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The problem is the students are difficult in practicing some language functions. After analyzing
about the problem, the teacher found that the students do not have enough exposure and practice for
The teacher decides to make role-playing in speaking learning to exposure and practice for
Based on the literatures and interview, I conclude that role-playing is one of solutions to motivate
the students to get exposure and finally practice it by using the language functions for communication.
choosing the literature about some attempts to introduce a guide to making up a role play some attempts
to introduce a guide to making up a role play (Shaw, Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980; Milroy, 1982;
Livingstone, 1983; Rodriguez & White, 1983; Horner & McGinley, 1990)

The advantages :
1. The student will get motivate to practice for communication by using langeage functions each
others by team work.
2. The students will not be bored in speaking learning teaching.
3. The students will be active involve in learning teaching process.

The challenges :
1. The students are not confidence to practice for communication by using language functions.
2. The learning teaching process will be longer.
3. The teacher has to organize the time well in learning teaching process.

Daftar pustaka

 Byram, M., & Fleming, M., (Eds.). (1998). Language learning in intercultural perspective:
Approaches through drama and ethnography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
 Byrne, D. (1983). Cuecards. In S. Holden (Ed.), Second selections from modern English teacher
(pp. 90-91). Harlow: Longman.
 Crookall, D., & Oxford, R. L. (1990). Linking language learning and simulation/gaming. In D.
Crookall & R.L. Oxford (Eds.), Simulation, gaming and language learning (pp. 3-24). New
York: Newbury House Publishers.
 Greenblat, C. (1988). Designing games and simulations: an illustrated handbook. Newbury
Park, CA: SAGE Publications.
 Horner, D., & McGinley, K. (1990). Running simulation/games: A step-by-step guide. In D.
Crookall & R. Oxford (Eds.), Simulation, gaming and language learning (pp. 33-45). New York:
Newbury House Publishers.

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA NEGERI 1 PATIMUAN

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
(Peminatan) Kelas/Semester : XI/Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Materi Pokok : How to make
Reservation Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 (2 JP)

A. Kompetensi inti
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama,
damai), santun, responsif dan proaktif, sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai
permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam
menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan,
dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk
memecahkan masalah
4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta bertindak secara
efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)
3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social, struktur teks
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks melalui telepon
interaksi transaksional lisan dan terkait reservasi C1
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan 3.6.2 Memahami unsur kebahasaan teks interaski
memberi dan meminta informasi transaksional lisan dan tulis melalui telepon
melalui telepon terkait reservasi, terkait reservasi C1
sesuai dengan konteks 3.6.3 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
penggunaannya penggunaannya. unsur kebahasaan melalui telepon terkait
4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi 4.6.1 Membuat teks percakapan melalui telepon
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang terkait reservasi dengan memerhatikan fungsi
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.C6
meminta informasi melalui 4.6.2 Mempresentasikan percakapan dengan
telepon terkait reservasi, dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan melalui telepon terkait
struktur teks, dan unsur reservasi C6
kebahasaan yaC!ng benar dan
sesuai konteks
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik menentukan informasi umum, informasi rinci tersirat maupun tersurat melalui
kegiatan mengamati video dari youtube terkait reservasi.C1
2. Peserta didik menganalisa struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan terkait reservasi Setelah
mendengarkan pemaparan dari guru melalui canva. C4
3. Peserta didik dapat menyusun atau membuat percakapan terkait reservasi dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.C6
4. Peserta didik mampu mempresentasikan percakapan terkait reservasi dengan benar
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan C6

D. Materi Pembelajaran
 Definition of reservation

Reservation is act of reserving. Such as how to book/reserve hotel, restaurant, ticket ect.

 Social function
Taking reservations for hotel rooms/ tickets/tables Information regarding various services and
facilities may be given

 Language functions
To make reservation To receive reservation Refusing reservation
 Greeting(good  Can I help you  I’m sorry to inform you
morning/afternoon/night)  May i have your name that all rooms
 May I speak to…. please? /tickets/tables have been
Please im…..  Hold on please.. reserved
 Please could you put me through  Can I take your message  Im really sorry, im
Mr/Mrs… please? afraid we cannot make
 I would like to make reservation  Who is speaking please? any reservation for you
 I need to book a room/ ticket/ a  When is the date of the
table check in?
 Could I leave the message  How long do you will stay
 What a kind of room do
you need?

