. Structure deter- focus has been on forcing compliance by
mines how the hierarchy will process and those below to directives from above (Dalton,
resolve conflicts between subordinates, and Barnes, and Zaleznik 1968:158).
both subordinates and superiors know this. But directors also wield other tools than
A concrete example of this is the problem altering an organization’s structure. Other
of departmentalization, which can be achieved traditions have forced attention to other ways
via segregation of tasks. Departmentalization to motivate employees, such as non-pecuni-
may encourage or discourage the referral of ary motivations (Roethlisberger and Dickson
some conflicts, or change the type of conflict 1939), ties to professional standards and
referred. But structure’s impact depends commitments (Dalton, Barnes, and Zaleznik
on the preferences of those in the structure. 1968:159; Wilson 1989; Katzmann 1980), or
As a design choice, one might set departmen- political coalitions among employees (e.g.,
talization to mimic the natural division of Pfeffer 1981). Leaders could attempt to
work in the field, which would refer fewer change the agency’s informal organization or
types of conflicts upward. Or agencies might culture (Crozier 1964; Pettigrew 1979; Kreps
let multiple superiors oversee individual 1990; Miller 1992).
subordinates (the so-called matrix organiza- Yet, decisions to change structure occur at
tion), which generates more information, a two distinct levels (Dalton, Barnes, and
wider range of options, and necessarily a Zaleznik 1968:162−3). First, the budget sets
wider variety of conflicts. Note that these levels of manpower and resources. Second,
effects have been long recognized in the there is the grouping of functions, the estab-
design literature on redundancy (Landau lishment of lines of authority, and establish-
1978, Bendor 1985). For Fesler (1990), ing mechanisms of control and coordination.
having a multiplicity of bureaucracies has These changes come from the top down
increased decision making at higher levels. (Crozier 1964:196; see Dalton, Barnes, and
Hammond’s Structure as Agenda meta- Zaleznik 1968:151). Structural change is
phor has two strong implications. First, who- how leaders usually try to reform bureaucra-
ever designs the organization necessarily cies, often because structural changes have
influences the routing of conflict from one real impact at both the organizational and
official and to another. Second, there are no individual levels (Dalton, Barnes, and
neutral structures: any structure necessarily Zaleznik 1968:163−8).
influences the choices made in that structure As Chandler noted, structure is but the
(as in Hammond and Thomas’ “impossibility revelation of deep strategies fashioned to
of a neutral hierarchy”). achieve someone’s goals (1962:15−16). The
process of strategy is the planning and carry-
ing out of direction for an organization: the
determination of basic long-term goals and
STRATEGY, STRUCTURE, CONDUCT, objectives, and the adoption of courses of
AND PERFORMANCE action and allocation of resources necessary
for carrying out these goals. Structure is the
General organization theory tells us that the design of an organization through which the
structure of an organization is entwined with enterprise is administered (either formally or
the strategies of those who live in the organi- informally defined). Structure includes lines
zation. As Dalton, Barnes, and Zaleznik of authority and communication, along with
argue “when managers try to alter behavior the information and data flowing through

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these lines. Structure is the concatenation how bureaucrats implement policy. However,
of several basic strategies (expansion of politicians consider agency structure when
services, geographic dispersion, vertical they form policy, embed political relation-
integration, and diversification). ships in legislation, and tell bureaucrats
For Chandler, structure follows strategy, what to do.
structures are the real-world counterpart of A simple example of this embeddedness is
the strategic considerations of relevant actors, seen in the recent debates over financial reg-
and structures are identifiable. The funda- ulation legislation in the United States. If one
mental paradigm of the traditional school of lesson is clear from the “Great Recession”, it
industrial organization tells us that structures is that actors – politicians and the people that
define conduct, and that conduct leads to a elected them, and regulated entities and the
level of performance (Kaserman and Mayo people that regulate them – care about the
1995:21−3). For firms, structure is the market structure of agencies. Government-sponsored
environment within which they operate, and enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
conduct is how they pursue profits in the are held to be “too big to fail”, and evidence
environment. Performance is the outcome is seen in the backstopping of bad debts by
with respect to its social desirability. As the the federal coffers. New regulations are
Structure as Procedures and Structure as vetted, along with the design aspects of a
Political Choice views suggest, the strategies new agency for protecting consumers from
of politicians, interest groups, or bureaucrats the worst aspects of strong competition
help us understand structural creation and among banks. What other reason would there
manipulation – but Chandler tells us that for placing the new Consumer Financial
structure affects the organization’s conduct Protection Bureau inside the Federal Reserve
and that of its members, and what that con- System – double insulation, in fact. Yet, the
duct means for performance. As the Structure debates over leadership show exactly how
as Agendas view suggests, some agencies are important that structural choice will be.
designed to integrate task and purpose (con- In sum, structure is a bridge between dis-
duct) (e.g., Kaufman 1967). Both political ciplines, between spheres, and between
science and public administration suggest organizational theories of governance. It is
that leaders change agency structures to fit but one bridge, but politicians and bureaucrats
their strategies (Lawrence and Lorsch 1969). care about it inordinately for good reason.


The politics of bureaucratic structure builds a 1 Maybe a legislator incurs oversight costs
bridge between the politics that political sci- because he benefits from acting as an ombudsman
for constituents, but this is non-systematic because
entists care about and the administration on the benefits derived from oversight are often public
which public administration scholars focus. goods, so individual legislators have little incentive
The politics of bureaucratic structure – seen (Fiorina 1981).
through each of the three views reviewed
here – is consistent with Chandler’s view that
strategy, structure, conduct, and performance
are core foci in understanding organizations. REFERENCES
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Administration and Society

edited by Bo Rothstein

The central question to be addressed in about the relation between society and the
Part 8 of this Handbook is how public sup- state. At a meeting in Mannheim in 1907
port and legitimacy for the public administra- with the German Society for Social Policy
tion is related to its possibilities to conduct (the Verein fûr Sozialpolitik), he entered
its role in society, especially to implement into a debate with some conservative schol-
policies according to the intentions of politi- ars about extending the suffrage to the
cal rulers. Such a society-centered perspec- working class. The Conservatives feared that
tive on public administration is broader and if democracy was introduced, the Social
to some extent different from the classical Democrats would come into power and
‘tool’ questions that focus on the possibilities capture the state and use it to pursue their
for politicians to steer the bureaucracy own narrow class interests. Weber argued
according to their intentions. Empirical against this, saying that if the Social
research in this society-centered approach is Democrats would come into power by such a
relatively young, while the theoretical ques- process of democratization, it would not be
tions were posed long ago. It should be they who conquered the bureaucratic state.
remembered that both Karl Marx and Max Quite the contrary, the bureaucratic state
Weber took a stand on this problem. After the would in the long run conquer the Social
fall of the Paris Commune in 1871, Marx Democrats. It is safe to say that research
wrote that it had become obvious to him that about the impact of Social Democracy still
the working class could not simply take over ponders on these questions. The problems
the existing state apparatus and use it for its taken up in Part 8 about, for example, the
political purposes; rather, changes in the gov- social and political representation of the
ernment machinery would be necessary first. public administration and its direct interac-
Just what changes would be needed he never tions with citizens, thus have a long history
specified, for no fourth volume of Das in the social sciences.
Kapital (which was meant to be about the The four chapters in Part 8 analyze this
state) was ever written. problem from different theoretical angles.
Max Weber, the founder of the theory of Chapter 26 by Rothstein points at new empir-
modern bureaucracy, had a similar view ical survey-based research, showing that it is

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not democratic rights that are the most come into conflict with the ideas that the dif-
important factor for creating legitimacy for ferent interests should be represented in the
the political system. Instead, it is citizens’ recruitment of civil servants. Another prob-
perception of the quality of the public admin- lem is, of course, which type of background
istration that turns out to be the most impor- should be counted as a legitimate reason for
tant factor for creating overall political bureaucratic representation: here we can
legitimacy. This may be related to yet another think of age, social class, ethnicity, gender,
surprising empirical finding: namely, that sexual orientation, language, geography, reli-
“quality of government” factors such as con- gion and a quite few others. Deciding which
trol of corruption, the rule of law and an of these should be recognized is a politically
impartial civil service have a much stronger charged problem in many countries. In inter-
impact on almost all measures of human national organizations such as the European
well-being (population health, literacy, sub- Union (EU), national representation in the
jective well-being, prosperity) than have bureaucracy has become standard.
countries’ level of democracy. These two Chapter 28 by Smith stresses the impor-
results from recent empirical research imply tance of street-level bureaucrats. In many
that the quality of a society’s public adminis- ways, these are the direct link between the
tration is more important both for the politi- administration and society and they are thus
cal system’s overall legitimacy and for the central for questions about legitimacy. The
well-being of its citizens than have hitherto basis for the theory about the importance
been the “generally accepted wisdom”. This of street-level bureaucrats is their discretion-
may, in turn, be related to the level of social ary power in making the numerous micro-
capital in societies (defined as interper- decisions that mount up to the public policy
sonal trust and social networks), which are that is actually implemented. Smith analyses
shown to be central ingredients that make several ways in which many countries during
the administrative part of the democratic the last two decades have tried to manage
machinery work. Rothstein turns this around, their street-level bureaucracies. One of them
and argues that it may be the case that a is the New Public Management (NPM)
well-functioning public administration is an approach; another one has been to increase
important causal factor for generating social the influence by organizations rooted in the
capital. surrounding community. The NPM approach
Chapter 27 by Meier and Capers on repre- has taken most of its intellectual influence
sentative bureaucracy poses a number of from the logic of exchange and market ideol-
interesting dilemmas on how to make the ogy, while the community-based approach is
administration more legitimate by changing rooted in a fundamentally different norma-
the pattern of recruitment. Since bureaucrats tive agenda based on theories about civil
are not elected but wield power, the question society. While the NPM approach centers on
about their representativeness becomes making street-level bureaucrats more respon-
important. They make the important distinc- sive by using contracts, voucher systems,
tion between passive representation, which is benchmarking and competition, the civil
when the bureaucracy statistically has a society approach stresses the importance of
social, ethnic and demographic background involving user groups such as neighborhood
setup that is similar to the population at large, associations or other types of voluntary asso-
and an active representation, when civil serv- ciations. Smith points out the implications
ants are recruited because they have a certain for the relationship between citizenship rights
ideological orientation or background that and street-level bureaucracies for both of
will make their decisions go in a particular these different approaches.
direction. One of the dilemmas is how the The last chapter in Part 8 analyses what
demand for neutrality and impartiality can the new information and communication

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technologies (ICT) have meant for changing neither made discretionary judgments by
the interface between the administration and individual bureaucrats less frequent, nor have
society. Is the Bureaucratic State finally to be they created an electronic Leviathan. In
replaced by the “Digital State”? In Chapter many cases, the new technologies empower
29, Helen Margetts contrasts the optimistic citizens as much as the administrators,
and pessimistic views set by the hyper-mod- because access to information and docu-
ernists and anti-modernists, respectively, ments have become easier and cheaper. The
with the more cynical approach put forward chapter concludes with a discussion of a
by the postmodernists. None of these predic- number of possible future scenarios in this
tions have been borne out by the develop- interesting field of public administration
ment so far. The new technologies have development.

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Political Legitimacy for Public
Bo Rothstein

From a comparative perspective, systems of little sense for citizens to correctly report
public administration vary tremendously their income/taxes (Bräutigam et al., 2008).
in their relation to societal actors and the They will draw conclusions like (a) most of
public at large. One could mention variation their taxes will not reach their proper
in degrees of patronage, clientelism and cor- addresses or (b) most other people will get
ruption, patterns of recruitment and the ways away with cheating the system (Putnam,
in which the bureaucracy coordinates its 1995: 111). Such vicious circles have proven
activities with various civic networks and to be hard to break and seem to be deter-
organized interests. One perennial question mined by long historical trajectories
in this research is why do some countries (Rothstein, 2011; Treisman, 2000). Without
have more efficient and/or legitimate systems legitimacy and trust, it is difficult to obtain
of public administration than others? One the economic and political resources neces-
answer may be that this is determined by the sary for the state to implement policies in a
amount of trust citizens have in the bureauc- competent way. But citizens who perceive
racy in their country, region or city. Simply the state as incompetent or untrustworthy are
put, it is easier to govern, coordinate, control, less likely to provide such resources, not to
steer and/or manage a complicated system if mention political support (Levi, 1998). To
one is trusted by the ones that are supposed use a game-theoretical language, such an
to be governed, coordinated, controlled, inefficient equilibrium is reinforcing and
steered and/or managed. If the legitimacy thereby stable (Bendor and Swistak, 1997).
and trustworthiness of the civil service is low, Several prominent social scientists have
it will be difficult for them to implement recently argued that this ‘quality of govern-
many policies, which in its turn may spur ment’ or ‘good governance’ variable is cru-
even more distrust between citizens and the cial in explaining differences in standard of
administrative agencies. living and economic growth among nations
If, for example, tax bureaucrats are known (Fukuyama, 2011; Norris, 2012; Rodrik,
to be corrupted and/or inefficient, it makes 2007; Smith, 2007). For many developing

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countries, not to mention the countries for- The importance of the quality of the
merly belonging to the Soviet bloc, this public administration for overall political
may be the most difficult problem to solve legitimacy has been underscored by Bruce
for consolidating democracy and economic Gilley. Using the World Value Study survey
growth (Diamond, 2008; North et al., 2009). data from 72 countries Gilley came to a quite
As one expert from the World Bank has surprising result for what explains citizens’
stated: view if their government have ‘the right
to rule’. Citizens’ perception of the quality of
Rampant corruption, frustrating bureaucratic the public administration (ability to control
delays, suppressed civil liberties, failure to safe-
corruption, government effectiveness and
guard property rights and uphold the rule of law,
forces communities back on themselves, demand- respect for the rule-of-law principles) is more
ing that they supply privately and informally what important in explaining their perception
should be delivered publicly and formally. of their governments’ legitimacy than are
Accordingly, in countries where these conditions democratic rights and welfare gains. His
prevail, there should be little to show for even the
conclusion of these results deserves to be
most well-intentioned efforts to build schools,
hospitals and encourage foreign investments quoted: ‘This clashes with standard liberal
(Woolcook, 2001: 16). treatments of legitimacy that give overall
priority to democratic rights’ (Gilley, 2006:
This ‘quality of government’ factor has 58; cf. Gilley, 2009). The notion that the
recently gotten a fair amount of attention in legitimacy of the public administration is
research outside the traditional areas of important for the overall legitimacy of a
public administration studies. The problem is political system is supported by other studies
that creating a high-quality public adminis- showing that high levels of corruption and
tration requires a fair amount of resources other forms of favoritism in the exercise of
that a low-quality administration is less likely power have a strong impact on the risk for
to obtain (North et al., 2009; Rothstein, civil wars (Norris, 2012; Rothstein, 2011).
2011). This goes against the standard view Thus, quite unexpectedly, this research
in neo-classical economics, which is, to show that the rule-of-law and meritocratic
quote Nobel Laureate Gary Becker’s advice: bureaucracy as an organizational form which
‘To boot out corruption, root out big govern- historically has been associated with Max
ment’ (Becker, 1997: 210). Available meas- Weber, has made an interesting ‘come-back’,
ures on the level of corruption and the level not least in research about governance prob-
of public spending show that the opposite lems in the developing world (Evans and
is true in that the correlation between high Rauch, 2000). One explanation for this is
levels of public spending and low levels of the availability of better and more reliable
corruption is positive. One such empirical cross-country data on various measures of
study, using data from between 60 and the quality of the public administration
209 countries, concludes: ‘We have consist- (Holmberg et al., 2009). A new, and norma-
ently found that the better performing tively quite problematic finding, is that while
governments are also larger, and collect measures of the level of democracy have
higher taxes’ (La Porta et al., 1999: 234). only weak or no correlations with most
The authors’ conclusion is that ‘identifying standard measures of human well-being,
big government with bad government can measures of the quality of the public admin-
be highly misleading’. But they would not istration are moderately or strongly corre-
have been economists if they had not imme- lated with measures of population health,
diately added that this result ‘does not of poverty, literacy, peace and subjective well-
course imply that it is often, or ever, socially being (Norris, 2012; Ott, 2010; Rothstein,
desirable to expand a government of a given 2011). A result of this type of empirical
quality’. findings is that the traditional and often

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widespread critique against ‘bureaucracy’ has universal statements, which are not applica-
to some extent been replaced by a new ble to all but only to most cases’. Aristotle
kind of appreciation of this specific organiza- concluded therefore that ‘equity is justice
tional form based on its predictability, low that goes beyond the written law’ (Aristotle,
levels of corruption, impartiality and orienta- cited in Brand, 1988: 42). Thus, we can
tion towards the use of expert knowledge in conclude that the need for situational adjust-
the making as well as the implementation of ment in policy areas is often so great in many
public policies (du Gay, 2000; Olsen, 2006). situations as to render impossible any cen-
tralized, uniform decision-making process
(Lipsky, 1980; Rathgeb Smith, Chapter 28
in this Handbook). The more dynamic the
THEORETICAL ASPECT OF policy area into which the government wants
BUREAUCRATIC LEGITIMACY to intervene is, and the more they have to rely
on the judgment of various professional or
The reason why legitimacy and trust is cen- semi-professional groups such as doctors,
tral to any system of public administration is environmental specialists or social workers,
simple. Civil servants usually wield political the greater the problem with discretionary
power because there is room for discretion in power.
the decisions they make. And, unlike elected Already, in 1919, the father of bureaucratic
officials, bureaucrats are neither voted in nor theory, Max Weber, stressed the importance
can be voted out of office. There are of of analyzing the state not only as a system of
course public policies that can be imple- representation but also, and maybe foremost,
mented by the use of general and precise as a form of administration:
rules and regulations, in which case the dis-
cretionary power of the bureaucracy is very For the state to endure, then, the persons living
small. For example, universal child allow- under its rule must submit to the authority to
which the wielders of power lay claim. When and
ances, universal tax credits or pensions sys-
why do they do this? On what bases of internal-
tems may work in this way, in which case ized legitimacy, and on what outward instruments,
there is hardly any room for bureaucratic do the rulers ground their authority? (Weber,
discretion, which in its turn makes the prob- 1919/1989: 28).
lem of citizens’ trust and legitimacy for the
civil service less salient (Catlaw and Hu, Weber’s analytical focus was, in the first
2009; Rothstein, 1998). instance, on the legitimacy of the established
In many other areas that call for state inter- order (Barker, 1980; Beetham, 1985). How
vention, it is more difficult to use precise could the governing class most effectively
laws and regulations. Instead, laws can only uphold popular respect for its right to
be created which state the general aim of the rule? The answer lay in ensuring that the
policy while the actual implementation has to governed − the citizens − regarded the exer-
be made according to the specific circum- cise of power as legitimate. In contrast to
stances of the situation of the actual case. most other social theorists, Weber viewed
Such policy areas are, for example, labor political legitimacy as depending not just on
market policy, industrial policy, workers’ the political system’s input side. For Weber,
protection policy and environmental policy. the output side − the implementation of
Other areas are tax policy, the legal system policy by bureaucrats − was at least as impor-
(i.e., the police and the courts) and educa- tant, for it was this side of the state with
tional policy. In fact, Aristotle himself noted which citizens came into direct contact, and
that written laws cannot be applied in all on which they were dependent. Weber
situations, since legislators, ‘being unable to thought, for example, that the state’s legiti-
define for all cases, ... are obliged to make macy was more dependent on tax collectors’

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relations with citizens than on whether or Sztompka, 1998). The policy question to
not suffrage was universal (Barker, 1980; follow is: In what way can the public admin-
Beetham, 1985: 265ff). The central idea in istration be organized or interact with the
Weber’s theory of bureaucratic legitimacy surrounding society so as to increase confi-
was that the strict neutral implementation of dence that power entrusted in its hands will
codified universal and precise laws would not be misused? This is a difficult policy
make the decisions of the administration problem because public images of ‘the gov-
predictable for the citizens. However, Claus ernment’ seem to have very deep historical
Offe has underlined that ‘as soon as legal roots that are hard to change (Rothstein,
norms become disposable from the stand- 2005). Citizens in contemporary Scandinavia
point of their suitability for concrete have very different views and images of the
tasks, they lose their capacity to legitimate concept of ‘the government’ compared to
the choice and fulfillment of these tasks on those in, for example, Romania (Charron
the basis of any substantive validity’ (Offe, et al., 2012).
1984: 308).
This problem is especially acute in modern
welfare states, because of the extended
responsibility they have for the welfare of SOCIAL CAPITAL AND PUBLIC
their citizens: the distribution of child-care ADMINISTRATION
places, the placement of patients in the queue
for medical operations, support for industries There are few concepts that have had such a
located in sparsely populated parts of the remarkable and instant success in the social
country, and admission to higher education, sciences as social capital (Castiglione et al.,
to vocational training programs or to clinics 2008; Hooghe and Stolle, 2003; Svendsen
for drug-abusers. State personnel in such and Svendsen, 2009). Although the concept
areas must make discretionary decisions con- and the theory behind it has a longer history,
tinually − doing so is part of the day’s work the credit for making social capital into a
for a teacher in a classroom, for instance, or very useful and important tool in empirical
a doctor in an emergency ward. The scope for research goes to Robert D. Putnam. His book
democratic control through the representa- Making Democracy Work – Civic Traditions
tive system over decisions of this kind is in Modern Italy, published in 1993, has had
very slight because such decisions require a a very substantial impact on political science
specific knowledge of each case. The need as well as on many other disciplines such as
for situational adjustment, in other words, economics and sociology. It is also a theory
is so great in many situations as to render that has had a substantial impact on public
impossible any centralized, uniform deci- policy in many countries. Important interna-
sion-making process (Friedman, 1981). tional organizations such as the World Bank
The central problem is thus the following: have become interested in the theory, espe-
Given that, in many cases, it is necessary to cially on how it can be used to spur demo-
entrust the administrative agencies and/or cratic development and economic growth in
individual civil servants with large amounts developing countries.
of discretionary power, how can the public, As the title suggests, Making Democracy
and especially the various ‘target groups’ to Work presented an empirically grounded
which the policy in question is directed, trust theory about what rightfully can be seen as
the administrative agencies not to misuse that the ‘million dollar question’ in political sci-
power? This ‘trust in the state’ problem is ence. The answer given by Putnam and his
one of the main questions in the burgeoning research team was that the amount and qual-
research on trust as a general social problem ity of a society’s social capital is the most
(Braithwaite and Levi, 1998; Cook, 2001; important cause behind a well-functioning

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democracy (Putnam, 1993: Ch. 4). Following engage in horizontal voluntary organiza-
sociologist James Coleman, the major idea in tions such as choral societies, parent−
the social capital theory is that social net- teacher associations, sports clubs, etc. In
works, informal as well as formal, create this Tocquevillian notion of the good social
norms of trust and reciprocity among citizens order, it is a vibrant civil society that gener-
(Coleman, 1990). These norms are important ates social capital. In such a society, citizens
because it makes it less difficult to solve engage in local grassroots organizations
problems of collective action such as the where they learn the noble art of overcoming
provision of various forms of public goods. If social dilemmas by getting to know people
the stock of social capital in a society or in and learning that they can be trusted. At the
a group is low, a situation metaphorically aggregate level, Putnam is able to show very
known as a social trap may occur (Rothstein, impressive correlations between the density
2005). Situations such as these are very of the world of voluntary organizations and
common and range from helping to protect democratic efficiency (Putnam, 1993).
the environment by sorting your garbage (or Several scholars have questioned this
not), to paying your taxes (or not), to giving/ society-centered approach to how social
taking bribes (or not). It makes no sense to trust is created. Is it agents who already trust
be the only one who sorts your garbage, other citizens who join organizations, or is
pays taxes or refrains from corruption if you it the activity in the organizations that
are convinced that most other citizens cannot increases trust? Work by Dietlind Stolle and
be trusted to do the same, because the good others seems to support the former thesis
that is going to be produced will then not more than the latter. From her very interest-
materialize (Ostrom, 1998). ing micro-level data, she concludes that ‘it
From a public administration perspective is not true that the longer and the more
it can be noted that many studies show that one associates, the greater one’s generalized
correlations between ‘generalized trust’ as trust’ (Stolle, 1998: 521). Using survey data
measured in the World Value studies and from 55 countries, Newton and Delhey
indexes of corruption is high (Rothstein, (2005) conclude that they find no support
2011; Uslaner, 2008). Using cross-national for the hypothesis that activity on voluntary
data, it is stated that: ‘Trust is relatively associations increases social trust. Instead,
strongly correlated with “judicial efficiency”, they find that ‘good government is an essen-
“anticorruption”, “growth” and “bureaucratic tial structural basis for trust’ (2005: 323).
quality’’ ’ (La Porta et al., 1997: 336; cf. The major counter-argument to Putnam’s
Uslaner, 2008). Another study reaches the societal theory about trust among citizens is
conclusion that ‘at the aggregate level, social that it can also be created ‘from above’: i.e.,
trust and confidence in government and its from the state. The argument is that govern-
institutions are strongly associated with each ments can realize their capacity to generate
other. Social trust can help build effective trust only if citizens consider the state itself
social and political institutions, which can to be trustworthy (Newton and Delhey, 2005;
help governments perform effectively, and Rothstein, 2011). States, for example, enable
this in turn encourages confidence in civic the establishment of contracts in that they
institutions’ (Newton, 1999: 12). The prob- provide information and monitor legislation,
lem, however, is the usual one that arises and enforce rights and rules that sanction
when using aggregate data. We don’t know if lawbreakers, protect minorities and actively
there is a causal mechanism at the individual support the integration and participation of
level, and we don’t know how such a causal citizens. If the legal and administrative insti-
mechanism might actually work. tutions are perceived as fair, just and (reason-
The main thrust of Putnam’s argument is ably) efficient, this increases the likelihood
that social capital is produced if citizens that citizens will perceive other citizens as

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trustworthy (Dinesen, 2011; Levi, 1998; Thus, in a society where this type of percep-
Rothstein, 2005). The causal mechanism at tion of public officials is common, people
the individual level between the ‘quality of will also trust other people in general to a
public administration’ and social trust may much lower extent. If public officials, who
hypothetically run as follows: are supposed to provide citizens with protec-
tion, cannot be trusted then what are the
1 If public officials are known to be corrupted, grounds for you to trust people in general?
citizens will infer that even individuals given the Even visitors from countries where the
responsibility to guard the public interest are not population is known to have unusually high
to be trusted, and if they cannot be trusted, then
levels of trust in other people are likely to
nor can ‘most people’ be trusted.
2 Following this, citizens will infer that most people
change their mind about how wise it is to
cannot be trusted because they are engaged in trust other people, let alone the police. In
direct or indirect corruption of these government addition, they will of course also feel vulner-
institutions. able and unprotected, which makes them
3 In order to ‘survive’ under such a system, each fear strangers even more. No wonder that
citizen will find himself forced to engage in cor- the wonderful beaches on the Yucatan penin-
ruption, even if it is against his moral orientation. sula are, to an astonishing degree, being
But because citizens cannot trust themselves to occupied by ‘all inclusive resorts’, which
behave according to the rules, they are likely to is the name for ‘gated communities’ in the
infer that nor are ‘other people’ likely to play tourist industry.
by the rules, and thus they cannot be trusted
As stated above, public programs can be
(Rothstein, 2011).
designed so as to give more or less discre-
The causal mechanism I want to specify here tionary power to bureaucrats. For social pro-
is that social trust may run from trust in the grams, the more universal they are, the less
quality of government institutions responsi- room for discretion. Selective programs,
ble for the implementation of public policies on the other hand, must be implemented in
to trust in ‘most people’. It makes little sense a case-by-case manner, with considerable
to trust ‘most people’ if they are generally amounts of bureaucratic discretion. The
known to bribe, threaten or in other ways difficulty of handling the discretionary power
corrupt the impartiality of government insti- of administrators in selective programs has
tutions in order to extract special favors. two important consequences. These conse-
One reason ‘most other people’ may be quences are often thought to be opposites,
trusted is that they are generally known to but in fact they are two sides of the same
refrain from such forms of behavior (Putnam, coin: they are the bureaucratic abuse of
1993: 111). power, and fraud on the part of clients.
More casually, here is a ‘true story’ that Applicants in a selective system, if they are
helps to illustrate our argument. Lonely rational, will claim that their situation is
Planet is one of the world’s largest compa- worse than it actually is, and will describe
nies in the guidebook industry. This is how their prospects for solving their problems
the police are described in its guide to the on their own as small to non-existent. The
Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. administrators in such a system, for their
part, often have incentives from their superi-
Be advised that the federal police have been ors to be suspicious of clients’ claims.
implicated in rapes and murders … so don’t turn Working with Swedish survey data, Staffan
to them for help if you have been assaulted. Kumlin divided the population according to
Obviously, if you survive an attack and go to
the police, only to recognize an officer as one
if they had had personal contacts with selec-
of your assailants, he won’t be likely to give tive welfare state institutions or not (Kumlin,
you the chance to identify him in a court 2004). The analyses show that experience
of law. with selective client-based public authorities

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(such as means-tested social assistance) has a institution, he also recognizes that the causal
sizeable and significant negative effect on mechanism is difficult to measure and opens
generalized trust. This is not so surprising, up the possibility that well-functioning insti-
given that this category probably belong tutions may also influence social capital in a
to the ‘have-nots’ in Swedish society, who society. For example, the strength of various
are generally low on trust (cf. Putnam, 2000: forms of organized crime in the southern
193ff). What is surprising is that the negative Italian regions is, according to Putnam, based
impact on social trust from contacts with on traditional patterns of clientelism, which
client-based selective public institutions in turn has been caused ‘by the weakness of
holds when controlling for not only social the administrative and judicial structures of
class and income but also for membership in the state, in turn further undermining the
voluntary associations, satisfaction with the authority of those structures’ (Putnam, 1993:
way that Swedish democracy works, political 146). While the correlation between social
interest, life satisfaction and trust in politi- trust and corruption at the aggregate level
cians (Kumlin and Rothstein, 2005). One is strong, it is very difficult to discern how
reason for the low levels of corruption and it works at the individual level. Is it individu-
high levels of social trust in the Scandinavian als who are already highly trusting who
countries may thus be that most of their refrain from engaging in corruption, or is it
social programs have been universal, not corruption that breeds distrust?
selective. This has important policy implications,
There are thus good arguments, both theo- not least when it comes to how to organize
retical and empirical, for seeing the standard international aid to developing countries.
of a nation’s public administration not only One of the key debates in the social capital
as caused by the level of social capital in that approach is between a more sociological
country but also as a causal factor in its own approach, which argues social trust grows
right behind high or low levels of social trust. ‘from below’ when people come together in
As has been argued by Uslaner, people who various voluntary associations, and the polit-
in surveys report high levels of social trust ical approach, which stresses the importance
are likely to think that not only will most of government institutions, not least the
other people ‘play by the rules’ in ‘person-to- public administration (Hooghe and Stolle,
person’ contacts but also they will ‘play by 2003). If the sociological theory about social
the rules’ in their contacts with government capital is correct, then the rich nations should
institutions. It has also been shown that try to find ways to channel aid to voluntary
people who in surveys report high levels of associations who organize people at the
social trust also have a stronger confidence grassroots level and thereby increase trust
in public institutions, particularly in the and norms of reciprocity in society. The risk
legal system (Uslaner, 2002: 112). It should with this strategy is of course not only that
be noted that Putnam states a similar causal the theory can be wrong but also that groups
arrow in his Italian study, when he claims that discriminate on ethnic grounds or use
that the regions with the lowest amounts their power to undermine the integrity of
of social capital ‘are the most subject to government institutions by resorting to clien-
the ancient plague of political corruption’ telism, patronage and outright corruption
(Putnam, 1993: 111). will benefit from these resources. It could be
As in many other areas in the social sci- argued that societies like Rwanda, Bosnia-
ences, what is cause and effect is often Herzegovina and Northern Ireland have ‘too
dependent on which time horizon is chosen. much social capital’ but of the wrong type.
Even if Putnam’s analysis stresses the impor- There is, as Putnam (2000) recognizes, also a
tance of citizens’ civic engagement and social ‘dark side’ of social capital and it is far from
trust for a well-functioning government certain that it is at all possible to increase

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social capital in a society by supporting vol- social norms against such behavior, there
untary associations. The alternative approach is no solution to this problem (Rothstein,
would be to give support for increasing the 2005).
‘quality of government’ factor in developing
countries. But where in a society where cor-
ruption and patronage is ingrained in the
administrative culture can you find or create NEO-CORPORATIST STRUCTURES
uncorrupted civil servants? AND BUREAUCRATIC LEGITIMACY
A case in point is Gary Miller’s and
Thomas Hammond’s discussion of the use of Another way to ensure legitimacy and trust is
the so-called ‘city managers’ as a successful to give interest groups direct influence over
way to get rid of corrupt party-machine poli- the implementation process. These interest
tics in American cities during the interwar groups can be very different: from loosely
period. These were highly trained civil serv- formed networks to centralized national
ants known for their high moral standards interest organizations (Jensen, 2011; Öberg
and for being disinterested, selfless servants et al., 2001; Traxler, 2010). The influence
of the public good. They had a reputation, that the interest groups are given can also
that as a rule, they could not be bribed. But vary from informal consultation to formal
as Miller and Hammond state, ‘(t)o the extent representation in the boards of the public
that such a system works, it is clearly because agencies in question. In some cases, the
city managers have been selected and/or implementation of public policies has been
trained not to be economic actors’ (Miller entirely taken over directly by interest organ-
and Hammond, 1994: 23). And, of course, izations. Research in this area started in the
there is then no collective action problem in 1970s under the label ‘neo-corporatism’,
the first place, because it is ‘solved’ by blur- which was launched by Philippe Schmitter in
ring the assumption about human behavior a seminal article in 1974 as an alternative to
on which the model is built. Due to what is the pluralist understanding of how modern
known about bureaucratic discretion, the Western democracies actually operated
possibility to solve this problem by imple- (Schmitter, 1974).
menting controls from above is very limited The neo-corporatist model assumes that
(cf. Brehm and Gates, 1997; Miller, 1992). representatives from interest organizations
Miller and Hammond’s advice is thus very that participate in the implementation of
simple, namely: ‘to find out how such disin- government policies are chosen, so that they
terested altruistic actors are created, and then enjoy the confidence of their constituents.
reproduce them throughout the political A further assumption is that policy
system’ (Miller and Hammond, 1994: 24). implementation is often successful only
Well, what more can you say, than ‘good when the group towards which the policy is
luck’. About this standard ‘rule of law’ solu- directed cooperates willingly. One way to
tion, Barry Weingast has made a very impor- elicit the group’s collaboration is to grant the
tant comment: namely, that ‘(a) government organization representing it an exclusive
strong enough to protect property rights is right to participate in the policy’s execution.
also strong enough to confiscate the wealth One of the reasons for allowing such organi-
of its citizens’ (Weingast, 1993: 287). If a zational representatives to participate in
government has the power to establish the administration is precisely that they
institutions to implement a ‘rule of law’
are closer to the target group (their members)
system, they would abuse that same power to
than state bureaucracies, and they have more
break the ‘rule of law’ (i.e., infringe on prop- intimate knowledge of its situation and concerns.
erty rights) if acting as agents in game theory It is likely that this enables them to apply rules less
are supposed to act. Without some kind of formalistically and to take the specific conditions

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of individual cases better into account − which, in from public sources (e.g., patient associa-
turn, tends to increase the acceptance of regula- tions, pensioners’ organizations and student
tion by those affected by it (Streeck and Schmitter,
1985: 22).
unions). Organizations of the former kind
naturally occupy a position of much greater
It may be argued that, in addition to its suit- strength as against the state, since they pos-
ability for legitimizing administrative deci- sess resources over which the state has no
sions, this neo-corporatist model has one direct control. They may in fact be so strong
more advantage. The state can organize the as to be able, when dissatisfied, to prevent
representation from societal groups so as to implementation of the policies in question.
create an arena for negotiation and compro- Organizations without such resources obvi-
mise between different organizations. In the ously find themselves in a much weaker
Northern European countries, this has often position as against the state.
been the case in the implementation of labor For both the state and the organizations,
market and industrial policies. By granting the efficiency of the neo-corporatist model
representation on administrative bodies to rests on what seems to be a difficult balanc-
both sides of industry, state leaders hope to ing act. Over time, the organizations may
encourage decisions marked by compromise risk losing their members’ confidence if they
rather than confrontation (Lewin, 1992; come to be seen as defending the interests of
Öberg et al., 2001). However, this means that the state first and foremost. The individual
in the neo-corporatist model the distinction representatives may, over time, come to iden-
between politics and administration is virtu- tify themselves more with the bureaucracy
ally erased, because neo-corporatism is than with their organization. Their constitu-
characterized precisely by the institutional ency may then start seeing them as co-opted,
fusion of policy conception and execution, of transformed into harmless instruments of
political representation and intervention state policy. Thus, if their collaboration with
(Cawson, 1986: 185). Scholars in legal soci- the state becomes too close, the model will
ology and in law have noted that this fusion lose its basis for creating legitimacy (Lewin,
produces a new legal form, which they have 1992; Öberg et al., 2001).
termed ‘reflexive law’. Such law does not Public bureaucracies also sometimes form
govern the disposition of material things, but alliances with powerful interest organiza-
rather regulates the areas of competence of tions so as to increase their political clout
different societal systems, their organiza- against politicians who may want to influ-
tional and institutional structures, and their ence them (or shut them down). Such bureau-
forms for decision making (Brand, 1988; cratic strategies are known to be very
Lijphart and Crepaz, 1991). effective and an important source of bureau-
Claus Offe has called attention to a critical cratic strength. Such alliances, sometimes
distinction in this model: namely, that known as policy networks or ‘iron triangles’,
between different types of interest organiza- are known to be very powerful (i.e., the
tions. Certain organizations, on the one hand, military−industrial complex). While such a
may be said to generate their strength outside strategy may be efficient to increase the
the state (Offe, 1986). They may represent administrations’ legitimacy with some parts
producers with a strong market position (e.g., of society and some societal actors, it has
trade unions, employer organizations, and also been known to decrease legitimacy
other producer organizations) or popular within society as a whole (Offe, 1986).
groups held together by strong ideological There are certainly several other problems
bonds (ethnic and religious organizations). with this model. A central debate is whether
Other interest organizations, by contrast, or not neo-corporatist arrangements are
arise as a result of political programs, and harmful for democratic ideals or not. On the
acquire their revenues almost exclusively one hand, there are scholars arguing that such

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arrangements make it possible for a demo- right to participate in certain decision-mak-

cratic government to solve important policy ing organs. The hope is that services apply-
questions which could not be handled if ing the user-oriented model will appear
interest organizations would not have been legitimate in the eyes of their users, since,
given influence over the implementation it is thought, users cannot lack confidence
process. In this argument, inviting interest in an institution over which they have been
organizations to the implementation proc- able to exercise influence.
ess can extend the democratic scope. The The users are those persons (or in the case
counter-argument is that neo-corporatism of children, the parent) that are physically
harms democratic ideals because they come present when a service is provided. This
into conflict with the principle of political presents the user-oriented model with its first
equality. Simply put, some citizens (i.e., problem − such persons may feel inhibited
those who are members of interest organiza- from criticizing the service in question.
tions) get more influence than others do. Clients may find it difficult, for instance,
A second debate has to do with economic openly to criticize the staff on which they are
and managerial efficiency. Extended repre- dependent for the daily satisfaction of their
sentation may create shortsighted ‘rent- needs. It is clear that staff persons − who
seeking’ by interest organizations and sometimes entertain specific professional
bureaucracies, thereby harming the ‘general notions about how to run things − enjoy an
interest’ (Lewin, 1992). One or several inter- advantage over users. The precise relation
est organizations may ‘capture’ the bureauc- between the influence of personnel and that
racy in which they are represented and of users is difficult to establish. In some
transform its operations so that it mostly cases, it is not clear who is to be regarded as
serves ‘special interests’. Contrary to this, a user, in what form decisions shall be taken,
there are studies showing that this model what areas users have the right to decide
actually increases economic efficiency by over, and what responsibility they bear for
making it possible to create working compro- their decisions. In some areas, such as sport
mises between different societal actors for and cultural facilities, local government
finding solutions to common problems, espe- agencies sometimes create networks with
cially when it comes to industrial policy voluntary associations, who are invited to
and the labor market (Katzenstein, 1994; take part in operating the facilities. In the
Traxler, 2010). Scandinavian countries, this model of user
influence has been motivated by the need to
get more people interested in participating
in the representative democratic process
LEGITIMACY Several other problems exist with this
way of creating legitimacy. For example, it
Another way to increase legitimacy and is unclear what should be done in the case
handle the problem of discretion is to let the of conflicts among users. Should the minor-
citizens who directly use a public service ity submit to the will of the majority?
exercise influence over its operations (Barnes, Yet another problem with this model is that
1999; Simmons and Birchall, 2005). We may it tends to favor persons with (a) abundant
then say that the service is organized accord- time resources, who are (b) highly interested
ing to the user-oriented model. In some in influencing the program, and who
advanced welfare states, the typical areas in (c) possess abundant resources in terms of
which this model is applied are childcare, information, education and experience in
education, and care of the elderly. In some decision-making organs. In relation to the
countries, students at universities have the democratic ideal − that all citizens possess

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equal worth – this makes the user-group pointed out three such sources of ‘legitimacy
model problematic. from below’. One is the relation between the
public administration and social capital.
Although this approach usually has been
connected to the importance of civic net-
CONCLUSION works and voluntary associations, it has also
important implications for the study of vari-
It has for long been taken for granted that the ous dimensions of the public administration.
most important factor for citizens to perceive First, the ‘quality of government’ factor may
their government as legitimate is the extent to be a result of the amount of social capital in
which they are in possession of democratic a society. Second, the structure and opera-
rights for influencing ‘Who governs’. Recent tions of the civil service may also be a cause
empirical research shows that the democratic behind the level of social trust and social
rights are not the most important factor for capital in a society. Two other sources of
creating political legitimacy. Instead, citi- legitimacy have also been discussed: neo-
zens’ perception of the quality of the public corporatism and systems’ user influence. All
administration is more important than are these three ways of connecting the public
democratic rights for creating political legiti- administration to the society it is supposed to
macy. This may be related to yet another serve may very well be connected. It may, or
surprising empirical finding: namely, that may not, be an accidental occurrence that the
‘quality of government’ factors such as con- countries which score highest in surveys
trol of corruption, the rule of law and impar- about social trust − namely, the Scandinavian
tial civil service have a much stronger impact countries − are among those where neo-
on almost all measures of human well-being corporatist arrangements (and to a lesser
than have countries’ level of democracy. extent, models of user influence) have been
These two results from recent empirical most elaborated.
research imply that the quality of a society’s
public administration is more important both
for the political system’s overall legitimacy
and for the well-being of its citizens than
have hitherto been the ‘generally accepted
wisdom’. The public administration in a
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Representative Bureaucracy:
Four Questions
Kenneth J. Meier and K. Jurée Capers

Representative bureaucracy, a major theore- Third, how might passive representation

tical concept in public administration, con- lead to active representation and greater
cerns the ability of the bureaucracy to policy responsiveness? Fourth, does repre-
represent the general public. Mosher (1968; sentation influence how effective bureaucra-
see also Pitkin 1967) distinguished between cies can be?
passive representation that focuses on
origins and demographic characteristics of
bureaucrats, that is, the degree to which they
mirror the society (also termed symbolic WHAT SHOULD BE REPRESENTED?
representation), and active representation
when bureaucrats advocate for constituents’ Before addressing what characteristics
interests (also termed substantive representa- bureaucracies should represent, one might
tion). Originally, representative bureaucracy first address whether or not bureaucracies
hinged on the idea that bureaucracies are should be representative institutions at all.
reflective of the dominant class in society Many argue that representation is best pro-
and no group could be trusted if it is not vided to the public by representatives who
reflective of such (Kingsley 1944; Krislov can be held accountable to citizens through
1974). A group of US scholars (Levitan the traditional democratic processes of elec-
1946; Long 1952; Van Riper 1958) refocused tions. Representation by bureaucrats, as a
the theory on the ability of bureaucrats to result, is controversial and generally opposed
represent the general public not just the by elected officials since they see representa-
dominant class in society. tion as an infringement on their own political
This chapter will address four key ques- role (see Daley 1984).
tions in regard to representative bureaucracy. Proponents of representative bureaucracy
First, what characteristics should a bureauc- (Long 1952) contend that representation by
racy represent? Second, what factors deter- political institutions is incomplete and often
mine how representative a bureaucracy is? hampered by majority rule provisions that

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consider some interests and ignore others. Immigration also contributes to additional
A bureaucracy representative of the diverse ethnic conflict and reinforces the distinct
population and the wide range of preferences identities of the immigrant populations, a
and interests unique to this population, process currently playing out in many of the
advocates contend, is one way to improve developed countries in Europe, including
democratic representation. Bureaucratic rep- France, Denmark, Germany, and the United
resentation provides a means for the interests Kingdom. Ethnicity often correlates with
and preferences of the minority to be repre- religious and language differences, and so
sented by allowing the minority to regain representation might focus on a bundle of
the representation lost through the electoral identities such as in Quebec, Belgium, or
process. The argument continues that bureau- Lebanon.
crats, as public officials, are also accountable Demands for representation in the bureauc-
for the results of their work (Lipsky 1980; racy also focus on geographic regions (early
Hupe and Hill 2007). They are subject to United States, South Korea), social class
performance evaluations, loss in funding or (United Kingdom, Thailand, India), disabil-
budgetary support, and loss of their clientele ity (numerous countries), and gender (numer-
base, making them equally, if not more, ous countries). In most cases these cleavages
accountable to citizens than public officials. are also strongly linked to political issues
Although many scholars justify the study about equity, such as political movements for
of representative bureaucracy by arguing that gender equality, the Cholla province issue in
bureaucracies can be more responsive to the South Korea (P. S. Kim 1993; H. Kim 2005)
needs of politically under-representative or the economic status of poor, rural areas
groups, the representativeness of bureaucra- in Thailand.
cies merits study in its own right. A repre- Politics will define the identities that are
sentative bureaucracy is a symbol of openness salient. Naff (2007) shows that South Africa’s
and equality to citizens. What characteristics concerns have moved from race to tribal
should be represented? Any individual has affiliation. This shift is consistent with recent
multiple identities – German, immigrant, work on other African countries, for exam-
woman, Lutheran, Hessian, plumber, and so ple, that shows over a period of time how
on. Issues of passive representation might politics favors some groups rather than
deal with the full range of potential identi- others; and, as a result, can have a dramatic
ties; but, in practice, a nation’s politics impact on ethnic identification (Posner 2006;
defines which identities are likely to be Habyarimana et al. 2009). Just as national
pushed for representation. This means that politics and history shape identity salience,
the identities seeking representation vary so do specific bureaucratic actions. Bureauc-
across nations and can vary within a nation racies can emphasize one identity or down-
across time. Ethnicity/race is frequently the play others in implementing policy, and
variable that demands representation in citizens are likely to recognize this pattern.
the bureaucracy. Although the literature is
dominated by American scholars who focus
on race and ethnicity, ethnic political cleav-
ages are common in a great many countries WHAT ARE THE DETERMINANTS OF
(e.g., South Africa, Belgium, Columbia, PASSIVE REPRESENTATION?
Zambia; see Dresang 1974). Many ethnic
identities are tied to indigenous populations Empirical studies of the determinants of
as in much of North and South America representative bureaucracy have been domi-
and Australia. Others exist owing to long- nated by examinations of US bureaucracies
standing conflict and perceived oppres- and focused on US salient identities – race,
sion (Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, etc.). ethnicity, and gender. That is unfortunate

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since it limits our knowledge about both level is related to political representation by
the extent of bureaucratic representation and the same groups. The work has discovered
the determinants of that representation. The significant relationships in US cities for rep-
nature of these limits can best be illustrated resentation on the city council (Dye and
by two overly simplified but polar types – Renick 1981; Eisinger 1982; Lewis 1989) or
the Weberian rational bureaucracy and as the elected chief administrative officer
the patronage bureaucracy. Weber’s (1946) (Stein 1986; Saltzstein 1989) for racial
ideal-typical bureaucracy seeks to maximize groups. A parallel literature shows similar
rationality and, therefore, uses merit or sur- impacts in US cities for gender (Saltzstein
rogates for merit such as education as a 1986; Sigelman 1976); and, cross-nationally,
recruitment criterion. Patronage bureaucra- Whitford, Wilkins, and Ball (2007) find that
cies are less concerned with merit and more political representation for women in high
concerned with loyalty and use that as a ministerial positions is positively related to
recruitment criterion. Neither bureaucracy is gender representation in the bureaucracy in
likely to be widely represented of the general 72 countries. Within a bureaucracy, studies
public simply because neither education nor show that representation at top administrative
political loyalty is likely to be evenly distrib- levels in the organization is generally the
uted in society. strongest determinant of representation at
Because there is so little research on lower levels for both race and gender (Meier,
patronage bureaucracies, this review of the O’Toole, and Nicholson-Crotty 2004; Goode
determinants will focus on the determinants and Baldwin 2005; Whitford et al. 2007).
in Weberian-style bureaucracies. Clearly, The implementation of specific policies, such
the most important barrier to representative as affirmative action or quotas, to increase
bureaucracies is the education level of the bureaucratic representation, is also linked to
population (see Subramaniam 1967; Meier more representative bureaucracies (Saltzstein
1975: 537). Although bureaucracies are 1986; Naff 2007).
never a microcosm of the population, they A key limit to these studies, in addition to
approach equality as the population becomes their US orientation, is that they generally are
better educated. To the degree that access to not effective in separating out how much
education is not equally distributed across of the representation is determined by the
the salient identities for representation in a available labor pool and how much is deter-
country, bureaucracies will be unrepresenta- mined by these other factors. Cross-sectional
tive of the population. studies on race and ethnicity, in particular,
The US empirical research with different examine jurisdictions with widely varying
studies examining local, state, and national labor pools, particularly when one considers
bureaucracies generally finds that the strong- the educational requirements for bureaucratic
est determinant of minority representation in jobs. Minority populations are also highly
a bureaucracy is the minority population in collinear with minority political resources,
the jurisdiction. This is essentially a trivial and few studies seek to separate out these
finding since population can be the strongest factors.
predictor whether bureaucracies are highly The avoidance of a second key causality
representative or not representative at all; issue also comes up in a set of studies that
what matters in these cases is the magnitude challenge what is presented as a top-down
of the regression coefficient: i.e., whether the process of representation: that is, political
group gets 90 percent of the representation representation generates representation at high
needed for equity or only 10 percent. levels of the bureaucracy and this bureau-
The political nature of representative cratic representation produces correspond-
bureaucracy is reinforced by the scholarship ingly high representation at the street level of
that shows representation at the bureaucratic bureaucracy. Two studies, both on school

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systems in the United States, demonstrate Keiser et al. (2002) attempted to integrate
that these relationships are reciprocal. While the previous findings on representative
political representation does influence bureau- bureaucracy and build a full theoretical
cratic representation, bureaucratic represen- framework for when passive representation
tation also influences the level of political might result in outcomes favorable to the
representation (Meier and Smith 1994; Meier group in question (which they defined as
and O’Toole 2006). active representation). They identified
seven key variables that constitute the
core factors affecting the bureaucratic repre-
sentation process – discretion, organiza-
WHAT IS THE LINK BETWEEN tional mission, organizational socialization,
PASSIVE AND ACTIVE hierarchy, stratification, critical mass, and
REPRESENTATION? professionalization.
First, bureaucrats must exercise discretion,
The basic theory for expecting passive repre- and this discretion must overlap with the
sentation to generate active representation is issues/values that are salient to the identity
fairly simple, but in recent years the theory in question. Many issues that bureaucrats
has been elaborately revised to focus on the deal with are not related to the relevant
specific situations when active representation identity, and many other bureaucracies,
might occur. Thompson (1976) effectively including the patronage ones, have little dis-
summarized the early theory between passive cretion (see Van Gool 2008). Keiser et al.
and active representation. He highlights the (2002) provide an elaborate discussion of
potential barriers to active representation, yet when an issue becomes salient, focusing on
contends that under certain circumstances their concern − issues linked to gender. The
these barriers may be breached so that pas- specifics of their arguments about salience
sive representation leads to active representa- are less crucial here than their basic conten-
tion. He concludes that a passive-to-active tion that such issues are defined politically
linkage is possible when groups and institu- either by the state or by individuals not
tions recognize and “press” for minority benefiting from state actions.
interests; when issues hold obvious ramifica- Subsequent studies have revealed that the
tions for one’s group; and when there is degree of discretion itself varies at different
employee mobilization, support, and discre- levels within an organization as well as
tion (Thompson 1976). across organizations. Policy discretion linked
Scholars examining this relationship have to representative bureaucracy has been found
found mixed support for the argument that at lower levels in schools, police forces, and
passive representation does in fact lead to firefighters (Meier and Stewart 1992; Meier
active representation. Researchers such as and Nicholson-Crotty 2006; Ashworth and
Hindera (1993) and Selden (1997) examining Andrews 2010), at mid-management levels
passive and active representation linkages in in child support enforcement (Wilkins
federal bureaucracies have found evidence of and Keiser 2006), and at upper levels in
such linkages. Researchers have also found schools and federal contracting decisions
evidence of likely linkages within local and (Theobald 2007; Smith and Fernandez 2010).
state governments (Bradbury and Kellough In each case, bureaucratic discretion worked
2008). Other bureaucratic agencies such as to alter policy implementation to allow out-
social service providers and school districts puts and outcomes favored by a particular
have also been used to investigate and sup- group to occur.
port linkages between passive and active Scholars such as Hindera and Young (1998)
representation (Meier 1984; Wilkins and contend that the link between passive and
Keiser 2006). active representation is conditional. That is,

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only under certain situations or conditions link between passive and active representa-
will passive representation lead to active tion will be attenuated, except in those cases
representation. Hindera and Young’s (1998) where the agency’s mission is to serve the
research shows a dynamic relationship population of the represented group.
between passive and active representation. Fourth, hierarchy is used by organizations
More specifically, they find that when minor- to limit discretion and, therefore, prevent
ities are the plurality, majority, or there is a bureaucratic representation. Bureaucratic
critical mass, the link between passive and representation should be enhanced, theoreti-
active representation varies among the range cally, in more decentralized agencies where
of bureaucratic environments (Hindera and bureaucrats are allowed greater discretion,
Young 1998). Unlike the studies focused on allowing them to make decisions in the inter-
finding a link, this study observes challenges ests of the represented group. Meier and
to the link and the conditions under which Bohte (2001) found that representational
the link is likely to vary. Minorities are outputs are enhanced in more decentralized
expected to represent differently once a organizations, as did Keiser et al. (2002).
critical mass in the bureaucracy is met and Sowa and Selden (2003) show a correspond-
surpassed. ing result for US state government agencies.
Second, bureaucratic agencies are goal- A decentralized organization can also culti-
oriented collectives, and so their mission vate different values in different parts of the
greatly influences whether discretion is rele- organization and thus permit representation
vant to the identity in question. Some agen- across a wider spectrum of interests.
cies are set up to advocate, particularly the Fifth, stratification concerns the location
clientele agencies in most countries that of the representative group within the bureau-
implement policy in regard to farmers, labor, cratic hierarchy. As individuals move up
business, veterans, and others. In other cases, the hierarchy in a bureaucracy, they should
the organization is not set up to directly have a greater ability to affect agency out-
advocate for individuals; but in the process of comes; therefore, passive representation at
making bureaucratic decisions, individual the top of the bureaucracy should increase
bureaucrats can advocate for a specific group active representation. Theobald (2007)
of people or for an individual from that shows that Latino superintendents, the key
group. decision makers for school districts, are able
Third, organizational socialization seeks to allocate more funds to bilingual education.
to instill the values of the organization in the Smith and Fernandez (2010) demonstrate
individual bureaucrats. Socialization can that US federal agencies with more minori-
include training programs, standard operat- ties in top management positions also
ing procedures, incentives for promotion, allocated a larger percentage of contracts to
and even the history of the organization. minority-owned businesses. Keiser et al.
Much of the orientation, policies, and proce- (2002), in their study of gender and schools,
dures of the various agencies try to squeeze discovered an interaction effect; while top-
out the influence of the bureaucrat’s individ- level women were not directly associated
ual characteristics and generate uniform with better performance by female students,
decisions via a common acceptance of values. the impact of female teachers was sub-
Wilkins and Williams (2008, 2009) demon- stantially larger when women were well
strate that some police forces successfully represented in management.
manage to suppress ethnic identities via Sixth, many scholars argue that a single
organizational socialization. While all agen- isolated bureaucrat is unlikely to have much
cies and public services socialize employees, influence in an organization, and may, in
the extent of socialization varies a great deal. fact, feel uncomfortable advocating the inter-
As the degree of socialization increases, the ests of a group. This logic implies that there

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needs to be a critical mass of bureaucrats Meier, Wrinkle, and Polinard (1999), in their
who share some identity before any represen- study of minority teachers, suggest that the
tation will occur, a position first articulated correlation taken as representation can occur
by management theorist Rosabeth Moss for four different reasons.
Kanter (1993), who postulated that 15 per- First, there might actually be active repre-
cent was the critical mass. While the argu- sentation: that is, the bureaucrat acts for the
ment has intuitive appeal, the evidence of it client and in the process benefits the client.
is mixed and appears to depend on the level Second, the representation might occur indi-
of the organization. Work on US schools rectly because the presence of the minority
shows that teachers, lower-level personnel, bureaucrat influences other non-minority
do not need a critical mass to influence stu- bureaucrats to change their behavior. In this
dent assignments, discipline, and perform- case, a bureaucrat does something different,
ance. At the management level, a critical but it is not the bureaucrat who shares the
mass is needed; but the level is closer to representative trait with the client. Third, the
25 percent than the 15 percent that Kanter representation might occur through changes
hypothesized. These results held for both in the policies and procedures of the organi-
racial minorities (Meier and Stewart 1992) zation. The bureaucratic representatives are
and women (Keiser et al. 2002). likely to play a role in the discussions in
Seventh, professionalism is a major alter- the organization and whether or not policies
native source of bureaucratic identity, and it or procedures have institutionalized biases in
can act counter to other identities. Much of regard to the represented clientele. The
professional training includes sets of values bureaucrat, therefore, represents by advocat-
and ways to approach problems; these values ing for changes in the standard operating
and processes rarely allow for such things procedures of the organization. All three of
as race, ethnicity, or similar factors. these processes include some aspects of
Professionalism’s impact on bureaucratic active representation in the sense of the adop-
representation, however, can also act in a dif- tion of a representation role by the bureaucrat
ferent way. Sometimes, professionalism (Selden 1997). Finally, the client changes his
supports advocacy and the resulting develop- or her behavior as a result of the characteris-
ment of active representation. Helping pro- tics of the bureaucrat. In the education con-
fessions such as teaching, nursing, and public text, this is termed the “role model” effect,
health often contain a normative commit- but the process can occur outside the educa-
ment to helping disadvantaged clientele in tion arena (see Meier and Nicholson-Crotty
dealing with bureaucracy or other problems 2006). In this last case, active representation
(see Guy, Newman, and Mastracci 2008). does not occur.
Professionals are also likely to have more Lim (2006) takes a compatible view and
job security and autonomy, which permits argues for passive representation’s other
them to exercise greater discretion should substantive benefits beyond leading to
they opt to do so. active representation, which he considers
Other theoretical work has raised the issue “direct source benefits.” It may also produce
that existing studies do not actually demon- indirect substantive benefits that are over-
strate that there is active representation; looked in studies on the linkage between
rather, they have found a correlation between active and passive representation. His theo-
passive representation and bureaucratic retical evaluation of the literature suggests
outcomes that benefit the represented. With that passive representation may lead to
only few exceptions (see Selden 1997; behavioral changes for bureaucrats (both
Bradbury and Kellough 2008), the empirical minority and non-minority) and clients, lead-
literature deals with collective representation ing to greater benefits for minority clients.
not individual representation in this way. Therefore, studies on passive representation

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that do not consider passive representations’ Theobald and Haider-Markel (2009) also
independent effects on group benefits may question the literature on the linkage between
be wrongly attributing benefits to active passive, or symbolic representation in their
representation. study’s context, and active representation.
Meier and Nicholson-Crotty (2006) test They consider the symbolic effect that pas-
this theory, finding clients and bureaucrats sive representation may have on clients’ atti-
do change their behavior with increases in tudes toward a bureaucratic agency. Similar
passive gender representation. Women were to Meier and Nicholson-Crotty (2006) and
more likely to report sexual assaults as the Herman (2007), their work also notes the
level of passive representation increased via effect passive representation may have on
more female police officers (Meier and clients. By examining the public attitudes on
Nicholson-Crotty 2006). Additionally, they the legitimacy of police actions after their
credit having more female officers on a interactions with an officer of the same race
police force to changes in male colleagues’ or a different race, Theobald and Haider-
sensitivity to gender issues. Similar to Lim’s Markel (2009) find that passive representa-
(2006) argument, their findings also indicate tion influences clients’ perceptions and
an additional benefit to passive representa- attitudes toward bureaucratic action. Black
tion without any action from the bureaucrat. respondents confronted by Black officers
Changes in client behavior make passive were more likely to view the bureaucrat’s
representation more important and suggest action as legitimate.
an additional linkage complication to the lit- Additional extensions further probe the
erature, highlighting passive and active link- passive representation–policy outcome link-
ages based on observed policy outcomes. age in education. Meier, Wrinkle, and
Building somewhat on Lim’s (2006) Polinard (1999) conduct research on the
research and Meier and Nicholson-Crotty’s effects of passive representation on students’
(2006) findings, Herman’s (2007) research academic performance to determine if the
considers how passive representation in the presence of minority teachers will improve
bureaucracy may produce benefits to clients the performance of minority students.
from client action. Clients may decide that However, their research moves beyond look-
having some type of passive representation is ing at the benefits of passive representation
enough to change their behavior and opin- to also consider the possible negative conse-
ions toward the bureaucracy (Herman 2007). quences of greater passive representation for
Specifically, he looks for two ways that pas- one group and less passive representation for
sive representation may produce benefits: another group. Essentially, they seek to find
better communication between the client and the range of consequences for passive repre-
the bureaucrat (or bureaucracy) and increas- sentation. They find a positive relationship
ing the likelihood that the client will use the between the percentage of minority teachers
bureaucracy’s services − termed “demand and minority students’ academic perform-
inducement,” (Herman 2007). He finds that ance. They also find an increase in white
passive representation does produce the students’ pass rate as the percentage of
expected benefits, but only under certain minority teachers increases, suggesting a
conditions. The extent that passive represen- benefit to minority passive representation for
tation produces benefits is dependent on a whites also, particularly in districts with
clients’ past experiences with the bureauc- greater equity.
racy, their need for the bureaucracy’s serv- Similarly, Weiher (2000) also finds a rela-
ices, and the institutional structure of the tionship between passive representation and
bureaucracy; these findings are particularly student performance outcomes. He notes
strong for African-American respondents that the performance of minority students
(Herman 2007). are “consistently depressed” when there is a

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shortfall of minority teachers. For Latino competition for resources and services
students, a decrease in the percentage of increases. Consequently, a representative
Latino teachers could lead to a 14 point bureaucracy in AIDS services is becoming
decrease in Latino students’ performance increasingly important (Thielemann and
overall. Black students could experience a Stewart 1996). This research is particularly
26 point decrease in their performance over- interesting because it checks the relevance of
all if the percentage of Black teachers representative bureaucracy in an area where
decreased (Weiher 2000). Although this it would seem to matter a great deal − health
research is similar to Meier et al.’s, Weiher care. It provides proof to an assumption that
uses distinct model specification techniques. is made in nearly every representative
He operationalizes minority teacher popula- bureaucracy service − the services provided
tion by taking the difference between the by the “representative” bureaucracy are those
percentage of Black/Latino teachers and per- that the client wants, needs, and would be
centage of Black/Latino students, while interested in receiving.
Meier et al. simply use a combined percent-
age of Black and Latino teachers. Weiher’s
measure highlights the “minority teacher
shortfall” issue, and it also allows one to see REPRESENTATIVE BUREAUCRACY
the exact effects for Black and Latinos when AND PERFORMANCE: EVALUATING
not lumped together as a “minority” group. BUREAUCRATIC EFFECTIVENESS
There have also been less quantitative
studies that pose questions of passive repre- A general perception is that there is a trade-
sentation and representative bureaucracy. off between representation and organiza-
Thielemann and Stewart (1996) examine the tional performance (Lim 2006). The argument
“demand side” of representative bureaucracy. is based on the idea that organizations maxi-
More specifically, they investigate if there is mize efficiency and that any deviation from
an actual demand or desire from represented that such as representation will reduce per-
clients for a representative bureaucracy. formance. At the same time, if the repre-
Thielemann and Stewart (1996) theorize a sentativeness of the bureaucracy causes the
client’s willingness to seek out services, client to change behavior, then there is a pos-
treatments, or preventive measures may sibility that improvement − particularly in
depend on who is providing the services, cases of co-production − in results will occur.
essentially affecting the effectiveness of serv- The relationship between bureaucratic repre-
ice delivery. Using survey data of people sentation and performance was first exam-
living with AIDS in Dallas, Texas, they find ined in a study of representative bureaucracy
results suggesting a demand for a more rep- and education in Texas (Meier et al. 1999,
resentative bureaucracy (Thielemann and 2001). Those articles examined cross-group
Stewart 1996). Passive representation on tradeoffs: that is, whether an increase in
the dimensions of race, gender, and sexual minority teachers negatively affected the per-
orientation mattered; however, representa- formance of non-minority students. As part
tion from service providers compared to of the analysis, a bold, aggressive hypothesis
service directors mattered more (Thielemann was put forth that representative bureaucra-
and Stewart 1996). This suggests that active cies would be more effective than non-repre-
representation matters greatly and possibly sentative bureaucracies. The hypothesis was
more than passive representation; however, supported theoretically by the work of Gary
passive representation is still relevant to Becker (1993), who argued that discrimina-
receiving this active representation. As the tion in employment would create inefficien-
population of people affected by AIDS cies for an organization. Meier et al. (1999,
becomes more diverse, the demand and 2001) suggested that an unrepresentative

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bureaucracy would reveal management’s the research is based in the United States,
preferences for certain types of employees and the bulk of the US research focuses on a
and those preferences would likely result in single type of organization, public schools.
reduced organizational performance. The Organizations take many forms and they
empirical study found that not only were exist in many national contexts that vary
White students (non-minorities) not nega- greatly in terms of politics, structures, public
tively affected by minority teachers, but they activities, and development. The findings
actually experienced higher performance based on local school districts in the United
with minority teachers than did minority States are unlikely to be relevant to all the
students. bureaucracies in all these contexts. As a
The relationship between representative result, there are numerous opportunities for
bureaucracy and organizational performance theoretically informed research, especially
was taken a step further by David Pitts and outside the United States. Only by taking the
his co-authors. Relying on private sector study of representative bureaucracy else-
research that indicates more diverse organi- where can we get definitive answers on when
zations are likely to generate a greater range bureaucracies represent and what difference
of ideas and consequently perform better, it makes if they do.
Pitts (2005) finds that as the bureaucracy
more closely mirrors the clientele in terms of
ethnic composition, performance does
increase. A subsequent analysis (Roch, Pitts, REFERENCES
and Navarro 2010) shows that schools with
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Street-Level Bureaucracy
and Public Policy
Steven Rathgeb Smith

In the past 20 years, a broad rethinking of performance and more responsiveness to

the principles of public administration and citizens by street-level bureaucracts has
management has been underway often under also led many governments around the world
the rubric of the New Public Management to increase their reliance on non-profit and
(NPM) (Hood, 1991; Rhodes, 2007; Lynn, for-profit organizations to provide public
1998; Behn, 2001; Phillips and Smith, 2011). services through contracts. Through con-
Central to this New Public Management is tracting, the workers in these organizations
an emphasis on performance and more become the “new street level bureaucrats”.
market-oriented strategies such as contract- Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Germany,
ing, and devolution of program management. and the US are just a few of the countries
Countries throughout the world have imple- who rely extensively on contracting for
mented these NPM strategies, albeit to services with private organizations. Through
varying degrees. The success of the NPM contracting, governments hope to induce
substantially hinges on the capabilities of more competition in the provision of public
‘street-level bureaucrats’ – the front-line services and engage the community, broadly
workers who serve as the connection between defined, more intensively in the provision
public services and the citizenry (Lipsky, and oversight of public services (Smith and
2010). These street-level bureaucrats include Lipsky, 1993). Non-profit (and for-profit)
the police, welfare caseworkers, teachers, organizations have been especially promi-
physicians, nurses, mental health counsel- nent in many community care services such
lors, and correctional officers. Through new as home care, residential care, job training,
performance standards such as more rigorous and substance abuse treatment.
regulation or performance contracting, it is Arguably then, the role of street-level
hoped that the effectiveness of street-level bureaucrats and their importance to the
bureaucrats in responding to social problems implementation of public policy has never
will be greatly enhanced. Relatedly, the been more important and more scrutinized.
broad interest and support for improved It is not an overstatement to argue that the

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success of performance management and CITIZENSHIP AND STREET-LEVEL

other new public management initiatives BUREAUCRATS
rests on street-level bureaucrats in public,
non-profit and for-profit agencies providing Citizenship theory
public services. As noted by Lipsky (2010),
the power of street-level bureaucrats to influ- Two key strands of citizenship theory have
ence public policy implementation derives the most relevance to street-level bureaucrats
substantially from their discretion and their and public policy. One theoretical perspec-
relative autonomy from organizational tive was initially developed over 50 years
authority. This discretion and autonomy ago by T.H. Marshall, a British social
gives street-level bureaucrats substantial scientist who argued that the transition of
power actually to make policy, rather than society from the Middle Ages to the modern
simply to implement the directives of industrial world redefined citizenship
superiors (Elmore, 1979–80; Lipsky, 1978, (Marshall, 1964). He argued that the spread
2010; Maynard-Moody and Musheno, of the market economy and industrializa-
2003; Maynard-Moody and Portillo, 2010; tion required the extension of citizenship
Rothstein, 1998; Sandfort, 2000; May and rights to all citizens. He divided citizen-
Winter, 2007). ship rights into three categories: civil, politi-
The challenges posed by the discretion and cal, and social. Civil rights such as freedom
autonomy of street-level bureaucrats to effec- of speech, religion, and assembly are pro-
tive program implementation, particularly in tections against the state. Political rights
the new performance-oriented practices of include the right to vote and the secret
today, is covered elsewhere in this Handbook ballot. Social rights are the government-
(see Meyers and Nielsen, Chapter 19). The protected minimum standards of health
focus of this chapter is different. This chapter and welfare, including health and unemploy-
examines the performance of street-level ment insurance, public pensions, and social
bureaucrats from the citizen’s perspective services.
with an emphasis on the crucial gatekeeper Marshall (1964) considered these rights to
functions of street-level bureaucrats to the build upon each other in a logical progres-
access of individuals to full citizenship rights. sion. Civil rights created the opportunity for
As a consequence, street-level bureaucrats more extensive political rights which then
are also critical to the legitimacy and trust in spurred a demand for social rights (Janoski,
government. (For a fuller discussion of legit- 1998). Each of the rights was essential to
imacy and trust in government in this full citizenship, which Marshall defined as
Handbook, see Rothstein, Chapter 26.) The follows:
relationship between street-level bureaucrats
and citizens is especially important since Citizenship is a status bestowed on those who are
full members of a community. All who possess
most of the performance management litera- the status are equal with respect to the rights
ture tends to focus on programmatic evalua- and duties with which the status is endowed.
tion and outcomes issues rather than the (1964: 84)
citizenship and democracy implications of
the work of street-level bureaucrats (Smith, Government was at the center of these
2010). Furthermore, public management is rights since it was government that was
in the midst of substantial restructuring needed to enforce these rights (civil and
throughout the world. Contracting for serv- political) or provide the resources and/or
ices, privatization, devolution, community access to resources necessary for people to
partnerships, local advisory councils, vouch- enjoy full social rights.
ers, and tax credits can quite dramatically Implicit in Marshall’s framework was
change the relationship of street-level bureau- a certain relationship between citizens and
crats to local citizens. the market, community and government.

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If citizens depend upon the market, they are many important initiatives underway to
required to pay for the services; individuals engage local communities and organizations
without adequate income will thus lack as well as youth in local decision making on
access to services. In the community sphere, key public programs and services. Alford
individuals will depend upon voluntary (2009) discusses co-production of public
organizations, including churches, food services through the active engagement of
banks, shelters, and the American Red Cross. street-level bureaucrats with their clients
These agencies typically provide short-term and communities.
and/or emergency relief; disadvantaged indi- Citizenship then cannot simply be reduced
viduals with longer-term or more intensive to a narrow perspective emphasizing the right
needs are often inadequately served by these to vote and certain legal protections; instead,
agencies, since these agencies typically do full citizenship hinges on a full array of
not have the resource base to provide for rights that support and indeed encourage
longer-term needs. Their mission may also active participation of individuals in societal
only focus on short-term relief (Chaves, affairs in public services and local non-profit
2001; Sosin, 1986). The provision of civil, organizations. In these realms, street-level
political, and social rights is intended to bureaucrats play a critical role.
sever the dependence of individuals on the
market and private charity.
A different strand of citizenship theory Citizenship theory and street-level
regards the state with suspicion and consid- bureaucrats
ered voluntary organizations and their
capacity to serve as a vehicle for citizen par- Marshall’s progression of civil, political, and
ticipation as essential to democracy and social rights was predicated on the assump-
freedom (de Tocqueville (ed.), 1956; Janoski, tion of the growth of a large-scale public
1998; Smith, 1993). In the past few decades, bureaucracy to guarantee these rights. This
this perspective has been embraced by schol- certainly fits with the experience of his own
ars and policymakers from across the politi- country, the United Kingdom, which built an
cal spectrum. For instance, Peter Berger and extensive public bureaucracy in the period
Richard John Neuhaus (1977) and Nathan following the Second World War to offer
Glazer (1988) have tended to emphasize the these rights. Indeed, the National Health
value of community organizations and volun- Service, as a public entity, composed of
tarism as alternatives to state programs, in thousands of ‘street-level bureaucrats’ from
part because they view these organizations as physicians to nurses to social workers, was
protectors of individual freedom and respon- emblematic of the type of bureaucracy
sibility. For example, Janoski (1998) argues Marshall conceptualized as crucial to citizen-
that in addition to the three rights articulated ship rights. The United Kingdom also pio-
by Marshall, a critical component of citizen- neered the development of an extensive array
ship is ‘participation rights’; that is, the of personal social services that would be
right of individuals to participate in local provided through local authority welfare
decision making. Also, Boyte and Kari bureaucracies.
(1996), Sirianni (2009), and Fung (2006) This framework has been very influential
have written widely about the value of citizen in thinking about the role of government, the
participation in local affairs as a crucial bureaucracy and comparative welfare state
aspect of full citizenship. Stivers (1990) con- policies. Wilensky and Lebeaux (1958) sug-
tends that public administration has often gested that large-scale bureaucracy to provide
neglected citizenship issues and calls for social programs was an inevitable conse-
‘active citizenship’, including participation quence of industrialization and modernization.
of citizens in agency decision making. The United States ‘lagged’ behind other
Recently, Sirianni (2009) highlighted the advanced industrial countries since it had

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not devoted the resources to public sector (Hasenfeld, 1985). Examples include chil-
bureaucracies that were characteristic of dren in public schools, welfare recipients,
many postwar Western European countries patients at community mental health clinics,
(Also, Hacker, 2002). Esping-Anderson and criminals or suspected criminals. Many
(1990) proposed an innovative typology of of these users of the services of street-level
welfare states that divided advanced indus- bureaucrats are in an inherently weak rela-
trial countries into three ‘regime’ categories: tionship vis-à-vis street-level bureaucrats
social-democratic, conservative, and liberal. such as teachers and the police. Consequently,
He argued that a country’s social policies clients are often unable to effectively chal-
varied depending upon their regime type, lenge the rationing practices of street-level
with countries such as Sweden in the social- bureaucrats. The effect of service rationing
democratic category and the United States may be profound service inequality; thus,
and the United Kingdom in the liberal individuals are effectively denied their full
camp. citizenship rights. Moreover, the street-level
But Esping-Anderson’s focus was on bureaucrats themselves can suffer from seri-
income maintenance programs as measured ous alienation since they often find them-
by spending in the public sector. Importantly, selves severely constrained in their ability to
he did not focus on what Hasenfeld (1985; respond to individual need, despite a genuine
Hasenfeld et al., 1987) called ‘the bureau- commitment to social justice and quality
cratic encounter’. Through these encounters, services.
street-level bureaucrats wield considerable By implication, the inequities in services
influence on the access of citizens to full also alienate the users of public service from
citizenship rights, especially social rights. government itself. The welfare office or the
Two separate critiques have emerged on the police are the face of government for many
capacity of street-level bureaucrats to effec- people, especially those on low incomes. To
tively respond to citizen needs and, more the extent they are discouraged from using
generally, to act as a guarantor of citizenship public service or receive poor service, they
rights. Lipsky (1984, 2010) contends that may become alienated from the political
street-level bureaucrats have great difficulty system in general. Thus, the problems with
in responding adequately to citizens because street-level bureaucrats who provide social
they are always faced with escalating serv- and health services for instance may affect
ice demands and insufficient resources to more than just social rights; it may also affect
respond. To cope with this conundrum, street- the willingness of individuals to exercise
level bureaucrats are forced to use their dis- their political rights.
cretion and relative autonomy from agency The discretion and autonomy of street-
authority to ration services to bring the level level bureaucrats is justified in part because
of services in line with resources (Also, of their professional training which is sup-
Brodkin, 2011; Soss, Fording, and Schram, posed to embue street-level bureaucrats with
2011). They pursue a number of strategies a commitment to universality and quality
to ration services, including limiting access services. But the chronic shortfall in resources
and demand for services through classifica- often means that street-level bureaucrats use
tion, queuing, and service routines. Citizens their discretion protectively rather than to
are not provided with social rights; instead advance professional ideals or respond flexi-
they are processed as clients (Lipsky, 2010; bly to people’s individual needs. Indeed,
Prottas, 1979). In part, service can be studies of British social services provided by
rationed, since so many clients of street-level local authorities found that social workers
bureaucracies are not truly voluntary clients often adopted a ‘siege mentality’ to deal with
due to a serious power differential between the lack of resources in the face of rising
street-level bureaucrats and their clients demand for services. As a result, workers

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tended to manage their work flow according (2011), and Hupe and Hill (2007), the condi-
to their own priorities rather than the needs tions of work of street-level bureaucrats and
of the clients (Ellis et al., 1999). the expectations placed upon them will have
One standard approach to ‘fixing’ the an enormous impact on the access of citizens
problems of street-level bureaucrats is to try to services and even the extent to which
to control the discretion of street-level individuals are regarded as deserving of serv-
bureaucrats through the imposition of more ice. From a comparative perspective, great
rules and procedures governing their work. variation exists in pay levels and working
As many scholars have noted, the new mana- conditions of street-level bureaucrats.
gerialism of NPM has often specifically Moreover, different countries have different
sought to control discretion (Brodkin, 2008; social and health policies, labor markets, and
2011; Ellis, 2011; Shaver, 2002; Schram, expectations on the appropriate role of the
Soss, Houser, and Fording, 2010). Elmore state. All of these factors are critical to the
(1979–80) called this approach ‘forward- performance of street-level bureaucrats in
mapping’ and argued that it was destined to their job (see Handler, 1996; Hupe and Hill,
fail because it assumed that policy makers 2007). For instance, Deborah Stone (1984)
actually controlled (or could control) the discusses the gatekeeper role of street-level
work of street-level bureaucrats. He sug- bureaucrats in the awarding of disability
gested that policy makers should instead benefits in advanced industrial countries.
adopt a ‘backward-mapping’ approach to Variation in disability benefit participation
policy implementation that focused on the across countries inevitably involves examin-
transaction between street-level bureaucrats ing the different expectations of street-level
and their clients. By tapping the knowledge bureaucrats who control access to disability
of street-level bureaucrats about their com- benefits. Rothstein (1998) observed that
munities and clients, policy makers could selective (as opposed to universalistic) social
develop more effective programs and more policies tend to exacerbate the problems of
successful program implementation. Lipsky inequality and bias in service delivery. Thus,
(1978) also challenged the top-down imple- countries such as the United States and the
mentation approach when he urged policy United Kingdom, with many selective social
makers to undertake a bottom-up approach policies, are likely to have the most severe
to understanding policy implementation problems with street-level bureaucratic
and program design. Furthermore, attempts autonomy and discretion.
to control street-level bureaucrats through In short, managers and policymakers are
standardization and rules are likely to encoun- faced with a very challenging and difficult
ter serious difficulties because street-level dilemma: discretion and autonomy are an
bureaucrats possess many different tools inevitable and necessary part of the job of
to subvert rules and procedures put in street-level bureaucrats; thus many top-down
place by high-level administrators (Lipsky, efforts to control discretion are often doomed
2010). Street-level bureaucrats, for example, to failure because street-level bureaucrats
often control the information necessary to can use their discretion to undermine efforts
comply with rules and procedures governing to control or manage their work and perform-
their jobs. Wilson (1978) echoed this skepti- ance (Lipsky, 2010; Brodkin, 2011; Hill
cism about hierarchical controls when he and Hupe, 2007; and Maynard-Moody and
observed that many circumstances faced by Musheno, 2003). At least in part, the public
the police cannot be specified in advance; management reform initiatives of the past
too many circumstances requiring police 20 years have been devoted to trying to
intervention call for discretionary judgment. reduce this discretionary judgment. The next
Logically, following from the work of section analyzes these reforms with particu-
Elmore (1979–80), Lipsky (2010), Brodkin lar reference to the impact of these reforms

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on citizens, their access to services and, their front-line workers have been hamstrung
more generally, their citizenship rights and by restrictive regulations that prevent them
obligations. from providing effective, quality service.
The front-line workers are the people with
the knowledge of the local community and
individual client needs; thus, it is appropri-
PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REFORM, ate to tap their expertise. Importantly, the
CITIZENS, AND STREET-LEVEL success of this strategy hinges on the abili-
BUREAUCRATS ties of street-level workers. Hill (2003), for
example, found that police officers were
Public management reform has tended to much more effective in their community
cluster into two sometimes contradictory policing work if they were provided adequate
categories: the empowerment approach and resources and training.
the market-based competition strategy. The Empowering lower level workers has often
former also has two components that often been accompanied by some decentralization
overlap: empowering street-level bureaucrats from the ‘center’ to the ‘periphery’ or from
and/or empowering citizens to become more the headquarters to the field offices.
active in monitoring, evaluating and deliver- Delegating greater service responsibility to
ing public services, essentially transform- non-profit organizations is also a form of
ing citizens at least in part into street-level decentralization since the staff and volun-
bureaucrats. The next section discusses teers of these organizations are in a more
this empowerment approach in more prominent position to make key decisions. In
detail. The subsequent section focuses on the many countries, state and local governments
market approach and its implications for have also assumed greater management
street-level bureaucrats and their relationship responsibility for key public programs.
with citizens. In practice, this ‘empowerment’ strategy
has often met a very different relationship
between street-level bureaucrats and citizens
Empowering street-level because empowerment often involves –
bureaucrats and citizens greater citizen involvement in local deci-
sion making on public services and the
The empowerment approach is underpinned implementation of public policy. Lipsky
by the assumption that the expertise neces- (2010) observed that street-level bureaucrats
sary for effective performance is at the street actually make policy; the shift toward
level; top-down reform is destined to fail empowerment and decentralization increas-
(Elmore, 1979–80; Lipsky, 2010; deLeon ingly means offering citizens a role in making
and deLeon, 2003; Hill, 2003; Hupe and Hill, policy as well. Many different examples
2007; Alford, 2009). The way to better per- exist but it is appropriate to think about this
formance is essentially to allow street-level citizen involvement along a continuum
bureaucrats to do their job using their profes- (Lowndes et al., 2001a and b; Fung, 2006).
sional training and expertise. This approach At one end is traditional forms of citizen
is rooted in an optimism that street-level involvement with street-level bureaucracies –
bureaucrats can effectively address serious public meetings and serving on advisory
public problems and deal with the public committees. Many public agencies, for
in a fair and equitable fashion if only they example, hold public hearings on proposed
are provided with the resources and the policy changes. Also, public schools, public
opportunity to use their talents and abilities. welfare agencies, and local environmental
Christopher Hood (1991) dubbed this agencies have often had local advisory com-
approach the ‘free to manage’ strategy mittees. Thus, the emphasis on empower-
because it rests on a view that managers and ment has meant an increase in these more

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consultative forms of public involvement evident in the prevalence of various delibera-

as street-level bureaucrats have used their tive initiatives including various types of
discretion and increased responsibility to public-private partnerships. These more
reach out to the community. Certainly, the deliberative forms have increased in many
proliferation of neighbourhood associations different countries. In the UK, community
in the US, the UK, and many other countries regeneration initiatives are predicated in part
illustrate the extent to which local non-profits on active involvement of the target commu-
have become major partners in economic nity in the planning and implementation of
development and neighbourhood manage- the regeneration projects (Osborne, Beattie,
ment and revitalization (Berry and Portney, and Williamson, 2002). In the United States,
forthcoming). economic development projects at the local
To be sure, citizen participation has always level often involve many different public,
been part of service delivery to an extent non-profit, and for-profit organizations in a
since public services are often ‘co-produced’ collaborative effort. Also, neighbourhood
by street-level bureaucrats and citizens. associations as a vehicle for citizen input into
This co-production also means that the local decisionmaking are now an essential
effectiveness of many public services such component of local municipal policymaking,
as child protection and crime prevention essentially requiring local street-level bureau-
require the input and cooperation of citizens crats to share power and influence local
(Alford, 2009; Bovaird, 2007). For instance, citizens (See for example, Sirianni, 2009;
community input and feedback can be Berry and Portney, forthcoming). In Germany,
very helpful in crime prevention. More the Netherlands and many other countries,
recently though, attention to co-production local participation has included widespread
has increased due to shifts in thinking engagement of local communities and neigh-
regarding social policy which places more bourhoods in municipal planning and zoning
emphasis on client responsibility and active issues (Hendriks and Tops, 1999). One
participation by clients in the success of their American effort for the homeless mentally ill
program. Workforce training programs, for involves a broad and diverse collaboration of
example, now emphasize in the UK, US and citizens and professionals to help fully inte-
elsewhere the active engagement of unem- grate these clients into the community; full
ployed and disadvantaged workers in seeking citizenship for these clients was not possible
employment. without a full community effort (Rowe et al.,
Significantly, co-production has evolved 2001).
into more extensive initiatives to engage Importantly, many of these more delibera-
citizens in public services, partly due to tive processes involve a more direct and
the increasing support of policymakers for ongoing role for non-profit organizations.
greater citizen choice of service options For example, in the United States many
(Henriksen, Smith and Zimmer, 2012). In the public–private partnerships on issues such
UK, the “personalisation of care” has offered as teen pregnancy and public health are
parents of disabled children an opportunity to composed of institutional representatives
purchase services from a variety of different of public and non-profit agencies. Citizens
organizations (Cunningham and Nickson, without an organizational affiliation may or
2010). In essence, parents of the disabled may not be represented in the partnership.
are supplanting street-level bureaucrats such Indeed, in many partnerships pertaining to
as caseworkers at least in part on key deci- social and health services most of the part-
sions regarding treatment options. Citizen nership members are organizational repre-
choice then becomes a strategy of citizen sentatives. In many of these partnerships,
engagement and participation. citizens are given a formal role, but it is often
This broad interest in greater citizen difficult to engage them on an ongoing basis,
engagement in service delivery is also reflecting the challenge of enlisting citizen

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participation in the absence of strong institu- at least in part by the clients themselves.
tional incentives. Or homeless individuals may actually be
This problem of collective action has been employed to help maintain the shelter. In
addressed in part by providing more formal, these arrangements, street-level bureaucrats
authoritative and structured roles for citizens may shift to a more administrative role and
through initiatives that can be placed at the thus play a much less direct role in managing
other end of the continuum. These initiatives and allocating the services available to the
include public forums, citizen juries, using public. A variation on user engagement and
citizens to evaluate the quality of public serv- management is the representation of special-
ices provided by street-level bureaucrats, ized populations, such as those who are
employing local residents and users as pro- developmentally disabled, chronic mentally
gram staff, and user management (Alford, ill, or physically handicapped in the govern-
2009; Bovaird, 2007; see also Rothstein, ance and management of the public services.
Chapter 26 in this Handbook). Many exam- For example, non-profit social welfare agen-
ples of formalized public forums exist. In cies may have clients or disadvantaged com-
Munich, Germany, the ‘Munich Forum’ com- munity members on their boards. Public
posed of citizens, was created to evaluate agencies may have citizen panels composed
planning proposals. Citizen juries to provide in part of clients of the services.
counsel and a specific recommendation to In essence, this diverse array of community
local government still tend to be rare; but engagement options underscore the changing
citizen panels are much more common relationship between street-level bureaucrats
(Lowndes et al., 2001a). In many different and local citizens, including service users. As
countries, government officials have con- noted by Lipsky (2010), Maynard-Moody
sciously sought the feedback of citizens on and Portillo (2010) and others, street-level
the timeliness, accessibility, reliability, and bureaucrats have historically played a central
responsiveness of public services provided by role in controlling access to services, thus
street-level bureaucrats (Kettl, 2005). In the directly influencing the life chances of citi-
United States, cities such as Portland, Oregon zens. But the shift to more client and citizen
have used ‘benchmarking’ by citizens as a engagement (Fung, 2006; Sirianni, 2009) also
way of evaluating the quality of services and transforms the role of street-level bureaucrats,
citizen satisfaction with existing services. at least in part, by requiring them to manage
User engagement can also involve greater the ‘process’ by which citizens actively par-
responsibility by citizens for their own serv- ticipate. Consequently, street-level bureau-
ices. For example, a local public park may crats also may need new skills in managing
now be maintained (sometimes with the sup- complex processes, negotiating with commu-
port of public funds) by the local neighbor- nity organizations, and providing adequate
hood association. Many municipal zoos, incentives and support for community mem-
arboreteums, and aquariums are now man- bers to engage in the governance and man-
aged by affiliated non-profit organizations agement of local public services.
who use staff and volunteers to manage these
important local public resources. Also, the
emphasis on self-help regarding the clients
of public services also means that clients Competition and the New Public
may be employed or expected to help in the Management: the implications
management and operation of local service for citizens and street-level
agencies, sometimes for pay. For instance, bureaucrats
many disadvantaged clients are employed in
social enterprises such as a non-profit organ- The goals of participation and active citizen-
izations that operates a restaurant staffed ship have often been made more difficult to

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achieve by the push for more competition welfare to work, foster care, job training,
in public services. This latter, market-based and mental health services (Smith, 2010;
approach to transforming public services has Heinrich and Choi, 2007; D. Smith, 2009;
many manifestations: government contract- Wichowsky and Moynihan, 2008). In prac-
ing for public services with non-profit and tice, however, performance-based contract-
for-profit organizations, vouchers for serv- ing and outcome-based management has
ices such as housing and education, using generally not been an empowering strategy
performance measures to spur increased for local citizens and communities. Part
competition between public, non-profit, and of this problem stems from the underlying
public agencies and enhance accountability, philosophy of performance contracting. This
public–private partnerships that tap private form of contracting fits with the ‘make
revenue to finance key public services includ- the managers manage’ strategy of the New
ing infrastructure projects (Bovaird, 2004; Public Management (Behn, 2001; Hood,
Hodge and Greve, 2007; Lyons and Dalton, 1991). Theoretically, performance contract-
2011). In New Zealand, one of the pioneer- ing is supposed to achieve this goal through
ing countries in the implementation of the use of market competition among service
market-based reforms, senior government providers and the requirement that managers
officials are hired on performance contracts and street-level bureaucrats meet identified
to manage agencies whose work is defined performance targets. The emphasis is on
in purchase-of-service agreements. New efficiency and results. An unintended side
Zealand and the United Kingdom have effect of this focus, however, is the creation
also aggressively privatized public services of a variety of obstacles or challenges to
and made extensive use of government con- citizen participation. These obstacles are
tracting with private and public agencies threefold. First, performance contracting
(Kettl, 2005). These contracts have specific is frequently implemented as a ‘top-down’
performance targets that contract agencies strategy where the targets are essentially
need to reach if they hope to keep the set by high-level administrators or in some
contract. In many European countries, con- cases the legislature or political executive.
tract management, measurable policy objec- This mismatch between the goal and rhetoric
tives, and the discourse of market discipline of local input and top-down decision making
have become central to reforms of local can be very disempowering at the local level.
government management (Hendriks and Community organizations and their repre-
Tops, 1999; Greve, 2000, 2006; Considine, sentatives, including lay board members,
2000, 2005). In the United States, perform- are unlikely to participate in a local decision-
ance-based contracting has also increased making process for very long if they do not
greatly in the past 20 years, especially feel as if they are able to influence the even-
in social and health care (Smith, 2010; tual performance goals and priorities.
D. Smith, 2009). This point also highlights the contradic-
Contracting and performance measure- tory trends within public management:
ment is also tied in some countries and com- broad interest exists among policymakers
munities to greater empowerment of local and scholars in collaborative governance and
service organizations and citizens. In the network management including locally
United Kingdom, reforms in social services focused horizontal cooperative networks
have entailed devolution to the local gov- between street-level bureaucrats in public
ernment authorities and much greater use and private organizations. (See Goldsmith,
of contracting (Bovaird, 2004; Smith and 2004; Klijn and Koppenjan, 2006; Bovaird,
Smyth, 2010). In the US, performance 2004). But performance contracting, as it
based contracting has risen substantially in a is currently implemented, often recreates
wide variety of service categories including the vertical hierarchical relationships of

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traditional bureaucracies, thus creating seri- priorities. In conventional public agencies,

ous obstacles to collaboration between street- street-level bureaucrats are the face of gov-
level bureaucrats in public agencies and ernment. While imperfect, a system exists to
private contract agencies. In earlier periods, hold these bureaucrats accountable. Their
many advanced welfare states such as role in policy implementation is often highly
Germany and the Netherlands avoided this visible, especially in very sensitive policy
dilemma by engaging in long-term relation- areas such as child protection and policing.
ships with local social and health organi- But contracting tends to mask the public role
zations; thus their public services had by shifting service to private agencies with
little genuince competition. Also, Considine their own separate governance structures. For
(2000) concluded that the UK had much instance, contracting with private, non-profit
stricter performance contracting regimes agencies means that many ongoing manage-
than the Netherlands. In Denmark, govern- ment decisions are now made by non-profit
ment officials have emphasized so-called organizations. The new street-level bureau-
‘soft contracting’ that relies upon coopera- crats are the front-line workers and their
tion and relations among different public and managers in these agencies. The relationship
private entities instead of strict market com- between the citizen and government though
petition; this focus on cooperation fits with is much more indirect and the mechanisms
the consensual culture of Danish society by which a citizen might exercise ‘voice’
(Greve, 2000, 2006). to hold the non-profit agency receiving
However, the fiscal crisis of advanced wel- public funds accountable is not often clear
fare states – and the spread of NPM ideas – or obvious.
has encouraged more countries to adopt The visibility of government has become
market-based strategies of public manage- even more obscure under devolution and pri-
ment reform including competitive tendering vatization because in some cases it is not
and performance contracting that often simply that government is contracting with
directly deters collaborative models of deci- a non-profit or for-profit entity. Government
sion making between clients and street-level may also contract with a third-party interme-
bureaucrats. Second, contracting is supposed diary which then subcontracts with a private
to work on the basis of market competition agency. This is the case with managed care
whereupon public and private agencies com- programs in mental health and health care in
pete with each other for government con- the United States for example. Or alterna-
tracts with the most efficient providers will tively, the national government may devolve
win the contract and provide the best service. funding responsibility to local government
But contracting in practice often offers citi- which then contracts with a local private
zens few chances to substantively influence service provider. In each of these situations,
the process or the selection of providers the relationship between the citizen and the
(Smith and Ingram, 2002). Indeed, contract- state may become much more complicated,
ing regulations often directly restrict access with a corresponding reduction in the visibil-
of the public to the contracting process ity and transparency of government action.
including the selection of providers (Wright, To be sure, the shift to local decision making
Marston, and Macdonald, 2011). In order to can often help promote the visibility of gov-
provide an opportunity for citizen input, ernment, but often the shift to local control
administrators need to provide structured is only partial, leaving the overall decision
opportunities for the input of local organiza- process more complex, and creating obsta-
tions and citizens. cles to ongoing citizen involvement.
Third, contracting also tends to reduce The visibility of street-level decision
the visibility of public policy and decision making is not only consequential for citizen-
making about key policy and program ship because it may affect the willingness

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and/or ability of citizens to participate in the high demand for their services, they are very
policy process; it also directly influences the interested in solving a problem and then
ability of individuals to access social bene- moving on to the next problem. For this
fits. Lipsky (1984) calls attention to ‘bureau- reason, they are much less concerned with
cratic disentitlement’ that takes place in the larger political and social questions, espe-
‘hidden recesses of routine or obscure deci- cially since they are the people who must
sion making’. He further notes that the directly interact with people in need. For
autonomy and discretion of street-level instance, in the US, Israel, and many European
bureaucrats can allow them to incrementally countries, governments are concerned that
reduce benefits (or the access to benefits and many non-citizens are receiving social bene-
services) without generating public outcry or fits such as job training and education. The
scrutiny because their actions lack visibility. worry is that the receipt of social benefits
Stone (2008) describes how regulatory may then generate pressure for these non-
changes designed to curtail expenditures in citizens to receive full civil and political
the American Medicare program were imple- rights. Another example is in the provision
mented at the local level by caregivers work- of home healthcare, where caregivers may be
ing primarily in private agencies. Many quite sympathetic to the client, a tendency
caregivers were forced to operate within that can collide with more macro-policy
a new regulatory framework that greatly goals such as limiting health expenditures
restricted their ability to develop a compas- (Stone, 2008). For example, Ellis (2007)
sionate, effective relationship with their found that despite greater regulation of
clients. In the US, Australia, and the UK, the the interaction of social workers with their
widespread implementation of performance clients, social workers were still able to use
contracting in welfare to work programs has their discretion to undermine or depart from
entailed often severe restrictions on access to official policy.
services. Moreover, the new regulations have
typically been accompanied by greater super-
vision of client activity with thorough regula-
tions on client expectations to receive benefits LOOKING AHEAD
profoundly affecting the roles of street-level
bureaucrats in public agencies as well as When Marshall was writing his classic work
contract non-profit and for-profit providers on citizenship in the 1940s, the welfare state
(Brodkin, 2006, 2011; Shaver, 2002; Schram, tended to focus on various income mainte-
Soss, Houser, Fording, 2010). Importantly, nance benefits such as pensions, unemploy-
the new managerialism of the NPM has also ment insurance, and cash assistance for the
affected the roles of street level bureaucrats poor. To be sure, health care and targeted
in public agencies even in instances where social services were available. However,
contracting is not being employed. Street- Marshall tended to regard many social bene-
level bureaucrats working under devolved fits such as unemployment insurance as non-
and reduced budget have often had to ration contingent once they were enacted into law
care in order to limit access to social benefits since the amount of benefit was typically
(Rummery and Glendinning, 2000; Brodkin, driven by a formula; street-level bureaucrats
2008; Ellis, 2007). had relatively little discretion to affect the
Access to benefits may also have direct amount of benefit. However, the growth of
implications for civil and political rights as the welfare state in the last 50 years has been
well. Street-level bureaucrats are problem- especially prominent in a wide array of
solvers who often develop a relationship services where street-level bureaucrats are
with their clients (Stone, 2008). Since street- central including: welfare to work; child
level bureaucrats are usually faced with care; education; job training; rehabilitation;

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and community care. These services are of these initiatives can face challenges of
more complex and more contingent than the sustainability especially in regards to engag-
earlier generation of welfare state benefits ing local citizens on an ongoing basis.
such as pensions. In the current welfare Further, many of these participatory intitia-
state era, street-level are essential to service tives do not often directly address thee social
access, eligibility and the actual delivery of benefits that are the subject of regulation and
the service. rationing. One key imperative, then, is for
Given this key role for street-level bureau- policymakers and researchers to understand
crats, they can be especially affected by and examine the institutional context in
regulatory and funding regimes that restrict which street-level bureaucrats operate.
access or ration care (Brodkin, 2011; Lipsky, Significant differences are likely to exist in
2010; Soss, Fording and Schram, 2011). the behavior of street-level bureaucrats and
Under conditions of rationing, inequality, their interaction with citizens, depending
bias, alienation and a denial of citizenship upon the norms governing service delivery
rights can occur as street-level bureaucrats and the prevailing funding and regulatory
adopt coping mechanisms to deal with their policies as they pertain to street-level work-
ongoing resource and demand problems. ers. Street-level bureaucrats operating under
Also, trust in government and the overall funding and regulatory structure encourag-
legitimacy of government action can be ing equity and fairness in service delivery are
threatened. One strategy to counter the more likely to behave in accordance with
pressures of new managerialism focus on these norms. Thus, government contracting
enhancing the professionalism of street-level with non-profit agencies is not in and of itself
workers – essentially hoping that profession- a policy of retrenchment; it depends upon
alization will provide workers with the tools the type of ‘contracting regime’ (Considine,
to resist the imperatives of bureaucratic 2000; Greve, 2006; Smith and Lipsky, 1993)
rationality. One strand of the New Public that governs the implementation of the con-
Management – empowering managers and tracting process. A crucial part of the regime
frontline workers – is broadly consistent with is the extent to which the contracting process
this professionalism theme. But as noted, is visible and opportunities for professional
the other major thrust of the New Public and citizen input are offered.
Management – performance contracting and Finally, the central role of street-level
market competition in public services – tends bureaucrats as the face of government to the
to run in the opposite direction of empower- citizenry and the gatekeeper to the govern-
ment, restricting professional discretion ment benefits and an array of citizenship
rather than celebrating it as an ongoing rights once again calls attention to the neces-
theme of many performance-contracting ini- sity of re-conceptualizing our approach to
tiatives. Indeed, the regulatory restrictions provision of public services, especially in an
embedded in many contracts between gov- era of economic recession, declining public
ernment and private agencies make formal budgets, and rising demand for many services
the rationing that was previously informal. provided by street-level bureaucrats. Access
To be sure, many innovative strategies to government benefits and programs – either
are being undertaken by street-level bureau- provided directly by government agencies
crats to actively promote citizenship rights, or indirectly through private non-profit and
including more participation rights in local for-profit entities – is crucial to citizenship,
decision making. The range of initiatives both in terms of providing tangible services
from public–private partnerships to citizen that affect a citizen’s life opportunities and,
forums to community coalitions is quite more indirectly, in that the services of street-
striking, especially in comparison to public level bureaucrats and the benefits that they
service delivery of 20 years ago. But many control confer legitimacy and status on

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individuals and groups that can then lead to Berry, Jeffrey and Portney, Kent (forthcoming) ‘The
more robust and extensive citizenship rights. Group Basis of City Politics’, in Robert Pekkanen
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Bovaird, Tony (2004) ‘Public-Private Partnerships:
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From Contested Concept to Prevalent Practice’,
specific policies and programs.
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All too often, reform in the way in which (2): 199–215.
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New Public Management reforms has been Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
on efficiency and effectiveness. These goals Brodkin, Evelyn (2006) ‘Bureaucracy Redux:
are, of course, important but an analysis Management Reformism and the Welfare State’,
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Electronic Government:
A Revolution in Public
Helen Margetts

The potential for ‘electronic government’ or across the world turned to ICTs as a way to
‘e-government’ to transform public adminis- save the money required to cut public sectors
tration has been heralded at various points and repay government debt, with ‘digital by
throughout the past half-century. Even by default’ strategies offering the potential to
the 1960s and 1970s, as computers started reduce the costs of interacting with citizens.
to appear in government organizations, some Earlier ICTs were largely internal to organi-
public officials and commentators predicted zations, doing little to enhance interactions
that information technology would bring with citizens. But the widespread use of
a ‘revolution’ to public administration. As the Internet by both society and government
increasingly sophisticated information and has offered real possibilities for change in
communication technologies (ICTs) spread citizen–government relationships, just as new
across all organizations during the 1980s and channels of communication and transaction
1990s, politicians jostled to claim credit for have transformed the relationship between
‘information age government’. By the begin- all kinds of social and commercial organiza-
ning of the twenty-first century, as use of tions and their customers in countries with
the Internet became increasingly widespread, high levels of Internet penetration.
claims for the transformative power of ICTs This chapter briefly reviews early
became correspondingly enthusiastic and approaches to analysing the impact of ICTs
‘Digital Era Governance’, placing ICTs at on public administration. Politicians’ enthu-
the centre of public management reform, siasm for ICTs has its source in a particular
emerged as a possible new ‘paradigm’ for tradition of political thought: modernization.
public administration (Dunleavy et al., 2005, Computers and communications have long
2006; Dunleavy and Margetts, 2010). After been cited as the key to bringing public
the financial crisis of 2008, governments administration up to date, just as domestic

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appliances modernize the home. They were possible role for ICTs in public administra-
viewed as a force for rationalization, as was tion would be to provide a strengthening of
Weberian bureaucracy in the first half of the bureaucratic organization, to ‘out-Weber
twentieth century. The various approaches Weber’ as Christopher Hood once put it
can be grouped according to their degree (Hood, 1994). For Weber, the road to moder-
and direction of enthusiasm for the moderniz- nity through rationality was facilitated by the
ing effect of ICTs, as hypermodernist, anti- development of bureaucracy, which would
modernist and postmodernist. Alongside allow the control of the world through calcu-
these commentaries lies mainstream public lation, the systematization of meaning and
administration, which in general has under- value into an overall consistent, ethical view
played or ignored the possible impact of (Kolb, 1986: 10). ICTs, at first glance, would
ICTs, even with the advent of the Internet. appear to facilitate this modernization proc-
Fifty years after the first computers appeared ess still further. ICTs allow the formalization
in government, this chapter assesses the of rules and procedures and enhance the
claims of these writers in light of the more scope for increasing rationality into decision
recent history of government ICTs. First, making. Ethical schemata are easier to imple-
with respect to pre-Internet technologies, ment using computers: for example, the cal-
largely internal to public administration, and culation of quality-adjusted life years in
secondly, looking at web-based technologies health care has become increasingly sophisti-
which offer new opportunities for public cated. Long-accepted problems of rational
agencies to interact with citizens using new decision making such as ‘bounded rational-
technologies. Both types of technology are ity’ (Simon, 1955) can be tackled, as comput-
relevant to the concept of e-government, ers are used to simulate policy alternatives.
which includes both ‘providing public access The way that some writers have perceived
via the Internet to Government services’ as the impact of ICTs is directly analogous to
well as ‘harnessing new technology to trans- Weber’s vision of administrative moderniza-
form the internal efficiency of government tion: ‘Informatization in public administra-
departments’ (National Audit Office [NAO], tion is a process of continued modernization’
2002). (Frissen, 1995: 8). It is in reaction to
this perspective of ICTs as a modernizing
force – either positive or negative – that most
approaches to the phenomenon of ICTs are
APPROACHES TO ICTs AND PUBLIC based and may be categorized.
ADMINISTRATION For the most enthusiastic of modernists,
such a modernizing force would take govern-
Information and communication technolo- ment beyond mere bureaucratic efficiency.
gies are clearly associated with moderniza- Thus, hypermodernists are technological uto-
tion, being at the heart of all three ‘pillars’ pians who see ICTs as the central enabling
of modernization thought (Margetts et al., element of a utopian vision of public admin-
2010): offering potential for economic effi- istration. A long-standing and popularly
ciency and rationalization; linking admin- influential example is Alvin Toffler, who in
istration to the benefits of scientific and a trilogy extending over 30 years (Toffler,
technological advance; and allowing new 1970, 1980, 1990), revelled in the notion of
possibilities for integration and interconnect- transition, transformation and revolution. The
edness between previously geographically Third Wave would bring a new civilization
separate organizational units and individuals. with the electronics revolution at its techno-
With respect to rationalization in particu- logical base, peopled by ‘information work-
lar, working from the widely held premise ers’ in ‘intelligent buildings’ full of ‘electronic
that computers are a rationalizing tool, one offices’, organized in networks rather than

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formal hierarchies. Political systems would Government has to respond to keep up with the
not be able to cope with this wave of change hopes and aspirations of citizens and business, to
remain efficient and trustworthy. That is why I
and by 1990, Toffler claimed, governments asked for a strategy on how we can use technol-
would begin to ‘bypass their hierarchies – ogy to transform government services (Cabinet
further subverting bureaucratic power’ Office, 2005).
(Toffler, 1990: 255). Management gurus fol-
lowed Toffler in enthusiastically pronounc-
After the financial crisis of 2008, where most
ing the end of bureaucracy per se, with titles
industrialized nations faced a sustained
like Intelligent Enterprise (Quinn, 1992) and
period of state retrenchment and public
The End of Bureaucracy and the Rise of
sector cuts, politicians again turned to ICTs
the Intelligent Organization (Pinchot and
as a way of obtaining public sector efficiency
Pinchot, 1994), based on the premise that
and doing ‘more for less’. In the UK in 2010,
technology would challenge the very basis of
the new Coalition Government’s Digital
organizational theory. As use of the Internet
Champion Martha Lane Fox promised a
rose steeply during the 1990s, this group of
‘Digital by Default’ strategy which would be
writers expanded to form a positive multi-
‘Revolution not Evolution’ (Lane Fox, 2010),
tude, predicting the end of organizations,
promising that online service provision
both private and public, that did not adapt
would be the default option across public
radically to the Internet age (see, for exam-
services and arguing that shifting 30 per cent
ple, Lord, 2000).
of government service delivery contacts to
Politicians have been keen to follow this
digital channels would deliver gross annual
line of thought, seeing Internet-based tech-
savings of more than £1.3 billion, rising to
nologies as a potentially cheap and effective
£2.2 billion if 50 per cent of contacts shifted
solution to long-standing administrative
to digital (Lane Fox, 2010: 1).
problems, with the potential to cover any
In contrast, an ‘antimodernist’ stream of
manifesto for administrative reform with a
writing has seen computers as having an
modernist gloss. In the United States during
equally transformative but malign effect on
the 1990s, when Al Gore was promising
public administration, bringing in the ‘Control
to replace ‘industrial era bureaucracy’ with
Revolution’ (Beniger, 1991) or the ‘Computer
‘information age government’ as part of the
State’ (Burnham, 1983), where massive data-
1994 National Performance Review, Alvin
banks would be used as instruments of
Toffler himself was in the pay of both
control. Beniger (1991: 388), for example,
the Democrats (Clinton and Gore) and
claimed that ‘the progressive convergence of
the Republicans (Newt Gingrich). At the
information processing and communications
same time, in the UK, politicians of both
technologies in a single infrastructure of con-
Conservative and Labour parties were assur-
trol is sustaining the “Control Revolution” –
ing voters that they were the ‘British Al
a concentration of abrupt changes in the
Gore’ (Margetts, 1999: xiii) and in 1998,
technological and economic arrangements by
Information Age Government: Delivering the
which information is collected, stored and
Blair Revolution (Byrne, 1998), outlined a
processed’. Other writers saw information
cornucopia of benefits to be gained from
technology bringing about the new Leviathan,
information technology and castigated the
‘integrating the state through the backdoor of
Civil Service for being ‘quite unfit’ to deliver
information management’ (Lenk, 1994: 313).
the Prime Minister Blair’s vision of an ‘infor-
Others predicted that computers would lead
mation age’ society. By 2005, Blair himself
to a ‘cyborg world’ (Levidow and Robins,
expressed his commitment to ICTs as a way
1989) in which ‘infotech systems promote
of furthering the modernization dream:
new models of rationality, cognition and
The world is changing around us at an incredible intelligence’, or a ‘military revolution’
pace due to remarkable technological change … . (Goure, 1993). Such views were founded on

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the pursuit of a logic of total control, both optimistic about the influence of ICTs on
internal and external: ‘The military informa- public administration, seeing a strong
tion society involves internalizing a self- increase in fluidity and flexibility where
discipline, technologies of the self, in ways ‘fragmentation will lead to an emancipation
that come to be seen as normal, rational and of the bureaucratic organization – beyond
reasonable’ (Levidow and Robins, 1989: 8). central control’ and ‘the pyramidal nature
Wright (1998) presented a ‘worst case’ sce- of public administration’ changes into ‘an
nario, where a ‘range of unforeseen impacts archipelago of network configurations’ (see
are associated with the process of integrating Frissen, 1995, 1999). But more pessimistic
these technologies into society’s social postmodern observers have characterized the
political and cultural control systems’: for ‘military information society’ as postmod-
example, the ‘militarization of the police ernist: ‘current US Defense policy is creating
and the para-militarization of the army as a post-modern army of war machines, war
their roles, equipment and procedures begin managers and robotized warriors’ (Gray,
to overlap’ (Wright, 1998: 4). In authoritar- 1989: 44). In general, however, as with most
ian states, technology would strengthen the postmodernist analyses, this group of com-
power of autocratic regimes: for example, mentators are stronger and more in agree-
through the collection and control of infor- ment in their criticism of the modernist
mation about subjects and the easy propa- mainstream than on any outline of what a
gation of state propaganda. These views postmodern ICT-based public administration
belong to a wider anti-utopian view that also would look like.
has its roots in the Weberian tradition. Just In contrast to all the above, for decades the
as Weber feared unbridled bureaucratic dom- vast majority of writers on public administra-
ination, Orwell (1954) and Huxley (1932) tion ignored the widespread introduction of
warned of a rule of impersonal officialdom computers across government, appearing to
disastrously strengthened by technological regard ICTs as a neutral administrative tool,
advance. The human ‘machine’ of Weberian with little or no implications for public
bureaucracy would be delivered first by administration or policy. Most books on
systematization of human procedures, fol- public administration of the 1990s had very
lowed by the replacement of humans with little mention of computers or information
automated machines. technology and even textbooks ignored the
Finally, ICTs have also caught the phenomenon; see, for example, Lynn and
attention of another group of writers who Wildavsky (1990) or Rhodes (1997), neither
viewed them as an essential element of post- of which has any mention of computers,
modern society, fuelling equally radical ICTs or the Internet in its indexes. In the
changes in public administration. Frissen, for early 1990s, small groups of researchers –
example, argued that in a postmodernized most notably the URBIS group at the
public administration ‘fragmentation will University of California in Irvine in the
lead to an emancipation of the bureaucratic United States, the Kassel group in Germany
organization – beyond central control’ (see Lenk, 1992) and a European group
(Frissen, 1995: 9). This enthusiastic welcom- based in the Netherlands (see Snellen, 1994
ing of technology to public administration for a review) and the UK (see for example
was echoed in other postmodernist analyses: Bellamy and Taylor, 1998 or Pratchett,
‘where modernist organization was premised 1994) – initiated what might be called a
on technological determinism, postmodern- ‘critical modern’ approach, carefully moni-
ist organization is premised on technological toring and recording the changes at work.
choices made possible through “de-dedi- But these groups of writers have tended to be
cated” micro-electronics equipment’ (Clegg, somewhat ‘ghettoized’ within mainstream
1990: 181). These writers were in general public administration. Even in the age of the

