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I thought this photo for the background

was great for my issue because it

showcases the price di erence for a
I made a search bar in case women’s targeted product and a men’s
anyone who visits my site targeted product and rea y is about my
issue I chose.
wants to search what I do and
I chose a bold font
it would take you to that page
with a gradient pink
if it were a real website
colour to be eye
catching and match
the ‘pink’ in the pink
I made the tabs linked to
tax issue
the slides that are in that
topic so when you tap on it
it takes you to the
homepage or a the other

I made the homepage button

have a pink background for this
slide because it shows that, that
Is the page you are on. I made it
pink because it matches the
‘pink’ tax.

I wrote a mission statement so

I made a fake Facebook link if
people know what my mission is
anyone I was looking at my website and my values to end the pink
wanted to see what information. tax.

Lobby groups use methods such as petitions: create and

share petitions to the public to get signatures to
support their cause. Public meetings: organise
meetings to talk with representatives or people of
parliament and the public directly to present their
mission and answer questions. Social media campaigns:
use social media apps to share information, raise
awareness, and get support. They could make hashtags,
encourage them to come to events, or contact the
government. Websites: create a website where they can
share information about the issue, gain support and
create events to help advocate change. These methods
promote freedom because people who do these things
are recognised, protected and don’t get don’t get
I write what a lovely group is, so people know why executed for sharing this information which could
I have made my website and what I wi hope my happen in other countries.
lobby group wi get.
I used this photo because it
shows an example of the
pink tax but as a drawing.

I wrote an about us paragraph so

people know what I’m here for and who I
am. It gains trust in the people viewing
it so they know what they wi be getting

I chose this event especia y because

it shows people exactly what the oink
tax is but only the men experience it
at the bake sale and not the women. I
think it’s a great way to advocate my

I made a fake petition signing

website because it was using one of
the lobby groups methods which is
a great way to try and solve my
I I put those letters in uppercase, so it
draws your attention to that, and I can
get more people to sign my petition
which wi help me get a step closer to
ending the pink tax.
I added my references
for my research
questions even though
they weren’t in my
website keynote.

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