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College of Business and Accountancy

As a normal student, there is simply nothing more compelling than seeing an institution reach its 75 th year. Especially
for a student like me who feels new to the whole city, let alone the university culture around here—as I’ve moved in
only for college.

For some, it may appear as a mere statistic, a number. A milestone of some sort written on paper barely touching
minds and barely moving emotions. Or some listed achievement tucked in a page of a hardbound book, inserted in a
dusty shelf. But to many, it means 75 years of not just pen and paper and the distinction of producing well-equipped
graduates at a local scale, but rather a testament to a long history of brilliance.

Throughout its remembrance in the earlier parts of 2023, as student journalists, we were told in interviews that the
high walls of Notre Dame University with the grass and buildings within it did not only witness every student
experience decade after decade. It taught us that gradually, it became a pivotal force that went beyond shaping

It brought character in students and kept FIRES alive within them.

As I’ve walked and learned alongside great people for the past few years, I have learned this to be all true.

Community impact was underscored for every officially recognized organization. Mindanao-based peacebuilding
activities and even conferences were held. This made me believe that at the heart of its excellence which stood the
tests of time, is its center and focus on honoring character. Instead of seeing differences in religions, dialects, and
beliefs as points for division, all of them were viewed to find deeper connections instead.

Rene Girard, an Arab-American author, describes arriving in an unfamiliar place as traveling barefoot, with our skin
gathering sand, seeds, boulders, and grass until we could afford shoes fashioned of everything we picked up along
the way. And running across the NDU grounds, students built bright futures with it. This is how NDU became a
reputable university and made a lasting impact on society.

Because on its 75th year as an institution and our 75 th year as a community-- collecting cultures, talent, experiences,
and bits of the people that ran within its spaces and dreams that lit up its halls. All of it accumulated to embody,
greatness in every sense of the word.

But beyond all of this, lies the possibility of becoming more. With affirmations of finding grace and staying hopeful for
what lies ahead. With growth through experiences in classes and off-campus events that changed how we saw the
world. And lastly, with gratitude for everything that transpired in the past and eventually helped us become the
community we are today. A community that holds its values close to its heart.

Notre Dame University’s celebration of its 75th year with the promises of embodying growth, grace, and gratitude, for
some, may appear as a mere statistic, a number. But to many, it is a testament to a long history of brilliance. A long
history of not limiting itself to the will of thriving in academic excellence but also in exhibiting good character. Thank

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