 An example of dialog reservasi

Hotel :ABC Hotel. How can I help you?
Guest : Hello, I would like to book a room for two please.
Hotel : When is the date of the check-in?
Guest : It will be on 25th of August.
Hotel : What kind of room do you want? We have a basic room and deluxe room for two
Guest : What is the difference between those two kinds?
Hotel : In basic room, there will be two single bed and a shower in the bathroom. Meanwhile
in deluxe room, there will be a king-sized bed along with a shower and a bathtub.
Guest : How much is the deluxe room for two nights?
Hotel : For one night it’s $250, so it will be $500 for two nights.
Guest : That sounds good. I will book the deluxe room for two nights. Is the breakfast
Hotel : Yes, sir. It is included for two people. May I take your name for the booking?
Guest : Of course. It’s John Smith.
Hotel : Thank you very much, sir. We look forward to your stay here.
Guest : Have a nice day.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
 Metode : Group investigation, media role play, diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab,
 Model : Cooperative learning

F. Media/alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

1. Media
 Video conversation by youtube
 Power point
 Word wall
 Apps spinneewheel untuk memilih kelompok
 Google form
 Lembar penilaian
2. Alat
 laptop
 LCD proyektor
 Spidol
 White board
3. Sumber Belajar
 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris (Peminatan)Kelas XI . Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
 Video conversation
 Google form LKPD
 Word wall

G. Langkah-langkahPembelajaran
1. Pertemuan ( 4 x 45 menit ) Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10
Guru : menit
 Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai
 Memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin.
 Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan
dengan pengalaman peserta didik dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya,
 Mengingatkan kembali materi prasyarat dengan bertanya.
 Mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada keterkaitannya dengan pelajaran yang akan

Kegiatan Inti 115

Sintak menit
Model Kegiatan Pembelajaran
tujuan  Guru Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai
pembelajaran  Guru Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
 Guru Menyampaikan metode pembelajaran dan teknik penilaian.

Menyajikan  Guru memutar video conversation melalui youtube

informasi/ stimulus

 Guru Mengajak peserta didik mengidentifikasi video you tube C1

 What video is this?
 What do you think about it?
 Can you list some expression on videos?

siswa ke dalam  Guru meminta peserta didik mendiskusikan video
tim- tim belajar  Guru meminta peserta didik mengerjakan (LKPD 1) act 1 dengan
word wall

 Guru menyuruh Peserta didik menyusun kembali terkait making

offers .C6 ( LKPD 1) act 2

 Guru mengajak Peserta didik membentuk kelompok 3 - 4 orang

Membantu kerja
tim dan belajar  Guru meminta Peserta didik mengerjakan (LKPD 2)

Mengevaluasi  Guru meminta Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kegiatan

C6. (LKPD 2)
 Guru meminta peserta didik lain mengemukakan pendapat
tentang presentasi kelompok lain.C5
 Guru memberi evaluation kepada peserta didik melalui google
Memberikan  Guru mengamati presentasi yang di lakukan oleh peserta didik
pengakuan atau secara berkelompok.C1
penghargaan)  Guru merespond akan usaha atau prestasi yang sudah di lakukan
peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kelompok.C5
 Guru memberi penghargaan atas kerja sama yang dilakukan secara

Kegiatan Penutup 15
Peserta didik : menit
 Membuat resume dengan bimbingan guru tentang point-point penting yang muncul
dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
 Mengagendakan pekerjaan
rumah. Guru :
 Memfasilitasi dalam menemukan kesimpulan sementara berdasarkan hasil temuan
tentang materi pembelajaran reservasi.
 Memberikan tugas kepada peserta didik, dan mengingatkan peserta didik untuk
mempelajari materi yang akan dibahas dipertemuan berikutnya
 Memberi salam.

