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Answer the following questions

1. What is the difference between functional mental disorder and non-functional disorder?
Answer: The key difference between functional mental disorders and non-functional disorders
lies in their cause and pathophysiology.
Functional mental disorders, also known as functional illnesses, refer to mental disorders that
do not have a clearly identifiable organic or physical cause. Examples of functional mental
disorders include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, somatoform disorders, and dissociative
disorders. These disorders are characterized by symptoms that cannot be explained by
diagnosable biological changes.
On the other hand, non-functional disorders, also known as organic disorders, have a clearly
established cause and pathophysiology. The cause of these disorders can be traced to specific
biological changes or abnormalities.

2. Why is it important to give attention to mental health?

Answer: Giving attention to mental health is crucial for several reasons:
Overall Well-being: Mental health is an essential component of overall well-being. It affects our
emotional, psychological, and social functioning, as well as our ability to cope with life's
challenges. When we prioritize mental health, we can experience greater happiness,
satisfaction, and fulfillment in life.
Physical Health: Mental health and physical health are interconnected. Poor mental health can
contribute to physical health problems such as heart disease, weakened immune system, and
chronic pain. Taking care of our mental health can improve our physical health and overall
quality of life.
Relationships: Mental health influences our relationships with others. When we have good
mental health, we are better able to form and maintain healthy relationships, communicate
effectively, and handle conflicts. It also enhances our empathy and understanding towards
Productivity and Success: Mental health plays a significant role in our productivity and success
in various areas of life, including work, education, and personal goals. When we prioritize our
mental well-being, we can improve our focus, concentration, creativity, and problem-solving
Resilience: Good mental health helps us build resilience, which is our ability to bounce back
from setbacks, cope with stress, and adapt to changes. It enables us to navigate life's
challenges with greater strength and flexibility.
Community Contribution: When individuals prioritize their mental health, it positively impacts the
community as a whole. People with good mental health can contribute to their communities,
participate actively, and promote social well-being.
It is important to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and provide support and resources for mental
health to ensure that individuals can lead fulfilling and healthy lives.

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