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Omar Alejandro Preciado Elvira


Ingles IV

5to cuatrimestre

Universidad Politécnica de Tecámac

U2 EP1 Glosario Ilustrado de señalizaciones y lenguaje


Jessica Ivonne Orozco Delgado

Lenguaje corporal
01. Body lenguaje: Lenguaje corporal.
It is the movement that we make with our body and that has a communicative

02. Frown: Fruncir el ceño

A frown is a facial expression that serves to indicate displeasure or disapproval.

03. Grin: Mueca

Contortion of a person's face, usually caused by pain or displeasure

04. Bite nails: Morderse las uñas

the habit of eating or biting the nails with the teeth, causing damage to the
fingers, teeth and nails themselvesb

05. Roll up eyes: Enrollar los ojos means to show boredom, apathy or
06. Raise evebrows: Levantar las cejas
There are three main emotions that cause your eyebrows to raise: surprise,
worry and fear.

07. Nod: Cabecear.

Hesitating or hesitating before a decision
08. Shurg: Encoger hombros

It is an indication by an individual of not knowing an answer, or of not

attaching importance to an outcome.

09. Yawn: bostezar

Yawning is involuntarily opening your mouth and taking a long, deep breath of
air. This is most often done when you are tired or sleepy.
10. Friget: Tic nervioso.

A tic is a problem in which a part of the body moves repeatedly, rapidly,

suddenly and without contro

01. No fumar: Prohibido fumar

02. Peligro: Danger

03. STOP: alto

04. Ninguna entrada: No entry

05. Give way: Ceda el paso

05. No bicycles: No bicicletas

06. School zone: zona escolar

07. Wet floor: Piso mojado

08. Electric shork rish: Riesgo electrónico

09. Fire extinguisher: Extintor

10. Stairs: Escaleras

11. Emergency Exit: Salida de emergencia

12. Ascensor: Elevator

13. Assembly point: Punto de reunión

14. Baños: Restrooms

15. Evacuation Route: Ruta de evacuación

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