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Chairman (Aqilah): Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all the members
here. Welcome to our annual meeting please have a seat.
Firstly, I am glad to welcome all the board members to our
dessey Company’s annual meeting. Thank you, for being
present in this meeting. Is everyone here? Can we call this
meeting to order?

Secretary (Natasya): yes miss, I will begin rvite our previous minutes of meeting.

Chairman (Aqilah): can someone initiate the minutes to be passed as a correct


Operation (izzati): I proposed the minutes to be passed as a true record

Marketing (najiha): I second the motion.

Chairman (Aqilah): Okay, I will sign the minutes of meeting. We will start the meeting
with any suggestions, thoughts and ideas you want to share or
any kind of objections you want to make during the discussion.
But please don't get too sensitive or too emotionally taken by
others’ opinions or objections. During the conduct of the
meeting, questions and comments from the floor should pertain
to the specific proposal then under consideration. I strongly ask
that anyone wishing to speak or raise a question please speak
up and when someone raise up their opinions, please respect
them and please listen to others as well. Okay, now Ms. Nadirah,
please present our current financial statement for our new
launch products.

Finance (anis): Yes, Mr. Chairman, I would like to present the financial
statement of our new launch products now. Our company's
profits increase as our agents often promote our products on
social media such as on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and
others to attract customers to try our products. Next, our
company profits decreased a little bit compared to last year. The
new launch products sales are increasing but people are
demanding us to provide a better quantity of products because
the new launch products has received very positive feedback
from customers who is loyal to our products.

Secretary (Natasya): So, why don't we try to increase our product's quantity?

Marketing (Najiha): I totally agree with Ayu's idea. By increasing our product's
quantity, we can reach more customers and that will increase
our sales as well.

Chairman (Aqilah): That's a great idea! Any objections or any extra ideas?

All members: Agreed

Chairman (Aqilah): So, I found out that our company profits decreased a little bit
compared to last year. Anyone, please explain the reasons
regarding this issue.

Marketing (Najiha): As for the sales on last year, it does decrease a little bit because
of the pandemic period. People who have financial problems will
probably reject their wishes and be concerned about their

Secretary (Natasya): So, we should take action on this to solve the problems because
it does affect our company's image and reputation towards

Marketing (Najiha): So, I suggest that during this pandemic period we should make
the product size smaller than before. This is because if the
product size is smaller then, the product price will be lower. This
makes it not burdensome for the public and can take needs and
wants at a time. We will do this product by modifying its size to
smaller when this pandemic period occurs.

Operation (Nurul): I agree with Intan's idea. To add more, I suggest to improve our
product's quality to satisfy the needs of our customers. It is
highly important to analyses and test our product prior first
before launching it. I tested out our previous product and it does
not really impress me with the quality and I think we can do
better by upgrading the ingredients in the products. We will need
to fix errors, add features and adjust the functionalities so the
product meets the needs and requirements of consumers. Other
than that, I suggest us to test the product through beta testing,
as well as test how consumers react to it via market testing. By
doing the product testing, it will also allow us to see how our
product performs in the real world vs. its performance in a
controlled environment. To achieve our vision, we have to satisfy
the needs of our customer first so we can measure customer
validation and enhance our product quality accordingly.

Finance (Anis): That's brilliant. I think that was a great idea to put in so that we
can acknowledge the needs by ourself. I agree with Nurul's idea
so I second the motion.

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