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1.Sigmund Freud believed that the first five years of a child shape their later
personality. Elaborate on the FIVE (5) psychosexual stages of development given by Freud.

The first stage is Oral Stage (birth to 2 years), infant achieves gratification through oral
activities such as feeding, thumb sucking and babbling. The second stage is Anal Stage (2 to 3 years) ,
the child learn to respond to some of the demands of society such as bowel and bladder control. For
the third stage, Phallic Stage (3 to 7 years), the child learns to realize the different between males and
females and become aware of sexuality. In the fourth stage is Latency Stage (7 to 11 years), the child
continues his or her development but sexually urges are relatively quiet. Last stage of psychosexual
stage is Genital Stage (11 to Adulthood), the growing adolescents shakes off old dependencies and
learn to deal maturely with opposite sex.

2. As infants' brains continue to develop, infants also develop the ability to

communicate; to comprehend and produce spoken language. Babies learn language by taking in
information through their senses of hearing and sight as they learn to process the meanings behind those
sights and sounds. Analyses the FIVE (5) stages of language development of children?

3.Cognitive development can be affected by both qualitative as well as quantitative changes that occur
throughout the life span. According to Piaget’s theory of children’s development, cognitive development
among children is divided into several stages. Explain FOUR (4) stages of cognitive development among

A child cognitive development is about a child constructing a mental model of the world.
Development is biologically based and changes as the child matures. Piaget believed that children go
through 4 universal stage cognitive development. Which is sensorimotor stage (infancy), pre-operational
stage ( toddler and early childhood ), concrete operational stage (elementary and early adolescence) and
formal operational stage ( adolescence and adulthood).Sensorimotor stage ( birth to 2 years ) the main
achievement during this stage is object permanence – knowing that an object still exist , even if its hidden.
Preoperational stage (2 to 7years) during this stage, young children can think – a word or an object.
Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 years) this means the child can work things out internally in their head.
Formal operational stage (11 and above) during this time, people development the ability to think about
abstracts concept and logically test hypotheses.

4. Children change rapidly as they grow. Many of these changes are physical. Other changes are cognitive,
which means the changes affect the way children think and learn. Child development often occurs in
stages, with most children hitting specific developmental landmarks by the time they reach a certain age .
Identify the FIVE (5) stages of child development with example?

5. Child’s drawing is a copy of an image in the child’s mind and therefore that a child’s
drawings provide a “window” into his/her thoughts and feelings.

a. List FIVE (5) activities that related to creativity in young children.

b. Describe FIVE (5) benefit of learning art in young children age 0 to 8 years old

with suitable example for each benefit.

c. How hand puppets help children learn valuable skills. Support answers with

suitable example.

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