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‘’ boom, bust and eventual stabiliza- administrative operations that do not rely on
tion of the 1990s and 2000s, when Internet the processing of a complex network of ICTs
trends were consistently implicated in a and hardly any government agencies without
high proportion of news headlines, book a presence on the Internet. And ICTs now
titles and policy pronouncements, books on form a significant proportion of the budgets
public administration remained relatively of government agencies. In the United States,
impervious to the trend. Pollitt and Bouckaert expenditure on ICTs (including staff costs,
(2004), for example, in a comprehensive consultancy, hardware and software) had
analysis of public administration across reached around 6 per cent of the federal oper-
10 countries, offer only a couple of (dispar- ating budget by the 1990s. In the UK, ICTs
aging) references to ICTs. More recently, amounted to 11 per cent of running costs by
however, mainstream political scientists 1995 (Margetts, 1999: 39–40). By the 2000s,
have started to focus on ICTs as a crucial most governments of industrialized nations
area of public administration. Fountain were spending around 1 per cent of gross
(2001) and West (2005, 2011) have produced domestic product (GDP) on their own infor-
influential works on e-government in mation systems; in the UK, annual expendi-
the United States, taking an institutional ture peaked at around £16 billion and, even
approach to ICT-related change. Pollitt after the Coalition Government that came
(2010) has recently observed the ‘central but to power in 2010 scrapped several large-scale
neglected’ role of technological change in high-cost projects, still runs at around
public administration. Dunleavy, Margetts £14 billion annually.
and their research team (Dunleavy et al., ICTs have been shown to be policy
2005, 2006: Dunleavy and Margetts, 2010) critical (Margetts, 1998, 1999). Hood and
have developed the Digital Era Governance Margetts (2007) illustrate how all the ‘tools’
(DEG) model, which accords ICTs a key of government policy identified by Hood
role in public policy and administration; (1983) – nodality, authority, treasure and
they advocate DEG as a new paradigm for organizational capacity – are now heavily
public management, overturning New Public reliant on ICTs. First, with respect to
Management (NPM) as the dominant para- nodality – the extent to which government
digm of the 1980s and 1990s. So, at the is at the centre of information and social
time of writing, the stage is set for reconsid- networks – ICTs play a clear role, facilitat-
ering the place of ICTs and e-government ing information channels both within
in administrative history. government organizations and between gov-
ernment organizations, private sector compa-
nies, voluntary organizations and citizens.
With respect to treasure – that is, money or
THE POLICY IMPACT OF ICTs ‘fungible chattels’ – all moneys processed
within governmental organizations have
This belief that ICTs make no difference since the 1960s been processed via computer
to public administration is challenged by the systems. With respect to the legitimate
extent to which they are now embedded authority that government has by virtue of
within all types of organization. In the period being government, research suggests
from the 1950s onwards, ICTs have per- (Margetts, 1999) that authority-wielding
vaded every corner of public administration organizations have been among the most
across OECD (Organization for Economic innovative. Police databases with massive
Co-operation and Development) countries, search capacity have long facilitated a move
with real relevance for policy. In virtually towards more pre-emptive policing; more
all industrialized nations, there are few gov- recently, widespread use of closed-circuit
ernment offices without a computer, few television (CCTV), DNA testing and the

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creation of searchable databases of DNA division dedicated to the development of new

samples have revolutionized policing strate- technology-based projects, with new risks
gies. In addition to the heavy reliance now and new dangers.
placed upon them in all streams of govern- As well as facilitating new and existing
ment activity, ICTs, particularly in the area policies, ICTs can prevent policies being
of law and order, open new policy windows. implemented, can constrain policy develop-
For example, the electronic tagging of pris- ment and become a negative feature of public
oners made possible new policies, such as the administration. The history of government
early release of prisoners and curfew orders, computing in the UK, in particular, is littered
which forced policy makers to re-evaluate with high-profile projects that have gone
traditional notions of punishment. wrong and seriously hampered policy imple-
For the more general ‘organizational mentation. The introduction of computers
capacity’ of government, information sys- into the UK Social Security Department
tems have played a key role in replacing involved a number of large-scale projects
tranches of government bureaucracy; govern- that ran over budget, took longer than antici-
ment organizations at the beginning of the pated to implement and resulted in inade-
twenty-first century can process more trans- quate, inflexible and outdated systems (see
actions more rapidly with less staff than they Margetts, 1999; Organ, 2003; Dunleavy et
could before computers were introduced. al., 2006). In 1998 the UK Passport Agency
The computer technologies of the 1970s, reached virtual collapse when a new system
mainframe computers designed for heavy was introduced at the same time as a new
transaction loads, were particularly well policy requiring children under five to have
suited for taking over bureaucratic operations their own passports was introduced; the
within the largest of government organiza- resultant backlog brought the Agency to vir-
tions, processing large quantities of dealings tual collapse. Throughout the second half of
with citizens, particularly those processing the 1990s, the Arthur Andersen company bat-
tax and social security. But these new tech- tled to replace the huge National Insurance
nologies required new staff with different system; the new index system failed to work
skills and have introduced new armies of for a year after the old system had been ren-
technical specialists into government. In this dered non-operational. Even small agencies
sense, ICTs have brought a shift in resources traditionally perceived as completely non-
from organizational capacity to ‘organized technical have long been vulnerable to
expertise’ (Dunleavy, 1994; Margetts, 1995; the failure of ICT systems: in 1989, the
Dunleavy et al., 2006). While, traditionally, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
government has marshalled its organizational was severely incapacitated when its small
resources through the operation of large- accounting system crashed disastrously,
scale bureaucracies, now information tech- causing the Office to produce the most seri-
nology is used by government to marshal ous qualification of a department’s accounts
other resources. Bureaucracy has tradition- that the Comptroller and Auditor General
ally been viewed as something that govern- had ever made (Margetts, 1999: 17). In
ment organizations are ‘good at’, but now 2012, the introduction of the UK Coalition
such organizations find themselves involved Government’s flagship policy, the Universal
in large-scale and complex ICT-based devel- Credit, will involve the meshing of the huge,
opment tasks, not something that government complex and operationally distinct systems
has a reputation for being good at. The evi- of tax and social security agencies, a task so
dent difficulty in the design, development immense that at the time of writing, even
and maintenance of information systems when the benefit was months away from
engenders a transfer from organizational being introduced, the system on which it will
capacity to organized expertise. All govern- critically rely was already on the Chancellor’s
ment bureaucracies must now maintain a ‘at risk’ list of projects. In the United States

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the history of government computing also shares stayed the same when its lost contract
includes failures in the most crucial of civil- was announced, Cap Gemini’s dropped on
ian agencies. In the 1970s, the US Social news of the award (Dunleavy et al., 2006:
Security Administration (SSA) experienced 143). The companies that hold such contracts
a major disaster which ground SSA to a halt are major new players in public administra-
in implementing a new system for Social tion. And most of the major disasters with
Security Income and blackened SSA’s repu- ICTs, some of which were mentioned above,
tation (and consequentially, Congressional have been linked with a significant partner-
funding) for managing technology over the next ship between a government agency and a
30 years. The long-running series of projects to major computer services provider.
modernize the computer systems of the US The tendency towards private provision of
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) – Tax Systems ICTs in government has in some countries
Modernization – has absorbed spiralling budg- been both fuelled and shaped by New
ets over 30 years, with few tangible benefits, Public Management-style change, of which
and resulted in a tax system that is increas- increased contracting and privatization was a
ingly difficult to manage, with some parts of key theme. In the UK, where NPM trends
the system still dating back to the 1960s. were particularly strong, and in the United
It is the problems in managing technology- States, where NPM rhetoric was used by
based projects and the consequent need for the Reagan administration during the 1980s
organized expertise that has led to one of the and during the second Clinton term in the
key changes brought to public administration 1990s (and in any case contracting out has
by ICTs – that of drawing into government a been used as an administrative tool through-
bewildering array of information technology out the twentieth century), the vast majority
experts, by now most usually in the form of of ICT-related tasks have been outsourced. In
huge global computer services providers. In other countries where NPM trends have been
the early days of computers, during the particularly strong, such as Australia and
1960s and 1970s, government organizations New Zealand, the US and UK patterns of
gained expertise in ICTs through employ- oligopolistic computer services provision to
ment of specialist staff or IT contractors on government can also be observed (Dunleavy
an individual basis. During the 1980s and et al., 2006), with contracts showing a ten-
1990s, however, the trend was for contracts dency to increase in size, with a concurrent
for IT expertise to become larger and larger. increase in the size of companies able to
Particularly in the UK and the United States, tender for them. In the UK, research during
great tranches of government work were con- the early 2000s showed that of the 37 very
tracted out in this way in the name of ‘sys- large-scale government ICT contracts with
tems integration’. Almost all departments individual values greater than £50 million
and agencies in the two governments are covering the period 1990 to 2000, three com-
involved in a range of partnerships with large panies (EDS, ICL and Siemens) held nearly
global private sector computer services pro- 80 per cent of the contract value (Dunleavy
viders. Some of these contracts represent et al., 2006) and a 1997 report produced by
major chunks of public expenditure: for the US Embassy claiming that EDS had over
example, the UK Inland Revenue’s contract 50 per cent of the total UK government IT
with Electronic Data Systems (EDS) was services business while the government
worth £1 billion over 10 years when it was market research firm Kable suggested that
first signed in 1996. In 2004, the contract this figure was 80 per cent (Dunleavy and
was re-tendered and awarded to Cap Gemini Margetts, 2000). In the United States, the
for £4.3 million, again for 10 years, with an market is less concentrated, with the top four
option to extend it for an additional eight companies holding only around 20 per cent
years. The challenge in such mega-contracts of major ICT contracts (Margetts, 1999;
was evidenced by the fact that while EDS’s Dunleavy et al., 2006), but large global

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computer services providers have long been entirely internal to government organizations
major players in both federal and state admin- meant that they did little to change govern-
istrations. Garvey (1993), for example, has ment–citizen relationships in the way that
illustrated how the newer ‘shadow bureauc- utopian modernists had hoped. Furthermore,
racy’ of ‘beltway bandits’ – largely ICT- the new risks and dangers inherent in the task
based companies – operates alongside the of embarking upon large-scale, technology-
more traditional ‘formal bureaucracy’ in based projects, unforeseen by hypermodern-
Washington. In European countries outside the ists, remain with government rather than
UK, NPM trends have been far less extreme appearing as a temporary ‘glitch’ in progress
and these countries have turned less to out- to a fully modernized state. Few would claim
sourcing to solve ICT problems. Where it is that the beginning of the twenty-first century
used, these countries have tended to adopt a saw ‘the end of bureaucracy’ and it is hard to
different model of contracting, the so-called discern the rise of ‘the intelligent organiza-
Rhineland model where contracts are smaller tion’ from the experience of government
and based on a more consensual style. agencies with ICTs. There is no guarantee of
Whatever the individual style of a coun- the promise that ICTs seem to hold for eco-
try’s contracting regime, computer services nomic efficiency; they have sometimes been
providers are major new policy actors in associated with rapid productivity growth,
most administrations. Management of long- but also with static or declining productivity
term ICT contract relationships and large- (Carrera and Dunleavy, 2012).
scale technology projects have become a The worst nightmares of the antimodern-
permanent feature of contemporary public ists also appear unfulfilled. As noted above,
administration. Control of these major new the authority-wielding agencies have been
players, many of them global companies innovative in their use of technology. There
with turnovers equivalent to the GDPs of remains potential for a ‘control state’, just as
small countries, will remain a continual chal- bureaucracy presented possibilities for totali-
lenge for government agencies of all kinds, tarian states of the past. Computer systems
with potential for such companies to influ- provide new opportunities for governments
ence policy innovation, shape policy devel- to take a government-wide approach, but
opment and import policy solutions across such an approach would have been out of line
national boundaries (see Dunleavy, 1994; with all recent administrative trends and, for
Margetts and Dunleavy, 1995). example, in neither the United States nor
the UK have government-wide databases
emerged from 50 years of ICT development.
The continual pressure to innovate, the
SO WHO WAS RIGHT? opening up of new policy windows and the
difficulty of controlling high-technology
Although the policy-critical nature of ICTs projects means that technology seems to
challenges the low profile accorded to them have introduced new irrationality as well as
by public administration literature, the pre- rationality into public administration. ICTs
dictions of the hypermodernists have yet to are revealed by various studies to be as much
be realized. For the hypermodernists, there a control problem as a control solution. In
have been many disasters and disappoint- general, ICT developments take place inde-
ments. There has been no overarching trans- pendently of each other, with transfers
formation of government through information between systems remaining surprisingly
technology that lends support to, for exam- limited. Furthermore, government holds
ple, Toffler’s claims that technology would no monopoly on technological innovation.
bring the end of bureaucracy. The fact that Technologically sophisticated, control-
ICT systems up to the 1990s were almost wielding agencies encourage the tactics of

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the ‘smart citizen’, in turn necessitating fur- to impact upon the citizen–government rela-
ther (and more difficult to attain) technologi- tionship than earlier ICTs – rapidly rising
cal efforts from government agencies in a usage of the Internet across society, particu-
spiral of innovation. For example, as govern- larly in commerce – and a consequently
ments developed radar speed guns during the higher profile for information technology in
1980s, companies started to market ‘radar- general, with ICTs being widely credited as
gun detector devices’, and so on. Authority- a key driver of productivity and economic
wielding agencies also find themselves under growth, particularly in the United States (see
continual pressure to innovate in response to OECD, 2001a). Over 50 per cent of US
‘smart criminals’. Fingerprinting techniques citizens were using the Internet by 2001,
transformed criminal detection when first while in Europe the Scandinavian countries
developed, but became progressively less led Europe at around 55 per cent (OECD,
useful as criminals became aware of the 2001b: 77). By 2011, Internet penetration
necessity of wearing gloves or removing prints. in the United States was around 78 per cent,
DNA testing overcomes that problem – but with the UK not far behind, and some
requires the criminalization of the theft of Scandinavian countries at over 90 per cent
DNA material, which could lead to criminals according to some estimates (see internet-
leaving false evidence at scenes of crime In contrast to earlier tech-
(The Times, 19 March 2002). nologies, the widespread use of the Internet
In general, therefore, there has been sub- offers more ‘real’ promise of transformation
stantive change, but it has fulfilled neither the of the relationship between government and
wildest dreams of the hypermodernists or the citizen. As noted above, earlier information
worst nightmares of the antimodernists. Up technologies were largely internal, with few
until the 1990s, this change was largely inter- possibilities for external interactions, while
nal to public administration, part of the web-based technologies can open up organi-
hidden world of government as bureaucracy. zations to external users. In the private sector,
To citizens, it makes little difference whether real transformation of some organizations’
the passport agency runs massive elec- relationship with their customers have taken
tronic databases or a large bureaucracy – place. By 2011, 86 per cent of UK citizens
except that when something goes wrong, it have bought goods or services online, 78 per
will probably be blamed on ‘the computer cent have made travel reservations and 60 per
system’ rather than ‘it’s the rules’. And if the cent have used Internet banking (Dutton and
computer system is actually run by EDS or Blank, 2011: 25). And a huge array of new
Cap Gemini rather than the UK Department organizations with no shopfront have opened
of Employment, Work and Pensions or the up and developed, such as the Amazon book-
US Social Security Administration, then citi- store, and dashed to the frontiers of their
zens are unlikely to be made aware unless markets (in terms of transaction volume if
there is some high-profile disaster. Until the not in profits). The Internet has brought sub-
1990s, it was such disasters rather than stantive change to the way citizens interact
the clear benefits that ICTs have brought to with each other, particularly with the popu-
government organizations that came to the larity of social media and applications based
attention of citizens. on user-generated content from the mid
2000s. These technologies have been impli-
cated in a huge range of political, social and
economic activity, to the demonstrations
THE INTERNET AND E-GOVERNMENT and even revolutions of the Arab Spring
of 2011, to the riots that spread like fire
The 1990s brought a new technological across London and other UK cities in the
development, with much greater potential summer of 2011. Although the ‘’

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crash of 2000 stilled the rush for Internet ture. In the UK, in 1997, the then new Prime
gold (and dampened political enthusiasm for Minister Tony Blair pledged that by 2002 at
e-government at the time), by 2011 there was least 25 per cent of all government interac-
no doubt that the Internet had proved a major tions with citizens would be ‘electronic’ and
new channel of communication and transac- the Modernizing Government White Paper
tion by which the majority of citizens in coun- put in place later targets of 50 per cent ‘elec-
tries with high levels of Internet penetration are tronic’ interactions by 2005 and 100 per cent
interacting with each other and making trans- by 2008 (see Dunleavy and Margetts, 1999,
actions with a wide range of organizations. 2002) and this latter commitment was later
Internet technologies are qualitatively dif- brought forward to 2005. In Australia, also in
ferent from earlier information technologies. 1997, the Prime Minister pledged that by the
As well as offering new potential for organi- end of 2001 ‘all appropriate services’ would
zations to become externally facing, they be available online via the Internet.
lend themselves to different development Few of these targets were actually met,
styles. Private sector companies at the fore- even by the late 2000s. Indeed, by 2009 only
front of electronic commerce use ‘build-and- 0.2 per cent of communications with the UK
learn’ techniques (Dunleavy and Margetts, main benefits department, the Department of
1999, 2002; Dunleavy et al., 2007), whereby Work and Pensions, took place electronically
web-based developments become part of a (Dunleavy et al., 2009). But as Internet use
process of continual organizational learning has become widespread, there has definitely
and customers’ reactions – for example, to been Internet-driven change across govern-
new web pages or facilities – can be quickly ment organizations, to varying degrees across
and continually assessed before further and within governments. By 2002, most gov-
developments are made. Social media exac- ernments in OECD countries had developed
erbate this change, because users of (for central portals intending to offer citizens a
example) social networking sites and micro- coherent ‘front-end’ to government and, by
blogging sites such as Twitter are used to 2011, virtually all governments have some
posting content themselves, so do not expect kind of web presence and most run thousands
the same formality of web-based information of websites. In the UK, for example, a survey
that they might have done from the printed for the NAO showed that 81 per cent of gov-
word in the past. This style contrasts with ernment bodies (92 per cent of Whitehall
the ‘big bang’ approach applied to many departments) had a website by the end
of the large long-term government computer of 2001 compared with 60 per cent for a
projects noted above. similar survey in 1999 (Dunleavy and
So how has public administration Margetts, 1999, 2002). Most sites facilitate
responded to this new challenge? At the the e-mailing of officials with queries, basic
height of the boom, politicians information about the organization, the
became particularly keen that government downloading of documents and accessing
should maximize the potential of the new press releases and annual reports. Key civil-
Internet technologies. During the early 2000s, ian agencies in some countries are undertak-
many countries introduced targets for the ing major percentages of transactions with
percentage of government services that would citizens online. For example, in Australia,
be available on the Internet. The United even by 2001, 70 per cent of tax returns were
States was the first, when, as part of the 1994 being filed electronically and in the United
National Performance Review, Al Gore States, electronic filing had reached 23 per
promised to provide all citizens with elec- cent by 1999 (Dunleavy and Margetts, 1999)
tronic access to government by 2000, by con- and 60 per cent by 2009, finally nearing the
necting every classroom, library, hospital and target of 80 per cent originally set in 1998
clinic to a national information infrastruc- (PC World, 15 January 2009).

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Internet-based changes have been associ- in general, to capitalize on the possible

ated with greater transparency and a more advantages of the Internet (Margetts and
open style of government, where relation- Dunleavy, 2002). Ironically, among liberal
ships between citizens and government have democracies it is in some countries where
qualitatively changed. In the UK, most gov- public administration is less developed, such
ernment publications are now available free as Estonia and Lithuania, where government
online as soon as they are made public, in agencies have been more innovative in their
strong contrast with the pre-Internet era use of web-based technologies – possibly
where they had to be purchased with diffi- because they were able to leapfrog over
culty and at significant expense from Her some stages of technological development
Majesty’s Stationary Office. The HMSO that occurred while these governments were
resisted the change, but in an environment still under the control of communist adminis-
where so much web content is free, their trations and without access to newer tech-
strict interpretation of copyright policy nologies. Other countries have been more
proved unsustainable. Many US states have innovative in their use of different forms of
opened up budgetary information to citizens, incentivization for using electronic services;
to varying degrees of accessibility, and many Chile, for example, had achieved around 98
allow citizens to participate in budget-mak- per cent penetration of electronic tax filing
ing decisions. From the late 2000s, ‘Open by 2003, way beyond the figures even aimed
data’ initiatives have been pursued in several at in the United States and UK, by mandating
countries, for example the United States, the electronic filing and introducing a large net-
UK and Australia, where large government work of internet tax cafes, where taxpayers
data sets are made available for citizens and could obtain free advice on both their tax
private companies to use; this has been her- and how to file electronically (Margetts and
alded as a major move towards greater trans- Yared, 2003).
parency. In the UK, in 2011, the Coalition One possible explanation for the relatively
Government pledged a ‘quantum leap’ in slow development of e-government is that
transparency, with plans for information on organizations’ ability to manage web-based
schools, hospitals, general practitioners technologies is shaped by earlier experience
(GPs) and the courts to be published, build- with earlier ICTs. For this reason, the extent
ing on the publication of the salaries of thou- to which governments make use and benefit
sands of high-earning civil servants and the from web-based technologies seems to be
mandation that all spending decisions above marked by the history of government com-
£500 by local councils be made available puting. Cultural attitudes to technology
online. engendered by previous bad experiences
However, there is a strong sense in which with IT projects or procurements can mean
government use of the Internet has lagged that organizations approach web develop-
behind the private sector and, indeed, society ment in a ‘fatalist’ way (Margetts and
more generally. Reports commissioned Dunleavy, 2002). Previous experience of ICT
by the NAO (Dunleavy and Margetts, 1999, projects that ran over budget, brought few
2002; Dunleavy et al., 2007) have consist- costs savings or even failed to work alto-
ently found that the UK government in gether can lead to reluctance to invest in
particular was lagging behind the private web-based technologies. For example, many
sector. In fact, in spite of the clear potential UK National Health Service (NHS) manag-
of web-based technologies, government ers were scared off entering into ICT con-
organizations in countries with high Internet tracts in the 1990s after a series of high-profile
penetration rates have been in general failures and became increasingly reluctant to
slow, in comparison with the private sector, spend even budgets already allocated. The
with voluntary organizations or with society poor reputation of NHS computing led to an

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extremely low Treasury threshold for ICT future of web-based government remains
expenditure in the NHS, further exacerbating open. So will the Internet, finally, bring about
the problem. Such a background is unlikely the predictions of the hypermodernists, the
to foster an environment in which managers antimodernists or the postmodernists? The
explore possibilities for innovation via most prevalent model across the IT industry
web-based technologies. This barrier to for the development of electronic services in
e-government is ironic, because web-based organizations has been the ‘stages model’
technologies tend to be cheaper and easier to (see Dunleavy and Margetts, 2002). Like the
develop than earlier technologies. approaches to earlier ICTs discussed above,
Another organizational response to previ- the stages model is also based on the mod-
ous bad experiences with IT can be a ‘hands- ernist idea of progression towards some
off’ approach by all staff outside the IT utopian ideal of e-government. It suggests
department, because they do not want to have that there is a natural progression from the
their careers tainted through association with most basic services – the provision of infor-
any more disasters. This response will tend to mation and documentation online – to more
result in almost complete reliance on techni- advanced interactive facilities and transac-
cal experts to deal with the problems pre- tions online – such as making and receiving
sented by technology. In such an organization, payments – through to full ‘account manage-
a traditional-style IT department will tend to ment’ where a customer’s account history is
dominate all the agency’s technological maintained, as in Internet banking. Translated
developments – including e-government. to government, account management would
This hangover from earlier management represent an organization storing information
experience of IT is also unfortunate, because about citizens’ history of dealings with the
widespread private sector experience has agency. Some commentators have used this
shown that a traditional IT department can be model to assess progress towards e-govern-
the worst unit to lead an electronic service ment across OECD countries (for example,
initiative – partly because such units have a Accenture, 2001) or at the local government
large amount of intellectual capital invested level (SOCITM, 2001). The problem with
in earlier technologies and may be resistant this model is that there may be no reason
to the potential of web-based technologies why some agencies would need to imple-
to render their existing expertise and training ment, say, account management: it will
obsolete. Another approach can be to depend, for example, upon the activities they
leave web-based development to whichever undertake. Dunleavy and Margetts (2002)
computer services provider delivers other have developed an alternative model which
ICT developments to the organization – presents a more realistic picture of how agen-
which can be equally problematic. Many of cies might proceed, suggesting that between
the big companies undertaking government a basic web-based service and full ‘e-govern-
contracts were slow to develop web-based ment’ there are a variety of routes: e-publish-
technologies themselves and have hampered ing, interactive facilities, electronic
those agencies dependent upon major part- transactions and full account management
nerships in their attempts to develop Internet style can either coexist or be developed into
capability. a full ‘e-government’ style of the agency and
there is no automatic reason why government
strategy should favour any one of these
routes over others for all agencies. Instead,
THE FUTURE OF E-GOVERNMENT each agency should ask: ‘Given the type of
organization that we are, and the kind of
There is nothing inevitable about the interac- functions that we have, our fundamental mis-
tion of government and technology and the sion and role, how far can we and should we

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move towards fully electronic or digital maximizing the potential that ICTs have so
operations?’ (Dunleavy and Margetts, 2002). long seemed to promise, then Digital Era
In fact, a very different approach to the Governance may emerge as a new paradigm
stages model may be necessary for govern- for public management, as some commenta-
ment to capitalize on the potential of e-gov- tors have suggested (Dunleavy et al., 2005,
ernment. As noted above, citizens have been 2006), replacing New Public Management,
more fast-moving and innovative in their use the dominant paradigm of the 1980s and
of the Internet and related technologies and 1990s. In the period of public sector austerity
applications than government. Indeed, gov- and cutbacks that started with the financial
ernment faces increasing competition for crisis of 2008 and is likely to continue for at
‘nodality’ in the Internet era, given increas- least a decade, policy makers are clearly
ing competition from information providers turning to the Internet and ICTs as a way to
of all kinds. Government agencies may even achieve greater efficiency in public services
face a net loss of nodality as social, economic and to conform to cutback regimes. Although
and political organizations capitalize on the an NPM revival might emerge in those coun-
mobilization and information dissemination tries (such as Greece) where previously it has
and reduced coordination costs that the been little applied, there is little evidence for
Internet provides. Most Internet users use a pioneering renewal of NPM taking hold
search engines when looking for informa- (Dunleavy and Margetts, 2010). For DEG,
tion, and if government sites are not there however, the most likely scenario is that
in the top 10 search results beyond which there is a period of ‘investment pause’. In the
most users do not stray, they will not be UK for example, the Coalition Government
used (Escher et al., 2006). Certainly, govern- introduced a moratorium on IT projects
ment agencies can no longer expect to act over £100 million early on after election and
as a ‘watchtower’ with a privileged overview several large-scale investments, such as the
of citizen behaviour, to which citizens National Programme for IT in the health
automatically come when looking for infor- service, have already been abandoned. In
mation. To achieve watchtower status, gov- this environment, public sector managers
ernment agencies will find themselves having are unlikely to take on responsibility for
to use the channels that citizens use, such as major IT programmes with enthusiasm and
social media sites, to gain insight into citizen the tendency of e-government to lag behind
behaviour and preferences and to dissemi- digital behaviour in society at large, noted
nate government-related information. For above, is likely to be exacerbated, at least in
example, if a health-related agency wanted to the short to medium term (Dunleavy and
seek to gather data from citizen experiences Margetts, 2010).
of their own healthcare, which could provide Whatever happens next, electronic govern-
vital (and cheap) information on the quality ment is finally established as a clear theme
and robustness of services, they cannot expect of public administration. There is no doubt
just to build a website and wait for citizens to that the presence of ICTs – both inside
come – they must rather access the applica- government and among society more gener-
tions and platforms where citizens do increas- ally – brings a continual source of change
ingly express opinions about healthcare, such to public organizations. This continual pres-
as social networking sites, micro-blogging sure for innovation is now felt by all gover-
sites and discussion forums on popular civic nment agencies and challenges the absence
sites such as Mumsnet. of ICT issues from mainstream public
If states do manage to develop their elec- administration. But the rationalizing power
tronic government, placing ICTs at the centre of ICTs, predicted by those commentators
of public management reform and keeping who have concentrated on ICTs, is less evi-
pace with citizens’ digital behaviours, finally dent, either in terms of ending bureaucracy

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or in strengthening it disastrously. Even in Cabinet Office (2005) Transformational Government:

the age of Internet and the dramatic new pos- Enabled by Technology. London: Cabinet Office.
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for transforming government–citizen and Productivity of Government Services. Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar.
government–business relationships, the influ-
Clegg, S. (1990) Modern Organizations: Organization
ence of ICTs remains unpredictable and Studies in the Postmodern World. London: Sage
uncertain, with a range of viable scenarios Publications.
for the future. In the sense that no modernist Dunleavy, P. (1994) ‘The Globalization of Public
analysis seems to fit, and ICTs remain as a Services Production: Can Government Be “Best in
continual source of uncertainty within public World”’?, Public Policy and Administration, 9 (2):
administration, perhaps the postmodernists 36–64.
were nearest to being right. It may be that to Dunleavy, P. and Margetts, H. (1999) Government on
understand the relationships between public the Web. HC 87. London: National Audit Office.
administration and ICTs we need to disre- Dunleavy, P. and Margetts, H. (2000) ‘The Advent
gard the modernist assumption that govern- of Digital Government: Public Bureaucracies and
the State in the Internet Age’. Paper to the annual
ment is embarked on a continuing process of
conference of the American Political Science
rationalization, modernization and progress Association, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington,
towards some paradigm of e-government 4 September.
but steers away from the wide abundance Dunleavy, P. and Margetts, H. (2002) Government on
of ‘postmodernisms’ which have been used the Web II. HC 764. London: National Audit Office.
to ‘try and shape, define, characterize and Dunleavy, P. and Margetts, H. (2010) ‘The Second
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on’ (Bradbury, 1995: 766). Such an approach
might be called ‘ante-postmodernism’, Dunleavy, P., and Margetts, H., Goldchluk, S., Khan,
beyond modernism but before postmodern- M.K., Tinkler, J., Towers, E. and Escher, T. (2009)
Department for Work and Pensions. Communicating
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are a vital and changing part of any organiza- Auditor General, HC 421 Session 2008-2009.
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Information Society?’, in L. Levidow and K. Robins Networks: Policy Networks and the Emergence of
(eds), Cyborg Worlds: the Military Information Open Systems in Local Government’, Public
Society. London: Free Association Books. Administration, 72 (1): 73–93.

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Quinn, J. (1992) Intelligent Enterprise. New York: Toffler, A. (1980) The Third Wave. New York: Bantam
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Administration?’, Informatization and the Public Technology to Further Social and Political Innovation.
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Budgeting and Finance:

Budget Watcher’s Blues
edited by Frans K.M. van Nispen1

THE CALL FOR A BUDGETARY strange enough, also in Europe, where the
THEORY power of the purse is with the executive
rather than the legislative branch of govern-
The appeal of Valdimer Key for a budgetary ment. Moreover, empirical support was at
theory marks the interest in public budgeting least mixed, if not to say weak (LeLoup
in modern history. He clearly referred to a 1978; Rubin 1988).
normative theory, raising the question: ‘On The incremental nature of the budget was
what basis shall it be decided to allocate X further challenged in the period of economic
dollars to activity A instead of activity B?’ decline in the 1980s due to the oil crises. It
(Key, in Hyde & Shafritz 1978: 20). A couple turned out that decrementalism is not simply
of efforts to develop such a theory failed the mirror image of incrementalism, since
before Aaron Wildavsky took over the the base is under attack (Schick 1983: 23).
relay baton, issuing the first edition of The various interest groups and stakeholders
his seminal The Politics of the Budgetary will fight the spending cuts, giving the budget
Process, which changed the budgetary land- process a highly political profile. The tradi-
scape almost completely.2 He argued that the tional way of budgeting − across-the-board
allocation of scarce resources is not a matter cuts4 − did not provide much relief, requiring
of arithmetics or calculation, but a matter of more targeted spending cuts. Consequently,
power. On top of that, he claimed that incre- micro-budgeting was counterbalanced by
mentalism offered both the best description macro-budgeting (LeLoup 1988), setting
of (and prescription for) the budget process, norms for the reduction of the budget deficit
introducing words such as ‘base’ and ‘fair and/or public expenditures, changing the
share’ that are now common in the vocabu- rules of the game and, noteworthy, the rela-
lary of budget watchers (Wildavsky 1964).3 tive strengths of the players of the game.5
Soon, incrementalism became the dominant The advocates suddenly faced strong guard-
theory of public budgeting in America and, ians, playing down the upward pressure on

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the budget. The success and failure of these summit (1997), further reinforced to a ‘budg-
budgetary reforms and their predecessors etary position close to balance or in surplus’.7
like the Planning, Programming, Budgeting In addition, the budgetary policy of the
System (PPBS) and Zero-Base Budgeting European member states is going to be
(ZBB) have got much more attention than directed by the ‘principle of prudent fiscal
the design of a grounded theory. Unfortu- policy making’, introducing numerical rules
nately, we have to conclude that our insight that basically curb government expenditures
in the process of public budgeting and cut- in order to avoid windfalls on the revenue
back management is still anecdotal and frag- side being spent instead of being used for
mented, though we know a lot more than debt reduction. All efforts are geared to
Valdimer Key when he ventilated his call for fiscal consolidation in order to avoid debt
a budgetary theory. accumulation (OECD 2010a).


The process of budgetary reform has been
The attempt to balance the budget is still driven for some time by the New Public
relatively young, though James Savage has Management (NPM) movement inducing,
argued that balance is deeply rooted in inter alia, a revival of performance budget-
American history (Savage 1988). In the mid ing. Taking the traditional line-item budget
1980s the Gramm−Rudman−Hollings (GRH) as point of reference, Christopher Pollitt
amendment (1985), creating the sequestra- and Geert Bouckaert discern a trajectory of
tion procedure, prepared the ground for a budgetary reform that is completed by the
reduction of the budget deficit. The impact adoption of accrual budgeting (Pollitt &
may have been modest, but it is quite clear Bouckaert 2004: 69−70). Only a few OECD
that the more effective spending caps of the (Organization for Economic Co-operation
Budget Enforcement Act (BEA) would not and Development) countries have gone
have passed without the GRH amendment. through the full cycle as the constraints of
The movement became only serious when both the strict and broad interpretation of
the budget became an issue in the mid-term performance budgeting (Schick 2003: 101)
elections during the first Clinton administra- have become clear. The scope of is basically
tion (1994). The constitutional amendment, limited to homogeneous outputs, which are
as promoted by the Noble Prize winner rare in the public sector; the link between
James Buchanan (1995), may have failed, but inputs and outputs, respectively outcomes is
both parties reached a statutory arrangement rather weak and there is not much empirical
to balance the budget. support for the impact of performance infor-
A few years later the European countries mation on – either allocative or technical –
followed suit when the heads of states and efficiency (Van Nispen & Posseth 2009). The
governments came to terms about a target for NPM movement might be over the hill
the budget deficit and a procedure for the (Dunleavy et al. 2005; OECD 2010b), but
reduction of excessive budget deficits at the what is new on the horizon, beyond perform-
Maastricht summit (1991). The reference ance budgeting?
value for the budget deficit, which is one of The financial crisis and, notably, the situa-
the standards for the qualification for the tion in Greece, mark a crossroad in the field
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU),6 was of budgetary reform. On the one hand, the
first set at 3 per cent of gross domestic prod- financial crisis is providing a window for
uct (GDP) and later, at the Amsterdam change – to quote Barack Obama’s Chief of

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Staff Rahm Emanuel: ‘You never want a control rather than in budgeting. The ins
serious crisis to go to waste … (it) is an and outs are discussed by Leonard Kok,
opportunity to do things you think you could leaning on evidence of a survey of the OECD
not do before’ (Seib 2008) – as illustrated that records a growing interest. However, one
by the creation of a so-called European may question the utility, since only a small
Semester that allows the European institu- portion of the budget is applicable for accrual
tions to assess the draft budget and to come budgeting.
up with recommendations before it is submit-
ted to national parliaments. In addition, the
European Commission has issued the so-
called ‘six pack’ of proposals for reinforce- NOTES
ment of European governance (Van Nispen
2011). On the other hand, the room for budg- 1 Frans K.M. van Nispen is affiliated with the
etary innovation is small, as the financial Department of Public Administration of the Erasmus
University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
crisis is absorbing almost the entire intellec-
2 It is hard to find a book on public budgeting
tual creativity and physical capacity for without any reference to his work.
budgetary reform, to say nothing of over- 3 In all fairness, I should note Verne B. Lewis
coming the resistance of the spending depart- already mentioned that instrumentalism in his contri-
ments. The jury is still out. Only time will bution to (the discussion about) a budgetary theory
(Lewis 1952).
tell us the outcome of the tradeoff between
4 The sequestration introduced by the
reform drivers and reform capacity. Gramm−Rudman−Hollings amendment was built
upon automatic across-the-board cuts.
5 The incoming Minister of Finance, Zalm, suc-
cessfully launched a norm, named after him, to curb
THE ORGANIZATION OF PART 9 public spending at the start of the so-called ‘purple
coalition’ in the Netherlands (1994).
6 The other criteria being participation in the
Chapter 30 by Mark Hallerberg is about the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) for more than two
changing role of institutions − more pre- years and the reduction of the inflation rates, the
cisely, rules to deal with the principal−agent interest rates and the public debt.
7 The budgetary policy of the European member
problem, moral hazard and common pool
states is geared to country-specific medium-term
resources, using empirical data collected objectives (MTO) requiring a reduction of the under-
for a report commissioned by the Dutch lying structural budget deficit adjusted for the cycle
Minister of Finance about the European by at least 0.5% of GDP per year.
member states. He concludes that the selec-
tion and the effectiveness of institutions may
be affected by the characteristics of the
political system. REFERENCES
Chapter 31 by Rita Hilton and Phil Joyce
takes a historical angle, looking at the current Buchanan, James M. (1995), Clarifying Confusion
revival of performance budgeting or rather about the Balanced Budget Amendment. Paper pre-
performance-informed budgeting. A survey sented at a conference of the National Taxpayers
of the OECD shows that a lot is going on in Association, Crystal City, VA, May 22.
Dunleavy, P. et al. (2005), New Public Management is
the field, but that might be only lip service.
Dead – Long Live Digital-Era Governance, Journal
The authors identify five critical factors, of Public Administration Research and Theory, (16)
notably that participants must have incen- September: 467−494.
tives to use performance information. Key Jr, Valdimer O. (1940), The Lack of a Budgetary
Chapter 32 is about the latest trend in Theory, American Political Science Review,
budgeting, which has to do with accrual (34) 6: 1137−1144. Reprinted in: Albert C. Hyde
budgeting. It has its roots in accounting and & Jay M. Shafritz (eds) (1978), Government

5768_Peters & Pierre-30.indd 465 7/19/2012 12:00:40 PM


Budgeting: Theory, Process, Politics. Oak Park, IL: html#articleTabs%3Darticle; retrieved October 6,
Moore Publishing Company, pp. 19−24. 2011.
LeLoup, Lance T. (1978), The Myth of Incrementalism: Rubin, Irene S. (ed.) (1988), New Directions in Budget
Analytic Choices in Budgetary Theory, Polity, 10 (4): Theory (wrongly labeled Budget History). New York:
488−509. State University of New York Press.
LeLoup, Lance T. (1988), From Microbudgeting to Savage, James D. (1988), Balanced Budgets and
Macrobudgeting: Evolution in Theory and Practice, American Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
in Irene S. Rubin (ed.), New Directions in Budget Press.
Theory. New York: State University of New York Schick, Allen (1983), Incremental Budgeting in a
Press, pp. 19−42. Decremental Age, Policy Sciences, (16) 1: 1−25.
Lewis, Verne B. (1952), Toward a Theory of Budgeting, Schick, Allen (2003), The Performing State: Reflection
Public Administration Review, (12) 1: 42−54. on an Idea Whose Time Has Come but Whose
OECD (2010a), Fiscal Consolidation: Requirements, Implementation Has Not, OECD Journal on
Timing, Instruments and Institutional Arrangements, Budgeting, 3 (2): 71−103.
OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2010/2, Chapter Van Nispen, Frans K.M. (2011), Budgetary Coordination
IV. Paris: OECD Publishing. in the Eurozone. The Reform of the Stability and
OECD (2010b), Public Administration after ‘New Public Growth Pact. Paper delivered at the 6th ECPR
Management’: Value for Money in Government, Vol. General Conference, Reykjavik, August 25−27.
1. Paris: OECD Publishing. Van Nispen Frans K.M. & Johan J.A. Posseth (2009),
Pollitt, Christopher & Geert Bouckaert (2004), Public Performance Informed Budgeting in Europe: The
Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis, 2nd Ends Justify the Means, Don’t They? San Domenico
edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. di Fiesole: EUI/RSCAS, EUI Working Papers, RSCAS
Seib, Gerald F. Seib (2008), In Crisis, Opportunity for 2009/39.
Obama, Wall Street Journal, November 21. At: http: Wildavsky, Aaron (1964), The Politics of the Budgetary
// Process. Boston, MA: Little Brown & Company.

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Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Policy
Mark Hallerberg

Fiscal rules are increasingly popular − in The third topic is the “principal−agent” prob-
European Union (EU) member states, for lem. Budgets inevitably involve some form
example, the use of fiscal rules has grown of delegation of authority. The problem arises
from 16 in 1990 to 47 in 2000 to 67 in 2008 when the “agent” does not do what the “prin-
(European Commission 2010). Worldwide, cipal” wants her to do. In practice, the litera-
according to the International Monetary ture discusses problems that arise when
Fund (IMF), there were 80 countries by voters delegate authority to elected officials,
2009 with either national or supranational and when elected officials delegate authority
fiscal rules in place (IMF 2009). In response to bureaucrats. The final section discusses
to the global financial crisis and the euro who chooses fiscal rules. An important ques-
crisis, countries have added even more rules, tion is whether the institutions themselves
such as Germany’s debt brake, while allow- matter. If persons with preferences for tighter
ing other rules to weaken and sometimes fiscal discipline always choose certain fiscal
removing them entirely. rules over others, there is a question whether
Formal rules in budgeting are designed to the preferences or the institutions drive the
address certain problems. The focus of this results.
chapter therefore is on classifying formal
rules according to the problems some rules
are meant to solve. It begins with a consid-
eration of the common pool resource prob- RULES THAT CENTRALIZE THE
lem that develops when spending is targeted BUDGET PROCESS: THE COMMON
to a specific group but the taxes used to pay POOL RESOURCE PROBLEM
for them come from general revenues. It then
looks at a related issue that can exist when One of the fundamental problems of budget-
there are multiple levels of government: ing is what is known as the common pool
namely, the moral hazard problem. Lower resource (CPR) problem. The “common
levels of government are prone to spend pool” in a budgeting framework consists of
more when they expect that higher levels government revenues. Policy makers draw
of government are going to bail them out. from this pool when they spend money.

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The problem arises when policy makers con- about cleaning up toxic waste sites than
sider fully the consequences of their spend- where the money is coming from to pay for
ing decisions but do not consider fully how the clean-up.
their decisions affect the common pool.1 Whether policy makers who do not have
Theoretical work indicates that under such a reasons to consider the entire tax burden
situation policy makers will spend more than make decisions that increase the CPR
the case where they consider completely the problem is the second issue to consider; this
tax implications of their decisions. In a concerns the decision-making process itself.
multi-period framework, the budget deficits The classic article by Weingast, Shepsle,
of the government will also be larger and and Johnsen (1981) details how the CPR
governments will carry larger debt burdens problem can encourage “log rolls” among
(e.g., Velasco 2000; Krogstrup and Wyplosz Congresspersons, who make informal agree-
2010). ments among themselves to back each
A question to ask is why policy makers do other’s spending proposals for their districts.
not consider the full tax implications of their The way Congresspersons vote on spending
decisions. There are two reasons: one that determines whether the log rolls happen.
concerns the preferences of decision makers Note that if bills for spending in districts
and one that concerns the budget process. are voted on sequentially and separately,
First, there may be incentives for policy Congresspersons should vote for no bill but
makers not to consider the full tax burden. their own. The reason is that other bills
Weingast, Shepsle, and Johnsen (1981) pro- simply increase the tax burden on one’s
vide a nice example from the US Congress. voters without providing any tangible bene-
Voters elect Congresspersons in electoral fits. Some sort of institutional rule is needed
districts where only one candidate wins and to maintain log rolls in legislatures with
the candidate with the most votes is declared many members. In another work, Shepsle
the winner. Representatives appeal to voters and Weingast (1994) argue that “closed rules”
in their district through budget policy. Voters (simple up or down votes on bills with no
like additional spending on projects like possibility of amendment) as well as votes
bridges, new museums, and the like where on packages of bills in the form of omnibus
they live, but they do not like additional bills allow log rolls. In settings with fewer
taxes. The representative knows that addi- decision makers, informal rules to support
tional spending is financed by a tax base each other may be all that is necessary for a
that includes the entire country, not just log roll to function. Drees (1955) argues that
the electoral district. In the US House of in the Netherlands logrolls were simply
Representatives, where there are 435 mem- implicit and required no formal discussion.
bers, this means that each Congressperson Von Hagen (1992) finds that full Cabinet
worries about only 1/435 of the tax burden votes on budget bids from different minis-
(assuming that the tax burden is evenly dis- tries encourage log-rolling behavior. The
tributed in the country when making budget problem can therefore arise in both parlia-
decisions). Congresspersons will therefore ments and in Cabinets.
support more spending in their districts It is also possible that the decision-making
than they would if their district alone had to process itself hides the full tax implications
pay for the spending. It should be noted that of additional spending. One policy maker
this type of incentive structure is not limited may have a mandate only to increase security
to the US Congress or even to legislatures − at airports while another policy maker is
in a Cabinet setting, a Minister of Defense given the task to improve air quality. If their
may consider more the benefits of new budget requests are simply aggregated into
planes than their cost implications, while a the total budget, there will be little consi-
member of a Green Party may worry more deration of the tax implications of their

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decisions and the CPR problem will be • allowing the finance minister to cut spending
endemic. This pattern of decision making is during the execution of the budget.
referred to as “bottom-up” budgeting. A
second possibility is that the policy makers The key is to have budget rules that increase
do not know how much others in the govern- the discretionary power of the actor who
ment are spending. If all relevant actors considers the entire tax burden.
understood the true dimensions of their Not all scholars recommend stronger
spending decisions they might modify their finance ministers in all cases, however.
own behavior. Empirical studies indicate that Hallerberg, Strauch, and von Hagen (2009),
“fragmented” decision making leads to while noting that stronger finance ministers
higher levels of spending and to higher play a critical in some countries, caution that
budget deficits than in “unfragmented” sys- the coalition structure of governments may
tems: see Kontopoulos and Perotti (1999), make such “strong” ministers impractical.
Volkerink and de Haan (2000), and Wehner A given coalition partner may not be willing
(2010) for discussions of OECD (Organisa- to delegate decision-making powers to one
tion for Economic Co-operation and Deve- central player who is not from this partner’s
lopment) countries; see Baqir (2001) for a party, and this unwillingness increases if the
discussion of fragmentation in US cities. parties in government expect to face each
These two sources of the CPR problem other in the next election. Hallerberg, Strauch,
lead to several suggestions for how to and von Hagen (2009) propose an alternative
solve it, but they all have the following in approach for parliamentary democracies with
common − the goal is to assure that the deci- multi-party coalition governments. As part of
sion taken is one that considers the full tax their coalition agreement, parties should
implications of any spending. A first solution negotiate “fiscal contracts” that provide
is to assure that an important budget player detailed spending targets for every ministry.
has reason to care about the entire budget. In a country like the Netherlands, for exam-
Finance ministers at the national level and ple, parties agree to the budget figures
city managers at the local level can serve before they agree which party should head
as this actor. In one of the classic texts on which ministry (e.g., Bos 2007). This process
budgeting, Wildavsky (1975) conceives of assures that the actors consider the tax burden
the finance minister as the “guardian” of the of their decisions on the entire coalition. It is
Treasury who keeps the spending of “advo- also a process that is most successful when a
cates” (or spending ministers) in check. series of rules exist to reinforce the original
Building upon this logic, one could argue contract. Rules for what to do when revenues
that the stronger the finance minister, the are too high or too low, for example, allow
more fiscal discipline (Hahm et al. 1996). The the actors to avoid contract renegotiations
Inter-American Development Bank (1997), that can spell the end of the coalition.
while noting that most Latin American coun- A second solution proposed is that budget
tries have “strong” finance ministers already, processes be “top-down” instead of “bottom-
nevertheless argues that strengthening the up.” Decision makers first decide on a total
finance minister would lead to higher budget spending figure in a “top-down”; then they
discipline. Measures a government can take consider how the total should be divided
to strengthen the finance minister include: among the different ministries and depart-
ments. An agreement first on the total level
• having the finance minister propose the annual should lead decision makers to consider
budget; tradeoffs among different spending priorities,
• requiring that budget negotiations are between which would not occur when the process is
the finance minister and a relevant spending “bottom-up” (e.g., Ljungman 2009; see also
minister and not before the full Cabinet; and Wicksell 1896, for the earliest exposition).

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Many countries have since instituted some EU members consistently to run budget sur-
form of a top-down procedure: from the pluses, suggest as well that the change
Congressional Budget and Impoundment in procedure did not lead to weaker fiscal
Control Act of 1974 in the United States discipline.
that required the Congress to pass aggregate
spending targets before a vote on specific
appropriations (Wildavsky and Caiden 1997)
to sweeping budgetary reforms in Sweden RULES ON SUBNATIONAL
in the mid-1990s that require parliament GOVERNMENTS: MORAL HAZARD
to pass aggregate targets for the following
three years (Molander 2000). The second issue, known as moral hazard, is
Not all scholars agree, however, that a closely related to the CPR problem. The
move to a “top-down” approach is helpful. In argument once again is that policy makers do
an influential article, Ferejohn and Krehbiel not consider the full implications of their
(1987) argue that politicians that want more spending decisions. The root of the problem,
spending can simply pad the aggregate fig- however, is different. Instead of an ignorance
ures, and they provide examples where top- of a (local) government’s own tax burden, the
down decision making would lead to more (local) government expects to be able to draw
spending than a bottom-up approach. In upon a wider (national) tax burden for its
assessing the discussion, it is important to financing. It also expects that another gov-
remember the problem that is being solved ernment body will bail it out if it gets into
and to ask whether the process is forcing the trouble. Subnational governments therefore
actors to consider the entire tax burden when engage in riskier fiscal behavior. For exam-
they make decisions. Changes in the budget ple, Italian regional and local governments
procedure in Sweden may be instructive. routinely ran large deficits in the 1980s with
Following a “top-down” logic, the reforms of the knowledge that the national government
the mid-1990s introduced a parliamentary would, and did, rescue them from fiscal
vote on aggregates in the spring and more insolvency (Bordignon 1999). Fiscal prob-
specific votes on budget items in the fall. In lems at the subnational level have arisen in
summer 2001, and in the face of clear oppo- developing countries as well (e.g., de Mello
sition from the Finance Ministry, the parlia- and Luiz 2000; Rodden 2006). Within the
ment voted to move the consideration of the European Union, there is a concern that the
aggregates to the fall, or just before consid- introduction of a common currency under
eration of the specific parts of the budgets. Stage III of Economic and Monetary Union
Finance Ministry officials were concerned (EMU) in 1999 will lead to a moral hazard
that this move constituted a de facto return problem among its states. The argument
to bottom-up budgeting. The rationale the is that a given state will enjoy the full
parliamentary majority used to move the benefits of additional spending, but will
consideration of aggregates, however, was anticipate that its partners will bail it out if it
that parliamentarians needed so much infor- gets in financial trouble. The states partici-
mation on the budget in spring on individual pating in EMU would then bear the costs of
programs to feel confident enough to vote the bailout.
on the aggregates that, in practice, they There are a series of fiscal rules proposed
were debating the entire budget twice. This to eliminate the moral hazard problem, but
argument for the move suggests that simply they have one thing in common − they try to
moving the timing of votes may not be make it unlikely that any government can
enough to ensure a true “top-down” process. anticipate a bailout. This is more difficult
Fiscal outcomes in Sweden during the than one may think. The European Union, for
2000s, where the country was one of the few example, agreed to a “no bail-out clause” in

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the Treaty of Maastricht, but most observers, 1994; Bohn and Inman 1996). Rattsø (2000)
and for that matter most governments, did comes to the same conclusion for Norway,
not consider the clause credible, and the bail- where there are formal budget balance
outs of Greece (twice), Ireland, and Portugal requirements but where local governments
in 2010 and 2011 indicate that the skeptics in can carry over deficits from year to year. A
the early years were correct. The reason why usual problems of such rules is that they are
is simple − states participating in EMU will too lenient in good times and too tough in
likely suffer less from bailing out a country bad times (Anderson and Minarik 2006). The
in need than from letting that country go provisions for what to do when a rule is
bankrupt. The European Union’s “Stability violated are also unclear.
and Growth Pact,” which sets minimum A more recent phenomenon is the use of
budget balances states should maintain unless so-called “debt brakes,” with Switzerland
they are experiencing a serious recession, did introducing it in 2004 and Germany in a tran-
not prevent the bailouts nor prevent many sition period at the federal level until 2016
member states from running budget deficits and at the state (or Land) level until 2020. In
larger than 3 percent of gross domestic prod- the Swiss case, deviations from the target go
uct (GDP) (Heipertz and Verdun 2010; into an adjustment account, and if the adjust-
Hodson 2011). ment account has a deficit of more than
The EU’s requirement that states have cer- 6 percent of last year’s spending, it has to be
tain deficit targets is not new, although the corrected within three years (Bodmer 2006).
usual arrangement in more traditional Similarly, in the German case, if the actual
national−subnational governmental forms is budget outcome varies from the target after
that the higher-order government imposes adjusting for potential growth, the difference
some form of budget balance requirement on goes into a “control account.” If the control
the lower-level governments. In France and account goes over 1.5 percent of GDP, the
Germany, localities are required to abide by government then has to repay the amount in
the “golden rule,” which means that borrow- a way appropriate to the economic situation
ing in a given year should not exceed total (Federal Ministry of Finance 2009.)
capital outlays (Seitz 1999; see also Rodden There have been several reservations about
2000). In Sweden, since 2000, local govern- the use of such limitations in the literature.
ments are required simply to run balanced Eichengreen and von Hagen (1996) argued
budgets. In other states, such as Ireland, that no bailout clauses are credible when
Spain, and the United Kingdom, the central governments have revenue sources (such as
government has the (formal) power to limit significant tax bases) at their disposal. If rev-
subnational borrowing. enues come only from central government
Unlike in some European countries, where transfers, central government bailouts are
the central government imposes restrictions likely because there is no other way for local
on local governments, most US states devel- governments to get out of financial difficul-
oped balanced budget requirements of their ties. Strict rules on subnational governments,
own. These requirements range in practice therefore, are needed only in cases where
from an obligation that state governors pro- subnational governments do not have their
pose a balanced budget to a ban on state own tax bases. Empirically, Eichengreen and
governments carrying over deficits from year von Hagen (1996) examined the circum-
to year. Empirical work indicates that not all stances under which upper levels of govern-
balanced budget requirements are created ments impose debt restrictions on lower
equal − only the carryover ban leads in prac- levels of government in a sample of 36 coun-
tice to tighter fiscal discipline in the form of tries. They that such restrictions are most
higher average surpluses and faster elimina- common when subnational governments do
tion of outstanding deficits (Alt and Lowery not have the ability to generate additional

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revenues through taxes of their own. Sbragia effect on total debt. In, 2000, Von Hagen
(1996) reinforced this finding in her work on speculated that other studies find significant
the United States. Most US states limited the effects of these limitations because the stud-
borrowing of their communities during ies look at state-guaranteed, rather than total,
the period after the American Civil War, with debt. Stringent expenditure constraints lead
the restrictions on borrowing often corre- to a shift from guaranteed to unguaranteed
sponding to a certain percentage of the taxa- debt instruments. To the extent that these
ble property base of a given community. shifts obscure what the government is doing,
These restrictions were meant to assure mar- they may increase the severity of our next
kets that the locality had enough resources at issue: namely, the principal−agent problem.
its disposal to bail itself out of any financial
Others suggest that markets can discipline
states so that formal rules are not necessary. RULES THAT STRENGTHEN
Someone must lend governments money, and ACCOUNTABILITY PRINCIPAL−AGENT
markets will balk at providing finance to PROBLEM
states and localities with real default risks.
Bird and Tassonyi (2001) found that market Budgets inevitably involve some form of
pressure plays a significant role in maintain- delegation. Two forms are common in the
ing fiscal discipline in Canadian provinces, literature: the first involves voter delegation
even in the absence of formal rules that of authority to elected politicians, whereas
limit provincial borrowing. Inman (1995) the second is from elected politicians to (gen-
recounted how the city of Philadelphia, erally unelected) bureaucrats. The problem
Pennsylvania, failed to find buyers for its arises when the “agent” (or the person dele-
bonds when bond traders perceived that the gated authority) does not do what the “prin-
city’s finances were in disarray. Yet the cipal” (or the delegator of authority) wants
effects of market pressure do not seem to be her to do. Politicians ignore the directions of
consistent across all governments. Willett voters and spend more money on defense
(2000), for example, indicated that markets when the electoral mandate seemingly was to
tend to respond to fiscal problems relatively improve the environment; bureaucrats hide
late and, when they do respond, tend to the true costs of their work so that politicians
overreact and make fiscal corrections more give bureaucrats more money than it costs to
difficult. Mosley (2000) interviewed market produce a given public good. The general
participants and found that they pay closest prediction of principal−agent models of
attention to large swings in government budgeting is that the worse the problem, the
policy. Only half of her sample followed higher public spending. This is because agent
government debt levels. This evidence rein- preferences are somehow different than prin-
forces the impression that markets are not cipal preferences. Politicians may, for exam-
effective at preserving fiscal discipline by ple, like to spend money on the perks of
themselves, and that effective fiscal rules do office such as first-class plane tickets that
serve an important purpose. populations do not want (Niskanen 1971; for
There are also concerns about whether a theoretical argument, see Banks 1989).
such formal restrictions do nothing more Bureaucrats may not place the same value in
than encourage creative accounting. Strauch finding and eliminating inefficiencies in
(1998) found that US states imposing the spending where they exist because they have
strictest expenditure limits led simply to a different priorities for their time.
shift from the expenditure to the investment One solution to the problem is to design a
budget. Von Hagen (1991) found that the contract between principals and agents that
stringency of expenditure constraints had no brings the incentives for the agent more in

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line with what the principals want. This is not While emphasizing that some variation
that easy, however − contracts can provide across countries should be expected, and for
perverse incentives (for examples from budg- that matter even encouraged, there is general
eting, see Kiewiet and McCubbins 1991). agreement across the international organiza-
Another option is for principals to screen tions on a set of fiscal practices governments
individuals before they select them as agents. should approximate. The first general cate-
Public debates among candidates for office gory of recommendations concerns the
may allow some screening of future politi- annual budget. States should make budget
cians. Similarly, the confirmation process for documents comprehensive, which means that
top bureaucrats in some democracies allows they should include all government revenue
the legislature to evaluate whether future sources as well as all expenditures. They
heads of departments have preferences that should also provide commentaries that
differ greatly from the median in the legisla- explain each part of the budget. The second
ture. Finally, principals may actively monitor category concerns assumptions underlying
agents to learn what the agents are doing. the annual budget. These should be made
Monitoring agents is simpler when the explicit so that readers can assess for them-
actions of agents are observable, and this selves how the budget would change under
insight has led to an emphasis in recent years alternative assumptions. The assumptions
on the benefits of a transparent budget proc- should be quite detailed. How many recipi-
ess. A system is transparent when all relevant ents should receive unemployment benefits,
information on the budget is made available the model for making macro-economic fore-
in both a timely and a systematic fashion casts, etc., should be explicit. A third cate-
(OECD 2001: 3). The critical actor then gory concerns timing. The annual budget
becomes the public. The easier it is for the should be presented as one document. It is
public to understand what members of the not possible for someone to get a clear sense
government are doing, the more accountable of policy tradeoffs if different parts of the
the public will hold politicians (International budget are presented throughout the year.
Monetary Fund 1998). This accountability The government should present the budget
tightens the relationship between the first set with enough lead-time before the end of the
of principals (public) and agents (elected current fiscal year so that the legislature can
politicians). It also brings in the public as a evaluate fully the different parts of the
monitor to check the second set of principals budget.3 Similarly, the government should
(elected politicians) and agents (bureaucrats). develop medium-term budget forecasts that
If agents are doing what principals want, provide estimates of future budgets. It should
there should be better budget performance.2 also publish a series of reports during the
What budget rules in practice increase execution of the budget that allow persons
transparency? International organizations, outside of government to evaluate whether
such as the IMF, the OECD, and the World the government is sticking to the budget law.
Bank, actively encourage governments to Finally, the international organizations pro-
increase transparency levels. The IMF has vide a series of technical recommendations
prepared a Manual on Fiscal Transparency on how to increase control and accountability
that spells out best practices that states in accounting practices.
should follow. The international organization Some initial empirical work indicates that
also encouraged officials from member states increases in the level of transparency that such
to take a voluntary survey that would allow fiscal rules provide have beneficial effects on
one to assess the level of transparency across fiscal policy. Alt et al. (2001) tested 11 of
different countries. Similarly, the OECD 76 measures of transparency that appeared
(2001) published a list of “best practices” in OECD (1999) on spending levels and
based on the experiences of its member states. on budget deficits in 19 OECD countries.4

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In their empirical analysis, they found that reduction program, for example, could spend
the most transparent states have both lower a lot of money on what seem like worthy
spending and lower budget deficits than projects, but in the end not reduce poverty.
states with lower transparency. Similarly, in This concern has led to what is known as
a theoretical paper, Milesi-Ferretti (2000) “performance budgeting” or “results-focused
argued that increases in transparency reduce management” (OECD 2002). Governments
creative accounting often found in countries should include both “output” evaluations of
with formal rules discussed in the previous performance, or what amount is actually
section. This suggests that a combination of spent, as well as “outcome” evaluations,
rules that guarantee transparency and that which consider the impact of the budget on
limit spending is beneficial. It should be the relevant target group, environment, etc.
noted that this emphasis on fiscal transpar- One way to implement results-focused man-
ency accompanies a more general call for agement is to establish performance contracts
greater transparency throughout the econ- that define explicit targets for the govern-
omy. The lack of transparency in financial ment to achieve. In Denmark, for example,
markets and financial institutions may have since 1992, departments and agencies have
contributed to the worsening of the Asian agreed to contracts that define targets and
financial crisis of the latter part of the 1990s. required results within a set period of time
Fiscal and financial rules that increase trans- (Thorn and Lyndrup 2002). In terms of
parency should consequently be introduced accounting rules, accrual-based accounting
together (Vishwanath and Kaufmann 1999).5 facilitates a more accurate consideration of
Alt and Lassen (2006) found that political the costs of both outputs and outcomes. To
business cycles are common in countries date, however, only a few countries within
with lower levels of transparency. the OECD − such as Australia, Denmark,
Another way to increase transparency is to New Zealand, and the United Kingdom −
bring the level of government closer to have accrual budgeting systems (Robinson
voters. There has been a wave of fiscal 2009: 10).
decentralization around the globe in the past A final issue to consider is a possible dif-
decade, from the creation of regional parlia- ference in the time horizon between voters
ments with, in Scotland’s case, some fiscal and politicians.6 Politicians want to get
powers in the United Kingdom, to an increase re-elected, and they therefore prefer fiscal
in the fiscal responsibilities of states and policies that yield immediate electoral pay-
localities in countries as diverse as Colombia, ments. Governments may run larger budget
Russia, Scandinavia, and the United States. deficits in pre-electoral periods in the hope of
One reason for these decentralizations has stimulating the economy. They may also
been to bring the government closer to a front-load the benefits of a given governmen-
people dissatisfied with the provision of tal program in the first year or two after the
public goods at the national level (Tanzi program passes, while they back-load the
1999; for a critical review, see Treisman costs of a given program into years further in
2007). While decentralization may poten- the future. This problem can be the opposite
tially reduce the scale of the principal−agent of the re-election incentive, because the poli-
problem, the previous section indicated that ticians expect to lose office. In this case, they
new difficulties in the form of the moral are trying to get what they can for their
hazard problem may arise. supporters while trying to leave the costs of
Even if the principal has some sense what their policies with their successors (Alesina
the agent is doing, there is also a concern and Tabellini 1990; Grilli, Masciandaro, and
whether the agent is meeting the principal’s Tabellini 1991).
goals. The tasks the agents do may not seem One proposed solution is to force gov-
to accomplish much of anything. A poverty ernments to propose, and, under “normal”

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conditions, to maintain multi-annual budget which are likely to be natural boundaries for
programs. Such programs are meant to force electoral districts − for one institutional fea-
governments to think longer term. Under the ture he cares about: namely, the number of
Stability and Growth Pact, for example, all electoral districts. Once this correction is
EU member states must submit a budget pro- introduced, he finds both that cities with
gram to the European Commission each year many districts are more likely to have execu-
that includes five years of data (year −1 to tive vetoes and that increases in the veto
year +3). As noted earlier, such programs player of the mayor decrease the level of
also increase transparency. Medium-term spending.7 Fabrizio and Mody (2010) sug-
expenditure frameworks (MTEFs), in partic- gest that large deficits retard reforms, but that
ular, are increasingly common (e.g., Schiavo- macro-economic imbalances increase the
Campo 2008). It is doubtful, however, that sense of crisis and make reforms more
simply imposing medium-term budget plans likely.
will change the incentives politicians face As mentioned briefly in a previous section,
to think short term. Hallerberg and von Hagen (1999) and
Hallerberg, Strauch, and von Hagen (2009)
are concerned about the effectiveness of cer-
tain types of rules given the presence of other
WHO CHOOSES FISCAL political institutions. Some scholars argue
INSTITUTIONS? that proportional representation electoral
systems, for example, lead to poorer budget-
Another issue concerns what the literature ary performance than plurality (or first-
calls the endogeneity of institutions. That is, past-the-post) electoral systems because
why do some countries select a given set of proportional representation leads to unstable
fiscal rules while others do not? This ques- governments (Grilli et al. 1991), while others
tion is important. It may be that countries contend that multi-party coalition govern-
that are predisposed to combat certain types ments lead to larger budget deficits (Roubini
of problems are the ones most likely to adopt and Sachs 1989) because coalition govern-
fiscal rules that address them. A population ments cannot make quick changes to budget
that prefers lower taxes, for example, may profiles that one-party governments can. The
support a formal rule that limits tax collec- counter-argument is that these institutions by
tions, while a population that will support themselves do not affect the budget; rather,
higher taxes will not support the same rule. they do affect the type of fiscal rules that are
This line of inquiry begs the question of most effective in enforcing fiscal discipline.
whether it is the underlying preferences, The “strong finance minister” model men-
rather than the formal rules themselves, that tioned before works best under one-party
are critical. majority governments, which are usually
There has been little work that takes the found in countries with plurality electoral
question of why the use of fiscal rules differs systems. Detailed “fiscal contracts” among
across countries seriously. Baqir (2001), in coalition partners can serve the same purpose
his study of US city budgeting, hypothesizes of maintaining fiscal discipline in countries
that cities with many electoral districts have with multi-party coalition governments.
greater CPR problems and are more likely to Hence, underlying factors found in a coun-
choose a strong executive veto to control the try’s political system may affect both the
problem. Yet he is concerned that some exter- choice of a given set of fiscal rules as well
nal effect may explain a change both in the effectiveness of those institutions once
the presence of an executive veto and in the they are introduced.
number of districts. To get at this problem, he Recent scholarship that attempts to cor-
finds an instrument − the number of streams, rect for the endogeneity question therefore

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indicates that formal rules still matter, but NOTES

scholars should continue to explore this
issue. More work in this area clearly needs to 1 This problem is not limited to budgeting situa-
be done. tions. The best theoretical discussions are found in
Elinor Ostrom’s Nobel-prize winning work (see
Ostrom 1990).
2 There is a growing literature that considers
what actions the government can take to strengthen
CONCLUSION the role of the public as a watchdog. Freedom of
information acts, laws that give the press wide berth
Fiscal rules have become increasingly popu- to investigate the government and to publish reports
as the press sees fit, and guarantees that persons
lar. They are increasingly viewed as a pre- who are critical of the government are not charged
condition for fiscal discipline. In Europe, for easily with treason all improve the ability of the
example, there is a growing consensus that public to monitor the government. This literature is
all members of the eurozone should adopt not directly relevant for an chapter on fiscal rules, but
some form of Germany’s debt brake. Whether it is important for the reader to understand that one
cannot simply assume that the public will be able to
domestic parliaments will pass this type of serve its watchdog function unless other types of
restriction on their budget is another ques- “rules” are in place.
tion, but this chapter tried to make clear the 3 The OECD suggests that budgets go to the
theoretical rationale for such rules. legislature at least 90 days before the end of the
This chapter reviews three problems that fiscal year; see OECD (2001: 4).
4 They include any measure that increases infor-
fiscal policy makers commonly face − the mation on the budget in fewer documents; increases
common pool resource problem, the moral the level of independent verification of the govern-
hazard problem, and the principal−agent ment’s figures; non-arbitrary language, such as the
problem. It also discusses several proposed use of accrual accounting; and more justification of
solutions in the literature. While the chapter what the government does with budgeting, such as a
legal requirement that the government must present
treats the problems separately for exposi- an ex post report of how it spent the budget.
tional purposes, it also indicates that solu- 5 Joseph Stiglitz (2000) provides a good discus-
tions to one problem may affect the severity sion in general of information economics and, more
of other problems. Fiscal decentralization specifically, of the role of transparency as applied to
may decrease the principal−agent problem, corporate governance.
6 In the central banking literature one talks
for example, but increase the severity of a about a “time inconsistency” problem. The idea is
moral hazard problem. Changes in fiscal that politicians have different time horizons than
rules should therefore not be considered in their populations. Governments pledge to have low
isolation of one another, but rather as a com- inflation, but before elections they are tempted to
plete package. Only in this way can one push up inflation. Populations anticipate this
response, and they factor in higher inflation in their
assess the true costs and benefits of using one wage demands. A country then gets a suboptimal
set of fiscal rules over another. This lesson is policy that leads to higher levels of inflation. If the
especially relevant in countries in danger of agents delegate the setting of inflation to a (con-
experiencing sovereign debt crises, but it is servative) central bank, the country will experience
pertinent more broadly for all fiscal systems. the optimal policy that leads to lower inflation.
7 See Knight and Levinson (2000) for a similar
On a more academic level, scholars are type of analysis for the US states.
only beginning to explain why some coun-
tries adopt the fiscal rules they do while
others do not. There has certainly been
progress on this topic over the past decade, REFERENCES
but more work should be done, and the recent
crises and the responses to them provide Alesina, Alberto and Guido Tabellini (1990) ‘A Positive
plenty of additional data for scholars to use Theory of Fiscal Deficits and Government Debt’,
in their analyses. Review of Economic Studies, 57: 403−414.

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Budgeting: A Global Reform
Rita M. Hilton and Philip G. Joyce

Public sector budgets allocate scarce twenty-first century, reform efforts to increase
resources. Because these budgets result from government effectiveness within sectors by
political processes, they will always be sur- introducing more information on actual per-
rounded by some degree of contention: formance into decisions on allocation of
whether about content, process, or both. public resources gradually gained currency
Calls for process improvements typically rise worldwide. Whether progress on this front
from one of two directions. On a routine was sufficient to position governments to
basis, dissatisfaction that interested parties adjust successfully in the face of worldwide
may have – either with allocations or out- economic shocks that began unfolding in
comes – lead them to propose or “pull” for 2008 remains an open question. That contin-
changes. On a less predictable basis, major ued progress in using performance informa-
economic events or pressures can be a source tion to allocate public resources would
of pressure or “push” − for adjustment in enhance effectiveness is virtually indisput-
public budgets. Changes may be focused on able: whether progress will transpire is a
the process of deciding on allocations, or matter of conjecture.
it may relate to managing expenditures for Performance-oriented budget reforms have
efficient outcomes. been attempted across settings, with varying
Reforms can range from those genuinely degrees of success, for the past half-century.
intended to promote better use of public Despite extensive government expenditures
resources within sectors, to efforts aimed on “information technology” across the
at gaining political advantage, all the way to world, evidence indicates that routine use of
those intended to position governments performance information to ensure effective-
to adapt to economic shocks. An apparently ness in allocation and execution in public
pejorative view is that budget process budgets is uneven. So called “performance-
reform is “a proposal put forth by losers in an based budgeting” is hard to carry out in prac-
attempt to become winners” (Kliman and tice because: it is conceptually difficult; it
Fisher, 1995, p. 27). However, in the early requires extensive changes in practice; and

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supporters of the status quo often raise sig- in turn answering – outcome questions. Often
nificant barriers to implementation. the focus is at best on outputs purchased;
This chapter offers an integrative view of many questions don’t get past inputs. (“How
the relationship between performance infor- many dollars are flowing into my state, or
mation and government budget processes. legislative district?”) For this reason, efforts
The chapter is organized into three broad to integrate consideration of results into
sections: budget processes have been central to budget
reform since mid-twentieth century.
• First, we provide a framework for considering the Initiatives − e.g., the Planning, Program-
use of performance information in government ming, Budgeting System (PPBS), manage-
budgeting. We prefer the term “performance- ment by objectives (MBO), etc. − largely
informed budgeting,” noting that the relation-
failed to deliver on their promise. The early
ship between performance and resources has
been an abiding concern of budget reformers
effort of PPBS, for example, “died of multi-
and that performance information can be used ple causes, any of which was sufficient.”
in many ways at many different stages of the (Schick, 1973, p. 148) A comprehensive
budget process. There is no “one way” − and review of PPBS and other systems at both the
almost any sound effort is better than no effort. national and state levels in the United States
• Second, we discuss preconditions for the use of (Harkin, 1982) noted that there were several
performance information in government budg- reasons that these reforms tended to fail.
eting. We first cover the necessary conditions First, opposition from key actors who feared
for effective budgeting in general. Conditions reforms might interfere with flow of funds to
necessary for successful implementation of more key electoral constituencies impeded process
sophisticated techniques – i.e., performance-
change. Second, difficulties inherent in the
informed budgeting – include clarity of mission,
appropriate performance and cost measurement,
need for diverse stakeholders to agree on
and presence of incentives for use of information programs’ goals and objectives interfered
in making budget decisions. with development of valid performance
• Third, the chapter reviews the current state of measures. Finally, perceptions that over-
performance-informed budgeting, with a primary whelming amounts of data are required
focus on practice in the United States (state/local to track performance tended to kill the sys-
and national governments) and relatively wealthy tems − particularly when practice indicated
countries that are a part of the Organisation data were not being used. Indeed, Aaron
for Economic Co-operation and Development Wildavsky indicated that the PPBS reform
(OECD) – complemented by information on not only failed but also was destined to fail,
selected efforts underway in developing countries.
because “(i)ts defects are defects in principle,
As countries strive to deal with post-2008 debt
crises, partially by reducing the public footprint,
not in execution. PPB does not work because
using data on what works and what doesn’t to it cannot work … it requires ability to per-
inform allocation decisions would appear vitally form cognitive operations that are beyond
important. Failure to use such data essentially present human (or technical) capacities”
guarantees ineffective use of public resources. (Wildavsky, 1984, p. 199).
The failure of comprehensive PPBS, how-
ever, did not extinguish interest in the genre
of reform. The logic of budgeting for results
USING PERFORMANCE INFORMATION is so intuitively appealing that it has remained
FOR BUDGETING − HISTORICAL AND a primary focus for budget reformers. Efforts
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK in the stream were reinvigorated in the early
1990s: first in OECD countries such as
One of the major criticisms leveled at gov- Australia and New Zealand (Holmes and
ernment budget processes is that they stop Shand, 1995), then in state and local govern-
short (perhaps far too short) of asking – and ments in the United States (Osborne and

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Gaebler, 1992; Ho, 2011; Hou et al., 2011), understood as promoting the replacement
then in the national government in the of “political” resource allocation with some
United States (Joyce, 2011), and finally in algorithm that allocates resources based
the developing world. The continuing thread solely on performance data. It is not, in our
of process reform efforts, often described view, either desirable or useful to encourage
under the rubric “performance-based budget- adherence to such a simplistic model. There
ing,” aims to explicitly link budget allocation will always be a political and a judgment-
to demonstrated performance. based dimension to allocation of public
Measuring government performance resources. However, in order to promote
requires specifying and quantifying a effective use of resources, performance infor-
complex set of relationships that involves mation should be on the table and easily
inputs (the resources used by government accessible to all stakeholders when political
programs), outputs (the activities or work decisions are made. For this reason, we
performed by the government organization prefer to use not the term performance-based
itself), and outcomes (the broader societal budgeting, but focus instead on the use of
results anticipated as a result of the performance information throughout the
input−output chain). Efforts to base budgets budget process, or what could be called
on measures of performance stem from a performance-informed budgeting.
variety of motivations which span a spectrum Using a scheme first articulated by Joyce
of perspectives: and Tompkins (2002) permits a more robust
view of the role of performance information
• At the simplest level, there is a desire to con- in the budget process. We look at the full
strain the footprint of public expenditures – budget process, recognizing that there are
How can less expensive or fewer inputs be
important questions to be asked regarding the
used to achieve a given output/outcome?
This view assumes that relations between inputs,
availability and use of performance informa-
outputs and outcomes are identifiable – or tion at each stage of the traditional budget
implicitly assumes that outcomes are assured, process – i.e., budget preparation, budget
independent of input mix. approval, budget implementation or execu-
• From a more complex policy perspective, reforms tion, as well as audit and evaluation.
may be motivated by questions regarding the Why does taking a more comprehensive
nature of relations between inputs, outputs view of the process matter? Simply put, most
and outcomes – the question might be how to research into “performance-based budget-
improve outcomes by changing the input mix. ing” has looked only at selected stages of
For example, in the education sector, an input- the budget process. Questions of legislative
focused process would ask the question “How
and central budget office use predominate.
many teachers do we have?” An output-oriented
process would ask “How many days of instruc-
Since performance information may be pro-
tion are we delivering?” An outcome-focused ductively employed at other stages of the
process would ask “How much are students process − i.e., agency budget preparation,
learning?” budget execution, and audit and evaluation −
such an artificially limited scope of inquiry
An underlying problem with so-called risks missing important opportunities for
“performance-based budgeting” involves the applying and capturing the benefits from
challenge of clarity. The term is the most performance-informed budgeting.
common among many different descriptors The typology presented in Table 31.1
that are used to refer to the connection − (from Joyce and Tompkins, 2002) suggested
desired and/or intended − of performance a comprehensive approach to thinking about
information and government resources. the connection between performance infor-
There is a risk that the practice of using per- mation and the budget. The table illustrates
formance information in budgeting can be that there are many possible decision points

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Table 31.1 Dimensions of performance measurement in the budget process

Stage of budget process Measures available Use of measures to:
Budget preparation: • Agency strategic planning and • Make tradeoffs between agency subunits to
Agency level performance planning allocate funds strategically
• Cost accounting • Build budget justification for submission to
• Performance (outcome) measures central budget office
• Determine overlapping services within agency
Budget preparation: • Government-wide strategic planning and • Make tradeoffs between agencies to allocate
Central budget office performance planning funds strategically
• Cost accounting • Build budget justification for submission to
• Performance (outcome) measures legislative body
• Determine overlapping services between
Budget approval: • Performance measures, accurate cost • Compare costs to marginal effects on
Legislative estimates, and strategic/performance performance during legislative funding process
plans included with budget justifications • Make performance expectations clear as part
of budget allocation
Budget approval: • Implications of legislatively approved • Make decisions on signature, veto, or line
Chief Executive budget for achieving government item veto/reduction informed by performance
strategic objectives implications
Budget execution • Agency and government-wide strategic • Use spending discretion and flexibility to
plans allocate funds in line with strategic priorities
• Performance (outcome) measures and consistent with achievement of agency
• Cost accounting performance goals
Audit and evaluation • Agency strategic goals • Shift focus of audits/evaluations to include
• Actual performance data performance questions, rather than only
• Cost accounting information financial compliance
Source: Joyce, P.G. and Tompkins, S. (2002) “Using Performance Information for Budgeting: Clarifying the Framework and
Investigating Recent State Experience,” Chapter 5 in Meeting the Challenges of Performance-Oriented Government, Kathryn
Newcomer et al., eds. Washington: American Society for Public Administration, pp. 61−96.

at which performance information can be alternate strategies and anticipated results

incorporated into the budget process. At each (i.e., applying outcome measures).
of these decision points, the twin questions
of availability and use are equally relevant. A
given government or agency might have or
make use of performance information at one NECESSARY CONDITIONS FOR
stage of the process, independent of what PERFORMANCE-INFORMED
might happen at other stages of the process. BUDGETING
For example, agencies might make substan-
tial use of performance information in build- Outlining a framework for understanding the
ing the budget, while other actors (central role of performance information in budgeting
budget offices, legislatures) make little or no is not enough. In our view, successful imple-
use of that information at subsequent stages. mentation of performance-informed budget-
Conversely, the failure to use performance ing cannot occur unless two sets of conditions
data in preparation and approval would not are present. First, certain fundamental insti-
prevent a given agency from exercising dis- tutional and technocratic prerequisites must
cretion to pursuing goals and objectives. At exist to support effective budgeting and
the execution stage, agencies may find them- financial management. These prerequisites
selves reviewing likely relations between simply do not exist in all settings at all times.

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For example, some are much more likely to revenues to match expenditures. This recognizes
be present in OECD countries than in devel- that financial management is a long-term, rather
oping ones. It is important not to be too than a single year, proposition. For example,
enthusiastic about replicating systems across it is a cause for concern if a government uses
non-recurring revenues (transfers from other
countries, without due regard to institutional
funds, short-term borrowing) to finance continu-
realities. Second, even if institutional and ing expenditures.
technical prerequisites are in place, it is • Timely Budget Adoption − Adherence to budget
unwise to underestimate the depth and extent timetables can be an important contributor to
of practical difficulties that can be encoun- effective financial management and govern-
tered in implementing performance-informed ment performance. In particular, the failure to
budget reforms. adopt budgets by the start of the fiscal year cre-
ates massive uncertainty and therefore tends to
promote inefficiency. This is a huge problem for
the United States, which increasingly engages in
Fundamental prerequisites for ad hoc budgeting, and has only adopted a full
effective budgeting and financial budget by the beginning of the fiscal year four
management times since 1977.
• Forecasting Competence and Predictability −
A number of characteristics must be present Revenues and expenditures need to be esti-
in order for budgeting and financial manage- mated accurately. If revenues are chronically
ment systems to accomplish the most basic over-forecast or expenditures are under-forecast,
functions of allocating and tracking public mid-year corrections are often necessary, and
resources. Several attempts have been made this compromises the ability of program manag-
in the United States to try and identify useful ers and other recipients of government funds to
financial management practices (Strachota, have predictable funding flows.
1994; Meyers, 1997; Ingraham et al., 2003). • A Functioning Accounting System − At a mini-
mum, a government or government agency
Briefly, these characteristics include:
should have the ability to know how much
money is available and how much has been
• The Rule of Law − Budgets are assumed to be
spent. Many developing countries, in particular,
adopted by duly constituted authorities (legis-
have a history of being unable to provide even
latures and governors, city councils and mayors,
the most rudimentary accounting information.
parliaments, etc.).
But this problem is not necessarily limited to
• Budget Adherence − Once agreed to, spending
developing countries.
and revenue plans are assumed to be carried out
• Audit Capacity − Governments should have the
as enacted (or close) − they are not remade in a
capacity to ensure accountability through effec-
room by the minister of finance and several close
tive auditing. First, a “preaudit” capacity should
associates. If remade, they should be revised by
exist − this has to do with controls, up-front,
the same legitimate authorities who made them
on expenditures to guard against overspend-
in the first place.
ing. Second, a “postaudit” capacity should be
• Transparency − The government should make
present − governments should know, after the
information about the budget available to the
fact, what money was spent for and (perhaps)
public. In addition, there should be a free press
what was obtained as a result of that spending.
that has access to information on government
resources. In our view, these are the basics − the build-
• Publicly Expressed Preferences − The govern-
ing blocks, if you will − which must be in
ment should have the capability of collecting
place if budget reforms are to be imple-
information on the preferences of the electorate.
In the absence of reasonable information on mented. If a government cannot establish
preferences, it is very difficult for resources to be these basic prerequisites, chances are slim
allocated efficiently. that a successful, meaningful, marriage of
• Avoidance of Structural Deficits − Over a number performance information, and the budget
of years, the budget should bring in sufficient can be carried out. Perhaps as importantly,

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governments without the basic building successfully launched. Beyond conceptual chal-
blocks are probably better served through lenges of defining relevant indicators, most
developing basic budgeting capacity than by public sector organizations resist being held
embracing more ambitious reforms. accountable for outcomes, since they are influ-
enced by so many factors that are outside of
agency − or even government − control.
3 Accurate measures − and relevant components −
Necessary characteristics for of cost need to be developed. Connecting
successful performance-informed resources with results implies knowing how
much it costs to deliver a given level of outcome.
Most public organizations cannot even track
Even if these building blocks are present, it how much it costs to deliver an output, largely
does not mean that performance-informed because of problems with allocating indirect
budgeting is easy − or destined to be uni- costs. In such situations, extrapolating from
output to outcome cost is simply not feasible.
formly successful. As noted earlier, it is hard
4 Cost and performance information need to be
to argue against bringing more performance brought together for budgeting decisions. There
information into government decision proc- is no simple decision rule for relating cost and
esses. Conversely, it is easy to ignore the real performance in the public sector, at least at a
constraints that make such reforms difficult macro level. A simple, but incorrect approach
to accomplish in practice (across countries, (embraced by some members of Congress in the
regardless of economic status). There are at United States) would be to take money from
least five conditions for successful use of those who fail to meet performance targets, and
performance information in the budget proc- give more money to those who meet targets.
ess, each of which is difficult to achieve. This tack relies on heroic assumptions, one of
them about the causal link between money and
results. In fact, for any program, sorting out
1 Public entities need to have an explicit, tractable,
the contribution of funding versus other fac-
mission and coherent associated goals. Holmes
tors requires a full understanding of the logical
and Shand noted that a key condition for per-
relationship between inputs, outputs, exogenous
formance management in government is “clarity
factors, and outcomes.
of task and purpose” (Holmes and Shand, 1995).
5 Finally, participants in the budget process must
Strategic planning (preferably government-wide),
have incentives to use performance informa-
to the extent that it enables decisions to be
tion. Successful performance-informed budget-
made that establish clear evidence-based direc-
ing occurs only when those involved in the
tion for government programs, is crucial. This
budget process move beyond the generation
is often quite difficult to carry out in practice,
and storage of information, to the use of infor-
particularly in countries like the United States
mation. This can only occur if budgetary actors
that have a fragmented political structure. It is
have effective incentives (and resources) to use
relatively easier in parliamentary systems, where
information. In fact, the incentive question is
the majority party or coalition actually runs
probably the most important one to focus on
cabinet ministries.
in determining the likelihood that performance
2 Valid measures of performance need to exist.
information will actually be used in the various
It is hard to measure outcomes in the great
stages of budget decision making.
majority of public programs, and far easier to
measure outputs. For example, the US National In short, understanding viability of perform-
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
ance-informed budgeting requires determin-
claimed in the 1990s that the goal of its Space
ing the extent to which each of these
Science Program was to “chart the evolution of
the universe from origin to destiny.” Quite under- conditions is met. They are additive, in the
standably, NASA had no performance measures sense that failure to identify a strategic direc-
that would enable it to determine whether it has tion imperils the development of appropriate
met this objective. It did have a great number performance measures, and the lack of appro-
of output indicators: e.g., number of missions priate measures of performance and cost

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undermines the appropriate use of informa- from local governments and used them to
tion for budgeting purposes. define principles for other governments/
agencies to follow. The United States con-
tains more than 80,000 local government
units (of uneven size and purpose), so it
PERFORMANCE-INFORMED is very difficult to generalize about local
BUDGETING IN PRACTICE government practice and experience. Some
facts, however, are indicative. In 1996
By the early 2000s, enhancing the use of the International City/County Management
performance information in government Association (ICMA) piloted, and in 1998
budgeting processes was getting worldwide formally established, the Center for
attention. High levels of attention and activ- Performance Measurement. This center − in
ity, however, did not necessarily translate partnership with members from 35 states,
into progress in achieving advocates’ goals and the District of Columbia − provides con-
for performance-informed budgeting. This sulting, training, and data access services
next section of the chapter will survey the for local governments engaged in perform-
current state of performance-informed budg- ance measurement efforts (Gloo, 2011). A
eting, and consider this in light of post-2008 recent case study of the use of performance
debt challenges which are exerting drag on information by the city of Indianapolis con-
governments worldwide. We selectively cluded that performance information does
survey, in turn: influence budgetary decisions, but does so
at a program level rather than at the depart-
1 Governments (local, state, federal) in the United ment- or government-wide level (Ho, 2011).
States. Notably, if an accurate reflection of practice,
2 Other industrialized countries (i.e., OECD mem- it would seem unlikely that performance
information has risen to a level at which it
3 A limited subset of developing countries.
informs local budget reductions. This point
is non-trivial, and in light of prevailing
economic pressures may not bode well for
The United States use of performance-informed budgeting at
the local level.
In the United States, efforts to better connect State governments have been quite active
performance information and public budgets in strategic planning and performance meas-
started at the state and local government urement, especially in the past 20 years.
level. It only gradually migrated to the Statewide initiatives, such as the Oregon
federal level. Benchmarks or Minnesota Milestones,
focused on strategic planning (Broom and
State and local governments McGuire, 1995), as did the subsequent
States and localities were on the cutting edge Council on Virginia’s Future (Barrett and
of implementing reforms to promote per- Greene, 2008). A 1998 study (Melkers and
formance measurement in budgeting and Willoughby) reported that as of 1997, 47 of
share good practices. Local governments, the 50 states indicated that they had some
including Sunnyvale, CA, Charlotte, NC, kind of requirement for strategic planning
Dayton, OH, and Phoenix, AZ, have been and performance measurement − which
frequently cited as examples of localities these authors defined as performance-based
in which performance measurement was budgeting. This definition appears too
alive, well, and influential. The best-seller broad to convey clear meaning about prac-
Reinventing Government (Osborne and tice. Nevertheless, the significance of the
Gaebler, 1992) took many of its anecdotes result is that it indicates just how widespread

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the movement toward attempting to − or happen until after the budget year; the poten-
claiming to − measure performance in the tially biasing incentives legislators may have
public sector had become in the United States. to use performance information; and the
While reports of activity are extensive, assess- difficulties of establishing sound analytics
ments of effectiveness are more limited. for cases in which multiple agencies share
The Government Performance Project performance measures.
(GPP) is to date the only comprehensieve Most recently, extending the work of the
study of the use of performance information GPP, Hou and colleagues (2011) presented
for budgeting in the US states. This project comprehensive research on state government
(funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts) which practices through a comparative case study
reported on state government management of 11 states. This research addressed several
capacity four times between 1999 and 2008, important questions, including the extent to
found a relatively consistent set of states which performance information assisted
engaged in some variant of performance- these states in managing budget reductions
informed budgeting. States that routinely necessitated by the “Great Recession” of
migrated to the top of the rankings of state 2008−2010. The authors argue persuasively
governments included Virginia, Utah, that the recent recession offers an opportu-
Washington, Missouri, Michigan, and Texas. nity to test the robustness of performance
Success in these states was frequently driven budgeting initiatives, by asking whether
by the use of performance information in the states used performance information to
budget process. For example, Washington pursue targeted budget reductions − or, alter-
State’s “Priorities of Government” (POG) natively, whether states failed to use per-
initiative allowed policy makers, particularly formance information in distributing cuts.
during the development of the Governor’s While Hou and colleagues found some evi-
budget, to avoid across-the-board cuts in the dence that performance information was
early 2000s, and informed a more targeted being used to inform budget decision making
approach to budget reductions (Barrett and (for example, in the states of Maryland and
Greene, 2008). Predictably, given the federal Louisiana), the predominant story across
structure of US government, evidence indi- case studies of states was that performance
cates that adoption of performance-informed information was not necessarily applied “as a
budgeting is uneven at the state level in the budget tool in the present fiscal climate.”
United States. A 2001 study of states charac- Utah illustrated the essential dilemma. The
terized as leaders in performance-oriented state was limited in its ability to reduce fund-
budget reform concluded that “neither the ing for low-rated social service programs, as
executive branch nor the legislature appear the recession necessitated that the state main-
to have systematically used outcome data for tain funding for those programs. There was
budgeting” (Liner et al., 2001, p. 12). Texas clear (and increasing) public need for serv-
and Louisiana proved partial exceptions to ices, and no alternative delivery mechanisms
this pattern, since the legislature appeared existed. The general conclusion of this study
to be incorporating performance targets in is that performance information was more
the budget. Managers in these six states routinely used in, and influenced budgeting
expressed concern that performance informa- practices in, case study states when the
tion might be used solely to punish agencies economy was strong. Perhaps, equally sig-
not meeting targets − as opposed to being nificant for performance-informed budget
employed to gain a broader understanding reform efforts, the authors concluded that
of the factors contributing to agency per- performance information is more consist-
formance. A number of additional challenges ently used in management (i.e., the execution
were identified as well, including: the phase), rather than in the preparation and/or
problem of dealing with results that do not allocation stages of budgeting.

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The federal government progress over the course of the administra-

US federal government budget processes tion. In the performance categories, there
have been the subject of reform efforts since were no “greens” in 2001; by 2008, 19 of 26
at least the 1960s, when the PPBS was the agencies were assessed as green − however,
reform du jour (Schick, 1966). During the there is some evidence “grade inflation” may
1990s, there was renewed emphasis on have biased results (Joyce, 2011).
the marriage of performance information and Perhaps the more noteworthy Bush admin-
the budget, culminating in the Government istration initiative was embodied by the
Performance and Results Act of 1993 Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART).
(GPRA). GPRA requires agencies to develop PART took a heavily decentralized approach
strategic and performance plans, and to report to program evaluation, assessing more than
on actual performance achieved. It also antic- 1,000 federal programs in four categories.
ipates an eventual move to “performance- PART functioned through the use of a ques-
based budgeting.” The main focus of GPRA tionnaire that scored each program based on
in practice was the development of perform- weighted responses to between 25 and 30
ance information. Limited use was made of questions, which covered:
that information for management or budget-
ing in most agencies (Joyce, 2011). 1 Program purpose and design − Are they clear
Progress on the fronts of strategic plan- and defensible? (20 percent)
2 Strategic planning − Does the agency set valid
ning, performance measurement and cost
annual and long-term goals? (10 percent)
accounting was unquestionably made during
3 Program management –Does the agency exercise
the Clinton administration. Starting in sound financial management and engage in pro-
2000, the Bush administration attempted to gram improvement efforts? (20 percent)
build on those incremental successes by 4 Program results – Does the program deliver
encouraging the use of performance informa- results based on its goals? (50 percent)
tion in the development of the President’s
budget proposal, and by the Congress in the Each program evaluated was eventually
budget approval process. There were two “scored” as falling within one of five catego-
parts to this effort. The first, embodied by ries − effective (85−100), moderately effec-
the President’s Management Agenda, tive (70−84), adequate (50−69), ineffective
attempted to rate federal agencies using a (0−49), and results not demonstrated (if a
“traffic light” scorecard (green, yellow and program lacked adequate measures, it falls
red) based on criteria in a number of manage- into this category regardless of score)
ment areas, including one that explicitly (Gilmour, 2006). Again, there was some evi-
focused on the production and use of per- dence of progress over the administration’s
formance data. The Bush administration tenure, with the percentage of programs rated
graded 26 agencies (the Cabinet Departments, effective or moderately effective increasing
plus other significant operating units, such as substantially. The proportion of programs not
NASA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and demonstrating results declined even more.
the Smithsonian) using a scorecard adminis- However, evaluations of the PART have pre-
tered by Office of Management and Budget sented mixed results. First, it is noted that
(OMB). Agencies were, each quarter, evalu- the “one size fits all” questionnaire approach
ated according to a set of established criteria contributed to a somewhat superficial view
on each of these five dimensions, using a of these programs. Second, while there was
“traffic light” system, where “green” meant some evidence that the information was used
that agencies complied with all of the crite- in the development of the President’s budget,
ria, compared to “yellow” or “red,” which the Congress was either apathetic or hostile
implied a progressively worse level of per- to the PART effort. Third, both federal agency
formance. There may be some evidence of and budget office personnel questioned

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whether the results of the initiative justified As a foreshadowing of this, the first three
the resources expended (Joyce, 2011). Obama budgets have attempted to reduce
The Obama administration discontinued funding or terminate a significant number of
the PART effort, and has instead distributed programs. These proposed terminations, even
its attention across at least four separate if they are informed by performance, were
initiatives over the first three years. not necessarily met with enthusiasm by the
Congress. Of the total of $17 billion in pro-
1 The establishment of an infrastructure to assess posed terminations for fiscal year 2010, the
the impact of the American Recovery and Congress approved only $6.8 billion (40 per-
Reinvestment Act (ARRA, or the stimulus bill) cent) of these (Office of Management and
on jobs. Budget, 2011).
2 As demonstration of the administration’s desire
As we write this, it is unclear how, and
to cut back on spending, the identification of
a list of programs, as part of each of the first
when, the federal government will deal with
three budgets (2010, 2011, and 2012), that it its expanding debt − and whether perform-
believed should have funding reduced or elimi- ance information will be meaningfully used
nated because of inadequate performance. in the process of constraining and reshaping
3 The establishment by agencies, with instruction the US federal budget. In response to the
from OMB, of “high-priority performance goals.” need to approve an increase in the US
This approach puts agencies in the driver’s seat Treasury’s authority to borrow, the Congress
for defining goals and metrics, reversing the Bush created a special 12-person joint (House and
administration’s “top-down” efforts to manag- Senate) committee tasked with presenting
ing agency performance. The Obama administra- recommendations for reducing the deficit.
tion has unveiled a website (
This committee failed to reach agreement
that reports on the experience of agencies in
achieving these high-priority goals.
on any plan for reducing the U.S. debt, there-
4 A significant commitment, in time and resources, fore the question of whether performance
to program evaluation, in part to assist with the information was used is moot at present
identification of what works and what does not; Going forward, elected officials have (at
in all, more than 50 program evaluations were best) limited incentives to use performance
funded in the President’s fiscal year 2011 and information in allocating public resources.
2012 budgets. Until there are electoral penalties for failing
to make performance-informed decisions,
The Obama administration has faced the it is naïve to expect Congress to embrace
fiscal conundrum of need to take actions to performance-informed budgeting. So, while
promote economic recovery − while simulta- there is substantial and accumulating evi-
neously needing to manage increasing levels dence that performance information is being
of debt within a notably polarized political used within federal agencies to manage
atmosphere. While performance information resources after they are received, if the
might be usefully applied to move forward, Congress enacts budget cuts without refer-
there is scant evidence that either executive ence to performance information it must be
or legislative policy makers are incorporating concluded that performance-informed budg-
performance data into debate and decision eting as a macro-budgetary decision tool
making. Obama administration performance remains, at best, unrealized in the United
initiatives have tended to focus on encourag- States.
ing agencies to selectively evaluate and assess
performance of individual programs.
It is almost inevitable, however, that the Other OECD countries
need to reduce budgets will produce a more
robust federal deficit reduction effort than we The United States is not alone among
have seen since the late 1990s (Joyce, 2011). industrialized countries in attempting

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performance-oriented budget reform. Many 1980s and early 1990s). In most cases,
OECD countries are pursuing similar efforts. there appears to be no systematic relation-
The general consensus has been, in fact, that ship between performance information and
other countries have progressed farther, faster resource allocation in OECD countries.
than the United States. A 2005 survey, includ- Instead, the focus has typically been on pro-
ing responses from 28 OECD member coun- viding incentives for the use of performance
tries (Curristine, 2005), revealed some information for allocating and managing
significant patterns of performance-informed resources.
budgeting practice in these countries. A brief Many OECD countries have been engaged
synopsis of the most significant results in performance-focused reforms. We have
(Curristine, 2005) follows: only scratched the surface in terms of review-
ing the experiences of OECD countries. A
• Fifty percent of the countries surveyed have detailed review is precluded by space con-
developed both output and outcome measures. straints − and the paucity of information
• Respondent countries have been working on available about the extent to which perform-
developing performance measures for a long ance information has a role in shaping budg-
time, with 77 percent indicating that the first etary responses to unfolding post-2008 fiscal
efforts were introduced at least five to 10 years
realities facing OECD members. However,
prior to the survey. Furthermore, efforts continue,
with 75 percent having introduced a new initia-
the reported experience of two − Canada and
tive within the year prior to the survey. Great Britain − can serve to illustrate the
• Involvement of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) dif- potential utility of performance information
fers from country to country. In about 30 percent in shaping budget decisions, particularly in
of countries, line ministries develop measures times of austerity.
that must be approved by the MOF; in a slightly
larger number of countries the ministries develop Canada
their own measures without MOF approval. The development of the Canadian perform-
• Countries reported that the quantity, quality, and ance budgeting system coincided with a
timeliness of data improved in the five years prior transition from national budget surplus to a
to the survey.
need to reduce budget deficits. In the new
• Perhaps, most significantly for our purposes, the
survey asked countries to report the extent of
expenditure management system, developed
the use of performance information for budget- by the latter part of the first decade of the
ing. The vast majority of countries indicated that twenty-first century, spending is related to
performance data were used to inform, but not transparent results and outcomes, and value
necessarily determine, budget allocations. Often for money must be demonstrated. New spend-
the information was only one factor inform- ing proposals must include clear measures
ing allocations. Respondents reported that only that can be used to judge the success of
rarely was performance information compared to the program. Existing spending is subjected
targets to determine budget allocations. to strategic reviews over a four-year cycle
to ensure that spending is aligned with
The OECD noted, in a later study, that (1) priorities and (2) goals of efficiency,
there were many reasons for adoption of effectiveness, and economy. These strategic
performance budgeting systems, including reviews are similar to (in fact were informed
“a financial crisis, growing pressure to reduce by) the US PART process. Programs are
public expenditure, or a change in political divided, as a result of these reviews, into four
administration” (Organization for Economic categories − high priority/high performing
Cooperation and Development, 2008, p. 2). (candidates for reinvestment); high priority/
Sweden and Denmark were highlighted as low performing (opportunity for improve-
countries adopting performance budgeting in ments in structure or management); low pri-
response to an economic crisis (in the late ority/high performing (secondary candidate

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for reallocation); and low priority/low per- performance government-wide, but it is too
forming (primary candidate for reallocation). early to draw conclusions (Kohli, 2011).
These reviews are being conducted in the
context of a commitment by the government
to a zero deficit by 2015, which will neces- The developing country setting
sitate spending reductions. Ministries are
tasked with applying these reviews to iden- Variation across non-OECD countries is even
tify sufficient savings for the government to greater than that within OECD membership.
achieve that the zero deficit goal. Thus, in In 2011, 145 countries fall into either the
Canada there is an explicit connection “low-income” or “middle-income” catego-
between budgetary goals and performance ries, based on gross national income (GNI)
goals (Stacey, 2011). per capita (International Bank for Recon-
struction and Development Report, 2011).
Great Britain As a group, these countries face greater
Great Britain has been engaged in perform- challenges in public budgeting than high-
ance-oriented reforms since the late 1980s, income countries. By definition, the fiscal
when the “Next Steps” program attempted to constraints and service demands facing these
bring more performance measurement and countries tend to be greater than in OECD
commercial approaches into government. or high-income countries. Frequent lack of
More recently, under Prime Minister Tony robust financial management systems, and
Blair, the UK increased spending and accom- the often ambiguous and confusing goals
panied that with a commitment to public and incentives faced within this population
service agreements (PSAs), which were com- of countries, make it quite difficult to assess
mitments to deliver particular results with public sector performance routinely.
that spending. With time, the Blair govern- The poorest developing countries (35 of
ment reduced some of the higher-priority the 145 countries cited above) often lack
“promises” to a “pledge card,” showcasing many, if not most, of the basic reform prereq-
Labour Party commitments to: reducing uisites suggested earlier in this chapter − i.e.,
school class sizes; creating fast-track punish- adherence to the rule of law; transparent,
ment for young offenders; and transitioning publicly expressed preferences; absence of
more than 250,000 young workers off structural deficits (excessive debt financing
welfare and into jobs. In total, there were has been a chronic problem for the poorest
more than 300 targets included in the PSA countries); timely and conclusive budget
regime. Every two to three years, new sets of adoption; basic institutional capacity (fore-
PSAs were created. In the second Blair term, casting, systems); and availability of data. In
the focus was on strategies to bridge the gap some countries, the most basic links between
between current and desired performance. macro realities, revenue flows, and budget
For each policy or program, ministries were documents may not be in place. In other
required to provide evidence of success, and countries, budgeting and financial systems
demonstrate constant monitoring that would are more fully developed but steps needed to
permit a course correction, if necessary. incorporate use of performance information
Under Prime Minister David Cameron, the across the budgeting process are more lim-
formal Blair targets were abandoned: but in ited – e.g., to improving capacity in certain
reality there has been more continuity than technical prerequisites (e.g., forecasting, data
may appear on the surface. Evidence is that systems).
the PSA regime did influence budgeting In the last 20 years, a variety of develop-
decisions, particularly in the ministries. The ments have simultaneously resulted in condi-
post-2008 British austerity program may tions that are not only favorable to reform of
have provided a new opportunity to focus on public budgeting practices but essentially

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require it. First, the broad-based movement Selected examples give a sense of the type of
to improve transparency and promote reforms promoting the use of performance
good governance across countries directly information in public budgeting in develop-
addresses some of the key prerequisites for ing countries:
budget reform (i.e., rule of law, timely budget
adoption, access to data). Second, a strong • Ghana, in 1995, launched a Public Financial
trend among donors towards working with Management Reform Program (Kusek and
developing country policy makers to focus Rasappan, 2001). In addition to focusing policy-
on a viable medium-term economic outlook makers’ attention on outcomes and promoting
buy-in to public expenditure management, the
addresses a most basic pre-requisite: i.e.,
reform was aimed at simply putting key adminis-
establishing a framework within which plan- trative prerequisites in place − i.e., an adequate
ning is feasible. Third, starting in the late accounting system, auditing, monitoring, and
1990s, there has been a strong push from information management systems.
donors towards monitoring and evaluating • In Chile, evaluations have been used to focus
development efforts, which places attention the performance discussion across sectors. The
squarely on outcomes. Even given this more early 2000s saw substantial attention to improv-
favorable environment, however, there are ing the number and the quality of perform-
still institutional struggles and capacity chal- ance indicators. Between 2001 and 2006, the
lenges that make instituting robust reforms number of indicators increased from 275 to
difficult. Further, while arguably it is even more than 1,500; more importantly, the number
of agencies covered by these indicators almost
more important to get value for money where
doubled (Guzman, 2008). Perhaps, most signifi-
money is scarce, policy makers can view the cantly, Chile has, since 1997, focused substantial
challenge as simply trying to deal with resources on program evaluation. A relatively
the latest crisis − and, correspondingly, view small number of targeted evaluations (10 to
resource-intensive institutional reforms as an 20) have been done each year. The evaluations
unaffordable luxury. Institutional reforms can result in various remedial actions, includ-
require training, and can threaten vested ing minor adjustment, management changes,
interests. substantial program redesign, or termination
Nevertheless, government administration (Guzman, 2008, p. 240).
and fiscal management in developing coun- • Guyana’s Fiscal Management and Accountability
tries has been influenced by practice in Act (FMAA) 2003, Act Number 20 of 2003
(signed into law on 16 December 2003), lays
OECD countries, for two reasons. First,
out the general procedures for the prepara-
the natural process of learning across coun- tion, approval, and execution of the budget in
tries, especially in the digital age, results in Guyana. Guyana has had a programme budget
transfer. Second, development programs − for more than a decade, and this act requires
whether bilateral or multilateral − focus on each agency to prepare “programme perform-
assisting developing countries to implement ance statements”. Specifically, Section 72 of the
what is viewed as successful experience. Act stipulates that each of these statements shall
Consequently, a patchwork of developing include information on the objectives of each
country experience with use of performance programme, the impacts of the programme, and
information in allocation of public resources the strategies employed to achieve them, and
is emerging. Time lag is inevitable, and it’s the funds provided. Most significantly, the FMAA
requires qualitative and quantitative indicators,
too early to judge the success of these efforts,
both in the current year and related to budget-
but there is a wide field to watch. ary resources requested from the Parliament
Virtually without exception, budget reform (Financial Management and Accountability
in developing countries is viewed as com- Act, 2003). In practice, the programme perform-
prehensive, integrated with policy at the ance statements have included a proliferation of
national level as a means towards the general output and workload measures, and these meas-
objective of modernizing government. ures have not been related in any systematic

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way to resources provided or requested. While sequencing of manageable reforms is partic-

the Ministry of Finance is committed to the ularly critical.
improvement of the system, progress has been
slow, in part because of capacity problems in
line ministries, Some ministries, such as the Min-
istry of Health, have made progress in defining CONCLUSION
appropriate performance measures.
• Thailand adopted a performance-based budget-
ing system in 1997. The Thai reform started with The introduction of more performance infor-
a pilot project within two agencies in that year, mation into government budget processes is
and then was followed by full adoption in 2001. a laudable goal. It is very difficult, however,
The intent of the reform is to reduce fragmented to carry out in practice. Five conclusions
decision making, where the focus is only on seem particularly worth keeping in mind as
local issues, and increase attention to national governments continue to struggle with
priorities and objectives. Overall strategic goals whether − and how − to put performance-
are translated into public service agreements informed budgeting into practice, particu-
(PSAs) which identify key indicators that can larly during periods of fiscal stress.
be used to measure each ministry’s perform-
ance. The Thailand Bureau of Budget (BOB) 1 Performance-informed budgeting is not a substi-
has used performance information “to allocate tute for sound financial management and budg-
resources through various ministries and agen- eting practice. Many countries would do well
cies, and motivate agencies to achieve targeted to focus on building basic budgeting capacity
outcomes” (Srithongrung, 2011, p. 129). before attempting more sophisticated reforms.
2 Even where necessary conditions for good
Recent budget reforms in transition economy budgeting in general exist, there are certain
countries differ from experience in other building blocks for successful integration of per-
regions primarily only in starting point. formance information into the budget process.
These countries, in particular, face signifi- Governments need to know where they want to
cant challenges in defining and using per- go, they need to have appropriate measures of
formance information. Moving from central performance and cost, and they need to create
planning to a more outcome-oriented resource incentives for relating performance information
allocation model requires substantial concep- to budget decisions. The incentives to use per-
formance information may be lacking across
tual and practical change. The practice of
some or all stages of the budget process.
using standard formulae or ‘norms’ to calcu-
3 Performance-informed budgeting can pay real
late input−output relationships can prove benefits, even if it doesn’t apparently pay sig-
difficult to abandon. Countries across the nificant dividends. Government budget processes
region are at varying stages of reform. have many stages, and there are many ways to
While experience continues to unfold in use performance information to improve gov-
developing countries, two common lessons ernment effectiveness at each of these stages.
can be drawn from the early stages, irrespec- Although it seems more difficult (and less likely)
tive of countries’ political starting point or for performance measures to be used to inform
relative wealth. First, because measures resource tradeoffs at the policy level, they can be
aimed at incorporating performance informa- (and are being) used quite successfully for man-
aging resources during budget implementation.
tion into the process of allocating public
Since the management of resources does involve
resources are not only technical reforms,
their allocation, this is a potentially significant
but have political implications, significant development.
political will is required in order for the 4 As governments struggle with defining priori-
reforms to take hold and become effective. ties and accomplishing real outlay reductions
Second, because of the stringency of resource in the post-2008 economic world, information
constraints – financial and human – in devel- on the performance of programs and agencies
oping countries, attention to selection and becomes particularly crucial. The more public

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sector budgets are squeezed, the more impor- Retrieved October 28, 2011, from http://www.
tant it becomes for resources to be used in the
most effective manner possible. Evidence-driven Reports/Government_Performance/Grading-the-
decision making will likely yield results superior States-2008.pdf
to those of traditional tactics. “Cheese slicer Broom, C.A. and L. McGuire (1995) “Performance-
reductions” that cut budgets across the board Based Government Models: Building a Track
are inevitably likely to prove less efficient than Record,” Public Budgeting and Finance, 15 (4):
performance-informed surgical reductions that 3−17.
cut less effective programs from the budget. Curristine, Teresa (2005) “Performance Information in
5 Furthermore, the development of better perform- the Budget Process: Results of the OECD 2005
ance and cost information can itself spur greater Questionnaire,” OECD Journal on Budgeting, 5 (2):
attention to performance, even in places where 87−131.
an input focus has been ascendant. Transparency Gilmour, J. (2006) “Implementing OMB’s Program
concerning the relationship between funding and Assessment Rating Tool.” IBM Center for the
results can shine a light on practices that result Business of Government.
in failing to allocate resources toward desired Gloo, D. (2011) “Commentary on ‘PBB in American
societal ends. Given the level of resources gov- Local Government: It’s More Than a Management
ernments devote to IT expenditures, this would Tool’,” Public Administration Review, May/June:
seem a minimum benefit to be expected across 402−404.
the globe. Guyana (2003) Financial Management and Account-
ability Act. Act #20.
In short, past reforms have frequently been Guzman, M. (2008) “The Chilean Experience,” in
viewed as failures, in part because they have M. Robinson (ed.), Performance Budgeting.
been oversold; Light (1997) suggests that the Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, pp. 234−247.
problem has been too much reform, rather Harkin, J.M. (1982) “Effectiveness Budgeting: The Limits
of Budget Reform,” Policy Studies Review, 2 (3):
than not enough. We would argue that the
failure of these reforms only looks like fail- Ho, A. (2011) “PBB in American Local Government:
ure through a faulty lens. If one looks at the It’s More Than a Management Tool,” Public
experience of governments over the past 40 Administration Review, May/June: 391−401.
years, it is more likely that the trend is Holmes, M. and D. Shand (1995) “Management
upward, both in terms of the availability of Reform: Some Practitioner Perspectives on the Past
performance information and the use of that Ten Years,” Governance, 8 (4): 551−578.
information. Viewed through a lens that dif- Hou, Y., R. Lunsford, K. Sides and K. Jones (2011)
ferentiates by budget stage and expectations, “State Performance-Based Budgeting in Boom and
the continuing wave of reform appears con- Bust Years: An Analytical Framework and Survey of
sistent with a general shift in culture and the States,” Public Administration Review, May/
June: 370−388.
change in budgetary practice that − while
Ingraham, P., P. Joyce, and A. Donahue (2003)
operating in fits and starts − has been under- Government Performance: Why Management
way since the middle part of the last century. Matters. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Evidence about use of performance-informed Press.
budgeting over the next 5 to 10 years, as International Bank for Reconstruction and Develo-
countries move into unanticipated periods of pment (2011) “Country and Lending Groups.”
austerity and adjustment, will be the most Report. At:
telling about the long-run prospects of the classifications
movement. Joyce, P.G. (2011) “Transparency and Accountability in
the Federal Budget: How is the Obama Administration
Building on the Legacy of Federal Performance-
Informed Budgeting?” Public Administration Review,
REFERENCES May/June: 356–367.
Joyce, P.G. and S. Tompkins (2002) “Using Performance
Barrett, K. and Greene, R. (2008) Grading the states: Information for Budgeting: Clarifying the Framework
the mandate to measure. and Investigating Recent State Experience,” in

5768_Peters & Pierre-31.indd 494 7/19/2012 12:01:33 PM


Kathryn Newcomer et al. (eds), Meeting the Terminations, Reductions and Savings. Washington:
Challenges of Performance-Oriented Government. U.S. Government Printing Office.
Washington, DC: American Society for Public Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Administration, pp. 61−96. Development (2008). Performance Budgeting: A
Kliman, A. and L. Fisher (1995) “Budget Reform User’s Guide. Paris: OECD.
Proposals in the NPR Report,” Public Budgeting and Osborne, D. and T. Gaebler (1992) Reinventing
Finance, 15 (1): 27−38. Government. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Kohli, J. (2011) “Budgeting Reforms in the UK.” Schick, A. (1973) “A Death in the Bureaucracy: The
Presentation before the Peterson−Pew Commission Demise of Federal PPB,” Public Administration
on Budget Reform, July 14. Review, 33 (2), 146−156.
Kusek, J.Z. and A. Rasappan (2001) “Outcomes-Based Schick, A. (1966) “The Road to PPB: The Stages of
Budgeting Systems: Experience from Developed Budget Reform”, Public Administration Review, 26
and Developing Countries.” Special Paper prepared (4), 243−258.
for the World Bank for the Government of Egypt, Srithongrung, A. (2011) “Public Budgeting and
November. Financial Management Performance in Thailand,” in
Light, P. (1997) The Tides of Reform: Making Gov- C. Menifield (ed.), Comparative Public Budgeting: A
ernment Work. New Haven, CT: Yale University Global Perspective. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett
Press. Learning, pp. 107−132.
Liner, B, H. Hatry, E. Vinson, et al. (2001) Making Stacey, B. (2011) “Performance Budgeting in the
Results-Based State Government Work. Washington, Government of Canada: Transitioning from Surplus
DC: The Urban Institute. to Deficit Reduction.” Presentation before the
Melkers, J and K. Willoughby (1998) “The State of the Peterson−Pew Commission on Budget Reform,
States: Performance-Based Budgeting Requirements July 14.
in 47 out of 50”, Public Administration Review, Strachota, D. (1994) “A Blueprint for State and Local
58 (1): 66−73. Government Budgeting,” Government Finance
Meyers, Roy T. (1997) “Is There a Key to the Normative Review, April: 48−50.
Budgeting Lock?” Policy Sciences, 29 (3): 171−188. Wildavsky, A. (1984) The Politics of the Budgetary
Office of Management and Budget (2011) Budget of Process, 4th edn. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and
the United States Government; Fiscal Year 2012, Company.

