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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna - JONELTA

Basic Education Department – Senior High School

Chapter 1



Understanding such an individual's larger experiences will help us see the big picture.
Things that are beyond our grasp will supply us with a greater quantity of information, which
will lead to the unique life that such persons face on a daily basis as professionals. We can
conclude that Respiratory Therapists are in greater demand than we realize. This became
increasingly significant, particularly for the aforementioned disorders, such as asthma,
bronchitis, chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD), and the most lethal, lung cancer, which
experts believe is only preventable

Theoretical Framework:

Engeström’s Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (E-CHAT)

E-CHAT features an interdisciplinary theoretical basis, involving L-CHAT and many other
theoretical and philosophical traditions (Kaptelinin, 2005). Within E-CHAT, change and
development of professional activity are explained primarily with the concept of contradiction,
particularly postulated in its fourth theoretical principle: ‘The fourth principle is the central role
of contradictions as sources of change and development’ (Engeström, 2001, p. 137). Yet, within
E-CHAT, contradictions are not problems or conflicts in the theoretical sense. They are defined
as ‘historically accumulating structural tensions within and between activity systems’ and are not
directly observable (Engeström, 2001, p. 137). As such, it is necessary to analyse their
manifestations (e.g., conflict, dilemma, double-bind) to identify these underlying contradictions
(Engeström & Sannino, 2011)

The explanatory mechanism of change and development in E-CHAT is closely associated with
this premise of contradictions, which ‘generate disturbances and conflicts, but also innovative
attempts to change the activity’ (Engeström, 2001, p. 137). Four types of contradictions involve
primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary contradictions (see Engeström, 1987).

Engeström and Sannino (2021) elaborate on the conceptualisations of the activity elements: In
the model, the subject refers to the individual or subgroup whose position and point of view are
chosen as the perspective of the analysis. Object refers to the raw material or problem space at
which the activity is directed. The object is turned into outcomes with the help of instruments,
that is, tools and signs. The community comprises the individuals and subgroups who share the
same general object. Division of labour refers to horizontal division of tasks and vertical division
of power and status. Rules refer to the explicit and implicit regulations, norms, conventions and
standards that constrain actions within the activity system. (p. 8)

Figure 1. Engeström’s Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (E-CHAT)

Operational Framework:


⮚ Make Topics Develop an Introduction

Develop a
⮚ Choose 1 topic of interest
⮚ Find information about the topic
Develop the Statement of the
⮚ Make a research title Problem
Assumption/Significance of the


⮚ Survey Development

⮚ Selecting at least 5 respondents

⮚ Collect the data given by the respondents

⮚ Analyze the Numerical Data Gathered


⮚ Define the research goal

⮚ Literature Review

⮚ Sampling Strategy

⮚ Data Collection

⮚ Data Analysis

⮚ Interpretation and Conclusion

Statement of the Problem (SOP):

This study will aim at providing an in-depth description and understanding of a thorough
information about the Saudi Arabian respiratory therapists should have gained in the last few

In particular, as to responding to the following primary and targeted questions:

1. Why is respiratory therapy so underappreciated and underutilized in Saudi Arabia?

2. How can the knowledge gap on this particular profession be closed?
3. What are the potential developments from the standpoint of the therapist?
4. What experiences did the therapist have with its inadequate acknowledgment?

Assumption of the Study:

The researchers will base this study on the following assumptions:

1. Respiratory care in Saudi Arabia requires improvement

2. There are low usage of respiratory therapy in Saudi Arabia
3. The participants were honest in sharing their experiences and answer

Scope and Delimitation:

The scope of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the respiratory industry in Saudi
Arabia. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the respiratory therapy profession in
Saudi Arabia, focusing on the areas of education, recognition, and potential areas for
enhancement. The study will also examine the impact of respiratory therapy on patient outcomes
and healthcare utilization.

The study will only focus on respiratory therapy in Saudi Arabia and will not include other
allied health professions. The study will also not cover the prevalence and associated factors of
respiratory allergies in Saudi Arabia, as this has been covered in other studies.

Significance of the Study:

The significance of the study on Saudi Arabia Respiratory Care Program is that it aims to
highlight the complexities and challenges faced by healthcare providers when providing
respiratory care in a country rich in social, cultural and health benefits. This study recognizes the
important role of respiratory therapy in the treatment of respiratory diseases, a major challenge in
global health, and aims to bridge knowledge gaps and impact the current state of respiratory
therapy in the country.

Respiratory care has been a specialty in Saudi Arabia for over 40 years and work continues
to expand and improve. However, to advance the research and practice of respiratory therapy,
which Saudi Arabia requires to establish a higher education in nursing care, the country faces
challenges in the recognition and application of respiratory therapy.

The study seeks to examine various aspects, including practices, approaches to education and
training, legal frameworks, difficulties faced by medical professionals, and compliance with
global best practices and standards. The findings of this study will have practical implications for
healthcare institutions, policymakers, and educators in Saudi Arabia, identifying areas that
require improvement and enabling the development and implementation of effective strategies to
enhance respiratory care in the country. Ultimately, this study contributes to the overall
advancement of respiratory therapy in Saudi Arabia and helps improve the well-being of
individuals affected by respiratory diseases.

Definition of Terms:

Interdisciplinary theory – it’s a conscious effort to recognize theories across various

disciplines, providing orienting perspectives for both practical application and research. It entails
synthesizing information from diverse academic domains into a cohesive strategy that
incorporates insights from multiple disciplines.

Contradiction - is characterized by a situation or statement containing conflicting or mutually

exclusive elements. This phenomenon can appear in a variety of settings, such as logic,
philosophy, literature, or casual discussions, when contradicting facts or claims give rise to a
sense of disagreement or inconsistency.

Underutilized - describes a situation where something is not fully used or employed to its
maximum capacity, suggesting that there is room for more efficient or extensive utilization and
that the current level falls short of its potential or desirability.

Recognition - is the act of acknowledging, accepting, or identifying something or someone. It

involves a conscious awareness or acknowledgment of the existence, value, or significance of
someone or something and can apply to various contexts, including personal and professional
achievements, as well as the identification of patterns, faces, or the validity of concepts.

Inadequate - describes something that is not enough, unsatisfactory, or deficient in the required
qualities or quantity to meet a specific standard. It indicates a lack or insufficiency in terms of
quality, quantity, or effectiveness, indicating that the subject does not meet the necessary or
expected criteria.
Implementation - is the act of carrying out a plan, idea, policy, or system. This process
generally encompasses the specific steps, actions, or measures taken to ensure the realization and
proper functioning of a concept or plan. It represents a pivotal stage in the life cycle of any
project, strategy, or initiative, where theoretical or conceptual aspects are transformed into
practical and tangible outcomes.

Healthcare Providers - This term denote a wide spectrum of individuals or entities engaged in
offering medical services, care, and treatment to individuals seeking health-related assistance. he
role of healthcare providers is vital in fostering, sustaining, and restoring the health of patients
through the provision of diverse medical services and support.

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