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The line indicates that the ocean appeared to possess a multitude of shades of blue, and there
was an air of melancholy and weightiness, in addition to the presence of the sun.
2. The tale By the Railway Side, penned by Alice Meynell, is narrated to unfold in a railway platform
situated in Via Reggio, a locality within Tuscany in Italy. The setting is subsequently delineated as
a parched, scorching, and sultry milieu, employing expressions that entice the senses and
provoke vivid imagery.
3. The gentleman was enacting a dramatic scene and vehemently uttering blasphemous words at
the highest decibel of his vocal range. The essay elucidates that the gentleman is facing grave
predicament and is an individual who possesses erroneous notions
4. the individuals who observed the occurrence experienced no emotional response. They merely
gazed at the male and female, remaining stationary as they observed the incident. In my
opinion, the reason for their passive observation may be attributed to their lack of immediate
emotional engagement.
5. the woman is attempting to obstruct the man's actions, as he is vociferating blasphemous
notions concerning various religious doctrines.
6. I think the man is Contemplative, Solitary, Reflective, Pensive, Introspective, Lonely,
Detached, Thoughtful, Quiet, and Serene.
7. I think yes, because the man has a title where if he’s politician, a priest or even a teacher. Us
people know how to respect people especially those people who has a great impact to our
society or even to our country. So, maybe yes, they will listen to the man.
8. Well for me, I think they will be given enough credits if a lot of people supports the man or help
the man by what’s the is saying.
9. , the author describes her journey alongside a railway track, evoking emotions of
curiosity, wonder, melancholy, introspection, and appreciation for the transient beauty of
10. Well if I was in that train, I would feel shocked as well, but I would also not panicked
because when there’s an emergency we shouldn’t panicked because we can’t think
properly if we do this.
imagery, metaphor, simile,
11. The author used these following literary divices;
personification, allusion, and symbolism.

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