5768_Peters & Pierre-31.indd 495 7/19/2012 12:01:33 PM

Accrual Budgeting in a
Comparative Perspective
Leonard Kok

Since the introduction of New Public accounting system may influence the way in
Management (NPM), there has been increas- which administrations and parliament decide
ing emphasis within the public sector on about policy that has budgetary conse-
working more like a business. Those who quences; and almost each policy decision has
consult Reinventing Government (Osborne budgetary consequences.
and Gaebler, 1992) as the handbook of New The two main systems of budgeting and
Public Management, are confronted on accounting are the cash-based and the accrual
almost every page with the agenda for more system, which is common in the market
business-like government. A few examples sector. It is not possible to say that one
include a focus upon service delivery, a system is better than the other. It totally
results orientation, a focus upon client needs, depends on the use of the system within
market orientation, etc. It is not surprising the governing bodies. But one thing must
that the countries that have attempted to be clear: if you want to introduce more entre-
introduce the ideas of NPM in the public preneurial elements in the public sector, a
sector sooner or later also confront the issue cash system creates many problems and a
of how the budgetary system, which in many business-line system will fit much better.
countries is a cash-based budgeting and First, a number of central concepts of
accounting system, can also accommodate business accounting are introduced and dis-
these more business-like goals. cussed. This is a general overview and should
Why is this topic of budgeting and account- not be read as a speed course in bookkeeping.
ing so important? The answer is that budget- Second, a sketch is offered of develop-
ing and accounting are at the heart of the ments in this area in a number of OECD
administrative process of a government – and (Organization for Economic Co-operation
this administrative process is also the basis and Development) countries. Finally – as a
of the power of the purse in representative case study – a more detailed description
democracies. The type of budgeting and of the experiences of the Netherlands with

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business accounting is presented. The plans for example, would be included in the
for the implementation of business account- bookkeeping at the time that the services of
ing in the Netherlands has been described by the road are used. Due to wear and tear, the
an OECD report (2002) as an example of road loses value over time and this reduction
best practice in the OECD member countries. in value is described by a technical term:
The Dutch approach illustrates an interesting depreciation.
combination of both strengthening results The system of depreciation and calcula-
orientation and also increasing effectiveness, tion of expenditure over time is common
without disrupting the ability to command practice in the private sector, but this system
and control the budget. is clearly also much more complicated than
the cash-based system of accounting. How
do you determine the rate of wear and tear,
for example, and thereby also the yearly
OVERVIEW depreciation of goods? This is more difficult
to calculate than the total cash expenditure
Concepts that is made at the time the road is laid down.
The cash expenditure is simply the concrete
It is desirable first to clarify a number of payment made to the contractor.
concepts. This chapter is about business The accrual system provides very useful
accounting or – as it is often called – accrual extra information that its user can draw upon
accounting. As has already been stated, there in decision making – for example, whether it
were and continue to be a number of coun- is financially better to buy or rent an office.
tries that have not adopted the accrual princi- In the cash system, buying is always more
ple within their public sectors, and rather expensive than hiring because the one-off
continue to conduct their budgetary activities purchase will be deducted at the time of pur-
according to the principles of the cash-based chase and thus will always be a greater
system. In the cash-based system, expendi- deduction than the yearly expenditure for
ture is deducted in full from the moment renting an office. But the actual costs of
when the expenditure is made. A salary pay- purchasing an office are obviously not the
ment to a public servant for example would same as the purchase price and the cash
be deducted from the books and would thus expenditure that was made at the time of
affect the budget in the year and month that that purchase. To identify the costs of buying
the payment took place. Similarly, payment an office, it is first of all important to know
for a road would be deducted in the budget at the reduction in the value of the office
the moment that the expenditure took place. that occurs in a year, the depreciation. In
The difference between the salary payment addition, there is also another type of costs
and the expenditure for a new road is that the that need to be considered when buying
payment of wages would have to be paid an office, and that is the financial costs of
again and again every month, unless of the purchase or rather the sequestration of
course the employee has stopped working, one’s property. This requires additional
while alternatively the payment for the road explanation. For example, consider that you
is in principle a one-off expenditure, even did not buy the office but instead put the
though the road would continue to provide money in the bank; this would have provided
services for many years after the payment is you with a financial return in the form
made. The accrual principle allows the expen- of interest. By not putting the money in
ditures that are made today and that will the bank and receiving this income from
provide benefits over a number of years to be the interest, one incurs a capital charge. A
deducted at small amounts over a longer requirement of efficient investment decisions
period of time. The expenditure for a road, is making visible this lost return, or rather

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the – hidden – costs of the sequestration of These sorts of things must of course be
one’s property. declared in the annual accounts, but that
In order to be able to calculate the capital does not make the accounting system more
charges that the public sector is subject to, transparent.
it is necessary to be able to get an insight Certainly there are also other aspects that
into the value of government property and are associated with an accrual accounting
possessions. In business accounting these system and these will be discussed later in
possessions (and debts) are included in the this chapter, when the case of the Netherlands
balance of the bookkeeping. Therefore in is presented. To summarize, Table 32.1 pro-
addition to the financial overview that is vides an overview of arguments in the debate
provided by an accrual accounting system, on cash and accruals.
business accounting also provides an over-
view of possessions and debts. These two
aspects of the financial accounts should
connect seamlessly. The balance of the DEVELOPMENTS IN OECD COUNTRIES
accounts will in this respect give insight into
the financial position of the organization or The countries in the OECD that have intro-
the nation. If the balance is compared to the duced some kind of accrual accounting
previous year, one is also able to see how system have generally done so in combina-
the financial position has changed – whether tion with broader management reforms of
a nation is becoming wealthier or poorer. the public sector. The most interesting
Another element of budgeting and account- OECD countries will be discussed here but,
ing for governments is related to the nature first, information on the systems used by
of government: there is no market that sets OECD countries is given in Table 32.2 and
prices, so you need a budgeting system. The planned future developments are detailed in
budgeting system is the base for providing Table 32.3.
departments with money. This system must
be clear and tight, otherwise it will lead to
budgetary problems. A cash system is from Full accrual basis
this point of view the most suitable system;
the only way to manipulate a cash-based New Zealand
system is at the end of the year by shifting New Zealand is the most renowned example.
cash from one year to another. The ways of In 1984, against the background of serious
manipulating an accruals system are more economic problems, fundamental reforms
difficult to understand, but there are many were introduced. In New Zealand, these
more opportunities: by making provision reforms included both privatization and the
for spreading out costs, by making reserva- reduction of the public sector, as well as
tions, by changing depreciation periods, etc. increasing the effectiveness, cost consciousness

Table 32.1 Main elements of accounting systems

Cash-based system Accruals system
Main characteristic Shows payments and receipts Shows profits and losses
What is administered Cash as it occurs Spreads costs over years
Main purpose Treasury information Information on costs and property
Main advantage Easy to understand More information
Main disadvantage Less information Complexity
Main risk End of the year cash manipulation Manipulation of figures
Budget control Solid base More room for manoeuvring

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Table 32.2 Accounting basis applied for budget approved by legislature

Full accrual basis Accrual basis, except Cash basis, except Full cash basis
no capitalization or certain transactions
depreciation of assets on accrual basis
Australia X
Austria X
Belgium X
Canada X
Czech Republic X
Denmark X1
Finland X2
France X
Germany X
Greece X
Hungary X
Iceland X
Ireland X
Japan X
Korea X
Luxembourg X
Mexico X
Netherlands X
Norway X
New Zealand X
Poland X
Portugal X
Spain X
Sweden X
Switzerland X
Turkey X
United Kingdom X3
United States X4
Denmark – interest expenses and employee pensions treated on accrual basis.
Finland – transfer payments not on accrual basis.
United Kingdom – budget on full accrual basis effective fiscal year 2001–02.
United States – interest expenses, certain employee pension plans, and loan and guarantee programmes on accrual
Source: OECD 2002.

Table 32.3 Plans to move budget to accrual basis

Country Full accrual basis budgeting Additional accrual basis
to be introduced information to be presented
Canada X1
Denmark X
Germany X
Korea X1
Netherlands X
Portugal X
Sweden X1
Switzerland X1
Under active consideration.
Source: OECD 2002.

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and accountability of the public sector. Inside promoted and strengthened by the replace-
public sector organizations, contracts for ment of the cash-based accounting system
goods and services over a five-year period with business accounting methods. The latter
were made between ministers and the res- would also enable comparisons to be made
ponsible managers [Norman 1997; Posseth between the public and private sector and it
2010]. An accrual accounting system was would also promote cooperation, or rather
seen as an essential instrument for supporting what has been referred to as public–private
these contract arrangements. In the first partnerships. Therefore, in the UK, the
place, accruals promoted the clarification process began with making organizations
of concrete products and services and, sec- accountable for their financial activities,
ondly, they made possible the calculation of according to an accrual basis, and since that
the costs of these products and services. In time accrual budgeting has been introduced.
New Zealand, a number of big changes and In the UK, this arrangement is referred to as
reforms were introduced at the same time: Resource Accounting and Budgeting (RAB).
big reductions in government finances were The objectives of this operation in the UK
made, a new organizational structure within can be briefly summarized:
the public sector was created, a new system
of bookkeeping was introduced and the pri- • faster and clearer accountability;
vatization wave swept across a number of • improved implementation of the budget and
formerly government organizations. planning;
• better management of assets and working
Australia • improvement in cost price information;
In Australia, the changes have been more • improvement in the way decision making and
incremental. The creation of units within the investment decisions are taken; and
public sector that were granted more inde- • connecting performance, outputs and outcomes.
pendence (agencies) occurred in combina-
tion with the introduction of accruals The arguments in the UK can also be seen
(Commonwealth of Australia 1999). These in all of the countries that have, in one way
reforms were, as in New Zealand, intended to or another, been occupied with the introduc-
make managers more accountable for their tion of accruals. Table 32.4 presents the
management and to hold them responsible accounting basis that OECD countries use at
for their results. In order to meet these inten- the present time.
tions in a consistent and comparable way,
and at the same time to improve the effective-
ness, efficiency and performance of these
Partial accrual basis
independent units, the information from an
accrual accounting system was central. The developments in Canada were, although
somewhat later, quite similar to Australia. In
United Kingdom Canada, improvements in quality and effi-
Agencies were also created in the United ciency were also high on the government’s
Kingdom, but here the structure of the public agenda.
sector maintained core departments with Some countries, such as the United States
a steering role. Only some organizations and France, have made only partial use of
responsible for the implementation of policy accruals. These countries do not allow accrual
were granted agency status. Reforms to information to be primary in the budget (ex
improve the performance of the public ante), but, rather, use it as a way to account
sector had already begun in the 1980s for financial expenditure (ex post). This is an
(Her Majesty’s Treasury 1999). It was quickly important point because the rules for report-
recognized that these reforms could be ing on an accrual basis originate from the

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Table 32.4 Accounting basis applied for consolidated (whole of government) financial
Full accrual basis Accrual basis, except Cash basis, except Full cash basis
no capitalization or certain transactions
depreciation of assets on accrual basis
Australia X
Austria X
Belgium X
Canada X
Czech Republic X
Denmark X1
Finland X
France X2
Germany X
Hungary X
Iceland X
Ireland X
Japan X
Korea X
Luxembourg X
Mexico X
Netherlands X
Norway X
New Zealand X
Poland X3
Portugal X
Spain X
Sweden X
Turkey X
United Kingdom X
United States X X4
Denmark – interest expense and employee pensions treated on accrual basis.
France – interest expense and certain other transactions treated on accrual basis. Full accrual basis to be introduced.
Poland – employee pensions treated on accrual basis.
United Kingdom – statements on full accrual basis effective fiscal year 2005–06.
Source: OECD 2002.
In the Netherlands this problem – of reporting requirements that at some point could lend accountants influence over
what is primarily a political process, the budget, has been resolved in a very creative way. This is discussed in the next
section of this chapter. In addition, the IMF and World Bank have shown – against the background of improved transpar-
ency and good government – increased interest in administration on an accrual basis.

private sector. Standards for reporting have rules of accrual accounting involves the
been developed in the private sector, but it transfer of decision-making power to account-
is ultimately accountants that define how the ants. This effect has led to some countries
different aspects of this accounting should preferring to maintain a budget organized
be included within the budget. In some according to cash-based principles.
countries it is deemed acceptable to use In the Netherlands, this problem – of
these methods in the process of accounting reporting requirements that at some point
for organizational activities and perform- could lend accountants influence over what
ance, but not as a way to set up the budget. is primarily a political process, the budget –
This is because setting up both the budget has been resolved in a very creative way.
and reporting of expenditure according to the This is discussed in the next section of

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this chapter. In addition, the International in the agencies. This has been the subject
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank of an increasing degree of criticism from,
have shown – against the background among others, the Court of Audit in the
of improved transparency and good govern- Netherlands. In 1997 a sketch was drawn of
ment – increased interest in administration the actual growth in agencies and other
on an accrual basis. organizations that used an accrual accounting
system (at the moment there are more
than 20 agencies and another anticipated 20
in preparation). Given this growth, it has
THE DUTCH CASE become logical to allow the national budget-
ary system to change from a cash-based
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the system to an accrual accounting system (Van
Netherlands has introduced diverse initia- den Berg and Kok 2001). Not least because
tives to promote the results orientation of the the provinces, local government and busi-
public sector and increase its effectiveness nesses all work with (a form of) accrual
(Blöndal and Kromann Kristensen 2002). accounting. Since the end of the 1990s, it has
Over the years a number of instruments have become less a question of whether the public
been adopted to make the cash-based system sector would adopt a national accrual account-
of accounting less rigid (for example, the ing budget system and more a question of
year-end margin, the savings facility, etc.), when this turning point would take place.
and to promote more flexibility in the man- The pace of this reform is still uncertain.
agement rules: for example, through the cre-
ation of agencies. (Agencies are government
bodies that implement policy and may use Goals of an accrual accounting
business accounting methods.) system
At the end of the 1990s, initiatives were
introduced to encourage the public sector to The goals behind the introduction of an inte-
become more results orientated. This was gral accrual accounting system in the
primarily promoted by making the budget Netherlands are to a large degree equivalent
more transparent, so that, on the one hand, with those identified in the UK:
the relation between policy goals and policy
results, and on the other hand, that between 1 Improvement in (decision making over) efficiency
and effectiveness through:
policy instruments and financial resources,
1 better insight into (integral) costs of policy
were central (Budget Memorandum 2002). instead of just having information on cash
The policy goals and policy results formed payments and
the spine of the budget and accounting to the 2 improvements in investment decisions by
parliament, but it also strengthened the results making cash restrictions less important.
orientation inside government organizations 2 Improvement in allocation at the Cabinet level.
themselves. The creation of the budget and 3 Introduction of a sustainable and unequivocal
the yearly accounting reports to parliament budget norm.
are not just loose facades but are concretely
related to the results of policy activities These goals are briefly discussed below.
within the government. The agencies repre-
sent the jewels in the crown of a government Improvement in (decision making over)
that will be more results orientated. efficiency and effectiveness of
Owing to the introduction of agencies government expenditures
(from 1994), the situation has arisen where The most important motivation for introduc-
two budget systems are used side by side: the ing an accrual accounting system in
cash-based accounting system in the (core) the Netherlands was the improvement of
ministries and the accrual accounting system (decision making over) efficiency and

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effectiveness of government expenditure. norm. In the Dutch situation a budgetary

This can be realized in two ways. norm in cost terms was put in place as part
of the introduction of agencies. In contrast,
Better insight into the (integral) costs the rest of the national public sector used a
of a policy budgetary norm that was calculated in cash
In the accrual accounting system the integral terms. As a result of this distinction, an
costs of a policy are made transparent. Costs intended effect arose whereby it became
and cash expenditures can vary from each attractive to be selective about which norm to
other: for example, in the investment expend- use, depending upon which calculation pro-
iture. The accrual accounting system delivers vided the better outcome (double norm,
information that makes it possible to make double morale). With the increasing growth
more efficient decisions and promote a better of agencies and other organizations that use
command of fixed assets. an accrual accounting system in the Dutch
public sector, this situation is expected to
Improvement in investment decisions present greater problems in the future. With
By working with more integral costs, it the introduction of a national budget that is
becomes possible to make considerations integrated in terms of cost, the possibility of
of future costs in investment decisions shopping between different budgeting norms
(life-cycle costs approach). For example, an is eliminated.
investment in a road becomes both the cost
of building it and the costs of maintaining
it. In the current system investments are Contours of an accrual accounting
funded on a ‘pay-as-you-go basis’. This
system in the national public sector
encourages cheaper roads that require expen-
sive maintenance to be chosen instead of In the new budgetary system that is based
more expensive roads with cheaper mainte- upon accruals, the budget will obtain the
nance. In the accrual accounting system new character of a cost budget. This is in
these considerations can be looked at differ- contrast to the cash budget that had charac-
ently because there is not a one-off total terized the previous budgetary system, and
payment for the road made but rather the it places primary emphasis on costs. Costs
structural costs become central. This pro- can be equivalent to cash expenditure, such
motes more efficient decision making. as is the case for running costs and expendi-
tures like wages or subsidies, etc. Costs can
Improvement in allocation also be characterized as long-term invest-
The second motivation for an integral accrual ments with depreciation costs; this is the case
accounting system is improvement in alloca- with capital expenditure. Similarly, costs
tion at the macro level. The new budget may also consist of interest. In the annual
system enables a more balanced considera- report of a ministry, the accounting of the
tion of investment expenditure versus possi- cost budget is presented and included in the
ble running costs, and also in times when balance of the budget.
economic and budgetary conditions are tight. Why choose a variant of accrual account-
There is thus an end to the relative judgement ing administration and not a standard type of
of consumption expenditure when making administration that is used in the private
budget decisions. sector? There are two reasons. The first is
that government services and production,
A sustainable and unequivocal unlike in the private sector, often lack a clear
budget norm relationship between costs and benefits. This
The third motivation for the integral intro- can be seen, for example, in the (lack of)
duction of an accrual accounting system is relationship between tax receipts and defence
the realization of an unequivocal budgetary expenditure. From the receipts perspective,

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it is therefore not desirable to make a clear this definition must also be economically
relation with costs. There are some excep- useful, practical and transparent. The
tions to this example, such as organizations European System of National and Regional
that are set up to cover their own costs. Accounts ’95 (ESR ’95) presents a good
Similarly, it is just as undesirable to speak of option in this respect.
profit and loss when considering the state of In addition, with regard to the issues of the
a department’s costs and receipts. basis for valuation, the ESR ’95 has been
Second, decisions about the national explicitly chosen as a starting point. This
budget are often made against a background means that, where possible, valuations are
of endless social questions that require extra calculated according to actual value. Where
expenditure; therefore it is desirable that a ministries’ own stocks, e.g. TNT Post Group
tight budgetary regime is in place. The N.V, the calculation of actual worth can be
budget should − to work effectively and also simply made according to the rates on the
be governable − be able to manage different stock market. However, it is much more dif-
aspects of expenditure with respect to the ficult to calculate the value of some of the
cost of policy. fixed assets of the public sector. In these
These two explanations also have conse- cases the actual worth is calculated according
quences for the way that the budgetary to an indexed historical cost price. Where it
system in the Netherlands will continue to be is desirable, fixed assets can also be periodi-
constructed. In setting up the budget, the pos- cally revalued in order to correct for differ-
sessions of the state play an important role. ences in the actual worth of an asset and its
Where there is no ‘correction from the market indexed value.
place’, the ‘correction of the budget’ is abso-
lutely necessary. In contrast to the (for the Guarantees in the system
most part) flexible reporting conditions of Since it is generally recognized that an
the market sector, within the public sector the accrual administration offers more possibili-
reporting should be conducted according to ties for ‘budgetary manipulation’ than a cash
tight budgetary regulations. This applies also administration, it is necessary to implement
to the definition of capital expenditure and and formulate tight regulations. In the
the basis upon which it is valued. These two Netherlands such regulations have been
somewhat more technical aspects are further developed for the national accounts. This is
described below. also clearly advantageous from an efficiency
perspective. However, the risk exists that in
Defining capital expenditure and times of prosperity opportunistic demands
the basis of valuation may be placed upon valuation, depreciation,
In an accrual-based budget, the steering etc., in contrast to times when there is greater
accountability regulations and the introduc- budgetary flexibility. Therefore it is useful to
tion of a norm for government expenditure establish an authority that is able to judge the
are based upon costs. Therefore, it is neces- legitimacy of regulations and exceptions. In
sary that the definition of capital expenditure order to promote reliability and transparency,
(i.e. expenditure where the cash price and it is obvious that this authority should be
the costs per definition are not the same) is independent.
unequivocal and sustainable. The definition
of capital expenditure determines which Implementation
expenditure can be included within the bal- The implementation of an accrual accounting
ance and whether that expenditure may be system demands an extensive transformation
deducted over a period of time. Beside the process. It is therefore important to connect
requirement that the definition of capital to this process a number of factors, which, if
expenditure be unequivocal and sustainable, adequately attended to, offer a greater chance

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that the implementation will be visibly suc- government’s purpose. This is also the reason
cessful. These critical success factors are: why the government of the Netherlands has
developed plans for an alternative system,
• availability of (expert) personnel; which can be described as a ‘third way’,
• adequate provision of information; between cash and accruals. It combines ele-
• adequate adaptation of the law and regulations; ments of budget control of cash budgeting
• valuation of current fixed assets; and
with elements of real cost information of
• support from important politicians.
an accruals system. It also provides informa-
tion for better budgetary decision making:
When adequate attention is granted to these
it offers more efficiency, as in a private
factors, the introduction of an accrual admin-
istration can contribute significantly to a
more effective and transparent public sector.
Also, where stringent regulations are chosen
to support the budget and accountability
more generally, the risks to budgetary control REFERENCES
can be avoided.
Blöndal, Jón R. and Kromann Kristensen, Jens (2002)
‘Budgeting in the Netherlands’, OECD Journal on
Budgeting, 1 (3): 43–78.
Commonwealth of Australia (1999) ‘Fiscal Policy Under
Accrual Budgeting’. Information Paper.
Her Majesty’s Treasury (1999) Resource Accounting
This chapter has examined budgeting and and Budgeting, A Short Guide to the Financial
accounting in the government sector, looking Reforms. London: HMSO.
at the two main systems, which we can refer Ministerie van Financiën (2002) ‘Eigentijds Begroten
to as ‘cash’ and ‘accruals’. In a cash-based (Modernizing the Budget)’, in Ministerie van
accounting system the expenditures and Financiën, Miljoenennota 2002 (Budget Memo-
receipts are calculated in the accounts at the randum 2002). The Hague: Tweede Kamer 28000,
moment that the cash is deducted or received. nr 1-2, pp. 106–27 (
This is simple, but also provides little infor- Norman, Richard (1997) Accounting for Government.
University of Wellington, Victoria Link Ltd.
mation. Alternatively, in the accruals system,
OECD (2002) ‘Overview of Results Focussed
expenditure and receipts are calculated and Management and Budgeting in OECD Member
included in the budget in the relevant period Countries’. Paper prepared for an Expert Meeting on
that these transactions take place. We there- the Quality of Public Expenditures, Paris, 11–12
fore call these expenditures ‘costs’ and refer February 2002.
to the receipts as ‘benefits’. The balance of Osborne, David and Gaebler, Ted (1992) Reinventing
the costs and benefits at the end of the year is Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is
calculated in the balance. The balance is a Transforming the Public Sector. Reading, MA:
yearly overview of the possessions and the Addison-Wesley.
debts. This system is much more compli- Posseth, Johan (2010) Wat koop je ervoor? Over
cated, but it gives much more information. In de ervaringen ban Nieuw-Zeeland en Nederland
met ‘het managen’van veiligheid via de begroting
many OECD countries, there is a transforma-
[Does it pay off? On the experiences of New
tion from cash systems to more or less Zealand and the Netherlands using the budget
accrual standards. for ‘managing’ safety], Delft, The Netherlands:
It is not possible to state that one system is Eburon.
better than the other; it depends on the pur- Van den Berg, J.W. and Kok, L.H. (2001) ‘Eigentijds
pose a government has with its budget. A Begroten (Modernizing the Budget)’, Openbare
budget system should be appropriate for a Uitgaven, 33 (5): 211–16.

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Comparative and International

Public Administration
edited by Edward C. Page

The comparative study of public administra- data, and definition and specification of
tion is hardly new. Raadschelders’ (1998: 45) data – the field has managed to produce a
analysis of administrative history includes respectable volume of work, especially if one
Herodotus, Aristotle and Ibn Khaldun as considers the theory-testing work done on
comparativists. Looking at the modern individual countries – a form of comparative
period only, Weber’s ([1920] 1972) analysis analysis aptly termed by Rose (1991) as an
of bureaucracy, one of the landmarks in ‘extroverted case study’. Moreover, as Brans
the whole area of public administration and suggests, Derlien’s (1992) argument that
management, is based on a comparative there is little comparable data covering
cross-national and historical perspective. And bureaucracy and administration is not as
among the early modern social science pio- strong now as it was 20 years ago. What
neers in the field one could include Lowell has been missing in comparative public
(1896), Otto Hintze ([1911a] 1962), Herman administration is a ‘grand theory’, to give the
Finer (1932) and Brian Chapman (1959).Yet field focus and sets of common questions.
the field is commonly regarded as something Instead, the discipline has travelled along
of a laggard when compared to other areas of two tracks – one reflecting changing practi-
political science such as the study of elec- cal concerns and the other changes in
tions and parties (see Derlien, 1992). theoretical concerns in the field.
In Chapter 33, which opens Part 10, Brans Perhaps it is no more reasonable to expect
helps put this laggard reputation in perspec- comparative public administration to evolve
tive. The slogan ‘compare or perish’ under- a grand theory than to expect it of public
lines the importance of comparative research administration as a whole. While the still
for explanation, theory development and the advancing popularity of public choice per-
generation of practical advice. Despite the spectives in the discipline as a whole might
major constraints involved in comparison – not itself constitute such a theory, it does
complexity of subject matter, availability of offer a method of identifying and analysing

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diverse issues using an identifiable intellec- International influence and its impact on the
tual toolkit. One or two less than convincing administrative structures and processes in
forays aside (Huber and Shipan 2002), the individual states are highly contingent on a
approach has not really made many advances wide range of variables that make it impos-
in the comparative study of bureaucracy, sible to predict growing ‘isomorphism’ in
and it remains a rather more diverse field. administrative development.
As Brans’ discussion of the empirical focus The range of variables that make adminis-
of comparative public administration shows, trative systems distinctive and which prevent
comparison is a method used to understand any confident predictions of a convergence
key issues and variables (internal adminis- in administrative structures, processes and
trative structures and processes, politico- styles is addressed in Chapter 35 by Martin
administrative relations and relations with Lodge. Administrative structures are embed-
civil society) of public administration as a ded in national patterns of politics. These
whole. The comparative method in public patterns are so diverse that attempts to clas-
administration, as elsewhere, is a tool that sify and group states with some similar char-
can be used to analyse substantive questions acteristics (such as ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ states)
rather than a field in itself. can at best be regarded as crude descriptions.
Some questions in public administration To conclude, however, that the diversity and
can, however, only be understood by refer- the difficulties involved in making cross-
ence to cross-national experience. One such national generalizations make each country
theme is the increasingly popular question of unique and comparison impossible is not
the development of convergence between only pessimistic but also inaccurate.
administrative systems. Issues connected Lodge shows the range of features of the
with Europeanization and globalization, as national political system in which bureaucra-
well as common administrative develop- cies are embedded – historical origins, politi-
ments such as New Public Management, cal institutions and the autonomy and ability
have driven this topic along, to use Brans’ of the bureaucratic system to resist political
terms, the policy track. ‘New institutionalist’ control – can be and have been fruitfully
theory, such as the discussion of ‘isomor- compared. Rather than seeking to imply that
phism’ by diMaggio and Powell (1983), has bureaucracies fit neatly into ‘families’ shar-
given the whole area of policy transfer a ing broad characteristics (Page, 1995), Lodge
strong impetus in the past decade (see Rose, shows that we need more discriminating
1993; Dolowitz and Marsh, 1996). comparison of the discrete components of
In Chapter 34, Dimitrakopoulos and national politico-administrative systems. The
Passas point to the apparent paradox that the focus on reciprocal obligations and rewards
supranational organization with some direct at the top of the bureaucracy – through con-
authority of its own over its members, the ceiving the relationship as a series of variably
European Union (EU), has a rather indirect constructed bargains – offers a means of
influence in national administrative develop- understanding and ordering a range of the
ment. More direct influence on administra- institutional and behavioural characteristics
tive structures comes from intergovernmental of bureaucracies in developed nations.
organizations such as the Organization for Bureaucracy scholarship tends to explain
Economic Co-operation and Development changes in such characteristics through
(OECD) and the World Bank. Dimitrakopulos broader international trends that point to a
and Passas show that while such organiza- reduction of the authority and autonomy of
tions exert different kinds of ‘pressures’, nation-state executives and, consequently, a
this says little about responses to such pres- greater emphasis on negotiation and persua-
sures, still less whether they will produce the sion than control and hierarchy. Lodge rightly
same response in different nations and thus cautions against the simple assumption that
convergence in administrative systems. hierarchy is on its way out and suggests

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that longer-established patterns of behaviour realize the hopes for much wider compari-
could be more durable than we thought. sons taking in less developed nations. Yet the
‘Path dependence’ is the contemporary fact that comparative studies have not yielded
term used to describe the way in which inher- one dominant paradigm, or been based upon
ited politico-administrative structures, proc- a common or even widely shared theoretical
esses, constraints and patterns shape national focus, is more likely to be the result of
reactions to common issues and stimuli. the pluralism of social science research in
This of course has been a central notion in general rather than any specific defect in
administrative history since its inception comparative public administration.
(Raadschelders, 1998). Lodge shows that
path dependence does not involve relinquish-
ing comparison since, if we specify the paths
carefully enough, they are comparable. In REFERENCES
fact one can go further and suggest that we
only know what is a distinctive path if Chapman, B. (1959) The Profession of Government.
we compare it with others. London: Allen and Unwin.
To recognize path dependencies should Derlien, H.-U. (1992) ‘Observations on the state of
not itself become a theoretical rut. It was comparative administration research in Europe –
conventional at the beginning of the last cen- rather comparable than comparative’, Governance,
tury to argue that German politico-adminis- 5 (3): 279–311.
trative development was distinctive – that it DiMaggio, P.J. and Powell, W.W. (1983) ‘The iron cage
revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective
developed along a monarchical path and in
rationality in organizational fields’, American
this deviated from much of the rest of Sociological Review, 48 (1): 47–60.
Europe, and that policy prescriptions appro- Dolowitz, D. and Marsh, D. (1996) ‘Who learns what
priate to states with more liberal paths of from whom’, Political Studies, 14 (2): 343–57.
development were not appropriate there Finer, H. (1932) The Theory and Practice of Modern
(Hintze, [1911b] 1962). The fact that Government, 2 vols. London: Methuen.
Germany’s administrative system has for Hintze, O. ([1911a] 1962) ‘Der Beamtenstand’, in
nearly 70 years been entirely integrated in Otto Hintze, Staat und Verwaltung. Göttingen:
the theoretical, empirical and practical litera- Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht.
ture on public administration as any other Hintze, O. ([1911b] 1962) ‘Das monarchische Prinzip
democratic and pluralist system indicates und die konstitutionelle Verfassung’, in Otto Hintze,
Staat und Verwaltung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and
that developmental paths are not straight
lines – they cross, merge and in some cases Huber, J.D. and Shipan, C.R. (2002). Deliberate
radically change directions. Discretion: The Institutional Foundations of
So is comparative public administration a Bureaucratic Autonomy. Cambridge: Cambridge
laggard? There is a growing volume of mate- University Press.
rial that is comparative in Brans’ more relaxed Lowell, A.L. (1896) Government and Parties in Con-
definition of the term. There are increased tinental Europe. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
publication outlets for comparative material Page, Edward (1995) ‘Administering Europe’, in
in the field. Even more encouraging, studies J.E.S. Hayward and E.C. Page (eds), Governing the
and collections analysing administrative New Europe. Cambridge: Polity Press.
issues using a comparative method tend to Raadschelders, J.C.N. (1998) Handbook of Admin-
istrative History. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
include a wider range of countries – while
US and West European comparisons still Rose, R. (1991) ‘Comparing forms of comparative
tend to dominate in the literature, increas- analysis’ Political Studies, 39 (3): 446−62.
ingly comparative analyses include countries Rose, R. (1993) Lesson Drawing in Public Policy.
such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand Chatham, NJ: Chatham House.
and Japan. There is certainly some way to Weber, M. ([1920] 1972) Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft,
go before comparative scholars manage to 5th edn.Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.

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Comparative Public
Administration: From General
Theory to General Frameworks
Marleen Brans1

INTRODUCTION ON VALUE, what is true for one society at one point in

DEFINITIONS AND PROBLEMS time and space (Antal et al. 1987: 14; Korsten
OF C.P.A. et al. 1995: 33) takes place along systematic
inquiries of cross-national and cross-time
‘Compare or perish’ or the value similarities and differences. Systematic com-
parison not only allows for assessing the
of C.P.A. for P.A. and p.a.2
effects of different environments upon organ-
‘Compare or perish’ is perhaps too strong a izational structure and behaviour but also
motto for founding the rationale of compara- for analysing why organizational structure
tive public administration (C.P.A.) research. and behaviour may matter in producing dif-
However, comparison has since long been ferent outcomes that are relevant for society
acknowledged as the ‘very essence of the (see Peters 1988: xi).
scientific method’ in political science in gen- The theoretical and empirical specification
eral and Public Administration (P.A.) in of individual cases in comparative frame-
particular (Almond and Powell 1966: 878; works is not only important for the more
Verba 1967; Lijphart 1971; Pierre 1995: 4; ambitious goals of building and testing
Landman 2000; Jreisat 2002).3 For Dahl theories that make us understand and, even
(1947: 6) the construction of a science of more ambitious, predict structures and per-
administration depended upon the success formances of p.a. in the world. It is multi-
in establishing propositions which tran- functional and not only serves some more
scended national boundaries. This develop- modest scientific goals but also less modest
ment of concepts and generalizations at a practical purposes. At a low level of ambi-
level between what is true of all societies and tion, the least cross-national comparison can

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do is reveal, and point at possible exaggera- Stringent and relaxed definitions

tions within the parochial scientific discourse of C.P.A. research
(for instance, on the alleged huge public
sector size in the Netherlands and Sweden, or Assessments of the development and state
the alleged exaggerated pay of top officials). of C.P.A. are strongly dependent on the defi-
In such a view, the aims and pretensions of nition of C.P.A. research. Stringent defini-
comparative research are reduced to some- tions emphasize uniformity of research
thing like putting national results into per- approach and structured design. In essence,
spective (Van Deth 1994: 2). such definitions call for research in several
International examples are also important countries, with data being collected accord-
for the practice of p.a., as they enable both ing to a certain regime, guided by a central
researchers interested in practical recom- research question. If not quantitative in
mendations and practitioners seeking to nature, cases are chosen according to a most
adopt them to investigate a broader range of similar systems design (MSSD) or most dif-
ideas about what constitutes good structure ferent systems design (MDSD) or carefully
and best practices. Institutional and policy replicated along the relationship between
transfer is by no means new (Hood 1995; dependent and independent variables in order
Raadschelders 2011). In the nineteenth cen- to control intermediate variables and produce
tury, institutional transfer, as constitutional robust evidence or counter-evidence. The
consulting, was not merely an academic pas- goals of such textbook comparative design
time but actually an export and import busi- are most ambitious in that they seek to test
ness between different nations. To be sure, hypotheses from certain theoretical perspec-
several authors in the 1960s and 1970s tives and rule out rival explanations. Such a
warned against the limits of institutional design already relies heavily on cognitive
transfer (see Siffin 1976), mostly associated simplifications of complex realities, which
with the export of administrative technology are exactly the subject of research captured
to the newly decolonized worlds. Their warn- by more relaxed definitions, or what Derlien
ings remain valid 40 years later, since the (1992) called weaker variants of C.P.A.. Much
break-up of the Soviet Union and, more gen- comparative research is indeed reported in
erally, processes of globalization have given edited volumes, the cooperative effort of
a new impetus to transfers between different which combines the construction of classifi-
jurisdictions being big business once more, cations such as dichotomies or more complex
supported by major funding institutions and typologies, and contextual description. The
policy diffusers at the supranational level extent to which such research is lifted to
such as the Organization for Economic the level of theory testing will often depend
Cooperation and Development (OECD), the on the strength of editorial hands (see also
World Bank and the International Monetary Page 1995). Such cooperative efforts clearly
Fund (IMF). Comparative frameworks for demand a skilled research management in
understanding political and cultural variables which editorial rigour is balanced with
of administrative behaviour and performance making allowances for contextual richness.
beyond listings of best practices is indispen- Another so-called weak variant are sec-
sable before considering transfers (Tummala ondary analyses, for which monographs and
2000). The same holds for the increased journal articles have provided a mass of
practice of lesson drawing at an intergovern- information, with the admitted flaw of pos-
mental level, and peer learning between sible reduced validity: authors are not always
governments. Successful transfer depends on explicit which statements are really based on
adapting the lessons learned to the contingen- empirical evidence and which are more
cies of administrative systems (Fitzpatrick loosely founded on works that are primarily
et al. 2011: 821). theoretical and impressionistic in nature

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(see points of Egeberg 1999: 160 and of Why is it so difficult to move from descrip-
Fitzpatrick 2011: 827). Another variant of tion onto classification and eventually to
C.P.A., and by some not perceived at all as theory testing? The reasons are multiple. It is
part of C.P.A., are single case studies, the commonplace to refer to the lack of time,
material of which returns in the above-men- money and institutional support. The accepted
tioned secondary analyses. Some single case discourse on the rise and decline of American
studies are themselves theory testing in that C.P.A. is telling in this respect (see Riggs
they represent unique or critical cases. This 1998). The underlying reasons for the costli-
implies of course that they use concepts that ness of C.P.A. research are more interesting.
apply in other countries, or seek to make They relate to the complexity of the subject
larger inferences (Landman 2000: 23). matter and the lack of method to reduce this
Alternatively, they provide the contextual complexity into meaningful typologies and
description without which the higher aims of dimensions which allow for a structured set
classification and theory testing cannot be of dependent and independent variables, the
reached. Particularly valuable are case stud- relationship between which are conventional
ies that seek to decode rather cryptic admin- building blocks for theory testing.
istrative systems, such as the Chinese one. The subject matter is indeed complex.
Contrary to what some observers claim, and Public administration is complex and the
following what the comparative sections of environment of administrative systems is
major public administration journals contain, complex. Even if there is basic agreement on
single case studies should be considered as the nature of dependent variables, such as
part of the larger C.P.A. research enterprise. structures, actors and actions of administra-
tive systems (Aberbach and Rockman 1987),
they are not easily researched in a compara-
tive perspective. There are many kinds of
Problems and opportunities
agencies and actors doing many kinds of
C.P.A. research is subject to recurrent criti- things (see Fried 1990: 322), at different
cism. From the late 1960s to date, both in levels of government and in different formal
the United States and Europe, assessments of settings, which of course challenges research-
the state of the discipline have not always ers to find functional equivalents and use
been enthusiastic, and the sharpness of cri- concepts that travel across space (see Pierre
tiques are to some extent related to the 1995: 6−7; Maor and Lane 1999: xiv).
reviewers’ explicit or implicit definitions of Classical examples include the properties of
C.P.A.. Disappointments are greatest among classifying agents as civil servants, or of
those reviewers with the most ambitious ministries, departments and agencies into the
definition of the C.P.A. as a hypothesis- basic administrative structures of central
testing enterprise (see Heady 1979: 41; see government, or the many faces of structures
also Feick 1987). Edited volumes would lack that make up local government. In addition,
a comparative design and their conclusions administrative systems are not easily charac-
on country juxtapositions would remain terized in a general fashion, given that there
too impressionistic, depending too heavily is much subsystem variability (Aberbach and
on vague notions of differences of political Rockman 1987: 477, 484). For some features
culture (see Derlien 1992; Page 1995). Much of administration, within-system variance
of our understanding of the comparative may be greater than between-system vari-
dimensions of p.a. would remain descriptive ance. Moreover, administrative arrangements
(Peters 1988: 1−2), and the cumulative capac- are in a constant flux, so concepts should
ity to move the mass of case study findings also be able to travel over time. So are their
up the hierarchy into meaningful classifica- environments, which, irrespective of change,
tions would be insufficient. already consist of many possible variables.

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Problems of operational definition and particular. These forces would reduce the
measurement hamper singling out the basic relevance of nation-states as units of analy-
dependent variables of administrative sys- sis, in that their environments are increas-
tems, and their cross-national and cross-time ingly shared by nations, no longer confined
comparison. Turning the nature of these vari- to them (see also Heady 1979: 64).
ables into independent variables for explor- Leaving aside postmodern relativism,
ing the impact of different institutional there are many sources of optimism and
arrangements makes things even more diffi- opportunities for C.P.A.. Moving up from the
cult: outputs and outcomes are not easily flaws mentioned above, studies of globaliza-
defined and measured either, and are compli- tion have not produced indicators of power-
cated by further problems of data collection. ful forces for countries to take on similar
The availability and reliability of data is institutional forms (Chandler 2000: 264).
indeed a sore point in the development of Integration and the loss of sovereignty should
C.P.A.. Data may be scarce but are also vul- not be a break on C.P.A. research in a cross-
nerable to manipulation, as they are often the national context (Korsten et al. 1995: 31−2).
constructs of the actors and agencies involved Europeanization research, as well as studies
(see Fried 1990: 323). For long, there were of the domestication of international regimes,
relatively few independent data sets, particu- have shown that national states remain useful
larly when compared to what comparative contexts of comparative analysis (Sverdrup
politics has available for the issues it tends to 2005; Ferraro et al. 2009), given the impor-
focus on (Or does comparative politics focus tance of the path dependency of change, and
on issues for which data sets are available?). the meaning major actors keep assigning to
C.P.A. researchers have been generally more national structures and processes.
eclectic in their use of data, which has the Globalization does seem to contribute to
advantage of corroboration from multiple the rapid spread of information and data, and
sources of evidence. Some data, however, are major policy-diffusing institutions, such as
legally or ethically warranted, hence embar- the OECD, the World Bank and the United
goed also by researchers, the limited oppor- Nations (UN), have since the 1990s increased
tunities for replication of which may reduce their efforts to collect public sector data on
the validity of their inferences (Gill and and beyond public sector performance. The
Meier 1999: 4−6). OECD’s Government at a Glance (2011) is a
Some critiques go beyond the traditional recent case in point, but also the OECD
methodological flaws addressed in reviews PUMA’s publications, data and cases warrant
and render the prospects for C.P.A. research special mention here (OECD 1995; see Pollitt
even bleaker. To be sure, language skills and 2011). Also through other processes of peer
sensitiveness to translating concepts across pressure and peer learning, stimulated by
cultures have since long been acknowledged both Europe’s method of open coordination
as necessary ingredients for cross-national and national governments’ appetite for com-
research (Pollitt 2011; Raadschelders 2011). paring their performances, many compara-
But it is clear that the far-reaching ontologi- tive lesson-drawing initiatives have gained
cal conclusions postmodernists assign to the ground (see, for instance, the European
role of language seriously threaten C.P.A. as Network of Public Administration: www.
a post-positivist endeavour (for an overview Of note are also many recent aca-
of postmodern approaches to P.A., see Heady demic initiatives in constructing databases
2001: 53; see also Pollitt 2011). A further but for comparison between nations, organiza-
less existentially threatening source of rela- tions, and over time. To name but a few: the
tivism is related to the alleged process of Cobra (COST-CRIPO) database on the basis
globalization in general, and European con- of surveys of agency managers (Verhoest
vergence or eurocompatibility pressures in et al. 2011); the longitudinal Norwegian and

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Irish databases on structural administrative administrative phenomena, such as, for

reforms (Norwegian State Administration instance, local government reorganization
Database; Hardiman and MacCarthaigh (Dente and Kjellberg 1988), decentralization
2009); or databases on regulatory organiza- (Page and Goldsmith 1987), public sector
tions (Yesilkagit and Christensen 2010), their pay (Hood and Peters 1994), and public
origin (Levi-Faur 2006; Jordana et al. 2011), sector reform (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011).
or their autonomy (see Braun and Gilardi Time series, too, on condition data is availa-
2006). ble, provide quite straightforward tests of
The common comparative drive of supra- theoretical propositions, as, for instance, in
national institutions, intergovernmental initi- Rose’s (1985) study of the growth and decline
atives, and academic collaborative efforts of big government, or Hood and Peters
promise to be bear many fruits for the future (1994) on self-interested behaviour in the
development of C.P.A.. Yet, keeping in mind dynamics of public sector pay. As to the
that the magnitude in data does not equal the selection of cases, Fitzpatrick et al. (2011)
comparability of data, data collection for note an increase in purposive sampling, but
C.P.A. purposes calls for sustained academic at the same time a lack of attention for the
vigilance as to reliability and validity of the ‘too few cases, too many variables problem’
multitude of comparative data going around. (Goggin 1986). Given the predominance and
The increased data and the bulk of case problems of small N-analysis in the C.P.A.
studies and secondary analyses may not discipline, it is somewhat surprising that the
have contributed to a general theory of small N-analysis of QCA (Ragin 1989) is still
administrative systems. Leaving aside for awaiting a broader reception by C.P.A. (www.
now the question whether such general com- for an overview of applica-
parative theory of administrative systems is tions). The advancements in QCA methods
possible or even desirable, an optimistic (MSDO/MDSO; crisp set QCA, multi-value
analysis of C.P.A. research would certainly QCA and fuzzy set QCA) and software none-
not miss the following points. First, advances theless offer promising avenues for a more
in the comparative documentation and rigorous comparison of a small-to-medium
analysis of major subquestions in P.A. are number of cases at macro, meso and micro
multiple, having produced meaningful typol- levels. Besides providing a systematic
ogies and classifications. These include approach for data exploration and summariz-
comparative studies on general and senior ing existing data, the technique could also be
civil service systems in OECD countries, fruitful for typology building, theory testing
Central and Eastern Europe and Asia (Bekke and also for inductive theory formulation .
et al. 1996; Page and Wright 1999; Verheijen The approach is particularly interesting, as it
1999; Burns and Bowornwathana 2001; conceptualizes outcomes as combinations of
Raadschelders et al. 2007); local government attributes. It is the very combinations that
structures and functions (Martin Harloff give social phenomena their unique nature.
1987); public service delivery systems (Hood Searching for the ‘net’ effect of a certain
and Schuppert 1988); and government agen- variable does not make much sense from
cies (Verhoest et al. 2011). Second, even this perspective, as is also recognized in
if not fully comparative by design, we also process tracing (George and Bennett 2005).
notice a more informed use of analytical Configurational methods instead expect that
strategies for theory testing. Triangulation the effect of a certain variable (or ‘condition’
(Webb et al. 1966; see Peters 1988: 3), for in QCA vocabulary) might differ depending
instance, or running theoretically predicted on the wider context, and that several combi-
patterns of rival theoretical lenses through nations of conditions can lead to the same
cross-national evidence seems a fruitful strat- outcome (equifinality) (Rihoux and Lobe
egy to enhance our understanding of certain 2009). Such an approach seems particularly

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attractive in an age where the contextualiza- advancement of C.P.A. developed along sub-
tion of public administration structures and fields within the larger discipline.
mechanisms is at the core of much contem- At the risk of oversimplification, we docu-
porary comparative work (see, e.g., Giauque ment the development of middle-range theory
et al. 2011). as running along two tracks, at times sepa-
rated or one catching up with the other, at
times intersecting and giving momentum to
comparative research in certain subfields. Of
FROM GENERAL THEORY these tracks, one is problem driven. Here,
TO GENERAL FRAMEWORKS theory development seeks to codify, classify
and understand structural or behavioural phe-
Parallel and intersecting tracks of nomena of public administration or develop-
middle-range theory development ments in its environment that are politically
and socially perceived as problematic or in a
The theoretical advancements aided by the state of flux.
above-mentioned research strategies are
not situated at the level of grand theory First track: problem driven
development, attempting broad, cross- The problem of the 1980s, following the eco-
cultural explanations and concerned with the nomic world crisis of the 1970s, and given
definition of clusters of concepts helpful in extra salience by the advent of neo-liberal
classifying administrative systems around discourse, was undoubtedly scarcity. The
the world in terms of rich and poor bureauc- problem of scarcity, and the emerging con-
racies or weak and strong states (see Presthus cerns with efficiency and economy favoured
1959; Heady 2001: 17). This kind of general an agenda for comparatively investigating
systems modelling was at the heart of the public sector size and growth (see Rose
American C.P.A. movement in the 1950s and 1985), with a further two-fold spin-off. First,
1960s, with its foreman F. Riggs articulating accounting for public sector growth became
its strong scientific ambitions, drawing a focal point in theories on bureaucratic
upon structural functional concepts as an power, which were much influential in modi-
alternative for functionalist analysis such as fying the traditional bureaucratic model (see
Almond’s (Almond and Coleman 1960). The further in text). Second, problems with regard
story of the decline of the American C.P.A. to measuring the size of government called
movement is partly an institutional story, for comparative studies of public sector vari-
with references to plummeting funding and ance, which was given a further impetus by
the shrinking interest of development agen- the downsizing bureaucracy movement
cies in administrative arrangements as levers towards privatization and deregulation in the
for social and economic development (see late 1980s (Vickers and Wright 1988) and of
Fried 1990: 326). But the strongest disen- its effects in the early 1990s (Wright 1994b).
chantment derived from unfulfilled scientific Privatization was comparatively noted as a
promises or the failure to produce a general dominant trend, with the public sector becom-
theory of administrative systems. Several ing leaner and the interactions between public
observers advised C.P.A. to move their theo- and private actors increasing, one of the
retical efforts from grand theory develop- results of which was the emergence of a
ment of cosmic dimensions (Presthus 1959: range of new public−private institutional
26; Jreisat 1975: 663; both in Heady 2001: arrangements for service delivery (Hood and
33) to a more incremental production of Schuppert 1988). The managerialist ‘revolu-
middle-range theories. It seems this advice tion’ in several countries further complicated
was (consciously or not) taken up, since the issue of variance by introducing internal
much of the theoretical and conceptual privatization. The widescale practical and

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political acclaim of the new managerialism Rouban 1999). Real or perceived problems
triggered off a great deal of comparative of declining trust have triggered efforts to
research on the variance of administrative reaffirm the position of citizens (Pierre 1995:
reform over time, not only in the Western 12−13) and to find ways to create democratic
world but also, gradually, in developing legitimacy that are not elective in character
countries (Crozier and Trosa 1992; Wright (see Marini 1998: 369; Hendriks 2010). Even
1994a; Aucoin 1995; Naschold 1995; Massey the OECD, after having focused for years on
1997; Verheijen 1999; Barzelay 2000; Ongaro managerialist aspects of public administra-
2009; McCourt and Minogue 2001; Pollit tion, started promoting ways to engage citi-
and Bouckaert 2011), which so far confirms, zens in the policy-making process. Systematic
against the claims of globalization, the per- research on the different modes of adminis-
sistence of national administrative traditions. trative mediation of citizens’ perspectives in
Also personnel policies, particularly per- both policy formulation and implementation
formance-based systems and the profile and is still rather meagre though, and so are
competencies of the new public managers structured explorations of the effects the
received comparative attention (see Derlien outward-looking behaviour of civil servants
1992: 291; Farnham et al. 1996; Lodge et al. will produce for administrative organization
2005). and politico-administrative relations.
Meanwhile, administrative reform at other Meanwhile, quite a bit of comparative
levels of government has established a com- research on trust-related issues have materi-
parative research tradition for itself. The alized. For a long time, corruption was paro-
widescale nature of local government struc- chially thought to be endemic to the
tural reform in the postwar era suggested developing world, and looked upon as a sign
common causes and efforts to account for of immaturity of developing nations. In the
cross-national variance and led to fruitful United States, the issue surfaced with
theorizing and operationalization (Sharpe, Watergate, and pushed the issue of adminis-
1979, 1993; Dente and Kjellberg 1988; trative ethics on the agenda. In Europe, com-
Batley and Stoker 1991; see also Page and parative research on the many faces and
Goldsmith 1987). Federalism, or more gen- causes of corruption only gained real momen-
erally devolution, also enjoyed renewed tum after much reported scandals and sleaze
attention, with the unification of (the tradi- in the late 1980s and early 1990s and subse-
tionally already federal) Germany, the feder- quent concerns with standards in public life.
alization of Belgium, regionalization in Maesschalck et al. (2007−8: 7) have identi-
France, Spain and Italy, devolution in the fied four strands in international comparative
UK, and the ‘new federalism’ in the United research on administrative ethics: studies on
States (Walker 1995; Keating 2001; Stepan countries’ institutional measures to prevent
2001; Swenden 2006). corruption and foster ethical behaviour (e.g.
Much of the administrative reform agenda Rohr 2001); analyses of the incidence, proc-
of the 1980s and early 1990s was concerned ess and consequences of corruption and
with the pursuit of economy and efficiency, unethical behaviour (e.g. Della Porta and
and to a lesser extent with effectiveness, the Mény 1997); survey-based studies on public
latter receiving more attention from the sector values (De Vries 2002) and measure-
second half of the 1990s onwards. The con- ment of ethical decision making in different
cern of politicians to produce policies that countries (Stewart et al. 2001); and model-
make a difference (or that have politicians ling of causal mechanisms for explaining
themselves make a difference) can be viewed variation in norms, values and (un)ethical
as being part of the larger concern to restore behaviour among various countries.
declining levels of trust in government At the turn of the millennium, the OECD
(Klingemann and Fuchs 1995; Norris 1999; identified the challenges for p.a. associated

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with the informatization of society as a top Waldo 1964). Middle-range theory develop-
priority of governments and also framed the ment in the C.P.A. discipline was much
issue of e-government being about govern- informed by applications and alterations to
ment rather than about e- (OECD 2003). The the bureaucratic model. Several important
use of new information and communication developments came from translating generic
technologies by government may drastically organization theory to bureaucratic organiza-
transform the structures and operations of tion and bureaucratic behaviour (see Peters
government and alter government’s interac- 1989: 7; Joergensen et al. 1998: 500).
tions with civil society. E-government has Organizational theory did much to articu-
many faces and the range of concerns for late the role of environmental differences.
P.A. is broad. How can ICT facilitate govern- Contingency theory, for instance, tried to
ments’ capacity to respond to clients and match characteristics of the environment of
customers? How does e-communication organizations and their mode of production
impact on hierarchies within government, on to the most appropriate structures. It was
relations between organizations, and on the criticized, however, for not acknowledging
relations between superiors and subordi- incidences of organizational closure to envi-
nates? What does e-government mean for ronmental influences and for over-insulating
equality of citizens’ access? Finally, will the structural variables from institutional transfer
integration of management and policy infor- (Peters 1989: 7). Ecology theory, in turn, was
mation systems reinvent rationalist models interesting in that it offered a perspective on
by increasing the cognitive capacity of gov- organizational inertia, change and transfor-
ernment, the limits to which were central in mation (Kaufmann 1976; see also Hogwood
conceptualizing bounded rationality (Simon and Peters 1983). Other lasting influences
1957). The exploration of these questions come from organization theory that empha-
will no doubt benefit from comparative stud- sized cross-national differences in organiza-
ies that go beyond listing good practices tional culture. In the United States, Presthus
(Reddick 2010). (1959) preceded this development. In Europe,
We end this overview where we started, Lammers and Hickson (1979) offered
with economic crisis. The global financial comparative perspectives on organizational
and economic crisis of the 2010s raises many cultures. While Crozier’s (1963) study on
old and new questions for C.P.A.. Scarcity the bureaucratic phenomenon was not com-
and budget cutbacks will no doubt reinforce parative by design, and his observations
issues of efficient and effective service deliv- on differences between the French, United
ery, if not concerns about minimum service States and Soviet bureaucracies were not
delivery in some cases. In contrast to the systematic, the importance of his work
‘retreat of the state’ crisis of 1970s, the should not be underestimated for the devel-
present crisis calls for rearticulating the role opment of European C.P.A.. It paved the way
of the state, and redressing its regulatory for a theoretical and methodological break
failure. with administrative sciences, which mainly
focused on descriptions of institutions and
Second track: discipline driven public law (see Smith 1999).4 Other influen-
The only single most dominant conceptual tial work from organization theory was pro-
framework surviving the C.P.A. heyday of the duced by Hofstede (1984), whose four
1950s and 1960s was the bureaucratic one dimensions of culture (six in the 2010 edition
(see Arora 1972; quoted in Heady 1979: 14, by Hofstede et al. 2010), offered ways to
60), either conceived as a checklist instru- discern and typify cross-cultural values. In
ment or a broader model for comparing the particular, his dimension of power distance
chief structural and functional characteristics has much in common with the often-used
of different administrative systems (see dichotomies between Latin and Nordic or

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Catholic and Protestant politico-administra- Rockman’s (1987) conceptualization of the

tive cultures (see, for instance, Page and ways in which politics penetrates bureauc-
Goldsmith 1987), and deserves to be inte- racy further helped to erode the theoretical
grated in other conceptions of politico- and empirical claims of the dichotomy. The
administrative cultures such as the one relationships between policy makers and
that distinguishes between Anglo-Saxon, bureaucrats have become chief variables in
Germanic Rechtstaat, French Napoleonic the comparative study of administrative sys-
and the mixed Scandinavian traditions tems, both in terms of dependent and inde-
(Rhodes and Weller 2001: 244). pendent variables , and in terms of their
Another important source of modifying formal and behavioural manifestations. The
the traditional bureaucratic model came from four types of politico-administrative relations
formal theorizing on the dysfunctions and ills identified by Putnam and associates, and the
of bureaucracy, the public choice tradition of fifth type added by Peters (1988), lend them-
which received much impetus from the selves to capturing cross-national variation,
bureaucracy-bashing climate that emerged and also to monitoring shiftings over time
from concerns with the inefficiencies of big (see Golembiewski 1996: 14).
government. These accounts (see Peters That administration is highly political was
1996) of bureaucrats as shirkers, budget also shown by Pressmann and Wildavsky’s
maximizers and of bureaucratic monopolies (1973) empirical study of implementation.
(Downs 1967; Niskanen 1971; Moe 1984) Their study was very influential in the devel-
translated concepts from the new organiza- opment of implementation research in both
tional economics, primarily principal−agent the United States and Europe (Hanf and
models. Dunleavy’s (1991) bureau-shaping Toonen 1985; O’Toole 1986). Whether best
model was original, in that its institutional understood from a bottom-up or a top-down
public choice approach did not draw on perspective, the complexities of implementa-
principal−agent models. Another influential, tion pointed at the multi-actor character of
empirical study was Allison’s (1971), which turning legislation into working programmes,
not only presented a good example of the no longer conceptualizing public administra-
method of triangulation but also greatly tion as embedded in a single, monolithic
helped in conceptualizing bureaucratic power organization (Peters 1989: 8).
and politics (Kettl 1993: 412). This articulation of increased complexity
These theories seriously challenged the (see Kickert et al. 1997; Teisman 2000)
traditional bureaucratic model in two ways. became a focal point in comparative research
They offered ways to conceptualize bureau- on networks and found resonance in studies
cratic power over state policies, and helped on the implementation of European legisla-
viewing bureaucracy as an arena in which tion (Heinelt and Smith 1996; Marsh 1998),
conflicts are played out, two neglected issues and on public−private and public−public
in the accepted version of the traditional arrangements at different levels of govern-
model.5 The notion of bureaucratization of ment all over the world. The British network
politics helped revisiting the classic dichot- approach, which was originally conceived
omy between politics and administration, as an account of interest intermediation,
which was, to a great extent unjustifiably, moved to accounting for the patchwork
associated with the Weberian bureaucratic organization of the public sector, involving
model. Meanwhile, other theoretical devel- many different public−private actors in
opments and comparative research came to different arrangements (Rhodes 1996;
demonstrate the politicization of bureauc- Börzel 1998). In Germany, the concept of
racy. Aberbach, Putnam and Rockman’s sem- Politikverpflechtung of Frits Scharpf and the
inal study (1981) on cross-national variation network studies of his Max Planck School
of bureaucratic roles and Aberbach and was also much used in examining a whole

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range of policies (Hanf and Scharpf 1978; done a great job for P.A.. Not only did it
Scharpf 1993; Windhoff-Héritier 1993). trigger efforts to define its subject matter,
Comparative research on policy networks or the publicness of public administration,
offers strong theoretical perspectives and but also it made classic issues such as
analytical frameworks, but could still advance accountability, control and coordination
in operational definition (see Benz 1999; re-emphasized and sleeping issues awake,
O’Toole 1997), to analyse network properties such as the role of lower civil servants, and
in terms of open or closed, and the relation- citizen empowerment.
ship between their characteristics and their A similar development can be noted in
consequences: for instance, in terms of pro- reaction to the intellectual school with which
ducing private or collective benefits (see NPM’s intellectual tradition is related. In
Börzel 1998; Pierre 1998). reaction to the public choice ‘revolution’, the
The involvement of third parties in p.a., role of institutional arrangements is recon-
whether private sector actors, agencies at dif- firmed, which underpins the very rationale of
ferent government levels, or groups or indi- comparative analyses of structural variables.
viduals from civil society, have emphasized Also, the role of culture, of which individual-
the need to conceptualize public sector diver- ism is just one variant, is reconfirmed as
sity, as well as the institutional and societal being important in explaining, for example,
embedding of the tools of implementation different reform trajectories of public
(see Ashford 1978). Classifications of policy sector reform (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011,
instrumentation (Hood 1986; Salomon 2002) Verhoest 2010), or different traditions in
are useful here, but also worth mentioning is public sector pay (Hood and Peters 1994).
the great empirical advancement on the prop-
erties of organizations, their specialization
and co-ordination (Bouckaert et al. 2009; General frameworks for C.P.A.
Laegreid and Verhoest 2010; Verhoest et al.
2011), and the articulation of the metagov- Accounts of problem-driven and discipline-
ernance of markets, hierarchies and networks driven theory development for C.P.A. reflect
(Meuleman 2008). the absence of a single paradigm, a variety of
Some theory development is cumulative, questions, and a variety of approaches. They
often building upon sets of empirical studies. are one way to structure the discipline and
But several observers have pointed us out identify the main questions and ways to
the occurrence of pendulum type devel- answer them. But these narratives are no
opment in P.A. theory, with periods of tem- doubt incomplete, and also biased (my own
porary amnesia or blindness for already bias being Western European), for other
established theory and evidence or for the observers may tell a different story, with
wisdom of old masters (Kettl 1993: 408; different sequences and emphases. Another,
Hood 1999; Page 1995: 138−9; Golembievski and possibly more fruitful, way of structur-
1996; Holden 1998; Hood 1999). In 1979, ing the discipline of C.P.A., to give it purpose
Heady (1997: vii), for instance, was doubtful and coherence, is to seek an agreement
about the longevity or impact of the new on what to study, and organize comparative
public administration movement. He was data collection and theory development
not able to predict the forcefulness with around core-dependent variables. Such an
which the issues at the heart of it would approach clearly departs from C.P.A. as a grand
resurface in the new public service move- theory exercise, as it no longer has adminis-
ment of the 1990s, in reaction to the alleged trative systems or transformations as wholes
normative consequences and the intellectual as its subjects, but more narrowly defined
foundations of the New Public Management. subjects instead. It has, however, the advan-
Indeed, NPM should be credited for having tage of allowing for a structured collection

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of comparative evidence and more feasible Internal dynamics: actors, structure,

in-depth comparative analyses across coun- behaviour
tries, time and government levels, while not The building blocks for theory building on
excluding broader theoretical explorations of the internal dynamics of the public sector are
relations between variables. individuals, organization and behaviour. Of
The usefulness of such an approach to these, the first two are the most tangible,
C.P.A. is recognized by many comparativists, although it is acknowledged that the opera-
but views differ as to which variables to tionalization of public employees and public
include. When having acknowledged that organizations are not automatic and require
grand theory was to be substituted by mid- careful judgements. The operationalization,
dle-range theory, some thought progress was classification and explaining of behaviour,
best achieved by studying ‘the backgrounds, however, is more problematic because of the
attitudes, and behaviors of bureaucrats and absence of a theoretical paradigm on the
those with whom they interact’ (Sigelman nature of human behaviour in general.
1976: 624, in Heady 2001: 33). This view The study of the individuals that operate in
recognizes the environment in those with the public sector has established a research
whom bureaucrats interact, but it remains agenda for itself (Peters 1988). The results of
quite narrow in that its focus on individuals comparative civil service studies, either
is behavioural only. In a broader view, Heady focusing on the civil service in general, or the
(1979, 2001) specifies the environment top, provide a mass of material for secondary
of public administration by identifying the analysis. Comparisons of the numbers of
arena in which bureaucrats interact with public employees, their socio-economic
others: that is, the broader political system background, and characteristics, the socio-
and society in general. He also adds an economic conditions of their employment,
organizational focus and emphasizes the and more recently their public service moti-
importance of relying on several levels of vation (Kim and Vandenabeele 2010), sup-
analysis for understanding the complexity of port theory development on public sector
public administration (Heady 2001: 34). employment, recruitment and career patterns
Maor and Lane (1999) take actors, structures in the civil service, and the pays and perks of
and behaviour as building blocks for com- public office (see e.g. Derlien and Peters
parative public administration, but do not 2008). They present answers to central
explicitly mention relations with the environ- explanatory and normative questions in
ment: neither does Peters (1988), for whom public administration. The number and nature
the candidate-dependent variables are public of public employees serve as indicators for
employees, public organizations, bureau- the size of the public sector and the way in
cratic behaviour and politico-administrative which the latter pervades society. The charac-
relations. Pierre’s approach (1995) to C.P.A. teristics and background of public employees
is probably still the most comprehensive, in addressed such issues as the representative-
taking three sets of variables. He adds an ness of the civil service, and the degree of
explicit focus on the administration’s rela- equality, while the level and method of their
tions with civil society, which in Peter’s payment gives insights into the social status
scheme are not absent but captured under of the civil service.
bureaucratic behaviour. The three sets of The reasons for comparing organizations
variables in Pierre’s C.P.A. project are the and structures as units of analysis are many.
intra-organizational dynamics of bureauc- Comparing the number and nature of public
racy, which encompasses such variables as organizations as more than aggregates of the
actors, structures and behaviour; politico- individuals that operate within them provides
administrative relations; and the relations a composite picture of the public sector.
between administration and civil society. Comparisons over time and across countries

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are revealing in that they help to put such when the boundaries of public and private
issues as the size and modes of public service actors and sectors are blurred. But the third
delivery in perspective, beyond what conven- core variable for understanding the internal
tional wisdom might suggest. A focus on dynamics of the public sector presents bigger
organizations as units of analysis also pro- problems of operational definition and data
vides perspectives on change and transfor- collection, and is more demanding for the
mation (Kaufmann 1976; Peters 1988; interpretation of data and the avoidance of
Yesilkagit and Christensen 2010), govern- supply and demand side bias. Data on behav-
ment priorities (Rose 1985), and the ways in iour is less easily accessed and verified, and
which differences in the environment of requires contextual interpretation, which is
administrative system are translated onto the further complicated by the absence of a
organizational make-up of the state (popula- behavioural paradigm. An important strand
tion ecology). But bringing organizations of theory development has chosen to ignore
and organizational structure to the centre of the latter problem, by formally modelling
analysis may also serve goals that are more behaviour on the universal assumption of
ambitious than explaining public sector size utility maximization. Although such assump-
and change only. tions remain questionable, formal theories of
As acknowledged in different variants of bureaucratic behaviour are useful for C.P.A.,
neo-institutionalism, organizational struc- in that they provide a vehicle for hypothesis
tures, as composites of culture, path-determin- formulation and heuristic tools for structured
ing institutions, or equilibrium outcomes will empirical comparisons. Particularly when
constrain or enable behaviour and strategic used in triangulation with other theoretical
interactions within the public domain. This perspectives, they may generate explanatory
articulation of structure over agency is power.
reflected in studies that address the condi- The foci of other, more empirical, theory
tions for effective implementation or in developments on bureaucratic behaviour
network approaches for understanding reflect the diversity of actions and interac-
complexity, and increasingly also in efforts tions that public administrators may be
for understanding the scope and nature involved in. Fruitful theorizing came for
of public sector reform (Hood 2001). empirical work in their behaviour toward
Comparisons of organizations and structure clients (street- level bureaucracy, Lipsky
are thus not only a necessary ingredient for 1980), the conversion of decisions into
understanding the complexity of the internal actions (bottom-up and top-down implemen-
dynamics of public sector, or for judgements tation literature), their interactions as superi-
on the size, diversity, transformation and ors and subordinates (management studies),
publicness of the public sector. They are also decision making (contending models of
central building blocks for institutional rational, incremental, or even irrational deci-
design, since various structural arrangements sion making) and, more recently, their discre-
of coordination and specialization may pro- tion in secondary legislation (Page 2012
duce various outcomes that matter for public forthcoming). There is no overarching con-
administration: trust, information exchange, ceptualization of the various ways in which
the smoothness of implementation, profes- administrators use their discretion, and most
sional autonomy, transparency, etc. (see available theories cast the nature of discre-
Egeberg 1999). tionary behaviour in negative terms. This is
Together with public employees, organiza- definitely the case for the formal models of
tions and structures are relatively tangible bureaucrats as shirkers, budget maximizers or
units of analysis, although operational defini- leisure seekers, but also in empirical studies
tion and the search for functional equivalents of coping behaviour, policy failures and, more
will not always be straightforward, particularly explicitly, even with studies on corruption

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and ethics. The normative purport of studies which provides a structured means to empiri-
of bureaucratic behaviour is apparent, and cally identify and classify the interactions
the importance of comparative approaches between politicians and bureaucrats in such
for administrative transfer is hence obvious. terms as the tone of relations, the likely win-
Comparative analyses of bureaucratic behav- ners, and the mode of conflict resolution
iour not only helps to explain how public between the two sets of actors. Divergence
administration actually functions but also from idealized patterns of relationships can
may support informed considerations of what than be used to refine the models, and give a
works how under which conditions. further theoretical impetus to the future
research agenda, as Verheijen’s (2001) study
Politico-administrative relations of Central and Eastern European cases
Consistent with the erosion of the shows.
politics−administration dichotomy, the rela- Explaining variance of types and hybrids
tions between politicians and bureaucrats are requires careful institutional analysis, and an
now an important set of variables. Their investigation of a range of variables that
cross-national documentation and investiga- impact on the interactions between politi-
tion of central shiftings over time are impor- cians and civil servants. Such a research
tant. They are ‘at the centre of many issues’ programme, however, should not be scary,
(Kettl 1993: 421; see also Golembiewski because many of the candidate variables have
1996: 144), the most pressing concern of already been documented, hence reducing
which is the blending of political control the need for original research. Understanding
with policy capacity. The bureaucratization politico-administrative relations indeed relies
of politics or politicization of bureaucracy on knowledge about civil servants and politi-
can take on many faces and produce out- cal executives, and the impact of broader
comes that matter for institutional design. systemic or structural factors. Our compara-
Cross-national comparisons of politico- tive knowledge of the background, careers
administrative relations are not simple and and position of civil servants has advanced
require data collection on a number of ana- greatly, and comparative political science has
lytical units. Many advancements, however, a lot of data to offer for what we need to
have already been made, and the prospects know about political executives. Lacking still
for further advancements are bright. One is a consistent data set on the structural inter-
established way of approaching comparative faces between the two groups of actors, and
politico-administrative relations comes from more work needs to be done on the role of
role theory (Aberbach et al. 1981). In this formal rules and coordination mechanisms
tradition, the attitudes, roles and behaviour through which responsibilities are allocated
are investigated by interviewing large sam- and interactions structured. These data,
ples of administrative and political elites in a together with that on a range of systemic fac-
number of countries. These studies have tors such as partitocracy, consensus democ-
empirically helped to erode the classic racy, majoritarianism or trust, may be
dichotomy, provided insights into the different combined by applying small N-analysis,
policy roles of administrators, and documented from which we expect great progress.
the many faces of politicization of civil serv- A comprehensive research programme on
ants. The research methodology is robust and politico-administrative relations not only
deserves application for cases still uninvesti- challenges the discipline’s quest for theory
gated as well as replication for analysing and building but also carries great normative
theorizing shiftings over time. appeal for institutional designs that seek to
An additional way to approach politico- avoid the various negative effects of conflicts
administrative relations is the construction of over power and policy, ranging from inertia,
ideal types, as furthered by Peters (1988), ineffectiveness to outright policy failure.

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The nature of these relations matter greatly between p.a. and civil society may be legal,
for reconciling electoral mandates for politi- when rights are created by freedom of infor-
cal direction with professional policy making, mation acts or citizen’s charters. They may
as they present a tradeoff between two classic also be communicative and, for instance,
values for designing institutions and allocat- involve enhanced IT-supported information
ing responsibilities between them (Peters and communication or the use of citizen and
1988: 178). client surveys. Contact points may also
be anchored in institutions (such as partner-
Relations between public administration ships) or political procedures for access
and civil society of citizens and groups to one or more steps
Parallel with the rise and resonance of the in the policy cycle. At least as important is
governance debate in the 1990s, a range of the direction of interactions. Information
buzzwords (re-) emerged such as transpar- and consultation may be confined to bureauc-
ency, consultation and participative or inter- racy’s control over society and the wish
active policy making. These and similar to secure effective implementation. Par-
concepts serve to highlight the changes or ticipation, in turn, means more in terms of
challenges to contact points between public empowerment, and creates access of citizens
administration and civil society broadly and groups beyond the ballot box. A com-
defined. Attention to the relations between parative analysis of the relations between
p.a. and civil society are not new and neither p.a. and civil society also involves a narrow-
are certain tools to reduce the distance ing of what is meant by civil society and
between them (see Lasswell 1960). the third actors that are being engaged. Are
Classifications such as weak/strong states, the subjects (in less active conceptions,
for instance, have been useful in comparing mere objects though) individual citizens,
the bureaucratization of society or the pene- profit-seeking actors or not-for-profit organi-
tration of society on the autonomy of the zations. Cross-national comparison here can
state. Another established research tradition benefit from works on conceptions of indi-
comes from studies that compare differences vidual citizens. Interactions will differ if
in trust and consent (Almond and Verba administrations conceive of individuals with
1965) and more recently of the value of whom they interact as customers, clients or
social capital for government performance active citizens (Sjöblom 1999), giving them
(Putnam et al. 1994). Approaching the con- different opportunities in terms of choice,
tact points between p.a. and civil society dialogue and intervention. As for the opera-
involves disaggregating the relation into sev- tional definition of other subjects too,
eral components: tools, direction and sub- advancements have been made by work on
jects. Useful classifications and conceptual public–private partnerships (Pierre 1998) or
frameworks come from political theories on on defining the third sector (Salamon and
citizenship, communitarianism and discur- Anheier 1997).
sive democracy, from the literature on policy The normative input from understanding
instrumentation, policy networks and policy- the relationship between p.a. and civil
making models, as well as from empirical society is obvious, since several important
comparative work on public−private partner- guiding values for institutional design are
ships and the characteristics of the so-called at stake. Suffice it to refer to the debate on
third sector. the digital divide that may reduce the
The nature and types of contact points distance with government for some but not
seem to vary along with the nature of tools for a great deal of others, or to the reconcili-
that are employed, the direction of contacts ation of policy co-production by active citi-
and the subjects with which p.a. renders in zens with electoral policy mandates and
contact. Tools for reducing the distance accepted standards of representativeness, or

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to the challenge of steering process towards impacting upon the balance between political
products. executives and civil servants? Comparative
With these three sets of variables, and a designs can test hypotheses on the relaxa-
dimension of meta-governance, a compre- tion or strengthening of political control on
hensive framework is constructed with which policy, or the reduction or increase in the
to approach a comparative public adminis- degree of separation between the two sets of
tration research agenda that fosters accumu- players. Does top-level recruitment from
lation through structured data collection, outside the bureaucracy, for instance, break
the creation of a common language and into the cosy world of highly integrated
the development of meaningful theories interactions between politicians and civil
(Figure 33.1). The agenda can help to iden- servants and how do political executives deal
tify the need for original research for cases with the insecurity this may impose upon
where information is still lacking or in need them? Equally interesting are designs that
of updating. The framework is helpful in explore the impact of organizational and
generating questions about the relationship behavioural change on the way p.a. interacts
between the three sets of variables in differ- with civil society. Do greater pressures for
ent governance settings. Generating the ques- service responsiveness, for instance, lead to
tions that are challenging for both theory different conceptions of citizenship, and what
development and institutional design can do enhanced particularist client relationships
also proceed by treating each of the sets of mean for the autonomy and the ‘publicness’
variables as independent variables for the of bureaucracies?
others. Comparative designs may also reverse the
One can for instance explore the impact of relationships between these variables. The
the nature and changes within the internal nature of politico-administrative relations
dynamics of p.a. on politico-administrative affects the internal dynamics of bureaucra-
relations and p.a. contact points with cies. It impacts on the behaviour of civil
civil society. Public sector personnel and servants in policy making and the various
organization are recognized as systemic ways in which they apply administrative
factors influencing the nature of politico- discretion (Page 2011). It may also deter-
administrative relations. How then are mine bureaucratic initiatives for change, and
changes to organizational structure, career may help account for variance in terms of
paths and the socio-economic conditions of weaker or stronger vertical integration
office induced by managerialist reform of politico-administrative elites. The nature

Internal dynamics
actors, structures, behaviour


Politico-administrative p.a. relations

relations with civil society

Figure 33.1 General framework for generating and investigating core questions

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of politico-administrative relations may thus the discipline, international collaboration and

be conceived as an explanatory factor in mobility have greatly advanced the collection
accounting for variance in public sector of data, have improved operational definition
reform. Just as the differential need for and measurement, and have opened up many
political control accounted for various cases for comparison. At the practitioners’
designs of bureaucracies in the nineteenth level too, investments in databases have pro-
century (Silberman 1994), differences in vide fruitful material for academic research.
politico-administrative relations may help It would be a good development if C.P.A.
explain who does what kind of public sector scholars and c.p.a. practitioners further
reform and why (see Hood 2001). improved their connections, in order to col-
The contact points of p.a. with civil society, lectively frame questions for comparison,
too, may be theorized as affecting bureau- identify data-collection needs, and increase
crats’ roles and behaviour, as well as the the reliability of databases. As to methods,
nature of relations between the administra- C.P.A. scholarship relies on a variety of
tive and political components of bureaucracy. methods, but has so far failed to embrace
Some of the interesting questions such QCA. This is surprising, since most research
designs may help to answer are whether the is qualitative and small N, and assigns much
reduction of the distance between p.a. and meaning to contingencies. Although the
citizens and groups increases the distance number of cases featuring C.P.A. seems to be
with political executives; what it means for rising, C.P.A. scholarship should not frown
civil servants to do the great split in serving upon further single cases studies, particularly
two masters; and how greater access and not those that seek to decode rather cryptic
transparency break up information monopo- administrative systems into a comparative
lies and challenge civil servants to act upon language. Whereas the prospects for C.P.A.
competencies other than technical expertise; research are bright, the practice of p.a. across
or what the enhanced involvement of third the world is troubled by crisis. It would be a
actors, private or not for profit, means for the great achievement for C.P.A. scholarship to
publicness of bureaucracies, and its commit- move their comparisons to where improve-
ment to the common good. ments to p.a. may matter most. Geographically,
this means a greater consideration of p.a. in
developing countries, and a keen interest
in the role of p.a. in democratic innovations
CONCLUSION in the Arab world. Functionally, this entails a
reconsideration of classic domains of modern
There is no grand theory to answer all the administration: taxation, internal and exter-
central questions of p.a. and P.A.. Such nal security, justice, and the regulation of
theory is neither possible, nor desirable. The markets and banks.
questions are better approached from general
frameworks in which the core dependent
variables are agreed upon, the required origi- NOTES
nal and secondary collection of evidence
feasible, and the theoretical exploration of 1 The author wishes to thank Richard Stillman II
interconnectedness between variables mean- and Valerie Pattyn for comments on an earlier draft
ingful. At the same time, such frameworks do of this article.
not rule out considerations of the wholeness 2 This article follows the convention of referring
to the academic discipline of Public Administration in
of government, or prevent attempts to clas-
upper case and to the practice of public administra-
sify and explain administrative systems as tion in lower case.
a whole. The recent past and immediate ‘Compare or perish’ is translated from the Dutch
future of C.P.A. looks bright. At the level of ‘Vergelijk of verga’, a provocation to the community

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(1996) Civil Service Systems in Comparative Pers-
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International Organizations and
Domestic Administrative Reform
Dionyssis G. Dimitrakopoulos
and Argyris G. Passas

INTRODUCTION intergovernmental organizations exert a more

direct influence.
This chapter focuses on the role of inter- In supranational organizations − a category
national organizations as promoters of that essentially includes the European
administrative reform at the national level. Union (EU) – the need for reform is an indi-
Typically, international organizations are rect consequence of membership. It stems
placed in one of two broad categories: inter- primarily from the exigencies of (1) the
governmental organizations entail a type of effective participation in policy making
membership whereby the legal autonomy and (2) the implementation of common poli-
of states remains largely intact primarily cies. On the other hand, intergovernmental
because of the subordinate role of the organ- organizations take a different approach. They
ization’s institutional actors; supranational either
organizations are characterized by an increas-
ing delegation of powers to an autonomous (a) regard domestic administrative reform as a
set of institutions whose output penetrates formal and functional condition for the effec-
into national legal orders, domestic adminis- tive pursuit of the material advantages that can
trations and operational codes. be gained from an international organization
(in this case, loans, etc.,) − this is the case of
As far as the impact of the two types of
the World Bank and the International Monetary
international organizations upon national Fund (IMF) or
administrations is concerned, at first sight, (b) foster specific (market-embracing) administrative
there seems to be a paradoxical relation- policies − although they do not necessarily rely
ship. While supranational organizations are on legally binding instruments or other equally
typically associated with a more indirect coercive mechanisms (Organization for Economic
influence on national administrations, some Cooperation and Development; OECD).

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The first section of the chapter focuses on the organizations on domestic administrations
pressures exerted on national administrations are required in this area.
as a result of membership of the EU. The
second section discusses the responses that
have been adopted at the national level. The
third section examines the types of reform SUPRANATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
that are typically promoted by intergovern- AND NATIONAL ADMINISTRATIONS:
mental organizations. The final section out- THE CHALLENGE OF MEMBERSHIP
lines the main themes regarding the fostering
of administrative reforms by international Membership of the EU entails a number of
organizations. challenges for domestic administrations.
Ours is a rather sceptical view (Page First, virtually all sections of the domestic
and Wouters 1995), which highlights − central government apparatus are involved
at least in the context of the EU – the con- in the management of EU-related business.
ceptual and the empirical limits of the Second, subnational authorities are increas-
‘convergence thesis’: namely, (1) the lack ingly involved in the conduct of EU-related
of a specific model (Lippert et al. 2001); business. Third, in procedural terms, the
(2) the resistance faced by promoters of nature of ‘EU business’ differs radically
reform; (3) the persistence of historically from traditional international affairs in that it
defined national characteristics; and (4) the transcends the boundaries between ministe-
inability to distinguish clearly between inter- rial domains. Indeed, it permeates and affects
national organizations and other sources of almost every aspect of the state’s operation.
pressures on domestic administrations. In Fourth, in substantive terms, the ‘product’ of
short, we argue that despite the significant this process is legally binding and supersedes
formal and functional pressures exercised domestic legislation, thus significantly affect-
upon domestic administrations by the process ing the operational capacity of the state and
of European integration, there is no conver- its agents. Furthermore, this product (EU
gence. Rather, domestic administrations have policies) is frequently premised on policy
responded through their own standard operat- ideas, public philosophies and frames of ref-
ing procedures and institutional repertoires erence that differ significantly from those
(Premfors 1998).1 These responses exemplify that prevail in the domestic arena.
existing patterns of success and failure in
dealing with public policy issues. In turn,
success and failure have clear national traits. Pressures for reform
In other words, the emergence of a shared
European administrative space (where sover- The issue of the pressures that national
eignty is exercised jointly by increasingly administrations face as a result of the mem-
integrated administrations) does not imply bership of the EU is not new (Wallace 1971,
one kind of outcome (Heidbreder 2011). 1973; Davies 1973; Institut International des
Second, we highlight the fact that pressure Sciences Administratives 1990; González
for administrative reform varies across inter- Sánchez 1992). One can identify a number of
national organizations. The idea that our sources of pressure for administrative reform
sceptical view regarding ‘Europeanization’ at the national level. They are all inextricably
may apply to the impact of other organiza- linked to membership of the EU and, there-
tions on domestic administrations as well is fore, ought to be distinguished from the pres-
appealing. Nevertheless, empirical research sures for reform generated by other
is needed before a firm conclusion is reached. international organizations (see infra).
Indeed, further comparative analyses of The first pressure stems from the formula-
the impact of various types of international tion phase of the EU policy process, i.e. the

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pre-legislative/pre-proposal and agenda/ is a law-intensive organization. Knowledge

policy-shaping stages, as well as decision of the domain-specific EU (and, ideally,
taking. This is so because of the intensive national) policy, legislation and the relevant
involvement of national civil servants therein jurisprudence of the European Court of
(Kassim and Wright 1991). In quantitative Justice (ECJ) is an inherent part of the profile
terms, this type of pressure is demonstrated of the ‘perfect national administrator’ who is
by the significant number and the duration involved in the management of EU business
of the committee meetings that take place (González Sánchez 1992; Pertek 1993).
in the context of the Council of Ministers and
the European Commission (Egeberg et al.
2003: 26). In qualitative terms, this pressure
The ‘coordination imperative’
generates two types of functional impera-
tives: the recruitment and training imperative This imperative stems from the expansion of
and the coordination imperative. Both are the number of national ministries and subna-
permeated by the idea that failure to influ- tional state actors that are involved in the EU
ence the content of EU policies will generate policy process, including the implementation
increased adaptation costs, not least because of EU policies. This imperative (Wallace
of the legally binding nature of EU law. 1971; Davies 1973; Kassim et al. 2000,
2001; Peters and Wright 2001) has a horizon-
tal as well as a vertical dimension. The hori-
National civil servants and the EU zontal dimension concerns the coordinated
decision-making process activity of administrative actors of the same
level of (usually central) government that are
Unlike the domestic arena, where key admin- required to promote a coherent, specific and
istrative actors share the same frame of refer- workable set of policy ‘preferences’ expressed
ence and policy style, the role of national in a timely manner both in the various levels
civil servants in the context of the EU is more of the Council of Ministers and in the pre-
complex, not least because of the language paratory meetings organized by the
barrier, the different − and frequently com- Commission, i.e. in the agenda-setting stage
peting − national policy traditions and frames of the EU policy process.
of reference. This added complexity high- The vertical dimension of coordination
lights three types of training-related needs refers to the need for the central administra-
for national civil servants. First, there is tions of the member states to be aware of
an increased need for language training. potential and actual problems regarding the
Second, the nature of the EU decision- implementation of EU policy at street level
making process − in particular the involve- and to (1) provide the necessary means for
ment of a variable number of actors and its corrective action (in implementation) or
unpredictable pace − highlights the need for (2) devise flexible and pragmatic policies
(a) knowledge of the policy styles (and con- (in policy formulation). This need is further
tent) that prevail in other member states, enhanced by the attitude of the Commission
(b) advanced knowledge of negotiation skills that promotes the involvement of subnational
and techniques and (c) thorough knowledge authorities in the formulation and, naturally,
of ‘Community procedures’ (Polet 1999). the implementation of national plans for
Indeed, the latter is further highlighted by the regional development.2 Finally, the system
increasing use of qualified majority voting of rotating presidencies and the increasing
(QMV). QMV undermines the capacity of frequency of intergovernmental confer-
individual member states to shape the course ences place additional burdens on national
of negotiations while also highlighting the administrations (Kassim 2000: 4−5; Tallberg
need for ‘coalition-building’. Third, the EU 2003: 5).

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RESPONSES: NATIONAL PATTERNS Coordination mechanisms

Both successful and unsuccessful attempts to
change the mechanisms whereby central
How did the member states of the EU governments coordinate their policies on
respond (Debbasch 1987; Mény and Wright EU affairs (Kassim et al. 2000; Peters and
1994; Rideau 1994: 745−864, 1997; Mény Wright 2001; Dimitrova and Toshkov 2007)
et al. 1996; Rometsch and Wessels 1996; are illustrative of the national patterns of
Hanf and Soetendorp 1998; Kassim et al. institutional development. Indeed, the French
2000, 2001) to these pressures? Most of the (Lequesne 1993) and the British (Kassim
existing literature directly or indirectly et al. 2000: Ch. 1; Bulmer and Burch 2009)
emphasizes the changes brought about in models, which rely essentially on strong cen-
national administrations as a result of mem- tral mechanisms that coordinate the increas-
bership of the EU (see below). Crucially, ing number of administrative actors that are
these changes were produced despite the involved in the formulation stage of the EU
enunciation by the ECJ of the principle policy process, are widely regarded as the
of institutional autonomy (Rideau 1972) most effective systems of coordination in
whereby the member states are formally the EU. Their effectiveness relies on three
obliged to fulfil the obligations that stem essential elements, namely
from membership of the EU but remain for-
mally free to do so on the basis of their (a) the large number of coordination meetings that
own legal and administrative arrangements. bring together proactively a significant number
Nevertheless, functional pressures that result of officials in Paris and London;
from membership of the EU have eroded (b) the culture of diffusion of information that pre-
the formal autonomy of the national adminis- vails in these central administrations; and, more
trative systems. Below we discuss the pat- importantly,
terns of national administrative reform and (c) the establishment of strong mechanisms that
the mechanisms that have affected them. provide solutions to conflicts (over competence
The so-called ‘convergence/adaptation’ and policy) between ministerial departments.
thesis (Mény et al. 1996; Hanf and Soetendorp
1998; Börzel 1999) – also known as the Although the British system has been influ-
‘Europeanization’ thesis − whereby national enced by the French, it essentially relies on
administrations are thought to converge the assumptions and the wider logic that per-
towards a similar structure (or even ‘model’) meate the wider Whitehall machinery
as a result of membership of the EU is attrac- (Bulmer and Burch 2009). The three afore-
tive but not convincing. Arguably, more mentioned elements were inherent parts of
subtle and theoretically informed analyses of the manner in which Whitehall departments
administrative reform at the national level have managed government business even
(see Harmsen 1999; Kassim et al. 2000; prior to the accession of the UK to the then
2001; Goetz 2001; Page 2003) convincingly EC. Also, the success of the French system
highlight the fact that accounts for the fact that the British looked at
it in the first place. However, the compatibil-
(a) the pace of reform is slow (i.e. incremental ity of the assumptions and logic that perme-
change prevails);
ate the French and the British system of
(b) the direction of reform remains path dependent
(i.e. national administrations evolve along the
coordination explain why the latter was
lines of previously established patterns); and influenced by the former. The EU-specific
(c) learning is the mechanism that drives this proc- mechanisms, in turn, reflect wider similari-
ess whereby member states come to identify the ties in (1) the management of government
type of pressure that they face but then go on to business in London and Paris (especially
‘respond’ individually. the strong core executive) and (2) the two

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respective polities (in particular the central- ‘European’ (added emphasis) (see also Christoph
ized nature of the two states). Empirical 1993: 534).
research on other member states has high-
More importantly, a study of three Whitehall
lighted the fact that the coordination of
departments highlights the fact that ‘only
national policies on EU affairs follows ‘pre-
limited importance is attached to training
existing domestic institutional structures and
in Eurocratic skills until they are needed’
values’ (Kassim 2000: 26; Kassim et al.
but the importance of formal training for
2000, 2001).
language skills has increased (Maor and
Stevens 1997: 541−2).

The profile of the national The limits of the convergence

civil servants thesis
Incremental and path-dependent changes in Kassim, a critic of the convergence thesis,
terms of the national structures (and the notes that
interactions that take place therein) are mir-
rored by the persistence of national patterns it has an intuitive appeal. Members belonging
to the same organization are subject to common
of recruitment to the national civil service. rules, share common obligations and interact with
This is demonstrated by the slow progress common structures. Facing the same demands
made in the liberalization of access of EU and the same difficulties, it would seem logical to
nationals to the wider public sector of other suppose that their responses would also be the
member states (Commission of the European same (2000: 3).
Communities 1988; European Commission
The ‘convergence thesis’ relies on three car-
1999). However, as far as senior (policy-
dinal ideas. First, a causal link is thought to
making) posts are concerned, existing pat-
exist between membership of the EU and the
terns of recruitment remain unchallenged
convergence of national administrative sys-
(Burnham and Maor 1995). For example, the
tems towards a specific model. Arguably,
British administration is still dominated
there is very little evidence, if at all, to sup-
by Oxbridge graduates, the German, Italian
port this view. Although the administrations
and Greek administrations are still domi-
of the member states are called upon to per-
nated by lawyers, etc., while the procedures
form the same roles, a number of models
used for the recruitment remain varied
continue to exist (Rometsch and Wessels
(Ziller 1988).
1996; Kassim et al. 2001). Detailed qualita-
Furthermore, training and secondment
tive case studies of specific countries reveal
programmes that are designed to facilitate
that national administrations use their own,
the management of EU-related business
historically defined, standard operating pro-
at the national level − typically by explaining
cedures and institutional repertoires so as to
how the EU works − have not produced
manage the necessities of membership and
a systemic impact. Discussing the introduc-
remain largely unaltered. This is so because
tion of such programmes in the Scottish
Office, Smith (2001: 162) argues that while • they successfully perform their new roles3
they have (Harmsen 1999); and
• resistance to change remains strong and imple-
led to limited cultural change in the sense that mentation is undermined by conflict and the lack
they facilitated the ability of civil servants of determined, powerful and resourceful ‘fixers’
to develop working practices which met the
(Passas 1997).
demands of EC/EU membership, they did not
herald wider changes in bureaucratic emphasis or
approach. In particular, there was no identifiable The second assumption upon which the
transformation of approach from domestic to convergence thesis is based relates to one

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mechanism that is thought to drive conver- INTERGOVERNMENTAL

gence: namely, learning. Although learning ORGANIZATIONS AND DOMESTIC
does occur in national administrations (Olsen ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM
and Peters 1996), in the case of EU-related
administrative reform, it appears that it con- Pressures for domestic administrative reform
cerns the identification of the pressures stem from intergovernmental, i.e. more tradi-
that stem from membership of the EU rather tional, organizations where the erosion of
than the spread of a specific set of ideas as state power is much less evident. The funda-
to how one should deal with them. mental difference between the two types of
Third, both the convergence and the influence is that in the former case, it is an
related (wider) ‘Europeanization’ thesis − integral element of membership, without
which concerns the patterns of intergovern- necessarily being an area where the EU has a
mental relations − rely implicitly or explicitly clearly defined, specific and deliberate policy.
(Börzel 1999) on On the contrary, intergovernmental organiza-
tions have a clear policy regarding domestic
1 the idea that the source of the impetus for
administrative reform. It focuses on the dif-
change, namely ‘Europe’, is exogenous to the
member states; and
fusion of more or less specific neo-liberal
2 the so-called ‘goodness of fit’ between national principles, ideas and logics that are seen as
institutions and the EU. ‘optimal’ solutions to ‘common problems’
such as the quest for operational efficiency,
This mode of analysis calls for two com- optimal service delivery and accountability.
ments. On the one hand, it is extremely hard These pressures exhibit three cardinal
to draw a clear distinction between the features. First, their nature varies across
effects of membership of the EU and those intergovernmental organizations: whereas
of other concurrent developments upon administrative reform is a formal condition
national administrations (Christoph 1993: for the provision by the World Bank and the
535; Kassim 2000: 27). Such developments IMF of heavily needed financial assistance,
include most notably the advent of New the OECD promotes the same kind of reforms
Public Management that is promoted either through the much more subtle means of the
directly − by organizations such as the diffusion of ideas, ‘best practice’ and the
OECD (see infra) or indirectly by other provision of advice. Second, these reforms
organizations and international fora such as appear to be ‘blanket solutions’ to seemingly
the WTO (Kleitz 2001). On the other hand, ‘common problems’. Finally, they have not
the logic that underpins the argument about led to the homogenization of domestic
the ‘goodness of fit’ is inherently static since administrative structures.
it ignores the well-documented4 (Harmsen The literature on ‘isomorphism’ that stems
1999) capacity of national administrations to from sociological institutionalism and high-
perform new tasks by means of their existing lights three factors (coercion, mimetism and
standard operating procedures and institu- normative pressures) that are thought to lead
tional repertoires, which they modify mar- to increasingly similar organizational forms
ginally in an incremental and piecemeal (DiMaggio and Powell 1983) – as well as
manner. More importantly, it ignores the fact outcomes (DiMaggio and Powell 1991) −
that ‘Europe’ is not exogenous. Rather, what provides a useful organizing principle for
the EU is and what it does is largely shaped the discussion of these pressures.6 First,
by national civil servants, who (1) manage coercive pressures can be formal and infor-
EU-related business in Brussels, national mal. They essentially rely on relations of
capitals as well as at the subnational level dependence which are, by definition, asym-
and (2) are socialized into new or emerging metrical. They entail the direct or indirect
common modi operandi.5 imposition of either structures or a specific

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logic that must underpin a set of structures. on the condition that specific reforms will
Second, mimetism provides a useful rule of be implemented according to a fixed timeta-
thumb in cases where uncertainty and ambi- ble. In particular, the funds that are related to
guity reign. The ambiguity of preferences the so-called ‘adjustment lending’ − typically
and a poor understanding of a given context needed in conditions of extreme financial
or problem frequently leads decision makers pressure − are released ‘when the borrower
to choose organizational structures and logics complies with stipulated release conditions,
that imitate those found in other areas of such as the passage of reform legislation, the
activity, countries or regions. They do so achievement of certain performance bench-
because these structures are (or are thought marks, or other evidence of progress toward
to be) successful and legitimate in tackling a satisfactory macroeconomic framework’
the same or similar problems. Finally, nor- (World Bank 2001d).
mative pressures essentially rely on profes- The key characteristics of New Public
sionalization. The latter entails both the Management are present in the reforms pro-
formal education of decision makers (i.e. moted by the World Bank (2001a). Adjustment
politicians and civil servants) and the estab- lending has largely focused on short-term
lishment of networks of professionals that cost-containment measures that were part of
operate as (1) carriers of a common terminol- a wider effort to limit the public sector in the
ogy and approach to problem solving as well recipient countries − including the number of
as (2) ideas and logics which are meant to public employees, which was construed by
resolve common problems. the World Bank as an endemic problem
Our discussion in the next two subsections (World Bank 2001c), the introduction of
focuses on two intergovernmental organiza- performance-orientated budget systems, flex-
tions − namely, the World Bank and the ible civil service, increased accountability
OECD − that play a prominent role in the and fiscal transparency (World Bank 2001a:
diffusion of policies regarding administra- 46, 48). This process was underpinned by
tive reform (Jenkins and Plowden 2006) attempts to quantify policy targets as well as
on the basis of the so-called ‘New Public service delivery by means of benchmarks,
Management’. The key characteristics of and the use of fiscal performance tests
New Public Management (Aucoin 1990) (World Bank 2001c). Moreover, the estab-
include (Hood 1991: 4−5) hands-on profes- lishment of semi-autonomous bodies within
sional management in the public sector, the the public sector was also promoted. These
introduction of explicit standards and meas- bodies perform tasks previously performed
ures of performance, emphasis on output by central government departments in an
controls, disagreggation of public sector units effort to improve operational efficiency
and focus on competition and private sector through greater managerial discretion and
management styles (including a strong flexibility as well as operational autonomy
emphasis on the disciplined use of resources) from politicians’ short-term orientations
in the public sector. (typically this is the case of the regulation of
The conditional aspect of loan provision to
Isomorphism and the diffusion of countries in desperate need for funds exem-
New Public Management: the case plifies the importance of coercive isomor-
of the World Bank phism in the transfer of New Public
Management through the World Bank.
The key feature of the World Bank’s role in However, this is not the only form of isomor-
the diffusion of New Public Management phic pressure exerted by this international
amongst borrower countries is the condi- organization. Growing criticism of this
tional nature of the loans: they are disbursed ‘heavy-handed’ approach, has led the World

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Bank to develop other (much more subtle) the use of IT; human resources manage-
forms of (most notably normative) isomor- ment; regulatory management and reform;
phic pressure. This is exemplified by the territorial governance; ethics and corrup-
‘learning programmes’ that it runs which tion, etc. It also manages a large network
focus on themes such as ‘decentralization of working groups (such as the working
and governance’ (entailing the diffusion of party of Senior Budget Officials, working
knowledge about ‘a creditworthy govern- party on Human Resources Management)
ment’, ‘efficient and client-orientated service and shares the results of the existing work
delivery’ and techniques of public expendi- with interested non-member countries
ture management’), ‘controlling corruption through the Governance Outreach Initiative.
and improving governance’ as well as, more The reforms promoted by the OECD
importantly, the ‘training of trainers’ with (Cordova-Novion 2001; Matheson 2001: 6)
regard to the implementation of development focus on the enhancement of the manage-
projects (World Bank 2001b). In addition, rial autonomy of specialized regulatory
the World Bank provides ‘analytic and advi- bodies as well as the decoupling of policy
sory services’ to client countries in the form implementation and advice from policy
of ‘tailored’ economic and sectoral pro- making. Although the delegation of powers
grammes, as well as the opportunity for the to these bodies is thought to have been
establishment of ‘knowledge networks’. ‘a largely positive experience’, significant
problems have arisen (Matheson 2001: 7):
the lack of institutional clarity, the inability
Isomorphism and the diffusion of of central governments to monitor and
ideas and best practices in public control these bodies, weaknesses in the
management: the case of the OECD governance structure and reporting mecha-
nisms and difficulties in implementing
The Organization for Economic Cooperation performance management. In particular,
and Development (OECD) has since 1989 these reforms have (1) revealed an increased
developed a wide range of activities in risk of capture, (2) weakened the efficiency
administrative reform through its Public and effectiveness of the public sector and
Management (PUMA) programme directed (3) undermined the citizens’ trust (Matheson
by the Public Management Committee (and 2001: 8). Nevertheless, the intensity of the
its successor, the OECD’s Public Governance pressure for this particular type of reform is
Committee), which is composed of senior exemplified by the fact that the solutions
national officials. Its mission is to facilitate to these problems are sought in the same
the efforts of member countries, and inter- vein: the quest for a clear division of respon-
ested non-member states, regarding good sibility between the autonomous institutions
governance and public management (the and the ministries, the establishment of clear
effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and reporting mechanisms, the enhancement of a
accountability of public institutions). This ‘quasi-contractual relationship’ and enhanced
objective is pursued through fora for the capacities of audit bodies (Matheson 2001:
exchange of ideas, among government top 9−10).
officials, on how to adapt public sector gov- The OECD’s activity in this area relies on
ernance to the changing needs of the fast- continuous interactions between the mem-
moving modern world. For that purpose, bers of a large group of senior government
various materials are produced (studies, officials. Thus, it represents an example of
comparative analyses, annual reports, etc.) normative isomorphic pressure exerted on
on various policy issues, i.e. public sector member states (transfer of ideas, model solu-
budgeting and management (OECD 2002); tions, best practices, etc., among professi-
e-government, knowledge management and onals, knowledge networks/communities).

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Indeed, although senior officials of the This programme, in tandem with other
OECD do not challenge the idea that the EU actions – e.g. the Twinning Programme,
same solutions should not necessarily be benefits from the OECD/PUMA experience
implemented in differing national contexts, and expertise in administrative reform in
‘modern governance structures in fact are an order to improve results in the pre-accession
important determinant of business confi- period. Hence, this joint programme has
dence in all countries participating in the become an instrument through which the EU
globalised economies’ (Kleitz 2001: 3). In exerts coercive isomorphic pressures on the
other words, these ideas and practices are Central and Eastern Europe candidate coun-
depicted as being at least more au fait with tries. However, in these countries too, ‘reac-
the challenges of modern governance. Hence, tions and solutions do not converge’ (Lippert
even if modifications are needed, they cannot et al. 2001: 980).
and should not challenge the core principles
that underpin the ideas and practices pro-
moted by the OECD.
As far as the actual impact of those pres- CONCLUSION: RESISTANCE AND
sures is concerned, the dominant view high- CONVERGING PRESSURES
lights the fact that ‘no universal practices
exist: viability [of reforms] is related to The concept of isomorphism and a signifi-
the political, economic, administrative and cant part of the wider debate about the impact
social contexts; capacities are as important of international organizations on national
as the basic setting’ (Cordova-Novion 2001: administrative systems imply, explicitly or
14 – our emphasis). The OECD’s officials not, that membership thereof entails a grad-
are aware of the role of leadership, profes- ual process of convergence (but see, inter
sional and technical staff, capacity overload alia, Page 2003). In this chapter, we have
and corruption in the operation of reform outlined the sources and nature of these pres-
programmes (Jenkins and Plowden 2006: sures and have linked them to two different
120). In short, the picture is one of diversity types of international organizations.
rather than homogeneity. Moreover, one can We have argued that membership of the
identify other forms of (especially informal) EU entails a significant informal pressure for
coercive isomorphic pressures in the activity administrative reform. This concerns prima-
of another OECD group, the SIGMA group rily – but not exclusively − the need for coor-
(Support for Improvement in Governance dination, the improved training of national
and Management in Central and Eastern civil servants and the de facto gradual shift in
European Countries), which was established the balance of power between foreign and
in 1992, as a joint initiative of the OECD and ‘technical’ ministries. On the other hand,
the European Union, to advise transition intergovernmental organizations exert two
countries on improving good governance, kinds of pressure:
administrative efficiency and promoting
adherence of public sector staff to demo-
cratic values, ethics and respect of the rule 1 Direct pressures for the adoption of neo-liberal,
market embracing reforms. This is typically a
of law, to build up indigenous capacities
condition for the approval of loans and other
at the central governmental level to face benefits (World Bank and IMF).
the challenges of globalization and to prepare 2 Indirect pressures: the OECD is an example of an
for accession to the EU (OECD/SIGMA intergovernmental organization that performs
1998). the subtle role of a forum for the diffusion of
EU membership is conditional: it depends the principles, ideas and norms that permeate
on the implementation of these reforms. market-based reforms.

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The distinction between supranational and 2 The implication (in terms of workload and the
intergovernmental organizations has pro- need for expertise) for the staff of these authorities
is thus evident.
vided a useful organizing principle for the 3 A quantitative analysis regarding the UK has
discussion of the impact of international revealed a similar pattern (see Page 1998).
organizations upon domestic administrative 4 The same sceptical view has been shown
structures. Nevertheless, there is evidence to apply to the wider pattern of intergovernmental
that the two types of organizations exert relations. Indeed, discussing the case of Germany,
Goetz (1995) argues convincingly that European
increasingly similar pressures. Indeed, the integration has ‘tended to affirm, if not reinforce key
European Union’s strategy to embrace the structural principles of German federalism’.
candidate countries of Central and Eastern 5 National experts who are seconded to the
Europe relies on a set of principles – European Commission have been found to reflect
the ‘Copenhagen criteria’ – amongst which more ‘the primacy of departmental and epistemic
dynamics’ (Trondal et al. 2008: 270).
(1) the capacity to implement the ‘acquis 6 Also, the transfer of Western models to Central
communautaire’ and (2) the adoption of and Eastern European countries has been promoted
market economy figure prominently. These by domestic political elites who have benefited from
are conditions for membership. In that sense, it (Jacoby 2001). On the case of Brazil, see Imasato
the EU exercises a new type of direct coer- et al. (2011).
7 On the example of Turkey, see Sezen (2011).
cive pressure similar to the pressure for
reform exercised by the World Bank.7
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Public Sector Development. htm Ziller, Jacques 1988. Égalité et Mérite: L’Accès à la
World Bank 2001c. Civil Service Reform: A Review of Fonction Publique dans les États de la Communauté
World Bank Assistance. Sector study Nr. 19599. Européenne. Bruxelles: Bruylant.

