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Dear Sir/Madam,

It is with deep dissatisfaction that I am writing this to complain about your service. A week ago,
we received a message which said that our bank account had been closed, while we were trying
to sign in. It was such an inconvenience that made it impossible for us to make an important
transaction with our client, and we are very unpleasant about that. We requested an explanation
through a previous email several days ago, but sadly, no replies were sent.
Another problem is that we were overcharged 600 euro last month, which contradicts with our
balance record and badly confuses us.
Having sent this second notice, we kindly request your check on your service’s system and
open our bank account again immediately. We have run into big trouble due to your lack of
professionalism and have lowered our confidence in your bank.
As a loyal customer, we would appreciate that you take action on this matter as soon as
possible. Unless an appropriate resolution is conducted, we shall have no alternative but to
seek another bank.
We look forward to your prompt response and action,
Yours faithfully,
Sara Long

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