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Valconcha et al.

(2022) conducted a study examining the impact of visual

impairment (VI) on children's growth, education, and quality of life, finding that younger

children with VI have a significantly lower quality of life compared to adult children with

VI. Similarly, the proposed study aims to assist individuals with visual impairment by

developing an Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons. This device will enhance

the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals, allowing them to navigate their

environment with greater independence and confidence. The study's relevance lies in its

potential to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people by incorporating other

technologies, such as acrylic glass, cable wires, a battery, an Arduino Nano, an

ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source code. By addressing the challenges visually

impaired individuals face, the Obstacle Sensor project aligns with the goals and

missions of Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC). It has the potential to significantly

impact the quality of life for those affected by visual impairment.

Zhang et al. (2023) found that women have poorer eyesight than men and are less likely

to get their eyesight checked, which is related to gender differences in health-seeking

behaviors. Similarly, the study aims to assist visually impaired individuals, particularly in

enhancing their mobility and social life. The project utilizes a device called Obstacle

Sensor, which beeps when it detects obstructions, and it is made up of acrylic glass,

cable wires, a battery, an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source

code. While Zhang et al. (2023) focus on gender differences in vision health outcomes,

the study aims to improve the lives of visually impaired individuals by providing them

with a device that can help them navigate their environment safely and independently.
Job Access states that the impact of blindness or poor vision is on an employee's ability

to work independently, safely, and efficiently. It highlights that levels of eyesight and how

this impacts work can vary depending on a person's experience with the job, available

assistive technology, and support at work. It also mentions specific tasks that may be

impacted, such as reading, using a computer, driving, and moving safely around the

office. The study aims to assist individuals with visual impairment by developing an

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons device, which will enhance their mobility

and safety in the environment. The project is relevant as it enables the target population

to travel more independently, improve mobility, and explore unfamiliar surroundings

without reluctance or fear. The sensor will beep if it notices any obstructions, and

various components, including acrylic glass, cable wires, a battery, an Arduino Nano, an

ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source code, will be utilized in the project. The

Obstacle Sensor may be integrated with other technologies to improve visually impaired

people's everyday lives.

The study by Atowa et al. (2019) highlights the significant impact of visual impairment

on individuals, their families, and society. It emphasizes that early-onset visual

impairment can have a more pronounced effect on learning and development. Similarly,

the research aims to assist individuals with visual impairment by developing the

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons device. This device is designed to

enhance mobility and safety in the environment, ultimately improving the social lives of

the visually impaired. The project's relevance lies in its potential to enable the target

population to travel more independently, enhance mobility, and explore unfamiliar

surroundings without fear. The device utilizes various components such as acrylic glass,

cable wires, a battery, an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source

code. Additionally, the study proposes the integration of the Obstacle Sensor with other

technologies to improve the everyday lives of visually impaired individuals. This aligns

with the broader goal of assisting visually impaired individuals in navigating their

surroundings, as evidenced by various other research efforts focusing on obstacle

detection and navigation assistance for the visually impaired.

Willings (2019) and the study aimed at assisting individuals with visual impairments by

developing an Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons. The study is relevant

because it enables the target population to travel more independently, enhance mobility,

and explore unfamiliar surroundings without reluctance or fear. The device is designed

to improve the daily lives of visually impaired people by detecting obstacles and

providing warnings or guidance. The study is inspired by the various classifications of

visual impairments, such as near-normal vision, moderate low vision, severe low vision,

legally blind, profound low vision, near-total vision, and total blindness. The Obstacle

Sensor project utilizes technologies like acrylic glass, cable wires, a battery, an Arduino

Nano, an ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source code to create a device that can be

integrated with other technologies to enhance the lives of visually impaired individuals.

Tapu et al. (2020) conducted a study on assistive devices for people with visual

impairment (VI), highlighting the need for more competence in constructing an

environment for this set of people when establishing such a system. Similarly, the study

being conducted by MPC students aims to assist individuals with VI by developing a

device named Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons. However, while Tapu et

al. focused on the challenges of developing assistive devices for VI in natural and

congested situations, the Obstacle Sensor project aims to enhance mobility and social

life by alerting visually impaired individuals of obstructions in their environment. Both

studies recognize the need for accuracy and precision in developing assistive

technologies for VI and the importance of training and instruction for the successful use

of these devices.

