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1. Please read the instructions given in the question paper CAREFULLY.

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3. Answer ALL questions.

4. Submit your answers ON or BEFORE 25th December 2022, 9.00 am.

5. Please submit your answers via myPLS (online submission).

6. Only ONE online submission is allowed.

7. Use the Microsoft Word template given at the end of the question paper.

8. Convert your MS Word to a PDF file and Submit



Total: 40 Marks

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer ALL Questions

ARAHAN: Jawab SEMUA soalan

Answer for each question should be between 400 to 430 words (excluding
State the number of words at the end of each answer

[Setiap jawapan hendaklah lebih kurang 400 hingga 430 patah perkataan (tidak
termasuk rajah]
Nyatakan bilangan perkataan diakhir setiap jawapan.

Do not copy and paste from the learning materials. Use your own words and
you do not have to cite sources.
[Jangan ‘copy & paste’ daripada bahan pembelajaran. Gunakan perkataan anda
sendiri dan anda tidak perlu membuat rujukan]

Question 1

Explain how Cognitive Behavioral Treatment is used in children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

[Jelaskan bagaimana Rawatan Tingkah Laku Kognitif digunakan untuk kanak-kanak yang
menghadapi Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD]

[10 Marks]

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 1

Question 2

Explain what is Down Syndrome and the possible causes of Down Syndrome..

[Jelaskan apa itu Down Syndrome dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan Down Syndrome]

Question 3

Discuss how parents can help their child with ADHD to succeed. Provide specific examples.

[Bincangkan bagaimana ibu bapa dapat membantu anak mereka yang menghadi ADHD
berjaya. Berikan contoh-contoh spesifik]

[10 Marks]

Question 4

Suggest how you would teach a child with Down Syndrome. Provide examples.

[Cadangkan bagaimana andak mengajar kanak-kanak yang menghadapi Down Syndrome.

Berikan contoh]

[10 Marks]


ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 2



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Date: 18.12.2022

STUDENT ID E30401210008
IC / PASSPORT NUMBER 810620135200

Begin writing your answers in this page

(Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Line Spacing 1.5)

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 3

Question 1

Explain how Cognitive Behavioral Treatment is used in children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
[Jelaskan bagaimana Rawatan Tingkah Laku Kognitif digunakan untuk kanak-kanak yang
menghadapi Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD]

[10 Marks]

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a common brain

disorder that affects how children pay attention, sit still and control their behavior. ADHD
cannot be prevented or cured. However, by spotting it early and having a good medical
treatment plus education plan, these children can be helped in managing their symptoms.
Cognitive Behavioral Treatment is a therapy that designed to address both problematic
thought patterns and behaviours spotted in ADHD children. It is a practical approach which is
driven by goals. CBT teaches children to acknowledge negative thoughts and learn to think
more rationally and healthily. The approach to treat problematic behaviours in ADHD usually
involves praising and rewards for good behaviours. CBT also teaches skills that can help
children overcome their academic and social challenges.

Studies show that CBT for ADHD can be effective treatment option for the children.
It allows the parents to develop skills and training to effectively help their children. It is also
teach children copying strategies and skills to more successfully self-regulate. CBT therapists
may suggest the children with ADHD use a planner to write down important tasks as a way to
promote better organization. Some older children might find a mobile phone apps more
convenient such as timers, alarms and calendars. Actually, CBT able to help young children
to manage their emotions. Of course parents who are living with ADHD children feel more
stressful all the times especially parents who those hear negative criticism from others. There
are more children with ADHD have anxiety, so, CBT strategies can help to ease the impact of
anxiety by decreasing the power of demoralizing thoughts. Feeling being blamed all the times
are so stressful. CBT helps those children to remember that mistakes are not be their fault and
it is out of their control. Besides, CBT can help the children with ADHD complete the tasks
given much easier. For example, cleaning their own room might feel overwhelming and
stressful so CBT can teach them how to break bigger jobs into smaller tasks.

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 4

CBT for children with ADHD is a team effort for both the child and the parents.
Parents will learn how to more effectively cope with and start to correct the child’s
problematic behaviors. This will help to improve the family relationship. Lessons learned in
counseling sessions must be practiced at home in order to be effective. The therapeutic
process takes effort from everyone involved, but it can address what medication cannot, and
teach the child skills that can be beneficial for a lifetime. CBT with medication is often the
most successful approach in treating ADHD. This is because medication works quickly to
reduce the impact of symptoms. Meanwhile, CBT takes longer to work but teaches skills
children can use throughout life.

459 words

Question 2

Explain what is Down Syndrome and the possible causes of Down Syndrome.
[Jelaskan apa itu Down Syndrome dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan Down Syndrome]
[10 Marks]

Down syndrome is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their 21
chromosome. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes but a baby with Down
syndrome have an extra copy of a chromosome. This extra copy changes how the baby’s
body and brain develop which cause both mental and physical challenges for the baby.
Usually, this causes physical and mental developmental delays and disabilities. Children with
Down syndrome might act and look similar but actually they have different abilities. They
usually have an IQ in the mildly to moderately low range and are slower to speak than other
children. Many of the disabilities are lifelong and they can also shorten life expectancy.
However, they can live healthy and fulfilling lives. Parents and communities support can help
them to overcome the challenges of this condition.

Down syndrome is caused by a random error in cell division that results in the
presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. This type of error is called nondisjunction and
usually when one cell divides in two, pair of the chromosomes split so that one of the pair
goes to one cell and the other pair goes to the other cell. In nondisjunction, something goes

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 5

wrong and both chromosome from one pair go into one cell and no chromosomes for that pair
go into the other cell.

