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Name: Nelisiwe Mbatha

Student number : 12481297


The meeting, chaired through Mr Dube, emphasized the widely wide-spread drug addiction problems
within Malusi University and neighboring schools. Concerns had been raised about the unfavorable
penalties of drug abuse on pupil overall performance and regional well-being. Ms Botha, representing a
neighborhood rehabilitation center, highlighted the challenges and efforts in assisting addicts, consisting
of offering free lodging and treatment.

Members noted collaboration opportunities between the university, the Student Support Office, and the
SRC to tackle drug abuse issues. Proposed initiatives covered focus campaigns, seminars proposing
recovered addicts, and involvement of applicable college departments like Social Work and Health

The SRC pledged to organize normal seminars, engage excessive school students, and involve former
addicts in attention activities. Additionally, they proposed volunteering efforts at the rehabilitation
middle to help patient care and facility maintenance.

Mr Dube concluded by emphasizing the want for fundraising to amplify the center’s capacity, making
sure persevered support for the community. The meeting adjourned with unanimous settlement on the
proposed initiatives and plans for similarly dialogue in the next meeting.

During the meeting, Mr. Dube highlighted the established issue of drug addiction within Malusi
University and neighboring schools, leading to poor performance and high dropout costs amongst
students. The committee acknowledged the university’s duty to intervene and assist affected college
students and the surrounding community. Ms. Botha, representing a nearby rehabilitation center,
shared insights into their free offerings for addicts, emphasizing the challenges and demographics of
their patients.

Ms. Oriel from the SRC recounted stories of university students battling addiction and highlighted the
need for support mechanisms. Mr. Dube proposed collaboration with the rehabilitation center, focusing
on awareness campaigns, volunteering opportunities, and fundraising efforts. Ms. Moot suggested
holding seminars on drug abuse, featuring recovered addicts and experts from relevant departments to
educate students about the physical and mental impacts of addiction.

Ms. Cele proposed integrating seminars into the university’s annual schedule and involving former
students in sharing their recovery journeys. Mr. May suggested extending support to neighboring high
schools by engaging with their SRCs and organizing awareness sessions for students and parents. Ms.
Kubai expressed willingness from the SRC to volunteer at the rehabilitation center, offering assistance
with various tasks to support patients’ recovery journeys.

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