Chauhan & Degadwala (2023) developed an assistive device to enhance navigation

safety for visually impaired (VI) persons. The device uses a sensor to identify obstacles

in its local area and operates using an Internet of Things (IoT) platform. Similarly, our

study aims to assist individuals with visual impairment by developing a device named

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons. This device will also aid VI persons in

enhancing their mobility and environmental safety. However, there are some differences

between the two devices. The Chauhan & Degadwala device provides an early signal or

notification when an obstacle is detected. In contrast, our Obstacle Sensor project uses

a sensor that will beep if it notices any obstructions. Additionally, the Chauhan &

Degadwala device is more advanced, using profound learning advantages to aid blind

and visually impaired navigation. In contrast, our project uses a more basic sensor and

Arduino technology.
Bala's study (2023) aims to design a conceptual assistant device with easy-to-use and

wearable features for blind individuals over 50 years old, who may find it challenging to

manage complex, high-end technological devices. The proposed device, resembling an

apron, can be placed on the user's body without requiring additional effort, such as

holding a phone or a walking stick. The device incorporates three key capabilities:

object and obstacle recognition, and it utilizes a Multi-Sensor Fused Navigation system

for improved accuracy and faster response times compared to traditional assistive

devices. In contrast, Marikina Polytechnic College's (MPC) study focuses on developing

an Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons. This device aims to enhance the

mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals in their environment and improve

their social lives. The project utilizes components such as acrylic glass, cable wires, a

battery, an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source code. The

Obstacle Sensor is designed to beep when it detects obstructions, allowing visually

impaired users to navigate their surroundings more independently and confidently. The

project's relevance lies in enabling visually impaired individuals to travel more

independently, explore unfamiliar surroundings without reluctance or fear, and integrate

with other technologies to improve their everyday lives. In summary, both studies focus

on assisting visually impaired individuals. Still, Bala's study emphasizes the design of a

wearable, easy-to-use device for older people. In contrast, the MPC study focuses on

developing a sensor-based device for visually impaired persons in general. The key

differences lie in the target population, the device's features, and the technology used in

each study.
The use of Raspberry Pi in developing assistive devices for visually impaired individuals

is a common theme in the literature. Rutland (2023) highlighted the limited availability

and cost of Raspberry Pi, which may pose challenges for its acquisition. On the other

hand, the study aiming to assist individuals with visual impairment by developing an

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons at Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC)

focuses on enhancing mobility and safety for the target population. The device utilizes

an array of components, including acrylic glass, cable wires, a battery, an Arduino Nano,

an ultrasonic sensor, and an Arduino source code to detect obstructions and provide

audio alerts, aiming to improve the everyday lives of visually impaired individuals.

Similarly, other studies have also utilized Raspberry Pi and ultrasonic sensors to design

intelligent assistive devices for the visually impaired, emphasizing the detection of

obstacles and navigation in real-time.

The study by Suraj et al. (2019) and our study aims to assist individuals with visual

impairment by developing obstacle-detection systems. Similar to Suraj et al. (2019), our

project focuses on creating a device to enhance the mobility and safety of visually

impaired individuals. Both studies utilize ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles, with

Suraj et al. (2019) using vibrating motors and ultrasonic sensors to alert users, while our

project incorporates a sensor that beeps when it detects obstructions. However, our

study differs in the specific components used, such as acrylic glass, cable wires, a

battery, an Arduino Nano, and an Arduino source code, which are unique to our project.

