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Dizziness is used to describe a body condition when you get faint or wobbly. It is also accompanied by vertigo-
a feeling that the whole world around you is spinning, and you feel as if you are going to fall on the floor the
very next moment.


Dizziness is a result of insufficient blood supply to the brain due to an abrupt fall in blood pressure or blockage
in arteries, loss of vision or vision related disorders, anaemia, migraines, ear related disorders and distortion of
the nervous system due to heavy medications. You can also experience dizziness if you’re suffering from flu,
low-blood sugar level, some allergies, dehydration, and stroke or head injury.


False sense of motion (like spinning), or things around you are revolving, faintness, unsteadiness that causes
disequilibrium, change in vision, nausea, vomiting, chest pains, neck stiffness, shortness of breath and weakness
in the limbs.

Home remedies

Water is the most essential to get rid of dizziness. Dehydration is one of the foremost symptoms of dizziness
and drinking a lot of water will keep the problem at bay. Lemon water works wonders: Just squeeze ½ a lemon
in a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of honey in it and drink.

Ginger is yet another powerful remedy against dizziness. It’s much more effective than counter drugs. You
can chew raw ginger or consume it in the form of ginger tea to cure the problem. It works well by improving
blood circulation throughout the body.

Basil is an ancient home remedy and has been curing many ailments. Put a few basil leaves (3-4) and boil them
with milk (for me its non-dairy milk) for a while. Consume that milk before going to bed and it will cure your
dizziness, permanently.

Gingko biloba cures some of the problems of the inner ear by increasing blood circulation towards this area.
This herb is available in dried leaf form, liquid extract and as a tablet.

Chamomile is another good remedy for dizziness. It also comes in leaf form, liquid extract, and as a tablet.

Breathing properly can also relief dizziness. Count from one to five as you inhale, and then again count from
five to one as you exhale. Try to fill up your belly with air by imagining that there is a place below your naval
region which you have to fill up. This is actually the process of deep breathing, and it provides an adequate
amount of oxygen to the brain and thus relaxes the nervous system and is good for relieving dizziness.

Simple exercises can be really helpful in solving the complex problem of dizziness. All you need to do is to
stand straight and move your neck in both directions (clockwise and anti-clockwise). You can also stand and
concentrate at one fixed point and simply blink your eyes. It will keep your nervous system alert and steadier
and distract your mind from dizziness as well as help to restore the equilibrium of your body to its normal level.

Massage has its own calming and soothing properties to squelch or crush various ailments, and it can effectively
treat the problem of dizziness as well. Massage boosts blood circulation by relaxing your nervous system,
which cures dizziness. Go for a lavender oil massage for added benefits.

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