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Task 3

Listen carefully to complete the following expression

1.What have you been up to?
2. Well, I have to go, It was nice ,talking
to you

3. Before I forget I wanted to talk to you about protecting the environment.

4. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

5. So, we'll wait for his respons and then go from there.

6. While I have you on the line, let me ask you about climate change.

7.So, I hear that you’re busy writing out an article about deforestation.

8.Okay, I’ll work on the proposal and .it to you by the end of the week.

9. Okay, I’ll talk with my team and I’ll give you a cold tomorrow morning.

10. So, what do you think about ventilation?

The following expression are used for ending a conversation. Listening carefully to
complete each expression.

1. It’s been a pleasure. I Really must go now.

2. Well, It’s carrying late
3. Maybe we good talk .about it more sometime.
4. I have to run. I’m glad I running to you.
5. Anyway, I should get back to work
6. Well, I kno you’re busy, so I don’t want to keep you
7. I’m going some food
8. So nice to reconnected!
9. Thank you for making the time to chat
10. I’d love to keep listening, but I find it hard to process. everything you’re saying. Could
we talk about it next time?

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