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Basic pre literacy skills include: - Recognizing letters of the alphabet - Understanding
that letters represent sounds - Developing vocabulary and language skills -
Recognizing print in the environment - Understanding basic concepts of print like
reading left to right These skills are important as they lay the foundation for reading
and writing, helping children build a strong literacy base for future learning.
2. To create a literacy-rich environment, a child-care provider can: - Have a variety of
age-appropriate books accessible - Incorporate storytelling and reading aloud into
daily routines - Provide materials for drawing and writing - Use literacy-related
games and activities - Create a print-rich environment with labels, signs, and word
3. Encouraging children's interest in reading and writing can be done by: - Reading
aloud engaging and diverse books - Encouraging children to write and draw stories -
Making reading and writing fun through games and activities - Linking literacy to real-
life experiences - Praising and rewarding efforts in reading and writing
4. Adapting the learning environment for children with special needs involves: -
Providing multisensory materials and activities - Using assistive technology if needed
- Incorporating visual aids and manipulatives - Tailoring instruction to individual
learning styles - Collaborating with specialists and caregivers for support
5. Reading to children of different ages can involve: - Babies: Reading high-contrast
board books with simple pictures - Toddlers: Interactive books with textures or flaps -
Preschoolers: Picture books with engaging stories - School-age children: Chapter
books or non-fiction texts - Using different voices, asking questions, and engaging
children in discussions to enhance comprehension and enjoyment.

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