Most cases of Down syndrome result from trisomy which means each cell in the body
has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two copies. Down syndrome happens
when part of chromosome 21 attached to another chromosome during the formation of
reproductive cells or at the very early in fetal development. Affected children have two
normal copies of chromosome 21 plus extra material from chromosome 21 attached to
another chromosome and the results is there are three copies of genetic material from
chromosome 21. Affected children with this kind of genetic change are likely to have
translocation Down syndrome. A very small percentage of children with Down syndrome
have an extra copy of chromosome 21 in only some of the body’s cells. Affected children
with this kind of condition is called mosaic Down syndrome.

Sometimes, a parent who does not have Down syndrome may carry a translocation in
chromosome 21 that can be passed on to their children and may cause Down syndrome. Some
other causes of Down syndrome are advancing maternal age. The older woman who have
older eggs may have risks of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome. However,
researchers found out most down syndrome are born to women under age 35 because younger
women have far more babies. Parents who are having one child with Down syndrome at at an
increased risk of having another child with Down syndrome.

465 words

Question 3

Discuss how parents can help their child with ADHD to succeed. Provide specific examples.
[Bincangkan bagaimana ibu bapa dapat membantu anak mereka yang menghadi ADHD
berjaya. Berikan contoh-contoh spesifik]
[10 Marks]

Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects the childrens’ ability to pay
attention, concentrate and remember. They are also have a tough time connecting with other
kids at their age. Even, their parents also find out it is hard and stressful to manage with this

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 6

kind of behaviour. Certain parents may feel embarrassed about what others think of their
child’s behaviour. But, for the children with ADHD, the skills that control attention,
behaviour and activity don’t come naturally.

Parents should be a good role model of behavior they want their child to use. They can have
some special times, three to five days a week with their child that is conflict-free and does not
involve a screen to help maintain a strong parent-child relationship. Parents must help their
child develop at least one close friendship. With younger children, parents may need to take
the lead to arrange and host play dates or get children involved in activities where there are
children the same age. Children with ADHD often receive and expect criticism more than
other children. This can really impact self-esteem. So, parents should have to really look for
the good behavior and give praises for good behavior more often than they criticize bad
behavior. Parents also should make eye contact or gently touch on arm or shoulder to get
their children attention. Parents give simple steps and short commands that get to the point
and easy to understand rather than multiple directions or wordy statements and questions.
Parents should work together to make a checklist of what needs to be done surrounding daily
chores, getting ready for bed and school for their child to refer to when their child gets off
task. Parents must encourage their child to use a daily planner so that they are aware of all
homework assignments. Parents also must have an established time and location for
homework. Parents may use a timer to remind their child about the homework that is going
two to four times per hour. In school, parents must have a m eet and talk about their child's
needs and goals, and see what they can do to help them in class. This might include
letting them sit in the front row and away from doors and windows. That can help them
avoid distractions and stay focused. The teacher also can better see if they need a little
help. Parents can ask for access to the schedule and get a second set of books to keep and
use at home. Also, discuss varied teaching methods that can keep your child interested
and working as a team helps.

434 words

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 7

Question 4

Suggest how you would teach a child with Down Syndrome. Provide examples.
[Cadangkan bagaimana andak mengajar kanak-kanak yang menghadapi Down Syndrome.
Berikan contoh]
[10 Marks]

Children with Down syndrome are capable learners who are excited and eager to
learn. They just need to be given the opportunity to excel. They may learn at a slower pace,
but are more than capable of learning. They are strong visual learners. This means that they
understand what they see better than what they hear. Children with Down syndrome have
specific points associated with their learning development. Children with Down syndrome
actually are visual learners, understand a lot more than they can say, able to follow classroom
rules and routines and they can learn too just like normal children. However, they need help
to remember instruction and use shorter phrases or visual clues.

Even though, children with Down syndrome can learn but we need to make
compromises so that their educational needs can be fulfill in the classroom. Since they are
visual learners, teaching reading to students with Down syndrome should be characterized by
a strong emphasis on visual learning. Visual demonstrations, pictures and illustrations can
also be successfully used to assist in providing effective instruction in other subject areas of
the curriculum. The teaching of phonics and phonological awareness should not be neglected.
The use of manipulatives and activity learning can be beneficially in the development of
number concepts. The use of physical demonstrations and activities are important when
teaching math concepts. Visually-based mathematic materials have been developed with
particular reference to the learning strengths and needs of the student with Down syndrome.

Children with Down syndrome usually demonstrate good social skills, which can be
utilized to increase learning and teaching opportunities. When speaking to a student with
Down syndrome, it is important to speak directly to them, using clear language, short
sentences and use appropriate facial expressions. A teacher should allow enough time for the
child to process what a teacher said and respond. It may take longer for some students with
Down syndrome to comprehend information and then commit it to memory.

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 8

Positive reinforcements should be used for children with Down syndrome to boost
their self-esteem and positive learning experience. It is important that high expectations and
predictability characterize all learning and teaching opportunities. Believe in your children’s
abilities. Most children with Down syndrome have to put in more work than their peers to
achieve the same results, so plenty of praise and reassurance keep them on track. Structure
learning and teaching opportunities to enable the student to engage in tasks with other
students, who can act as appropriate role models. Teacher may offer additional help by asking
them to repeat back what they’ve learned at the end of a lesson or in peer work. Group
activities where children collaborate to fill out charts and information organizers are also

454 words

ESE 411 Managing Children with ADHD and Down Syndrome Page 9

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