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Administrative Patterns and
National Politics
Martin Lodge

Any assessment of the dynamics between 1995: 207). It is therefore difficult to differ-
administrative patterns and national politics entiate clearly between administrative and
reflects on a number of perennial debates in political functions. While, on the one hand,
the field of executive government and public the two roles are based on different concep-
administration. Foremost, it relates to differ- tions of legitimization, on the other hand, in
ent conceptions of the roles, functions and terms of functions, both roles substantially
relationship between politics and adminis- overlap.
tration. Such distinctions build on Max A second concern relates to the question
Weber’s diagnosis of the rise of bureaucratic whether observed or predicted administrative
legal rationality, which challenges other types patterns reflect commonalities across territo-
of authority, and Woodrow Wilson’s often ries. For example, claims concerning the
dismissed distinction between politics and ‘rise’ of bureaucratic rationality and commo-
administration (Wilson 1887: 209−11). The nality are often used to point to international
dichotomy between politics and administra- changes from assumed ‘public bureaucracy’
tion − where elected politicians decide towards ‘new public management’ (Aucoin
and professional administrators implement 1990), ‘regulatory’ (Majone 1994) and ‘post-
political choices and maintain political new public management’ states (Christensen
authority − continues to attract much interest and Laegreid 2008; Lodge and Gill 2011).
(Campbell and Peters 1988; Svara 2008). In contrast, studies stressing national or sec-
While the normative (liberal democratic) toral diversity point to the importance of
argument and the self-perception of politi- national institutions and veto points, political
cians and administrators seem to add weight and administrative cultures, as well as of
to the dichotomy, empirical analysis has sectoral characteristics.
pointed to an often close, although varying A third concern relates to the nature
extent of intermeshing between adminis- of administrative or bureaucratic capacity
trative and political levels and roles (Pierre in transposing political preferences and in

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formulating and adjusting state−society impact of national politics and administrative

relations: for example, in the diverse inter- patterns on policy change to highlight the
faces between bureaucracy and society, such importance of administrative patterns in
as the terms of recruitment and represen- informing the orientation of political and
tativeness, administrative coordination and policy change. Third, the changing nature
policy responsiveness (Subramaniam 2000: of the politics−administration relationship
564−68). is considered, in the light of themes of
Any attempt to account for the multi- transnationalization and ‘de-hierarchization’.
dimensional complexity of the relationship Such developments challenge the traditional
between national politics and administrative conception and study of national politics and
patterns encounters a diversity of approaches. administration relationships. The conclusion
These range from an emphasis of different emphasizes the need for a continued explora-
state and administrative traditions (Bezes tion of core questions in the way in which
and Lodge 2007; Painter and Peters 2010; the changing nature of national politics inter-
Meyer-Sahling and Yesilkagit 2011) to dis- acts with a changing nature of administrative
cussions as to how the supposed wider soci- patterns and how consequent interaction
etal value shift towards a post-industrial effects will have a transformative effect on
society creates the conditions for different existing understandings of the relationship
types of citizen demands on administrations between politics and administration.
(Inglehart 1997, 2008), differences in civil
servants’ values (Putnam 1974; Aberbach
et al. 1981; Aberbach 2003) and the creation
of new kinds of ‘validation’-type instru- NATIONAL POLITICS AND
ments, such as in performance, regulation ADMINISTRATIVE PATTERNS:
and risk management (Moran 2003; Radin CONSTRAINTS AND DISCRETION
2006; Power 2007; Lodge 2008; Roberts
2010). Other accounts focus on the impor- Among the most widely discussed themes in
tance of party political concerns, broad insti- public administration are the various means
tutional factors in exploring the relationship through which relationships between national
between national politics and administrative politics and administrations are patterned.
patterns (Hall 1986), or the influence of The asymmetric power of bureaucracies,
wider political settings in the formal models based on expertise and permanence, has tra-
of legislative delegation to executive and ditionally been associated with incomplete
other kind of agencies (Gilardi 2002; Huber political control, leading to self-interested
and Shipan 2002). bureaucratic activity, both in terms of shap-
The following attempts to highlight some ing and implementing political decisions.
of the dimensions in which traditional debates The necessities of operating within a legal-
on the politics/administration dichotomy rational code, superior resources, profession-
continue to inform analysis. It is centered alization and specialization effects are
on a discussion of civilian administration all said to have led to a ‘bureaucratization’
in the (European) developed world, given of political life (Eisenstadt 1958). Incom-
that regions’ particular exposure to ‘trans- plete political control, as suggested in the
nationalization’ effects. It is therefore less transaction−cost literature on legislative del-
concerned with transition, developmental egation to administrative bodies, points to
or military administration. ‘agency drift’, the agent’s self-selected activ-
First, this chapter assesses the different ity due to incomplete control by the political
national patterns through which public principal (McCubbins et al. 1987; Horn
administration is shaped by its setting within 1995). In contrast, the issue of ‘political
political processes. Second, it explores the drift’, the politically motivated shirking by

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legislative action at a later time period, national machinery of government, but poten-
points to methods of insulating administra- tial boundary problems between delegated
tive activity from political intervention, a ‘managerial’ responsibility and performance,
concern which had already been prominent and political responsibility, are likely to
in nineteenth-century administrative reform influence national politics.
debates. National politics also shape the way in
The so-called ‘politico−administrative which different PSB dimensions evolve − in
relationship’ (Pierre 1995: 207) is an ‘infor- turn, these changes can also have direct
mal institution’ (Helmke and Levitsky 2004) implications for national politics. The past
that is characterized both by formal arrange- decade has, for example, witnessed consider-
ments and informal understandings. This able discussion regarding reward for high
interest in both the ‘contract’ and the ‘non- public office (Hood and Peters 1994; Hood,
contractual conditions’ that underpin it, has Peters with Lee 2003). On the one hand, the
shaped the interest in different ‘role under- politics of reward for public office is exposed
standings’ (Aberbach et al. 1981) and, more to public pressures, thereby placing a partic-
recently, Public Service Bargains (Hood ular ‘cap’ on the ability of politicians in
and Lodge 2006, drawing on earlier work elected democracies to raise their salaries in
by Schaffer 1973 and Lipson 1948). At the transparent ways. On the other hand, these
heart of Public Service Bargains (PSBs) are pressures, combined with the supposed man-
the explicit and informal understandings agerialist ideas of ‘performance pay’, have
that characterize the relationship between allowed some national public servants to
public servants and the wider political sys- escape the traditional link between politician
tems in terms of duties and entitlements and public servant pay (such as in the UK
(Hood and Lodge 2006: 6; for an account and New Zealand), allowing top bureaucrats
that similarly emphasizes the importance of to increase their relative standing vis-à-vis
informal understandings, see Rhodes 2011). their own junior staff, but also to decouple
Different types of Public Service Bargains their salaries from those of their political
can be recognized at various levels of analy- masters (for UK: see Lodge 2010: 101−2).
sis. For example, broad ‘trustee’- and ‘agen- The politics of the financial crisis have, how-
cy’-type PSBs can be distinguished. The ever, also affected the reward dimension of
former establishes public servants as a quasi- the PSB, leading to a further ‘de-privileging’
autonomous part of a wider constitutional of employment safety and pension rights. In
settlement, whereas the latter points to a addition, pressures were placed on reducing
more basic principal−agent relationship in individual performance bonuses (in the
which the ‘agent’ is expected to do what their UK at least). Wider political criticism of
political masters ask (within limits). These ‘perks’ traditionally associated as a key part
PSBs emerge in different historical settings, of a bureaucratic over-a-lifetime earning’s
and establish different types of motives and package have also come under challenge.
opportunity structures for reform. At the For example, the possibility to retire early
same time, conflict over role understandings, into well-paid positions in business, such
duties and entitlements associated with dif- as the institutionalized Japanese systems of
ferent PSBs is likely to make conflict over amakudari (‘descent from heaven’, the post-
administrative patterns into a feature within career employment in businesses close to
political patterns. For example, the creation one’s former ministry) and wataridori
of executive agencies, whose chief execu- (‘migratory birds’, the ability to take on a
tives are under a ‘managerial’ agency-type series of positions in retirement) have come
PSB (expected to be capable of performing under increasing pressure. In the Japanese
to fixed targets), is not just an expression of case, the election of the DJP party in 2009
the capacity of national politics to shape the led to a ban on amakudari, although the

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availability of such positions had declined federal executive. There, debates about the
already over the past two decades in the light nature of political appointments (i.e. Are they
of growing public criticism (Japan Times, partisan ‘policy’ professionals or pure party
1 April 2009). loyalists?) peaked during the Presidency of
More broadly, reward also points to over- George W. Bush. In terms of performance,
all career expectations and the way in which studies point to an effect of political appoint-
career progression occurs within the bureauc- ment on agency performance (see Lewis
racy at large, within a single department/ 2007, 2008).
agency or corps, and/or is based on a system Expectations as to what is regarded as an
of ‘in and out’. Differences have been diag- appropriate level and type of competencies
nosed in the degree to which career patterns represent a second PSB dimension where
generate a ‘corporate identity’. Substantial politics has a direct influence on adminis-
differences exist between the US-type trative patterns (Hood and Lodge 2004).
‘government of strangers’ (Heclo 1977) Traditional distinctions have been drawn
and agency-based career patterns, the depart- between the largely ‘lawyer’-dominated fed-
mentalism of the German federal executive, eral bureaucracy in Germany, the more ‘gen-
and the increasingly diversifying ‘Whitehall eralist’ Whitehall public servant tradition
village’ (Page 1995: 261−5). Differences (despite its interest in ‘professional skills for
further exist in the extent to which public government’ and competency programs, see
servants originate in similar socio-economic Hood and Lodge 2005) and other national
and educational backgrounds, or whether competency characteristics, such as the French
recruitment takes place from a select set of corps tradition (Brans and Hondeghem 2005;
universities and/or social backgrounds (see Ingraham and Getha-Taylor 2005; van der
Goetz 1999; Page and Wright 1999). Meer and Toonen 2005; for a comparative
Questions of reward, finally, also link to perspective on actual civil service work in
politics in terms of ‘politicization’, defined drafting regulations mostly outside public
here as the type of jobs within the bureauc- view and immediate ministerial attention, see
racy that are explicitly ‘political’, and whose Page forthcoming; Page and Jenkins 2005).
attainment may be more on the basis of a Political pressures are said to have led to a
political wheel of fortune than a ‘normal’ shift in emphasis from subject-type expertise
career progression. National differences exist towards the more managerial ‘delivery’ kind
between the ‘party-neutral’ civil service sys- of skills for ‘normal’ civil servants. Traditional
tems of the UK, Ireland and Denmark and ‘skills’ of offering ministers tactical and
the more party-membership based systems policy advice are said to be increasingly
of Austria, Belgium, Greece and Spain provided by political advisors and other
(Kickert 2011). The German bureaucracy ‘thickened up’ political advice units at the
distinguishes between ‘political’ civil serv- top of ministries, whether these are the tradi-
ants (who exchange access to ministerial top tional Cabinets (also very prominent in
positions with the possibility of being the European Commission), the ministerial
‘resigned’ at any time and a good pension) Leitungsstäbe in Germany (Page and Wright
and ‘technical’ civil servants (who remain the 1999: 277−9), or the rise of politicization in
intellectual policy backbone of the federal the United States (which peaked in 1980)
bureaucracy). Despite nearly two decades (Light 1995; Lewis 2008). Donald Savoie
of attempting to ‘Weberianize’ their civil has therefore suggested that the past two
service systems (Meyer-Sahling 2011), decades or so have seen (in Canada and the
post-Communist countries are displaying a UK at least) the emergence of a ‘court gov-
considerable ‘in and out’ system that resem- ernment’ in which ministers rely on the
bles, to some extent at least, the kind of pat- advice of few personally selected ‘courtiers’
tern traditionally associated with the US rather than the ‘traditional’ civil service

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machine (Savoie 2003, 2008). Others have emergence of bureaucracies and the wider
diagnosed a growing demand for ‘boundary- political institutional setting.
spanning’ skills among top public servants to Turning to origins first, historical develop-
account for the growing significance of dif- ments that shaped the evolution of PSBs
ferentiated societies and ‘collaborative’ forms (and national administration more generally)
of governing (Williams 2002). have occurred in distinct contexts, primarily
Changes in demands on skills and compe- driven by the increasing political centraliza-
tency, as well as in reward patterns, have tion of emerging states and their need to
direct implications on the loyalty dimension organize and administer tax collection and
of PSBs. If rewards are withdrawn and the military (Mayntz 1985: 17−32). A prime
demands on competencies changed, then this example is France, with its early develop-
has immediate consequences on loyalty ment of a centralized administration in the
understandings as well (and possibly much sixteenth century, which after further reforms
wider consequences for the quality of democ- under Napoleon became an organizational
racy; see Suleiman 2003). In particular, it has ‘template’ for Continental European public
been argued that these changes have amounted administration. As in the case of Prussia,
to a ‘breaking’ of the traditional assumptions this involved the (gradual) centrally driven
that underpinned the relationship between ‘crowding out’ of previously existing local
politics and administration, leading, accord- patterns of administration, despite the per-
ing to some observers in the UK at least, to a sistence, in certain domains, of corporatist-
deterioration in the quality of government type governance arrangements. While across
(Foster 2005). Changes towards more ‘exec- the German states bureaucracies were domi-
utive’ understandings of loyalty (‘deliver or nant sources for economic and policy reform,
be fired’) are, however, said to have gone England relied largely on self-regulation.
hand-in-hand with a growing strengthening, Central government only became prominent
if not codification in some jurisdictions, of in the course of industrialization in the nine-
more traditional ‘autonomous’ understand- teenth century, without, however, following
ings of politico−administrative relationships the Continental pattern of administrative
(see Hood and Lodge 2006), with some argu- organization. Similarly, Silberman (1993)
ing that such increased use of ‘codification’ has shown that instead of witnessing a
signifies a ‘new era’ of post-managerialist unifying march of bureaucratization accord-
public administration (Christensen and ing to ‘legal rationality’, bureaucratic devel-
Laegreid 2008). More broadly, there has not opment across countries has been diversely
been a singular trend towards a decline in the path-dependent, set by the way critical
status of senior civil servants across coun- institutional design dilemmas were handled
tries, with some national bureaucratic elites at major historical turning points, in parti-
being able to preserve their status (France, cular with regard to senior civil servant
Netherlands, Sweden and Austria) more than recruitment.
others (i.e. Germany and the UK) (see Page Apart from historical trajectories, institu-
and Wright 2007: 238). tional factors more directly shape both politi-
PSBs, therefore, centrally define the terri- cal and administrative patterns. So-called
tory of mutual dependency that characterizes ‘macro-level’ factors, such as the distribu-
the politico−administrative relationship. tion of functions and responsibilities across
PSBs define what is regarded as ‘appropriate’ levels of government, differences between
or ‘cheating’, they provide for distinct oppor- and among both unitary and federal political
tunities to play ‘blame games’ (Hood 2011) systems (making national administration
and they are shaped by national politics, far more pervasive in unitary systems,
while also shaping national politics. The Page 1995: 259), the nature of the govern-
basis for PSBs lies both in the historical ment, whether single party, coalition or

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consociational, linkages of particular inter- However, the example of central banks and
ests to certain political parties, as well as regulatory agencies highlights the impor-
broad access points for lobbying and opposi- tance of an understanding both of the
tion, are significant in defining the role of ‘rational’ incentives provided by an institu-
national administrations. tional framework, and of the wider historical
At one level, such national differences and cultural setting of these institutions.
provide spaces for administrative discretion, Different regulatory institutions (such as
and establish different requirements on civil the German Federal Office) have enjoyed
servants’ political craft or competency (in far more autonomy than legally equivalent
addition to technocratic and managerial institutions (i.e. the German infrastructure
skills) in understanding and operating within regulator) due to its reputation and its ability
a national political system (Goetz 1997). to manage public perceptions. Elsewhere,
Thus, national administration in unitary sys- too, reputation rather than formal legal
tems faces fewer coordination problems in arrangement has been key to explaining both
implementing centrally formulated policy, the autonomy of particular organizations
in contrast to systems, such as Germany’s (Carpenter 2001) and the way in which
system of ‘co-operative federalism’ which organizations formulate their decisions
relies not only on the regional and local (Carpenter 2010; Maor 2010).
delivery of federal policies but also on a large
degree of executive-driven bargaining and
compromise seeking. Furthermore, apart
from different types of interest-group uni- ADMINISTRATIVE PATTERNS AND
verses and their access to the political system, POLICY CHANGE
national systems are also shaped by domi-
nant departments, for example the overarch- Closely related to the different institutional
ing role of the British Treasury in economic settings of public administration have been
and social policy, as well as by particular debates regarding the capacity for change of
sectoral agencies. administrative patterns. Public sector reform
At a broader level, political−institutional provides insights into the dynamics between
frameworks also establish the incentives for national politics and administrative patterns.
particular administrative strategies, whether This section therefore considers how politi-
in terms of different types of ‘bureau- cal demands for reform are shaped by both
shaping’ activities (Dunleavy 1991), in con- political−institutional and administrative
trast to ‘budget-maximization’ (Niskanen patterns.
1971), or in terms of the emergence of While for some, administrative and regula-
the ‘regulatory state’ (Majone 1994, 1997), tory reforms represent an eventual conver-
where budgetary constraints are said to estab- gence of forms cross-nationally, others argue
lish an incentive to maximize influence over that regulatory reforms represent ‘catching
policy content rather than expenditure. The up’ effects, similar themes which are inter-
wider political economy literature has also preted however in culturally distinct ways
stressed the importance of the institutional or represent persistent diversity due to path
and constitutional framework for explaining dependencies (Hood 2000: 3−4). Research
regulatory ‘commitment’ and ‘credibility’ on national administrative reform has there-
(Levy and Spiller 1994). Thus, particular fore stressed the significance of different
administrative patterns are chosen to insulate patterns and reform trajectories (Pollitt
against particular political influence: for and Bouckaert 2011; for an analysis of
example, by establishing semi-independent ‘agencification’ see James 2003). At the
regulatory agencies or supposedly autono- same time, the public sector reform agenda is
mous interest-rate-setting central banks. directed at clarifying (as so often before) the

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relationship between political control and suggested in the case of Britain that innova-
administrative autonomy, with the so-called tion in economic policy was primarily driven
‘New Public Management’ arguably being by political parties, while Hayward (1976),
directed at both the enhancement of manage- in his analysis of French and British civil
rial autonomy and the assertion of political servants, stressed the importance of cultural
control. Furthermore, it addresses questions values, in particular with regard to under-
as to the capacity of political leadership vis- standings of the appropriate authority of the
à-vis administrations. For example, Bezes state vis-à-vis society, in order to explain
(2001) has stressed the importance of differ- differences in civil service engagement in
ent leadership strategies for explaining dif- major policy innovation.
ferent degrees of ‘success’ in French prime Besides this interest in the impact of
ministerial attempts to reform public admin- political institutional frameworks, and wider
istration, distinguishing ineffective ‘offen- understandings of the appropriate role of the
sive’ strategies (aiming to ‘shatter’ existing state vis-à-vis society, for explaining how
arrangements) and more successful ‘defen- national politics motivate change in adminis-
sive’ (and internally generated) strategies trative patterns, other accounts regard admin-
for administrative reform. istrative patterns themselves as crucial in
The most prominent accounts for explain- facilitating and constraining innovation. For
ing how ‘politics matters’ in administrative example, Weir (1989) stresses, in particular,
and wider public sector reform have stressed the significance of administrative patterns
the importance of national political institu- in terms of recruitment patterns, career pro-
tions, given that these to a large extent define motion and standard operating procedures
the extent of political leadership, i.e. the way in order to account for differences in recep-
through which policy is formulated and tiveness to Keynesian ideas. Comparing
administered, as well as provides the oppor- the ‘Keynesian’ responses of the 1920s in
tunity structure for those affected to oppose Sweden, Britain and the United States, Weir
the policy’s implementation. It has become and Skocpol (1985) highlight the importance
popular to argue that the number of veto of the ‘openness’ of the administrative system
points in a political system explains the to external advice and the importance of
degree of a state’s capacity for policy change institutional division of ministerial responsi-
(Weaver and Rockman 1995). Such accounts bilities. Apart from different types of prior
have been employed to explain why neo-lib- education (and differences in legal educa-
eral ideas were so successful in Britain in tion), it is the type of ‘learning on the job’
contrast to other supposedly market-liberal (defined by Weber as Dienstwissen) that
governments in Western Europe in the 1980s allows for different degrees of specialization
and 1990s.1 For example, differences between and establishes different patterns of institu-
public sector reform in the United Kingdom tional memory (Page 1992: 48). Similarly,
and Germany are linked to different levels Hood (1996) has pointed to the importance
of ‘reform capacity’, with the existence of a of ‘second learning’ effects from British
unitary state with single party government civil servants moving from one domestic
arguably offering more scope for reform public sector reform to another. While
at the UK level, whereas German adminis- political motivations and preferences are
trative reform has, for constitutional reasons, therefore clearly crucial in motivating change,
primarily occurred at the ‘delivery end’ the context of existing administrative pat-
of public administration: namely, local terns is not only likely to shape the extent
government. of reform ambitions and opportunities
Others have concentrated on different types but also the nature of such policy change,
of incentives provided by national political with bureaucracies displaying substantial
institutional systems. Hall (1986: 273−6) capacity to internally generate and manage

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reform processes. Whether, however, these which politicians with motive face different
findings will be replicated in the eventual type of ‘opportunity structures’ to pursue
studies of the financial and sovereign their strategies. Rather, administrative pat-
debt crises that have affected much of the terns, given the nature of relationships and
OECD world since 2008 will require future participants, shape which options are avail-
analysis. able. Furthermore, ongoing administrative
More recent accounts have noted that patterns develop their own politics, for exam-
administrative patterns and national politics ple, through processes defined as drift or
are, however, only one part of the relational layering where the patterns themselves gen-
patterns that shape the way in which market erate items that appear on political agendas.
economies develop. In particular, the ‘varie-
ties of capitalism’ literature has pointed
to the significance of patterns within the
economy itself that shape the way in which CHANGING ADMINISTRATIVE
public policies are able to have an effect PATTERNS AND NATIONAL POLITICS
(Hall and Soskice 2001; Croch 2005; Streeck
2009). This has given rise to distinctions Existing administrative patterns and the
between coordinated and liberal market selection of policy instruments are said to be
economies (and, later on, state-led market shaped by the dominant national ‘policy
economies, Schmidt 2009). This literature’s style’ (Jordan et al. 1982). The notion of
concern is with relationships between poli- policy styles refers to a dominant procedural
tics, administrative patterns and policy tra- ambition which reflects the preferred choice
jectories − they also highlight the growing of instruments and mirrors normative values
significance of continuous change rather than in how to achieve accommodation. The
stable continuity intercepted by rare ‘critical notion of ‘style’ in this context relates to
junctures’. Such concepts include ‘drift’ national preferences for particular adminis-
(where environmental change paired with trative patterns and policy instruments.
non-decision making leads to an increasing Similarly, Linder and Peters (1989) suggest
qualitative change of the policy interven- that political culture shapes the degree of
tion), ‘layering’ (where ‘new’ polices are acceptance of a population to the imposition
added to existing ones), ‘displacement’ (the of particular measures of centralized govern-
removal of old rules and their replacement ment intervention. They highlight that par-
with new ones), ‘conversion’ (the use of ticular organizational features are of crucial
existing institutions for a different purpose) importance for understanding the appropri-
and ‘exhaustion’ (breakdown and failure) ateness or non-appropriateness of particular
(Mahoney and Thelen 2010; see also Streeck policy choices, which besides reflecting on
and Thelen 2005). The unwillingness, for the internal organizational predisposition
example, of political actors within the US towards particular measures also relate to the
political system to adjust policy is said to character of the ‘target population’ and to the
have led to ‘drift’, with considerable conse- surrounding policy network. For example,
quences in terms of the declining responsive- Vogel (1986) has pointed to the significance
ness of the political system to preferences of of cultural aspects when comparing the coop-
the ‘median voter’ within the United States erative enforcement style in environmental
(see Hacker and Pierson 2010): the ‘winner- regulation in Britain with the adversarial
take-all’ economy is, according to Hacker process in the United States. The notion,
and Pierson, a result of the ‘winner-takes-all’ however, that we can distinguish between
character of the political system. different ‘national’ styles has, however,
In other words, the relationship between become also increasingly contested, espe-
politics and administration is not just one in cially in the consideration of how ‘risk’ is

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being accommodated in national and tran- Among these attempts to sustain legitimacy
snational policy settings. Debates about are instruments such as delegation or
whether US approaches towards risk regula- negotiation, which potentially challenge tra-
tion have displayed a less precautionary ditional interaction patterns between admin-
approach than European ones have pointed to istration and societal actors. This section
the temporary political origins of much these looks first at issues of transnationalization
styles, with some analysis suggesting that (focusing on EU member states), before turn-
there has been a ‘flip flop’ of approaches ing to issues of de-hierarchization. Both
over time, whereas others find no dominant advance the complexity of the relationship
‘national’ style at all (Wiener and Rodgers between national politics and administrative
2002; Vogel 2003; Wiener 2003; Kagan patterns.
2007). Such debates about national patterns The perceived transnationalization of
(and other national first-level approxima- administrative patterns relates to several
tions, such as ‘national’ varieties of capital- commitments through which national states
isms) highlight the inherent tensions in have traded in parts of their formal sover-
seeking to formulate generalizations when eignty in order cooperate in international or
faced with domain-specific dynamics (Lütz regional agreements, the most prominent
2004). Thus, any wider understanding of being membership of the European Union.
administrative patterns and their relationship While the logic of ‘delegation’ is often asso-
to national politics needs also to include soci- ciated with functional dynamics, such as
etal actors and their involvement in both the enhanced problem-solving capacity, the
formulation and delivery of policy within impact of membership on national politics
particular policy domains or sectors. and administrative patterns is characterized
Two developments are said to increasingly in cross-national perspective both by com-
challenge traditional interaction patterns monalities of interests and by diversity of
between national politics and administrative responses.
patterns: transnationalization and de-hierar- Membership in the EU requires diplomatic
chization. Both developments challenge the skills and institutional arrangements for
centrality of the state and its capacity to act effectively representing and negotiating with
in a ‘sovereign’ way in its internal or external other member state administrations. It also
affairs. On the one hand, national administra- demands the capacity to transpose and imple-
tions are increasingly exposed to transna- ment transnational provisions and to monitor
tional themes, in particular in the context of their implementation. A further aspect is the
the European Union, where in some areas administration of EU provisions given the
national economic regulation merely repre- European Commission’s reliance on national
sents the transposition of EU provisions, (and subnational) administrations in the exe-
especially in internal market and agriculture- cution of its policies. These activities have
related fields (see Müller et al. 2010). meant that large areas of national public
On the other hand, national politics are administration have increasingly come to
said to be increasingly required to obtain the operate at both the national and the EU
consent of particular stakeholders for initiat- level. Wolfgang Wessels (1997) claims that
ing policy in particular domains. Thus, in the this tendency has led to an ‘administrative
light of increasing difficulties in obtaining fusion’, with civil servants no longer distin-
societal legitimacy for particular policy guishing between their national and
measures, new means of legitimization are EU-related activities. Such fusion effects are
required which move beyond the tradition- likely to have increased, given the growing
ally distinct national administrative patterns emphasis on the creation of ‘regulatory net-
of interaction with interest groups and works’ over the past decade. This fusion,
associations (see Page 1992: 108−19). however, operates largely within established

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national administrative and political patterns, So far the analysis has assumed that admin-
thus leading to a Europeanization of policy istrative patterns define the activities of
content and a potential change in the alloca- public administration. However, it is not nec-
tion of legal authority, but not necessarily in essarily a new insight that administration,
terms of structure. For example, Bulmer and both in terms of policy formulation and
Burch (2005) point to the absorption and implementation, involves both ‘public’,
rearrangements of the Whitehall machinery ‘para-public’ and ‘private actors’: for exam-
to deal with the requirements of transposi- ple, churches in health care, corporatist
tion. A similar diagnosis has been made by arrangements between trade unions, employ-
Goetz (1995) in the case of German federal- ers and governments in macro-economic
ism. At the policy level, however, the interac- policy in the 1970s or more recently in
tion between EU policies and national ‘social pacts’ (Avdagic et al. 2011), industry
administrations is leading to a diversity of associations in standard setting (Werle
responses and ‘worlds of compliance’ due to 2001) or proposals favoring ‘faith-based’
different degrees of coercion, adaptation policies. The degree to which interest
pressures and incentive structures (Knill groups influence or dominate administrative
1998; Héritier et al. 2001; Falkner et al. patterns depends on the problem constella-
2005). Other studies of transposition records tion, the distribution of costs and benefits
(called ‘compliance’ in the literature) also (Wilson 1980) as well as on national
point to different patterns across and within traditions.
countries − which suggest no clear relation- Thus, Wilson (1980) has suggested that
ships between national political and adminis- the distribution of costs and benefits between
trative patterns and transposition record affected interest groups largely determines
(Falkner et al. 2005; Falkner and Treib how policy is developed, with a pattern
2008). In general, the level of adaptation of concentrated costs and diffuse benefits
requirements depends on the institutional fit most likely to lead to a ‘clientelist’ relation-
between national administrative patterns, in ship between a particular interest and
particular the embeddedness and degree of the responsible bureaucracy. Interaction
flexibility of the existing national arrange- between interest groups and bureaucracies
ments, interest mediation, party political varies accordingly across sectors, but also
preferences and EU measures. across countries. Thus, the United States is
Besides this transnationalization of arguably characterized by a trend towards
administrative activity, for national politics, ‘issue networks’, with a strong influence of
transnationalization of government activity particular interests in certain domains; in
places a constraint on pursuing particular Germany, there is still a reliance on the estab-
options, either due to the formal require- lished associations for consultation and
ments of European law or because of the implementation; Sweden has been character-
enhanced potential for regulatory competi- ized by technocratic concertation; and in
tion within the Single Market (Scharpf France, the administration is said to stand
1999). The latter is said to limit the ability aloof from the partiality of interest groups.
to impose costly policy options on poten- While to some extent this national variation
tially mobile constituencies. On the other in terms of ‘negotiable space’ can be explained
hand, politics at the EU level provide national by the organization of the national interest
politics with an additional level to pursue group universe and the (declining) power of
strategies: for example, by allowing them associations over member companies, par-
to ‘export’ particular policy ‘solutions’ or ticular concertation styles and the extent to
by aiming to initiate policy change, which which political authority is shared are a con-
would potentially be vetoed at the domestic sequence of historical developments: for
level. example, the (transformed) persistence of

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guild structures or state−church relations and to what extent administrative patterns in

(Crouch 1993). terms of governance mechanisms are chang-
Despite these historical precedents, politi- ing and how deep such changes are, whether
cal actors are arguably increasingly required, these are changing in similar ways and
in order to obtain legitimacy for their activi- whether these are changing for similar or
ties, and to receive the consent of particular opposite reasons (see Hood et al. 2004).
actors inside certain policy domains. The Furthermore, while it is widely argued that
primary cause for this perceived increase in there has been a shift from hierarchical to
need to accommodate domain-based organi- network and market-type modes of govern-
zations is said to rest in the functional dif- ance, such tendencies also include so-called
ferentiation of society, which challenges the reverse and mirror-image effects (for UK,
primacy of politics, and in the perceived see Hood et al. 1999). An historical institu-
increase in complexity of policy problems tional perspective would suggest that existing
that require involvement of experts. This administrative patterns and wider political
perceived change in national politics towards institutional frameworks shape the way in
negotiation also requires change in adminis- which both political as well as administrative
trative patterns and competencies, moving actors operate under these diagnosed chang-
towards an emphasis on coordination and ing conditions, what type of responses
negotiation rather than ‘traditional’ executive they prefer and what type of ‘new’ modes
acts, for example, in environmental policy.2 will be regarded as most ‘appropriate’ and
Thus, political as well as (public) administra- ‘functional’.
tive activity is said to be increasingly con-
cerned with interaction and negotiation
between political, administrative and large
societal organizations (Windhoff-Héritier COMPARING ADMINISTRATIVE
1996; Klijn et al. 2010) and requires increased PATTERNS AND NATIONAL POLITICS
incentive setting and ‘tipping of balances’
rather than hierarchical acts of government. Arguably one of the key difficulties in com-
Given this increased importance of nego- paring administrative patterns is their national
tiation as a key political and administrative and sectoral distinctiveness. This diversity
tool to achieve compliance, increased atten- has generated a number of ‘varieties’, high-
tion has been paid to administrative and lighting distinct patterns (see Page 1992 who
political steering devices that go beyond the points to six European varieties). Despite the
‘traditional’ tools of hierarchy and market perceived presence of supposedly ‘global’
(see also Streeck and Schmitter 1985; Mayntz pressures, the supposed convergence of polit-
and Scharpf 1995). These studies point to ical platforms as well as the rise and fall of
the considerable self-steering capacity of doctrinal fads and fashions in administrative
non-state actors (within and beyond the design (and subsequent organizational rear-
national level), but they also highlight the rangements), the responses by public admin-
residual powers of political and administra- istrations have arguably been the replication
tive actors to shape these ‘decentred’ policy of diversity rather than emerging conver-
settings in which state-based actors play no gence, in particular due to immediate ‘local’
privileged role. political needs, coupled with the institutional
Nevertheless, besides normative questions inertia caused by embedded standard operat-
which debate the political legitimacy of ing procedures, strictly guarded distributions
domain-based governance and the privileged of authority, constitutional and historical
access of partial interests in the context of a functions and dominant ‘policy styles’.
further ‘de-parliamentarization’ of national Across national contexts, similar problems
policy making, less is known about whether and challenges highlight not so much the

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dichotomy between politics and adminis- and discontinuities and complexification

tration, but rather relate to problems inherent and differentiation.
to the so-called administrative state, which This chapter has aimed to point to the
has been defined as a political system largely increasing difficulty in clearly defining not
governed by the bureaucracy but with elected only the borders between politics and
officials ultimately responsible for public (public) administration in the context of mul-
policy (Pierre 1995: 207). Nevertheless, how tilevel governance but also to what extent
the systems respond to shared concerns societal actors are part of political and admin-
and deal with similar issues, for example, istrative arrangements in diverse areas of
the perceived increase of political control policy making and implementation. The chal-
attempts over administrations, the way in lenge for comparative public administration
which administrative and wider public is to combine an awareness of these cross-
sector reform have been and are continued national trends and tendencies, while at the
to be implemented and the operation of same time accounting for differences, and
both administration and politics at different locating both in the formal and the
levels, offer grounds for genuine com- historical−cultural context of the particular
parative research. Furthermore, extending object of study. A further task is to explore
the analysis of the relationship between the causes and strategies that sustain particu-
national politics and administrative patterns lar patterns of public authority. Apart from
within the administrative state to issues exploring traditional concerns with regard to
of policy change, transnationalization and public sector recruitment, the receptiveness
de-hierarchization adds to the challenges and interaction between administration and
to a literature which has evolved from the society, implementation patterns and internal
analysis of relationships within individual administrative arrangements (Subramaniam
states. 2000: 564), such accounts start from com-
As intellectual curiosity moves beyond monly observed phenomena (for example,
path dependency (Pierson 2000), the contem- public sector reform or the transposition of
porary challenge is to explore the processes legislation) and investigate how and why
of incremental change and challenges to particular political and administrative factors
and alterations in informal understandings mattered cross-nationally; or they can utilize
within supposedly stable patterns. Such particular analytical concepts and ‘ideal
changes occur because of the introduction of types’ to investigate how different systems
different logics into administrative practice, process and update their administrative and
the demands of a differentiating society policy performance ‘intelligence’, address
(and media) on public administration and particular problems of the relationship
the demands to address ‘transboundary crises’ between politics and administration or aim to
(Boin 2009). A further challenge has been ‘hardwire’ particular administrative design
the interaction between well-established ideas. Such approaches allow for the extrac-
policy instruments and modes and the import tion of salient features of different adminis-
of ‘foreign’ ideas, such as ‘audit’ and ‘certifi- trative patterns and the impact of national
cation’, which have challenged traditional politics and highlight how they matter.
exercises of bureaucratic discretion (Lodge Whereas these suggestions are far from
and Wegrich 2011). In other words, beyond establishing a universal theory of the dynam-
the ‘national’ characteristics that derive from ics between national politics and administra-
long-established relational patterns, there is tive patterns (and might be an expression of
a diagnosed complexification not just of cultural bias), they, nevertheless, inform
administrative patterns but also of hybrid wider debates within public administration
policy approaches. The challenge therefore is and political science, while being attentive
to explore the causes of national continuities to the changing environment in which the

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Administrative Reform
edited by Theo A.J. Toonen

REFORM conventions of behaviour which describe the

organizational means of public services.
Reform is about bringing about change.
More so, reform is about the promise of This implies that administrative reform is
bringing innovation and, hopefully, improve- about improvements suggested or improve-
ment. Reform is about becoming better ments made. Reform is, on the one hand,
through the removal of faults and errors or by about PA: ideas, visions, analytical concepts
abolishing or correcting malpractice, espe- and theoretical promises. The debate on
cially of a moral or political or social kind. administrative reform is a debate on con-
Reform is therefore about values and quality. cepts, models and ‘paradigms’ of reform: the
Administrative reform is about the adminis- way to look at and understand actual or pro-
trative quality, constituted by administrative posed reforms; the ‘theory’ or focus of
values, of public sector institutions, of public reform. Reform is, on the other hand, about
policy decision-making processes and of p.a.: deeds, realizations, empirical develop-
public organization and management. ments, actual activities and achievements
within a broad spectrum of institutional
arrangements for public services delivery.
Reform is a debate on the art and nature of
Public administration the empirical subject matter of administrative
We follow the definition of Public reform in any specific context or episode –
Administration provided by the Blackwell the p.a. locus of reform.
Encyclopaedia of Political Institutions:1 Generalized studies of the focus of
reform – the idea, concept, proposed policy –
Public administration In the lower case (p.a.) are more common than detailed and on the
institutional arrangements for the provision of ground studies of the locus – implementation
public services; in the upper case (P.A.), the
and impact – of reform. The latter has
study of those arrangements. ‘Institutional arran-
gements’ is a general term to denote the complex often stayed more casuistic and (country)
of agencies, authorities and enterprises, the case specific. The internationalization of PA
formal rule structures, mixes of instruments, and and p.a. is gradually ‘reforming’ this and

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strongly encouraging and enabling compara- Concept and process

tive studies in public sector and public admin-
istration reform. Many studies and reports Reform is about content and process.
claim to address the issue of reform, whereas Different types or visions of reform may be
actually they concentrate on the pros and and have to be distinguished. Yet, there is
cons or the feasibility of the timely and fash- no uniformly accepted language, conceptu-
ionable concept, approach or ‘paradigm’ of alization or categorization of types of
reform in any given episode or for any given reform, inside or outside the field of Public
cluster of administrative systems or region Administration. Many differences in vision
of countries. Many criticisms of the public or definition, however, may be attributed to
administration practice are often gauged in either differences in a focus on content
terms of a criticism – or support – of the cur- of reform or reform movements – in terms
rent paradigm of reform, without studying of core values, goals and programmes – or to
and analysing empirically the functional and differences in a focus on the process
operational challenges at hand in any given of reform – in terms of the distinction
system, the degree to which this paradigm between (mechanistically) ‘planned’ versus
has become a reality or is de facto being (organic) ‘emerging’ change in many analy-
pursued in practice at all. tical guises – or to conceptual uses of a
As a consequence, people often think the specific combination of both.
realities of public administration in terms of The underlying debate is not so much
a locus of action have changed because the on the difference between ‘Change’ and
conceptual language of PA in terms of a ‘Reform’, as on the way administrative sys-
focus of research has changed. Subsequently, tems change. It is a matter of theoretical
they are often disappointed with the reform, choice, rooted in deep historical visions and
when research uncovers that reality has doctrines on how administrative systems
changed less – or differently – than the con- change, whether reform is or has to be seen
cept or focus of reform indicated. Because as a matter of conscious and intentional (cen-
of the preoccupation with the conceptual tral) planning and reorganization, or whether
level of reform, it may also be the case that it is part of more evolutionary, dispersed
reform and transformation of public adminis- and internally dynamic processes of adapta-
tration goes undetected if the concepts and tion and transformation. Elements of design,
language of PA in a given period or country planning and deliberate choice can be under-
stay the same. There are still few studies stood from a perspective of reform policy in
available, that cover the ‘Whole of the a singular governmental or organizational
Reforms’ – the interrelationship of concep- context, as well as deliberate changes in and
tual reforms, implemented reforms, reform of the structures, processes or procedures of
of government, reform within government, public sector organizations by the systems −
reform at various levels of government (cen- and systems of systems − of distributed gov-
tral, regional, local) – in various countries, ernance that have been emerging, or at least
administrative systems or regions over a become more visible with the development
longer time span. This is increasingly impor- of the inter- and transnational Network
tant, since the debate on administrative Society. Global and technological develop-
reform from a neo-managerial perspective ments have required many formerly sover-
now easily covers a continued time span of eign national states to implement reforms
three decades, but only addresses one aspect which they did not plan for and which are
or domain of administrative reform. From a being designed in the process of participa-
PA perspective, public sector or administra- tion, as we are witnessing again in events
tive reform is best understood as a long-term, unfolding in the European Union and the
multidimensional event; certainly not a punc- Arab Spring at the time of writing these
tuated equilibrium. essays (but which both are way beyond the

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scope of this part of the Handbook). In the theory could be to provide a more balanced
context of global transformation, it is a and contingent overview of modes and
matter of definition, not ‘truth’, whether one models of reform, their contradictions and
wants to use a broader, holistic or a more complementarities. From a PA point of view,
restricted selective and focused understand- the quality of government is a multifaceted
ing of ‘reform’. In the latter case, one has to phenomenon, the debate on which has a
accept that there is much transformation long history and tradition in the field of
without reform, and much reform without both academic Public Administration (PA)
transformation. In the first case, one has to as the praxis of government and public
deal with the fact that reform is multileveled, administration (p.a.).
multiscaled, multifaced and close to a never-
ending story. There might not be a public
management for all seasons; there is a Public
Administration for all seasons, which requires ORGANIZATION OF PART 11
permanent adapation to changing historical,
technological, economic or environmental Chapters 36−38 try to provide an exploratory
circumstances. overview in a complementary way. Theo
Toonen addresses the analytical, conceptual
and theoretical aspects − the aspect of
conceptual focus − and treats the overall
Concepts and outcomes developments in administrative and public
Reform is about promise and performance. sector reform in the Western world from the
Reform, by definition, has to be subject to broader perspective of the field of Public
cycles and fashion. Administrative concepts Administration. The next two chapters are
symbolize administrative practices and policy more locus oriented. Tom Cristensen and
consequences. Changing governmental, Per Lægreid describe and analyse the reforms
market or third-sector practice often has to in Western Democracies over the past few
start by changing symbols, labels and con- decades, which implies they have to focus
cepts. Ideas are powerful reform tools. The strongly on the New Public Management
call for or announcement of ‘Reform’ is often (NPM) reform movement and the reforms
a highly politicized response to a socially in the aftermath of NPM. Tony Verheijen
undesired practice, disaster or crisis. The addresses the development of the reform of
debate on reform is constantly walking the public administration in the context of the
thin line between substantial impact and transitional systems of the post-communist
hollow rhetoric. countries in Central and Eastern Europe,
Many reform movements and reform which means he has to deal with a holistic
efforts are value loaded or have an ideologi- reform perspective, where not so much NPM
cal nature and background. ‘Reform’ is also but traditional Continental public administra-
a political and economically profitable indus- tion seems to be in its aftermath. All three
try. It is a marketplace for advisers, consult- chapters try to provide some lessons and
ants, academics and politicians alike. Each directions for the future comparative study of
has the incentive to underscore the innova- administrative reform in the various mean-
tive, unique and distinct character of the ings of the concept.
proposed or opposed model of reform. From
a broader PA perspective, these different
reform movements, reform paradigms, or NOTE
reform processes do not necessarily contra-
dict each other. They may very well address 1 Vernon Bogdanor (ed.), The Blackwell
different and complementary aspects of Encyclopaedia of Political Institutions (Oxford,
public sector governance. A mission for PA 1987), p. 504.

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5768_Peters & Pierre-36.indd 564 7/19/2012 5:18:44 PM
Administrative Reform: Analytics
Theo A.J. Toonen

DEVELOPMENTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE Schick, 1996) – another Westminster-type

REFORM government system. Now, 20−30 years down
the road, however, the NPM reforms should
A superficial glance at reform activities in hardly have to serve anymore as the sole
the ‘Western world’ over the past two to three analytical yardstick from which to approach
decades might easily give the impression the study of administrative reform in the
that in the 1980s, continued into the 1990s, public sector.
way into the 2000nds many countries, irre- The picture started to even out in the
spective of their political and administra- course of the 1990s. Those studying public
tive systems, embarked upon a similar type management reforms gradually came to
of public sector reform: some sooner, others observe the diversity rather than the uniform-
later. In the first half of the 1990s there was ity of the reform (Flynn and Strehl, 1996: 4;
much talk of a ‘global paradigm shift’ in the Naschold, 1996; Toonen, 1997; Pollit and
approach of government and governance Bouckaert, 2000). People working in the tra-
(Aucoin, 1990; Lane, 1993; Chandler, 2000). dition of public organization and manage-
The concept of a New Public Management ment studies in Public Administration (PA)
(NPM) began to dominate the academic and came to stress the long-term structural conti-
policy debate on administrative reform for a nuities underlying subsequent varieties of
long time to come. public management, old and new (Lynn,
For right or wrong (Wright, 1994: 109), in 2006). Different countries, administrative
much of the literature on reform the case of systems or institutional contexts, generated
England of the 1980s, after all these years, different forms and patterns of reform, par-
still stands out as the unrivalled model in ticularly in terms of actual impact on govern-
terms of deliberate design, reception and mental structure, policy or output. Consensus
implementation of the neo-managerial types democracies turned out to pair ‘gentle democ-
of reform of the late twentieth century. The racy’ to performance but were typically slow
only other country that seems to meet the to reform in the process (Lijphart, 1994,
English model on equal footing, if not more 1999). Many of the Continental systems do
radically, is New Zealand (Halligan, 1996; have long ‘management’ traditions, be it that

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the managers are not ‘generalists’, but often stages of regional and even global competi-
lawyers or professionals with a technical tion. This triggered the evolution of new
or engineering background. A professional, forms of multilevel governance (MLG)
no-nonsense, business-like, pragmatic and across scales of social, political, economic
practical approach to government and and cultural organization. New forms of
administration has for ages been by far the interactive, intergovernmental and collabora-
most popular approach within the practice tive public management emerged (Benz,
of (Continental) European public adminis- 1995; Peters and Pierre, 2001). The tradi-
tration. The idea was that professionals tional arenas of political action − political
had to acquire what Max Weber called parties, national parliaments, local and
Dienstwissen – generalized but practical regional councils − lost much of their former
rather than theoretical (mba; mpa; mpp) shape, position and meaning in the context of
knowledge about how to run – manage – a the changing − sovereign − nation-state in its
government. traditional form. This affected political−
A business and market-oriented − ‘mana- administrative relationships (Peters and
gerial’ − approach to government advocated Pierre, 2001). The mission of reform in vari-
by several government leaders as the way out ous countries became to try and reconnect
of the economic and public sector crisis of the state to its citizens. A client orientation in
the 1970s and early 1980s was (1) not new public service alone was clearly not suffi-
and (2) did not necessarily lead to a prefer- cient to do the job. New forms of governance
ence for markets over governments. A and management − regulatory, reflective,
one-to-one relationship between managerial participatory and interactive − spurred reform
reform and a realized ideological ambition at the various levels within administrative
of ‘rolling back the state’ has still to be systems. Emerging international notions of
demonstrated. The question of what govern- human rights, social inclusion and exclusion,
ment ought to do has to be divorced from the sustainability, cost recovery, natural resource
question how government manages its affairs. scarcity or socially responsible entrepreneur-
Many countries, particularly the former ship have become just as important in effec-
North-Western European welfare states, did, tively reforming the nature and content of
in varying degrees, roll back the state: not by public management at the operational level
managerial reform, and not necessarily from of ‘the business of government’.
an ambition to reduce the power of govern- The call for ‘reform’ in the public sector
ment in society. More often, budgetary has hardly weakened over time. Rather than
motives and a need to cut back public the steady state, administrative reform seems
expenditure in recurrent cycles of growth and to have become the standard. In the slip-
austerity provided reason and necessity. stream of a credit crunch, steep global reces-
Pressures and processes of European integra- sion and Euro crisis, it has actually gained
tion did the rest. Not only in Europe, the force again. From a PA perspective, the neo-
formerly ‘sovereign’ nation-states of the managerial approach to government and gov-
postwar period were facing strong and inter- ernance has precisely been what it was: a
national transformational forces by the end neo-managerial approach. Organization and
of the twentieth century (Kennett, 2008; Management studies constitute a strong and
Camilleri and Falk, 2009). The functional classical tradition within the field of PA, as
challenges and opportunities of an ‘autono- do institutional analysis, policy studies and
mous’ change in international economic decision-making analysis. The NPM para-
environment (globalization; Europeanization) digm over time developed from a locus into a
and technological context (ICT, informatiza- focus of research: an analytical, sometimes
tion, mediatization), required − and enabled − implicit and often normatively treated model
a gradual transformation. Urban regions and from which to look at, assess or criticize the
their administrative systems entered new advantages and disadvantages of the status

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quo or ongoing reform processes and − ‘never waste a good crisis’ runs the risk of
movements. As a consequence, but often leading to a confusion of crisis and emer-
unintentionally, observers for a long time gency management, on the one hand, with
seemed happy to overlook historical and reform or transition management, on the
spectacular examples of administrative public other. The requirements of both tend to run in
sector reform. The German unification, the opposite directions: control vs change, stead-
Italian wars on corruption, the French decen- iness vs willingness towards ‘destructive
tralization, Spanish economic consolidation creativity’. But this phrase refers to a simple
efforts or the early stages of Belgian feder- truth: without external pressure, chances for
alization (‘state-reform’) at the beginning of effective reform, to even get started, are slim.
the 1990s are just a few examples, not to Hidden reforms are many, but are a neglected
mention the building of a European Union area of research. They are usually embedded
(EU) with all its reformative consequences in the government by anonymous numbers in
(Toonen, 1992). Today, it would be difficult the rank and file of the administrative system
to contest that European integration, for (Page, 2001).
better of for worse, has been one of the forces Publicly legitimizing reform facing the
to bring about more administrative reform at vested interest (‘stakeholders’) of the status
the legal, financial, political and operational quo is an important act. International devel-
levels of government in its region than could opments, or ‘Europe’ (or formerly the acquis),
possibly be attributed to any managerial or have consistently been used to legitimize
other administrative revolution. reform and overcome resistance, until the
argument was worn out. Apart from (preven-
tion of) war, by far the most persistent and
pressing challenge has been the call for eco-
VARIETY OF ADMINISTRATIVE nomic reform in the face of recession, crises
REFORM and ongoing shifts in the world economy.
Cutting back expenditure was a major goal of
Given the changing scenery of international the reforms of the 1980s. It has again become
public administration over the past 20−30 a crucial concern to many countries around
years, understanding the variety and dynam- the world. Rather than the promise of effi-
ics of administrative reform is becoming key. ciency and increased productivity implied by
Six different, but interrelated dimensions the promise of managerial reform, more exis-
need to be taken into account: (1) challenges, tential issues of external competition or the
(2) values, (3) governance, (4) design, very survival of the (financial banking)
(5) power and (6) impact of the reform (cf. system, had to be called into arms to get the
Castels and McKinlay, 1979; Hesse and job done of getting started and getting on
Benz, 1990; Toonen, 2001). These fields do with the business of reform.
not stand in a linear, but in a complex, inter- For seeing the actual reform, in compara-
nally dynamic relationship. Much like the tive terms, one often has to look at different
plane geometry of a Rubic’s Cube, a move in parts of the system, depending on state of
the right direction in one domain often cre- departure and institutional legacies. In sys-
ates problems or opportunities in another, tems where government is an instrument
giving administrative systems little chance of of civil society for the provision of public
achieving a stable, permanent equilibrium. services − the Anglo-American tradition −
the managerial levels and approaches within
the governmental structure might be a well-
Challenges advised starting point. In the development of
the British welfare state, the non-executant role
Different countries are facing different of central government was translated into
challenges at different times. The phrase to strong executive powers for local authorities.

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This made them in the 1980s the predictable of the public domain (Künneke, Groenewegen
target for any effort to ‘roll back the state’. In and Auger, 2009).
other countries, policy domains and their −
neo-corporatist relations with − third-sector
organizations were the more likely, but Values
no less easy ‘victims of reform’. In a
Continental welfare state system it makes Reform is about changing things for the
more sense to have a look at social policy better. Next to rights and interests, reform
sectors rather than management levels: is about values, norms and principles. Very
changes in the volume of public expenditure, often it is not helpful merely to rely on
welfare schemes, policy savings programs stated goals and purposes. Administrative
or reduction of social policy entitlements and public sector reforms are certified
will do the job. The content, visibility and domains for sweeping political symbolism
nature of administrative reform are strongly and bureaucratic rhetoric. They have to
determined by the nature and location of be. Communicative skills are important in
the functional challenges at hand perceived many a process of reform. The language
through the eyes of the system, not the differs from era to era. One encounters simi-
observer. lar types of goals and values, which, upon
The gradual deployment of previously close inspection, often reveal quite a differ-
unknown and non-existent information and ent operational meaning. The same political
communication technologies, social media goals and administrative values may give
and knowledge-sharing devices has dramati- rise to different activities and programs,
cally reformed the condition of publicness, dependent on time and place.
confidentiality, secrecy, and knowledge and Different reconstructions of administrative
information monopolies, long-time charac- theory (Ostrom, 1973; Henry, 1986 (1975);
teristics of public civil service and manage- Toonen, 1983; Bogason and Toonen, 1998)
ment of the public sector (Gleick, 2011). and of administrative argument (Hood and
Emerging global regional markets have Jackson, 1991) are rather consistent in the
eroded former ‘natural’ public service type of administrative values, which over
monopolies in areas of energy, (public) trans- time have to be taken into account in judging
portation, telecommunications, mass com- the administrative quality of government.
munications, broadcasting, postal services Hood (1991) has aptly summarized the
and public health. The technological devel- debate in terms of three ‘families’ of related
opment towards light and flexible infrastruc- administrative core values.
ture, smart grids, sensing technology and
intelligent metering has reformed and will Responsiveness and satisfaction
continue to change the landscape of energy The first group of values stresses parsimony
production, once dominated by heavy indus- and economy. It adheres to the mission to
try and nationalized massive power and ‘keep government lean and purposeful’.
energy plants. It will change the future of These values reflect the concern in all
healthcare delivery, water management and organization theory for ‘efficiency and pro-
many other domains of traditional public ductivity’. These values belong to the world
service delivery (Van Santen, Khoe and of public management. Optimal results
Vermeer, 2010). This will bring about a host have to be produced with given resources and
of administrative reforms in terms of institu- constraints. Given goals have to be achieved
tional arrangements, safety standards, pri- at a minimum of organizational cost and
vacy regulation, public accountability, effort. These managerial values have
economic governance and managerial strate- been present in the debate on administrative
gies within crucial and strategic components reform ever since modern organization

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theory developed at the beginning of the last making. The democratic procedures of the
century. administrative state try to secure the validity
In this perspective, the administrative and fairness of the governance process,
organization is easily conceived as a tool of respecting justified entitlements, guiding the
government that needs to be instrumental in operation of the system of administrative
achieving given goals. Within the field of PA, responsibility and accountability, and seeing
this approach has not only been applied to to the proper operation and discharge of
managerial levels. It has also been tried out public duties and responsibilities. Due proc-
in reforms to ‘rationalize’ policy making or ess and Legimation durch Verfahren are the
reduce and minimize ‘transaction costs’ – the classic terms.
economist’s term for institutionalization, The administrative values in this cate-
organization and administration. For a long gory – albeit often less visible to the
time the focus of efficiency was upon blue- public – over the past 10 to 15 years possibly
print and organizational structure. What triggered more reform in (and of) administra-
started out as an ambition to rationalize and tive and managerial practice, than the often
streamline ‘messy’ organizational structures acclaimed efficiency measures: the concern
in the 1920s and 1930s, and again in the for a level playing field, compliance to inter-
1960s and 1970s, developed into administra- national rule or procurement procedures,
tive reform strategies to increase the external implementation of global standards or care
responsiveness of public service, public man- for an impeccable reputation in a globalizing
agement and public administration to the world. The development of modern informa-
needs of the relevant external environment, tion and communication technology raised
rather than reforming structure. all kinds of new practical questions of confi-
dentiality and political communication, or
Integrity and trust ethical standards of privacy, transparency and
The second group of administrative core accountability in an age of mass data storage,
values, in terms of Hood (1991), comprises global social networks and surfing for the
fairness, equity and rectitude and relate to the ‘wisdoms of the crowd’.
mission ‘to keep government honest and
fair’. These values refer to the world of Reliability and confidence
public and corporate governance. Processes These very administrative reforms put the
of governance provide the structure and con- issue of ‘administrative cost’ and the ‘reduc-
text in which the ‘given’ managerial goals tion of bureaucracy’ back on the central
(and resources) are defined, standards for administrative reform agenda of several gov-
managerial performance may be set and ernments. If not embedded in a proper,
evaluation procedures designed, imple- underlying institutional system of checks and
mented, enforced and publicly accounted for. balances to keep the system vital, governance
Without ‘good governance’, ‘strong public processes and reforms run the risk of easily
management’ easily turns against itself or turning into a concern for procedure, for-
against the public interest. This family of malization and ‘compliance’ as dead ends in
values translates into instrumentalities that themselves. The third set of administrative
have become close to being administrative values for analyzing administrative reform
values in themselves: legality – the Rule of aims to prevent this: robustness, resilience
Law – bureaucratic loyalty, unimpeachable and sustainability. The mission is ‘to keep
behavior and lack of corruption. Democracy government robust and resilient’, which more
is an important institution for political mobi- and more means: innovative and adaptive.
lization and social participation, but in many Research on ‘normal accidents’ (Perrow,
cases started out as a vehicle for openness 1999), emergency and safety learned that a
and transparency of administrative decision reliable, stable and robust administrative

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system is not a system that is able to resist in relation to the quality of institutional
change and reform, but which is resilient and design, redesign and (re)development and
able to learn and adapt to meaningful chang- therefore the reform of administrative sys-
ing circumstances. tems (Toonen, 2010).
This set of values refers to the usually
more hidden ‘constitutional dimension’ of
government and administrative reform
(Ostrom, 1982; Lane, 1996). For a long time,
it was difficult to see what this meant opera- The different value systems constitute inter-
tionally. In the meantime, Europeans have dependent layers of administrative quality
been discovering, both at the EU and mem- within governmental systems (they are sum-
ber-state levels, that it is nearly as hard to marized in Figure 36.1). There might be no
frame a constitution as it is to run one (cf. public management, but there is certainly a
Woodrow Wilson). With the development Public Administration for all Seasons (cf.
of a strongly internationalized ‘risk society’ Hood, 1991). In the long run, administrative
(Beck, 1986), the issue of constitutional reform needs to serve all value families to
value has become vastly more concrete, prevent decline. Seemingly similar reform
also in practical terms. Whereas the actual might therefore serve quite different value
impact of, for example, the ‘Reinventing systems. There is a huge difference, for
Government’ Movement or the Gore National example, between whether a privatization
Performance Review (1993) is still being program serves to increase the responsive-
disputed (PAR, 1996), in the wake of the ness and management of public service
9-11 attacks the formation of a Department delivery – as in the Western reforms of the
for Homeland Security has presented the 1980s – or whether it serves the institutional
United States with its own case of an une- design – the constitution – of a reliable
quivocal, strong, full-blown and operational market system, as in the post-Communist
administrative reform. countries in the early 1990s (Toonen, 1993),
The safety of life and limb is still one or the bail-out of a country at times of
of the most classic but powerful administra- monetary crises in the 2010s.
tive values to be called upon for reform, The sets of values may, in specific situa-
not only in the United States. Respect for tions and contexts, be in conflict and put
human rights gradually submerges the tradi- different demands on specific reform pro-
tional ‘right of life and limb’ as a universal grams: safety vs privacy, speed vs careful-
manifestation of good government. With the ness, reliability vs efficiency. This tension
global scale enlargement of (derivative) makes administrative reform a highly
financial markets, the emergence of interna- dynamic process, full of contradictions, con-
tional terrorism, the threat of global pandem- flicts, ambiguity and inherent paradoxes of
ics, the worldwide quest for security in food reform (Wright, 1994; Hesse, Hood and
chains, debates on global climate change, Peters, 2003; Margetts, Perri 6 and Hood,
natural resource scarcity and the potential 2010). The existence of conflicting values in
of life-changing bio-based technologies, the government and public administration is the
urgency and visibility of this family of basis of governance. Governance is the proc-
‘constitutional’ or institutional design values ess by which natural, technological and
has been increasing. Vitality, strength, social realities have to be mutually adjusted
flexibility, entrepreneurship, innovative and reconciled (Ostrom, cited in Toonen,
capacity, strategic asset management and the 2010). Cases of conflicting public value need
capability of self-regulation and self-govern- to be resolved and decisions accounted for.
ance within society and administrative The emergence of ‘governance’ (neo-public
(sub)systems have become central concerns administration) as a dominant concept in the

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1st level

2nd level

3rd level
Good governance Goal directed
Human Rights Efficient Government
Legitimate Instrumental in
Social Support


Figure 36.1 Quality in public administration

study of public administration is in itself

a byproduct of the transformational proc-
esses which surrounded the administrative Reform is often presented as the outcome of
reform movements in the 1990s and early ‘planned’ effort, politicized to some degree,
2000s. The borders and layers of the state and in intent and presentation certainly
are blurring in a ‘network society’. The not incremental in nature. Experience tells a
development of all kinds of public−private different story. The ‘implementation of
partnership and other ‘hybrids’ in the rela- reform’ usually shapes the policy. The nature
tionship between state, society and markets and impact of the reform is designed in
raised the question of accountability in dis- the process. This reflects the deeply rooted
tributed systems of government and public theoretical, if not philosophical controversy
service delivery. New regulatory systems for on how administrative systems change
distributed public accountability were intro- and develop (Leemans, 1970; Rottleuthner,
duced in the form of juridification, procure- 1988). The empirical study of public admin-
ment systems, user boards, independent istration suggests that administrative reform
regulators and overseers, benchmarking tech- as a process is best conceived of as some-
niques, rating, performance contracting, where on a continuum between Planned
interactive democracy, participative planning Change (Synoptic, Comprehensive, Rational,
and other institutional expressions of admin- Blueprint, Mechanistic, Top down, Centrally
istrative reform. Seen over the past 20 years, Guided, Consciously Designed, Modernizing),
in many countries, on many occasions, con- on the one hand, and Emerging Strategy
cern for the reform of governance − public (Incremental, Piecemeal, Intuitive, Organic,
accountability − has often been higher on the Mutually Adjusted, Bottom up, Garbage
public and political agenda than reform of Can, PostModernizing), on the other. A proc-
public management. ess of negotiated reform turns grand schemes

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easily into pragmatic and step-by-step proc- and administrative intergovernmental rela-
esses of change and transformation. Grand- tions (position of préfet; regional administra-
stated ambitions are modified to modest, tive courts; contrats du plans). Later in the
but sometimes determined and irreversible, process, the overall development was backed
changes with large long-term consequences. up by clear attention to the autogestion: that is,
Effective reform policy is often its own management amounting to managerial inno-
cause. One step leads to the other. If one vation of administrative units at various levels
‘cuts back’ policy programs and expenditures within the system (Claisse, 1995). As it turned
long enough, there comes a point at which out, this managerial reform fitted very well
policy reform spills over into a reform of within, and actually consolidated, a long-term
management structures, on the one hand, or centralist tradition (Van den Berg, 2011).
institutional reform, on the other. This may, The United Kingdom went the other way
over time, amount to the wholesale reconsti- round. It started out with managerial reform,
tution of a welfare state (Lane, 1995: 511). also because the institutional position of cen-
New forms of public management presup- tral government allowed for it. Unlike in
pose new forms of governance (accountabil- many Continental system, functional local
ity) (Bouckaert, 1996). These, in turn, require government authority has to be defined – and
new institutional arrangements or regulatory can be withdrawn – with an Act of Parliament
regimes to frame them. (the ultra vires doctrine). The functional
There are no clear-cut stages in a ‘reform- managerial reforms (NPM and the agentifi-
logic’. There are, however, many examples cation and service charters of the Next Steps
that suggest a certain path dependency con- programs), triggered a subsequent need for
stituted by institutional logic. Seen from governance reform in terms of the coordina-
the early 1980s onwards, France and the UK tion of a functionally ‘disjointed’ administra-
took quite different trajectories of reform, tive system at the regional meso level between
not only in terms of presentation and the sug- central and local government. The Joint up
gestion of continuity of reform. The two Government initiatives were announced.
countries definitely started to work on the From a PA perspective they are a logical next
opposite sides of the administrative system, step towards an effort at governance reform
partly because the possibilities of their in the region. In combination with a difficult
administrative systems allowed them to start but fundamental process of devolution, this
where they did. France started out in the has brought the UK system, in terms of
1980s with an institutional reform of region- regionalization and a structural institutional
alization and decentralization. Earlier efforts reform of almost constitutional proportions,
to reform, modernize and amalgamate a much closer in step with (other parts of)
culturally rooted, small-scale, politicized and Europe than any observant in the early 1980s
very traditional local government system would have held possible, not to speak of
had failed. French regions needed not to desirable (Sharpe, 1993; Toonen, 2001).
be developed or (re)designed. They already The emerging knowledge-based economy
existed as former administrative units in (KBE) of the late 1990s and early 2000s was
the abandoned French central planning characterized by a drive to a functional −
model of the 1950s. The reform implied rather than territorial, historical or cultural −
that they could be and were ‘inflated’ with a new regionalism (Keating, 1998) all over
functional regional and urban development Europe. This reshaped urban landscapes
mission and corresponding tasks and bud- and associated governance structures, irre-
gets. The government soon followed through spective of an ambition at neo-managerial
with a governance reform: the democratiza- reform, which might or might not be a part of
tion of départments and regions and the it, both on the Continent as well as in the
redesign of political (cumul des mandats) British Isles (Herrschel and Newman, 2002).

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‘Britain out of step in Europe’? (Crouch and institutions in society, the role and character-
Marquand, 1989). At best the country has istics of executive leadership have been
been ‘sitting on the fence’ at times as changing as well. The administrative icon of
European developments are concerned, but the successful reformer is no longer the
from a PA perspective, the long term reform authoritarian (benevolent) dictator who effec-
process shows clear signs of convergence. In tively executes the generalized will of the
any case, the example clarifies, that impor- people. It is the charismatic Steve Jobs’-like
tant changes and transformation in adminis- public entrepreneur who reforms the system
trative structure are easily missed if one by anticipating the latent demand for change,
wants to restrict the concept of ‘administra- which quickly becomes manifest when tied
tive reform’ to intentional, centrally planned into the public, social, or personal senses that
or legislated changes of public management. awake by giving people things which they
were not aware that they needed. Not collec-
tive ideology, but personalized vision.
Personalized rather than partisan forms of
politicization have started to affect the nature
Recognizing the need for external pressure, of managerial professionalism within the
many reforms are induced rather than public service in many countries (Toonen,
imposed. There is room for selection and 2001; Suleiman, 2003; van den Berg, 2011).
choice. Politics matter. The very notion of In the long run, governments can achieve
reform moved into a more dynamic under- very little in the way of substantial results
standing in terms of differentiated and inher- without broad social support – these days
ently complex and dynamic processes of largely addressed under the heading of ‘trust’
adaptation and mobilization within the and ‘confidence’ in government. The power
largely self-governing polycentric adminis- for successful reform is not given anymore
trative systems of the interdependent network by institutional position. Legitimate author-
society (Ostrom, 1990, 2005). For some, this ity is the combination of power with trust. It
is a depreciation of ‘reform’ to ‘mere incre- has to be earned and accumulated, as ‘social
mentalism’ and ‘muddling through’. Others capital’. More than client satisfaction, public
see new and emergent ‘evolutionary’ and trust has become accepted over time to be a
‘intelligent’ strategies of adaptive trans- proven and indispensable resource for gov-
formation, social learning and transition ernmental support and long-term economic
management. An entrepreneurial kind of development. In systems theory as well
transformative leadership (MacGregor Burns, as the Weberian Bureaucracy concept, the
2003) for the common good (Crosby three layers distinguished in the administra-
and Bryson, 2005) is required in tackling tive value system presented earlier (see
public problems in a shared-power world. Figure 36.1) are sometimes identified as
Authenticity, proactivity and communicative functional legitimacy (responsiveness), pro-
skill − framing and personal leadership − cedural legitimacy (integrity) and institu-
rather than centralized power have come to tional − regime − legitimacy (reliability).
be considered key competencies of reform. In addition to satisfaction with perform-
Next to ‘governance’ as an analytical ance (the value of good management) and
concept, the rise of the attention for ‘leader- trust in public officials (the value of good
ship’ in relation to governance, reform and governance), the group of ‘constitutional’
public administration over the past decade is administrative values serves to secure the
at least remarkable. Authority cannot be reliability of the administrative system in
taken for granted anymore. The ‘limits of order to secure the reliance of citizens and
government’ have been duly acknowledged. the confidence of society in governmental
With the changing role of traditional political institutions (the value of ‘good government’

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or ‘statehood’). An already observed but still questions of governance, economic systems, and
rather latent neo-Weberianism in the debate the assumptions, beliefs and values underlying
human behavior (…). It is insufficient to identify
on administrative reform is waiting to be necessary reforms in policies and institutions;
mobilized (Page, 1985; Du Gay, 2000). research must explore how to catalyze the adop-
tion of those reforms (Reid et al., 2010: 917).

Reforms are often associated with lack of REFERENCES
results and undelivered promises. The evalu-
ation of reform, however, is by far the weak- Aucoin, P. (1990) ‘Administrative Reform in Public
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Administrative Reforms in
Western Democracies
Tom Christensen and Per Lægreid

INTRODUCTION polity features, historical−institutional tradi-

tions and external pressure (Pollitt and
Administrative systems have historically Bouckaert 2011). By administrative reforms
always been confronted with a dichotomy we mean deliberate changes in the structures,
between integration, coordination and central processes or procedures of public sector
capacity, on the one hand, and autonomy, organizations undertaken to improve the way
fragmentation and disaggregation, on the they run and, ultimately, aiming to achieve
other. In this chapter, we examine how the changes in policy and society. In this chapter,
New Public Management (NPM) reform we mainly focus on administrative reforms
movement and the reforms in the aftermath in central government in Western Europe,
of NPM, such as whole-of-government with a special emphasis on the last decade.
reform initiatives, have addressed this chal- The landscape of administrative reform is
lenge (cf. Christensen and Lægreid 2011a). often complicated by discrepancies between
Our focus will be more on administrative the world of ideas and the world of practice,
reform development in groups of countries which may be loosely coupled (Brunsson
than on reforms in single countries. 1989). Often it proves more difficult to
There is an important distinction between change how people and organizations act
change and reform (Christensen et al. 2007). than what they think and believe. If one com-
Whereas change is a broader concept that can pares reform policy documents with reform
be triggered by many different factors and decisions and with reform implementation
driving forces, reform is a narrower notion and results, one tends to see different things
that involves elements of design, planning (Pollitt 2001).
and deliberate choice (Egeberg 2003). There is also a tension between a generic
Reform is often the result of an active admin- and holistic tradition of administrative reforms
istrative policy designed by political or man- and a more specific, context-dependent tradi-
agerial executives, but also constrained by tion. Whereas the first tends to focus on the

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common characteristics of formal organiza- Governance. When one moves from the
tions and downplays the differences between higher level of large models and paradigms
organizations in the public and private sector, to the lower level of specific reform tools,
the second tends to underline the specific the menu of techniques is often not very
features of public sector organizations (Røvik coherent (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). Thus,
2002). The first focuses on convergence reform strategies are often more character-
and isomorphism and the adoption of private ized by mixed orders, complexity and hybrid-
sector organizational forms and manage- ization than by consistent alternative models
ment principles by the public sector – i.e. of administrative reform.
it stresses decontextualization. The second
highlights the specific features and contexts
that a public sector organization faces, such
as having a political leadership at the top TRAJECTORY OF REFORMS
of the organization, being multifunctional
and often not operating in a market, not to Convergence or divergence among
mention the relevance of different cultural countries?
contexts. In this chapter we lean more towards
the second position than the first, emphasiz- One can argue that some general reform
ing contextualization and divergence. ideas will spread around the world quite
Administrative reforms are typically easily, while the more specific reform meas-
ambiguous and are rarely streamlined homo- ures will show a pattern of divergence. A
geneous reforms with integrated reform quite common stereotype is that Anglo-
means and measures. More typically they are American countries are NPM front-runners
a loosely coupled collection of reform meas- and rather homogeneous in this respect,
ures that offer a kind of shopping basket from while Continental Europe and Scandinavia
which reform agents can pick and choose have been more reluctant to take NPM on
sometimes contradictory reform elements board, as have the Latin states (Hood 1996).
with different theoretical foundations (Pollitt In terms of the control and organization
2003). The tensions arising from the hybrid of public service, NPM represents a global
character of NPM, which combines eco- change of paradigm, according to the
nomic organization theory and management Organization for Economic Co-operation
theory, are well known (Aucoin 1990). They and Development (OECD 1995), as do post-
result from the contradiction between the NPM reform measures (Christensen and
centralizing tendencies inherent in contrac- Lægreid 2007b). This convergence thesis
tualism and the devolutionary tendencies of is, however, contested when it comes to prac-
managerialism. By advocating both decen- tice rather than just ideas (Pollitt 2001).
tralization (let the managers manage) and NPM has led to major changes in the public
centralization and incentives (make the man- sector in many countries (Pollitt and
agers manage), NPM thus simultaneously Bouckaert 2011), yet the process and content
prescribes both more autonomy and more of reforms has not been the same every-
central control. A similar kind of diversity, where. Thus, the spread of NPM is a com-
albeit balanced differently, is found in post- plex process, going through different stages
NPM reform measures (Christensen and and packaged in different ways in different
Lægreid 2011b). countries, with each country following its
Not only within a reform model but also own reform trajectory within a broader
between models there are overlaps when it framework and starting from different pre-
comes to specific reform means and meas- conditions (Wright 1994; Pollitt, van Thiel
ures. This is the case, for example, between and Holmburg 2007). A seven-country
NPM, neo-Weberian models and New Public study shows that increased specialization,

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autonomy and proliferation have been coun- Nations like the UK, Australia and New
teracted by increased coordination in coun- Zealand fit the marketizer profile, while the
tries such as the UK, Sweden and the Scandinavian countries, and especially the
Netherlands, while this has not happened in Continental Europeans, are more sceptical
France or Belgium (Bouckaert et al. 2010). about NPM and therefore conform more
In other words, NPM is not an integrated closely with the modernizer profile.
and coherent set of reforms with a specific Having begun in Britain, NPM gained the
starting point and following a specific strongest hold in the Anglo-American coun-
path towards a common destination (Wright tries (Hood 1996). In Westminster-style par-
1994). liamentary systems, like Australia and
There is no clear convergence towards one New Zealand, NPM reforms fell on fertile
single organizational form (Pollitt and ground and were therefore far-reaching and
Bouckaert 2011). On the contrary, the organ- implemented early (Gregory 2003; Halligan
izational pattern is becoming increasingly 2007). This was due, on the one hand, to
complex and hybrid. What we see is a strong external economic and institutional
complex combination of old public adminis- pressure and, on the other hand, to few consti-
tration, New Public Management and post- tutional and administrative obstacles, a com-
NPM features, often containing elements patible culture and parliamentary conditions
that point in different directions (Christensen that favoured a radical strategy and reform
and Lægreid 2007a). NPM ideas have been entrepreneurs (Christensen and Lægreid
implemented to different degrees, at different 2001a). By contrast, the Scandinavian coun-
paces and with differing emphases in differ- tries and some Continental European coun-
ent countries and sectors. A general finding is tries were reluctant to implement reforms.
that the degree of variation between coun- Environmental pressure was weaker, their
tries and between policy areas increases Rechtsstaat culture and strong egalitarian
when we move away from the world of ideas, norms were less compatible with the values
talk and policy programs and look at specific of NPM, there were more obvious constitu-
decisions, and even more so when we con- tional obstacles and parliamentary conditions
sider the implementation and impact of the often characterized by minority coalition
reforms (Pollitt 2001). One can argue about governments made a radical reform strategy
whether NPM has led to a convergence of difficult to pursue (Christensen, Lie and
administrative systems in different countries, Lægreid 2007).
yet there is much to suggest that ideas and Pollitt and Bouckaert (2011) distinguish
policy programs resemble one another more between two main models. The first group
than the corresponding practices do. One comprises the NPM marketizers – Australia,
mechanism here is ‘double-talk’, whereby New Zealand and the UK (as well as the
leaders seek political support by publicly USA below the federal level) – which they
espousing modern principles of government label the core NPM group. The UK under
but in fact experience resistance when Tony Blair was dominated by a reform model
they try to implement reform measures (cf. that included market orientation, top-down
Brunsson 1989). performance management, competition, con-
Although different countries present their testability in providing public services and
reforms in similar terms and support some citizens’ choice (Halligan 2011). The second
of the same general administrative doctrines, group consisted of the Continental European
closer scrutiny reveals considerable varia- and Scandinavian modernizers – Finland,
tion. Pollitt and Bouckaert (2004) distinguish France, the Netherlands and Sweden (as well
between four groups of NPM reformers: as Belgium and Germany below the federal
the maintainers, the modernizers, the mar- level). They claim that the latter group of
ketizers and the minimal state reformers. countries represents a distinct reform model

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labelled the neo-Weberian state. They share a areas like education, health, welfare and
more positive attitude towards the state and a environment, which are qualitatively differ-
less positive attitude towards private sector ent and where it is difficult to quantify and
models, and underline the role of represen- measure goal achievement, it is less easy to
tative democracy and administrative law. apply. What is more, certain norms suggest
Compared to traditional bureaucracy they that these so-called ‘soft policy areas’ should
are more focused on citizens’ needs, citizens’ be protected from − or not exposed to −
participation, performance and results and efficiency-oriented reform measures. This
professionalization of public service. Citizen view holds that the use and effect of NPM
orientation and participation are more char- should vary considerably between different
acteristic of the Northern countries than of policy areas.
France, Italy and Belgium, which are more Another way to look at convergence and
managerial-oriented modernizers. However, divergence is to examine the political impor-
the Scandinavian countries are not only tance of policy areas. If one assumes that
modernizers following managerial and user- NPM will undermine central political control
responsiveness strategies but also have (Christensen and Lægreid 2001b), political
increasingly adopted competition and mar- salience may influence the balance between
ketization strategies while stopping short political control and autonomy. The argu-
of major privatization (Foss Hansen 2011). ment then goes that the more important the
In recent years Denmark and Norway, policy area, the less NPM should be used,
especially, have followed post-NPM reinte- because the political leadership will want to
gration strategies. Compared with the have hands-on political control. But political
Northern countries, the Southern ones, whose saliency is seldom an objective factor and
state traditions are based on the Napoleonic may change over time.
legacy, were latecomers to reforms (Ongaro Many policy areas are characterized by
2009). mixed-reform models. In the hospital sector,
At one end of the spectrum we have slow- there has been a convergence among the
moving systems with reluctant reformers, European states towards managed competi-
such as federal Germany, while at the other tion, but the specific NPM reforms have also
end we have the fast-pace reformers such as been challenged by the ideas of a healthcare
the UK. In between we have countries such state and a profession-state perspective
as the Nordic countries which require time to (Byrkjeflot 2011). In the university sector,
gather the necessary political consensus for NPM features such as market-based meas-
reforms, but where the reforms then have ures, output performance indicators and
a good chance of long-term survival and measurement- and management-based gov-
successful implementation. ernance models have been implemented in
many European countries, but such trends
have also been challenged and complemented
Variations among policy areas by reforms aimed at developing networked
governance (Bleiklie et al. 2011). Reform of
Whether NPM is a kind of generic reform the welfare administration has also produced
wave, or whether it is primarily suitable for hybrids. A comparison of German, UK and
particular public policy areas, is a question Norwegian reforms reveals a reform pattern
that has been debated for some time now. characterized by complexity and hybridiza-
One rather sceptical view is that NPM, with tion (Christensen et al. 2009). We see a com-
its focus on efficiency, should be used prima- bination of old welfare administration, NPM
rily in technically and economically oriented features, joined-up government measures and
policy areas (Gregory 2003), while in policy partnerships.

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BEYOND NPM – POST-NPM, revolution in these countries in contrast to

NEO-WEBERIAN MODELS, the ‘load’ management reforms in NPM
NEW PUBLIC GOVERNANCE AND countries (Ongaro 2009). In other countries
WHOLE-OF-GOVERNMENT with Napoleonic and legalistic Rechtsstaat
traditions, such as France and Germany,
The reforms that have emerged during the public management reforms came up
last decade have been variously labelled as against strong legalistic thinking (Kickert
post-NPM, whole-of-government, joined-up 2011). In Germany NPM reforms were not
government, quality of government, net- adopted on a large scale at the federal level,
works, partnerships, etc. In their book on and in Belgium the NPM reform movement
comparative public management reforms, has been rather weak (Pollitt and Bouckaert
Pollitt and Bouckart (2011) distinguish 2011). The reform paths pursued in Western
between NPM, neo-Weberian states and Europe have been rather divergent, partly
New Public Governance as three major because they had different starting points.
models in contemporary Western European Currently, different countries are in different
administrative reforms. New Public phases of reform and they do not have a
Governance espouses post-NPM features shared vision of the future administrative
such as integration, holism, e-government, arrangements (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011).
networks and partnerships (Osborne 2011; They face different contexts, external and
Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). A central ques- internal constraints, risks and problems and
tion concerns what happens when different are based on different values and norms.
reform waves meet each other. There is a new generation of reforms
Until the end of the 1990s the general emerging under various post-NPM headings,
direction of reform was NPM, albeit with but these are tending to supplement and
much variation among both countries and modify NPM rather than replacing it. The
policy areas. There are now many indications reasons why post-NPM reforms have emerged
that NPM has stalled and been supplemented are complex, but they seem at least partly
by other types of reforms, like post-NPM to be a reaction to a loss of political control
reform measures that are more preoccupied and to the fact that NPM has not delivered
with increasing central control and coordina- what it promised in economic terms and
tion inside and across sectors (Christensen has produced proliferation and fragmentation
and Lægreid 2011b). This does not mean that in public administration systems. Added to
NPM is dead. It is still very much alive and that, terrorism, pandemics, tsunamis, climate
kicking in many Western European coun- threats and financial recession have created a
tries. What we see is that reforms are more greater need for control and integration
mixed, combining some elements of NPM (Christensen and Lægreid 2007b). The strong
with post-NPM reform measures (Pollitt demands for more central control and capac-
and Bouckaert 2011). This is the case in ity and more coordination of sectors, polices
the Mediterranean countries (Ongaro 2009) and programs are reflected in various new
in which public management reforms aimed post-NPM reforms.
at modernizing had to be reframed in legal In the aftermath of the financial crisis,
terms. In Southern European countries with a rationalization has risen to the top of the
legalistic and formalistic tradition and a administrative reform agenda in many coun-
politicized administration, such as Portugal, tries (van Thiel et al. 2012). Mergers and
Spain, Italy and Greece, public management downsizing public sector organizations have
reforms had a hard time breaking through become reform tools in countries that have
(Ongaro 2009; Kickert 2011). But there suffered most from the financial crisis, such
is some evidence of a ‘silent’ managerial as Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but

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we have also seen this trend in the UK and control are increasingly being applied, while
Germany. Agencies have been reshuffled and a ‘whole-of-government’ approach uses new
merged owing to financial and budgetary coordination instruments and cross-sector
concerns but also to counteract a loss of programs and projects to modify horizontal
coordination and to meet a need for stronger fragmentation.
collaboration. Whole-of-government initiatives are
A main finding in the research in this area important for handling the ‘wicked issues’
is that administrative reforms have not taken that transcend the boundaries between organ-
place along a single dimension (Pollitt and izational policy areas or administrative levels
Bouckaert 2011). In practice we face mixed (Christensen and Lægreid 2007b). NPM
models and increased complexity. The pace reforms primarily addressed the principal−
and comprehensiveness of these trends has agent issues of how superior bodies could
varied significantly from one country and control subordinate organizations within
policy area to another, and reform activities the same ministerial area, but had little to
embrace a wide spectrum. Even though NPM offer when it came to the more pressing
has in certain ways produced positive results, question of how to handle problems and
it is too early to conclude that the old public tasks that straddle organizational boundaries.
administration model is unsustainable. It has The challenge is to find organizational
considerable capacity to adapt and is both arrangements that can enhance cross-border
robust and flexible, even after a long period or intersectoral collaboration and horizontal
of NPM reforms, and the emerging post- coordination.
NPM reforms are reintroducing some of the Another element of this post-NPM move-
principles of the Weberian state, albeit in ment is increased central control. In many
new forms. countries the agencification process has
Typical for the NPM reforms was that the stalled and the need for central capacity
formal structure changed from an integrated is back on the agenda (Halligan 2007). But
to a fragmented one (Lægreid and Verhoest whole-of-government, like NPM, is a rather
2010). The formal levers of steering were ambiguous and not very coherent reform
weakened, the distance to the agencies grew, movement, supplementing rather than replac-
political signals became weaker, and hori- ing NPM measures. The risk of subjecting
zontal specialization increased according to too many policy areas to overly extensive
different principles. The post-NPM genera- coordination that uses a lot of resources is
tion of reforms of the last decade has used evident.
formal structures to regain control or to Rather than purifying a single model we
modify the loss of political influence by need a repertoire of models for political−
making public organizations more central- administrative institutions to face the future
ized, complex and varied. Formal structural challenges of public management, adminis-
instruments have been used to modify devo- tration and governance. Designing a holistic
lution and vertical specialization, as well as and integrated public administration is not
horizontal fragmentation and specialization, easy and may not be a good idea either, as
especially in Australia and New Zealand, but research shows that public administration
also in the UK (Gregory 2003, Richards and systems actually are a ‘mixed’ order of partly
Smith 2006, Halligan 2007). In contrast to overlapping, partly contradictory comple-
the late 1980s when British government mentary and competing organizational
reforms were espousing organizational dis- forms and are hence necessarily compound
aggregation, the recent reforms have been in nature (Olsen 2010). The public adminis-
characterized by aggregation and joined-up tration is multi-functional and has to
government (Talbot and Johnston 2007, balance different cultural values and norms
Halligan 2011). Vertical control and levers of in addition to the structural measures.

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Complex political−administrative problems that they score high on rational calculation or

require complex solutions. Therefore it is means−end thinking.
normally not a question of hierarchy, net- One school of thought, based on an instru-
works or market. The main challenge is how mental perspective, points to the fact that
these different elements can be combined different countries have different constitu-
and balanced in such a way as to supplement tional features and political−administrative
or complement one another. Today we structures and contends that these factors go
encounter no dominant model. Instead, sev- some way to explaining how they handle
eral key concepts such as NPM, post-NPM, national problems and reform processes
whole-of-government, New Public Gov- (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). The polity
ernance, networks, partnerships and the neo- frames relevant here concern first, whether
Weberian state are on the agenda (Pollitt and political and administrative leaders are con-
Bouckaert 2011). strained by constitutional factors that limit
their ability to implement reforms decisively
and swiftly, or whether they have more
leeway. Therefore Anglo-Saxon countries
THE DRIVERS OF REFORM will often, by virtue of their ‘elective dicta-
torship’, score high on control potential
A broad transformative approach to public (Boston et al. 1996).
reforms contends that when a political The second factor is whether the leader-
and administrative leadership tries to handle ship operates within a homogeneous or
and further public reforms it operates in at heterogeneous political−administrative appa-
least three types of contexts: the constitu- ratus. A homogeneous apparatus allows lead-
tionally laid down political and administra- ers to exercise their hierarchical authority
tive structure; the political and administrative more easily, while a heterogeneous apparatus
culture; and the environment, whether often engenders turf wars and negotiations
technical or institutional (Christensen and among leaders and units (March and Olsen
Lægreid 2001a, 2007a). The possibilities 1983).
for political and administrative executives Another view holds that reforms are prim-
to carry out an active reform policy are arily a product of the national historical−
constrained as well as enabled by such institutional context. The cultural features of
factors. public organizations develop gradually in
From a structural or instrumental point of institutional processes, giving institutional-
view the reforms may generally be seen as ized organizations a distinct character or
conscious organizational design (Egeberg cultural ‘soul’ (Selznick 1957). Different
2003). This perspective is based on the countries have different historical−cultural
assumption that political and administrative traditions and their reforms are ‘path depend-
leaders use the structural design of public ent’, meaning that national reforms have
entities as an instrument to fulfil public goals unique features (March and Olsen 1989).
(Gulick 1937, Weaver and Rockman 1993). Informal norms and values established in
According to Dahl and Lindblom (1953), their formative years will influence strongly
two aspects are important in instrumental the paths they follow later on (Krasner 1988).
decision-making processes and therefore Historical traditions in the state and adminis-
reform processes – social or political control tration constrain the reform trajectory.
and rational calculation or the quality of Whether countries have a legalistic tradition,
organizational thinking. Major preconditions a Rechtsstaat tradition, a politicized tradi-
for instrumental design of NPM reforms are tion, a consensual and corporatist tradition,
that leaders have a relatively large degree of an Anglo-American, Napoleonic, Germanistic
control over change or reform processes and or Scandinavian administrative tradition

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matters for the reform paths they choose. OECD, the IMF (International Monetary
Traditions are important, but they do not Fund), the World Bank, the WTO (World
determine reform choices and they need to be Trade Organization) and the EU (European
understood as one of several factors affecting Union), but also by national organizations
the way administrative reforms develop working as reform entrepreneurs (Sahlin-
(Painter and Peters 2010). Andersson 2001). The myth theory stresses
Thus, the cultural context of reform is that myths imported to public organizations
important (Verhoest 2011). How successfully remain superficial, functioning as ‘window-
a reform wave-like NPM is applied in a dressing’, enhancing legitimacy without
public organization has a lot to do with cul- actually affecting practice (Brunsson 1989).
tural compatibility (Brunsson and Olsen In the development of NPM, the group of
1993). The greater the consistency between Anglo-Saxon countries somehow managed
the values underlying the reforms and the to wield ideological hegemony, which led
values on which the existing administrative other countries to imitate their reforms;
system is based, the more likely the reforms their status was, however, later weakened
are to be implemented. Generally speaking, by post-NPM myths of the late 1990s.
culturally based adaptation tends to be partial In the second instance, related to the tech-
and pragmatic. nical environment, administrative reforms
A third view regards administrative reforms may be seen as the optimal solution to wide-
primarily as a response to external pressure. spread technical problems – i.e. they are
This environmental influence can be of two adopted to solve problems created by a lack
kinds: either institutional or technical (Meyer of instrumental performance or by economic
and Rowan 1977). In the first instance a competition and market pressure (Self 2000).
country may adopt internationally based In this instance NPM reforms are adopted
norms and beliefs about how a civil service not because of their ideological hegemony
system should be organized and run simply but because of their alleged technical effi-
because these have become the prevailing, ciency (Boston et al. 1996). Quite often,
ideologically dominant doctrine diffused all NPM reforms have been initiated or heavily
over the world (Czarniawska and Sevon influenced by the technical environment,
1996). This diffusion process implies iso- because of an economic crisis or changing
morphic elements, creating pressure for sim- political or administrative pressure. Likewise,
ilar reforms and structural changes in many post-NPM reform measures develop as a
countries. result of anti-fragmentation or efficiency-
The institutional environment generally related arguments.
involves the development of myths and sym- Summing up, external reform components
bols in the macro-environment of public and programs are filtered, interpreted and
organizations to a considerable degree. In modified by a combination of two nationally
a complicated world, where political− based processes (Christensen and Lægreid
administrative systems, patterns of actors, 2001a; Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). One is a
problems, solutions and effects are complex country’s political−administrative history,
and difficult to understand, there is a need to culture, traditions and style of government.
have certain ‘rules of thumb’. These are sup- The other is national polity features, as
plied by myths and symbols that evolve and expressed in constitutional and structural fac-
spread between countries, sectors and policy tors. Within these constraints, political and
areas. They represent a kind of ‘taken for managerial executives have varying leeway
grantedness’ concerning which ideas, organi- to launch administrative reforms via an active
zational structures, procedures and cultures administrative policy.
are appropriate. Such myths may be provided Studies of NPM reform processes around
by international organizations, like the the world reflect many of the theoretical

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points outlined (Christensen and Lægreid and effects of different organizational forms
2001b, 2007a, Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). A are rather weak among reform agents, as
comparative study of Norway, Ireland and shown by the economic−institutional theo-
Belgium supports the idea that international retical background to the trail-blazing
pressure for agencification is transformed reforms in New Zealand (Boston et al.
when it meets state-specific, environmental 1996). Fast-pace reforms are often symbol-
factors, polity, administrative culture and ridden. Different organizational forms
actor constellations (Verhoest et al. 2010). matter and affect the way public organiza-
tions operate and work in practice, as shown
by the decrease in political control brought
about by structural devolution in the NPM
THE EFFECTS OF REFORMS reforms, or the increase in central capacity
engendered by coordinative post-NPM
To look at the effects and implications of measures (Christensen and Lægreid 2001b,
administrative reforms we need to specify 2007b). Normally, however, there is no one-
what we mean by effects. Pollitt and to-one relationship between organizational
Bouckaert (2011) distinguish between opera- forms and performance. This has to do with
tional effects, process effects and system the fact that context matters to a great extent,
effects. In addition, we may focus on effects but also with the ambiguity of the perform-
on the main goal or on side effects on other ance concept and the problems of attribution.
goals; on jeopardy or on bonuses (Pollitt One implication is that there is a need to
1995, 2003, Hesse, Hood and Peters 2003). go beyond the narrow concept of perform-
The main goal of NPM was to promote dif- ance measured in terms of economy and
ferent aspects of efficiency. One way to efficiency and to include the broader demo-
measure efficiency gains is to look at the cratic implications for power relations, trust
major macro-economic performance of a and legitimacy in the equation. In most
country. However, it is not easy to establish democratic systems, values such as imparti-
whether improvements in performance are ality, predictability, rule of law, political
the result of NPM, since there are many other loyalty, political control, legitimacy, trust,
factors that play a role. Nevertheless, few participation, responsiveness, equity, etc., are
studies have demonstrated a favourable also important elements of performance
macro-economic effect of NPM (Pollitt and (Christensen et al. 2007). We know less
Bouckaert 2011). about external political learning and societal
Another way to look at the effect of NPM effects than about internal administrative
on efficiency is to focus on increased service effects on efficiency (Olsen 1996). The fun-
efficiency. Economists often conclude that damental purpose of public service is gov-
NPM has increased efficiency, while some ernment, not management (OECD 2005).
political scientists are more sceptical and Not only effects on main goals but also side
come up with contradictory findings (Boyne effects and dysfunctions have to be taken into
et al. 2003). The latter group also has more of account (Hesse, Hood and Peters 2003).
a problem with efficiency studies, pointing to One line of inquiry asks whether NPM
the difficulty of comparing the same services leads to less emphasis on input democracy
over time, given changes in organization, and more on output democracy (Peters 2011).
content, choice and competition. A related question concerns political control,
The evidence-based knowledge about the steering and accountability. The bulk of com-
effects and implications of different adminis- parative studies of the effects of NPM reforms
trative reforms is still rather patchy and con- seem to stress that the control of the political
tested. The means−end knowledge and ability executive has decreased as a result of NPM
for rational calculation ex ante of impacts reforms (Christensen and Lægreid 2001b,

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2007a, Pollitt and Bouckaert 2011). The One conclusion to be drawn is that the
‘logic of discipline’ anchored in the demand design of the various administrative reforms,
for independent, apolitical bodies did not like NPM reforms, may vary considerably
work as expected and claims for democratic between countries, tasks, sectors and admin-
accountability have become stronger (Roberts istrative levels and will have differentiated
2010). Concerning responsibility or account- consequences for effects studies. In some
ability, NPM studies tend to point to a for- countries, such as those in Southern Europe,
malization of the relationship between administrative reforms hardly ever seem to
political leaders, on the one hand, and man- have had significant effects (Kickert 2011).
agers and the administrative grass roots, on Pollitt and Bouckart (2011) underline that
the other, and to an increase in mistrust there are multiple difficulties in assessing the
(Christensen and Lægreid 2001b). This rep- results of administrative reforms, in general,
resents a change from a more culturally with government effectiveness especially dif-
based relationship, characterized by mutual ficult to evaluate. But it is also difficult to
respect and common values, to a system find concrete proof of money having been
where subordinates are required to account saved, while evidence of efficiency gains is
for themselves and the principal does not patchy and incomplete (Andrews 2011). The
have much trust in the agent. same can be said about the effects on citi-
One international lesson is that most gov- zens’ satisfaction and trust, which is a very
ernments do not learn sufficiently from pre- complex issue (van de Walle 2011). Some of
vious administrative reforms in their country the most significant effects may actually
or in other countries. Alleged successes often have been in the way we talk about public
have more influence than elements of reform sector organizations. The reforms have pro-
failure. Therefore, there are a lot of ambigui- duced a new discourse and reform climate,
ties in learning from experiences of adminis- changing attitudes, activities and procedures
trative reforms. And politicians are generally more than outcomes. The general conclusion
more interested in launching new reforms reached by many studies is that major reforms
than learning from previous ones, partly are often launched with little or no attention
because reforms look more attractive ex ante to evaluation and that ‘the international man-
than ex post (Brunsson and Olsen 2003). agement reform movement has not needed
An important implication is that one cannot results to fuel its onward march’ (Pollitt and
just graft private sector management tools, Bouckaert 2011, p. 58).
organizational forms and steering mecha-
nisms onto public sector organizations and
expect successful implementation and results.
One reason for this is that public sector CONCLUSION
organizations such as central agencies differ
significantly from private sector organiza- One important lesson from the comparative
tions (Allison 1983). Policy makers may be administrative reform movement is the diffi-
well advised not to simply copy new reform culty of drawing general policy recommen-
solutions like agency models but instead to dations that are valid across countries, policy
adapt them to local contexts. One implication areas and over time. Owing to the contextual
of this lesson is that holistic or generic variations and different historical−institutional
models have clear limitations. One of the big legacies that different countries face, the
flaws of NPM was probably the claim that holistic and generic approach has many
there was a clear dividing line between limitations.
policy making and formulation, on the one One important policy recommendation is
hand, and policy implementation, on the that reformers should be preoccupied not
other (Kettl 2003). only with the steering capacity and capability

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Comprehensive Reform
and Public Administration in
Post-Communist States
Tony J. G. Verheijen

The post-Communist states of Central and modern and professional systems of state
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union administration.
provide a microcosm of the problems inher- As late as in 2002 the focus of discussions
ent in comprehensive public administration on this group of states was still largely on
reform processes. The group of states dis- ways of overcoming the inheritance of the
cussed in this chapter now range from (new) past in explaining the limited success
European Union (EU) member states candi- achieved in building professional and per-
date states to fragile states that have slid to forming public administration systems at that
extreme levels of poverty and have fallen point in time. A decade later the divergence
back to the level of economic development that has emerged between administrative
of the lower strata of the developing coun- development in these states overshadows
tries. All these states share a common inherit- what remained of previous communalities.
ance of the pre-1990 systems of governance For the EU member states of Central and
as far as systems of public administration East Central Europe, reforms stalled after
are concerned. ‘”… all the same, public they ensured admission to the EU. The offi-
administration across these (post-socialist) cially voiced commitment to establishing
countries is more notable for similarities merit-based civil service systems (as part of
than differences both in its shortcomings the ‘European Administrative Space’) was
and the stages of reform (Rice, 1992:117). soon after entry replaced by a return to the
Although already questionable at the time heavily politicized realities of the early
(Toonen, 1993:165), this common denomina- 1990s. A World Bank assessment of adminis-
tor has become increasingly less relevant as trative development in the EU-8 (without
time has gone by. Yet, they all, including the Bulgaria and Romania) confirmed the
EU member states, have faced lasting and reversal in earlier trends. What is more, it
significant challenges in putting in place questioned the very paradigm of applying

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conventional civil service models to states building merit-based public service systems.
that appear to have developed an entirely Second, a strong emphasis on performance-
different political approach to civil service based management as a guiding principle for
systems (World Bank, 2007). An OECD administrative development. Third, a general
study published two years later draws similar scepticism of public sector based solutions to
conclusions (OECD, 2009). Yet, at the same economic development.
time, in the EU candidate states of the The following sections will review some
Western Balkans a more traditional ‘western of the previous trends in civil service and
like’ approach to civil service development administrative reform underlying this pat-
has continued to prevail. tern. On the basis of this some lessons and
The move away from traditional – profes- overall conclusions can be drawn for the
sional, depoliticised, law based – European study of civil service systems and adminis-
civil service systems does not mean that the trative reform.
systems are non-performing now. In fact, the
adaptability of especially the Baltic States
after the global financing crisis has shown
otherwise, as well as their often solid per- THE STARTING POINT: A NEED FOR
formance inside the EU (World Bank, 2007). COMPREHENSIVE CHANGE
Arguably, the experience of Central and
East European EU member states (and candi- In order to understand process and approaches
date states) shows above all that states with a to reform applied in Central and Eastern
different philosophy and approach to systems Europe, it is important to first reflect on the
of public administration can co-exist within nature of the task – the challenges – that
the EU system. This is a notion that has states in the region faced. There are two
previously often been rejected. important issues to be considered in this
While EU member States and candidate respect. The first relates to the nature, the
states function in the EU’s realm, other post- reform processes. It is important to be aware
Communist states do not. States like Russia of the comprehensive and holistic nature
and Kazakhstan have firmly subscribed to of reform that needed to be undertaken. In
performance management as the starting addition, it is important to consider the type
point for administrative development and at of reform process that states needed to
this point are better compared with other engage in: given the legacy of the previous
BRICS than with EU member states. Some systems, a process of developing a new type
of the smaller states, such as Georgia and of administrative system, rather than ‘reform-
Armenia, have followed a similar track, with ing’ what existed was needed. This, while
mixed success. On the other side of the international advice and demands focused
prism, reforms in Ukraine and Belarus have often on traditional ways of conducting
become directionless. They have fallen victim ‘reform’.
to the political challenges that these states The second issue is the context of the
face. Among the Central Asian states, reform process, in particular the ideological
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have fallen back to environment of public administration devel-
the realities of fragile developing states, with opment in the region, which has been far
stop-and-go reforms. from conducive to success.
All in all, more than 20 years after the
start of transition, diversity among post-
Communist states has become a microcosmic The need for holistic and
reflection of what one tends to witness glo- developmental approaches
bally: first, a challenge to previously firmly
established notions of ‘first best’ solutions, Following the start of the transition, the
derived from notions of best practise in states involved were left with with a post

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communist legacy of administrative systems started. It required the definition of a new

that were both irrelevant and inadequate for legal framework as well as a new training
providing the framework-setting role that and socialization system.
systems of public administration are expected These three reform requirements can only
to perform in a market economy. The sys- be successfully addressed if reform proc-
tems of public administration as they func- esses are defined and actually perceived in a
tioned in the previous system of governance holistic manner, and built on integrated strat-
were at best an ‘implementation machine’ for egies and approaches. In addition, the empha-
decisions taken by the Communist Party sis in addressing the systemic problems of
apparatus. At worst they had been a means of the system of the public administration in the
suppression of citizens by the state. In this region needed to be developmental rather
respect systems of public administration in than reformist. The required reforms implied
post-communists countries were fundamen- that systems be developed and built up,
tally different from and hard to compare to, rather than existing systems were restruc-
for instance, systems in Southern European tured and reorganised. For a short while in
states before the transition and regime the early stages of the transformation, con-
change in the late 1970s (Verheijen, 1995). A sultants and observers – ready for the ‘Big
fundamental reorientation of the role of the Bang’ and ‘Rebuilding the Boat in the Open
administration in relation to citizens and in Sea’ (Elster, 1993) – meant that it was just a
relation to politics was therefore required. matter of pushing back the state, to allow the
The reform of policy processes is of particu- market to ‘free’ itself. Soon it became clear
lar importance in this respect. To remedy that creating a market based economy did not
the lack of policymaking capacity was happen by itself, which presupposed some-
much more important than the managerial thing of an effective governmental regulatory
reforms international consultants early in the system, and did not in itself resolve the fun-
transition process meant to focus on. With damental issues facing this group of states.
lacking policies, there was little management
to conduct.
Second, the role of systems of public The context of public administration
administration under the previous regime development in post-Communist
was one of at least direct control of economic states
processes and in most economic areas direct,
in house delivery of goods and products. The For context, it is important to observe, that
state apparatus, basically, a collection of the start of the transition in the post-commu-
state enterprises, with little or no, leave alone nist era coincided with a period in which
meaningful general governmental bureauc- neo-liberal concepts of public administration
racy in the western European sense of the were dominant in thinking about the state
word (Toonen, 1993). A complete overhaul and the public sector. More importantly,
of the structure and functions of the state neo-liberal views were predominant in those
administration was needed. countries from which initially inspiration
Third, the notion of a professional civil was drawn, especially the USA and the UK,
service, which was different from the private and when post-Communist states faced mul-
sector both in terms of legal framework and tiple priorities in difficult economic condi-
of organization, had been eliminated in most tions. Hence reforming the state was not
states, with the exception of Yugoslavia. initially considered critical and the option to
There this notion at least formally remained let it ‘wither away’ seemed attractive to the
in place until the late 1980s. This has funda- new political elites. And this in administra-
mental implications for the ‘usability’ of the tive systems where, for example, effective
staff that was in place when the transition tax systems and revenue management did not

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exist, because the state enterprises formerly likely. Moving to ‘standard’ level of institu-
served as the main source of government tional capacity in such context is, based on
revenue (Rice, 1992). The dominant – neo- comparative analysis likely to take 20+ years.
liberal and managerial – focus of the interna- Hence a fundamentally different and long
tional reform movement became more term approach to institutional development
important than an empirical assessment of is called for.
the functional, institutional and operational
needs of the locus of reform, which the
post-Communist state experience actually
constituted and presented to the world. Given THE REFORM PROCESS: DIVERGING
this focus – a ‘modern market and manage- TRACKS
ment oriented paradigm’ – it is not surprising
that – traditional – public administration The prevailing conditions in post-Communist
development was not considered a priority. states required an overall, holistic and devel-
Later on, in the second half of the 1990s, dif- opmental approach to public administration
ferent views on the role of the state started to and civil service. In reality the actual history
prevail. In addition, EU conditionality was of the development of public administration
defined also in terms of administrative capac- has been one of piecemeal and ill-sequenced
ities. Priorities started to shift, but by then attempts to reform existing systems, often
further and some would argue almost irre- and sometimes pragmatically driven by
versible damage had already been done both (temporary) external conditionality.
to systems of public administration and to
their reputation in society.
It is here that we find the origin for the The limited impact of holistic
diverging paths that have emerged since. strategic approaches
This ranges between more self-confident
new EU member states that assert their pre- A comprehensive approach to public admin-
rogative to build systems that suit the politi- istration development needs a strong strate-
cal (politicized) context in which they gic underpinning. Without a strategic vision,
function, to the focus on performance-based possibly embodied by a strategic document
management that has prevailed in other states, and related implementation plan, it is unlikely
outside of the EU’s realm, as a response to that comprehensive change can be brought
pressures from society and the business com- about. Following an additional phase of mud-
munity for a more service oriented and less dling through and system deterioration, a
intrusive civil and public service. Finally, more strategic approach started emerging
administrative development in fragile states from the middle of the 1990s. In part, this
such as Kyrygstan, Tajikistan and, arguably, was a response to the administrative capacity
Turkmenistan is better compared to similar requirements for EU accession, which were
developmental contexts. There is a growing put on the agenda in 1996, and in part it was
volume of work on institutional development due to a series of domestic political changes
in fragile and conflict-affected states, well in the mid 1990s that led to a change in the
summarized on the 2011 World Development debate on public administration reform.
Report on conflict affected and fragile states Strategic approaches adopted included,
(World Bank, 2011). Critical issues for frag- for instance, the Hungarian government’s
ile states are to get some basic service deliv- Public Administration Modernization Stra-
ery going and to ensure that justice and tegy (1995), which had a strong managerial
security systems function in a way as to build approach, the Bulgarian government strategy
at least a minimum level of state credibility, for ‘creating a modern system of public
without which a return to conflict is highly administration’, adopted in 1997 and revised

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in 2001, and the Slovak government strategy proved to be relatively durable. The funda-
on decentralization and modernization of mental difference between these documents
the public administration (1999). Strategic and those that emerged in Central Europe,
approaches were also put in place in Latvia the Baltic States and Bulgaria in the late
and Lithuania, but proved to be short-lived. 1990s is that the approach opted for in the
The politicized context of both countries former Yugoslav states is one of relative con-
and frequent changes in governing coali- fidence in the suitability of public sector
tions negatively affected the durability of solutions to resolving of critical developmen-
reform strategies. Hence, regardless of the tal problems these states faced at that time.
‘carrot’ of EU accession, consistent medium This, in contrast to the more public sector-
term reform processes were not put in sceptic approaches prevailing in central and
place. Administrative reform remained in east central Europe.
most cases a once off/single government A different and more strategic approach to
undertaking. public sector reform emerged in Russia and
The notion that a strategic underpinning Kazakhstan, which in each instance showed
for administrative development was required the tension between pressure for perform-
vanished in Central and East European ance (as part of developmental dilemmas) on
states with EU accession. After 2004 admin- the one hand and intransigent and vested
istrative reform processes were put on the interest based public service systems on the
back-burner, only to re-emerge on the agenda other. Nowhere did this come out as clearly
after the 2008 financial crisis that signifi- as in Russia. The country combined a very
cantly affected the Baltic States and Hungary traditional approach to civil service reform
in particular. The fiscal crisis that followed, (in the 2002 civil service reform program)
forced countries into broad budget cuts, with an innovative and performance oriented
including salary reductions and public sector administrative reform concept, adopted in
lay offs. While some of the budget cuts were 2004 (World Bank, 2006). The tension
implemented across the board, Latvia in par- between performance management practices
ticular used the fiscal crisis as an opportunity and highly formalized (and relatively inflex-
to address the wild growth of public sector ible) civil service systems has remained
institutions that had emerged during the part of the Russian reform process and has
EU accession process. The urgency of the hindered reform progression, as shown, for
crisis did not allow for a more strategic instance, in a recent evaluation of perform-
reflection on administrative reform, but ance management in Russia (World Bank,
helped in a practical sense in addressing 2011). Kazakh reform processes showed a
some of the unresolved structural problems similar tension between a traditional civil
that had remained on the agenda after EU service model, based on job security and
accession. Romania initiated a similar func- gradual career progression, and a reform ori-
tional review based process in 2009, which entation based on performance principles,
will be discussed in the section on reforming which requires a degree of flexibility in
administrative structures. staffing and rewards. In the meantime, strate-
While administrative reform came to a halt gic reform processes were also initiated
in new EU member states following acces- in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in the early part
sion, the middle to the last decade saw a of the last decade, focused on stabilizing
step up in reform activity in the Western and professionalizing public administration
Balkans. This included the adoption of stra- systems.
tegic public sector reform documents in the Considering the starting point, and the
2004–2005 period in Serbia, Montenegro, need for a radical overhaul of public sector
Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Among management systems in all post-Communist
those, the Serbia and Montenegro approaches states, the record of strategic, centrally driven

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reform processes is far from convincing. legislation that emerged had the necessary
With few exceptions, strategic approaches to local ownership required for laws to be
reform failed to take hold as political leaders durable.
neither showed the appetite nor the interest in At the time of EU accession, all but one of
investing in the systematic development of the ‘EU-8’ had some form of civil service
public sector management systems. As a legislation on the books, with the Czech
result, the contribution of the public sector to Republic being the only country where no
development and transformation is in most formal framework was operational. All laws
countries deemed to be limited, and in some adopted were molded by EU membership
seen as negative. With limited respect and requirements, which emphasized stability
support from society, civil service systems and impartiality of the public service, as well
in most of these states remain relatively as a high degree of permanency. This can be
marginalized and unable to attract the right explained both by the ‘old’ EU member
skills and ability to make a difference. states’ traditions as well as by the overriding
concern from the side of both member states
and the European Commission to have relia-
Civil service reform: from legalistic ble and stable partners in EU decision
approaches to rejection of formal making. Creating a Law that enshrines such
models principles was and is still seen as one of
the best ways of guaranteeing stability and
An important element in the overall adminis- reliability.
trative reforms, have been efforts to establish The legal frameworks that were put in
or form professional civil services systems, place in Central and Eastern Europe largely
preferably based upon law, following the met EU requirements as they put varying
example of the classical tradition in western levels of restrictions on political appoint-
states. This came as a reaction to observa- ments, enshrined merit based recruitment
tions like ‘Governments have apparently not and promotion systems, with formal over-
conceived of their employees as a bureauc- sight by civil service management institu-
racy-wide civil service’ (Rice, 1992:21). tions and strong employment guarantees. As
Approaches to the development of civil serv- noted above, this went against the grain of
ice systems have moved from an initially political tendencies in all these states, which
legalistic approach, akin to that prevailing advocated public service models close to
in most continental European states, to a private sector models, with a high degree of
diverse set of models, many of which at this discretion for political leaders to appoint and
point show little difference with general dismiss staff. As a result, most civil service
labor code arrangements. A large part of systems in place in Central and East Central
post Communist states, and in particular the Europe unravelled in the initial years of EU
new EU member states, no longer have a membership, and by 2007 very few states
distinct legal regime government public had even a semblance of a formalized civil
sector employees. service system in place (World Bank, 2007,
To a large extent the demise of ‘reform by OECD, 2009). However, regardless of the
legislation’ is due to the negative perception obvious move away from traditional European
of civil service laws both among politicians models, and the resulting limited stability in
and the general public, and in particular staffing and low levels of institutional conti-
in Central Europe. Numerous attempts to nuity, the new member states have not under-
craft and adopt suitable legislation to govern performed to the extent that might have been
civil service systems were made, many of feared. While absorption capacity of EU
which were an element of EU membership funds (and their appropriate use) has been an
preparation. However, few of the pieces of issue (World Bank 2007), their performance

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is not significantly worse than that of the civil service system remains in place. Among
weaker traditional member states. And where the post-Soviet states, the only state that can
many states on the Southern fringe of Europe, be associated with the Central/East Central
having traditional civil service laws in place, European model is Georgia, which has a lais-
have found it difficult to reform frozen sys- sez faire approach to civil service develop-
tems, the flexibility in public sector systems ment that bears some similarity to pattern
in the Baltic States in particular made it described above. Similarly, in the Western
easier for these states to adapt in the face of Balkans law-based civil service systems also
the 2008 fiscal crisis and arguably emerge continue to prevail. This is often described
out of it much stronger than some of the old as a result of the ‘Yugoslav exception’ on
member states. Hence, 20 years after the start the pre-transition models of civil service,1 the
of the transition, Central and East Central significantly more formalized civil service
European states have evolved towards a civil models of Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and
service model that bears little resemblance to Montenegro bear little resemblance to
continental European practise. the models that have emerged throughout
As in the case of strategic plan approaches, Central/East Central Europe.
discussed above, Central/East Central Hence, the pre-occupation with legal
European states have largely become a sepa- frameworks that dominated much of the civil
rate model, with civil service systems that service reform debate between 1995 and
enjoy little protection from changes in politi- 2003 has been replaced with a set of strongly
cal office holders and hold relatively little varying models, ranging from relatively mar-
attraction as employers. It is difficult to ginalized and political civil service systems
assess what are the underlying factors among the new EU member states, to formal-
explaining the reluctance to invest in civil ized, law-based models in the Western
service systems. It is often explained as a Balkans and much of the former Soviet
feature of the political culture that was Union, with systems in some of the latter
formed based on a strong anti-state rhetoric, living in uneasy cohabitation with perform-
combined with an affiliation with states that ance driving public management reforms.
share a less formalized approach to public
sector management.
However, what is more difficult to explain Designing administrative
is why the path of these states has diverged structures: a re-emerging issue
so significantly from the Western Balkans
and parts of the former Soviet Union, where While patterns in the establishment of formal
formalized, law-based civil service systems civil service systems diverge significantly,
remain the rule. Where Central/East Central there is a strong commonality among virtu-
European states moved to dismantle much of ally all states discussed here when it comes
the created civil service architecture in the to organizational and management reforms.
middle of the last decade, new legal frame- Functional review-based reorganization proc-
works formalizing civil service systems were esses, while having lost much credibility
put in place in former Soviet states and the globally, remain a common aspect of public
Western Balkans. While this has created ten- administration development processes
sions between performance orientation and in Central/East Central Europe and post-
formalized civil service systems in some Communist states. They have made a strong
states, as highlighted in the previous section, come-back in recent years since they are
in none of these cases has the law-based civil being perceived – for right or wrong – as a
service model been abandoned at this point. suitable instrument to address remaining
Even in fragile states like Kyrgyzstan and dysfunctionalities (and high cost) in public
Tajikistan, a law-based organization of the administration systems.

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Analysis from the early part of the last political party. Changing a system based on a
decade (UNDP, 2001, World Bank 2005) single hierarchy with single accountability
highlighted the strong remaining deficiencies lines to a complex governance system of
in public sector organization and manage- distributed accountability among various
ment across the region, including: ‘centres’ to which institutions report is a
highly difficult task.
• the lack of a clear conception of the role of the Early attempts to address at least some ele-
state; ments of structural reform were made in
• leftover elements of previous systems remained Poland and Hungary in the mid-1990s.
in place, expanding public sector systems to an
Poland carried out a substantial reform of the
unsustainable level;
• mechanical and technical approaches to public
Council of Ministers’ administration, with
administration prevailed, with low priority the objective of creating a small-core Prime
assigned to strategic thinking; Minister’s Office, among others, by, ‘pushing
• intra- and inter-sectoral coordination systems down’ coordination tasks into the administra-
were not functioning; and tion. In Hungary attempts were also made to
• public administration systems remain opaque, ‘slim down’ the Prime Minister’s office.
with a lack of clarity in lines of accountability. However, these partial reforms proved to be
insufficient for driving the necessary deep
As late as 2002, this complex set of interre- systemic change.
lated problems had not been fully addressed Initial approaches to come to a more com-
by any state in the region, for a number of prehensive way of addressing reforms
reasons. emerged in the late 1990s. One method
First, there is the multi-faceted nature of applied was the use of framework laws to
structural reform. Structural reform involves regulate the role and function of the different
the re-definition of the role and position of institutions in the administration and to
ministries, their subordinated organizations rationalize their operation. For instance, in
and the core executive unit.2 This is of par- Bulgaria a Law on Public Administration
ticular importance in Central and East was adopted in 1998, defining the type
European states, since the core executive of institutions that can exist in the state
units of the administration under the previous administration, and their relations of account-
regime used to ‘shadow’ line ministries and ability. Other states, such as Latvia and
play a dominant role in the process of policy Lithuania, took similar initiatives. Further
coordination. Policy processes were there- east, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have
fore ‘top heavy’, based on coordination at both been engaged in processes to reform
the top, and ultimately controlled by the administrative structures and rationalize
Communist Party. Core executive units also accountability systems, using a step by-step
tended to manage large numbers of subordi- approach. Functional review processes
nated institutions. Ministries in turn had were used in each of these cases to flesh out
direct responsibility for the management of a more effective and accountable public man-
plethora of subordinated bodies, including agement models. In later reform processes,
often state enterprises and other institutions such as the Russian administrative reform
that in a market economy either belong in the program, functional reviews became the
private sector or, at the very least, in the norm as instruments to help streamlining
‘third’ sector. administrative systems and increasing a serv-
A second element of complexity is the ice orientation. As noted earlier, Romania
need for radical change in accountability and Latvia are among EU member states
systems, which has both institutional and to have recently applied functional reviews
cultural implications. In the past, accounta- in their efforts to address growing fiscal
bility lines were directed towards the leading deficits.

