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Evangelyn C.

Galera September 17, 2023

BSCE 4 Jesus is Lord Church
“A Sunday to Remember”
A Reflection Paper

This Sunday, the most astonishing part that I experienced was when I was called in

front of everyone to lead the closing prayer. I know to myself that I am not yet good enough

to precede in praying but nevertheless, I still stood up, gathered all my courage, went in

front and did my best to deliver the prayer. And truly, God is good because even though I

stuttered at some lines, I still finished it with great obedience to my calling from Him.

Some may think that praying in front of a dozen people is just a piece of a cake but

for me, it takes a lot of self confidence and determination. As I end my prayer, I was so

proud of myself for taking the risk and for pushing myself to explore beyond my comfort

zone in which I’ve lingered for too long.

This experience taught me that it’s okay to be imperfect in front Him as long as I am

serving Him wholeheartedly. I also learned that He gave me this task, not to challenge me

but to open up opportunities for me to grab in order for me to improve myself in any way

possible. I believe that by giving me the responsibility to lead a prayer, God has showed me

a way to conquer my stage fright.

All in all, I’ve had a great and blessed Sunday together with my family, the members

of our church, and most especially with God who is undeniably always with me throughout

my journey of fulfilling my mission.

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