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Smoking Cigarette
 Smoking is very addictive vice that most of the teenagers and old people are doing. For
some smoking makes them feel less stress and sometimes their source of destressing
with their problems personal or social problems.
 Teenager smokes cigarette due to peer pressure or sometime just to be cool without
thinking the long-term effect of it in our body. Some says that they get immediate relief
with their problem just by smoking without thinking what this does to their body.
 Smoking is addictive especially when our body gets used to it. Most people died due to
the effect of smoking especially to old people which makes their breathing much harder
until such time that they die due to complication due to smoking such as Cancer (lungs
and throat) emphysema and many other sicknesses due to decrease in oxygen in our
body due to usage of cigarette.
2. Malnutrition
 Malnutrition is not only a problem in our country but all over the world. Most of the
countries that are experiencing malnutrition came from a 3rd world county and most of
which has a huge poverty population making them in accessible to food, water and
 Malnutrition often occurs to children as per the world health organization and a wide
spread issue all over the world. Children who are born in rural area, wide spread poverty
area and part of a 3rd world county has huge number of malnourish people and though a
lot of people are making efforts in eradicating malnutrition, we cannot accept the fact
that so long as there is poverty, there is malnutrition.
 As a community, we should all have efforts to help people in need and should share
something especially to those who need basic necessities such as food, water and
medicine that will help people to be healthy. Our government are making all they can do
to eradicate malnutrition but let’s face the fact that we should eradicate poverty first
and make people have easy access to daily necessities before we can resolve
3. Drug Addiction
 Drug addiction is a problem faced by a lot of country not just ours. A lot of teenager or
even grown ups tends to rely on drugs to resolved or somewhat forget their problem
not knowing what the effect will be in our brain and in our body.
 People who uses drugs ended up in either in prison since drugs are illegal and for doing
something bad to others due to the psychological effect of drugs in our body, and some
ended up in rehabilitation centers hoping that they can still recover to the effects of
drug addiction.
 Drug addiction is a widespread issue all over the world that even our government tries
to control and eradicate drug usage that makes a lot of people against it due to the
increase in deaths of people who uses drugs. Drugs is really addicting that is why it is
illegal. Efforts in stopping one’s self being addicted to drug should come from the person
itself making him realize the effects whether its long term or short term which may
include family issues and may result even to death.
4. Taal Volcano Eruption
 Taal volcano erupted last January 0f 2020 which by far the most destructive and had a
huge effect all across the Philippines due to the ash fall. The effect of its eruption last
2020 even reached Manila which is mile away from Batangas due to the ashfall.
 A lot of people use mask because they are afraid of inhaling the ashes brought about the
eruption of Taal that reach the Philippines capital and people gets afraid of what might
happen to them once they inhaled the ashes from the eruption and what the effect
would be in our lungs once people inhaled the ashes.
 One possible reason of the eruption of Taal Volcano would be global warming which has
a huge effect not only to inactive and active volcanoes worldwide but to out nature as
well. We should always be prepared in such calamities brought about the changes in
weather due to global warming since the moment that Taal volcano erupted no one is
prepared for that and the effect of it is tremendous not only to our health,
infrastructures and so as our environment.
5. Studying a foreign language
 Studying foreign language in an early age is very easy as compared to people who are
already exposed to just one language when they grow up. People who came from and
has been exposed to different races usually studies foreign language.
 People tends to study foreign language are people who wanted to be exposed to other
culture but not limited to one language only. English is also a foreign language which is
widely use all over the world as a means of communication whether verbal or written.
 Studying foreign language is beneficial to everyone making us more knowledgeable to
communicate to others once we go to other places and is substantial to know other
language other than your mother tongue.

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