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Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

(AD 1722)

Unit: 2
Chapter 10: Ethics in AI

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Errors in Machine Learning

Reducible errors: These errors

can be reduced to improve the
model’s accuracy. Such errors
can further be classified into
bias and Variance.

Irreducible errors: These errors

will always be present in the

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BIAS in AI based Health care
• Bias is a phenomenon that skews the result of an algorithm in favour or
against an idea.
• Bias is considered a systematic error that occurs in the machine learning
model itself due to incorrect assumptions in the ML process.
• While making predictions, a difference occurs between prediction values
made by the model and actual values/expected values, and this
difference is known as bias errors or Errors due to bias
Low Bias: A low-bias model will make fewer assumptions about the form
of the target function.
High Bias: A model with a high bias makes more assumptions, and the
model becomes unable to capture the important features of our dataset.
***A high-bias model also cannot perform well on new data.

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list of common types of data bias in ML
• selection bias
• overfitting/underfitting
• Outliers
• measurement bias
• recall bias
• observer bias
• exclusion bias
• association bias
****Bias relates to expectation while error measures deviation in the
sample to the population.
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Ways to reduce High Bias
• Increase the input features as the model is underfitted.
• Decrease the regularization term.
• Use more complex models, such as including some polynomial

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Variance Error?
• Variance tells that how much a random variable is different from its
expected value.
• Ideally, a model should not vary too much from one training dataset
to another, which means the algorithm should be good in
understanding the hidden mapping between inputs and output
• Variance errors are either of low variance or high variance.
• Low variance means there is a small variation in the prediction of the
target function with changes in the training data set.
• High variance shows a large variation in the prediction of the target
function with changes in the training dataset.

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Ways to Reduce High Variance:
• Reduce the input features or number of parameters as a model is
• Do not use a much complex model.
• Increase the training data.
• Increase the Regularization term.

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Different Combinations of Bias-Variance
Low-Bias, Low-Variance:
The combination of low bias and low variance shows an
ideal machine learning model. However, it is not possible
Low-Bias, High-Variance: With low bias and high
variance, model predictions are inconsistent and accurate
on average. This case occurs when the model learns with
a large number of parameters and hence leads to
an overfitting
High-Bias, Low-Variance: With High bias and low
variance, predictions are consistent but inaccurate on
average. This case occurs when a model does not learn
well with the training dataset or uses few numbers of the
parameter. It leads to underfitting problems in the model.
High-Bias, High-Variance:
With high bias and high variance, predictions are
inconsistent and also inaccurate on average.

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• “accountability” refers to the expectation that organisations or
individuals will ensure the proper functioning, throughout their
lifecycle, of the AI systems that they design, develop, operate or
deploy, in accordance with their roles and applicable regulatory

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• Transparency is, roughly, a property of an application.
• It is about how much it is possible to understand about a system's
inner workings “in theory”.
• It can also mean the way of providing explanations of algorithmic
models and decisions that are comprehensible for the user. “
Importance of Transparency
Interpretability and Explainability
Reproducibility and Traceability
Ethic, Trust and Fairness

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• Step 1 for AI ethics: Provide the best data. AI algorithms are trained
through a set of data that is used to inform or build the algorithm. ...
• Step 2 for AI ethics: Provide the proper oversight. ...
• Step 3 for AI ethics: Consider ramifications of new technologies.
Ethical AI ensures that the AI initiatives of the organization or entity
maintain human dignity and do not in any way cause harm to people.
That encompasses many things, such as fairness, anti-weaponization
and liability, such as in the case of self-driving cars that encounter

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Safety and effectiveness

Data protection and privacy
 Cybersecurity
 Intellectual property law

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• What you learn today
• Thank you So much for joining this class
• Have a nice day
• Jai Hind
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