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The two best ways I’ve found to “cut the fat” during your strength training sessions are:

#1 – Increase your body’s natural Growth Hormone production by training at a faster

pace with shorter rest periods.

#2 – Conclude your strength training sessions with SPRINTS!

Growth Hormone is a powerful fat-burning hormone that is produced by the pituitary

gland. Studies have proven that increased Growth Hormone output in your body leads to
a decrease in bodyfat levels. One of the best ways to naturally stimulate Growth
Hormone production is by performing brief, intense workouts with short rest periods.

If you want to follow my WS4SB template (or a similar type of program), yet increase
the fat-burning effects of the actual training session; here’s what I suggest…

Take your time during your “main lift”, especially on Max-Effort Days. This will ensure
full recovery so you’re able to lift the heaviest weights possible and maintain - or even
increase - your strength while on your fat-burning program. But, after you’re done with
your main lift, make sure you “pick up the pace” while performing your accessory
exercises during the remainder of your workout. I suggest supersetting most of your
accessory exercises and don’t rest for longer than 60 seconds between sets/exercises.
Work at a fast pace and get in as much volume as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Make sure your workout doesn’t go any longer than an hour, though! If your session
starts going way over the one-hour mark, it will have a negative effect on the hormone
response in your body!

Along with your faster-paced workout, I recommend sprinting. More “weekend warriors”
and “washed-up meatheads" should incorporate sprints into their training! Sprints are a
tried-and-true method to get lean, muscular and healthy…while drastically cutting down
on the amount of time you need to spend in the gym! And this doesn’t mean that you
need to try and run a 4.4-second forty yard dash, either. You just need to run a couple
short sprints after your strength sessions and trust me; you will see a drastic difference in
your physique! If you’re able to run outside, I suggest performing six to ten 40-100 yard
sprints (depending on your conditioning level). Simply run your sprint and then slowly
walk back to the start line (as your rest period) before performing another sprint. If you’re
training at a “regular” gym and using a treadmill is more practical, I suggest running as
fast as you can for 20-30 seconds and then “jumping” off the treadmill and resting for 60
seconds. Perform 6-10 of these sprints (depending on your conditioning level).

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