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A. Usage
Simple future tense is a tense to describe an event that has not yet started and will
occur in the future. Sentences in the simple future tense can be marked by using the
words will, shall, and going to. The simple future tense is also used to express a
prediction or wish.
(Intan Aulia Husnunnisa)
The simple future tense is a form of tenses to indicate an event that has not yet started
and will only occur in the future in the future. So, this tense refers to the action that
will be performed after now. Apart from expressing this, you can also use the simple
future tense to express predictions and wishes.

Simple future tense merupakan bentuk tenses untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa
yang belum mulai dan baru terjadi di waktu yang akan datang a.k.a di masa depan.
Jadi, tenses ini merujuk pada tindakan yang akan dilakukan setelah sekarang. Selain
untuk mengekspresikan hal tersebut, simple future tense juga dapat kamu gunakan
untuk menyatakan suatu prediksi dan keinginan.

B. Time Signal
The following is a description of the time that is generally used in the simple future
- Tomorrow : besok
- Later : nanti
- Next week : minggu depan
- Next month : bulan depan
- Next year : tahun depan
- Soon : segera
- Tonight : malam ini
- By and by : Sebentar lag
- The day after tomorrow : Lusa

C. Pattern
modal auxiliary :
(+) S + Will/Shall + V1 + O
(-) S + Will/Shall + Not + V1 + O
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O

similar modal :
(+) S + to be + going to + V1
(-) S + to be + Not + going to + V1
(?) To be + S + going to + V1

D. Example
1. Modal auxiliary
 (+) Hanna will go to Bandung tomorrow morning
(-) Hanna will not goto Bandung tommorrow morning
(?) Will she go to Bandung tomorrow morning?

 (+) I shall study tomorrow morning

(-) I shall not study tomorrow morning
(?) Shall you Study tomorrow Morning?

2. Similiar Modal
 (+) I am going to finish all my homework tonight
(-) I am not going to finish all my homework tonight
(?) Am I going to finish all my homework tonight?

 (+) Peter is going to move to his new house next week

(-) Peter is not going to move to his new house next week
(?) is Peter going to move to his new house next week?


A. Usage

The future continuous tense is a form of the verb to express events that are taking place in the
future or in the future with a specific time description, aka sentences that use this tense have a
duration of time.

(Intan Aulia Husnunnisa)

the future continuous tense is usually called the future progressive tense. The term "future
progressive tense" gives us a better idea of what this tense means. In this case, the word
"progressive" indicates that something is in progress, there is an action in progress.
future continuous tense biasanya disebut future progressive tense. Istilah "masa depan
progresif tegang" memberi kita gambaran yang lebih baik tentang apa arti tegang ini. Dalam
hal ini, kata "progresif" menunjukkan bahwa ada sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung, ada suatu
tindakan yang sedang berlangsung.

B. Time Signal

- Tomorrow night: Besok malam

- Next year on April: Tahun depan pada bulan April
- Tonight at seven o’clock: Nanti malam jam 07.00
- At this time tomorrow: Pada waktu ini besok
- At six o’clock tomorrow morning: Pada jam 6 besok pagi
- At this time next year: Pada saat ini tahun depan

C. Pattern

(+) S + Will/Shall + be + V-ing + Complement

(-) S + Will/Shall + Not + be + V-ing + Complement

(?) Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing + Complement?


(+) He will be staying at the office at 4 o’clock this afternoon

(-) He will not be staying at the office at 4 o’clock this afternoon

(?) will he be staying at the office at 4 o’clock this afternoon?

(+) I will be doing an exam at this time tomorrow

(-) I will not be doing an exam at this time tomorrow?

(?) will you be doing an exam at this time tomorrow?


A. Usage
Future Perfect Tense is a tense or verb change to express an event or state something
that is predicted to have happened, even finished in the future. So, at the time it is
talked about, there is an action that has not been completed or has not taken place at
The future perfect tense can also be interpreted as a tense that talks about an action
that will be completed between now and some point in the future.

Future Perfect Tense adalah tenses atau perubahan kata kerja untuk menyatakan suatu
peristiwa atau menyatakan hal yang diprediksi akan sudah terjadi, bahkan sudah
selesai di masa depan. Jadi, pada saat dibicarakan, ada sebuah aksi yang belum selesai
atau belum terjadi sama sekali.
future perfect tense juga bisa diartikan sebagai tenses yang berbicara tentang suatu
tindakan yang akan diselesaikan antara sekarang dan beberapa titik di masa depan.

B. Time Signal
- by next … : menjelang … depan
- by next week : menjelang minggu depan
- by Sunday : menjelang hari Minggu
- by tomorrow : menjelang besok
- by next month : menjelang bulan depan

C. Pattern
- Nominal Sentence
(+) S + Will/Shall + have + been + Complement
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + have + been + Complement
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + been + Complement

- Verbal Sentence
(+) S + Will/Shall + have + Past participle (V-3) + Complment
(-) S + Will/Shall + not + have + Past participle (V-3) + Complment
(?) Will/Shall + S + have + Past participle (V-3) + Complment?

D. Examples
1. Nominal Sentence
 (+) They will have been here tonight
(-) They will not have been here tonight
(?) Will they have been here tonight?
 (+) Mr. Joe will have been in the office by this evening.
(-) Mr. Joe will not have been in the office by this evening.
(?) Will Mr.Joe have been in the office by this evening?
2. Verbal Sentence
 (+) Randy will have finished his homework at 8 p.m.
(-) Randy will not have finished his homework at 8 p.m.
(?) Will Randy have finished his homework at 8 p.m?
 (+) I’ll have finished the report by tomorrow morning
(-) I’ll not have finished the report by tomorrow morning
(?) Will you have finished the report by tomorrow morning?

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