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Short Instructions

Controlling CarboQC/CboxQC via RS-232 Interface

These instructions apply only to laboratory instruments, not to at-line

1 Preparing the connection

1. Connect the instrument by a crossed cable: RS-232 connection cable, 9-pin, 3 m (mat. no. 70429).

Serial port settings

Baud rate 9600
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1
Parity none
no data flow control (handshaking)

2. Set the correct interface setting on the instrument:

Go to the menu Setup > Interface Settings and select "PBA-S/PBA-SI" or "PBA-B".
3. Restart the instrument.
4. Answer the question "Do you want to activate the remote control?" with "Yes".
The instrument is now ready to receive control commands.

2 Control commands and instrument responses

Control commands are structured like this:
#<device><length of message (characters) + 1>;<command>;<message><CR>

<CR> is ASCII "carriage return", 13dec, 0Dhex

With interface setting "PBA-S/PBA-SI":

<device> has to be "cqc" for CarboQC, "ocqc" for CboxQC, or "any" for initialization.

With interface setting "PBA-B":

<device> has to be "cqc" for CarboQC and CboxQC, "oqc" for getting the O2 measurement data of CboxQC
or "any" for initialization.

<message> is currently empty for all control commands, so

<length of message + 1> should be set to 1
<command> can be one of the following:

csta start measurement

csto stop measurement (voids measuring data!)
gdt get data
gst get status
crin start a rinsing procedure (stops automatically after 4 min)
smethx change method (x = method number)
Notice: Only possible with interface setting PBA-B. | Created by MOG/PAD 18.10.17 | D35IB007EN-C page 1 of 4

Short Instructions
Controlling CarboQC/CboxQC via RS-232 Interface

Responses of the instrument are structured similarly to control commands, like this:
#<device><length of message (characters) + 1>;<message><CR>

The following standard responses can be received:

#<device>3;ok<CR> command successfully executed

#<device>4;nok<CR> command could not be executed
#<device>2;?<CR> command unknown

The status of the instrument is delivered as a number code in the message part meaning:

001 measurement started

002 measuring
003 measurement stopped
000 measurement finished
004 measurement finished and new measurement data available
100 valves open
101 rinsing

3 Controlling the instrument over the connection

1. Initializing communication:
Send the command "#any1;<CR>" to the instrument.
2. With interface setting "PBA-S / PBA-SI":
- CarboQC should answer "cqc4;rdy<CR>",
- CboxQC should answer "ocqc4;rdy<CR>".
With interface setting "PBA-B":
- CarboQC should answer "cqc4;rdy<CR>",
- CboxQC should answer "cqc4;rdy<CR>" and "oqc4;rdy<CR>".
If not, check the settings and repeat the previous steps.
3. Start sending commands to the instrument. After an idle time of 15 minutes the connection will be terminated
automatically. | Created by MOG/PAD 18.10.17 | D35IB007EN-C page 2 of 4

Short Instructions
Controlling CarboQC/CboxQC via RS-232 Interface

4 Example sequence
For CarboQC with interface setting "PBA-S/PBA–SI" as well as "PBA-B"

Command Response Notes

#any1;<CR> #cqc4;rdy<CR> initialization
#cqc1;csta;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#cqc1;gst;<CR> #cqc4;002<CR> get status: measuring
#cqc1;gst;<CR> #cqc4;004<CR> get status: measurement finished
#cqc1;gdt;<CR> #cqc76;data;13.07.09;14:29;85;Mineral;1.092; get measurement data
#cqc1;csta;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#cqc1;csto;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> stop measurement
#cqc1;gdt;<CR> #cqc4;nok<CR> no data available
#cqc1;smeth3;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> change method
(only possible with interface setting PBA-B)

For CboxQC with interface setting "PBA-S/PBA–SI"

Command Response Notes

#any1;<CR> #ocqc4;rdy<CR> initialization
#ocqc1;csta;<CR> #ocqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#ocqc1;gst;<CR> #ocqc4;002<CR> get status: measuring
#ocqc1;gst;<CR> #ocqc4;004<CR> get status: measurement finished
#ocqc1;gdt;<CR> #ocqc57;ocq;data;17.01.26;16:35;85;invalid;61 get measurement data
42;25.4;987;Mineral <CR>
#ocqc1;csta;<CR> #ocqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#ocqc1;csto;<CR> #ocqc3;ok<CR> stop measurement
#ocqc1;gdt;<CR> #ocqc4;nok<CR> no data available

TIP: If only the CO2 value of CboxQC is needed, the <device> can be "cqc" as well. | Created by MOG/PAD 18.10.17 | D35IB007EN-C page 3 of 4

Short Instructions
Controlling CarboQC/CboxQC via RS-232 Interface

For CboxQC with interface setting "PBA-B"

Command Response Notes

#any1;<CR> #cqc4;rdy<CR> initialization
#cqc1;csta;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#cqc1;gst;<CR> #cqc4;002<CR> get status: measuring
#cqc1;gst;<CR> #cqc4;004<CR> get status: measurement finished
#cqc1;gdt;<CR> #cqc70;data;17.01.26;16:35;85;Mineral;1.367; get CO2 measurement data
#oqc1;gdt;<CR> #oqc52;data;17.01.26;16:35;85;invalid;6142;25 get O2 measurement data
#cqc1;csta;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> start measurement
#cqc1;csto;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> stop measurement
#cqc1;gdt;<CR> #cqc4;nok<CR> no data available
#cqc1;smeth3;<CR> #cqc3;ok<CR> change method

5 Change methods in PBA-B interface settings

Name Interface setting PBA-B

Mineral smeth0
Diet smeth1
Beer smeth2
Mid smeth3
Strong Beer smeth4
Cola smeth5
Spark.Wine smeth6
CO2-Std. smeth7
User method smeth8 to smeth29

The number of the user method is visible in the menu Measurement Settings > Methods > Edit User Methods.

This document and its contents may be changed or amended by Anton Paar
at any time without prior notice. | Created by MOG/PAD 18.10.17 | D35IB007EN-C page 4 of 4

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