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Functional review processes initially were The relative importance of these reasons
often externally driven as ‘prescriptions’ for for reform failure is important for the under-
the delivery of budget support by IFIs, and standing of what may be achieved in the
focused largely on sector reorganization. In a future and through what means. This is
next phase, the EU required sector reorgani- potentially of broader relevance, as the
zation as a condition for the use of agricul- rejection of a traditional European civil
tural subsidies, as well as for structural and service model by European states is a new
cohesion funds. However, the use of func- phenomenon.
tional reviews as reorganization instruments
were also driven by political considerations
and the realization that across-the-board staff Lack of consensus: political
cuts, which were often applied in the face of polarization and a lack of continuity
budgetary crises, neither resolved fiscal prob-
lems, nor helped in resolving issues of organ- Political consensus (or the long-term conti-
ization and performance (UNDP, 2001). nuity of one political force) and consistency
Hence, while functional reviews and related in reforms policies are generally considered
organizational reform processes have lost to be key conditions for successful adminis-
credibility in other parts of the world (in par- trative reform. These conditions have not
ticular in Africa and Asia) they remain the been met in large parts of Central and Eastern
instrument of choice for designing organiza- Europe and the former Soviet Union. In
tional reforms in post-Communist states. states where there is political consensus or
This might be due to the way in which this where one political force dominates the
instrument was used, which in Europe and political scene, there has often been a remark-
the CIS was less externally imposed than in able lack of consistency in administrative
other parts of the world, and hence gave the development policies. To take the argument
instrument less negative ‘baggage’, allowing one step further, in Central/East Central
judgement on merit rather than ideology. Europe there is often consensus on what is
not suitable (protected and ‘permanent’ civil
service systems), though not on what the
alternative should look like.
As an aggravating factor, political party
STATES: LESSONS? systems remain highly polarized, even 20
years after transition. While the former ex-
The limited academic writing on public Communist–former Opposition dichotomy
administration reform in post-Communist has been mostly replaced with Nationalist/
states uses a variety of explanations for the conservative–Liberal poles which are often a
relative failure of reforms (Nunberg, 1998; re-invention of the former, continuity in poli-
Verheijen and Coombes, 1998). Apart from the cies remains very low. Interestingly, this
difficult legacy of history, which was already appears to affect economic policies much
mentioned above and is well documented, less than administrative development. The
there are four further reasons why reforms combination of general aversion to the conti-
have generally failed to produce results: nental European civil service model and low
continuity in polarized political systems
1 lack of political consensus on reforms;
2 the problem of reform design;
therefore logically prevents the formulation
3 the changing and often contradictory signals of and implementation of long-term policies to
external organizations; and stimulate administrative development.
4 a genuine political belief that continental States in the eastern part of the former
European models of civil service are not appro- Soviet Union have a much higher degree
priate for states undergoing rapid change. of political stability. Paradoxically, this has

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created better conditions to build long-term The role of international actors

and consistent administrative reform poli-
cies. Russia and Kazakhstan stand out as the At first glance, external pressure to carry out
main examples, but cases like Armenia and administrative reform seems to have been
Azaerbaijan have equally seen relatively con- considerable. The EU is the main organiza-
sistent reform patterns. The 10-year process tion to have important political leverage in a
of administrative and civil service reform in majority of the states discussed here. EU
Russia and the almost fifteen year process in membership conditions include the creation
Kazakhstan have started to show meaningful of a stable, professional and accountable
results, though downward accountability to administration,3 which should provide incen-
citizens remains an issues to be addressed. tives to Central and East European govern-
Similarly, Armenia has been involved in a ments. However, the EU has been far from
consistent process of reform since 2001, consistent in the signals it has sent to the
widely seen as having significantly contrib- candidate states (Dimitrova, 2001; Verheijen,
uted to economic development and growing 2000), and has no instruments to deal with
foreign investment. While more volatile than member states, which means that once acces-
in CIS states, reform processes in the Western sion is granted, direct influence on adminis-
Balkans lack the general aversion agains trative reform processes disappears.
continental European models that appears to Other institutions, in particular the OECD,
prevail in much of Central/East Central the World Bank and the IMF, have also advo-
Europe. The systems emerging there are cated giving more priority to administrative
more likely to resemble public administra- development. The former two organizations
tion practices in ‘old’ Central Europe. have often worked on behalf of the EU in
supporting administrative reform, both
through technical assistance (the OECD
SIGMA program) and direct management
The problem of reform design of support programs, such as for instance the
Lack of sound judgement in reform design is EU’s delegation of the management of the
the second reason for the lack of progress comprehensive functional review program
in administrative development. The over- in Romania to the World Bank. External
reliance on legislation as the main reform influence is much less direct in states further
instrument, which is not surprising taking East. Reforms in Russia, Kazakhstan,
into account the legalist tradition of most of Armenia and Azerbaijan are driven more by
the states discussed here and the EU’s insist- arguments of economic competitiveness (and
ence on ‘reform by law’, an overemphasis on for Russia and Kazakhstan comparison with
civil service reform and the lack of attention other Middle Income Countries) than by
to the reform of administrative structures and external influence through the EU or IFIs. In
processes are all key to an understanding of the former two states, the role of external
the lack of success in administrative reform. actors is limited mainly to technical advice
The history of administrative development in and knowledge sharing.
post-Communist states provides a textbook
illustration that legislation is not an appropri-
ate reform tool on its own. Furthermore, it Lessons learned?
proves that the development of civil service
systems cannot succeed without the neces- There are various lessons to be drawn from
sary accompanying structural reform meas- the diverse experience of administrative
ures, which in turn need to be based on a reform and development in post-Communist
well-elaborated assessment of organizational states. First, those involved in administrative
structures and capacities. reform processes have often underestimated

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the deeply rooted nature of the problems the apart from both the ‘old’ EU and its
public administration systems in the region predominant model of law based civil serv-
are facing. An over-simplification of pro- ice, which to a large extent also applies to the
posed recipes for change, combined with a Western Balkans, as well as from the blend
general indifference on the side of politi- of traditionalism and performance that has
cians, largely explain the failure of the first emerged in the more advanced states of the
decade of reform. Where political institu- CIS. ‘Reconvergence’ towards traditional
tions were reformed and started to operate, European public administration models
administrations were left behind. Second, appears an unlikely scenario at this point,
even when and where the diagnosis of the though a debate on what kind of administra-
problems in the systems was correct, and tive system these states do want to establish
politicians could be convinced that reform has gained some urgency following the dire
was after all really needed, the medicines crisis experience in this part of the region.
applied were not the right ones, or at least
they were not applied in the right sequence.
Designing and adopting civil service legisla-
tion without attacking the root causes of the NOTES
problems in the administration first has
proved to be a highly inadequate reform The opinions and analysis presented in this chapter
represent the personal views of the author only and
strategy, all the more so because the right of do not constitute in any way the official view of the
interference in appointments and promotions World Bank.
has been one thing that politicians have in
1 Yugoslavia retained a distinct civil service
most cases refused to give up. system (as opposed to a general labour code regime)
The not-so-exciting truth remains that con- until the early 1980s and therefore had a civil service
vincing political leadership remains the key system more comparable to the continental European
condition for progress to be made. Definitely model, unlike in other post-Communist states.
there is a much greater understanding in the 2 For instance, Chancelleries, Prime Minister’s
Offices, Cabinet Offices or Councils of Minister.
region of the need and complexity of admin- 3 As defined in the so-called SIGMA baseline
istrative reform than there was initially, as criteria (World Bank, 2007).
seen both in the examples from the Western
Balkans and from some of the CIS states.
Reforms initiated in Russia, Kazakhstan
and some of the other CIS states also REFERENCES
show that such processes can be successfully
driven by internal actors. The dilemma for Dimitrova, A. L. (2001) ‘Governance by Enlargement?
analysts remains with the new EU member The Case of the Administrative Capacity Requirement
states. While progress in streamlining struc- in the EU’s Eastern Enlargement’. Paper presented at
tures and management systems has been the ECPR General Conference, 6–8 September
made, and, in some cases, innovations in 2001, University of Kent at Canterbury.
public management (including through Elster, Jon (1993) ‘Constitution-making in Eastern
e-government) have been introduced, civil Europe: rebuilding the boat in the open sea’, Public
Administartion: An International Quarterly (Special
service systems continue to lag both in terms
Issue on Administrative Transformation in Central
of quality and stability. While political lead- and Eastern Europe (J. J. Hesse (ed.)), 71 (1/2)
ers have been clear in expressing what they (Spring/Summer), pp: 169–219.
do not want, a model of civil service beyond Nunberg, B. (1998) The State After Communism.
the current world of politicization and con- Washington, DC: World Bank.
tinuous change has not yet emerged. This OECD (2009) Society at a glance 2009: OECD Social
now sets the new EU member states firmly Indicators. OECD: Paris.

5768_Peters & Pierre-38.indd 600 7/19/2012 5:19:12 PM


Rice, M. (1992) ‘Public Administration in Post-Socialist Verheijen, T. (2001) Politico-Administrative Relations,

Eastern Europe’, Public Administration Review, 52 Who Rules? Bratislava: NISPAcee.
(2): 116–125. Verheijen, T. (2007) ‘Independent Civil Service
Toonen, Theo A. J. (1993) ‘Analysing Institutional Systems: A Contested Value?’, In Florian Grotz
Change and Administartive Transformation: A and Theo A.J. Toonen (eds), Crossing Borders:
Comparative View’, Public Administartion: An Constitutional Development and Internationalisation.
International Quarterly (Special Issue on Berlin: De Gruyter: 249–267.
Administrative Transformation in Central and Eastern World Bank (2005) Increasing Government Effec-
Europe (J.J.Hesse (ed.)), 71 (1/2) (Spring/Summer), tiveness: Approaches to Administrative Reform
pp. 151–169. in the Russian Federation, Report by Yelena
UNDP (1997) The Shrinking State. New York: UNDP/RBEC. Dobrolyubova, Gord Evans, Nick Manning, Neil
UNDP (2001) Rebuilding State Structures, Methods and Parison, Yuliya Shirokova. Moscow, May.
Approaches. Bratislava: UNDP/RBEC. World Bank (2006) Institutional Reform in Russia:
Vass, L. (2001) ‘Civil service Development and Politico- Moving form Design to Implementation in a Multi-
Administrative Relations in Hungary’, in T. Verheijen, level Governance Context. Poverty Reduction and
(ed.), Politico-Administrative Relations, Who Rules? Economic Management Unit, Report Number.
Bratislava: NISPAcee, pp. 147–75. 35576-RU, June.
Verheijen, T. (1995) Constitutional Pillars for New World Bank (2007) The Limits of Innovation? EU-8
Democracies. Leiden: DSWO Press. Administrative Capacity in the New Member States.
Verheijen, T. and Coombes, D. (1998) Innovations in Poverty Reduction and Economic Management
Public Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Unit, Report Number. 36930-GLB, December
Publishers. 2006.
Verheijen, T. (1999) Civil Service Systems in Central World Bank (2011) World Development Report 2011:
and Eastern Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Conflict, Security, and Development. New York:
Verheijen, T. (2000) Administrative Capacity Building World Bank.
for EU Membership: A Race against Time? WRR
Working Paper 109. The Hague: WRR.

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Public Administration in
Developing and Transitional
edited by Goran Hyden

Part 12 of the Handbook highlights the to the many small island countries around
issues associated with administering public the world.
services in societies undergoing economic Public administration in developing coun-
and political reform. Although such reforms tries was once referred to as ‘development
tend to be ongoing in all regions of the world, administration’, implying that there is some-
including industrial societies, their implica- thing special about administering develop-
tions and outcomes differ from region to ment. Although the term is still in use, it has
region largely because of differential legacies lost its analytical specificity. Thus, in Part 12,
of state−society relations. They differ also we do not specifically discuss development
among countries within a single region. except to the extent that shifting perceptions
Thus, it is important to point out from the of the concept bear on how public adminis-
outset that the authors in Part 12 are under- tration in developing and transitional socie-
standably unable to cover everything. We ties has been affected and reformed in order
have made a decision to try to capture the to correspond to these shifting notions.
essence of what has occurred in each region More specifically, the chapters in Part 12
in recent years and, wherever appropriate, highlight both similarities and differences in
point out some of the more salient differ- the way public administration has evolved in
ences that exist in each region. There are recent decades, partly in response to histori-
obvious gaps that the critical reader may cal legacies and changing domestic condi-
discern. For instance, we do not cover the tions, partly as a result of fresh ideas having
issues of public administration associated been introduced from the outside. The two
with the countries in East Asia and the principal challenges that seem to come out of
Middle East, or those that specifically pertain the individual contributions are (1) the task

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of emancipating public organizations from to evolve. Dwivedi and Mishra (Chapter 40),
their embeddedness in social and political with reference to South Asia, Nef
circumstances that curtail their performance, (Chapter 41), in discussing Latin America,
and (2) the exercise of finding models and and Olowu (Chapter 39), in examining Africa,
instruments of reform that really work in see politicians as the root of the problem.
developing or transitional societies. In this Although Suwaj (Chapter 42) does not give
brief introduction, I shall place these issues this observation the same weight as the
in a broader and comparative context and other authors, there is evidence in parts of the
highlight important points that the four region that she covers – Central and Eastern
authors in Part 12 of the Handbook make. Europe – of the same kind of tension between
organizational ideals, on the one hand, and
societal values, on the other. Given that the
authors come to this conclusion from very
STATE−SOCIETY RELATIONS different vantage points, this is interesting in
itself. The considerably longer state tradition
A prevalent attribute of the state in develop- in Asia has not evolved beyond patrimonial-
ing and transitional societies is the discre- ism; nor has the now quite old post-colonial
tionary power that is associated with state in Latin America. As Olowu points
occupying public positions. This may be out with reference to Africa, the absence of
most apparent at the top level where heads of a state tradition on the Continent trans-
state or cabinet ministers use their position lates into not only patrimonialism but also
of authority to make decisions that are immobilism, or inadequate executive capac-
often against even the faintest sense of public ity. Eastern and Central Europe, according to
good. A similar type of discretion is also Suwaj, manifests similar features, although
evident at lower echelons in the government there is variation, with Central European
hierarchy. Members of the public often find countries generally having developed a better
it difficult to obtain services or decisions functioning public administration system
from ‘street-level’ bureaucrats without first than other countries in the region.
paying them a bribe. The point that the In order to fully understand how public
authors make in Part 12 is that this kind of administration in developing and transitional
behaviour is not just incidental but part of a societies compares with that of industrial
system that they call ‘patrimonial’ or ‘neo- societies, it may be helpful to distinguish
patrimonial’. It is a significant feature of public public administration systems along two
administration in Africa, Latin America and parameters, the first dealing with executive
South Asia and even in Central and Eastern capacity, the second with adherence to rules,
Europe, where the pressures to abandon it or legality. With regard to the former, systems
have been strong, and it continues to be an can be placed along a continuum from ‘strong’
issue. In making this point, they echo an argu- to ‘weak’; with regard to the latter, along a
ment that is quite common in the literature continuum from ‘firm’ to ‘soft’. Drawing on
on politics and administration of developing the contributions made here and the literature
and transitional societies (see, for example, at large, it is possible to use the matrix in
Riggs, 1964; Clapham, 1982; Migdal, 1988; Figure 1 to locate public administration sys-
Bratton and van de Walle, 1997). tems in different parts of the world.
One can take this point as support for
the position that missing in these societies
is a culture that prioritizes legality and
rationality in the sense that Max Weber REFORM LESSONS
described modern bureaucracies (Weber,
1947). Politicians are to blame for not allow- The second issue of special significance
ing legal-rational forms of organizations in Part 12 concerns the reform efforts.

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Rationality or executive capacity

Western Europe Asia, Latin America

Firm Soft

United States Africa, East Europe,



Legality or rule conformity

Figure 1 Typology of public administration systems

The history of reform is long in developing respective regions. The early enthusiasm that
and transitional societies, but the results are it had, especially in Central and Eastern
very meagre. Ever since ‘development Europe has since vanished. Much of the
administration’ was invented by Western criticism comes from within the public serv-
organization theorists in the 1960s as the ice itself, but the scepticism can be found
preferable way of conceiving of the role of also in political circles. Much of this has
public services in promoting national devel- to do with the fact that NPM was part of
opment, the story has been rather dismal. As a broader reform package that was intro-
Schaffer (1969) noted over 40 years ago in duced – sometimes imposed upon – develop-
one of the first assessments of this move- ing and transitional societies in the 1990s
ment, bureaucracy is not really suited for on the assumption that economic policy
tasks that involve coping with change. changes need the support of administrative
Because of its rule orientation, it tends to reform in order to be sustainable.
look inwards rather than outwards; it is better The points made in Part 12 raise an issue
at maintaining law and order than promoting that previous analysts of public administra-
social or economic development. In short, tion have often returned to: Is administrative
there is a poor ‘fit’ between bureaucracy and reform best carried out from within or does it
development. need the ‘push’ from outside? Earlier studies,
A similar situation seems to prevail with for example, by Montgomery (1987), have
regard to more recent efforts to reform the come to the conclusion that managers and
public services. The New Public Manage- administrators in developing societies are not
ment (NPM) approach that has accompa- different from those in Europe or North
nied structural reforms aimed at reducing the America. They hold most of the same values.
size of the public service has encountered The problem with studies of this type, how-
criticism for lack of suitability to the con- ever, is that they rely on interviews with
ditions in developing and transitional socie- managers without seeing them in their opera-
ties. The contributors to Part 12 indicate tional context. As Hofstede (1991) empha-
the problems of implementing NPM in their sizes, if administrators are studied in their

5768_Peters & Pierre-39.indd 605 7/19/2012 5:21:14 PM


cultural context, significant differences do where influences come from political sources
occur because they are induced or forced to in the shape of patrimonialism, from within
behave in ways that may differ from their professional civil service cadres in the direc-
own values. They simply cannot avoid the tion of routinization of rules, and from
pressures of the societal culture in which international consultants and finance institu-
they live – and work. Hofstede does not rule tions in the form of the urge to adopt NPM.
out the possibility of change from within, but Table 1 summarizes the principal differences
he is sceptical of the idea that large-scale between these three approaches and indicates
training programmes, in combination with the long distance that often exists between
organizational restructuring, whether along practice and reform promise.
the lines of NPM or any other approach, will It is significant that at least in the Central
produce the expected results. Henderson and Eastern European countries there is a
(1990) suggests that globalization is bringing search for a new model of administration that
people and societies closer together; hence incorporates many of the core values of the
the importance of greater emphasis also on classical Weberian model, yet is revised in
internationalization of the effort to build order to serve contemporary governance
stronger public administration systems. needs. This search is pursued with a view to
While the chapters in Part 12 do not rule out locating the system in a legal culture that is
the prospect for change, they are all cautious, the basis for how governments function in
if not outright critical, in their evaluation of Europe. In this respect, the current efforts are
the inputs from the outside. not as bold or radical but rather pragmatic
Administrative reform is likely to be both and cautious. There is less evidence that
slow and incremental. Public administration something similar is happening in Africa,
systems will continue to be pulled in oppo- Latin America and South Asia, but experi-
site directions – both forward and backward. ence with reform in these places may call for
There is little room for a ‘big bang’ approach something along those lines: a reform effort
to progress. Suwaj’s study of Central and that takes into consideration cultural values
Eastern Europe confirms that even in those rather than brushing them off as obstacles.
countries where the old system literally col-
lapsed and a new one had to be built from
scratch, the legacy of the past continues to
hang over the present. If one disaggregates CONCLUSION
the story that the four chapters in Part 12
tells, it is possible to argue that public admin- In a book similar to this published over
istration in developing and transitional 20 years ago (Dwivedi and Henderson, 1990),
societies is being caught in a triangular hold Gerald and Naomi Caiden argued in a

Table 1 Sources of pressure within public administration systems in developing and

transitional societies
Dimension/source Patrimonialism Routinization New Public
Organizational objective Power maintenance Law and order Development
Service rationale Ruler Rule Result
Organizational structure Patriarchal Hierarchical Team-based
Operational mode Discretionary Mechanistic Organic
Staff orientation Upward Inward Outward
Career system Favoritist Fixed and closed Flexible and open
Handling of wrongs Blaming others Reward and Sanctions Learning lesson

5768_Peters & Pierre-39.indd 606 7/19/2012 5:21:14 PM


concluding chapter that comparative studies Caiden, Gerald and Caiden, Naomi (1990) ‘Towards
of administration abound, but comparative the Future of Comparative Public Administration’, in
administration barely progresses (Caiden and O.P. Dwivedi and Keith M. Henderson (eds), Public
Caiden, 1990: 396). This is not the place to Administration in World Perspective. Ames, IO: Iowa
State University Press.
enter into an argument with their position,
Clapham, Christopher (1982) Private Patronage and
but it seems that one reason for such a con- Public Power. New York: St Martin’s Press.
clusion is that public administration theorists Dwivedi, O.P. and Henderson, K.M. (eds) (1990) Public
tend to assume that their particular theory has Administration in World Perspective. Ames, IO: Iowa
universal value and application. Their ambi- State University Press.
tion is to accommodate all systems of public Henderson, Keith M. (1990) ‘Rethinking the
administration under a single theory or Comparative Experience: Indigenization versus
model. The empirical reality of developing Internationalization’, in O.P. Dwivedi and K.M.
and transitional societies defies such an Henderson (eds), Public Administration in World
approach, as the authors in Part 12 point out. Perspective. Ames, IO: Iowa State University Press.
A more inductive approach, for example, Hofstede, Gert (1991) Cultures and Organizations.
London: McGraw-Hill.
which acknowledges that public administra-
Migdal, Joel (1988) Strong Societies and Weak States.
tion systems are subject to competing pres- Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
sures from several sources, seems a more Montgomery, John D. (1987) ‘How African Managers
realistic and helpful approach, whether the Serve Development Goals’, Comparative Politics, 19
objective is purely academic or practical in (2): 347–60.
terms of offering prescriptive advice. Riggs, Fred (1964) Administration in Developing
Countries: The Theory of Prismatic Society. Boston,
MA: Houghton-Mifflin.
Schaffer, Bernard (1969) ‘The Deadlock of Development
Administration’, in Colin Leys (ed.), Politics and
REFERENCES Change in Developing Countries. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Bratton, Michael and van de Walle, Nicolas (1997) Weber, Max (1947) The Theory of Economic and Social
Democratic Experiments in Africa. New York: Organization (ed. T. Parsons). London: Unwin
Cambridge University Press. Books.

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Public Administration in Africa:
Deepening Crisis Despite
Reform Efforts
Dele Olowu

A strong state apparatus based on a Weberian- a direct control of the state apparatus, an
type of public administration has historically orientation that encouraged the evolution of
proved to be the best guarantee for turning a patronage-based system of administration.
policy aspirations into social and economic Officials were promoted to senior positions
development. Forming an integral part of based on personal loyalty, whether it was
modernization the rise of such type of public based on kin, old-boy networks or other
administration in Western Europe and North narrow criteria. There was little trust in the
America occurred simultaneously with indus- public institutions that had been inherited
trialization, urbanization and the institu- from the colonial powers. Thus, very early
tionalization of a capitalist economy in the after independence, public administration in
late nineteenth century. This is the time when most African countries began to suffer from
they abandoned a patronage-based system a crisis of confidence.
of administering public affairs in favor of Ever since the 1960s public administration
one in which merit, compliance with formal in Africa has been the subject of reform
rules and accountability to publicly elected efforts. The first generation of these reforms
officials became key components. in the 1970s focused on making it more
African countries were exposed to this developmental by changing its structures
system in colonial times but it was never and procedures. Western management con-
institutionalized in a manner that survived sultants offered advice on how to make
political independence. In fact, nationalist administration more attuned to the needs of
leaders called it into question because it was social and economic development, borrow-
viewed as too conservative for their develop- ing best practices from developed societies.
ment ambitions. The first generation of polit- African civil servants were provided with
ical leaders in these countries wanted to have pay incentives to adopt these new principles

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and procedures. Some progress was recorded Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
but, unfortunately, this effort was not sus- and of governance in terms of global stand-
tained partly due to the political context ards of ‘good governance’. At the same time,
but also because in the 1980s African gov- new international actors are increasingly
ernments were increasingly being pushed influencing development in Africa; China
to abandon development administration in and India are among the most important.
favor of a market-based approach in which
the role of the state would be much less
Development and service delivery
A second generation of reforms of
African public administration emerged in the African economies have emerged out of the
1990s until the early 2000s. These reforms global crisis much better than other countries
took much inspiration from New Public or regions. Still, there are two key indicators
Management (NPM) and encouraged a com- of a growing systemic performance crisis of
prehensive revamping of the system. They these economies. The first is the likelihood
aimed at making public services in African that African countries will not achieve the
countries at one and the same time more Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a
efficient, effective and market or service- number of eight specific targets agreed to by
oriented. Public−private partnerships, execu- the United Nations in September 2000 with
tive agencies, citizen charters and other the objective of halving world poverty by
institutional mechanisms that had been tried 2015. Table 39.1 shows that of the 53 coun-
out in other parts of the world formed the tries in the region, only 6 (11.3 percent) can
core of these reform efforts. be regarded as doing well in terms of having
This overview of public administration in good prospects of attaining the targets. By
Africa, while bearing in mind its legacies in 2010, five years to the finish line, they had
past years focuses on its more recent experi- already achieved four of the seven targets
ence. It is divided into three sections. The that relate to developing countries. Another
first section discusses the changing interna- nine countries can be added to the list that
tional environment in which African coun- had achieved three of the seven targets,
tries find themselves and the implications for making a total of 15 or 28.3 percent of the
public administration. The second section countries in the region. The list is worrisome
deals with challenges facing efforts to reform on closer inspection. First, most of the coun-
the public services in these countries. The tries in the better segment are either from
third section addresses some of the measures North Africa or having small populations.
that give hope that, despite a deepening The more highly populated countries, espe-
crisis, there is scope for improvement. cially in sub-Saharan Africa, such as Nigeria,
Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and
Angola are at the other end of the table −
regressing or off-track. Second, while sight
THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT OF must not be lost of a few countries that have
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION done well in the region, such as Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Malawi and Eritrea, a major-
The development policies of African coun- ity of the countries (38 out of 53 or 72 per-
tries have increasingly become tied to global cent) are in the last three columns – not so
plans and agendas. This is apparent with good/ poor performance or off-track. Thirdly,
regard to who sets the targets for develop- most of the countries performing well with
ment and who decides how development regard to the MDGs, as we shall see later, fail
should be achieved. African development is the governance test and have become politi-
currently assessed in terms of the global cally unstable.

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Table 39.1 Millenium Development Goals score card − African Economic Outlook 2010
Good-4/7 Targets Fair-3/7 Targets Not so Good-2/7 Poor-1/7 Targets Mostly Off-track/
(6) (9) Targets (7) Regressing
(20) (11)
Ethiopia Algeria Benin B/Faso Angola
Gabon Cape Verde Botswana Cameroon Chad
Gambia Comoros Burundi C/Divoire DRC
Libya Egypt Djibouti E/Guinea G/Bissau
Morocco Eritrea Ghana Mozambique Niger
Tunisia Malawi Kenya Togo Nigeria
Namibia Lesotho Guinea Somalia
Rwanda Liberia Sudan
Mauritius Madagascar Swaziland
Mauritania CAR
Mali Congo
Source: OECD (2010).

This also brings us to another troubling study showed that there is indeed a robust
development in the region: the growing infra- positive relationship between infrastructure
structure decay, with perhaps the exception stock and economic growth. The study fur-
of the North African subregion. A recent ther showed that increases in stock and qual-
study systematically showed that the better ity of infrastructures stimulate a concomitant
economic performance of the countries of amount of economic growth. Unfortunately,
North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco most of the development plans and frame-
and Tunisia) is traceable to the former’s works in many countries of Africa are cen-
higher stock and quality of their public infra- tered on social (especially basic education,
structures. Whereas the size and quality of health) rather than the hard economic infra-
infrastructures in North Africa were higher structures that were focused in this study –
(per capita) and have shown increase in the namely, electricity, roads and telephones.
last 15 years between 1991 and 2005, the It is also significant that a relationship
size and quality of infrastructures in other exists between infrastructure quality and
parts of Africa have declined. According to public service quality, as demonstrated in
this study, ‘in 1991−5, the level of infrastruc- Table 39.2. Generally, countries or regions
ture quality in North Africa, Southern Africa with good-quality infrastructure also tend to
and West Africa was higher than that in have a higher level of management capacity
South Asia. By 2001−5, only North Africa in their public services.
showed a higher level of infrastructure qual- Many of the factors that facilitate the
ity than South Asia’ (Calderon 2009: 7). On growth of a Weberian-type of public admin-
the whole, North Africa is followed by istration, therefore, are still missing in
Southern Africa, with Central Africa being African countries. The conditions in which
the last region in terms of infrastructure. The public services can grow and become more

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Table 39.2 African aggregate infrastructure stock and quality, compared with public
management quality
Regions Infra Stock* Infra Quality* Infra Quality Public Mgt Quality
2005 2005 2010** 2010**
North Africa 0.7 (1) 0.2 (1) 45 (1) 68 (1)
West Africa −0.8 (3) −0.7 (3) 19 (4) 60 (3)
East Africa −1.6 (5) −1.9 (5) 20 (3) 52 (5)
Southern Africa −0.2 (2) −0.6 (2) 35 (2) 63 (2)
Central Africa −1.2 (4) −1.8 (4) 17 (5) 55 (4)
Africa −0.75 −1.1
East Asia 1.9 1.7
West Europe 2.1 1.9
Source: Calderon (2009, Fig.1) for Infrastructure (*); Mo Ibrahim Indicators (2010) for Public Management (**)
Note: Infrastructures include telephones, electricity, total roads.
Public management measures extent to which public service is structured to effectively and ethically design policy and
deliver services.

service-oriented are not in place to the same intervened. In a number of other countries,
extent that they are elsewhere where public elections have been marred by violence
sectors reforms have been attempted with a (some of the most publicized cases occurred
view to improving efficiency, effectiveness in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zimbabwe in rela-
and service delivery. This is also true when tively recent times), alleged and verified vote
checking the political conditions that tend rigging and other forms of corruption of the
to affect development. electoral process and the absence of a level
playing field for all participants. Though
the OECD (2008) gives a glowing report
of how ‘more and more countries … were
Unraveling governance reforms
legitimizing their governments through uni-
By the 1990s, the consensus was already versal elections’, it also noted, in particular,
fairly well established that governance low turn-out rate and slightly increased insta-
was the main challenge confronting African bility even in traditionally stable countries
countries (World Bank 1989: 60). A number and the very high level of violence associated
of governance improvement programs were with demonstrations of social dissent.
instituted by African governments, with Until the Arab awakening in 2011, many
strong support from development partners or of the countries in the region implemented
donors. These governance reforms have democratization that enabled the ruling par-
unraveled in many countries in the region. ties and oligarchs not only to remain in
Electoral democracy has not really translated office but also to plan to transform their
into real democracy as the power of money, respective regimes to an hereditary monar-
ruling parties and the armed forces have chy, as they plotted to hand power over to
continued to be dominant in many countries younger family members. Democratic
even though they have diminished somewhat Republic of Congo (Kabila) and Togo
compared with the pre-reform era. A review (Eyadema) had gone down this path and
of national elections conducted from 2004 other countries such as Egypt and Libya in
to 2008 showed few leadership or regime the north were only biding the appropriate
changes. In Libya and Swaziland, there have time to announce their plans along these
been no changes for over four decades. lines. In other countries, such as Ethiopia and
Democratic change was quickly reversed in Eritrea, opposition parties are either formally
Mauritania and Niger, where the military proscribed or are prosecuted and persecuted.

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In Ethiopia, most of the opposition candi- and most of the North African countries in
dates who won votes in the 2005 elections Table 39.1 − are to be found in the Not Free
were rounded up as traitors and many had to or Partially Free columns of Table 39.3. The
flee the country. Even in countries where the last two sections speak to the economic and
opposition is given some space, as in Tanzania political context in which public administra-
and Uganda, the ruling parties are accused of tion functions. Predictions on performance in
manipulating elections. Out of the 50 of all these two areas – economic and political −
54 countries in the region for which data was are not very encouraging. The United Nations
available, only eight countries were regarded Economic Commission for Africa report
by Freedom House, a global organization (2010) from its surveys in 35 countries in
that rates all countries according to their 2005 and 2009 found that corruption was
enjoyment of political and civil rights, as one of Africa’s most serious three national
‘totally free’ in terms of political rights and problems – the others being poverty and
civil liberties enjoyed by the country’s citi- unemployment. It reported that corruption
zens. These few were the countries that indicators dipped further in 2009 compared
scored between 1 and 2.5 on Freedom to 2005. Overall, there was only minimal
House’s scale. The majority of the countries (2 percent) governance improvement in the
were classified as either partly free (23) or sample countries between 2005 and 2009.
not free (19), with scores ranging from 3.0 to
7.0 for a total of 42 countries, nearly 80 per-
cent of the continent as shown in Table 39.3. New global actors
It is noteworthy that most of the countries
recording good performance in respect One of the more interesting developments
of MDGs – e.g. Ethiopia, Gabon, Eritrea on the African continent in recent years has

Table 39.3 State of African democracy – 2010

Free (1–2.5) Partially Free (3–5) Not Free (5.5–7)
Cape Verde − 1.0 Lesotho − 3 Algeria – 5.5
Ghana − 1.5 Senegal Angola
Benin − 2.0 Seychelles Congo
Mauritius Sierra Leone Côte d’Ívoire
Namibia Comoros − 3.5 Egypt
South Africa Liberia Gabon
Botswana − 2.5 Malawi Mauritania
Mali Mozambique Rwanda
Tanzania Cameroon − 6.0
Zambia Democratic Republic of Congo
Burkina Faso − 4.0 Swaziland
Guinea Bissau Tunisia
Kenya Zimbabwe
Morocco − 4.5 Chad − 6.5
Niger Guinea
Nigeria Equatorial Guinea − 7
Togo Eritrea
Uganda Somalia
Central African Republic −5.0 Sudan
Source: Freedom House.

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been the growing presence of other global bureaucracy at the top as a part of the national
actors and a shift away from dependence strategy (what some refer to as strategic
merely on aid. Africa’s economic fundamen- performance management [SPM]). It also
tals have been changing in terms of invest- involves enhancing the capacity of local
ment, aid and trade with Western countries. governing elites, revitalizing local govern-
For instance, sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA)’s ance (Commonwealth Secretariat 2009;
exports to China increased at an annual rate Olowu 2010).
of 48 percent between 2000 and 2005, 2.5 In highlighting the lessons of how Chinese
times as fast as the rate of the region’s local governance enhances innovative serv-
exports to the United States and 4 times as ice delivery and local economic develop-
fast as the rate of exports to the European ment, Shah (2006: 165) concluded that ‘a
Union (EU). Africa’s trade with the EU (its stronger role for local government in public
traditional trading partner) has dropped by expenditure has helped to promote foreign
half , so that Asia now buys about as much as direct investment, improve efficiency in
the United States and the EU. And within public resource allocation and foster eco-
Asia, China and India have eclipsed Japan nomic growth’. It also helped to alleviate
and South Korea, buying 10 percent and 3 poverty, stimulated greater effort to levy and
percent, respectively, of all of Africa’s collect taxes, and stimulated private enter-
exports. Whereas this trade initially concen- prises and state-owned enterprise (SOE)
trated on the oil-exporting nations of Angola, reform. Furthermore, decentralized govern-
Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Democratic ance has helped to build trust between citi-
Republic of Congo and Sudan, the economic zens and the state by helping public officials
boom of these two dominant Asian countries to focus on ‘results-based accountability to
has included a number of other commodities, citizens’ as it created incentives to improve
especially cotton and food. Africa is also local public services and responsiveness to
importing capital goods from these two local preferences’ (ibid.).
countries that are helping to bolster the com- These lessons are important for Africa as
petitiveness of the continent’s fledgling she engages in a triple transformation – capi-
assembly industries that produce goods for talitst, democratic and demographic − with
international markets. Moreover, the direct her people moving in ever larger and growing
investments of these countries on the conti- numbers from rural to urban communities
nent have also increased (Broadman, 2008). (Kapstein 2009). Focus on the challenges to
It is instructive that China and India, public administration reforms will provide
which were once poor countries, invested further insights into why these changes in the
heavily in boosting the capacity of their environment are important.
respective local and national governments
over a period of time. There are important
lessons that Africa can learn from this experi-
ence. Both countries’ efforts at transforming THE CHALLENGES TO IMPROVING
their central government civil services and PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
modernizing their local governments are
well researched (Kohli 2001; Shah 2006; The main challenges to improving public
Chan & Ma 2011). They clearly took their administration in Africa are a combination
cue from the astounding economic and of external and domestic variables. Because
bureaucratic reform trajectory of the Asian the countries on the continent are so depend-
tigers. The lessons are that when global, ent on foreign aid from other countries,
big-push reforms are not feasible, it pays to they are also likely to find themselves with
focus on incremental change targeted at little choice but to accept prescriptions issued
evolving a performance-oriented permanent by these external donors. This is especially

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apparent in the reform context, where the to promote complementarity, collaborative

donors have insisted on large-scale and com- behavior and use of common arrangements
prehensive reforms that have proved quite that simplify procedures and ensure mutual
inappropriate. A second set of challenges is accountability systems for development
the lack of human resources to effectively results in partner and donor countries.
manage the public service. African countries The question is how far these new meas-
fall short of training enough cadres, and ures have really engaged the economic, polit-
many of those who have been educated to the ical and institutional crises prevailing in
appropriate higher level either leave the African countries. Judging from the literature
country or move to the private sector. A third and practical experience gathered in these
challenge can be found in the limited revenue countries, the following four issues stand out
base that these countries have, and thus the as remaining challenges.
limited opportunity they have to develop a The first is that institutional and political
public administration with roots in local systems take time to change, as they reflect
communities. wholesale human behavior and they require
sustained incentives to change. Chang
(2003: 115) notes that it took the now devel-
oped countries (NDCs) several decades, and
Inappropriate reforms
in some cases centuries, to develop what
The reforms of the public service in recent are referred to as the core good governance
years have been premised on NPM princi- institutions, i.e. universal suffrage (democ-
ples. These reforms have made some impor- racy), bureaucracy, judiciary, property rights
tant gains in Africa but their core premises regimes, corporate governance and financial
have also unraveled. In particular, the regulations, from the time when they per-
approach to funding the state and the reforms, ceived their need for them. Moreover, the
premised on donor aid, has been challenged. experience of these NDCs also shows that
Related constructs such as budget support, there is no single model of democracy. For
country ownership which were the underpin- instance, each country has chosen the demo-
nings of the Paris Declaration of 2005 have cratic model that is most consistent with her
come under increased scrutiny. Key unre- political culture: majoritarian or consocia-
solved issues include pay and productivity tional (Lijphart, 1984). Specifically, with
improvement efforts in the public service respect to the bureaucracy, Chang points out:
linked to wider governance changes.
In Paris in 2005, the rich countries under- Although some of the changes advocated by NPM
took to raise the level of donor support to may be useful in fine-tuning what is basically a
Weberian bureaucracy that already exists in the
approach the 0.7 percent level of gross
developed countries, the more relevant question
domestic product (GDP) as their contribution for most developing countries is how their
to ensuring the actualization of the MDGs. bureaucracies might attain even the most basic
Donors and recipients, alike, undertook to ‘Weberian-ness’ (Chang 2003: 78).
promote national leadership and ownership
of the development process, the strengthen- This is also the task which the NDCs were
ing of country systems and institutions and confronted with in the earlier days of their
procedures for managing development development. Bureaucratic reform in
resources that are effective, accountable and Germany (Prussia) took place between 1713
transparent. They identified some mecha- and 1860, in Britain from 1780 to 1834 and
nisms for actualizing these: notably, medium- in the United States from 1883 to 1933; the
term expenditure frameworks (MTEFs), centenary of the reforms was celebrated as
budget support mechanism to deliver aid, late as 1993 (Schiavo-Campo & Mcferson
harmonizing assistance to partner countries 2008). By contrast, reform proponents give a

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much shorter time for radically transforming of the world, local governments deliver five
specific public institutions. No one of course of the seven MDG target services (Narayan
expects that new countries would spend a et al. 2001; Millet et al. 2006).
centenary to transform their public institu- PRSPs have been introduced for the con-
tions but the prevalent reform paradigm also venience of the donors as much as for the
assumes a social and political reality that benefit of their African partner countries. In
does not exist. the context of the relations between donors
The second issue is the economic and and recipients, these instruments have
financial policy set-up, which is grounded in become controversial for several reasons.
the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) One is that the effort emphasizes reforms
framework. The latter is seen as a restoration on the public expenditure but not the reve-
of state-led development and planning proc- nue side. The PRSPs have typically been
esses that were abandoned in the wake of accompanied by another institutional innova-
Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP). The tion – the medium-term expenditure frame-
donor support that goes with PRSP also work – which is an attempt to reconcile
offers a financial life line to many African multi-year outcome-based plans with annual
countries that were no longer able to generate budgets that reflect clear policy priorities.
funds for capital or development expendi- PRSPs and MTEFs are natural bedfellows
tures (Doe 1998). PRSPs also connect well to because the objective of the latter is to ensure
the MDGs, country ownership and systems that only high-priority programs are funded.
development. Furthermore, MTEF offers an instrument
PRSPs, however, are criticized for their for correcting some of the most serious
ambitious expectations, as well as their oper- weaknesses of many African government
ational methods. First, donor behavior has expenditures (unclear government priorities,
often been at odds with the country owner- poor execution of policies and programs,
ship agenda. Several donors are still reluctant misallocation and regressive expenditures)
to channel substantial funds through budget in that it enables a shift to be made in spend-
support for the medium term, preferring ing priorities. But technical problems make
instead annual project support that is neither MTEF a near impossibility: lack of timeli-
harmonized with other donors nor with the ness of budget submissions and approvals;
country PRSPs. Second, whereas many unrealistic and changing revenue estimates;
donors would readily fund retrenchment, and poor cash forecasting and inability
they are reluctant to fund pay raise or incen- to prevent expenditure commitments from
tive increase for understandable reasons. exceeding authorized limits on cash outlays.
Nevertheless, a few experiments, introduced Budgetary discipline is often lacking and
in Tanzania as the Selected Accelerated the problems associated with budget support
Salary Enhancement Scheme (SASE) and in have only aggravated matters (Alfarez
South Africa as the Senior Management 2010).
Service (SMS) show that such reforms, if Development assistance continues to
well targeted, are not only politically feasible labor under the same old constraints, and
but also economically sustainable (Stevens these continue to weaken recipient country
& Teggemann, 2004; Cameron 2010). Third, systems’ capacity, especially in Africa
critical institutions are excluded from the (UNCTAD 2006).1 First, aid remains largely
PRSP process. Legislatures, decentralized uncoordinated and unpredictable in spite
organs and civil society organizations are of the exhortations to harmonization and
overlooked; yet these are institutions that are higher, sustained aid levels. The actual aid
critical to poverty reduction at national and delivered is often less than commitments
local levels (Narayan et al. 2001; Barkan made. Second, aid is still largely focused
2009). It is significant that in most countries on projects, with parallel agencies, and is

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increasingly bilateral. Indeed, many donor further complicated by the fact that due to a
countries do not subscribe in principle to number of factors – aging populations, new
budget support and use of poor country sys- technologies, mobility of multi-national busi-
tems, etc. Only 26 percent of all aid to nesses and finance, etc. – rich countries are
14 African countries went to budget support attracting skills from the developing world
in 2004 and only 20 percent of all bilateral with immigration programs for professionals
aid. Multilateral aid has increased in recent and skilled labor. There is now a clear con-
times compared to the past decade, due in sensus that the resulting brain drain has an
large part to debt relief, but it is still less than impact on poverty reduction efforts in poor
30 percent of all aid. Third, aid is going countries.
increasingly to social sectors. While this is Under certain conditions, brain drain could
understandable because of their connection become brain gain. For instance, if the send-
to PRSPs and MDGs, it also takes support ing countries received in return huge remit-
away from development and growth objec- tances – some countries like the Philippines
tives and sectors, especially agriculture and and Cape Verde receive over 20 percent of
industry, in particular SMEs. Some wonder their GDP from remittances, higher than the
whether the underlying causes of poverty are development aid to these countries – such
really being addressed. Social spending as remittances can actually stimulate the econ-
a proportion of technical cooperation in omy. This works, however, only if recipient
SSA rose from about 50 percent (1992−1996) country governments provide the environ-
to 70 percent (2000−2004) while the share ment for individual citizens to invest their
of economic infrastructure fell from 7 to 4 earnings from remittances in productive and
percent within the same period. Furthermore, not consumption expenditures.
most SSA PRSPs attach no importance to Public services in poor (African) countries
higher education (discussed below). thus confront a dilemma: they need their
All of these have invidious implications scarce skills, but given the erosion and com-
for public administration capacity. The pression of salaries paid to scarce skills in the
problems are not exclusively the donors. public service, there is both internal and
Africa’s own partnership framework, the external migration of such skills – out of the
New Partnership for African Development public service and out of the country, respec-
(NEPAD), expects that the bulk of resources tively (Kapur & McHale 2005).
to finance the resource gap of US$64 billion A second issue compounds the one
per annum (about 65 percent of all resources above – the decline of the higher educa-
required) to bring development performance tional system. Many African countries have
to an expected 7 percent GDP growth would not been able to invest in higher education,
come from outside the continent (Maloka preferring to focus scarce financial resources
2002: 493). on basic education (Bloom et al. 2006). This
is further aggravated by the fact that many
African national governments have reneged
Human resource challenges on an earlier commitment to meritocratic
recruitment into public service in favor of
The first human resource challenge to pre- patronage, ethnic balancing and politiciza-
vailing reform is that the demand for and tion (Olowu & Erero 2009, Cameron 2010).
supply of high-quality human (technical) Hence, on both the supply and demand sides,
resource skills have fallen over time for the scarce skills have become difficult to attract
civil services of most African countries. In and/or retain. Whereas other developing
the era of globalization, such indigenous countries lost only 10−30 percent of their
skills are moving into countries where they skilled talents that were trained in Western
can attract the highest pay incentives. This is countries in 1990, Africa, the worst affected

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among the world’s regions, lost 75 percent of In Ghana, for instance, the 1989 local gov-
its tertiary educated work force, followed by ernment reform was a bold policy initiative
Asia/Pacific (52 percent), Latin America (48 that empowered semi-autonomous district
percent) and Eastern Europe (20 percent) assemblies (or local governments) to handle
(Lowell & Findlay 2001). Little wonder that their own finances and human resources.
the United Kingdom Commission for Africa These key resources have remained in the
(2005) lamented that the continent spends an central government under both military and
estimated US$4 billion annually to recruit civilian governments – on the ostensible
some 100,000 skilled expatriates who replace reason that local governments and decentral-
some 70,000 African professionals or man- ized agencies lack capacity (Ayee 2004).
agers that leave annually to work abroad. Early successes of local government reform
Another human resource management that incorporated financial and human
challenge arising from years of salary com- resources management devolution in Uganda
pression, as politicians pursue egalitarian and Tanzania have also been reversed recently
goals at the expense of a quality civil service, by their respective central governments. In
has been the tendency for salaries of people Nigeria, huge resources (almost 30 percent
in the lower cadres of the civil and public of the country’s revenue sources) have been
service to be higher than those paid to coun- poured regularly into the country’s revital-
terparts in the private sector while the salaries ized local government system since the early
of those with expertise stagnate. The result is 1990s, but the poor accounting and the cul-
an excess of staff – whose data are poorly and ture of corruption at that level – as in all
corruptly kept, leading to a large number of levels of government – has not allowed these
ghost workers – in the junior and generalist resources to translate into critical skills or
cadres but scarcity and huge vacancies in the the desired development (Olowu et al. 2010b)
superior and highly skilled cadres. Tanzania has had a similar experience
Yet another important challenge that is (Tidemand & Msami 2010).
readily evident in most African countries is By contrast, in most industrialized coun-
the tendency for scarce skills to concentrate tries (and the industrializing nations of the
in the central government headquarters and world), the local state has a substantial
in the largest cities, whereas the real needs responsibility for the services that are used
for civil servants exist in the rural communi- by citizens – from basic services like educa-
ties – for health, agriculture, education or tion and health, which must be tailored to
small-scale and rural industrialization. It community needs, to infrastructures such as
is common to find a lot of officials at the water, roads, utilities, to planning and land
headquarters with little or nothing to do, use management, etc. In sample OECD coun-
while the health clinics and field administra- tries, the local state is responsible for almost
tion systems lack essential staff. Remune- 30 percent of total government expenditures
ration and other reward systems, and the (TGE) and 12.8 percent of the GDP – some
absence of effective monitoring systems of spend as much as 60 percent of total govern-
excessively centralized governments, further ment expenditure, while it ranges from
aggravate the situation. The result is that 61 percent (Canada) to 12 percent (Portugal).
basic services are lacking in the rural com- A survey of local governments in OECD
munities, which further drives away good countries found that even though local gov-
staff. For most countries, the local govern- ernments have suffered attrition in the
ment systems remain weak in spite of several Western world since the 1980s as a result of
rounds of decentralization or local govern- private sector-like innovations (the New
ment reforms (Wunsch & Olowu 1995; Public Management), their operations remain
Olowu & Wunsch 2004; Dickovick & Rield sizeable (Kersting et al. 2009) Whereas other
2010; Olowu et al. 2010a). developing countries in Asia and Latin

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America have begun to enhance the capaci- compression ratios from 5 percent to 28 per-
ties of their local state, only a few countries cent between 1992 and 2001 but fell back
have gone beyond paying lip service to the again to 20 percent. Similar gains were lost
development of the local state in Africa by Tanzania, Ghana, Burkina Faso and
(World Bank 2004; Schiavo-Campo and Senegal. Only two countries recorded sus-
McFerson 2008; Kersting et al. 2009; ILO tained decompression – Botswana and South
2001; Olowu et al. 2010a). Africa (Kiragu & Mukandala 2005; Cameron
The local state cannot, however, be 2010). Technical approaches tended to focus
nurtured and developed, except by an intel- on economic variables such as a living or
ligent and highly motivated national public minimum or market wage. Inevitably, politi-
service that appreciates the strategic impor- cal factors complicated the implementation
tance of devolving some of its own responsi- of these technical approaches. Political con-
bilities to other institutional actors so that it siderations include the relative power of the
can be more effective in its critical tasks government, the influence of civil society
of strategic planning, policy development, and media groups and, especially, of trade
monitoring and coordination. Unfortu- unions (Kiragu & Mukandala 2005; see also
nately, compared to other countries, African Olowu 2010 for a full review of pay levels,
public services have fallen behind in terms wage bills and decompression for analysis of
of number and quality of their public their sample of eight countries drawn from
officials – at national and local levels − in different regions of the continent).2
stark contrast to presumptions that African On the whole, besides monetization
public services are oversized or too large. (tried especially in Eastern and Western
The available data shows that whereas Africa), most of the countries have had
African governments had 2 percent of to abandon the economic rationality models
their population employed in government and settle for politically driven patronage
(0.9 percent in the central government approaches. They are thus not able to
and only 0.3 percent in local government), raise and sustain salary levels that can guar-
OECD countries had 7.7 percent (2.5 percent antee the attraction and retention of quality
in local government as against 1.8 percent civil servants, especially where it matters
at the national level). OECD is followed most – at the highest levels. And since a
by Eastern Europe (6.9 percent), Middle skilled civil service is key to state develop-
Eastern and Northern African countries mental and governance reform outcomes,
(3.9 percent) and Latin America and Asia their economies wallow in poverty. The qual-
(3.0 percent and 2.6 percent, respectively) ity of the civil service, the economy and
(Schiavo-Campo 1998). Moreover, most of politics further degenerates.
the African countries’ efforts at devolution Wage issues are thus problematic not only
reforms are oblivious of the fact that the because of their political nature but also
continent is one of the fastest urbanizing because of economic and fiscal considera-
parts of our planet. tions. But critical data for the systematic
A final human resource management empirical analysis of existing pay structures
challenge is how to connect pay to perform- and pay-setting practices, including system-
ance. Available (IMF) statistics show that atic evidence on public−private pay differen-
African civil services have suffered in par- tials, have also been important. In particular,
ticular from wage erosion and wage relevant data on the pay−employment
compression (Schiavo-Campo 1998; Schiavo- nexus, in terms of the the willingness of
Campo & McFerson 2008). Some of the governments to trade-off real wage levels
public sector reforms have sought to address against higher levels of public service
these problems using technical or political employment, are not readily available
approaches. For instance, Uganda raised (Valentine 2006).

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Limited resource mobilization for performing these tasks and the absence of
political structures and incentives that make
Behind the human resource challenges is the these imperative.
fiscal challenge. Many African countries are It is in this sense that taxation is regarded
heavily dependent on aid to finance both as an important and under-rated entry point
recurrent and capital expenditure. Those that in the sense well-designed taxes could
are not dependent on aid rely on mineral or increase revenues, refocus government
agricultural exports. The effect of windfall spending on public priorities, improve demo-
natural resource gains and aid are the same cratic accountability and help to consolidate
on the national public administration system, stable institutions. The origins of representa-
as ably summarized by Dambisa Moyo. First, tive government are intimately connected to
both set of countries are susceptible to theft the evolution of taxation. While aid’s share of
and have provided practically unlimited GDP in Africa increased fivefold between the
opportunities for personal wealth accumula- 1960s and 1990s and the number of aid
tion and self-aggrandizement (Karl 1997; recipients increased from only 21 in 1998 to
Moyo 2010: 48). The only difference is that 29 by 2006, there are concerns that high
while efforts are being made through the levels of aid such as those create incentives
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative for donors and recipient governments that
(EITI) in natural resource -rich countries, discourage building capable and responsive
little effort is made to question the corruption states. The IMF adjudged that 71 percent of
inspired by aid. Second, aid fosters more aid, African countries receiving more than 10
as it fuels corruption and nations quickly percent of GDP in aid in 1995 were also in
descend into a vicious cycle in which aid the group of countries to have made a less
props up corrupt governments that interfere than expected tax effort. Higher aid levels
with the rule of law and resist public sector were associated with larger declines in the
reforms aimed at transparency of civil insti- quality of governance and lower taxation as a
tutions and protection of civil liberties. These, proportion of GDP (Brautigam 2008). The
in turn, make domestic and foreign invest- OECD made a case for improving taxation
ments unattractive, reduce economic growth levels in Africa as a goal of economic and
and jobs and increase poverty levels. governance improvement policy in 2010.
In this regard, an important issue in most The overall result of the above challenges –
SSA countries is the ability to mobilize poor service delivery and inadequate or irrel-
domestic resources. The OECD (2010: 13) evant reforms − has been Africa’s descent
notes that many countries in the region col- into a fourth world. Africa is home to 70
lect as little as half of their potential and that percent of all the least developed countries
when resource-related taxes are excluded, and perhaps the countries designated by the
most of the countries in the region fall into World Bank as LICUS (Low Income
low-tax effort countries with some of them Countries under Stress). Over half (57 per-
collecting as low as US$11 per capita. The cent) of the world’s fragile states are in
poor or sometimes non-existing collection Africa. Most of these states are in conflict or
of urban property taxes in many of Africa’s just coming out of one (African Development
rapidly growing cities is the most obvious Bank 2006). In such situations, improved
illustration of the problem (Olowu et al. public management is practically impossible
2010). The same reasons for the poor per- in the short run, except stimulated and sup-
formance of the allocative function can be ported by non-governmental, community-
adduced for the non-performance of the other based and faith-based agencies (Fass &
economic functions of all governments – Desloovere 2004; Trefon 2010).
distribution and stabilization – inability to Although this chapter so far has argued
attract and retain the critical skills required that the crisis of the state has deepened, the

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same crisis has also instigated a raft of fresh Sudan, where several years of fighting were
efforts aimed at improving state and public finally resolved in favor of a referendum that
sector performance. These efforts are the paved the way for the new nation of South
subject of the remainder of this chapter. Sudan). This lesson is not only applicable at
the national level. Even at the local level,
analysis of decentralization programs in the
continent have underscored the importance
SCOPE FOR IMPROVEMENT of coalitions to ensure that devolutionary
decentralization is not reversed, as has been
There are a number of factors that need to be the case in many countries in the region (see
considered finally as part of this assessment Ndegwa & Levy 2004; Olowu et al. 2010a).
of the state of public administration in Africa: Second, since the early 2000s an impres-
(1) the change of the political opportunity sive effort has been made by Africa’s leaders
structure; (2) the emergence of regional to improve the architecture of governance
African initiatives to improve governance; through strengthening regional and subre-
(3) a renewed emphasis on finding ways of gional supranational structures, especially in
decentralizing authority; (4) the rise of new view of the relatively small size of African
public−private partnerships; and (5) the states, to tackle several social and economic
growing use of political economy analysis. challenges they confront. These initiatives
First, the critical and growing importance have had implications for the national public
of dissent outside of the state and the ruling administration systems in a number of ways.
party – even in parts of the continent thought The most obvious is the change from the
to be beyond such restiveness, especially Organization of African Unity (OAU) into an
among the northern African countries – has African Union (AU) on July 9, 2002, with
opened up opportunities for building reform specific and clear visions for economic and
coalitions comprising internal and external political renewal at national level. The
agents. Partnership for African Development
Generally, too much reliance has been (NEPAD) program and new implementing
placed in the past on the state in tackling the organs aimed at revitalizing democracy and
challenge of development and democratiza- development on the continent followed this
tion. The last few years have demonstrated change.
that governance reform cannot be carried out Perhaps best-known example of the latter
by agents of the state working with interna- is the African Peer Review Mechanism
tional development actors. Much more reli- (APRM), founded in 2003 with the aim of
ance must be placed on building coalitions enforcing AU’s Declaration on democracy,
between reformers within and outside the political, economic and corporate govern-
state. It is this factor that resulted in the dif- ance. The APRM process subjects the politi-
ferential outcome of popular protests in cal institutions (including the public service)
Northern African countries (and other Arab of a country to intense scrutiny from several
nations): the role of the army in Egypt and fronts – financial, administrative, structural
Tunisia in bringing about some kinds of and political context, etc. A total of 30 of
political reform compared with their roles in the 54 AU members have acceded to it and,
Gadhafi’s Libya and other Northern African of this, 13 have submitted themselves to
countries that witnessed sustained street pro- the APRM process. The process stresses the
tests (see Goldstone 2011). However, this is responsibility of national governments and
not limited to North Africa. Transitions have other stakeholders, especially civil society
happened in countries of West Africa (nota- actors, to ensure and monitor the domesti-
bly Niger and Sierra Leone) and also on the cation and adherence to the standards
east coast (Tanzania, Kenya, and even in and conventions set up in the four thematic

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areas of the APRM: democracy and political Third, several African countries have also
governance; economic governance and man- been compelled by internal and external
agement, corporate governance; and socio- dynamics to devolve the centralized state
economic development. Earlier, in 2001, structure and rebuild from below as they
African Ministers of Public Service had reconstitutionalize the state. Africa has one
adopted a charter on the African public serv- of the lowest indices of decentralization
ice. After a series of meetings, this draft was compared to other countries of the world,
proposed as a charter on the values and prin- even though it is the fastest urbanizing conti-
ciples of public service and administration to nent that requires strong municipal govern-
be incorporated into the APRM. In July ments and there is strong demand for
2003, a set of similar standards for fighting devolution among her citizens (Kapstein
corruption had been articulated and adopted. 2009; Little & Logan 2009). A number of
Another illustration of the increasing them have followed the good practice of
power of supranational initiatives is the grow- including subnational governments in their
ing clout of subregional bodies. Several of new constitutions – Nigeria, South Africa,
these regional economic communities (RECs) Uganda, Ghana and Kenya, to mention only
had remained weak and ineffective for many a few, while others, especially in Eastern
years since their founding in the 1990s for a and Northern Africa are likely to follow
variety of reasons. However, in July 2007, (Tanzania, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya). It has
the AU rationalized these bodies into eight. also emerged, however, that the obstacles to
Two of the eight RECs − namely, the Common devolution have been underestimated.
Market of Eastern and Southern Africa Capacity is perhaps one of the most impor-
(COMESA) and the Economic Community tant issues, but this is not just capacity at the
of West African States, (ECOWAS) − have local but also at the national level to design,
become important players in their respective promote and sustain devolution (Wunsch
sub-regions in the areas of free trade, free 2002; Awortwi 2011). This may explain why
movement of persons and goods and conflict a number of countries have initiated, not full-
resolution. ECOWAS has been particularly blown devolution, but asymmetric decentral-
successful in resolving conflicts within and ization that focuses efforts in some specific
between countries in her subregion. The con- sectors before undertaking a general or com-
tinent is still quite far from her aspirations prehensive national devolution – e.g. selec-
towards free trade area, common market, tively in health, education and water and
central bank and monetary union and a single sanitation sectors in Tanzania, Ghana and
currency (now targeted for 2032) but these Botswana. Some other countries have also
two subregional entities have received posi- settled for partial devolution, whereby cities
tive reviews (Economist 2011; Bassett & with resources and potential actors to agitate
Straus 2011). The main challenge is to fully and defend local autonomy are opened
institutionalize and indigenize these initia- to devolution ahead of rural areas where
tives, especially in view of the fact that most deconcentration continues to prevail. This is
of them, such as APRM, are funded mainly the agenda that is being implemented in
by development partners.3 For instance, Mozambique and is also being practiced
many countries have not engaged APRM due effectively in other countries in the region –
to the requirement that each participating e.g. Botswana, Ghana and some Francophone
country must pay US$100,000. For the coun- countries like Senegal. The idea of one
tries that have engaged the process, it has size fits all for all localities is giving way to
impacted favorably on the implementation of differentiation.
key governance and PA reforms and refo- Fourth, one of the more successful reforms
cused national attention on MDGs (Herbert of the African state has been the creation of
& Grudz 2008). executive agencies (EAs). Perhaps the most

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notable and successful in many countries has Global Financial Integrity (GFI) reported
been the semi-autonomous revenue agencies that the bulk of illicit capital flight from
(SARAs). Their success stories have led to Africa is often siphoned not only by rogue
a wholly new area of research in the regimes but also by corporations through
region – the islands of excellence (Roll ‘underpricing, overpricing, misinvoicing and
2010). The downside is that the success making completely fake transactions, often
of these agencies may compromise strong between subsidiaries of the same MNC and
country systems, as attention and resources companies formed offshore to keep property
are focused on these few islands, although out of the sight of the tax collectors’ (Sharife
much also depends on the reform design 2011). GFI estimated that Africa lost over
as they relate to SARAs. One longitudinal US$854 billion between 1970 and 2008
study of SARAs in 45 African countries from through such illicit financial flows (Economic
1972 to 2005 confirmed that tax reform Commission for Africa 2010: 13).
efforts substantially raised tax incomes, Another important area of focus has been
and that these reforms impacted favorably on public−private partnership (PPP) for produc-
the wider public administration system, but ing public services that state institutions
that this was not sustained after 1996. The are authorized to provide (Ostrom 1996,
authors suggested that the success of SARAs Adamolekun 2011). PPP has become an
might have actually undermined overall important element in efforts to enhance the
public administration systems, as SARAs capacity of the state. Infrastructures consti-
were separated from the rest of the civil tute one of the most important areas of devel-
service in terms of work conditions and opment on the continent. Many countries
the protection from political interference have found that by opening their telephone
(Prichard & Leonard 2010: 669). The Zambia services to private entrepreneurship, the huge
Revenue Authority (ZARA) provides one telephony divide between the rich and poor
of the best illustrations of the successes countries has all but vanished. Today, Africa
and frustrations of these organs in Africa. has become one of the fastest-growing cell
ZARA’s success enabled her to uncover (mobile) phone users. Similar successes have
fraudulent activities by multi-national com- been recorded in agriculture, water, electric-
panies operating in that nation’s copper ity, gas, etc. (Kapstein 2009).
sector. One of these, Mopani Copper Mines, One of the neglected areas of PPP is the
a subsidiary of Swiss Glencore International role that non-governmental organizations
which owns 50 percent of the world’s global generally and, especially, faith-based organi-
copper market, was accused by ZARA’s zations (FBOs) would play in PPP. Whereas
auditors to have overestimated its operating colonial authorities and immediate post-
costs, underestimated production volumes independence governments at various levels
and breached arm’s-length principles – all (e.g. in the mobilization for universal pri-
in that company’s bid to avoid taxes. The mary education in the Western region of
privatization process (lauded by the World Nigeria 1955−1963) patronized FBOs in
Bank in the 1990s as one of the most building and sustaining basic social infra-
successful, with 282 entities sold), was dis- structures on a partnership basis, several of
covered to have involved large-scale corrup- Africa’s indigenous political leaders since
tion, involving several multinationals and the 1970s have sought to keep these organs
public officials and a complete lack of out for a variety of reasons: divisiveness,
transparency. According to a recent review, non-inclusiveness and the distaste of foreign
even relevant ministries and Members of and other domestic social partners against
Parliament were not allowed access until a any kind of religious engagement. There
copy of the agreements was leaked to the have been some positive changes in this
press (Sharife 2011). regard, especially in the post-SAP period.

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FBOs have re-emerged in many countries and considered also the restraining forces
in their traditional areas of service delivery – limiting their impact, in order to recommend
basic education, basic health, water and rural how best development partners might sup-
roads. Moreover, they have also moved to port public sector reform in the medium-
new areas in higher education, policy advo- term. Of the four key drivers identified
cacy and strong partnerships that have been above, the influence of the development part-
developed between state and FBOs to tackle ners was found to have remained strong in
human rights problems, fight corruption and recent years, whereas the lack of strong lead-
HIV/Aids in the region (Marshall 2011; ership from the top, reflecting a lack of
Olowu 2011). The important lesson here is political will, absence of incentives linked to
the need to strengthen the regulatory capacity performance for officials, combined with the
of the national and local state organs in relat- low level of demand from service-users, have
ing to both private and non-governmental been major constraints.
organizations, including FBOs. The PE found that some factors had made
A fifth and final emergent development to the political context more fluid recently than
touch on is the growing importance and rel- before. Within the domestic context, these
evance of political economy (PE) analysis to included the emergence of an effective oppo-
public administration. Much of public sector sition, a strong media, an increasingly vibrant
management analysis related to reform has civil society, the growing political awareness
in the past focused on what happens within of the urban population, and the fractures
the public service or even possibly within the within the ruling party that very recently dis-
state. Since the state is itself a subset of placed a powerful anti-corruption faction.
the larger political and economic forces The dynamic impact of membership of the
operating within society, such analyses have East African Community, as well as citizen
been partial at best. Increasingly, there is a protests on the streets of Kampala and
growing interest in understanding the PE of Nairobi, together with the wave of popular
public administration reform as critical for uprisings across North Africa, were identi-
reform institutionalization and indigeniza- fied as factors operating within the interna-
tion. A PE analysis would identify the main tional arena (World Bank 2011).
drivers of the reforms as well as the restrain-
ing forces limiting their impact within and
outside the public service. In particular, PE
would analyze the political domestic and
international context of reform and seek to
understand the most potent forces conducive A review of the last five decades of political
to reforms. On the basis of such an analysis, independence by most of the African states
much more pertinent intervention can reveals deep fault lines in their state and
be articulated in the form of reforms (Eaton public administration structures, processes
et al. 2010). and performance. It is doubtful whether cur-
A recent PE analysis for understanding rent efforts at reforms of governance and of
why reforms in one East African country had the administrative systems are effectively
stalled highlighted the main drivers of tackling several of the key challenges identi-
reforms as being (1) political will from the fied. These include:
top leadership, (2) the incentives structure
• a serious deficit of trust, transparency and effec-
motivating the bureaucrats responsible for tive accountability to citizens;
implementing reforms, (3) the influence of • growing loss of loss of critical and managerial
development partners and (4) the demand skills within state organs;
from service-users and civil society organi- • excessive reliance on external resources for mod-
zations. The PE then examined these drivers eling and financing both capital and recurrent

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elements of development and of the state admin- dynamic developing nations of the world, as
istrative machinery; reviewed earlier in this chapter.
• an over-centralized state system;
• policy processes that are delinked from relevant
global and indigenous knowledge as tertiary
institutions have declined in quality; and NOTES
• the weak regulatory capacity of state institutions
in working with foreign and indigenous private 1 United Nations Conference on Trade and
sector and non-governmental organizations. Development (UNCTAD) (2006) Economic Deve-
lopment in Africa: Doubling Aid: Making the Big
Given these factors, it would have been a Push Work. Geneva: United Nations.
miracle if overall performance of most of the 2 The countries selected included Benin, Burkina
African states and their administrative sys- Faso and Senegal (all Francophone West African
countries) and Botswana, Ghana, Uganda and
tems would have been any different from
Tanzania (English-speaking East, South and West
lackluster. African countries).
The above account makes a compelling 3 Of US$17.3 million contributions for APRM in
case for a multidimensional and multilevel 2007, 10.5 million (61 percent) came from develop-
national leadership development in state as ment partners.
well as non-state bodies that have capacity to
engage in a continuing policy dialogue with
the national government organs to collabo-
rate, compete and contract in tackling soci-
etal challenges. This is the polycentric
Adamolekun, L. (2011) Public Administration in
constitutional architecture that recognizes Africa, second and updated edition. Ibadan:
multiple centers of power that interact as Evans.
autonomous agents for overall societal devel- African Development Bank (AfDB) (2006) Proposals
opment and management. There are signs for Enhancing Bank’s Group Assistance to Fragile
that emergent political systems in the conti- States in Africa. Tunis: OPRC.
nent may grow in this direction − creating Alfarez, R.C. (2010) ‘The Rise of Budget Support
multiple, democratic autonomous spaces of in European Development Cooperation: A False
action. Panacea’, FRIDE Policy Brief, No. 31, January.
In sum, investing heavily in developing a Awortwi, N. (2011) ‘An Unbreakable Path? A
Comparative Study of Decentralization and Local
national higher civil service that is knowl-
Government Trajectories in Ghana and Uganda’,
edgeable and professional, highly motivated
IRAS, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 347−378.
and well paid, non-corrupt and positioned to Ayee, J. (2004) ‘Ghana: Top Down Initiative’, in
interact with other key societal stakeholders D. Olowu & J. Wunsch (eds), The Challenge of
in analyzing policy and strategizing for Democratic Decentralization. Boulder, CO: Lynne
development must be a priority for countries Rienner, pp. 125 –154.
in the region that wish to overhaul and mod- Barkan, J. (2009) Emerging Legislatures in Emerging
ernize their public administration systems. African Democracies. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
Such high-quality leaders at national and Bassett, Thomas J. & Scott, Straus (2011) ‘Defending
local levels of government would be matched Democracy in Cote d’Ívoire’, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90,
by leaders from other sectors: private and No. 4, pp. 130–141.
Bloom, D., D. Canning & K. Chan (2006) Higher
non-governmental sectors, but also in the
Education and Economic Development in Africa.
community and other non-conventional
Harvard: Harvard University Press.
organizations such as FBOs – as they interact Brautigam, Deborah (2008) ‘Taxation and Governance
in the governing and administrative proc- in Africa’, Development Policy Outlook, No.1. AER
esses over time. Such a design worked in Online, pp.1–13.
Africa in the immediate post-independent Broadman, Harry (2008) ‘China and India Go to Africa’,
period and is working in some of the most Foreign Affairs, March/April, pp. 95–124.

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Challenges of Culture
and Governance in South Asian
Public Administration
O.P. Dwivedi and D.S. Mishra1

South Asia is a vast subcontinent with over from Britain immediately after World
one-fifth of the world’s population. It con- War II. These nations share the same admin-
sists of eight nations: namely, Afghanistan, istrative style and governing culture as a
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, part of their imperial legacy. Even Nepal
Pakistan and Sri Lanka. These countries and Bhutan, which were not under a direct
have diverse cross-national religious compo- colonial rule, could not escape from the
sition, ethnicity, territorial size, population influence of British conventions and tradi-
and languages. However, they do share vari- tions, particularly in their governing style.
ous common historical and cultural legacies, And unlike other post-colonial societies
as well as similar administrative, political in Asia and Africa, the leaders of India,
and economic structures (Haque, 2003: 943). Pakistan and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) heralded
The region varies in size, from a small the British heritage at the time of independ-
country such as Maldives − with an area of ence as the steel frame of their countries’
about 298 sq. km and a population of around administrative systems. Of course, over the
0.4 million − to a large country such as past six decades since independence, their
India− with an of over 3.3 million sq. km administrative apparatus has gone through
and a population of over 1.21 billion. The genuine changes in style, behaviour and con-
region’s population density varies from tents. Nevertheless, the viceregal legacy of
18 per sq. km in Bhutan to 1,099 per sq. km domineering political executive and powerful
in Bangladesh and per capita income from bureaucracy has continued on. Thus, map-
US$427 in Nepal to US$5,300 in Sri Lanka ping the history of public administration of
(Wikipedia, 2011). a vast region such as South Asia is indeed an
Nations of South Asia were the first among enormous task, especially since it consists of
developing countries to receive independence nations that demonstrate significant racial,

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ethnic, cultural and political differences. clearly defined services, merit-based recruit-
Such a diverse group defies generalizations, ments, trainings, placements, and remunera-
but some common features are nonetheless tions to serve the British Raj. Most of these
identified in this chapter. Among these features were continued by the later regimes
countries, we shall focus primarily on India, under the national governments.
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The The British ruled the region over a long
first part of this chapter deals with the his- period. Other than Nepal and Bhutan, the rest
torical legacy, which may assist readers to of the countries were directly or indirectly
understand the foundations of contemporary administered by the British Raj. Colonial
public administration systems in the region. masters were the architects of the administra-
We then proceed to discuss administrative tive systems that were inherited by the gov-
culture and style of governance before ana- ernments in the region at the time of their
lysing the impact of Western values of public independence or severance from the British
administration that for the past over six regime. India, like the other countries in the
decades have led to reform and subsequent region that had been under British colonial
improvements in the management of public rule, inherited a monolithic, highly stratified
services. and strictly hierarchical administrative
system. The line of command ran unimpeded
from the Viceroy and Governor-General in
New Delhi, the capital, to the farthest village
THE HISTORICAL LEGACY head. Created during the time of Warren
Hastings and Lord Cornwallis, it had four
As in China, public administration in South distinguishing features: (1) the district served
Asia has had a long tradition of adminis- as the basic unit of administration, with the
tering state affairs.These administrative tra- District Collector or Deputy Commissioner
ditions can be traced from the Vedic Era acting as the alter-ego of the vice-regal
(2500−1500 BC) to the Mauryan Empire authority, controlling, directing, and coordi-
(321−185 BC), in terms of emphasis on nating all administrative activity in the dis-
territorial division, law and order, revenue trict; (2) authority was centralized both
collection, external security and judicial territorially and functionally in virtually
administration. They followed the central- all policy areas; (3) the civil service was uni-
ized autarchy, especially during the Mughal fied, with the Indian Civil Service (ICS)
period with comprehensive territorial admin- occupying the top policy and management
istration and a centralized structure in the positions by virtue of its elite status; and
executive, judicial and military organs of the (4) there was a system of elaborate rules
government, which were loyal to the throne and regulations designed by the British to
(Dwivedi and Mishra, 2010: 45). Nonetheless, enable them to control their vast number of
none of them laid the same stable foundation Indian subjects, dispersed far away from
of rule as did the emperors of China. the administrative capitals of the central and
The historical legacy in South Asia, there- provincial governments (Dwivedi, 2009,
fore, tends to be primarily associated with 132−133). This system had served the colo-
the colonial era. The modern system of gov- nial objectives of control, exploitation and
ernance in South Asia evolved mainly during law and order very well.
British colonial rule, influencing all coun- At the time of independence, a politically
tries in the region except Nepal and Bhutan divided British India became two countries
(Haque, 2001: 1408). It was based on Anglo- and faced overnight the movement of mil-
Saxon rule of law, clearly laid-down legisla- lions of refugees across the border between
tions and rules, systematic classifications, India and Pakistan. This exodus of Muslims
defined decentralized federal structures, to Pakistan and Hindus to India created

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enormous problems of relief and rehabilita- adapting readily to the changing demands
tion in societies already plagued by poverty, placed upon it and (3) the structuring of
disasters, inflation and food shortages. These human relations in rigid hierarchical terms,
problems put the inherited and emergent a tendency encouraged by the caste system
political and administrative structures to and by the tradition of deference toward
severe test (Dwivedi et al., 1989). In spite of authority (Taub, 1969). It was no surprise
these strains, political leaders successfully that in a few years’ time, the administrative
managed the transition to parliamentary system adopted ‘ad-hocism’, resulting in
democracy and an economic system devoted low levels of efficiency, integrity and public
not only to growth but also to promoting the trust. The effectiveness of the governance
social welfare of the citizens and industriali- systems, irrespective of the kind of the
zation with a view to solving the problems regime – democratic, military or monarchy –
of poverty, unemployment and want. In the was challenged by the intra-regional socio-
social field, the government committed economic disparity, religious/linguistic/caste
itself to changing the caste-ridden stratified conflicts, excessive population growth, etc.
society into a progressive community ori- The political governance model varied
ented toward social justice. Finally, there was across the region. India and Sri Lanka chose
also a determination to have modern science a democratic set-up with the British parlia-
and technology light up the lives of the mentary system being adopted in the former
many conservative rural people. Similarly, and the American presidential system in the
other countries in the region carried out their latter. Bangladesh and Pakistan had occa-
journey in nation building from the 1950s sional military and parliamentary democratic
to the 1970s under state intervention with the rules. Bhutan and Nepal (for most of the
promises of rapid socio-economic progress time) stayed with a traditional form of mon-
based on a development-oriented mode archy coupled with limited democracy. In
of governance, although in reality, the con- 2006, Nepal abolished its age-old monarchy
servative colonial legacy continued in South and became a democratic republic, although
Asian administrative systems in terms of it is yet to finalize and adopt its constitution.
institutions, structures, norms and attitudes Despite these variations in political typology,
(Haque, 2001: 1409). In order to fulfil these South Asian countries have been quite simi-
ambitious independence goals, the govern- lar in terms of the objectives, structures,
ments in South Asian countries adopted the functions, attitudes and standards of govern-
Five-Year Plan as the major instrument of ing bodies because of long British colonial
economic and social policy. Though these legacies.
countries adopted a mixed-economy model, In retrospect, it may be said that the post-
the public sector had precedence over the independence political leaders of the South
private sector. Asian nations tried to govern too much, as
The adoption of planned economic devel- compared to the British, who governed too
opment inevitably led to an increase in the little and did not concern themselves enough
size of the bureaucracy. The planning system with changes in the social and economic
placed heavier responsibilities on the district order. Perhaps it was inevitable, mainly
as the traditional unit of administration. because the political leaders were in a great
However, the British-devised administrative hurry to reach a level of development akin to
system could not carry on, and eventually the West. Nevertheless, this seeming haste
suffered from (1) the rigid adherence to, and had a negative influence on the administra-
inflexible dependence upon rules, (2) a focus tive process, especially its efficiency, effec-
on top-down decision making with a lack of tiveness and standards of conduct. South
delegation of authority and a generalized Asian governments became more intensively
rigidity that prevented the organization from involved in regulating, planning, stimulating

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and placing under direct government control administration were undermined. For exam-
many economic, commercial and banking ple, politicians would be found acting as
activities, thereby stifling market forces. This brokers between business and commercial
is how many activities were nationalized not interests, on the one hand, and government,
only in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka after on the other; the interpretation and enforce-
their independence but also in the Maldives, ment of laws was politicized; interference in
after the British Protectorate status ceased normal personnel administration to secure
to exist, and in Bangladesh, after it became the appointments of friends and supporters,
severed from erstwhile Pakistan. Over time, or the promotion of local civil servants,
citizens became excessively dependent became commonplace; the sale of govern-
upon the initiative and the bestowal of gov- ment property and the issuing of contracts
ernmental largesse in all spheres of their and licenses came under political sway;
lives. Over-protectionism hampered entre- political intervention became evident in the
preneurship and initiatives in the population procurement of civil works, machinery,
at large and business and industry, in parti- equipments and services for government
cular. ‘License and Permit Raj’ controlled departments; official and confidential infor-
growth and enterprises. mation was misused by people in power for
private gains; and extra-constitutional and
legal authority was placed in the hands of
favoured individuals who did not hold elected
ADMINISTRATIVE CULTURE positions. Naturally, this type of environment
influenced the conduct and attitudes of
Experiences in South Asia differ sharply public servants who, by and large, saw the
from those in other parts of Asia in the past benefit of accommodating themselves to the
six decades. Whereas the political transition prevailing winds.
in the early days of independence was quite The elite cadre in India, Pakistan, Sri
smooth, cracks began to show up in the Lanka and Bangladesh tried to maintain its
1950s. A new generation of politicians dominant position in policy making and gov-
emerged for whom the old liberal democratic ernance, but its power and prestige was
traditions and morality were a mere hin- constantly undermined by the measures
drance, and could be sacrificed for political mentioned above. The result has been that
expediency, status and private gains. What public service ethics has declined to the point
Pakistan faced with respect to a weakening where practically all aspects of public life
of democratic governance and effective appear to be engulfed in unethical activities.
administration in the 1950s and 1960s, India Officials, like politicians, have acquired dual
did in the 1970s and 1980s (Islam, 1989). personalities; their private actions ill match
The emergence of this new breed of politi- their public pronouncements. A parallel
cians brought in its wake an erosion of many ‘black administration’ emerged in which
of the fundamental values of the governing influence, favours, money, privileges, misuse
system that had been consolidated with a of public funds, falsification of records and
strong urge of nation building and patriotism the bending of rules and regulations prevail
during the earlier years of independence. (Dwivedi, 1989: 249). Sunder (2011: 254)
Furthermore, political interference, influence- infers that progressive fall in the ethical
peddling and muscle-flexing unions of gov- standards of the elite services owes to the
ernment or public sector employees made even cultural milieu, which does not demand
the most legitimate means of accountability accountability for one’s action and, there-
meaningless in the administrative parlance. fore, there is cultural gap between what is
With this kind of politicization, the funda prescribed and what is practised or the offi-
mental canons of a reliable and effective cial values and the operative values.

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This insidious subculture does not encour- dishonest public officials (Sihag, 2008: 21).
age citizens to even attempt seeking what is Unless the public stand against the might
legally due to them. Instead of facing the of corrupt officials and say ‘NO’ to illegal
ordeal themselves, those who can afford to gratification or expose such greedy public
do so hire the services of ‘agents’ who are servants, the corruption chain cannot be
ready to pay the ‘fee’ for whatever service is broken.
being requested. This has become very Furthermore, Mughal’s tradition of
common at the lower echelons where citizens bakhsheesh and patronage (Mukherjee,
interact with bureaucrats. A survey con- 2011: 6) perpetuated corrupt practices by
ducted by the India Corruption Study on continuing social traditions of nazarana, gift,
tracking corruption in 11 public service sec- present or offering made by an inferior to the
tors extrapolates that 145.4 million house- superior, shukrana, thanks giving or showing
holds paid bribes to the tune of Rs210.68 gratitude for something, jabrana, compelling
billion during the year 2005 (CMS, 2005: or coercing to receive something for an
13−14). This shows that an average of nearly action or inaction and imdad, assistance or
Rs1,500 was paid as extra money by house- support in lieu of something received.
holds in receiving one or more of 11 types of Expectations by the clan to support the kith
public services through the year. This study and kin even at the cost of sacrificing ethics
focused only on corruption experienced by propagate unethical practices. Some of the
the common public in securing services from religious beliefs and practices give courage
Government departments to which they are to corrupt persons to engage in unethical
entitled to as citizens; if it were to cover the activities (Dwivedi et al., 2009: 150−152).
extent of corruption at other levels, such as Ostensible living and tainted demonstration
businessmen paying bribes to tax officials, of wealth, as against sober living within
and the existence of mega corruption in one’s own means, is the current days’ fad and
public work contracts, procurements of is being propagated by electronic channels,
equipments and various services or securing which is adding fuel to the fire of corruption.
other government businesses, the fluidity of This culture prevails in most of the societies
corruption money would be astounding in the Indian subcontinent.
indeed (Dwivedi et al., 2009: 148). Geert Hofstede carried out cross-cultural
The architect of the great Mauryan Empire research on IBM employees belonging to
in 321 BCE and the author of Arthashastra, over 40 countries on four dimensions −
a treatise on economic and political adminis- namely,
tration of a nation, Kautilya, noted that it was
not easy to detect corruption; just as it was • power distance, representing the extent to which
impossible to know when a fish moving in society accepts unequal distribution of power;
water is drinking it, so it was not possible to • individualism, denoting the degree to which
find out when the government servant in a culture emphasizes personal initiative and
achievement rather than collective efforts;
charge of public business misappropriates
• masculinity, meaning prevalence of masculine
money. He, therefore, prescribed very heavy values of assertiveness, performance, success
penalties, including death, to corrupt officials and competition over the feminine values of
(Kautilya, 1967). However, unlike present warm personal relationships, service, caring and
legislation and practices, he did not recom- solidarity; and
mend any punishment to the bribe-giver • uncertainty avoidance, signifying the extent to
because he considered such person to be which culture tolerates uncertainty or ambiguity
victim of the corruption. Instead, he advo- (Alam, 2004: 313−314).
cated compensating the bribe-giver for the
loss, if he comes forth with the revelation A fifth dimension of long-term orientation
of the corrupt practices on the hands of was propounded by Hofstede and Bond in a

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study of the Chinese culture influenced by been made, but their scores would probably
Confucian values. It characterizes values of not be very different from the pattern shown
thrift and perseverance as against short-term for India and Pakistan.
values of saving ‘face’ and fulfilling social In spite of the prevalence of malpractices
obligations (Hofstede’s website, 2011). As and corruption, there are public servants in
per this website, the cultural dimensions of South Asia who refuse to be corrupted. This
countries in South Asia, where studies were core of exceptionally hard-working and dedi-
carried out, are shown in Table 40.1. cated individuals in the bureaucracy, how-
In Table 40.1, values varying between ever, is outnumbered and has a very tough
0 and 100 represent the cultural characteris- task to get anything done. This contributes
tics of a country; for example, with respect to to eating away the public trust in effective
‘individualism’, Asian countries score lower governance. Convinced that the political and
rates as against those for the USA and the administrative system seems to be beyond
UK, thus signifying that Asian culture is akin improvement, most people have become
to collectivism rather than individualism. too tired to even ask questions. Reforms
That is why administrative culture, being a of the public services in the South Asian
subset of the national culture, reflects the nations have been attempted through various
cultural dimensions of the country. Alam Administrative Reform Commissions; how-
(2004: 311) concludes that Pakistan’s rela- ever, considering the challenge of combating
tively high collectivist orientation, high pro- corruption at all levels, implementing an
pensity towards uncertainty avoidance, high effective reform seems to be a monumental
power distance, and masculinity largely challenge.
account for many traditions and practices,
including strict adherence to hierarchy, cen-
tralization, corruption, nepotism and gender
differentiation in administrative roles. Even THE IMPACT OF WESTERN IDEAS
though there are some variations, a similar
inference can be drawn about India from the Western management ideas have influenced
indices shown above. In addition, lack of all developing nations, and South Asia is no
trust and the tradition of deference towards exception. The first wave of Western man-
authority leads to distance of public from agement ideas coincided with the launching
power, undermining efforts to institutionalize of the development administration move-
transparency and accountability. As far as ment in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The
the rest of the South Asian countries are con- premise was that public administration sys-
cerned, no similar scientific studies have tems had to be reformed in order to deal with

Table 40.1 Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty Long-Term
Index Index Index Avoidance Index Orientation Index
World average 56.5 40 51 65 48
Asia average 60 20 50 60 86
USA 35 88 60 42 25
UK 30 85 62 30 20
China 78 11 50 36 95
India 77 43 56 40 61
Pakistan 50 10 45 66 −

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the government’s new development efforts. extent to which they could realize objectives
The idea was not only that the bureaucracy in such as poverty reduction, public welfare,
developing societies had to be modernized income inequality, self-reliance and better
but also it had to be made more attuned to living conditions. By contrast, the new
change. For instance, in India, development policies aimed at privatization, deregulation,
administration became closely associated liberalization and debureaucratization, lead-
with the objectives of community develop- ing to growth, efficiency, economy and
ment. As Schaffer (1969) has observed, competition (Haque, 2001: 1418−1419).
no one took notice of the contradictions Once more, a heavy emphasis was placed on
inherent in having a government department the objective criteria of responsibility and
conduct what was essentially meant to be a accountability, with a blind faith in struc-
‘bottom-up’ effort by the local communities tures, processes and procedures but with
themselves. The attempt, therefore, to boost total disregard for the moral (or subjective)
ambitious development objectives set by the dimension. Asian nations, as well as other
first generation of nationalist leaders through developing nations, were urged to have
administrative reform ideas brought in from market-friendly governance and administra-
the West became a dismal failure. This hap- tion. And since administration is posited
pened not only in India but also elsewhere more as a problem than a solution, New
in Asia and in Africa where the same move- Public Management in the garb of ‘develop-
ment pushed for these ideas (Dwivedi and ment management’ is recommended as a
Nef, 1982). cure-all medicine. International aid was made
Later, South Asia was bombarded by the conditional upon accepting this prescription.
ideas associated with what is called the New It includes shrinkage of the bureaucracy, the
Public Management (NPM) movement. It is elimination of subsidies and protectionism,
an outgrowth of the same effort that has the acceptance of currency devaluation, and
brought to the global economy the need for other changes in monetary and fiscal policy.
economic reform, typically called ‘Structural There is no doubt that the emphasis on
Adjustments’. The latter reflects a sense of result-based management is of value, but
inadequacy felt with the Keynesian econom- there is a danger of neglecting political as
ics that had dominated the international well as legal dimensions and other subjective
development community in the 1960s and criteria of responsibility which come under
1970s. It places emphasis on results, greater the umbrella of moral values. At the same
attention to cost, and the use of private sector time, faced with the complexities of day-to-
approaches to motivate employees (Dwivedi day administration and the conflicting values
and Gow, 1999: 130). This paradigm is based that the system has thrust upon them, the
on the premise that by reducing the opportu- administrators need some fundamental refer-
nities for incompetence and corruption ence point to which they may turn in case of
through narrowing down the scope of gov- doubt. In this respect, public managers differ
ernment activities, efficient, transparent, from private ones. While the latter may
effective and accountable governance would regard the law as a constraint, something
come into place. The rationale appears to be they must obey, the public manager must
that with less bureaucratic structure there uphold it. To be sure, New Public Management
would be fewer bureaucratic problems. proponents usually say that they are aware
Clearly, there was a paradigm shift in the that the state is not a business and that the
post-1980s in the whole of South Asia. classic values of accountability and respect
The countries earlier attempted to enhance for the law tend to be eclipsed by it. In prac-
socio-economic progress based on planned tice, however, very few public servants actu-
development, wherein the performance of ally believe that government should be
governments were to be assessed by the thought of as a corporation. Finally, ‘the

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greatest charge against managerialism is its came into force in 2009, provides for free
reductionism and its lack of imagination. It and compulsory education to all children of
tries to reduce a complex phenomenon to a the age of 6 to 14 years. Central Government
single model drawn from business’ (Dwivedi is discussing legislation of a Right to Food
and Gow, 1999: 178). Act to provide assurance of giving subsist-
A significant result of pro-market reforms ence to the poor population at affordable
in South Asia has been to increase sacrifices prices. Provincial states like Uttar Pradesh
made by citizens. Overemphasis on market- and Madhya Pradesh have promulgated leg-
driven efficiency tends to overlook the poor, islation for ‘guarantee to public services’ to
marginalize civil society, worsen social dis- ensure time-bound delivery of identified
parity and compromise basic needs and public services. Other states are also consid-
thereby lose public trust. Samaratunge and ering this legislation for their territories.
Bennington (2002: 90) observe that NPM has Pakistan and Bangladesh have already legis-
emphasized economic rationalism so much lated their own Right to Information Act
that it has led to diminishing the ‘publicness’ (RTI), and Sri Lanka is actively considering
of public services. Haque (2003) concludes it. Similarly, other such progressive legisla-
that unlike the developed nations where the tions are under active consideration in other
growth of capitalist market forces coincided countries in South Asia. RTI has opened up
with the expansion of civil society, decen- public systems, Public Services Guarantee
tralization of power, and overall democrati- legislation assures time-bound delivery of
zation of governance, South Asian nations services, and the other legislations have bur-
experienced loss of citizens’ political rights dened the public exchequer to carry out the
with the expansion of elitist political culture statutory obligations. Since these progressive
and weakening of civil society. Furthermore, statutes are fairly new, it will take some time
market-led policies benefitted the private to assess their efficacy in public governance.
firms and foreign investors at the cost of Raj (1984: 121) observes that when things go
worsening the situation of urban and rural wrong, the executive system is not corrected
poor, with loss of employment, increased but the rules and laws are further elaborated
service charges and a high level of inflation. or framed (with a plethora of existing legisla-
This offers a challenge to policy makers in tion on the subject!), leading to more red tape
these countries to reconcile external influ- and causing more delay in providing service.
ence with internal expectation, and instru- Dwivedi and Mishra (2010: 51) infer that
mental economic efficiency with the citizens’ there is more emphasis on framing of the
basic needs and entitlements. Policy instru- laws than their actual execution, which could
ments to promote ‘inclusiveness’ and a ‘right- make the real difference.
based approach’ are among current responses The problem with these reform ideas is
in public administration to this challenge. that they do not really address the practical
Accordingly, based on Western ideas, problems on the ground in South Asian
inclusiveness, transparency and a right-based bureaucracies. They overlook the importance
approach have emerged as new paradigms. of fitting management ideas into a cultural
The Right to Information Act of India, which context where they can be understood and
came into existence in 2005, empowers citi- acted upon by administrators and the public
zens to seek information from the public alike. The result is that the problems facing
authorities that was earlier not available. The public administration systems in South
2005 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Asia are on the increase. Few of them are
Employment Guarantee Act guarantees at being effectively tackled, let alone solved. It
least 100 days of manual work to rural citi- is important, therefore, to look at what the
zens across the country, who demand employ- challenges are for public administration in
ment. The Right to Education Act, which the South Asian region.

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PERSISTENT CHALLENGES level of accountability, there is always the

possibility of abuse. This becomes accentu-
Against the above background, we can dis- ated in the context of scarcity of resources,
cern three imminent challenges facing the with a high demand exceeding services, and
South Asian nations: (1) how to deal with control and pressure to spend public money.
an all-pervading corruption, (2) how to Dwivedi and Mishra (2007: 724) devised
strengthen the moral dimensions of govern- a mathematical construct of corruption,
ance and (3) how to improve governance which is
through the use of e-governance. These three
issues are discussed below. Corruption = Discretion + Mystification –

This equation means that corruption increases

Fighting corruption
when there is a corresponding increase in
Although the leaders of most newly inde- administrative rules and regulations, which
pendent nations in Africa and Asia started off proliferate discretionary power among
with very high standards of probity and bureaucrats, thereby increasing mystification
accountability, their successors have ended among the public about the governmental
up deep in the cesspool of corruption. This is system, and consequently creating a declin-
not to suggest that corruption is confined to ing accountability. On the other hand, with
these new nations. It exists in most places. transparency and accountability rising, and
The difference between corruption in indus- decrease in discretionary power and author-
trialized nations and the developing world is ity, corruption declines.
that in the former, a high public office does Transparency International, the global civil
not sanctify the misdeeds of the office holder, society organization leading the fight against
as is often the case in the latter. The four corruption in the world, has brought out its
major causes of corruption are: (1) delay in Corruption Perception Index (CPI) after a
government decisions, (2) concentration of detailed study in different nations every year
regulatory and discretionary power in the since 1995. CPI varies from 0 to 10, wherein
hands of a few government officials, (3) 0 represents the most corrupt and 10 the most
cumbersome procedures in dealing with honest. CPI scores for countries in South
public needs and (4) poor systems of account- Asia, which were covered in Transparency
ability. We know that where there is a con- International studies (TI website, 2011) in
centration of power and discretion and low the last three years, are given in Table 40.2.

Table 40.2 Corruption Perception Indices for South Asia

2010 2009 2008
China 3.5 (78) 3.6 (80) 3.6 (73)
India 3.3 (88) 3.4 (86) 3.4 (86)
Pakistan 2.3 (145) 2.4 (143) 2.5 (136)
Bangladesh 2.4 (135) 2.4 (139) 2.1 (147)
Sri Lanka 3.2 (96) 3.1 (98) 3.2 (95)
Nepal 2.2 (151) 2.3 (145) 2.7 (121)
Maldives 2.3 (143) 2.5 (133) 2.8 (117)
Afghanistan 1.4 (176) 1.3 (179) 1.5 (176)
Number of countries surveyed 178 180 180
Figures in parentheses represent the position of the country among the number surveyed.

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Table 40.2 clearly shows that the countries Samaratunge et al. (2008) mention that
in South Asia fall in the bottom half, with corruption and inefficiency are endemic in
Afghanistan almost at the bottom among Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with nexus
the countries surveyed during the year. between politico−bureaucratic−business
Furthermore, despite the efforts in deregula- elites, boosting patron−client relation-
tion, liberalization, debureaucratization and ships and leading to bribery and unethical
privatization, CPI scores have not improved; activities.
rather, they have dipped in most cases over Is corrupt governance the ultimate destiny
the years. This is a matter of great concern of South Asian countries? Corruption has
and a challenge for the administrators and not only become a fact of life but also is
political masters, especially in the light fast becoming a way of life. There exists in
of various large-scale scams, which have the public a total indifference or cynicism
engaged the attention of the media and the towards corruption. So long as there are
civil society in different nations of this region corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, corrup-
during the last decade. We shall now look tion will keep on flourishing because it has
more closely at the situation in India and become a high-profit industry with low risk.
Pakistan. This is so because:
The Santhanam Committee (India, 1964)
acknowledged that there were two major • corrupt people at the top are rarely punished,
contributory factors for the growth of corrup- even if caught;
tion in the country: government’s unwilling- • the wealth so amassed is not confiscated
ness to deal drastically with corrupt and (thus permitting the corrupt to enjoy the ben-
inefficient public servants, and an iron-clad efits), even when a person is under judicial
protection given to public servants under
• The judicial system is extremely slow and offers
Article 311 of the Constitution, whereby a various opportunities to stall and delay the pro-
permission to prosecute an accused public ceedings to avoid prosecution; and
official must come from the authority that • election expenses are astronomically high,
appointed him in the first place. Thus, if a prompting elected representatives to loot rather
public servant belonging to an All India than administer.
Service received a letter of initial appoint-
ment in the name of the President of India, Concerns have been expressed over the crim-
permission to prosecute that person must be inalization of politics and unholy nexus
secured from the same authority. But secur- between corporates and people in power −
ing permission is so cumbersome, and delays politicians as well as bureaucrats. With
are so drawn out, that cases are not pursued. such a situation, corruption becomes an
Elected members of parliament and legisla- absolutely open-ended process. The continu-
tive assemblies are given an even higher level ing public frustration over corruption every-
of protection. The situation in Pakistan is where received a shot in the arm in 2011
equally alarming: ‘Corruption in Pakistan is through a mass movement started by Anna
so pervasive that it cannot be viewed merely Hazare, which is supported by waves
as a structural issue … . Pakistani society and of public protest, public demonstrations,
culture reveals an inherent contradiction in candlelight marches and passonate slogans
their attitude towards corruption’ (Islam, all over India. By mid-2011 the federal
1989: 282). Corruption has become part government had to accommodate public
and parcel of the administrative culture in demands for a national authority to receive
Pakistan. It has become pervasive at all levels complaints and investigate, examine and rec-
of administration – from the highest echelons ommend action against corruption in public
of government to the lowest level of bicycle places (even including the office of Prime
bureaucracy in the field (Islam, 2004: 326). Minister, but excluding the higher judiciary).

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The impact of this mass movement in India than technique that provides the foundation
is also being felt in neighbouring South for the governing process. Public confidence
Asian countries. and trust in liberal democracy can be secured
only when the governing process exhibits a
higher moral value. Yet that moral value is
Ethical governance only one of several prerequisites of good
governance. A broader list includes the fol-
Governance has become a very fashionable lowing values: democratic pluralism, legiti-
way of talking about reforms in government macy, consensus and socio-economic equity,
and its relations with society. It is a central popular participation, rule of law, responsive-
part of international development discourse. ness to stakeholders, the strategic vision of
More specifically, it has provided Western leaders, accountability of public officials,
consultants and organizations with a justifi- and transparency in governmental opera-
cation for emphasizing the need for develop- tions, in addition to moral governance. Good
ing nations to adopt and replicate ideas governance and sustainable human develop-
and institutions that have a proven track ment, especially for developing nations, also
record in industrialized societies. The result require conscientious attempts at eliminating
of efforts to date, however, does not suggest poverty, sustaining livelihoods, fulfilling
as much success, as it indicates a hodgep- basic needs, and offering an administrative
odge of techniques superficially imposed system that is clean and open.
on already ineffective bureaucracies. The A holistic approach to good governance
world of the twenty-first century may be requires that public officials be held respon-
ready for the American style of fast food sible and accountable not only for the proce-
chains, denim blue jeans and Madonna, but dures (following rules and regulations,
hardly for the Western notion of ‘one size keeping away from illegal activities) but also
fits all’ in the field of governance and admin- for the ethical and moral consequences of
istration. Of course, the developing world their deeds. But those who believe in proce-
will have to set its house in order by control- dural accountability, asserting that the means,
ling corruption, discontinuing unproductive processes and procedures in government
public enterprises, and reforming the ineffi- administration are just as important as pur-
cient administrative system. East and South poses or ends, overlook the importance that
Asian countries have a lot to do to improve ethics plays in determining the quality of
their systems of administration, but this will governance and administration: ‘Thus the
not happen merely with the introduction of emphasis is on the effects observed, results
new techniques from the West. achieved, and ends met’ (Dwivedi and Gow,
Missing in the missionary activities of 1999: 168).
Western economists and organization theo- Public officials who believe in this
rists working in the developing world is a approach feel that in public policy and admin-
sense of how their prescriptions fit into the istration, most choices are not moral abso-
existing moral fabric of society. Governance lutes, but depend on calculations of costs and
principles are not only a set of techniques benefits, not only to the public but also to
that can be peddled from one corner of the politicians and public servants. This approach
world to another but also they need to be emphasizes creating institutions of exter-
developed in the local context of the societies nal control (such as the office of auditor
where they are meant to apply. These princi- general, parliamentary committee on public
ples include a call for individual moral accounts, vigilance commission, etc.) and
responsibility and obligation, sacrifice, com- procedures to check financial mismanage-
passion and justice, and an honest effort to ment and corruption. However, the main
achieve the highest good. It is morality rather weaknesses of this approach are its emphasis

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on reductionism and lack of a moral impera- creates an efficient, consistent, transparent

tive. We know that no matter how compre- and accountable system, with no scope for
hensive the rules and procedures to check the arbitrary discretion, and empowers people by
misuse of power and authority, people enabling them to check the status online from
will invent the means to bend the rules or anywhere and give feedbacks/complaints
use legal loopholes in order to engage in without fearing the wrath of public servants
unethical activities. (Misra, 2005: 290−292). However, it cannot
Insisting on morality in public policy and solve all the problems of corruption and
decision making is a condition for strength- overcome barriers for civic engagement.
ening the ethical obligations of the people. Mishra (2007) analyses various case studies
Without politicians and government adminis- from India to conclude that certain condi-
trators behaving in an ethical manner, the tions need to be fulfilled for making the ini-
chances for national development in a sus- tiatives succeed in curbing corruption. He
tainable manner are seriously compromised. has observed that e-governance is a process
Echoing the recipes of Barnard (1948), one is that requires planning, sustained dedication
inclined to say that public administration of resources and strong political will to
reform in developing nations needs to be eradicate corruption. This does not happen
taken back to the drawing board and rein- just by purchasing computers, other hard-
vented with some of the classical concerns wares and launching an informative static or
about the behaviour of the executive in mind. dynamic website. Continued interactive effort
Public servants must be moved by a higher with a clear long-term vision to provide cor-
cause, believing they have been entrusted ruption-free good governance in the delivery
with the stewardship of the state, and there- of services and strategy for scaling up suc-
fore owe special obligations, have specific cesses, with citizen-centric business process
expectations and reside in a fiduciary world reengineering and a changed paradigm of
(Dwivedi, 1987). It is here where the moral trust can make the difference.
approach acquires a holistic tone; ultimately,
our public servants exist for the public they
are employed to serve. This approach needs
to be revitalized in public service in Asian CONCLUSION
countries. Unless public officials are guided
also by a sense of vocation, service to others We conclude this chapter by returning to two
and accountability, we cannot expect moral issues that are of special significance not
government. only for India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as
discussed earlier but also for all other South
Asian countries. The first issue concerns the
cultural disconnect between the values pre-
Moving toward e-governance
vailing in society and those that are imported
E-governance has emerged as a major strat- from outside in the name of such ‘fancy’
egy in the region to clean up the malaise in innovations as New Public Management or
the public service delivery system. Various Good Governance. Although it may be an
successful initiatives have been documented oversimplification to talk about a set of dis-
by international as well as local agencies tinctive Asian values, it is true that a good
which have improved performance and public number of South Asians do not subscribe to
satisfaction (World Bank, 2006; United the set of Western values that dominate
Nations, 2008). Though e-governance offers global discourse about administration and
a viable strategy for reducing corruption governance. For example, the notion of duty
from the systems delivering public services, and community rights, sacrifice for the family
it is not a panacea. It assists change and and other communal needs, respect for

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authority and consensual decision making stay transparent and accountable. This is a
are deeply rooted in South Asian societies, lesson that one may draw from the experi-
but they do not feature at all in the prescrip- ence of South Asian countries, but this delib-
tion for improved public administration or eration equally applies to other countries in
better governance that the international the Global South, all of which are confront-
development community advocates today. It ing issues of legitimacy and relevance of
is a rather sad comment on the state of the public institutions in modern-day societies.
discipline of public administration that over
six decades after the notion of development
administration was first launched to bring
developing countries out of poverty and
backwardness, the same mistakes that were
1 The opinions expressed herein are those of
made then in terms of replicating Western co-author D.S. Mishra and do not reflect the views
models are being repeated even now. The gap of the Government of Uttar Pradesh where he is
between what South Asians consider impor- currently posted as Principal Secretary.
tant values, on the one hand, and what
administration or governance experts regard
as their priority, on the other, remains as
large today as it was 60 years ago.
The second issue concerns the strategy
Alam, N. (2004) ‘Sifarish, Sycophants, Power and
needed to bridge this gap in the future. This
Collectivism: Administrative Culture in Pakistan’,
chapter has argued that it is necessary to tran- International Review of Administrative Sciences,
scend the technocratic approach to public 70 (2): 311−330.
administration reform and accept that the Barnard, Chester I. (1948) The Functions of the
underlying problems are ethical and thus go Executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
beyond the walls of the public service per se. Press.
The issues of corruption and other forms of CMS (2005) India Corruption Study 2005 to Improve
abuse of public office have their roots in soci- Governance. New Delhi: Centre for Media Studies.
ety, in general, and in politics in particular. It Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from http://www.cmsin-
is in this context that governance, viewed as
reforming the rules of public conduct, bears Dwivedi, O.P. (1987) ‘Moral Dimensions of Statecraft:
A Plea for an Administrative Theology’, Canadian
on what takes place in public administration.
Journal of Political Science, 20 (4): 699–709.
The relationship between politics and admin- Dwivedi, O.P. (1989) ‘Administrative Heritage, Morality
istration needs to be reviewed not merely in and Challenges in the Sub-Continent since the
terms of cost-effectiveness but, above all, in British Raj’, Public Administration and Development,
terms of how they can enhance public trust in 9 (3): 245–252.
public authority. Fifty years ago, this issue Dwivedi, O.P. (2009) ‘The South Asian Administrative
was analysed in terms of capacity to admin- Systems: Heritage and Challenges’, in Ignacio P.
ister development (see, for example, Riggs, Pagaza and Demetrios Argyriades (eds), Winning
1964). As we march with the twenty-first the Needed Change: Saving Our Planet Earth.
century, the relationship is being weighed-up Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 127−148.
in terms of its political legitimacy – and Dwivedi, O.P. and J.I. Gow (1999) From Bureaucracy to
Public Management: The Administrative Culture of
public credibility – of all public institutions
the Government of Canada. Peterborough, Canada:
and relevant public space, whether officially Broadview Press.
labelled political or administrative. That is Dwivedi, O.P. and D.S. Mishra (2007) ‘Good
why the art and practice of public administra- Governance: A Model for India’, in A. Farazmand
tion, more than ever before, will have to and J. Pinkowski (eds), Handbook of Globalization,
strengthen its relevancy to the public domain Governance and Public Administration. New York:
by adjusting its relation to politics in order to Taylor & Francis, pp. 701−741.

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Tradition in India: Issues of Convergence, Persistence, (3): 361−375.
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B. Guy Peters (eds), Tradition and Public Transparent Service Delivery Mechanism’, in Amita
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pp. 44−56. Sustainable Practices. New Delhi: Sage Publications,
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and Third World Perspectives’, Public Administration The Pioneer, Lucknow, 10 February, p. 6.
and Development, 12 (9): 894–911. Raj, M.S. (1984) ‘Priority in Administrative Reforms’, in
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Legacy, Bureaucracy, and Administrative Changes: Articles: Administrative Reforms. New Delhi: Indian
India 1947–1987’, Public Administration and Institute of Public Administration.
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pp.148−163. New Public Management Reforms in Asia: A
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Public Administration and
Public Sector Reform in
Latin America
Jorge Nef

This chapter intends to provide a general increasingly present legal-rational character-

overview of Latin America’s public sector istics? Third, is public administration becom-
restructuring in the context of the broader ing more efficient and/or effective in
economic, social and political changes in the delivering services as a consequence of the
past three decades. The term ‘administrative above-mentioned reforms? Fourth, are gov-
reform’ may evoke a universal phenomenon, ernment agencies becoming more (or less)
yet its circumstances, outcomes and effects client- or service-oriented? Fifth, what is
are region- and country-specific and are con- happening to public probity and, more spe-
ditioned by the current pattern, as well as cifically, to corruption? Finally, to what
legacy, of state–society relations. Most ana- extent does public administration contribute
lysts of public administration studying the to national and regional development?
region view administrative systems as insep- Despite the great diversity among the
arable from politics: administrative changes countries, there are sufficient structural com-
have to be studied as driven by particular monalities (Burns, 1998: 71) as to configure
political interests and with specific political an identifiable set of nations, especially by
implications for the relationship between contrast to the developed states of North
state and society. America. Conventionally, Latin America has
Six basic questions are addressed. First, been seen to encompass 18 Spanish-speaking
what changes can be noticed in administra- countries, as well as Brazil and Haiti. It does
tive structures, culture and behavior in not include the ‘newer’ microstates of the
Latin America as a result of economic and Caribbean, which are also members of the
political reforms in the past decades? Second, same regional body, the Organization of
to what extent do the administrative systems American States (OAS). To build a ‘model’

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that portrays Latin American public adminis- present. The New World was born as a
tration as a whole with rigor and precision is dependency of Madrid and Lisbon (Jaguaribe,
a daunting task. Yet, it is possible to sketch a 1964). An imitative and ritualistic adminis-
general outline of the structural, behavioral tration emerged. Even, the seemingly
and attitudinal traits present in the various ‘modern’, yet schizophrenic, patterns of
executive agencies across the region. These administrative behavior of today’s Latin
agencies comprise diverse national adminis- America can be traced back to a colonial
trations in the central government, function- tradition of obedience without compliance
ally decentralized agencies and territorially (Moreno, 1969).
decentralized units, such as state and local Independence in the early 1800s was more
governments. It is important to recognize too the result of European conflicts and big-
that the public and the private sectors, and power politics than widespread nationalism
their cultures, tend to intersect, especially at and liberal ideas among New World aristo-
the level of the power elite (Mills, 1957). crats (Keen, 1992). Emancipation did not
result by and large from bourgeois revolu-
tions and homegrown ideas of liberty, equal-
ity, civil rights or effective citizenship. The
THE HISTORICAL LEGACY severance of colonial ties, though difficult
and violent, maintained almost intact the
Public administration in the region has expe- property and privilege of the same landed
rienced induced transformations since the oligarchy who profited from colonialism.
days of colonial rule. It has passed through Constitutional and legal forms transplanted
protracted phases of nation building (1850s from Europe and North America were often
to 1880s), early institutionalization (1880s to a measuring rod of ‘modernity’ by imitation,
1930s), bureaucratization (1930s to 1970s) not a substantial rendering of a public serv-
and authoritarianism (1970s to the mid ice. Government jobs constituted mostly
1980s). In the latter phase, technocratic and rewards for loyalty to a faction in power, or
militaristic values dominated the relationship to members of the ruling classes, not the
between state and society. However, in the manifestation of a neutral, representative and
past 20 years, a transition to limited democ- responsible bureaucracy. Even, when efforts
racy has reduced to some extent the influence at the professionalization of the civilian and
of what some call the ‘praetorian guards’, or military cadres of the state began in the
bureaucratic autocrats. In conjunction with 1880s, this seemingly non-partisan body of
formal democratization, neoliberal economic state employees was at best an elitist stratum
reforms have further reshaped the role of the to which ordinary people had little access.
state: it has been downsized, while reducing Bureaucratic and authoritarian traditions
its past centrality in socio-economic develop- intersected in a political and social order that
ment. In addition to these challenges, the was patrimonial at its core and only superfi-
public sector has also confronted emerging cially legal-rational. Equally embedded, and
social movements and a more complex seemingly contradictory traditional attitudes
and transnationalized type of political and towards authoritarianism, formalism, patri-
economic context. monialism and venality coexisted with more
Any profound understanding of public universalistic orientations as distinct cultural
administration in Latin America must by layers within this incipient state class. The
necessity explore the long run cycle (Braudel, ideological amalgam described here was par-
1980). Moreover, the study of administrative ticularly noticeable among one of the most
reform and change is, by its very nature, his- typical factions of the Latin American middle
torical analysis, where the past is always classes: the officer corps (Nun, 1968).