H. Penilaian, Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

1. Teknik Penilaian
Teknik Bentuk instrument
Pengamatannn sikap (observasi) Form pengamatan sikap
Penilaian pengetahuan Rubrik penilaian pengetahuan
Test unjuk kerja Form test unjuk kerja 1

a. Instrumen pengamatan sikap

No Nama Perkembangan Perilaku
Tanggung Jawab Disiplin Toleransi

Rubrik pengamatan sikap

Aspek SB (4) B (3) C (2) K (1)
Tanggung jawab Siswa selalu Siswa sudah Siswa kadang – Siswa belum
melaksanakan melaksanakan kadang melaksanakan
tugas dan tugas dan melaksanakan tugas dan
kewajibanya yang kewajibanya yang tugas dan kewajibanya yang
seharusnya seharusnya kewajibanya yang seharusnya
dilakukan dilakukan seharusnya dilakukan
Toleransi Siswa sangat Siswa mampu Siswa mulai Siswa belum
mampu bekerja bekerja sama mampu bekerja mampu bekerja
sama dalam dalam diskusi sama dalam sama dalam
diskusi bersama bersama temanya diskusi bersama diskusi bersama
temanya yang yang memiliki temanya yang temanya yang
memiliki keragaman latar memiliki memiliki
keragaman latar belakang keragaman latar keragaman latar
belakang belakang belakang
Disiplin Siswa selesai Siswa selesai Siswa selesai Siswa selesai
membuat laporan membuat laporan membuat laporan membuat laporan
diskusi sebelum diskusi tepat diskusi 1 – 2 menit diskusi kurang dari
waktu yang di waktu yang di waktu yang di 3 menit waktu
tentukan tentukan tentukan yang di tentukan

b. Rubrik penilaian Pengetahuan

No soal skor Kriteria penilaian
1 1 Jawaban benar
0 Jawaban salah
2 1 Jawaban benar
0 Jawaban salah

c. Instrument penilaian keterampilan (berkelompok)

No Nama Keterampilan
Ungkapan Penglafalan Kelancaran
B/3 C/2 K/1 B/3 C/2 K/1 B/3 C/2 K/1

Rubrik penilaian keterampilan

Aspek B (3) C(2) K(1)
Ungkapan Penggunaan ungkapan Menggunakan
Penggunaan ungkapan yang tepat namun ungkapan yang tidak
dalam percakapan belum sesuai kontek tepat
tepat dan sesuai

Penglafalan Tidak ada atau sedikit Beberapa kesalahan Banyak kesalahan

kesalahan dalam penglafalan namun dalam penglafalan
penglafalan tidak mempengaruhi sehingga pendengar
makna ungkapan yang atau pembaca harus
disampaikan menginterpretasi dan
memaknai makna
ungkapan yang
Kelancaran Siswa dapat Siswa dapat Siswa dapat
melaporkan hasil melaporkan hasil melaporkan hasil
diskusi dengan lancar diskusi sedikit terbata diskusi tidak lancar

2. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

a. Remedial
 Remidial dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM
 Guru memberi semangat kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal).
 Guru akan memberikan tugas bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (Kriterian
Ketuntasan Minimal), misalnya sebagai berikut.
 Peserta didik membuat dialog baru tentang how to make reservation yang berbeda
dengan kegiatan sebelumnya.
b. Pengayaan
 Pengayaan diberikan untuk menambah wawasan peserta didik mengenai materi
pembelajaran yang dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang telah tuntas mencapai
KKM atau mencapai Kompetensi Dasar.
 Pengayaan dapat ditagihkan atau tidak ditagihkan, sesuai kesepakatan dengan peserta

Patimuan, 25 November 2022

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Tunggu Biyarti, M.Pd Ijah Tursijah

NIP 19790212 200501 2 010 NIP. ………………...

Making reservation


Answer the following questions!

1. Have you ever made a phone call?

2. Have you ever made a reservation?
3. Have you ever received a phone call?
4. What did you say at the beginning?
5. What do you thing about reservation?

