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Hyptohesis #1 - Refined

House is a complex microbiome w/ various pathways to forming allergens. Changing individual factors won't result in a change of conditions. Structural changes are what's
needed for substantial conditions to be changed.


Room Humidity
Wall & Floor micro-climates - See boundary layer for more info
Dust ⇆ begets ⇆ Dust
Old house dust (never dusted)
Old lead dust
Breeding ground for dust mites
Breeding ground for the formation of other allergens

Pre Conditions

Indoor combustion appliances (PM's aid dust creation)

Gas Allergens - voc's / pollutants
New incoming dust/dirt
Copious plants inside
Old inherited dust not cleaned yet


Dustmites waste
Pet Dander
Gas Allergens: voc's / pollutants
Specific plant allergens

NOTE: Gas allergens - are both a condition to the formation of OTHER allergens. And themselves an allergen

Various pathways for allergen's

Particles → Dust → Dust Mite → Dust-Allergen

Dust transports not just dust mite waste but any other allergen picked up in environment
Dust transpoorts → (airborne)
- dust waste
- pollen
- dander
- gas allergen's

Organic Plant waste → Dust → Dust Mites → Dust Allergens

VOC Plant Waste → Dust → Dust Allergens

Gas appliances

Excess Chemical Pollutants → Particulate Matter → Dust → ⇉ Dust Allergens + Gas Allergens
Chipping Lead Paint → Dust ⇉ Dust Allergens / Lead Allergen
Indoor plants Transpiration → Increase Humidity → Increase Dust


3 Part experiment puts forth 3 new conditions to change the overall climate of house - plants + humidity + dust

In order to change the conditions plants need to be allocated to a restricted area that wont contribute to biome of the rest of the house. I.e. single green room (1) (2)
Every room to needs to be actively dehumidified. Designated plant room needs to have ongoing de-humidifier
House needs to be hepa vacummned for historical dust. And needs ongoing vacummning.


Results should be almost immediately apparent. Josh should stop experiencing symptoms.
Otherwise experiment fails.


Experiment doesn't address the contributing factor of VOC's in continous particulate matter/ dust process.

Hypothesis References

1. Chat GPT: How do Plants affect the climate of your house

"Yes, growing plants inside can affect the climate of your house. Plants naturally release moisture through a process called transpiration, which can increase humidity levels in
indoor spaces. In addition, plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which can affect the air quality and oxygen levels in your home.

While plants can contribute to a healthier indoor environment, it is important to choose plants that are suitable for indoor growing and to maintain the proper humidity levels in
order to prevent issues such as mold growth. It is also important to avoid overwatering plants, as this can lead to excessive moisture and can contribute to indoor air quality

The impact of indoor plants on the climate of your house will depend on a variety of factors, including the number and type of plants, the size of your indoor space, and the
overall climate and humidity levels in your area. Some indoor plants may be more effective at improving air quality and reducing humidity levels than others, so it is important to
do research and choose plants that are well-suited for indoor growing and that meet your specific needs and preferences.**"
2. Chat GPT: does plant soil contribute to allergens

"Yes, plant soil can contribute to allergens. Some people may be allergic to mold spores, which can grow in damp soil. When mold spores are released into the air, they can
trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Additionally, certain plants can produce pollen that can trigger allergic reactions in some people. For example, ragweed, a common outdoor plant, can produce large amounts of
pollen that can cause hay fever symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

To reduce exposure to allergens from plant soil, it is important to keep indoor plants in well-drained soil and to avoid overwatering them. If you are sensitive to mold spores,
consider using artificial plants instead of live plants or plant varieties that are less likely to produce mold. If you are sensitive to pollen, avoid keeping plants that are known to
produce a lot of pollen in your home or keep them in a separate area where you can limit your exposure.""

3. Chat GPT: What different categories of allergences are there

There are different categories of allergens, including:

1. Inhalant allergens: These are allergens that are inhaled and can cause allergic reactions in the respiratory system. Examples include pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and pet
2. Food allergens: These are allergens that are found in certain foods and can cause allergic reactions when ingested. Examples include peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, and dairy
3. Contact allergens: These are allergens that come into contact with the skin and can cause allergic reactions such as hives or eczema. Examples include latex, certain metals,
and some types of plants.

Pet dander is an example of an inhalant allergen. It refers to tiny flakes of skin, hair, and saliva that are shed by pets such as cats and dogs. Pet dander can become airborne and
can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals when inhaled. Symptoms of pet dander allergies can include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

It is important to identify and avoid exposure to different types of allergens in order to manage symptoms and prevent allergic reactions. This may include cleaning regularly,
using air purifiers, avoiding contact with known allergens, and seeking medical treatment if symptoms persist.

Research Notes
Understanding Dust Mites

Research Notes on Understanding Dust Mites

## Understanding Dust Mites

Dust Allergen Cycle

Dust is made up of numerous particles

These house tiny dust mites
dust mites create tinier waste particles, which cause allergy symptoms and are referred to as allergen's'

Particles → Dust → Dust Mite → dust-Allergen

Dust Mites - Matthew Coloff - 2009

## Dust Mites - Matthew Coloff - 2009

Research Notes from the text Dust Mites - 2009


Misc. notes

Photo looks like arachnid creature

Mites are assumed to digest bacteria and fungi,
35 species of mites had been recorded from house dust in Japan known to be allergens


PG.# 160


Suitable environment for mites in home

adequate heat & moisture generated by warm blooded host

remnants of hosts meals
host excretions + secretions
subserquent fungi

boundary layer

Boundary Layer: thin film of air within a mm or so of a solid

surface known as boundary layer.

