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1. Gasoline and kerosine

Similarities : Both of them are petroleum products for vehicle fuel
a. Volatility (volatilitas): Gasoline is higher volatility than kerosine, kerosine evaporates
more slowly than gasoline
b. Price (harga): The price of gasoline and kerosine are changed everytime depends on the
market of oil, but I think gasoline is more expensive than kerosine
c. Flammability (mudah terbakar) : Gasoline is highly flammable liquid, gasoline can make a
bigger explodes than kerosine if it burns
2. Aluminium and Steel
Similarities : Both of them are made from metal and recyclability
a. Strength (kekuatan): Steel is stronger than aluminum, because steel always used to build
construction, nothing in the world constructions are using aluminium to build a building
b. Malleability (kelunakan): Aluminum is highly malleable, we can make shape very easy
from it, not like steel if we want to make a shape we need to use an equipment
c. Ductility (pembentukan): I think aluminum and steel is ductilable, because this material
can be stretched or bent
d. Conductivity (konduktor): Steel is not a good conductor of electric, but aluminum is a
excellent conductor of electric, therefore aluminum is commonly used in electrical
company (PLN)
e. Corrosion Resistance (resistasi terkena korosi): Steel is easy to get corrosion, and
aluminum providing good corrosion resistance but it can still corrode
3. Plastic and glass
Similarities : the function of both of them is to put something inside of it
a. Fragility (mudah pecah) : Glass is more brittle, and glass can break easily if it hit by
impact, but plastic cant get brittle because it is a flexible material
b. Biodegradability (daya hancur biologis) : Plastic is not easily biodegradable, need a 100-
500 years until 100% destroyed, Glass is not degradable too but it can recycled, recycled
glass can be used to produce new glass products, reducing the environmental impact
c. Conductivity (konduktor) : I think they cant conduct electricity, but glass have a many
types like conductive glass, it used in electronics and it can have conductive properties
d. Weight (berat) : Plastic is a lighter than glass, because glass is made from a metal and it
more heavy than plastic
4. Cooper and wood
Similarities : They are made from nature materials, metals and wood
a. Conductivity : Copper is an good conductor of electricity. It has low electrical
resistance. Wood is insulator material, it cant transfer electrivity
b. Strength : Commonly wood is stonger than cooper, cooper is made from soft metal, but
wood is have a many types, some are strong and some are easily to break
c. Durability : Wood is durability material, cooper is easy to corrod. But wood will be
wrecked if eaten by termites (rayap) along time
5. Diesel and Gasoline
Similarities : Both of them are petroleum products for vehicle fuel
a. Price : Diesel is more pricy than gasoline, we can look at gas station (pertamina), the
gasoline price is cheaper than diesel
b. Pollutant content (polusi yg terkandung) : Diesel combustion can produce higher levels of
nitrogen oxides, which can make a pollution. Gasoline combustion produce lower levels
of nitrogen oxides.
c. Appearance (tampilam): The color of diesel fuel is typically clear or pale yellow, and the
color of gasoline tends to be green, we can look in gas stasion while refuel
6. Air Conditioner and Fan
Similarities : The similarities of them are used to cool indoor space
a. Energy released (energi yang digunakan) : Air conditioner consumed more electricity
between 600watt – 800watt, and fan have a low electricity, its only between 30-50watt
b. Price : Air Conditioner is expensive than fan, because air conditioner consumed a lot of
electricity and air conditioner maintenance is quite difficult than fan
c. Coolness (kesejukan) : It depends on the person, but we can change a temperature of air
conditioner, but fan won’t change temperature, its follow natural temperature inside the
7. Laptop and Computer
Similarities : Both of them are used for doing something work, game, etc
a. Weight : Laptop is much lighter than computers. Computer consist of separate
components, including monitor, CPU, keyboard, etc, that’s make computer heavy
b. Portablity (mudah diangkut) : Laptop is designed to be portable, and make the users
easier to bring it anywhere they go, but if computer can only be in one place
8. Pencil and Whiteboard marker
Similarities : They are used for writing tool
a. Body Material : Pencil is made from softwood, which is made from natural ingredients
and can be decomposed by the nature easily, but whiteboard marker is made from
plastic, its dangerous for nature because it difficult to decomposed
b. Color Variety (variasi warna) :whiteboard marker have a lot of various color, like red,
blue, etc. and Pencil just only have one color that is grey
9. Sandals and Shoes
Similarities : The functions are to protect our foot from dangerous and help us to walk easily
a. Activities (kegiatan) : Sandals are more relaxable than shoes, but sandals cant protect our
foot from sun radiation. But shoes are designed for a lot activities, example hiking,
running, working etc
b. Weight : Shoes are heavier than sandals, sandals are very light to walking but the
weakness is sandals cant be used for running, it will make it loose
10. Crewneck and Hoodie
Similarities : Used to warmth our body from winter season
a. Design : I think hoodie is better than crewneck, hoodie have a kangaroo pocket in the
front, and have a cotton hood ,that’s used to protect our head from rain or hot weather
b. Functionality : The hood in hoodie is used to warming and protecting us from anything,
and the crewneck is so simple, I think someone that don’t like complicated outfit will
love it, and crewneck is made from wol cotton, it very useful to protect us from cold

-Find out a product that you know very well


a. Function
Hoodie is designed for warmth our body from cool weather and it is so comfortable, and
the special design from hoodie is it have a hood to protect our head from dangerous,
rain etc, and hoodie is used to fashion because hoodie is having a lot of various design,
colors, and style
b. Material
Commonly, hoodie is made from cotton, but hoodie can made from fleece too that
produced by sheep, and polyster that made from plastic fiber to warmth our body
c. Shape
Sleeve : hoodie have a long sleeve and used to cover the arms to keep us warm
Hood : The special characteristic of hoodie is the hood, the hood shape is designed
bigger than our head, to give us comfortability and inside the hood is equip drawstring to
expand or reduce size of the hood
Pocket : Hoodie is having kangaroo pocket in front of it and the function is to place for
keeping hands warm or storing small items
d. Measurement
I bought my hoodie in erigo apparel and the size is Large (L) and there was already size
measurement to check fits to my body or not
Shoulder length : 74 cm
Shoulder width : 51 cm
Chest width : 54 cm
e. Color
Hoodie have a lot of various color from white till black, generally peoples are like hoodie
that having a black color


1. What do you understand about mathematic symbols, explain it

Okay, I’ll explain by myself not from cheating other, I understand about how to say mathematic
symbols in English, and how to pronounciate it, example like plus, minus, divided,times, root, to the
power, etc. and I hope it will useful in the future.

2. How to read

a. y equals x cubed plus four x square minus five x plus six

b. dy equals to the quantity of three x square plus eight square minus fix, times dx
c. dy equals three times to the quantity of six x square times to the quantity of two x cubed
plus five times to the power of two, times dx
d. y equals x times quantity sin ln of x minus cos ln of x
e. y equals logarithm of the quantity of x to the power of five minus three x, times to the
quantity of x squared plus two x plus minus
f. y equals cos squared times two x plus sin of three x
g. the fourth root of sixteen point zero two
h. f equals four point zero one, equals f evaluated four plus zero point zero zero zero two
five, equals square root of four plus zero point zero zero two five, equals two point zero
zero two five
i. equals the square root of the quantity one minus x squared
j. y equals the square root of x square minus four divided by x squared plus half

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