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Assessment Task 2 BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans

Big Red Bicycle


B. Determine organisational needs from case study scenario provide.

Checking the needs that have organizations highlight the principals as

 The organization must study and discuss with the team the financial projections they
have for the entire year according to the budget they currently have.
 The team should be more focused on risk management as the volume of sales may be
20% below the target.
 The company has as strategic plan and central objective to achieve a net profit before
tax of $ 1,000,000
 Reduce manufacturing costs.

C. Identify coaching/training needs of Bill and the team

• Provide extensive training for Bill on the use of Excel and how to propose formulas
for adding columns and rows in the program.
• Bill must be informed about the policies of the company because he will be the person
in charge of the expenses of follow-ups throughout the financial year. That is why the
importance of a good training to provide him with more skills and knowledge.
Assessment Task 2 BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans

D. training session

Trainee: Date:
Bill Goodale 05/10/17

Team Leader:
Ana Varon

 How to create tables in Excel.
 What is a formula and how are formulas in Excel.
 Functions to sum columns or rows of figures.

To know how to handle and identify formulas in Excel for a good accounting performance.

Duration: Two hours per week.

Evaluation: At the end of each course I will take a test to evaluate if the person fulfilled the
objective of the workshop and can continue with the course.


Trainee: Date:
Bill Goodale 14/10/2017

Team Leader:
Ana Varon

 How to create ledgers
 Advanced formulas
 How to create templates for graphics
 Creation and administration of databases

The training provided by this course allows a broad domain of Excel.

Duration: Two hours per week.

Evaluation: At the end of each course I will take a test to evaluate if the person fulfilled the
objective of the workshop and can continue with the course.
Assessment Task 2 BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans


Trainee: Date:
Bill Goodale 19/10/17

Team Leader:
Ana Varon

 Mission and vision of the company
 Financial policies and procedures

Objective: Teach the policies, procedures that are established in the company and
standards of conduct emphasizing employee responsibilities.

Duration: Two hours per week.

Evaluation: At the end of each course I will take a test to evaluate if the person fulfilled
the objective of the workshop and can continue with the course.

Question 3
A. Script to train team member in budget/accountabilities

As many people know Excel is still the most powerful of financial tools and has a significant
advantage over others, if one speaks of a program designed to handle the entire data life
cycle, and knowledge for decision making in the company with only to analyse a database
through its functionalities.

B. Coaching grow model

Goals We hope that through the Bill training you will learn all the techniques to handle
Excel and thus be able to perform better your position. It is expected to be able to
perform mathematical operations and create number tables to create operations
with them later in an efficient and rapid manner.

Reality Bill does not have the skills to handle Excel properly, which is why he was given a
training to strengthen his skills in this area.

options Bill will have the knowledge required to analyze, manage and communicate
organizational data on budget and financial issues by creating tables, charts and
diagrams that can make information easy to convey.
Learn also how to manage spreadsheets and get the maximum performance to be
able to successfully overcome those jobs that for our development need Excel.
Assessment Task 2 BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans

will Bill will take top classes in Excel, these are: Excel Basic, Intermediate and
Advanced Excel to begin to acquire knowledge from its most basic level, managing
the information by storing simple data in spreadsheets, up to dynamic tables.

C. 1 motivational theory linked to team member (PPT3)1 motivational theory linked to

team member (PPT3)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Maslow proposed that motivation comes from within the individual. He asserted that the
individual is motivated to satisfy needs but that the needs can be ranked into a hierarchy.
The needs in this five tiered hierarchy, once met, are no longer present as motivators.
According to Maslow, needs progress up the pyramid from physiological to safety to social
to esteem to self-actualisation.
A key management implication drawn from this theory is that you should work to satisfy
team members’ basic needs such as the need for security, before you can expect people
to perform on a higher emotional or intellectual level. Workers worried about job-safety
will not carry out intellectual tasks satisfactorily or relate to people as well as workers who
are not worried.

McGregor’s theory X and Y

Douglas McGregor proposed that managers are confronted with two types of people in
the workplace. He named them theory X and theory Y. Briefly, theory X type people dislike
work, have little ambition, avoid responsibility and primarily want security. Theory Y type
people find work natural, seek responsibility, are creative and self-controlled. McGregor
argues that theory X people need controls whereas Theory Y people just need guidance.
A key management implication drawn from this theory is that you should try to identify
different types of workers and manage them according to their types.

Herzberg’s satisfiers
Frederick Herzberg classified job factors into two groups: motivators and hygiene. His
argument states that hygiene factors like salary, supervision, status and working
conditions are critical only in their absence. Motivational factors like achievement,
recognition and advancement were positive motivators because they were about the
growth of the individual.
A key management implication drawn from this theory is that, as with Maslow, you should

work to satisfy workers’ basic needs. Once you have done this you should concentrate on individual
performance though facilitating pathways to greater satisfaction through job
McClelland’s needs
McClelland proposed that individuals have a number of needs, with the major ones being
the need for achievement, the need for power (control over one’s life) and the need for
affiliation. These needs create goal-orientated behaviours in people. This theory focuses
on how individuals’ needs motivate their behaviour, rather than focusing on a
requirement to eliminate that which dissatisfies.
A key management implication drawn from this theory is that you should work create
Assessment Task 2 BSBFIM501A Manage budgets and financial plans

positive incentives for team members to achieve.

D. Train them in spreadsheet techniques

 Instruct
 Practice/test
 feedback

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