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Consider yourself as a person (Aditya Dhyani) who is working as a data analyst at

Accenture. You were assigned a project related to the client “Social Buzz”.

Your team's (The Analytics Team) which includes You, Marcus Rompton (Senior
Manager), and Andrew Fleming (Chief Technical Architect) task was to analyze the
data to identify the top 5 most popular content categories on Social Buzz’s

You have completed the project with your team and now you as the lead of this
team have to present your PowerPoint presentation to Accenture’s Board of
Directors, stakeholders, and the client. Give a script (long, dynamic, and engaging)
for my presentation.

Your PowerPoint Presentation is in this order:

1. Introduction - Social Buzz (Title)

2. Today’s Agenda - Project recap, Problem, The Analytics team, Process, Insights,
3. Project Recap - Social Buzz is a rapidly expanding technology unicorn
undergoing a crucial phase of adapting to its global expansion.

Accenture has initiated a three-month Proof of Concept (POC) with key


• Conducting an audit of Social Buzz’s big data practices

• Providing recommendations aimed at ensuring a successful Initial Public
Offering (IPO)
• Analyzing data to identify the top 5 most popular categories of content on
Social Buzz’s platform
4. Problem -
• Over 100,000 posts per day
• 36,500,000 pieces of content per year
• Identifying the top 5 most popular categories of content through analysis to
capitalize on the abundance
5. Process - Data Understanding, Data Cleaning, Data Modelling, Data Analysis,
Uncover Insights
6. Insights -
 Unique Categories (16)

 Anima Post Reaction (1897)

 Month With Most Posts (January)

7. Pie-Chart
8. Summary -

The data reveals that content related to animals is the most popular
category, suggesting a strong preference among users for real-life content.


Notably, food-related content ranks prominently within the top 5

categories, with "Healthy Eating" standing out as the third highest category.

This insight presents an opportunity to target your audience effectively and

collaborate with healthy eating brands to enhance user engagement.


While this ad-hoc analysis provides valuable insights, scaling up to real-time

business understanding is crucial. We can assist you in implementing this
transition and maximizing its benefits.

9. Thank you

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