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Pandemics and infectious diseases: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of
global health systems to infectious diseases. Emerging and re-emerging diseases pose a continuous threat that
requires robust surveillance, preparedness, and response strategies. Follow up question: How do you think
global collaboration can be improved to better respond to future pandemics and prevent their spread? 2.
Antimicrobial resistance: The increasing resistance of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi to antimicrobial
drugs is a global health concern. This trend threatens the effectiveness of treatments for common infections,
leading to prolonged illnesses and increased healthcare costs. Follow up question: What actions do you think
individuals can take to help combat the issue of antimicrobial resistance? 3. Mental health and well-being:
Mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and stress, are prevalent worldwide. The COVID-19
pandemic has further exacerbated these concerns, highlighting the need for accessible mental health services and
support. Follow up question: Have you personally experienced any challenges related to mental health, and how
have you coped with them? 4. Chronic diseases and lifestyle factors: Non-communicable diseases, such as heart
disease, diabetes, and obesity, are on the rise globally due to unhealthy lifestyle factors such as poor diet,
sedentary behavior, and tobacco and alcohol use. Follow up question: What steps have you taken to maintain a
healthy lifestyle, and how do you think individuals can be motivated to make healthier choices? 5. Health
inequalities and social determinants of health: Disparities in health outcomes persist worldwide, often driven by
social and economic factors such as poverty, education, and access to healthcare. Addressing these social
determinants of health is crucial for achieving health equity. Follow up question: In your opinion, what are
some effective strategies to reduce health inequalities and improve access to healthcare for marginalized

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