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The administrative state spectrum. Political and administrative immo-

bilism, deadlock and hyperinflation fed on
The precarious social contract resting upon each other. Crises of legitimacy affected the
the export economy, as discussed above, col- relatively more institutionalized administra-
lapsed with the Great Depression. The conse- tive states, while those under protracted mili-
quence of the catastrophic 1929–34 economic tary rule faced crises of domination (Cox,
recession on the Latin American state was 1982) – the inability of the repressive appara-
twofold. On the one hand, and virtually in all tus to control by force.
of the states, the role of the military as con- In the context of UN First Development
flict managers and enforcers of last resort Decade, the US-sponsored Alliance for
(and as ultimate protectors of elite privilege) Progress (1961), a reaction to the Cuban
was enhanced. On the other hand, in the revolution, belatedly attempted to stabilize
relatively more developed countries (such the region by means of a Marshall Plan-like
as Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile and development assistance. Development admin-
Mexico), the dramatic downturn expanded istration and administrative development
the mediating and brokerage function of a (Pérez-Salgado, 1997) were part of a strategy
middle class-controlled and relatively auton- using modernization as counter-insurgency
omous state to arbitrate social conflict by (Nef and Dwivedi, 1981). Foreign aid, pro-
means of economic management. Thus, to fessionalization and development planning
the early law and order, educational and played an important role in a broad effort at
social and welfare functions of the state, a refurbishing the administrative cadres of
new mission was added: economic develop- Latin America. Under USAID (United States
ment. A technocratic and productivity- Agency for International Development)
oriented bureaucracy emerged side by side sponsorship, increasing numbers of Latin
with the more traditional patrimonial and American students and trainees were exposed
legal-rational central and local administra- to American ways. Western European assist-
tion. This ‘state of compromise’ with strong ance followed a similar course. Money
populist overtones manifested itself in the was also pouring in to carry on domestic
creation of numerous parastatals with broad programs on educational, agrarian and
functions in planning, regulating, financing tax reforms, and also for the training and
and covering fields as diverse as energy, rationalization of the civil service under the
industry, transportation and marketing. It principles of Scientific Management,
also meant a Keynesian policy of induced Program Budgeting and Organization and
development, known as Import Substitution Methods. These civil service reforms were
Industrialization (ISI) (Furtado, 1976). In the predicated under the logic of induced devel-
lesser-developed countries, however, the opment (‘development administration’) and
civil service remained ineffectual and mostly the supremacy of the bureaucratic model
prebendary, while the commanding heights (‘administrative development’). More impor-
of the state were in the hands of military tant, however, were the modernization and
rulers. But even the above-mentioned state retooling of the security apparatus, both
of compromise was short-lived. As chronic military and police, along national security
deficit financing, inflation and paralysis and counter-insurgency lines (Barber and
signaled the exhaustion of induced develop- Ronning, 1966). While the reforms of the
ment policies, tensions between labor and civil service, though extensive moderniza-
business increased, this time in the context tion, remained largely unfocused, ‘technical’
of the Cold War. Lower-class defiance and piecemeal, the thoroughgoing transfor-
grew in scope and intensity. Populism of the mation of the security apparatus had an enor-
kind espoused by ISI was simultaneously mous and long-term systemic impact. With
under attack by both ends of the ideological the failure of liberal reformism, the officers

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and their US-made National Security Doctrine Incomplete transition, restricted democ-
would occupy center stage to secure the racy and the receiver state have had signifi-
maintenance of the domestic and regional cant effects upon the administrative systems
status quo. in Latin America. Privatization, budget cuts,
Despite rhetoric, the military regimes of downsizing, deregulation and denationaliza-
the 1970s were objectively not only parasitic tion – especially in the social and develop-
but also instrumental in undermining the mental areas – have reduced the scope and
precarious economic and political sover- function of the state. As profit and personal
eignty of the Latin American nations. The gain, on the one hand, and the national inter-
‘managers of violence’ also proved to be est, on the other hand, get blurred in the new
incompetent conflict and development ideological domain, the notion of public
managers in the long run (Burns, 1986). Yet, service became increasingly irrelevant.
they succeeded in radically restructuring Furthermore, as the status and income levels
the nature of the Latin American state, as of civil servants has sunk, and with a thriving
well as the latter’s relations with both civil illegal economy, such as the one centered in
society and the Inter-American system. The the drug trade (Lee, 1988), systemic corrup-
US-sponsored transitions to democracy in tion has been on the rise, reaching the highest
the 1980s, and the so-called Washington con- levels of government and administration.
sensus (Vilas, 2000), occurred in the context Under these circumstances, externally
of these profound alterations (Black, 1998). induced efforts to make public administra-
While military rule floundered in the midst tion more accountable, responsible, univer-
of staggering debt burdens and mismanage- salistic, effective, service-oriented and less
ment, critics within the West began to per- corrupt tend to become as formal and inef-
ceive such regimes as a liability for the fectual as the development administration
survival of their economic and political inter- prescriptions of the 1960s.
ests, as clearly outlined in the liberally
minded blue-ribbon Linowitz Report of 1975
(Time Magazine, 1977), commissioned by
President Carter. A carefully orchestrated THE STRUCTURAL CONTEXT
transition to restricted democracy, superin- OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION
tended by the regional superpower, ensued
(Nef, 1998). This ‘return’ had strict limits The historical continuities and discontinui-
and conditionalities. On the whole, it main- ties discussed above have resulted in the
tained the socio-economic and political coexistence of numerous and often incongru-
forces that had benefited from decades of ous traits. These include foreign and domes-
military rule, while excluding radical and tic influences, attempted and failed reforms
popular sectors. The exiting security estab- and persistent crises. The aforementioned
lishment was to be both the warrantor of legacy manifests itself into three deep and
the process and the central authoritarian interconnected structural contradictions.
enclave, or insurance policy, of the new insti- The first contradiction is the persistent and
tutional arrangement. This ‘low-intensity’ unresolved tension between expanding social
democracy (Gil et al., 1993) also preserved expectations and shrinking economic capa-
the basic neoliberal economic agendas of the bilities. For all the talk about Latin America’s
authoritarian era. Chief among these legacies emerging markets and reinsertion in the
was a ‘receiver state’, whose prime goal global economic order, the region is still
was to manage fiscal bankruptcies and facili- affected by extreme vulnerability and weak
tate International Monetary Fund (IMF)- and unstable growth. Most important, even
inspired structural adjustment packages in the instances of economic expansion,
(Vilas, 1995). disparities are persisting and widening.

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The second tension is that between the deregulating, localizing and outsourcing, in
‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’. Constricted genera- the absence of a strong and legitimate politi-
tion of surplus, compounded by extreme cal order and community, has potentially
forms of wealth and income inequality, has destabilizing effects. Moreover, without a
reduced the possibilities for consensual con- pre-existing cohesive and vigorous civil soci-
flict management. In fact, Latin America ety, administrative modernization is simply a
exhibits the paradox of being simultaneously means to a vacuous end.
the most favorably endowed region of the
globe in terms of the balance of resources to
population and the worst in income distribu-
tion. While contemporary social conflict ADMINISTRATIVE CULTURE
does not outwardly present the subversive
characteristics of the revolutionary confron- Public servants’ attitudes towards public
tations of the Cold War, social unrest has not service in the region are embedded in an
subsided. As its underlying causes persist, so alienated set of orientations towards public
does its intensity, irrespective of the chang- life reflective of the prevailing social ten-
ing manifestations of mass–elites relations. sions. This administrative culture constitutes
This proclivity for disequilibria connects to a rational adaptation and functionalization of
the third systemic tension: that between the conflicting traits present in the context
formality of sovereignty and the reality of of public organizations. A sketchy interpreta-
dependence. The Latin American nation- tive profile of these predispositions would
states are penetrated political systems, with suggest a superimposition of various cultural
ever-more precarious control over actors, ‘layers’.
events and policies. Their economic founda- Seen from afar, the administrative culture
tions are still built upon a skewed and exog- of Latin America presents significant univer-
enous mode of development, with boom and salistic and achievement-oriented traits.
bust cycles, compounded by massive debt After all, Latin America is squarely in the
burdens, current conditionalities and rapid domain of Western culture. The drive for
transnationalization. In addition, external efficiency, effectiveness, technological inno-
constituencies – political, military and eco- vation and probity by means of public
nomic – are essential to maintain adequate management is pervasive in theory and dis-
support (Easton, 1957) in systems whose course. Yet in practice, the core component
internal legitimacy is weak. of Latin America’s administrative culture is
Both public disillusionment with govern- defined by the persistence of ascription and
ment and the increasing meaninglessness of influence peddling. Primary groups, espe-
the restricted democracies are ubiquitous. If cially extended families and friends, play a
the state cannot maintain political and eco- fundamental role in social life, even in the
nomic sovereignty, protect the life and well- allegedly ‘modern’ confines of urban and
being of its citizens, safeguard democratic corporate life. The endurance of patrimonial-
rights and assure participation – in brief, pro- ism, friendly connections (‘amiguismo’) and
vide for human security – its very reason for ‘godfatherhood’ (‘compadrazgo’) are mani-
existence becomes problematic. Furthermore, festations of this built-in particularism. So is
as the prevailing neoliberal ideological and the overall level of inwardness, lack of trans-
policy packages reduce the state’s role to that parency and distrust of strangers surrounding
of protecting business interests, there is little the performance of public functions.
room for a public sector, no matter how The Latin American state classes have
efficient, effective or transparent. The New been, since their origins, a ‘status official-
Public Management (NPM) formula, with dom’ (Morstein-Marx, 1963: 63), derived
its corollaries of privatization, downsizing, from their possession of official titles.

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A bureaucrat (even a white-collar employee exceptionalism, and the persistence of epi-

in a private corporation) or a military or sodes of military intervention, reinforce the
police officer, irrespective of the discredit in aforementioned characteristics. Though the
which the service may find itself, is a ‘some- white-collar military and civilian state classes
body’. In a hierarchical social order, being are not part of the landed, financial and com-
middle class confers a degree of respectabil- mercial oligarchy, public officials dwell in
ity and recognition. This accounts for the the confines of the elites and a few of them
extreme formalism present in administrative are able to ascend into the upper crust. Their
behavior. Ritualism, hyper-legalism and the connection with essentially undemocratic
codification of language in deductive law practices and governments makes the func-
(rooted in Civil and Roman Law) makes the tionaries prone to assume an attitude of arbi-
behavior and expectations of officials depend trariness and disregard for the public. This
upon detailed and often Kafkaesque interpre- demeanor towards the outsiders, especially
tations of norms. There is a fundamental the lower strata, is pervasive not only in
double standard: a public ‘facade’ for outsid- government but also in the private sector.
ers and a private zone of exceptionality for Most administrative structures and proc-
insiders (Riggs, 1967). The same applies to esses in Latin America, irrespective of the
the use of time: delays, waiting and slowness level of territorial or functional operation,
are selectively used to define the importance are heavily concentrated at the top. The insti-
of the relationship and delineate power and tutional mold is one of centralism (Véliz,
hierarchy. 1980). Most states are unitary; only Mexico,
Under the mantle of formalism described Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina have limited
above, paradoxically, there is a high degree forms of federalism. Moreover, the attempts
of operational autonomy. Formalism and at territorialization and localization do not
particularism ostensibly clash. The former necessarily make administration more
becomes a mechanism for avoiding responsi- accountable, democratic and ‘closer to the
bility, or for justifying dynamic immobilism people’. This centralism is even more mani-
and aloofness. The flip side of this contradic- fest with regards to the pattern of executive–
tion is that it transforms the role of the civil legislative relations. Without exception, the
servant into one of dispensing personal favors form of government is one of presidential
as well as facilitating exceptions from exist- dominance, where the legislature is a weak
ing norms. Such exceptionalism gives rise to instrument for checks and balances. Parlia-
recurrent nepotism, corruption, patronage mentary control and parliamentary suprem-
and abuse. acy, concepts generated in the US presidential
The official’s perception of the relations and the British parliamentary systems, are
between state and society is influenced by not significantly entrenched. Nor is there a
the weak brokerage and associational repre- word for ‘accountability’ in the lexicon. Only
sentation for most of the public vis-à-vis the in recent years the word ‘responsabilización’
government. This enhances an almost ‘natu- has been coined, but many authors still prefer
ral’ form of corporatism and authoritarianism to use the English idiom. The administrator’s
(Malloy, 1977). Moreover, the recognition of values, behavior and expectations tend to
an entrenched, elitist socio-economic struc- reflect a view of ‘things public’ defined by
ture enhances a self-perception of autocracy, high levels of concentration of power.
where public functionaries act as mediators Decisions normally flow up to the ‘top’; so
and arbiters of social conflicts (Heady, 1984), does responsibility (Campos, 1967). Though
but with extremely limited accountability. operational autonomy – as mentioned – is
There is a profound schism between ‘insid- not uncommon, propensity to delegate is
ers’ and ‘outsiders’. Clientelism, patrimoni- rather infrequent. Therefore, it is extremely
alism, the ubiquitous use of ‘insider privilege’, difficult to attain coordination. This, in turn,

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enhances the propensity to further concen- transparent bureaucracy. But even these
trate authority. exceptional cases appear problematic when
The ideological ‘software’ of the Latin closely scrutinized.
American public sector is the result of an In the case of the military, officer acade-
ongoing process of immersion, acculturation mies at the secondary and post-secondary
and socialization, whose structural drivers levels give specificity to a distinct body of
are both implicit and induced. Reform doctrine and ésprit de corps. National secu-
projects and other innovations, originated in rity and counter-insurgency doctrines define
the realm of international technical coopera- a predominantly antidemocratic, ultracon-
tion, are adopted to the extent that they fit servative and outward-looking view of the
pre-existing cultural molds. Thus, diverse world, heavily dependent upon ideological
views of administration coexist but do not and material support from the North. In fact,
necessarily fuse into a cultural synthesis. the officers and their external constituencies
The primary vehicles for reproducing admin- exercise a kind of relational control, or
istrative culture are, at their most basic ‘metapower’ (Baumgartner et al., 1977) over
levels, the family, the educational system, the domestic political process. Underneath a
peer groups and direct experience with the veneer of nationalism, the security apparatii
public service. As indicated earlier, the fun- act as occupying forces of their own coun-
damental class identification of civil servants tries. Civilian and military roles are sharply
is with the middle strata. There is a sort of divided, with military professionalism being
circular causation: the middle strata produce largely defined by the control over the instru-
employees, while becoming a white-collar ments of force, institutional autonomy, verti-
worker confers the attribute of middle class- cality, rigidity, secrecy, high transnational
ness. Class distinctions are very important in integration, institutional arrogance, isolation
Latin America, social identity being a func- and corporate identity, as ‘Sentinels of the
tion of ancestry, neighborhood, education, Empire’ (Black, 1986). With the shrinkage
tastes, gender, ethnicity and discourse. The of the developmental function of the state,
educational system, especially at its second- by design and by default, security manage-
ary and tertiary levels, is quite exclusive and ment, combined with the above-mentioned
discriminating. High school and university receivership, have evolved into the most
education are in general the points of entry ostensible functions of the state (Nef and
for employee roles. More specific training Bensabat, 1992). With the Cold War over, the
may occur at the post-secondary levels either content of national security has been rede-
in public service schools or in university fined to fit other concerns: ‘wars’ on drugs,
careers geared to administrative postings. ‘terrorism’, or whatever justifies the para-
Academic curricula in these educational mountcy of the institutional interests of the
institutions are connected to law, business security forces.
and economics, and also to a very narrow
view of public administration. All these pro-
fessions are characterized by a strong and
largely uncritical social engineering orienta- ORGANIZATIONAL FEATURES
tion. Beyond programmatic declarations,
few countries have developed an administra- A primary feature of organizational life is the
tive class, in the sense understood in North already-mentioned coexistence, side by side,
America, the UK and Continental Europe of patrimonial and bureaucratic tendencies.
(Heady, 1984). Many observers point at In this sense, the administrative machinery of
Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile as possible the state often reproduces a neocolonial
examples approaching the model of a world view, and cannot be seen as an effec-
‘neutral’, ‘effective’ and relatively more tive, let alone legitimate, instrument for

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policy implementation. It is also a pivotal, A third ostensible trait – already touched

albeit highly fragmented, socio-political upon when discussing culture – is the strong
actor with a multiplicity of latent functions influence of legalism in every aspect of
related to the maintenance of the socio- organizational life. There is an elaborate and
political order. Another organizational trait quite similar body of public law – both con-
is organizational syncretism: from an ‘arche- stitutional and administrative – as well as
ological’ point of view, Latin America’s abundant jurisprudence regulating virtually
public administration presents a complex every aspect of Latin American bureaucracy.
overlay of actually existing structures and Legalism and formalism are terms virtually
practices. Some of these can be traced as far synonymous with public administration.
back as the colonial and post-independence Government entities are formal organizations
period; others are the outcroppings of more whose origin, mission, instrumentalities and
recent reorganizations, policy orientations modus operandi are explicitly prescribed by
and hemispheric or transnational political law; and this is particularly strong in socie-
allegiances. ties where notary publics have to certify
Most significant within this organizational every action or intent; something that
legacy is the presence of numerous agencies Jaguaribe (1968: 144) has referred to as ‘car-
and activities inherited from the Keynesian torialism’ (literally, ‘notarial state’).
administrative state. In the relatively more A fourth important characteristic is the
developed Latin American countries the high autonomy of the military and security
scope and depth of state involvement was apparatus. (The only exception is Costa Rica,
impressive decades ago. It included mass which does not have a military force.) The
education, health, social security, housing, armed bureaucrats are, for all intents and
popular credit, marketing boards and com- purposes, a virtual state within the state.
mercial monopolies, public utilities (espe- Furthermore, there are numerous authoritar-
cially electricity, water and sewage), mass ian enclaves throughout the non-military
transportation (trains, sea transport and air- public service – inherited from the times of
lines), strategic industrial enterprises (cement, bureaucratic authoritarianism – that remain
steel, hydrocarbons, petrochemicals, aero- outside the realm of effective political con-
nautics) and in some instances even the trol. In some instances, like Chile’s main
film industry. In Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay, state copper mining conglomerate,
Brazil, Mexico and, to a lesser extent, CODELCO, a substantial part of the pro-
Venezuela, there existed national develop- ceeds (10 percent of revenue until 2011) have
ment corporations to finance and hold numer- gone directly to the military. In other cases
ous state enterprises, or semi-private ventures (Brazil and Chile), the military are integrated
financed with government funds or credit. into ‘military–industrial complexes’ of their
Though many of these entities and activities own, which include the highly profitable area
have been either privatized or eliminated of international arms sales.
under the policies of structural adjustment, a A fifth, significant and enduring character-
good number still persist. Successful state istic of Latin American public administration
corporations, like Mexico’s oil monopoly is the formal cohabitation of two administra-
PEMEX, Costa Rica’s power and telecom- tive systems, one central and the other decen-
munications monopoly INE, or Chile’s tralized. The central, or ‘fiscal’ apparatus is
Copper Corporation CODELCO, have been made of ministries, agencies and services,
spared the privatizing wave. In numerous under the helm and budgetary control of
cases, either the pace of liberalization has the Chief Executive. These units are usually
been too slow or the institutional and sym- departmentalized by major purpose and
bolic entrenchment of the corporations too operate under the general provisions of
strong to privatize. public service legislation. The other is the

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decentralized sector, constituted by the semi- (for example, the Comptroller General’s
autonomous control and regulatory agencies, office). Most of these new agencies are
functionally decentralized services, state coordinating units, cutting across the more
enterprises and corporations of many kinds. conventional vertically departmentalized
A distinct component of the ‘autonomous’ ministries and government agencies. Some
sector is territorially decentralized and of these newer structures deal with emerging
involves local government and administra- issues such as the environment, privatization,
tion. Decentralized bodies are chartered in export promotion, interaction with the
special legislation that grants them relative civil society (that is, ‘the public’), or gender
operational, statutory, budgetary and person- equity. Other integrated functions are those
nel independence from the central agencies, pertaining to administrative and institutional
and in some cases they operate under the reform itself. Since the 1990s, almost all the
provisions of private law. Until recently, the governments in the region have embarked
distribution of personnel between these two on the implementation of strategic plans for
sectors was roughly similar, while in the the modernization of the public sector.
budgetary area, the decentralized sector’s To accomplish this mandate, presidential-
share was slightly higher than that of the level agencies and commissions have been
central administration. However, in recent established. In some cases, such as in
years there have been some significant Argentina, an Under-Secretariate of Public
changes. Functional decentralization has Management and Modernization has been
been steadily replaced by privatization, created, along with an office to fight corrup-
deregulation and downsizing. Meanwhile, tion. Mexico, under the PAN administration
under the banner of localization, territorially of President Fox, initiated a similar program
decentralized agencies (in particular muni- of its own. In most countries, inter-ministe-
cipalities) have increased in numbers, func- rial and inter-agency committees, charged
tions and importance (see Table 41.1). with computerization and technological inno-
A final characteristic is the institutionali- vation, quality control, program evaluation,
zation of a myriad of newer horizontal func- user satisfaction, performance assessments
tions, in addition to the more conventional and de-bureaucratization have been in exist-
horizontal operating systems – that is, plan- ence for at least two decades. An example of
ning, budget, financial and personnel man- this arrangement is Chile’s Inter-ministerial
agement, and legal and accounting controls Committee for the Modernization of the

Table 41.1 A comparison of national, functionally and territorially decentralized

administrations in a number of countries in the 1990s indicates the following variations
(A) National admin. (B) Functional (C) Local % change (A) % change (B) % change (C)
Country 1991 1997 1991 1997 1991 1997 1991–97 1991–97 1991–97
Argentina 534 462 242 51 1159 1317 −13.5 −89.0 13.6
Chile 120 134 56 37 23 23 11.7 −32.3 0.0
Costa Rica 127 133 6 3 6 8 4.7 −50.0 33.3
Nicaragua 89 81 15 11 41 47 −9.0 −26.6 14.6
Venezuela 238 197 99 28 193 208 −17.3 −71.8 2.3
Figures refer to thousands of civil servants and are in absolute values. If they were calculated as a proportion of popula-
tion, or economically active population, declines would be larger and increases smaller. The ‘Local’ comprises municipal, or
provincial, or both, depending upon the data available. The term ‘Functional’ relates to parstatal state enterprises.
Source: CLAD/SIARE website:; and
estadistica.html (accessed February 5, 2011).

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State, which has a broad mandate and is presence of international missions and con-
housed in the strategic Ministry of the sultants (like the Kemmerer Commission in
Secretary General of Government. the 1920s), development administration
A feature of the current approach to admin- (Crowther and Flores, 1984), and today’s
istrative modernization, unlike the ‘rationali- New Public Management with structural
zation’ efforts under the rubric of development adjustment programs (SAPs) are all cases in
administration of the 1960s, is that it uses point. The instances of administrative reform
a broader definition of the public sector. from within have been fewer, piecemeal,
Besides central agencies, the object of reform heavily localized and mostly reactive to deep
encompasses local governments, the judici- discontinuities. One such instance was the
ary and the drive towards privatization. Most already-mentioned development of the post-
countries, notably Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, First World War welfare state with limited
Chile, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador and the social security and medical coverage, which
Dominican Republic, have created agencies preceded its counterparts in Europe and
and formulated plans to transfer and down- North America by at least a decade (Mesa-
load governmental functions at the commu- Lago and Witte, 1992). The other was Import
nal level. These regional development offices Substitution Industrialization in the 1930s,
and under-secretariats are also mandated the only experience to become codified and
to enhance administrative skills and build theorized upon in the works of United Nations
managerial capabilities in local government. Economic Commission for Latin America
In addition, a great deal of effort has and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and other
been devoted to modernizing the judiciary, regional agencies. A third example has been
simplifying procedures and attempting to the rare attempts at radical reorganization
give more agility and transparency to the resulting from revolutionary changes, such as
judicial process, one identified by external in Cuba (1960s), the generally aborted
observers as being not only slow but also cor- Sandinista experiment in Nicaragua (1980s),
rupt. Finally, the issue of transferring public as well as populist attempts in Venezuala,
ownership to the private sector has been Ecuador and Bolivia two decades later.
addressed. This is a major ideological and Rhetoric aside, these experiences have been
fiscal tenet of the institutional reforms con- largely improvisations in the face of dramatic
tained in the conditionalities attached to debt international conjunctures and nearly impos-
relief. The discourse behind this practice sible odds. Rene Dumont (1970) has referred
refers to a ‘leaner but meaner’ state, where to this style of management as ‘creative
regulation and leadership replaces direct chaos’. Finally, a most remarkable exception
ownership or management. To this effect, all is the set of micro experiences in autono-
the countries have established mechanisms mous mobilization, such as the Christian
(in the form of commissions) to expedite the Base Communities in Central America and
privatization process. Brazil, the now-defunct Popular Economic
Organizations in Chile, the self-managed
urban communities in Peru (Nef, 1991) and
the still-vital Landless Rural Workers’
THE DYNAMICS OF REFORM: Movement (MST) in contemporary Brazil
PROCESSES AND EFFECTS (Robles, 2000; MST, 2001).
The common denominator of all adminis-
Administrative change in Latin America has trative reform in Latin America, whether
been for the most part either externally internally or externally induced, is its distinct
induced, or heavily assisted by external political character (Marini Ferreira, 1999).
actors (Wharlich, 1978). Colonial reforms, Such reforms, irrespective of the technical
the desire of local elites to modernize, the language in which they are couched, in the

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last analysis strengthen, weaken, consolidate called a ‘neoconservative’ agenda. Its admin-
or challenge existing power relations. istrative corollary has been a movement from
Furthermore, they all operationalize in organ- civil service to public management (Bonifacio,
izational and managerial terms a broader 1995). Downsizing government, making it
political, social and economic project. publicly more accountable and transparent,
Administrative modernization in the 1990s turning it into a more efficient mechanism for
has been predicated in a very different domes- delivering services on its own or in partner-
tic and international environment – and pro- ship with private and/or voluntary organiza-
grammatic objectives – from those of the tions are not purely isolated measures to
structural reforms of the 1960s. The policy secure ‘better’ administration. They are all
framework for international cooperation manifestations of a broader neoliberal ideo-
present in the West today (and a decade logical rationale (Nef and Robles, 2000). The
ago) was, and continues to be, distinctively role of the state under this model is mainly
neoliberal, not Keynesian. The Southern subsidiary; that is, its main directive is to
Common Market (MERCOSUR), North protect the functioning of the market, and
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) private property. The basic ‘social contract’ is
and the proposals for a Free Trade of the post-Fordian, in the sense that it reduces and
Americas (FTA) are part of the new regional fragments the role of workers in the system
environment. Markets, rather than planning of labor relations, enhancing instead the
and government intervention, are seen as uncontested hegemony of capital, both for-
central, though paradoxically this policy eign and domestic. The notion of popular and
switch is contingent upon strong state national sovereignty is replaced by the sover-
enforcement. Latin America came out of the eignty of capital. This manifests itself in
Cold War through a transition to a limited regressive labor, taxation and welfare policy.
and not very transparent form of democracy Over the past two decades, there has been
brokered by external agents. The countries a redefinition of the role of the state through-
were also saddled with enormous and unman- out Latin America, as in most of the globe,
ageable debt burdens. The international fin- along the lines mentioned above. This has
ancial community and its bodies used debt manifested itself in a transition between two
management to impose stringent condition- models. One was the Keynesian ‘administra-
alities. The latter included a number of meas- tive state’, whose central mission was the
ures for attaining macroeconomic equilibrium attainment of national development. The
via debt reduction, open-market policies and other is the ‘receiver’ state, whose principal
institutional reforms. role is the management of structural adjust-
It is precisely in the context of these struc- ment and whose subsidiary role is the imple-
tural adjustment policies that the bulk of the mentation of palliative development. Such
prescriptions for the current administrative development refers to targeted programs to
reform have to be seen. The administrative address the plight of those who fall by the
corollary to the neoliberal package contained wayside as a result of orthodox economic
in the SAPs is fundamentally the New Public policies, by means of micro-credit, capacity
Management paradigm (Ormond and building and the like. This transformation, as
Löffler, 1999). The latter is well known in the mentioned earlier, came on the heels of the
United States through the work of Osborne bureaucratic authoritarian restructuring of
and Gaebler, Reinventing Government (Jones the 1970s and was largely facilitated by it.
and Thompson, 1999). Yet, its lineage can Since the ‘return to democracy’, there
be traced back to the Right-leaning adminis- has been a reduction in the scope and size
trative reforms in the 1980s in the United of the public sector (Table 41.2), which
Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia and has been accomplished by closures, privati-
Canada, which materialized in what was then zation of many activities – especially in

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Table 41.2 A comparative table, calculated on the basis of data provided by CLAD,
between 1987 and 1998–99, indicates a declining trend in civil service employment,
vis-à-vis the economically active population (EAP)
Civil service (× 1000) % EAP
Country 1987 1998−99 % change 1990 1999 % change
Argentina* 1.973 1.829 −7.3 14.53 12.23 −26.0
Venezuela 975 374 −61.7 — — —
Mexico* 3.751 4.422 17.8 19.46 18.38 1.0
Costa Rica* 272 146 −46.4 13.95 11.20 −19.8
Chile 215 172 −20.0 2.09 1.60 −44.9
Panama 157 136 −13.3 — — —
Uruguay* 272 230 −15.5 18.12 16.14 −11.00
*Observations for Argentina are 1991–97: for Mexico, 1990–96; Costa Rica, 1990–98; and Uruguay, 1995–98.
Source: CLAD 2001: ; CLAD February 2011:
inicio.html and (both accessed February 5, 2011).

public utilities, health, social security and than not, this ‘temporary’ structure evolves
education – and also by outsourcing in the into a persistent clientele conditioned to the
private sector. A myriad of private entities ups and downs of patronage politics. Loss of
have emerged to take on these downloaded employment, labor vulnerability and declin-
public functions with captive clienteles and ing incomes, as in the case of school teachers
low elasticity: Pension Management Funds and other civil servants, has had a general-
(Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones ized deleterious effect on service quality and
[AFPs]), ‘health service’ entities (like Health human security in the region.
Management Organizations), sanitary serv- Fiscal management, rather than reorgani-
ices firms and the like. zation, has moved to the center stage of
The record of privatization has shown public administration. On the one hand, the
mixed results, ranging from greater quality financial base for public programs has been
and rationalization of service, to more effec- significantly reduced; on the other hand,
tive costing and profitability, to situations budgetary processes have been streamlined.
of exclusion and manifest decline in the Budget cuts have been geared to attaining
quality, coverage and accessibility. In some fiscal balance, facilitating the management
cases, it has given an impetus for moderniza- of structural adjustment policies. Institu-
tion, improved standards and generated tionally, this has translated into the primacy
sources of new investment, and even cheaper of the ministries of finance as the key actors
and better products (for a while this was the and regulators of the administrative process.
case in telecommunications). However, in These ministries increasingly represent the
many others (as in power utilities) it has paramountcy of the central banking authori-
spearheaded, at best, speculative appropria- ties and the international financial institu-
tions at the public expense and widespread tions, such as the IMF, the World Bank or
fraud. Downsizing the civil service has led to the Inter-American Development Bank.
a proliferation of personnel on limited serv- In addition to the macro issues of privati-
ice contracts and a large quantity of private zation and fiscal management, the adminis-
consultants. It has also meant a resurgence of trative reform under NPM has had some
patrimonialism (Robin, 1995). It is not remarkable achievements, especially when it
uncommon to see a parallel structure to the comes to the ‘micro’ and efficiency-oriented
officially downsized agencies, made of con- aspects of administration. Of all the activities
tractual and external personnel. More often implemented, the most clearly successful

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have been the efforts to streamline proce- structures, chronic economic vulnerability,
dures, de-bureaucratize and computerize weak and unstable growth, social marginali-
services. The quality and time of service ren- zation, low institutionalization and acute
dered to customers has clearly improved in social polarization. The above translates into
many of the countries. This applies espe- high levels of ambiguity and uncertainty.
cially to licenses, certificates, filing income Administrative change in the region is condi-
taxes and a reduction of red tape. More sub- tioned more by these circumstances than
stantial structural reforms have met with less by the declared goals of ‘technical’ reform.
success, ranging from limited accomplish- Ostensibly, structural transformations have
ments (such as localization), to mere cos- taken place, yet administrative culture and
metic changes, to complete ineffectiveness, behavior have persisted, producing syncre-
or worse. This realization has prompted some tistic adaptations rather than profound
participants and analysts of the reform proc- reorganizations. The political economy of
ess in Latin America to call for a redefinition reform has been characterized by a bias for
of NPM principles along the lines of a more the maintenance of the domestic and regional
socially oriented version of institutional status quo.
reform. Many point at the European social 2. The administrative systems in Latin
democracies, and Anthony Giddens’ Third America, unlike other peripheral areas, have
Way (Giddens, 1998) as an alternative to the long exhibited the formal attributes of
economic and ideological orthodoxy of neo- bureaucracy, and successive reforms have
liberalism. In this sense, CLAD’s own docu- entrenched these traits. Yet, under the cir-
ment, ‘A New Public Management for Latin cumstances described here, the presence of
America’ (CLAD, 1999), constitutes a call to ‘legal-rational’ characteristics do not consti-
reconstruct an administrative paradigm. It tute substantive indicators, let alone predic-
proposes a ‘third way’ of implementing mar- tors, of responsiveness, effectiveness or
ket reforms with a human face: putting people democratic accountability. Rather, the for-
first, revitalizing civil society and emphasiz- mality of the legal-rational model often hides
ing a more active and democratic state. the reality of a ‘mock’ bureaucracy (Gouldner,
1954), where complex procedures and tech-
nical trappings are geared to a dysfunctional
mixture of issue non-resolution and non-
issue resolution. Public administration in
Latin America has been distinctively deriva-
tive. As a reflection of an entrenched center–
This interpretative and tentative exploration
periphery regional and global order, it has
makes it possible to hypothesize on the rela-
tended to follow vogues, recipes and solu-
tionships between administrative culture,
tions manufactured in the developed socie-
structure and functions sketched above and
ties. In this sense, it has been exogenous in
the larger social and political order. It has
its motivations, problem identification and
also suggested some conjectures regarding
prescriptions (Crowther and Flores, 1984).
the dynamic relationship between such pat-
The tendency to define problems and ques-
terns and strategies of reform, which can be
tions from the vantage point of rather stand-
summarized in six propositions.
ard answers and solutions has provided for a
1. The administrative systems of Latin rather mechanistic and acritical approach.
America reflect the distinctiveness and The scientific and technological institutions
complexity of the various national realities in the region have been more interested in
and the common regional trends. The latter reproducing the prevailing modes of social
include persistent dependence, the perpe- engineering than addressing larger contex-
tuation of rigid and particularistic social tual – and politically contentious – issues.

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Technical cooperation has not fared any social system, the polity and culture itself.
better. Corruption in Latin America is not only
3. In the past two decades there have been public: it is systemic. A predatory attitude
ostensible improvements in ‘de-bureaucratiz- towards resource extraction (often fueled by
ing’, ‘de-cluttering’, reducing waiting times the foreign debt), possessive individualism,
and cutting down red tape. This has been amoral familism, a weak civic consciousness
accompanied by deregulation, a reduction of and a tendency to imitate ‘the modern’, con-
the size of the civil service and a transfer of figures a conservative mind-set with ethical
many public functions into private agencies. double standards. This also engenders irre-
The incomplete transition to democracy of sponsibility and a lack of capacity (and will)
the 1980s, debt crises and structural adjust- to anticipate and make strategic policy shifts.
ments have altered the content and instru- Administrative reforms promoting privatiza-
mentalities of public policy (Nef, 1997). The tion, a smaller role for the state, deregulation,
region’s administrative systems have been downsizing, outsourcing and formal decen-
directly affected by current circumstances tralization have failed to address the funda-
and challenges derived from a concerted mental issues of inequality, lack of democracy
effort at modernization along the lines of the and abuse that underpin the region’s admin-
prescriptions of Western governments and istrative structures and practices. They may
international agencies. However, this altera- have also encouraged official corruption
tion has not resulted substantively in greater (Robin, 1995).
efficiency, let alone effectiveness to ‘get 6. Historically, the administrative experi-
things done’ for the public; nor does it seem ence of Latin America has been molded by
to effect a deep transformation of administra- numerous failed attempts at modernization
tive practices and behavior. and cyclical crises. This has resulted in a
4. The same applies to the question of protracted condition of institutional underde-
administrative responsiveness to public velopment. It has also contributed to perpetu-
demands. In a narrow technical sense, the ating a self-fulfilling prophecy of immobility
transformation of the recipient into a (Adie and Poitras, 1974). Without political
‘client’ – as has been attempted in numerous and institutional development, addressing
reforms – does not alter substantially the real issues such as poverty, unemployment or
intrinsic quality of the service. A key prob- lack of effective citizenship, administrative
lem in Latin America is the absence of reforms – even couched in the current rheto-
citizenship in the public arena. The irony is ric of public sector modernization – are mere
that, while social demands on the public epiphenomena (Martner, 1984). The contri-
sector to tackle mounting problems and to bution of the current reform vogue to devel-
provide more services are growing, the state opment – and democracy – are mostly
apparatus is shrinking. What is happening marginal, as the protection of market forces,
instead is a revolution of rising frustrations not development (let alone democracy), is its
resulting from the inability of the political prime directive.
systems and their bureaucracies to tend to the
most basic problems people face in their Any profound administrative reform involves
daily lives. both structural and attitudinal (as well as
5. In this, the inability to control corrup- value) changes. Efforts at administrative
tion is indicative, and indeed the very logic, restructuring, ‘modernization’ and the like,
of the current prescriptions. Administrative need to address first, either directly or indi-
practices in Latin America are immersed in rectly, the nature of administrative culture
a larger cultural matrix, containing values, and the issue of democracy, or rather lack of
behaviors and orientations towards the democracy, in the region. Administrative cul-
physical environment, the economy, the ture is something heterogeneous, dynamic

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Public Administration in
Central and Eastern Europe
Patrycja Joanna Suwaj

INTRODUCTION i.e. all countries in Europe controlled by the

Soviet Union, and therefore including the
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an Baltic states. Central Europe is easier to
overview of the public administration land- define, since it is almost always referring to
scape in Eastern and Central Europe, with a the four countries – Czech Republic, Hungary,
brief comparison with other countries that Poland and Slovakia – that make up the
were previously under Soviet rule in Asia. Visegrad Group. For the purpose of this
The chapter is organized so as to provide a chapter, the distinction is made between
historical background of the countries in the the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
region and trace the roots of contemporary (CEE countries) and those others that were
public administration in the various periods under direct Soviet rule.
that precede the fall of Communism and
Soviet rule. It then proceeds to look at the
reform efforts that began in the 1990s and
concludes by identifying what the results THE HISTORIC LEGACY OF PUBLIC
have been on the ground. ADMINISTRATION
Defining the region is itself worth an intro-
ductory discussion. References to Eastern The foundational code of present-day politi-
Europe tend to vary in regard to what they cal systems in Europe dates back to the
refer to. For instance, the United Nations’ eighteenth-century doctrine of the Age of
Statistics Division includes the following Enlightenment. The first of these is the prin-
countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech ciple of sovereignty of the people. It stands
Republic, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, in opposition to absolute monarchy, as well
Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Hungary. as the principle encoded in the Soviet system
Other definitions include all the countries where the vanguard party was elevated to
of what was once called “the Eastern Bloc”, the position of guardian and leader of the

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working class masses. As Izdebski and spread to Central and Eastern Europe after
Kulesza (2004: 66−67) underline, there has the Second World War when the Soviet
always been a close link between the idea Union was able to extend its control west-
of the sovereign nation, on the one hand, wards following Hitler’s defeat. The totalitar-
and the postulates of political democracy, ian state aims at complete subordination of
on the other. the individual to its commands. Thus, there
The second principle is the idea of the rule are no independent courts, churches, trade
of law, which stands in contrast to the police unions, media or other institutions that are
state, based on arbitrary use of authority. The present in democratic society. The vanguard
state ruled by law is inseparably connected to party based on strong internal discipline rules
the idea of a sovereign nation. In such a without fetters.
country a subject becomes a citizen and the This system, called democratic centralism,
law also binds authority, thereby giving citi- was enforced in varying degrees throughout
zens guarantees of respect for their rights the region but was generally characterized by
and protection from lawlessness of authority. the following four types of subordination
Authority is always limited, even when the (Kudrycka, Peters and Suwaj 2009):
will of citizens democratically legitimizes it.
The third principle is the postulate that • Organizational subordination. Close hierarchical
individuals should be allowed and guaran- subordination of lower-level bodies to higher-
teed to fulfil their freedoms. For this reason, level ones was at the center of the system. The
practical existence of real and independent ter-
the sovereign nation must establish constitu-
ritorial self-government, therefore, was discon-
tional and other procedural guarantees. Since tinued. This subordination (dependence) existed
the end of the Second World War, these rights also in others spheres.
and guarantees have been extended to the • Personal subordination. Elections to positions
extra-territorial level, notably through inter- of authority either did not exist or were fic-
national and regional conventions and other tion. There were no competitive candidates; in
types of accords negotiated through the practice, people were assigned to public offices
United Nations and other relevant bodies. by way of Party nominations. Retaining formal
The fourth principle is the separation of elections (like, e.g., in Poland) was in reality
power between the different branches of gov- an act of political correctness and their results
ernment: the executive, legislative and judi- were falsified anyway. Personal assignment on
territorial levels depended only on the governing
cial. These three branches should keep each
party – besides, all members of councils as other
other in check and be horizontally accounta- key persons performing public function were
ble to each other. nominated following this way. Not educated but
The French Revolution gave practical obedient and easy to manipulate persons were
expression to these Enlightenment ideas by appointed to high positions.
initiating development of countries and • Competence subordination. This meant that even
public institutions, directed at implementa- if formally some decision-making competences
tion of the above postulates. This initial were delegated to subnational levels, deci-
attempt on the European continent, however, sions were taken on the central level and were
did not succeed immediately. It took almost dependent on the official nomenclature anyway.
150 years before these principles became Deciding about public matters that concerned
local or regional level was in the hands of the
institutional practice in Europe and another
central government and the central party, which
50 years before they were fully adopted in from a formal point of view should have been
Central and Eastern Europe. beyond the government structure.
The historical legacy of what happened in • Financial subordination. Local and regional levels
these latter countries includes the principles were also financially dependent on decisions
of totalitarian rule which began in Russia of the Communist Party. Local budgets were
through the October Revolution of 1917 and a part of the central budget where division

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of financial means took place in the supreme recommendations and orders for the nominated
bodies. Central grants composed the lion’s share managerial personnel; and
of local incomes, while possibilities to decide on • tasks manifest through providing with services by
financial resources at the local level were very the country on a massive scale in order to satisfy
limited. The community did not own property essential human needs.
within its territorial boundaries; nor did its local
government body. Buildings and other types
of property were owned by the state and only As some authors underline (e.g. Elander
administered by the local administration. 1995: 6−7; Illner 1999: 12−13), it is interest-
ing to reveal some examples of contradic-
Michal Illner (1999: 12) has portrayed the tions that appeared between the official
Soviet system in the following way: ideological model promoted during
Communist times and its real nature. One
Public administration and self-government such example would be “the erosion of ter-
were amalgamated into a single system based ritorial government by economic organiza-
on the ideology of democratic centralism. tions”. Vertically organized and controlled by
According to this ideology, no contradictions
could, by definition, arise between the “real” the central authorities, enterprises frequently
interests of the state and the interests of its territo- influenced decisions about local issues. For
rial subsystems because they were all supposed to this reason, they can even be referred to as
express the interests of the working class. A single centers of power, which often possessed con-
political and administrative body – the local ver- siderably more money than the local admin-
sion of the soviets – was, therefore, made respon-
sible for advocating both local and central istration. What is more, they were responsible
interests. for public sector tasks that pre-empted the
responsibility of local administration. As
The common feature of administration in Illner (1992: 42) indicates, “in some places,
CEE countries in Communist times was enterprises even became the main sponsors
accepting nearly every agenda concerning of local development, making territorial
public life with a simultaneous lack of skills authorities ultimately dependent on them.
in satisfying social needs in a proper way. The political and economic relevance of ter-
After the nationalization of industries, com- ritorial government was thus undermined not
munication, and banks as well as agricultural only by centralism but also by the increasing
reform, socialization of commerce, the intro- strength and patronage of economic organi-
duction of the public economy of accommo- zations”. When the transition to a market
dation, and a common medical service as economy and liberal democracy took place,
part of the social health service, it was these powerful enterprises − which employed
extended to incorporate new fields of eco- too many people, where staff were paid
nomic activities into a planned economy whether or not they worked and management
(Błaś, Boć and Jez.ewski 2003: 21). As a was very incompetent – became a real prob-
result, the following tasks of state adminis- lem and burden for these countries.
tration were singled out in the literature on This degenerated model of central guid-
socialism: ance affected not only the contemporary
shape of administration but also it distorted
the attitudes of people. For the inhabitants of
• traditional regulating and disciplinary tasks as an
the countries that fell under Soviet control, it
original sphere of administrative activity of the
country, ruling the people with orders and bans
became a norm to circumvent the law.
executed by state recourses; Virtually every issue which lay in the compe-
• tasks in the sphere of socialized economy, tence of the bureaucracy (whether it was
which were carried out through the dominance planning permission, admitting a child to a
of the socialized means of production of basic pre-school, medical and nursing service in
economic processes, notably economic plans, hospital, or a trip abroad), required not only

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the ability to negotiate or to persuade but the German Democratic Republic, Bulgaria,
also having contacts in the governing party. Romania, and Albania.
Jan Boć (2003: 291) referred to this phenom- As a consequence of the Autumn of
enon as “letaprivation” (from French “l’Etat Nations, the Warsaw Pact was finally dis-
privée”). Nepotism, unequal treatment, an solved. In addition, all the units of Red Army
excessive development of power, widely were withdrawn from the CEE countries. The
spread corruption – these are the elements of withdrawal was connected with a nuclear
mundane life of that time. disarmament, which extensively increased
The legacy of totalitarian rule in CEE security not only in Europe but also in the
countries survived until the end of the 1980s whole world. An indirect effect of the Autumn
and the beginning of 1990. What is more, of Nations was the breakup (much of it in a
some of those features are still problematic bloody fashion) of Yugoslavia, but also the
for these countries, such as suffering losses peaceful division of Czechoslovakia into the
by state enterprises in Poland, or deeply Czech Republic and Slovakia.
rooted corruption in the majority of post- The main point is that the dramatic events
Communist countries. In Belarus, almost all at the end of the 1980s resulted in the over-
features of the Soviet system have been throw of the totalitarian political system
retained under the strong influence of and a restoration of freedom of speech
President Lukashenka’s regime. and democracy in the former countries of
The fall of 1989, called the Autumn of the Communist Block. At the same time it
Nations in Central and Eastern Europe, raised popular expectations about higher
resulted in the breakdown of the Soviet levels of prosperity that proved not so easy
empire and changed the historical path of to meet.
these countries. Poland is an instance of a
country where taking over the government
and building a new democratic country was
conducted in a peaceful way; the two people REFORM EFFORTS IN THE 1990s
who are ascribed the most merit for this AND AFTER
matter were the initiator and the leader of the
independent self-governing trade union Various international institutions and experts
“Solidarity”, Lech Walesa, and the superior argued that the public administration in CEE
of the Roman Catholic Church at the time, countries required as quick a rearrangement
Pope John Paul II. as possible, because it was the condition
The various measures introduced before under which political transformations aiming
1991 generally resulted in weakening of the to strengthen democracy and the market
Communist Parties in the countries which economy could be made. The need for rapid
were under the influence of the USSR. The changes mainly concerned:
genesis of the Autumn of Nations dates back
to 1980s; that was the time when Solidarity • abandoning central planning as well as the
was formed in Poland, opposition move- command and divided system of economy
ments grew stronger, and the first attempts of management;
• beginning the process of privatization and
introducing reforms in socialist countries
were made (including perestroika and glas- • restricting functions and influences of govern-
nost in the USSR). Round Table Talk in ment administration;
Poland as well as the opposition’s success in • introducing different forms of civil law not
parliamentary elections in 1989 became a only by administration but also within
model for similar transformations in the administration;
remaining countries of socialist CEE coun- • keeping the powerful influence where needed;
tries, especially in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, at the same time, partly abandoning delivering

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public services by the state itself (free of charge) followed a single path. Models differ from
and implementing equivalent benefits (partly or each other in scope of timing, processing and
wholly paid); content of taken reforms and the process has
• acquiring a fresh attitude towards management been dependent on internal political, social
of public affair; and
or cultural conditions.
• restoring a self-governing administration.
As researchers of transformation and
The transformation entailed measures reform periods notice, it is possible to organ-
that could build on institutional patterns that ize the analysis along different lines.
had existed in pre-Communist times. As Bouckaert, Nakrošis and Nemec (2010) make
Illner (1999: 14−15) shows, this was parti- their distinction based on the political legacy.
cularly true for self-governing traditions in Thus, they refer to two groups of countries
Central Europe that had been in place that embarked on public administration
before: reforms. The first is composed of the coun-
tries of Central Europe and the Baltic
Aside from the legacies of the Communist system, states – countries that made efforts to join
the older, pre-communist traditions of public the EU. The second group are countries
administration also played some role in the 1990 which were previously under direct Soviet
reforms. Territorial government has quite a long rule. Péteri and Zentai (2002) make a differ-
history in all three Central and Eastern European
ent distinction, where the point of reference
countries (Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary)
and the pre-communist system has been an is the moment when public administration
inspiration for reformers. In the territories that reforms really began and showed an impact
belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian monar- on the political and administrative systems.
chy (the Czech Lands, Hungary and Galicia), According to these authors, Hungary and
modern territorial administration was founded
Poland started political and institutional
in 1862. With modifications, this system was
maintained in both countries until 1945, and it changes at a relatively high speed: political,
served again as the point of reference for recent legislative and structural reforms were imple-
reforms. In Poland, which until 1918 was parti- mented in two to three years. This quick
tioned between its three neighbouring imperial start was followed by almost a decade of
powers, elements of the Austro-Hungarian,
slower process reforms. Bulgaria and Latvia
Prussian and Russian legal systems coexisted
after reunification until the 1930s, and here the belong to the second group, where after
Austrian and the German systems of Territorial the initial revolutionary political changes
administration were the largest inspiration for the (independence, new constitution) the actual
reforms of 1990. public sector reforms were delayed. After
several years of stagnation, structural reforms
At the same time, it should be pointed out and the modernization of local governments
that not all countries shared a similar legacy. were started only in the late 1990s. In the
For instance, Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, third group of countries – Croatia and
Slovakia and Slovenia did not have devel- Slovakia – not only did the basic structural
oped traditions of self-governance before changes start only after a significant delay
Communist rule (Rydlewski 2007). but also they were unable to launch any com-
Generally since 1989, CEE countries have prehensive reforms in the first decade of
been involved in a fundamental transition, transition.
consisting of three paths connected and In this chapter we will accept the geo-
interrelated to each other: (1) introducing graphic division as the basis for discussing
democracy and democratic state institutions; the reform programs since the early 1990s.
(2) shifting to a market system; and The main focus will be on Central and
(3) moving towards integration into the Eastern Europe, followed by a briefer discus-
European Union (EU) (e.g. Fournier 1998a). sion of what was done in the countries for-
This does not mean that the countries have merly under direct Soviet rule.

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Reforms in Central and Eastern protected from partisan influences, at least in

Europe the sphere of legal guarantees. Other meas-
ures included the introduction of impartial
The first period of reforms in the CEE coun- control procedures, channels for interaction
tries in the early 1990s concentrated on with the public at large, and the decentraliza-
building systems of public administration tion of authority (Fournier 1998a).
based on democratic foundations. Reforms in The process of economic transformation
these countries were relatively similar and was based on similar actions for building a
they took their lead from the same OECD market economy. Market reforms meant
(Organization for Economic Co-operation mostly the necessity of abandoning the cen-
and Development) source. The advice empha- tral planning and command-and-quota system
sized the importance of transformation of of economy management in favor of private
public institutions if a democratic system initiatives. These elements were included in a
of governing and market economy is to be new legal and administrative framework.
successfully achieved and as fast a change as Privatization of state-owned enterprises,
possible. trade and price liberalization, establishment
The reform programs benefitted from sig- of mechanisms supporting markets through
nificant financial, organizational and expert taxation and bank restructuring were at the
support from the United States and Canada. center of these reforms. In fact, government
Support from the OECD and organizations departure from direct production of goods
like the Open Society Institute enabled the and services required wholesale transforma-
realization of projects focused on building tion of the public law, duties, structures and
capacity and institutions. These foreign tech- personnel of national public administrations
nical assistance programs played critical and their regional agencies (Fournier 1998a).
roles not only in design and introduction but Despite debates on the speed of reforms and
also during the implementation of reforms. forms of privatization during this early stage
Initially, democratization meant establish- of economic transition, the basic institutions
ing new constitutional provisions transfer- of a market economy were established and
ring power to elected representatives, laws the process had been completed by the end of
protecting freedom of opinion and expres- the decade (Péteri and Zentai, 2002). The
sion, the establishment of a multi-party cost of this transformation, however, was
system and the possibility for the electorate high. General government expenditures
to replace those in power. The following decreased and unemployment rose, although
steps towards democracy also required the the effects were less serious in Hungary
creation of a legally constituted state, acting and Poland.
under the rule of law and with the elimina- The domestic political context and, espe-
tion of arbitrary use of public power, open- cially, the stability and persistence of the
ness and transparency promotion or systemic ruling political regime were major elements
fight with corruption. It therefore presup- that significantly facilitated or hindered the
posed a thorough transformation of the administrative reform processes. Party sys-
system of governance; government was no tems took time to stabilize, and coalition
longer at the service of a party or class. arrangements were often feeble. Major legis-
Public administration in the new democratic lative and institutional reform measures
dispensation represented the permanence, were subject to not only political delibera-
continuity and regularity of the state, as well tions but also to bargaining processes in
as implementation of the policies of the which the professional clarity and coherence
government in power. Administration is not of proposals frequently got lost (Péteri and
only neutral execution of policy but also a Zentai 2002). For example, in Bulgaria the
constitutional safeguard. Civil servants are Leftist parties supported decentralization to

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the lowest possible level, while the Rightist or as part of, the accession process (Fournier
political party favored the region as the basic 1998a). The main observations were:
unit of economic development (Djildjov
2002). Shifts in political power, e.g. as a Political Institutions. The assessment was on the
result of elections, also influenced the whole favorable, since seven of the 10 countries
pace and direction of reforms. In Poland the were considered as already meeting the condi-
model of new territorial administration had tions laid down in Copenhagen. Two others
been prepared in 1992,1 but it was imple- (Bulgaria and Romania) were “on the way” to
mented only in 1998 when forces sympa- meeting these conditions. In only one country,
Slovakia, was the situation considered to be
thetic to this particular model got back into
unsatisfactory. The situation of minorities was
power. In Slovakia and Croatia, the radical considered to be satisfactory on the whole,
shift from the previous political regime in although cases where improvement was needed
1998 and 2000, respectively, opened up were mentioned, particularly as regards the
the possibility of designing and launching Russian-speaking population in the Baltic states,
fresh decentralization programs (Péteri and the Hungarian minority in Slovakia, and gypsy
Zentai 2002). populations in Central and Southern Europe.
The other factor that significantly influ- Justice. There were specific comments on the situ-
enced the reform processes in Central and ation in some countries: for example, regarding
Eastern Europe was the desire in these coun- the independence of judges in Slovakia; penal
tries to join the European Union. This proc- procedure in Bulgaria; the definition of the
powers of the prosecutor-general in Lithuania;
ess began in the late 1990s and was completed
and judicial control of prosecutors’ activities in
in the early 2000s. The incorporation of CEE Romania. For a number of countries (Bulgaria,
countries in the EU was the fourth wave of Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia), the role played
enlargement and was generally deemed to be by the constitutional court or its equivalent was
the most challenging (Metcalfe 1998). assessed favorably. On the whole, however, the
Questions were being asked whether these Commission remained highly circumspect in its
countries would be able to meet the evaluation of the ability of these countries’ judi-
Copenhagen Criteria and develop the man- cial systems to apply the Community acquis3 in
agement capacities needed to sustain govern- the medium term.
mental performance as a member state. The Local Government. In 1997 all countries had already
process had been made even more difficult as introduced local autonomy at the level of munici-
palities, but only some had an intermediate
the threshold of membership requirements
level between the municipal and central level,
had moved up even further since the rela- a matter that was described but not criticized.
tively easy incorporation of Austria, Finland The Commission stressed, however, the need
and Sweden. for decentralized authorities to achieve greater
The task of integrating the CEE countries financial autonomy and mentions excessive
was further complicated by the fact that EU financial dependence on central government in a
itself had a significant “management deficit”, number of countries, notably Bulgaria, the Czech
which urgently need to be resolved. Because Republic, Poland and Romania.
of internal institutional deficiencies and Administrative Reform. This proved to be an area
weaknesses and the need to deal with them, of special concern since all countries needed
candidate countries in the early 2000s were to design and implement a coherent overall
plan of administrative reforms. Although reforms
negotiating to join a system which would
had been made in some countries like Poland,
be changed in some quite unpredictable ways Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia, by 1997 there
by their incorporation within it (Metcalfe was no real reform momentum in the region.
1998). It only began in earnest in 1999 following the
The EU’s own assessment of the 10 candi- EU candidacy assessment, and in many coun-
date CEE countries2 in 1997 pointed to many tries, including Poland, has yet to be completed
shortcomings that had to be tackled before, today.

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Central Administration. The Commission only men- and it is difficult to set it in unambiguous,
tioned the role of central government sparingly, chronological time frames, in contrast to the
observing that it is too weak in Slovakia, which formal process of the collapse, which was
slows down strategic decision making. Bulgarian officially started by Russia declaring its
ministries needed basic reform, while in Latvia
the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the vari-
ous ministries was highly uneven, and in Estonia
The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the
they were considered to be too small and over- establishment of 15 new countries.4 The pat-
loaded. The administrative structures devoted terns of reform vary among these countries
to coordinating European affairs were on the and progress has been more uneven than in
whole looked on in a favorable light in almost the CEE countries. As Bouckaert, Nakrošis,
all countries. As regards procedures, it was and Nemec (2011: 11) point out, “the con-
recommended that Slovenia improves coordina- tents and timing of reforms is individual and
tion procedures between ministries. Romanian depends on the country-specific internal and
civil servants were reported to have shown an external environment.” These authors indi-
unwillingness to assume responsibility, while in cate that the reforms that were carried out,
Bulgaria, there was a need for greater transpar-
for example, in the Ukraine, where in fact
ency in the handling of public affairs.
Civil Service. Few countries had introduced specific
they started relatively early (1991–97),
legislation governing the civil service in 1997. were chaotic not only in the socio-economic
Hungary had done so in 1992, and amended it sphere but also in the sphere of the organiza-
in 2001. Latvia did it in 1994, with a new law tion and functioning of the country. In spite
adopted in 2000. Estonia and Poland followed in of the fact that many different legal acts
1996. It should be noted that Poland introduced attempting to reform the system were pre-
a new law on the civil service three more times: pared, growing political destabilization con-
in 1998, 2006 and 2008. siderably restricted not only the success of
Fighting Corruption. Almost every CEE country suf- those reforms but also even the chance to
fered from widespread corruption, the exception introduce them. A similar lack of stability
being Slovenia, where there was no evidence
characterized the reforms also in Kyrgyzstan
of significant corruption in the civil service. The
recommendations concerning improved effec-
and Armenia (the conflict between Armenia
tiveness of the judicial system and the police and and Azerbaijan lasted until May 1994).
weeding out corruption in the civil service, there- Admittedly, Armenia managed to rebuild
fore, were very much stressed in the Commission basic government institutions later in the
report. The inclusion of corruption as an issue 1990s, but fundamental reforms of public
of key importance for EU accession implies that administration and civil service were not
there exists an anti-corruption framework that carried out until the end of the decade
is already binding on EU member states and to (Lucking 2003). Compared to those coun-
which candidate states must conform. In fact no tries, Kazakhstan comes out positively. The
such framework exists, or at least not in a formal 1997 “Kazakhstan 2030” blueprint was
sense, and it is clear that the corruption issue
adopted and served as a guide for consistent
arose only in the context of extending accession
rights to the CEE countries (Suwaj 2005).
reform efforts, including an increase of
government’s effectiveness, introduction of
up-to-date information technologies, elimi-
nation of bureaucracy in government organs
Reforms in the countries of the and restriction of state intervention in the
former soviet union economy.
Russia is perceived as a country in which
Whether the collapse of the Soviet Union is reforms were systematically inhibited or
blamed on the failure of President Gorbachev’s even blocked by the people representing
perestroika and glasnost program or on some- the preceding system. As a result, essential
thing else, it was a multidimensional process, reforms have started late. A Civil Service

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Act was passed by the State Duma in 2004, a domestic product (GDP) has increased 10
civil service bureau was established in 2007, times while Polish salaries have increased 16
and in 2009 Russian President, Dmitry times. As Ágh (2009) points out, the reforms
Medvedev, signed a decree to reform the civil in the initial phase paved the ground for a
service system between 2009 and 2013 as a political, economic and social transforma-
part of a drive against corruption. Because tion, which together with the task of nation
these reforms are recent, it is difficult to building, have characterized the whole period
assess their consequences and impact since 1990.
(Obolonskij 2009; Bouckaert, Nakrošis and A second period began in the late 1990s
Nemec 2011). and included the transfer of responsibilities
Europeanization tendencies in the coun- to local governments, moving towards
tries of the former USSR are visible in reformed social assistance systems, where
chosen areas and the process is slowly both local and national governments had a
advancing, notably in the Ukraine. They are new role, as well as developing transparent
manifest, for example, in the endeavor to regulatory mechanisms (Péteri and Zentai
adjust the education standards in the area 2002). These second-generation reforms are
of public administration at university level necessary in all democratization processes in
and applying for European accreditation order to move on to the tasks of institutional-
given by European Association for Public izing and fine-tuning the reforms. The main
Administration Accreditation (EAPAA). components of the second-wave reforms are
As stated by the European Commission on the institution-building initiatives aimed at
the subject of EU enlargement: “At the good governance and increasing citizen
moment there are no access negotiations inputs into the policy-making process. The
with Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia. All reso- quest for good government includes the crea-
lutions concerning such perspective would tion of a more professional civil service, the
have to be taken unanimously by all member modernization of local government, judicial
states”. reforms and the establishment of a more con-
structive dialogue with civil society. This
task of institution building has been espe-
cially crucial in order to create the social
RESULTS OF THE REFORMS capacity for Europeanization (Ágh 2009).
The third period may be best described as
It is possible to distinguish between three the post-accession time. Discrepancies
separate periods of public administration between institutional and policy harmoniza-
reform based on what has been done in tion have been noticed by the European
the past 20 years. The first period was char- Commission, because as Ágh (2009) points
acterized by constitutional reforms which out: “the legal harmonization showed the
radically changed the political system as a implementation gap between the formal rules
whole and brought fundamental democratic and non–adequate practices”. Two processes,
instruments (Ágh 2009). In reality, this trans- which at a first glance are simultaneous and
formation was a far-flung civilizing project, lead to institutional changes and changes in
reconstructing the grounds for how the state scope of policies, have not been equally easy
and the economy function. The results from to implement. Institutional changes have
this initial wave vary from country to coun- been “hard” criteria and put under stronger
try. It can be deemed especially successful in scrutiny when compared to “soft” and more
Poland because it has not only been sustained complicated changes in the matter of poli-
in later phases but also resulted in big mate- cies. Policy transfer has come to the fore
rial and cultural gains. Since the reforms much more in the post-accession period, and
were initiated in that country, the gross it has been closely connected with the second

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wave of institutional reforms aimed at com- and respect time requirements, to conduct
pleting the democratic institutionalization proceedings in which all parties have a right
to notice and an opportunity to be heard,
(Ágh 2009). to provide for remedies and appeals, etc.
Changes have occurred in CEE countries (for instance through an Ombudsman-type
as the effect of access to the EU has made institution).
them institutionally similar to Western 2.4 a set of rules and guidelines providing for
European countries. Fournier (1998b) pointed ongoing communication between the gov-
ernment and civil society and its compo-
out the following determinants as character-
nents, including NGOs and unions.
istic for Western Europe and, today, they are
also largely incorporated into the governance 3. Means of Action and Control
systems of CEE countries: 3.1 a professional civil service, governed by laws,
with hiring and promotion based on human
1. Central Organisation and Decision-Making resources management policies (including
1.1 a constitution guaranteeing the right of the merit, skills, motivation, stable work force),
people to replace those in power, the sepa- loyally implementing government policy.
ration of powers, and the rule of law; 3.2 a set of rules and ethical guidelines, guaran-
1.2 a government organisation providing for teeing the accountability of public institu-
effective co-ordination among the ministries tions and the reliability of administrative
and a sound link with budgeting, giving the acts, including priorities governing the ethi-
Prime Minister sufficient authority to assume cal behavior of public servants;
the political leadership of the country; 3.3 budget and tax authorities which can ensure
1.3 procedures to ensure a co-ordinated policy- that taxes are collected and that public
making and implementing process including funds are correctly managed and efficiently
procedures for producing laws and regula- spent;
tions, ensuring that these are proper from a 3.4 internal and outside institutions responsible
legal and technical standpoint and making it for monitoring administrative decision
possible to assess their financial, economic making, respected by civil servants and safe-
and social impact; guarding against corruption;
1.4 an organisation of ministries whereby 3.5 ready access by citizens and business to a
Ministers and policy staffs are freed from court system with procedures providing for
day-to-day implementation of policies and the prompt and final settlement of disputes
can instead concentrate on devising policies, including, where appropriate, the develop-
drafting statutes and overseeing their imple- ment of capacities to address economic,
mentation; administrative and other special areas.
1.5 a public sector which, in the areas in which
it operates, is given specific tasks to fulfil The period after the accession of CEE coun-
with a degree of management autonomy, tries to the EU has been characterized by a
within the framework of clearly laid out legal slower pace of reforms and dealing with
challenges based on growing social expecta-
2. Territorial Administration, and Relations with tions, financial crisis and political games that
Citizens and Economic Actors tend to accompany every election. Another
2.1 a certain degree of decentralisation which, feature of the post-accession period is the
depending on the country, can apply at one inclination to fall back on “trendy”
or more levels with varying responsibilities
approaches, notably the embracing of New
and powers;
2.2 interaction between the national govern-
Public Management (NPM). Estonia is a case
ment’s territorial services institutions and in point, where NPM has been adopted to the
local/regional authorities, making it possible point where it is seen as “over-idealizing” the
to implement public policy effectively private sector (Randma-Liiv 2008; Bouckaert,
throughout the country; Nakrošis and Nemec 2011: 17). Key compa-
2.3 a set of rules, sometimes laid out in a code
nies, e.g. the railways, were privatized in a
of administrative procedures, governing rela-
tions between citizens and their govern- wave of selling state property in the early
ment, including obligations to ensure equal 2000s although in the case of the railways
access to public services, to justify decisions it was returned to state ownership some

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years later. Randma-Liiv (2008) points out The idea of borrowing practices from the
that this tendency to over-idealize the private private sector for transfer to the public sector –
sector and the free-market economy contin- a core principle of the NPM – seems to lose
ues in many of the CEE countries. its grip on the field in the CEE countries.
A recent comparative study of public New approaches are emerging: for example,
administration and management reforms in governance, which pulls public administra-
these countries found significant variation in tion away from economistic thinking and
the types and orientation of reforms towards a greater concern with its relation to
(Bouckaert, Nakrošis and Nemec 2011). law and politics. There is also a growing
Based on classifications of reforms done by interest in promoting a return to the source
Coombes and Verheijen (1997) and Pollitt and roots of European legal culture. Because
and Bouckaert (2004), it was possible to of its reluctance to adopt NPM methods,
arrange countries according to three types of Poland is a leader in helping these new ideas
reform: (1) radical, (2) mixed and (3) incre- emerge.
mental. The majority of CEE countries – Creating the legal and organizational
Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and frames for a Rechtsstaat is a first step in this
Romania – fall into the mixed type of reforms. direction but, as Jenei (2008) argues, it does
Hungary is an example where the legal and not necessarily mean a state functioning
organizational frames of a Rechtsstaat (rule along classical Weberian principles only. In
of law) were established in the early 1990s countries like those of Central and Eastern
and shortly after that the country faced Europe where the respect for law is still quite
implementation of managerial methods and low, there is a danger of over-legislation and
techniques in the public sector (Jenei, 2008). over-regulation, and thus a risk to efficiency
Estonia is the best example of a country and effectiveness in service delivery. There is
attempting radical reforms. As Bouckaert, also a risk of increased corruption in these
Nakrošis and Nemec (2011) point out, a circumstances.
characteristic attribute of the Estonian It seems from the experiences in the CEE
reforms was the desire “to jump straight into countries so far that neither NPM nor
having modern management systems without Weberian principles alone will bring about
previously establishing a solid base – the improved public management. Each approach
classical hierarchically structured public has its protagonists, but none is absolutely
administration”. The key aim of Estonian right. It is in this context that the idea of a
administration was not building solid demo- neo-Weberian state has gained ground among
cratic fundamentals, but to increase the effec- both theorists and practitioners. The outcome
tiveness of public institutions. Hence, as of the lively debate that has ensued suggests
authors of the report point out, the conse- that putting some key Weberian elements of
quence of implementing the reforms was a a neo-Weberian state approach into place is a
reduction of the state’s role and contribution prerequisite for subsequent success with
to development of ideas based on “minimum public management reforms (see, e.g., Pollit
state” (Bouckaert, Nakrošis and Nemec 2011: and Bouckaert 2004; Hajnal and Jenei 2008;
18). Poland and the Czech Republic repre- Jenei 2008; Potůček 2008; Randma-Liiv
sent the incremental type. For example, in 2008; Nemec 2010). In short, what is needed
2006 the Czech government proposed the is a balanced and pragmatic approach.
introduction of changes along NPM lines, yet The final issue concerns the extent to
afterwards withdrew from taking any drastic which reproducing new approaches to public
steps in that direction. So far, in Poland there administration and management is being
has been no crucial interest in the approach secured through training and educational
of NPM, and its impact on reorganization of institutions. Although the influences from the
public administration has been minimal. West are undeniable, teaching and research

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in the post-Communist countries still falls held about social and economic improvement
behind America and Western Europe. For did not materialize as fast as anticipated. It
instance, few public administration programs became increasingly difficult to sustain the
in CEE countries have achieved accreditation drive to reform public management.
from the EAPAA. For example, in Poland This does not mean that improving the
there are some 200 programs, but only one system of public administration has ceased.
of them – Bialystok School of Public The need for it is there and politicians realize
Administration – has obtained such accredi- how much is at stake for their own credibility
tation. Furthermore, a review of the literature if government institutions fail to deliver in a
indicates that there are relatively few research- convincing manner. The issue today, there-
ers interested in public administration. There fore, is not so much the need for reform but
is no real tradition of research in public how to go about it. The days of ideological
administration. The best researchers are conviction and enthusiasm, driven notably by
found in adjacent fields such as economics, beliefs in the NPM model, are gone. There is
law and political science. It is not clear, a return to the basics, i.e. the legal and
therefore, how far local researchers will con- administrative culture that is historically
tribute to new thinking in the public adminis- associated with the countries in Europe. Max
tration field in these countries. Weber is being revisited, even though his
ideas are not reinstated lock, stock and
barrel, but rather in a selective fashion. Many
theorists in the region nowadays embrace the
CONCLUSION concept of a neo-Weberian state, implying
that reforms won’t work unless they rest on a
The political, administrative and economic solid organizational foundation that reflects
reforms in the CEE countries have proceeded the core Weberian principles.
far enough that there is no longer a possibil- While this chapter has tried to identify
ity of return to what prevailed in Communist the principal features of public administra-
days. Political democracy and some form of tion in Central and Eastern Europe, it has
market economy are taken for granted. Both also pointed to differences among countries
democracy and market economy have their in the region. It is important to recognize
weaknesses in many of these countries and that while they share much in common as a
they lag behind Western Europe with regard result of their exposure to Communism
to such issues as combating corruption. Yet, and the desire to become members of the
access to and membership in the European EU, they do follow separate tracks both in
Union has given the countries reasons for terms of direction and intensity of reforms.
embarking on reforms that otherwise would For example, Pridham (2008) while com-
not necessarily have happened. paring ongoing changes in Latvia and
At the same time, it is clear that the Slovakia, on grounds of EU political mem-
momentum for reform was driven by the bership conditions, noticed that while Latvia
conditions associated with EU membership continues pre-accession reforms in respect
and once the countries had been accepted in to its anti-corruption policy, Slovakia has
the European Union, the pace of reform difficulties with processing judicial system
slackened. The pressure was no longer there reforms.
to the same extent. Analysts began talking This also means that some countries have
about “drifting” away from the original goals fared better than others when it comes to
of reform (Hughes, Sasse and Gordon 2004; improving the management and administra-
Goetz 2005; Bouckaert, Nakrošis and Nemec tion of public services. Meyer-Sahling
2011). In addition, the high expectations that (2011), while analyzing the situation of the
political leaders, as well as ordinary citizens, civil service (and its professionalization) in

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after accession to the European Union, the body of European Union law. The term means
emphasizes three paths of change that in his “that which has been agreed upon”.
4 The countries are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
opinion proves the lack of a single pattern. Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania,
The first path is a continuation of civil serv- Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan,
ice reforms, characteristic for the Baltic Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
states. The second case is constituted by
those countries in which changes depart from
pre-accession assumptions and end in reform
backsliding – the Czech Republic, Poland, REFERENCES
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edited by Paul G. Thomas

Accountability has always been a central relationship governed by a process. As a rela-

concern of both the study and the practice of tionship it involves a person or an organiza-
public administration. This key concept has tion negotiating with others the performance
also been elusive and controversial, with of certain tasks and/or responsibilities, ide-
theoretical debates underway almost con- ally based upon certain agreed-upon expec-
stantly. In the realm of practice, critics have tations and standards. Those persons and
seldom been hard-pressed to find fault with organizations who are assigned responsibil-
existing accountability arrangements and ity are obliged to answer for their perform-
procedures, regardless of the type of political ance and it is usually assumed that they are
and bureaucratic system under examination. potentially subject to penalties for non-per-
Because accountability is such a highly formance or the beneficiaries of rewards for
prized political and administrative value, successful performance. The sanctions and
the usual assumption has been that there can rewards that underpin accountability rela-
never be too much of it. Accordingly, there tionships can be tangible and/or symbolic.
has been a reluctance to acknowledge that Loss of office, demotion or reduced auton-
accountability must, at times, adjust to, com- omy are examples of tangible penalties,
promise with and even yield to other impor- while the assignment of blame, guilt, humili-
tant political and administrative values, ation and loss of reputation represent more
such as representation, responsiveness, effi- symbolic penalties. The potential impact of
ciency, equity and legitimacy. Only recently such psychological costs on the thinking
has there been some concern expressed that and behavior of public officials should not
an insistence on ever-stricter accountability be underestimated (Thomas, 2008).
must not be allowed to trump other cherished For accountability to be fairly enforced
values, including trust, innovation and requires that the responsible persons or
productivity (Thomas, 2009). organizations be given the capacity to deliver
While controversy swirls around the con- results through some combination of author-
cept of accountability, there is a core mean- ity, resources, control over events and, in
ing on which most commentators agree. general, a supportive environment. Accoun-
Accountability is best understood as a formal tability also assumes that the authoritative

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party in the relationship has an obligation to consistency in the use of the term, insisting
monitor performance to ensure compliance that it should be reserved for those situations
with assigned directions and expectations. where an authoritative relationship exists
Accountability breakdowns can occur, not (Mulgan, 2000). Some writers have argued
only because individuals and organizations that the aims and means of accountability
fail to perform but also because authorizing should not be conflated and confused. For
persons and/or institutions lack the will and/ example, transparency is a highly prized
or capacity to provide direction and/or scru- value, but on a strict interpretation it is a
tiny of performance. In summary, accounta- means to achieve ultimate democratic
bility represents both a constraint and an accountability rather than an end in itself.
opportunity. While it limits freedom of action In a democratic state, the five key account-
and requires justification of behavior, it also ability relationships are between:
entails the delegation of authority and
resources that empower persons and organi- • citizens and elected politicians;
• politicians in executive roles and the senior
zations to act. Robert Behn (2001) neatly
public service;
captures the balance between delegation and • the legislature and ministers;
checking, with his comment that accounta- • senior public servants and the legislature; and
bility means “trust but verify”. • public servants and the community.
The meaning of accountability has con-
sistently widened over the years. The term is Depending upon the political system involved,
now used to describe situations where the there may be a more or less direct accounta-
core features of an authoritative relationship bility relationship between the bureaucracy
and a formal process of enforcement, with and the legislature and/or the public at large.
the potential for penalties and rewards, are The emergence of a wide variety of account-
not necessarily present. Certainly the public ability approaches has somewhat obscured
not longer sees accountability in strictly and displaced the central importance of these
legal, organizational and procedural terms. key traditional accountability relationships.
For them, accountability is now a broader Inside and outside of government, the
moral and ethical construct that is achieved sources of accountability, both formally and
only when public officials, both elected and informally, have become more numerous.
appointed, serve with the commitment to do The sources include the constitution, laws,
the right thing in the right way. Reflecting its executive−legislative relationships, the
ubiquitous prominence in public debates, organizational arrangements for various
accountability is now used at different times public bodies, administrative policies, rules
to describe: a general subjective sense of and procedures, reporting requirements and
responsibility, the upholding of professional access to information rules, contracts with
values and standards even in the absence of other governments and private organizations,
external scrutiny, a demonstrated responsive- access to the courts and judicial rulings, the
ness to particular clients or the community at activities of pressure groups, scrutiny by the
large, and/or the requirement for openness, media, public debates and, the ultimate
genuine democratic dialogue and public par- accountability mechanism, regular, free and
ticipation in governance. fair elections.
The expansion of the meaning of account- All of these mechanisms shape and rein-
ability has caused a number of academic force, to some not easily measured extent, an
commentators to develop interpretative internalized subjective sense of responsibil-
frameworks and typologies to compare ity and accountability which is supposed to
how accountability is enacted in various con- motivate and guide public office holders,
texts. Resisting this tendency, other academ- whether they are elected politicians or
ics have called for more precision and appointed public servants. The rules and

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behavioral norms of accountability are deeply accountability mechanisms, usually without

rooted in particular societies and even par- much attention to why existing devices have
ticular policy communities. National differ- failed. The spread of whistleblower protec-
ences in terms of history, constitutional tion laws is an example of this trend. There is
arrangements, political processes and politi- both a remedial and a symbolic aim behind
cal/administrative cultures can have a pro- the proliferation of such accountability meas-
found impact on how accountability is ures. They are meant both to correct prob-
understood and practiced. Theoretical debates lems and to offer the assurance to the public
may have raged over the meaning of account- that such problems will not recur. The result
ability, but the practical meaning of the con- has been to create − over time − multiple
cept is determined mainly by how power is criteria, institutions, processes and reporting
distributed and exercised under the constitu- requirements intended to strengthen account-
tion and through the political process within ability. Ironically, an unintended consequence
each political system. of having so many accountability require-
In most democratic societies, government ments may be even greater confusion in a
officials recognize that they are facing more given situation about who is accountable to
extensive, diverse and demanding accounta- whom, for what and with what consequences.
bility expectations, but many believe that in Focusing responsibility and accountability
practice the essence of accountability has not within government has become more diffi-
changed all that much. For them, accounta- cult by reason of the wider trends within the
bility still comes down to a process of governance processes. The underlying
naming, blaming and shaming. If anything, assumption of the practice of accountability
the reliance upon “public shaming” as an (as opposed to the emerging theories) remains
accountability tool has increased since the that identifiable individuals and institutions
first edition of the Handbook appeared and have independent, reasonably complete and
there exists a major research challenge of predictable control over actions and out-
determining how well such devices work comes. However, this is now widely recog-
alone or in combination with other, more nized not to be an accurate description of the
traditional approaches to accountability. realities of public sector decision making.
The widespread public suspicion and cyni- The external and internal environments in
cism towards governments written about in which most public sector organizations oper-
the first edition seems to have increased, par- ate have become complicated, interdepend-
ticularly as reflected in media coverage and ent, turbulent and unpredictable. Activities
in general political debates. Accountability undertaken by individual public organiza-
mechanisms have increased in number in tions and governments as a whole have
most jurisdictions, but the prevailing public become more collaborative in nature, whether
perception remains that governments are not that collaboration occurs across programs,
sufficiently accountable and that no one pays departments, governments or with other insti-
a serious price when misdeeds or errors tutions within society. In an era of joined-up,
occur. Governments are blameworthy, but the networked or partnership-based governing,
avoidance of blame is seen by many citizens no one individual or institution is completely
to be the standard operating practice. Most of in charge of decision making and/or in con-
the public suspicion and blame is targeted at trol of the outcomes. Under these conditions
politicians, but public servants come in for the traditional, vertical, straight line and indi-
their own share of criticism. vidualistic interpretation of accountability
In response to public disillusionment fits less and less with the reality of a horizon-
and to revelations of wrongdoing, govern- tal, interconnected and collective approach to
ments have tended to layer new accoun- problem solving (Considine, 2002; Wilkins,
tability requirements on top of existing 2002).

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Governments and academics have made is growing emphasis on the delineation of

some headway in developing interpretations roles and responsibilities, the creation of
and meaningful models of accountability that shared management structures, dispute reso-
take account of the new environmental con- lution mechanisms for when collaborating
ditions and approaches to governing. A entities disagree, better defined performance
decade ago, Behn (2001) called for the devel- expectations, more careful monitoring and
opment of a shared “360-degree” approach to measurement of performance and more
accountability based on a “compact of mutual public reporting on results. Ideally, such
collective responsibility”. Such an approach arrangements/processes will enable author-
would be primarily cultural and values based izing bodies and the public to keep track on
rather than legal and procedural. It would what is happening within the framework of
require reciprocal obligations and trust the new partnership and networked relation-
among institutions and individuals. It would ships that have become so popular in the
involve acceptance of collective responsibil- public sector.
ity, risk and accountability and the abandon- Unfortunately, the evidence from many
ment of “scapegoating” when something jurisdictions around the world suggests that
goes seriously wrong. Behn was not suggest- the shift in emphasis away from accountabil-
ing that we scrap existing legal and organiza- ity as compliance/blame and toward account-
tional approaches, but he does acknowledge ability for results/learning has been anything
their limits. but smooth or complete. In legislatures,
Under the influence of public choice think- opposition parties focus mainly on negative
ing, which included the so-called evidence and interpretations of government
principal−agent problem, governments have performance. Governments usually react
focused mainly on legislative/regulatory defensively and engage in “spin” to present
approaches to prescribe appropriate behav- the most positive performance story possible.
iors by politicians and public servants and The media have become a more important
they have established more oversight bodies source of accountability, but the focus of
to expose wrongdoing. This has led to polar- their coverage is mainly on the mistakes,
ized debates over laws/sanctions versus abuses and deficiencies in government per-
values/education as alternative routes to formance. Most citizens pay no direct atten-
integrity and accountability in public offices. tion to accountability reports published
Some commentators have argued that such online or tabled in legislatures, so their per-
debates pose a simplistic, false dichotomy ceptions of government are shaped mainly by
and that governments must recognize that the polarized, theatrical debates within legis-
the two approaches to the prevention of latures and the mainly negative media cover-
wrongdoing and the achievement of “right age that flows from such events.
doing” can be mutually complimentary and In terms of more meaningful accountabil-
reinforcing. ity for results, there is also the complication
A shift to more of a collective, cultural that most performance measures/reports rep-
approach to accountability faces the diffi- resent “dumb data” that does not speak for
culty that ideas of individual fault, blame, itself or says different things to different
liability and punishment remain at the heart people. Despite progress toward specifying
of popular understanding of what accounta- accountability requirements in advance and
bility should mean in practice. There is there- in more detail, the result will always likely
fore the need to develop accountability involve “fuzzy accountability” (akin to
mechanisms for the collaborative arrange- fuzzy logic) that sacrifices a measure of
ments that have become so common in the prescription in order to take advantage of
public sector. Some progress has been made the expertise, discretion and judgment that
on this challenge over the past decade: there is needed from the bureaucracy to solve

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complex problems. Moreover, the challenges Two cases from the past and the present serve
of attribution for explaining why desired as “bookends” to frame his analysis and to
results were, or were not, obtained have demonstrate how accountability has become
increased as a result of the interdependence an ever more variegated and contentious con-
among factors in the congested world of cept. He synthesizes the conceptualizations
policy making and the related collaboration and analyses of leading scholars to illustrate
that takes place among different actors and how debates over accountability have become
institutions in the design and delivery of more complicated, sophisticated and intense
programs (Wilkins, 2002). In short, a neat, in response to changes in the so-called real
logical, strictly evidence-based approach world of governance and governing.
will never (and should never) completely Gregory maintains his argument from the
supplant “politics” as the primary means to first edition that we need to be more careful
achieve democratic accountability and hope- in our use of contentious terms like account-
fully responsiveness to citizens. ability, responsibility, answerability and
Having multiplied the number and types of morality. Acknowledging the simplification
accountability mechanisms in the last dec- involved, he argues that formal objective
ades of the twentieth century we are left accountability should be distinguished from
without a good understanding of the interac- informal, subjective responsibility. Most of
tive and cumulative impact on the thinking the debates over accountability focus mainly
and acting of public officials arising from the on answerability, the obligation to give an
thick web of laws, rules, guidelines, report- account to an authorizing person or organiza-
ing requirements and oversight bodies. At tion, and this diminishes the attention given
times politicians and public servants may to the morality and ethics of government
face conflicting accountability requirements actions and inactions. In short, answerability
and expectations. A certain amount of over- may contribute to reflective, values-based
lap and redundancy in a particular accounta- behavior, but offers no guarantee that indi-
bility system can provide protection against viduals and institutions will examine the
untoward events because the breakdown in moral implications of their choices.
one mechanism might be compensated by the Scholars may have identified more multi-
effectiveness of another. Only recently has ple, potential meanings of responsible and
there been emerging work on practical theory accountable behavior, but Gregory argues
on how to design different accountability that in practice its meaning is inherently
structures, procedures and standards for dif- political and comes out of the shifting power
ferent types of action by an increasingly dynamics of governing under changing con-
diverse range of organizations that comprise ditions. He notes the growing insistence in all
the kaleidoscopic world of the modern public political systems that politicians and bureau-
sector (Jarvis and Thomas, 2009). crats must answer for their decisions and pay
a significant price for abuses of authority or
when serious mistakes occur that could have
been prevented. He contrasts the different
OVERVIEW OF PART 13 ways that accountability is enforced, or not
enforced, in presidential−congressional
Three insightful and stimulating chapters versus cabinet−parliamentary systems of
offer different perspectives on the controver- government. Throughout his analysis, he
sies that swirl around accountability in the references many different types of accounta-
twenty-first century. bility: political, administrative, professional,
In Chapter 43, Robert Gregory leads off cultural, prospective, retrospective, process-
with an extensively revised version of his based versus results-based, tight/strict versus
chapter from the first edition of the Handbook. loose/weak and others. More institutions

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and procedures have been created in the disaggregating the general concept of
movement for greater accountability. The accountability in this way, it is possible, the
role of the media as a source of accountabil- authors maintain to identify the accountabil-
ity and the efforts by governments to create ity implications of the movement away from
positive political narratives are recognized to traditional top-down governing approaches
be prominent, recent trends. towards newer governance approaches in
Gregory was one of the first commentators which power, initiative, risk and accountabil-
to warn of the dangers for accountability ity are shared between state and non-state
from the rise of New Public Management actors and institutions.
(NPM) thinking. NPM ideas do not enjoy the Based upon previous research by Considine
same ascendancy they had when the first edi- and his colleagues, three broad governance
tion of the Handbook appeared, but they have orientations are identified: the traditional
an ongoing residual impact on the dynamics “procedural” approach; a more recent “enter-
and challenges of accountability. According prise” approach arising out of NPM; and,
to Gregory, the technocratic and mechanistic finally, a “networked” approach that reflects
propensities of NPM based on artificial the reliance on third parties to design and
dichotomies between policy and operations deliver policies and programs. Put simply,
or outputs and outcomes continue to produce procedural governance relies primarily on
perverse effects, the most important of which legal instruments; enterprise governance
is a neglect of debates over what is the right, relies upon both external markets and
moral and ethical action to take in compli- market-type mechanisms within government;
cated factual cases where more than one and network governance combines techno-
fundamental value is at stake. Gregory con- logical and cultural components to establish
cludes that the challenges of accountability and maintain a diverse array of collaborative
will never be resolved permanently, but relationships involving state and non-state
coping with them will require what has been actors and institutions.
called “responsible accountability”. NPM and the new governance arrange-
In Chapter 45, Mark Considine and ments have both benefits and costs when it
Kamran Ali Afzal focus on the implications comes to accountability. However, the authors
of markets and networks for the theory and argue forcefully and persuasively that
practice of accountability. Recognizing the accountability has been much compromised
impossibility of defining accountability in by the shift to governance based on markets
the abstract to the satisfaction of all commen- and networks. They claim the shift has hol-
tators, they adopt a pragmatic conceptualiza- lowed out the competencies of the state,
tion based on three dimensions. The sacrificed equity considerations to a preoc-
“political” dimension goes beyond elections, cupation with efficiency and productivity,
parties, legislatures, etc., to include bureauc- undermined both substantive and procedural
racies and judicial bodies. The “institutional” fairness in government decision making, dis-
dimension involves the web of interdepend- persed authority to third parties, created
ent and interactive public bodies that com- thereby serious problems for the assignment
prise government and which gives rise to of responsibility and blame when things go
legal, administrative, professional and per- wrong, and failed to provide tools to enforce
sonal forms of accountability. The “resource” accountability within the new multicentric
dimension refers to the taxing and spending world of governance.
authority of governments, which was the In their final section, Considine and Ali
original focus of accountability debates that Afzal concentrate on how to strengthen the
over time broadened out to include other institutional and resources dimensions of
dimensions of government performance. By accountability, with a particular focus on

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building accountability regimes in emerging values and ethical dilemmas facing public
democracies. Concentrating on attempts to servants. In the turbulent, interconnected,
rehabilitate the traditional political avenues pluralistic and disorderly world of twenty-
of accountability, they argue, may be futile, first century governance, what qualifies as
even dysfunctional. Instead, they suggest responsible and ethical administrative behav-
reform efforts in developing democracies ior has become highly problematic and con-
should concentrate on giving citizens more troversial in many different ways. In addition,
direct control and influence over the numer- as the public has grown less deferential, more
ous institutions and actors who comprise the suspicious and less trusting towards public
congested world of modern governance. On officials − mainly politicians but also public
the institutional front, they call for such servants − the demands for greater account-
reforms as a clearer delineation of objectives ability and higher ethical standards have
of policies and the assignment of responsibil- increased. The result has been a proliferation
ity for outcomes and the balancing of the of new, and the strengthening of existing,
past, present and future in designing institu- accountability and ethical rules which are
tional reforms, and the promotion within meant to regulate and guide behavior in the
bureaucracies of a public service ethos which public sector.
recognizes that neutrality and detachment are Demmke and Moilanen note that most
not the same as accountability. In terms of countries have adopted codes of rules, con-
the resource dimension, authoritarian gov- duct and ethics (the three labels are often
ernments must become more transparent and used interchangeably) to prevent wrongdoing
answerable for their taxing and spending and to promote “right doing”. Of these three,
decisions. In addition, Western governments types of codes those labeled codes of ethics
must formulate more sophisticated aid poli- tend to be the most general in content and
cies which promote sound governance weakest in terms of enforcement mecha-
arrangements while not creating undue nisms. According to the authors, there are
dependence and further blurring the account- theoretical paradoxes and potentially unfore-
ability picture. seen consequences in practice arising from
In Chapter 44, Christoph Demmke and the adoption of such codes and other account-
Timo Moilanen examine the connection ability initiatives that form part of a world-
between ethics and accountability in both the wide movement to reassure the public that
study and the practice of public administra- there is integrity in government. For exam-
tion. As a starting point, they note that ple, in the category of paradoxes, there is a
whereas accountability is mainly about exter- seeming contradiction between the spread of
nal relationships and processes of control, accountability/ethical rules enforced by over-
ethics involves mainly internalized, subjec- sight bodies within government and the more
tive forms of restraint and self-control within general rhetorical support (and to a lesser
organizational cultures based on the values extent actual action) for less regulation,
and motivations which are meant to guide bureaucracy and red tape when it comes to
individual public servants. controlling private sector behavior. One of
When public administration first emerged the unforeseen consequences of more inter-
as an academic field and a vocation, ethical nal regulation and enhanced scrutiny of
behavior was understood in the Weberian administrative behavior may be to discourage
terms of following directions from politi- the experimentation and risk taking that is
cians who made the value judgments about seen by many to be necessary in the public
the use of power for public purposes. Over sector of the twenty-first century.
the past century there has been a steady For the future, the authors predict new,
increase in the number and complexity of the more widespread value conflicts within the

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policy and administrative processes, which REFERENCES

means that public servants will have to be
more aware of the principles/values of right Behn, Robert D. (2001) Rethinking Democratic Accoun-
and wrong within the public sector, have self- tability. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
knowledge and be reflective about their Considine, Mark (2002) “The End of the Line?
actions and inactions, and be capable of Accountable Governance in the Age of Networks,
reasoning ethically in complicated factual Partnerships, and Joined-Up Services”, Governance,
situations when one or more fundamental 15 (1): 21−40.
principles/values are in conflict. In terms of Jarvis, Mark and Paul G. Thomas (2009) “The Limits of
policies, structures and processes, govern- Accountability: What Can and Cannot be
ments will have to move beyond the prevail- Accomplished in the Dialectics of Accountability”.
ing “bad person” approach to “policing” Paper presented to a conference honoring Professor
Peter Aucoin. Halifax: Dalhousie University,
wrongdoing and adopt more sophisticated
November 2009.
educational and cultural approaches to the Mulgan, Richard (2000) “Accountability: An Ever-
promotion of integrity. expanding Concept?” Public Administration,78:
These brief summaries cannot ade- 555−574.
quately capture the breadth, depth and Thomas, Paul G. (2008) “The Swirling Meanings
nuances of the three chapters that follow. and Practices of Accountability in Canadian
The authors have done a highly commenda- Government”, in K. Rasmussen and D. Siegel (eds),
ble job in making it clear that the challenges Power, Professionalism and Public Service: Essays
and paradoxes of accountability will only in Honour of Kenneth Kernaghan. Toronto: Institute
increase in the future. Accountability is best of Public Administration of Canada/University
understood and approached not as a problem of Toronto Press, pp. 43−75.
Thomas, Paul G. (2009) “Trust, Leadership and
to be solved but rather as a condition to
Accountability in Canada’s Public Services”, in O.P.
be continuously monitored in the light of Dwivedi, Tim Mau and Byron Sheldrick (eds), The
changing external circumstances, institu- Evolving Physiology of Government: Canadian Public
tional arrangements and power relation- Administration in Transition. Ottawa: University of
ships. Accordingly, we must promote Ottawa Press, pp. 212−245.
political, administrative and citizen cultures Wilkins, Peter (2002) “Accountability and Joined
of accountability that allow for learning and Up Government”, Australian Journal of Public
improvement. Administration, 61 (1): 114−119.

5768_Peters & Pierre-43.indd 680 7/19/2012 5:22:29 PM

Accountability in Modern
Robert Gregory

INTRODUCTION embraces a number of different meanings,

and is commonly used in close association
Few words are more widely used in the with other ideas, particularly responsiveness,
parlance of modern government than answerability, fault, and blame. As Bovens
‘accountability’. Especially over the past few (2007: 182−183) argues, it once referred to
decades in the English-speaking world the need of sovereigns to hold their subjects
(‘accountability’ having no clear counterpart to account, but today the role has been
in some European languages), it has excited reversed, as authorities are held accountable
a great deal of academic debate about to their citizens. For his part, Mulgan (2003:
its meaning and application. It trips readily 22−23) has argued that:
from the lips of citizens and news media The simple model of accountability in which a
observers of governmental action. In the single account-holder holds a single accountor to
words of one scholar, the concept of ‘account- account for a clearly defined task may be sufficient
ability’ has become ‘a garbage can filled with to illustrate the essential principles underlying all
good intentions, loosely defined concepts, accountability relationships. But it is quite inade-
quate as a means of understanding how the com-
and vague images of good governance’ plex structures of accountability operate in a
(Bovens, 2007: 184). Another scholar has modern democratic society.
described it as, ‘Probably one of the most
basic yet intractable of political concepts’ He posits four dimensions of any accounta-
(Uhr, 1993: 13). bility relationship, as a framework of analy-
The word was originally used in relation to sis: (1) Who are accountable? (2) To whom
financial book-keeping, and according to are they accountable? (3) For what are they
Dubnick (2002) its roots can be traced back accountable? (4) How are they accountable?
to William I, who wanted to ensure that he We might also ask what are the sanctions and
knew exactly what the property-holders in rewards that flow from the performance of
his realm actually possessed. Today, the word assigned tasks in an organization, and over

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what duration and against what criteria will chose employment in that particular position,
the performance of those tasks be judged? against other inclinations. Yet she stayed at her
switchboard while she watched the house burn
At least two things are certain in the shift- down. No code, public or organizational, that has
ing conceptual landscape of governmental any general validity under such circumstances
accountability: first, it is primarily a political governed her conduct, and she certainly violated
concept; and secondly, it is multidimensional some such codes, as well as her own. Nevertheless,
in form. Both propositions are discussed in she showed extraordinary ‘moral courage’, we
would say, in conforming to a code of her organi-
what follows, but it is first necessary to seek zation – the moral necessity of uninterrupted
some conceptual distinction between account- service. This was high responsibility as respects
ability, on the one hand, and responsibility, that code.
on the other. These two terms are frequently
used in popular discourse as if they were These two cases speak to issues of organiza-
synonyms. tional accountability and individual responsi-
bility, and it is not possible to discuss the
former without reference to the latter, unless
the two terms are thought to have more or
ACCOUNTABILITY AND less the same meaning.
RESPONSIBILITY As Uhr (1993) has explained, the etymol-
ogy of accountability in government is trace-
Immediately after the cataclysmic tsunami able to the requirement that the expenditure
devastated the coastal city of Rikuzentakata of public money be verifiable and controlla-
in Japan on 11 March 2011, the city’s mayor, ble. Literally, expenditure of taxpayers’
Mr Futoshi Toba, faced an excruciating money should be rigorously accounted for.
moral dilemma. After scrambling to safety The formal procedures of government finan-
on the roof of the four-storey City Hall, he cial accounting arose out of this requirement.
had to decide whether to stay with his imme- The notion of accounting, however, applied
diate mayoral duties or to rush back to his not just to control over the use of money, but
home to aid his wife, Kumi, who was there also over the consumption of time, energy
on her own when the disaster struck. He and other official resources, and discretion-
opted to stay with his colleagues, and later ary authority. Aucoin and Heintzman (2000)
learned that his wife had perished amidst the refer to this as ‘accountability as assurance’.
devastation. In this endeavour, the central idea of account-
Later, standing in the morgue before his ability has been that of answerability, in both
wife’s body, Mr Toba apologized to her for the political and bureaucratic domains, to
not coming to find her. ‘His responsibilities secure control and provide assurance.
as mayor, he told her, kept him away.’ We may say, risking some hyperbole, that
‘When I think about that’, Mr Toba said whereas accountability is primarily a matter
later, ‘It really makes me question what kind of of political and organizational maintenance,
human being I am’ (Asia News, 9 April 2011). responsibility addresses moral conflicts and
The story of Mr Toba is reminiscent of that issues of life and death. Mosher’s (1968)
told by Chester Barnard (1968) many dec- conceptual distinction between ‘objective
ades earlier of the telephonist on duty at a responsibility’ and ‘subjective responsibility’
lonely place from which she could see in the can be invoked to capture a central difference
distance ‘the house in which her mother lay between the two. Objective responsibility
bedridden’ (Barnard, 1968: 269, emphasis in addresses the formal institutional framework
original): within which those who exercise public
authority work. It can be envisaged as a
Her life was spent in taking care of her mother and formal map, or organization chart, which
in maintaining that home for her. To do so, she depicts the constitutional and organizational

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lines of answerability, or in the terminology Mosher (1968) understood that the idea of
of agency theory, the chain of principal−agent accountability as answerability through for-
relationships that constitutes the formal mally prescribed channels, while essential, is
structure of constitutional and organiza- in itself too restrictive. Instead, his notion of
tional authority. For example, in Westminster subjective responsibility focuses attention
parliamentary systems, the theory of ministe- not on the external, formal, procedures
rial responsibility depicts a formal arrange- through which politicians and officials
ment whereby bureaucratic officials are answer for their actions, but on the moral
answerable to their ministers, who in turn are dimensions of those actions. It is a psycho-
answerable to parliament, and thus (but not logically oriented idea, focusing on moral
solely through this formal channel), to the conflict and choice among the subjectively
sovereign citizenry. Under the American felt duties of obligation confronting politi-
presidential system, where the political exec- cians and administrators. Mayor Toba ago-
utive is institutionally separable from the nized later about the choice he had made in
legislature, the federal bureaucracy is answer- abandoning his wife in favour of staying at
able to the President (through the Cabinet) his official post. And while Barnard lauded
and thence to the public. Yet, federal bureau- the telephonist in his story for staying at her
crats, especially at the upper levels, are likely switchboard instead of going to the aid of her
to feel that they are also accountable to the sick mother in a burning house, others have
Congress, because of that body’s institutional criticized Barnard’s praise for the woman.
authority over legislation and spending and Ramos (1981: 96−97), for example, argued
because of its very significant capacity to that:
oversee the bureaucracy. For their part, mem-
bers of the Congress are directly answerable It is precisely this type of unqualified loyalty of the
to the public. jobholder to organizations which eventually trans-
forms them into agencies of moral corruption,
Objective responsibility primarily means inducing individuals, for instance, to accept Nazist
that someone is answerable to someone else [sic] horrors as normal facts of state life, or to
for the carrying out of specified tasks with indulge in violations of the law like those in which
commensurate authority and resources. It President Nixon and his staff were caught during
requires agents (politicians or bureaucrats) to the Watergate case.
give an account of their actions to specified
others, who have the right and capacity to Accountability, therefore, as formal answer-
monitor performance and to invoke sanctions ability, is a necessary but insufficient compo-
and rewards, and to answer to these with an nent of responsibility, in that there is a moral
account of how and why decisions were obligation on the individual to answer for
made, discretion exercised, and actions taken. (explain, justify), both honestly and openly,
Thus, Mosher’s ‘objective responsibility’ his or her decisions and actions (Gregory
means accountability as a necessary (but 2003). But answerability per se says little
insufficient) means of ensuring that an organ- about the morally responsible exercise of
ization – a city council or a business organi- discretionary choice among conflicting obli-
zation, respectively – functions effectively. gations (including, some might argue, the
Its essence is organizational control. Mayor choice to dissemble to protect values other
Toba wanted to ensure the city council’s than truthfulness). This idea of responsibility
emergency functions were working as they does not assume the veracity of accounts
should, and he was answerable to his con- offered under formal accountability proc-
stituents in doing so. Barnard’s telephonist esses. Rather, it acknowledges what most
displayed loyalty to her employer (Barnard’s people know to be so: the opportunistic
‘moral courage’) and stayed at her post. Her desire to hide the truth, to put the best com-
organizational function was fulfilled. plexion on bad outcomes, to engage in the

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deceptive practices which often character- reporting honestly, yet at the same time pro-
ize the unending pursuit of political advan- foundly irresponsible in their perpetration of
tage. Such behaviour is characteristically crimes against humanity. Individuals might
displayed in the blame-shifting games played answer for their actions fairly and truthfully,
by politicians and officials (Hood, 2002, yet be irresponsible in their incompetence or
2011; Hood and Lodge, 2006), which unreliability. Or they might be trustworthy in
affirm that truthful answerability depends doing the job competently and reliably yet be
ultimately on the moral character of those irresponsible in their inability or unwilling-
who are required to be accountable, that ness to exercise individual reflective judge-
accountability obligations need to be ful- ment about the moral legitimacy of their work.
filled responsibly. Ultimately, a seemingly Finally, Uhr (1993: 4) captures what might
old-fashioned idea like individual honour be called the ‘yin and yang’ of the two con-
may be the last bastion against opportunisti- cepts, when considered together as two ends
cally self-seeking behaviour that is intended of a conceptual continuum:
to avoid or dissolve blame (Gregory, 2009).
Accountability is about compliance with authority,
Bovens (1998: 28−31) conceives of
whereas responsibility is about empowerment and
‘responsibility-as-accountability’ or ‘passive independence. Accountability is the negative end
responsibility’. To be responsible in this of the same band in which responsibility is the
sense means that every one of four elements positive end. If accountability is about minimising
must be present: human conduct (action or misgovernment, responsibility is about maximising
good government.
inaction) leading to a harmful or shameful
event or situation; a causal connection
between individual conduct and damage
done; personal liability; and a relationship
with the agent, particularly in cases where ACCOUNTABILITY IS POLITICAL
one is held to account for the (in)actions
of another. According to Bovens, ‘You are Just what constitutes ‘misgovernment’ and
either accountable or you are not. There is ‘good government’ are invariably matters for
no middle way, you cannot be “somewhat” or political debate. When public power is abused
“fairly” accountable, and you cannot call or misused – and not used when it is believed
someone a little bit to account.’ Yet this argu- that it ought to have been – in the name of
ment tends to elide accountability as a (work- accountability politicians or officials (or
ing) relationship, a means to an end, with both) may be seen to have failed in their ful-
responsibility as a matter of singular personal filment of some duty of public obligation,
agency, an end in itself. In Mulgan’s (2003) and are likely to be sanctioned for their fail-
terminology, those who are accountable ures. These arrangements are intended to
(the accountors) are accountable to account- ensure both the constitutionally appropriate
holders. This applies to individuals, groups, use of elective political power itself and the
and organizations, all of which may be coordinated, systematic, and planned bureau-
accountable to others (Mulgan, 2003: 222). cratic implementation of the policy purposes
On the other hand, individual responsibility defined through the exercise of that power. A
is a personal choice, though one may be long history of Western political philosophy
required to give an account of that choice in attests to and underpins the centrality of
an accountability relationship. accountability in liberal democratic political
Therefore, politicians and administrators systems, but the concept is central to all
can simultaneously be fully accountable but forms of modern, bureaucratized, govern-
irresponsible. Nazi officials, for example, ment, including totalitarian regimes.
may have been fully and openly accountable, However, more so than ever before, the
behaving with full procedural regularity, behaviour of government officials, both

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elected and appointed, is now subjected to or inactions that are generally considered to
increasingly more penetrating public scru- be deleterious to the polity as a whole or to
tiny, driven by highly competitive news particular groups or individuals within it.
media. As Rhodes (2005: 27) has com- People frequently express concerns over
mented, ‘It is hard to comprehend the mael- accountability when they believe there
strom the media can unleash on the unwary’. has been none or too little of ‘it’. What is
There is also the accessibility of the Internet, usually meant is that certain persons or
and the onset of global crises in financial organizations are illegitimately evading at
regulation and environmental protection, and least one of three things, if not all three: their
a huge and rapid growth in the number of need to explain events and circumstances,
external audit and review agencies exercising their own complicity in them, or blame and
oversight of governmental organizations sanction for that complicity.
(Power, 1997). It is ironical, if not paradoxi- Accountability is identified with the
cal, that the emergence of more diverse and demand that when things go wrong, then
variegated means of delivering public goods ‘heads should roll’. Romzek and Ingraham
and services, without total reliance on state (2000) call this the ‘gotcha’ mentality,
bureaucracies, has simultaneously made it whereby accountability means some sort of
increasingly difficult to satisfy public demands ‘witch hunt’ for those who are culpable, and
for enhanced accountability of public offi- punishable, when things go wrong. They
cials. Compounding all this has been the argue that American political culture empha-
increasing use by these officials of profes- sizes this approach to accountability, but this
sional ‘spin doctors’, news media experts is undoubtedly so across a broader spectrum
whose main task is to establish and maintain of political systems. Demands for more
favourable public images rather than to assist accountability are much less likely to be
the public to fulfil its right to know. heard when governmental systems are seen
At the start of his meticulous analysis of to be working well (for example, effectively,
accountability in modern democracies, economically, efficiently, humanely, justly).
Mulgan (2003: 1) captures the growing polit- While there are often calls for ‘heads to roll’,
ical significance of ‘accountability’ in the there are seldom demands that heads should
English-speaking world, and its close asso- be crowned. Those who wield public power
ciation with control – that is, popular control can readily be punished for the 1 per cent of
over the actions of those who govern in the things that go wrong while being deprived of
public’s name: praise for the 99 per cent of things that go
right. As Mulgan (2003: 240) puts it, at the
The mounting demand for accountability is a
end of his treatise, ‘... insistence on restrict-
symptom of a growing public anger at individuals
and institutions that are supposed to pursue the ing “accountability” to a core sense of exter-
public’s interests but refuse to answer the public’s nal scrutiny and sanctions is grounded in the
questions or accept their directions. In theory, a conviction that these functions are particu-
democratic society should be built on respect for larly valuable for the powerless public and
the rights and interests of all citizens. In practice,
that public calls for more “accountability”
however, citizens face a widening gulf between
themselves and the powerful institutions that are have these functions primarily in mind’.
meant to serve them.

