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There are 6 topics tackled for the midterms in Readings in Philippine History, and each one serves a
lesson and reflection that implies the values, principles, and opinions of a student nurse. First, the
Philippines has a long history of coexisting with numerous cultural groups, each of which has its own
traditions, customs, and methods of medical care. As a student nurse, this has helped me to develop a
profound awareness for cultural variety and the importance of cultural sensitivity when providing all-
encompassing patient care. Second, we learned from one of the topics that the history of Spanish
colonization in the Philippines was marked by oppression and inequality. As a result, social justice has
become more important to me as a nursing student, inspiring me to advocate for equitable access to
care and deal with health inequities in our nursing practice.

To sum up, learning about Philippine history is crucial for me as a Filipino nursing student because it
helps me better understand my ethical and professional obligations. I will feel more responsible for
preserving and advancing the welfare of the Filipino people as a result of studying Philippine history. My
feeling of national identity would grow stronger as a result, and I would be better able to understand the
special struggles and achievements of the Filipino people. This knowledge can motivate me to defend
moral nursing standards, fight for patients' rights, and actively contribute to the improvement of the
nation's healthcare system.

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