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And Maintenance
Dusting surfaces

Dusting involves wiping down surfaces like shelves,

tables, and countertops with a cloth or duster to
remove accumulated dust, keeping the area clean
and allergen-free.
Cleaning bathrooms

This includes scrubbing the sink, toilet,

shower, and bathtub with appropriate
cleaning products to remove grime, soap
scum, and bacteria for a hygienic
bathroom environment.
Changing bed linens

Removing and replacing bed sheets,

pillowcases, and covers with fresh, clean
ones to promote better sleep and maintain
Doing laundry

Washing, drying, and folding clothes,

towels, and linens to keep them
clean, fresh, and organized.
Decluttering and organizing
different areas

Removing unnecessary items, sorting

belongings, and arranging them in an
orderly manner to maintain a tidy and
clutter-free living space.
Cleaning kitchen

Wiping down the microwave, oven,

fridge, and other appliances to remove
food residues and spills for a clean and
sanitary kitchen.
Wiping down kitchen
countertops and surfaces

Cleaning countertops, cabinets, and other

kitchen surfaces with a damp cloth and mild
cleaner to remove stains and spills.
Cleaning mirrors
and windows

Using glass cleaner and a cloth to

remove smudges, fingerprints, and
streaks from mirrors and windows for
a sparkling finish.
Cleaning light fixtures
and ceiling fans

Dusting and wiping down light fixtures and

ceiling fans to remove dust and dirt buildup,
ensuring proper illumination and air
Vacuuming furniture or

Using a vacuum cleaner with upholstery

attachments to remove dust, pet hair, and
debris from sofas, chairs, and cushions.
Cleaning out the fridge

Discarding expired or spoiled food items,

wiping down shelves and drawers, and
organizing contents for a clean and
organized refrigerator.
Wiping down door handles
and switches

Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces like

door handles, light switches, and remote
controls to prevent the spread of germs and
maintain cleanliness.

Dusting Surfaces Cleaning Kitchen Appliances

Cleaning Bathrooms Wiping down kitchen countertops and
Cleaning Bed Linens surfaces
Doing Laundry Cleaning Mirrors and Windows
Decluttering and organizing Cleaning light fixtures and ceiling fans
different areas Vacuuming Furniture or upholstery
Cleaning out the Fridge
Cleaning Dusting Surfaces
Wiping down door handles and switches

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