Live on susbstrates of 2mm Boundary Layers close to surface

Certain humidities make it ideal for them, but vary
Room humidity might be different from their humidity
Boundary layers only exist when there are differences between water content / temperature
Plaster can absorb water from the air and add to catalyst of becoming a boundary layer
Mites exist entirely within bundary layer
If mites live on absorptive surface and water vapour is evaporating from that suerface, the humidity in the boundary layer will always be more favurable to mites than air
if temperature of surface is warmer than air above boundary layer there will be differences in pressure and turbulence

random chaotic apperance

domain of fibres, particles & scales
microscopically structurally complex to provide food + dwelling
consists of shed skin

3 primary structures

Keratin: dead skin

Fungal Hyphae:
Fibrous Material: fabrics
Misc. Components: Building material, fibres from wood/paper, foam, plastic, food particles, lipid droplets from fried food.

More Notes

Nylon fibres and synthetic furniture foam are now a significant component of house dust.
Soil particles are less likely to be components in house dust than in the past.
Soil allows dust to bind proteins and other organic compounds onto their surfaces, rendering them more likely to remain in settled dust than become airborne.

Found in

soft toys
upholstered furniture
pile of fabrics
if moist environment: also in mold on walls
damp homes hae high dust mite population densities


0.35 mm long and about 0.15 mm

Controlling Mites Via Humidity

(pg. 168)

Huge reductions if humidity lowered. Desicates mites



faecel pellets of mites contain allergens

Allergen Structure: biochemically active molecules- include enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, and proteins involved in molecular transport, regulation and cell and tissue structure
focus on allergens as enzymes associated with mite faecal pellets (which when they become airborne are regarded as a primary vehicle for sensitisation

Sick Building

No general definition, but complex of non-specific symptoms:

dizziness, rhinoconjunctivitis, sore throat, headache, fatigue, chest tightness, wheeze, skin dryness and gastrointestinal symptoms.
Sick Building Syndrome has been attributed to:
electromagnetic radiation, organic chemicals, construction materials, indoor air of low humidity, pollen, and microorganisms.
A role for dust mites in sick building syndrome has been suggested because some of the symptoms were assumed to have an allergic basis and because dust mites and
their allergens can be detected in carpets and office furniture (Janko et al., 1995).
No hard data to make that connection, but mites are found in those environments, and all of the above a breeding ground for allergens

## Dust and Health - 2021

Dust and Health - 2021

Research Notes from the text Dust and Health (2021)

## Dust and Health - 2021

This book focuses on dust storms in foreign countries, so limited relevance

Strategy Reccommendations

Conclusions & reccommendations

(pg. 241)

establish good IAQ

worry abpiut antibiotic resistance
USe good ventilation rates
Use natural ventilation
Dust and air quality control strategic plan design (Fig. 12.8) is needed to be implemented for indoor and outdoor air. A

Natural Ventilation

"Natural ventilation is sometimes overlooked when developing ventilation methods since there are no standards to guide designers in creating natural ventilation holes. There is a
scarcity of studies on the effectiveness of naturally air-conditioned buildings, particularly in terms of reduced energy consumption. Despite the aforementioned advantages,
natural ventilation design that can be managed should be included in HVAC and other ventilation systems mainly in hospitals and schools and scientifc laboratories whenever
possible, both to reduce reliance on fossil fuels as much as possible and a considerable reduction the cost of installing and operating air conditioning systems. It is vital to have a
very high natural ventilation band so that the degree of heat exchange between the outside and the inside can be adjusted in light of the circumstances. "

Allergens - Assorted Sources / Chat GPT

Research Notes derived from asking Chat GPT various follow up questions

substances that can cause an immune response in the body
are not pollutants


Pollutants are not allergens

Pollutants can contribute to breeding ground for allergens
They can form Particulate Matter
Particulate Matter can combine with various allergens
Duch as dust, dander, mold spores, etc,.
Pollutants can cause respiratory irritation as well

Allergens are not alive

They are proteins (or other molecures) that trigger an immune ersponse in people.
They don't carry out metabolism, or reproduce (signs of life)

Types of GAS Allergens


Chemical Pollutant: air pollutants such as ozone, sulfure diozide, & nitrogen.

VOC's: Volatile Organic Comounds - Chemicals released into air from products such as paints, cleaning supplies + furniture

CO: Carbon Monoxide.

Types of Allergens

Inhalent Allergens
Food allergens
Contact allergences
Inhalent: ex. - pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander
Food - ex. peanuts
Contact: ex - include latex, certain metals, and some types of plants.

Conditions for ALlergens

High humidity → dust & mold
Warm Temperature → dust & mold
Crowded Living, Pet Danders, Pollen


Gases Role in Forming Dust


Gases can contribute to forming dust

Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide can react with other compounds in the air to form fine particles known as particulate matter. These particles can then combine with other
particles, such as pollen or dust, to form larger particles that can be seen as dust.

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