Kegiatan inti

Someday, we will probably work in company. We will get in touch the customers. There are many
jobs that are related to the customer such as hotel receptionist, secretary etc. in this unit, we will learn
how to make good communication with the customers or we learn to make a good conversation with the
hotel receptionist, nurse, barber in making reservation.

Before you study the material of making reservation more futher, observe the video below
1. Video conversation

2. Language expressions

In this activity, we study about making a call to get information and to make reservation for a public
place. Below some language expressions in making reservation.

A. Definition of reservation
The action of reserving something or arrangement whereby something, seat or room, is booked
or reserved for a particular person

B. Social function
Taking reservations for hotel rooms/ tickets/tables Information regarding various services and
facilities may be given

C. Language functions
To make reservation To receive reservation Refusing reservation
 Greeting(good  Can I help you  I’m sorry to inform you
morning/afternoon/night)  May i have your name that all rooms
 May I speak to…. please? /tickets/tables have been
Please im…..  Hold on please.. reserved
 Please could you put me through  Can I take your message  Im really sorry, im
Mr/Mrs… please? afraid we cannot make
 I would like to make reservation  Who is speaking please? any reservation for you
 I need to book a room/ ticket/ a  When is the date of the
table check in?
 Could I leave the message  How long do you will stay
 What a kind of room do
you need?

D. Making reservation
1. General expressions
Pattern : Subject + would like + infinitive/ toinfinitive

An example :
 I’d like reserve for president suite, please
 I’d like a room with mountain view
 I would like to book a double room for this weekend
 I would like to order mushroom soup for appetiezer
 I would like to book some tables, please

2.Hotel room reservation

 I would like to reserve a single room for tonight
 I would like to book a double room for this weekend
 Could I make reservation for my bussines conference foe next two weeks?
 May I know your rate per room?
 Does the rate include breakfast?

3.Ticket reservation
 I would like to reserve the single ticket to Singapore
 Could make areservation for my travelling to Bali tomorrow?
 Can I book a train seat for this evening?
 Im sorry to inform to you that all seats have been reserved

4.Restaurant reservation
 I would like to reserve a table for dinner tonight
 I would like to order chicken soup for the main course
 I would to order the chocolate pudding for dessert

5. An example of hotel reservation

Hotel :ABC Hotel. How can I help you?

Guest : Hello, I would like to book a room for two please.
Hotel : When is the date of the check-in?
Guest : It will be on 25th of August.
Hotel : What kind of room do you want? We have a basic room and deluxe room for two
Guest : What is the difference between those two kinds?
Hotel : In basic room, there will be two single bed and a shower in the bathroom. Meanwhile
in deluxe room, there will be a king-sized bed along with a shower and a bathtub.
Guest : How much is the deluxe room for two nights?
Hotel : For one night it’s $250, so it will be $500 for two nights.
Guest : That sounds good. I will book the deluxe room for two nights. Is the breakfast
Hotel : Yes, sir. It is included for two people. May I take your name for the booking?
Guest : Of course. It’s John Smith.
Hotel : Thank you very much, sir. We look forward to your stay here.
Guest : Have a nice day.

1. Students are identifying the language expressions in you tube

Hotel Reservation

2. Students are learning the language functions of making reservation by using power point

3. Students are doing LKPD act 1 by using word wall
4. Students are doing evaluation in using Google Form

5. Students make group by using Spinnnerwheell




1. 3.6 Menerap reserv Essay Peserta didik LKPD I.
Menerapkan fungsi kan asi mampu menerapkan
sosial, struktur teks, pengetahuan ACT 1
dan unsur mereka tentang
kebahasaan teks ungkapan reservasi
interaksi C3
transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan LKPD 1
memberi dan
meminta informasi Mencipta Peserta didik ACT II.
melalui telepon mampu menyusun
terkait reservasi, kembali dialog
sesuai dengan rumpang ke dalam
konteks dialog dialog
penggunaannya reservasi yang
penggunaannya. benar C6
2. 4.6 Mencipta reserv Essay Peserta didik LKPD
Menyusun teks asi menyusun 11
interaksi percakapan dialog
transaksional reservasi dan
lisan dan tulis mempraktekanya
yang melibatkan bersama kelompok
tindakan C6
memberi dan
informasi melalui
telepon terkait
reservasi, dengan
fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
yaC!ng benar Evaluation Pilihan Peserta didik No 1 -5
dan sesuai ganda mampu memahami
konteks terkait reservasi C1

Activity 1

Complete this following conversation by using sutaibale reservation expression in the box below!