Because such accountability concerns are

most commonly apparent when public power ACCOUNTABILITY IS
and authority have been abused or misused, MULTIDIMENSIONAL
the term tends to have negative connotations.
It is more likely to be used in public dis- There are two main sources of the practical
course when consequences flow from actions problems commonly associated with the idea

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of accountability as answerability. First, there bureaucratic. For Hill, political accountabil-

are multiple types of accountability. Romzek ity is expressed to elected representatives;
and Ingraham (2000) identify four types: hierarchical accountability ‘to the “head” of
hierarchical, legal, professional and political. an organization’; direct democratic account-
Respectively, these emphasize the values ability is to the public (or various publics);
of efficiency, the rule of law, expertise, and legal accountability is secured through the
responsiveness. Hierarchical accountability courts and may sometimes override political
relationships are characterized by close legitimacy; professional accountability is
supervision of individuals who have little governed by ‘profession-related principles’,
work autonomy; legal relationships entail and may also override political accounta-
detailed oversight from external bodies such bility; and the bureaucratic form is ‘normally
as legislatures and courts; professional rela- a derivative from political, hierarchical
tionships are marked by high levels of oper- or legal accountability’ and may in some
ating autonomy of the part of those who have cases involve ‘overriding “responsibilities”’
internalized norms of appropriate practice; like those embodied in some professional
and the political type gives managers the accountability.
choice of responsiveness primarily to key The first three of Hill’s types identify, in
stakeholders, such as elected officials, the Mulgan’s terms, the ‘account holders’ – those
public at large, or client groups. The last to whom ‘accountors’ are answerable, but do
form, sometimes referred to as ‘dual account- not explicitly identify the ‘accountors’ them-
ability’, speaks to the answerability and pre- selves. In the case, say, of political account-
sumed responsiveness of officials to particular ability, the accountors will predominantly be
‘client’ groups as well as their formal account- governmental or quasi-governmental offi-
ability to hierarchical superiors. Romzek and cials, though they may also be, as in the
Ingraham (2000) argue that, ‘The fact that United States, extra-governmental persons
public managers face diverse expectations called before a congressional committee –
and work under several accountability rela- the post-2008 financial collapse provides one
tionships simultaneously creates a significant notable example.2 Thus, it can be assumed
challenge of how to manage the various that Hill’s legal accountability may also
accountability systems.’ Agencies usually include commissions of inquiry set up by
work under one or two of these systems on a governments, and to which various parties –
daily basis, with the others being underused, both inside and outside government – can be
even dormant, but in times of crisis, failure, rendered answerable.
or reform there is often a shift in priority This leads into the second problem of
among the different types. Accountors’ accountability as answerability – veracity. If
responses may be shaped largely by their accountability is to be secured through the
assessment of which accountees possess the upwards flow of information through organi-
formal authority to reward or punish them, zational hierarchies it is often very difficult,
although there is some evidence that non- sometimes impossible, for superiors to be
governmental organizations that are funded certain about the truthfulness of the accounts
by government agencies to provide social given by their subordinates, especially when
services may feel predominantly accountable supervision is not immediate and direct, and
to the recipients of their services rather than when answerability is exercised after the
to their funding agencies (Cribb, 2006). event. In the language of agency theory, prin-
Hill (2009: 284), who acknowledges that cipals cannot be sure that their agents are
accountability is ‘a complex and contested telling them the truth, failures known as
concept’, distinguishes among six ‘forms ‘moral hazard’ or ‘adverse selection’. (The
of accountability’: political, hierarchical, reverse is also true, but far less widely recog-
direct democratic, legal, professional, and nized.) For example, police officers on duty

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in patrol cars necessarily exercise discretion ‘managerialist’ conceptions of accountability

in how they spend their time on the job. They have gained prominence in parliamentary
often cannot be directly monitored by their democracies such as Britain, Australia and
superiors, who must rely on ex post accounts New Zealand. Processes of judicial review
given by the officers of what they have been of public administration have historically
doing. And the need for superiors to know been a central feature of Western European
what is actually going on leads to other, often jurisdictions, and they have been increasing
informal, ways of checking. People who are markedly in parliamentary democracies.
required or opt to testify before, or answer Accountability as constituency relations
to, politically constituted inquiries may be embodies both ‘upward’ accountability to
legally sanctioned if they are found to be ministers and parliament and ‘downwards’
mendacious, and organizational heads can and ‘horizontal’ accountability to peers and
sanction subordinates who are found to be other reference groups. The neo-liberal
telling the heads what they wish to hear reforms of governmental institutions and
rather than what they need to hear. Similarly, processes that emerged from the so-called
in some parliamentary systems the constitu- ‘Washington Consensus’ in the 1980s and
tional duty of senior public servants to give 1990s turned strongly to market and quasi-
‘free, frank and full’ advice to their ministers market mechanisms of accountability in the
may have become attenuated (Hood and delivery of public goods and services (Boston,
Lodge, 2006). It is for reasons such as these 2011). In doing so, they also sought to render
that accountability as answerability is a nec- many public agencies more ‘customer-driven’
essary but insufficient way of ensuring that (that is, more ‘responsive’) in their behaviour
governmental officials (and others, for that (Doern, 1993; Pierre, 1998). Such market
matter) behave responsibly in the public accountability is also central to ‘third party’
interest. As Mulgan (2003: 237) argues, government, involving the increasingly
‘Voluntary compliance, where power-holders widespread contracting-out of public serv-
act appropriately without threat of exposure ices, a development which is replete with
or punishment, plays a central role in any issues concerning the public accountability
just and effective organization or society.’ of both government agencies and service
Stone (1995) has addressed the conceptual providers (see, for example, Kettl, 1993;
complexity of accountability in Westminster- Mulgan, 2006; Peters, 2011). These issues
styled parliamentary systems, in which are examined by Mark Considine and Kamran
ministerial responsibility as ‘the dominant Ali Afzal in Chapter 45.
principle of administrative accountability’
sits uneasily with five ‘subordinate’ concep-
tions of accountability, which have arisen out
of several interrelated and long-term stimuli ACCOUNTABILITY IS POLITICAL
for administrative change. These conceptions NARRATIVE
correspond to different sets of institutional
arrangements, and there is considerable In the first edition of this Handbook, Thomas
potential for conflict among them. (2003: 555) noted that, ‘The meaning of
The five conceptions he identifies are par- accountability has consistently widened over
liamentary control, managerialism, judicial/ the years. The term is now frequently used to
quasi-judicial review, constituency relations, describe situations where the core features
and market. Parliamentary control is the of an authoritative relationship and a formal
traditional Westminster understanding of process of enforcement are not necessarily
accountability, as provided for in the doctrine present.’ This observation points to an emer-
of ministerial responsibility. Over the past gent paradox: state sector reforms during
two decades, as will be discussed below, the past 20 years – under the broad and

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increasingly passé label of New Public the public domain. In these types of organi-
Management (NPM) – have sought tighter zations, duties and responsibilities can be
forms of specified accountability relation- clearly delineated, performance can be meas-
ships, often embedded in formal contracts, ured, and so rewards and sanctions can be
but necessarily in governmental contexts in fairly imposed. The contradiction inherent in
which strong political imperatives continue NPM’s attempt to enhance tight accountabil-
to ensure that, as Wildavsky (1979: 215) ity, on the one hand, and to give managers
famously observed, policy objectives are renewed freedom to manage, on the other,
characteristically ‘multiple, conflicting, and has almost universally – and predictably –
vague’. The rhetoric of accountability that been resolved in favour of enhanced control,
has been central to NPM has therefore not necessarily to the benefit of the citizens
greatly heightened the political force of this who are the recipients of public goods and
idea, largely in its ‘gotcha’ guise, but it has services.
(inevitably?) failed to reshape the political Furthermore, we may distinguish between
imperatives which render illusory the quest prospective and retrospective accountability,
for rigorous and formal accountability of both politically and managerially. Pros-
the elementary kind outlined earlier in this pectively, politicians are obliged to state
chapter. their intentions, particularly when they are
Day and Klein (1987: 26−27) distinguish engaged in electioneering. Managerial
between political and managerial accounta- accountability is prospective when it is based
bility, on the grounds that in the former case on formal (or classical) rather than relational
the criteria of judgement are contestable, contracts (Boston, 2011). Retrospective
whereas in the latter case the criteria of per- political accountability demands that politi-
formance are agreed upon. Yet task matters, cians explain and justify their decisions and
and there are many tasks carried out by actions, often when the consequences of those
public sector organizations that do not lend decisions have become demonstrable. Retro-
themselves to tightly specified performance spective managerial accountability requires
criteria, which if imposed would subvert or bureaucratic executives, managers, and opera-
distort the pursuit of those tasks (Gregory, tors to report on how their discretionary
1995; Painter and Wai-Hang Yee, 2011; authority was exercised after the event.
Wilson, 1989). What can be called ‘tight’ Rational systems of control are dependent
accountability is more readily ensured on an ability to know what the ‘facts’ are. But
when there is clear and certain alignment the ineluctably political dimensions of gov-
between the purposes determined by the ernmental systems mean that the ‘facts’ are
organization’s owners and managers, and invariably highly disputable. When failures
the activities actually carried out by opera- occur, information about what happened,
tors down to the ‘street level’. Such tight and why, and about who should be held cul-
accountability is much more consistent with pable, and so on, is seldom, if ever, fully
managerial than with liberal democratic transparent and wholly uncontestable. The
accountability, as it is required to ensure that realities of complex collaborative action
organizations function effectively. It is syn- often occlude causes and effects, and allow
onymous with organizational hierarchy as those involved to plausibly deny responsi-
the means of ensuring the coordinated and bility (in Bovens’ causative sense). It is
systematic control of a complex division of little wonder that Hannah Arendt (1963:
labour (a key defining feature of Weberian 289) described bureaucracy as ‘the rule of
bureaucracy). Nobody’. Similarly, Thompson (1980: 905)
This is the situation found most commonly noticed that, ‘Because many different offi-
in business corporations, and in what Wilson cials contribute in many ways to decisions
(1989) calls ‘production organizations’ in and policies of government, it is difficult

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even in principle to identify who is morally too are narratives about how people have acted or
responsible for political [policy] outcomes.’ will react given their beliefs and desires. No matter
what rigour or expertise we bring to bear, all we
He called this ‘the problem of many hands’. can do is tell a story and judge what the future
Both images resonate, for example, in the might bring.
largely unexceptionable response of a former
New Zealand Director-General of Health in Formal judicial inquiries of the kind that are
a radio interview in May 2001, amidst public often established to examine major tragedies
controversy over the human life consequences or disasters may be expected to establish
of the failure of a national cervical cancer culpability, and to provide a more reliable
screening programme (Ministry of Health, evidential basis than partisan politics for
2001): holding organizations and/or individuals to
account. Nevertheless, they too are involved
The problem though that I see is that if that was
in the process of retrospective ‘sense-mak-
pinned on an individual many people would
breathe a sigh of relief and say, ‘ah, we’ve caught ing’ (Weick, 2001), and their findings, in any
the person who is to blame for this. It will now case, are seldom immune to expedient politi-
be alright because they’ve gone’. And that is cal manipulation of various kinds (Gregory,
not the situation that we’re in here. This is a com- 1998; McLean and Johnes, 2000).
plex programme. There’s been a host of people
As argued above, NPM and other influ-
involved with it over fifteen years. There have been
many – some may call them mistakes – changes in ences have seen a shift away from the over-
the direction of the health system or restructuring whelming reality of ‘government’ as Weberian
of the system. Staff have moved in and out of key bureaucratic structures, in which lines of
positions in this system and to some extent all of hierarchical accountability are generally
us share a collective responsibility, and unless we
clear, to the emerging paradigm of ‘govern-
all together look at what happened and what
went wrong and seek to learn from that, simply ance’ – the differentiated polity of the ‘hol-
blaming it on an individual and then quietly lowed out’ state, characterized less by state
moving on misses the point. bureaucracies and more by managed net-
works involving marketized or quasi-mar-
Whether or not the ‘facts’ actually speak ketized contractual relationships (Christensen,
for themselves is determined more by Lie and Laegreid, 2007; Peters and Pierre,
political power alignments than by appeals 2000; Rhodes, 1997). In this latter scenario,
to dispassionate standards of ‘objectivity’. accountability relationships are far more
When it comes to finding out what ‘really’ complex, multilateral, conflicting and uncer-
happened, and why, and who should be tain. Calls for ‘accountability’ for ‘malign’
held to account, and by whom and for outcomes from a ‘vindictive’ public (Hood,
what (Mulgan, 2003), there exists no 2002) are often frustrated by the blame-
independent and impartial jury of public shifting games that can be played in a gov-
opinion. Accountability can seldom be ernmental context characterized less (though
sheeted home forensically, as if by some still dominantly) by organizational hierar-
form of political DNA testing. Instead, opin- chies and more by networks.
ions and judgements emerge contestably as a For all these reasons, when it comes to
process of public storytelling. As Rhodes holding accountors to account the means of
(2007: 1257) says: doing so, in the complex world of politics
and governance, are more likely to be blunt
An interpretive approach encourages us to give up and imprecise rather than forensic and sharp-
management techniques and strategies for a prac- edged. They are matters of political judge-
tice of learning by telling stories and listening to
ment rather than technical calculation, better
them. While statistics, models and claims to exper-
tise all have their place within such stories, we expressed in forums of public opinion, and at
should not become too preoccupied with them. the ballot box, rather than in the findings of
On the contrary, we should recognize that they legal or scientific inquiry.

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THE ‘PARADOX OF instruments of that authority they cannot be

ACCOUNTABILITY’: A PERENNIAL held personally responsible for the conse-
ISSUE quences of their actions. This argument was
rejected at the Nuremberg Trials, where Nazi
Specific instances of accountability will war criminals were called to account. On the
almost certainly be manifestations of an other hand, the soft rationalist view holds
underlying perennial issue: what Harmon that because officials are political actors in
(1995) has called ‘the paradox of accounta- their own right, involved in shaping public
bility’. This paradox stems from the two purposes through the discretionary authority
views of accountability discussed above, fol- they necessarily exercise, then their instru-
lowing Mosher (1968): accountability as mental accountability is compromised and
objective responsibility, and as subjective political authority undermined.
responsibility. For his part, Harmon (1995) This has been a timeless issue in the his-
distinguishes between ‘hard’ rationalism and tory of public administration theory, and has
‘soft’ rationalism. The former, derived from been the wellspring of seminal theoretical
logical positivist distinctions between facts debates, and empirical research (Aberbach,
and values, means and ends, sustains a Putnam and Rockman, 1981). The first view
mechanistic model of rational−linear control represented in the paradox was fundamental
linking the purposes of government action to the emergence through the late nineteenth
clearly and directly to the instruments of century, and the first half of the twentieth, of
their fulfilment, the bureaucratic apparatus. the foundational concept of a professional,
Soft rationalism, on the other hand, while politically ‘neutral’ public service, in the
acknowledging the general validity of hard Anglo-American tradition, and in the tradi-
rationalism’s conception of accountability as tion of administrative law that has under-
organizational and political control, recog- pinned public administration in Continental
nizes that the political process (embodying Europe. In this conception, strongly influ-
the administrative pursuit of political pur- enced by Weberian bureaucratic and political
pose) is highly uncertain, ambiguous, and theory, public servants are accountable for
contingent. The discretionary exercise of the degree of technical competence they
public authority on the part of all of those employ in the efficient, economic, and effec-
engaged in this process is inevitable. tive implementation of public policy pur-
Hard rationalism’s conception of top-down poses determined by the elective political
hierarchical bureaucratic control (accounta- authorities whom they serve. Public servants’
bility) constitutes an important constraint on accountability is ensured through their
official activity, and may be justified as an compliance with the institutionally, constitu-
important fiction that helps to sustain a sense tionally, and legally mandated rules and
of instrumental efficacy and political legiti- processes under and within which they carry
macy. But in another sense it is largely illu- out their functions. Since, in the purest sense,
sory. Instead, soft rationalism recognizes the they are not engaged in the political (value-
inevitably of administrative and managerial laden) task of shaping public purposes, they
discretion and the concomitant view of the are answerable, as agents, to their political
public official, not primarily as a technically principals.
instrumental and amoral functionary, but as This conception, articulating what has
an autonomous moral agent, individually become known as the ‘politics−administration
responsible for his or her actions. dichotomy’, was emphasized by Woodrow
Harmon’s paradox of accountability Wilson (1887) and Goodnow (1900) in their
holds that if government officials are account- influential prescriptions for modern, profes-
able solely for the achievement of goals sional, government. It helped to inspire the
mandated by political authority, then as mere idea of ‘scientific management’, as promoted

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by Taylor (1911). It was also the linchpin of from the disputatious world of political
Finer’s (1941) response to Friedrich (1940), interaction.
in their famous exchange. Friedrich had The most pervasive response to perceived
argued that the rise of professionalism in ‘problems of accountability’ is usually drawn
government administration, together with the from the school of hard rationalism. Formal
growth of administrative discretion and com- mechanisms of bureaucratic control are
plexity, meant that formal and externally ‘tightened up’, in an attempt to cater even
imposed mechanisms of ensuring adminis- more rigorously for whatever contingencies
trative responsibility (or accountability), may arise in the exercise of discretionary
while still necessary, were no longer ade- authority. There is a positive correlation
quate. Instead, responsible official action between the scope of administrative discre-
depended upon officials also being respon- tion and the thickness of bureaucratic operat-
sive to technical knowledge tempered by ing manuals. This imperative constitutes
‘popular sentiment’. For Friedrich, as later the stuff of what the sociologists of bureauc-
for Appleby (1949), a conceptual distinc- racy have called ‘goal displacement’, semi-
tion between policy and administration nally depicted by Merton (1940). The
was unsustainable in practice: ‘Public policy means of accountability become ends in
is being formed as it is being executed, and themselves; regulation and control tends to
it is likewise being executed as it is being be self-reinforcing; effective purpose is dis-
formed’ (Friedrich, 1940: 6). Friedrich placed by unintended consequences and
seemed to be more prescient of the growth reverse effects (Hood et al., 1999).
through the latter part of the century of Although one person’s red tape is ‘anoth-
professional power and influence in gov- er’s treasured safeguard’ (Kaufman, 1977: 4),
ernment than did Finer, who responded the popular image of constraint-driven, rule-
by asserting the primacy of formal external obsessed bureaucracy has virtually every-
controls. where proved to be both a source of public
About 10 years after the Friedrich−Finer scorn and an object of reformist intent.
debate, two other seminal figures in organi- Finer’s arguments seem vindicated: public
zation and public administration theory, agencies in Western democracies are univer-
Herbert Simon (1952) and Dwight Waldo sally subject to a plethora of externally
(1952), locked swords. Waldo challenged imposed institutional and statutory arrange-
Simon’s positivist commitment to a science ments, in the name of accountability. These
of administration based on a decisional sepa- include legislative processes and committees,
ration between facts and values, policy and constitutional and other foundational statu-
administration. In Waldo’s view, administra- tory requirements (such as a Bill of Rights),
tion should not be treated as a science, since official information and privacy enactments,
values infused the choices that administrators ombudsmen, parliamentary auditing offices,
made and could not be corralled within the not to mention the news media’s ‘watchdog’
political or policy domain. Moreover, in his role in public affairs. These are some of the
view, a quest for pure, scientifically grounded main sources of the ‘red tape’ which binds
efficiency constituted a threat to the demo- bureaucratic authority and tends to make
cratic process. many public organizations risk-averse, or
Over the decades these debates resonated constraint-driven (Kaufman, 1977; Wilson,
in the halls of academe, while politicians and 1989). This is why politicians and officials
administrators grappled with a huge variety are concerned to ‘cover their backsides’, to
of policy issues, in an increasingly complex insist first and foremost on procedural regu-
policy environment. Accountability and larity and correctness, in the knowledge that
responsibility, while capable of intellectual they are likely to be sanctioned far less for
definition, derived practical meaning mainly failing to achieve often difficult, ambiguous,

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and uncertain outcomes than for failing to do ‘empowered’ to exercise a degree of choice
so correctly (according to specified proce- in order to compel greater responsiveness.
dures). Yet Friedrich’s views have also reso- All this was designed to enhance direct
nated strongly, with the massive growth of accountability to consumers on the part
professional expertise in government agen- of those who provide public goods and
cies (as elsewhere), creating strains between services (Christensen and Laegreid, 2001,
professionals’ demands for operational 2007).
autonomy, on the one hand, and managerial In some parliamentary democracies like
imperatives of control, on the other. Britain, Australia, and New Zealand, ‘rela-
In most Western democracies throughout tional contracts’ between ministers and their
the twentieth century there were sporadic (formerly) permanent heads were replaced
efforts to strike some new balance between with fixed-term contractual appointments,
these two horns of the administrative according to the tenets of agency theory and
dilemma, with some more conscious than transactions costs analysis (Boston, 2011).
others of the issue’s inherent intractabil- These ‘classical’ contracts are supported by a
ity. These included the 1937 Brownlow complex apparatus of rules and processes
Committee set up by President Franklin designed to make top public officials directly
Roosevelt in America, and the two Hoover accountable not only for their own personal
Commissions during the Truman administra- performances but also for the general per-
tion; the 1968 Fulton Committee on the formance of the agencies they head. In New
British Civil Service; the Glassco Commis- Zealand, a country which was a foremost
sion in Canada in 1962; the 1976 Coombs exponent of NPM, contractual appointments
Commission on Australian Government of departmental chief executives made them
Administration; the Gore National Perfor- accountable to their ministers for the produc-
mance Review in America, 1993; and the tion of departmental ‘outputs’ deemed neces-
1994 ‘Next Steps’ review in Britain. There sary for the successful pursuit of policy
were managerial nostrums, replete with ‘outcomes’, for which ministers themselves
acronyms such as PPBS, MBO and ZBB, are held accountable to parliament and the
and TQM; and wider reformist movements, public. However, this distinction has proven
however short-lived − like New Public to be largely artificial, something of a false
Administration, which sought to institution- rediscovery of the ‘politics−administration
alize a practical commitment to equity, jus- dichotomy’.
tice and fairness, rather than efficiency and NPM’s theoretical armoury has little to say
economy. Then came NPM. about the nature of responsibility. Its mecha-
nistic and technocratic propensity to (re)
create artificial bifurcations like policy and
management, outputs and outcomes, pur-
ACCOUNTABILITY AND NEW PUBLIC chasers and owners, seems out of touch with
MANAGEMENT the organic ebb and flow of political and
administrative power. It is doubtful that it has
The NPM movement, so-called, was grounded firmly shifted the balance of the bureaucratic
in the logical-positivist foundations of ortho- paradox in favour of effective policy fulfil-
dox economic theory. It promised more pre- ment away from the procedural apparatus
cision, clarity, certainty, and ‘transparency’ of bureaucratic accountability. Complex
in the pursuit of results-oriented public man- performance review procedures and a lega-
agement. Managers were ‘freed’ to manage listic culture of contractualism have gener-
without the unnecessary fetters of rule-driven ated transactions costs which are at least
compliance. Yet they were obliged to do equivalent to those produced under former
so by apparently rigorous accountability rule-driven bureaucratic systems. And the
mechanisms, and by citizens as consumers contracting out of some public services has

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given rise to newly intractable issues of be maximised at all costs ... . At some point,
public accountability (Mulgan, 2006). the demand for accountability needs to be
This is not surprising, since red tape tends constrained in the interests of efficiency
to multiply because public organizations are and effectiveness.’ Judging just where the
public, rather than because they are bureau- point is, has been, and always will be, a
cratic. Control as accountability takes pre- political action in an increasingly complex
cedence over purposeful initiative, since and differentiated governmental context.
whatever is accomplished must be achieved Accountability could once be conceptualized
within constraints intended to safeguard such and operationalized within a governmental
values as fairness, impartiality, openness, landscape dominated by large state bureauc-
responsiveness, honesty, equity, efficiency, racies. Now that same landscape has altered
and economy (Wilson, 1967). Rather than irrevocably, into a shifting set of complex
having produced a genuinely results-oriented and variegated relationships among the state,
governmental system, NPM has largely civil society, and the market. Blame-shifting
replaced one form of bureaucratic control games as a means of evading sanctions that
with another. It would be ironic too if its could be imposed in the name of ‘accounta-
emphasis on rigorous performance manage- bility’ have not emerged from this changing
ment, underpinned by agency theory, has led scene but have been lifted to an art form
to a weakening of the ‘softer’ and more sub- by it. The challenge ahead is to be able to
jectively inspired dimensions of ethical pro- strike a workable balance between the imper-
bity in public service organisations (Gregory, ative of ‘holding power to account’, on the
1999; Moynihan, 2008). one hand, and the ever-growing need for
NPM’s rationalist foundations generated a more creative, trusting, constructive – and
drive to measure all things, even those which even more risky – responses to the political,
by their nature are not easily measurable. policy, administrative, and managerial
However, the belief that accountability will demands that all modern governments face
be enhanced to the extent that political and (O’Neill, 2002). What has been argued in
administrative/managerial performance and regard to Canada certainly has far wider rel-
policy ‘outcomes’ can be measured in increas- evance: ‘Today’s accountability dynamic –
ingly precise ways often produces perverse exacerbated by the Federal Accountability
effects. What is measured is what can most Act – is stifling the ability of the public serv-
easily be measured, rather than what might ice to innovate, work efficiently, build rela-
be the most important dimension of govern- tionships, reach out to Canadians, and attract
mental capacity or policy outcome. The quest future talent’ (Green and Côté, 2007: 4).
for measurement, although important and Organization theorist Chris Argyris (1980,
necessary in the pursuit of accountability, if 1990) has examined how demands to render
taken to extremes can too easily subvert a information more open impel more creative
sensible and multifaceted pursuit of organi- ways of keeping it hidden, and how organi-
zational effectiveness, leaving politicians and zational defences inhibit the capacity to
officials rigorously accountable for irrespon- learn from mistakes and respond and adapt
sible or irrelevant outcomes (Mulgan, 2008; to changing circumstances. Ideas such as
Schön, 1983). these might seem a bit ‘warm and fuzzy’
when compared with hard-edged, calculat-
ing, and punitive demands for ‘greater
accountability’. But the more forgivingly
EMERGENT ACCOUNTABILITY constructive idea of accountability as the
CHALLENGES quest for continuous improvement addresses
capacities for public discourse about the
As Mulgan (2003: 236−237) asserts, ‘... shape, scope, purpose, and impacts of
accountability is not an unqualified good to policy through the widest possible range of

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institutional arrangements – from parliamen- Politicians and officials who wield public
tary scrutiny and debate, the sharing of power need institutional space within which
official information, the testing of adminis- to think and act as morally responsible indi-
trative law, citizens’ charters and referenda, viduals, not just as agents of constitutionally
journalistic investigation, academic research, and hierarchically aligned superiors.
and so on. What it lacks in measurable preci- Therefore, accountability will need to be
sion, it compensates for in the facilitation addressed, far more than has been the case so
of informed ‘public judgment’ over time (see far, as a necessary but not sufficient compo-
Yankelovich, 1991). nent of the wider ideas of individual and col-
The challenge identified by Stone (1995: lective responsibility. Accountability and
523) remains compelling: ‘The identification responsibility may be merged, in both theory
of multiple options for administrative and practice, as ‘responsible accountability’
accountability…raises questions about how (Gregory and Hicks, 1999).
the different accountability systems are to be In sum, a rephrasing of T. S. Eliot (1934)
chosen and combined to maximise account- might be instructive: Where is the responsibil-
ability without impairing the effectiveness of ity we have lost in accountability, and where
different sorts of administrative work.’ is the accountability we have lost in answer-
There is no doubt that the complexity of ability?3 Such questions may enable us to
modern government confronts public offi- better understand the actions of both Mayor
cials with multiple accountability demands Toba and Chester Barnard’s telephonist.
(Boston and Gill, 2011; Hupe and Hill,
2007), and that these exert what Dubnick
(1998) calls ‘moral pulls’ and ‘moral pushes’
on politicians and bureaucrats, strongly con- NOTES
straining how they carry out their functions.
Against this background, Behn (2001) has 1 The author is grateful to Paul Thomas for his
coined the idea of ‘360-degree accountability helpful comments on a draft of this chapter.
for performance’. This captures the complex- 2 See the United States Senate Permanent
ity and diversity of modern government and Subcommittee on Investigations report on ‘Wall
Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial
politics but also suggests that there is no easy Collapse’, 13 April 2011.
answer, and that the real ‘paradox of account- 3 In Eliot’s words: ‘Where is the wisdom we
ability’ is reminiscent of the words of W. S. have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge
Gilbert in Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘The we have lost in information?’
Gondoliers’: ‘If everybody’s somebody,
nobody’s anybody’. Of governmental
accountability, he may have said that, ‘If
everybody’s accountable to everybody, REFERENCES
nobody’s accountable to anyone’.
Is there an answer? Max Weber’s (1974) Aberbach, Joel, Putnam, Robert, and Rockman, Bert
‘ethic of responsibility’, which speaks to an (1981) Bureaucrats and Politicians in Western
individual’s need to reconcile impersonal Democracies. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
bureaucratic realities with individual moral Press.
Appleby, Paul (1949) Policy and Administration.
and political choice, helps in understanding
Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.
the relationship between accountability and Arendt, Hannah (1963) Eichmann in Jerusalem: A
responsibility in modern governmental sys- Report on the Banality of Evil. Harmondsworth:
tems that are increasingly run according to Penguin.
managerial strictures. Narrowly defined con- Argyris, Chris (1980) ‘Making the Undiscussable and its
cerns over accountability can inhibit reflec- Undiscussability Discussable’, Public Administration
tion on how to enhance responsibility. Review, 40 (May/June): 205−213.

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The Pursuit of Public Service
Ethics – Promises, Developments
and Prospects
Christoph Demmke and Timo Moilanen

INTRODUCTION moral choices, which is supported through

codes of ethics, training, leadership and pro-
Ethics and accountability are of paramount fessional and fair human resources (HR)
importance for the functioning of democratic policies aiming to translate ethical standards
governance. Still, both concepts are also into actual behavior. However, these two
fashionable and blurry concepts which are approaches should not be considered mutu-
used in numerous ways in various contexts ally exclusive, and in practice they should
(Bovens 2007, 448). In general, accountabil- be combined and considered complementary.
ity can be seen as a system of external con- Still, this dichotomy has prevailed, and
trol, while ethics can be understood as a alternative conceptualizations are rare (see
system of internal control. This mirrors the Maesschalck 2004).
commonly used distinction between compli- Accountability can be defined as “a rela-
ance approach and integrity approach used tionship between an actor and a forum, in
in administrative ethics (Paine 1994; OECD which the actor has an obligation to explain
1996). The compliance approach emphasizes and to justify his or her conduct, the forum
the importance of external controls on behav- can pose questions and pass judgment, and
ior, favoring formal and detailed rules and the actor may face consequences” (Bovens
procedures. Behavior which is in line with 2007, 450). Accountability is generally
the rules is considered correct, whereas the understood as legal accountability: if the
violation of rules is considered unethical and actor has not adhered to legal rules and regu-
penalized. The integrity approach focuses on lations, a court of law will punish the actor.
internal controls, i.e., self-control exercised However, there are also other accountability
by each public servant. This approach relies forums leading to different forms of account-
on a person’s own capacity to make the right ability, such as political accountability

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(e.g., minister to parliament, representative and enforcement of the existing laws and
to electorate), administrative accountability policy goals of the government of the day.
(e.g., officials to audit office), professional Moreover, ethically good or acceptable
accountability (professionals to supervisory behavior was also defined in terms of law
bodies) and social accountability (e.g., agen- obedience, impartiality and standardization.
cies to civil interest groups). More and more, The purpose of rule orientation was also to
public officials are subject not only to legal achieve fairness and equity, to implement the
accountability but also to administrative and merit principle, to allocate rights to citizens
professional accountability as well, including and to protect public employees against arbi-
also the ethical aspects of their behavior. trary administrative decisions.
For a long time, opinions prevailed that The above-mentioned traditional Weberian
civil servants were linked to the authority of approach can be called the ethic of neutrality
the state and could not be compared to other (Thompson 1985). In reality, administrators
public employees or employees in the private are not neutral machine-like cogs. Moreover,
sector. They were offered a public law status trends towards the delegation of more respon-
in order to bind them to the state and to the sibilities to managers have also increased
law and not to an individual interest. Public individual decision-making powers. Weber
law status has its origin in the French also overestimated the dominance of rational
Revolution, aiming to establish and guaran- behavior in organizations and neglected the
tee a democratic society based on the princi- role and importance of emotions at the
ples of the French Revolution (Schulze 2004, workplace, which is still widely under-
39). In Germany, the introduction of the researched in the public sector (Cropanzano
public law status was inspired by the philoso- et al. 2010, xiii).
pher Friedrich Hegel. Hegel’s idea of the In sum, traditionally, the compliance
civil servant and the state as such was con- approach has predominated within govern-
ceptualized as a Leviathan which stood above ment. Obedience to authority is the corner-
the society and citizens. Its main role was to stone of the traditional bureaucracy and
protect the society by using rules to achieve this concept is still alive and doing well in
fairness and to balance the diverging egoistic many countries. From the ethical point of
interests within the society. view, following the law or superior’s orders
The most influential definition of bureauc- is usually not problematic. It is still a very
racy comes from Max Weber. In his well- relevant guideline for public officials, as it
known lecture on Politics as a Vocation in highlights the importance of the rule of law
1919, he defined the role of the public offi- and loyalty to democratically elected gov-
cials as follows: ernment. However, the problem with the
Weberian concept is that as an ethical guide-
The honor of civil servant is vested in his ability to
execute conscientiously the order of the superior
line it is simply too narrow for today’s
authorities, exactly as if the order agreed with his multilevel governance.
own conviction. This holds even if the order The era in which obedience, hierarchical
appears wrong to him and if, despite the civil serv- decision making and treating all persons in
ant’s remonstrances, the authority insists on the the same way meant treating everybody
order. Without this moral discipline and self-
denial, in the highest sense, the whole apparatus
fairly is not anymore the paradigm of our
would fall to pieces. times (Menzel 2011, 122). The key phenom-
ena of modernity are assumptions about
According to Weber, the essence of adminis- universal values, absolute values, bureauc-
trative behavior is to follow legally given racy and rationality. Contrary to this, post-
orders. Following this, at a minimal level, modernism is a term in which “fundamental
administration was considered to be good assumptions are being discredited as final
and ethical if it achieved the implementation and absolute. Assumptions about some kind

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of objectively real and universal human treatment and impartiality and it regulates the
nature, or natural law, or absolute values and conflict of interests (grounds of disqualifica-
ultimate truths [...] no longer hold ....” tion). It is important to notice that in some
(Cooper 2006, 45). Still, in today’s discus- languages, such as German, the term code
sions on public values, assumptions are often (der Kodex) cannot be used in the context of
made that one universal set of values exist legislation, as code refers to informal guide-
(van der Wal & van Hout 2009) and that lines without sanctions, so its usage matches
public values should be safeguarded against with the code of conduct and the code of
private sector values despite the fact that ethics.
research indicates that values differ accord- A code of ethics, on the other hand, dis-
ing to different organizations (van Thiel & cusses the ethical principles of official behav-
van der Wal 2010). Moreover, distinctions ior. For example, in the UK, the Committee
between public and private values are more on Standards in Public Life has defined
difficult to define. It seems the future will be Seven Principles of Public Life (selflessness,
dominated by more value conflicts and new integrity, objectivity, accountability, open-
emerging values. How do civil servants know ness, honesty and leadership) which apply
which values and standards they should to all aspects of public life. These principles
follow? In most countries, the state has codi- are not statutory, but many public bodies
fied a set of official values and standards of have incorporated them into their internal
conduct for its public officials. standards as codes of conduct. Codes of
ethics are typically rather abstract and short
documents (one to two pages). They are
often used to announce fundamental princi-
DEFINITION OF OFFICIAL VALUES ples, but they usually do not provide detailed
AND STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR: rules or advise on how to adopt these princi-
ETHICS CODES ples in practical situations. For example,
most codes of ethics state that transparency
In the field of ethics, rules and codes are still, or openness is a core value, but they do not
by far, the most important instruments. provide guidelines on, for instance, how
During the last 15 years many countries open civil servants can be towards the public
have introduced new rules and regulations on matters that are still under preparation.
to prevent unethical behavior and to promote Unlike a code of rules and regulations, a code
good behavior. Today a well-written and of ethics cannot be enforced, although some
well-implemented ethics code is seen as a countries like Australia, Canada and New
useful instrument that clarifies the values and Zealand make adherence to a code of ethics a
standards of official behavior to the extent condition of employment which means
that no administration can afford to function that there can be consequences of varying
without a code. degrees of severity for violation of the code.
For analytical purposes it is useful to make Sometimes, a code of ethics is also called a
a distinction between a code of ethics, a code values statement (Boatright 2008).
of conduct and a code of rules and regula- A code of conduct lies in between these
tions (van Wart 2003, 333−334). A code of two poles: it contains mid-level norms that
rules and regulations refers to legislative acts set both aspirational values and expectation
and other official regulations, setting clear values, and therefore, the level of abstract-
behavioral expectations and disciplinary ness varies from moderately abstract to
consequences. For example, in Finland the moderately concrete. A code of conduct can
Administrative Procedure Act defines the be seen as an extended code of ethics
fundamental principles of good administra- that transforms principles into practice.
tion such as the legal principles of equal Most of the ethics codes used by professional

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associations are codes of conduct outlining codes should be used depends on the legal,
not just general principles but detailed cultural and administrative context. If a
standards of behavior: for example, see the country suffers from serious problems such
American Political Science Association’s as corruption, then a code of rules and
code of conduct (Guide to Professional regulations is probably the right solution,
Ethics in Political Science [APSA 2008]). In containing stronger deterrent tools to pre-
Europe, a good example for a public service vent misbehavior (e.g., police investigates,
code of conduct is the voluntary, non-legally court of law decides penalties). However, if
binding “Ethics Framework for the Public the country wants to change its administra-
Sector” (EUPAN 2004; see also Bossaert tive culture towards more openness and
& Demmke 2005). It reflects the basic better service, i.e., to create aspirational
common values and standards which the values, then a code of ethics or a code of
European Union (EU) member states con- conduct should be given priority.
sider important for the proper functioning Still, the question remains open as to the
of their public services. It comprehensively effectiveness of these instruments. In particu-
discusses the general core values, specific lar, codes of ethics and codes of conduct
standards of conduct, actions to safeguard may take different forms. In addition, they
integrity and measures on handling situations differ as to the subjects dealt with. They are
where there have been possible violations of often suited to fight mild forms of misbehav-
ethics. The code of ethics is associated with ior and are in many ways a direct response
the “high-road” or integrity-based ethics to a dynamic and changing civil service
regime, whereas the code of rules and regula- environment which calls for clearer guid-
tions is associated with the “low-road” or ance. One of the main weaknesses of codes
compliance-based ethics regime. of ethics and codes of conduct is that in most
The distinctions made between a code cases they are characterized by weak enforce-
of ethics, a code of conduct and a code of ment mechanisms. This means that, on the
rules and regulations is a heuristic device, one hand, they are more vulnerable to non-
but in practice these terms are often used observance and violations, and, on the
interchangeably. A clear majority of the other hand, their successful implementation
Organization for Economic Co-operation and depends to a large extent on the existence
Development (OECD) and EU member states of an environment of trust and an ability
have introduced codes of ethics and/or codes to ensure the organizational adherence to
of conduct (Moilanen & Salminen 2007; the code.
OECD 2000). Although these tools are not
mutually exclusive and can be used simulta-
neously, the code of conduct generally
includes the core values, thus eliminating the THE INCREASE OF ETHICS
need for a separate values statement. These REGULATION
tools can be used on many levels: there may
be a general code of conduct, branch-specific Ethics policies often follow a fairly simple
codes of conduct and agency-specific codes logic: the more public and media scrutiny,
of conduct. General codes apply to all public the more discovered political scandals and
servants working in the central state adminis- conflicts of interests, the more failure is
tration, whereas branch-specific codes apply attributed to too little control, not enough
to officials working in a particular branch or monitoring and not enough law (Anechiarico
sector of government, such as the judicial & Jacobs 1998, 12). Calling for new rules
branch. Agency-specific codes apply only to and standards is in most cases an easy
the public officials of a particular organiza- response to a complex challenge. Conse-
tion in question. Exactly what kind of ethics quently, there are more rules, procedures and

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monitoring procedures in place than ever attention to the impact of ethics policies on
before. In the meantime, “achieving an ethos administrative procedures, disclosure and
of honesty and transparency becomes monitoring requirements, costs and civil
the Holy Grail” (Gay 2006, 107). As Stark rights. Moreover, there is very little evidence
(2000, 264) states: “We now prophylactically on the nature of (the growing number of)
prohibit all officials from entering into an specialized bodies and ethics committees
ever-increasing number of specified, factu- that oversee and investigate conflicts of inter-
ally ascertainable sets of circumstances est, misconduct and corruption. The latter is
because they might lead to inner conflict”. a truly opaque field and merits further
This trend towards more law, rules, standards research. Overall, literature on the challenges
and monitoring runs counter to one of the and paradoxes of ethics is still fairly recent.
most important reform trends: the reduction In fact, experts in the field of ethics com-
of administrative burdens and bureaucracy. ment on the effectiveness of instruments in
So far, no country has removed, reduced or the field very differently and represent an
abolished ethics standards, as deregulating even broader spectrum of views. In the field
ethics policies would be highly unpopular. of conflicts of interest, some argue that more
On the contrary, many ethics reforms are and better post-employment policies are
launched with great media support about necessary, whereas others think that this
increased ethical standards. For example, the will hamper mobility between the public
European Commission (EC) rewrote its code and private sector. Again, others believe that
of conduct after the fraud allegations involv- a public register of interests (or reporting
ing the French Commissioner Edith Cresson system) is necessary, whereas opponents say
that eventually led to the resignation of the that requiring the filing and review of confi-
Santer Commission in 1999 (Cini 2007, dential reports would sufficiently prevent
27−57; 108−121). Many new member states financial conflicts of interests. Some believe
that entered the European Union in 2004 that public scrutiny is having a too strong
have an impressive arsenal of laws, standards impact on privacy rights.
and codes which are more detailed compared
to most former EU-15 countries. Still, those
EU member states with less rules in force
tend to have lower corruption levels than EFFECTS OF ETHICS RULES ON
those with more rules; however, that should ETHICAL BEHAVIOR – MORE RULES,
be no argument for removing ethics policies. MORE EFFECTIVENESS?
Even to the contrary: more rules and stand-
ards are no guarantee for more effectiveness. There have been three distinct trends in the
However, abolishing rules could easily raise ethics literature in the last decade. The first is
public and media suspicion and contribute a surge in ethics literature which focuses on
to lower levels of public trust (Demmke scandals and the failures of politicians and
et al. 2008). public officials and, consequently, decreas-
Ethics experts face many difficulties in ing trust levels. A second trend is a sort of
answering whether ethical challenges are reaction to the many reforms, policies and
increasing, decreasing – or both? Another instruments which were introduced as a
development is also striking: whereas the response to the scandals. Here the focus is
media and the wider public call for the intro- mostly on whether we now have “too much”
duction of more rules and standards in the or “too little” ethics rules. Ultimately, the
field, more experts discuss the potential argument goes that while costs associated
negative effects of more standards, processes with increased monitoring, oversight and
and rules, pointing, for example, to the fact control have risen, it has not, to this point at
that public discussions on ethics pay too little least, translated into higher trust levels and

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less ethical violations. A third trend is the achieving greater transparency and openness
broadening and diversification of the whole in conflicts of interest policies (Fung et al.
discussion. For example, whereas more 2007). The public availability of disclosed
experts discuss ethics in the context of information by top decision makers is seen as
good governance policies, others are inter- important to ensure accountability and rein-
ested in the institutionalization of ethics, the force trust in government (OECD 2011,
effects of different ethics instruments and 203). The popularity of public disclosure
social justice perceptions as a result of seems due to the clear message it sends to the
administrative reforms. public that the government is committed to
One of the greatest strengths of research in openness and transparency. Despite the pop-
the field of public sector ethics lies in the ularity of this instrument, discussions on the
diversity of those who are interested in the pros and cons of registration obligation and
topic. Where else could we find more man- obligation to register financial interests
agement scholars, public administration remain the subject of vivid discussions within
experts, psychologists, political scientists, the countries and the different institutions.
moral philosophers, organizational sociolo- First evidence shows that declarations and
gists and behavioral economists? In the registers work only if requirements (as to
meantime, this literature covers a wide array what must be declared) are clear and known.
of fields, ranging from the design of ethics Second, there must be a means to monitor
infrastructure to workplace ethics. For a long these declarations and registers effectively
time the field was dominated by US and (and independently). Third, there must be
Canadian scholars (Menzel 2005), but during credible sanctions for non-compliance. If all
the last years European scholars have also of this does not exist, it will be difficult to
become more active (Lawton & Doig 2006). detect wrong, misleading or partial informa-
Still, the increasing interest in public serv- tion. On the other hand, financial disclosure
ice ethics has not necessarily produced more policies and registers must be designed in
clarity and consensus on the effectiveness such a way that the collection, storage and
of ethics policies, the right choice of policy management of detailed financial disclosure
instruments and the best organizational forms will not cause a new “conflicts of
design of the systems. Moreover, although in interest” bureaucracy. Thus, the most impor-
theory most experts agree on the importance tant questions concern what should be
of ethical leadership, little empirical evi- declared, whether (or not) the declarations
dence exists on whether leadership is actu- should be made public, whether (or not)
ally supporting ethical behavior or whether independent bodies should have the power to
it is an obstacle for an effective policy. Yet, it monitor the registers and whether (or not)
is also “not clear what types of rewards or there should be sanctions for non-compliance
penalties work best to create incentives (Demmke et al. 2008).
for responsible and accountable behavior, Also cost−benefit tests of other ethics
including the search for improvement” (Jarvis policies have only rarely been carried out.
& Thomas 2009, 11). Many studies still Overall, there is very little research on the
focus on the input side: for example, intro- organizational aspects of ethics (Hoekstra
duction of new rules, standards, codes of et al. 2010; Thompson 2004). How do
ethics and ethics instruments. Only few dis- you institutionalize different effective ethics
cussions take place on the “output” side and policies within different organizations?
the impact of reform policies on workplace What do we know about good practices and
behavior, the added value and the effective- ways to best organize ethics policies? In the
ness of ethics policies. following, we discuss the state of affairs as
For example, the principle of proactive regards the different pros and cons of strict
disclosure is becoming more important in ethics policies.

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Positive aspects of rules and effective. Some authors suggest that ethics
standards in the field of ethics laws that had a major impact on legislative
process are those that ban or limit gifts “(…)
One may argue that the rise in regulations from lobbyists or their principals, or laws
and of expectations in the field of ethics is that simply require their disclosure. In most
to be welcomed since it reflects more critical states these laws have reduced gift giving
and more mature citizens’ attitudes towards and gift taking” (Saint-Martin & Thompson
authorities. In fact, media and citizens toler- 2006, 172).
ate unethical behavior less than before. A truly transparent system will also dem-
For good reasons: people expect holders onstrate to the public and to citizens and
of public office and public officials to have groups who deal with the organization that
very high standards of integrity because they its proper role is performed in a way that is
have considerable power, influence and fair and unaffected by improper considera-
decision-making discretion. Because of this, tions. In particular, the often cumbersome
standards of integrity must be set at high requirements for transparency and declara-
levels. tion of information reveal important informa-
A study by Gaugler (2006, 108) in tion to the public. The existence of strict
Germany shows that the higher the prestige transparency requirements and monitoring
and the position of a holder of public office, mechanisms may not automatically improve
the more companies and organizations public trust. However, unclear ethics codes
seek to establish contacts and to offer board and lack of codes may raise suspicion
memberships to them. Accordingly, former and contribute to higher levels of distrust.
cabinet members frequently assume impor- Thus, integrity, openness, and loyalty to the
tant positions or functions in companies public interest are a necessary condition in
and organizations after they have left office. increasing public trust (Feldheim & Wang
In recognizing this, it seems appropriate 2003, 73). Partisans in favor of more or better
that specific rules and standards should rules do not always pretend that more rules
regulate the behavior of holders of public and standards will decrease corruption and
office and of top public servants. Also, sup- conflicts of interest. However, additional
porters of more and better ethics rules in standards may deter public officials and
the field of registering financial assets holders of public office from questionable
claim that rules and standards are important behavior.
because holders of public office and top A stronger focus on ethics policies may
officials “hold positions of such importance also raise awareness for the importance of
and such accountability that the public can ethical rules and policies amongst public
claim a reasonable right to know some of officials. A recent study indicated that many
the details of their personal finances and public employees in the European Union
the potential conflicts those might create” considered that ethics rules are better known
(Mackenzie 2002, 168). than before (Demmke & Moilanen 2010).
Other experts claim that strict rules, stand- On the other hand, public employees believe
ards and management instruments in the that the national public services have become
field of ethics bring a number of benefits more transparent, customer- and citizen-
for public sector organizations. First and oriented, people are dealt with in friendlier
foremost, opportunities for corruption will ways, etc.; even more, many public employ-
be reduced. Detailed policies and procedures ees believe that ethical violations are decreas-
for identifying, disclosing and managing ing and ethical attitudes have improved.
conflicts of interest mean that accusations of Rules and standards also contribute to trans-
bias can be dealt with more easily and effi- forming cultures. One example is the British
ciently. Detailed prohibitions can be highly code of ethics, Seven Principles of Public

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Life, which has become a well-known ethics securing votes. Therefore, ethics measures
code also on the international level. The are often introduced by politicians with an
popularity of these principles may have also eye on the perceived problem of decreasing
convinced other countries to adopt central- public trust in the own political class. The
ized codes of ethics. intention of increasing public trust, however,
Finally, the process of elaborating ethics is rarely met in reality. Therefore, most
codes can have important educational effects ethics experts are indeed of the opinion that
at the organizational level: more rules, even if well managed, may not
automatically build more trust. Contrary
It would be unfortunate if the emphasis on a code to this, new rules may decrease public trust
of ethics as a product obscured the value of the
process by which a code is developed and subse-
“by generating a sense that all lawmakers
quently revised. This process is a time of critical are fundamentally untrustworthy” (Rosenson
self-examination by both individual members and 2006, 137).
the profession as a whole. The profession must Even among those who favor a public dis-
institutionalize a process whereby its moral com- closure system, they do not agree on what
mitments are regularly discussed and assessed in
the light of changing conditions both inside and
information filers should disclose. For
outside the profession. The widespread participa- example, some argue that filers should be
tion of members in such an effort helps to reinvig- required to report the identities of their assets
orate and bring into sharp focus the underlying but not their values, under the assumption
values and moral commitments of their profession that the magnitude of the financial interest is
(Frankel 1989, 112−113).
irrelevant to the question whether it creates
an actual conflict of interest. Others believe
that the value of an asset is a critical predictor
Critical approaches towards of whether it will cause a conflict of interest
ethics rules (cf. OGE 2004). Moreover, differences
should be taken into account between public
Critics argue that more ethics rules do not officials who exercise important state func-
necessarily provide an efficient response tions and other public officials (Fleming
to the decline of public trust and integrity & Holland 2002). The call to regulate
issues but may cause even more cynicism post-employment issues more strongly
regarding public and political institutions. for members of the government and not for
The problem is that the expansion of ethics ordinary public officials also stems from
regulations and more public discussions these differences.
about the need for more and better ethics As Behnke writes (2005, 3), the risk is
rules, especially in the field of conflict of that
interest, have not contributed to a rise in
in spite of the individual rationality of these strate-
public confidence in government. In fact, the
gies, the collective irrationality lies in the fact that
calls for more ethics rules may even have the ever more transparency, ever higher standards and
opposite effect. More “ethics regulations and tighter regulations create ever more violations of
more ethics enforcers have produced more ethical rules, more scandals and more investiga-
ethics investigations and prosecutions. … tions, thus undermining the legitimacy of the
institution and destroying public trust and creating
Whatever the new ethics regulations may
collective costs that far outweigh the individual
have accomplished ... they have done little to benefits.
reduce publicity and public controversy about
the ethical behavior of public officials” In the field of ethics, the emphasis has been
(Mackenzie 2002, 112). excessively on scandals and stopping wrong-
Despite the increasing number of rules and doing. We argue that this regulatory top-
regulations, politicians continue to promise down approach to integrity in government
ever higher ethical standards as a means of must advance beyond the “bad person” model

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of law and policy. Instead, we should look at are also asking for new laws and rules in the
the social psychology of organizational life fight against terrorism, data protection, cli-
and the capacity of individuals and leaders mate change, corruption, conflicts of interests,
to understand and to be critical of their own citizen rights, anti-discrimination and diver-
behavior. sity. Another paradoxical feature of the current
reform discussion is the discrepancy between
the reform speed in some public sector
reform areas and the reform inertia in other
THE EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL areas. For example, whereas the introduction
FACTORS ON ETHICS of new ethics policies and accountability
mechanisms are high on the agenda, the
Public management reforms evaluation of the effectiveness of ethics and
accountability instruments has been neglected.
Public discussions on public service reforms In fact, ethical requirements imposed onto
are not without paradoxes. In their seminal government, administrations and public offi-
book on public management reforms, Pollitt cials are continuously increasing. It seems
and Bouckaert (2011, 164) present the his- that never before have governments and
tory of public management reforms as a his- public authorities invested as much in the
tory of trade-offs, limits, dilemmas, paradoxes fight against corruption, the establishment of
and contradictions. In the field of ethics, ethical infrastructures, ethics training and
Frederickson (1997, 2005) has argued that in the adoption of new rules in order to
corruption and unethical behavior in govern- curb corruption levels, fight against discri-
ment are on the rise because of attempts to mination and – more generally – in order
run government organizations as though they to improve ethical cultures and ethical behav-
were businesses. At the same time, Bovens ior. The extent of ethics has consistently
and Hemerijck (1996) concluded that the broadened over the years, covering an ever-
scandals that have attracted media exposure growing number of issues. At the same time,
in recent years and given rise to public debate public management reforms also produce
on integrity include activities and techniques new ethical challenges.
that are relatively new in the public sector: Despite the complex link between public
specifically, privatization, introduction of management reforms and ethics, in the mean-
market techniques, pay that conforms to the time public officials are not only required to
market, outsourcing of tasks and services, avoid ethical violations but also even the
and commercial activities performed by civil appearance of unethical conduct, as this is
servants or public agencies. Such issues all feared to undermine public trust. Thus, ethics
relate to the trend of introducing business- or is not a win−win policy. While there are
market-like approaches into government. In often calls for heads to roll when things go
one of the few existing empirical studies, wrong “those who wield public power can
Kolthoff (2007) concluded that New Public readily be punished for the one per cent of
Management reforms may even lead to less things that go wrong while being deprived of
integrity violations. praise for the ninety-nine per cent of things
Today, also, discussions on good govern- that go right” (Gregory 2003, 558).
ance policies focus on the positive effects
(and much less on the negative or uninten-
tional effects), although evidence is rising Perception of organizational
that many good governance policies are justice
also paradoxical. For example, while people
call for less administrative burdens, adminis- The term “organizational justice” refers to the
trative simplification and deregulation, they extent that employees perceive administrative

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practices, administrative reforms and HR seen their salaries and social benefits being
policies as fair in their outcome. Organizational reduced, especially in Greece, Ireland and
justice theories have also been linked to Latvia. Furthermore, recruitments are frozen
health issues. Experts often make a distinc- and promotions stopped. How does this
tion between distributive justice, procedural affect the ethical behavior of these people?
justice and interactional justice. For many So far, there is also very little evidence of the
years, researchers have attempted to find out impact of the financial crisis on workplace
why employees behave ethically or unethi- behavior.
cally in the workplace. Most have accepted From what is known, compensation and
the distinction offered by Kish-Gephart benefit reductions and adjusted work sched-
et al. (2010) as to the influence of individual ules, which have a direct impact on an
characteristics, moral issue characteristics employee’s personal finances, life, and liveli-
and organizational characteristics. In particu- hood, are most likely linked to increases in
lar, the social environment in which public misconduct, disengagement and less work
employees operate has been shown to relate commitment. Cost-cutting reforms are also
to important output variables. Many ethics linked to reduced rates of employee commit-
experts have analyzed whether particular ment and disengagement. Overall, economic
dimensions of the social context have con- pressures, budgetary cuts, the reduction in
nections with the attitude and behavior of salaries and promotion opportunities may
individual employees. For example, many result in more stress, competition and a
studies have shown the impact of multiple general decline in organizational culture.
organizational contexts on ethical behavior. In these situations, issues such as fairness,
For example, employee’s perceptions on courtesy and impartiality may be at risk.
ethical climate, ethical culture and leadership This, again, can result in more ethics viola-
styles have been related to employees’ tions such as stealing, misconduct at work,
attitudes and behavior (Kish-Gephart et al. unwelcome behavior, etc. Moreover, job sat-
2010). isfaction and organizational commitment is
found to be negatively associated with over-
all perceptions of organizational and proce-
dural injustice (for example, in the case of
Impact of the financial crisis
injustice, unprofessional performance assess-
Fairness perceptions can strongly influence ments and unfair recruitment decisions)
the individual behavior and have a good or (Greenberg 2010; Menzel 2010; Schminke
bad impact on individual and organizational 2010).
performance (De Schrijver et al. 2010). Thus, In the European Union, the financial crisis
people are naturally attentive to the justice has also supported speedier reforms of the
of events and situations in their everyday traditional employment status (lifetime
lives, across a variety of contexts. Individuals tenure, full-time employment) under the
react to actions and decisions made by flexicurity agenda. As a consequence, more
organizations every day. With the coming of states are confronted with growing inconsist-
the financial crisis, ongoing restructuring encies as regards the employment of public
processes are taking place in many econo- employees in civil service positions. This has
mies on a global scale. Voluntary and invol- led to the fact that several member states
untary redundancy, reform of retirement apply different employment relationships in
schemes, workplace transfers and the reduc- the same sectors, sometimes for the same
tion of salaries do not only affect conditions professions and for employees who are work-
of employment but also they have an impact ing in the same office. Here, little is known
on workplace ethics. For example, in the on the fairness perceptions and ethical behav-
European Union, public employees have ior of civil servants, public employees

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and employees under short-term contracts. authorized but which have a de facto status
Do the different categories of staff show dif- of a code.
ferent behavior patterns because of different In most cases, the code of conduct restates
employment statuses? and elaborates the values and principles
However, the financial crisis may also already embodied in legislation. This is
have positive effects on public service ethics. useful since the relevant values and standards
It is even possible that during hard times in many countries are scattered in numerous
when an organization’s well-being or its legal documents, which makes it difficult to
whole existence may be at risk, the manage- locate the information and to understand the
ment talks more about the importance of high general idea of public service. If properly
standards in order to guide the organization used, legislation and codes complement each
through the crisis. It may also be that some other effectively. In fact, a code of ethics and
are less inclined to commit misconduct when a code of conduct can be seen as two steps in
management is on high alert. the development of official ethics. As a first
step, member states often begin by identify-
ing their core values and promoting them by
announcing a statement of core values (code
CONCLUSION of ethics). After this, as the discussion on
public service ethics advances, the state is
During the current decade public service ready to introduce more systematic and
ethics has received more attention than ever detailed guidelines in the form of a code of
before. There has been enormous activity to conduct. We anticipate that there might well
create new ethics codes. However, there is a be a third step in the development, and that
need to be cautious in interpreting this devel- is to take the codes of conduct down to
opment. There are no good reasons for the agency level in order to provide more
assuming that the number of new legal specific and useful guidelines for practical
norms, codes of ethics and codes of conduct situations that vary between different agen-
would lead to better public service ethics as cies. This enables a bottom-up approach to
such. The situation may in fact be more com- codes which probably leads into stronger
plex. In some countries, fundamental princi- commitment. The downside is that this
ples and basic standards might already be approach increases discrepancies that may
explicitly defined in the legislation, such as fragment the public service ethics if not
in the Civil Service Act. Furthermore, if there coordinated.
is no coordination between the codes set at The expansion of the national ethics system
the different levels of government (i.e., gen- poses new challenges and questions. If in the
eral, branch-specific and agency-specific), past there were seen to be regulatory gaps
codes might be overlapping and even contra- and a lack of enforcement, the more recent
dictory, thus creating confusion rather than concern is that some governments have gone
offering any clear guidance. There also seems overboard in building an elaborate ethics
to be different interpretations with regard to apparatus that reflects the prevailing negative
what constitutes a code of conduct. Many assumptions about the motivations and
countries seem to consider that a document capabilities of both politicians and public
cannot attain the status of code of conduct servants. Today, trying to be ethical in every
unless it has been passed by the parliament sense of the word, could mean that public
(law) or accepted by an authority such as the organizations and their leaders end up pleas-
Council of the State (directive or a decision ing no one. In reality, work in the public
in principle) or State Employer’s Office (staff sector is more individual, value-laden, emo-
regulations), whereas some countries use tional, pluralistic, unpredictable and there-
documents that have not been officially fore contentious than is allowed for in a

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dichotomous “too much”/“too little” (Jarvis the public and the private sector and remove
& Thomas 2009). legal, political and technical obstacles to
Our present understanding of ethics seems cross boundaries, they are becoming increas-
to be more and more paradoxical: on the one ingly aware about the consequences such as
hand, there have never been so many regula- potentially conflicts of interest, new value
tory activities, reforms and studies in this dilemmas, threats to the classical public serv-
field; on the other hand, scientific evidence ice ethos and the need to regulate post-
about the effectiveness of the different employment.
reforms, measures and regulatory strategies Notwithstanding the differences between
is still lacking. Unfortunately, to date, the countries, they share a central characteristic:
debate on the effectiveness of ethics policies ethics policies have been largely scandal- not
has been conducted in polarized terms, with value-driven. This means that decision
the proponents of the two perspectives often makers largely react to media attention and
distorting the positions of the other side and to the grand issues like corruption and con-
talking past one another. Mostly, pros and flicts of interest. In fact, ethical challenges
cons are exchanged in rather general terms can be found in many areas which receive
and with general arguments. In fact, what is less attention. Therefore, more empirical and
needed is a rational discussion about every conceptual studies and more non-ideological
single instrument and policy. considerations in the field of ethics are badly
For example, Hesse et al. (2003) have pre- needed if we are to better understand ethical
sented a useful matrix to assess the various promises, challenges and limitations. Still,
effects reforms may have. First, the impact of there is no objective answer to whether we
reform measures on major goal achievements have too many or too few ethics rules or what
can be positively or negatively effective or the precise impact of ethics is on trust,
ineffective. Second, reforms may have an democracy, effectiveness, efficiency, per-
impact not only on the main goal but also formance and behavior.
over some other goals. In other words, they
may have positive or negative side effects, or
they may not have side effects at all. From
these combinations, it is possible to construct
a ninefold table describing nine different
APSA (2008) A Guide to Professional Ethics in Political
effect combinations. Applying this analytic
Science. American Political Science Association,
framework to the field of ethics may also
help to bring in a more rational discourse. guideweb.pdf (2.4.2012).
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and administrative systems have expanded Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control
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ever before. In many cases governments have Arms Race of Ethical Standards in Congressional and
institutionalized ethics infrastructures as a Presidential Campaigns. Paper presented at the joint
reaction to political scandals in a rather conference of EGPA and ASPA “Ethics and Integrity
of Governance: A Transatlantic Dialogue” in Leuven,
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Accountability in an Age
of Markets and Networks
Mark Considine and Kamran Ali Afzal

Beginning in the early 1980s, the structure, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the
objectives, and operation of the public sector Netherlands − enterprise governance and
have experienced unprecedented change, network governance; and they find both to be
not just in the Western industrialized nations, very different from the coexisting procedural
but to a considerable extent also in the devel- (or traditional) governance orientation.
oping world. In broad terms, the traditional This chapter focuses on the implications of
hierarchical organization of the public sector markets and networks for public accounta-
appears to have given way to structures char- bility. The first section explains the concept
acterized by markets and, more recently, by of public accountability as understood in
networks comprising state and private sector democratic polities; the second section
actors, not-for-profit agencies, community reviews, very briefly, the basic tenets of
bodies and citizens. Even though scholars the New Public Management (NPM) and
like Bevir and Rhodes (2006a, 2006b) do not network governance; the third and fourth
find any inevitability in the perceived drive sections examine, respectively, the effects
from hierarchies to markets to networks in of NPM and network structures on public
the sense that the public sector structures accountability; the fifth section discusses
which emerge in any state are the outcome of how accountability might be strengthened in
the interaction between, on the one hand, its contemporary public sector settings; and the
institutional, societal and ideological herit- sixth section concludes.
age and, on the other, the nature of the dilem-
mas faced by state actors, many academics
and practitioners in the field have viewed the
new countenance of the public sector as a THE CONCEPT AND CONTOURS
paradigm shift from government to govern- OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY
ance without government. Considine and
Lewis (2003a), for instance, find empirical Public accountability has a broad spectrum
evidence of two distinct governance orienta- of meaning, with implications that vary with
tions among the bureaucracies of Australia, context; its characteristics, criteria and

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parameters also elude precise definition ensure the accountability of representa-

(Behn, 2001; Dunn, 1999; Halligan, 2001; tives (agents) to citizens (principals), but in
Sinclair, 1995). However, the central postu- classical configuration, the election process
late of public accountability is much less embedded in representative democracy,
ambiguous. In classical construction, this whether comprehended in terms of the
postulate can be understood as the obliga- mandate model or the sanction model,
tion of those who hold public office to safe- operates as the primary mechanism that
guard the public interest (e.g., Waldo, 1956; tends to ensure, despite its shortcomings, the
Wilson, 1887); and its contemporary mean- accountability of representatives to citizens
ing remains much the same − ‘a belief that (Diamond, 2008; Maravall, 1999; Przeworski
persons with public responsibilities should et al., 1999). This understanding of the
be answerable to “the people” for the per- centrality of the election mechanism to
formance of their duties’(Dowdle, 2006: 3). democracy has been more recently validated
It is, therefore, comprehensible that the focus by a number of incisive empirical studies
of public accountability should be on its included in Maravall and Sánchez-Cuenca
processes and outcomes, rather than on its (2008). Collectively, these studies show that
definition (Fearon, 1999). A pragmatic way even though a number of factors like ideol-
of studying the accountability process is to ogy, ethnicity, class interests, information
conceptualize it in terms of the principal– gaps and internal party organization mediate
agent framework, where the agent is respon- the ability of voters to control governments,
sible and/or authorized to act on behalf of the leaders and parties, both those in the political
principal in accordance with the principal’s executive and those in the legislature, cannot
preferences or interests, in the expectation escape political accountability to voters, who
of being rewarded or punished on the basis can and do hold them accountable for poli-
of some, often preconceived, performance cies pursued and performance shown.
criteria, including the outcomes of public
action (Fearon, 1999; Maravall, 1999). The
processes of public accountability, neverthe- Administrative and judicial
less, are shaped by the overall political, institutions: the institutional
institutional and fiscal structures of the dimension
state. This observation suggests that the
paradigm of public accountability in any Political accountability to citizens, however,
state may be seen as having three basic is not the only dimension of public account-
dimensions, to which we now turn in some ability in democracies: all other public
detail. bureaucracies and their employees must also
be accountable to citizens for public action
or inaction. Even though the Wilsonian
Political regimes: The political politics–administration dichotomy sustained
dimension by a neutral Weberian bureaucracy remains
the traditional public sector ideal, it has
Democratic regimes, despite their many long been accepted that the bureaucratic
imperfections, tend to be more accountable domain is not limited to the implementation
to citizens than any other type of regime of public policies and that bureaucracies
(Diamond, 1999, 2008; Manin, Przeworski & often mould policy decisions also (Behn,
Stokes, 1999a), even when we conceive 1995, 2001; Moore, 1994; Waldo, 1948).
of democracy in its minimalist sense Thus, the question of the ability of citizens to
(Przeworski, 1999). Representative democ- hold their political representatives accounta-
racy − the most popular form of contempo- ble becomes only one part of a bigger
rary democracy − does not, of course, have story. Fortunately, however, the structures of
any legally binding mechanism that can democratic accountability extend the control

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of citizens, through their representatives in is created by the institutionalized accounta-

legislatures, over non-representative public bility of the heads of government depart-
sector organizations also. This link in the ments (who in most cases are senior
chain of accountability is indirect and com- civil servants) to their ministers. The account-
plex, but owing to the more formal proce- ability of civil servants to the government,
dures available to legislatures, as well as and through the government to the legisla-
lesser information asymmetries, the ability of ture and citizens, constitutes the political
legislatures to control bureaucracies tends accountability of the bureaucracy, and lies
to be greater than the ability of citizens to at the very heart of democratic accounta-
control legislatures. bility (for example, Dunn, 1999; Sinclair,
In parliamentary democracy, the chain of 1995).
political accountability runs from citizens to Theorists such as Behn (2001), Halligan
the legislature, to the cabinet,1 to ministers, (2001) and Sinclair (1995) identify several
to senior bureaucrats, to subordinate civil other traditional forms of accountability, the
servants2 (Laver & Shepsle, 1999; Sinclair, more significant of which are administrative,
1995). The first link in the chain − the legal, professional and personal. Drawing
accountability of the legislature to the citi- from these theorists:
zens − tends to be institutionalized by the
election process. The second link − the Administrative accountability is structured prima-
accountability of the political executive to rily by the internal hierarchical relationships
the legislature − is institutionalized differ- of responsibility and answerability of public
functionaries that exist within government
ently in cabinet−parliamentary political sys-
departments as well as the accountability rela-
tems compared to presidential−congressional tionships of the departments themselves within
systems. In cabinet−parliamentary systems the organizational structure of government. The
there is, in theory, and to a lesser extent in broader scope of administrative accountability,
practice, the ability of the legislature to move however, also includes external governmental
a motion of ‘confidence’ or ‘no confidence’ administrative institutions such as the ombuds-
with respect to an individual minister or man, the Auditor-General and parliamentary
the cabinet3 (Laver & Shepsle, 1999). committees. In effect, administrative account-
Concentration of power in the hands of the ability defines the traditional form of insti-
prime minister and the cabinet, combined tutional answerability of public agencies and
with party solidarity and party discipline in their bureaucracies.
Legal accountability refers to the horizontal answer-
the legislature, means that ‘no confidence’
ability of all public functionaries before courts of
motions seldom succeed. This, however, also law, statutory bodies, or other regulatory agen-
means that prime ministers and cabinets are cies, and is implemented through formal laws,
subject to party control and accountable rules or codes of conduct.
within party hierarchies. In presidential Professional accountability relates to civil servants’
regimes, the legislature seems in theory to sense of responsibility emanating from loyalty
have weaker control over the executive as to the ethos of their service cadre or profes-
compared to parliamentary regimes. But, sion, which might include time-honoured values
because the executive is directly elected, it is like ‘probity, a care for evidence and respect
also directly accountable to the citizens and, for reason, the willingness to speak truth to
in the United States, the leading presidential– power ... equity and fairness, constant and
careful concern for the law and for the needs
congressional system, the facts of divided
and procedures of Parliament, and concern for
government and decentralized political par- democracy’ (Woodhouse, 1997: 34). Such unwrit-
ties mean that the legislature is a powerful ten value systems are expected to be an integral
political force in shaping policy and holding part of a civil servants’ character.
executives accountable. Personal accountability of public officials arises from
The third link in the chain is the control their principles and moral values as individuals,
of the bureaucracy by the government, which and tends to be configured by the belief system

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of the society in which they live as well as by Modes of resource mobilization:

their organizational culture. the resources dimension

In terms of the ability of citizens to hold Resource mobilization, whether through

public actors accountable, the latter forms taxation, mineral rents or foreign aid, also
of accountability (i.e. other than politi- tends to create accountability relationships
cal accountability) tend to be as important − for governments. These resource-based
if not more – as mainstream political accountability structures may not be as for-
accountability. mally institutionalized as is, for instance,
When political accountability is ineffec- political accountability created by the elec-
tive, for instance when governments or legis- tion process, or as legally enforceable as
latures act in an unrepresentative manner, often is, for example, the codified adminis-
administrative institutions and their bureauc- trative accountability of bureaucracies;
racies may become safety mechanisms to but even so, they can exert a powerful influ-
align public policy with the public interest. ence through political and administrative
In strict constitutional terms, it is not part of institutions. Each of these modes of resource
the formal role of core public services to mobilization imposes a different set of
safeguard democratic accountability in such accountability relationships on governments,
a manner, but the weakness of political which largely derives from:
mechanisms has led to the emergence of
• the nature of the actors who yield resources;
innovative auxiliary administrative agencies
• the implicit or explicit understanding between
serving both legislatures and citizens, such as these actors and the governments on the use of
ombudsmen and integrity commissioners, the resources yielde; and
intended to promote and uphold fundamental • the extent to which these actors can formally or
public sector values like fairness, propriety informally induce governments to abide by their
and accountability. Similarly, independent mutual understanding.
and impartial judiciaries can force both
aggrandizing governments and their bureauc- Taxation, for instance, can be expected to
racies to become responsive to citizens’ inter- make governments more accountable to
ests. Of course, courts cannot directly align citizens than any other mode of resource
public decision making by politicians and mobilization, since paying taxes not only
bureaucrats with citizens’ preferences, but by tends to vest a right in taxpayers to have a
providing firm disincentives against laxity, say in the manner in which the proceeds
improbity or corruption, or the disregard of from the taxes are spent but also strength-
codes or rules, or the neglect of due proc- ens the right of the broader citizenry to
esses in matters of the public interest, to say demand answers from their governments. As
the least, and sometimes even by simply Brautigam (1992: 11) notes: ‘[w]hen govern-
ensuring free and fair elections, they can ment revenues and spending are dependent
create an environment that induces govern- on successfully negotiating direct taxation
ments and bureaucracies to act in the best of citizens, domestic pressure builds to
interest of citizens. This, in fact, explains enforce accountability for the use of those
why democracies establish formal codes of revenues.’ This tax−accountability nexus has
law, rules and conduct, and create independ- deep roots in history: the Magna Carta and
ent and transparent judicial institutions to the call to arms for the American War of
implement them. Rather, there cannot be a Independence, ‘no taxation without represen-
concept of liberal democracy without the tation,’ define merely two of the many critical
rule of law and the judicial institutions that junctures that pushed absolutism onto tra-
establish it (Behn, 2001; Considine, 2005; jectories of representative and accountable
Diamond, 1999, 2008; Diamond & Morlino, political organization. On the other hand,
2005; O’Donnell, 2005). mineral rents (Anderson, 1987; Clark, 1997;

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Karl, 1997; Shambayati, 1994) and foreign private sector lines. In the subsequent
aid (Collier, 2000, 2007; Feyzioglu et al., phases, referred to as post-managerialism,
1998; Knack, 2001; Smith, 2007) reduce contractualism, or market governance, the
the dependence of governments on citi- focus shifted to cost-effectiveness; decen-
zens, and thereby undermine the ability of tralization, disaggregation and deregulation;
citizens to demand accountability from state and downsizing, privatization and outsourc-
actors. ing (Ferlie et al., 1996; Frederickson &
Smith, 2003; Nolan, 2001; Peters, 2001). In
contemporary public sectors, both phases of
NPM now appear to have created a hybrid,
THE NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT which Considine and Lewis (2003a) term
AND NETWORK GOVERNANCE enterprise governance. But even enterprise
governance manifests many varied shades
The New Public Management does not refer of the New Public Management, describing
to a single cohesive theory of public admin- a mosaic of private sector orientations, rather
istration; it would be more appropriately than their blend.
described as a broad group of connectable On the other hand, policy development
ideas inspired by private sector management and service delivery networks that now dom-
practices and introduced over the last three inate public sector operations, particularly in
decades or so, first in advanced industrialized the advanced industrial democracies, are no
nations such as the United States, the United less nuanced: they exhibit many different
Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, and shapes, forms and purposes, and cut across
then more generally around the world (Ferlie contemporaneously existing hierarchies and
et al., 1996; Frederickson & Smith, 2003; markets (Considine, 2002b, 2005; Considine
Kettl, 2000; Nolan, 2001; Peters, 2001). The & Lewis, 2003b). These networks, which
objective behind core NPM practices was Peters and Pierre (1998: 225) term ‘amor-
mainly to acquire the productive efficiency phous collections of actors’, can also adopt
and cost-effectiveness of the private sector by many different modes of multilevel collabo-
adopting not only the managerial practices of ration, partnership, or joining up between
private sector organizations but also their different state actors and levels of govern-
norms, values, routines and even organiza- ment, public sector agencies, private enter-
tional structures. New Public Management’s prises, third-sector voluntary organizations,
focus on the customer or client, for instance, interest groups, community representatives
does not merely reflect altered practices; and even individual citizens. Network gov-
rather, it signifies a paradigm shift. In fact, ernance has been encouraged in part because
NPM is structured upon an ideological foun- the interdependence, cooperation and recip-
dation that does not appear to consider any rocal trust between state and civil society
aspect of the public sector to be intrinsically actors lying at its basis is seen to compensate
different from the private sector and which somewhat for NPM’s disregard of public
normatively prescribes the adoption of pri- sector values. But there are several other fac-
vate sector values and standards in public tors also. More significant amongst these are
sector organizations (Beckett, 2000; Peters &
Pierre, 1998). In the initial phases, referred to • globalization of socioeconomic policies;
in the literature as managerialism or corpo- • the expanding role of international organizations
rate governance, the focus was largely on and financial institutions;
meeting quantified performance targets, • the rise of regional trade and cooperation;
achieving stipulated benchmarks and satisfy- • the introduction of modern administrative
ing the clients of public organizations along practices that advocate more self-regulation of

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institutions rather than their direct control by accountable to citizens. Devolution of state
governments (Skogstad, 2003; Sørensen, 2002); authority brings decision-making arenas closer
and to stakeholders; but more importantly, fiscal
• the need for increased collaboration between decentralization, which in most cases accompa-
public and private sector agencies to achieve nies administrative decentralization, augments
common objectives as well as possibilities of the ability of citizens to demand accountability
greater synergy from joint efforts by various state and responsiveness from the state by bring-
actors (Considine, 2002a). ing taxpaying groups closer to state agencies
responsible for appropriating and apportioning
public revenues.

ACCOUNTABILITY IMPLICATIONS OF On balance, however, public accountability

THE NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT appears to have been much compromised by
the New Public Management. For one, NPM-
Where changes in the public sector para- inspired practices have relieved the state
digm − many of them fairly radical − insti- from some of its core responsibilities and
gated by the New Public Management have obligations, hollowed out its competencies,
conflicted with conventional public sector and have, thus, confused the right of the citi-
structures, prerogatives, objectives and norms, zenry to demand responsiveness from state
including the traditional foundations of public actors. Similarly, in concentrating narrowly
accountability, it is also true that in the proc- on the cost-efficiencies of private providers
ess NPM reforms have created new rationales of public services, NPM has sometimes
and channels for accountability. For instance: crowded out considerations of equity and
fairness, thereby weakening the claims of
• The concept of managerial accountability, sup- public servants to be the upholders of any
ported by quantitative techniques of evalua- special ethical or normative role in society. In
tion, may have strengthened accountability in the same vein, by giving precedence to per-
the public sector, particularly in terms of per- formance and efficiency in terms of outputs
formance, by providing supplementary quantita- and costs over considerations of procedural
tive evaluation tools to accountability holders propriety (Beckett, 2000; Hedley, 1998),
(Moore, 1995).
NPM has reduced the accountability of public
• Where NPM has increased the efficiency of
sector agencies with reference to formally
programmes, it has helped rescue aspects of
public service organization from claims that the defined rules, codes and processes designed
older bureaucratic norms were more sensitive to uphold conventional public sector values.
to local conditions and stakeholder concerns. The NPM discourse views such regulatory or
In an age where business interests and eco- procedural requirements as red tape, sources
nomic performance is much valued by citizens of organizational rigidity and impediments to
and elites, performance-driven accountability of efficiency and output-based performance
public organizations must be taken seriously. (Lane, 2000; Osborne & Gaebler, 1992;
The question then becomes an empirical one Walsh, 1995). But where the significance
from the perspective of accountability: those of performance-based accountability cannot
elements of NPM that increase responsiveness,
be underestimated, it is equally indefensible
tailoring of services and efficiency, in fact, reflect
to ignore, in the public domain, dimensions
the enhanced accountability of state institutions
to citizens and elites, while those that push of accountability grounded in institutional
services out to contractors, who might care little processes and formal procedures that
for creating public value and seek only to maxi- have been devised to ensure due diligence,
mize profits, have the opposite impact. promotion of the common weal and protec-
• Disaggregation and decentralization have tion of the public interest. These process or
strong potential to make public agencies more activity norms are apt to get lost in a pure

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performance model, especially one that sees of contracts is seldom as straightforward as

regulation as a potential threat to efficiency. that of rules and codes. Even the most care-
An obvious example would be the British fully worded contract clauses lend them-
National Health System (Wilkinson, 1995) selves to different interpretations, which are
where it has been argued that pressures for often used by defaulters to their advantage.
performance have sometimes undermined Further compounded by radical initiatives
equity in access and considerations of like outsourcing policy formulation and even
treatment. privatizing public authority, the outcome has
Effective accountability, leading from not only been a more complex framework of
citizens to state actors, is critical from two control, responsibility and accountability but
distinct, but interrelated, aspects (Considine, also, very often, a vague one (Christensen &
2005): Lægreid, 2001). The many additional, mostly
competing, channels of responsibility, have
• It is essential if public policies are to achieve the left the lines of accountability between citi-
goals for which they have been designed: this zens and legislatures, ministers and depart-
can be called the ‘functional’ aspect. mental secretaries, and even senior
• It tends to ensure that shared values and common bureaucrats and field managers, neither
perceptions remain the final arbiters of public straight nor continuous (Ciborra, 1996;
policies: this can be termed the ‘ethical’ aspect. Considine, 2002a, 2005). An even greater
concern is that the expanded interaction
From either aspect, effective accountability between state actors and private entrepre-
requires that responsibility be assignable to neurs in settings of dispersed accountability
real actors, be they individuals or organiza- has increased the potential for connivance,
tions. This, however, may not be easy, for collusion and corruption (Considine & Lewis,
it entails the ability to distinguish the contri- 1999). On the other hand, weak disclosure
bution of each actor to a public policy or protection laws, where they exist, are hardly
programme, or as Hardin (1996: 126) notes: an inducement for potential whistleblowers
‘[w]ho is how much responsible for which to identify malpractices in the conduct of
part of what?’ In the case of functional government or breaches of public trust
accountability, it may not be necessary to (Thomas, 2011).
assign responsibility precisely, as long as When default cannot be appropriately
anomalies can be understood and improve- identified and sanctioned, accountability
ments made. Ethical accountability, on the loses its deterrent effect, or, in other words,
other hand, is a different matter, for individu- its ability to align public action with the
als at fault need to be identified and sanc- public interest. This may be a pithy issue
tioned in commensuration with their role. even for developed nations, but for the devel-
From this vantage point, whereas both the oping world, where the integrity of judicial
organizational and individual form of systems and quasi-administrative adjudicat-
contribution−identification may be possible ing forums is often suspect, NPM-driven
in a traditional public sector setting, neither reforms have warped the orientation of public
form appears attainable in the complexity institutions in many respects. Even more
created by overlapping vertical and horizon- challenging in the context of public account-
tal domains and channels of responsibility. ability is NPM’s supposition that the cus-
Even more importantly, in an entrepre- tomer represents the citizen. Certainly, the
neurial public sector, the authority to hold customer focus in the public sector is useful
people accountable derives not from formal to the extent that it generates incentives
rules and codified procedures but from con- for public agencies to improve the quality
tracts linking service providers to managers, of their services to clients, but customers
and managers to government departments. cannot be equated with citizens, for
Unfortunately, however, the implementation citizens are the owners (Frederickson, 1992).

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This distinction has a crucial bearing on the objectives (Considine, 2002a, 2005). In fact,
question of accountability. The final consum- where the New Public Management banished
ers of public programmes are not those who the neutral bureaucrat in favour of an entre-
obtain only private value as clients of public preneurial public official, network govern-
agencies but the citizens through their repre- ance has moved even beyond by requiring a
sentatives in government, who derive public mediating and facilitating public service
value from public action (Alford, 2002; (Sørensen, 2002). This puts the public,
Moore, 1995); and it is the public value of including services users, at a disadvantage if
public policies, as determined by citizens, office holders are unwilling or unable to
which is the primary rationale for the account- clearly explain the basis upon which they
ability of public actors to citizens. Public seek to ‘bend’ programme procedures in
and private values of public action will fre- order to increase performance. Undeniably,
quently move in the same direction, but it the new role of bureaucracies as facilitators
is not uncommon for the self-interest of a of collaborative action seems to blend better
select group of customers of any public with the new public sector environment
agency to diverge from the public interest. In (Box, 2002) as compared to their conven-
the latter eventuality, accountability to the tional responsibilities embedded within the
customer can only detract from conside- framework of political accountability, but
rations of the common good ascertained by common purposes as well as reliable account-
citizens. ability mechanisms are prerequisites for suc-
cessful cooperation even within networks
(Van Dijk & Winters-van Beek, 2009); and
the assortment of vertical and horizontal rela-
ACCOUNTABILITY IMPLICATIONS tionships that networks produce can, in fact,
OF NETWORKS make objectives ambiguous and render ques-
tionable the relevance of agency-based
Network governance has not merely expanded accountability (Considine, 2002a, 2005).
the horizontal dimensions of accountability Public accountability has, of course, never
but also has complicated its linkages by pro- been without its layers, with actors being
ducing many secondary, and even tertiary, simultaneously accountable before legisla-
extensions. State coordination is now based tive committees and lateral legal or quasi-
upon pluricentric steering rather than unidi- legal establishments, and even directly to the
rectional instruction, for networks require the public, in addition to being answerable within
government official to both fulfil the formal hierarchical chains of command. But until
mandate of office and move beyond tradi- recently, the domain for accountability was
tional hierarchies to forge cooperative, col- mostly confined to the jurisdiction of a single
laborative and quasi-market alliances with ministry or public organization, where actors
other state and non-state actors (Considine, had clear areas of responsibility and obliga-
2002a, 2005). And with the domain and tion. Network governance has, however, ren-
authority of public agency having become dered organizational boundaries irrelevant
multidimensional, it is no longer possible to within an intricate web of accountability,
understand accountability simply as compli- which is itself plagued with gaps and
ance with rules and procedures or as operat- inconsistencies (Considine, 2002a, 2005).
ing within a small set of horizontal linkages. Even worse, the blurred identities of public,
It is now more pertinent to conceive of it private and civil society actors, and their
as navigational competence − or the appro- overlapping mandates across loose networks,
priate utilization of authority to traverse make accountability an elusive task: it may
across a vast domain of multiple relation- not be easy to identify defaulting state actors,
ships and multifaceted structures in the quest much less their default; while in the case of
for the most advantageous route to achieving private and third-sector actors, an additional

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handicap is often the absence of tools, or be considered as the practical manifestation

even the authority, to hold them accountable. of participatory or deliberative democracy,
It is, therefore, rather unsurprising that predicated on a more direct notion of public
Rhodes (1997: 5) should lament that ‘[s]elf- accountability than is the case in representa-
steering interorganizational policy networks tive democracy, with public action becoming
confound mechanisms of democratic account- rooted in the participation and trust of the
ability focused on individuals and institutions.’ citizenry (Chambers, 2003; Papadopoulos,
On the other hand, supranational actors 2000; Skogstad, 2003). There are, however,
may complicate accountability nexuses even several caveats. For one, the question of
further by becoming part of networks. This mandate and responsibility must always
appears to be true, for instance, in case of the remain in the public domain (Considine,
European Commission (EC) in the context of 2002a, 2005). Second, as Häikiö’s (2007)
the European Union (EU), and institutions Finnish case study shows, the inclusion of
like the World Bank, the International citizens in networks will not always make
Monetary Fund (IMF) and several others in public policies responsive to the common
the context of the developing world. The good, since personal interests may often take
inclusion of supranational bodies in national precedence. Similarly, the possibility of elite
governance structures may not only weaken or interest group capture, or the exclusion of
the ownership of policy objectives by national the less-organized segments of society, or
actors, as Van Kersbergen and Van Waarden even the inclusion of unrepresentative and
(2004) suggest, but it may also distort the unaccountable groups, cannot be eliminated
concept of public accountability as we have from networks either (Skogstad, 2003). Not
understood it until now. For instance, how far just this: network governance also tends to
can ministers (or even public servants), as the produce friction and rivalry between national
same authors question, be held responsible legislatures, subnational governments, local
for decisions flowing down from suprana- bodies, semi-public institutions and private
tional authorities, and how far can they be agencies over questions of representation,
answerable for actions taken by networks authority and accountability (Sørensen, 2002).
that often lie beyond their direct jurisdictions Thus, as in the case of enterprise govern-
and which may comprise more private than ance, network governance has, on the whole,
public actors? left public sector accountability somewhat
Nevertheless, it is not that accountability disturbed.
within networks is always ineffective; rather,
it is a question of approach. While in tradi-
tional governance, accountability is often a
legal strategy centred on compliance, and in BUILDING ACCOUNTABILITY IN AN
enterprise governance it is mostly an eco- AGE OF MARKETS AND NETWORKS
nomic strategy predicated on performance, in
network governance it is more of a cultural As discussed in the preceding two sections,
strategy, or a matter of organizational conver- NPM practices and network governance have
gence based on core public sector values some very significant implications for public
(Considine, 2002a, 2005). Not just this, even accountability. These implications can be
if network accountability cannot be grounded serious, even in advanced democracies, but
in the hierarchical political control of citizens in the developing world − where basic demo-
over public agencies through legislatures, cratic structures for citizens to hold govern-
citizens and community groups may, in fact, ments accountable are frequently either
be able to control public action less circui- non-existent or very weak − they can cripple
tously through direct participation in net- the authority of citizens over state institu-
works. From this perspective, networks can tions. The first requirement in the age of

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markets and networks is, therefore, to develop and civil society appendages, then the frame-
democracy. Much has been said in the litera- work of obligations and accountability
ture on how to develop and sustain democ- must also be expanded beyond the traditional
racy, as well as the many hurdles expected; linkages (Considine, 2005). Clearly, when
and keeping in mind the limited scope of this accountability involves a multiplicity of
chapter, it should suffice to say that electoral actors and several pathways, it becomes
democracy alone cannot make public actors more relevant to conceive of it as a chain of
accountable to citizens − for this it would be elements that determines the responsiveness
necessary to infuse in nations the spirit of of individual and organizational actors
democracy. The remainder of this section con- (Considine, 2005). And it is this chain that
centrates on how to strengthen the institutional needs to be strengthened. This can be done,
and resources dimensions of accountability. for instance, by (Considine, 2005):

• spelling out unambiguously the objectives behind

public policies and programmes, including the
The institutional dimension identification of the targeted beneficiaries and
Even though the formal structures of admin- earnestly rendering all government operations
open for public scrutiny, irrespective of whether
istrative and legal accountability of the
they are performed by public sector agencies or
bureaucracy remain intact, they have, as contractors;
explained above, been conflicted and compli- • rendering public interventions and their out-
cated in many ways by the adoption of NPM comes open to public scrutiny in a manner that
practices and the emergence of governance also enables observers to understand the link
networks. It may no longer be possible, between the two;
either in the developed world or across devel- • enabling any individual or group dissatisfied
oping states, to define accountability merely by any public intervention to seek redress from
as ‘the following of rules or as honest com- some administrative or legal forum that has
munication with one’s superiors.’ Admittedly, authority over the agencies responsible for the
‘[d]oing these things might be part of an intervention;
• ensuring that individuals or organizations
accountability process, but they are not on
responsible for any failings are expeditiously
their own sufficient conditions for establish- held accountable and sanctioned in proportion
ing real responsiveness’ (Considine, 2005: to their responsibility; and
213). Nevertheless, while considering the • making interventions open to revision, alteration
potential modes to strengthen the accounta- or even rollback where they do not meet the
bility of public actors to citizens in a con- accountability requirement.
stantly changing public sector environment,
especially in the developing world, worrying The chain of elements will, of course, need to
over the diminishing control of legislatures, be given new linkages in response to evolv-
ministers or senior civil servants in purely ing public sector environments, extended
hierarchical structures may only be retro- into emerging dimensions, and carefully
gressive. If the authority and responsibility of embodied in institutional design. The vertical
state agencies have now become multidimen- structure of accountability in contemporary
sional and spread over multiple relationships public sector contexts can be reinforced,
(Considine, 2005), so must we structure the for example, by expanding the role of parlia-
chains of accountability that link them back mentary committees and coordinating depart-
to citizens. If NPM and network governance ments; and the horizontal dimension can
have created common domains and shared be strengthened by expanding the role of
mandates for institutions, and if governance courts, audit departments, anticorruption
now comprises not just public and quasi- agencies and ombudsmen. However, given
public organizations but also their private the diversity and intricacy in the horizontal

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spread of new governance, improving hori- The choice, Pollitt (2008: 181) goes on to
zontal accountability will be the more daunt- conclude, is rather clear: ‘We can recognize
ing task, requiring not just bold, but also the reality of long linkages over time,
innovative, initiative and reform. In addition, and adapt our policies and institutions to
the chains of horizontal accountability for allow for them, or we can blunder forwards
market or competitive environments will without either rearview mirrors or forward
need to be different from those developed vision much beyond the end of the ship’s
for collaborative and cooperative networks prow.’ This admonition is all the more
(Considine, 2005). In the case of networks, relevant for the developing and transitional
the supervisory role of networks’ centres will states, which as Peters (2001: 164) advises,
also have to be made more formal; and in the require administrative systems that come
case of markets, the accountability of private ‘as close to some of the traditional ideals of
sector service providers to core government probity and equality as possible.’ This, of
departments will have to be made less ambig- course, raises the question of what would be
uous, more stringent and more enforceable, the core characteristics of such a system.
with not just private agencies being made Many really; but more prominently, three
liable for public action but also the individu- aspects are crucial.
als working for them. Most importantly,
both in the case of markets and networks, The politics–administration dichotomy
effective rules, procedures and structures will Even though the politics–administration
need to be devised to keep in the public realm dichotomy is invoked mostly to protect
the question of the public interest, the obliga- policy making from bureaucratic incursions,
tion to protect it and the authority to hold it is grounded as much in the need to
actors accountable for default. shield policy implementation from political
While reforming and innovating on insti- interference as it may be in the principle of
tutional structures, continuity or any poten- excluding the bureaucracy from the domain
tial break from it in terms of institutional of politics. Not only is this understanding of
design will need to be explicitly factored in. the dichotomy in conformity with the
Pollitt (2008), for instance, presents several Wilsonian conceptualization but also it
convincing reasons why the continuing influ- has been even more emphatically resur-
ence of past institutional structures can have rected in Osborne and Gaebler’s (1992)
definitive significance for institutional insistence on separating steering from
reform, and why it may be necessary to rowing and in NPM’s dictum to let manag-
‘govern with the past, not against it [empha- ers manage. Restricting political interference
sis original]’ (p. 161). According to Pollitt in service delivery assumes much greater
(2008: 161–168): importance in the less developed countries,
where public services hold critical value
• Elements of the past place limits on future pos- for the poor, while political interference −
sibilities, and a complete truncation from the past usually driven in these countries by clien-
may be very difficult, if not entirely impossible; telism − tends to divert public provision
• A reference to the past helps in revealing the towards the more affluent and politically
windows of opportunity for radical or transfor- influential groups. Thus, in any reform
mational change as well as elements that can be
of developing world administrative structures
used to legitimize reform;
• Some elements of the past are always valuable,
aimed at strengthening accountability of
but also fragile, making a deliberate and careful public agencies to the citizenry and pro-
effort for their preservation necessary during tection of the public interest, preservation
reformation; and finally, of the administrative autonomy of individ-
• Past experiences frequently provide wise counsel ual public servants will remain of critical
for the future. value.

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Bureaucratic neutrality neutrality is even more important for the

Partly rooted in the politics–administration bureaucracies of the less developed world,
dichotomy, and yet distinct from it, is the where civil servants often become attached to
ethic of bureaucratic neutrality. This is a con- political parties − even when they have no
cept of neutral competence or professional- ideologically affiliation with them − merely
ism, which, as Asmerom and Reis (1996: 8) for personal benefits. Such political loyalties
explain, ‘does not mean that top-level civil very often lead them to disregard the public
servants cannot or should not be involved in interest, or even violate rules and law, in
the articulation of public policy.’ Rather, as favour of the interests of the ruling party or
these scholars suggest, ‘[t]he expectation that of individual politicians in power, placing
they will render these services from a non- a wedge between public agencies and their
partisan position is the crux of the matter accountability to citizens.
(p. 9).’ In the same vein, bureaucratic neutral-
ity also requires that public servants remain The ethos of public service
equally impartial and non-partisan when Institutional design based on the principles of
implementing public policies (Caiden, the politics–administration dichotomy and
1996). bureaucratic neutrality subsumes the exist-
It would, of course, be erroneous to expect ence of a high-quality bureaucracy inspired
civil servants to be sterile in terms of per- by time-honoured norms and values of public
sonal beliefs, political inclinations or other service such as:
ideological proclivities that individuals can
be expected to possess. But neutrality does • unwavering allegiance to the profession, and
require their professional conduct to conform dedication to duty;
to expected standards of impartiality and • impartial application of rules and law;
• concern for fairness and equity;
detachment. Such a concept of neutrality
• commitment to the protection of the public inter-
should not be confused with democratic est and promotion of the common weal;
unaccountability to the political representa- • high standards of personal integrity and
tives of citizens. Far from it, it means that it probity; and
is civil servants’ institutionally embedded • a sense of being accountable for the preservation
knowledge, insight and experience as well as of professional ethics.
an unbiased concern for the public interest −
not any personal or political consideration − While the bureaucracy of one developed state
that should inform the policy advice that may be nearer to these ideals than that of
they offer to political representatives as another developed state, the bureaucracies of
well as guide their implementation of public the developing world are generally far
policies. In fact, it may not be incorrect removed from them. In many less developed
to visualize bureaucratic neutrality as a con- states, bureaucracies are corrupt, inefficient
cept akin to Rawls’ (1971) veil of ignorance. and motivated more by self-preservation than
Undeniably, the New Public Management any consideration of the public interest. In
appears to have rejected the virtues of these settings, structuring administrative
neutrality by encouraging the political align- institutions that afford bureaucratic auton-
ment of the senior echelons of bureaucracy omy and neutrality requires, in the first
with the political party in power. But in a instance, the development of efficient and
paradigmatic sense, this political alignment accountable bureaucracies capable of sus-
is envisaged more along ideological, rather taining these principles. Indeed, without
than partisan, lines; and even in this dimen- bureaucracies inspired by a strong public
sion, any political bias in civil servants’ con- service ethos, bureaucratic institutions in the
duct which might affect their professional less developed world would neither have
judgement remains unacceptable. Professional the potential to promote the common weal in

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the policy-making process nor be able to superficial efforts that do not address its
utilize their authority in citizens’ best interest underlying causes can yield no more than
at the implementation level by conforming to transient outcomes. As such, not only will
the wishes of political representatives where policies to eradicate corruption need to be
they are democratically accountable to citi- implemented with a clear understanding that
zens, or by protecting the public interest the pace of success will generally be pain-
where the links in the chain of democratic fully slow but also they will need to focus
accountability are weak. beyond improving the internal environment
An interesting question, however, is: How of institutions and take into account their
far would it be possible to infuse the public external sociocultural context which sets
service ethos into bureaucracies? Woodhouse limits on the extent to which corruption can
(1997), for instance, views this ethos as be controlled in any society.
something more in the nature of a genetic On the other hand, as noted in the first sec-
code that is passed on from one generation of tion, strong judiciaries are the linchpin of the
civil servants to the next, and which cannot rule of law in any civilized society as well as
be converted into memorizable rules. Again, the guarantors of the right and ability of citi-
there cannot be any definite answers. But zens to hold public actors accountable. Under
where the wisdom of Woodhouse’s (1997) democratic structures, the ability of the judi-
construction − as well as the inherent respon- ciary to implement laws and dispense justice
sibility of one generation of civil servants to impartially is preserved mainly through its
the next that this construction implies − independence from the executive and by
cannot be disputed, it also cannot be denied providing some mechanism for vertical
that a framework of rules that enforces the accountability within judicial hierarchies.
intent of the public service ethos will contrib- Some notion of external accountability −
ute significantly in keeping under check any usually to the legislature − might also accom-
negative genetic mutations in civil servants’ pany, but it is generally kept weak so as not
ethics. to allow it to impinge upon judicial inde-
A focus on developing the civil service pendence. The initial appointment of judges
ethos means, in particular, that the issue in the higher judiciary is, of course, largely
of corruption will be centre stage in public a political process; but once appointed,
service reform. In the less developed world, constitutional protections tend to ensure the
corruption − whether financial, political or immunity of judges from executive authority.
moral − remains both a cause and an effect The precise mechanisms vary across states,
of weak public accountability, and eradi- particularly between presidential and parlia-
cating it is a key requirement of good mentary systems, but they appear to be work-
governance (Kaufmann et al., 2009; Smith, ing well in the established democracies of the
2007). Unfortunately, as is evident from the developed world. The story in the developing
World Bank’s World Governance Indicators world’s weak and unstable democracies is,
1996–2010, despite concerted efforts by however, very different. In many cases, judi-
international development agencies and ciaries in the less developed states are merely
country governments, corruption in many compliant extensions of executive authority
developing states actually appears to have and are often used to legitimize exploitation
worsened. Even where there has been some by authoritarian regimes, in particular the
improvement, it has been mostly marginal, illegal acts of military despots. This has been
and in most cases also ephemeral. This especially true in Africa, in Latin America
is, nevertheless, rather unsurprising, since and in many of the Asian states, where the
corruption is rooted in multidimensional dynamics of institutional symbiosis often
social, political, cultural and economic fac- make judiciaries scripture-citing accomplices
tors (Smith, 2007; Tarling, 2005) and any in despotic usurpations.

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The question then is how to ensure judicial resources from taxation for at least three
independence in countries where democracy reasons:
is fragile and where judiciaries are suscepti-
ble to capture by the executive, or, worse • they may not need additional revenues because
still, where they tend to collude in undemo- of the large amounts of mineral rents they usu-
cratic rule. What is required in such instances, ally command;
• they may not want to become unpopular with
is not just judicial independence, but also
citizens by raising taxes when they might be able
a rigorous check on the actions of judges. to raise any additional revenues through non-tax
And clearly, this has to be a check that moves channels; and
beyond internal mechanisms of accountabil- • they would not want to provide citizens any
ity or the weak accountability of judiciaries additional reason to hold them accountable for
to legislatures: it has to be one that creates an their spending decisions.
effective incentive for judges not to submit,
either voluntarily or involuntarily, to execu- Thus, by not taxing their citizens, rentier
tive control. If properly structured, this notion states block the development of ‘the organic
of judicial accountability would reinforce, expectations of accountability that emerge
rather than compromise, judicial independ- when states make citizens pay taxes’
ence. Care would, of course, need to be taken (Diamond, 2010: 98). From a public account-
that the structure of judicial accountability is ability point of view, this situation creates a
not so stifling that it compromises judicial perverse inertia that is perhaps nowhere
independence; for even though there appears starker than in the authoritarianism of the
to be no inherent contradiction between Arab oligarchies of the oil-rich Middle East
judicial accountability and judicial independ- and North Africa, which survives mostly
ence to the extent that both seek judicial unabated in spite of the Arab Spring. The
impartiality (Voigt, 2008), the structures expected long-run availability of mineral
of judicial accountability and judicial inde- wealth to most oil-rich states − and the extent
pendence need to be in proper balance to of international credit that they can raise on
make judiciaries impartial (Domingo, 1999; the basis of this expected availability − often
Nicholson, 1993). gives their governments great financial
power, and thus appears to have so far pre-
vented the development of any Magna Carta-
or Boston Tea Party-like situation, or even of
The resources dimension
any gradual variant.
Low taxation and the consequent weak A more feasible alternative that can poten-
accountability of governments to citizens in tially break the inertia is the democratization
their capacity as taxpayers is another prob- of these authoritarian regimes. For instance,
lem that needs to be addressed, particu- perhaps the most important reason why
larly in the context of mineral-rich states the United Kingdom and Norway have not
as well as those that rely on foreign aid. been reduced to unaccountable petro-states
In the case of mineral-rich states, neither is their enduring democratic traditions, which
citizens nor their governments could be had taken firm root in both states much
expected to have any incentives to enhance before the discovery of oil. With the democ-
the level or base of taxation. Citizens, in any ratization of oil-rich authoritarian states, one
case, cannot be expected to willingly relin- might expect their governments to become
quish any part of their incomes without more accountable and responsive to citizens’
the expectation of being compensated by long-term interests and also to sow the oil
equivalent benefit through the provision of through responsible public policies for
public goods. And the governments of these economic expansion that might outlast the
states do not have any incentive to generate mineral deposits. With economic expansion,

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the tax base of these states is also bound to compounded by the reluctance of aid agen-
expand; and with increased taxation, the abil- cies to discontinue financial assistance,
ity of citizens to demand accountability from despite the unresponsiveness of recipient
their governments would also increase. governments to good governance require-
Democratizing oil-rich authoritarian regimes, ments, because they themselves might have
however, is going to be a path riddled with organizational interests in meeting disburse-
obstacles and complexities, and would ment targets (Collier, 2000, 2007) or because
require, more than anything, sincere commit- they apprehend the adverse impact that a
ment from established democracies termination of aid can have on groups already
(Diamond, 2010). living in abject poverty (Gibson et al.,
Moving beyond the context of oil-rich 2005). Similarly, Smith (2007) cites several
states, the ability of the international devel- instances where Western governments con-
opment community to enhance the tax-driven tinued to directly assist not just regimes with
accountability of governments to citizens dismal governance records but even those
appears to be greater in the case of those low- that were guilty of oppression and large-scale
taxation states that are reliant on foreign aid. human rights violations, simply for their own
In fact, not only is enhanced taxation often a strategic geopolitical or economic interests.
condition imposed by many international This clearly remains an area of concern and
financial agencies and bilateral donor gov- needs even more vigorous attention.
ernments for continued aid, but a framework
of good governance under which tax reforms
are one of the main components is also being
increasingly stipulated (Smith, 2007; World CONCLUSION
Bank, 2000, 2003). This broader paradigm of
governance reforms can prove more effective The New Public Management and network
in enhancing revenues from taxation than a governance have had a deep impact on tradi-
focus merely on increasing the tax levels or tional notions and mechanisms of public
expanding the tax base. For instance, by cur- accountability. In many spheres accountabil-
tailing corruption, good governance can ity has been conflicted, and in many others it
potentially also reduce tax evasion (which is has been rendered ambiguous. This does not
often facilitated by conniving collecting mean, however, that traditional structures of
departments) as well as enhance the willing- public accountability have become irrelevant.
ness of citizens to pay taxes following Parliaments still monitor the performance of
reduced pilferage by spending departments public agencies and hold them accountable
and citizens’ realization that taxes do not end for both probity and outcomes; judiciaries
up in private coffers. still want to see laws implemented and rules
The predicament, however, is the actual followed; bureaucracies still enforce answer-
ability of donors to impose or cajole good ability within hierarchies; and citizen groups
governance in recipient countries, especially still view public officials responsible for
when foreign aid itself can lead to a deterio- public programmes, even if services are
ration in accountability rather than an delivered through private contractors. Clearly,
improvement. A reliance on aid can, for the public sector cannot focus on efficiency
instance, expand the scope of corruption, alone, and public sector performance and
partly relieve governments from answerabil- outcomes must inevitably be evaluated
ity on expenditures, reduce incentives to against core public sector values such as jus-
improve cost-efficiencies and even drain tal- tice, fairness and equity (Van Thiel & Leeuw,
ented civil servants into aid-sponsored 2002), since an unqualified focus on quanti-
projects (Knack, 2001; Smith, 2007; World fication will always have the inherent danger
Bank, 2000). This situation can be further of compromising public sector concerns for

5768_Peters & Pierre-45.indd 726 7/19/2012 12:13:24 PM


probity, traditional public sector values and Bevir, M. & Rhodes, R. A. W. (2006a) Governance
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Intergovernmental Relations
edited by Martin Painter

Once upon a time, the field of intergovern- drew attention to multi-organizational com-
mental relations was confined principally to plexity as a general phenomenon, not to the
the study of central−local relations within a significance of levels of government as a
national system of government. The units particular form of complexity. While they
of study were mostly national, regional and were acutely conscious of the institutional
local general-purpose government bodies context of American federalism, this was not
(along with their constituent units). A major the primary focus. They were concerned with
subdivision of the field was between central− the policy failures that resulted from ‘falling
local relations in unitary states and inter- between the gaps’. On the other hand, Deil
governmental relations in federal states. Wright (1983) focused primarily on inter-
Institutional features such as financial arran- governmental relations (or IGR) as its own
gements and formal structures were the field of study – ‘the multiple, complex, and
primary concern. But times have changed: interdependent jurisdictional relationships
intergovernmental relations as a field has found in the United States’. IGR studies
widened in scope and new perspectives have in this vein are also very often concerned
been introduced. with the complexities of intergovernmental
Institutional analysis in various forms policy implementation, but they relate these
remains central, but increasingly policy proc- to problems of ‘intergovernmental manage-
esses and policy effects have been at centre ment’ (Agranoff 1986).
stage. Rather than being too concerned with Increasingly, however, institutional and
institutional mapping based on distinctions policy studies have come closer together with
drawn from different models of intergovern- their mutually reinforcing foci on the policy
mental relations – especially the federal effects of supposedly malfunctioning institu-
versus non-federal divide – policy analysts tional arrangements and of organizational
viewed the field as a case of the complexities complexity more generally. With the growth
of policy making in a multi-organizational of government in the twentieth century, the
context. For example, Pressman and field of IGR became an increasingly signifi-
Wildavsky (1973) in their study of the intri- cant one for scholars of public administra-
cacies of public programme implementation tion, as it was apparent that the practical

5768_Peters & Pierre-46.indd 731 7/19/2012 12:13:54 PM


complexities of public policy – for example, IGR and also from the realm of organization
the interdependence of problems and sectors, theory, in particular interorganizational anal-
with their ‘spillovers’ and ‘externalities’ – ysis (Rhodes 1988). Network analysis later
increasingly resulted in an intergovernmental became a significant strand in the field
dimension to most public policy issues. (Kickert et al. 1997). In recent times, the
Global trends such as growing urbanization, complexities of relations across and between
the pace of technological change and rapid levels of government within the European
depletion of ecosystem services have resulted Union have stimulated new conceptual and
in new spatial dimensions to policy prob- empirical analysis, drawing on interorganiza-
lems, with consequences for existing arran- tional and network theories, as well as con-
gements in the division of powers and necting back with the field of implementation
functions both between levels of government studies in the public policy literature and
and also across borders. In the latter part of more widely with theories of inter-state
the century, the reordering of spatial relations cooperation and conflict in international rela-
and policy problems increasingly took on a tions. Political scientists in Europe faced
supranational or global dimension, calling with the many complexities and novelties of
into question the most fundamental building politics and policy making in the European
block of systems of intergovernmental rela- Union, coined the name ‘multi-level govern-
tions, the nation-state itself (Elazar 1998), ance’ or MLG for short (Jordan 2001;
and hence challenging state-centric views of Enderlein et al. 2010).
government and politics (Rosenau 2000). Both parts of this neologism are equally
This, in turn, spawned the burgeoning field significant for understanding the scope and
of ‘multi-level governance’, of which more significance of this body of work. ‘Multi-
below. level’ draws attention to the existence of
Conceptual and theoretical developments many layers of actors, not just those formed
in the field have tended to be uneven and by superior and subordinate levels of govern-
fragmentary, with different traditions and ment. By not using the term ‘government’ or
approaches overlapping, but evolving in par- ‘governmental’, the new terminology also
allel. In the United States, intergovernmen- draws attention away from formal governing
tal relations is close to being coterminous entities as the principal actors. The term
with the study of federalism, which draws ‘governance’ pointed to the growing signifi-
on diverse fields, including political theory cance of non-governmental participants
(Ostrom 1987), studies of political culture in the governing process. Indeed, this was
(Elazar 1994) and public finance (Oates also being remarked on by scholars of more
1972). From a very different starting point, traditional fields of intergovernmental rela-
theories of intergovernmental competition tions. Some who came to a ‘governance’
based on economics have been influential view of government did so from a back-
(Breton 1996). In another set of parallel stud- ground of studying central−local relations
ies, theorists of ‘polycentric government’ in particular policy sectors (Rhodes 2000:
have combined constitutional analysis, public 60−2), where non-government actors inti-
choice theory and game theory in the study mately concerned with a sector were increas-
of collective good problems, with a strong ingly key players in seeking joint solutions
preference for multiple, locally constituted to cross-jurisdictional problems. Again, stud-
systems of self-rule (McGinnis 1999). In ies of processes of public policy making and
Europe, the study of central−local relations implementation, rather than of formal−legal
was for long dominated by legal and institu- aspects of public administration, were influ-
tional approaches, but in the 1980s in the UK ential in this change of perspective. The idea
and elsewhere it took on board ideas and that the policy process was an orderly one
concepts both from the American study of focused on a set of identifiable, authoritative

5768_Peters & Pierre-46.indd 732 7/19/2012 12:13:54 PM


decision makers (‘government’) was for cross-jurisdictional MLG institutions and

the most part not helpful. Stories of intergov- instruments as an inexorable trend in response
ernmental relations were about overlapping to these issues, challenging the formal insti-
spheres of influence, power and resource tutions of the nation-state while providing a
sharing, collaboration and negotiation. In solution to the problems of complexity. Other
such contexts, unofficial, ‘informal’ channels scholars have argued that the enthusiasm for
were often the most important, while there MLG has overstated the extent to which non-
was a continuous blurring of the lines between state actors have risen in significance, over-
‘government’ and ‘non-government’ in the stating their role and effectiveness and
complex patterns of alliances and boundary- understating the continuing centrality of the
spanning political stratagems that emerged. state (Bell and Hindmoor 2010).
Students of intergovernmental relations In Part 14 of the Handbook, the three con-
were regularly describing a world of partner- tributors reflect three of the major traditions
ships, collaboration and networks. And, as in or strands in this increasingly wide-ranging
other areas where the term ‘governance’ has field of study. In Chapter 46, Beryl Radin
become a common part of the lexicon, its draws on and brings together the rich tradi-
growing use in studies of intergovernmen- tions of American scholarship in intergovern-
tal relations was also associated with con- mental public policy implementation and
cerns for accountability and democratic intergovernmental management. This
control. Some scholars have highlighted the approach draws heavily on policy case study
legitimacy problems arising from informal findings, building up a systematic depiction
networking arrangements between public of the complex variety of the instruments of
officials and ‘civil society’, and questioned intergovernmental relations and the political
the extent to which these can substitute for stratagems they represent. In Chapter 47,
traditional forms of political accountability, Allen Fenna situates his discussion within
warning of the ‘democratic deficits’ that can the institutional tradition, with a concern for
result (Peters and Pierre 2004). This concern the specific character of intergovernmental
echoes a long-standing worry expressed in relations in federal states, focusing in part-
many institutional studies of federalism, icular on performance dilemmas and policy
where the burgeoning formal and informal effects. Finally, In Chapter 48, Simona
machinery for handling intergovernmental Piatonni surveys the evolving theoretical
relations tends to create a shadowy world of and empirical study of multi-level govern-
collaboration, far removed from scrutiny or ance in Europe, with particular concern
accountability. for whether the novel ways of filling the
In sum, the field of intergovernmental growing intergovernmental gaps with multi-
relations has been increasingly concerned level governance arrangements will solve,
with a problematic arising from the increas- rather than exacerbate, mounting problems
ingly rapid dissolution of the boundaries of legitimacy.
that define the ‘spaces between’. Under the
MLG scenario, as the boundaries dissolve, so
the entities within them (governments) pur-
portedly become weaker and less stable. This REFERENCES
has all the features of a vicious cycle. The
space between not only expands but also Agranoff, Robert J. (1986) Intergovernmental
becomes increasingly empty of government, Management. Albany, NY: State University of New
weakening policy capacity in the face of York Press.
a growing burden of cross-jurisdictional Bell, Stephen and Hindmoor, Andrew (2010) Rethinking
policy dilemmas and failures. Some scholars Governance: The Centrality of the State in Modern
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Public Sector. London: Sage Publications. Governance in a Globalizing Space’, in John Pierre
McGinnis Michael D. (1999) Polycentric Governance (ed.), Debating Governance: Authority, Steering and
and Development: Readings from the Workshop in Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Ann Arbor, MI: Wright, D.S. (1983) ‘Managing the Intergovernmental
University of Michigan Press. Scene: The Changing Dramas of Federalism,
Oates, Wallace E. (1972) Fiscal Federalism. London: Intergovernmental Relations and Intergovernmental
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Compound Republic: Designing the American Dekker.

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The Instruments
of Intergovernmental
Beryl A. Radin

This is a topic that has changed quite dra- activities that effectively blended politics
matically over the past several decades. If and administration by focusing on public
this Handbook had been published three managers – including program and policy
decades ago, the discussion of instruments professionals – in the policy process. While
of intergovernmental management would much of this literature highlighted the role
have been a very straightforward and rela- of national governments, it increasingly
tively simple exposition, for at that point it moved toward a flatter and less top-down
would be assumed that intergovernmental approach. In fact, at least some of the litera-
management focused almost entirely on ture accentuated a bottom-up, more collegial
vertical relationships between levels of approach to these relationships. But as fiscal
government and, occasionally, on horizontal issues preoccupied intergovernmental play-
relationships. The metaphor ‘picket fence ers, the discussion often moved away from
federalism’ – alliances between program spe- protection of authority to budget issues. This
cialists or professionals that transcend the was particularly true in the United States
level of government in which they serve – during the Obama presidency.
captured this set of relationships in the It also became clear that many of the
US setting (Wright, 1988: 83). behaviors described in federal systems were
The initial literatures that developed this also found in unitary political systems. In the
frame of reference assumed that traditional United Kingdom, for example, researchers
approaches to institutional authority would have described the distinctive interests in
remain. The first writings on intergovern- cities and the national state (Gurr and King,
mental management did not focus on changes 1987). Many of the dynamics that stem
in systems, structures, policies or programs. from social, economic and political changes
However, they did highlight management in unitary systems are very similar to the

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dynamics traditionally associated with however, many countries found that rural
federalism. And the reality of coalition gov- policy was no longer defined solely within
ernments in parliamentary systems has the agriculture sphere. Rather, it involved
spanned behaviors in unitary systems that sectors including economic development,
have some attributes of federal systems health, education, housing and infrastructure.
(particularly when political parties are linked Education, for example, became less the pur-
to geographic areas). view of education specialists than an issue of
Fuzzy boundaries between public and concern to a broader group of decision
private entities, the development of non- makers and citizens. Deference to profes-
governmental organizations (especially civil sionals in many areas decreased. Similar
society groups) and creation of networks movement out of a single-policy world has
have indicated that intergovernmental man- been found in other areas, such as drug
agement can occur in both unitary and fed- policy, crime and welfare.
eral systems. In a sense, globalization has
created increased complexity in an already
complicated set of issues. Shifting views about the role of
Three sets of changes have occurred that government
are crucial to understanding the contemporary
context of intergovernmental management: There have been quite dramatic changes in
the way that both citizens and governments
• an increase in boundary-spanning activities; themselves think about the role of govern-
• the new management skills required as a result ment in democratic societies. The traditional
of the boundary-spanning changes; and hierarchical bureaucratic structures with
• the international expression of these changes.
powers concentrated at the top of organiza-
tions have been subjected to criticism; criti-
cism not only about the structure of
government but also its span of powers has
contributed to what has been called the
‘hollowing’ of government. This has led to a
shrinking of the direct role of public agencies
The landscape of the public sector that is in in actually delivering services to the public
place at the beginning of the twenty-first as well as a diminution of the span of respon-
century appears to be quite different from sibilities of the public sector. Privatization
that found several decades earlier. Several and contracting out have become increas-
aspects of this changed landscape have con- ingly common, utilizing public funds but
tributed to the context for intergovernmental relying on for-profit or non-profit entities to
management. deliver services. The ‘hollowing out’ argu-
ment points to a number of changes, includ-
ing transfer of functions, loss of expertise
Shifting policy boundaries and the breakdown of traditional relation-
ships (Frederickson and Frederickson, 2006).
In the early period of intergovernmental
management, relationships could be estab-
lished that followed clear demarcations of Interdependence between levels
policies and programs. Rural policy, for of government
example, was defined as a part of agricultural
policy and the relationships across levels of Since the earlier recognition of the need for
government were found within that policy management of programs across jurisdic-
sphere. By the end of the twentieth century, tions and sectors, more and more policies

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have exhibited characteristics of interde- allocation patterns. It has been used as a way
pendence between levels of government. to counter the public’s disillusionment with
This means that multiple levels of govern- government as well as the government-
ment are involved simultaneously in increas- bashing that has been employed by political
ing numbers of programs and policies and figures at all ends of the political spectrum.
that a single level of government rarely has But while the concern about performance is
single power and influence over the way that pervasive, it is not expressed consistently; it
programs are designed, funded, managed takes many different forms and is attached
and delivered. to efforts at all levels of government (Radin,

Public–private interdependence
The changes that have occurred in the reach NEED FOR NEW MANAGEMENT
and structure of government have made it SKILLS
obvious that the activities involving intergov-
ernmental management do not end with play- Managers have found that the traditional
ers only from the public sector or government ‘command and control’ paradigm, accentuat-
agencies. Rather, management of public ing the authority of the individuals at the top
sector programs involves a wide range of of the hierarchy, did not provide an adequate
players from both the for-profit and non- framework to deal with the major issues
profit sectors. They come to the policy table found in the intergovernmental debate in the
with their own agenda and imperatives. In United States and in other countries. Neither
some cases, the representatives from the for- did it capture the tension between national
profit sector have had minimal experience and local governmental units in unitary sys-
with the limited authority and constraints tems. An approach has developed around
placed on public sector officials. Reciprocally, intergovernmental relations that emphasizes
the public sector officials have not had expe- the importance of bargaining, compromise
rience with players who have value orienta- and networking as essential processes of
tions that are different from those in the decision making. This highlights a movement
public sector. away from a ‘sorting-out’ of intergovernmen-
tal roles to a focus on the development of
interorganizational networks that include
both governmental and non-governmental
A focus on performance
actors. It involves the acceptance of the inde-
The concern about performance is closely pendent and separate character of the various
linked to the reinvention movement popular- members; avoidance of superior−subordinate
ized in the United States by Osborne and relationships; interfacing of political and
Gaebler (1992), and, more broadly, to the career actors; inclusion of appropriate spe-
global New Public Management (NPM) cialists when needed to focus on technical
movement (Barzelay, 2001). The reinvention issues; and agreement to abide by tasks and
movement accentuates the importance of goals (Agranoff, 1986). It also includes rec-
measuring results, highlighting outcomes ognition of the use of informal relationships
rather than inputs, processes, or even outputs. even when structural centralization appears
It focuses on the benefits derived from the to dominate (Gurr and King, 1987; Rhodes,
use of public sector funds and seeks to estab- 1988).
lish a framework that moves away from This approach also draws on the policy
incremental decision making in which budg- notion of issue networks. This concept, devel-
ets are created largely on the basis of past oped by Hugh Heclo, is viewed as a ‘web’ of

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largely autonomous participants with varia- systems and public–private relationships;

ble degrees of mutual commitment or depend- others move to more centralized control
ence on each other. Heclo (1979) focuses on systems, creating tensions for intergovern-
the hybrid interests that provoke such alli- mental management.
ances and comprise a large number of par- The concern about performance is one
ticipants who move in and out of the network aspect of the NPM movement. Performance
constantly. The issue network approach pro- measurement initiatives have taken on the
vides a way to include various interests in a characteristic of a movement across the
process, cutting both horizontally (across globe (Radin, 2006). Yet another aspect of
multiple issues) as well as vertically (down the movement highlights the importance of
the intergovernmental chain). It also estab- empowering those who actually deliver serv-
lishes a framework that is responsive to the ices. This has been a problem in the United
transient nature of policy coalitions, with States, where many of the national programs
various networks established for a particular involve intricate intergovernmental rela-
situation but dissolved when that situation tionships. Thus, managers in national gov-
changes. ernment agencies have struggled with ways
While this approach has intrigued to structure these relationships. National
intergovernmental scholars, it has not been government agencies are balancing two com-
used extensively in the world of practice. peting imperatives. On the one hand, they are
Intergovernmental dialogue continues to be attempting to hold third parties accountable
characterized by a focus on separate pro- for the use of the national government monies
grams, policies or organizations and a search but, on the other hand, they are constrained
for clarity and simplicity in the delineation of by the political and legal realities that pro-
roles and responsibilities. This has been rein- vide significant discretion and leeway to the
forced not only by a concern about efficiency third parties for the use of these national gov-
in government but also by a focus on the role ernment dollars. In many ways, the perfor-
of government in the broader economy mance movement at the national government
(Painter, 1997). There is a pattern of borrow- level collides with strategies of devolution
ing both practices and values from the private and a diminished national government role.