Additionally, our study further emphasizes the integration of the Obstacle Sensor with

other technologies to improve the everyday lives of visually impaired individuals, while
Suraj et al. (2019) focus on combining the obstacle detection system with the white


The study by Kuriakose et al. (2020) emphasizes the significance of navigation for

individuals with visual impairment (VI) and the challenges they face, such as negotiating

unknown places and encountering various obstacles. Similarly, our study aims to assist

individuals with visual impairment by developing a device called Obstacle Sensor for

Visually Impaired Persons, which will enhance their mobility and safety in the

environment. The device, like the ones discussed in the literature, uses technology such

as an ultrasonic sensor, Arduino Nano, and a battery to detect obstacles and provide

feedback to the user. However, our study specifically focuses on developing a sensor-

based device to improve the everyday lives of visually impaired individuals by enabling

them to travel more independently, enhance their mobility, and explore unfamiliar

surroundings without reluctance or fear, thus improving their social life. This aligns with

the broader goal of enabling visually impaired individuals to lead more independent and

fulfilling lives, a common theme in the existing literature on assistive devices for the

visually impaired.

The study by Bansal et al. (2020) and the project at Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC)

aim to assist individuals with visual impairment by developing devices to enhance their

mobility and safety in the environment. Similar to the Arduino-based smart walking cane

produced by Bansal et al., the project at MPC also utilizes technology, such as an
ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Nano, to detect obstacles and improve the user's mobility.

Both devices provide feedback alerts for various environmental conditions, such as the

presence of water or obstructions. However, the MPC project also emphasizes the

potential for the Obstacle Sensor to improve the social lives of visually impaired

individuals by enabling them to travel more independently and explore unfamiliar

surroundings without fear. Additionally, the MPC project highlights the potential for the

Obstacle Sensor to be integrated with other technologies to improve the everyday lives

of visually impaired people.

The study by Meliones et al. (2022) and the research project aiming to develop the

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons share the goal of enhancing the mobility

and safety of individuals with visual impairment. Both initiatives recognize the

significance of using contemporary technology, particularly ultrasonic sensors, to

identify obstacles and ensure safe navigation in outdoor environments. However, while

Meliones et al. focus on the reliability and efficiency of the ultrasonic sensor, the

research project at Marikina Polytechnic College (MPC) emphasizes the practical

application of the sensor in a device designed to aid visually impaired individuals. The

project aims to improve mobility and safety and enhance social interaction and

independence for the device's target population. Additionally, the project highlights the

use of specific components such as acrylic glass, cable wires, a battery, an Arduino

Nano, and an Arduino source code, demonstrating a hands-on approach to addressing

the needs of visually impaired individuals.

Busaeed et al. (2022) developed a set of smart glasses called LidSonic that can detect

obstacles using machine learning, LiDAR, and ultrasonic sensors. The LidSonic system

comprises Bluetooth-enabled smartphone software and an Arduino Uno microcontroller

housed in the smart glasses. Data is gathered, and the smart glasses' sensors are

controlled using Arduino. Additionally, it uses straightforward data processing to identify

things and warn visually challenged people with buzzers. On the other hand, the

Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons developed by Marikina Polytechnic

College (MPC) students aims to enhance the mobility of visually impaired individuals

with safety in the environment and improve their social life. The device uses an

ultrasonic sensor, an Arduino Nano, and an Arduino source code to detect obstructions

and beep to warn the user. The LidSonic system uses machine learning and LiDAR,

while the Obstacle Sensor uses ultrasonic sensors. Both devices aim to assist visually

impaired individuals in enhancing their mobility and exploring unfamiliar surroundings

without fear.

Putri et al. (2019) and the current study aim to develop devices that assist individuals

with vision impairments. The former research focused on developing Bluino, a device

that measures object distance using an ultrasonic sensor and alerts the user with an

audio signal. The study emphasized the simplicity of Bluino's schematic and its

straightforward usage. It also suggested using multiple sensors to reduce dependence

on a single sensor and to improve the device's performance. The current study, on the

other hand, aims to develop an Obstacle Sensor for Visually Impaired Persons, which

will enhance the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals in their environment
and improve their social life. The device will utilize an Arduino Nano, an ultrasonic

sensor, and an acrylic glass to create a user-friendly and less noticeable device. The

study also highlights the importance of shortening the device's delay to enable faster

alerts and prevent tripping or falling. Both studies share the goal of helping visually

impaired individuals navigate their environment more safely and independently.

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