Receptionist : Good morning, welcome to the……….

Client : Hi, good morning . I’d like to make a......................for third weekend in september. Do
you have any.........?
Receptionist : Yes, sir we have several rooms available for that weekend. What is the exact date of
Client : The 24th
Receptionist : How long will you be......?
Client : I’ll be staying for two nights
Receptionist : How the reservation for?
Client : There will be two of us.
Receptionist : And would you be like a room with..........or a double bed?
Client : A double bad, please.
Receptionist : Great. And would you prefer to have a room a...........of the ocean?
Client : If that type of a room is available...........i love to have an ocean view. What’s
the............for the room?
Receptionist : Your room is five hundred and ninethy dollar per night. now what time will the
reservation be listed under?
Client : Charles……..
: Could you..........your last name for me, please?
Client : Sure H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N
Receptionist :And is there a...........where you can be connacted?
Client : Yes my cell phone is……..

reservation would Phone number hannighan Grand hotel Twin beds

5567655 spell staying vacancies rate view

people arrive
Activity 2

Rearrange the jumble conversation below by matching coloum A ( Receptionist) dan coloum B
( Guest) into good reservation dialogues and practice it!

A (Receptionist) B (Guest)
1. What time would you like the reservation a. We would prefer 7.00 or 7.30
for? b. Hi, I would like to make a diinner
2. How many people will you need the reservation.
reservation for? c. We will need for Tuesday night
3. See you at 7.00 this Tuesday, Mr. John d. Thank you. The last Name is John
4. Mertari restaurant e. Thank you so much. I appreciate your help
5. Of course, what evening will you joining f. There will be four of us
us on?
6. Fine, I can seat at 7.00 on Tuesday, if you
would kindly give me your name.

Write the dialogue here

Nama :
Class :
Housekeeper :……………………………………………………..
Guest :……………………………………………………..
Housekeeper :……………………………………………………..
Guest :………………………………………………………
Housekeeper :……………………………………………………..
Guest :……………………………………………………..
Housekeeper :……………………………………………………..
Guest :……………………………………………………..
Housekeeper :……………………………………………………..
Guest :……………………………………………………..
Housekeeper :…………………………………………………….
Guest :………………………………………………………

1. Make group of four students by using Spinnerwheel

2. Choose one picture to be discuused into making reservation
3. Make script of reservation in group activity.
4. Practice the reservation dialogue in front of the class in group


Making one dialogue of reservation by choosing one picture and practice it with your group.

Picture 1. How to make reservation at the hotel

Write the dialogue here Practice the dialogue


Picture 2. How to make reservation at the restaurant

Practice the dialogue

Write the dialogue here


Picture 3. How to make reservation at the hotel

Write the dialogue here Practice the dialogue


Picture 4. How to make reservation at the package

Practice the dialogue

Write the dialogue here


Picture 5. How to make reservation at travel agent

Write the dialogue here Practice the dialogue


Picture 6. How to make reservation ticket for a train

Practice the dialogue

Write the dialogue here


Nama : Class :

Answer the best answer below by choosing a,b,c,d,e!

