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Fundamentals Training / Explore the Bene;ts of the Digital Classroom and Encourage Twenty-First Century Work Habits

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Explore the Bene;ts of the Digital

Classroom and Encourage Twenty-
First Century Work Habits
Oleh Google for Education Diterbitkan 27 Agu 2020 23m (61) Laporkan

Rencana Favorit

 Expected Lesson Time: 23 minutes

Go through the sections below, then test yourself (and get credit) by
doing the Lesson Check.

Get Started with Technology

As teachers, we understand the importance of teaching basic skills like reading, writing, and
math. But if we provide students with only the basics, then they will suffer from a huge gap in
the knowledge and skills they need to function well in twenty-Lrst-century workplaces. In order
to be effective citizens, workers, and leaders in society, students also need practice with
critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and working creatively.

Technology can help classrooms be more like real-world environments and better prepare
students to enter an increasingly connected and globally-competitive workforce. And there are
many technologies that can help teachers streamline daily processes and increase
opportunities to incorporate critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity into
students’ learning.

Let’s take a look at how the digital classroom helps teachers and students alike.

The Impact of Technology

Think about the impact of technology on your life. Below are a few questions to get you
thinking. You may want to jot down your ideas. At the end of this lesson you’ll reTect and set a


How has technology affected your life?

Identify one way technology has saved you time and made you more eWcient.
What are other teachers doing with technology in the classroom that you’d like to try?

Write down your answers to each question, then continue on to have a look at what other
teachers have said.

Jot Down Your Ideas

Use this as your temporary notepad, or jot down your ideas on paper.

Save Clear

See What Other Educators Said

How has technology a!ected your life?

Smartphones have made a huge impact for me. I can process

email or work on a presentation while standing in line at the
grocery store.
I take advantage of podcasts so now I’m even learning when
I’m working out.
Google Maps have changed the way I see the world. I’ve even
gone house hunting using StreetView.
I can teach myself anything with technology. Right now I’m
learning how to play the ukulele by watching how-to videos on

Identify one way technology has saved you time and made you
more e"cient.

I use tasks on my phone and on my laptop. I’m never without

my to-do list, so I’m getting more things done than I used to.
Organizing team meetings is easier now that we can co-create
our agenda on a Google Doc instead of one person needing to
contact everyone individually to create an agenda.
I used to have to write letters to people! Email saves me so
much time.
I use the camera on my phone to quickly shoot a photo of my
whiteboard after a class. I upload it to our class site to keep any
absent students in the loop.

What are other teachers doing with technology in the classroom

that you'd like to try?

My teaching partner uses Google Drawings to make

manipulatives and sorting activities for her students.
The eighth-grade English teachers are all using Google Docs to
give students formative feedback on their writing BEFORE the
students have to turn it in.
A colleague of mine has students plot their learning about
Ancient Egypt on a Google Map instead of using paper and
colored pencils.
I’ve seen a jigsaw activity where students were responsible for
different parts of a chapter, and recorded the main points in a
shared Google Slides presentation.

Words of Wisdom

After thinking about technology’s impact on your own life and how it might affect your
teaching, let’s hear from some educators who work in technology-rich school environments.

Bene$ts of the Digital Classroom


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Did you hear anything that resonated with you? Keep it in mind as you think about how to
harness technology in your teaching.

Digital Classroom Goals

Now that you have heard some real classroom possibilities, let’s set some goals for
integrating technology in your own classroom. Use a Google Doc to set goals for the future.

Start by clicking the button below and follow the goal-setting steps you see in the doc.

Set your goals ›

See The Goals of Other Educators

Response 1

Problem: My students only get feedback on their writing after

they complete an assignment, print it out, and turn it in.
Goal: I’d like to use less paper in class. I think that I can use
Google Docs so students can collaborate online and print less.
Since I have access to the shared doc, I can see the entire
writing process so that my feedback can be more meaningful.
Success: I’ll know I’ve been successful when my students use
my formative feedback and that of their peers to make edits
before the due date.

Response 2

Problem: My math class is totally teacher-directed and too

Goal: I want to change my approach and give students more
ownership over how they solve a problem and what tools they
use to show me what they’ve learned. Some may do a
presentation or make a video about the concept we are
Success: When I see students start taking varying approaches
to solving problems and using tools that I wouldn’t have
thought of.

Response 3

Problem: I want my students to collaborate more.

Goal: We do a persuasive speech project, and I’m thinking that
creating collaborative presentations would be cool. Kids could
work together on the same slide deck to create a persuasive
Success: When students reTect on the collaboration process
and can express what they learned by working together.

Response 4

Problem: The only person who sees my students’ work is me -

their teacher.
Goal: I’d like to get my students communicating in a more
authentic way using current tools. I’m going to explore digital
portfolios as a component for my course, either through blogs
or sites.
Success: When students can explain the importance of
creating a portfolio and publishing their work to the world.

Lesson Check

Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and that we give you credit for it)!

1. Which of the following has had a large impact on education now that the internet is so
easily accessible:

 Students no longer need to be able to calculate things as computers can do it

The role of rote learning has decreased as students have instant access to the world’s
 knowledge

 Schools must move to project based learning to keep students engaged

 Computer science is an important subject, even with younger students

Check Answer

2. How does technology help cater to individual student needs? (Select all that apply.)

 Access to technology impacts learning more than teaching

 Resources can be personalized for students

 Teachers can write code that makes students behave better

 Students can take ownership of their learning

Check Answer

3. Choose the statement that best re#ects what we know about technology, teaching,
and learning.

 Access to technology impacts learning more than teaching

 Teachers must become experts with technology in order to support student learning

 Technology is a tool to support teachers in their efforts to increase student learning

 Learning cannot succeed without technology

Check Answer

4. Which of the following describes a digital classroom? (Select all that apply.)

 A place where teachers are facilitators of learning

A place where students use technology to collaborate and communicate in authentic

 ways

A place where students have access to online resources that they can use to solve
 problems

A place where every student is working alone on a device (a laptop or tablet) for the entire
 day

Check Answer

Aktivitas Berikutnya
Get Familiar with Google Tools for the Digital Classroom

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