THESE CHANGES The increase in boundary-spanning activi-
ties, the need for new intergovernmental
Many of the shifts that have been described management skills and the emergence of
above affecting intergovernmental manage- NPM globally – in particular, the upsurge of
ment have coincided in time with the devel- performance management – can all be seen
opment of the NPM movement. While this in action through the choice and application
movement is not composed of a well-defined of tools or instruments of intergovernmental
set of principles and practices, a number relations. New demands have been placed on
of the behaviors that have been associated intergovernmental managers. This is espe-
with it do have implications for intergovern- cially true when attempting to link the rela-
mental management because they appear to tionship between budget and fiscal issues to
shift the balance between central govern- concern about the effectiveness of programs.
ments and subnational jurisdictions. Some of These demands require managers to think
these developments emphasize decentralized about a repertoire of instruments that might

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be used in different situations. The available organization of the national government) or

tools have emerged from many different on a more incremental base (as was the case
sources and are best understood in the con- with President Carter’s Reorganization
text of specific governmental structures and Project inside the Office of Management and
specific policy areas. Four broad categories Budget). These issues continued during the
of instruments are of particular interest: Clinton administration through the National
Performance Review and reoccurred in an
• structural; inchoate form during the Obama administra-
• programmatic; tion. Frequently, attempts are made to create
• research and capacity building; and mega-departments, assuming that these cen-
• behavioral.
tralized bodies will improve efficiency of
government operations and service delivery.
See McDonnell and Elmore (1987), Salamon
In the United States, some state-level reor-
and Lund (1989) and Salamon (2002) for
ganizations have been spawned by national
other approaches to classifying tools or
government incentives. In the 1970s, several
states created departments of behavioral
health or departments of substance abuse,
believing that they would be in a better posi-
Structural tion to take advantage of national govern-
ment grant funds targeted at comprehensive
Structural matters have to do with formal approaches to those issues. In the United
roles and relationships; patterns of authority Kingdom, increasing centralization by the
and leadership; rules, policies and regula- Thatcher government reduced local discre-
tions; and mechanisms for differentiation and tion over budgetary allocations and restruc-
integration of formal roles, tasks and rela- tured local government (Gurr and King,
tionships. In some cases, the actual structure 1987).
of the public service may actually provide
the setting for intergovernmental manage- Commissions
ment. This is the case in India, where the Commissions are structural tools which can
design of the Indian Administrative Service be used for any number of intergovernmen-
is itself an instrument of federalism (Radin, tal purposes. They are frequently a tool of
1999). horizontal integration but often appear to
shift power to a centralized level. While
Reorganization some may view commissions as a coordi-
Formal roles and relationships are shaped nation tool, they are likely to operate at a
and reshaped in the design and redesign symbolic level that makes coordination
of organizations. Patterns of authority and difficult. This is particularly true in large
leadership are disrupted and re-established. federal systems where coordination across
Redesign, or reorganization, is a tool fre- programs and across levels of government is
quently employed in government as a means difficult.
of responding to changing needs and priori-
ties. Reorganizations can bring together Coordination
programs that seem to be related, thus affect- Coordination and efficiency are the bywords
ing horizontal intergovernmental relation- of the structural approach. Coordinating
ships. However, reorganizations cannot mechanisms are tools for structural integra-
settle these issues. Reorganization can be tion – the integration of units differentiated
approached on a grand scale (as was the case by function or level or geography. Implicit in
in the United States with President Nixon’s attempts at reorganization is the assumption
Ash Commission, charged with studying the that increased coordination and efficiency

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will make it easier to manage both horizontal (Radin et al., 1996; Radin, 1998, 1999,
and vertical intergovernmental relationships. 2001). When crises occur, however, it is
In practice, coordination is often transpar- common to call for re-regulation of practices
ent. It is easy to say it is being done, but its that appear to have contributed to the crisis
tangible products are illusive. While intera- situation.
gency coordination has costs, it does not
necessarily require new appropriations, or Devolution and decentralization
particular budgetary line items. Unlike reor- These are structural tools with which the
ganization, coordination doesn’t run the risk national government may delegate power to
of alienating political constituencies, and it is the states or with which states may delegate
difficult for one to argue that coordination is power to local governments. When used,
unnecessary or seriously detrimental to major then, devolution and/or decentralization shift
interests. Applied properly as intergovern- the pendulum toward autonomy. President
mental tools, formal mechanisms of intera- Nixon’s New Federalism in the United States
gency coordination can strengthen horizontal was an attempt at devolution and a reaction
relationships. At the same time they can both to many of the centralizing tenets of Johnson’s
strengthen a higher level of government’s Creative Federalism. This effort provided
capacity to hold lower levels responsible for decentralization within national government
program performance and empower actors at departments to field units and a general pref-
those lower levels so that they can improve erence for relying on general-purpose gov-
performance. ernments and elected officials rather than
Premiers or governors meetings, bringing program specialists (Walker, 1995: 105).
together the political leaders of states or Devolution took the form of general and
provinces (as found in Australia and Canada), special revenue sharing and attempts by
are sometimes used as a coordination device. President Nixon to impound national govern-
The Council of Australian Governments was ment funds as a way to eliminate program
created in 1992 to bring together state and resources. Proponents of devolution are quite
central government officials to work on spe- willing to trade accountability to the national
cific problems that required joint action government for discretion on the part of state
(Painter, 2001). Scharpf has noted that coor- and local officials. Decentralization has been
dination efforts can involve negative coordi- employed in much the same manner by some
nation (causing gridlock and lowest common states in an effort to manage intergovernmen-
denominator outcomes) (Scharpf, 1997: tal relationships. Use of this tool involves
112–114). passing authority (some would say ‘passing
the buck’) to local units of government. In
Deregulation some instances, when states are given national
Rules, policies and regulations are instru- government mandates without resources,
ments for controlling intergovernmental rela- they simply pass the mandates on to local
tionships; they are instruments for increasing government. This coping mechanism shifts
accountability and decreasing autonomy. the burden of the intergovernmental dilemma
Consequently, deregulation swings the pen- but it clearly does not solve it.
dulum in the other direction. Mandates are
impediments imposed on lower intergovern- Regulation and oversight
mental actors from above through regulatory Regulation is itself a structural intergovern-
mechanisms. Mandates are removed through mental tool, even though the degree to which
deregulation and are relaxed or removed the national government exercises oversight
through ad hoc experiments such as waiver with respect to its state and local grantees is,
procedures or regulatory negotiation, or the in part, a political/ideological matter. In the
creation of new coordinating mechanisms Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations in

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the United States, for example, the operative empowerment: it empowers program clients
ideology was minimal national government as well as program operators.
involvement and maximum state and local Planning requirements can also be used as
responsibility. Attention to regulation did resur- a form of process accountability. Like other
face during the Obama administration, respond- requirements, they can be viewed as a set of
ing to problems that were linked to earlier constraints or as an effective instrument for
deregulation decisions. Block grants and reve- intergovernmental management. Planning
nue sharing carry with them fewer strings processes allow a jurisdiction to identify its
than conditional grants. current status, its goals and its strategy for
Oversight can occur at the input, process change. This requirement might stipulate that
or output side of programs. Input require- the process will occur openly, with ample
ments generally specify the form and ele- opportunity for input from those affected by
ments of the program design, leaving little plan implementation. If plans are written to
discretion for the program implementers. reflect the real status of the jurisdiction
Process requirements include elements such (rather than as compliance documents), they
as citizen participation or planning require- can both increase autonomy and ensure
ments that are built in to insure accountabil- accountability.
ity. Output and outcome requirements tend to
rely on evaluation as an accountability tool.
Evaluation requirements are imposed by Programmatic instruments
either legislative or administrative mandate.
Depending on where one sits, evaluation can This second category of instruments
be looked at as a management tool which is employed to deal with the intergovernmental
necessary for intelligent decision making or dilemma involves the application of resources
as an unwarranted intrusion on management and redesign of programs and grant types.
discretion. Evaluation requirements are often From the national government perspective,
used to assure that grant recipients are able to the intention has been to make it easier for
justify the expenditure of funds. Not only are states, provinces, localities or regions to
these requirements sometimes built into pro- attack social and economic problems by pro-
grams but also recipients are often required viding them with the resources to do so. In
to pay for them with grant funds. However, many instances, these resources have emerged
evaluation can also facilitate additional as a result of lobbying by states and locali-
autonomy on the part of state and local grant- ties. While this approach was the most
ees. If evaluation is related to performance common response to newly identified prob-
rather than input or process (that is, focus on lems, limited resources make it less com-
outcomes and program impacts), grantees monly used. In fact, programmatic
may be given more discretion as to the way requirements may be imposed on third par-
they produce those outcomes and impacts. ties without funding from the national gov-
Process requirements can include citizen ernment. Various grant forms such as
participation and planning approaches. competitive project grants, formula grants,
Citizen participation requirements provide an matching grants and block grants are still
opportunity for a form of accountability that used as tools today.
is imposed early in the life of a program.
While some may view them as a constraint, The shift toward broader-purpose grants
others view them as an opportunity to improve Highly specific categorical grants are the
programs and avoid unnecessary conflict in most restrictive but also the most targeted
their implementation. The idea of consulting type of national government funding. These
with parties who will be affected by deci- grant forms – particularly project grants –
sions is consistent with the general notion of require potential eligible recipients to submit

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applications under guidelines specified by or contracts with one another for specific
national government grantor agencies. services. Additionally, information, ideas and
Depending on the area, states continue to other resources may be shared in partner-
have discretion in this process. In some ships. Creating partnerships involves refram-
cases, applications from local units of gov- ing the intergovernmental dilemma at the
ernment (or the private sector) must be national government level. This approach
reviewed and receive favorable recommenda- attempts to define accountability and, at the
tions from state agencies prior to submission same time, do more to empower states and
to the national government grantor. localities so that they can be full partners in
In the United States, block grants in law the federal system. This is often easier to
enforcement, employment and training, promise than to deliver.
community development and social services
were enacted which strengthened the hand of Collaborations
state and local officials in their dealing with Collaborations may involve the granting of
national government grantors. While these national government funds to a set of state or
approaches appear to be fairly radical local agencies (or a combination of public
approaches to intergovernmental manage- and private actors that cross jurisdictions as
ment, they resulted in rather incremental well as roles) conditional upon their ability to
changes in the system because the existing work together and share resources. Often
procedures were well entrenched and not collaboration is based on recognition that no
easily modified. single agency or system of services can
effectively respond to the myriad of needs
Partnerships presented by those in or at risk for a particu-
As Peters has noted, partnership involves two lar service. Interagency collaboration envi-
or more actors, at least one of which is sions that partners will relinquish total control
public; each participant is a principal; there is of resources in favor of the group process,
an enduring relationship among the actors; pooling resources and jointly planning,
and each of the participants brings something implementing and evaluating new services.
to the partnership and a shared responsibility This programmatic approach overlaps with
for outcomes of their activities (Peters, 1998: structural instruments in that it indicates rec-
12–13). As intergovernmental tools, partner- ognition by national government, state and
ships generally involve setting priorities and local officials that old structures must give
providing incentives at higher levels of gov- way to new ones if intergovernmental prob-
ernment and letting others take action to lems are to be solved.
achieve them. It means less reliance on serv-
ice delivery through public bureaucracies and
more utilization of public–public or public– Research and capacity-building
private partnerships. Partnerships involve instruments
national government, state and local govern-
ments and the private sector in a variety of The third category of intergovernmental
activities. instruments involves ‘empowerment’. As
While states and localities have tradition- fiscal issues have become more important,
ally been partners in the intergovernmental there have been fewer resources available in
arena, this approach focuses on the creation this area. Implicit in this empowerment
of specific partnership forms in response notion is the idea that steps may have to be
to the tensions inherent in the intergov- taken to build increased management capac-
ernmental dilemma. Osborne and Gaebler ity at all levels if empowering is to have a
(1992) pointed out that under partnership chance of succeeding. So, empowerment is
schemes governments share or trade services an empty exercise if it does not also include

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the tools that the newly empowered need to accountability through development of man-
get the job done. Specific tools in this cate- agement skills that facilitate compliance with
gory include research, the collection, storage national grant requirements.
and dissemination of information and train-
ing, and other forms of capacity building.
Behavioral instruments of
Research intergovernmental relations
Research is an indirect tool of intergovern-
mental management aimed at helping people The traditional view of the national official’s
understand problems and issues, options and dilemma is whether to allow more or less
consequences. To the extent that public policy autonomy or to impose more or less account-
research is cross-cutting, it can aid those ability. Accountability can be framed in a
promoting interagency coordination. To the narrow fashion, holding grantees accountable
extent that research produces useful knowl- for inputs and processes. However, looking
edge which is in turn utilized below the at the situation through a wider lens sug-
national government level, it can increase the gests that accountability should be for
negotiating power, and thus the autonomy of performance, and autonomy means that
state and local intergovernmental actors. grantees are empowered and given the tools
they need to accomplish that performance.
The provision of information This broader view of accountability requires
National and state governments often serve attention to individual and group processes
as clearinghouses for those seeking inform- of communication and to processes of
ation on just about anything. This informa- conflict management.
tion is expected to improve inter-agency
coordination and strengthen state and local Conflict management
discretion. No matter what metaphor is used to describe
the intergovernmental system, there is evi-
Capacity building dence of conflict. The issue, then, is not to
This is one of the most widely used tools of attempt to avoid or suppress conflict but,
intergovernmental management. Generally, it rather, to prevent unnecessary conflict and to
involves efforts by the national or state manage the conflict that does occur toward
governments to strengthen the capabilities of productive ends (Buntz and Radin, 1983).
state or local officials to manage programs on Conflict prevention in an intergovernmen-
their own Central governments often provide tal context calls for attention to building
substantial technical assistance to officials at consensus among actors in particular pro-
lower levels, and that they have been doing grammatic or policy areas. Actors are urged
so for some time is often overlooked. This to identify and overcome barriers like the
assistance can be in the form of grants or language and jargon of different program
contracts which provide for training and skill cultures and resistance to change among
building in the areas of program design, plan- agency staff.
ning and evaluation, to name just three. Conflict management might involve taking
There are two ways in which capacity a negotiated approach to the promulgation of
building and the strengthening of state and rules and regulations, as opposed to a ‘decide,
local expertise in specific program areas is an announce and defend’ approach. The US
intergovernmental management tool. First, it Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has
makes sense for the grantor to insure that engaged in a process of negotiated rule
grantees who are given additional discretion making referred to as ‘reg-neg’. Regulatory
have the skills and abilities necessary to negotiation involves affected parties and the
manage the grants. Second, it helps to insure agency in an orderly process of debate and

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discussion over proposed regulations. This are each appropriate under the right set of
consultative approach produced environmen- circumstances. While one might search for
tal regulations which were acceptable to all. rules of thumb that make particular instru-
It enabled the EPA to move away from the ments more or less appropriate in particular
‘decide, announce and defend’ approach, situations, the determination to adopt one or
which landed it in court more often than not. several of these approaches appears to be
However, the negotiation process was time highly idiosyncratic to particular countries
consuming and thus had limited application. and to specific situations.

Individual communication
Closely connected to the consensus building/
conflict management notion is the idea of A SPECIAL CASE: DEALING WITH
improving communications between levels PERFORMANCE
of government as a way to manage the
accountability/autonomy dilemma. Effective As highlighted in the first section, the global
intergovernmental relationships in an envi- adoption of performance management
ronment of resource scarcity and political notions and techniques has been one of the
uncertainty demand openness in interactions defining aspects of recent developments
across governments. They demand national in intergovernmental management. Drawing
officials who can listen, delegate, manage mainly on US experience, this discussion
conflict and build consensus. The ‘command highlights six different approaches that have
and control’ method of communicating been taken recently within national agencies
from national to state and local levels is not to deal with issues of performance and inter-
viewed as an adequate way to manage inter- governmental management. Some perform-
governmental relations. ance approaches have been devised as a
result of legislation and others through
Group communication administrative action. All are struggling
Hearings are among the time-honored and with the tension between national agency
formal means of group communication in accountability and devolution and discretion
policy development. Hearings provide a provided to state and local agencies. These
forum for representatives of groups inside approaches include performance partner-
and outside of government to take positions ships, incentives, negotiated measures, build-
and express their views. They also provide a ing performance goals into legislation,
means for governmental actors to collect establishment of standards and waivers
information and shape ideas that later become (Radin, in Posner and Conlan, 2008).
policy. Hearings can be traditional and
formal, or of the town-meeting type. If one
reframes the intergovernmental dilemma and Performance partnerships
looks at it as an opportunity rather than a
problem, hearings can be another way to Over the past several decades a number of
build consensus. If one looks at these issues national agencies have adopted, or at least
in a narrow sense, hearings can be viewed as explored, the possibility of moving categori-
a way to exert national influence. cal programs into performance partnerships.
None of these four categories of inter- These partnerships have become increasingly
governmental tools or instruments is a pana- popular as agencies realize the limitations of
cea. Intergovernmental actors must look at their ability to achieve desired changes in
issues from a number of different perspec- complex settings. While partnerships between
tives simultaneously. Structural, program- various agencies and government have been
matic, educational and behavioral approaches around in some form for some years, the

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performance orientation of the contemporary Incentives

effort is new. The image of the partnership is
one in which partners discuss how to com- Incentives seek to induce behavior rather
bine resources from both players to achieve a than command it. But bureaucrats and politi-
prespecified end state. This end state is cians tend to be attracted to direct regulation,
expected to be measurable in order for a since they believe that incentives also require
partnership to be successful. governmental intervention and therefore
The design of a performance partnership involve regulation. The reality of fiscal scar-
addresses what some have viewed as one of city, however, has raised questions about
the most troubling problems faced by national whether the incentives are effective or actu-
managers: lack of control over outcomes. ally may produce perverse effects that do not
While the managers may have control over lead to increased performance. To some
inputs, processes and outputs, they cannot degree, however, incentives have been at play
specify end outcomes. Performance partner- in the past in a number of national programs
ships may involve agreements between through matching fund requirements. When
national officials and state or local agencies; the national government offers funds as an
they may be ad hoc or permanent. incentive to induce states or provinces to
This process is not without problems. The provide their own funds, the matching
General Accounting Office (GAO) in the requirements do serve an incentive function.
United States highlighted a number of what In many cases, however, performance expec-
they called ‘technical challenges’: tations are not usually made explicit, particu-
larly in programs carried over from the past.
• an absence of baseline data to use as the basis There are a number of dilemmas involved
for measuring improvements; in using an incentive strategy. It is difficult to
• the difficulty of quantifying certain results; ascertain the direct relationship between the
• the difficulty of linking program activities to behavior of the state or local government and
results; and specific outcomes. In addition, complex pro-
• the level of resources needed to develop a grams have an array of program goals and
high-quality performance measurement system expectations and it is not easy to achieve
(US GAO, 1999) .
agreement on performance standards. Some
The experience of US EPA with performance critics of the incentive strategy argue that
partnerships illustrates some of the problems state or local jurisdictions will attempt to
that are intrinsic to this performance strategy game the system and develop policies that
and agreement form. The individual negotia- may meet the performance measures rather
tion between the national agency and (in this than achieve the basic expectations of the
case) states is likely to result in variability of legislation. Others argue that this already
agreements across the country. In fact, to occurs and so the situation is not much dif-
some, the individual tailoring of agreements ferent than it has been in the past.
is the strength of the mechanism. However,
others are concerned that this variation results
from differential treatment of jurisdictions. Negotiated performance measures
The strategy is often attractive to national
agencies charged with the implementation of One of the most common complaints by
programs that involve policy sectors that do state and local governments in the United
not have well-established data systems or States is that the national government imposes
even data definitions. In such settings, it is a set of requirements as to the use of its funds
difficult to establish and to garner data for the that do not meet the needs of the non-national
performance measures required to achieve jurisdiction. Indeed, this is one of the argu-
the expectations of the approach. ments used to justify the transformation of

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categorical program grants into block grant Establishment of standards

efforts. Block grants have proved to be one of
the most difficult grant forms on which to In some cases, the role of the national
impose performance requirements. It has government has been to establish perform-
been problematic for national officials to bal- ance standards that are meant to guide the
ance the flexibility of the block grant (allow- behavior of state, provincial or local govern-
ing states and localities to meet their own ments. At least, theoretically, these standards
particular needs) with a desire for greater are to be voluntary and the ability of a state
accountability for the use of those funds. or locality to conform to them is not tied to
However, there are times when it is possi- eligibility for specific national dollars. The
ble to achieve agreement on performance national role in this strategy may involve
measures when certain conditions are met. the development of the standards, provision
Programs that are not politically volatile or of technical assistance, and at times could
do not have a widely disparate set of expert include payment for meeting these norms
opinions are appropriate for this process. In and guidelines.
addition, prior work and data systems can lay The Clinton administration’s proposal for
the foundation for consensus on many out- the development of a voluntary national test
come and process objectives: measures can in reading and mathematics was an example
recognize and separate objectives over which of this approach. The response to this pro-
grantees exercise influence and control from posal, particularly by some governors and
those that depend on external factors beyond educational leaders, illustrates the types of
their control. But even when these conditions problems that may emerge from this strategy.
are present, the negotiation process is time Although several governors were supporters
consuming and requires an investment of of this administration proposal in 1997,
staff and resources by national agencies. others expressed concern. A number of states
already had test systems in place and did not
want to replace their existing performance
Building performance goals accountability systems with the national
approach. Still others were uncomfortable
into legislation
with the content of the tests, particularly their
Various pieces of legislation in the United accuracy and validity in measuring achieve-
States have been crafted with attention to ment and their substantive scope. Passage of
performance goals. In these cases, the legis- the ‘No Child Left Behind’ program during
lation represented a move from an emphasis the Bush administration turned the voluntary
on input or process requirements to a focus on standards into requirements; these generated
performance outcomes. Further refinements controversial responses across a range of
of these requirements were established by actors that led to federal-level administrative
both national departments through the regu- decisions to effectively waive the enforce-
lations development process. In drafting leg- ment of those requirements.
islation, Congress has assumed that the core This proposal also uncovered another
indicators reflect common practices across the problem that is likely to be confronted when-
country and that data systems are available to ever the standards strategy is employed: fear
report on achievement of the goals. However, that the information gathered through these
the experience over the past decade has indi- assessments has a life of its own and will be
cated that this is not as simple as was once used inappropriately. This is particularly
believed, particularly if the goals are defined problematic because the information that is
by the national government and imposed on collected was meant to illustrate achievement
third parties (Frederickson and Frederickson, at the individual level. Questions of privacy
2006; Radin, 2006; Moynihan, 2008). and information security have been raised

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and were not answered to the satisfaction and programs, differences among the players
of critics. involved, the complexity of the worlds of
both the national and non-national agencies
involved, and the level of goal agreement or
Waivers conflict. Focusing on a variety of approaches
suggests that government-wide approaches
Authority to grant waivers to state or local are not particularly effective. The process
governments for specific programs has been of defining instruments should be devised in
in place for many years. While the waiver the context of specific programs, sensitive
authority has been viewed as a way to meet to the unique qualities surrounding those
the unique needs of individual states, it initiatives.
has also been closely tied to a research and As this process unfolds, there are a number
development strategy, providing latitude to of elements that should be considered by
non-national jurisdictions to experiment with those who seek to develop approaches that
new ways to deliver services. In the United are sensitive to intergovernmental concerns.
States the waiver has been touted as a way to While there is not a template that can be used
move beyond process or input requirements to determine the appropriate approach for a
and, instead, to give states and localities the particular situation, the following checklist
opportunity to devise their own approaches provides a framework for such a determina-
to achieve specific outcomes. The waiver tion (Gawande, 2009):
authorization has usually been defined in the
context of specific programs and the criteria • determining who is responsible for establishing
for granting the waivers are established the implementation effort;
within the authorizing legislation or imple- • assessing whether the current system actually
menting regulations. Certain requirements affords implementers the opportunity to redefine
(such as civil rights requirements or filing goals to meet their own needs;
• determining the type of policy involved (it may be
performance information) cannot be waived.
more difficult to deal with redistributive policies
This authority has been employed exten- than with distributive or regulatory policies);
sively in the United States in several program • assessing the current policy instrument used to
areas, particularly involving welfare, implement a program;
Medicaid, and the Job Training Partnership • determining whether the decision makers
Act. Waivers have been used to allow states involved are general-purpose government offi-
to establish their own approach and to elimi- cials or program specialists;
nate or modify input or process requirements. • determining the extent of the national role or
Many of the waivers require the proposed presence in the program area (for example, the
modification to be budget neutral. For some, level of funding involved);
the waiver process is a mechanism that can • determining the level of risk for non-compliance
as perceived by both parties;
be used to make a case for policy change.
• determining whether sanctions are available for
However, there are concerns that the waivers non-performance;
produce a situation where nobody will be • assessing the history of past oversight relation-
watching, monitoring, or holding those ships (collegial or conflictual); and
granted the waiver accountable. • determining the level of diversity of practices
across the country.

While the information gleaned from this

CONCLUSION checklist will not always lead to a specific
instrument, it will provide a rough outline for
Managers and management strategists must program and policy officials to use to think
be sensitive to differences among policies about the range of approaches that might

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make sense in a particular situation. The Painter, Martin (2001) ‘Policy Capacity and the Effects
determination of a particular instrument of New Public Management’, in T. Christenson and
calls on intergovernmental managers to exer- P. Laegreid (eds), New Public Management: The
cise creativity and care as they confront Transformation of Ideas and Practice. Aldershot:
Ashgate, pp. 209−230.
the multiple pressures that are a part of the
Peters, B. Guy (1998) ‘“With a Little Help from
reality of the current intergovernmental Our Friends”: Public–Private Partnerships as
landscape. Institutions and Instruments’, in J. Pierre (ed),
Partnerships in Urban Governance: European and
American Experience. New York: St Martin’s Press,
pp. 11−33.
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Metropolitan Areas. Albany, NY: State University of Experience. New York: St Martin’s Press,
New York Press. pp. 140−162.
Barzelay, Michael (2001) The New Public Man- Radin, Beryl A. (1999) ‘Bureaucracies as Instruments of
agement: Improving Research and Policy Dialogue. Federalism: Administrative Experience from India’, in
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. I. Copland and J. Rickard (eds), Federalism:
Buntz, C. Gregory and Radin, Beryl A. (1983) ‘Managing Comparative Perspectives from India and Australia.
Intergovernmental Conflict: The Case of Human New Delhi: Manohar Press, pp. 85−112.
Services’, Public Administration Review, 43(5): Radin, Beryl A. (2001) ‘Intergovernmental Relation-
403−410. ships and the Federal Performance Movement’, in
Frederickson, David G. and Frederickson, George H. Dall W. Forsythe (ed.), Quicker, Better, Cheaper:
(2006) Measuring the Performance of the Hollow Managing Performance in American Government.
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Press. Radin, Beryl A. (2006) Challenging the Performance
Gawande, Atul (2009) The Checklist Manifesto: Movement: Accountability, Complexity, and
How to Get Things Right. New York: Picador Democratic Values. Washington, DC: Georgetown
Publishing. University Press.
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and the City. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago and Intergovernmental Relations’, in P. L. Posner
Press. and T. J. Conlan (eds), Intergovernmental Mana-
Heclo, Hugh (1979) ‘Issue Networks and the Executive gement for the 21st Century. Washington, DC:
Establishment’, in A. King (ed.), The New American Brookings Institution Press and National Academy
Political System. Washington, DC: American of Public Administration, pp. 243−262.
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Radin, Beryl A., Agranoff, Robert, Bowman, Ann O’M.,
pp. 87−124. et al. (1996) New Governance for Rural America:
McDonnell, Lorraine M. and Elmore, Richard F. (1987) Creating Intergovernmental Partnerships. Lawrence,
Alternative Policy Instruments. Philadelphia, PA: KS: University Press of Kansas.
The Center for Policy Research in Education. Rhodes, R. A. W. (1988) Beyond Westminster and
Moynihan, Donald P. (2008) The Dynamics of Perf- Whitehall: The Sub-central Governments of Britain.
ormance Management: Constructing Information London: Unwin–Hyman.
and Reform. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Salamon, Lester M. (ed.) (2002) The Tools of
Press. Government: A Guide to the New Governance. New
Osbourne, David and Gaebler, Ted (1992) Reinventing York: Oxford University Press.
Government. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Salamon, Lester M. and Lund, Michael S. (1989) ‘The
Painter, Martin (1997) ‘Reshaping the Public Sector’, in Tools Approach: Basic Analytics’, in L. M. Salamon
B. Galligan, I. McAllister and J. Ravenhill (eds), New (ed.), Beyond Privatization: The Tools of Government
Developments in Australian Politics. Melbourne: Action. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press,
Macmillan, pp. 148−166. pp. 23−50.

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Scharpf, Fritz (1997) Games Real Actors Play: Walker, David B. (1995) The Rebirth of Federalism:
Actor-Centered Institutionalism in Policy Research. Slouching Toward Washington. Chatham, NJ:
Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Chatham House.
US General Accounting Office (1999) Environmental Wright, Deil S. (1988) Understanding Intergovern-
Protection: Collaborative EPA−State Effort Needed mental Relations, 3rd edn. Pacific Grove, CA:
to Improve New Performance Partnership System. Brooks/Cole.

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Federalism and
Intergovernmental Coordination
Alan Fenna

INTRODUCTION federalism, regulatory federalism, coercive

federalism, executive federalism, pragmatic
Federalism is a distinct governmental form federalism, adaptive federalism, opportunis-
with its own particular impact on public tic federalism, conditional federalism, and
administration and policy and programme much more.
coordination between governments. In par-
ticular, it is a system where intergovernmen-
tal relations and coordination occur within
a constitutionally structured relationship THE CHARACTER OF FEDERALISM
between central governments and the con-
stituent units. At the same time, no two fed- Intergovernmental coordination is a chal-
erations are the same, and each tends to lenge in all political systems, but particularly
operate in its own distinctive manner. This so in federal ones. Even the most unitary of
follows from differences in approaches to the states delegate responsibility for certain func-
division of powers and the form of govern- tions to local or regional jurisdictions and
ment; as well as the degree to which there is some unitary states do so to a substantial
an underlying federal society. The degree of degree. Federal systems are distinctive,
entanglement between levels of government though, in two important regards:
in contemporary federations puts a premium
on cooperation and coordination that is • by having two constitutionally guaranteed
levels of government with assigned powers
accomplished through a variety of institu-
and their own citizen bodies to whom they are
tions and processes and which spans political accountable;
and administrative spheres. Attempts to char- • by carrying the normative assumption that
acterize these realities have generated a range ‘federalness’ is a quality to be preserved for a
of concepts, including cooperative federal- range of purposes it serves or benefits it can
ism, collaborative federalism, administrative deliver.

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Federalism and its governments having a federal order, doubts have regularly
been expressed about how likely that is and,
The first of these considerations means that in general, it seems that such benefits may
the central axis of federal systems is between well be undersupplied. In their notion of a
the central government and the constituent ‘constitution of democratic experimental-
units − the states, provinces, Länder, can- ism’, Dorf and Sable (1998) have argued that
tons, or howsoever those units are termed. such potential can be reinvigorated by a cen-
The constitutionally privileged status of the tral government that encourages and provides
constituent units reflects the premise of fed- support for experimentalism among the con-
eralism that it is about the recognition of stituent units and facilitates the drawing of
separate political communities (Levy, 2007). lessons and dissemination of learning.
There are of course many other vertical inter- Traditional federal thinking, however, is dis-
governmental relationships in federations: posed to be sceptical about the capacity for
between central governments and their terri- such restrained benevolence on the part of
tories; between the constituent units and their central governments (e.g. Filippov et al.,
local governments or special purpose juris- 2004; Bednar, 2009).
dictions; and between central governments
and local governments and special-purpose
jurisdictions. Constitutionally, however, these
are relationships of superior and subordinate Structuring intergovernmental
as in a unitary state. relationships
The manifold vertical and horizontal rela-
tionships exist in a complex web of rules and
norms, the overarching framework for which
Federalism and its benefits
is provided by fundamental law, or the con-
The second consideration means that federal stitution. This is a factor that is characteristi-
systems have a presumption in favour of cally of much greater significance for
action by the constituent units rather than by intergovernmental relations within federal
the central government. The federal character systems than in unitary ones. Within that
of the union, as embodied in an ongoing sig- framework operate laws of the central gov-
nificance and autonomy for the constituent ernment and constituent units, many of which
units, is widely seen as being valuable for the play a role in the relationships of cooperation
potential it holds to deliver certain benefits. and conflict between the different levels and
These are chiefly: protecting regional diver- governments. However, this captures by no
sity and responding to regional differences means all of the practical reality of intergov-
in policy preferences; optimizing the role of ernmental relations, which is made up of
local knowledge in policy design and imple- formal but non-judicial instruments such as
mentation; increasing the scope for policy intergovernmental agreements; extensive
experimentation and learning; and enhancing structured practices and behavioural norms;
constitutional safeguards of liberal democ- and a range of informal practices and work-
racy by dispersing power. ing relationships.
Given the normative claims made about
federalism, intergovernmental coordination
in systems of divided jurisdiction always
raises questions about the scope for legiti- VARIETIES OF FEDERALISM
mate diversity; local experimentation and
policy learning; and the clarity of accounta- While a number of generalizations applica-
bility. While received wisdom has held that ble to most or all federations can be made,
these benefits will spontaneously flow from the considerable variety of federal types and

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experiences does impose limits. Federations decision making (Scharpf et al., 1976;
differ significantly in their constitutional Halberstam and Hills, 2001; Gunlicks, 2003,
design; in the type of representative democ- 2005; Kropp, 2010). A necessary correlate
racy they are organized around; and in of dividing powers on the basis of function
their underlying societal characteristics. rather than domain is strong and direct repre-
Considerable diversity exists even within the sentation for the constituent units in the law-
core of established OECD (Organisation for making processes of the central government.
Economic Co-operation and Development) Following historical practice, the German
federations that is made up of the United constitution sought to achieve this via
States, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, and the Bundesrat (Federal Council) composed
Germany. Diversity increases once the list is of delegates representing the Länder execu-
extended to India, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, tives − an approach echoed in the operation
Ethiopia, or even the ‘quasi-federation’ of of the EU.
the European Union (EU). In the legislative federations, the division
of powers was set in some sort of stone by
enumerating a list of policy domains over
Constitutional design which the central government was granted an
authority to legislate. In the US and Australian
In constitutional design a clear difference is cases, this was an exhaustive list. The US and
evident, first of all, between the general Australian State governments, meanwhile,
approach employed in the Anglo federations were granted an ostensibly broad grant of
and that taken in the Continental. The US ‘residual’ power, with no specific domains
model of ‘legislative federalism’, applied being identified. In addition to enjoying iden-
with variation in both the Canadian and tified powers, the national legislatures in
Australian systems, assigns global responsi- these two federations were granted an explicit
bility for policy domains to the respective ‘supremacy’ in those instances where any
level of government. By contrast, the German overlap should occur.
model of ‘administrative federalism’ assigns Different again is the approach to dividing
a broad policy-making authority to the cen- powers that has taken shape in the quasi-
tral government and leaves responsibility for federal EU. It was the novel and indetermi-
implementation and administration to the nate character of the EU that gave rise to
constituent units (Brecht, 1945; Hueglin and the concept of multi-level governance and
Fenna, 2006: 69−72). This is often described discussion continues about how best to
in the German tradition as ‘executive federal- characterize this case of ‘treaty federalism’
ism’ (Vollzugsföderalismus) because national (Hueglin, 2000) or ‘post-modern confede-
laws are ‘executed’ by the subnational units. ration’ (Majone, 2006:147; Menon and
This is also to be found in Swiss federalism, Schain, 2006; Laursen, 2011). While under
whose particularly effective operation seems the treaties the EU has been assigned certain
to be related to the way this approach dove- powers, the archetypal EU approach has
tails with other aspects of Swiss political been to substitute a procedural rule − sub-
practices and culture (Armingeon, 2000). sidiarity − for a substantive assignment or
The US model originally envisaged a allocation (van Hecke, 2003; Hueglin, 2007).
‘coordinate’ or ‘dual’ system, where some The ‘federal project’ in Europe is, among
concurrency would occur, but on the whole, opinion leaders and governments, still a
each level would operate autonomously in its minority view, because it entails surrendering
own sphere. By contrast, the German model too much de jure sovereignty by the constitu-
involves an ‘interlocked’ form of govern- ent nation-states; at the same time, the crisis
ance, or politikverflechtung, comprising both in the Eurozone in 2011 led to calls for
prescribed revenue sharing and integrated much more de facto coordination and policy

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capacity at the centre in order to solve the centrifugal pressure (Erk, 2007; Fenna,
euro’s problems. 2007a). It also creates a de facto asymmetry
in federal systems such as Canada’s, with
Québec often opting for special arrange-
Form of government ments rather than participating in joint
schemes with the other jurisdictions.
Federations differ not just in the design of
their federal arrangements, but, quite sepa-
rately, in the degree to which they take par-
liamentary or presidential forms and have EVOLUTION OF FEDERAL SYSTEMS
strong or weak second chambers. Whereas
the United States was established on a fed- The Anglo federations’ original conception
eral and presidential basis, with a strong of the two levels of government functioning
second chamber, Canada was established on in parallel rather than in tandem soon gave
a federal and parliamentary basis, with a way as the role of government increased and
formal rather than real second chamber. existing governmental tasks that had once
Indeed, in combining federalism with presi- been strictly local in their scope developed
dentialism, the United States is anomolous, strong externalities or spillover effects and
with the leading federations being parliamen- assumed a national dimension. As Conlan
tary in nature (though Switzerland is difficult and Posner (2008: 3) point out, this has
to categorize). A number of comparative reached the stage in the United States where,
studies conclude that presidentialism is a key being ‘a critical front line in the national
variable in explaining distinctive characteris- homeland security initiative’, even some-
tics of intergovernmental coordination in the thing as truly local as fire brigades are the
United States (Radin and Boase, 2000; subject of national policy making. The con-
Kelemen, 2004; Bakvis and Brown, 2010; sequence of these trends is that, for the
Simeon and Radin, 2010). Australia is differ- United States, ‘the major public problems
ent again in combining federalism, parlia- and policy responses of recent years are over-
mentarism and strong bicameralism, whereas whelmingly intergovernmental in nature’
Germany is distinctive in having a second (Conlan and Posner, 2008: 2).
chamber, the Bundesrat, that is designed pri-
marily to operate as a house of the states.
Coordinate to ‘cooperative’
For many years this centralization was an
Societal characteristics
incremental process, but the real turning
One of the chief rationales for federalism is point was the Great Depression. From that
to provide constitutional assurance for par- point on, the Anglo federations became
ticular cultural or ethnic minorities or regional decidedly more centralized and entangled
interests. The extent to which such a ‘federal (Clark, 1938; Wallis and Oates, 1998). In the
society’ exists will have a major impact on United States, the turning point was 1937,
the functioning of the federal system. In when the Supreme Court was obliged to
particular, those federations with a clear reconsider its views on the New Deal legisla-
language division − notably Switzerland tion (Corwin, 1950). Instances of ‘coopera-
and Canada − will have built-in tendencies tion’ in all federations can be traced much
towards the maintenance of a decentralized further back (Elazar, 1962), but the situation
structure, while those such as the United by the mid-twentieth century was qualitatively
States and even more so Australia, without different (Scheiber, 1980). Fundamentally,
such a division, will not have the same that process reflected changing economic

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and social conditions (Peterson, 1995). It mandates on the states. While ‘mandate’
may also have occurred partly in response to might normally refer to the granting of
the democratic and policy deficiencies of authority, in this context it is rather the oppo-
subnational governments in the 1950s and site: the imposition of a requirement. Dubbed
1960s (Parkin, 2003: 104; Bowman and ‘regulatory federalism’, this practice seeks
Kearney, 2010: 5; though cf. Teaford, 2002). to regulate state and local government
Meanwhile, a somewhat analogous transition action in line with national policy decisions
to cooperative federalism may be occurring (ACIR, 1983). The tendency, over time, for
in the EU (Schutze, 2009). It is an evolving the spending power lever to be replaced in
historical process where new modes both the United States with direct orders that
supersede and layer themselves over old create ‘unfunded mandates’ has made such
modes in a ‘sedimentary’ process (Conlan, interventions increasingly contentious
2008). (Posner, 1998, 2008). Centralization seems
to be secular trend that continues regardless
of partisanship (Fenna, 2007a; Posner,
Instruments of centralization
Central governments greatly expanded their
role through some combination of legislative Concessions to federalism
assertion and fiscal leverage. The rise of
income tax as the primary revenue source The United States, where directive or regula-
positioned central governments to capture tory federalism is most pronounced, has
revenue well in excess of their normal developed some compensatory mechanisms,
expenditure needs. This provided the basis notably in the system of ‘waivers’ allowing
for conditional grant programmes (in the US states to deviate from imposed requirements.
‘categorical grants-in-aid’) whereby central In line with the normative underpinnings of
government funding bought potentially federalism, this practice should restore or
extensive influence over policy domains even enhance the potential for experimenta-
within the formal jurisdiction of the constitu- tion and learning (Weissert and Weissert,
ent units. In a number of cases, conditional 2008).
grants have allowed national governments
to circumvent a constitutional division of
powers that corresponded only poorly to
modern economic conditions and social COOPERATIVE FEDERALISM
demands. IN PRACTICE
The second main vehicle for centralization
has been expansive interpretation of enumer- The omnibus term for the overlapping and
ated powers, conspicuous in both the US and entangled state that the Anglo federations
Australian federations in particular. In the had reached by the latter twentieth century
United States, this has manifested itself since has been ‘cooperative federalism’. It is ‘a
the early 1970s in Congressional ‘preemp- term that covers a multitude of sins from
tion’, whereby Congress partially or wholly genuinely mutual adjustment, policy coordi-
occupies a field previously assumed to be nation and collaborative arrangements; to
the responsibility of the states (Zimmerman, vertical competition between levels of gov-
2005; Buzbee, 2009). ernment; to full-blown centralization through
Using its spending power and its expan- coercion and unilateral interventionism’
sively interpreted enumerated powers, the (Fenna, 2007b: 175). Rather than carrying
US government has been notable for the any necessary implication of mutualism
extent to which it has imposed so-called or harmonious coordination, it refers simply

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to the fact of governments working and Performance monitoring and

functioning together (Elazar, 1991: 69) and benchmarking
indeed may well be a ‘euphemism’ (Sawer,
1969: 123). In some analyses, cooperative The difficulties caused by overlapping and
federalism was originally characterized by entanglement generate, in turn, the periodic,
mutualistic relations that called for more almost inevitable, enthusiasm for ‘new feder-
attention to administrative coordination (CIR, alism’. This is typically not ‘new’ at all, but
1955) and indeed continued to grow and an attempt to restore some element of the
evolve as the happily ‘pragmatic’ adjustment status quo ante by returning fiscal capacity,
of an old constitution to new conditions policy responsibilities, or administrative
(Glendening and Reeves, 1977; Hollander autonomy to the constituent units through
and Patapan, 2007). In other views, these such mechanisms as block grants or devolu-
originally mutualistic patterns soon gave way tion of policy-making responsibility.
to more blatantly coercive ones (Kincaid, The most recent wave of such reform has
1990) and the ‘opportunistic’ exploitation by been characterized by an attempt to imple-
central governments of the dominant fiscal ment performance monitoring and manage-
and constitutional position they enjoy in the ment regimes shifting the emphasis from
federation (Conlan, 2006). input and output controls to outcomes assess-
ment. This is more novel, and in one
view represents a major step towards a con-
Power of the purse? stitution of democratic experimentalism
(Metzenbaum, 2008). In less sanguine views,
The extensive use of conditional grants to performance management in itself is fraught
create new roles for national governments with difficulties of data quality, perverse
in areas of subnational jurisdiction has incentives, output–outcomes relationships
continued in Australia and the United States, and more. Combined with the challenges of
but sharply declined in Canada (Bakvis federalism it becomes a truly heroic objec-
and Brown, 2010). In many ways the tied tive (Radin, 2006, 2008). These develop-
grant remains a powerful tool for incorpo- ments are most evident in those federations,
rating the US and Australian states into notably Australia and the United States, with
national policy frameworks (Cho and Wright, stronger central governments (Gamkhar,
2007). However, the effectiveness of this 2002; Fenna, 2008, 2012) − the US govern-
instrument in directing states and holding ment’s ‘No Child Left Behind’ policy being
them accountable remains a live question the most salient example (Manna, 2011).
given everything from distance to data- Indeed, the use of performance management
collection limitations (e.g. Handley, 2008; techniques across levels of government is
Nugent, 2009; Ramamurthy, 2012). Although more characteristic of unitary regimes with
Pressman and Wildavsky’s (1973: 161) their clear hierarchy of authority between
famous study of policy implementation gone central government at the national level and
badly awry indicted much more than just general- or special-purpose authorities at the
federalism, it did endorse the view that a local level exercising merely delegated (and
system of divided jurisdiction ‘not only per- hence revocable) powers. This has been
mits but encourages the evasion and dilution particularly so in the UK (Downe, 2008).
of federal reform’ (quoting Murphy, 1971: At the other end of the spectrum is the
60). How much this is a function of federal- European Union’s Open Method of
ism specifically, or more generally of multi- Coordination (OMC), which seeks to use
ple levels of government, and the overlapping benchmarking as a technique to dissemi-
hierarchies that result, is another question nate ‘best practice’ among a diverse range
(e.g. Hupe, 2010). of member states across a wide range of

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policy areas. With little or no authority in a are prominent and shared partisanship domi-
number of social policy and other fields nates (Carroll and Head, 2010; Fenna and
where comprehensive national policy frame- Anderson, 2012) but even then the Common-
works already exist, and no major revenue wealth is almost inevitably the dominant
sources to fund extensive grant programmes, partner (Anderson, 2008; Jones, 2008).
the EU has had little choice but to employ Similar collaborative practices are also
‘soft law’ devices. These focus on a highly evident in other parliamentary federations,
consultative and iterative practice of indica- including both Canada and Germany,
tor development, performance reporting and although their degree of development varies
qualitative peer review (e.g. Heidenreich and (Cameron and Simeon, 2002; Inwood et al.,
Bischoff, 2008; Sabel and Zeitlin, 2010; 2011; Lhotta and von Blumenthal, 2012).
Tholoniat, 2010). These methods correspond The Canadian First Ministers’ Conference is
admirably with the ethos of federalism but seen − by contrast with COAG − as the
raise questions of efficacy. ‘weak link’ in the intergovernmental chain
(Papillon and Simeon, 2004). In Germany,
both informal and formal heads of govern-
ment meetings (the Ministerpräsidentenkon-
Collaborative arrangements
ferenz, MPK) are well-established practices,
The increasingly entangled nature of inter- as are ministerial councils. Much noted has
governmental relations in the legislative fed- been the role senior officials play in directing
erations creates a need for coordination that German intergovernmental relations behind
is inherently challenging, given the assump- the scenes − the ‘brotherhood of technocrats’
tions of separate and parallel operation that (Lhotta and von Blumenthal, 2012).
informed their design. The challenge is argu- Driven by the same need to work out col-
ably more acute in the United States, given laborative solutions to challenges that span
the separation of powers and the nature of levels of government, these federations have
the US public service (Kettl, 2006; Bouckaert also come to rely increasingly on formal
et al., 2010). Both Australia and Canada intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) that
have long-standing practices of high-level spell out in contractual detail the commit-
intergovernmental relations, referred to as ments of the respective governments. Not
‘executive federalism’ for the way they occur being made pursuant to any constitutional
largely to the exclusion of the respective leg- provision, and with parliaments generally
islative bodies (e.g. Simeon, 1972). These lacking the authority to bind themselves
comprise meetings of portfolio ministers in in that way, they have little or no juridical
regular ‘ministerial councils’ as well as sum- force (Poirier, 2004). However, this has
mit-like meetings of the heads of government not prevented them from being respected in
and, of course, the attendant work of officials practice. In Switzerland, Germany and the
from each jurisdiction’s public service. This United States, IGAs are predominantly hori-
is more structured in Australia, where heads zontal in nature and enjoy some form of
of government meetings have been regular- constitutional recognition. Such agreements
ized as COAG, the Council of Australian allow spillover problems in such areas as pol-
Governments. While COAG cannot be lution to be addressed without abnegating
said to have a formal institutional existence, responsibility to national authority (Rabe,
it has become a well-established practice 2008; Lhotta and von Blumenthal, 2012).
since Australian intergovernmental relations In Germany, their binding character is ensured
entered a decidedly more collaborative phase through the constitutional doctrine of bun-
in the early 1990s (Painter, 1998). That col- destreue, or ‘federal faithfulness’.
laborative spirit has waxed and waned since, As was noted over half a century
tending to grow when positive-sum issues ago (CIR, 1955) if not earlier, the great

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centralization of policy making has placed a Winfield and Macdonald, 2008; Weibust,
premium on administrative coordination 2009). Widespread spillovers, both material
between levels of government. This leads to and non-material, make local control prob-
what in a general sense may be called lematic – as does the strong possibility that
‘administrative federalism’, or the reality that local environmental protection is adversely
much of that coordination occurs through a affected by competitive federalism and its
process of bargaining and negotiation promotion of a ‘race to the bottom’ (Saleska
between officials in the respective govern- and Engel, 1998; Engel and Rose-Ackerman,
ments or agencies (Agranoff and McGuire, 2001; Schwab, 2006; Andreen, 2009;
2004). In this regard, the legislative federa- Weibust, 2009). While this view is not uni-
tions have assumed characteristics similar to versally accepted (Oates, 1997; Esty and
the administrative federations, with constitu- Geradin, 2001; Revesz, 2001), it is reflected
ent units often responsible for implementing in prevailing policy directions. In the United
national policies. Administrative federalism States, this has followed the pattern of admin-
in this more technical sense is thus now to istrative federalism akin to the German
be found in a variety of circumstances (e.g. model, with national regulations specifying
Schwager, 1999). The term has, however, regulatory minima and states tasked with
accumulated a range of meanings. It has, for implementing, administering and, if they
instance, been used to describe the unusual wish, augmenting.
situation found in India where, as a conse- The German model has been judged par-
quence of origins in a unitary state, the civil ticularly effective in environmental govern-
service is integrated between the two levels ance, although rather more for the way it
of government (Maheshwari, 1992). In yet creates effective coordination by integrating
another twist, the term has also been used to the Länder into the national policy-making
describe the US practice whereby decisions process than simply for its functional divi-
about the practical workings of the division sion of powers (VanNijnatten, 2000). In
of powers between the two levels of govern- practical terms, the strong national role in
ment may be delegated to a particular agency American environmental policy brings about
for resolution. Debate in that literature a dynamic relationship of negotiation and
focuses on whether, in bypassing the political compromise between state authorities,
process, such delegation buttresses or under- national authorities, and regional offices of
mines federalism (Galle and Seidenfeld, national authorities (Scheberle, 2004).
2008; Metzger, 2008; cf. Logan, 2010). Complexity and entanglement, duplication
and overlap may well reflect the reality of
environmental policy, with its multiple
dimensions carrying highly varying foot-
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY prints, and provide a suitably ‘adaptive’
response (Adelman and Engel, 2009). It may
Few policy domains have more clearly epito- also provide a degree of insurance against
mized the transition to ‘cooperative’ federal- mismanagement by one level or the other
ism than environmental policy. Traditionally (Hollander, 2010). Where, for instance, one
an exclusively local matter, the environment level of government seems paralysed − as in
has rapidly become the subject of national the case of national climate change policy in
policy making since the 1960s and early the United States − some states and local
1970s − with the US Clean Air Act of 1970 governments may voluntarily occupy the
as bellwether. Not surprisingly, this has been temporarily vacant policy space, in the proc-
more evident in the United States than Canada ess engaging with transnational policy net-
where limits on the assertion of national works of competition and coordination
authority are greater (Harrison, 2000; (Rabe, 2008). Quite what metaphor best

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captures the reality of such interactive over- the consideration, as the White House report
lapping continues to be discussed (Schapiro, put it, that ‘Hurricane Katrina was the most
2009). destructive natural disaster in U.S. history’
(Townsend, 2006: 5) and New Orleans is so
precariously situated as to be almost unpro-
tectable (Derthick, 2007). It remains the
DISASTER MANAGEMENT case, though, that federal systems do place a
premium on coordinated systems for contin-
Some federations, such as Australia and the gencies (Kweit and Kweit, 2006).
United States, happen to be particularly Underlying the practical challenge of
prone to natural disasters, and such events ensuring effective vertical coordination
may well provide a particular stress test for between levels of governments as well as
systems and practices of intergovernmental effective horizontal coordination within the
coordination (Landy, 2008) − as equally may respective governments is the possibility that
disasters of human making (Birkland and the logic of federalism contributes to
DeYoung, 2011). In such circumstances, the dysfunctional free-riding behaviour by
question of the respective roles of the differ- individual jurisdictions. Given public
ent governments arises − as, when things go expectations in situations of natural disaster,
wrong, does the question whether federalism lower-order governments can safely assume
obstructs effective disaster management. One that they will be rescued by the national
potential problem is that different govern- government, and thus have less incentive to
ments will fail to coordinate preparation and plan adequately and invest sufficiently in
action sufficiently. Federalism compounds avoiding or managing the problem themselves
the already challenging nature of service (Goodspeed and Haughwout, 2012).
delivery in a disaster, where systems are
placed under great pressure and when the
capacity for effective intra-governmental
coordination is already itself being tested. CONCLUSION
Another problem is that federalism may
create perverse incentives for lower-order The impossibility of making a legislative
governments to under-invest in preparation − division of powers work today as designed
effectively, a moral hazard problem. has given rise to techniques and instruments
The destruction of New Orleans by of intergovernmental coordination in the
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 gave rise to much first-generation federations of the United
criticism and soul-searching in the United States, Canada and Australia. Through a vari-
States about the governmental response in ety of devices, and with varying degrees of
general, and the intergovernmental dimension coerciveness, these systems have generated
of that response, in particular. Was federalism ways in which formerly local matters have
to blame for the ‘disaster within a disaster’ been subjected to national policy making. At
(Menzel, 2006: 810)? In general, the answer the same time, administration in what has
arising from official reports and academic come to be generically known as ‘coopera-
analysis is ‘no’: the main source of the tive federalism’ has often been left to the
problem was ineptness within the respective subnational authorities, and thus there has
governments rather than between them. Most been, in some respects, a significant conver-
particularly, analyses point to failures of gence with those systems based on a func-
preparation, orientation and coordination tional division of powers. Nonetheless, as
within the US government and its main federations, they remain distinctive for the
relevant agencies (Kweit and Kweit, 2006; way that those adaptive developments must
Birkland and Waterman, 2008). There is also operate within the confines of a governing

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Brecht, Arnold (1945) Federalism and Regionalism in
Germany: the division of Prussia. New York: Oxford
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Multi-level Governance and
Public Administration
Simona Piattoni

INTRODUCTION science. MLG, then, is not simply cotermin-

ous with intergovernmental relations (IGR)
Multi-level governance (MLG) has become but, while sharing some of the same basic
the code word for a number of interrelated concerns denoted also by this term (Ongaro,
developments in public administration that 2010), points to debates that uniquely char-
find their clearest manifestation in the acterize European nation-states and the
context of European integration. The first process of European integration.
development (recorded by the governance Analyzing MLG draws attention to the
literature – whether multi-level of otherwise) historical record of state development and to
is that effective policy making requires that normative concerns regarding the quality
many actors outside of central government, (and the changing nature) of democracy.
both private and public, work together. History warns against oversimplifying the
The second development is the continuous developmental trajectory of the European
redefinition of the territorial articulation of territorial state, while normative concerns
European states, whether unitary or federal, temper the enthusiasm for novel governance
aimed at establishing an efficient division arrangements that fly in the face of conven-
of labor between governmental levels. The tional and tried models of democracy. At the
third dynamic is connected to the process same time, these developments open up new
of European integration, which tries to vistas onto the meaning of democracy in
weld together different traditions of territo- post-sovereign, post-national and, perhaps,
rial management and thus ends up upsetting post-territorial states.
existing political and administrative models. This chapter is organized as follows: first,
Each of these developments poses a distinct it offers a recapitulation of the developments
challenge to the public administration of that changed perceived notions of govern-
European states and points to a number of ment and resulted in the increased use of the
theoretical puzzles in conventional political term governance and, second, a review of the

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debate on the adoption and diffusion of involvement of non-governmental and civil

multi-level governance arrangements in society organizations in the formulation and
Europe. ‘Conventional wisdom’ attributes implementation of welfare policies.
these developments to the quest for greater The second development, closely con-
efficiency but here it will be argued that nected to the first, was the heightened atten-
MLG is driven by the highly political attempt tion to developmental issues. World War II
to find policy-making arrangements that left a legacy of uneven destruction and devel-
can be perceived as not only efficient but also opment that could not be tolerated in the
legitimate. The following sections illustrate political mood of the postwar period. All
how MLG fits uneasily with the different West European states adopted economic
state traditions present in Europe, so that no development programs, paying attention both
single member state has a clear advantage to lagging (mostly agrarian) regions and to
over others when it comes to implementing declining (mostly industrial) regions. For
European Union (EU) legislation, and how it the sake of regional planning and policy
differs across policy areas. The conclusion is implementation, unitary states created admin-
that MLG is a constant work in progress istrative or planning regions, thus contribut-
rather than an already defined ‘new political ing to a generalized drive towards a
order’ and that whatever destination is even- ‘meso-level in Europe’(Rokkan et al., 1987;
tually reached will depend on the capacity of Sharpe, 1979, 1993). Some states embarked
political and policy leaders to project MLG on rationalization drives, collapsing munici-
arrangements, and the policies made through pal governments into larger units that ended
them, as legitimate. up resembling the regional governments
that were simultaneously created in others.
The consequence was to create a new group
of meso-level administrative and political
WHENCE MLG? actors who attached new meaning to territo-
rial entities engineered for efficiency reasons.
The pedigree of the concept can be traced In some cases, this top-down regionalization
back to three concomitant, but independent got intertwined with bottom-up regionalism
developments in public administration. The (Keating, 1996, 1998) – an independent
first has to do with the expansion of welfare revival of regional and local identities, aris-
state services in West European states ing from the upsurge of post-material values
particularly in the first postwar period (1950s and a search for more authentic territorial
to 1970s). As West European states took identities (the so-called right to roots).
on increasing welfare tasks, service delivery The third development derived, paradoxi-
became more and more complex. In an cally, from the failure or declining effective-
attempt to boost efficiency, several adminis- ness of the measures just described in the
trative solutions were experimented with, more turbulent economic context of the
from the creation of general-purpose meso- 1970s. Two oil crises imposed heavy restruc-
governmental levels in charge of several turing on European industries in advanced
services simultaneously to the creation of regions, suggested the rescaling of industry-
single-purpose functional organizations centered developmental plans in formerly
directly controlled by central departments agrarian regions and, more generally, imposed
(Radin, 2003). This led to a drive towards cost reductions on welfare provisions. In an
the rationalization of territorial jurisdictions interesting reverse drive for efficiency – now
and the standardization of public services. As directed at containing costs and reducing
a partial response to the resulting excessive services – central governments resorted
bureaucracy, new ways of delivering services to three different management strategies,
were attempted, thus giving rise to a growing which are synthetically captured by the terms

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hierarchy, network and market (Streeck the degree of fit or misfit between national
and Schmitter, 1985; Wollmann, 2003). The and European ‘ways of doing things’ (Green-
hierarchical solution – the creation or con- Cowles et al., 2000), more detailed analysis
solidation of meso governments that could reveals the distinctive difficulties that each
preside over multiple services delivery but member state encounters in adapting to
presumably also over service containment – common or convergent policies and stand-
was adopted by centralized Continental states ards. Thus, in addition to responding to
(notably, France and Italy). The networked common growth and crises during the post-
solution – the creation of concertative war period in distinct but parallel ways, West
arrangements among representatives of state, European states further overhauled their
social partners and civil society organiza- administrative practices and territorial organ-
tions at various territorial levels – was pre- ization under the impact of the process of
ferred by both unitary and federal North European integration.
European countries with solid neo-corporat-
ist traditions (Scandinavian countries and
Continental ‘consensus’ democracies such as
Germany and the Netherlands). The market MLG: THE THEORETICAL CORE
solution was embraced by neo-liberal coun-
tries that, wary of either administrative or The term ‘multi-level governance’ was coined
political meso-level institutions, preferred to by Gary Marks in a seminal article (Marks,
impose the economic discipline of market- 1992) aimed at describing the distinctive
like mechanisms onto single-purpose admin- type of policy making that characterized EU
istrative units directly subordinate to central structural policy. Marks suggested that, in
government. certain policy areas such as cohesion policy
The influence of entrenched national and environmental policy, European policy
administrative and political traditions was making was no longer dominated by national
evident throughout. Both in times of expan- governments: supranational and subnational
sion and in times of contraction, each polity actors had become crucially important as
banked on its own strengths and tinkered well. He described this ‘new political order’,
with its own administrative system without or ‘emerging political disorder’, as ‘a com-
fundamentally departing from it. Still, com- plex, multilayered, decision-making process
mon traits were discernible, as all three solu- stretching beneath the state as well as
tions entailed closer collaboration between above it’ (Marks, 1992: 221). This multi-
public and private actors and the rescaling of level vision of EU policy making was con-
the territorial articulation of the nation-state trasted to the state-centrist vision – in both
to meet the economic and social challenges the neo-realist and liberal intergovernmental-
of the day: the essence of multi-level govern- ist versions – that saw central governments as
ance. These partly distinct and partly conver- firmly in control. In addition, he noted that
gent trends were further affected by the ‘extremely wide and persistent variations’
process of Europeanization. (Marks, 1992: 221) structurally characterized
A vast literature has developed which EU policy making across policy areas. In
studies the ways in which member states’ practice, Marks argued that while EU deci-
institutions, policies, procedures and, even sion making could no longer be characterized
more generally, actors’ cognitive maps as a ‘neat, two sided process involving
change under the impact of the process of member states and Community institutions’,
European integration (Börzel and Risse, it was at the same time difficult to say pre-
2003; Radaelli, 2003). While fairly general cisely which ‘new political order’ was replac-
propositions have been developed indicating ing the state-centric one (Hooghe and Marks,
that the amount of change is correlated with 2003).

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The MLG concept was increasingly centrality of the nation-state and basically
applied both in EU studies and beyond in denied any loss of relevance, sovereignty and
many subfields of political science, public control on the part of nation (and member)
policy and political economy (Bache and states. Far from being superseded by trans-
Flinders, 2004; Conzelmann and Smith, national social groups and outflanked by
2008; Enderlein et al., 2010; Hooghe and sub-national authorities, nation-states were
Marks, 2001). But if MLG captured impor- supposedly still able to orchestrate European
tant dynamics in the ‘business of rule’ (Poggi, integration in the direction, though not nec-
1978), it did not yet point to a distinct devel- essarily to the degree, that best fitted their
opmental trajectory that could indicate needs and were equally able to steer subna-
what was driving it and where it was head- tional authorities into doing what they (cen-
ing: while it was a ‘compelling metaphor’ tral governments) decided (Hoffmann, 1966;
(Rosamond, 2000), MLG was still ‘ill-theo- Moravcsik, 1993, 1998).
rized’ (Benz, 2000).The debates that ensued These three debates reveal many chal-
as a reaction to Marks’ initial provocation lenges to the nation-state and its public
can help to flesh out MLG’s theoretical core administration. These challenges to the unity,
(but see also Hooghe and Marks,1996; Marks, specificity and autonomy of the nation-state
1993, 1996; Marks et al., 1996). Three main could be thought of as coming from below
debates unfolded, touching three distinct (from subnational levels of government and
directions of change and three sources of society), from within (from private and public
challenge to the nation-state. By looking interests and from for-profit and non-profit
at the answers provided by these debates – organizations) and from the top (from supra-
none of them fully satisfactory if taken in national institutions) (Piattoni, 2010: 1−13).
isolation – we should be able to capture the
theoretical core of MLG.
The first debate revolved around the idea
The challenge from below
that regions, rather than states, were the most
efficient level at which economic production A rich literature on regionalism – on the
and service delivery could be organized resurgence of regional economies and identi-
(Cox, 1997; Storper, 1997). Regions were ties – had anticipated many of the themes
also supposedly more authentic communi- that were later also captured by the notion
ties, which commanded genuine allegiance of multi-level governance (Jeffery, 1997b;
and pristine attachment among their citizens; Keating, 1988, 1998). Spurred in part by the
hence, regional government was potentially observation that Fordist production was being
more democratic (Loughlin, 1996; Rokkan replaced by flexible specialized production
and Urwin, 1982, 1983). The second debate in Marshallian industrial districts (Piore and
had to do with the increasing role that subna- Sabel, 1984) and in part by the observation
tional and transnational societies played in that lesser-spoken languages and regional
setting the political agenda and in imple- identities (or sub-state nations) were experi-
menting solutions. It was theorized that par- encing a revival (Anderson, 1994), the lite-
liamentary democracies, based on territorially rature on regionalism boomed in the 1970s
defined communities, were inherently unable and 1980s. In a probably overzealous enthu-
to identify the problems and the solutions of siasm for the regional phenomenon, some
the day, and that policy networks (whether scholars lent credibility to the claim that
forming spontaneously, facilitated by the regions were destined to replace states as the
state, or created by the European Union) most meaningful level of political organiza-
were better able to deliver governance solu- tion (Hooghe, 1995, 1996; Hooghe and
tions (Andersen and Burns, 1996; Smismans, Marks, 1996; Jeffery, 1996, 1997a; Keating
2004, 2006). The third debate reasserted the et al., 2003). Marks (1992) himself seemed

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to support the vision of a dawning ‘Europe A second strand highlighted the upsurge of
of the Regions’. (transnational) social movements pressing
The claim that regions could replace for civil rights, opposing nuclear power,
states as the political unit on which Europe mobilizing in favor of the environment, pro-
(and the European Union) could be based is testing against xenophobia and, in general,
naïve, and, as such, it has been extensively claiming greater and more open political
criticized (Anderson, 1991; Jeffery, 2000; participation (Keck and Sikkink, 1998).
Keating, 2008; Rhodes, 1974; see also the Parallel to this transnational mobilization in
entire Regional & Federal Studies 17(5) 2008 favor of ‘public interests’ was the mobiliza-
issue). However, the underlying fallacy – tion of society in favor of ‘private interests’,
that an ‘optimum scale’ of government can i.e., in favor of more liberal markets and
indeed be identified and engineered into greater self-regulation on the part of business
existence (Oates, 1972) – still enjoys wide (Sandholtz and Stone-Sweet, 1998).
circulation (see, for example, Jordan, 2001; The myth of the ‘self-regulating society’ is
Scharpf, 1988). In reality there is no single common to these arguments. In public admin-
governmental scale that is ‘optimal’ for all istration, this suggested various strategies:
governmental purposes and functions: from the involvement of all potential stake-
there are only territorial jurisdictions that holders in policy making to the promotion
manage to attract enough loyalty to project of forms of self-regulation on the part
themselves as viable governmental units. of industries, professions and corporations.
If the ‘Europe of the Regions’ claim has any Co-governance (Kickert et al., 1997), organic
value at all, this lies in drawing attention to governance (Andersen and Burns, 1996) and
the highly political, therefore contestable, supranational governance (Smismans, 2004)
nature of this project and certainly not to are some of the terms coined to indicate these
the intrinsic efficiency and optimality of developments. Authoritative pages have been
any one level of government (Piattoni, 2010: written about the transformation of govern-
Ch. 2). ance as a consequence of the increased self-
awareness of civil society (Peters, 2001;
Peters and Pierre, 2003; Pierre, 2000; Pierre
and Peters, 2000) and inspiring visions of
The challenge from within
self-governing networks have been supplied
The debate on the relevance of civil society (Rosenau and Czempiel, 1992). This debate
for policy making also anticipated some of captures the challenge that derives to the
the themes later captured also by multi-level state from an increasingly self-aware society
governance. One strand in the literature that demands direct involvement in policy
records the widespread retrenchment from making. However, it is doubtful that self-
the welfare state since the early 1970s. ‘From regulating societies could replace nation-
cradle to grave’ did not sound all that cozy states in their entirety.
any more, particularly given the high levels
of taxation that it implied and the overly
bureaucratic services that it delivered. The The challenge from above
reaction against it took different forms: for
example, in Denmark and Norway, the for- In a challenge to state-centrist approaches
mation of political parties protesting against that took intergovernmental bargains as the
the ‘excessive intrusion’ of the state; in coun- events to be explained, Marks instead focused
tries like the UK and the United States, the on the day-to-day relationships between EU
dismantling of many welfare services and the functionaries, governmental actors, sub-
adoption of market-like mechanisms national representatives, lobbyists and social
(Piattoni, 2010: 6). activists. By adopting this ‘actor-centered’

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approach, Marks (1993) could note the exist- of direction: Which of these two types is
ence of a thick web of relationships (‘multi- going to prevail? Will mixes endure? Hooghe
level governance’) that escaped institutional and Marks’ answer is that the contemporary
conventions and defied existing hierarchies. EU can be described as a ‘layered network
The heart of the controversy with state cen- of Type II arrangements of varying institu-
trists (Bache, 1999; Hoffmann, 1966; Pollack, tional durability, fixity and geographical
1995) revolved around the continued capac- scope which are broadly coordinated by
ity of member states to ‘keep the gates’ to the (a) relatively durable institutional arrange-
inter- and supranational levels and to regulate ments among sets of national governments
how societal actors and subnational authori- and (b) a small number of Type I interna-
ties could relate to Europe. Even when such tional organizations’ (Hooghe and Marks,
actors were busy lobbying European institu- 2010: 23). Type II jurisdictions normally
tions, the assumption of state centrists was coexist with Type I jurisdictions in the
that they were pushing forward a national same overarching polity and will most
agenda and that they were keeping within likely keep doing so (Hooghe and Marks,
limits set by the state. For state centrists, all 2003: 238).
international cooperation takes place (by Clearly neither solution, Type I nor Type II
definition) at the behest and in the interest of MLG, is self-evidently more ‘efficient’
member states. But determining which deci- (Marks and Hooghe, 2000). The other contri-
sions occur in the interest of the member butions to this section of the Handbook
states and which developments create a amply demonstrate that many solutions are
supranational order that ends up, perhaps tried by member states, depending on their
unexpectedly, constraining them is an empir- administrative tradition and on the values
ical matter. prevalent in their polity and society, but
Hooghe and Marks (2003) confronted the that none is unquestionably superior to any
question of what type of order might replace other. Federal (Type I MLG) solutions
the unraveling state. For them, MLG comes attempt to capitalize upon the theoretically
in two fundamentally distinct types: Type I greater coordination capacity of general-
MLG is based on a limited number of purpose territorial jurisdictions that can
general-purpose territorial jurisdictions that aim at internalizing most significant exter-
resemble federalist polities; Type II MLG is nalities in the production and delivery of
the haphazard juxtaposition of overlapping social and developmental services. Typically,
special-purpose, functional jurisdictions. they must then coordinate with lower-level
Membership in Type I MLG is stable and jurisdictions and seek, at these lower levels,
exclusive and the typical mode of participa- the involvement of civil society. Similar
tion is voice. Membership in Type II MLG is solutions have given rise to what is known in
fleeting and intersecting and the characteris- the United States as ‘picket-fenced federal-
tic mode of participation is exit. Real-life ism’, with few large general-purpose juris-
MLG structures normally straddle these dictions connected with one another through
two ideal-types: worlds strictly coinciding coordinating committees, or to what in
with either extreme are highly improbable. Canada is known as ‘executive federalism’,
Still, a world of Type I MLG would be where cross-provincial coordination is sought
congenial to scholars that propound the rele- through high-level agreements among pro-
vance of regional governments and the stay- vincial executives (Painter, 1991). Functional
ing power of territorial jurisdictions more (Type II MLG) solutions are tried mostly
generally, while a world of Type II MLG is in unitary states. Single-purpose jurisdic-
not so distant from what the proponents of tions can there more easily be tied into a
the self-regulating society have in mind. centralized system of political control and
What is missing from this analysis is a sense can be more easily reined in by economic

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imperatives (such as profit making or break- local political classes can promote in order to
ing even). However, single-purpose jurisdic- command electoral consensus: the essence of
tions are also more easily captured by the democracy and the foundation of self-rule.
clienteles that they are supposed to service or Also, civil society organizations – voluntary
regulate and generate externalities that may organizations, transnational social move-
affect the production and delivery of other ments, non-governmental organizations,
services. In order to compensate for these public-private partnerships, professional
sources of inefficiency, Type II MLG solu- organizations – claim ‘self-rule’ rights in
tions require the activation of coordinative specific fields and create self-regulating
and negotiated solutions that do not differ policy networks on the basis of which they
very much from the solutions implemented can command prestige and obedience from
in Type I MLG arrangements. In no case, their members.
however, are these negotiated solutions spon- Examples of policies with a clear territo-
taneous and self-regulating, but they are rial dimension include:
rather interstitial correctives to long adminis-
trative traditions and engineered reforms. • developmental policies, especially if linked to
Under what conditions will MLG arrange- primary sectors such as agriculture, fishing, and
ments spread and become dominant across
• environmental policies, for which local condi-
the EU? Do all European member states tions determine sensitivity to one or the other
embody MLG in the same way and to the type of pollutant or suggest different environ-
same extent? The next section further devel- mental strategies;
ops MLG’s theoretical core and charts the • transport policies, which create different prob-
cross-country and cross-policy variation in lems and call for different solutions (for example,
MLG arrangements. The main argument is Alpine and transborder regions are affected by
that MLG arrangements will further spread international traffic to an extent unknown to
and stabilize into a new political order only maritime regions, which may rather suffer from
insofar as they will be perceived as legiti- being peripheral and difficult to reach); and
mate, which is in itself a ‘contentious con- • higher education policy, for which the territorial
dimension is becoming increasingly relevant, par-
cept’ that can be settled only politically.
ticularly as the creation of knowledge-intensive
skills demands the pooling together of different
educational strengths that are located in differ-
ent places sometimes across national borders.
Whether these policies areas are better tack-
Multi-level governance arrangements have led through territorially specific instruments
not appeared in equal degree across all policy or through national or supranational sector-
sectors. Some policies have a clear territorial specific tools –Type I or Type II MLG
dimension and hence lend themselves more arrangements, respectively – is also a ques-
immediately to becoming grounds for MLG tion of prevailing scientific and political
experimentation. Territories are character- conviction. Until the 1970s, developmental
ized by physical and cultural peculiarities issues were tackled through demand-side
which induce their citizens to prefer certain policies and did not differentiate across ter-
policy solutions to others. Territory is not ritories. Economic theory postulated that
just a ‘space’ in which any type of economic different economic activities would be cre-
and social activity can theoretically take ated according to the relative factor endow-
place, but it is a ‘place’ endowed with spe- ment – the comparative advantage – of any
cific natural resources and charged with par- given area, and that free trade would slowly
ticular cultural meanings. These conditions equalize factor remuneration throughout. It
give rise to special policy preferences that was only when the effect of economies of

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scope and the ensuing theory of increasing the argument for one or the other type of
returns could be modeled that the effect solution.
of territory (Marshallian districts) and his-
torical path dependency could be theorized.
Similarly, environmental issues can be tack-
led through regulatory policies that impose CROSS-NATIONAL VARIATION
the same standards across territories for each IN MLG
type of pollutant or can be addressed through
more flexible tools that take into account the The diffusion of MLG arrangements is also
vulnerability of given areas to specific pollut- uneven across states and poses different chal-
ants. Policy tools will be rather different, as lenges to different member states. All
will be the actors mobilized and the type of European member states have implemented
MLG arrangements thus created. Finally, administrative and territorial reforms under
higher education has traditionally been a the pressure of the three developments
policy in which, with the exception of federal described above and all have introduced
states, national standards have been uni- some form of meso administrative or politi-
formly imposed as a way of consolidating cal level. These new arrangements were
and preserving national identities. It is only constrained significantly by national admin-
since national cultures, languages and identi- istrative traditions, yet they involved also
ties have been challenged and knowledge has new departures. Despite resistance and path
become a factor of production in its own right dependency, both France and the UK
that higher education has become a policy reformed their territorial administration in
area in which, at the same time, both interna- response to the stimuli described in the
tional and localized solutions can be devised. beginning of this chapter – the desire to
So, while some policies are more easily tack- implement far-reaching welfare and develop-
led through Type I MLG arrangements, they mental policies, crisis management, and
might also be tackled through Type II MLG changes in economic and social thinking –
arrangements (Piattoni, 2010: Part II). and both submitted to the pressures stem-
If policy issues can be tackled through ming from the EU to create meso-level
standardized solutions that apply uniformly institutions to manage the structural funds.
across territories and require the direct France created regions spanning across sev-
involvement of general-purpose institutions eral départements, which, however, remained
(hierarchy), through differentiated regula- in charge of most aspects of structural policy
tions uniquely tailored to the specificities of (Smith, 2003), while the UK created
given territories and societies (networks), or Government Offices for the Regions that
through market-like mechanisms that require were steered from the center by national gov-
the active involvement of the receivers of the ernment officials and manned with local
policies (market), what makes any one of functionaries drawn from various civil soci-
these solutions preferable to the others? No ety associations. Neither France nor the UK
one policy solution is uniquely or obviously introduced merely perfunctory changes: in
more efficient, provided that the limitations both cases, institutions created for one pur-
and externalities produced by each solution pose began to mobilize material and immate-
are compensated through coordination among rial resources well beyond the original
levels of government or between public and intentions. In the rather diverging MLG con-
private actors. The choice will then depend figurations that arose, true innovations were
on the prevailing scientific convictions and introduced that put existing practices and
political preferences, hence on the success of cognitive frames under strain.
different public and private actors – political A similar, and even more telling, story can
and policy entrepreneurs – in winning be told of a country that was already endowed

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with a system of multi-level governance: of the Regions’ initiative). They did obtain
Germany. The peculiarities of German coop- representational rights in the Council and the
erative federalism have been recounted a creation of a Committee of the Regions that
number of times (Benz, 1998, 1999, 2000; makes the voice of subnational authorities
Scharpf, 1988), but they are worth recalling heard in EU policy making (in an advisory
as they have become paradigmatic of the dif- capacity). However, German Länder have
ficulties that can bewitch federalist (Type I been thus almost put on a par with other, less
MLG) institutions. German federalism is powerful subnational authorities and have
dubbed ‘cooperative’ because cooperation been forced to try and influence EU policy
must be sought between the federal govern- making through lobbying as if they were
ment and the Länder if most policies are to single-purpose Type II jurisdictions. What
be decided and implemented. In selected this story shows is that a Type I MLG institu-
policy areas, German Länder have veto tional setting, such as German cooperative
power and can therefore extract nice rewards federalism, does not necessarily fit well with
for their consent. Because the decision-mak- EU MLG configuration because in Europe
ing rule is ‘all in or none in’ (Painter, 1991), Type I and Type II jurisdictions are de facto
unanimity is required. This leads to very equalized. A similar story could be told of
lengthy and cumbersome joint decision-mak- corporatist countries in which societal Type
ing processes (Politikverflechtung) which, II jurisdictions had to fight back and recoup
once they have produced a decision, are the policy-making powers enjoyed at home
extremely difficult to undo (Scharpf’s ‘joint or of unitary states in which categorical asso-
decision trap’). The joint decision trap does ciations have found themselves relatively
not always snap: it all depends on the nature disempowered by EU MLG.
of the decision, on the partisan alignment of Italy’s trajectory is in part similar to that of
the two chambers (Bundestag and Bundesrat) France: being also a post-Napoleonic state,
and on the economic conjuncture (Benz, the original imprint of the Italian state was
1999). Decisions are toughest when they are unitary. The central state interacted with its
of the zero-sum type, when the two chambers citizens in the periphery through provincial
are dominated by opposed parties, and when offices headed by prefects, much like in
the economic conjuncture is unfavorable. French départements, and self-government
Under these circumstances, poorer or more was limited to the municipal level. The
vulnerable Länder will withhold their con- republican constitution of 1948 introduced
sent and the temptation for the federal gov- the regions, self-governing intermediate tiers
ernment will be to buy consensus with charged with developmental and policy coor-
increased institutional powers to all Länder. dination policies. The planning vocation of
This shift in bargaining level gives the these regions was strengthened in the 1960s,
federal government momentary respite and but it was only in the 1970s that welfare dis-
buys needed policy decisions, but ties further tribution (and later welfare containment) was
the rope around its neck (Benz, 1999). entrusted to them. In the 1980s they became
Europeanization has given the German fed- the obvious referent of the European Union
eral government greater space for maneuver, for the implementation of the reformed struc-
since many framework decisions are taken tural funds and it was at this point that the
through co-decision by governmental repre- differential capacity of regional political
sentatives in the Council and by the European classes started to emerge (Bukowski et al.,
Parliament, institutions to which Länder 2003). The regions began to acquire political
have no immediate access. It also triggered meaning: later developments – the creation
the reaction of the Länder to obtain a number and success of regional parties claiming for
of safeguards in order to protect their domes- greater autonomy and devolution – gave
tic privileges in Brussels (hence, the ‘Europe political teeth to these institutions and moved

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Italy onto a path of progressive devolution necessarily about acquiring ampler powers or
if not outright (and until now still incom- competences, but is determined by the spe-
plete) federalization. In the Italian case, cific goals of the actors that get mobilized
Europeanization served to strengthen and at these levels.
accelerate a process that was already in the Both Type I and Type II MLG arrange-
making and that now seems irreversible ments are successful only insofar as they are
(even though far from complete; Hooghe et backed by the will and vision of political
al., 2010). In this case, too, EU MLG upset and policy leaders who mostly belong either
established equilibriums and projected the to the territorial subnational level or to the
state onto a reform path that would have societal infranational level. In liberal states,
probably not unfolded precisely in this way Type II MLG leaders do not strive to create
had it not been for the process of European and maximize the institutional power of
integration. some subnational level of government, an
objective which they correctly perceive
beyond their reach and which they probably
also deem ultimately wasteful. They are
CONCLUSION: MLG LEGITIMACY interested in maximizing control over given
policy areas: the power to co-determine
In the end, the specific MLG solution which policy objectives and to reap the economic
is adopted depends very much on the legiti- benefits that derive from their implementa-
macy that Type I or Type II jurisdictions tion. In post-Napoleonic states, Type I MLG
command in each country and on which type leaders are not necessarily interested in
of solution appears to be more efficient for acquiring responsibility over all types of
any given policy issue. Type I jurisdictions regulatory policies, as they correctly antici-
constitute an intermediate level of adminis- pate that their citizens might be happier to
trative and political power that challenges the abide by national or international standards
unity of the national state and leads to when it comes to industrial or environmental
requests for greater political and institutional regulation. They rather attempt to strengthen
empowerment. Type II jurisdictions consti- the legislative and institutional power of the
tute insulated sub-governments that may subnational government to which they belong
challenge the universalism of the state; ten- and are interested in maximizing the fiscal
sions between different single-purpose juris- and spending powers of their level of govern-
dictions typically lead to requests for greater ment and to reap the electoral benefits that
policy and budgetary empowerment on the derive from both.
part of specialized agencies and their clien- What is, rather, a common and surprising
teles. Type II MLG arrangements are more development is the de facto equalization of
typical of unitary, liberal states that focus Type I and Type II MLG arrangements
more on the output and outcome side of poli- engendered by Europeanization, a develop-
tics, while they are seen with suspicion in ment that challenges the distinctiveness of
unitary post-Napoleonic states that empha- the state in addition to its sovereignty and
size the input side of politics and are wary of unity.
the creation of intermediate bodies between
state and citizens. Liberal states are more
likely to rely on the power of financial incen-
tives (block grants, matching funds, etc.), REFERENCES
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accountability anticipatory accountability 483

administrative law 328–329 appropriateness 151, 169
administrative responsibility 3–4 institutional theories 151–2
as answerability 24 organization theory 169
as blaming 670, 676 archetype 42, 172
as learning 33 Arthasastra 248–250
anticipatory 670 Asia
discretionary 682, 690 administrative history 241–50
dual 686 culture and governance 628–38
ethics 698–710 audi alteram partem principle 336
fuzzy 676 audit capacity 484
hierarchical 686–689 authoritarianism, Latin America 643
intergovernmental management 715–6 autonomous bureaucray 531, 547
Latin America 644–7 autonomy
modern government 681–695 administrative 547
negotiated 743–744 agency 383
paradox 679–680, 690 institutional 531–539
performance measurement 41 revenue 550, 566
political 373–374
private sector 699–70 backward mapping strategy 435
professional 37, 676 Balance Scorecard (BSC) 53
street-level bureaucracy 311 bandwagon effects 259
systems 672–7 behavioral approach, public management 643, 743–6
accounting systems 682–684 benchmark models 55–57
accrual accounting 496–505 blame-shifting 688, 693
active citizenship 438 bonuses 34, 67, 93
active representation 421–423 bottom-up approach 267–270
actor-centered institutionalism 175, 191, 768 Asia 630–2
adaptive systems 36, 589 budgeting 469–470
administrative history 207–210 implementation 571, 622
India 241–251 multi-level politics 624, 794
traditions 228–236 performance measurement 40
USA 215–224 street-level bureaucracy 307–10
administrative management 18 bounded rationality 43
Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA) 340 Brownlow Committee 20, 35, 220
adverse selection 183 budgeting 463–466
Advisory Group on Reform (Australia) 138–40 see also finance
Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) 269, 373 accrual 496–505
Africa 609–24 budget adherence 484
agencification 5 budget maximization 550
agency autonomy 164, 341 performance-based 480–493
agency drift 546 performance information 484, 486
agendas 397–398 principal-agent problem 472–475
anarchic systems 244, 247 budgets, politics 371–372

5768_Peters & Pierre-Index.indd 777 7/19/2012 12:26:17 PM


bureaucracy civil service

see also street-level bureaucracy administrative history 222–224
accountability 686–9 African reforms 389, 604
administrative patterns 545–8, 550–2 India 630–6
administrative responsibility 22, 589 Latin America 644–56
Asia 630–9 Model 88–90
Autonomous 531, 547 national profile 545–9
Change 38–41, 57, 65, 68, 88, 109, 114, 120, neutrality 249, 699, 723
382–4, 565–75 pay and perquisites 101–112
comparative public administration 512–7 performance pay 111, 123–125
electronic government 449–51 politicization 380–390
governance 393, 400 post-communist states 659–75
India 630–5 senior service 120–124
interest groups 414–7 statute law 327
Latin America 644–6 systems 115–9, 382–8
neo-corporatism 412–4 USA reforms 223–224
political legitimacy 8 Women 6, 17, 121
politicization 9, 384–386 civil society see society
politics 361–366 clientelism 386–387
principal-agent problem 183–5 closed career systems 94, 117
representative 409, 420–9 closed-system strategies 36
theory 2, 157–158 coherence 242, 684
bureaucratic legitimacy 384, 409–10 collaborations, intergovernmental management 742
bureaucratic model 319, 386, 516, 519, 644 collective action 58, 170, 188, 289, 395, 411, 438
bureaucratic politics 9, 370–371, 374–376 collective bargaining 67, 131, 138
bureaucratic structure 3, 21, 34, 66, 79, 132, 157–65 collegiality 159, 377
bureaucratic theory 410–1 colonialism, India 248
bureau-shaping 372 commitment building 260
common law 321, 325, 327
capacity building 281 common pool resource problem 465, 476
career-based merit system 94 communication 59, 98, 99
case studies 23 community
budgeting 487 responsibility 372, 433
comparative public administration 119, 507 values 27, 52
implementation research 75, 256–8, 270–80 comparative approach 507–10
cash-based accounting 496 administrative history 207–12
central agencies 117–8 performance pay 111–2
Central Europe 659–70 comparative public administration (CPA)
centralization 739 507–58
administrative history 630 administrative patterns 545–57
India 633 general frameworks 511–29
labor-management relations 549 international organizations 532–42
leadership development 115, 625 competency 93, 548
centralized systems 113 competitive pluralism 335, 376, 509
central-local relations see intergovernmental compliance 37, 80, 158, 244
relations accountability 580
chain of command 155 comprehensive reform 756
chaos theory 395 concept mapping 59
citizen exchange 5–6 confidence, administrative values 339, 414,
Citizen’s Charter 524, 572 569–70
Citizenship 306, 335 conflict management 646, 743
active 438–441 Conseil d’Etat 324–325
representative bureaucracy 432–4 Consiglio di Stato 326
street-level bureaucracy 431–435 consumer-choice-based models 4, 27
theory 432–435 contact patterns 162
city managers 28, 220 contextualism 43–5
civil code 325 contingency theories 196–197
civil rights 702, 747 contract employees 67–8

5768_Peters & Pierre-Index.indd 778 7/19/2012 12:26:17 PM


contracting New Public Management 37, 716–8

administrative responsibility 326 post-communist states 664–5
electronic government 456 principal-agent problem 181
tax 432 Tax 477–8
contract model 57, 442 decision making 531, 562, 668, 699
contracts deconcentration, intergovernmental 622
African reform 614 decrementalism 463
fixed term 95–6, 110 delegation models 28, 136, 261, 342, 467
open term 96 democracy
principal-agent problem 184 Central and Eastern Europe 660–7
contractualism 229, 578 neo-corporatism 170, 414–5
control participatory 442, 720
accountability 436, 485, 505, 523, 578 pluralism 117, 236, 335, 509
game 688, 693 democratic governance 3, 631, 698
Revolution 449 democratic institutionalism 108
street-level bureaucrats 435 democratic participation 132, 172, 224, 340, 382,
Control Revolution 449–50 411, 434
convergence 578–580 democratization 233, 381, 403, 572
convergence thesis 578 demographics 614
cooperation 123, 163, 182, 221, 282 demography, organizational 158
administrative state 61, 67, 81 deregulation 330–5, 516, 635–7
federalism 745–7 developing societies
Game theory 142 Africa 609–25
intergovernmental management 30 Asia 628–39
intergovernmental relations 290–300, 740–5 Latin America 642–56
corporatism, interest groups 414–417 development administration 603, 604, 633
corruption 408–410, 412 devolution 717
Africa 616–18 comparative public administration 514–5, 518
Asia 248, 320, 632, 636–8 intergovernmental coordination 739, 755
Latin America 641, 645 intergovernmental management 739, 744
pay levels 364, 386 Digital State 405
craft perspective 14, 18 Discretion 592, 604, 636, 682
critical theory 172–4 discretionary accountability 682, 690
cross-sectoral implementation 293, 582 discrimination 198, 311, 706
cross-time studies 211–2, 511 distributive justice 707
cultural cognitive pillars 198–9 distributive policies 286, 386
cultural-institutional perspective, organization double-talk 579
theory 172–4 downsizing, human resource management 54,
cultural theory 109 67, 716
culture droit administrative 328–9
Latin America 643–7 dual accountability 686
sociological institutionalism 170, 769
Eastern Europe 590–9, 659–69
damages, administrative law 329 East India Company 242
debureaucritization 624, 637 ecology theory 518–9
decentralization education
accountability 686, 713–22 administrative history 122, 140, 172, 221, 234
administrative state 556, 559 performance 36, 40, 43
African reform 611 effectiveness 427–428
civil service 236, 436 measurement 38
human resource management 142–3, 156–7 efficiency 6, 38
institutionalism 176–77 elections 124, 142, 220, 236, 388, 420
intergovernmental coordination 740–1 Electronic Data Systems (EDS) 453
intergovernmental management 5 electronic government 447–460
Latin America 640–55 employee rating 34
labor-management relations 66–7 employment
leadership development 68, 119 implementation research 308–10
management authority 717–8 trends 8, 548–50

5768_Peters & Pierre-Index.indd 779 7/19/2012 12:26:17 PM


empowerment gainsharing 93
administrative responsibility 326 game theory 270, 414
consumers 469 generic management 5, 596
intergovernmental management 257 globalization
street-level bureaucracy 436–438 comparative public administration 511–13
endogeneity of institutions 475 human resource management 87–88
environment, organization theory 154–156 interorganizational relations 293
equilibria, political 522, 582, 653 global paradigm shift 634, 712
equity 311 goals
ethics, administrative responsibility 698–707 accountability 718, 737, 741
European Commission 163, 178, 465, 475, achievement 77, 719
534, 554 displacement 78–79, 183
representative bureaucracy 536 human resource management 71–85, 104–6
European Convention on Human Rights performance 71–85, 32–45
(ECHR) 339 performance measurement 35–41
European Court of Justice 321, 330 policy process 54–57
European integration policy 514, 534 setting, performance pay 19
Europeanization 534, 586, 667, 767 strategic management systems 57
European Monetary Union (EMU) 133, 140, governance 5, 11
464, 470 Asia 630–5
European Union civil society 407–14
Central and Eastern Europe 592–600 good 111–112
evaluation multi-level 764–71
impact studies 33, 741 public management 578–80
intergovernmental management 650 structure 570–573
policy process 717, 741 Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) 27,
reform 569, 574, 586 39– 40, 488
evaluation research 45, 255–6, 273 gradualist reform 229, 328
evaluative questions, street–level bureaucracy grant forms 651, 739
314–315 group-based performance pay 106–9
ex ante controls 395–396
exchange, interorganizational relations 300–302 hierarchical accountability 686, 689
experts’ role 366–389 hierarchical co-ordination 139, 153, 159–60
ex post controls 500, 586 hierarchical systems 7
fascism 230 intergovernmental coordination 750–60
federalism 517, 541, 550, 641, 731–3, 750–9 Prisoner’s Dilemma 183, 185
feminists representative bureaucracy 221 social dilemmas 182, 692, 706, 733, 742
finance historical institutionalism 109, 209, 511, 583
see also budgeting history of administration see administrative
accounting systems 497–500 history
accrual accounting 498 holistic framework 581
accrual budgeting 496–503 hollowing out 557, 678
cash-based accounting 104, 496–7 hollow state 62
fiscal rules/policy 467–75 Hoover Commissions 26, 35, 196, 692
financial crisis 449 horizontal intergovernmental programs 738–40
Financial Management Initiative (FMI) 37 horizontal specialization 159–60
Finer, Herman 4 human capital model 65–67
fiscal rules/policy 467 human resource management (HRM) 65, 71
forecasting, budgeting 491, 616 Central and Eastern Europe 661–4
formalism, Latin America 643 comparative performance pay 67
formal theory 180–189 innovation and global trends 66
formulation, policy process 369, 374 labor-management relations 88–90, 130–145
forward mapping 269 pay 93–94, 102–112
framing 189, 639 performance measurement 71
Friedrich, Carl J. 21 perquisites 105–107
functionalism 513 senior service leadership 115–118
functional review 594, 596 strategic planning 90–93
fuzzy accountability 676 Human Rights Act (1998) 335

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idealism, India 632–4 instrumental bureaucracy 582

impact evaluation studies 277, 287, 297 Integrated Implementation Model 257–9
implementation integrity, administrative values 569
comparative public administration 266–70, 282–6 interest groups 188
interorganizational relations 292–302 intergovernmental implementation 295–8
policy design 279–87 intergovernmental organizations 740–7
policy process 54–7 intergovernmental relations
political legitimacy 404 coordination 750–62
process 3 management instruments 735–47
public policies 19, 41, 170, 235 multi-level governance 764–73
reform 561–4 intermediaries, policy implementation 259
status and reconsideration 255–261, 265–274 internal administration 182–4
street-level bureaucracy 305–15 internal dynamics 521–3
Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) 644 internal management, African crisis 613–6
Incentives 36–40, 53, 77, 92–4, 102 internationalization 123, 581
see also pay international law 319
intergovernmental management 735–9 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 466, 473
inclusiveness, public bureaucracy 58, 59, 347 international organizations 467–77, 532–42
inclusivity 60 international public administration 532–42
income taxes 407, 664, 764 Internet
incrementalism 364, 441 electronic government 449–50
Independent Administrative Authorities 325 recruitment 89
inductive approach, implementation interorganizational culture 184
research 266, 607 implementation 268, 292–302
information iron triangles 162
asymmetries 42, 162, 275, 308 isomorphism 199, 408
intergovernmental management 739–42
information and communication technology (ICT) job instability 386–7
see also Internet Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) 747
electronic government 447, 649 joint action complexity 578–582
strategic planning 59
informatization, comparative public Kautilya 200–2
administration 449, 556
inhibitory rules 349 labor-management relations 130–46
institutional automony principle 535, 648 labor markets 46, 88–9, 102, 109
institutional design 395–396 Länder (Germany) 58, 59, 751
institutional environment 6, 17, 43, 45, 119, 151 Latin America 642–50
institutionalism law
see also new institutionalism administration regulation 346–347
actor-centered 175, 199, 768 administrative 319
historical 169–170 Anglo-American tradition 333–343
intergovernmental coordination 751–4 common 211, 333–334
local order 168, 174–5 continental system 323–331
normative 174, 199 judicial procedures 355–357
old 209 procedural constraints 340–342
organization theory 170–7 laymen boards 4
rational choice 109 leadership
sociological 170–173 characteristics 121–123
institutionalization development 120
Central and Eastern Europe 368, 668 frameworks 75–76
multi-level politics 176 performance pay 117–20
organizations 156 political 115–20
organization theory 151, 159 reform 565–70
thick 171 senior service 115–126
institutional reform 492, 572 legal accountability 686, 699, 714
institutional theories legal conscientiousness 350
environmental perspective 193–200 legalism 274, 647
organization theory 169–74 legal norms 350, 410, 708
traditions and appropriateness 3, 151, 170 legislative-agency relationships 186–7

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legislative-centered public administration 1 multi-function model 582

legitimacy, institutional theories 403–404 multi-level governance 764–74
legitimation, multi-level politics 4, 370 multivariate techniques, street-level bureaucracy 310,
Lindblom, Charles 39, 150 312–3
load shedding 151, 356, 372 municipalization 233–4
local governance 269, 614 myth theory, organization theory 171, 245, 385
African reform 615–6
local government Napoleonic Law 388–90
see also decentralization; devolution Napoleonic model 388
accountability 13, 72 narratives 687
administrative history 80, 220, 226, 235 Nash equilibrium 183
intergovernmental coordination 45, 266 Nationalization 238, 681
modernization 36, 326, 416 natural justice 336
multi-level governance 93, 764–71 negotiation
local networks 269 enforcement 137, 141, 199
local order institutionalism 169 performance measures 136, 181
locus of causality 82, 186, 423 neo-corporatism 414–415
neo-managerial approach 572, 586
Machiavelli, Niccolo 176, 212, 244–8, 373 nested box problem 309, 313
macro-institutional theory 169–71 network analysis
macro level implementation research 294–7
organization theory 483, 485 intergovernmental relations 740–3
Management by Objectives (MBO) 26, 481 Network of Institutes and Schools of Public
management by results 36 Administration in Central and Eastern Europe
management contracts 300–1 (NISPAcee) 671, 672
management skills 14, 121, 123, 737 networks 76
managerialism 8–9, 13–14 intergovernmental coordination 297–300
mandates, interorganizational relations 259, 748 intergovernmental management 740–4
market failure 180–2, 336 interorganizational relations 294–7
marketization 8 local coordination 719–20
market model 133, 148 neutrality
Marxism 85, 170, 403 active representation 404
Mazmanian-Sabatier framework 237 principle 362, 364, 382, 679
measurement New Deal, USA 27, 221, 273
performance pay 483 new institutionalism
public sector performance/effectiveness 13, 27, environmental perspective 174–177
32–45, 738, 745, theory 172–174
mergers, bureaucratic structure 162 New Public Management (NPM)
merit systems 94–95 Accountability 684–7
USA 95–98 accrual budgeting 496–504
meso level 572 administrative patterns 645–55
meta-theory 270 administrative state 28, 363
micro level, organization theory 24 Asia 628–40
middle range theory 516–8 Australia 139
militarism, Latin America 549, 643 comparative public administration 511–21
mimetism 537 developing/transitional societies 644–9, 660–7
ministerial responsibility 124, 551, 683, 687 electronic government 448–56
mission statements 22, 49, 52 France 137
modernization Germany 138
administrative state 457–458 governance 3, 17–8, 21, 73, 123
China 636 implementation 284–9, 292–9
Latin America 642–55 intergovernmental coordination 750–62
post-communist states 659–69 intergovernmental management 737–42
monopolies 138–9, 274 intergovernmental organizations 296–303
moral choice, individual 698 Italy 89, 95, 116, 140–1
moral hazard 465, 467, 470–2 labor-management relations 132–145
moral obligations, organizational structure Latin America 644–9
159, 683 New Zealand 134–135
motivation 73–75 organization theory 160–5

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performance measurement 33 pay

performance pay 73–8 government executives 104
politicization 386–9 human resource management 97–98
reform 3 New Public Management 74–78
Spain 89, 130 for performance 74–78, 102–4
street-level bureaucracy 436–9 peer review, organizational structure 621, 756
Sweden 135 pendulum swing hypothesis 520, 740
UK 135–136 performance
USA 584–6 accountability 37, 746
vertical specialization 159, 163–4 African crisis 612–5
New Steering Model 574 Budgeting 480–92
New Steps, law 573, 592 Contingencies 82, 112–4
Next Steps program 593–4 implementation research 272–5
‘no bail-out’ clauses 470–1 intergovernmental management 740–6
nonprofit sector 21, 194, 200, 224, 737, 767 measurement 34–37
normative institutionalism 151, 174 partnerships 295–8
normative pillars 523 pay 113–5
normative pressures 530, 537 performance-informed budgeting 480–95
normative questions, street-level bureaucracy 438–9 performance management 14, 32–46, 53
normative theory, institutional theories 151–152 human resource management 72–78
senior service 117–20
objective responsibility 690, 783 periodization, administrative history 228
OECD 55 perquisites, government executives 103–6
New Public Management 132–3, 139 personnel departments, central 96, 99
PUMA program 88, 92 planned change reform 16
SIGMA program 111 Planning, Programming, Budgeting Systems
old insitutionalism 209 (PPBS) 464, 481
old public administration 239, 579, 582 pluralism, interest groups 236, 253, 335
one-stop shops 5 policy
open-system strategies 36 achievement 483
organizational boundaries 582, 719 analysis 380, 731
organizational capacity 43, 451 boundaries 736
organizational control, street-level bureaucracy 683 design 279–289
organizational demography 159 formulation 258, 374
organizational locus 160–1 instruments 287, 281–282
organizational structure 150, 157–64 intentions 286, 312, 372
organization theory 149–153 making 26, 36, 67, 100, 427, 524, 537, 688
administrative responsibility 162–4 networks 76, 237–40
bureaucratic structure 158–60 oversight 53, 118, 282
cultural 153–154 politics 2
environmental perspective 193–204 scope 604, 751
formal theory 180–90 space 103, 294
institutional theories 150–151 style 624, 553
outcomes, implementation research 13, 32, 37, 81, 134 tools 50, 78, 139, 771
oversight, intergovernmental management 22, 118, transfer 508, 512, 667
136, 181, 308, 388 political accountability 587, 686
political-administrative control 187–9
parallel evolution, administrative history 631–2 political-administrative systems 186–7
parallel public administration 793, 792 political agenda 552, 571
Pareto suboptimality 183 political control 118, 769
Partnerships administrative resources 119–21
Interest groups 295–8 street-level bureaucracy 307–310
intergovernmental management 733, 743 political drift 646
passive representation 401, 421–2 political environments 189, 280, 283–5
path dependency 109, 151 political equilibria 187–9
institutionalism 169 political legitimacy 404, 406–10
reform-logic 210, 509 political pluralism 177, 636
patrimonial administration 604 political polarization 598, 674
patronage 422–423 political responsiveness, senior service 118–9

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political rights 24, 117, 229, 340 property taxes 620

politics proportionality principle 329, 341
administration dichotomy 229–232, 361 Prussian model 549, 683
administration involvement 186–9 public administration
administration and society relations 410–12 legitimacy 407–417
civil service politicization 380–90 public choice theory 108, 676, 733
comparative public administration 511–20 public enterprise reform 645–9
implementation research 274–9 public forums 438
India 631–2 public goods 41, 284, 685
Institutionalization 156, 170–3, 386, 589 public interest systems 18, 26, 73, 116, 354, 412
interest groups 22, 188–9 public management 17
interorganizational relations 767–71 administration comparison 549–57
Latin America 643–8 as craft 22–23
organization theory 386, 589 governance 8, 26–27
public policies 394–9 as institution 24–26
reform 561–4 performance and effectiveness 71–80
politics-administration dichotomy 362, 392, 519, politics 305–7
523–4 strategic planning/management 393–9
Poliziestaat 333 as structure 21–22
polycentric government 376, 573 public participation 132, 172, 224, 340, 382, 411, 434
population ecology 152 public policy
portfolio approach 55 see also policy
position-based merit systems 94–5 politics 369–75
power distance 518, 622, 634 street-level bureaucracy 8, 305
preference aggregation 7 studies 2, 18
presentational rules 349 public-private interdependence 10, 21
Pressman-Wildavsky paradox 297 public services 5
principal-agent theory Public services bargain 547–52, 646
accountability 472–4 public value 19
comparative public administration 547–9, 582 PUMA program 88, 574
formal theory 183–92
implementation research 520 qualified majority voting (QMV) 534
intergovernmental coordination 680 qualitative-descriptive method 211
internal administration 183–185 quality
Prisoner’s Dilemma 183–5 see also Total Quality Management (TQM)
private management 539, 586, 716 control 33–6,
private sector, accountability 716–20 of government 403–6
privatization quantitative research, implementation research
accountability 716 58, 257
administrative patterns 293, 736 quantitiave-statistical method 213–4
administrative state 132
African reform 612–4 rational calculation 583, 585
Asia 632–4 rational choice
Central and Eastern Europe 662–5 institutionalism 108–9, 158, 199
comparative public administration 134–9 organization theory 180–90
labor-management relations 88 , 132 rationality 18, 25, 584, 587, 616, 699
Latin America 645–8 bounded 43
problem identification, policy process 654 public management 182–7
procedural-based approach 243 sociological institutionalism 172–4
procedural fairness 326, 334 rationalization 38, 116, 200, 448
procedural policy instruments 140, 281 Realpolitik 151
procedural protection 324 Rechsstaat 320, 324
procedural rights 141, 243 recruitment
professional accountability 37, 686 civil service 363–364
professionalism 310–311 human resource management 73–8
professionalization 220, 353, 385, 423, 528 senior service 120–122
professional norms 185, 308 trends 87–92
professional socialization 308–9 red tape 79
Progressive movement, USA 5, 220 redistributive policies 286, 748

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reductionism 173 self-interest, organizational structure 247, 314

reform 5, 554–8, 561–574 Selznick, Philip 151, 589
see also New Public Management (NPM) senior executive service (SES) 122–123
administrative state 61, 67, 81, 457–8 senior service, leadership 117–20
African crisis 609–14 separation principle 385
analytics 565–574 shared responsibility systems 97–8
capacity 566–567 shared values 718
developing/transitional societies 566–8, 590–9 signaling
interorganizational relations 764–9 interorganizational relations 297
law 330–331 models 230
Latin America 642–7 silos 372–373
logic 5 single purpose agencies 13, 26, 34, 109
modes 561–4 skill-based pay 68–9
multi-level governance 764–9 social capital 410–414
politics 555–9 social choice theory 152
post-communist states 590–600, 662–5 Socialization 79, 175, 185, 310
‘Stability and Growth Pact’ 471 social justice, USA 434, 648
Transnationalization 295, 546 social movements 200, 643, 768
US civil service 215–20 social rights 434–7
regime reform 566–8 society 4–5
regionalization 236, 517, 748 comparative public administration 408–11
regulation, intergovernmental management 743, 745 electronic government 449–63
regulative pillars 199 political legitimacy 410–15
regulatory state 550, 557 representative bureaucracy 420–8
relativism, comparative public administration 514 street-level bureaucracy 431–9
reliability, administrative values 569–70 socioeconomics, implementation research 522
reorganization 159, 162–4, 220, 372 sociological institutionalism 200, 537
representative bureaucracy 67, 420–428 specialization
republicanism 247, 250–1 horizontal 161–163
resilience, administrative values 51, 571 vertical 163–164
Resource Accounting and Budgeting (RAB) 500 spoils system 218, 363
resource dependence 190 stacked units 55
interorganizational relations 295–6 staff development, post-communist states 310
theory 197–198 stages model 458–9
responsibility standards
accountability distinction 373, 434, 586, 675 establishment 92, 141
accountability paradox 412, 690–1 minimum 177, 182
ethics 686–8 statistical approach 210, 257
objective 68, 150, 242 statute law 324–7
personal ethics 118, 285, 370 statutory coherence 159, 684
public management 22, 24 strategic contingencies 196–8
shared 97–8 strategic human resources model 75–8
subjective 683 strategic issues management systems 51–7
responsiveness 8 strategic management 20, 50–61
administrative values 51, 76, 311 systems 52–54, 392
results-oriented budgeting 58–9 strategic planning 50–52
results-oriented management 57–8 street-level bureaucracy 3, 305–316, 431–443
robustness, administrative values 487, 570 Structural Adjustment 636–7
rule of law structural adjustment programs (SAPs) 616
see also Rechtsstaat structural contingencies 106–7
administrative values 103, 586, 620, 680, 686 structural deficits, budgeting 484, 491
budgeting 404 structural reform, post-communist states 592–7
rule steering 138 structure planning 54–5
rules of thumb, organization theory 268, structuring decisions 158–160, 393, 461
584, 744 subjective responsibility 677, 682
subordination 360, 660
satisfaction, administrative values 38, 42, 73, 439 subsidiarity 295, 387
scientific management 28, 34, 68 substantive constraints 341–3
self-government 236, 570, 572, 661, 768 Success Strategy Performance Review (SSPR) 91

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Support for Improvement in Governance and tragedy of the commons 182

Management in Central and Eastern European transaction costs
Countries (SIGMA) 111, 540 theory 181–182
supranational organizations 469, 508, 532, 533, transitional societies 603–6, 650–63
540, 621 transnationalization 546
sustainability, administrative values 295, 442 transparency 4, 44,
symbolic representation 420–1 budgeting 473–4, 485, 502
systems analysis approach 35, 419 pay and perks 104–6
systems theory 35, 573 principal-agent problem 440, 523
triangulation 515, 562
Taft Commission (1910) 35 tribunals, local government 319, 334, 336
target groups trust, administrative values 408–13, 700–4
behavior 273–4 trustees 548
public policies 257–60
task environments 152, 308, 314 ultra vires 329, 342
tax unification, administrative history 345, 253, 517,
African crisis 614–5, 620 567, 664
common pool resource problem 725 unions
instutitional endogeneity 9 labor-management relations 3, 130–133
Latin America 654 New Public Management 132–145
Policy Instrument 259 Politicization 67, 132, 619, 631
Politics 679, 715 user groups 404, 416–8
public revenue systems 583 user management 438
Taylorism 34, 691 utilitarianism 173
team production 182–3 utility-maximizing behavior 151
technical environments 151, 584
technocracies 362, 382 value for money 37
territoriality, intergovernmental coordination 539, values
572, 627, 647 public administration 7, 21, 74, 311–6
territorial ministries 660–1, 681, 685 public service ethos 18, 74, 123
Theory Y management 317 vertical intergovernmental programs 399,
thick institutionalism 171 534, 751
Tillburg model 138 vertical specialization 163–5, 582
time series veto points 376
administrative history 210–1 voluntarism 433
comparative public administration 515
timetables, budgeting 484 waivers, intergovernmental management
Tit-for-Tat strategy 184 740, 744
Tocqueville, Alexis de 102 Welfare State 230–231
top-down approach 265–267 wicked problems 194, 294
tort law 328–9 women
Total Quality Management (TQM) 36, 54 parity 387, 422, 425
trade unions see unions senior service 121, 425
traditional authority 386 social justice 209, 221
traditions working rules 349
administrative 27, 115 work organization 145
administrative history 117, 124, 208, 241 World Bank 74, 78, 111, 495
Anglo-American law 320–1
institutional theories 152 Zero-Base Budgeting (ZBB) 26, 36, 464

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