1. Receptionist is….
a. A person who is in charge of serving the guests in restaurant
b. The person who brings the guests' bag and suitcase
c. The person who helps the guests to clean the room
d. The person who shows the guests' room
e. The person who is in the front office and serves the guest in the lobby

Receptionist : What date are you looking for

Caller : on April 22 and 23
Receptionist : There are only a few vancanci
left Caller :………(2)
Receptionist : We have one for you, sir
Caller : Does the room have an air conditioning
Receptionist : Yes Sir
Caller : Great. I’ll take it

2. What does the caller should say to answer the receptionist question?
a. I'm so sorry to keep waiting
b. I just need a single room
c. I need a flight ticket now
d. I will check the reservation
e. I want to book a room

Receptionist : Jepun Bali Hotel. Sean speaking…….(3)

Caller : Hello,………(4) for next week

3. What does the recptionis should answer to the caller?

a. How are you?
b. How can I help you?
c. Can you help me , Sir?
d. What's wrong?
e. May I have the menu?

Receptionist : Jepun Bali Hotel. Sean speaking……(3)

Caller : Hello…….(4)for next week

4. What does the caller say to answer receptionis’ question

a. I'd like to book a ticket
b. I'd like to book a table
c. I'd like to buy some table
d. I'd like to make a reservation
e. I'd like to make an appointment
5. The following correct sentence, if you want to book a room , except…
a. I need a room with sea view
b. Can you bring me my suitcase?
c. Is there a room for January 15th?
d. Can I have a suite for three days?
e. Can I book a room for two days?

1. Teknik Penilaian

Teknik Bentuk instrument

Pengamatannn sikap (observasi) Form pengamatan sikap
Penilaian pengetahuan Rubrik penilaian pengetahuan
Test unjuk kerja Form test unjuk kerja 1

2. Instrument

a. Instrumen pengamatan sikap

No Nama Perkembangan perilaku
Tanggung jawab Disiplin Toleransi

Rubrik penilaian sikap

Aspek SB (4) B (3) C (2) K (1)

Tanggung jawab Siswa selalu Siswa sudah Siswa kadang – Siswa belum
melaksanakan melaksanakan kadang melaksanakan
tugas dan tugas dan melaksanakan tugas dan
kewajibanya yang kewajibanya yang tugas dan kewajibanya yang
seharusnya seharusnya kewajibanya yang seharusnya
dilakukan dilakukan seharusnya dilakukan
Toleransi Siswa sangat Siswa mampu Siswa mulai Siswa belum
mampu bekerja bekerja sama mampu bekerja mampu bekerja
sama dalam dalam diskusi sama dalam sama dalam
diskusi bersama bersama temanya diskusi bersama diskusi bersama
temanya yang yang memiliki temanya yang temanya yang
memiliki keragaman latar memiliki memiliki
keragaman latar belakang keragaman latar keragaman latar
belakang belakang belakang
Disiplin Siswa selesai Siswa selesai Siswa selesai Siswa selesai
membuat laporan membuat laporan membuat laporan membuat laporan
diskusi sebelum diskusi tepat diskusi 1 – 2 menit diskusi kurang dari
waktu yang di waktu yang di waktu yang di 3 menit waktu
tentukan tentukan tentukan yang di tentukan

b. Rubric penilaian Pengetahuan

No soal Skor Kriteria penilaian
1 1 Jawaban benar
0 Jawaban salah
2 1 Jawaban benar
0 Jawaban salah

c. Instrument penilaian keterampilan (berkelompok)

No Nama Keterampilan
Ungkapan Penglafalan Kelancaran
B(3) C/(2) K(1) B(3) C(2) K(1) B(3) C(2) K(1)

Rubrik pengamatan unjuk kerja

Aspek B(3) C(2) K(1)
Ungkapan Penggunaan ungkapan Penggunaan ungkapan Menggunakan
dalam percakapan yang tepat namun ungkapan yang tidak
tepat dan sesuai belum sesuai kontek tepat

Penglafalan Tidak ada atau sedikit Beberapa kesalahan Banyak kesalahan

kesalahan dalam penglafalan namun dalam penglafalan
penglafalan tidak mempengaruhi sehingga pendengar
makna ungkapan yang atau pembaca harus
disampaikan menginterpretasi dan
memaknai makna
ungkapan yang
Kelancaran Siswa dapat Siswa dapat Siswa dapat
melaporkan hasil melaporkan hasil melaporkan hasil
diskusi dengan lancar diskusi sedikit terbata diskusi tidak lancar

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